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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # //===--------------------------- testit ---------------------------------===//
      3 # //
      4 # //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      5 # //
      6 # // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      7 # // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      8 # //
      9 # //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     11 currentpath=`pwd`
     12 origpath=$currentpath
     13 currentdir=`basename $currentpath`
     14 while [ $currentdir != "test" ]; do
     15 	if [ $currentdir = "/" ]
     16 	then
     17 		echo "current directory must be in or under \"test\"."
     18 		exit 1
     19 	fi
     20 	cd ..
     21 	currentpath=`pwd`
     22 	currentdir=`basename $currentpath`
     23 done
     25 cd ..
     26 LIBCXX_ROOT=`pwd`/../../llvm-libc++/libcxx
     27 cd $origpath
     29 VERBOSE=1
     31 run () {
     32   if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ]; then
     33     echo "COMMAND: $@"
     34   fi
     35   case $VERBOSE in
     36     0|1)
     37       # Hide command output and errors.
     38       "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     39       ;;
     40     2)
     41       # Only hide command output
     42       "$@" >/dev/null
     43       ;;
     44     *)
     45       # Show command output and errors.
     46       "$@"
     47       ;;
     48   esac
     49 }
     51 run2 () {
     52   if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 2 ]; then
     53     echo "COMMAND: $@"
     54   fi
     55   case $VERBOSE in
     56     0|1)
     57       # Hide command output and errors.
     58       "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
     59       ;;
     60     2)
     61       # Only hide command output
     62       "$@" >/dev/null
     63       ;;
     64     *)
     65       # Show command output and errors.
     66       "$@"
     67       ;;
     68   esac
     69 }
     71 # The list of valid target abis supported by this script.
     72 VALID_ABIS="armeabi armeabi-v7a armeabi-v7a-hard x86 mips"
     74 DO_HELP=
     75 DO_STATIC=
     76 TARGET_ABI=
     77 TARGET_ARCH=
     78 if [ -n "$SHARD_TEST_TOOLCHAIN" ]; then
     79   TARGET_PATH=/data/local/tmp/libcxx-${SHARD_TEST_TOOLCHAIN}-$(dirname $PWD | sum | cut -d' ' -f1)-$(basename $PWD)
     80 else
     81   TARGET_PATH=/data/local/tmp/libcxx
     82 fi
     83 CXX=
     85 OPTIMIZE=
     86 for OPT; do
     87   case $OPT in
     88     --help|-?)
     89       DO_HELP=true
     90       ;;
     91     --abi=*)
     92       TARGET_ABI=${OPT##--abi=}
     93       ;;
     94     --static)
     95       DO_STATIC=true
     96       ;;
     97     --shared)
     98       DO_STATIC=
     99       ;;
    100     --cxx=*)
    101       CXX=${OPT##--cxx=}
    102       ;;
    103     --verbose)
    104       VERBOSE=$(( $VERBOSE + 1 ))
    105       ;;
    106     --with-compiler-rt)
    107       WITH_COMPILER_RT=yes
    108       ;;
    109     -O*)
    110       OPTIMIZE=$OPT
    111       ;;
    112     -*)
    113       echo "Unknown option: $OPT. See --help."
    114       exit 1
    115       ;;
    116     *)
    117       echo "This script doesn't take parameters. See --help."
    118       exit 1
    119       ;;
    120   esac
    121 done
    123 if [ "$DO_HELP" ]; then
    124   echo \
    125 "Usage: $(basename $0) [options]
    127 This script is used to run the libc++ test suite for Android.
    128 You will need the following things:
    130   - The prebuild libc++ libraries in your NDK install.
    131   - A prebuilt Android toolchain in your path.
    132   - The 'adb' tool in your path.
    133   - An Android device connected to ADB.
    135 The toolchain and device must match your target ABI. For example, if
    136 you use --abi=armeabi-v7a, your device must run ARMv7-A Android binaries,
    137 and arm-linux-androideabi-g++ will be used to compile all tests, unless
    138 you use --cxx=<command> to override it.
    140 Valid options:
    141   --help|-?        Display this message.
    142   --abi=<name>     Specify target ABI. Use --abi=list for list.
    143   --static         Link against static libc++ library.
    144   --cxx=<program>  Override C++ compiler/linker.
    145   --verbose        Increase verbosity.
    146 "
    147   exit 0
    148 fi
    150 # Check target ABI.
    151 if [ "$TARGET_ABI" = "list" ]; then
    152   echo "List of valid target ABIs:"
    153   for ABI in $VALID_ABIS; do
    154     printf " %s" $ABI
    155   done
    156   printf "\n"
    157   exit 0
    158 fi
    160 if [ -z "$TARGET_ABI" ]; then
    161   echo "ERROR: Please specify a target ABI (--abi=<name>)."
    162   exit 1
    163 fi
    165 FOUND_ABI=
    166 for ABI in $VALID_ABIS; do
    167   if [ "$ABI" = "$TARGET_ABI" ]; then
    168     FOUND_ABI=true
    169     break
    170   fi
    171 done
    173 if [ -z "$FOUND_ABI" ]; then
    174   echo "ERROR: Invalid abi '$TARGET_ABI'. Must be one of: $VALID_ABIS"
    175   exit 1
    176 fi
    178 LIBCXX_LIBS=$(cd $LIBCXX_ROOT/.. && pwd)/libs/$TARGET_ABI
    179 for LIB in libc++_static.a libc++_shared.so; do
    180   if [ ! -f "$LIBCXX_LIBS/$LIB" ]; then
    181     echo "ERROR: Missing prebuilt library: $LIBCXX_LIBS/$LIB"
    182     echo "Please run: build/tools/build-cxx-stl.sh --stl=libc++"
    183     exit 1
    184   fi
    185 done
    187 LIBCOMPILER_RT_LIBS=$(cd "$LIBCXX_ROOT"/../../../android/compiler-rt && pwd)/libs/$TARGET_ABI
    188 if [ "$WITH_COMPILER_RT" = "yes" ]; then
    189   for LIB in libcompiler_rt_static.a libcompiler_rt_shared.so; do
    190     if [ ! -f "$LIBCOMPILER_RT_LIBS/$LIB" ]; then
    191       echo "ERROR: Missing prebuilt library: $LIBCOMPILER_RT_LIBS/$LIB"
    192       echo "Please run: build/tools/build-compiler-rt.sh --ndk-dir=$NDK \
    193 --src-dir=/tmp/ndk-$USER/src/llvm-3.4/compiler-rt --llvm-version=3.4"
    194       exit 1
    195     fi
    196   done
    197 fi
    199 # Check or detect C++ toolchain.
    202 THUMB_MODE="-mthumb"
    203 LIBM="-lm"
    204 if [ -z "$TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX" ]; then
    205   # Compute
    206   case $TARGET_ABI in
    207     armeabi)
    208       TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=arm-linux-androideabi
    211       ;;
    212     armeabi-v7a)
    213       TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=arm-linux-androideabi
    214       TOOLCHAIN_CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a $THUMB_MODE -mfpu=vfpv3-d16"
    215       TOOLCHAIN_LDFLAGS="-march=armv7-a $THUMB_MODE -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8"
    216       ;;
    217     armeabi-v7a-hard)
    218       TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=arm-linux-androideabi
    219       TOOLCHAIN_CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a $THUMB_MODE -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mhard-float -D_NDK_MATH_NO_SOFTFP=1"
    220       TOOLCHAIN_LDFLAGS="-march=armv7-a $THUMB_MODE -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 -Wl,--no-warn-mismatch"
    221       LIBM="-lm_hard"
    222       ;;
    223     x86)
    224       TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=i686-linux-android
    225       ;;
    226     mips)
    227       TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=mipsel-linux-android
    228       ;;
    229     *)
    230       echo "ERROR: Unknown ABI '$ABI'"
    231       exit 1
    232       ;;
    233   esac
    234   if [ -z "$CXX" ]; then
    235       CXX=$TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX-g++
    236   fi
    237 fi
    239 REAL_CXX=$(which "$CXX" 2>/dev/null)
    240 if [ -z "$REAL_CXX" ]; then
    241   echo "ERROR: Missing C++ compiler: $CXX"
    242   exit 1
    243 fi
    244 CC=$CXX
    246 function version_ge {
    247     input_string=$1
    248     compare_string=$2
    249     input_major=$(echo $input_string | cut -d\. -f 1)
    250     input_minor=$(echo $input_string | cut -d\. -f 2)
    251     compare_major=$(echo $compare_string | cut -d\. -f 1)
    252     compare_minor=$(echo $compare_string | cut -d\. -f 2)
    253     true=0
    254     false=1
    255     if [ "$input_major" -gt "$compare_major" ]; then return $true; fi
    256     if [ "$input_major" -lt "$compare_major" ]; then return $false; fi
    257     if [ "$input_minor" -ge "$compare_minor" ]; then return $true; fi
    258     return $false
    259 }
    261 if [ -z "$OPTIONS" ]
    262 then
    263   OPTIONS="-std=c++11 -g -funwind-tables $OPTIMIZE"
    264   # Note that some tests use assert() to check condition but -O2 defines assert() to nothing,
    265   # unless we specify -UNDEBUG to bring assert() back.
    266   # But currently adding -UNDEBUG crashes both clang3.4 and clang3.3 for test
    267   # like libcxx/test/atomics/atomics.types.generic/address.pass.cpp.  Define -UNDEBUG
    268   # only when we are not using clang.  ToDo
    269   if [ "$CXX" = "${CXX%%*clang++*}" ] ; then
    271   fi
    272   if [ -n "$LLVM_VERSION" ]; then
    273     if version_ge "$LLVM_VERSION" "3.4"; then
    274       OPTIONS="${OPTIONS} -mllvm -arm-enable-ehabi-descriptors -mllvm -arm-enable-ehabi"
    275     fi
    276   fi
    277 fi
    279 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -I$LIBCXX_ROOT/test/support"
    280 # llvm-libc++/libcxx/test/lit.cfg line #278 defineds the following for testing only on Linux
    283 if [ -z "$ADB" ]
    284 then
    285   ADB=adb
    286 fi
    288 # Run a shell command through ADB, return its status.
    289 # Variable ERR contains output if $RET is non-zero
    290 adb_shell () {
    291   # We need a temporary file to store the output of our command
    292   local CMD_OUT RET
    293   ERR=
    294   CMD_OUT=$(mktemp /tmp/testit_android-cmdout-XXXXXX)
    295   # Run the command, while storing the standard output to CMD_OUT
    296   # and appending the exit code as the last line.
    297   if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 2 ]; then
    298     echo "COMMAND: $ADB shell $@"
    299   fi
    300   $ADB shell "$@ ; echo \$?" | sed -e 's![[:cntrl:]]!!g' > $CMD_OUT 2>&1
    301   # Get last line in log, which contains the exit code from the command
    302   RET=$(sed -e '$!d' $CMD_OUT)
    303   # Get output, which corresponds to everything except the last line
    304   OUT=$(sed -e '$d' $CMD_OUT)
    305   if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then
    306     ERR=$OUT
    307   fi
    308   if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 2 ]; then
    309     printf "%s" "$OUT"
    310   fi
    311   rm -f $CMD_OUT
    312   return $RET
    313 }
    315 # Push a given file through ADB.
    316 # $1: File path
    317 adb_push () {
    318   local FILE=$1
    319   local FILE_BASENAME=$(basename "$FILE")
    320   run2 $ADB push $FILE $TARGET_PATH/$FILE_BASENAME 2>/dev/null
    321 }
    323 # Run a given executable through ADB.
    324 # $1: Executable path
    325 adb_run () {
    326   local EXECUTABLE=$1
    327   local EXECUTABLE_BASENAME=$(basename "$EXECUTABLE")
    328   run2 $ADB push $EXECUTABLE $TARGET_PATH/$EXECUTABLE_BASENAME 2>/dev/null
    329   if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then
    330     return 1;
    331   fi
    332   # Retry up to 10 times if fail is due to "Text file busy"
    333   for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
    335     if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
    336       return 0
    337     fi
    338     if ! $(echo $ERR | grep -iq "Text file busy"); then
    339       if [ "$i" != "1" ]; then
    340         # Dump error message to help diagnostics
    341         echo "ERR=$ERR"
    342       fi
    343       break;
    344     fi
    345     echo "Text file busy.  Re-try $i"
    346     sleep 1
    347     run2 $ADB push $EXECUTABLE $TARGET_PATH/$EXECUTABLE_BASENAME 2>/dev/null
    348     sleep 2  # try again
    349   done
    350   return 1
    351 }
    353 adb_shell "rm -rf $TARGET_PATH"
    354 adb_shell "mkdir -p $TARGET_PATH"
    356 if [ "$DO_STATIC" ]; then
    357   # Statically link to ensure the executable can be run easily through ADB
    358   if [ "$WITH_COMPILER_RT" = "yes" ]; then
    359     LIBS="-nodefaultlibs -lc++_static -latomic -ldl $LIBM -lc -lcompiler_rt_static"
    360   else
    361     LIBS="-nodefaultlibs -latomic -ldl $LIBM -lc"
    362   fi
    363 else
    364   run2 $ADB push $LIBCXX_LIBS/libc++_shared.so $TARGET_PATH 2>/dev/null
    365   if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    366     echo "ERROR: Can't push shared libc++ to target device!"
    367     exit 1
    368   fi
    369   if [ "$WITH_COMPILER_RT" = "yes" ]; then
    370     run2 $ADB push $LIBCOMPILER_RT_LIBS/libcompiler_rt_shared.so $TARGET_PATH 2>/dev/null
    371     if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    372       echo "ERROR: Can't push shared libcompiler_rt to target device!"
    373       exit 1
    374     fi
    375     LIBS="-nodefaultlibs -lc++_shared -latomic -ldl $LIBM -lc -lcompiler_rt_shared"
    376   else
    377     LIBS="-nodefaultlibs -lc++_shared -latomic -ldl $LIBM -lc"
    378   fi
    379 fi
    381 case $TRIPLE in
    382   *-*-mingw* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-win*)
    383     TEST_EXE=test.exe
    384     ;;
    385   *)
    386     TEST_EXE=a.out
    387     ;;
    388 esac
    390 TEST_EXE=/tmp/testit_android-$USER-$$-$TEST_EXE
    392 FAIL=0
    393 PASS=0
    398 # Run tests in current directory, recursively
    399 #
    400 # Note that file path containing EQ are symlink to the existing tests whose path contain '=',
    401 # to workaround an issue in ndk-build which doesn't handle LOCAL_SRC_FILES with '='.
    402 # See tests/device/test-libc++-static-full/jni/Android.mk  We need to filter out path containing
    403 # EQ such that we don't run same tests twice
    404 #
    405 # An alternative is to do "find . -type f", but this doesn't work in NDK windows package
    406 # where zip turns symlink into physical file it points to.
    407 #
    408 # We also sort the test to make the test report comparable to previous test
    409 #
    411 afunc() {
    412 	fail=0
    413 	pass=0
    414 	if (ls ${TEST_PREFIX}*fail.cpp > /dev/null 2>&1)
    415 	then
    416 		for FILE in $(ls ${TEST_PREFIX}*fail.cpp | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v EQ | sort); do
    417 			if run $CC $OPTIONS $HEADER_INCLUDE $SOURCE_LIB $FILE $LIBS -o $TEST_EXE > /dev/null 2>&1
    418 			then
    419 				rm $TEST_EXE
    420 				echo "$FILE should not compile"
    421 				fail=$(($fail+1))
    422 			else
    423 				pass=$(($pass+1))
    424 			fi
    425 		done
    426 	fi
    428 	if (ls ${TEST_PREFIX}*.cpp > /dev/null 2>&1)
    429 	then
    430 		if (ls *.dat > /dev/null 2>&1)
    431 		then
    432 			adb_shell "rm -f $TARGET_PATH/*.dat"
    433 			for FILE in $(ls *.dat | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v EQ | sort); do
    434 	                      if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ]; then
    435 	                          echo "Pushing data: " $FILE
    436 			      fi
    437 			      adb_push $FILE
    438 			      if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    439 				  echo "Failed to push file $FILE"
    440 	                      fi
    441 			done
    442 		fi
    443 		for FILE in $(ls ${TEST_PREFIX}*.cpp | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v EQ | sort); do
    444                       if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ]; then
    445                           echo "Running test: " $FILE
    446                       fi
    447                         COMMAND="( cd $(pwd) && $CC $OPTIONS $HEADER_INCLUDE $SOURCE_LIB $FILE $LIBS )"
    449 			then
    450 				if adb_run $TEST_EXE
    451 				then
    452 					rm $TEST_EXE
    453 					pass=$(($pass+1))
    454 				else
    455 					echo "`pwd`/$FILE failed at run time"
    456 					echo "Compile line was: $COMMAND # run-time"
    457 					fail=$(($fail+1))
    458 					rm $TEST_EXE
    459 				fi
    460 			else
    461 				echo "`pwd`/$FILE failed to compile"
    462 				echo "Compile line was: $COMMAND # compile-time"
    463 				fail=$(($fail+1))
    464 			fi
    465 		done
    466 	fi
    468 	if [ $fail -gt 0 ]
    469 	then
    470 		echo "failed $fail tests in `pwd`"
    472 	fi
    473 	if [ $pass -gt 0 ]
    474 	then
    475 		echo "passed $pass tests in `pwd`"
    476 		if [ $fail -eq 0 ]
    477 		then
    479 		fi
    480 	fi
    481 	if [ $fail -eq 0 -a $pass -eq 0 ]
    482 	then
    483 		echo "not implemented:  `pwd`"
    485 	fi
    487 	FAIL=$(($FAIL+$fail))
    488 	PASS=$(($PASS+$pass))
    490 	for FILE in $(ls | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v EQ | sort)
    491 	do
    492 		if [ -d "$FILE" ];
    493 		then
    494 			cd $FILE
    495 			afunc
    496 			cd ..
    497 		fi
    498 	done
    499 }
    501 afunc
    503 echo "****************************************************"
    504 echo "Results for `pwd`:"
    505 echo "using `$CC --version`"
    507 echo "----------------------------------------------------"
    508 echo "sections without tests   : $UNIMPLEMENTED"
    509 echo "sections with failures   : $IMPLEMENTED_FAIL"
    510 echo "sections without failures: $IMPLEMENTED_PASS"
    511 echo "                       +   ----"
    512 echo "total number of sections : $(($UNIMPLEMENTED+$IMPLEMENTED_FAIL+$IMPLEMENTED_PASS))"
    513 echo "----------------------------------------------------"
    514 echo "number of tests failed   : $FAIL"
    515 echo "number of tests passed   : $PASS"
    516 echo "                       +   ----"
    517 echo "total number of tests    : $(($FAIL+$PASS))"
    518 echo "****************************************************"
    520 exit $FAIL