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      1 page.title=Build VR with Google Cardboard
      2 page.metaDescription=Build apps and games with VR, for a viewer anyone can buy.
      3 page.tags=vr, cardboard, games
      4 page.image=images/cards/card-cardboard_2x.png
      5 @jd:body
      7 <p>
      8   Virtual reality promises to transform the way players view games, taking them from a
      9   flat world into the realm of 3D. In fact, any application that provides
     10   a way to visually explore has the possibility to offer users more immersive experiences
     11   with VR &mdash; like a virtual tour of a famous landmark or a way to visualise atoms in a
     12   chemical compound.
     13 </p>
     15 <div>
     16 <img src="{@docRoot}images/distribute/cardboard.jpg" />
     17 </div>
     19 <p>
     20   Google Cardboard and the Cardboard SDK provides you with a practical, accessible way to
     21   start developing VR, and your users with a simple, fun, and natural way to experience your
     22   VR apps and games.
     23 </p>
     25 <p>
     26   Order or make your own <a href="https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/get-cardboard.html">
     27   Viewer that works with Google Cardboard</a>. And then find out more about <a
     28   href="https://developers.google.com/cardboard/">developing with the Cardboard SDK</a>.
     29 </p>
     31 <h2 id="tips">Tips</h2>
     32 <ul>
     33   <li>Review our <a
     34 href="http://www.google.com/design/spec-vr/designing-for-google-cardboard/a-new-dimension.html">
     35   best practices for designing Cardboard apps.</li>
     36   <li>Check out our <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/google-cardboard">Stack
     37   Overflow tag</a> to find and ask questions about Cardboard development.</li>
     38   <li>Join the <a href="https://plus.google.com/communities/111524380182206513071">Cardboard
     39   &amp; VR Developers community</a> on Google+ to stay up-to-date on Cardboard and
     40   connect with other developers.</li>
     41 </ul>
     43 <h2 style="clear:both" id="related-resources">Related Resources</h2>
     45 <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13"
     46   data-query="collection:distribute/googleplay/cardboard"
     47   data-sortOrder="-timestamp"
     48   data-cardSizes="9x3"
     49   data-maxResults="6"></div>