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      1 page.title=Requesting Permissions on Android Wear
      2 page.tags="Permissions"
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      5 @jd:body
      7 <div id="tb-wrapper">
      8 <div id="tb">
      9 <h2>In this document</h2>
     10 <ol class="nolist">
     11   <li><a href="#scenarios">Permission Scenarios</a></li>
     12   <li><a href="#requesting">Requesting Permissions</a></li>
     13   <li><a href="#services">Permissions for Services</a></li>
     14   <li><a href="#settings">Settings</a></li>
     15 </ol>
     16 <!-- Required platform, tools, add-ons, devices, knowledge, etc. -->
     17 <h2>Dependencies and prerequisites</h2>
     18 <ul>
     19   <li><a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/marshmallow/index.html">Android 6.0</a>
     20   (API Level 23) or higher on the wearable and accompanying device</li>
     21   <li><a href="{@docRoot}google/play-services/index.html">Google Play
     22 services</a> 8.3 or higher</li>
     23   <li>An <a href="{@docRoot}wear/index.html">Android Wear</a> device</li>
     24 </ul>
     25 <h2>See also</h2>
     26 <ul>
     27   <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/security/permissions.html">System Permissions</a></li>
     28   <li><a href="{@docRoot}training/permissions/index.html">Working with System Permissions</a></li>
     29 </ul>
     30 </div></div>
     32 <p><a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/marshmallow/index.html">Android 6.0</a> (API level 23)
     33 introduces a new <a href="{@docRoot}training/permissions/requesting.html">permissions model</a>,
     34 bringing some changes that are specific to Wear, and other changes that apply to all Android-powered
     35 devices.</p>
     37 <p>The user must now grant permissions to Wear apps separately from the handset versions of the
     38 apps. Previously, when a user installed a Wear app, it automatically inherited the set of
     39 permissions that the user had granted to the handset version of the app. However, from Android 6.0
     40 (API level 23), the Wear app no longer inherits these permissions. Thus, for example,
     41 a user might grant a handset app permission to use location data, and subsequently
     42 have to grant the same permission to the Wear version of the app.</p>
     44 <p>For both Wear and handset apps, the Android 6.0 (API level 23) permissions model also
     45 streamlines app installation and upgrade by eliminating the requirement that the user grant upfront
     46 every permission an app may ever need. Instead, the app does not request permissions until it
     47 actually needs them.</p>
     49 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> For an app to use the new permissions model, it must
     50 specify a value of {@code 23} for both
     51 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code uses-sdk-element}</a>
     52 and <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/configuring-gradle.html">{@code compileSdkVersion}</a>.</p>
     54 <p>The rest of this document discusses how to use the Android 6.0 (API level 23) permissions model
     55 when developing Android Wear apps.</p>
     57 <h2 id="scenarios">Permission Scenarios</h2>
     59 <p>Broadly speaking, there are four scenarios you may encounter when requesting
     60 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/security/permissions.html#normal-dangerous">dangerous permissions</a>
     61 on Android Wear:</p>
     63 <ul>
     64    <li>The <em>Wear app</em> requests permissions for an app running on the <em>wearable</em>
     65    device.</li>
     67    <li>The <em>Wear app</em> requests permissions for an app running on the <em>handset</em>.</li>
     69    <li>The <em>handset app</em> requests permissions for an app running on the
     70    <em>wearable</em> device.</li>
     72    <li>The wearable app uses a <em>different permission model</em> from its handset counterpart.
     73    </li>
     74 </ul>
     76 <p>The rest of this section explains each of these scenarios. For more detailed information
     77 about requesting permissions, see <a href="#requesting">Requesting Permissions</a>.</p>
     79 <h3 id="wear-app-wear-perm">Wear app requests permission for an app running on the wearable
     80 device</h3>
     82 <p>When the Wear app requests a permission for an app running on the wearable device, the system
     83 displays a dialog to prompt the user for that permission. An app or service can only call the
     84 {@link android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat#requestPermissions requestPermissions()}
     85 method from an activity. If the user interacts with your app
     86 <a href="#services">via a service</a>, such as
     87 a watch face, the service must open an activity before requesting the permission.</p>
     89 <p>Your app requests permissions in context when its clear why the
     90 permissions are needed to perform a given operation. If it's obvious that your app requires
     91 certain permissions, your app can prompt for them on launch. If it may not be so obvious,
     92 you may choose to provide additional education before prompting for a permission.</p>
     94 <p>If an app or watch face requires more than one permission at a time,
     95 permission requests appear one after the other.</p>
     97 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/multiple_permissions.png"
     98 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/multiple_permissions.png 1x,
     99 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/multiple_permissions_2x.png 2x"
    100 alt="Multiple permission screens, one after another." width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    101 <p class="img-caption">
    102   <strong>Figure 1.</strong> Permission screens appearing in succession.
    103 </p>
    105 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> From Android 6.0 (API level 23), Android Wear
    106 automatically syncs Calendar, Contact, and Location data to the Wear device. As a result, this
    107 scenario is the applicable one when Wear requests this data.</p>
    109 <h3>Wear app requests handset permission</h3>
    111 <p>When the Wear app requests a handset permission, the
    112 Wear app must send the user to the handset to accept the permission. There, the handset app can
    113 provide additional education to the user via an activity. The activity should include two buttons:
    114 one for granting, and one for denying, the permission.</p>
    116 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/open_on_phone.png"
    117 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/open_on_phone.png 1x,
    118 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/open_on_phone_2x.png 2x"
    119 alt="The Wear app sends the user to the handset to grant permission." width="700"
    120 height="" id="permission-flow" />
    121 <p class="img-caption">
    122   <strong>Figure 2.</strong> Sending the user to the handset to grant permission.
    123 </p>
    124 <h3>Handset app requests wearable permission</h3>
    126 <p>When the user is in a handset app and the app requires a wearable permission, the
    127 handset app must send the user to the wearable to accept the permission.
    128 The handset app uses the
    129 {@link android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat#requestPermissions requestPermissions()}
    130 method on the wearable to trigger the system permissions dialog.</p>
    132 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/phone_requests_wear.png"
    133 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/phone_requests_wear.png 1x,
    134 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/phone_requests_wear_2x.png 2x"
    135 alt="The handset app sends the user to the wearable to grant permission."
    136 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    137 <p class="img-caption">
    138   <strong>Figure 3.</strong> Sending the user to the wearable to grant permission.
    139 </p>
    141 <h3>Mismatching permission models between wearable and handset app</h3>
    143 <p>If your handset app begins using the Android 6.0 (API level 23) model but your
    144 wearable app does not, the system downloads the Wear app, but does not install it.
    145 The first time the user launches the app, the system prompts them to grant all pending permissions.
    146 Once they do so, it installs the app.
    147 If your app, for example a watch face, does not have a launcher, the system displays a
    148 stream notification asking the user to grant the permissions the app needs.
    149 </p>
    151 <h2 id="requesting">Permission-Request Patterns</h2>
    153 <p>There are different patterns for requesting permission from users. In order of
    154 priority, they are:</p>
    156 <ul>
    157    <li><a href="#aic">Ask in context</a> when the permission is obviously necessary for a specific
    158    functionality, but is not necessary for the app to run at all.</li>
    160    <li><a href="#eic">Educate in context</a> when the reason for requesting the permission is
    161    not obvious, and the permission is not necessary for the app to run at all.</li>
    163    <li><a href="#auf">Ask up front</a> when the need for the permission is obvious, and the
    164    permission is required in order for the app to run at all.</li>
    166    <li><a href="#euf">Educate up front</a> when the need for the permission is not obvious, but
    167    the permission is required in order for the app to run at all.</li>
    168 </ul>
    170 <h3 id="aic">Ask in context</h3>
    172 <p>Your app should request permissions when its clear why they are needed in order to perform a
    173 given operation. Users are more likely to grant a permission when they understand its connection to
    174 the feature they want to use.</p>
    176 <p>For example, an app may require a users location in order to show nearby
    177 places of interest. When the user taps to search for nearby places, the app can
    178 immediately request the location permission, because there is a clear
    179 relationship between searching for nearby places and the need for the location
    180 permission. The obviousness of this relationship makes it unnecessary for the app to display
    181 additional education screens.</p>
    183 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_in_context.png"
    184 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_in_context.png 1x,
    185 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_in_context_2x.png 2x"
    186 alt="The app requests permission when it's obviously necessary."
    187 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    188 <p class="img-caption">
    189   <strong>Figure 4.</strong> Asking in context.
    191 <h3 id="eic">Educate in context</h3>
    193 <p>If necessary, you may choose to provide additional education before prompting
    194 for a permission. Again, your app should do this in context of a specific
    195 action, if its unclear why your app needs access to the requested permission
    196 in order to complete that action.</p>
    198 <p>Figure 5 shows an example of in-context education. The app does not require permissions
    199 in order to start the timer, but an inline educational cue shows that part of the
    200 activity (location detection) is locked. When the user taps the cue, a permission-request screen
    201 appears, allowing the user to unlock location-detection.</p>
    203 <p>You can use the {@link
    204   android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat#shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale
    205   shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale()} method to help your app decide whether to provide more
    206   information. For additional details, see <a
    207   href="{@docRoot}training/permissions/requesting.html#explain">Requesting Permissions
    208   at Run Time</a>.</p>
    211 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/educate_in_context.png"
    212 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/educate_in_context.png 1x,
    213 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/educate_in_context_2x.png 2x"
    214 alt="When the need for the permission arises, the app explains why the permission is necessary."
    215 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    216 <p class="img-caption">
    217   <strong>Figure 5.</strong> Educating in context.
    219 <h3 id="auf">Ask up front</h3>
    221 <p>If your app clearly requires a permission in order to work at all, you can prompt for that
    222 permission when the user launches the app. For example, a maps app clearly requires access
    223 to the devices location to run its expected activities. No further education
    224 is necessary for this permission.</p>
    226 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_up_front.png"
    227 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_up_front.png 1x,
    228 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_up_front_2x.png 2x"
    229 alt="If the app obviously needs a permission to run at all, it can ask for it immediately on
    230 launch."
    231 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    232 <p class="img-caption">
    233   <strong>Figure 6.</strong> Asking up front.
    236 <h3 id="euf">Educate up front</h3>
    238 <p>In some cases, the app requires a permission for basic functionality, but the need for that
    239 permission is not obvious. In these cases, when the user first
    240 starts the app or sets a watch face, the app or watch face may choose to educate the user and
    241 ask for the permission.</p>
    243 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/educate_up_front.png"
    244 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/educate_up_front.png 1x,
    245 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/educate_up_front_2x.png 2x"
    246 alt="When requesting a permission on launch, the app can explain why it needs the permission."
    247 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    248 <p class="img-caption">
    249   <strong>Figure 7.</strong> Educating up front.
    251 <h3 id="nope">Handling Rejection</h3>
    253 <p>If a user denies a requested permission that is not critical to an intended
    254 activity, do not block them from continuing the activity.  If certain parts of
    255 the activity are disabled by the denied permission, provide visual, actionable
    256 feedback. Figure 8 shows the use of a lock icon to indicate that a feature is
    257 locked because the user did not grant permission to use it.</p>
    259 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/deny.png"
    260 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/deny.png 1x,
    261 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/deny_2x.png 2x"
    262 alt="When the user denies permission, a lock icon is shown alongside the associated feature."
    263 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    264 <p class="img-caption">
    265   <strong>Figure 8.</strong> Lock icon, showing a feature is locked because of denied permission.
    266 </p>
    267 <p>When a previously denied wearable permission dialog appears a second
    268 time, it includes a <strong>Deny, don't show again</strong> option. If the user
    269 chooses this option, then the only way for them to allow this permission in the
    270 future is to go into the wearable's Settings app.</p>
    272 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_again.png"
    273 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_again.png 1x,
    274 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/ask_again_2x.png 2x"
    275 alt="The system offers to stop requesting permission."
    276 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    277 <p class="img-caption">
    278   <strong>Figure 9.</strong> Offering not to show the permission-request screen anymore.
    280 <h2 id="services">Permissions for Services</h2>
    282 <p>As mentioned above, only an activity can call the
    283 {@link android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat#requestPermissions requestPermissions()}
    284 method, so if the user interacts with your app via a service,
    285 for example a watch face, the service must open a background activity before requesting
    286 the permission. This activity could provide additional education, or it could simply
    287 be an invisible activity that brings up the system dialog.</p>
    289 <p>If your wearable app runs a service that is not a watch face, and the user does not launch
    290 an app in which it might make sense to request a permission,
    291 you can post an educational notification on the wearable. The notification can
    292 provide an action to open an activity that then triggers the system permissions
    293 dialog.</p>
    295 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This is the only acceptable use of a stream notification
    296 for permissions requests.</p>
    298 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/for_services.png"
    299 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/for_services.png 1x,
    300 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/for_services_2x.png 2x"
    301 alt="The user may need to grant a permission when indirectly interacting with an app, via a
    302 service."
    303 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    304 <p class="img-caption">
    305   <strong>Figure 10.</strong> A service requesting permission.
    307 <h2 id="settings">Settings</h2>
    309 <p>As with the handset, the user can change a Wear apps permissions in Settings at any time.
    310 Therefore, when the user tries to do something that requires a
    311 permission, the app should always first call the
    312 {@link android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat#checkSelfPermission(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) checkSelfPermission()}
    313 method to see if the app currently has permission to perform this operation. The app should perform
    314 this check even if it knows the user has previously granted that permission, since the
    315 user might have subsequently revoked that permission.</p>
    317 <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/for_settings.png"
    318 srcset="{@docRoot}images/training/wear/for_settings.png 1x,
    319 {@docRoot}images/training/wear/for_settings_2x.png 2x"
    320 alt="The user can change permissions through the Settings app."
    321 width="700" height="" id="permission-flow" />
    322 <p class="img-caption">
    323   <strong>Figure 11.</strong> Changing settings via the Settings app.