1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <!-- 3 * Copyright (c) 2006, The Android Open Source Project 4 * 5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 * 9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10 * 11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 * limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 --> 18 <resources> 19 <!-- Amount to offset bottom of notification peek window from top of status bar. --> 20 <dimen name="peek_window_y_offset">-12dp</dimen> 21 22 <!-- thickness (height) of the navigation bar on phones that require it --> 23 <dimen name="navigation_bar_size">@*android:dimen/navigation_bar_height</dimen> 24 <!-- Minimum swipe distance to catch the swipe gestures to invoke assist or switch tasks. --> 25 <dimen name="navigation_bar_min_swipe_distance">48dp</dimen> 26 27 <!-- thickness (height) of the dead zone at the top of the navigation bar, 28 reducing false presses on navbar buttons; approx 2mm --> 29 <dimen name="navigation_bar_deadzone_size">12dp</dimen> 30 <!-- size of the dead zone when touches have recently occurred elsewhere on screen --> 31 <dimen name="navigation_bar_deadzone_size_max">32dp</dimen> 32 33 <!-- Height of notification icons in the status bar --> 34 <dimen name="status_bar_icon_size">@*android:dimen/status_bar_icon_size</dimen> 35 36 <!-- Height of the battery icon in the status bar. --> 37 <dimen name="status_bar_battery_icon_height">14.5dp</dimen> 38 39 <!-- Width of the battery icon in the status bar. --> 40 <dimen name="status_bar_battery_icon_width">9.5dp</dimen> 41 42 <!-- The font size for the clock in the status bar. --> 43 <dimen name="status_bar_clock_size">14sp</dimen> 44 45 <!-- The starting padding for the clock in the status bar. --> 46 <dimen name="status_bar_clock_starting_padding">7dp</dimen> 47 48 <!-- The end padding for the clock in the status bar. --> 49 <dimen name="status_bar_clock_end_padding">0dp</dimen> 50 51 <!-- Spacing after the wifi signals that is present if there are any icons following it. --> 52 <dimen name="status_bar_wifi_signal_spacer_width">4dp</dimen> 53 54 <!-- Spacing before the airplane mode icon if there are any icons preceding it. --> 55 <dimen name="status_bar_airplane_spacer_width">4dp</dimen> 56 57 <!-- The amount to scale each of the status bar icons by. A value of 1 means no scaling. --> 58 <item name="status_bar_icon_scale_factor" format="float" type="dimen">1.0</item> 59 60 <!-- max height of a notification such that the content can still fade out when closing --> 61 <dimen name="max_notification_fadeout_height">100dp</dimen> 62 63 <!-- Height of a small notification in the status bar--> 64 <dimen name="notification_min_height">92dp</dimen> 65 66 <!-- Height of a small notification in the status bar which was used before android N --> 67 <dimen name="notification_min_height_legacy">64dp</dimen> 68 69 <!-- Height of a large notification in the status bar --> 70 <dimen name="notification_max_height">284dp</dimen> 71 72 <!-- Height of a heads up notification in the status bar for legacy custom views --> 73 <dimen name="notification_max_heads_up_height_legacy">128dp</dimen> 74 75 <!-- Height of a heads up notification in the status bar --> 76 <dimen name="notification_max_heads_up_height">148dp</dimen> 77 78 <!-- Height of a the summary ("more card") notification on keyguard. --> 79 <dimen name="notification_summary_height">44dp</dimen> 80 81 <!-- Minimum layouted height of a notification in the statusbar--> 82 <dimen name="min_notification_layout_height">48dp</dimen> 83 84 <!-- Width of the space containing the gear icon behind a notification --> 85 <dimen name="notification_gear_width">64dp</dimen> 86 87 <!-- The space around the gear icon displayed behind a notification --> 88 <dimen name="notification_gear_padding">20dp</dimen> 89 90 <!-- size at which Notification icons will be drawn in the status bar --> 91 <dimen name="status_bar_icon_drawing_size">17dip</dimen> 92 93 <!-- opacity at which Notification icons will be drawn in the status bar --> 94 <item type="dimen" name="status_bar_icon_drawing_alpha">90%</item> 95 96 <!-- gap on either side of status bar notification icons --> 97 <dimen name="status_bar_icon_padding">0dp</dimen> 98 99 <!-- The padding on the global screenshot background image --> 100 <dimen name="global_screenshot_bg_padding">20dp</dimen> 101 102 <!-- The width of the view containing navigation buttons --> 103 <dimen name="navigation_key_width">70dp</dimen> 104 105 <dimen name="navigation_key_padding">0dp</dimen> 106 107 <dimen name="navigation_key_width_sw600dp_land">162dp</dimen> 108 <dimen name="navigation_key_padding_sw600dp_land">42dp</dimen> 109 110 <!-- The width of the view containing the menu/ime navigation bar icons --> 111 <dimen name="navigation_extra_key_width">36dp</dimen> 112 113 <!-- The padding on the side of the navigation bar. Must be greater than or equal to 114 navigation_extra_key_width --> 115 <dimen name="navigation_side_padding">36dp</dimen> 116 117 <!-- Default distance beyond which snaps to the matching target --> 118 <dimen name="navbar_search_snap_margin">40dip</dimen> 119 120 <!-- Diameter of outer shape drawable shown in navbar search--> 121 <dimen name="navbar_search_outerring_diameter">340dp</dimen> 122 123 <!-- Diameter of outer shape drawable shown in navbar search. Should be 1/2 of above value --> 124 <dimen name="navbar_search_outerring_radius">170dp</dimen> 125 126 <!-- Height of search panel including navigation bar height --> 127 <dimen name="navbar_search_panel_height">230dip</dimen> 128 129 <!-- Height of the draggable handle at the bottom of the phone notification panel --> 130 <dimen name="close_handle_height">36dp</dimen> 131 132 <!-- Amount of close_handle that will NOT overlap the notification list --> 133 <dimen name="close_handle_underlap">32dp</dimen> 134 135 <!-- Height of the status bar header bar --> 136 <dimen name="status_bar_header_height">104dp</dimen> 137 138 <!-- Height of the status bar header bar when expanded --> 139 <dimen name="status_bar_header_height_expanded">116dp</dimen> 140 141 <!-- Height of the status bar header bar when on Keyguard --> 142 <dimen name="status_bar_header_height_keyguard">40dp</dimen> 143 144 <!-- Margin start of the system icons super container --> 145 <dimen name="system_icons_super_container_margin_start">16dp</dimen> 146 147 <!-- Margin end of the system icons super container when the avatar is missing. --> 148 <dimen name="system_icons_super_container_avatarless_margin_end">6dp</dimen> 149 150 <!-- Width for the notification panel and related windows --> 151 <dimen name="match_parent">-1px</dimen> 152 <dimen name="standard_notification_panel_width">416dp</dimen> 153 <dimen name="notification_panel_width">@dimen/match_parent</dimen> 154 155 <dimen name="volume_dialog_panel_width">@dimen/standard_notification_panel_width</dimen> 156 157 <!-- Gravity for the notification panel --> 158 <integer name="standard_notification_panel_layout_gravity">0x31</integer><!-- top|center_horizontal --> 159 <integer name="notification_panel_layout_gravity">0x37</integer><!-- fill_horizontal|top --> 160 161 <!-- Height of the carrier/wifi name label --> 162 <dimen name="carrier_label_height">24dp</dimen> 163 164 <!-- The distance you can pull a notification before it pops open --> 165 <dimen name="one_finger_pop_limit">0dp</dimen> 166 167 <!-- Minimum fraction of the screen that should be taken up by the notification panel. 168 Not used at this screen size. --> 169 <item type="dimen" name="notification_panel_min_height_frac">0%</item> 170 171 <dimen name="blinds_pop_threshold">0dp</dimen> 172 173 <!-- The size of the gesture span needed to activate the "pull" notification expansion --> 174 <dimen name="pull_span_min">25dp</dimen> 175 176 <dimen name="qs_tile_height">88dp</dimen> 177 <dimen name="qs_tile_margin">16dp</dimen> 178 <dimen name="qs_tile_margin_top">16dp</dimen> 179 <dimen name="qs_quick_tile_size">48dp</dimen> 180 <dimen name="qs_quick_tile_padding">12dp</dimen> 181 <dimen name="qs_header_gear_translation">16dp</dimen> 182 <dimen name="qs_page_indicator_width">16dp</dimen> 183 <dimen name="qs_page_indicator_height">8dp</dimen> 184 <dimen name="qs_tile_icon_size">24dp</dimen> 185 <dimen name="qs_tile_text_size">12sp</dimen> 186 <dimen name="qs_tile_divider_height">1dp</dimen> 187 <dimen name="qs_panel_padding">16dp</dimen> 188 <dimen name="qs_dual_tile_height">112dp</dimen> 189 <dimen name="qs_dual_tile_padding_vertical">8dp</dimen> 190 <dimen name="qs_dual_tile_padding_horizontal">6dp</dimen> 191 <dimen name="qs_tile_padding_top">14dp</dimen> 192 <dimen name="qs_tile_padding_top_large_text">4dp</dimen> 193 <dimen name="qs_tile_padding_below_icon">12dp</dimen> 194 <dimen name="qs_tile_padding_bottom">16dp</dimen> 195 <dimen name="qs_tile_spacing">4dp</dimen> 196 <dimen name="qs_panel_padding_bottom">8dp</dimen> 197 <dimen name="qs_detail_item_height">48dp</dimen> 198 <dimen name="qs_brightness_padding_top">6dp</dimen> 199 <dimen name="qs_detail_header_text_size">20sp</dimen> 200 <dimen name="qs_detail_button_text_size">14sp</dimen> 201 <dimen name="qs_detail_item_primary_text_size">16sp</dimen> 202 <dimen name="qs_detail_item_secondary_text_size">14sp</dimen> 203 <dimen name="qs_detail_empty_text_size">14sp</dimen> 204 <dimen name="qs_detail_margin_top">28dp</dimen> 205 <dimen name="qs_data_usage_text_size">14sp</dimen> 206 <dimen name="qs_data_usage_usage_text_size">36sp</dimen> 207 <dimen name="qs_battery_padding">2dp</dimen> 208 <dimen name="qs_detail_items_padding_top">4dp</dimen> 209 210 <dimen name="segmented_button_spacing">0dp</dimen> 211 <dimen name="borderless_button_radius">2dp</dimen> 212 213 <dimen name="restricted_padlock_pading">4dp</dimen> 214 215 <!-- How far the expanded QS panel peeks from the header in collapsed state. --> 216 <dimen name="qs_peek_height">0dp</dimen> 217 218 <!-- Zen mode panel: condition item button padding --> 219 <dimen name="zen_mode_condition_detail_button_padding">8dp</dimen> 220 221 <!-- Zen mode panel: spacing between condition items --> 222 <dimen name="zen_mode_condition_detail_item_spacing">12dp</dimen> 223 224 <!-- Zen mode panel: spacing between two-line condition upper and lower lines --> 225 <dimen name="zen_mode_condition_detail_item_interline_spacing">4dp</dimen> 226 227 <!-- Zen mode panel: bottom padding, a bit less than qs_panel_padding --> 228 <dimen name="zen_mode_condition_detail_bottom_padding">4dp</dimen> 229 230 <!-- used by DessertCase --> 231 <dimen name="dessert_case_cell_size">192dp</dimen> 232 233 <!-- Default glow radius for GlowPadView --> 234 <dimen name="glowpadview_glow_radius">75dip</dimen> 235 236 <!-- Default distance from each snap target that GlowPadView considers a "hit" --> 237 <dimen name="glowpadview_inner_radius">15dip</dimen> 238 239 <!-- Space reserved for the cards behind the top card in the bottom stack --> 240 <dimen name="bottom_stack_peek_amount">12dp</dimen> 241 242 <!-- bottom_stack_peek_amount + notification_min_height 243 + notification_collapse_second_card_padding --> 244 <dimen name="min_stack_height">104dp</dimen> 245 246 <!-- The height of the area before the bottom stack in which the notifications slow down --> 247 <dimen name="bottom_stack_slow_down_length">12dp</dimen> 248 249 <!-- Z distance between notifications if they are in the stack --> 250 <dimen name="z_distance_between_notifications">0.5dp</dimen> 251 252 <!-- The height of the divider between the individual notifications. --> 253 <dimen name="notification_divider_height">0.5dp</dimen> 254 255 <!-- The height of a notification header --> 256 <dimen name="notification_header_height">53dp</dimen> 257 258 <!-- The height of the divider between the individual notifications when the notification wants it to be increased. This is currently the case for notification groups --> 259 <dimen name="notification_divider_height_increased">6dp</dimen> 260 261 <!-- The minimum amount of top overscroll to go to the quick settings. --> 262 <dimen name="min_top_overscroll_to_qs">36dp</dimen> 263 264 <!-- The height of the speed bump view. --> 265 <dimen name="speed_bump_height">16dp</dimen> 266 267 <!-- Lockscreen unlocking falsing threshold. --> 268 <dimen name="unlock_falsing_threshold">80dp</dimen> 269 270 <!-- Lockscreen falsing threshold for quick settings. --> 271 <dimen name="qs_falsing_threshold">60dp</dimen> 272 273 <!-- Falsing threshold used when dismissing notifications from the lockscreen. --> 274 <dimen name="swipe_helper_falsing_threshold">70dp</dimen> 275 276 <!-- Minimum distance the user has to drag down to go to the full shade. --> 277 <dimen name="keyguard_drag_down_min_distance">100dp</dimen> 278 279 <!-- The fraction of the screen height where the clock on the Keyguard has its center. The 280 max value is used when no notifications are displaying, and the min value is when the 281 highest possible number of notifications are showing. --> 282 <fraction name="keyguard_clock_y_fraction_max">32.5%</fraction> 283 <fraction name="keyguard_clock_y_fraction_min">19.8%</fraction> 284 285 <!-- The margin between the clock and the notifications on Keyguard. See 286 keyguard_clock_height_fraction_* for the difference between min and max.--> 287 <dimen name="keyguard_clock_notifications_margin_min">30dp</dimen> 288 <dimen name="keyguard_clock_notifications_margin_max">42dp</dimen> 289 <dimen name="heads_up_scrim_height">250dp</dimen> 290 291 <!-- The minimum amount the user needs to swipe to go to the camera / phone. --> 292 <dimen name="keyguard_min_swipe_amount">110dp</dimen> 293 294 <!-- The minimum background radius when swiping to a side for the camera / phone affordances. --> 295 <dimen name="keyguard_affordance_min_background_radius">30dp</dimen> 296 297 <!-- The size of the touch targets on the keyguard for the affordances. --> 298 <dimen name="keyguard_affordance_touch_target_size">120dp</dimen> 299 300 <!-- The grow amount for the camera and phone circles when hinting --> 301 <dimen name="hint_grow_amount_sideways">60dp</dimen> 302 303 <!-- Distance between notifications and header when they are considered to be colliding. --> 304 <dimen name="header_notifications_collide_distance">48dp</dimen> 305 306 <!-- Distance the user needs to drag vertically such that a swipe is accepted to unlock the 307 device. --> 308 <dimen name="unlock_move_distance">75dp</dimen> 309 310 <!-- Distance after which the scrim starts fading in when dragging down the quick settings --> 311 <dimen name="notification_scrim_wait_distance">100dp</dimen> 312 313 <!-- Move distance for the unlock hint animation on the lockscreen --> 314 <dimen name="hint_move_distance">75dp</dimen> 315 316 <!-- The width of the region on the left/right edge of the screen for performing the camera/ 317 phone hints. --> 318 <dimen name="edge_tap_area_width">48dp</dimen> 319 320 <!-- The padding between notification children when collapsed --> 321 <dimen name="notification_children_padding">4dp</dimen> 322 323 <!-- The padding on top of the first notification to the children container --> 324 <dimen name="notification_children_container_top_padding">8dp</dimen> 325 326 <!-- end margin for multi user switch in expanded quick settings --> 327 <dimen name="multi_user_switch_expanded_margin">8dp</dimen> 328 329 <!-- end margin for multi user switch in collapsed quick settings --> 330 <dimen name="multi_user_switch_collapsed_margin">13dp</dimen> 331 332 <!-- end margin for multi user switch in collapsed quick settings --> 333 <dimen name="multi_user_switch_keyguard_margin">3dp</dimen> 334 335 <!-- end margin for system icons if multi user switch is hidden --> 336 <dimen name="system_icons_switcher_hidden_expanded_margin">16dp</dimen> 337 338 <!-- The thickness of the colored border around the current user. --> 339 <dimen name="keyguard_user_switcher_border_thickness">2dp</dimen> 340 341 <dimen name="data_usage_graph_marker_width">4dp</dimen> 342 343 <!-- The padding bottom of the clock group when QS is expanded. --> 344 <dimen name="clock_expanded_bottom_margin">20dp</dimen> 345 346 <!-- The padding bottom of the clock group when QS is collapsed. --> 347 <dimen name="clock_collapsed_bottom_margin">10dp</dimen> 348 349 <!-- The padding bottom of the clock group when QS is collapsed for large text --> 350 <dimen name="clock_collapsed_bottom_margin_large_text">6dp</dimen> 351 352 <!-- The width of the multi user switch on keyguard and collapsed QS header. --> 353 <dimen name="multi_user_switch_width_collapsed">34dp</dimen> 354 355 <!-- The width of the multi user switch in expanded QS header. --> 356 <dimen name="multi_user_switch_width_expanded">48dp</dimen> 357 358 <!-- The width of user avatar when on Keyguard --> 359 <dimen name="multi_user_switch_width_keyguard">34dp</dimen> 360 361 <!-- The width of user avatar when collapsed --> 362 <dimen name="multi_user_avatar_collapsed_size">22dp</dimen> 363 364 <!-- The width of user avatar when on Keyguard --> 365 <dimen name="multi_user_avatar_keyguard_size">22dp</dimen> 366 367 <!-- The width of user avatar when expanded --> 368 <dimen name="multi_user_avatar_expanded_size">24dp</dimen> 369 370 <!-- The font size of the time when collapsed in QS --> 371 <dimen name="qs_time_collapsed_size">14sp</dimen> 372 373 <!-- The font size of the time when expanded in QS --> 374 <dimen name="qs_time_expanded_size">20sp</dimen> 375 376 <!-- The font size of the "emergency calls only" label in QS --> 377 <dimen name="qs_emergency_calls_only_text_size">12sp</dimen> 378 379 <!-- The font size of the date in QS --> 380 <dimen name="qs_date_collapsed_size">14sp</dimen> 381 <!-- Amount the date/time move when emergency calls only is present --> 382 <dimen name="qs_date_time_translation">8dp</dimen> 383 384 <!-- Battery level text padding end when in expanded QS and on Keyguard --> 385 <dimen name="battery_level_padding_end">2dp</dimen> 386 387 <!-- The top padding of the clear all button --> 388 <dimen name="clear_all_padding_top">12dp</dimen> 389 390 <!-- Largest size an avatar might need to be drawn in the user picker, status bar, or 391 quick settings header --> 392 <dimen name="max_avatar_size">48dp</dimen> 393 394 <!-- Size of user icon + frame in the qs/keyguard user picker (incl. frame) --> 395 <dimen name="framed_avatar_size">54dp</dimen> 396 397 <!-- Margin on the left side of the carrier text on Keyguard --> 398 <dimen name="keyguard_carrier_text_margin">16dp</dimen> 399 400 <!-- Margin on the left side of the battery % in the header. --> 401 <dimen name="header_battery_margin_expanded">6dp</dimen> 402 403 <!-- Margin on the left side of the battery % when on Keyguard. --> 404 <dimen name="header_battery_margin_keyguard">6dp</dimen> 405 406 <!-- Margin on the right side of the system icon group on Keyguard. --> 407 <dimen name="system_icons_keyguard_padding_end">4dp</dimen> 408 409 <!-- Additional translation (downwards) for appearing notifications when going to the full shade 410 from Keyguard. --> 411 <dimen name="go_to_full_shade_appearing_translation">200dp</dimen> 412 413 <!-- The diameter of the search panel circle. --> 414 <dimen name="assist_orb_size">144dp</dimen> 415 416 <!-- The margin to the edge of the screen from where the orb starts to appear --> 417 <dimen name="assist_orb_base_margin">22dp</dimen> 418 419 <!-- The amount the orb translates when appearing --> 420 <dimen name="assist_orb_travel_distance">26dp</dimen> 421 422 <!-- The elevation of the orb --> 423 <dimen name="assist_orb_elevation">12dp</dimen> 424 425 <!-- The height of the scrim behind the orb. --> 426 <dimen name="assist_orb_scrim_height">250dp</dimen> 427 428 <!-- The height of the scrim behind the search panel circle. Should be navigation_bar_height 429 + 8dp. --> 430 <dimen name="assist_orb_navbar_scrim_height">56dp</dimen> 431 432 <!-- The width/height of the phone/camera/unlock icon view on keyguard. --> 433 <dimen name="keyguard_affordance_height">56dp</dimen> 434 <dimen name="keyguard_affordance_width">56dp</dimen> 435 436 <!-- The width/height of the phone/camera/unlock icon drawable on keyguard. --> 437 <dimen name="keyguard_affordance_icon_height">24dp</dimen> 438 <dimen name="keyguard_affordance_icon_width">24dp</dimen> 439 440 <dimen name="keyguard_indication_margin_bottom">65dp</dimen> 441 442 <!-- The text size for battery level --> 443 <dimen name="battery_level_text_size">12sp</dimen> 444 445 <!-- TrustDrawable: Minimum inner radius of the breathing animation --> 446 <dimen name="trust_circle_inner_radius_visible_min">22dp</dimen> 447 <!-- TrustDrawable: Maximum inner radius of the breathing animation --> 448 <dimen name="trust_circle_inner_radius_visible_max">24dp</dimen> 449 <!-- TrustDrawable: Inner radius at the end of the exit animation --> 450 <dimen name="trust_circle_inner_radius_exit">38dp</dimen> 451 <!-- TrustDrawable: Inner radius at the beginning of the enter animation --> 452 <dimen name="trust_circle_inner_radius_enter">18dp</dimen> 453 <!-- TrustDrawable: Thickness of the circle --> 454 <dimen name="trust_circle_thickness">2dp</dimen> 455 456 <!-- Margin on the right side of the system icon group on Keyguard. --> 457 <fraction name="battery_button_height_fraction">10.5%</fraction> 458 459 <!-- Fraction value to smooth the edges of the battery icon. The path will be inset by this 460 fraction of a pixel.--> 461 <fraction name="battery_subpixel_smoothing_left">0%</fraction> 462 <fraction name="battery_subpixel_smoothing_right">0%</fraction> 463 464 <dimen name="battery_margin_bottom">0dp</dimen> 465 466 <!-- Padding at the end of the view that displays the mobile signal icons. If the view is 467 empty, then this padding will not be added to that view. --> 468 <dimen name="mobile_signal_group_end_padding">0dp</dimen> 469 470 <!-- Padding between the mobile data type and the strength indicator. --> 471 <dimen name="mobile_data_icon_start_padding">0dp</dimen> 472 473 <!-- Extra padding between the mobile data type icon and the strength indicator when the data 474 type icon is wide. --> 475 <dimen name="wide_type_icon_start_padding">2dp</dimen> 476 477 <!-- Extra padding between multiple phone signal icons. --> 478 <dimen name="secondary_telephony_padding">2dp</dimen> 479 480 <!-- Extra padding between the mobile data type icon and the strength indicator when the data 481 type icon is wide for the tile in quick settings. --> 482 <dimen name="wide_type_icon_start_padding_qs">3dp</dimen> 483 484 <!-- The maximum width of the navigation bar ripples. --> 485 <dimen name="key_button_ripple_max_width">95dp</dimen> 486 487 <!-- Inset shadow for FakeShadowDrawable. It is used to avoid gaps between the card 488 and the shadow. --> 489 <dimen name="fake_shadow_inset">1dp</dimen> 490 491 <dimen name="fake_shadow_size">8dp</dimen> 492 493 <!-- Starting margin before the signal cluster --> 494 <dimen name="signal_cluster_margin_start">2.5dp</dimen> 495 496 <!-- Padding between signal cluster and battery icon --> 497 <dimen name="signal_cluster_battery_padding">7dp</dimen> 498 499 <!-- Padding for signal cluster and battery icon when there are not icons in signal cluster --> 500 <dimen name="no_signal_cluster_battery_padding">3dp</dimen> 501 502 <!-- Screen pinning request width --> 503 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_width">@dimen/match_parent</dimen> 504 <!-- Screen pinning request nav button circle heights --> 505 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_button_height">66dp</dimen> 506 <!-- Screen pinning request nav button circle widths --> 507 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_button_width">84dp</dimen> 508 <!-- Screen pinning request padding on top of inner circle --> 509 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_inner_padding">14dp</dimen> 510 <!-- Screen pinning request padding on top of icons --> 511 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_nav_icon_padding">18dp</dimen> 512 <!-- Screen pinning request padding on side of icons 513 (makes the width match the nav bar)--> 514 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_nav_side_padding">7dp</dimen> 515 <!-- Screen pinning request side views to match nav bar 516 navigation_side_padding - 3 / 2 * (screen_pinning_request_button_width 517 - navigation_key_width) --> 518 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_side_width">34dp</dimen> 519 <!-- Screen pinning request controls padding on bigger screens --> 520 <dimen name="screen_pinning_request_frame_padding">0dp</dimen> 521 <!-- Screen pinning inner nav bar circle size --> 522 <dimen name="screen_pinning_nav_highlight_size">56dp</dimen> 523 <!-- Screen pinning inner nav bar outer circle size --> 524 <dimen name="screen_pinning_nav_highlight_outer_size">84dp</dimen> 525 526 <!-- Padding to be used on the bottom of the fingerprint icon on Keyguard so it better aligns 527 with the other icons. --> 528 <dimen name="fingerprint_icon_additional_padding">4dp</dimen> 529 530 <!-- Minimum margin of the notification panel on the side, when being positioned dynamically --> 531 <dimen name="notification_panel_min_side_margin">48dp</dimen> 532 533 <!-- Vertical spacing between multiple volume slider rows --> 534 <dimen name="volume_slider_interspacing">8dp</dimen> 535 536 <!-- Volume dialog vertical offset from the top of the screen --> 537 <dimen name="volume_offset_top">0dp</dimen> 538 539 <!-- Standard image button size for volume dialog buttons --> 540 <dimen name="volume_button_size">48dp</dimen> 541 542 <!-- Volume dialog root view bottom margin, at rest --> 543 <dimen name="volume_dialog_margin_bottom">4dp</dimen> 544 <dimen name="volume_dialog_collapsed_padding_top">8dp</dimen> 545 <dimen name="volume_dialog_expanded_spacer">14dp</dimen> 546 <dimen name="volume_dialog_padding_end">40dp</dimen> 547 548 <dimen name="volume_row_padding_bottom">9.4dp</dimen> 549 <dimen name="volume_row_padding_start">4dp</dimen> 550 <dimen name="volume_row_header_padding_start">16dp</dimen> 551 <dimen name="volume_row_height">64dp</dimen> 552 <dimen name="volume_row_slider_height">48dp</dimen> 553 <dimen name="volume_row_slider_padding_start">12dp</dimen> 554 555 <dimen name="volume_expander_margin_end">2dp</dimen> 556 <dimen name="volume_expander_margin_top">6dp</dimen> 557 558 <!-- Padding between icon and text for managed profile toast --> 559 <dimen name="managed_profile_toast_padding">4dp</dimen> 560 561 <!-- Thickness of the assist disclosure beams --> 562 <dimen name="assist_disclosure_thickness">2.5dp</dimen> 563 564 <!-- Thickness of the shadows of the assist disclosure beams --> 565 <dimen name="assist_disclosure_shadow_thickness">1.5dp</dimen> 566 567 <dimen name="fab_size">56dp</dimen> 568 <dimen name="fab_margin">16dp</dimen> 569 <dimen name="fab_elevation">12dp</dimen> 570 <dimen name="fab_press_translation_z">9dp</dimen> 571 572 <!-- How high we lift the divider when touching --> 573 <dimen name="docked_stack_divider_lift_elevation">4dp</dimen> 574 575 <dimen name="docked_divider_handle_width">16dp</dimen> 576 <dimen name="docked_divider_handle_height">2dp</dimen> 577 578 <dimen name="battery_height">14.5dp</dimen> 579 <dimen name="battery_width">9.5dp</dimen> 580 581 <dimen name="battery_detail_graph_space_top">27dp</dimen> 582 <dimen name="battery_detail_graph_space_bottom">27dp</dimen> 583 584 <!-- Keyboard shortcuts helper --> 585 <dimen name="ksh_layout_width">@dimen/match_parent</dimen> 586 <dimen name="ksh_item_text_size">14sp</dimen> 587 <dimen name="ksh_item_padding">4dp</dimen> 588 <dimen name="ksh_item_margin_start">4dp</dimen> 589 590 <!-- Recents Layout --> 591 592 <!-- The amount to inset the stack, specifically at the top and the other sides. We also 593 don't want this to change across configurations that Recents can be opened in, so we 594 define them statically for all display sizes. --> 595 <dimen name="recents_layout_min_margin">16dp</dimen> 596 <dimen name="recents_layout_top_margin_phone">16dp</dimen> 597 <dimen name="recents_layout_top_margin_tablet">32dp</dimen> 598 <dimen name="recents_layout_top_margin_tablet_xlarge">40dp</dimen> 599 <dimen name="recents_layout_bottom_margin">16dp</dimen> 600 <dimen name="recents_layout_side_margin_phone">16dp</dimen> 601 <dimen name="recents_layout_side_margin_tablet">48dp</dimen> 602 <dimen name="recents_layout_side_margin_tablet_docked">16dp</dimen> 603 <dimen name="recents_layout_side_margin_tablet_xlarge">64dp</dimen> 604 <dimen name="recents_layout_side_margin_tablet_xlarge_docked">16dp</dimen> 605 606 <!-- The height between the top margin and the top of the focused task. --> 607 <dimen name="recents_layout_top_peek_size">48dp</dimen> 608 <!-- The height between the bottom margin and the top of task in front of the focused task. --> 609 <dimen name="recents_layout_bottom_peek_size">56dp</dimen> 610 611 <!-- The offset from the top and bottom of the stack of the focused task. The bottom offset 612 will be additionally offset by the bottom system insets since it goes under the nav bar 613 in certain orientations. --> 614 <dimen name="recents_layout_initial_top_offset_phone_port">128dp</dimen> 615 <dimen name="recents_layout_initial_bottom_offset_phone_port">80dp</dimen> 616 <dimen name="recents_layout_initial_top_offset_phone_land">72dp</dimen> 617 <dimen name="recents_layout_initial_bottom_offset_phone_land">72dp</dimen> 618 <dimen name="recents_layout_initial_top_offset_tablet">160dp</dimen> 619 <dimen name="recents_layout_initial_bottom_offset_tablet">112dp</dimen> 620 621 <!-- The min/max translationZ for the tasks in the stack. --> 622 <dimen name="recents_layout_z_min">3dp</dimen> 623 <dimen name="recents_layout_z_max">24dp</dimen> 624 625 <!-- The margin between the freeform and stack. We also don't want this to change across 626 configurations that Recents can be opened in, so we define them statically for all 627 display sizes. --> 628 <dimen name="recents_freeform_layout_bottom_margin">16dp</dimen> 629 630 <!-- The padding between each freeform task. --> 631 <dimen name="recents_freeform_layout_task_padding">8dp</dimen> 632 633 <!-- Recents Views --> 634 635 <!-- The height of a task view bar. This has to be large enough to cover the action bar 636 height in either orientation at this smallest width. --> 637 <dimen name="recents_task_view_header_height">56dp</dimen> 638 <dimen name="recents_task_view_header_height_tablet_land">64dp</dimen> 639 640 <!-- The padding of a button in the recents task view header. --> 641 <dimen name="recents_task_view_header_button_padding">16dp</dimen> 642 <dimen name="recents_task_view_header_button_padding_tablet_land">20dp</dimen> 643 644 <!-- The radius of the rounded corners on a task view and its shadow (which can be larger 645 to create a softer corner effect. --> 646 <dimen name="recents_task_view_rounded_corners_radius">2dp</dimen> 647 <dimen name="recents_task_view_shadow_rounded_corners_radius">6dp</dimen> 648 649 <!-- The amount of highlight to make on each task view. --> 650 <dimen name="recents_task_view_highlight">1dp</dimen> 651 652 <!-- The size of the lock-to-app button and its icon. --> 653 <dimen name="recents_lock_to_app_size">56dp</dimen> 654 <dimen name="recents_lock_to_app_icon_size">28dp</dimen> 655 656 <!-- The amount of overscroll allowed when flinging to the end of the stack. --> 657 <dimen name="recents_fling_overscroll_distance">24dp</dimen> 658 659 <!-- The size of the drag hint text. --> 660 <dimen name="recents_drag_hint_text_size">14sp</dimen> 661 662 <!-- The min alpha to apply to a task affiliation group color. --> 663 <item name="recents_task_affiliation_color_min_alpha_percentage" format="float" type="dimen">0.6</item> 664 665 <!-- The amount to offset when animating into an affiliate group. --> 666 <dimen name="recents_task_stack_animation_affiliate_enter_offset">32dp</dimen> 667 668 <!-- The offsets the tasks animate from when recents is launched while docking --> 669 <dimen name="recents_task_stack_animation_launched_while_docking_offset">144dp</dimen> 670 671 <!-- The amount to translate when animating the removal of a task. --> 672 <dimen name="recents_task_view_remove_anim_translation_x">100dp</dimen> 673 674 <!-- The alpha to apply to the recents row when it doesn't have focus --> 675 <item name="recents_recents_row_dim_alpha" format="float" type="dimen">0.5</item> 676 </resources> 677