1 <HTML> 2 <BODY> 3 Provides classes that manage application preferences and implement the preferences UI. 4 Using these ensures that all the preferences within each application are maintained 5 in the same manner and the user experience is consistent with that of the system and 6 other applications. 7 <p> 8 The preferences portion of an application 9 should be ran as a separate {@link android.app.Activity} that extends 10 the {@link android.preference.PreferenceActivity} class. In the PreferenceActivity, a 11 {@link android.preference.PreferenceScreen} object should be the root element of the layout. 12 The PreferenceScreen contains {@link android.preference.Preference} elements such as a 13 {@link android.preference.CheckBoxPreference}, {@link android.preference.EditTextPreference}, 14 {@link android.preference.ListPreference}, {@link android.preference.PreferenceCategory}, 15 or {@link android.preference.RingtonePreference}. </p> 16 <p> 17 All settings made for a given {@link android.preference.Preference} will be automatically saved 18 to the application's instance of {@link android.content.SharedPreferences}. Access to the 19 SharedPreferences is simple with {@link android.preference.Preference#getSharedPreferences()}.</p> 20 <p> 21 Note that saved preferences are accessible only to the application that created them.</p> 22 </BODY> 23 </HTML> 24