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      1 // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "textflag.h"
      7 // func Sincos(x float64) (sin, cos float64)
      8 TEXT Sincos(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
      9 	FMOVD   x+0(FP), F0  // F0=x
     10 	FSINCOS              // F0=cos(x), F1=sin(x) if -2**63 < x < 2**63
     11 	FSTSW   AX           // AX=status word
     12 	ANDW    $0x0400, AX
     13 	JNE     4(PC)        // jump if x outside range
     14 	FMOVDP  F0, cos+16(FP) // F0=sin(x)
     15 	FMOVDP  F0, sin+8(FP)
     16 	RET
     17 	FLDPI                // F0=Pi, F1=x
     18 	FADDD   F0, F0       // F0=2*Pi, F1=x
     19 	FXCHD   F0, F1       // F0=x, F1=2*Pi
     20 	FPREM1               // F0=reduced_x, F1=2*Pi
     21 	FSTSW   AX           // AX=status word
     22 	ANDW    $0x0400, AX
     23 	JNE     -3(PC)       // jump if reduction incomplete
     24 	FMOVDP  F0, F1       // F0=reduced_x
     25 	FSINCOS              // F0=cos(reduced_x), F1=sin(reduced_x)
     26 	FMOVDP  F0, cos+16(FP) // F0=sin(reduced_x)
     27 	FMOVDP  F0, sin+8(FP)
     28 	RET