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      1 // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package image
      7 import (
      8 	"image/color"
      9 	"strconv"
     10 )
     12 // A Point is an X, Y coordinate pair. The axes increase right and down.
     13 type Point struct {
     14 	X, Y int
     15 }
     17 // String returns a string representation of p like "(3,4)".
     18 func (p Point) String() string {
     19 	return "(" + strconv.Itoa(p.X) + "," + strconv.Itoa(p.Y) + ")"
     20 }
     22 // Add returns the vector p+q.
     23 func (p Point) Add(q Point) Point {
     24 	return Point{p.X + q.X, p.Y + q.Y}
     25 }
     27 // Sub returns the vector p-q.
     28 func (p Point) Sub(q Point) Point {
     29 	return Point{p.X - q.X, p.Y - q.Y}
     30 }
     32 // Mul returns the vector p*k.
     33 func (p Point) Mul(k int) Point {
     34 	return Point{p.X * k, p.Y * k}
     35 }
     37 // Div returns the vector p/k.
     38 func (p Point) Div(k int) Point {
     39 	return Point{p.X / k, p.Y / k}
     40 }
     42 // In reports whether p is in r.
     43 func (p Point) In(r Rectangle) bool {
     44 	return r.Min.X <= p.X && p.X < r.Max.X &&
     45 		r.Min.Y <= p.Y && p.Y < r.Max.Y
     46 }
     48 // Mod returns the point q in r such that p.X-q.X is a multiple of r's width
     49 // and p.Y-q.Y is a multiple of r's height.
     50 func (p Point) Mod(r Rectangle) Point {
     51 	w, h := r.Dx(), r.Dy()
     52 	p = p.Sub(r.Min)
     53 	p.X = p.X % w
     54 	if p.X < 0 {
     55 		p.X += w
     56 	}
     57 	p.Y = p.Y % h
     58 	if p.Y < 0 {
     59 		p.Y += h
     60 	}
     61 	return p.Add(r.Min)
     62 }
     64 // Eq reports whether p and q are equal.
     65 func (p Point) Eq(q Point) bool {
     66 	return p == q
     67 }
     69 // ZP is the zero Point.
     70 var ZP Point
     72 // Pt is shorthand for Point{X, Y}.
     73 func Pt(X, Y int) Point {
     74 	return Point{X, Y}
     75 }
     77 // A Rectangle contains the points with Min.X <= X < Max.X, Min.Y <= Y < Max.Y.
     78 // It is well-formed if Min.X <= Max.X and likewise for Y. Points are always
     79 // well-formed. A rectangle's methods always return well-formed outputs for
     80 // well-formed inputs.
     81 //
     82 // A Rectangle is also an Image whose bounds are the rectangle itself. At
     83 // returns color.Opaque for points in the rectangle and color.Transparent
     84 // otherwise.
     85 type Rectangle struct {
     86 	Min, Max Point
     87 }
     89 // String returns a string representation of r like "(3,4)-(6,5)".
     90 func (r Rectangle) String() string {
     91 	return r.Min.String() + "-" + r.Max.String()
     92 }
     94 // Dx returns r's width.
     95 func (r Rectangle) Dx() int {
     96 	return r.Max.X - r.Min.X
     97 }
     99 // Dy returns r's height.
    100 func (r Rectangle) Dy() int {
    101 	return r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y
    102 }
    104 // Size returns r's width and height.
    105 func (r Rectangle) Size() Point {
    106 	return Point{
    107 		r.Max.X - r.Min.X,
    108 		r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y,
    109 	}
    110 }
    112 // Add returns the rectangle r translated by p.
    113 func (r Rectangle) Add(p Point) Rectangle {
    114 	return Rectangle{
    115 		Point{r.Min.X + p.X, r.Min.Y + p.Y},
    116 		Point{r.Max.X + p.X, r.Max.Y + p.Y},
    117 	}
    118 }
    120 // Sub returns the rectangle r translated by -p.
    121 func (r Rectangle) Sub(p Point) Rectangle {
    122 	return Rectangle{
    123 		Point{r.Min.X - p.X, r.Min.Y - p.Y},
    124 		Point{r.Max.X - p.X, r.Max.Y - p.Y},
    125 	}
    126 }
    128 // Inset returns the rectangle r inset by n, which may be negative. If either
    129 // of r's dimensions is less than 2*n then an empty rectangle near the center
    130 // of r will be returned.
    131 func (r Rectangle) Inset(n int) Rectangle {
    132 	if r.Dx() < 2*n {
    133 		r.Min.X = (r.Min.X + r.Max.X) / 2
    134 		r.Max.X = r.Min.X
    135 	} else {
    136 		r.Min.X += n
    137 		r.Max.X -= n
    138 	}
    139 	if r.Dy() < 2*n {
    140 		r.Min.Y = (r.Min.Y + r.Max.Y) / 2
    141 		r.Max.Y = r.Min.Y
    142 	} else {
    143 		r.Min.Y += n
    144 		r.Max.Y -= n
    145 	}
    146 	return r
    147 }
    149 // Intersect returns the largest rectangle contained by both r and s. If the
    150 // two rectangles do not overlap then the zero rectangle will be returned.
    151 func (r Rectangle) Intersect(s Rectangle) Rectangle {
    152 	if r.Min.X < s.Min.X {
    153 		r.Min.X = s.Min.X
    154 	}
    155 	if r.Min.Y < s.Min.Y {
    156 		r.Min.Y = s.Min.Y
    157 	}
    158 	if r.Max.X > s.Max.X {
    159 		r.Max.X = s.Max.X
    160 	}
    161 	if r.Max.Y > s.Max.Y {
    162 		r.Max.Y = s.Max.Y
    163 	}
    164 	if r.Min.X > r.Max.X || r.Min.Y > r.Max.Y {
    165 		return ZR
    166 	}
    167 	return r
    168 }
    170 // Union returns the smallest rectangle that contains both r and s.
    171 func (r Rectangle) Union(s Rectangle) Rectangle {
    172 	if r.Empty() {
    173 		return s
    174 	}
    175 	if s.Empty() {
    176 		return r
    177 	}
    178 	if r.Min.X > s.Min.X {
    179 		r.Min.X = s.Min.X
    180 	}
    181 	if r.Min.Y > s.Min.Y {
    182 		r.Min.Y = s.Min.Y
    183 	}
    184 	if r.Max.X < s.Max.X {
    185 		r.Max.X = s.Max.X
    186 	}
    187 	if r.Max.Y < s.Max.Y {
    188 		r.Max.Y = s.Max.Y
    189 	}
    190 	return r
    191 }
    193 // Empty reports whether the rectangle contains no points.
    194 func (r Rectangle) Empty() bool {
    195 	return r.Min.X >= r.Max.X || r.Min.Y >= r.Max.Y
    196 }
    198 // Eq reports whether r and s contain the same set of points. All empty
    199 // rectangles are considered equal.
    200 func (r Rectangle) Eq(s Rectangle) bool {
    201 	return r == s || r.Empty() && s.Empty()
    202 }
    204 // Overlaps reports whether r and s have a non-empty intersection.
    205 func (r Rectangle) Overlaps(s Rectangle) bool {
    206 	return !r.Empty() && !s.Empty() &&
    207 		r.Min.X < s.Max.X && s.Min.X < r.Max.X &&
    208 		r.Min.Y < s.Max.Y && s.Min.Y < r.Max.Y
    209 }
    211 // In reports whether every point in r is in s.
    212 func (r Rectangle) In(s Rectangle) bool {
    213 	if r.Empty() {
    214 		return true
    215 	}
    216 	// Note that r.Max is an exclusive bound for r, so that r.In(s)
    217 	// does not require that r.Max.In(s).
    218 	return s.Min.X <= r.Min.X && r.Max.X <= s.Max.X &&
    219 		s.Min.Y <= r.Min.Y && r.Max.Y <= s.Max.Y
    220 }
    222 // Canon returns the canonical version of r. The returned rectangle has minimum
    223 // and maximum coordinates swapped if necessary so that it is well-formed.
    224 func (r Rectangle) Canon() Rectangle {
    225 	if r.Max.X < r.Min.X {
    226 		r.Min.X, r.Max.X = r.Max.X, r.Min.X
    227 	}
    228 	if r.Max.Y < r.Min.Y {
    229 		r.Min.Y, r.Max.Y = r.Max.Y, r.Min.Y
    230 	}
    231 	return r
    232 }
    234 // At implements the Image interface.
    235 func (r Rectangle) At(x, y int) color.Color {
    236 	if (Point{x, y}).In(r) {
    237 		return color.Opaque
    238 	}
    239 	return color.Transparent
    240 }
    242 // Bounds implements the Image interface.
    243 func (r Rectangle) Bounds() Rectangle {
    244 	return r
    245 }
    247 // ColorModel implements the Image interface.
    248 func (r Rectangle) ColorModel() color.Model {
    249 	return color.Alpha16Model
    250 }
    252 // ZR is the zero Rectangle.
    253 var ZR Rectangle
    255 // Rect is shorthand for Rectangle{Pt(x0, y0), Pt(x1, y1)}. The returned
    256 // rectangle has minimum and maximum coordinates swapped if necessary so that
    257 // it is well-formed.
    258 func Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1 int) Rectangle {
    259 	if x0 > x1 {
    260 		x0, x1 = x1, x0
    261 	}
    262 	if y0 > y1 {
    263 		y0, y1 = y1, y0
    264 	}
    265 	return Rectangle{Point{x0, y0}, Point{x1, y1}}
    266 }