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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "java/ProguardRules.h"
     18 #include "util/Util.h"
     19 #include "xml/XmlDom.h"
     21 #include <memory>
     22 #include <string>
     24 namespace aapt {
     25 namespace proguard {
     27 class BaseVisitor : public xml::Visitor {
     28 public:
     29     BaseVisitor(const Source& source, KeepSet* keepSet) : mSource(source), mKeepSet(keepSet) {
     30     }
     32     virtual void visit(xml::Text*) override {};
     34     virtual void visit(xml::Namespace* node) override {
     35         for (const auto& child : node->children) {
     36             child->accept(this);
     37         }
     38     }
     40     virtual void visit(xml::Element* node) override {
     41         if (!node->namespaceUri.empty()) {
     42             Maybe<xml::ExtractedPackage> maybePackage = xml::extractPackageFromNamespace(
     43                     node->namespaceUri);
     44             if (maybePackage) {
     45                 // This is a custom view, let's figure out the class name from this.
     46                 std::u16string package = maybePackage.value().package + u"." + node->name;
     47                 if (util::isJavaClassName(package)) {
     48                     addClass(node->lineNumber, package);
     49                 }
     50             }
     51         } else if (util::isJavaClassName(node->name)) {
     52             addClass(node->lineNumber, node->name);
     53         }
     55         for (const auto& child: node->children) {
     56             child->accept(this);
     57         }
     58     }
     60 protected:
     61     void addClass(size_t lineNumber, const std::u16string& className) {
     62         mKeepSet->addClass(Source(mSource.path, lineNumber), className);
     63     }
     65     void addMethod(size_t lineNumber, const std::u16string& methodName) {
     66         mKeepSet->addMethod(Source(mSource.path, lineNumber), methodName);
     67     }
     69 private:
     70     Source mSource;
     71     KeepSet* mKeepSet;
     72 };
     74 struct LayoutVisitor : public BaseVisitor {
     75     LayoutVisitor(const Source& source, KeepSet* keepSet) : BaseVisitor(source, keepSet) {
     76     }
     78     virtual void visit(xml::Element* node) override {
     79         bool checkClass = false;
     80         bool checkName = false;
     81         if (node->namespaceUri.empty()) {
     82             checkClass = node->name == u"view" || node->name == u"fragment";
     83         } else if (node->namespaceUri == xml::kSchemaAndroid) {
     84             checkName = node->name == u"fragment";
     85         }
     87         for (const auto& attr : node->attributes) {
     88             if (checkClass && attr.namespaceUri.empty() && attr.name == u"class" &&
     89                     util::isJavaClassName(attr.value)) {
     90                 addClass(node->lineNumber, attr.value);
     91             } else if (checkName && attr.namespaceUri == xml::kSchemaAndroid &&
     92                     attr.name == u"name" && util::isJavaClassName(attr.value)) {
     93                 addClass(node->lineNumber, attr.value);
     94             } else if (attr.namespaceUri == xml::kSchemaAndroid && attr.name == u"onClick") {
     95                 addMethod(node->lineNumber, attr.value);
     96             }
     97         }
     99         BaseVisitor::visit(node);
    100     }
    101 };
    103 struct XmlResourceVisitor : public BaseVisitor {
    104     XmlResourceVisitor(const Source& source, KeepSet* keepSet) : BaseVisitor(source, keepSet) {
    105     }
    107     virtual void visit(xml::Element* node) override {
    108         bool checkFragment = false;
    109         if (node->namespaceUri.empty()) {
    110             checkFragment = node->name == u"PreferenceScreen" || node->name == u"header";
    111         }
    113         if (checkFragment) {
    114             xml::Attribute* attr = node->findAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, u"fragment");
    115             if (attr && util::isJavaClassName(attr->value)) {
    116                 addClass(node->lineNumber, attr->value);
    117             }
    118         }
    120         BaseVisitor::visit(node);
    121     }
    122 };
    124 struct TransitionVisitor : public BaseVisitor {
    125     TransitionVisitor(const Source& source, KeepSet* keepSet) : BaseVisitor(source, keepSet) {
    126     }
    128     virtual void visit(xml::Element* node) override {
    129         bool checkClass = node->namespaceUri.empty() &&
    130                 (node->name == u"transition" || node->name == u"pathMotion");
    131         if (checkClass) {
    132             xml::Attribute* attr = node->findAttribute({}, u"class");
    133             if (attr && util::isJavaClassName(attr->value)) {
    134                 addClass(node->lineNumber, attr->value);
    135             }
    136         }
    138         BaseVisitor::visit(node);
    139     }
    140 };
    142 struct ManifestVisitor : public BaseVisitor {
    143     ManifestVisitor(const Source& source, KeepSet* keepSet) : BaseVisitor(source, keepSet) {
    144     }
    146     virtual void visit(xml::Element* node) override {
    147         if (node->namespaceUri.empty()) {
    148             bool getName = false;
    149             if (node->name == u"manifest") {
    150                 xml::Attribute* attr = node->findAttribute({}, u"package");
    151                 if (attr) {
    152                     mPackage = attr->value;
    153                 }
    154             } else if (node->name == u"application") {
    155                 getName = true;
    156                 xml::Attribute* attr = node->findAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, u"backupAgent");
    157                 if (attr) {
    158                     Maybe<std::u16string> result = util::getFullyQualifiedClassName(mPackage,
    159                                                                                     attr->value);
    160                     if (result) {
    161                         addClass(node->lineNumber, result.value());
    162                     }
    163                 }
    164             } else if (node->name == u"activity" || node->name == u"service" ||
    165                     node->name == u"receiver" || node->name == u"provider" ||
    166                     node->name == u"instrumentation") {
    167                 getName = true;
    168             }
    170             if (getName) {
    171                 xml::Attribute* attr = node->findAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, u"name");
    172                 if (attr) {
    173                     Maybe<std::u16string> result = util::getFullyQualifiedClassName(mPackage,
    174                                                                                     attr->value);
    175                     if (result) {
    176                         addClass(node->lineNumber, result.value());
    177                     }
    178                 }
    179             }
    180         }
    181         BaseVisitor::visit(node);
    182     }
    184     std::u16string mPackage;
    185 };
    187 bool collectProguardRulesForManifest(const Source& source, xml::XmlResource* res,
    188                                      KeepSet* keepSet) {
    189     ManifestVisitor visitor(source, keepSet);
    190     if (res->root) {
    191         res->root->accept(&visitor);
    192         return true;
    193     }
    194     return false;
    195 }
    197 bool collectProguardRules(const Source& source, xml::XmlResource* res, KeepSet* keepSet) {
    198     if (!res->root) {
    199         return false;
    200     }
    202     switch (res->file.name.type) {
    203         case ResourceType::kLayout: {
    204             LayoutVisitor visitor(source, keepSet);
    205             res->root->accept(&visitor);
    206             break;
    207         }
    209         case ResourceType::kXml: {
    210             XmlResourceVisitor visitor(source, keepSet);
    211             res->root->accept(&visitor);
    212             break;
    213         }
    215         case ResourceType::kTransition: {
    216             TransitionVisitor visitor(source, keepSet);
    217             res->root->accept(&visitor);
    218             break;
    219         }
    221         default:
    222             break;
    223     }
    224     return true;
    225 }
    227 bool writeKeepSet(std::ostream* out, const KeepSet& keepSet) {
    228     for (const auto& entry : keepSet.mKeepSet) {
    229         for (const Source& source : entry.second) {
    230             *out << "# Referenced at " << source << "\n";
    231         }
    232         *out << "-keep class " << entry.first << " { <init>(...); }\n" << std::endl;
    233     }
    235     for (const auto& entry : keepSet.mKeepMethodSet) {
    236         for (const Source& source : entry.second) {
    237             *out << "# Referenced at " << source << "\n";
    238         }
    239         *out << "-keepclassmembers class * { *** " << entry.first << "(...); }\n" << std::endl;
    240     }
    241     return true;
    242 }
    244 } // namespace proguard
    245 } // namespace aapt