1 ## 2 ## Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved. 3 ## 4 ## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license 5 ## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source 6 ## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found 7 ## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may 8 ## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. 9 ## 10 11 12 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(ARCH_ARM) += vp8cx_arm.mk 13 14 #File list for arm 15 # encoder 16 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(ARCH_ARM) += encoder/arm/dct_arm.c 17 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(ARCH_ARM) += encoder/arm/quantize_arm.c 18 19 #File list for edsp 20 # encoder 21 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_EDSP) += encoder/arm/boolhuff_arm.c 22 VP8_CX_SRCS_REMOVE-$(HAVE_EDSP) += encoder/boolhuff.c 23 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_EDSP) += encoder/arm/armv5te/boolhuff_armv5te$(ASM) 24 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_EDSP) += encoder/arm/armv5te/vp8_packtokens_armv5$(ASM) 25 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_EDSP) += encoder/arm/armv5te/vp8_packtokens_mbrow_armv5$(ASM) 26 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_EDSP) += encoder/arm/armv5te/vp8_packtokens_partitions_armv5$(ASM) 27 28 #File list for media 29 # encoder 30 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MEDIA) += encoder/arm/armv6/vp8_subtract_armv6$(ASM) 31 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MEDIA) += encoder/arm/armv6/vp8_short_fdct4x4_armv6$(ASM) 32 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MEDIA) += encoder/arm/armv6/vp8_fast_quantize_b_armv6$(ASM) 33 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MEDIA) += encoder/arm/armv6/vp8_mse16x16_armv6$(ASM) 34 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_MEDIA) += encoder/arm/armv6/walsh_v6$(ASM) 35 36 #File list for neon 37 # encoder 38 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/fastquantizeb_neon$(ASM) 39 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/picklpf_arm.c 40 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/denoising_neon.c 41 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/shortfdct_neon$(ASM) 42 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/subtract_neon$(ASM) 43 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/vp8_mse16x16_neon$(ASM) 44 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/vp8_memcpy_neon$(ASM) 45 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += encoder/arm/neon/vp8_shortwalsh4x4_neon$(ASM) 46