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      1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Original code by Matt McCutchen, see the LICENSE file.
      7 #ifndef BIGINTEGER_H
      8 #define BIGINTEGER_H
     10 #include "BigUnsigned.hh"
     12 /* A BigInteger object represents a signed integer of size limited only by
     13  * available memory.  BigUnsigneds support most mathematical operators and can
     14  * be converted to and from most primitive integer types.
     15  *
     16  * A BigInteger is just an aggregate of a BigUnsigned and a sign.  (It is no
     17  * longer derived from BigUnsigned because that led to harmful implicit
     18  * conversions.) */
     19 class BigInteger {
     21 public:
     22 	typedef BigUnsigned::Blk Blk;
     23 	typedef BigUnsigned::Index Index;
     24 	typedef BigUnsigned::CmpRes CmpRes;
     25 	static const CmpRes
     26 		less    = BigUnsigned::less   ,
     27 		equal   = BigUnsigned::equal  ,
     28 		greater = BigUnsigned::greater;
     29 	// Enumeration for the sign of a BigInteger.
     30 	enum Sign { negative = -1, zero = 0, positive = 1 };
     32 protected:
     33 	Sign sign;
     34 	BigUnsigned mag;
     36 public:
     37 	// Constructs zero.
     38 	BigInteger() : sign(zero), mag() {}
     40 	// Copy constructor
     41 	BigInteger(const BigInteger &x) : sign(x.sign), mag(x.mag) {};
     43 	// Assignment operator
     44 	void operator=(const BigInteger &x);
     46 	// Constructor that copies from a given array of blocks with a sign.
     47 	BigInteger(const Blk *b, Index blen, Sign s);
     49 	// Nonnegative constructor that copies from a given array of blocks.
     50 	BigInteger(const Blk *b, Index blen) : mag(b, blen) {
     51 		sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive;
     52 	}
     54 	// Constructor from a BigUnsigned and a sign
     55 	BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &x, Sign s);
     57 	// Nonnegative constructor from a BigUnsigned
     58 	BigInteger(const BigUnsigned &x) : mag(x) {
     59 		sign = mag.isZero() ? zero : positive;
     60 	}
     62 	// Constructors from primitive integer types
     63 	BigInteger(unsigned long  x);
     64 	BigInteger(         long  x);
     65 	BigInteger(unsigned int   x);
     66 	BigInteger(         int   x);
     67 	BigInteger(unsigned short x);
     68 	BigInteger(         short x);
     70 	/* Converters to primitive integer types
     71 	 * The implicit conversion operators caused trouble, so these are now
     72 	 * named. */
     73 	unsigned long  toUnsignedLong () const;
     74 	long           toLong         () const;
     75 	unsigned int   toUnsignedInt  () const;
     76 	int            toInt          () const;
     77 	unsigned short toUnsignedShort() const;
     78 	short          toShort        () const;
     79 protected:
     80 	// Helper
     81 	template <class X> X convertToUnsignedPrimitive() const;
     82 	template <class X, class UX> X convertToSignedPrimitive() const;
     83 public:
     85 	// ACCESSORS
     86 	Sign getSign() const { return sign; }
     87 	/* The client can't do any harm by holding a read-only reference to the
     88 	 * magnitude. */
     89 	const BigUnsigned &getMagnitude() const { return mag; }
     91 	// Some accessors that go through to the magnitude
     92 	Index getLength() const { return mag.getLength(); }
     93 	Index getCapacity() const { return mag.getCapacity(); }
     94 	Blk getBlock(Index i) const { return mag.getBlock(i); }
     95 	bool isZero() const { return sign == zero; } // A bit special
     97 	// COMPARISONS
     99 	// Compares this to x like Perl's <=>
    100 	CmpRes compareTo(const BigInteger &x) const;
    102 	// Ordinary comparison operators
    103 	bool operator ==(const BigInteger &x) const {
    104 		return sign == x.sign && mag == x.mag;
    105 	}
    106 	bool operator !=(const BigInteger &x) const { return !operator ==(x); };
    107 	bool operator < (const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) == less   ; }
    108 	bool operator <=(const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) != greater; }
    109 	bool operator >=(const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) != less   ; }
    110 	bool operator > (const BigInteger &x) const { return compareTo(x) == greater; }
    112 	// OPERATORS -- See the discussion in BigUnsigned.hh.
    113 	void add     (const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b);
    114 	void subtract(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b);
    115 	void multiply(const BigInteger &a, const BigInteger &b);
    116 	/* See the comment on BigUnsigned::divideWithRemainder.  Semantics
    117 	 * differ from those of primitive integers when negatives and/or zeros
    118 	 * are involved. */
    119 	void divideWithRemainder(const BigInteger &b, BigInteger &q);
    120 	void negate(const BigInteger &a);
    122 	/* Bitwise operators are not provided for BigIntegers.  Use
    123 	 * getMagnitude to get the magnitude and operate on that instead. */
    125 	BigInteger operator +(const BigInteger &x) const;
    126 	BigInteger operator -(const BigInteger &x) const;
    127 	BigInteger operator *(const BigInteger &x) const;
    128 	BigInteger operator /(const BigInteger &x) const;
    129 	BigInteger operator %(const BigInteger &x) const;
    130 	BigInteger operator -() const;
    132 	void operator +=(const BigInteger &x);
    133 	void operator -=(const BigInteger &x);
    134 	void operator *=(const BigInteger &x);
    135 	void operator /=(const BigInteger &x);
    136 	void operator %=(const BigInteger &x);
    137 	void flipSign();
    140 	void operator ++(   );
    141 	void operator ++(int);
    142 	void operator --(   );
    143 	void operator --(int);
    144 };
    147 /* These create an object to hold the result and invoke
    148  * the appropriate put-here operation on it, passing
    149  * this and x.  The new object is then returned. */
    150 inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator +(const BigInteger &x) const {
    151 	BigInteger ans;
    152 	ans.add(*this, x);
    153 	return ans;
    154 }
    155 inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator -(const BigInteger &x) const {
    156 	BigInteger ans;
    157 	ans.subtract(*this, x);
    158 	return ans;
    159 }
    160 inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator *(const BigInteger &x) const {
    161 	BigInteger ans;
    162 	ans.multiply(*this, x);
    163 	return ans;
    164 }
    165 inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator /(const BigInteger &x) const {
    166 	if (x.isZero())
    167         abort();
    168 	BigInteger q, r;
    169 	r = *this;
    170 	r.divideWithRemainder(x, q);
    171 	return q;
    172 }
    173 inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator %(const BigInteger &x) const {
    174 	if (x.isZero())
    175         abort();
    176 	BigInteger q, r;
    177 	r = *this;
    178 	r.divideWithRemainder(x, q);
    179 	return r;
    180 }
    181 inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator -() const {
    182 	BigInteger ans;
    183 	ans.negate(*this);
    184 	return ans;
    185 }
    187 /*
    189  *
    190  * Now the responsibility for making a temporary copy if necessary
    191  * belongs to the put-here operations.  See Assignment Operators in
    192  * BigUnsigned.hh.
    193  */
    194 inline void BigInteger::operator +=(const BigInteger &x) {
    195 	add(*this, x);
    196 }
    197 inline void BigInteger::operator -=(const BigInteger &x) {
    198 	subtract(*this, x);
    199 }
    200 inline void BigInteger::operator *=(const BigInteger &x) {
    201 	multiply(*this, x);
    202 }
    203 inline void BigInteger::operator /=(const BigInteger &x) {
    204 	if (x.isZero())
    205         abort();
    206 	/* The following technique is slightly faster than copying *this first
    207 	 * when x is large. */
    208 	BigInteger q;
    209 	divideWithRemainder(x, q);
    210 	// *this contains the remainder, but we overwrite it with the quotient.
    211 	*this = q;
    212 }
    213 inline void BigInteger::operator %=(const BigInteger &x) {
    214 	if (x.isZero())
    215         abort();
    216 	BigInteger q;
    217 	// Mods *this by x.  Don't care about quotient left in q.
    218 	divideWithRemainder(x, q);
    219 }
    220 // This one is trivial
    221 inline void BigInteger::flipSign() {
    222 	sign = Sign(-sign);
    223 }
    225 #endif