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      1 page.title=Support Library
      2 page.metaDescription=The Android Support Library offers backward-compatible versions of a number of features that are not built into the framework.
      4 @jd:body
      6 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      7   <div id="qv">
      9     <h2>In this document</h2>
     10     <ol>
     11       <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
     12       <li><a href="#backward">Backward Compatibility</a></li>
     13       <li><a href="#layout-patterns">Support for General Layout Patterns</a></li>
     14       <li><a href="#form-factors">Support for Different Form Factors</a></li>
     15       <li><a href="#utils">General Utilities</a></li>
     16     </ol>
     18     <h2>See also</h2>
     19     <ol>
     20       <li><a href="{@docRoot}topic/libraries/support-library/features.html">
     21         Support Library Features</a></li>
     22       <li><a href="{@docRoot}topic/libraries/support-library/setup.html">
     23         Support Library Setup</a></li>
     24       <li><a href="{@docRoot}topic/libraries/support-library/revisions.html">
     25         Support Library Revision History</a></li>
     27     </ol>
     29   </div>
     30 </div>
     32 <p>
     33   The Android Support Library offers a number of features that are not built
     34   into the framework. These libraries offer backward-compatible versions of
     35   new features, provide useful UI elements that are not included in the
     36   framework, and provide a range of utilities that apps can draw on.
     37 </p>
     39 <h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
     41 <p>
     42   In many cases, a feature may be valuable to many app developers, but not
     43   appropriate to include in the Android framework itself. For example, an app
     44   might only need a feature for specialized use cases, such as to smooth the
     45   transition between different versions of the Android system.
     46 </p>
     48 <p>
     49   To address these situations, the Android SDK includes several libraries
     50   collectively called the <em>Android Support Library</em>. App developers
     51   can include any of these libraries if they want to incorporate the
     52   library functionality into their apps.
     53 </p>
     55 <p>
     56   Support libraries provide a range of different features:
     57 </p>
     59 <ul>
     60   <li>
     61     <a href="#backward">Backward-compatible</a> versions of framework
     62     components.
     63   </li>
     65   <li>UI elements to implement the recommended Android <a href=
     66   "#layout-patterns">layout patterns</a>.
     67   </li>
     69   <li>Support for different <a href="#form-factors">form factors</a>.
     70   </li>
     72   <li>Miscellaneous <a href="#utils">utility</a> functions.
     73   </li>
     74 </ul>
     76 <h2 id="backward">Backward Compatibility</h2>
     78 <div class="figure" style="width:300px">
     79   <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/support-library/appbar-kitkat.png"
     80     srcset="{@docRoot}images/tools/support-library/appbar-kitkat.png 1x,
     81         {@docRoot}images/tools/support-library/appbar-kitkat_2x.png 2x"
     82     alt="" width="300">
     83   <p class="img-caption">
     84     <strong>Figure 1.</strong> Because this app uses support library UI
     85     elements its interface incorporates material design principles, even though
     86     it is running on Android 4.4, which does not include native support for
     87     material design.
     88   </p>
     89 </div>
     91 <p>
     92   Support libraries allow apps running on older versions of the Android
     93   platform to support features made available on newer versions of the
     94   platform. For example, an app running on a version of Android lower than 5.0
     95   (API level 21) that relies on framework classes cannot display
     96   material-design elements, as that version of the Android framework doesn't
     97   support material design. However, if the app incorporates the Support
     98   Library's <a href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/features.html">appcompat
     99   library</a>, the app has access to many of the features available in API
    100   level 21, including support for material design. As a result, your app can
    101   deliver a more consistent experience across a broader range of platform
    102   versions.
    103 </p>
    106 <p>
    107   In some cases, the support library version of a class depends as much as
    108   possible on the functionality that the framework provides. In these cases,
    109   if an app calls one of the support class's methods, the support library's
    110   behavior depends on what version of Android the app is running on. If the
    111   framework provides the necessary functionality, the support library calls on
    112   the framework to perform the task. If the app is running on an earlier
    113   version of Android, and the framework doesn't expose the needed
    114   functionality, the support library may try to provide the functionality
    115   itself, or may act as a no-op. In either case, the app generally doesn't
    116   need to check what version of Android it's running on; instead, the app
    117   can rely on the support library to do those checks and choose appropriate
    118   behavior. Generally, classes whose names end in
    119   <code>Compat</code> (like {@link android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat})
    120   behave this way.
    121 </p>
    123 <p>
    124   In other cases, the support library class provides a complete, standalone
    125   version of a framework class that does not rely on the availability of
    126   any framework APIs. These
    127   methods provide consistent behavior across all supported platforms.
    128 </p>
    130 <p>
    131   In either case, the app does not need to check the system version at run
    132   time. The app can rely on the support library class to do the appropriate
    133   system checks, and modify its behavior as necessary.
    134 </p>
    136 <h2 id="layout-patterns">Support for General Layout Patterns</h2>
    138 <p>
    139   Support libraries provide user interface elements not offered by
    140   the Android framework. For example, the Android Support Library offers additional
    141   layout classes, like {@link android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout}. These
    142   classes follow recommended Android design practices; for example, the Design
    143   Library follows the principles of material design in a way that works across
    144   many versions of Android.
    145 </p>
    147 <p>
    148   By using these support library classes, you can avoid having to reinvent the
    149   wheel; if your app has a particular user interface requirement, you can draw
    150   on existing code, which provides a user interface that users will already be
    151   familiar with. These elements also help you build an app that looks and feels
    152   like a part of the Android ecosystem. For example, many apps need to display
    153   arbitrarily long lists of elements, and need to be able to quickly and
    154   efficiently reuse those elements as the list changes; this might be a list of
    155   emails, contacts, music albums, and so on. Those apps can use the support
    156   library {@link android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView} widget to display the
    157   list. This saves the app developer from having to develop the list from
    158   scratch, and also ensures that the user will see a list that looks and
    159   behaves like lists in other apps.
    160 </p>
    162 <h2 id="form-factors">Support for Different Form Factors</h2>
    164 <p>
    165   The Android SDK provides libraries for a number of different form factors,
    166   such as TV and wearables. An app can depend on the appropriate support
    167   library to provide functionality across a wide range of platform versions,
    168   and can provide content on external screens, speakers, and other destination
    169   devices.
    170 </p>
    172 <h2 id="utils">General Utilities</h2>
    174 <p>
    175   The Android Support Library provides backward-compatible utility functions.
    176   Apps can use these utility functions to provide an appropriate user
    177   experience across a wide range of Android system versions. For example,
    178   support library permission methods behave appropriately depending on what
    179   platform version your app is running on. If the platform supports the
    180   runtime permissions model, these methods request the appropriate permission
    181   from the user; on platform versions that do not support the runtime
    182   permissions model, the methods check whether the appropriate permission was
    183   granted at install time.
    184 </p>