1 ; If there's a call in the loop which dominates the backedge, we 2 ; don't need a safepoint poll (since the callee must contain a 3 ; poll test). 4 ;; RUN: opt %s -place-safepoints -S | FileCheck %s 5 6 declare void @foo() 7 8 define void @test1() gc "statepoint-example" { 9 ; CHECK-LABEL: test1 10 11 entry: 12 ; CHECK-LABEL: entry 13 ; CHECK: statepoint 14 br label %loop 15 16 loop: 17 ; CHECK-LABEL: loop 18 ; CHECK: @llvm.experimental.gc.statepoint.p0f_isVoidf(i64 2882400000, i32 0, void ()* @foo 19 ; CHECK-NOT: statepoint 20 call void @foo() 21 br label %loop 22 } 23 24 ; This function is inlined when inserting a poll. 25 declare void @do_safepoint() 26 define void @gc.safepoint_poll() { 27 ; CHECK-LABEL: gc.safepoint_poll 28 entry: 29 call void @do_safepoint() 30 ret void 31 } 32