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      1 /*
      2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
      4 *
      5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 *
      9 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 *
     11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 * limitations under the License.
     16 */
     18 #ifndef OVERLAY_MDP_H
     19 #define OVERLAY_MDP_H
     21 #include <linux/msm_mdp.h>
     23 #include "overlayUtils.h"
     24 #include "mdpWrapper.h"
     25 #include "qdMetaData.h"
     27 #include "lib-postproc.h"
     28 #endif
     30 namespace overlay{
     32 /*
     33 * Mdp Ctrl holds corresponding fd and MDP related struct.
     34 * It is simple wrapper to MDP services
     35 * */
     36 class MdpCtrl {
     37 public:
     38     /* ctor reset */
     39     explicit MdpCtrl(const int& dpy);
     40     /* dtor close */
     41     ~MdpCtrl();
     42     /* init underlying device using fbnum for dpy */
     43     bool init(const int& dpy);
     44     /* unset overlay, reset and close fd */
     45     bool close();
     46     /* reset and set ov id to -1 / MSMFB_NEW_REQUEST */
     47     void reset();
     48     /* calls overlay set
     49      * Set would always consult last good known ov instance.
     50      * Only if it is different, set would actually exectue ioctl.
     51      * On a sucess ioctl. last good known ov instance is updated */
     52     bool set();
     53     /* Sets the source total width, height, format */
     54     void setSource(const utils::PipeArgs& pargs);
     55     /*
     56      * Sets ROI, the unpadded region, for source buffer.
     57      * Dim - ROI dimensions.
     58      */
     59     void setCrop(const utils::Dim& d);
     60     /* set color for mdp pipe */
     61     void setColor(const uint32_t color);
     62     void setTransform(const utils::eTransform& orient);
     63     /* given a dim and w/h, set overlay dim */
     64     void setPosition(const utils::Dim& dim);
     65     /* using user_data, sets/unsets roationvalue in mdp flags */
     66     void setRotationFlags();
     67     /* Update the src format with rotator's dest*/
     68     void updateSrcFormat(const uint32_t& rotDstFormat);
     69     /* dump state of the object */
     70     void dump() const;
     71     /* Return the dump in the specified buffer */
     72     void getDump(char *buf, size_t len);
     73     /* returns session id */
     74     int getPipeId() const;
     75     /* returns the fd associated to ctrl*/
     76     int getFd() const;
     77     /* returns a copy ro dst rect dim */
     78     utils::Dim getDstRectDim() const;
     79     /* returns a copy to src rect dim */
     80     utils::Dim getSrcRectDim() const;
     81     /* return pipe priority */
     82     uint8_t getPriority() const;
     83     /* setVisualParam */
     84     bool setVisualParams(const MetaData_t& data);
     85     /* sets pipe type RGB/DMA/VG */
     86     void setPipeType(const utils::eMdpPipeType& pType);
     88     static bool validateAndSet(MdpCtrl* mdpCtrlArray[], const int& count,
     89             const int& fbFd);
     90 private:
     91     /* Perform transformation calculations */
     92     void doTransform();
     93     void doDownscale();
     94     /* get orient / user_data[0] */
     95     int getOrient() const;
     96     /* returns flags from mdp structure */
     97     int getFlags() const;
     98     /* set flags to mdp structure */
     99     void setFlags(int f);
    100     /* set z order */
    101     void setZ(utils::eZorder z);
    102     /* set isFg flag */
    103     void setIsFg(utils::eIsFg isFg);
    104     /* return a copy of src whf*/
    105     utils::Whf getSrcWhf() const;
    106     /* set plane alpha */
    107     void setPlaneAlpha(int planeAlpha);
    108     /* set blending method */
    109     void setBlending(overlay::utils::eBlending blending);
    111     /* set src whf */
    112     void setSrcWhf(const utils::Whf& whf);
    113     /* set src/dst rect dim */
    114     void setSrcRectDim(const utils::Dim d);
    115     void setDstRectDim(const utils::Dim d);
    116     /* returns user_data[0]*/
    117     int getUserData() const;
    118     /* sets user_data[0] */
    119     void setUserData(int v);
    121     utils::eTransform mOrientation; //Holds requested orientation
    122     /* Actual overlay mdp structure */
    123     mdp_overlay   mOVInfo;
    124     /* FD for the mdp fbnum */
    125     OvFD          mFd;
    126     int mDpy;
    129     /* PP Compute Params */
    130     struct compute_params mParams;
    131 #endif
    132 };
    134 /* MDP data */
    135 class MdpData {
    136 public:
    137     /* ctor reset data */
    138     explicit MdpData(const int& dpy);
    139     /* dtor close*/
    140     ~MdpData();
    141     /* init FD */
    142     bool init(const int& dpy);
    143     /* memset0 the underlying mdp object */
    144     void reset();
    145     /* close fd, and reset */
    146     bool close();
    147     /* set id of mdp data */
    148     void setPipeId(int id);
    149     /* return ses id of data */
    150     int getPipeId() const;
    151     /* get underlying fd*/
    152     int getFd() const;
    153     /* get memory_id */
    154     int getSrcMemoryId() const;
    155     /* calls wrapper play */
    156     bool play(int fd, uint32_t offset);
    157     /* dump state of the object */
    158     void dump() const;
    159     /* Return the dump in the specified buffer */
    160     void getDump(char *buf, size_t len);
    162 private:
    164     /* actual overlay mdp data */
    165     msmfb_overlay_data mOvData;
    166     /* fd to mdp fbnum */
    167     OvFD mFd;
    168 };
    170 //--------------Inlines---------------------------------
    172 /////   MdpCtrl  //////
    174 inline MdpCtrl::MdpCtrl(const int& dpy) {
    175     reset();
    176     init(dpy);
    177 }
    179 inline MdpCtrl::~MdpCtrl() {
    180     close();
    181 }
    183 inline int MdpCtrl::getOrient() const {
    184     return getUserData();
    185 }
    187 inline int MdpCtrl::getPipeId() const {
    188     return mOVInfo.id;
    189 }
    191 inline int MdpCtrl::getFd() const {
    192     return mFd.getFD();
    193 }
    195 inline int MdpCtrl::getFlags() const {
    196     return mOVInfo.flags;
    197 }
    199 inline void MdpCtrl::setFlags(int f) {
    200     mOVInfo.flags = f;
    201 }
    203 inline void MdpCtrl::setZ(overlay::utils::eZorder z) {
    204     mOVInfo.z_order = z;
    205 }
    207 inline void MdpCtrl::setIsFg(overlay::utils::eIsFg isFg) {
    208     mOVInfo.is_fg = isFg;
    209 }
    211 inline void MdpCtrl::setPlaneAlpha(int planeAlpha) {
    212     mOVInfo.alpha = planeAlpha;
    213 }
    215 inline void MdpCtrl::setBlending(overlay::utils::eBlending blending) {
    216     switch((int) blending) {
    217     case utils::OVERLAY_BLENDING_OPAQUE:
    218         mOVInfo.blend_op = BLEND_OP_OPAQUE;
    219         break;
    220     case utils::OVERLAY_BLENDING_PREMULT:
    221         mOVInfo.blend_op = BLEND_OP_PREMULTIPLIED;
    222         break;
    223     case utils::OVERLAY_BLENDING_COVERAGE:
    224     default:
    225         mOVInfo.blend_op = BLEND_OP_COVERAGE;
    226     }
    227 }
    229 inline overlay::utils::Whf MdpCtrl::getSrcWhf() const {
    230     return utils::Whf(  mOVInfo.src.width,
    231                         mOVInfo.src.height,
    232                         mOVInfo.src.format);
    233 }
    235 inline void MdpCtrl::setSrcWhf(const overlay::utils::Whf& whf) {
    236     mOVInfo.src.width  = whf.w;
    237     mOVInfo.src.height = whf.h;
    238     mOVInfo.src.format = whf.format;
    239 }
    241 inline overlay::utils::Dim MdpCtrl::getSrcRectDim() const {
    242     return utils::Dim(  mOVInfo.src_rect.x,
    243                         mOVInfo.src_rect.y,
    244                         mOVInfo.src_rect.w,
    245                         mOVInfo.src_rect.h);
    246 }
    248 inline void MdpCtrl::setSrcRectDim(const overlay::utils::Dim d) {
    249     mOVInfo.src_rect.x = d.x;
    250     mOVInfo.src_rect.y = d.y;
    251     mOVInfo.src_rect.w = d.w;
    252     mOVInfo.src_rect.h = d.h;
    253 }
    255 inline overlay::utils::Dim MdpCtrl::getDstRectDim() const {
    256     return utils::Dim(  mOVInfo.dst_rect.x,
    257                         mOVInfo.dst_rect.y,
    258                         mOVInfo.dst_rect.w,
    259                         mOVInfo.dst_rect.h);
    260 }
    262 inline void MdpCtrl::setDstRectDim(const overlay::utils::Dim d) {
    263     mOVInfo.dst_rect.x = d.x;
    264     mOVInfo.dst_rect.y = d.y;
    265     mOVInfo.dst_rect.w = d.w;
    266     mOVInfo.dst_rect.h = d.h;
    267 }
    269 inline int MdpCtrl::getUserData() const { return mOVInfo.user_data[0]; }
    271 inline void MdpCtrl::setUserData(int v) { mOVInfo.user_data[0] = v; }
    273 inline void MdpCtrl::setRotationFlags() {
    274     const int u = getUserData();
    275     if (u & MDP_ROT_90)
    276         mOVInfo.flags |= MDP_SOURCE_ROTATED_90;
    277 }
    279 inline uint8_t MdpCtrl::getPriority() const {
    280     return mOVInfo.priority;
    281 }
    283 ///////    MdpData   //////
    285 inline MdpData::MdpData(const int& dpy) {
    286     reset();
    287     init(dpy);
    288 }
    290 inline MdpData::~MdpData() { close(); }
    292 inline void MdpData::reset() {
    293     overlay::utils::memset0(mOvData);
    294     mOvData.data.memory_id = -1;
    295 }
    297 inline bool MdpData::close() {
    298     reset();
    299     return mFd.close();
    300 }
    302 inline int MdpData::getSrcMemoryId() const { return mOvData.data.memory_id; }
    304 inline void MdpData::setPipeId(int id) { mOvData.id = id; }
    306 inline int MdpData::getPipeId() const { return mOvData.id; }
    308 inline int MdpData::getFd() const { return mFd.getFD(); }
    310 inline bool MdpData::play(int fd, uint32_t offset) {
    311     mOvData.data.memory_id = fd;
    312     mOvData.data.offset = offset;
    313     if(!mdp_wrapper::play(mFd.getFD(), mOvData)){
    314         ALOGE("MdpData failed to play");
    315         dump();
    316         return false;
    317     }
    318     return true;
    319 }
    321 } // overlay
    323 #endif // OVERLAY_MDP_H