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      1 #!/bin/csh -f
      3 set pstatus = 0
      4 onintr cleanup
      5 alias usage 'echo "USAGE: $0:t [-h] [-n] [-obj obj-root] [gmake-flags] [VAR=...] [toolname (default: opt)]"; set pstatus = 1; goto cleanup'
      7 set EXEC = opt
      8 set GMAKE_OPTS = ""
      9 set DEBUG = 0
     11 ## Search path for automatically finding the obj-root to use.
     12 ## Note: The src root directory ${LLVMDIR} will be prepended to this path later.
     13 ## 
     14 set OBJROOTDIRLIST = ( )
     16 set doit = 1
     17 unset options_done
     18 while ( !( $?options_done ) && ($#argv > 0))
     19     switch ($argv[1])
     20 	case -h :
     21 	    usage
     22 	case -f :
     23 	    if ($#argv < 2) usage
     24 	    shift argv; set MFILE = $argv[1]; shift argv; breaksw
     25 	case -n :
     26 	    set doit = 0; shift argv; breaksw
     27 	case -obj :
     28 	    set OBJROOT = $argv[2]; shift argv; shift argv
     29 	    if (! -d "$OBJROOT") then
     30 		echo "FATAL: Illegal obj-root directory ${OBJROOT}"
     31 		exit 1
     32 	    endif
     33 	    breaksw
     34 	case -d :
     35 	    set doit = 0; set DEBUG = 1; shift argv; breaksw
     36 	case -* :
     37 	    set GMAKE_OPTS = ( $GMAKE_OPTS $argv[1] ); shift argv; breaksw
     38 	default :
     39 	    set optarg = `echo -n $argv[1] | sed 's/^[^=]*$//'`
     40 	    if ($#optarg) then
     41 	        set GMAKE_OPTS = ( $GMAKE_OPTS $optarg )
     42 	        shift argv
     43 	    else
     44 	        set options_done
     45 	    endif
     46             breaksw
     47     endsw
     48 end
     50 if ($#argv > 1) then
     51     echo 'ERROR: More than one tool is not supported by "makellvm"'
     52     usage
     53 endif
     54 if ($#argv > 0) then
     55     set EXEC = $argv[1]
     56 endif
     57 if ($DEBUG) then
     58     echo "DEBUG: EXEC = $EXEC"
     59 endif
     61 ## Compute LLVMDIR: the root of the current LLVM tree.
     62 ## It is recorded in the variable LEVEL in Makefile, to compute it
     63 ## 
     64 if (! $?MFILE) then
     65     if (-f GNUmakefile) then
     66 	set MFILE = GNUmakefile
     67     else if (-f makefile) then
     68 	set MFILE = makefile
     69     else
     70 	set MFILE = Makefile
     71     endif
     72 endif
     73 if ($DEBUG) then
     74     echo "DEBUG: MFILE = $MFILE"
     75 endif
     76 if (! -f $MFILE) then
     77     echo "Missing or invalid makefile: $MFILE"
     78     exit 1
     79 endif
     81 set LLVMDIR = `awk '/LEVEL[ 	]*=/ {print $NF}' $MFILE`
     82 if ($DEBUG) then
     83     echo "DEBUG: LLVMDIR = $LLVMDIR"
     84 endif
     86 if ($#LLVMDIR == 0 || ! -d "$LLVMDIR") then
     87     echo "Unable to find LLVM src-root directory or directory is invalid."
     88     echo "Are you within a valid LLVM directory for running gmake?"
     89     exit 1
     90 endif
     92 ## Try to determine the obj-root directory automatically if not specified
     93 ## 
     94 set OBJROOTDIRLIST = ( ${LLVMDIR} $OBJROOTDIRLIST )	## add src dir
     95 if ($?OBJROOT == 0) then
     96     ## Try to determine object root directory by looking for Makefile.config
     97     foreach objdir ( $OBJROOTDIRLIST )
     98 	if (-f "${objdir}/Makefile.config") then
     99 	    set OBJROOT = ${objdir}
    100             break
    101         endif
    102     end
    103     if ($?OBJROOT == 0) then
    104 	echo "FATAL: Could not choose an obj-root directory from these choices:"
    105 	echo "       ${OBJROOTDIRLIST}."
    106 	echo "       You can specify it explicitly using '-obj obj-root'."
    107 	exit 1
    108     endif
    109     echo "Using OBJ-ROOT = ${OBJROOT} (specify '-obj obj-root' to override)."
    110 endif
    111 if (${OBJROOT} == ${LLVMDIR}) then
    112     # run make in the source directory itself
    113     set BUILDROOT = .
    114 else
    115     # run make in the in the obj-root tree, in the directory for $cwd
    116     set SRCROOT = `sh -c "cd $LLVMDIR; pwd | sed 's/\//\\\//g'"` 
    117     set CURSRCDIR = `echo $cwd | sed -e "s/${SRCROOT}//"`
    118     set BUILDROOT = ${OBJROOT}/${CURSRCDIR}
    119     unset SRCROOT CURSRCDIR
    120 endif
    121 if ($DEBUG) then
    122     echo "DEBUG: BUILDROOT = $BUILDROOT"
    123 endif
    124 if (! -d $BUILDROOT) then
    125     echo "FATAL: Invalid build directory: ${BUILDROOT}"
    126     exit 1
    127 endif
    128 cd $BUILDROOT 
    130 set CMD = "make $GMAKE_OPTS && (cd $LLVMDIR/tools/$EXEC && make $GMAKE_OPTS)"
    132 if ($doit == 1) then
    133     csh -f -c "$CMD"
    134     set pstatus = $?
    135 else
    136     echo '(NOT EXECUTING) COMMAND:'
    137     echo "  $CMD"
    138 endif
    141 #=========================================================
    143 #=========================================================
    144 cleanup:
    145     exit($pstatus)