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      1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='no'?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE spec SYSTEM "dtds/spec.dtd" [
      4 <!-- LAST TOUCHED BY: Tim Bray, 8 February 1997 -->
      6 <!-- The words 'FINAL EDIT' in comments mark places where changes
      7 need to be made after approval of the document by the ERB, before
      8 publication.  -->
     10 <!ENTITY XML.version "1.0">
     11 <!ENTITY doc.date "10 February 1998">
     12 <!ENTITY iso6.doc.date "19980210">
     13 <!ENTITY w3c.doc.date "02-Feb-1998">
     14 <!ENTITY draft.day '10'>
     15 <!ENTITY draft.month 'February'>
     16 <!ENTITY draft.year '1998'>
     18 <!ENTITY WebSGML 
     19  'WebSGML Adaptations Annex to ISO 8879'>
     21 <!ENTITY lt     "<"> 
     22 <!ENTITY gt     ">"> 
     23 <!ENTITY xmlpio "'&lt;?xml'">
     24 <!ENTITY pic    "'?>'">
     25 <!ENTITY br     "\n">
     26 <!ENTITY cellback '#c0d9c0'>
     27 <!ENTITY mdash  "--"> <!-- &#x2014, but nsgmls doesn't grok hex -->
     28 <!ENTITY com    "--">
     29 <!ENTITY como   "--">
     30 <!ENTITY comc   "--">
     31 <!ENTITY hcro   "&amp;#x">
     32 <!-- <!ENTITY nbsp ""> -->
     33 <!ENTITY nbsp   "&#160;">
     34 <!ENTITY magicents "<code>amp</code>,
     35 <code>lt</code>,
     36 <code>gt</code>,
     37 <code>apos</code>,
     38 <code>quot</code>">
     40 <!-- audience and distribution status:  for use at publication time -->
     41 <!ENTITY doc.audience "public review and discussion">
     42 <!ENTITY doc.distribution "may be distributed freely, as long as
     43 all text and legal notices remain intact">
     45 ]>
     47 <!-- for Panorama *-->
     48 <?VERBATIM "eg" ?>
     50 <spec>
     51 <header>
     52 <title>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0</title>
     53 <version></version>
     54 <w3c-designation>REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;</w3c-designation>
     55 <w3c-doctype>W3C Recommendation</w3c-doctype>
     56 <pubdate><day>&draft.day;</day><month>&draft.month;</month><year>&draft.year;</year></pubdate>
     58 <publoc>
     59 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;">
     60 http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;</loc>
     61 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.xml">
     62 http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.xml</loc>
     63 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.html">
     64 http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.html</loc>
     65 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.pdf">
     66 http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.pdf</loc>
     67 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.ps">
     68 http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-&iso6.doc.date;.ps</loc>
     69 </publoc>
     70 <latestloc>
     71 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml">
     72 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml</loc>
     73 </latestloc>
     74 <prevlocs>
     75 <loc  href="http://www.w3.org/TR/PR-xml-971208">
     76 http://www.w3.org/TR/PR-xml-971208</loc>
     77 <!--
     78 <loc  href='http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-961114'>
     79 http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-961114</loc>
     80 <loc  href='http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-lang-970331'>
     81 http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-lang-970331</loc>
     82 <loc  href='http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-lang-970630'>
     83 http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-lang-970630</loc>
     84 <loc  href='http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-970807'>
     85 http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-970807</loc>
     86 <loc  href='http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-971117'>
     87 http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml-971117</loc>-->
     88 </prevlocs>
     89 <authlist>
     90 <author><name>Tim Bray</name>
     91 <affiliation>Textuality and Netscape</affiliation>
     92 <email 
     93 href="mailto:tbray (a] textuality.com">tbray (a] textuality.com</email></author>
     94 <author><name>Jean Paoli</name>
     95 <affiliation>Microsoft</affiliation>
     96 <email href="mailto:jeanpa (a] microsoft.com">jeanpa (a] microsoft.com</email></author>
     97 <author><name>C. M. Sperberg-McQueen</name>
     98 <affiliation>University of Illinois at Chicago</affiliation>
     99 <email href="mailto:cmsmcq (a] uic.edu">cmsmcq (a] uic.edu</email></author>
    100 </authlist>
    101 <abstract>
    102 <p>The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset of
    103 SGML that is completely described in this document. Its goal is to
    104 enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web
    105 in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for
    106 ease of implementation and for interoperability with both SGML and
    107 HTML.</p>
    108 </abstract>
    109 <status>
    110 <p>This document has been reviewed by W3C Members and
    111 other interested parties and has been endorsed by the
    112 Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable
    113 document and may be used as reference material or cited
    114 as a normative reference from another document. W3C's
    115 role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention
    116 to the specification and to promote its widespread
    117 deployment. This enhances the functionality and
    118 interoperability of the Web.</p>
    119 <p>
    120 This document specifies a syntax created by subsetting an existing,
    121 widely used international text processing standard (Standard
    122 Generalized Markup Language, ISO 8879:1986(E) as amended and
    123 corrected) for use on the World Wide Web.  It is a product of the W3C
    124 XML Activity, details of which can be found at <loc
    125 href='http://www.w3.org/XML'>http://www.w3.org/XML</loc>.  A list of
    126 current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found
    127 at <loc href='http://www.w3.org/TR'>http://www.w3.org/TR</loc>.
    128 </p>
    129 <p>This specification uses the term URI, which is defined by <bibref
    130 ref="Berners-Lee"/>, a work in progress expected to update <bibref
    131 ref="RFC1738"/> and <bibref ref="RFC1808"/>. 
    132 </p>
    133 <p>The list of known errors in this specification is 
    134 available at 
    135 <loc href='http://www.w3.org/XML/xml-19980210-errata'>http://www.w3.org/XML/xml-19980210-errata</loc>.</p>
    136 <p>Please report errors in this document to 
    137 <loc href='mailto:xml-editor (a] w3.org'>xml-editor (a] w3.org</loc>.
    138 </p>
    139 </status>
    142 <pubstmt>
    143 <p>Chicago, Vancouver, Mountain View, et al.:
    144 World-Wide Web Consortium, XML Working Group, 1996, 1997.</p>
    145 </pubstmt>
    146 <sourcedesc>
    147 <p>Created in electronic form.</p>
    148 </sourcedesc>
    149 <langusage>
    150 <language id='EN'>English</language>
    151 <language id='ebnf'>Extended Backus-Naur Form (formal grammar)</language>
    152 </langusage>
    153 <revisiondesc>
    154 <slist>
    155 <sitem>1997-12-03 : CMSMcQ : yet further changes</sitem>
    156 <sitem>1997-12-02 : TB : further changes (see TB to XML WG,
    157 2 December 1997)</sitem>
    158 <sitem>1997-12-02 : CMSMcQ : deal with as many corrections and
    159 comments from the proofreaders as possible:
    160 entify hard-coded document date in pubdate element,
    161 change expansion of entity WebSGML,
    162 update status description as per Dan Connolly (am not sure
    163 about refernece to Berners-Lee et al.),
    164 add 'The' to abstract as per WG decision,
    165 move Relationship to Existing Standards to back matter and
    166 combine with References,
    167 re-order back matter so normative appendices come first,
    168 re-tag back matter so informative appendices are tagged informdiv1,
    169 remove XXX XXX from list of 'normative' specs in prose,
    170 move some references from Other References to Normative References,
    171 add RFC 1738, 1808, and 2141 to Other References (they are not
    172 normative since we do not require the processor to enforce any 
    173 rules based on them),
    174 add reference to 'Fielding draft' (Berners-Lee et al.),
    175 move notation section to end of body,
    176 drop URIchar non-terminal and use SkipLit instead,
    177 lose stray reference to defunct nonterminal 'markupdecls',
    178 move reference to Aho et al. into appendix (Tim's right),
    179 add prose note saying that hash marks and fragment identifiers are
    180 NOT part of the URI formally speaking, and are NOT legal in 
    181 system identifiers (processor 'may' signal an error).
    182 Work through:
    183 Tim Bray reacting to James Clark,
    184 Tim Bray on his own,
    185 Eve Maler,
    187 NOT DONE YET:
    188 change binary / text to unparsed / parsed.
    189 handle James's suggestion about &lt; in attriubte values
    190 uppercase hex characters,
    191 namechar list,
    192 </sitem>
    193 <sitem>1997-12-01 : JB : add some column-width parameters</sitem>
    194 <sitem>1997-12-01 : CMSMcQ : begin round of changes to incorporate
    195 recent WG decisions and other corrections:
    196 binding sources of character encoding info (27 Aug / 3 Sept),
    197 correct wording of Faust quotation (restore dropped line),
    198 drop SDD from EncodingDecl,
    199 change text at version number 1.0,
    200 drop misleading (wrong!) sentence about ignorables and extenders,
    201 modify definition of PCData to make bar on msc grammatical,
    202 change grammar's handling of internal subset (drop non-terminal markupdecls),
    203 change definition of includeSect to allow conditional sections,
    204 add integral-declaration constraint on internal subset,
    205 drop misleading / dangerous sentence about relationship of
    206 entities with system storage objects,
    207 change table body tag to htbody as per EM change to DTD,
    208 add rule about space normalization in public identifiers,
    209 add description of how to generate our name-space rules from 
    210 Unicode character database (needs further work!).
    211 </sitem>
    212 <sitem>1997-10-08 : TB : Removed %-constructs again, new rules
    213 for PE appearance.</sitem>
    214 <sitem>1997-10-01 : TB : Case-sensitive markup; cleaned up
    215 element-type defs, lotsa little edits for style</sitem>
    216 <sitem>1997-09-25 : TB : Change to elm's new DTD, with
    217 substantial detail cleanup as a side-effect</sitem>
    218 <sitem>1997-07-24 : CMSMcQ : correct error (lost *) in definition 
    219 of ignoreSectContents (thanks to Makoto Murata)</sitem>
    220 <sitem>Allow all empty elements to have end-tags, consistent with
    221 SGML TC (as per JJC).</sitem>
    222 <sitem>1997-07-23 : CMSMcQ : pre-emptive strike on pending corrections:
    223 introduce the term 'empty-element tag', note that all empty elements
    224 may use it, and elements declared EMPTY must use it.
    225 Add WFC requiring encoding decl to come first in an entity.
    226 Redefine notations to point to PIs as well as binary entities.
    227 Change autodetection table by removing bytes 3 and 4 from 
    228 examples with Byte Order Mark.
    229 Add content model as a term and clarify that it applies to both
    230 mixed and element content.
    231 </sitem>
    232 <sitem>1997-06-30 : CMSMcQ : change date, some cosmetic changes,
    233 changes to productions for choice, seq, Mixed, NotationType,
    234 Enumeration.  Follow James Clark's suggestion and prohibit 
    235 conditional sections in internal subset.  TO DO:  simplify
    236 production for ignored sections as a result, since we don't 
    237 need to worry about parsers which don't expand PErefs finding
    238 a conditional section.</sitem>
    239 <sitem>1997-06-29 : TB : various edits</sitem>
    240 <sitem>1997-06-29 : CMSMcQ : further changes:
    241 Suppress old FINAL EDIT comments and some dead material.
    242 Revise occurrences of % in grammar to exploit Henry Thompson's pun,
    243 especially markupdecl and attdef.
    244 Remove RMD requirement relating to element content (?).
    245 </sitem>
    246 <sitem>1997-06-28 : CMSMcQ : Various changes for 1 July draft:
    247 Add text for draconian error handling (introduce
    248 the term Fatal Error).
    249 RE deleta est (changing wording from 
    250 original announcement to restrict the requirement to validating
    251 parsers).
    252 Tag definition of validating processor and link to it.
    253 Add colon as name character.
    254 Change def of %operator.
    255 Change standard definitions of lt, gt, amp.
    256 Strip leading zeros from #x00nn forms.</sitem>
    257 <sitem>1997-04-02 : CMSMcQ : final corrections of editorial errors
    258 found in last night's proofreading.  Reverse course once more on
    259 well-formed:   Webster's Second hyphenates it, and that's enough
    260 for me.</sitem>
    261 <sitem>1997-04-01 : CMSMcQ : corrections from JJC, EM, HT, and self</sitem>
    262 <sitem>1997-03-31 : Tim Bray : many changes</sitem>
    263 <sitem>1997-03-29 : CMSMcQ : some Henry Thompson (on entity handling),
    264 some Charles Goldfarb, some ERB decisions (PE handling in miscellaneous
    265 declarations.  Changed Ident element to accept def attribute.
    266 Allow normalization of Unicode characters.  move def of systemliteral
    267 into section on literals.</sitem>
    268 <sitem>1997-03-28 : CMSMcQ : make as many corrections as possible, from
    269 Terry Allen, Norbert Mikula, James Clark, Jon Bosak, Henry Thompson,
    270 Paul Grosso, and self.  Among other things:  give in on "well formed"
    271 (Terry is right), tentatively rename QuotedCData as AttValue
    272 and Literal as EntityValue to be more informative, since attribute
    273 values are the <emph>only</emph> place QuotedCData was used, and
    274 vice versa for entity text and Literal. (I'd call it Entity Text, 
    275 but 8879 uses that name for both internal and external entities.)</sitem>
    276 <sitem>1997-03-26 : CMSMcQ : resynch the two forks of this draft, reapply
    277 my changes dated 03-20 and 03-21.  Normalize old 'may not' to 'must not'
    278 except in the one case where it meant 'may or may not'.</sitem>
    279 <sitem>1997-03-21 : TB : massive changes on plane flight from Chicago
    280 to Vancouver</sitem>
    281 <sitem>1997-03-21 : CMSMcQ : correct as many reported errors as possible.
    282 </sitem>
    283 <sitem>1997-03-20 : CMSMcQ : correct typos listed in CMSMcQ hand copy of spec.</sitem>
    284 <sitem>1997-03-20 : CMSMcQ : cosmetic changes preparatory to revision for
    285 WWW conference April 1997:  restore some of the internal entity 
    286 references (e.g. to docdate, etc.), change character xA0 to &amp;nbsp;
    287 and define nbsp as &amp;#160;, and refill a lot of paragraphs for
    288 legibility.</sitem>
    289 <sitem>1996-11-12 : CMSMcQ : revise using Tim's edits:
    290 Add list type of NUMBERED and change most lists either to
    291 BULLETS or to NUMBERED.
    292 Suppress QuotedNames, Names (not used).
    293 Correct trivial-grammar doc type decl.
    294 Rename 'marked section' as 'CDATA section' passim.
    295 Also edits from James Clark:
    296 Define the set of characters from which [^abc] subtracts.
    297 Charref should use just [0-9] not Digit.
    298 Location info needs cleaner treatment:  remove?  (ERB
    299 question).
    300 One example of a PI has wrong pic.
    301 Clarify discussion of encoding names.
    302 Encoding failure should lead to unspecified results; don't
    303 prescribe error recovery.
    304 Don't require exposure of entity boundaries.
    305 Ignore white space in element content.
    306 Reserve entity names of the form u-NNNN.
    307 Clarify relative URLs.
    308 And some of my own:
    309 Correct productions for content model:  model cannot
    310 consist of a name, so "elements ::= cp" is no good.
    311 </sitem>
    312 <sitem>1996-11-11 : CMSMcQ : revise for style.
    313 Add new rhs to entity declaration, for parameter entities.</sitem>
    314 <sitem>1996-11-10 : CMSMcQ : revise for style.
    315 Fix / complete section on names, characters.
    316 Add sections on parameter entities, conditional sections.
    317 Still to do:  Add compatibility note on deterministic content models.
    318 Finish stylistic revision.</sitem>
    319 <sitem>1996-10-31 : TB : Add Entity Handling section</sitem>
    320 <sitem>1996-10-30 : TB : Clean up term &amp; termdef.  Slip in
    321 ERB decision re EMPTY.</sitem>
    322 <sitem>1996-10-28 : TB : Change DTD.  Implement some of Michael's
    323 suggestions.  Change comments back to //.  Introduce language for
    324 XML namespace reservation.  Add section on white-space handling.
    325 Lots more cleanup.</sitem>
    326 <sitem>1996-10-24 : CMSMcQ : quick tweaks, implement some ERB
    327 decisions.  Characters are not integers.  Comments are /* */ not //.
    328 Add bibliographic refs to 10646, HyTime, Unicode.
    329 Rename old Cdata as MsData since it's <emph>only</emph> seen
    330 in marked sections.  Call them attribute-value pairs not
    331 name-value pairs, except once.  Internal subset is optional, needs
    332 '?'.  Implied attributes should be signaled to the app, not
    333 have values supplied by processor.</sitem>
    334 <sitem>1996-10-16 : TB : track down &amp; excise all DSD references;
    335 introduce some EBNF for entity declarations.</sitem>
    336 <sitem>1996-10-?? : TB : consistency check, fix up scraps so
    337 they all parse, get formatter working, correct a few productions.</sitem>
    338 <sitem>1996-10-10/11 : CMSMcQ : various maintenance, stylistic, and
    339 organizational changes:
    340 Replace a few literals with xmlpio and
    341 pic entities, to make them consistent and ensure we can change pic
    342 reliably when the ERB votes.
    343 Drop paragraph on recognizers from notation section.
    344 Add match, exact match to terminology.
    345 Move old 2.2 XML Processors and Apps into intro.
    346 Mention comments, PIs, and marked sections in discussion of
    347 delimiter escaping.
    348 Streamline discussion of doctype decl syntax.
    349 Drop old section of 'PI syntax' for doctype decl, and add
    350 section on partial-DTD summary PIs to end of Logical Structures
    351 section.
    352 Revise DSD syntax section to use Tim's subset-in-a-PI
    353 mechanism.</sitem>
    354 <sitem>1996-10-10 : TB : eliminate name recognizers (and more?)</sitem>
    355 <sitem>1996-10-09 : CMSMcQ : revise for style, consistency through 2.3
    356 (Characters)</sitem>
    357 <sitem>1996-10-09 : CMSMcQ : re-unite everything for convenience,
    358 at least temporarily, and revise quickly</sitem>
    359 <sitem>1996-10-08 : TB : first major homogenization pass</sitem>
    360 <sitem>1996-10-08 : TB : turn "current" attribute on div type into 
    361 CDATA</sitem>
    362 <sitem>1996-10-02 : TB : remould into skeleton + entities</sitem>
    363 <sitem>1996-09-30 : CMSMcQ : add a few more sections prior to exchange
    364                             with Tim.</sitem>
    365 <sitem>1996-09-20 : CMSMcQ : finish transcribing notes.</sitem>
    366 <sitem>1996-09-19 : CMSMcQ : begin transcribing notes for draft.</sitem>
    367 <sitem>1996-09-13 : CMSMcQ : made outline from notes of 09-06,
    368 do some housekeeping</sitem>
    369 </slist>
    370 </revisiondesc>
    371 </header>
    372 <body> 
    373 <div1 id='sec-intro'>
    374 <head>Introduction</head>
    375 <p>Extensible Markup Language, abbreviated XML, describes a class of
    376 data objects called <termref def="dt-xml-doc">XML documents</termref> and
    377 partially describes the behavior of 
    378 computer programs which process them. XML is an application profile or
    379 restricted form of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup 
    380 Language <bibref ref='ISO8879'/>.
    381 By construction, XML documents 
    382 are conforming SGML documents.
    383 </p>
    384 <p>XML documents are made up of storage units called <termref
    385 def="dt-entity">entities</termref>, which contain either parsed
    386 or unparsed data.
    387 Parsed data is made up of <termref def="dt-character">characters</termref>,
    388 some 
    389 of which form <termref def="dt-chardata">character data</termref>, 
    390 and some of which form <termref def="dt-markup">markup</termref>.
    391 Markup encodes a description of the document's storage layout and
    392 logical structure. XML provides a mechanism to impose constraints on
    393 the storage layout and logical structure.</p>
    394 <p><termdef id="dt-xml-proc" term="XML Processor">A software module
    395 called an <term>XML processor</term> is used to read XML documents
    396 and provide access to their content and structure.</termdef> <termdef
    397 id="dt-app" term="Application">It is assumed that an XML processor is
    398 doing its work on behalf of another module, called the
    399 <term>application</term>.</termdef> This specification describes the
    400 required behavior of an XML processor in terms of how it must read XML
    401 data and the information it must provide to the application.</p>
    403 <div2 id='sec-origin-goals'>
    404 <head>Origin and Goals</head>
    405 <p>XML was developed by an XML Working Group (originally known as the
    406 SGML Editorial Review Board) formed under the auspices of the World
    407 Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1996.
    408 It was chaired by Jon Bosak of Sun
    409 Microsystems with the active participation of an XML Special
    410 Interest Group (previously known as the SGML Working Group) also
    411 organized by the W3C. The membership of the XML Working Group is given
    412 in an appendix. Dan Connolly served as the WG's contact with the W3C.
    413 </p>
    414 <p>The design goals for XML are:<olist>
    415 <item><p>XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the
    416 Internet.</p></item>
    417 <item><p>XML shall support a wide variety of applications.</p></item>
    418 <item><p>XML shall be compatible with SGML.</p></item>
    419 <item><p>It shall be easy to write programs which process XML
    420 documents.</p></item>
    421 <item><p>The number of optional features in XML is to be kept to the
    422 absolute minimum, ideally zero.</p></item>
    423 <item><p>XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably
    424 clear.</p></item>
    425 <item><p>The XML design should be prepared quickly.</p></item>
    426 <item><p>The design of XML shall be formal and concise.</p></item>
    427 <item><p>XML documents shall be easy to create.</p></item>
    428 <item><p>Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.</p></item></olist>
    429 </p>
    430 <p>This specification, 
    431 together with associated standards
    432 (Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 for characters,
    433 Internet RFC 1766 for language identification tags, 
    434 ISO 639 for language name codes, and 
    435 ISO 3166 for country name codes),
    436 provides all the information necessary to understand 
    437 XML Version &XML.version;
    438 and construct computer programs to process it.</p>
    439 <p>This version of the XML specification
    440 <!-- is for &doc.audience;.-->
    441 &doc.distribution;.</p>
    443 </div2>
    448 <div2 id='sec-terminology'>
    449 <head>Terminology</head>
    451 <p>The terminology used to describe XML documents is defined in the body of
    452 this specification.
    453 The terms defined in the following list are used in building those
    454 definitions and in describing the actions of an XML processor:
    455 <glist>
    456 <gitem>
    457 <label>may</label>
    458 <def><p><termdef id="dt-may" term="May">Conforming documents and XML
    459 processors are permitted to but need not behave as
    460 described.</termdef></p></def>
    461 </gitem>
    462 <gitem>
    463 <label>must</label>
    464 <def><p>Conforming documents and XML processors 
    465 are required to behave as described; otherwise they are in error.
    466 <!-- do NOT change this! this is what defines a violation of
    467 a 'must' clause as 'an error'. -MSM -->
    468 </p></def>
    469 </gitem>
    470 <gitem>
    471 <label>error</label>
    472 <def><p><termdef id='dt-error' term='Error'
    473 >A violation of the rules of this
    474 specification; results are
    475 undefined.  Conforming software may detect and report an error and may
    476 recover from it.</termdef></p></def>
    477 </gitem>
    478 <gitem>
    479 <label>fatal error</label>
    480 <def><p><termdef id="dt-fatal" term="Fatal Error">An error
    481 which a conforming <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML processor</termref>
    482 must detect and report to the application.
    483 After encountering a fatal error, the
    484 processor may continue
    485 processing the data to search for further errors and may report such
    486 errors to the application.  In order to support correction of errors,
    487 the processor may make unprocessed data from the document (with
    488 intermingled character data and markup) available to the application.
    489 Once a fatal error is detected, however, the processor must not
    490 continue normal processing (i.e., it must not
    491 continue to pass character data and information about the document's
    492 logical structure to the application in the normal way).
    493 </termdef></p></def>
    494 </gitem>
    495 <gitem>
    496 <label>at user option</label>
    497 <def><p>Conforming software may or must (depending on the modal verb in the
    498 sentence) behave as described; if it does, it must
    499 provide users a means to enable or disable the behavior
    500 described.</p></def>
    501 </gitem>
    502 <gitem>
    503 <label>validity constraint</label>
    504 <def><p>A rule which applies to all 
    505 <termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> XML documents.
    506 Violations of validity constraints are errors; they must, at user option, 
    507 be reported by 
    508 <termref def="dt-validating">validating XML processors</termref>.</p></def>
    509 </gitem>
    510 <gitem>
    511 <label>well-formedness constraint</label>
    512 <def><p>A rule which applies to all <termref
    513 def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref> XML documents.
    514 Violations of well-formedness constraints are 
    515 <termref def="dt-fatal">fatal errors</termref>.</p></def>
    516 </gitem>
    518 <gitem>
    519 <label>match</label>
    520 <def><p><termdef id="dt-match" term="match">(Of strings or names:) 
    521 Two strings or names being compared must be identical.
    522 Characters with multiple possible representations in ISO/IEC 10646 (e.g.
    523 characters with 
    524 both precomposed and base+diacritic forms) match only if they have the
    525 same representation in both strings.
    526 At user option, processors may normalize such characters to
    527 some canonical form.
    528 No case folding is performed. 
    529 (Of strings and rules in the grammar:)  
    530 A string matches a grammatical production if it belongs to the
    531 language generated by that production.
    532 (Of content and content models:)
    533 An element matches its declaration when it conforms
    534 in the fashion described in the constraint
    535 <specref ref='elementvalid'/>.
    536 </termdef>
    537 </p></def>
    538 </gitem>
    539 <gitem>
    540 <label>for compatibility</label>
    541 <def><p><termdef id="dt-compat" term="For Compatibility">A feature of
    542 XML included solely to ensure that XML remains compatible with SGML.
    543 </termdef></p></def>
    544 </gitem>
    545 <gitem>
    546 <label>for interoperability</label>
    547 <def><p><termdef id="dt-interop" term="For interoperability">A
    548 non-binding recommendation included to increase the chances that XML
    549 documents can be processed by the existing installed base of SGML
    550 processors which predate the
    551 &WebSGML;.</termdef></p></def>
    552 </gitem>
    553 </glist>
    554 </p>
    555 </div2>
    558 </div1>
    559 <!-- &Docs; -->
    561 <div1 id='sec-documents'>
    562 <head>Documents</head>
    564 <p><termdef id="dt-xml-doc" term="XML Document">
    565 A data object is an
    566 <term>XML document</term> if it is
    567 <termref def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref>, as
    568 defined in this specification.
    569 A well-formed XML document may in addition be
    570 <termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> if it meets certain further 
    571 constraints.</termdef></p>
    573 <p>Each XML document has both a logical and a physical structure.
    574 Physically, the document is composed of units called <termref
    575 def="dt-entity">entities</termref>.  An entity may <termref
    576 def="dt-entref">refer</termref> to other entities to cause their
    577 inclusion in the document. A document begins in a "root"  or <termref
    578 def="dt-docent">document entity</termref>.
    579 Logically, the document is composed of declarations, elements, 
    581 character references, and
    582 processing
    583 instructions, all of which are indicated in the document by explicit
    584 markup.
    585 The logical and physical structures must nest properly, as described  
    586 in <specref ref='wf-entities'/>.
    587 </p>
    589 <div2 id='sec-well-formed'>
    590 <head>Well-Formed XML Documents</head>
    592 <p><termdef id="dt-wellformed" term="Well-Formed">
    593 A textual object is 
    594 a well-formed XML document if:</termdef>
    595 <olist>
    596 <item><p>Taken as a whole, it
    597 matches the production labeled <nt def='NT-document'>document</nt>.</p></item>
    598 <item><p>It
    599 meets all the well-formedness constraints given in this specification.</p>
    600 </item>
    601 <item><p>Each of the <termref def='dt-parsedent'>parsed entities</termref> 
    602 which is referenced directly or indirectly within the document is
    603 <titleref href='wf-entities'>well-formed</titleref>.</p></item>
    604 </olist></p>
    605 <p>
    606 <scrap lang='ebnf' id='document'>
    607 <head>Document</head>
    608 <prod id='NT-document'><lhs>document</lhs>
    609 <rhs><nt def='NT-prolog'>prolog</nt> 
    610 <nt def='NT-element'>element</nt> 
    611 <nt def='NT-Misc'>Misc</nt>*</rhs></prod>
    612 </scrap>
    613 </p>
    614 <p>Matching the <nt def="NT-document">document</nt> production 
    615 implies that:
    616 <olist>
    617 <item><p>It contains one or more
    618 <termref def="dt-element">elements</termref>.</p>
    619 </item>
    620 <!--* N.B. some readers (notably JC) find the following
    621 paragraph awkward and redundant.  I agree it's logically redundant:
    622 it *says* it is summarizing the logical implications of
    623 matching the grammar, and that means by definition it's
    624 logically redundant.  I don't think it's rhetorically
    625 redundant or unnecessary, though, so I'm keeping it.  It
    626 could however use some recasting when the editors are feeling
    627 stronger. -MSM *-->
    628 <item><p><termdef id="dt-root" term="Root Element">There is  exactly
    629 one element, called the <term>root</term>, or document element,  no
    630 part of which appears in the <termref
    631 def="dt-content">content</termref> of any other element.</termdef>
    632 For all other elements, if the start-tag is in the content of another
    633 element, the end-tag is in the content of the same element.  More
    634 simply stated, the elements, delimited by start- and end-tags, nest
    635 properly within each other.
    636 </p></item>
    637 </olist>
    638 </p>
    639 <p><termdef id="dt-parentchild" term="Parent/Child">As a consequence 
    640 of this,
    641 for each non-root element
    642 <code>C</code> in the document, there is one other element <code>P</code>
    643 in the document such that 
    644 <code>C</code> is in the content of <code>P</code>, but is not in
    645 the content of any other element that is in the content of
    646 <code>P</code>.  
    647 <code>P</code> is referred to as the
    648 <term>parent</term> of <code>C</code>, and <code>C</code> as a
    649 <term>child</term> of <code>P</code>.</termdef></p></div2>
    651 <div2 id="charsets">
    652 <head>Characters</head>
    654 <p><termdef id="dt-text" term="Text">A parsed entity contains
    655 <term>text</term>, a sequence of 
    656 <termref def="dt-character">characters</termref>, 
    657 which may represent markup or character data.</termdef> 
    658 <termdef id="dt-character" term="Character">A <term>character</term> 
    659 is an atomic unit of text as specified by
    660 ISO/IEC 10646 <bibref ref="ISO10646"/>.
    661 Legal characters are tab, carriage return, line feed, and the legal
    662 graphic characters of Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646.
    663 The use of "compatibility characters", as defined in section 6.8
    664 of <bibref ref='Unicode'/>, is discouraged.
    665 </termdef> 
    666 <scrap lang="ebnf" id="char32">
    667 <head>Character Range</head>
    668 <prodgroup pcw2="4" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="11">
    669 <prod id="NT-Char"><lhs>Char</lhs> 
    670 <rhs>#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] 
    671 | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]</rhs> 
    672 <com>any Unicode character, excluding the
    673 surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.</com> </prod>
    674 </prodgroup>
    675 </scrap>
    676 </p>
    678 <p>The mechanism for encoding character code points into bit patterns may
    679 vary from entity to entity. All XML processors must accept the UTF-8
    680 and UTF-16 encodings of 10646; the mechanisms for signaling which of
    681 the two is in use, or for bringing other encodings into play, are
    682 discussed later, in <specref ref='charencoding'/>.
    683 </p>
    684 <!--
    685 <p>Regardless of the specific encoding used, any character in the ISO/IEC
    686 10646 character set may be referred to by the decimal or hexadecimal
    687 equivalent of its 
    688 UCS-4 code value.
    689 </p>-->
    690 </div2>
    692 <div2 id='sec-common-syn'>
    693 <head>Common Syntactic Constructs</head>
    695 <p>This section defines some symbols used widely in the grammar.</p>
    696 <p><nt def="NT-S">S</nt> (white space) consists of one or more space (#x20)
    697 characters, carriage returns, line feeds, or tabs.
    699 <scrap lang="ebnf" id='white'>
    700 <head>White Space</head>
    701 <prodgroup pcw2="4" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="11">
    702 <prod id='NT-S'><lhs>S</lhs>
    703 <rhs>(#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+</rhs>
    704 </prod>
    705 </prodgroup>
    706 </scrap></p>
    707 <p>Characters are classified for convenience as letters, digits, or other
    708 characters.  Letters consist of an alphabetic or syllabic 
    709 base character possibly
    710 followed by one or more combining characters, or of an ideographic
    711 character.  
    712 Full definitions of the specific characters in each class
    713 are given in <specref ref='CharClasses'/>.</p>
    714 <p><termdef id="dt-name" term="Name">A <term>Name</term> is a token
    715 beginning with a letter or one of a few punctuation characters, and continuing
    716 with letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, colons, or full stops, together
    717 known as name characters.</termdef>
    718 Names beginning with the string "<code>xml</code>", or any string
    719 which would match <code>(('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l'))</code>, are
    720 reserved for standardization in this or future versions of this
    721 specification.
    722 </p>
    723 <note>
    724 <p>The colon character within XML names is reserved for experimentation with
    725 name spaces.  
    726 Its meaning is expected to be
    727 standardized at some future point, at which point those documents 
    728 using the colon for experimental purposes may need to be updated.
    729 (There is no guarantee that any name-space mechanism
    730 adopted for XML will in fact use the colon as a name-space delimiter.)
    731 In practice, this means that authors should not use the colon in XML
    732 names except as part of name-space experiments, but that XML processors
    733 should accept the colon as a name character.</p>
    734 </note>
    735 <p>An
    736 <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> (name token) is any mixture of
    737 name characters.
    738 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
    739 <head>Names and Tokens</head>
    740 <prod id='NT-NameChar'><lhs>NameChar</lhs>
    741 <rhs><nt def="NT-Letter">Letter</nt> 
    742 | <nt def='NT-Digit'>Digit</nt> 
    743 | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':'
    744 | <nt def='NT-CombiningChar'>CombiningChar</nt> 
    745 | <nt def='NT-Extender'>Extender</nt></rhs>
    746 </prod>
    747 <prod id='NT-Name'><lhs>Name</lhs>
    748 <rhs>(<nt def='NT-Letter'>Letter</nt> | '_' | ':')
    749 (<nt def='NT-NameChar'>NameChar</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
    750 <prod id='NT-Names'><lhs>Names</lhs>
    751 <rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
    752 (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
    753 <prod id='NT-Nmtoken'><lhs>Nmtoken</lhs>
    754 <rhs>(<nt def='NT-NameChar'>NameChar</nt>)+</rhs></prod>
    755 <prod id='NT-Nmtokens'><lhs>Nmtokens</lhs>
    756 <rhs><nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
    757 </scrap>
    758 </p>
    759 <p>Literal data is any quoted string not containing
    760 the quotation mark used as a delimiter for that string.
    761 Literals are used
    762 for specifying the content of internal entities
    763 (<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>),
    764 the values of attributes (<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt>), 
    765 and external identifiers 
    766 (<nt def="NT-SystemLiteral">SystemLiteral</nt>).  
    767 Note that a <nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt>
    768 can be parsed without scanning for markup.
    769 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
    770 <head>Literals</head>
    771 <prod id='NT-EntityValue'><lhs>EntityValue</lhs>
    772 <rhs>'"' 
    773 ([^%&amp;"] 
    774 | <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
    775 | <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)*
    776 '"' 
    777 </rhs>
    778 <rhs>|&nbsp; 
    779 "'" 
    780 ([^%&amp;'] 
    781 | <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
    782 | <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)* 
    783 "'"</rhs>
    784 </prod>
    785 <prod id='NT-AttValue'><lhs>AttValue</lhs>
    786 <rhs>'"' 
    787 ([^&lt;&amp;"] 
    788 | <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)* 
    789 '"' 
    790 </rhs>
    791 <rhs>|&nbsp; 
    792 "'" 
    793 ([^&lt;&amp;'] 
    794 | <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt>)* 
    795 "'"</rhs>
    796 </prod>
    797 <prod id="NT-SystemLiteral"><lhs>SystemLiteral</lhs>
    798 <rhs>('"' [^"]* '"') |&nbsp;("'" [^']* "'")
    799 </rhs>
    800 </prod>
    801 <prod id="NT-PubidLiteral"><lhs>PubidLiteral</lhs>
    802 <rhs>'"' <nt def='NT-PubidChar'>PubidChar</nt>* 
    803 '"' 
    804 | "'" (<nt def='NT-PubidChar'>PubidChar</nt> - "'")* "'"</rhs>
    805 </prod>
    806 <prod id="NT-PubidChar"><lhs>PubidChar</lhs>
    807 <rhs>#x20 | #xD | #xA 
    808 |&nbsp;[a-zA-Z0-9]
    809 |&nbsp;[-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]</rhs>
    810 </prod>
    811 </scrap>
    812 </p>
    814 </div2>
    816 <div2 id='syntax'>
    817 <head>Character Data and Markup</head>
    819 <p><termref def='dt-text'>Text</termref> consists of intermingled 
    820 <termref def="dt-chardata">character
    821 data</termref> and markup.
    822 <termdef id="dt-markup" term="Markup"><term>Markup</term> takes the form of
    823 <termref def="dt-stag">start-tags</termref>,
    824 <termref def="dt-etag">end-tags</termref>,
    825 <termref def="dt-empty">empty-element tags</termref>,
    826 <termref def="dt-entref">entity references</termref>,
    827 <termref def="dt-charref">character references</termref>,
    828 <termref def="dt-comment">comments</termref>,
    829 <termref def="dt-cdsection">CDATA section</termref> delimiters,
    830 <termref def="dt-doctype">document type declarations</termref>, and
    831 <termref def="dt-pi">processing instructions</termref>.
    832 </termdef>
    833 </p>
    834 <p><termdef id="dt-chardata" term="Character Data">All text that is not markup
    835 constitutes the <term>character data</term> of
    836 the document.</termdef></p>
    837 <p>The ampersand character (&amp;) and the left angle bracket (&lt;)
    838 may appear in their literal form <emph>only</emph> when used as markup
    839 delimiters, or within a <termref def="dt-comment">comment</termref>, a
    840 <termref def="dt-pi">processing instruction</termref>, 
    841 or a <termref def="dt-cdsection">CDATA section</termref>.  
    843 They are also legal within the <termref def='dt-litentval'>literal entity
    844 value</termref> of an internal entity declaration; see
    845 <specref ref='wf-entities'/>.
    846 <!-- FINAL EDIT:  restore internal entity decl or leave it out. -->
    847 If they are needed elsewhere,
    848 they must be <termref def="dt-escape">escaped</termref>
    849 using either <termref def='dt-charref'>numeric character references</termref>
    850 or the strings
    851 "<code>&amp;amp;</code>" and "<code>&amp;lt;</code>" respectively. 
    852 The right angle
    853 bracket (>) may be represented using the string
    854 "<code>&amp;gt;</code>", and must, <termref def='dt-compat'>for
    855 compatibility</termref>, 
    856 be escaped using
    857 "<code>&amp;gt;</code>" or a character reference 
    858 when it appears in the string
    859 "<code>]]&gt;</code>"
    860 in content, 
    861 when that string is not marking the end of 
    862 a <termref def="dt-cdsection">CDATA section</termref>. 
    863 </p>
    864 <p>
    865 In the content of elements, character data 
    866 is any string of characters which does
    867 not contain the start-delimiter of any markup.  
    868 In a CDATA section, character data
    869 is any string of characters not including the CDATA-section-close
    870 delimiter, "<code>]]&gt;</code>".</p>
    871 <p>
    872 To allow attribute values to contain both single and double quotes, the
    873 apostrophe or single-quote character (') may be represented as
    874 "<code>&amp;apos;</code>", and the double-quote character (") as
    875 "<code>&amp;quot;</code>".
    876 <scrap lang="ebnf">
    877 <head>Character Data</head>
    878 <prod id='NT-CharData'>
    879 <lhs>CharData</lhs>
    880 <rhs>[^&lt;&amp;]* - ([^&lt;&amp;]* ']]&gt;' [^&lt;&amp;]*)</rhs>
    881 </prod>
    882 </scrap>
    883 </p>
    884 </div2>
    886 <div2 id='sec-comments'>
    887 <head>Comments</head>
    889 <p><termdef id="dt-comment" term="Comment"><term>Comments</term> may 
    890 appear anywhere in a document outside other 
    891 <termref def='dt-markup'>markup</termref>; in addition,
    892 they may appear within the document type declaration
    893 at places allowed by the grammar.
    894 They are not part of the document's <termref def="dt-chardata">character
    895 data</termref>; an XML
    896 processor may, but need not, make it possible for an application to
    897 retrieve the text of comments.
    898 <termref def="dt-compat">For compatibility</termref>, the string
    899 "<code>--</code>" (double-hyphen) must not occur within
    901 <scrap lang="ebnf">
    902 <head>Comments</head>
    903 <prod id='NT-Comment'><lhs>Comment</lhs>
    904 <rhs>'&lt;!--'
    905 ((<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt> - '-') 
    906 | ('-' (<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt> - '-')))* 
    907 '-->'</rhs>
    908 </prod>
    909 </scrap>
    910 </termdef></p>
    911 <p>An example of a comment:
    912 <eg>&lt;!&como; declarations for &lt;head> &amp; &lt;body> &comc;&gt;</eg>
    913 </p>
    914 </div2>
    916 <div2 id='sec-pi'>
    917 <head>Processing Instructions</head>
    919 <p><termdef id="dt-pi" term="Processing instruction"><term>Processing
    920 instructions</term> (PIs) allow documents to contain instructions
    921 for applications.
    923 <scrap lang="ebnf">
    924 <head>Processing Instructions</head>
    925 <prod id='NT-PI'><lhs>PI</lhs>
    926 <rhs>'&lt;?' <nt def='NT-PITarget'>PITarget</nt> 
    927 (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
    928 (<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* - 
    929 (<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* &pic; <nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>*)))?
    930 &pic;</rhs></prod>
    931 <prod id='NT-PITarget'><lhs>PITarget</lhs>
    932 <rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> - 
    933 (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l'))</rhs>
    934 </prod>
    935 </scrap></termdef>
    936 PIs are not part of the document's <termref def="dt-chardata">character
    937 data</termref>, but must be passed through to the application. The
    938 PI begins with a target (<nt def='NT-PITarget'>PITarget</nt>) used
    939 to identify the application to which the instruction is directed.  
    940 The target names "<code>XML</code>", "<code>xml</code>", and so on are
    941 reserved for standardization in this or future versions of this
    942 specification.
    943 The 
    944 XML <termref def='dt-notation'>Notation</termref> mechanism
    945 may be used for
    946 formal declaration of PI targets.
    947 </p>
    948 </div2>
    950 <div2 id='sec-cdata-sect'>
    951 <head>CDATA Sections</head>
    953 <p><termdef id="dt-cdsection" term="CDATA Section"><term>CDATA sections</term>
    954 may occur 
    955 anywhere character data may occur; they are
    956 used to escape blocks of text containing characters which would
    957 otherwise be recognized as markup.  CDATA sections begin with the
    958 string "<code>&lt;![CDATA[</code>" and end with the string
    959 "<code>]]&gt;</code>":
    960 <scrap lang="ebnf">
    961 <head>CDATA Sections</head>
    962 <prod id='NT-CDSect'><lhs>CDSect</lhs>
    963 <rhs><nt def='NT-CDStart'>CDStart</nt> 
    964 <nt def='NT-CData'>CData</nt> 
    965 <nt def='NT-CDEnd'>CDEnd</nt></rhs></prod>
    966 <prod id='NT-CDStart'><lhs>CDStart</lhs>
    967 <rhs>'&lt;![CDATA['</rhs>
    968 </prod>
    969 <prod id='NT-CData'><lhs>CData</lhs>
    970 <rhs>(<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* - 
    971 (<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* ']]&gt;' <nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>*))
    972 </rhs>
    973 </prod>
    974 <prod id='NT-CDEnd'><lhs>CDEnd</lhs>
    975 <rhs>']]&gt;'</rhs>
    976 </prod>
    977 </scrap>
    979 Within a CDATA section, only the <nt def='NT-CDEnd'>CDEnd</nt> string is
    980 recognized as markup, so that left angle brackets and ampersands may occur in
    981 their literal form; they need not (and cannot) be escaped using
    982 "<code>&amp;lt;</code>" and "<code>&amp;amp;</code>".  CDATA sections
    983 cannot nest.</termdef>
    984 </p>
    986 <p>An example of a CDATA section, in which "<code>&lt;greeting></code>" and 
    987 "<code>&lt;/greeting></code>"
    988 are recognized as <termref def='dt-chardata'>character data</termref>, not
    989 <termref def='dt-markup'>markup</termref>:
    990 <eg>&lt;![CDATA[&lt;greeting>Hello, world!&lt;/greeting>]]&gt;</eg>
    991 </p>
    992 </div2>
    994 <div2 id='sec-prolog-dtd'>
    995 <head>Prolog and Document Type Declaration</head>
    997 <p><termdef id='dt-xmldecl' term='XML Declaration'>XML documents 
    998 may, and should, 
    999 begin with an <term>XML declaration</term> which specifies
   1000 the version of
   1001 XML being used.</termdef>
   1002 For example, the following is a complete XML document, <termref
   1003 def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref> but not
   1004 <termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref>:
   1005 <eg><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
   1006 <greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
   1007 ]]></eg>
   1008 and so is this:
   1009 <eg><![CDATA[<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
   1010 ]]></eg>
   1011 </p>
   1013 <p>The version number "<code>1.0</code>" should be used to indicate
   1014 conformance to this version of this specification; it is an error
   1015 for a document to use the value "<code>1.0</code>" 
   1016 if it does not conform to this version of this specification.
   1017 It is the intent
   1018 of the XML working group to give later versions of this specification
   1019 numbers other than "<code>1.0</code>", but this intent does not
   1020 indicate a
   1021 commitment to produce any future versions of XML, nor if any are produced, to
   1022 use any particular numbering scheme.
   1023 Since future versions are not ruled out, this construct is provided 
   1024 as a means to allow the possibility of automatic version recognition, should
   1025 it become necessary.
   1026 Processors may signal an error if they receive documents labeled with 
   1027 versions they do not support. 
   1028 </p>
   1029 <p>The function of the markup in an XML document is to describe its
   1030 storage and logical structure and to associate attribute-value pairs
   1031 with its logical structures.  XML provides a mechanism, the <termref
   1032 def="dt-doctype">document type declaration</termref>, to define
   1033 constraints on the logical structure and to support the use of
   1034 predefined storage units.
   1036 <termdef id="dt-valid" term="Validity">An XML document is 
   1037 <term>valid</term> if it has an associated document type
   1038 declaration and if the document
   1039 complies with the constraints expressed in it.</termdef></p>
   1040 <p>The document type declaration must appear before
   1041 the first <termref def="dt-element">element</termref> in the document.
   1042 <scrap lang="ebnf" id='xmldoc'>
   1043 <head>Prolog</head>
   1044 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="9">
   1045 <prod id='NT-prolog'><lhs>prolog</lhs>
   1046 <rhs><nt def='NT-XMLDecl'>XMLDecl</nt>? 
   1047 <nt def='NT-Misc'>Misc</nt>* 
   1048 (<nt def='NT-doctypedecl'>doctypedecl</nt> 
   1049 <nt def='NT-Misc'>Misc</nt>*)?</rhs></prod>
   1050 <prod id='NT-XMLDecl'><lhs>XMLDecl</lhs>
   1051 <rhs>&xmlpio; 
   1052 <nt def='NT-VersionInfo'>VersionInfo</nt> 
   1053 <nt def='NT-EncodingDecl'>EncodingDecl</nt>? 
   1054 <nt def='NT-SDDecl'>SDDecl</nt>? 
   1055 <nt def="NT-S">S</nt>? 
   1056 &pic;</rhs>
   1057 </prod>
   1058 <prod id='NT-VersionInfo'><lhs>VersionInfo</lhs>
   1059 <rhs><nt def="NT-S">S</nt> 'version' <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
   1060 (' <nt def="NT-VersionNum">VersionNum</nt> ' 
   1061 | " <nt def="NT-VersionNum">VersionNum</nt> ")</rhs>
   1062 </prod>
   1063 <prod id='NT-Eq'><lhs>Eq</lhs>
   1064 <rhs><nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '=' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?</rhs></prod>
   1065 <prod id="NT-VersionNum">
   1066 <lhs>VersionNum</lhs>
   1067 <rhs>([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')+</rhs>
   1068 </prod>
   1069 <prod id='NT-Misc'><lhs>Misc</lhs>
   1070 <rhs><nt def='NT-Comment'>Comment</nt> | <nt def='NT-PI'>PI</nt> | 
   1071 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt></rhs></prod>
   1072 </prodgroup>
   1073 </scrap></p>
   1075 <p><termdef id="dt-doctype" term="Document Type Declaration">The XML
   1076 <term>document type declaration</term> 
   1077 contains or points to 
   1078 <termref def='dt-markupdecl'>markup declarations</termref> 
   1079 that provide a grammar for a
   1080 class of documents.  
   1081 This grammar is known as a document type definition,
   1082 or <term>DTD</term>.  
   1083 The document type declaration can point to an external subset (a
   1084 special kind of 
   1085 <termref def='dt-extent'>external entity</termref>) containing markup
   1086 declarations, or can 
   1087 contain the markup declarations directly in an internal subset, or can do
   1088 both.   
   1089 The DTD for a document consists of both subsets taken
   1090 together.</termdef>
   1091 </p>
   1092 <p><termdef id="dt-markupdecl" term="markup declaration">
   1093 A <term>markup declaration</term> is 
   1094 an <termref def="dt-eldecl">element type declaration</termref>, 
   1095 an <termref def="dt-attdecl">attribute-list declaration</termref>, 
   1096 an <termref def="dt-entdecl">entity declaration</termref>, or
   1097 a <termref def="dt-notdecl">notation declaration</termref>.
   1098 </termdef>
   1099 These declarations may be contained in whole or in part
   1100 within <termref def='dt-PE'>parameter entities</termref>,
   1101 as described in the well-formedness and validity constraints below.
   1102 For fuller information, see
   1103 <specref ref="sec-physical-struct"/>.</p>
   1104 <scrap lang="ebnf" id='dtd'>
   1105 <head>Document Type Definition</head>
   1106 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="9">
   1107 <prod id='NT-doctypedecl'><lhs>doctypedecl</lhs>
   1108 <rhs>'&lt;!DOCTYPE' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   1109 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   1110 <nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt>)? 
   1111 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ('[' 
   1112 (<nt def='NT-markupdecl'>markupdecl</nt> 
   1113 | <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
   1114 | <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>)*
   1115 ']' 
   1116 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?)? '>'</rhs>
   1117 <vc def="vc-roottype"/>
   1118 </prod>
   1119 <prod id='NT-markupdecl'><lhs>markupdecl</lhs>
   1120 <rhs><nt def='NT-elementdecl'>elementdecl</nt> 
   1121 | <nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt> 
   1122 | <nt def='NT-EntityDecl'>EntityDecl</nt> 
   1123 | <nt def='NT-NotationDecl'>NotationDecl</nt> 
   1124 | <nt def='NT-PI'>PI</nt> 
   1125 | <nt def='NT-Comment'>Comment</nt>
   1126 </rhs>
   1127 <vc def='vc-PEinMarkupDecl'/>
   1128 <wfc def="wfc-PEinInternalSubset"/>
   1129 </prod>
   1131 </prodgroup>
   1132 </scrap>
   1134 <p>The markup declarations may be made up in whole or in part of
   1135 the <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> of 
   1136 <termref def='dt-PE'>parameter entities</termref>.
   1137 The productions later in this specification for
   1138 individual nonterminals (<nt def='NT-elementdecl'>elementdecl</nt>,
   1139 <nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt>, and so on) describe 
   1140 the declarations <emph>after</emph> all the parameter entities have been 
   1141 <termref def='dt-include'>included</termref>.</p>
   1143 <vcnote id="vc-roottype">
   1144 <head>Root Element Type</head>
   1145 <p>
   1146 The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in the document type declaration must
   1147 match the element type of the <termref def='dt-root'>root element</termref>.
   1148 </p>
   1149 </vcnote>
   1151 <vcnote id='vc-PEinMarkupDecl'>
   1152 <head>Proper Declaration/PE Nesting</head>
   1153 <p>Parameter-entity 
   1154 <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> must be properly nested
   1155 with markup declarations. 
   1156 That is to say, if either the first character
   1157 or the last character of a markup
   1158 declaration (<nt def='NT-markupdecl'>markupdecl</nt> above)
   1159 is contained in the replacement text for a 
   1160 <termref def='dt-PERef'>parameter-entity reference</termref>,
   1161 both must be contained in the same replacement text.</p>
   1162 </vcnote>
   1163 <wfcnote id="wfc-PEinInternalSubset">
   1164 <head>PEs in Internal Subset</head>
   1165 <p>In the internal DTD subset, 
   1166 <termref def='dt-PERef'>parameter-entity references</termref>
   1167 can occur only where markup declarations can occur, not
   1168 within markup declarations.  (This does not apply to
   1169 references that occur in
   1170 external parameter entities or to the external subset.)
   1171 </p>
   1172 </wfcnote>
   1173 <p>
   1174 Like the internal subset, the external subset and 
   1175 any external parameter entities referred to in the DTD 
   1176 must consist of a series of complete markup declarations of the types 
   1177 allowed by the non-terminal symbol
   1178 <nt def="NT-markupdecl">markupdecl</nt>, interspersed with white space
   1179 or <termref def="dt-PERef">parameter-entity references</termref>.
   1180 However, portions of the contents
   1181 of the 
   1182 external subset or of external parameter entities may conditionally be ignored
   1183 by using 
   1184 the <termref def="dt-cond-section">conditional section</termref>
   1185 construct; this is not allowed in the internal subset.
   1187 <scrap id="ext-Subset">
   1188 <head>External Subset</head>
   1189 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="17.5" pcw5="9">
   1190 <prod id='NT-extSubset'><lhs>extSubset</lhs>
   1191 <rhs><nt def='NT-TextDecl'>TextDecl</nt>?
   1192 <nt def='NT-extSubsetDecl'>extSubsetDecl</nt></rhs></prod>
   1193 <prod id='NT-extSubsetDecl'><lhs>extSubsetDecl</lhs>
   1194 <rhs>(
   1195 <nt def='NT-markupdecl'>markupdecl</nt> 
   1196 | <nt def='NT-conditionalSect'>conditionalSect</nt> 
   1197 | <nt def='NT-PEReference'>PEReference</nt> 
   1198 | <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>
   1199 )*</rhs>
   1200 </prod>
   1201 </prodgroup>
   1202 </scrap></p>
   1203 <p>The external subset and external parameter entities also differ 
   1204 from the internal subset in that in them,
   1205 <termref def="dt-PERef">parameter-entity references</termref>
   1206 are permitted <emph>within</emph> markup declarations,
   1207 not only <emph>between</emph> markup declarations.</p>
   1208 <p>An example of an XML document with a document type declaration:
   1209 <eg><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
   1210 <!DOCTYPE greeting SYSTEM "hello.dtd">
   1211 <greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
   1212 ]]></eg>
   1213 The <termref def="dt-sysid">system identifier</termref> 
   1214 "<code>hello.dtd</code>" gives the URI of a DTD for the document.</p>
   1215 <p>The declarations can also be given locally, as in this 
   1216 example:
   1217 <eg><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
   1218 <!DOCTYPE greeting [
   1219   <!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>
   1220 ]>
   1221 <greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
   1222 ]]></eg>
   1223 If both the external and internal subsets are used, the 
   1224 internal subset is considered to occur before the external subset.
   1225 <!-- 'is considered to'? boo. whazzat mean? -->
   1226 This has the effect that entity and attribute-list declarations in the
   1227 internal subset take precedence over those in the external subset.
   1228 </p>
   1229 </div2>
   1231 <div2 id='sec-rmd'>
   1232 <head>Standalone Document Declaration</head>
   1233 <p>Markup declarations can affect the content of the document,
   1234 as passed from an <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML processor</termref> 
   1235 to an application; examples are attribute defaults and entity
   1236 declarations.
   1237 The standalone document declaration,
   1238 which may appear as a component of the XML declaration, signals
   1239 whether or not there are such declarations which appear external to 
   1240 the <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>.
   1241 <scrap lang="ebnf" id='fulldtd'>
   1242 <head>Standalone Document Declaration</head>
   1243 <prodgroup pcw2="4" pcw4="19.5" pcw5="9">
   1244 <prod id='NT-SDDecl'><lhs>SDDecl</lhs>
   1245 <rhs>
   1246 <nt def="NT-S">S</nt> 
   1247 'standalone' <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
   1248 (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
   1249 </rhs>
   1250 <vc def='vc-check-rmd'/></prod>
   1251 </prodgroup>
   1252 </scrap></p>
   1253 <p>
   1254 In a standalone document declaration, the value "<code>yes</code>" indicates
   1255 that there 
   1256 are no markup declarations external to the <termref def='dt-docent'>document
   1257 entity</termref> (either in the DTD external subset, or in an
   1258 external parameter entity referenced from the internal subset)
   1259 which affect the information passed from the XML processor to
   1260 the application.  
   1261 The value "<code>no</code>" indicates that there are or may be such
   1262 external markup declarations.
   1263 Note that the standalone document declaration only 
   1264 denotes the presence of external <emph>declarations</emph>; the presence, in a
   1265 document, of 
   1266 references to external <emph>entities</emph>, when those entities are
   1267 internally declared, 
   1268 does not change its standalone status.</p>
   1269 <p>If there are no external markup declarations, the standalone document
   1270 declaration has no meaning. 
   1271 If there are external markup declarations but there is no standalone
   1272 document declaration, the value "<code>no</code>" is assumed.</p>
   1273 <p>Any XML document for which <code>standalone="no"</code> holds can 
   1274 be converted algorithmically to a standalone document, 
   1275 which may be desirable for some network delivery applications.</p>
   1276 <vcnote id='vc-check-rmd'>
   1277 <head>Standalone Document Declaration</head>
   1278 <p>The standalone document declaration must have
   1279 the value "<code>no</code>" if any external markup declarations
   1280 contain declarations of:</p><ulist>
   1281 <item><p>attributes with <termref def="dt-default">default</termref> values, if
   1282 elements to which
   1283 these attributes apply appear in the document without
   1284 specifications of values for these attributes, or</p></item>
   1285 <item><p>entities (other than &magicents;), 
   1286 if <termref def="dt-entref">references</termref> to those
   1287 entities appear in the document, or</p>
   1288 </item>
   1289 <item><p>attributes with values subject to
   1290 <titleref href='AVNormalize'>normalization</titleref>, where the
   1291 attribute appears in the document with a value which will
   1292 change as a result of normalization, or</p>
   1293 </item>
   1294 <item>
   1295 <p>element types with <termref def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref>, 
   1296 if white space occurs
   1297 directly within any instance of those types.
   1298 </p></item>
   1299 </ulist>
   1301 </vcnote>
   1302 <p>An example XML declaration with a standalone document declaration:<eg
   1303 >&lt;?xml version="&XML.version;" standalone='yes'?></eg></p>
   1304 </div2>
   1305 <div2 id='sec-white-space'>
   1306 <head>White Space Handling</head>
   1308 <p>In editing XML documents, it is often convenient to use "white space"
   1309 (spaces, tabs, and blank lines, denoted by the nonterminal 
   1310 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> in this specification) to
   1311 set apart the markup for greater readability.  Such white space is typically
   1312 not intended for inclusion in the delivered version of the document.
   1313 On the other hand, "significant" white space that should be preserved in the
   1314 delivered version is common, for example in poetry and
   1315 source code.</p>
   1316 <p>An <termref def='dt-xml-proc'>XML processor</termref> 
   1317 must always pass all characters in a document that are not
   1318 markup through to the application.   A <termref def='dt-validating'>
   1319 validating XML processor</termref> must also inform the application
   1320 which  of these characters constitute white space appearing
   1321 in <termref def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref>.
   1322 </p>
   1323 <p>A special <termref def='dt-attr'>attribute</termref> 
   1324 named <kw>xml:space</kw> may be attached to an element
   1325 to signal an intention that in that element,
   1326 white space should be preserved by applications.
   1327 In valid documents, this attribute, like any other, must be 
   1328 <termref def="dt-attdecl">declared</termref> if it is used.
   1329 When declared, it must be given as an 
   1330 <termref def='dt-enumerated'>enumerated type</termref> whose only
   1331 possible values are "<code>default</code>" and "<code>preserve</code>".
   1332 For example:<eg><![CDATA[    <!ATTLIST poem   xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>]]></eg></p>
   1333 <p>The value "<code>default</code>" signals that applications'
   1334 default white-space processing modes are acceptable for this element; the
   1335 value "<code>preserve</code>" indicates the intent that applications preserve
   1336 all the white space.
   1337 This declared intent is considered to apply to all elements within the content
   1338 of the element where it is specified, unless overriden with another instance
   1339 of the <kw>xml:space</kw> attribute.
   1340 </p>
   1341 <p>The <termref def='dt-root'>root element</termref> of any document
   1342 is considered to have signaled no intentions as regards application space
   1343 handling, unless it provides a value for 
   1344 this attribute or the attribute is declared with a default value.
   1345 </p>
   1347 </div2>
   1348 <div2 id='sec-line-ends'>
   1349 <head>End-of-Line Handling</head>
   1350 <p>XML <termref def='dt-parsedent'>parsed entities</termref> are often stored in
   1351 computer files which, for editing convenience, are organized into lines.
   1352 These lines are typically separated by some combination of the characters
   1353 carriage-return (#xD) and line-feed (#xA).</p>
   1354 <p>To simplify the tasks of <termref def='dt-app'>applications</termref>,
   1355 wherever an external parsed entity or the literal entity value
   1356 of an internal parsed entity contains either the literal 
   1357 two-character sequence "#xD#xA" or a standalone literal
   1358 #xD, an <termref def='dt-xml-proc'>XML processor</termref> must 
   1359 pass to the application the single character #xA.
   1360 (This behavior can 
   1361 conveniently be produced by normalizing all 
   1362 line breaks to #xA on input, before parsing.)
   1363 </p>
   1364 </div2>
   1365 <div2 id='sec-lang-tag'>
   1366 <head>Language Identification</head>
   1367 <p>In document processing, it is often useful to
   1368 identify the natural or formal language 
   1369 in which the content is 
   1370 written.
   1371 A special <termref def="dt-attr">attribute</termref> named
   1372 <kw>xml:lang</kw> may be inserted in
   1373 documents to specify the 
   1374 language used in the contents and attribute values 
   1375 of any element in an XML document.
   1376 In valid documents, this attribute, like any other, must be 
   1377 <termref def="dt-attdecl">declared</termref> if it is used.
   1378 The values of the attribute are language identifiers as defined
   1379 by <bibref ref="RFC1766"/>, "Tags for the Identification of Languages":
   1380 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1381 <head>Language Identification</head>
   1382 <prod id='NT-LanguageID'><lhs>LanguageID</lhs>
   1383 <rhs><nt def='NT-Langcode'>Langcode</nt> 
   1384 ('-' <nt def='NT-Subcode'>Subcode</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
   1385 <prod id='NT-Langcode'><lhs>Langcode</lhs>
   1386 <rhs><nt def='NT-ISO639Code'>ISO639Code</nt> | 
   1387 <nt def='NT-IanaCode'>IanaCode</nt> | 
   1388 <nt def='NT-UserCode'>UserCode</nt></rhs>
   1389 </prod>
   1390 <prod id='NT-ISO639Code'><lhs>ISO639Code</lhs>
   1391 <rhs>([a-z] | [A-Z]) ([a-z] | [A-Z])</rhs></prod>
   1392 <prod id='NT-IanaCode'><lhs>IanaCode</lhs>
   1393 <rhs>('i' | 'I') '-' ([a-z] | [A-Z])+</rhs></prod>
   1394 <prod id='NT-UserCode'><lhs>UserCode</lhs>
   1395 <rhs>('x' | 'X') '-' ([a-z] | [A-Z])+</rhs></prod>
   1396 <prod id='NT-Subcode'><lhs>Subcode</lhs>
   1397 <rhs>([a-z] | [A-Z])+</rhs></prod>
   1398 </scrap>
   1399 The <nt def='NT-Langcode'>Langcode</nt> may be any of the following:
   1400 <ulist>
   1401 <item><p>a two-letter language code as defined by 
   1402 <bibref ref="ISO639"/>, "Codes
   1403 for the representation of names of languages"</p></item>
   1404 <item><p>a language identifier registered with the Internet
   1405 Assigned Numbers Authority <bibref ref='IANA'/>; these begin with the 
   1406 prefix "<code>i-</code>" (or "<code>I-</code>")</p></item>
   1407 <item><p>a language identifier assigned by the user, or agreed on
   1408 between parties in private use; these must begin with the
   1409 prefix "<code>x-</code>" or "<code>X-</code>" in order to ensure that they do not conflict 
   1410 with names later standardized or registered with IANA</p></item>
   1411 </ulist></p>
   1412 <p>There may be any number of <nt def='NT-Subcode'>Subcode</nt> segments; if
   1413 the first 
   1414 subcode segment exists and the Subcode consists of two 
   1415 letters, then it must be a country code from 
   1416 <bibref ref="ISO3166"/>, "Codes 
   1417 for the representation of names of countries."
   1418 If the first 
   1419 subcode consists of more than two letters, it must be
   1420 a subcode for the language in question registered with IANA,
   1421 unless the <nt def='NT-Langcode'>Langcode</nt> begins with the prefix 
   1422 "<code>x-</code>" or
   1423 "<code>X-</code>". </p>
   1424 <p>It is customary to give the language code in lower case, and
   1425 the country code (if any) in upper case.
   1426 Note that these values, unlike other names in XML documents,
   1427 are case insensitive.</p>
   1428 <p>For example:
   1429 <eg><![CDATA[<p xml:lang="en">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
   1430 <p xml:lang="en-GB">What colour is it?</p>
   1431 <p xml:lang="en-US">What color is it?</p>
   1432 <sp who="Faust" desc='leise' xml:lang="de">
   1433   <l>Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,</l>
   1434   <l>Juristerei, und Medizin</l>
   1435   <l>und leider auch Theologie</l>
   1436   <l>durchaus studiert mit heiem Bemh'n.</l>
   1437   </sp>]]></eg></p>
   1438 <!--<p>The xml:lang value is considered to apply both to the contents of an
   1439 element and 
   1440 (unless otherwise via attribute default values) to the
   1441 values of all of its attributes with free-text (CDATA) values.  -->
   1442 <p>The intent declared with <kw>xml:lang</kw> is considered to apply to
   1443 all attributes and content of the element where it is specified,
   1444 unless overridden with an instance of <kw>xml:lang</kw>
   1445 on another element within that content.</p>
   1446 <!--
   1447 If no
   1448 value is specified for xml:lang on an element, and no default value is
   1449 defined for it in the DTD, then the xml:lang attribute of any element
   1450 takes the same value it has in the parent element, if any.  The two
   1451 technical terms in the following example both have the same effective
   1452 value for xml:lang:
   1454   <p xml:lang="en">Here the keywords are
   1455   <term xml:lang="en">shift</term> and
   1456   <term>reduce</term>. ...</p>
   1458 The application, not the XML processor, is responsible for this '
   1459 inheritance' of attribute values.
   1460 -->
   1461 <p>A simple declaration for <kw>xml:lang</kw> might take
   1462 the form
   1463 <eg>xml:lang  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED</eg>
   1464 but specific default values may also be given, if appropriate.  In a
   1465 collection of French poems for English students, with glosses and
   1466 notes in English, the xml:lang attribute might be declared this way:
   1467 <eg><![CDATA[    <!ATTLIST poem   xml:lang NMTOKEN 'fr'>
   1468     <!ATTLIST gloss  xml:lang NMTOKEN 'en'>
   1469     <!ATTLIST note   xml:lang NMTOKEN 'en'>]]></eg>
   1470 </p>
   1472 </div2>
   1473 </div1>
   1474 <!-- &Elements; -->
   1476 <div1 id='sec-logical-struct'>
   1477 <head>Logical Structures</head>
   1479 <p><termdef id="dt-element" term="Element">Each <termref
   1480 def="dt-xml-doc">XML document</termref> contains one or more
   1481 <term>elements</term>, the boundaries of which are 
   1482 either delimited by <termref def="dt-stag">start-tags</termref> 
   1483 and <termref def="dt-etag">end-tags</termref>, or, for <termref
   1484 def="dt-empty">empty</termref> elements, by an <termref
   1485 def="dt-eetag">empty-element tag</termref>. Each element has a type,
   1486 identified by name, sometimes called its "generic
   1487 identifier" (GI), and may have a set of
   1488 attribute specifications.</termdef>  Each attribute specification 
   1489 has a <termref
   1490 def="dt-attrname">name</termref> and a <termref
   1491 def="dt-attrval">value</termref>.
   1492 </p>
   1493 <scrap lang='ebnf'><head>Element</head>
   1494 <prod id='NT-element'><lhs>element</lhs>
   1495 <rhs><nt def='NT-EmptyElemTag'>EmptyElemTag</nt></rhs>
   1496 <rhs>| <nt def='NT-STag'>STag</nt> <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt> 
   1497 <nt def='NT-ETag'>ETag</nt></rhs>
   1498 <wfc def='GIMatch'/>
   1499 <vc def='elementvalid'/>
   1500 </prod>
   1501 </scrap>
   1502 <p>This specification does not constrain the semantics, use, or (beyond
   1503 syntax) names of the element types and attributes, except that names
   1504 beginning with a match to <code>(('X'|'x')('M'|'m')('L'|'l'))</code>
   1505 are reserved for standardization in this or future versions of this
   1506 specification.
   1507 </p>
   1508 <wfcnote id='GIMatch'>
   1509 <head>Element Type Match</head>
   1510 <p>
   1511 The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in an element's end-tag must match 
   1512 the element type in
   1513 the start-tag.
   1514 </p>
   1515 </wfcnote>
   1516 <vcnote id='elementvalid'>
   1517 <head>Element Valid</head>
   1518 <p>An element is
   1519 valid if
   1520 there is a declaration matching 
   1521 <nt def='NT-elementdecl'>elementdecl</nt> where the
   1522 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> matches the element type, and
   1523 one of the following holds:</p>
   1524 <olist>
   1525 <item><p>The declaration matches <kw>EMPTY</kw> and the element has no 
   1526 <termref def='dt-content'>content</termref>.</p></item>
   1527 <item><p>The declaration matches <nt def='NT-children'>children</nt> and
   1528 the sequence of 
   1529 <termref def="dt-parentchild">child elements</termref>
   1530 belongs to the language generated by the regular expression in
   1531 the content model, with optional white space (characters 
   1532 matching the nonterminal <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>) between each pair
   1533 of child elements.</p></item>
   1534 <item><p>The declaration matches <nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> and 
   1535 the content consists of <termref def='dt-chardata'>character 
   1536 data</termref> and <termref def='dt-parentchild'>child elements</termref>
   1537 whose types match names in the content model.</p></item>
   1538 <item><p>The declaration matches <kw>ANY</kw>, and the types
   1539 of any <termref def='dt-parentchild'>child elements</termref> have
   1540 been declared.</p></item>
   1541 </olist>
   1542 </vcnote>
   1544 <div2 id='sec-starttags'>
   1545 <head>Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element Tags</head>
   1547 <p><termdef id="dt-stag" term="Start-Tag">The beginning of every
   1548 non-empty XML element is marked by a <term>start-tag</term>.
   1549 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1550 <head>Start-tag</head>
   1551 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
   1552 <prod id='NT-STag'><lhs>STag</lhs>
   1553 <rhs>'&lt;' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   1554 (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Attribute'>Attribute</nt>)* 
   1555 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs>
   1556 <wfc def="uniqattspec"/>
   1557 </prod>
   1558 <prod id='NT-Attribute'><lhs>Attribute</lhs>
   1559 <rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
   1560 <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt></rhs>
   1561 <vc def='ValueType'/>
   1562 <wfc def='NoExternalRefs'/>
   1563 <wfc def='CleanAttrVals'/></prod>
   1564 </prodgroup>
   1565 </scrap>
   1566 The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in
   1567 the start- and end-tags gives the 
   1568 element's <term>type</term>.</termdef>
   1569 <termdef id="dt-attr" term="Attribute">
   1570 The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>-<nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt> pairs are
   1571 referred to as 
   1572 the <term>attribute specifications</term> of the element</termdef>,
   1573 <termdef id="dt-attrname" term="Attribute Name">with the 
   1574 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in each pair
   1575 referred to as the <term>attribute name</term></termdef> and
   1576 <termdef id="dt-attrval" term="Attribute Value">the content of the
   1577 <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt> (the text between the
   1578 <code>'</code> or <code>"</code> delimiters)
   1579 as the <term>attribute value</term>.</termdef>
   1580 </p>
   1581 <wfcnote id='uniqattspec'>
   1582 <head>Unique Att Spec</head>
   1583 <p>
   1584 No attribute name may appear more than once in the same start-tag
   1585 or empty-element tag.
   1586 </p>
   1587 </wfcnote>
   1588 <vcnote id='ValueType'>
   1589 <head>Attribute Value Type</head>
   1590 <p>
   1591 The attribute must have been declared; the value must be of the type 
   1592 declared for it.
   1593 (For attribute types, see <specref ref='attdecls'/>.)
   1594 </p>
   1595 </vcnote>
   1596 <wfcnote id='NoExternalRefs'>
   1597 <head>No External Entity References</head>
   1598 <p>
   1599 Attribute values cannot contain direct or indirect entity references 
   1600 to external entities.
   1601 </p>
   1602 </wfcnote>
   1603 <wfcnote id='CleanAttrVals'>
   1604 <head>No <code>&lt;</code> in Attribute Values</head>
   1605 <p>The <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> of any entity
   1606 referred to directly or indirectly in an attribute
   1607 value (other than "<code>&amp;lt;</code>") must not contain
   1608 a <code>&lt;</code>.
   1609 </p></wfcnote>
   1610 <p>An example of a start-tag:
   1611 <eg>&lt;termdef id="dt-dog" term="dog"></eg></p>
   1612 <p><termdef id="dt-etag" term="End Tag">The end of every element 
   1613 that begins with a start-tag must
   1614 be marked by an <term>end-tag</term>
   1615 containing a name that echoes the element's type as given in the
   1616 start-tag:
   1617 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1618 <head>End-tag</head>
   1619 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
   1620 <prod id='NT-ETag'><lhs>ETag</lhs>
   1621 <rhs>'&lt;/' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   1622 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs></prod>
   1623 </prodgroup>
   1624 </scrap>
   1625 </termdef></p>
   1626 <p>An example of an end-tag:<eg>&lt;/termdef></eg></p>
   1627 <p><termdef id="dt-content" term="Content">The 
   1628 <termref def='dt-text'>text</termref> between the start-tag and
   1629 end-tag is called the element's
   1630 <term>content</term>:
   1631 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1632 <head>Content of Elements</head>
   1633 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
   1634 <prod id='NT-content'><lhs>content</lhs>
   1635 <rhs>(<nt def='NT-element'>element</nt> | <nt def='NT-CharData'>CharData</nt> 
   1636 | <nt def='NT-Reference'>Reference</nt> | <nt def='NT-CDSect'>CDSect</nt> 
   1637 | <nt def='NT-PI'>PI</nt> | <nt def='NT-Comment'>Comment</nt>)*</rhs>
   1638 </prod>
   1639 </prodgroup>
   1640 </scrap>
   1641 </termdef></p>
   1642 <p><termdef id="dt-empty" term="Empty">If an element is <term>empty</term>,
   1643 it must be represented either by a start-tag immediately followed
   1644 by an end-tag or by an empty-element tag.</termdef>
   1645 <termdef id="dt-eetag" term="empty-element tag">An 
   1646 <term>empty-element tag</term> takes a special form:
   1647 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1648 <head>Tags for Empty Elements</head>
   1649 <prodgroup pcw2="6" pcw4="15" pcw5="11.5">
   1650 <prod id='NT-EmptyElemTag'><lhs>EmptyElemTag</lhs>
   1651 <rhs>'&lt;' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   1652 <nt def='NT-Attribute'>Attribute</nt>)* <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
   1653 '/&gt;'</rhs>
   1654 <wfc def="uniqattspec"/>
   1655 </prod>
   1656 </prodgroup>
   1657 </scrap>
   1658 </termdef></p>
   1659 <p>Empty-element tags may be used for any element which has no
   1660 content, whether or not it is declared using the keyword
   1661 <kw>EMPTY</kw>.
   1662 <termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability</termref>, the empty-element
   1663 tag must be used, and can only be used, for elements which are
   1664 <termref def='dt-eldecl'>declared</termref> <kw>EMPTY</kw>.</p>
   1665 <p>Examples of empty elements:
   1666 <eg>&lt;IMG align="left"
   1667  src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home" />
   1668 &lt;br>&lt;/br>
   1669 &lt;br/></eg></p>
   1670 </div2>
   1672 <div2 id='elemdecls'>
   1673 <head>Element Type Declarations</head>
   1675 <p>The <termref def="dt-element">element</termref> structure of an
   1676 <termref def="dt-xml-doc">XML document</termref> may, for 
   1677 <termref def="dt-valid">validation</termref> purposes, 
   1678 be constrained
   1679 using element type and attribute-list declarations.
   1680 An element type declaration constrains the element's
   1681 <termref def="dt-content">content</termref>.
   1682 </p>
   1684 <p>Element type declarations often constrain which element types can
   1685 appear as <termref def="dt-parentchild">children</termref> of the element.
   1686 At user option, an XML processor may issue a warning
   1687 when a declaration mentions an element type for which no declaration
   1688 is provided, but this is not an error.</p>
   1689 <p><termdef id="dt-eldecl" term="Element Type declaration">An <term>element
   1690 type declaration</term> takes the form:
   1691 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1692 <head>Element Type Declaration</head>
   1693 <prodgroup pcw2="5.5" pcw4="18" pcw5="9">
   1694 <prod id='NT-elementdecl'><lhs>elementdecl</lhs>
   1695 <rhs>'&lt;!ELEMENT' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   1696 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   1697 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   1698 <nt def='NT-contentspec'>contentspec</nt>
   1699 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs>
   1700 <vc def='EDUnique'/></prod>
   1701 <prod id='NT-contentspec'><lhs>contentspec</lhs>
   1702 <rhs>'EMPTY' 
   1703 | 'ANY' 
   1704 | <nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> 
   1705 | <nt def='NT-children'>children</nt>
   1706 </rhs>
   1707 </prod>
   1708 </prodgroup>
   1709 </scrap>
   1710 where the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> gives the element type 
   1711 being declared.</termdef>
   1712 </p>
   1714 <vcnote id='EDUnique'>
   1715 <head>Unique Element Type Declaration</head>
   1716 <p>
   1717 No element type may be declared more than once.
   1718 </p>
   1719 </vcnote>
   1721 <p>Examples of element type declarations:
   1722 <eg>&lt;!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
   1723 &lt;!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|emph)* >
   1724 &lt;!ELEMENT %name.para; %content.para; >
   1725 &lt;!ELEMENT container ANY></eg></p>
   1727 <div3 id='sec-element-content'>
   1728 <head>Element Content</head>
   1730 <p><termdef id='dt-elemcontent' term='Element content'>An element <termref
   1731 def="dt-stag">type</termref> has
   1732 <term>element content</term> when elements of that
   1733 type must contain only <termref def='dt-parentchild'>child</termref> 
   1734 elements (no character data), optionally separated by 
   1735 white space (characters matching the nonterminal 
   1736 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>).
   1737 </termdef>
   1738 In this case, the
   1739 constraint includes a content model, a simple grammar governing
   1740 the allowed types of the child
   1741 elements and the order in which they are allowed to appear.  
   1742 The grammar is built on
   1743 content particles (<nt def='NT-cp'>cp</nt>s), which consist of names, 
   1744 choice lists of content particles, or
   1745 sequence lists of content particles:
   1746 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1747 <head>Element-content Models</head>
   1748 <prodgroup pcw2="5.5" pcw4="16" pcw5="11">
   1749 <prod id='NT-children'><lhs>children</lhs>
   1750 <rhs>(<nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt> 
   1751 | <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>) 
   1752 ('?' | '*' | '+')?</rhs></prod>
   1753 <prod id='NT-cp'><lhs>cp</lhs>
   1754 <rhs>(<nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   1755 | <nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt> 
   1756 | <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>) 
   1757 ('?' | '*' | '+')?</rhs></prod>
   1758 <prod id='NT-choice'><lhs>choice</lhs>
   1759 <rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? cp 
   1760 ( <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '|' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? <nt def='NT-cp'>cp</nt> )*
   1761 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'</rhs>
   1762 <vc def='vc-PEinGroup'/></prod>
   1763 <prod id='NT-seq'><lhs>seq</lhs>
   1764 <rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? cp 
   1765 ( <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ',' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? <nt def='NT-cp'>cp</nt> )*
   1766 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'</rhs>
   1767 <vc def='vc-PEinGroup'/></prod>
   1769 </prodgroup>
   1770 </scrap>
   1771 where each <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> is the type of an element which may
   1772 appear as a <termref def="dt-parentchild">child</termref>.  
   1773 Any content
   1774 particle in a choice list may appear in the <termref
   1775 def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref> at the location where
   1776 the choice list appears in the grammar;
   1777 content particles occurring in a sequence list must each
   1778 appear in the <termref def="dt-elemcontent">element content</termref> in the
   1779 order given in the list.  
   1780 The optional character following a name or list governs
   1781 whether the element or the content particles in the list may occur one
   1782 or more (<code>+</code>), zero or more (<code>*</code>), or zero or 
   1783 one times (<code>?</code>).  
   1784 The absence of such an operator means that the element or content particle
   1785 must appear exactly once.
   1786 This syntax
   1787 and meaning are identical to those used in the productions in this
   1788 specification.</p>
   1789 <p>
   1790 The content of an element matches a content model if and only if it is
   1791 possible to trace out a path through the content model, obeying the
   1792 sequence, choice, and repetition operators and matching each element in
   1793 the content against an element type in the content model.  <termref
   1794 def='dt-compat'>For compatibility</termref>, it is an error
   1795 if an element in the document can
   1796 match more than one occurrence of an element type in the content model.
   1797 For more information, see <specref ref="determinism"/>.
   1798 <!-- appendix <specref ref="determinism"/>. -->
   1799 <!-- appendix on deterministic content models. -->
   1800 </p>
   1801 <vcnote id='vc-PEinGroup'>
   1802 <head>Proper Group/PE Nesting</head>
   1803 <p>Parameter-entity 
   1804 <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> must be properly nested
   1805 with parenthetized groups.
   1806 That is to say, if either of the opening or closing parentheses
   1807 in a <nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt>, <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>, or
   1808 <nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> construct 
   1809 is contained in the replacement text for a 
   1810 <termref def='dt-PERef'>parameter entity</termref>,
   1811 both must be contained in the same replacement text.</p>
   1812 <p><termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability</termref>, 
   1813 if a parameter-entity reference appears in a 
   1814 <nt def='NT-choice'>choice</nt>, <nt def='NT-seq'>seq</nt>, or
   1815 <nt def='NT-Mixed'>Mixed</nt> construct, its replacement text
   1816 should not be empty, and 
   1817 neither the first nor last non-blank
   1818 character of the replacement text should be a connector 
   1819 (<code>|</code> or <code>,</code>).
   1820 </p>
   1821 </vcnote>
   1822 <p>Examples of element-content models:
   1823 <eg>&lt;!ELEMENT spec (front, body, back?)>
   1824 &lt;!ELEMENT div1 (head, (p | list | note)*, div2*)>
   1825 &lt;!ELEMENT dictionary-body (%div.mix; | %dict.mix;)*></eg></p>
   1826 </div3>
   1828 <div3 id='sec-mixed-content'>
   1829 <head>Mixed Content</head>
   1831 <p><termdef id='dt-mixed' term='Mixed Content'>An element 
   1832 <termref def='dt-stag'>type</termref> has 
   1833 <term>mixed content</term> when elements of that type may contain
   1834 character data, optionally interspersed with
   1835 <termref def="dt-parentchild">child</termref> elements.</termdef>
   1836 In this case, the types of the child elements
   1837 may be constrained, but not their order or their number of occurrences:
   1838 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1839 <head>Mixed-content Declaration</head>
   1840 <prodgroup pcw2="5.5" pcw4="16" pcw5="11">
   1841 <prod id='NT-Mixed'><lhs>Mixed</lhs>
   1842 <rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
   1843 '#PCDATA'
   1844 (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
   1845 '|' 
   1846 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
   1847 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>)* 
   1848 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
   1849 ')*' </rhs>
   1850 <rhs>| '(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '#PCDATA' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'
   1851 </rhs><vc def='vc-PEinGroup'/>
   1852 <vc def='vc-MixedChildrenUnique'/>
   1853 </prod>
   1855 </prodgroup>
   1856 </scrap>
   1857 where the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>s give the types of elements
   1858 that may appear as children.
   1859 </p>
   1860 <vcnote id='vc-MixedChildrenUnique'>
   1861 <head>No Duplicate Types</head>
   1862 <p>The same name must not appear more than once in a single mixed-content
   1863 declaration.
   1864 </p></vcnote>
   1865 <p>Examples of mixed content declarations:
   1866 <eg>&lt;!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|a|ul|b|i|em)*>
   1867 &lt;!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA | %font; | %phrase; | %special; | %form;)* >
   1868 &lt;!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA)></eg></p>
   1869 </div3>
   1870 </div2>
   1872 <div2 id='attdecls'>
   1873 <head>Attribute-List Declarations</head>
   1875 <p><termref def="dt-attr">Attributes</termref> are used to associate
   1876 name-value pairs with <termref def="dt-element">elements</termref>.
   1877 Attribute specifications may appear only within <termref
   1878 def="dt-stag">start-tags</termref>
   1879 and <termref def="dt-eetag">empty-element tags</termref>; 
   1880 thus, the productions used to
   1881 recognize them appear in <specref ref='sec-starttags'/>.  
   1882 Attribute-list
   1883 declarations may be used:
   1884 <ulist>
   1885 <item><p>To define the set of attributes pertaining to a given
   1886 element type.</p></item>
   1887 <item><p>To establish type constraints for these
   1888 attributes.</p></item>
   1889 <item><p>To provide <termref def="dt-default">default values</termref>
   1890 for attributes.</p></item>
   1891 </ulist>
   1892 </p>
   1893 <p><termdef id="dt-attdecl" term="Attribute-List Declaration">
   1894 <term>Attribute-list declarations</term> specify the name, data type, and default
   1895 value (if any) of each attribute associated with a given element type:
   1896 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1897 <head>Attribute-list Declaration</head>
   1898 <prod id='NT-AttlistDecl'><lhs>AttlistDecl</lhs>
   1899 <rhs>'&lt;!ATTLIST' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   1900 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   1901 <nt def='NT-AttDef'>AttDef</nt>*
   1902 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '&gt;'</rhs>
   1903 </prod>
   1904 <prod id='NT-AttDef'><lhs>AttDef</lhs>
   1905 <rhs><nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   1906 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-AttType'>AttType</nt> 
   1907 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-DefaultDecl'>DefaultDecl</nt></rhs>
   1908 </prod>
   1909 </scrap>
   1910 The <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> in the
   1911 <nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt> rule is the type of an element.  At
   1912 user option, an XML processor may issue a warning if attributes are
   1913 declared for an element type not itself declared, but this is not an
   1914 error.  The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> in the 
   1915 <nt def='NT-AttDef'>AttDef</nt> rule is
   1916 the name of the attribute.</termdef></p>
   1917 <p>
   1918 When more than one <nt def='NT-AttlistDecl'>AttlistDecl</nt> is provided for a
   1919 given element type, the contents of all those provided are merged.  When
   1920 more than one definition is provided for the same attribute of a
   1921 given element type, the first declaration is binding and later
   1922 declarations are ignored.  
   1923 <termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability,</termref> writers of DTDs
   1924 may choose to provide at most one attribute-list declaration
   1925 for a given element type, at most one attribute definition
   1926 for a given attribute name, and at least one attribute definition
   1927 in each attribute-list declaration.
   1928 For interoperability, an XML processor may at user option
   1929 issue a warning when more than one attribute-list declaration is
   1930 provided for a given element type, or more than one attribute definition
   1931 is provided 
   1932 for a given attribute, but this is not an error.
   1933 </p>
   1935 <div3 id='sec-attribute-types'>
   1936 <head>Attribute Types</head>
   1938 <p>XML attribute types are of three kinds:  a string type, a
   1939 set of tokenized types, and enumerated types.  The string type may take
   1940 any literal string as a value; the tokenized types have varying lexical
   1941 and semantic constraints, as noted:
   1942 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   1943 <head>Attribute Types</head>
   1944 <prodgroup pcw4="14" pcw5="11.5">
   1945 <prod id='NT-AttType'><lhs>AttType</lhs>
   1946 <rhs><nt def='NT-StringType'>StringType</nt> 
   1947 | <nt def='NT-TokenizedType'>TokenizedType</nt> 
   1948 | <nt def='NT-EnumeratedType'>EnumeratedType</nt>
   1949 </rhs>
   1950 </prod>
   1951 <prod id='NT-StringType'><lhs>StringType</lhs>
   1952 <rhs>'CDATA'</rhs>
   1953 </prod>
   1954 <prod id='NT-TokenizedType'><lhs>TokenizedType</lhs>
   1955 <rhs>'ID'</rhs>
   1956 <vc def='id'/>
   1957 <vc def='one-id-per-el'/>
   1958 <vc def='id-default'/>
   1959 <rhs>| 'IDREF'</rhs>
   1960 <vc def='idref'/>
   1961 <rhs>| 'IDREFS'</rhs>
   1962 <vc def='idref'/>
   1963 <rhs>| 'ENTITY'</rhs>
   1964 <vc def='entname'/>
   1965 <rhs>| 'ENTITIES'</rhs>
   1966 <vc def='entname'/>
   1967 <rhs>| 'NMTOKEN'</rhs>
   1968 <vc def='nmtok'/>
   1969 <rhs>| 'NMTOKENS'</rhs>
   1970 <vc def='nmtok'/></prod>
   1971 </prodgroup>
   1972 </scrap>
   1973 </p>
   1974 <vcnote id='id' >
   1975 <head>ID</head>
   1976 <p>
   1977 Values of type <kw>ID</kw> must match the 
   1978 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> production.  
   1979 A name must not appear more than once in
   1980 an XML document as a value of this type; i.e., ID values must uniquely
   1981 identify the elements which bear them.   
   1982 </p>
   1983 </vcnote>
   1984 <vcnote id='one-id-per-el'>
   1985 <head>One ID per Element Type</head>
   1986 <p>No element type may have more than one ID attribute specified.</p>
   1987 </vcnote>
   1988 <vcnote id='id-default'>
   1989 <head>ID Attribute Default</head>
   1990 <p>An ID attribute must have a declared default of <kw>#IMPLIED</kw> or
   1991 <kw>#REQUIRED</kw>.</p>
   1992 </vcnote>
   1993 <vcnote id='idref'>
   1994 <head>IDREF</head>
   1995 <p>
   1996 Values of type <kw>IDREF</kw> must match
   1997 the <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> production, and
   1998 values of type <kw>IDREFS</kw> must match
   1999 <nt def="NT-Names">Names</nt>; 
   2000 each <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> must match the value of an ID attribute on 
   2001 some element in the XML document; i.e. <kw>IDREF</kw> values must 
   2002 match the value of some ID attribute. 
   2003 </p>
   2004 </vcnote>
   2005 <vcnote id='entname'>
   2006 <head>Entity Name</head>
   2007 <p>
   2008 Values of type <kw>ENTITY</kw> 
   2009 must match the <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> production,
   2010 values of type <kw>ENTITIES</kw> must match
   2011 <nt def="NT-Names">Names</nt>;
   2012 each <nt def="NT-Name">Name</nt> must 
   2013 match the
   2014 name of an <termref def="dt-unparsed">unparsed entity</termref> declared in the
   2015 <termref def="dt-doctype">DTD</termref>.
   2016 </p>
   2017 </vcnote>
   2018 <vcnote id='nmtok'>
   2019 <head>Name Token</head>
   2020 <p>
   2021 Values of type <kw>NMTOKEN</kw> must match the
   2022 <nt def="NT-Nmtoken">Nmtoken</nt> production;
   2023 values of type <kw>NMTOKENS</kw> must 
   2024 match <termref def="NT-Nmtokens">Nmtokens</termref>.
   2025 </p>
   2026 </vcnote>
   2027 <!-- why?
   2028 <p>The XML processor must normalize attribute values before
   2029 passing them to the application, as described in 
   2030 <specref ref="AVNormalize"/>.</p>-->
   2031 <p><termdef id='dt-enumerated' term='Enumerated Attribute
   2032 Values'><term>Enumerated attributes</term> can take one 
   2033 of a list of values provided in the declaration</termdef>. There are two
   2034 kinds of enumerated types:
   2035 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2036 <head>Enumerated Attribute Types</head>
   2037 <prod id='NT-EnumeratedType'><lhs>EnumeratedType</lhs> 
   2038 <rhs><nt def='NT-NotationType'>NotationType</nt> 
   2039 | <nt def='NT-Enumeration'>Enumeration</nt>
   2040 </rhs></prod>
   2041 <prod id='NT-NotationType'><lhs>NotationType</lhs> 
   2042 <rhs>'NOTATION' 
   2043 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2044 '(' 
   2045 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?  
   2046 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   2047 (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '|' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?  
   2048 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>)*
   2049 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? ')'
   2050 </rhs>
   2051 <vc def='notatn' /></prod>
   2052 <prod id='NT-Enumeration'><lhs>Enumeration</lhs> 
   2053 <rhs>'(' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?
   2054 <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> 
   2055 (<nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '|' 
   2056 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>?  
   2057 <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt>)* 
   2058 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? 
   2059 ')'</rhs> 
   2060 <vc def='enum'/></prod>
   2061 </scrap>
   2062 A <kw>NOTATION</kw> attribute identifies a 
   2063 <termref def='dt-notation'>notation</termref>, declared in the 
   2064 DTD with associated system and/or public identifiers, to
   2065 be used in interpreting the element to which the attribute
   2066 is attached.
   2067 </p>
   2069 <vcnote id='notatn'>
   2070 <head>Notation Attributes</head>
   2071 <p>
   2072 Values of this type must match
   2073 one of the <titleref href='Notations'>notation</titleref> names included in
   2074 the declaration; all notation names in the declaration must
   2075 be declared.
   2076 </p>
   2077 </vcnote>
   2078 <vcnote id='enum'>
   2079 <head>Enumeration</head>
   2080 <p>
   2081 Values of this type
   2082 must match one of the <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> tokens in the
   2083 declaration. 
   2084 </p>
   2085 </vcnote>
   2086 <p><termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability,</termref> the same
   2087 <nt def='NT-Nmtoken'>Nmtoken</nt> should not occur more than once in the
   2088 enumerated attribute types of a single element type.
   2089 </p>
   2090 </div3>
   2092 <div3 id='sec-attr-defaults'>
   2093 <head>Attribute Defaults</head>
   2095 <p>An <termref def="dt-attdecl">attribute declaration</termref> provides
   2096 information on whether
   2097 the attribute's presence is required, and if not, how an XML processor should
   2098 react if a declared attribute is absent in a document.
   2099 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2100 <head>Attribute Defaults</head>
   2101 <prodgroup pcw4="14" pcw5="11.5">
   2102 <prod id='NT-DefaultDecl'><lhs>DefaultDecl</lhs>
   2103 <rhs>'#REQUIRED' 
   2104 |&nbsp;'#IMPLIED' </rhs>
   2105 <rhs>| (('#FIXED' S)? <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt>)</rhs>
   2106 <vc def='RequiredAttr'/>
   2107 <vc def='defattrvalid'/>
   2108 <wfc def="CleanAttrVals"/>
   2109 <vc def='FixedAttr'/>
   2110 </prod>
   2111 </prodgroup>
   2112 </scrap>
   2114 </p>
   2115 <p>In an attribute declaration, <kw>#REQUIRED</kw> means that the
   2116 attribute must always be provided, <kw>#IMPLIED</kw> that no default 
   2117 value is provided.
   2118 <!-- not any more!!
   2119 <kw>#IMPLIED</kw> means that if the attribute is omitted
   2120 from an element of this type,
   2121 the XML processor must inform the application
   2122 that no value was specified; no constraint is placed on the behavior
   2123 of the application. -->
   2124 <termdef id="dt-default" term="Attribute Default">If the 
   2125 declaration
   2126 is neither <kw>#REQUIRED</kw> nor <kw>#IMPLIED</kw>, then the
   2127 <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt> value contains the declared
   2128 <term>default</term> value; the <kw>#FIXED</kw> keyword states that
   2129 the attribute must always have the default value.
   2130 If a default value
   2131 is declared, when an XML processor encounters an omitted attribute, it
   2132 is to behave as though the attribute were present with 
   2133 the declared default value.</termdef></p>
   2134 <vcnote id='RequiredAttr'>
   2135 <head>Required Attribute</head>
   2136 <p>If the default declaration is the keyword <kw>#REQUIRED</kw>, then
   2137 the attribute must be specified for
   2138 all elements of the type in the attribute-list declaration.
   2139 </p></vcnote>
   2140 <vcnote id='defattrvalid'>
   2141 <head>Attribute Default Legal</head>
   2142 <p>
   2143 The declared
   2144 default value must meet the lexical constraints of the declared attribute type.
   2145 </p>
   2146 </vcnote>
   2147 <vcnote id='FixedAttr'>
   2148 <head>Fixed Attribute Default</head>
   2149 <p>If an attribute has a default value declared with the 
   2150 <kw>#FIXED</kw> keyword, instances of that attribute must
   2151 match the default value.
   2152 </p></vcnote>
   2154 <p>Examples of attribute-list declarations:
   2155 <eg>&lt;!ATTLIST termdef
   2156           id      ID      #REQUIRED
   2157           name    CDATA   #IMPLIED>
   2158 &lt;!ATTLIST list
   2159           type    (bullets|ordered|glossary)  "ordered">
   2160 &lt;!ATTLIST form
   2161           method  CDATA   #FIXED "POST"></eg></p>
   2162 </div3>
   2163 <div3 id='AVNormalize'>
   2164 <head>Attribute-Value Normalization</head>
   2165 <p>Before the value of an attribute is passed to the application
   2166 or checked for validity, the
   2167 XML processor must normalize it as follows:
   2168 <ulist>
   2169 <item><p>a character reference is processed by appending the referenced    
   2170 character to the attribute value</p></item>
   2171 <item><p>an entity reference is processed by recursively processing the
   2172 replacement text of the entity</p></item>
   2173 <item><p>a whitespace character (#x20, #xD, #xA, #x9) is processed by
   2174 appending #x20 to the normalized value, except that only a single #x20
   2175 is appended for a "#xD#xA" sequence that is part of an external
   2176 parsed entity or the literal entity value of an internal parsed
   2177 entity</p></item>
   2178 <item><p>other characters are processed by appending them to the normalized
   2179 value</p>
   2180 </item></ulist>
   2181 </p>
   2182 <p>If the declared value is not CDATA, then the XML processor must
   2183 further process the normalized attribute value by discarding any
   2184 leading and trailing space (#x20) characters, and by replacing
   2185 sequences of space (#x20) characters by a single space (#x20)
   2186 character.</p>
   2187 <p>
   2188 All attributes for which no declaration has been read should be treated
   2189 by a non-validating parser as if declared
   2190 <kw>CDATA</kw>.
   2191 </p>
   2192 </div3>
   2193 </div2>
   2194 <div2 id='sec-condition-sect'>
   2195 <head>Conditional Sections</head>
   2196 <p><termdef id='dt-cond-section' term='conditional section'>
   2197 <term>Conditional sections</term> are portions of the
   2198 <termref def='dt-doctype'>document type declaration external subset</termref>
   2199 which are 
   2200 included in, or excluded from, the logical structure of the DTD based on
   2201 the keyword which governs them.</termdef>
   2202 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2203 <head>Conditional Section</head>
   2204 <prodgroup pcw2="9" pcw4="14.5">
   2205 <prod id='NT-conditionalSect'><lhs>conditionalSect</lhs>
   2206 <rhs><nt def='NT-includeSect'>includeSect</nt>
   2207 | <nt def='NT-ignoreSect'>ignoreSect</nt>
   2208 </rhs>
   2209 </prod>
   2210 <prod id='NT-includeSect'><lhs>includeSect</lhs>
   2211 <rhs>'&lt;![' S? 'INCLUDE' S? '[' 
   2213 <nt def="NT-extSubsetDecl">extSubsetDecl</nt>
   2214 ']]&gt;'
   2215 </rhs>
   2216 </prod>
   2217 <prod id='NT-ignoreSect'><lhs>ignoreSect</lhs>
   2218 <rhs>'&lt;![' S? 'IGNORE' S? '[' 
   2219 <nt def="NT-ignoreSectContents">ignoreSectContents</nt>*
   2220 ']]&gt;'</rhs>
   2221 </prod>
   2223 <prod id='NT-ignoreSectContents'><lhs>ignoreSectContents</lhs>
   2224 <rhs><nt def='NT-Ignore'>Ignore</nt>
   2225 ('&lt;![' <nt def='NT-ignoreSectContents'>ignoreSectContents</nt> ']]&gt;' 
   2226 <nt def='NT-Ignore'>Ignore</nt>)*</rhs></prod>
   2227 <prod id='NT-Ignore'><lhs>Ignore</lhs>
   2228 <rhs><nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* - 
   2229 (<nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>* ('&lt;![' | ']]&gt;') 
   2230 <nt def='NT-Char'>Char</nt>*)
   2231 </rhs></prod>
   2233 </prodgroup>
   2234 </scrap>
   2235 </p>
   2236 <p>Like the internal and external DTD subsets, a conditional section
   2237 may contain one or more complete declarations,
   2238 comments, processing instructions, 
   2239 or nested conditional sections, intermingled with white space.
   2240 </p>
   2241 <p>If the keyword of the
   2242 conditional section is <kw>INCLUDE</kw>, then the contents of the conditional
   2243 section are part of the DTD.
   2244 If the keyword of the conditional
   2245 section is <kw>IGNORE</kw>, then the contents of the conditional section are
   2246 not logically part of the DTD.
   2247 Note that for reliable parsing, the contents of even ignored
   2248 conditional sections must be read in order to
   2249 detect nested conditional sections and ensure that the end of the
   2250 outermost (ignored) conditional section is properly detected.
   2251 If a conditional section with a
   2252 keyword of <kw>INCLUDE</kw> occurs within a larger conditional
   2253 section with a keyword of <kw>IGNORE</kw>, both the outer and the
   2254 inner conditional sections are ignored.</p>
   2255 <p>If the keyword of the conditional section is a 
   2256 parameter-entity reference, the parameter entity must be replaced by its
   2257 content before the processor decides whether to
   2258 include or ignore the conditional section.</p>
   2259 <p>An example:
   2260 <eg>&lt;!ENTITY % draft 'INCLUDE' >
   2261 &lt;!ENTITY % final 'IGNORE' >
   2263 &lt;![%draft;[
   2264 &lt;!ELEMENT book (comments*, title, body, supplements?)>
   2265 ]]&gt;
   2266 &lt;![%final;[
   2267 &lt;!ELEMENT book (title, body, supplements?)>
   2268 ]]&gt;
   2269 </eg>
   2270 </p>
   2271 </div2>
   2274 <!-- 
   2275 <div2 id='sec-pass-to-app'>
   2276 <head>XML Processor Treatment of Logical Structure</head>
   2277 <p>When an XML processor encounters a start-tag, it must make
   2278 at least the following information available to the application:
   2279 <ulist>
   2280 <item>
   2281 <p>the element type's generic identifier</p>
   2282 </item>
   2283 <item>
   2284 <p>the names of attributes known to apply to this element type
   2285 (validating processors must make available names of all attributes
   2286 declared for the element type; non-validating processors must
   2287 make available at least the names of the attributes for which
   2288 values are specified.
   2289 </p>
   2290 </item>
   2291 </ulist>
   2292 </p>
   2293 </div2>
   2294 --> 
   2296 </div1>
   2297 <!-- &Entities; -->
   2299 <div1 id='sec-physical-struct'>
   2300 <head>Physical Structures</head>
   2302 <p><termdef id="dt-entity" term="Entity">An XML document may consist
   2303 of one or many storage units.   These are called
   2304 <term>entities</term>; they all have <term>content</term> and are all
   2305 (except for the document entity, see below, and 
   2306 the <termref def='dt-doctype'>external DTD subset</termref>) 
   2307 identified by <term>name</term>.
   2308 </termdef>
   2309 Each XML document has one entity
   2310 called the <termref def="dt-docent">document entity</termref>, which serves
   2311 as the starting point for the <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML
   2312 processor</termref> and may contain the whole document.</p>
   2313 <p>Entities may be either parsed or unparsed.
   2314 <termdef id="dt-parsedent" term="Text Entity">A <term>parsed entity's</term>
   2315 contents are referred to as its 
   2316 <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref>;
   2317 this <termref def="dt-text">text</termref> is considered an
   2318 integral part of the document.</termdef></p>
   2320 <p><termdef id="dt-unparsed" term="Unparsed Entity">An 
   2321 <term>unparsed entity</term> 
   2322 is a resource whose contents may or may not be
   2323 <termref def='dt-text'>text</termref>, and if text, may not be XML.
   2324 Each unparsed entity
   2325 has an associated <termref
   2326 def="dt-notation">notation</termref>, identified by name.
   2327 Beyond a requirement
   2328 that an XML processor make the identifiers for the entity and 
   2329 notation available to the application,
   2330 XML places no constraints on the contents of unparsed entities.</termdef> 
   2331 </p>
   2332 <p>
   2333 Parsed entities are invoked by name using entity references;
   2334 unparsed entities by name, given in the value of <kw>ENTITY</kw>
   2335 or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>
   2336 attributes.</p>
   2337 <p><termdef id='gen-entity' term='general entity'
   2338 ><term>General entities</term>
   2339 are entities for use within the document content.
   2340 In this specification, general entities are sometimes referred 
   2341 to with the unqualified term <emph>entity</emph> when this leads
   2342 to no ambiguity.</termdef> 
   2343 <termdef id='dt-PE' term='Parameter entity'>Parameter entities 
   2344 are parsed entities for use within the DTD.</termdef>
   2345 These two types of entities use different forms of reference and
   2346 are recognized in different contexts.
   2347 Furthermore, they occupy different namespaces; a parameter entity and
   2348 a general entity with the same name are two distinct entities.
   2349 </p>
   2351 <div2 id='sec-references'>
   2352 <head>Character and Entity References</head>
   2353 <p><termdef id="dt-charref" term="Character Reference">
   2354 A <term>character reference</term> refers to a specific character in the
   2355 ISO/IEC 10646 character set, for example one not directly accessible from
   2356 available input devices.
   2357 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2358 <head>Character Reference</head>
   2359 <prod id='NT-CharRef'><lhs>CharRef</lhs>
   2360 <rhs>'&amp;#' [0-9]+ ';' </rhs>
   2361 <rhs>| '&hcro;' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'</rhs>
   2362 <wfc def="wf-Legalchar"/>
   2363 </prod>
   2364 </scrap>
   2365 <wfcnote id="wf-Legalchar">
   2366 <head>Legal Character</head>
   2367 <p>Characters referred to using character references must
   2368 match the production for
   2369 <termref def="NT-Char">Char</termref>.</p>
   2370 </wfcnote>
   2371 If the character reference begins with "<code>&amp;#x</code>", the digits and
   2372 letters up to the terminating <code>;</code> provide a hexadecimal
   2373 representation of the character's code point in ISO/IEC 10646.
   2374 If it begins just with "<code>&amp;#</code>", the digits up to the terminating
   2375 <code>;</code> provide a decimal representation of the character's 
   2376 code point.
   2377 </termdef>
   2378 </p>
   2379 <p><termdef id="dt-entref" term="Entity Reference">An <term>entity
   2380 reference</term> refers to the content of a named entity.</termdef>
   2381 <termdef id='dt-GERef' term='General Entity Reference'>References to 
   2382 parsed general entities
   2383 use ampersand (<code>&amp;</code>) and semicolon (<code>;</code>) as
   2384 delimiters.</termdef>
   2385 <termdef id='dt-PERef' term='Parameter-entity reference'>
   2386 <term>Parameter-entity references</term> use percent-sign (<code>%</code>) and
   2387 semicolon 
   2388 (<code>;</code>) as delimiters.</termdef>
   2389 </p>
   2390 <scrap lang="ebnf">
   2391 <head>Entity Reference</head>
   2392 <prod id='NT-Reference'><lhs>Reference</lhs>
   2393 <rhs><nt def='NT-EntityRef'>EntityRef</nt> 
   2394 | <nt def='NT-CharRef'>CharRef</nt></rhs></prod>
   2395 <prod id='NT-EntityRef'><lhs>EntityRef</lhs>
   2396 <rhs>'&amp;' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> ';'</rhs>
   2397 <wfc def='wf-entdeclared'/>
   2398 <vc def='vc-entdeclared'/>
   2399 <wfc def='textent'/>
   2400 <wfc def='norecursion'/>
   2401 </prod>
   2402 <prod id='NT-PEReference'><lhs>PEReference</lhs>
   2403 <rhs>'%' <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> ';'</rhs>
   2404 <vc def='vc-entdeclared'/>
   2405 <wfc def='norecursion'/>
   2406 <wfc def='indtd'/>
   2407 </prod>
   2408 </scrap>
   2410 <wfcnote id='wf-entdeclared'>
   2411 <head>Entity Declared</head>
   2412 <p>In a document without any DTD, a document with only an internal
   2413 DTD subset which contains no parameter entity references, or a document with
   2414 "<code>standalone='yes'</code>", 
   2415 the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> given in the entity reference must 
   2416 <termref def="dt-match">match</termref> that in an 
   2417 <titleref href='sec-entity-decl'>entity declaration</titleref>, except that
   2418 well-formed documents need not declare 
   2419 any of the following entities: &magicents;.  
   2420 The declaration of a parameter entity must precede any reference to it.
   2421 Similarly, the declaration of a general entity must precede any
   2422 reference to it which appears in a default value in an attribute-list
   2423 declaration.</p>
   2424 <p>Note that if entities are declared in the external subset or in 
   2425 external parameter entities, a non-validating processor is 
   2426 <titleref href='include-if-valid'>not obligated to</titleref> read
   2427 and process their declarations; for such documents, the rule that
   2428 an entity must be declared is a well-formedness constraint only
   2429 if <titleref href='sec-rmd'>standalone='yes'</titleref>.</p>
   2430 </wfcnote>
   2431 <vcnote id="vc-entdeclared">
   2432 <head>Entity Declared</head>
   2433 <p>In a document with an external subset or external parameter
   2434 entities with "<code>standalone='no'</code>",
   2435 the <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> given in the entity reference must <termref
   2436 def="dt-match">match</termref> that in an 
   2437 <titleref href='sec-entity-decl'>entity declaration</titleref>.
   2438 For interoperability, valid documents should declare the entities 
   2439 &magicents;, in the form
   2440 specified in <specref ref="sec-predefined-ent"/>.
   2441 The declaration of a parameter entity must precede any reference to it.
   2442 Similarly, the declaration of a general entity must precede any
   2443 reference to it which appears in a default value in an attribute-list
   2444 declaration.</p>
   2445 </vcnote>
   2446 <!-- FINAL EDIT:  is this duplication too clumsy? -->
   2447 <wfcnote id='textent'>
   2448 <head>Parsed Entity</head>
   2449 <p>
   2450 An entity reference must not contain the name of an <termref
   2451 def="dt-unparsed">unparsed entity</termref>. Unparsed entities may be referred
   2452 to only in <termref def="dt-attrval">attribute values</termref> declared to
   2453 be of type <kw>ENTITY</kw> or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>.
   2454 </p>
   2455 </wfcnote>
   2456 <wfcnote id='norecursion'>
   2457 <head>No Recursion</head>
   2458 <p>
   2459 A parsed entity must not contain a recursive reference to itself,
   2460 either directly or indirectly.
   2461 </p>
   2462 </wfcnote>
   2463 <wfcnote id='indtd'>
   2464 <head>In DTD</head>
   2465 <p>
   2466 Parameter-entity references may only appear in the 
   2467 <termref def='dt-doctype'>DTD</termref>.
   2468 </p>
   2469 </wfcnote>
   2470 <p>Examples of character and entity references:
   2471 <eg>Type &lt;key>less-than&lt;/key> (&hcro;3C;) to save options.
   2472 This document was prepared on &amp;docdate; and
   2473 is classified &amp;security-level;.</eg></p>
   2474 <p>Example of a parameter-entity reference:
   2475 <eg><![CDATA[<!-- declare the parameter entity "ISOLat2"... -->
   2476 <!ENTITY % ISOLat2
   2477          SYSTEM "http://www.xml.com/iso/isolat2-xml.entities" >
   2478 <!-- ... now reference it. -->
   2479 %ISOLat2;]]></eg></p>
   2480 </div2>
   2482 <div2 id='sec-entity-decl'>
   2483 <head>Entity Declarations</head>
   2485 <p><termdef id="dt-entdecl" term="entity declaration">
   2486 Entities are declared thus:
   2487 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2488 <head>Entity Declaration</head>
   2489 <prodgroup pcw2="5" pcw4="18.5">
   2490 <prod id='NT-EntityDecl'><lhs>EntityDecl</lhs>
   2491 <rhs><nt def="NT-GEDecl">GEDecl</nt><!--</rhs><com>General entities</com>
   2492 <rhs>--> | <nt def="NT-PEDecl">PEDecl</nt></rhs>
   2493 <!--<com>Parameter entities</com>-->
   2494 </prod>
   2495 <prod id='NT-GEDecl'><lhs>GEDecl</lhs>
   2496 <rhs>'&lt;!ENTITY' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   2497 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-EntityDef'>EntityDef</nt> 
   2498 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '&gt;'</rhs>
   2499 </prod>
   2500 <prod id='NT-PEDecl'><lhs>PEDecl</lhs>
   2501 <rhs>'&lt;!ENTITY' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> '%' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2502 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2503 <nt def='NT-PEDef'>PEDef</nt> <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '&gt;'</rhs>
   2504 <!--<com>Parameter entities</com>-->
   2505 </prod>
   2506 <prod id='NT-EntityDef'><lhs>EntityDef</lhs>
   2507 <rhs><nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>
   2508 <!--</rhs>
   2509 <rhs>-->| (<nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt> 
   2510 <nt def='NT-NDataDecl'>NDataDecl</nt>?)</rhs>
   2511 <!-- <nt def='NT-ExternalDef'>ExternalDef</nt></rhs> -->
   2512 </prod>
   2513 <!-- FINAL EDIT: what happened to WFs here? -->
   2514 <prod id='NT-PEDef'><lhs>PEDef</lhs>
   2515 <rhs><nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> 
   2516 | <nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt></rhs></prod>
   2517 </prodgroup>
   2518 </scrap>
   2519 The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> identifies the entity in an
   2520 <termref def="dt-entref">entity reference</termref> or, in the case of an
   2521 unparsed entity, in the value of an <kw>ENTITY</kw> or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>
   2522 attribute.
   2523 If the same entity is declared more than once, the first declaration
   2524 encountered is binding; at user option, an XML processor may issue a
   2525 warning if entities are declared multiple times.</termdef>
   2526 </p>
   2528 <div3 id='sec-internal-ent'>
   2529 <head>Internal Entities</head>
   2531 <p><termdef id='dt-internent' term="Internal Entity Replacement Text">If 
   2532 the entity definition is an 
   2533 <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>,  
   2534 the defined entity is called an <term>internal entity</term>.  
   2535 There is no separate physical
   2536 storage object, and the content of the entity is given in the
   2537 declaration. </termdef>
   2538 Note that some processing of entity and character references in the
   2539 <termref def='dt-litentval'>literal entity value</termref> may be required to
   2540 produce the correct <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement 
   2541 text</termref>: see <specref ref='intern-replacement'/>.
   2542 </p>
   2543 <p>An internal entity is a <termref def="dt-parsedent">parsed
   2544 entity</termref>.</p>
   2545 <p>Example of an internal entity declaration:
   2546 <eg>&lt;!ENTITY Pub-Status "This is a pre-release of the
   2547  specification."></eg></p>
   2548 </div3>
   2550 <div3 id='sec-external-ent'>
   2551 <head>External Entities</head>
   2553 <p><termdef id="dt-extent" term="External Entity">If the entity is not
   2554 internal, it is an <term>external
   2555 entity</term>, declared as follows:
   2556 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2557 <head>External Entity Declaration</head>
   2558 <!--
   2559 <prod id='NT-ExternalDef'><lhs>ExternalDef</lhs>
   2560 <rhs></prod> -->
   2561 <prod id='NT-ExternalID'><lhs>ExternalID</lhs>
   2562 <rhs>'SYSTEM' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2563 <nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt></rhs>
   2564 <rhs>| 'PUBLIC' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2565 <nt def='NT-PubidLiteral'>PubidLiteral</nt> 
   2566 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2567 <nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt>
   2568 </rhs>
   2569 </prod>
   2570 <prod id='NT-NDataDecl'><lhs>NDataDecl</lhs>
   2571 <rhs><nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 'NDATA' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   2572 <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt></rhs>
   2573 <vc def='not-declared'/></prod>
   2574 </scrap>
   2575 If the <nt def='NT-NDataDecl'>NDataDecl</nt> is present, this is a
   2576 general <termref def="dt-unparsed">unparsed
   2577 entity</termref>; otherwise it is a parsed entity.</termdef></p>
   2578 <vcnote id='not-declared'>
   2579 <head>Notation Declared</head>
   2580 <p>
   2581 The <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> must match the declared name of a
   2582 <termref def="dt-notation">notation</termref>.
   2583 </p>
   2584 </vcnote>
   2585 <p><termdef id="dt-sysid" term="System Identifier">The
   2586 <nt def='NT-SystemLiteral'>SystemLiteral</nt> 
   2587 is called the entity's <term>system identifier</term>. It is a URI,
   2588 which may be used to retrieve the entity.</termdef>
   2589 Note that the hash mark (<code>#</code>) and fragment identifier 
   2590 frequently used with URIs are not, formally, part of the URI itself; 
   2591 an XML processor may signal an error if a fragment identifier is 
   2592 given as part of a system identifier.
   2593 Unless otherwise provided by information outside the scope of this
   2594 specification (e.g. a special XML element type defined by a particular
   2595 DTD, or a processing instruction defined by a particular application
   2596 specification), relative URIs are relative to the location of the
   2597 resource within which the entity declaration occurs.
   2598 A URI might thus be relative to the 
   2599 <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>, to the entity
   2600 containing the <termref def='dt-doctype'>external DTD subset</termref>, 
   2601 or to some other <termref def='dt-extent'>external parameter entity</termref>.
   2602 </p>
   2603 <p>An XML processor should handle a non-ASCII character in a URI by
   2604 representing the character in UTF-8 as one or more bytes, and then 
   2605 escaping these bytes with the URI escaping mechanism (i.e., by
   2606 converting each byte to %HH, where HH is the hexadecimal notation of the
   2607 byte value).</p>
   2608 <p><termdef id="dt-pubid" term="Public identifier">
   2609 In addition to a system identifier, an external identifier may
   2610 include a <term>public identifier</term>.</termdef>  
   2611 An XML processor attempting to retrieve the entity's content may use the public
   2612 identifier to try to generate an alternative URI.  If the processor
   2613 is unable to do so, it must use the URI specified in the system
   2614 literal.  Before a match is attempted, all strings
   2615 of white space in the public identifier must be normalized to single space characters (#x20),
   2616 and leading and trailing white space must be removed.</p>
   2617 <p>Examples of external entity declarations:
   2618 <eg>&lt;!ENTITY open-hatch
   2619          SYSTEM "http://www.textuality.com/boilerplate/OpenHatch.xml">
   2620 &lt;!ENTITY open-hatch
   2621          PUBLIC "-//Textuality//TEXT Standard open-hatch boilerplate//EN"
   2622          "http://www.textuality.com/boilerplate/OpenHatch.xml">
   2623 &lt;!ENTITY hatch-pic
   2624          SYSTEM "../grafix/OpenHatch.gif"
   2625          NDATA gif ></eg></p>
   2626 </div3>
   2628 </div2>
   2630 <div2 id='TextEntities'>
   2631 <head>Parsed Entities</head>
   2632 <div3 id='sec-TextDecl'>
   2633 <head>The Text Declaration</head>
   2634 <p>External parsed entities may each begin with a <term>text
   2635 declaration</term>. 
   2636 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2637 <head>Text Declaration</head>
   2638 <prodgroup pcw4="12.5" pcw5="13">
   2639 <prod id='NT-TextDecl'><lhs>TextDecl</lhs>
   2640 <rhs>&xmlpio; 
   2641 <nt def='NT-VersionInfo'>VersionInfo</nt>?
   2642 <nt def='NT-EncodingDecl'>EncodingDecl</nt>
   2643 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? &pic;</rhs>
   2644 </prod>
   2645 </prodgroup>
   2646 </scrap>
   2647 </p>
   2648 <p>The text declaration must be provided literally, not
   2649 by reference to a parsed entity.
   2650 No text declaration may appear at any position other than the beginning of
   2651 an external parsed entity.</p>
   2652 </div3>
   2653 <div3 id='wf-entities'>
   2654 <head>Well-Formed Parsed Entities</head>
   2655 <p>The document entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled
   2656 <nt def='NT-document'>document</nt>.
   2657 An external general 
   2658 parsed entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled
   2659 <nt def='NT-extParsedEnt'>extParsedEnt</nt>.
   2660 An external parameter
   2661 entity is well-formed if it matches the production labeled
   2662 <nt def='NT-extPE'>extPE</nt>.
   2663 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2664 <head>Well-Formed External Parsed Entity</head>
   2665 <prod id='NT-extParsedEnt'><lhs>extParsedEnt</lhs>
   2666 <rhs><nt def='NT-TextDecl'>TextDecl</nt>? 
   2667 <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt></rhs>
   2668 </prod>
   2669 <prod id='NT-extPE'><lhs>extPE</lhs>
   2670 <rhs><nt def='NT-TextDecl'>TextDecl</nt>? 
   2671 <nt def='NT-extSubsetDecl'>extSubsetDecl</nt></rhs>
   2672 </prod>
   2673 </scrap>
   2674 An internal general parsed entity is well-formed if its replacement text 
   2675 matches the production labeled
   2676 <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt>.
   2677 All internal parameter entities are well-formed by definition.
   2678 </p>
   2679 <p>A consequence of well-formedness in entities is that the logical 
   2680 and physical structures in an XML document are properly nested; no 
   2681 <termref def='dt-stag'>start-tag</termref>,
   2682 <termref def='dt-etag'>end-tag</termref>,
   2683 <termref def="dt-empty">empty-element tag</termref>,
   2684 <termref def='dt-element'>element</termref>, 
   2685 <termref def='dt-comment'>comment</termref>, 
   2686 <termref def='dt-pi'>processing instruction</termref>, 
   2687 <termref def='dt-charref'>character
   2688 reference</termref>, or
   2689 <termref def='dt-entref'>entity reference</termref> 
   2690 can begin in one entity and end in another.</p>
   2691 </div3>
   2692 <div3 id='charencoding'>
   2693 <head>Character Encoding in Entities</head>
   2695 <p>Each external parsed entity in an XML document may use a different
   2696 encoding for its characters. All XML processors must be able to read
   2697 entities in either UTF-8 or UTF-16. 
   2699 </p>
   2700 <p>Entities encoded in UTF-16 must
   2701 begin with the Byte Order Mark described by ISO/IEC 10646 Annex E and
   2702 Unicode Appendix B (the ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE character, #xFEFF).
   2703 This is an encoding signature, not part of either the markup or the
   2704 character data of the XML document.
   2705 XML processors must be able to use this character to
   2706 differentiate between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoded documents.</p>
   2707 <p>Although an XML processor is required to read only entities in
   2708 the UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings, it is recognized that other encodings are
   2709 used around the world, and it may be desired for XML processors
   2710 to read entities that use them.
   2711 Parsed entities which are stored in an encoding other than
   2712 UTF-8 or UTF-16 must begin with a <titleref href='TextDecl'>text
   2713 declaration</titleref> containing an encoding declaration:
   2714 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   2715 <head>Encoding Declaration</head>
   2716 <prod id='NT-EncodingDecl'><lhs>EncodingDecl</lhs>
   2717 <rhs><nt def="NT-S">S</nt>
   2718 'encoding' <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
   2719 ('"' <nt def='NT-EncName'>EncName</nt> '"' | 
   2720 "'" <nt def='NT-EncName'>EncName</nt> "'" )
   2721 </rhs>
   2722 </prod>
   2723 <prod id='NT-EncName'><lhs>EncName</lhs>
   2724 <rhs>[A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*</rhs>
   2725 <com>Encoding name contains only Latin characters</com>
   2726 </prod>
   2727 </scrap>
   2728 In the <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>, the encoding
   2729 declaration is part of the <termref def="dt-xmldecl">XML declaration</termref>.
   2730 The <nt def="NT-EncName">EncName</nt> is the name of the encoding used.
   2731 </p>
   2732 <!-- FINAL EDIT:  check name of IANA and charset names -->
   2733 <p>In an encoding declaration, the values
   2734 "<code>UTF-8</code>",
   2735 "<code>UTF-16</code>",
   2736 "<code>ISO-10646-UCS-2</code>", and
   2737 "<code>ISO-10646-UCS-4</code>" should be 
   2738 used for the various encodings and transformations of Unicode /
   2739 ISO/IEC 10646, the values
   2740 "<code>ISO-8859-1</code>",
   2741 "<code>ISO-8859-2</code>", ...
   2742 "<code>ISO-8859-9</code>" should be used for the parts of ISO 8859, and
   2743 the values
   2744 "<code>ISO-2022-JP</code>",
   2745 "<code>Shift_JIS</code>", and
   2746 "<code>EUC-JP</code>"
   2747 should be used for the various encoded forms of JIS X-0208-1997.  XML
   2748 processors may recognize other encodings; it is recommended that
   2749 character encodings registered (as <emph>charset</emph>s) 
   2750 with the Internet Assigned Numbers
   2751 Authority <bibref ref='IANA'/>, other than those just listed, should be
   2752 referred to
   2753 using their registered names.
   2754 Note that these registered names are defined to be 
   2755 case-insensitive, so processors wishing to match against them 
   2756 should do so in a case-insensitive
   2757 way.</p>
   2758 <p>In the absence of information provided by an external
   2759 transport protocol (e.g. HTTP or MIME), 
   2760 it is an <termref def="dt-error">error</termref> for an entity including
   2761 an encoding declaration to be presented to the XML processor 
   2762 in an encoding other than that named in the declaration, 
   2763 for an encoding declaration to occur other than at the beginning 
   2764 of an external entity, or for
   2765 an entity which begins with neither a Byte Order Mark nor an encoding
   2766 declaration to use an encoding other than UTF-8.
   2767 Note that since ASCII
   2768 is a subset of UTF-8, ordinary ASCII entities do not strictly need
   2769 an encoding declaration.</p>
   2771 <p>It is a <termref def='dt-fatal'>fatal error</termref> when an XML processor
   2772 encounters an entity with an encoding that it is unable to process.</p>
   2773 <p>Examples of encoding declarations:
   2774 <eg>&lt;?xml encoding='UTF-8'?>
   2775 &lt;?xml encoding='EUC-JP'?></eg></p>
   2776 </div3>
   2777 </div2>
   2778 <div2 id='entproc'>
   2779 <head>XML Processor Treatment of Entities and References</head>
   2780 <p>The table below summarizes the contexts in which character references,
   2781 entity references, and invocations of unparsed entities might appear and the
   2782 required behavior of an <termref def='dt-xml-proc'>XML processor</termref> in
   2783 each case.  
   2784 The labels in the leftmost column describe the recognition context:
   2785 <glist>
   2786 <gitem><label>Reference in Content</label>
   2787 <def><p>as a reference
   2788 anywhere after the <termref def='dt-stag'>start-tag</termref> and
   2789 before the <termref def='dt-etag'>end-tag</termref> of an element; corresponds
   2790 to the nonterminal <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt>.</p></def>
   2791 </gitem>
   2792 <gitem>
   2793 <label>Reference in Attribute Value</label>
   2794 <def><p>as a reference within either the value of an attribute in a 
   2795 <termref def='dt-stag'>start-tag</termref>, or a default
   2796 value in an <termref def='dt-attdecl'>attribute declaration</termref>;
   2797 corresponds to the nonterminal
   2798 <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt>.</p></def></gitem>
   2799 <gitem>
   2800 <label>Occurs as Attribute Value</label>
   2801 <def><p>as a <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt>, not a reference, appearing either as
   2802 the value of an 
   2803 attribute which has been declared as type <kw>ENTITY</kw>, or as one of
   2804 the space-separated tokens in the value of an attribute which has been
   2805 declared as type <kw>ENTITIES</kw>.</p>
   2806 </def></gitem>
   2807 <gitem><label>Reference in Entity Value</label>
   2808 <def><p>as a reference
   2809 within a parameter or internal entity's 
   2810 <termref def='dt-litentval'>literal entity value</termref> in
   2811 the entity's declaration; corresponds to the nonterminal 
   2812 <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>.</p></def></gitem>
   2813 <gitem><label>Reference in DTD</label>
   2814 <def><p>as a reference within either the internal or external subsets of the 
   2815 <termref def='dt-doctype'>DTD</termref>, but outside
   2816 of an <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> or
   2817 <nt def="NT-AttValue">AttValue</nt>.</p></def>
   2818 </gitem>
   2819 </glist></p>
   2820 <htable border='1' cellpadding='7' align='center'>
   2821 <htbody>
   2822 <tr><td bgcolor='&cellback;' rowspan='2' colspan='1'></td>
   2823 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='center' valign='bottom' colspan='4'>Entity Type</td>
   2824 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' rowspan='2' align='center'>Character</td>
   2825 </tr>
   2826 <tr align='center' valign='bottom'>
   2827 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'>Parameter</td>
   2828 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'>Internal
   2829 General</td>
   2830 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'>External Parsed
   2831 General</td>
   2832 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'>Unparsed</td>
   2833 </tr>
   2834 <tr align='center' valign='middle'>
   2836 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
   2837 in Content</td>
   2838 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
   2839 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
   2840 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='include-if-valid'>Included if validating</titleref></td>
   2841 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2842 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
   2843 </tr>
   2844 <tr align='center' valign='middle'>
   2845 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
   2846 in Attribute Value</td>
   2847 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
   2848 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='inliteral'>Included in literal</titleref></td>
   2849 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2850 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2851 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
   2852 </tr>
   2853 <tr align='center' valign='middle'>
   2854 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Occurs as
   2855 Attribute Value</td>
   2856 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
   2857 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2858 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not-recognized'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2859 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='notify'>Notify</titleref></td>
   2860 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='not recognized'>Not recognized</titleref></td>
   2861 </tr>
   2862 <tr align='center' valign='middle'>
   2863 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
   2864 in EntityValue</td>
   2865 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='inliteral'>Included in literal</titleref></td>
   2866 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='bypass'>Bypassed</titleref></td>
   2867 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='bypass'>Bypassed</titleref></td>
   2868 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2869 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='included'>Included</titleref></td>
   2870 </tr>
   2871 <tr align='center' valign='middle'>
   2872 <td bgcolor='&cellback;' align='right'>Reference
   2873 in DTD</td>
   2874 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='as-PE'>Included as PE</titleref></td>
   2875 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2876 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2877 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2878 <td bgcolor='&cellback;'><titleref href='forbidden'>Forbidden</titleref></td>
   2879 </tr>
   2880 </htbody>
   2881 </htable>
   2882 <div3 id='not-recognized'>
   2883 <head>Not Recognized</head>
   2884 <p>Outside the DTD, the <code>%</code> character has no
   2885 special significance; thus, what would be parameter entity references in the
   2886 DTD are not recognized as markup in <nt def='NT-content'>content</nt>.
   2887 Similarly, the names of unparsed entities are not recognized except
   2888 when they appear in the value of an appropriately declared attribute.
   2889 </p>
   2890 </div3>
   2891 <div3 id='included'>
   2892 <head>Included</head>
   2893 <p><termdef id="dt-include" term="Include">An entity is 
   2894 <term>included</term> when its 
   2895 <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> is retrieved 
   2896 and processed, in place of the reference itself,
   2897 as though it were part of the document at the location the
   2898 reference was recognized.
   2899 The replacement text may contain both 
   2900 <termref def='dt-chardata'>character data</termref>
   2901 and (except for parameter entities) <termref def="dt-markup">markup</termref>,
   2902 which must be recognized in
   2903 the usual way, except that the replacement text of entities used to escape
   2904 markup delimiters (the entities &magicents;) is always treated as
   2905 data.  (The string "<code>AT&amp;amp;T;</code>" expands to
   2906 "<code>AT&amp;T;</code>" and the remaining ampersand is not recognized
   2907 as an entity-reference delimiter.) 
   2908 A character reference is <term>included</term> when the indicated
   2909 character is processed in place of the reference itself.
   2910 </termdef></p>
   2911 </div3>
   2912 <div3 id='include-if-valid'>
   2913 <head>Included If Validating</head>
   2914 <p>When an XML processor recognizes a reference to a parsed entity, in order
   2915 to <termref def="dt-valid">validate</termref>
   2916 the document, the processor must 
   2917 <termref def="dt-include">include</termref> its
   2918 replacement text.
   2919 If the entity is external, and the processor is not
   2920 attempting to validate the XML document, the
   2921 processor <termref def="dt-may">may</termref>, but need not, 
   2922 include the entity's replacement text.
   2923 If a non-validating parser does not include the replacement text,
   2924 it must inform the application that it recognized, but did not
   2925 read, the entity.</p>
   2926 <p>This rule is based on the recognition that the automatic inclusion
   2927 provided by the SGML and XML entity mechanism, primarily designed
   2928 to support modularity in authoring, is not necessarily 
   2929 appropriate for other applications, in particular document browsing.
   2930 Browsers, for example, when encountering an external parsed entity reference,
   2931 might choose to provide a visual indication of the entity's
   2932 presence and retrieve it for display only on demand.
   2933 </p>
   2934 </div3>
   2935 <div3 id='forbidden'>
   2936 <head>Forbidden</head>
   2937 <p>The following are forbidden, and constitute
   2938 <termref def='dt-fatal'>fatal</termref> errors:
   2939 <ulist>
   2940 <item><p>the appearance of a reference to an
   2941 <termref def='dt-unparsed'>unparsed entity</termref>.
   2942 </p></item>
   2943 <item><p>the appearance of any character or general-entity reference in the
   2944 DTD except within an <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> or 
   2945 <nt def="NT-AttValue">AttValue</nt>.</p></item>
   2946 <item><p>a reference to an external entity in an attribute value.</p>
   2947 </item>
   2948 </ulist>
   2949 </p>
   2950 </div3>
   2951 <div3 id='inliteral'>
   2952 <head>Included in Literal</head>
   2953 <p>When an <termref def='dt-entref'>entity reference</termref> appears in an
   2954 attribute value, or a parameter entity reference appears in a literal entity
   2955 value, its <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement text</termref> is
   2956 processed in place of the reference itself as though it
   2957 were part of the document at the location the reference was recognized,
   2958 except that a single or double quote character in the replacement text
   2959 is always treated as a normal data character and will not terminate the
   2960 literal. 
   2961 For example, this is well-formed:
   2962 <eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY % YN '"Yes"' >
   2963 <!ENTITY WhatHeSaid "He said &YN;" >]]></eg>
   2964 while this is not:
   2965 <eg>&lt;!ENTITY EndAttr "27'" >
   2966 &lt;element attribute='a-&amp;EndAttr;></eg>
   2967 </p></div3>
   2968 <div3 id='notify'>
   2969 <head>Notify</head>
   2970 <p>When the name of an <termref def='dt-unparsed'>unparsed
   2971 entity</termref> appears as a token in the
   2972 value of an attribute of declared type <kw>ENTITY</kw> or <kw>ENTITIES</kw>,
   2973 a validating processor must inform the
   2974 application of the <termref def='dt-sysid'>system</termref> 
   2975 and <termref def='dt-pubid'>public</termref> (if any)
   2976 identifiers for both the entity and its associated
   2977 <termref def="dt-notation">notation</termref>.</p>
   2978 </div3>
   2979 <div3 id='bypass'>
   2980 <head>Bypassed</head>
   2981 <p>When a general entity reference appears in the
   2982 <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt> in an entity declaration,
   2983 it is bypassed and left as is.</p>
   2984 </div3>
   2985 <div3 id='as-PE'>
   2986 <head>Included as PE</head>
   2987 <p>Just as with external parsed entities, parameter entities
   2988 need only be <titleref href='include-if-valid'>included if
   2989 validating</titleref>. 
   2990 When a parameter-entity reference is recognized in the DTD
   2991 and included, its 
   2992 <termref def='dt-repltext'>replacement
   2993 text</termref> is enlarged by the attachment of one leading and one following
   2994 space (#x20) character; the intent is to constrain the replacement
   2995 text of parameter 
   2996 entities to contain an integral number of grammatical tokens in the DTD.
   2997 </p>
   2998 </div3>
   3000 </div2>
   3001 <div2 id='intern-replacement'>
   3002 <head>Construction of Internal Entity Replacement Text</head>
   3003 <p>In discussing the treatment
   3004 of internal entities, it is  
   3005 useful to distinguish two forms of the entity's value.
   3006 <termdef id="dt-litentval" term='Literal Entity Value'>The <term>literal
   3007 entity value</term> is the quoted string actually
   3008 present in the entity declaration, corresponding to the
   3009 non-terminal <nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>.</termdef>
   3010 <termdef id='dt-repltext' term='Replacement Text'>The <term>replacement
   3011 text</term> is the content of the entity, after
   3012 replacement of character references and parameter-entity
   3013 references.
   3014 </termdef></p>
   3016 <p>The literal entity value 
   3017 as given in an internal entity declaration
   3018 (<nt def='NT-EntityValue'>EntityValue</nt>) may contain character,
   3019 parameter-entity, and general-entity references.
   3020 Such references must be contained entirely within the
   3021 literal entity value.
   3022 The actual replacement text that is 
   3023 <termref def='dt-include'>included</termref> as described above
   3024 must contain the <emph>replacement text</emph> of any 
   3025 parameter entities referred to, and must contain the character
   3026 referred to, in place of any character references in the
   3027 literal entity value; however,
   3028 general-entity references must be left as-is, unexpanded.
   3029 For example, given the following declarations:
   3031 <eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY % pub    "&#xc9;ditions Gallimard" >
   3032 <!ENTITY   rights "All rights reserved" >
   3033 <!ENTITY   book   "La Peste: Albert Camus, 
   3034 &#xA9; 1947 %pub;. &rights;" >]]></eg>
   3035 then the replacement text for the entity "<code>book</code>" is:
   3036 <eg>La Peste: Albert Camus, 
   3037 &#169; 1947 &#201;ditions Gallimard. &amp;rights;</eg>
   3038 The general-entity reference "<code>&amp;rights;</code>" would be expanded
   3039 should the reference "<code>&amp;book;</code>" appear in the document's
   3040 content or an attribute value.</p>
   3041 <p>These simple rules may have complex interactions; for a detailed
   3042 discussion of a difficult example, see
   3043 <specref ref='sec-entexpand'/>.
   3044 </p>
   3046 </div2>
   3047 <div2 id='sec-predefined-ent'>
   3048 <head>Predefined Entities</head>
   3049 <p><termdef id="dt-escape" term="escape">Entity and character
   3050 references can both be used to <term>escape</term> the left angle bracket,
   3051 ampersand, and other delimiters.   A set of general entities
   3052 (&magicents;) is specified for this purpose.
   3053 Numeric character references may also be used; they are
   3054 expanded immediately when recognized and must be treated as
   3055 character data, so the numeric character references
   3056 "<code>&amp;#60;</code>" and "<code>&amp;#38;</code>" may be used to 
   3057 escape <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&amp;</code> when they occur
   3058 in character data.</termdef></p>
   3059 <p>All XML processors must recognize these entities whether they
   3060 are declared or not.  
   3061 <termref def='dt-interop'>For interoperability</termref>,
   3062 valid XML documents should declare these
   3063 entities, like any others, before using them.
   3064 If the entities in question are declared, they must be declared
   3065 as internal entities whose replacement text is the single
   3066 character being escaped or a character reference to
   3067 that character, as shown below.
   3068 <eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY lt     "&#38;#60;"> 
   3069 <!ENTITY gt     "&#62;"> 
   3070 <!ENTITY amp    "&#38;#38;"> 
   3071 <!ENTITY apos   "&#39;"> 
   3072 <!ENTITY quot   "&#34;"> 
   3073 ]]></eg>
   3074 Note that the <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&amp;</code> characters
   3075 in the declarations of "<code>lt</code>" and "<code>amp</code>"
   3076 are doubly escaped to meet the requirement that entity replacement
   3077 be well-formed.
   3078 </p>
   3079 </div2>
   3081 <div2 id='Notations'>
   3082 <head>Notation Declarations</head>
   3084 <p><termdef id="dt-notation" term="Notation"><term>Notations</term> identify by
   3085 name the format of <termref def="dt-extent">unparsed
   3086 entities</termref>, the
   3087 format of elements which bear a notation attribute, 
   3088 or the application to which  
   3089 a <termref def="dt-pi">processing instruction</termref> is
   3090 addressed.</termdef></p>
   3091 <p><termdef id="dt-notdecl" term="Notation Declaration">
   3092 <term>Notation declarations</term>
   3093 provide a name for the notation, for use in
   3094 entity and attribute-list declarations and in attribute specifications,
   3095 and an external identifier for the notation which may allow an XML
   3096 processor or its client application to locate a helper application
   3097 capable of processing data in the given notation.
   3098 <scrap lang='ebnf'>
   3099 <head>Notation Declarations</head>
   3100 <prod id='NT-NotationDecl'><lhs>NotationDecl</lhs>
   3101 <rhs>'&lt;!NOTATION' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> <nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> 
   3102 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   3103 (<nt def='NT-ExternalID'>ExternalID</nt> | 
   3104 <nt def='NT-PublicID'>PublicID</nt>)
   3105 <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt>? '>'</rhs></prod>
   3106 <prod id='NT-PublicID'><lhs>PublicID</lhs>
   3107 <rhs>'PUBLIC' <nt def='NT-S'>S</nt> 
   3108 <nt def='NT-PubidLiteral'>PubidLiteral</nt> 
   3109 </rhs></prod>
   3110 </scrap>
   3111 </termdef></p>
   3112 <p>XML processors must provide applications with the name and external
   3113 identifier(s) of any notation declared and referred to in an attribute
   3114 value, attribute definition, or entity declaration.  They may
   3115 additionally resolve the external identifier into the
   3116 <termref def="dt-sysid">system identifier</termref>,
   3117 file name, or other information needed to allow the
   3118 application to call a processor for data in the notation described.  (It
   3119 is not an error, however, for XML documents to declare and refer to
   3120 notations for which notation-specific applications are not available on
   3121 the system where the XML processor or application is running.)</p>
   3122 </div2>
   3125 <div2 id='sec-doc-entity'>
   3126 <head>Document Entity</head>
   3128 <p><termdef id="dt-docent" term="Document Entity">The <term>document
   3129 entity</term> serves as the root of the entity
   3130 tree and a starting-point for an <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML
   3131 processor</termref>.</termdef>
   3132 This specification does
   3133 not specify how the document entity is to be located by an XML
   3134 processor; unlike other entities, the document entity has no name and might
   3135 well appear on a processor input stream 
   3136 without any identification at all.</p>
   3137 </div2>
   3140 </div1>
   3141 <!-- &Conformance; -->
   3143 <div1 id='sec-conformance'>
   3144 <head>Conformance</head>
   3146 <div2 id='proc-types'>
   3147 <head>Validating and Non-Validating Processors</head>
   3148 <p>Conforming <termref def="dt-xml-proc">XML processors</termref> fall into two
   3149 classes: validating and non-validating.</p>
   3150 <p>Validating and non-validating processors alike must report
   3151 violations of this specification's well-formedness constraints
   3152 in the content of the
   3153 <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref> and any 
   3154 other <termref def='dt-parsedent'>parsed entities</termref> that 
   3155 they read.</p>
   3156 <p><termdef id="dt-validating" term="Validating Processor">
   3157 <term>Validating processors</term> must report
   3158 violations of the constraints expressed by the declarations in the
   3159 <termref def="dt-doctype">DTD</termref>, and
   3160 failures to fulfill the validity constraints given
   3161 in this specification.
   3162 </termdef>
   3163 To accomplish this, validating XML processors must read and process the entire
   3164 DTD and all external parsed entities referenced in the document.
   3165 </p>
   3166 <p>Non-validating processors are required to check only the 
   3167 <termref def='dt-docent'>document entity</termref>, including
   3168 the entire internal DTD subset, for well-formedness.
   3169 <termdef id='dt-use-mdecl' term='Process Declarations'>
   3170 While they are not required to check the document for validity,
   3171 they are required to 
   3172 <term>process</term> all the declarations they read in the
   3173 internal DTD subset and in any parameter entity that they
   3174 read, up to the first reference
   3175 to a parameter entity that they do <emph>not</emph> read; that is to 
   3176 say, they must
   3177 use the information in those declarations to
   3178 <titleref href='AVNormalize'>normalize</titleref> attribute values,
   3179 <titleref href='included'>include</titleref> the replacement text of 
   3180 internal entities, and supply 
   3181 <titleref href='sec-attr-defaults'>default attribute values</titleref>.
   3182 </termdef>
   3183 They must not <termref def='dt-use-mdecl'>process</termref>
   3184 <termref def='dt-entdecl'>entity declarations</termref> or 
   3185 <termref def='dt-attdecl'>attribute-list declarations</termref> 
   3186 encountered after a reference to a parameter entity that is not
   3187 read, since the entity may have contained overriding declarations.
   3188 </p>
   3189 </div2>
   3190 <div2 id='safe-behavior'>
   3191 <head>Using XML Processors</head>
   3192 <p>The behavior of a validating XML processor is highly predictable; it
   3193 must read every piece of a document and report all well-formedness and
   3194 validity violations.
   3195 Less is required of a non-validating processor; it need not read any
   3196 part of the document other than the document entity.
   3197 This has two effects that may be important to users of XML processors:
   3198 <ulist>
   3199 <item><p>Certain well-formedness errors, specifically those that require
   3200 reading external entities, may not be detected by a non-validating processor.
   3201 Examples include the constraints entitled 
   3202 <titleref href='wf-entdeclared'>Entity Declared</titleref>, 
   3203 <titleref href='wf-textent'>Parsed Entity</titleref>, and
   3204 <titleref href='wf-norecursion'>No Recursion</titleref>, as well
   3205 as some of the cases described as
   3206 <titleref href='forbidden'>forbidden</titleref> in 
   3207 <specref ref='entproc'/>.</p></item>
   3208 <item><p>The information passed from the processor to the application may
   3209 vary, depending on whether the processor reads
   3210 parameter and external entities.
   3211 For example, a non-validating processor may not 
   3212 <titleref href='AVNormalize'>normalize</titleref> attribute values,
   3213 <titleref href='included'>include</titleref> the replacement text of 
   3214 internal entities, or supply 
   3215 <titleref href='sec-attr-defaults'>default attribute values</titleref>,
   3216 where doing so depends on having read declarations in 
   3217 external or parameter entities.</p></item>
   3218 </ulist>
   3219 </p>
   3220 <p>For maximum reliability in interoperating between different XML
   3221 processors, applications which use non-validating processors should not 
   3222 rely on any behaviors not required of such processors.
   3223 Applications which require facilities such as the use of default
   3224 attributes or internal entities which are declared in external
   3225 entities should use validating XML processors.</p>
   3226 </div2>
   3227 </div1>
   3229 <div1 id='sec-notation'>
   3230 <head>Notation</head>
   3232 <p>The formal grammar of XML is given in this specification using a simple
   3233 Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) notation.  Each rule in the grammar defines
   3234 one symbol, in the form
   3235 <eg>symbol ::= expression</eg></p>
   3236 <p>Symbols are written with an initial capital letter if they are
   3237 defined by a regular expression, or with an initial lower case letter 
   3238 otherwise.
   3239 Literal strings are quoted.
   3241 </p>
   3243 <p>Within the expression on the right-hand side of a rule, the following
   3244 expressions are used to match strings of one or more characters:
   3245 <glist>
   3246 <gitem>
   3247 <label><code>#xN</code></label>
   3248 <def><p>where <code>N</code> is a hexadecimal integer, the
   3249 expression matches the character in ISO/IEC 10646 whose canonical
   3250 (UCS-4) 
   3251 code value, when interpreted as an unsigned binary number, has
   3252 the value indicated.  The number of leading zeros in the
   3253 <code>#xN</code> form is insignificant; the number of leading
   3254 zeros in the corresponding code value 
   3255 is governed by the character
   3256 encoding in use and is not significant for XML.</p></def>
   3257 </gitem>
   3258 <gitem>
   3259 <label><code>[a-zA-Z]</code>, <code>[#xN-#xN]</code></label>
   3260 <def><p>matches any <termref def='dt-character'>character</termref> 
   3261 with a value in the range(s) indicated (inclusive).</p></def>
   3262 </gitem>
   3263 <gitem>
   3264 <label><code>[^a-z]</code>, <code>[^#xN-#xN]</code></label>
   3265 <def><p>matches any <termref def='dt-character'>character</termref> 
   3266 with a value <emph>outside</emph> the
   3267 range indicated.</p></def>
   3268 </gitem>
   3269 <gitem>
   3270 <label><code>[^abc]</code>, <code>[^#xN#xN#xN]</code></label>
   3271 <def><p>matches any <termref def='dt-character'>character</termref>
   3272 with a value not among the characters given.</p></def>
   3273 </gitem>
   3274 <gitem>
   3275 <label><code>"string"</code></label>
   3276 <def><p>matches a literal string <termref def="dt-match">matching</termref>
   3277 that given inside the double quotes.</p></def>
   3278 </gitem>
   3279 <gitem>
   3280 <label><code>'string'</code></label>
   3281 <def><p>matches a literal string <termref def="dt-match">matching</termref>
   3282 that given inside the single quotes.</p></def>
   3283 </gitem>
   3284 </glist>
   3285 These symbols may be combined to match more complex patterns as follows,
   3286 where <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> represent simple expressions:
   3287 <glist>
   3288 <gitem>
   3289 <label>(<code>expression</code>)</label>
   3290 <def><p><code>expression</code> is treated as a unit 
   3291 and may be combined as described in this list.</p></def>
   3292 </gitem>
   3293 <gitem>
   3294 <label><code>A?</code></label>
   3295 <def><p>matches <code>A</code> or nothing; optional <code>A</code>.</p></def>
   3296 </gitem>
   3297 <gitem>
   3298 <label><code>A B</code></label>
   3299 <def><p>matches <code>A</code> followed by <code>B</code>.</p></def>
   3300 </gitem>
   3301 <gitem>
   3302 <label><code>A | B</code></label>
   3303 <def><p>matches <code>A</code> or <code>B</code> but not both.</p></def>
   3304 </gitem>
   3305 <gitem>
   3306 <label><code>A - B</code></label>
   3307 <def><p>matches any string that matches <code>A</code> but does not match
   3308 <code>B</code>.
   3309 </p></def>
   3310 </gitem>
   3311 <gitem>
   3312 <label><code>A+</code></label>
   3313 <def><p>matches one or more occurrences of <code>A</code>.</p></def>
   3314 </gitem>
   3315 <gitem>
   3316 <label><code>A*</code></label>
   3317 <def><p>matches zero or more occurrences of <code>A</code>.</p></def>
   3318 </gitem>
   3320 </glist>
   3321 Other notations used in the productions are:
   3322 <glist>
   3323 <gitem>
   3324 <label><code>/* ... */</code></label>
   3325 <def><p>comment.</p></def>
   3326 </gitem>
   3327 <gitem>
   3328 <label><code>[ wfc: ... ]</code></label>
   3329 <def><p>well-formedness constraint; this identifies by name a 
   3330 constraint on 
   3331 <termref def="dt-wellformed">well-formed</termref> documents
   3332 associated with a production.</p></def>
   3333 </gitem>
   3334 <gitem>
   3335 <label><code>[ vc: ... ]</code></label>
   3336 <def><p>validity constraint; this identifies by name a constraint on
   3337 <termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> documents associated with
   3338 a production.</p></def>
   3339 </gitem>
   3340 </glist>
   3341 </p></div1>
   3343 </body>
   3344 <back>
   3345 <!-- &SGML; -->
   3348 <!-- &Biblio; -->
   3349 <div1 id='sec-bibliography'>
   3351 <head>References</head>
   3352 <div2 id='sec-existing-stds'>
   3353 <head>Normative References</head>
   3355 <blist>
   3356 <bibl id='IANA' key='IANA'>
   3357 (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) <emph>Official Names for 
   3358 Character Sets</emph>,
   3359 ed. Keld Simonsen et al.
   3360 See <loc href='ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets'>ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets</loc>.
   3361 </bibl>
   3363 <bibl id='RFC1766' key='IETF RFC 1766'>
   3364 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
   3365 <emph>RFC 1766:  Tags for the Identification of Languages</emph>,
   3366 ed. H. Alvestrand.
   3367 1995.
   3368 </bibl>
   3370 <bibl id='ISO639' key='ISO 639'>
   3371 (International Organization for Standardization).
   3372 <emph>ISO 639:1988 (E).
   3373 Code for the representation of names of languages.</emph>
   3374 [Geneva]:  International Organization for
   3375 Standardization, 1988.</bibl>
   3377 <bibl id='ISO3166' key='ISO 3166'>
   3378 (International Organization for Standardization).
   3379 <emph>ISO 3166-1:1997 (E).
   3380 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions 
   3381 &mdash; Part 1: Country codes</emph>
   3382 [Geneva]:  International Organization for
   3383 Standardization, 1997.</bibl>
   3385 <bibl id='ISO10646' key='ISO/IEC 10646'>ISO
   3386 (International Organization for Standardization).
   3387 <emph>ISO/IEC 10646-1993 (E).  Information technology &mdash; Universal
   3388 Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) &mdash; Part 1:
   3389 Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane.</emph>
   3390 [Geneva]:  International Organization for
   3391 Standardization, 1993 (plus amendments AM 1 through AM 7).
   3392 </bibl>
   3394 <bibl id='Unicode' key='Unicode'>The Unicode Consortium.
   3395 <emph>The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0.</emph>
   3396 Reading, Mass.:  Addison-Wesley Developers Press, 1996.</bibl>
   3398 </blist>
   3400 </div2>
   3402 <div2><head>Other References</head> 
   3404 <blist>
   3406 <bibl id='Aho' key='Aho/Ullman'>Aho, Alfred V., 
   3407 Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman.
   3408 <emph>Compilers:  Principles, Techniques, and Tools</emph>.
   3409 Reading:  Addison-Wesley, 1986, rpt. corr. 1988.</bibl>
   3411 <bibl id="Berners-Lee" xml-link="simple" key="Berners-Lee et al.">
   3412 Berners-Lee, T., R. Fielding, and L. Masinter.
   3413 <emph>Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI):  Generic Syntax and
   3414 Semantics</emph>.
   3415 1997.
   3416 (Work in progress; see updates to RFC1738.)</bibl>
   3418 <bibl id='ABK' key='Brggemann-Klein'>Brggemann-Klein, Anne.
   3419 <emph>Regular Expressions into Finite Automata</emph>.
   3420 Extended abstract in I. Simon, Hrsg., LATIN 1992, 
   3421 S. 97-98. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1992. 
   3422 Full Version in Theoretical Computer Science 120: 197-213, 1993.
   3424 </bibl>
   3426 <bibl id='ABKDW' key='Brggemann-Klein and Wood'>Brggemann-Klein, Anne,
   3427 and Derick Wood.
   3428 <emph>Deterministic Regular Languages</emph>.
   3429 Universitt Freiburg, Institut fr Informatik,
   3430 Bericht 38, Oktober 1991.
   3431 </bibl>
   3433 <bibl id='Clark' key='Clark'>James Clark.
   3434 Comparison of SGML and XML. See
   3435 <loc href='http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-sgml-xml-971215'>http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-sgml-xml-971215</loc>.
   3436 </bibl>
   3437 <bibl id="RFC1738" xml-link="simple" key="IETF RFC1738">
   3438 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
   3439 <emph>RFC 1738:  Uniform Resource Locators (URL)</emph>, 
   3440 ed. T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, M. McCahill.
   3441 1994.
   3442 </bibl>
   3444 <bibl id="RFC1808" xml-link="simple" key="IETF RFC1808">
   3445 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
   3446 <emph>RFC 1808:  Relative Uniform Resource Locators</emph>, 
   3447 ed. R. Fielding.
   3448 1995.
   3449 </bibl>
   3451 <bibl id="RFC2141" xml-link="simple" key="IETF RFC2141">
   3452 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
   3453 <emph>RFC 2141:  URN Syntax</emph>, 
   3454 ed. R. Moats.
   3455 1997.
   3456 </bibl>
   3458 <bibl id='ISO8879' key='ISO 8879'>ISO
   3459 (International Organization for Standardization).
   3460 <emph>ISO 8879:1986(E).  Information processing &mdash; Text and Office
   3461 Systems &mdash; Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).</emph>  First
   3462 edition &mdash; 1986-10-15.  [Geneva]:  International Organization for
   3463 Standardization, 1986.
   3464 </bibl>
   3467 <bibl id='ISO10744' key='ISO/IEC 10744'>ISO
   3468 (International Organization for Standardization).
   3469 <emph>ISO/IEC 10744-1992 (E).  Information technology &mdash;
   3470 Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime).
   3471 </emph>
   3472 [Geneva]:  International Organization for
   3473 Standardization, 1992.
   3474 <emph>Extended Facilities Annexe.</emph>
   3475 [Geneva]:  International Organization for
   3476 Standardization, 1996. 
   3477 </bibl>
   3481 </blist>
   3482 </div2>
   3483 </div1>
   3484 <div1 id='CharClasses'>
   3485 <head>Character Classes</head>
   3486 <p>Following the characteristics defined in the Unicode standard,
   3487 characters are classed as base characters (among others, these
   3488 contain the alphabetic characters of the Latin alphabet, without
   3489 diacritics), ideographic characters, and combining characters (among
   3490 others, this class contains most diacritics); these classes combine
   3491 to form the class of letters.  Digits and extenders are
   3492 also distinguished.
   3493 <scrap lang="ebnf" id="CHARACTERS">
   3494 <head>Characters</head>
   3495 <prodgroup pcw3="3" pcw4="15">
   3496 <prod id="NT-Letter"><lhs>Letter</lhs>
   3497 <rhs><nt def="NT-BaseChar">BaseChar</nt> 
   3498 | <nt def="NT-Ideographic">Ideographic</nt></rhs> </prod>
   3499 <prod id='NT-BaseChar'><lhs>BaseChar</lhs>
   3500 <rhs>[#x0041-#x005A]
   3501 |&nbsp;[#x0061-#x007A]
   3502 |&nbsp;[#x00C0-#x00D6]
   3503 |&nbsp;[#x00D8-#x00F6]
   3504 |&nbsp;[#x00F8-#x00FF]
   3505 |&nbsp;[#x0100-#x0131]
   3506 |&nbsp;[#x0134-#x013E]
   3507 |&nbsp;[#x0141-#x0148]
   3508 |&nbsp;[#x014A-#x017E]
   3509 |&nbsp;[#x0180-#x01C3]
   3510 |&nbsp;[#x01CD-#x01F0]
   3511 |&nbsp;[#x01F4-#x01F5]
   3512 |&nbsp;[#x01FA-#x0217]
   3513 |&nbsp;[#x0250-#x02A8]
   3514 |&nbsp;[#x02BB-#x02C1]
   3515 |&nbsp;#x0386
   3516 |&nbsp;[#x0388-#x038A]
   3517 |&nbsp;#x038C
   3518 |&nbsp;[#x038E-#x03A1]
   3519 |&nbsp;[#x03A3-#x03CE]
   3520 |&nbsp;[#x03D0-#x03D6]
   3521 |&nbsp;#x03DA
   3522 |&nbsp;#x03DC
   3523 |&nbsp;#x03DE
   3524 |&nbsp;#x03E0
   3525 |&nbsp;[#x03E2-#x03F3]
   3526 |&nbsp;[#x0401-#x040C]
   3527 |&nbsp;[#x040E-#x044F]
   3528 |&nbsp;[#x0451-#x045C]
   3529 |&nbsp;[#x045E-#x0481]
   3530 |&nbsp;[#x0490-#x04C4]
   3531 |&nbsp;[#x04C7-#x04C8]
   3532 |&nbsp;[#x04CB-#x04CC]
   3533 |&nbsp;[#x04D0-#x04EB]
   3534 |&nbsp;[#x04EE-#x04F5]
   3535 |&nbsp;[#x04F8-#x04F9]
   3536 |&nbsp;[#x0531-#x0556]
   3537 |&nbsp;#x0559
   3538 |&nbsp;[#x0561-#x0586]
   3539 |&nbsp;[#x05D0-#x05EA]
   3540 |&nbsp;[#x05F0-#x05F2]
   3541 |&nbsp;[#x0621-#x063A]
   3542 |&nbsp;[#x0641-#x064A]
   3543 |&nbsp;[#x0671-#x06B7]
   3544 |&nbsp;[#x06BA-#x06BE]
   3545 |&nbsp;[#x06C0-#x06CE]
   3546 |&nbsp;[#x06D0-#x06D3]
   3547 |&nbsp;#x06D5
   3548 |&nbsp;[#x06E5-#x06E6]
   3549 |&nbsp;[#x0905-#x0939]
   3550 |&nbsp;#x093D
   3551 |&nbsp;[#x0958-#x0961]
   3552 |&nbsp;[#x0985-#x098C]
   3553 |&nbsp;[#x098F-#x0990]
   3554 |&nbsp;[#x0993-#x09A8]
   3555 |&nbsp;[#x09AA-#x09B0]
   3556 |&nbsp;#x09B2
   3557 |&nbsp;[#x09B6-#x09B9]
   3558 |&nbsp;[#x09DC-#x09DD]
   3559 |&nbsp;[#x09DF-#x09E1]
   3560 |&nbsp;[#x09F0-#x09F1]
   3561 |&nbsp;[#x0A05-#x0A0A]
   3562 |&nbsp;[#x0A0F-#x0A10]
   3563 |&nbsp;[#x0A13-#x0A28]
   3564 |&nbsp;[#x0A2A-#x0A30]
   3565 |&nbsp;[#x0A32-#x0A33]
   3566 |&nbsp;[#x0A35-#x0A36]
   3567 |&nbsp;[#x0A38-#x0A39]
   3568 |&nbsp;[#x0A59-#x0A5C]
   3569 |&nbsp;#x0A5E
   3570 |&nbsp;[#x0A72-#x0A74]
   3571 |&nbsp;[#x0A85-#x0A8B]
   3572 |&nbsp;#x0A8D
   3573 |&nbsp;[#x0A8F-#x0A91]
   3574 |&nbsp;[#x0A93-#x0AA8]
   3575 |&nbsp;[#x0AAA-#x0AB0]
   3576 |&nbsp;[#x0AB2-#x0AB3]
   3577 |&nbsp;[#x0AB5-#x0AB9]
   3578 |&nbsp;#x0ABD
   3579 |&nbsp;#x0AE0
   3580 |&nbsp;[#x0B05-#x0B0C]
   3581 |&nbsp;[#x0B0F-#x0B10]
   3582 |&nbsp;[#x0B13-#x0B28]
   3583 |&nbsp;[#x0B2A-#x0B30]
   3584 |&nbsp;[#x0B32-#x0B33]
   3585 |&nbsp;[#x0B36-#x0B39]
   3586 |&nbsp;#x0B3D
   3587 |&nbsp;[#x0B5C-#x0B5D]
   3588 |&nbsp;[#x0B5F-#x0B61]
   3589 |&nbsp;[#x0B85-#x0B8A]
   3590 |&nbsp;[#x0B8E-#x0B90]
   3591 |&nbsp;[#x0B92-#x0B95]
   3592 |&nbsp;[#x0B99-#x0B9A]
   3593 |&nbsp;#x0B9C
   3594 |&nbsp;[#x0B9E-#x0B9F]
   3595 |&nbsp;[#x0BA3-#x0BA4]
   3596 |&nbsp;[#x0BA8-#x0BAA]
   3597 |&nbsp;[#x0BAE-#x0BB5]
   3598 |&nbsp;[#x0BB7-#x0BB9]
   3599 |&nbsp;[#x0C05-#x0C0C]
   3600 |&nbsp;[#x0C0E-#x0C10]
   3601 |&nbsp;[#x0C12-#x0C28]
   3602 |&nbsp;[#x0C2A-#x0C33]
   3603 |&nbsp;[#x0C35-#x0C39]
   3604 |&nbsp;[#x0C60-#x0C61]
   3605 |&nbsp;[#x0C85-#x0C8C]
   3606 |&nbsp;[#x0C8E-#x0C90]
   3607 |&nbsp;[#x0C92-#x0CA8]
   3608 |&nbsp;[#x0CAA-#x0CB3]
   3609 |&nbsp;[#x0CB5-#x0CB9]
   3610 |&nbsp;#x0CDE
   3611 |&nbsp;[#x0CE0-#x0CE1]
   3612 |&nbsp;[#x0D05-#x0D0C]
   3613 |&nbsp;[#x0D0E-#x0D10]
   3614 |&nbsp;[#x0D12-#x0D28]
   3615 |&nbsp;[#x0D2A-#x0D39]
   3616 |&nbsp;[#x0D60-#x0D61]
   3617 |&nbsp;[#x0E01-#x0E2E]
   3618 |&nbsp;#x0E30
   3619 |&nbsp;[#x0E32-#x0E33]
   3620 |&nbsp;[#x0E40-#x0E45]
   3621 |&nbsp;[#x0E81-#x0E82]
   3622 |&nbsp;#x0E84
   3623 |&nbsp;[#x0E87-#x0E88]
   3624 |&nbsp;#x0E8A
   3625 |&nbsp;#x0E8D
   3626 |&nbsp;[#x0E94-#x0E97]
   3627 |&nbsp;[#x0E99-#x0E9F]
   3628 |&nbsp;[#x0EA1-#x0EA3]
   3629 |&nbsp;#x0EA5
   3630 |&nbsp;#x0EA7
   3631 |&nbsp;[#x0EAA-#x0EAB]
   3632 |&nbsp;[#x0EAD-#x0EAE]
   3633 |&nbsp;#x0EB0
   3634 |&nbsp;[#x0EB2-#x0EB3]
   3635 |&nbsp;#x0EBD
   3636 |&nbsp;[#x0EC0-#x0EC4]
   3637 |&nbsp;[#x0F40-#x0F47]
   3638 |&nbsp;[#x0F49-#x0F69]
   3639 |&nbsp;[#x10A0-#x10C5]
   3640 |&nbsp;[#x10D0-#x10F6]
   3641 |&nbsp;#x1100
   3642 |&nbsp;[#x1102-#x1103]
   3643 |&nbsp;[#x1105-#x1107]
   3644 |&nbsp;#x1109
   3645 |&nbsp;[#x110B-#x110C]
   3646 |&nbsp;[#x110E-#x1112]
   3647 |&nbsp;#x113C
   3648 |&nbsp;#x113E
   3649 |&nbsp;#x1140
   3650 |&nbsp;#x114C
   3651 |&nbsp;#x114E
   3652 |&nbsp;#x1150
   3653 |&nbsp;[#x1154-#x1155]
   3654 |&nbsp;#x1159
   3655 |&nbsp;[#x115F-#x1161]
   3656 |&nbsp;#x1163
   3657 |&nbsp;#x1165
   3658 |&nbsp;#x1167
   3659 |&nbsp;#x1169
   3660 |&nbsp;[#x116D-#x116E]
   3661 |&nbsp;[#x1172-#x1173]
   3662 |&nbsp;#x1175
   3663 |&nbsp;#x119E
   3664 |&nbsp;#x11A8
   3665 |&nbsp;#x11AB
   3666 |&nbsp;[#x11AE-#x11AF]
   3667 |&nbsp;[#x11B7-#x11B8]
   3668 |&nbsp;#x11BA
   3669 |&nbsp;[#x11BC-#x11C2]
   3670 |&nbsp;#x11EB
   3671 |&nbsp;#x11F0
   3672 |&nbsp;#x11F9
   3673 |&nbsp;[#x1E00-#x1E9B]
   3674 |&nbsp;[#x1EA0-#x1EF9]
   3675 |&nbsp;[#x1F00-#x1F15]
   3676 |&nbsp;[#x1F18-#x1F1D]
   3677 |&nbsp;[#x1F20-#x1F45]
   3678 |&nbsp;[#x1F48-#x1F4D]
   3679 |&nbsp;[#x1F50-#x1F57]
   3680 |&nbsp;#x1F59
   3681 |&nbsp;#x1F5B
   3682 |&nbsp;#x1F5D
   3683 |&nbsp;[#x1F5F-#x1F7D]
   3684 |&nbsp;[#x1F80-#x1FB4]
   3685 |&nbsp;[#x1FB6-#x1FBC]
   3686 |&nbsp;#x1FBE
   3687 |&nbsp;[#x1FC2-#x1FC4]
   3688 |&nbsp;[#x1FC6-#x1FCC]
   3689 |&nbsp;[#x1FD0-#x1FD3]
   3690 |&nbsp;[#x1FD6-#x1FDB]
   3691 |&nbsp;[#x1FE0-#x1FEC]
   3692 |&nbsp;[#x1FF2-#x1FF4]
   3693 |&nbsp;[#x1FF6-#x1FFC]
   3694 |&nbsp;#x2126
   3695 |&nbsp;[#x212A-#x212B]
   3696 |&nbsp;#x212E
   3697 |&nbsp;[#x2180-#x2182]
   3698 |&nbsp;[#x3041-#x3094]
   3699 |&nbsp;[#x30A1-#x30FA]
   3700 |&nbsp;[#x3105-#x312C]
   3701 |&nbsp;[#xAC00-#xD7A3]
   3702 </rhs></prod>
   3703 <prod id='NT-Ideographic'><lhs>Ideographic</lhs>
   3704 <rhs>[#x4E00-#x9FA5]
   3705 |&nbsp;#x3007
   3706 |&nbsp;[#x3021-#x3029]
   3707 </rhs></prod>
   3708 <prod id='NT-CombiningChar'><lhs>CombiningChar</lhs>
   3709 <rhs>[#x0300-#x0345]
   3710 |&nbsp;[#x0360-#x0361]
   3711 |&nbsp;[#x0483-#x0486]
   3712 |&nbsp;[#x0591-#x05A1]
   3713 |&nbsp;[#x05A3-#x05B9]
   3714 |&nbsp;[#x05BB-#x05BD]
   3715 |&nbsp;#x05BF
   3716 |&nbsp;[#x05C1-#x05C2]
   3717 |&nbsp;#x05C4
   3718 |&nbsp;[#x064B-#x0652]
   3719 |&nbsp;#x0670
   3720 |&nbsp;[#x06D6-#x06DC]
   3721 |&nbsp;[#x06DD-#x06DF]
   3722 |&nbsp;[#x06E0-#x06E4]
   3723 |&nbsp;[#x06E7-#x06E8]
   3724 |&nbsp;[#x06EA-#x06ED]
   3725 |&nbsp;[#x0901-#x0903]
   3726 |&nbsp;#x093C
   3727 |&nbsp;[#x093E-#x094C]
   3728 |&nbsp;#x094D
   3729 |&nbsp;[#x0951-#x0954]
   3730 |&nbsp;[#x0962-#x0963]
   3731 |&nbsp;[#x0981-#x0983]
   3732 |&nbsp;#x09BC
   3733 |&nbsp;#x09BE
   3734 |&nbsp;#x09BF
   3735 |&nbsp;[#x09C0-#x09C4]
   3736 |&nbsp;[#x09C7-#x09C8]
   3737 |&nbsp;[#x09CB-#x09CD]
   3738 |&nbsp;#x09D7
   3739 |&nbsp;[#x09E2-#x09E3]
   3740 |&nbsp;#x0A02
   3741 |&nbsp;#x0A3C
   3742 |&nbsp;#x0A3E
   3743 |&nbsp;#x0A3F
   3744 |&nbsp;[#x0A40-#x0A42]
   3745 |&nbsp;[#x0A47-#x0A48]
   3746 |&nbsp;[#x0A4B-#x0A4D]
   3747 |&nbsp;[#x0A70-#x0A71]
   3748 |&nbsp;[#x0A81-#x0A83]
   3749 |&nbsp;#x0ABC
   3750 |&nbsp;[#x0ABE-#x0AC5]
   3751 |&nbsp;[#x0AC7-#x0AC9]
   3752 |&nbsp;[#x0ACB-#x0ACD]
   3753 |&nbsp;[#x0B01-#x0B03]
   3754 |&nbsp;#x0B3C
   3755 |&nbsp;[#x0B3E-#x0B43]
   3756 |&nbsp;[#x0B47-#x0B48]
   3757 |&nbsp;[#x0B4B-#x0B4D]
   3758 |&nbsp;[#x0B56-#x0B57]
   3759 |&nbsp;[#x0B82-#x0B83]
   3760 |&nbsp;[#x0BBE-#x0BC2]
   3761 |&nbsp;[#x0BC6-#x0BC8]
   3762 |&nbsp;[#x0BCA-#x0BCD]
   3763 |&nbsp;#x0BD7
   3764 |&nbsp;[#x0C01-#x0C03]
   3765 |&nbsp;[#x0C3E-#x0C44]
   3766 |&nbsp;[#x0C46-#x0C48]
   3767 |&nbsp;[#x0C4A-#x0C4D]
   3768 |&nbsp;[#x0C55-#x0C56]
   3769 |&nbsp;[#x0C82-#x0C83]
   3770 |&nbsp;[#x0CBE-#x0CC4]
   3771 |&nbsp;[#x0CC6-#x0CC8]
   3772 |&nbsp;[#x0CCA-#x0CCD]
   3773 |&nbsp;[#x0CD5-#x0CD6]
   3774 |&nbsp;[#x0D02-#x0D03]
   3775 |&nbsp;[#x0D3E-#x0D43]
   3776 |&nbsp;[#x0D46-#x0D48]
   3777 |&nbsp;[#x0D4A-#x0D4D]
   3778 |&nbsp;#x0D57
   3779 |&nbsp;#x0E31
   3780 |&nbsp;[#x0E34-#x0E3A]
   3781 |&nbsp;[#x0E47-#x0E4E]
   3782 |&nbsp;#x0EB1
   3783 |&nbsp;[#x0EB4-#x0EB9]
   3784 |&nbsp;[#x0EBB-#x0EBC]
   3785 |&nbsp;[#x0EC8-#x0ECD]
   3786 |&nbsp;[#x0F18-#x0F19]
   3787 |&nbsp;#x0F35
   3788 |&nbsp;#x0F37
   3789 |&nbsp;#x0F39
   3790 |&nbsp;#x0F3E
   3791 |&nbsp;#x0F3F
   3792 |&nbsp;[#x0F71-#x0F84]
   3793 |&nbsp;[#x0F86-#x0F8B]
   3794 |&nbsp;[#x0F90-#x0F95]
   3795 |&nbsp;#x0F97
   3796 |&nbsp;[#x0F99-#x0FAD]
   3797 |&nbsp;[#x0FB1-#x0FB7]
   3798 |&nbsp;#x0FB9
   3799 |&nbsp;[#x20D0-#x20DC]
   3800 |&nbsp;#x20E1
   3801 |&nbsp;[#x302A-#x302F]
   3802 |&nbsp;#x3099
   3803 |&nbsp;#x309A
   3804 </rhs></prod>
   3805 <prod id='NT-Digit'><lhs>Digit</lhs>
   3806 <rhs>[#x0030-#x0039]
   3807 |&nbsp;[#x0660-#x0669]
   3808 |&nbsp;[#x06F0-#x06F9]
   3809 |&nbsp;[#x0966-#x096F]
   3810 |&nbsp;[#x09E6-#x09EF]
   3811 |&nbsp;[#x0A66-#x0A6F]
   3812 |&nbsp;[#x0AE6-#x0AEF]
   3813 |&nbsp;[#x0B66-#x0B6F]
   3814 |&nbsp;[#x0BE7-#x0BEF]
   3815 |&nbsp;[#x0C66-#x0C6F]
   3816 |&nbsp;[#x0CE6-#x0CEF]
   3817 |&nbsp;[#x0D66-#x0D6F]
   3818 |&nbsp;[#x0E50-#x0E59]
   3819 |&nbsp;[#x0ED0-#x0ED9]
   3820 |&nbsp;[#x0F20-#x0F29]
   3821 </rhs></prod>
   3822 <prod id='NT-Extender'><lhs>Extender</lhs>
   3823 <rhs>#x00B7
   3824 |&nbsp;#x02D0
   3825 |&nbsp;#x02D1
   3826 |&nbsp;#x0387
   3827 |&nbsp;#x0640
   3828 |&nbsp;#x0E46
   3829 |&nbsp;#x0EC6
   3830 |&nbsp;#x3005
   3831 |&nbsp;[#x3031-#x3035]
   3832 |&nbsp;[#x309D-#x309E]
   3833 |&nbsp;[#x30FC-#x30FE]
   3834 </rhs></prod>
   3836 </prodgroup>
   3837 </scrap>
   3838 </p>
   3839 <p>The character classes defined here can be derived from the
   3840 Unicode character database as follows:
   3841 <ulist>
   3842 <item>
   3843 <p>Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu,
   3844 Lo, Lt, Nl.</p>
   3845 </item>
   3846 <item>
   3847 <p>Name characters other than Name-start characters 
   3848 must have one of the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd.</p>
   3849 </item>
   3850 <item>
   3851 <p>Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code
   3852 greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML
   3853 names.</p>
   3854 </item>
   3855 <item>
   3856 <p>Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition (i.e. those
   3857 with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the database --
   3858 marked by field 5 beginning with a "&lt;") are not allowed.</p>
   3859 </item>
   3860 <item>
   3861 <p>The following characters are treated as name-start characters
   3862 rather than name characters, because the property file classifies
   3863 them as Alphabetic:  [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6.</p>
   3864 </item>
   3865 <item>
   3866 <p>Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with 
   3867 Unicode, section 5.14).</p>
   3868 </item>
   3869 <item>
   3870 <p>Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the
   3871 property list so identifies it.</p>
   3872 </item>
   3873 <item>
   3874 <p>Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7
   3875 is its canonical equivalent.</p>
   3876 </item>
   3877 <item>
   3878 <p>Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters.</p>
   3879 </item>
   3880 <item>
   3881 <p>Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters.</p>
   3882 </item>
   3883 </ulist>
   3884 </p>
   3885 </div1>
   3886 <inform-div1 id="sec-xml-and-sgml">
   3887 <head>XML and SGML</head>
   3889 <p>XML is designed to be a subset of SGML, in that every
   3890 <termref def="dt-valid">valid</termref> XML document should also be a
   3891 conformant SGML document.
   3892 For a detailed comparison of the additional restrictions that XML places on
   3893 documents beyond those of SGML, see <bibref ref='Clark'/>.
   3894 </p>
   3895 </inform-div1>
   3896 <inform-div1 id="sec-entexpand">
   3897 <head>Expansion of Entity and Character References</head>
   3898 <p>This appendix contains some examples illustrating the
   3899 sequence of entity- and character-reference recognition and
   3900 expansion, as specified in <specref ref='entproc'/>.</p>
   3901 <p>
   3902 If the DTD contains the declaration 
   3903 <eg><![CDATA[<!ENTITY example "<p>An ampersand (&#38;#38;) may be escaped
   3904 numerically (&#38;#38;#38;) or with a general entity
   3905 (&amp;amp;).</p>" >
   3906 ]]></eg>
   3907 then the XML processor will recognize the character references 
   3908 when it parses the entity declaration, and resolve them before 
   3909 storing the following string as the
   3910 value of the entity "<code>example</code>":
   3911 <eg><![CDATA[<p>An ampersand (&#38;) may be escaped
   3912 numerically (&#38;#38;) or with a general entity
   3913 (&amp;amp;).</p>
   3914 ]]></eg>
   3915 A reference in the document to "<code>&amp;example;</code>" 
   3916 will cause the text to be reparsed, at which time the 
   3917 start- and end-tags of the "<code>p</code>" element will be recognized 
   3918 and the three references will be recognized and expanded, 
   3919 resulting in a "<code>p</code>" element with the following content
   3920 (all data, no delimiters or markup):
   3921 <eg><![CDATA[An ampersand (&) may be escaped
   3922 numerically (&#38;) or with a general entity
   3923 (&amp;).
   3924 ]]></eg>
   3925 </p>
   3926 <p>A more complex example will illustrate the rules and their
   3927 effects fully.  In the following example, the line numbers are
   3928 solely for reference.
   3929 <eg><![CDATA[1 <?xml version='1.0'?>
   3930 2 <!DOCTYPE test [
   3931 3 <!ELEMENT test (#PCDATA) >
   3932 4 <!ENTITY % xx '&#37;zz;'>
   3933 5 <!ENTITY % zz '&#60;!ENTITY tricky "error-prone" >' >
   3934 6 %xx;
   3935 7 ]>
   3936 8 <test>This sample shows a &tricky; method.</test>
   3937 ]]></eg>
   3938 This produces the following:
   3939 <ulist spacing="compact">
   3940 <item><p>in line 4, the reference to character 37 is expanded immediately,
   3941 and the parameter entity "<code>xx</code>" is stored in the symbol
   3942 table with the value "<code>%zz;</code>".  Since the replacement text
   3943 is not rescanned, the reference to parameter entity "<code>zz</code>"
   3944 is not recognized.  (And it would be an error if it were, since
   3945 "<code>zz</code>" is not yet declared.)</p></item>
   3946 <item><p>in line 5, the character reference "<code>&amp;#60;</code>" is
   3947 expanded immediately and the parameter entity "<code>zz</code>" is
   3948 stored with the replacement text 
   3949 "<code>&lt;!ENTITY tricky "error-prone" ></code>",
   3950 which is a well-formed entity declaration.</p></item>
   3951 <item><p>in line 6, the reference to "<code>xx</code>" is recognized,
   3952 and the replacement text of "<code>xx</code>" (namely 
   3953 "<code>%zz;</code>") is parsed.  The reference to "<code>zz</code>"
   3954 is recognized in its turn, and its replacement text 
   3955 ("<code>&lt;!ENTITY tricky "error-prone" ></code>") is parsed.
   3956 The general entity "<code>tricky</code>" has now been
   3957 declared, with the replacement text "<code>error-prone</code>".</p></item>
   3958 <item><p>
   3959 in line 8, the reference to the general entity "<code>tricky</code>" is
   3960 recognized, and it is expanded, so the full content of the
   3961 "<code>test</code>" element is the self-describing (and ungrammatical) string
   3962 <emph>This sample shows a error-prone method.</emph>
   3963 </p></item>
   3964 </ulist>
   3965 </p>
   3966 </inform-div1> 
   3967 <inform-div1 id="determinism">
   3968 <head>Deterministic Content Models</head>
   3969 <p><termref def='dt-compat'>For compatibility</termref>, it is
   3970 required
   3971 that content models in element type declarations be deterministic.  
   3972 </p>
   3973 <!-- FINAL EDIT:  WebSGML allows ambiguity? -->
   3974 <p>SGML
   3975 requires deterministic content models (it calls them
   3976 "unambiguous"); XML processors built using SGML systems may
   3977 flag non-deterministic content models as errors.</p>
   3978 <p>For example, the content model <code>((b, c) | (b, d))</code> is
   3979 non-deterministic, because given an initial <code>b</code> the parser
   3980 cannot know which <code>b</code> in the model is being matched without
   3981 looking ahead to see which element follows the <code>b</code>.
   3982 In this case, the two references to
   3983 <code>b</code> can be collapsed 
   3984 into a single reference, making the model read
   3985 <code>(b, (c | d))</code>.  An initial <code>b</code> now clearly
   3986 matches only a single name in the content model.  The parser doesn't
   3987 need to look ahead to see what follows; either <code>c</code> or
   3988 <code>d</code> would be accepted.</p>
   3989 <p>More formally:  a finite state automaton may be constructed from the
   3990 content model using the standard algorithms, e.g. algorithm 3.5 
   3991 in section 3.9
   3992 of Aho, Sethi, and Ullman <bibref ref='Aho'/>.
   3993 In many such algorithms, a follow set is constructed for each 
   3994 position in the regular expression (i.e., each leaf 
   3995 node in the 
   3996 syntax tree for the regular expression);
   3997 if any position has a follow set in which 
   3998 more than one following position is 
   3999 labeled with the same element type name, 
   4000 then the content model is in error
   4001 and may be reported as an error.
   4002 </p>
   4003 <p>Algorithms exist which allow many but not all non-deterministic
   4004 content models to be reduced automatically to equivalent deterministic
   4005 models; see Brggemann-Klein 1991 <bibref ref='ABK'/>.</p>
   4006 </inform-div1>
   4007 <inform-div1 id="sec-guessing">
   4008 <head>Autodetection of Character Encodings</head>
   4009 <p>The XML encoding declaration functions as an internal label on each
   4010 entity, indicating which character encoding is in use.  Before an XML
   4011 processor can read the internal label, however, it apparently has to
   4012 know what character encoding is in use&mdash;which is what the internal label
   4013 is trying to indicate.  In the general case, this is a hopeless
   4014 situation. It is not entirely hopeless in XML, however, because XML
   4015 limits the general case in two ways:  each implementation is assumed
   4016 to support only a  finite set of character encodings, and the XML
   4017 encoding declaration is restricted in position and content in order to
   4018 make it feasible to autodetect the character encoding in use in each
   4019 entity in normal cases.  Also, in many cases other sources of information
   4020 are available in addition to the XML data stream itself.  
   4021 Two cases may be distinguished, 
   4022 depending on whether the XML entity is presented to the
   4023 processor without, or with, any accompanying
   4024 (external) information.  We consider the first case first.
   4025 </p>
   4026 <p>
   4027 Because each XML entity not in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format <emph>must</emph>
   4028 begin with an XML encoding declaration, in which the first  characters
   4029 must be '<code>&lt;?xml</code>', any conforming processor can detect,
   4030 after two to four octets of input, which of the following cases apply. 
   4031 In reading this list, it may help to know that in UCS-4, '&lt;' is
   4032 "<code>#x0000003C</code>" and '?' is "<code>#x0000003F</code>", and the Byte
   4033 Order Mark required of UTF-16 data streams is "<code>#xFEFF</code>".</p>
   4034 <p>
   4035 <ulist>
   4036 <item>
   4037 <p><code>00 00 00 3C</code>: UCS-4, big-endian machine (1234 order)</p>
   4038 </item>
   4039 <item>
   4040 <p><code>3C 00 00 00</code>: UCS-4, little-endian machine (4321 order)</p>
   4041 </item>
   4042 <item>
   4043 <p><code>00 00 3C 00</code>: UCS-4, unusual octet order (2143)</p>
   4044 </item>
   4045 <item>
   4046 <p><code>00 3C 00 00</code>: UCS-4, unusual octet order (3412)</p>
   4047 </item>
   4048 <item>
   4049 <p><code>FE FF</code>: UTF-16, big-endian</p>
   4050 </item>
   4051 <item>
   4052 <p><code>FF FE</code>: UTF-16, little-endian</p>
   4053 </item>
   4054 <item>
   4055 <p><code>00 3C 00 3F</code>: UTF-16, big-endian, no Byte Order Mark
   4056 (and thus, strictly speaking, in error)</p>
   4057 </item>
   4058 <item>
   4059 <p><code>3C 00 3F 00</code>: UTF-16, little-endian, no Byte Order Mark
   4060 (and thus, strictly speaking, in error)</p>
   4061 </item>
   4062 <item>
   4063 <p><code>3C 3F 78 6D</code>: UTF-8, ISO 646, ASCII, some part of ISO 8859, 
   4064 Shift-JIS, EUC, or any other 7-bit, 8-bit, or mixed-width encoding
   4065 which ensures that the characters of ASCII have their normal positions,
   4066 width,
   4067 and values; the actual encoding declaration must be read to 
   4068 detect which of these applies, but since all of these encodings
   4069 use the same bit patterns for the ASCII characters, the encoding 
   4070 declaration itself may be read reliably
   4071 </p>
   4072 </item>
   4073 <item>
   4074 <p><code>4C 6F A7 94</code>: EBCDIC (in some flavor; the full
   4075 encoding declaration must be read to tell which code page is in 
   4076 use)</p>
   4077 </item>
   4078 <item>
   4079 <p>other: UTF-8 without an encoding declaration, or else 
   4080 the data stream is corrupt, fragmentary, or enclosed in
   4081 a wrapper of some kind</p>
   4082 </item>
   4083 </ulist>
   4084 </p>
   4085 <p>
   4086 This level of autodetection is enough to read the XML encoding
   4087 declaration and parse the character-encoding identifier, which is
   4088 still necessary to distinguish the individual members of each family
   4089 of encodings (e.g. to tell  UTF-8 from 8859, and the parts of 8859
   4090 from each other, or to distinguish the specific EBCDIC code page in
   4091 use, and so on).
   4092 </p>
   4093 <p>
   4094 Because the contents of the encoding declaration are restricted to
   4095 ASCII characters, a processor can reliably read the entire encoding
   4096 declaration as soon as it has detected which family of encodings is in
   4097 use.  Since in practice, all widely used character encodings fall into
   4098 one of the categories above, the XML encoding declaration allows
   4099 reasonably reliable in-band labeling of character encodings, even when
   4100 external sources of information at the operating-system or
   4101 transport-protocol level are unreliable.
   4102 </p>
   4103 <p>
   4104 Once the processor has detected the character encoding in use, it can
   4105 act appropriately, whether by invoking a separate input routine for
   4106 each case, or by calling the proper conversion function on each
   4107 character of input. 
   4108 </p>
   4109 <p>
   4110 Like any self-labeling system, the XML encoding declaration will not
   4111 work if any software changes the entity's character set or encoding
   4112 without updating the encoding declaration.  Implementors of
   4113 character-encoding routines should be careful to ensure the accuracy
   4114 of the internal and external information used to label the entity.
   4115 </p>
   4116 <p>The second possible case occurs when the XML entity is accompanied
   4117 by encoding information, as in some file systems and some network
   4118 protocols.
   4119 When multiple sources of information are available,
   4121 their relative
   4122 priority and the preferred method of handling conflict should be
   4123 specified as part of the higher-level protocol used to deliver XML.
   4124 Rules for the relative priority of the internal label and the
   4125 MIME-type label in an external header, for example, should be part of the
   4126 RFC document defining the text/xml and application/xml MIME types. In
   4127 the interests of interoperability, however, the following rules
   4128 are recommended.
   4129 <ulist>
   4130 <item><p>If an XML entity is in a file, the Byte-Order Mark
   4131 and encoding-declaration PI are used (if present) to determine the
   4132 character encoding.  All other heuristics and sources of information
   4133 are solely for error recovery.
   4134 </p></item>
   4135 <item><p>If an XML entity is delivered with a
   4136 MIME type of text/xml, then the <code>charset</code> parameter
   4137 on the MIME type determines the
   4138 character encoding method; all other heuristics and sources of
   4139 information are solely for error recovery.
   4140 </p></item>
   4141 <item><p>If an XML entity is delivered 
   4142 with a
   4143 MIME type of application/xml, then the Byte-Order Mark and
   4144 encoding-declaration PI are used (if present) to determine the
   4145 character encoding.  All other heuristics and sources of
   4146 information are solely for error recovery.
   4147 </p></item>
   4148 </ulist>
   4149 These rules apply only in the absence of protocol-level documentation;
   4150 in particular, when the MIME types text/xml and application/xml are
   4151 defined, the recommendations of the relevant RFC will supersede
   4152 these rules.
   4153 </p>
   4155 </inform-div1>
   4157 <inform-div1 id="sec-xml-wg">
   4158 <head>W3C XML Working Group</head>
   4160 <p>This specification was prepared and approved for publication by the
   4161 W3C XML Working Group (WG).  WG approval of this specification does
   4162 not necessarily imply that all WG members voted for its approval.  
   4163 The current and former members of the XML WG are:</p>
   4165 <orglist>
   4166 <member><name>Jon Bosak, Sun</name><role>Chair</role></member>
   4167 <member><name>James Clark</name><role>Technical Lead</role></member>
   4168 <member><name>Tim Bray, Textuality and Netscape</name><role>XML Co-editor</role></member>
   4169 <member><name>Jean Paoli, Microsoft</name><role>XML Co-editor</role></member>
   4170 <member><name>C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, U. of Ill.</name><role>XML
   4171 Co-editor</role></member>
   4172 <member><name>Dan Connolly, W3C</name><role>W3C Liaison</role></member>
   4173 <member><name>Paula Angerstein, Texcel</name></member>
   4174 <member><name>Steve DeRose, INSO</name></member>
   4175 <member><name>Dave Hollander, HP</name></member>
   4176 <member><name>Eliot Kimber, ISOGEN</name></member>
   4177 <member><name>Eve Maler, ArborText</name></member>
   4178 <member><name>Tom Magliery, NCSA</name></member>
   4179 <member><name>Murray Maloney, Muzmo and Grif</name></member>
   4180 <member><name>Makoto Murata, Fuji Xerox Information Systems</name></member>
   4181 <member><name>Joel Nava, Adobe</name></member>
   4182 <member><name>Conleth O'Connell, Vignette</name></member>
   4183 <member><name>Peter Sharpe, SoftQuad</name></member>
   4184 <member><name>John Tigue, DataChannel</name></member>
   4185 </orglist>
   4187 </inform-div1>
   4188 </back>
   4189 </spec>
   4190 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
   4191 Local variables:
   4192 mode: sgml
   4193 sgml-default-dtd-file:"~/sgml/spec.ced"
   4194 sgml-omittag:t
   4195 sgml-shorttag:t
   4196 End:
   4197 -->