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T d s T$ v d s T mu_ b T mu b T mu t T ebs/s a T mu eb T mu eb d T mu eb T mu eb d T f g o tx86 mu t t mu_( p >gu msrs t _gu msrs gu msrs pmu_ t mu l h r t mu ! y t mu ! to c rsp- m k- t v- t y- c- dg~ tum k- t(s t mu t t mu_ t t mu pmu_ t t mu_hw/ g t mu_ t mu h _ ha d g^ s a 6 t ( s a T mu av * t mu_h* q Tx86^( s a t ^( s a T{ sha d gs t mu ! pa r ave r n zv h*l m r r o m r_ s Tm r_ d e Tm r_ d Tm r_ l e Tm r_ l Tm r_a Tm r av m r_ap laye Tm r_ap Tm r p o r se r_ r - r_ e r_ d. pr .1 r_i Tm r_ ib o Tg ^ tg _hav w omb Tg _v d e tg ^m r r , ok .p .1 Tm r , ok T ll r_v + Tm r_wrmsr p ~ os s tg m r tg t xe r g . pr .5 Tm r av xe r g os iv hav w omb tam m r tamd m r tam v d e yrix^ r p ~ os s yrix r yrix yrix^ t%r^ t%r mcr t%r_v d e t%r^mcr Tm r t%r p mcr t i gs "ap T i "ap "ap t i g gs t q a_ q g T i g _ g b _ _ i g b _ t 3 T i p l v T i s fh p be T i s )bm@ k Tm] w h_h T i s fh t # iv m ~hu n Tm iv m em g cy Tm p o Tm ~hu n iv m p o iv m h t iv m Tm em g cy Tm Tm h t #mi hoo n p sr_ sr_ sr sr_ e sr_i sr k ! ! !i !i ! ! k dc321x' e4 ' s5536_w m' s5530a_w m' Tm boo x s cov be sn T cov be s uc T du { Tapply T du Z ize T du b f%l fn vm86 g f o y vm86 rq_h*l av v86 y vm86 d y vm86 Th* vm86_ ap Th* vm86 %lt T vm86_ qs l vga_ e ly i u ly i _ e Te ly r k hp d p nt p c nt t a hp Thp q_h*l Thp q_h*l Thp s Thp r _ pe q hp pr g Thp r _ r t Thp s p "d q Thp r _ m Thp s r _ q p g y p g n t p $um c nt Thp m r _ q TEV TO_HPE DEV Thp l Thp d n br Tamd n br g Tam fl h_g Tam | g+ Tam subc Tamd subc T d _ T i } T )p T m T i m k n rw k n Tm d _ u gt b s f 20.p .21 c g_ f f%lt. pr .24 o/t f%l r a a a ose pho a a a ose pho a a a a a a_ c r Tvm{ yn _" p o n e o p e o p t o wc n p o p@ g Txl _ m T xl _ m T xu cep lfl h r T oku d$s m x m nx pmd p e x p e nx pa l h_ @ g p clr h g p clr m m rw s m y m uc m wc m wb s p e y p e uc p e wc p e wb T d p c nt T p m fo T m uc m uc p e uc T m wc m wc T m wb m wb p e wb m np m 4k p e p e rw T m lay t gp omb e t mt,~ a p g i m t mt,~ _ t mt,~ - t mt, x t mt,~ t mt,~ t oku mt,e a T$ v mt,e T mt,e mt,e hy c s t hy c s } Tk n _ p yn mt,e o' v mt,e t$ v pfn+ T k fn_v y T k fn_v ew T k fn_v t {_ k n t {_ e _ t b gd | g { g e p c fl s t * _y ng p l h_y ng iv~ x p # iv~ x p _v _v tgu hug pmd tg t r tg m r ^ e fa T e fa t mt, r %gm cb t mt, r l m . pr .3 Trb mt, s t Trb mt, e Trb mt, ok Trb mt, c n _e m t pt v pmd fn o p wc o e n om Tk om pfn o om pfn u?lb^ ppe a a o=om 21 Thug pm sha Thug pt { Thug pt o s Tf l _hug m hu u hu Tf l _hug pmd Tf l _hug !d Thu?lb^ ppe a a Tk p Tk om t Tk om Tk om fn _k om Tk om o e Tk p Tae c lk Tae c lk r,t ae cr, x86 tae cr,t r,t ae cr, x86 tae cr,t T sep ! T u d i T _v a T g v T _g a a T _g a a | tg d sh _w k tg d sh u r t > t newt k > t k na \(t newt k \(t k na \ t newt k \ t k na Tt Tt T t | igh* t Z d t newt k Z d t k na 36 m T t k t k uct #r s Tm { T v T e v m Tm ut T m Tm c s T| e u | igh* y s.p .41 d$s f k y sha T sh s p s y t do s _ t do s - T o T o t f%l h*l s y bYk T ta Tt ta t)o o t .p .5 Wp f r ta } T ta To y r To t r o m k tw n l p h o| Tw n l p h mt Tw n l p h m ta Tw n l p h ull To m g@ Z ds/so > so \( so \ so Tkmsg u /so iv s c /so iv s r r im r r im Tkmsg um t g x so so y _ d f d/so . pr .8 T g uf T g uf y T d f d/so T d so cmdYe T /so } T]k u k gd so Tvpr k o g g p&/so r ck r n ds ! T$um so so so T /so T /so so : k so ;e Tkmsg u T T T @a c! os b c! $ t c!_ Ye c!_ ve T)c! $ t T)c! os b T)c!_ Ye twill om ph } grp t lay} t k uct T ign ign t | tkill_ ph } grp t] ap y t hil ] c b T t k t] s t k ] _of grp T ur n pgr ph } sp i s T s uct s uct T$ s uct T s aem ize o l y gr y gr p _]k a nt y ] y ] 4 y ] p t c!_ im c!_ im ? im y ? im T n o im T m im im Tjif e t ms s Tjif e t s T m p _ c Tmk n m ize m p Tms t jif T t jif T m p jif Tjif e t m p T v jif Tjif e t v Tjif e to t t jif Tjif e 64 o t ur n f # t m p # t v y y ? ofday o ofday ofday y j m #s o t #s t jif 64 #s t jif T m p _ d afe Tt kl Z ds of rq > q_h*l > sof rq > q_h*l y \( q_h*l y \( q_h*l \(sof rq \ q_h*l y \ q_h*l \ sof rq T h _ h_ h_ T h_ T h_ t]` of rqd Tt kl kill Tt kl hr m kl hr m a e Z d q_h*l y Z d q_h*l o of rq _ksof rqd T q_ t T q_ T ~of rq_ qo _ ~of rq_ qo kl s }u kl hi }u _hr m t kl a e _ _ igg & t~of rq & t~of rq T ~of rq kl hi }u r = kl h = kl T of rq $ e _i m i ign' e t m o t - T j $ e _ s $ e t m e _ m ild' 1 _ m T $ e @ k T ild' T $ fl t T $ e Tw k y e r Wp i m d' e T { $ e T{ $ e T ok ' e T s $ fl t T s $ e T s $ p t f T$ ignm t o p y@ k o i cl ive l g os o o v /v o o v x/v o o v _jif /v o o v _ hz_jif /v o o v jif /v ^l g. pr .8 o l gv x l gv jif e m x l gv x a o o v 3 o o v x o v x m o v jif o v rq c _h*l o v _jif o v _ hz_jif l g b p _ v _ul gv n o d$s _uu c tw n_ g y ap il e tw n_ p c v2 #s ap ap ap? aps Tha ns ap il y Th ap il y Tha ns ap il %d Th ap il %d #s n ap $u app e fn t .p .13 Yk Yk t c s c s T p e d } e Tg p kd Tg pok} b akpo p b akpo n jif o| + n jif + n jif l ive Tr n jif Tr n jif l ive + n jif e + n jif e l ive Tr n jif e Tr n jif e l ive m l t n _ m Z d m l s Z d hr m l s > m l s > m > m p y > hr m > hr m > hr m p y > hr m l s > im > im pi \( m l s \( m \( m p y \(hr m \(hr m \(hr m p y \(hr m l s \( im \( im pi \ m l s \ m \ m p y \ hr m \ hr m \ hr m p y \ hr m l s \ im \ im pi T m t T e r T) m `y u f b m `y T) m f b `y Z d m Z d m p y Z d hr m Z d hr m Z d hr m p y Z d im Z d im pi ca _ m of rq t m b e 40 T m n} T m T m T m & T l_ m T t l_ m ync Tms e r b Tms ep T n m r t Tr _ _ m s T d p m y m y ?p y ?pp y ?u y ?eu y ?g y ?eg y ? d o fo fo TZ T u T{_u t c c igp& _ k > gn _ liv > gn _g \( gn _g \( gn _ liv \ gn _g \ gn _ liv Tb ign s ig { T c c igp& T b ign s Z ds ign _ liv Z ds ign _g ig e l h_ im ign s f e f full h kill m .p .18 # gn _ gn T gn Tt k jobc & Tt k _jobc _ app Tt k _jobc & = k [p gr p Tfl h ig e l h ign s Tfl h ign s Tfl h_ im ign s gn gn s Tfl h ign _h*l s T h* d ign ign _]k t t sha d & t b } T c c igp& _ ]` a fy p gn o l gn & ign & ign _gr p & ig_ fo fy a n cld d fy o ign Tf c g_ fo Tf c g Tza o s _ t k igh* Tkill i f d o & ig_ fo & ig_ fo & ig o & p i c tkill Tgr p & ig_ fo _kill gr fo Tkill grp Tkill i fo Tkill Tkill _ fo Tf c gsegv ig { ig e & ig e fy a nt fy T gn liv T gn s s c s c cur n b } Tb igm k igp m k y r gp m k o igp& y r gp& y ig f t o ig d] y r g d] y kill y tgkill y tkill y r g e fo r tg g e fo y r tg g e fo o ig o ig t igp& igp m k y r g ?m k s m k ign a e y r gs p& igr to boo c! pr" Tem g cy T boo T boo Tk n o t gv tov r e.p .12 T d ly o Tk n _h t pri y y ?pri y Tk n p pa Tk n t f d boot l_ l g g u u $u y ?$u $g y ?$g fsu fsg o y m y m pg y ?pg y ?pgrp y ?s s y new a y a y d a ho na y ?ho na do na y lim o rlim y lim rlim 64 e lim T e y e y um k y ?c! _ h p fns dp b gv _ h p e fo _ h p T h p a T h p a y T h p a ] __ _ h p _ h p _ h p a h*l du t] f _h p _ h p d p _ h p d t w k wq =o m w k s t Y` w ks Z d w k w k t cwq Tw k } > w k w k > w k w k > w k ut \(w k w k \(w k w k \(w k ut \ w k w k \ w k w k \ w k ut wq_ v laye w k t]k u w k l h_w k p p wqs twq ri f c Tfl h_w k e Tfl h }u w k _w k e t{_w k T o w k e d w k t tw k t Z d w k w k Z d w k ut t w gcwq Tw k ! T laye w }u laye w wq_ c r_ light t t g b & Tw k ~ x_ ve tw k yb b 35 w k . pr .37 tw k b fn w k to w k tgcwq_ yda t w k s 36 w k ut _w k Tw b y t$cu t s w k _ w k T w T w k }u w k T ut s/t T laye w k }u laye w k }u w t laye w m fn t] _w k c _ laye w k ync c _w k ync t fl h_w k Tfl h_w k Tfl h_ laye w k Tfl h_w k ync Tfl h_ laye w k ync tw k _{_w k `y Twq_w k ]k _ Twq_w k ep }u _e ! Tk t T ez w k e beg T ez w k e b y T a w k TZd i ns TZ vp i t k Tt v pi ns T /ta T t k T pi t k TZ p p t lay} p # p p T p T{ T t T t T g p T sf TZ t by i ns TZ t b vp i nr s i vnr k i nr s Tt t nr s TZ g p Z d u_u liz i > u_u liz i \( u_u liz i \ u_u liz i t]`m aft u T] u_gp e _ cep s k n k n _k n d$s Tk n d$s Tf c _i k n a e t du - t du o tu( lt _k n a _k n a a o am by am h t am u am ul g a by a sh t a h t a a u a l g a ul g a p a bo a vbo am sh t am am l g am c t yb k p am a p am bo am vbo am b a ? a s a - am p t d fs am 3 a y a qn a q s gs T du p am fs T du p am fs e T oy ams _ dv v - i t kc o x^boot o x^m ot o se o x^ m co se o x^co s $ o x^m ot _ w o| _ m ? o| _ m l o| _ m o| _ m o| s ep o x_k m o x m j o x m ? o x m~ _ m o x_ m t o x_ m fn o x_ m s t im u e t po x_ m o }u n m y m y m ? y m ?ov r y m y m l e T im s ? j ?$ n os ep n os ep Tk h ld Tk a b d _)k a w k Tk a ez sh ld Tk o Tk Tk a w k fn tk a fl h_w fn tk T k a w k Tfl h_k a w k Tfl h_k a w k Tk a d T f Tk d _)] he Tb ] e T ] e T ] cl ive T ] e p t ] p t ] cl ive T cl iv ] _]k u b T]k u b TZ h_] T%to ]k f c T]k b f c _k fo n _k fo ok n _k f l + _k fo ki r _k f d _ Z h+ _k f _k f { _k f e tk fo _k f _k f + tk fo t _k f p k _k f t tk fo f _k f f tk fo t _k f t _k f t r _k f r gl uf.p .3 gl _k f d _ pa _k f d _ p pa _k f p r _k f x+ _k f f r _k f d _ p r _k f d _ h+ _k f d _ p p r y ni c Wco a sy ep l ] Wco a sy fut Wco a sy y Wco a sy b li Wco a sy ?s k t Wco a sy c Wco a sy k _ Wco a sy `yc Wco a sy mb d Wco a sy migr p Wco a sy p Wco a sy mq_?s Wco a sy mq o fy Wco a sy mq_ Wco a sy mq_ d ceive Wco a sy mq_ ds& Wco a sy msgc Wco a sy msg v Wco a sy msgsnd Wco a sy h* Wco a s vm v Wco a s v Wco a s cv Wco a s cvf m Wco a s cv|sg Wco a s cvmsg Wco a s emc Wco a s em d Wco a s &|sg Wco a s &msg Wco a s y Wco a s b li Wco a s s k t Wco a s hm Wco a s hmc Wco a s ign fd Wco a s ign fd4 Wco a s k c Wco a s c Wco a sy m f ? Wco a sy m fd Wppc+t Ws 32_ c Ws 32_ ot Wsy f o f Wsy f o f m k Wsy y Wsy k _ Wsy oku dcookie Wsy mb d Wsy migr p Wsy p Wsy nam t h* Wsy h* Ws c g_"b e Ws c g Ws c g_ e Ws y Ws ! Ws !+ Ws ubp p t t !_ m u m s t m s ! s ep _ a t k o x !_ m l h k !_ im a t m p o x !_ m t !_ m s !_ m h k o x ! ! a o x ! ?$ t ! ?$ s ! ?$ T a gr p ! ! a gr p o x ! ? t ! ? s ! ? T a gr p ! m !_ m a gr p o x !_ m ? o x !_ m o x !_ m gr p o x !_ m }u !_ m o x !_ m o ! os ep o x ! s ep o x ! s ep s ! s ep Tr o x !_ m s p s !_ m T d rlim c! ut _ T om _ mut _ Tk m d afe Thr m )s ep Thr m t hr m Thr m Thr m $ r m ]` t d rm r m f c p g m hr m Thr m to c Thr m c + _hr m t igg n t 18.p .19 Tk m divns Thr m f w d w lay} w w w k Thr m s'u _hr m r g ns Thr m r g ns Thr m Thr m n t Thr m r t Thr m ahea m s _hr m of rq Thr m r & Thr m r _ Thr m n os ep y n os ep n a y n_ y T Tu e ngr e ne nam p T nsp xy nam p T sh nsp x nam p w nam p T t nam p ns yn r iz~ e p} } u o l } T)s u uct u a u a u uct yn r iz~ u yn r iz~ u yn r iz~ u_ p} } n_ y n n_ r b n_kill n_ t T o @a o @a _ T @a T @a _ _ @a T @a T om o @a T om o @a _ T di Tb o @a Tb o @a /d Tb o @a _ o @a Tb o @a u o @a u o @a _ u o @a u o @a T di u_) he ot tu(h p o tu(h p - tu(s num- scaps- Tov r c ds s u ov ri s u ov r f m tx c c d T v c ds T c ds p c ds o| c ds c u t tgc u T c ds T t k d p k n d { l k p ds y ds g$s _ ync }u T ync }u T ync }u do t ync+ _ fn T ync yn r iz cooki do T ync yn r iz full T ync yn r iz full o T ync yn r iz cookie m r T r T r g w h ub r r r Tgr p e gr ps Tgr p { cur n gr ps Tgr ps e T _gr p T _egr p y ?gr ps gr ps Tlg_ Tlg_ _ Tlg_ _ ! Tlg_g b _ Tlg_ _ Tlg_ _ ! Tlg_g b _ a weight _]k o| _]k u } _]k u e `y Tt n e ! ha$ a u64 Z ds e k t > s e k t > s e k > s e ]`u l > s } w > s e migr t k > s } l > s } ] > s } f k > s } a l > s } a r > s } i pr" \(s e k \(s e k t \(s e ]`u l \(s } w \(s e migr t k \(s } l \(s } ] \(s } f k \(s } a l \(s } a r \(s } i pr" \ s e k \ s e k t \ s e ]`u l \ s e migr t k \ s } l \ s } ] \ s } f k \ s } \ s } a l \ s } a r \ s } i pr" \ s } w > s } \(s } e fea e fea s e fea e ! c p ul ! gr p ul ! c s- ! c oy ! c c h k am n }u g d by ! ha u64 ! gr p _ t ! gr _ t Z ds } Z ds e k Z ds e ]`u l Z ds } w Z ds e migr t k Z ds } l Z ds } ] Z ds } f k Z ds } a l Z ds } a r Z ds } i pr" = rq_ 86 t x} . pr .95 ~ e gr u T b*w _ m T d rq t t k t t k Thr ck T$ e t k T v t k T v t k Tt k urr T k e curr =twu ]` . pr . h k w 76 _]k _]k yn `y _]k ync o l e o l T ] f o o e rq_ 84 t t ]k T]k s T f%l ]k f c n e ! c p c! r ck ! e ! /d' e T]k e f k T]k u ne t k }u tail #r+ n #r_ r b #r/t sw #r_i a #r_i a c! T !_ T av r a t a g b _ T d c!_ Tt lta_ Tt k e r T c n T c n sy e T c n e _ T c n T c n p ck T c n e _ cks T c n cks Tt m T a gr m }ul ck T pa n Tr mut pr" e } s }ul } s }ul o } s }ul y n e Tt k r" T c! T t k } s }ul n h k } o t k } s }ul } p am e ?s }ul e ?p am } a y } a y e ?a y e ?a y e yi d e pri x e pri m e rr^ v }- k lt T e f c s # m iz r t ks } gr p ! gr p e o gr p ! gr oy e t k ! gr ! gr t e r h*l ! c } . pr .3 } } ! } s e t ! T } ck } ]`u t n t p v = c curr t rr_ v _ r"@ w e t h k e curr_ t t t d m _vr uddi = gr fa lta e n ddy t d curr tyi t fa tyi t t fa p v fa t]` e t y h k e ]` } l e 32 t rr_ v a r"@ fa w e t fa r ck fa r c d curr fa w e f fa t d cfs ha$ 35 t t fa = f fa t t fa e )gr ul y rs t y = c fa n t fa l t y } _ d h*l T)cf b*w T = o Y cf rqs T)cf rq T fa e gr p T fa e gr p T)tg f y T{ a e gr p e gr p sha$ r cfs s curr rt t rr_ v +t e r p " m h k e curr+t t r r"@ rt w e t rt n t rt t d curr+t p v rt t t rt = c rt t t rt tyi t rt T)r b*w T)r rq T r s e gr p T{+ s e gr p r r s h k e curr n t k t t k t t k = ck curr k t rr_ v r"@ g} w e to tyi t k p v k s _l e g_ = gr p h 3 s _high e g- r cf rq r r rq rq e g- }- k } t k qos qos ve qo qos qos qos a v ue qo d t ? qo d qos qo d qo w fn qos e qos qos e qo d t T T p& t]` n o t]` n s ync- ync o t o t s p& s- @a m p so m so t t ez t ks T aw s T ez p s T a k n h s T ez k n h s p v i l m p& s m p m k Tv W p d qs W p qs p ;e t m p& m rq_ * p o o o $um - t]` t T g_]` T ez l h frig ez T ez t k ha t k r e t k p w n T s ds T awm ot ur n k n _ Tk m m ot _o s T?ns ofday ? ofday Tk m Tk m ? Tm ot boo } Tk m t d r o s T?boot T m ot oot Tk m boot t k p u n s _ k p _ j s ep o ofday T k p _ j o s T k p o fy T k p _v i f _h$ T k p _ x_ f m t t k p 'u t k p p& W a boo c T k p _ j s ep ur n k n _ T m ot o se m T x m m ot _* e o s Tk m d o s s Tx m d _ d cy ync s # # _ c l g ov fl j m T m nt T m nt T m nt yc2 s e s x_ f m t s w dog_w k s w dog fs-_avail c s fs- ur n c s s ~e ct s w dog_k s f ov r c s e s g r s w dog s s c ul shift s d q c e s c e s m s ~ p& s $u s t _w dog tjif T jif e 64 t m l r nam o s .p .1 r nam o s t m l s rq_ m l s T m o sf m T m o o s _ m o d T m t t l c o x o x e o x o x c c t po x 0 o x f ync o x m p o x i o x l o x t c c m ? m l e m m c j c ? c c ?$ t m m ez s t m m e t m ? t m m ns e ]` t d rm t m m r _ ;e t m m d T m m r t m m p& t m ? t m ?$ T pi$ T t m T m T m l ive T m T to c t m l t m T m c t m m d ns ep t m ns ep T f w d t h* m T f w n ( lta2ns g m _ lta t fy / g.p .1 ;e hu n g t / g_* t d q t h* t g ;e t ck "d T c h* p "d T c ;e T c i ho avail T ck "d t c fy T ck g t T ck'um hot T ck u hot T ck w hot T c ho ve T c )high$ t c )ji d t c d d jif 64 t ck e m t c hz_h*l t d t m s. pr .16 T c!_i a m T c!_ m t c hz e ck 13 T c ck } T c hz_ t T c hz_ q_ T c hz^s e l g T c hz_ T ck@ T ck e m T ck c e m T ck fy T c ho fy T ck@ ho h ut ut o ] x g ut _v u } t fut _v u } %l _ e t fut _`y fs t fut _`y _ fut t]k fut ut _] t ok i ut _ om t ll i c e.p .9 t x i n 10 t xu n t o fut _`y fs ut _] s ut _]` ut _] ut _] pi ut e t m pi ut _] pi. pr .16 ut _ i 14 T pi li b li y b li Th* fut _ h T b li fut y fut + mut _ t t tak r mut Tr mut _ oy Tr mut _?pr" + mut _ j pr" mut _ j pr"@a = b + mut t ] Tr mut _ Tr mut _ j pi Tr mut _)p x } Tr mut x Tr mut p x Tr mut n Tr mut h x T d T d _ - c n16 y lc n16 y fc n16 g 16 g 16 u 16 u 16 $u 16 y ?$u 16 $g 16 y ?$g 16 fsu 16 fsg 16 y ?gr ps16 gr ps16 y ?u 16 y ?eu 16 y ?g 16 y ?eg 16 t d f v _ i s t d fo v _ i s T du fc nt _ du d$s _ du t d$s Z d du e > du > du e > du fcnt > du \( du \( du e \( du fcnt \( du \ du e \ du fcnt \ du \ du T du T du m na TZ du d _objs t Zd ymna d ymb _ d fo v d f v _ du ? T du ? T du !t _ du p t du a e t u t t d fo t du t fcnt _ ze o ze _ _ d fo v _ d f v t du s s u d fo v u d f v t ksymb t du t n t du fl ta 15 a t du fl s - Z d du Z d du fcnt Z d du T > du ymb Te ymb TZd ymb ymb _? ymb ut t$ v~ymb 36 i lify ymb s du p c!_ d$s W du e du y l du Wapply d W _ d p& t o s t du {_ d b nds W du f s y ) du T du d$ ok T oku du symb a T oku du symb _ s T du k sym T du k sym oku na T du k sym _e ymb e _ du s du d$s du t d$s r du s tk sym p* ymb t symb _o s Tk sym oku na Tk sym _e ymb t symb os - t d t n ksy tk sym Tk sym ok iz o s Tk sym ok pr symb pr symb r symb T ok ymb a T ok ymb _ s pr b e t co com t h ~p e c p s 4 t c y ct T c %to s mnt T c %to se T c ns T c c ct T c p s gr i h d ss h h gr l e gr t ks cur gr p gr t ks ze gr p s gr e t aft p gr p l n gr f e gr p l ild n_ e s ? s s p gr p fc n ur n css t gr gr hi y gr gr hi y gr liv gr p gr p h gr t ks n = k gr f ot gr p ss e ty gr ubs cg_Yks t g_ oy t g t{ cg_Yks css u ur n css fc n gr p e gr p gr gr d gr p l s ur n css cg_Yks gr p e gr p na gr p i ct y t new ss gr p s- gr p s gr ( gr ( e gr (pt p gr p l gr p l gr p s Yks l e gr p pi y gr ne o gr t s s cgr pf s t se du fc n t b d ubsy ems gr di!t t) o gr p- gr ok gr ]`u rmd _] gr t ks r k ss d ss t)cgr p ss 14.p .15 gr ~ 16 css gr t migr 18 gr (]` gr p t gr gr e gr p 64 24 gr T cs gr p l e gr p gr gr s t g ul gr p ul d gr p m nt gr ubs gr o ot gr kill b gr p s s ok h f e css w k gr rmd ss ut gr p a f e gr p l ild n gr p-_ s gr mkd gr m nt gr } gr clu rmd gr p ]`u rmd gr t k gr t t t by gr p e gr t k e gr t k nt t g kc n gr gr n gr & gr p l gr p gr t k gr p c ks gr p ild gr f k gr f k b s gr p os f k gr gr i c& t s i ce s n gr p s f d ez ul ez oy ez t d if z 3 ez ez f k ez e gr ez ez _ t tu n um tu n ? T ut ns tu ns ut tu n u na T ns n w k ns T n u T n g T pi ns i ns _h*l y i ns Tzap i ns s T boo pi ns T$ nt T$ nt @ g } T$ nt @ g fail T$ nt g } T$ nt @ T$ nt T$ nt T$ nt a u64 T$ nt s ~ gy T$ nt e t%d s& pl t%d e T%d p T%d g_ t%d g_vf m T%d g m T%d g ctx tk%d d & kb t%d pr k kb tk%d T%d g_& T%d s li T%d k ply t%d s& ply. pr . T%d s i T%d g t%d g o| cv sg t%d g/ g@ t%d do/ g@ T%d g T%d g _h T%d g T%d s /ta s/ T%d g _ u }s T%d g_ u }s t%d ceive T%d g h T%d g_`y T%d ru u t%d ru t y t%d m ign t%d co ru .p .1 t%d g+u .p .3 t%d Z ru T%d p t%d d y T%d m l s T%d d ru T%d ceiv lt T%d co T%d co dnam p h T%d lt T%d lt t,e T%d d ls ru s t f t%d { a t%d g ap T%d g k/t t%d g /t t%d g_ & t%d g_ t r l fs t%d co 5 t%d lt ru s t%d lt c _%d o ild T%d lt o T%d { _%d e _%d s c _ y _%d s c _ _%d ?na T%d ! a _%d o T%d sc^ a T%d s g u _%d mq_ _%d mq & cv _%d mq o fy _%d mq_?s _%d obj _%d c p m _%d bprm _%d s k c _%d fd a _%d s k _%d p e _%d gn _ fo _%d g pr fcaps _%d g aps _%d m fd T%d c du s _%d s co T%d kil t t%d w h ld t t%d )w t%d nd t%d w _ g+u 2.p .3 t%d w m k T%d w T%d p w t%d w t%d d w t%d w _h* t T%d w h T%d w o a T%d t w T%d w T%d w +u o ot t%d t ~ t k t%d t o w t{@ k t%d t h* t t t @ k r e r t tkill+u s t i m k} = nt t%d t e k T%d t p h T%d p k k T%d t ok T%d t m T%d t ru T%d i t T%d k t e T%d p t e T%d t ru T%d t e T%d kill t bo t a bo W _ > y o T q c Tg _h* q c T q cs t{_ c 10 T q' v qs T q^n q _ q^ _ q T q p c!_ ynam _ q Tk a qs ! Tk a qs Th* ba q # Th* q_(p c! Th* q_ t rq_ f%l prim h*l q_]k yn r iz q T q q_]` rq e } rim h*l q T q p c!_ q T q rq iz hot.p .24 rq h rq h a fn rq ce a fn q q osync q osync q _ q T q q _ q igg u q u q T a q T y/t q T q h T p c!_ q p c!_ q T p c!_ q T p c!_ q c!_ q T p c!_ q #o q g t q l !ri qs p ba q 5 T q_] f l #ot r t T q'& T q h*l d T q i d T q_ dify T q T q q ,e T q^ q Th* ne e q rq@ k l Th* q T q ms c T q hu n T q_ T q _ q h*l T q T q c!_ T q c! Tm q T m q Th* }g q Th* v _ q Th* fa eo q Th* p c!_ q Th* p c!_ i q T q i h*l na T q !_ Ye T q !_o Ye o o t t b t q T m a q t q e T q b q_ b q k b q_o rq !ri s _ rq !ri s - T h*l T q T q T h*l T) q _ r p ; qs t$um qs rq m c $u T$um ; qs T ]`u qs co & igs co d~ t com bp> T s com lt s com lt co lt ur co ut ^s co co s co +cu a t vok u b s yn r iz u_ p} } +cu s b s cu s b s yn r iz~ } +cu h cu_ co| .p .7 T u_ yn r iz u cu e c!_qs cu e gp cu a p i +cu a +cu +cu } T u e t t sw T u e n ds ! T u T u_ q_ t T u_ !+r f T u e qs cu_ t o| 8.p .9 T u_ t T u_ q_ T u h_qs T u@ k b s t la m p se T la f ull ub f f%l c b t > ppe f%l c b t > ppe f%l c b > f%l c b t > f%l c b lay > n y t la m p t la p l t lay e t]` s lay' t la oy@ n t la p y t lay > t la o f t lay f t la e t lay s f T lay w ub f T lay se t la t la f %lt T la T lay ub fs/su d t la /su t lay f e T lay' T la fl h ub f pl t 7 t la spl t la T la l s u s u Tu o fy t lay c & _ lay c T lay c _ lay c :k" _ lay c :ki & _ lay c k _ lay c :ki cks _ lay c ep _ lay c ep e & t ll s k ply & ply p ply gr p md t l_li se = k md Tt k Tb c k Tx c k T c d egr s T c c _ egr s T epo T epo ' t epo t epo d p b r t epo p be T epo p b n pd t epo d be cu d b T epo du fy t) epo t epo T epo T epo n T epo p b n pd T du d epo T epo p b d T epo p b T epo p b c gf c c _ gf c W f a h s W f a h s W f a W f a ize T c T c T c g b T c nt (d _l g Tr u m a Tr u n m iz m a m a Tr u c d Tr u c Tr u c o Tr u c Tr u c d c! Tr u c c! Tr u byt ! Tr u i ! Tr u ov r ! Tr u o| ov r ! Tr u i Tr u ov r s Tr u e ty Tr u ize Tr u a Z h Tr u pa Tr u { e e Tr u e Tr u p ~ync Tr u @ g ov e t cur v fail Tr u (l g he v 12 b c! u Tr u e d a b@ li 29 b he e ' Tr u ' Tr u b !_e ty b^ e v c b u k Tr u e Tr u ( v c k Tr u k Tr u Tr u k Tr u /su Tr u e ty Tr u e ty ! b@ k b co| t e b o| Tr u o| Tr u d c d o| b' c! Tr u ze Tr u ' c! Tr u ' + u { Tr u (d tail 30 b' v n t 31 Tr u ' ve Tr u e Tr u r he T _o m t Tr u l Tr u r p he Tr u c Tr u c i u|y fl T _ _g t n t _ ub t e t f e t >? T _g _ d T cur n d c d o| T _ T _o T _i t]`u w h*l t t p e t _ z r u t _ x_la e t s t m t s _ ' n y n y t _ s- r la h he t tot _ i r ( fo t su b i t ot _ i t _ i t t l t t _ t - t s t e t pd p e t f e t _ e t u t _ x_la _ e t !m e t !m k t u s t pd e t f e t u s e t u s pl T lt ur n d c d b i e t k t e.p .35 t e #s2 s t s Tf n T _i d T ]k #s t s T p s T p s ut T T s T ' T ' Y cp T ' cur nt T ' cur n Y cp p} Tf o m t T t e T T t z r u t e t _ ie e t l_ e T Zd mdYe t av} mdY T Z tg t ave tg s T c d mdYe _ d x_ T d x_ T d x_ T ' ve T cur n ' ve t e T f c Tf e Tf gs Tf T vbpr k _ T du Tf T cur n o| T n ak o| T o| T n ak o| gs T vpr k T y r k T vpr k T Z n y T Z n c t n T _ ' t _ r he T e ty T f%l ] p e t _] p e t l e r Ye t pl e t e T l c he T f%l he - T k ov e fl t _ e t s e T T _ d s l_] p e T _) n y t ) n y.p .33 T _ n y c! T c t T t e T pr k T )g b _ Tf du t di h*l t p _h*l = k T s _vpr T s r T n r t pr w t ctx]k w t ]k w t ctx_ w t g ph w t g ph_ w t fn_ w t ctx]k pr t ]k pr t ctx r T s u Tf pr h r sy o s . pr .7 r sym h t. pr .8 T pr s T pr pr msg_ ly T s pr T pr bpr msg_ ly t bpr w T s u Tf pr fl s Tf pr symb s Tf pr symb s _u64 T s ut m t ctx]k b t g ph b t g ph_ b t fn T s ut h t ctx]k h t ]k h t ctx_h t g ph h t g ph_ h t fn_h T s ' ve T s h r r i objs t r r ym t pr pr t bpr pr t r t g ph e t g ph_ e t fn_ e T pr la fmt T pr t T pr la t Tf Z t T f t T ( a T ( a _ f t T f t u|y t a s - t a s t a s t a s t s ' a s t a t a e T a T a vbpr k _ bpr k _ pr k vpr k f m t s t t du bpr f fy t n t t e t } T } w _ e b~ } w T e ]`u e b~ e ]` T cmdY c d T mdY c d T s } w c d T } w c d T } w _ gn_ e t]` fl t]` r Ye t]`u t]`u c se b ]`u migr t k t]`u t]` r he _]` ' 3 t]` ' t]`u t ]`u t]`u r b ]` t]`u ' b ]` } w t]`u o o $ fl t ll+wbs t: t: t: t: ' t _ t m s e t:k > c b t: e l e t: plug T: iv d t: plug t: spl t: b" p t: rq p t pdu_ t: epo T: e t:k > c b t:k ub f c b t: msg_ e t: p} t:k epo t: g p t: g_ t: g_ l s t: g pl t: g_ plug t: g lug t: g u du t: g_g r Ye t: (pr t: (pr b y t: r he f : - t: fl t: rq 8 t: rq_ t t: rq_ s t t: rq_ sue t: rq e t: rq o l e t: b" 9 t: bi b nce t: b" o l e t: bi b m t: bi fr t: bi e t: q t: s eprq t: s u e f : o t: g_w h_ r t: r Ye T: : s T: s T: i T: shu n T: )s fs T: ~ fs T: du md T: ll+wbs t n t n _ Z d T ( t t t f t s t( lt e t( lt t( y e _he t( ubsy e lt e ubsy e lt sy em ubsy e Tf ( g ( d s clr_ t T s clr_ t y e e s clr_ t (s _ t( e - t( t d .p .6 ( e ubsy em e T ds T Z d _ (c T o ds _ (c t du fy T ( cmd c d T (c T (c Tf Z d f c Tf Z d f cg ph_ y Tf Z d f cg ph_ Tf Z ds/t sw Tf Z d ]` Tf Z d k n Tf Z d bpr Tf Z ds r Tf Z d |" rw Tf Z d |" p Tf Z d Tf Z d br Tf (i f c > ( g 1 > > oy > d > l t lt d 64 t lt u64 t lt d 32 t lt u32 t lt d 16 t lt u16 t lt d 8 t lt u8 t lt 64 t lt 32 t lt 16 t lt 8 t lt d t lt d t lt n e d h k t cb d d b p ds lt t lt o x o x_app o x_app * t lt d t g _& t g d t g r t t g ull tw k t e T lt m ds n afs b t lt m ds b tapp lt 15 tapp lt r d t cb lt . pr .17 T lt s g t pl p ds lt r ( lt r subsy e ( lt T oy ds T lt gn ,e Tappl ( lt Tapply ubsy e ( lt Tf p lt Tf p s lt r kp b t r k b t b s - b - b b b p be pr fmt f ,e t d symb e tkp b ( Z ds tk b ( Z ds p be goo na t p be t p be t p b du c b p be be s p b g be e Z d m ~ p& Z d ]` e Z ds & Z ds pa nt > c! > m ~ p& > p > p & \(c! \(m ~ p& \(p \(p & \ c! \ m ~ p& \ ]` e \ p \ p & \ c \ c pa nt \ p do > ]` e \(]` e > c \(c > c pa nt \(c pa nt > p do \(p do Z ds ! Z ds Z ds Z ds do T q_w r T q_w k ync T q_w e rim ( t d ( m t d gr m >(_he ize >(_i he ize >gr t >(m d f f gu fo b s > gu fo b s f w( cur /t f w( f w( l f w( f w( f w(( x f mu o vo f mu o >( x_ f%lt f boot t d t = k ( t(s e t ! c >( = f c >(d >( >( f$h > t k/t f w(s p "d f w( d >( a v ue >(f _e @ild f l mu_ e ( u b u >(p >( d > mu_ _{ =,~ f ync f f%lt > _( t >( oy ctx l_ t f f m/t f f m/t tgr p e t >(d f tx_ 40 u t f tx_ 42 >( > p /t 44 t t f c f mu_ t 46 t (to tx t ctx > _ /t > j p "d w(hl c! 52 u ut u t 56 t >( k n >(s ut t f e f t f p se >(he _) 58 f ! ( ! ( l f w( hr m .p .63 ! ( ! ( d f w()hr m = k ( ! ( w(hl p c! 50 w >( oy f w( = k ( = k ( d ! ( t{ f/t t > clu t = k ( = k ( l >i f _ d h*l Wp f mu a f gr p w f mu f mu txn f mu_ tx e t = k tx e t f mu c xn f mu o| txn >(t >(t d >( d p e >(t k e t f p >($ >(]` f & _ t >(he _) >(_ a > g h = t(s e tgr p e tx e 67 >(s e 70 >( t s e 71 >(t k e > _ /t >( > j q_ r/t .p .72 >(t ck >(t ut >(t k tx >(t k >(com ut >(co| tx >(m ut >(m p tx >( a t >( t k 73 > sa f p ~a >(ov fl f w( t > _ t >(f k >(co| >(m p >(ov fl f w(hr m f w(p cur /t f t f t f mu f mu_ >) t >({ >(c k n nt t h t 74 t h gr p 75 >( >( t k >( t k >( lay} ut >() t >()t k > p h* > c y > beg > & f to e Tr { Trb e t c a u u T c a u s c a u s f a w akpo w akpo w akpo ( x T hw akpo T hw akpo T w hw akpo T w hw akpo w akpo l w akpo d tv hw akpo T dif hw akpo Whw akpo weight = bp n} 5. pr . =ogg b t k t. pr .10 =ogg bp t. pr .9 ' v bp t W _ hw akpo T$ v bp t T bp t p >( oy bg' v bp t bg bp t T >hw akpo w akpo ( ] e ov_ seg nt Tg _ ks beg ov_ f%l Tg egm ks ov_ v ce T d ] e T] b t] T fd ] r T fd ] e e e kill T e _ e _ kill TZ p e TZ e Tg _ m p Tg _ l m p & h ld ~u T ~u _"v f om ov_ f om ov_ f Tg _ e e T to c } T to c lru TZ p e Tg b p beg o p e T p ync T p e T p gfp T& eb Tg b p n a TZ p / g TZ p e t T to p e _ l f m c e T l f m c e T pl p c p e _ fd r T fd e T ] T fl h T fd r T ] r Tg _ di c e _g _ ai e Tg _ ai e T] b kill _ y T f%lt TZ p T a t Tg _ a" ahe T o _k e T o _km{ T o _{ l T o ~l T o _{ T o p t e m t T o _ oy T o _{ t e m t.p .6 T o e T o T o T o ze > oom c j_ d \(oom c j_ d \ oom c j_ d T oo T oo Z d oom c j_ d o ~] oom c j Tt s oom c j TZ t | Too b n s T y z oom _z oom T o> m y ef%l o> m y y f v e64_64 y f v e64 b k n Wp b k n b k n _ e Wp b k n _ e _z w m ok t ep e b r z p #r m fo cul tot $ v p z l m' ve t il z i .p .56 tz b ze 57 n im bi p .p .54. pr .74 m gf m k m' gf m k m p d e p o nd e pl p e Tz w m ok Tz w m ok afe Tw n_{ ai d #r p p ki a a a Tl m' v r " c _h*l c! fr c _h*l T p eb fl gr p p eb fl gr p p eb migr ,e pl p e +m e z wm ks Tm kbyt c _h*l T eb T s migr , u e e p pa t p f i t oy o nd e pcpp e lk 55 _ _ _{ e m k ^ p T z o} e migr , Tz pc d p e p e ok co nd e T ho c d e p T p T p e t t k {_ t T{ e t T{ e n T ho c d li T c n p eb _ ep e Tbd e c T c n p d ty Tbdi x+ " Tt e f _ eb Tt s p eb T pp g} T c n p d } di os i + " 18 p d ty p d t d t f _" T c p Tg _ ep T p e p d t s T d ty f _ ep e Tg b ty m y c "d hift Tg b t lim s Tz d t ok t b gr n r i h*l t b gr n by h*l Tbdi m + " Tbd d t lim d d b*w Tb c d ty e r im e nr p d t b ce T = v e t t eb s h*l Tlapto m fn Tlapto " o Tlapt ync o T eb r im t by h*l t r i h*l ep p d t n eb Tt c eb T o c ahe t ) ize t p e v p e T p T x ahe Tf c p c ahe T ubm t m* ahe c ~ync ahe c ync ahe _ ok _ oku t _ tail n _lru_ fn c e.p .18 ru_ v fn s p e co nd e p e ^p tail p e li T p _lru_ fn _lru_ d _lru d _ tail. pr .21 T t clai b p e T v p e Tm k c s} Tlru lru T d t t li Tlru_ d ! T v p e Tlru_ d ru_ d ! e Tlru_ d _ T v o p 2+ T v o p 2 c ty e v p e T c o p e Tg _ r p e T c o p e r T c o p T c p e T c s ze Tvm c T c p r T v o p e T v pp Tvm c r Z d m vmsc _ks]pd ep Z d m vmsc i c clai l Z ds s] tok _ l > m vmsc _ks]pd ep > m vmsc _ks]p ]` > m vmsc _]`u ks]pd > m vmsc i c clai beg _ l > m vmsc i c clai l > | hr k l > | hr k l _& > m vmsc _lru_ l > m vmsc _ ep e > m vmsc _lru hr ve > pl ~] tok > p s] tok _ l > d s] tok ri y \(m vmsc _ks]pd ep \(m vmsc _ks]p ]` \(m vmsc _]`u ks]pd \(m vmsc i c clai beg _ l \(m vmsc i c clai l \(| hr k l \(| hr k l _& \(m vmsc _lru_ l \(m vmsc _ ep e \(m vmsc _lru hr ve \( pl ~] tok \(p s] tok _ l \( d s] tok ri y \ m vmsc _ks]pd ep \ m vmsc _ks]p ]` \ m vmsc _]`u ks]pd \ m vmsc i c clai l \ | hr k l _& \ m vmsc _lru_ l \ pl ~] tok \ p s] tok _ l \ d s] tok ri y \ m vmsc i c clai beg _ l \ | hr k l \ m vmsc _ ep e \ m vmsc _lru hr ve T hr k T hr k t g hr k t g hr k - t v p e t lru pp Z d m vmsc _ks]p ]` Z d m vmsc _]`u ks]pd# Z d m vmsc i c clai beg _ l Z d | hr k l Z d | hr k l _& Z d m vmsc _lru_ l Z d m vmsc _ ep e Z d m vmsc _lru hr ve Z ds pl ~] tok Z d d s] tok ri y t d d n 65 ep m u ly.p .68 hr k l T pp _ lru e s lru 69 T lru e T]`u ks]pd Tg b clai b p Tz clai b p Tks]p r Tks]pd t u lru e hr k li u v p hr v li hr v li 72 hr m gr z e. pr .74 tks]pd T t p T t p c _ t h*l h ]p h m fs h f l h symYk h pa nt h m h Z p e * ]p h o h m c o h & h m s h o o h oy b h {_ o h fh n y h co fh h m s s h m m n fs h x _v h x _{ h x h li x h x s h m Yk h Yk h m na h rmd h m p h m nt h ) o h m' v o h o h ll h mk d h mkd h m h Yk h r ix pl e h ep e h to c e.p .29 h ~]p h m h ?x h m x h s h m-_ s h ?p gfp h f%lt h beg h m a pp gfp h c r h o h m h m ymYk h f l _Yk h spl h a" h pp h e h h m h z o Tv ri t d Tv ri t s t Tv ri t e Tv ri t n > k { > k { o > k e > | e > | b } > | { > | e > | {_ g \(k { \(k { o \(k e \(| e \(| b } \(| { \(| e \(| {_ g \ k e \ | e \ | b } \ | e \ | pc! \ | {_ g \ k { \ k { o \ | { Tks d Tk md Tks nd T mdu _k { Tk { Tkz e ndu Z d k { Z d k { o Z d k e Z d | e Z d | b } Z d | { Z d | e Z d | {_ g _v _Y li Tv T rs Y pgd # Y pgd # z e # z e z i g tvm a n u v T _v tz e f tvm a ,e f gm t i _ tvm a s tz e fo- r ,e fo- pr g- r tw z e o tz e fo- g- g g tvm a tvm a ,e fo-b c n pr ,e fo- Tv t f d ! di e ] bdi/ } t a ahea kb o t x+ " o t x+ "- + "- t a ahea kb- + " o di ync s d g d g s- t]`u m fn Tbdi Tbdi Tbd Tbd di/ } g _] T] i / } d f k Tbd two Tbd ha d t " Tbd oy Tbdi u * Tbd m m ync m fn Tbd ]`u a lay} T p r T d p r Tt p e d T|)v if z i T | T | c!_ z{ c! iz to t c!@ k c! a a T p c! c!_ a a_ p c!_{_a a c!_{ _{ c! c! claim _{' v} c! k n c!_ d$s ! o h p d$s Tk high #r highp p d$s l h_ _z o k ps Tk high Tk fl h_ } y m v e r b l Tf l fn f%lt T g h |u T b l h mu T b h mu lb p e gd ud md T pg r T pgt s t { T p fn+ Tv " m y t {_k n Tappl to r Tv n m e t p v tzap r g~ Tza v t T pp + wp e 85 y t r y r T vm Tzap r Tf l e ^ } t s pfn 72 Tv s mix} Tv s pfn Tv s p e Th* pt f%lt Th* m f%lt ^ T _ c s t vm T du e T xu f%lt T k p $ t Tf l h Tg _ c s h T c s t vm T c s vm r v _ _hug p e hug p e c hu?lb r c p e c ppe r y m co v e r m m m Tm v e Tm v e Tm v e r Tm v e r x m m y m y m y m y m T h T h Tv p p t v pa _v g befo t _v T _ a a TZ v p i _ pp se _v _Y tv _Yk t v t p p i _ pp %lt T ppe a a ~ha vm uct 26 _v gh_ m y T Y v _v _Y rb Tv _ ju pl v Tv TZ m _v Tvm a c nt m p Tv m p Tv _w t o fy T ^ ppe a a T ^ ppe a a d n T _ a a d n TZ v v pl v y m p T m p T s vm uct v T p vm brk y brk Tv brk Tm p m p go m p Tv m p y m p go y m p T p d nw ds T p* TZ v T p i _ pp Tm o _ s Tm tak _ s T t x y t t tv o ze T p t s t v m p y m p y msync t _v t T _v _ tail _v Tv _ d$s d$ _v d$s mkc ppe _v fe nce e + p o + p + p ne + p r p r p T t e t t v _ y _v T _v pa T Y _vm T _v l e T _v k _v _v fe nc} t t T t p T t m Thu p + p Thu p ne + p t n Tvm{ o e Tvm{ o fn v a a v a a t s vm{_vmli v a a T vm{+ tvm{_ - tv p r T k n + g fl h _ s v a a tv p r g fl h T v a a v b urg f gm b s 32 urg v a a_lazy Tv i v a a ofl h t{_v a a 35 ^v a a o 36 ^v a a Tv m Tv m vm{_ _ du i n n lazy T k n + g fl h T k n + ^v a a T v a a T v a a T v a a Tv e T v a a T{_v a a Tv p Tv p _vm{ o r _vm{ o Tvm{ Tvz{ Tvz{ o _vm{ Tvm{_ Tvm{ o Tvm{_32 Tvm{_32_ Tvm{_ Tv Tv e Tw k r p l h v rw o 0 v rw vm v v t o _{ e a nc " nc i a nc i e T: b nce t high i q 4 nc " nc " a a T)em g c a o T& ] b" t& ] bi e t s] b" ] ep e ]p p e _ to ]p e ]p fo T to ]p e _ l f m ]p e T to ]p T l f m ]p e T p * ]p e T p e * ]p e T ok ]p e T ]p ync ]p ahe ]ps l ] n t] f c d t s] fo ] f ? ]p n t u} ] e ] d l ]p ]p ]p ]p- ]p ] e t | ]pc e ~]pc nt wp ]pc nt T ~]p e T t ~]p c ] p T s]p e T s]p of ,e T ~] * e T p ]p e ]po i ]p fo ]p h { ]pc p pa T d ]p n t u i ] d l Tg b ] tok s] tok s] tok m o o s o o e o _ oy m o e m o m o _ oy o _{ tv _hug o s t @g u?l v o f%lt t _ c t$v_ p e t _ d u p ~ubpo ^p u p ~ubpo p t d p e t{ udd hug p e ne hug p e } t v i } Tv _k n ize TP eHu n t { 55 t{ $h_hug p e n t e 56 po _hug p e tkobj h r_ov co| hu p o urplu hu p - t$v_hu p - hu p - r_ov co| hu p - r_hu p - u?l v o t$v_ p ut tv ds' v i x_hug p .p .59 t{_hug p e r_hu p o u?l c m y u?l v se Thu p new ubpo Thu p p subpo TYe _hu p x Tv mu ize T$ v 'v_hug p iz t h hug p e hug p e ep x T{_hug p Thu?lb c _h*l Thu?lb a h*l Thu?l ov co| h*l Thu?lb p m fo Thu?lb p m fo Thu?lb ot hu?lb r _ hu p r u?lb T hu p r Thu?lb %lt Tf l _hu?lb e Thu?lb@ g p t Thu?lb' v p Thu?l $ v p n e Tk m ze n e n tot t clai c n o y@ ks o t o tv s hr k- l _ - l _ o tu( lt n p t p l _ x l ug r s cul z t o Tk ze _ k t{_ _ k d - t - o - t z ~ t s y@ ks- l s ! - t$ v}- t o b u- t clai c n s wc ign- t ign- t i - t - ! - - t d - tobjs l - tobj z~ l iz~ t d o l f - t n f epo 28 Tkm{_ d e t)obj t s l o k t) k .p .57 ew l t z o o o l _ r l @ k.p .54 h k l r k .p .51 r ail h by * p t tobj r h obj t ~l cu ~l c d l t ez p s t v sl l h_ ! o t i tv sl Tv if l } g s l e Tk m e k m Tk e tk m e t{_ g s l _{ 60. pr .68 Tk m { Tk m {_ e fs l _ i l _obj l s- =ot _obj - ! l s- - tobj - tobj - fs l _ d.p .65 _km{ Tk m ~hr k hr k o tv o i s c s- t{ s- Tk m oy l _i avail T)k m cp tk m Tk m c _km{_ k # s k h d o| _ n T oku lp T l T _ ot T lp se se Tg _ n o| 13 Tf T n e fd c o y c o y f c y c y f c y c 64 y f c 64 f{ y f{ y f c s y c s @d y f d @ ot y f d y f d @ d n y fc n y lc n y fc n #a lp o y y y y vh g #oo lls k # lls k Tvf lls k ov h t T f%l lls k t] y yn ki b o ync o yn e Tg _ lls k ize Tg _ lls k y ls k y lls k Tr v if a a Tvfs Tvf e o & y e 64 e64 o ync v_ v_ Trw y@ uv t o v_ Tvfs v Tvf v y v & & 64 t u T x_ s Tf? Tf w r_ s T e t lp T{_ Tf light Tf light T s l d T s l l Tf!t lp Tm t s b = b o ~ T T Tg hu n T s s T Tkill_ Tkill_l t Tkill s s T v } T ez~ T aw tg b T s t,e T v s ? Tm n ns Tm n Tm n b T s T s aw} Tg b ve r ~ ync s T s s T v~ T s o m n sb em g cy m nt Tm n s Tem g cy m nt Tm n fs t m _ @r T @r @r T @r T{@r ur _ f%l e ynam e _? t _ d _ l _ @r _{ @r _ p be T r - ut hr _ f ? T od~ byt Tg _ ll T od~ub yt T o byt Tvf ? Tvf f Tvf f Tvfs Tvf l d new new 64 y l y f y new y newl y newf Yk Yk 64 y l 64 y f 64 y f 64 _ o byt T o byt n_ cape um e T b fmt T _ u g Tk n T t k o| Tw l du Tbprm@ g p T _ ds p b prm e h*l b fmt tumh ~ tzap s n r u k t c g ize 22 y s y k n b fmt Tfl h_ nt. pr .35 T g_z o y ib Tbpr m t k o| p bprm ds T bprm ve du u ne T du o o du Tg f/ rm r w p l a i rdwr_ ov %l Tg > p Tg f e Tg >? Tg f e t f e a f ync f ync rdwr ync "v f ef m nt ef dna Tg > p d b ] e T{ fo p fo T p fo e e e rdwr e p e T p e e o fl s e2 e p n T p fo fcn t c s Tfull am h h t?nam fl s T?na u a h_? h ut Tf l _ Tf l n_ e Tf l n t laz w k = m w k o l w k l o o u l o ot T na l } _ oku h h t oku h h T n h h Tvfs Yk Tg Yk p Yk ~ymYk ~ymYk Tg m T o p m h_ T oku l Tvf mkd Tvf Yk t l e Tvfs na h d i 23 ok k h_w k Tvf f l _Yk h_ ok o h_ ok Tk n h t h a nt Tk n h T h tvfs h_ ok .p .24 Tvfs h_ ok T na Tvfs la Tvf mk d Tvf rmd rmd Tvf Yk Yk Tvfs ymYk t h_a e ty.p .32 ?Yk 31. pr .33 f l _Y light Yk T _ t h_ Tk n h a nt T h_a e ty T h_ l _ ot y mk d y mk d y mkd y mkd y rmd y Yk y Yk ymYk ymYk y Yk y Yk na na n Tf n & i t t k ync u c s _ y d 3 y d 2 y d T> l n T>? n fcn y fcn y fcn 64 & i o Tkill ync & igurg Tf ync y Tf yn { Tf ync e Tf yn s y Tf yn h p T e p@ fl s T e ll t _g e p Tg e p { vf i y i Tvfs d t ll } t lld t lld 64 y d d y ? n y ? n 64 l_ ] l] l }u t l e c c y l]` l e] e c m cur y l e c s t o e ct ~ e ct e ct se ct6 y d e ct o l o p l l p l t f t n lru r e _ Z i T Z i _ Z i T Z i hr k _ T ok _ _ i _ e t t c& Thav~ubm n T g i pa nt T n d nam c e w am p& T i T l e p& h h_w h_ l } h t n a nt f _ e 14 T v h h d h h h h t e t kill !t r i hr dc f _um n subt e T _ n y h T n y h_ w t n lru_ l hr n li hr dc ~b hr dc pa nt T v r_ n y r dc ~b hr dc f _um nt _ { T { T { a T { seudo T k ot T obta _ i _ oku u _ ok T ok T h h_ ok TZ o numb T ce t n f _ e _ e T e pl i T d i T m i i h T s ut p h h_w h_ ynam na T n y h y ?cwd T ubd Yk nYk h Tg _ l o Tb p T o n ds ync T o ) n T o ) ] T d$s p ) ce T o ) ce t) ce T o n u b o nYk T c Yk _ o o t o lru_l l T od~ l d _ s o h h o h h i T n o T eb T ne o t{_ o T o ] _] e _ o o ok 5 a ok 5 o fa ok T o n ap t d Tt _ i T d h d t o o t t pos li ?5_ } } !t T s o } T s o }4 T)sp i _ o g b T nr t o r_ o _i? T o T v o r ~b #e o pseudo #e o y #o fy@ T o new z ok T o g ok a lls k a a e a a" a ai e a d a p l a e i a co a i a m p a a fl h a e a fsync a ai fsync a f ync a a s&p e a ppe a a a fl s a f a spl e a spl a o c a o ok a o Yk a o Yk a od~ymYk a o mkd a o rmd a o mk d a o na a o Yk a o p m a o ? a od~ a od~ x a o ?x a o li x a o ba o T k ba o fai d T fdt u t{ d m fd m t{ dt fdt fdt w k T p s u fd T{ d T e fd sy em ^f t,e t sy ems _ t sy ems - T sy em T sy em T sy em sy em T f t,e fs mnt - n um Tmnt? Tmn o e Tmn o Tmn p Tmn p n {_gr n ? Tg -_ s T pl m n s t n T um nt = n nam p e o| t e Tmn s p y t{ n ns mn ns n ly Tmn w e Tmn cl e t n y' m n d t t nt n 14 t{_vfsmnt vfsmnt Tvf k n nt Tk n n d l mnt n n pi Tmn ut Tmn w av m n s t m nt 19 Tk n_ m nt T um n t e Tmn gr u gr s t v gr s Tmn c nt b p m n ly _ oku mnt T oku mnt t m nt Tmn s m n o t t nt t t cur v mnt tg f t e m nt T m n Tum n t e Tm m nt f _ p y y um nt y dum nt t e c m n c m n T m n TZ h_%tom nt m n s m n s m nt y m nt T h h_i d ivo ot mn ns mn ns Tm n subt e n n s ut T r nt n u _l _l n _hl _hl n _hl u _hl n u _ t av se e e priv _ riv _ riv _ls k _ cape Tm g p h r h p li u _ e _l he _hl he _hl hea u [m _ull [m _ll h_ ot _ n y tx ' v na Tg _?x Tg _li x Tg x Tg tx m Tx _?s u y Tvf ?x Tvfs t t?x Tvf li x i x _vfs x m Tvfs x x Tvf ?x _{ Tvf x x y ls x y fs x y ?x y l?x y f?x y li x y lli x y fli x y l y i fs i l n y Tg a d i #oo fsync i ? c d _ c d se Tg @ d$s c d _ls k c d i e ty Tm n pseudo i Yk i Yk i rmd i na i s i p e i beg i & i ll i p s i fs i a f i s i t T m y a f i s e i _ i e i i _ e Tg h n y Tg h o a nt Tg _ fsync i ok i s i s _? T eb g$s t d t tail Z d eb e t Z d eb l s > eb e t > g b ty > eb /g ] e l > eb w k l s > eb l s > wbc l s > eb " \( eb w k l s \( eb e t \( eb l s \(wbc l s \( eb " \(g b ty \( eb /g ] e l \ eb e t \ eb l s \ wbc l s \ g b ty \ bd d t r im \ b c d ty \ eb /g ] e l \ eb w k l s \ eb " > bd d t r im \(bd d t r im > b c d ty \(b c d ty > eb o l \( eb o l \ eb o l tov bgr n $h dum _ o d ty o d ty t " Z d g b ty Z d eb /g ] e l Z d eb w k l s Z d wbc l s Z d eb " Z d bd d t r im Z d b c d ty Z d eb o l d w k T eb o b r yn o b di eb t o ] f _ eb 34 T eb o b r_i> T eb o b T eb o i> t eb o t eb o _ eb o wb tw eb T o n yn o yn o m Tbdi eb Tbdi b gr n eb T o w l l T eb o wb Twb eb Tbd eb T]`u fl h s r i T dom _ T g mn pr i r mnt r m n b y r um nt t ~b c _h*l pl f m beg pl f m f d to &p e c p f/ rm c p f e c p f e pd p e t]` s t]` s pl f m n pl f m & pl f m e t p f e t Tg _ spl e o pl to pl di c t t o pl f m i c spl t t p f t p p p.p .5 t p p.p .6 pl to e pl gr pd pl ~hr k pd _g _ spl Tg _ spl T f%l spl tvmspl to e pl f m e Tg pl ~&p e t f%l spl e o pl di ct y vmspl e pl e y t Tvf fsync+ Tvf fsync Tg _ ~ync yn sy em yn ~b yn sy em o yn w k ync Tem g cy ync yncfs y fsync y fd ync yn r yn r 2 tu m o| u m y u y u m s y fu m y u m Tfs o ze Tfs _ ur n um k f ot fs wd T o fs fs T fs uct T fs fs uct T sh fs uct aem iz fs uct o f n ive o fs64 t f b n y Tvfs fs T fs Tfd fs fs fs64 y f fs y f fs64 Tvf u y u T) Tm yn e Tg b p e u _ T T ync _] u t i r Tb tod a a e s _ e T v o s p d ty p d t s m m y b l t o s ubm bh Tll+w t bi bh_" ync t c c h T{ u he Tbh_ tod _ t i r T ~ync T yn e t ync t t obh u s Tm d ty Tm d t o z new u s o| e 22 Tb & Tg _ & Tb o| e lse T v bh_lr f ? T d ly b t)p s 25 bh e Tb v p e Tg / p* i T d t yn pp u s ync t ync t Tbh ubm T he T{ s e t s beg Tb beg beg mk e Tb mk e Tb a full e full e #obh_ ep e Tb full &" Tb full e Tb c p e #obh_ c p e #obh_ beg #obh_ & T t s _?:k ahe t a bh T o ha s Tem g c a T b nd b T o s y bdfl h Tb" h egm Tbi nr_v s Tbi &" Tb" t _o s Tbi i km{_ uct Tbi km{ Tz ll " " l e " "v Tb" pl Tb" ut i k n_&" Tbi Tb" a e " a _ 2 " a _ 1 i d e.p .18 Tbi d e Tb"s e Tb"s c Tbi d c e Tbi k n Tbi c " k n_&" Tbv r_v s Tbv bs Tbi e i f uct Tbv _{ s Tbi { "s Tbi { Tb" l e Tb" "v Tb" Tb" k n Tbi "v Tbi Tb" p e d ty i d t fn Tb"@ k e d ty TI_BDEV _ Tkill T v b Tbd ze lls k T aw T:k sync m nt _ o _ o o _i b _{_ o t) ce Tbd? t:k i c IO t:k ep e t:k _ & t:k _ beg t:k p e t:k _ ep e Tbdg b Tbd!t _ od~w di i b _ v ;e l h k T d k iz T v d k T d k@ y laim i T:k _ai e T oku b Tb Y d h d Tb Y d h d T:k _ x t:k ^b s t:k ^b ync ync b ze b b ze b ze Tfsync T ez b lk ut lk _? T:k _? T:k ^b t:k _ T:k ut T:k ^by h t:k se #r Tb f ? T o di ] T o di d e i b" o l e i bi " " o l e i bi a" i " i c IO t { p e T p t " _ ep e T ep e T p e T ep t i r" t t i r" y i r" ri be y i ri ? n e nt o| nt nt f nt n l ,e _vfs _vfsmnt nt fo s f o l e t gr p 3 Tfs fy s f vfsm n l e s f d il n fl s s fy a nt Tfs f cookie Tfs f f i e ty Tfs f t Tfs fy t Tfs f {_(h d Tfs f o (h d Tfs fy priv t Tfs f f t Tfs fy f t Tfs fy f t Tfs f fl h o fy Tfs fy pl t Tfs fy l t Tfs fy t Tfs f Z _ o gr p Tfs fy gr p Tfs f {_gr p Tfs fy c o m k Tfs f o o m k Tfs fy k b o Tfs fy _ o m k b gr p Tfs f Z o m } Tfs f Z o m k Tfs fy o m m } Tfs f o m k Tfs f m n o Tfs f m k Tfs fy m k s f m oy Tfs f o m k Tfs fy m m } Tfs fy m ig m } Tfs f m k Tfs fy k b gr fl s Tfs fy k b gr p Tfs f d l m k Tfs f )m k Tfs fy k b m nt Tfs fy _vfsm n m k b gr p Tfs fy c vfsm n m k Tfs f o vfsm n m k Tfs f Z vfsm n m k Tfs f vfsm n m k fy h ld t fy c o m k f h* t f m k f fl h Tfcn fy t o fy h ld t T o f (priv t o f e k t o f gr p riv t o f m b t o f h* t t o f f ync t o fy e t o f i t o fy l t o fy t o f m k t o fy f i T o f ig * i y o f 1 y o f y o f w y o f r w li p a p p l_]` p t p p ]` e l] 12 p e p e }. pr .15 t v s p h@ k @ k p l afe]` p c li 13 p l y p l b e l e l l T l y ep l 1 y ep l y ep l y ep l_] y ep l ] t p d ty t _ o f dna t _ o f m nt T _ o ? T _ o ?fd ign fd e ign fd l ign fd ign fd ign fd4 ign fd t m fd l t m f ig d t m f t m f rp t m f t m fd c c .p .7 t m fd t m fd e T m fd w y m fd y m fd y m f ? t d l T d ign T d tx_? t e T d tx t d T f? T d tx d? t e T d tx_ ? T d tx ut t d e T d tx ] e T c y d2 y d tai fdsync tai fsync tai r v y T] yn ki b tkill tx tx+cu e t oku i tx tai fp r t e t f c ta" a t ta" u v to rw tai r i tx oy _a" q Ta" q Ta" o l e tai r _i b _ai r _i bs tai k h*l Tk i b T a" y " y i oy " ubm y " ubm y " c y i ? T s priv _ s o x am n _ l b t s Tvfs c _ T f s T f s T l b o x_ b t s T y T e T {_ t ]k u b s t b ak b t priv c b t t t s- t n t s 64 o o x_ t s b T t l T m o x_ s/fl t o x Tvf t T dify t { to o x_ T ) t m a e T s o x_ o x_ Tvf t s po x.p .13 T s po x ] .p .15 o x_ ] T m* a a Tf ] T m* } Tfcn _? e Tg _ e Tg _ l e Tg e Tvfs e fcn _ l e Tfcn e y f Tfcn _?lk Tfcn lk Tfcn _?lk64 Tfcn lk64 T s f m nt ll o tkill o m y t a m c y s co|*.p .3 m u e m e e t cr t ot ize tv u ize z o t a >libr y t a f y t f du b h h Tmb s t Tmb c Tmb { b f ? 2 Tmb ~hr k b ~hr fn Tmb oy b y Tmb y e Tmb e Tmb ? b Zd Tmb Z r Tmb Z n o x_ l_ o x_ l_v o x_ l_e iv_ o x_ l_{ o x_ l o x_ l@ d o x_ l o x_ l m o x_ l x o x_ l x tg _ l tg _ l_? tg _ l_li Tg _ l_ Tg _ l@ d Tm f d ty o ve _ ota_ r T ota m T ota m hr dqc m y o i o co| o e o co| fo o dq fo o s dq fo o oy o { gn h dlim l h_w n s o q s o m d o d ty p w n h bdq q!t o sc _ ve o ota ync q? o o s dq:k o dq:k o t o $ v} p e t o rsv p e o i ize o i ize tvf a ota_ o o $u o o ota_ nt o d o ota_o T o rsv p e T od~ub+sv p e T o clai rsv p e o claim p d ty o o ota_ h q. pr .15 o {_ o t f q e. pr .14 o sf o sf o { p e o o o ~p e t ota yn e t ota_? ota t ota_?x t ota_?x ota t ota ota t ota x ota y ot T ota w n T vm{_ fo a l p r v a _ v _ p p i p t p p t d p p p _ d p fs t r f e e e p t to e p 10 e p t ho e hu?lb+ e p t r t n ps t r i p Tt m Tt v ze Tt k m t) ce g_ -_ s _ o _ o o _i b _{_ o c g e g p g_ e i g l g_ e g g_lls k ^ o _ ll s s s _kill b nt _ o d _ o ? _ o ok s m nt i ns p p i ns p T ls k i l n y am t ak lld = du _ ok fd o| _ ok fd _ ok fd fo ? c } v s f Yk f Yk f l _Yk i c nt i c nt _ i c nt t o dum lt e o dum lt toom c j too j _ g u _ g ui e _ fo toom c j_ e too j e _oom co o|- i w i _ e i _ o Yk w Yk _ Yk i f l _Yk Yk t m e mdYe om e om e }- e e i lim s fo d fo Yk t fd v d m tg i ? t e t rw 14 t e t m s y c m Tm f _ ps i %xv t v i k o i i n i n ok _ _ ok _ b ok b ok d f ok _ ll e i n d _ d _ b d b d fd o| fd fo fd k d l h k i ok d _ ls k l _Yk _ l n y o fy@ _ e _? _ _xl p a _{_ um ymYk kd _ kd mkd p _ y d um !t _ oku _ ok d _ d T p _ y t nd a t c gn igc t nd igs t t k _ d g m =t iv t r t iv t n t t ty iv t iv mdY p _ mdY p - so /so ! f t fo t f n t fo t f t fo- t s t s t s t r t t avg _ t avg - t m fo _ t m fo - t t i a t a t m p _ t m p - tv _ tv - of rq of rqs l n y dna d d s Yk f l _Yk d _ ok f? o t)he v y l e n subhe s c r d c _ r tapp& h c m y k o y ll e o a t t c _hea Z h c _hea g b tg he y l _h*l 9 y e m y ? y 6 d ubd txl d t Yks Yks t c T c c l _Yk y ok d t s he l o fy c _he ut T c _ ot c T c t af c s c hs T c hs T c c T r~ c _ n n t p n n ? n ok n d f s e t kc ze ot ize t o t >kc h tkc d m t a kco t _kco Tkcl d tkmsg e tkmsg_ tkmsg l tkmsg tkp n T p fl s tkp efl s f ) o s 1 fs x fs f$h_ o f ? fs m fs d fs f o f o f h h_* e f f di nt f fy fs l fs f gr p fs }u c b w k fs e f f _ fs a fs }u c b f s fs@ fs fs s f f fs fs s f t gr p f n l e f nam h h fs hna f n y v f d _lls k f Yk i: f ve fs ve T ~ f di nt f d e f n i!t f d os fs d f ne di nt f m f e f e fs e f Z h d f Z di nt f di nt f ok fs subd fs d fs ~ubd fs d fs na fs nam d f d f do Yk fs Yk fs Yk fs nam Yk fs Yk f f l _Yk fs Y n n f l Yk f t s fs s f ? fs ut f m nt f kill b t e p _ c s mk e %lt _v _ t t e t fs b _ fs b _ T b _ f m g gr p f m g gr p t n gr p fs gr p f d gr p fs gr p t pt kill b t pt m nt t p -_ s t pt ll t p m nt T pt ne x T pt kill_ x T p t new T pt =y T p t kill um lu _gr p t _ha clu s T ^gr n o s t _gr p T ^gr c T _] b b p T lai clu s T h ld { T e m a s T n clu s T g_h T g u gdb t u b m a lu s T u ov he lu s T clu aft T _)b b p T a b b n a T a b b p T _ o t go T n e rb fna _ lld T _lls k _ @ d _ y t d T _ht d _ fo t d T _ht di nt T _lls k t _ t _ m p t _ e t T l h o l e IO T yn T _ b p t v s gr v T b & t a o b p T o T e o T _ ph _? T n o T n d s T _) o t t _ o i f symYk tw k s t h_ la _ t e p e t h_ pp} t i c IO t _ i d" t ep e t _ v p e t p j rn ^ c s t p t _j rn d p d ty t p e t _ i e t bh_&" t da w _ ^ o t a_ b s t fn t u d ty 19 t a^b p t a_ v p e T _ c s T ^$ v} p e T a_ d $ v~p e T _ b s T _?:k T T _{ a s T a s T _ c T _ho T _ c T ^ o T o fl s T ^ o fl s T _i? T _ o T _? T _ ep b s t _ beg t a_ beg _ _j rn ep e t _ ep e t da ubm " T @ b s ^b T ^b T c d s t ^b e o{^b e T i ty T ' v o e T o d ty T _ o t _j rn & t _g _ & t _ eb & t _ & t a_ & t da_ * ubm t bh t t c p e da t a_ ep T T t o T @ g o j rn l T mk e " e T _ p e" T _" ] T i & t _ b" T _ i t _ i w k T _)i & T _" ubm T i p e T _i t _ d dx l x e t _ht n b x be t d b t t e t y t _app& t _ l y t d t di n t f x_ s b o pl t x_ y t _ y t _ c nt 13 t _ c nt 14 t kd t _Yk t _ n d t k d t t _ ok T _ht ll e T ^pa nt T _ ph _ d t na t +md t _ Yk T _ ph _ l t ymYk t _ - t _ o t fs > o > o > _{ o > _ o > _ o o > o d ty > eg _ c > __ beg > __ & > a_ ep > a_ p > a_ ep 'ult > _ > _ v p e > c b s > _ b ew a > b o pa > b gr p a > c d { i s > b c d { i s > b s > _{ b s > b s > yn t > yn > ync s > _{ a s > b{_{ > b{ { > _ b{ > ? > a_ d $ v~p e > a' v~p e > a ~p e > _ > i c IO_ t > i c IO_ > { t > { > _ Y t > _ Y > __ c > _ v t i ize t > _ v t i ize fa p h > __ b t > __ b > _ a t > _ a o > _j rn > __ im > _ h* i ize > ^i li} lu {_ > _ p e > _ e > l{+ > ^$ v} lu { > _ s _ t > b s > _ r af > _ r x > _ ~p e > _ ~p d e \( o \( o \( _{ o \( _ o \( _ o o \( o d ty \( eg _ c \( __ beg \( __ & \( a_ ep \( a_ p \( a_ ep 'ult \( _ \( _ v p e \( c b s \( _ b ew a \( b o pa \( b gr p a \( c d { i s \( b c d { i s \( b s \( _{ b s \( b s \( yn t \( yn \( ync s \( _{ a s \( b{_{ \( b{ { \( _ b{ \( ? \( a_ d $ v~p e \( a' v~p e \( a ~p e \( _ \( i c IO_ t \( i c IO_ \( { t \( { \( _ Y t \( _ Y \( __ c \( _ v t i ize t \( _ v t i ize fa p h \( __ b t \( __ b \( _ a t \( _ a o \( _j rn \( __ im \( _ h* i ize \( ^i li} lu {_ \( _ p e \( _ e \( l{+ \( ^$ v} lu { \( _ s _ t \( b s \( _ r af \( _ r x \( _ ~p e \( _ ~p d e \ o \ o \ _{ o \ _ o \ _ o o \ o d ty \ eg _ c \ __ beg \ __ & \ a_ ep \ a_ p \ a_ ep 'ult \ _ \ _ v p e \ c b s \ _ b ew a \ b o pa \ b gr p a \ c d { i s \ b c d { i s \ b s \ _{ b s \ b s \ yn t \ yn \ ync s \ _{ a s \ b{_{ \ b{ { \ _ b{ \ ? \ a_ d $ v~p e \ a' v~p e \ a ~p e \ _ \ i c IO_ t \ i c IO_ \ { t \ { \ _ Y t \ _ Y \ __ c \ _ v t i ize t \ _ v t i ize fa p h \ __ b t \ __ b \ _ a t \ _ a o \ _j rn \ __ im \ _ h* i ize \ ^i li} lu {_ \ _ p e \ _ e \ l{+ \ ^$ v} lu { \ _ s _ t \ b s \ _ r af \ _ r x \ _ ~p e \ _ ~p d e t li b ui- t laye { i s- av r _ fo t _j rn o| c b t _)j rn ams t _i b t nt t o ahea :ks o t b e t ea e t h o a nt t h n y _ t p e t li t _ li -_ s t -_ s t s - t _{_ o t ync s t s t li t _ ota t) ce t _ o o Z d o Z d o Z d _{ o Z d _ o Z d _ o o Z d o d ty Z d eg _ c Z d __ beg Z d __ & Z d a_ ep Z d a_ p Z d a_ ep 'ult Z d _ Z d _ v p e Z d c b s Z d _ b ew a Z d b o pa Z d b gr p a Z d c d { i s Z d b c d { i s Z d b s Z d _{ b s Z d b s Z d yn t Z d yn Z d ync s Z d _{ a s Z d b{_{ Z d b{ { Z d _ b{ Z d ? Z d a_ d $ v~p e Z d a' v~p e Z d a ~p e Z d _ Z d i c IO_ t Z d i c IO_ Z d { t Z d { Z d _ Y t Z d _ Y Z d __ c Z d _ v t i ize t Z d _ v t i ize fa p h Z d __ b t Z d __ b Z d _ a t Z d _ a o Z d _j rn Z d __ im Z d _ h* i ize Z d ^i li} lu {_ Z d _ p e Z d _ e Z d l{+ Z d ^$ v} lu { Z d _ s _ t Z d b s Z d _ r af Z d _ r x Z d _ ~p e Z d _ ~p d e t _ co r ife m kbyt - _ kbyt - t f o t _lazy) b ui o T _kvm{ T _kvz{ T _kv e T b p T _ o b p T _ o t T gr p lu s T o nt T _ e d s nt T _ } nt T b p T _ o b p T _ o t s T gr p lu s T o T _ e d s T _ } T _j rn _ h* T sg t o| s av r _ fo t _ ~ t _ eze t eze t k cov y o l e 152 t _h* r _ _ r T _ r _ o T _ r _ _ r _ _j rn _ _ t T _j rn sb t _ fo t d ot t _ d ot t _ d ot t d o d ty t _ ota_o t _ ota_ t _ ota_ e t s t _ o o r dail r _ fo qf a _qf a s s t e ur~ ok _ _w n t _j rn _ r 160 _ _gr e r T _ d dynam v t T _ o T _gr c sum T _gr c su v ify t m nt T cul ov he t _ ll T c co| t l _Yk 2h h f ign} 2h h > gn} T f d h h c t d b s t _gr @ k t s . pr .3 fl bg b p tv ify' ve gdb t l _gr d T z beg T z & T _gr d T _gr & T z fs t _ n { b t i li} lu { t l{+ t $ v} lu { t _ p e t _ e p b t _ z o t 16 _ _ k h eofb fl _ _ d ty 21 t _ Z go t _ c s 24 t _ c c x t _ r x T _ c c _am nt T _ o T _ fs T _ t T _ Z t T _ t b m g} t _ t m g right t _ t m T _ s t t pl t pl t t pl t _ t _ h* i ize t _ ~p e T _ c c d f t T _ x_ b s T _ T _ e T l{ lu T _ b s T _ c T { T /v t _ T _ p _ho T _ e p _ _j rn ^ c s _ ? _ _j rn ^c c s _ _h* d t m _ _h* d ty h+ t & d f lk l 4 d b s x t d r t d d r T _ migr b s t b _gr ps t b _gr p n t b _gr ps b ddy b d f t b _gr p t a ddy t o pa t b e o pa t i iz t t b a b b b s t b gr p a t b o pa 19 t p { d. pr .21 t b m iz . pr .22 b t. pr .24 t b e gr p a t g ddy t b m T b s t g f m a t )c e t )gr p t goo gr p t a ddy t b _gr ps- t b c gr p { i s t b c lg { i s t b t t d b b } t b f nd t b b go t b i sc _gr p t b c _ ign} t b@ lim s t b o l c _gr p t b f nd t b gul _{ t b d ksp } T gr p fo T T b e T _ mb{ T c d { i s T b ew s T b s T _gr b s T _ i fs t d y e z e T _ sy e z e T ~y e z e T y e z e T v T @ b f b d n_ d em c c ] n t 7 af 9 pl br T _ t | b t a | b um | msg tkm d T ul n p t t t to h t ^br t t s t s t d t br t _{ r T _ b s T _ di c IO T _ d c _am nt T _ b s T _ c t _x @ nam t _x _l i t _x ~p e t _x h h t _x s t t _x y t _x _ibod Zd t _x Zd t _x y t _x b t _x t _x _ibody 3 t _x hif i T _li x T _x _? T _x h* T _x T _ p a_ iz ea T _x _ l o T _x s T _ x t _x _ t _x _ ? t _x _ li t _x _ u } t _x _ u e ? t _x _ u e li t _ x s t _x u y t _x u ? t _x u li T _)s u y _jbd2_j rn _ m Y Tjbd2_j rn _ o s e Tjbd2_j rn s t i h* Tjbd2__j rn Tjbd2_j rn Tjbd2__j rn Tjbd2_j rn Tjbd2_j rn _ & Tjbd2_j rn _ d Tjbd2_j rn _ d Tjbd2_j rn igg s Tjbd2 u f z _ igg Tjbd2 u igg Tjbd2_j rn Tjbd2_j rn Tjbd2_j rn c co| Tjbd2_j rn _ Tjbd2_j rn _ t s _jbd2_j rn _ c s Tjbd2_j rn ^ c s Tjbd2_j rn ^ d c s Tjbd2_j rn ^c c s Tjbd2_j rn t m Tjbd2_j rn ? pos Tjbd2_j rn _ v p e Tjbd2_j rn _ _jbd2_j rn Tjbd2_j rn Tjbd2_j rn _ o Tjbd2_j rn eg _ c tj rn _ " ync tj rn ubm co| c d 13 Tjbd2_j rn o| s n t s 1 tj p s Tjbd2_j rn cov Tjbd2_j rn k cov y l h Tjbd2 u j rn ail _jbd2_j rn _ s kpo _jbd2_j rn _ o s _jbd2_j rn kpo Tjbd2_ g o@ kpo _jbd2_ g_] f p e tj rn _ c li _jbd2_j rn @ kpo li tjbd2_j rn _) vok t l h_ cr t d vok c d 5 tjbd2_j rn _ oy vok t t s vok h h 7 Tjbd2_j rn _ oy vok c Tjbd2_j rn _) vo` Tjbd2_j rn _ oy vo` Tjbd2_j rn vo` Tjbd2_j rn c vo` Tjbd2 u vo` fl s Tjbd2_j rn w vok t Tjbd2_j rn _ vok c ds Tjbd2_j rn vo` Tjbd2_j rn vo` Tjbd2_j rn vo` tjbd2 _ fo tjbd2 _ f n tjbd2 _ fo Tjbd2_j rn s e Tjbd2_j rn _)jb o > jbd2@ kpo > jbd2 o| > jbd2_& o| > jbd2 ubm o d > jbd2+ s > jbd2@ kpo s > jbd2_ d g ail > jbd2_ ~ b \(jbd2@ kpo \(jbd2 o| \(jbd2_& o| \(jbd2 ubm o d \(jbd2+ s \(jbd2@ kpo s \(jbd2_ d g ail \(jbd2_ ~ b \ jbd2@ kpo \ jbd2 o| \ jbd2_& o| \ jbd2 ubm o d \ jbd2_ d g ail \ jbd2_ ~ b \ jbd2+ s \ jbd2@ kpo s Tjbd2_j rn e u$ Tjbd2_j rn _ r Tjbd2_j rn _ r Tjbd2_j rn _ r Tjbd2_ g_] co| tjbd2 s _ tjbd2 _ fo e tjbd2 _ fo- tj rn _)co| tjbd2 _ f t sl tjbd2 s _ Tjbd2_j rn _) tjbd2_ ~ b Tjbd2_j rn _ d s r tjbd2 j rn _e ty o| t tkj rn d2 Tjbd2_j rn _ oy Tjbd2_j rn @ avail fe u$ Z d jbd2@ kpo Z d jbd2 o| Z d jbd2_& o| Z d jbd2 ubm o d Z d jbd2+ s Z d jbd2@ kpo s Z d jbd2_ d g ail Z d jbd2_ ~ b Tjbd2_ will d ri t b .p .30 Tjbd2_j rn jb o tj rn ^s b Tjbd2_j rn @ e fe u$ Tjbd2_j rn fe u$ Tjbd2_j rn _w e _jbd2_ g p ft _jbd2_ g co| Tjbd2_ g co| Tjbd2_j rn c co| ne } Tjbd2_j rn co| Tjbd2_j rn l h Tjbd2_j rn ^ g ail Tjbd2_j rn _ d s g ail _jbd2_ d g ail Tjbd2_ d g ail Tjbd2_j rn _ _jbd2_j rn _ h d Tjbd2_j rn _ t Tjbd2_j rn p Tjbd2_j rn g Tjbd2_j rn _) o Tj rn yt Tjbd2_{ Tjbd2 e Tjbd2_j rn _ j rn _he Tjbd2_j rn ^ cr t u Tjbd2_j rn _g j rn _he Tjbd2_j rn j rn _he Tjbd2_j rn _ m u T mf m nt oo m nt amf kill b T mf o amf mk d amf mkd amfs amfs ymYk T mf ll u?lbf beg u?lbf migr p e u?lbf m p u?lbfs p d ty u?lbfs fs u?lbfs u?lbf o u?lbf mk d u?lbfs u?lbf mkd u?lbf & t c hu p u?lbfs u?lbfs ymYk u?lbf m nt u?lbfs s u?lbf o u?lbf i b t) ce u?lbf c o 21.p .22 u?lbf {_ o u?lbf ll u?lbf o o Thu?l s t) ce a c d Tfa c oy Tfa c v _ o Tfa clu Tfa b p a ^ y a sh y a i _ lld Tfa d _e ty Tfa sc a i Tfa i a p s l g.p .7 t i16 x8 8 a d a d Tfa do o y a z o} lu . pr .10 Tfa i Tfa { e d a d _i Tfa se _l g Tfa subd s 16_ n 32_ n a c c bhs 12_ b nr 16_ ? 16_ s p a b nr 32_ ? 32_ s p 12_ n 16_ !t 32_ !t 12_ ? 12_ !t a m r hs 12_ s p 12_ b a b Tfa c Tfa Tfa clu s Tfa e Tfa { lu s Tfa c n clu s Tfa fsync Tfa ? a e Tfa c b s Tfa s Tfa g _i a m nt Tfa t Tfa t a co fh a b fa b p a p a ep a p e a ep e a c c ize a o Tfa syn o a o a s _ s a fs a ~ a p s a o a o o a i b a {_ o t) ce a fai d 6 a di c IO a & a beg a sync s Tfa ll Tfa fl h_ o Tfa i? Tfa il o a pa nt a fh n y Tfa m ix2f Tfa clu fl h Tfa a _ d Tfa m f 2 ix Tfa sync hs _vfa s tail_l tvfa h hi tvfa m nt tvfa ll tvfa v sh a tvfa v tvfa Z f m tvfa v [ tvfa h h tvfa Zd tvfa rmd tvfa Yk tvfa ok tvfa c tvfa y tvfa na tvfa c tvfa mkd tvfa c i sdo m nt sdo ll sdo f na sdo h h sdo y sdo Zd sdo rmd sdo Yk sdos sdo mkd sdo ok sdos msdos na 2 sdos na T of ok sofs m nt sofs fs sof i?5_ sof i?5 of b p sofs p sofs p e sofs s sof n y ms sof o o sof i b sof {_ o t) ce sof h h ms sof m nt sof h h s sof h h sof n y sof n y i sof h hi sof n y m ms T of i? T of b s sof b T of b sof ll T of nam sl T n_ l a sofs d T d k/t ue u r 4 k@ ov fl 5 r g~ymYk p e s r g o n .p .6 T r g l a s r g o sof p pa nt sof p co fh sof fh n y sof fh o a nt T j i l a tz ofs p e Tz ofs Tu 8 u 32 Tu 32 u 8 t i2 h 2 i Tu 8 t u 16s Tu 16 t u 8s nls T a nls T nls T nls T a nls T a nl f%lt t i2 h 2 i t i2 h 2 i t i2 h 2 i h 2 i t i2 f e Tf { t t r t t& ls i & ync t 8 t p& l t] sw r b Tf s& t 12 c Z h c ll l h g_ e s n a } c e a b ? f l e Tf q a f ? c y e c gs fy o fy Tf { ofs Tf e Tf p t & Tf s b gr nd o 15 pl e pl e _ e t } s Tf e Tf n Tf q ofail Tf f ? Tf s b gr n } Tf ?x ~ x d sync d e d _ d o a i d _i d p Yk g t f l _Yk t _ t ne y mk d mkd ~ymYk Yk c c rmd Yk na Tf v Tf v y e Tf _v n y v d ? Tf v i t,e Tf oku na ok Tf d i t Tf v s v _ y Tf k li x ? p m Tf ~ n e Tf n e do 15 ~ Tf )co| Tf )d Tf )symYk a d ze b p di c m p p p e ync & Tf ~ync e Tf p l v se m p a" p i eb lls k !t.p .17 p e & ep Z h 18 i .p .20 ] eb p mk e ep & Tf d i Tf { Tf e Tf d Tf ? Tf Z h_ Tf o| Tf n ~ lk f fl h Tf co| e Tf fsync o| fsync Tf a ll Tf di c " di c ~& p p p e ll p e Tf d ze di c e di c e di c IO p f e ai e Tf fl h_ ep ep } la d e ep e Tf i o| co a i i Tf fy l_]` Tf ) o m n fs Tf o od~ Tf n_? iz g b _lim g b _lim co fh Tf n_ kill m nt n pa nt n y fh o a nt ~ _ s um n beg fs o i b ) ply kill b lk m n :k o ) ce Tf n ut fh n y o o Tf n_kill p s Tf { ? {_ o Tf g i t o| Tf g i t Tf i? o o ll Tf v s v _ o c _ n y c _kill b c nt n_lim e 0 c _ n_? 1 n/g h$h e n_ x gr n e n_] n_ e n_ x gr nd n/g h$h d Tf c n Tf c _ d/n c _ ll Tf c T gf i iz} t g nt t gfs-_ s t gfs s s t g_ ll T gfs na _ gfs e 5 T gfs cur ve T gfs e t gf mk d.p .4. pr .9 T gfs T gfs d T gfs symYk t gfs m nt t f%l a t f%l t gf f l _Yk t gf u8 t gf u8_? t gf u16 t gf u16_? t gf u32 t gf u32_? t gf u64 t gf u64_? t gfs iz s t gfs iz ? T gfs x64 T gfs z t T gfs bo T gfs b b T gfs gs 32 u8_ u8_w u8+ u16_ u16_w u16+ u32_ u32_w u32+ u64_ u64_w u64+ x8_ x8_w x8+ x16_ x16_w x16+ x32_ x32_w x32+ x64_ s iz t bo t a bo t a b b T gfs r gs32 t gfs- gs 32 t gf gs 32 T gfs u8 T gfs u16 T gfs u32 T gfs u64 T gfs x8 T gfs x16 T gfs x32 Tya c c Tya c ct Tya c o Tya c c o tya s obj b tya bg_g urg cy tya gc/ b Tya s Yk tya fl h_ o Tya b gr n ]k tya s2 nt tya m nt tya s2 h o a nt tya s2 h n y tya s s s tya s tya s s d ty tya g s 2 tya ll_ o f obj.p .4 tya g s 5 tya i? tya s2 f o Tya s2^pa nt tya s tya li x tya ?x tya s x tya s tya s Yk tya f l _Yk tya s yn obj t tya s na tya Yk tya Yk tya ep e tya fl h tya s fs tya o tya bg h a fn tya s p 8 tya beg tya s p e tya s _ e tya do ync s tya s ync s tya ~ tya & tya s d tya s s Tya o tya mk d tya mkd tya s tya s ymYk tya ok tya n 14 tya s2_ n m tya n m tya a o 0 tya Zd@ k e tya v who c e tya o tya s r w k tya Zd@ _gr p tya s obj d tya obj tya )b s tya x ull a 2.p .3 Tya o@ k Tya m Tya s m tya d x ib Tya h* r Tya ot Tya s n nd Tya s@ tya s@ k@ } Tya s@ {_avail Tya s k ' of Tya s obj a Tya s obj am f oh Tya x_ ze Tya o Tya gr b e tya s of l_w k Tya Z o 0 tya Zd@ _ tya r d _obj Tya Z o 0 Tya obj d tya ne obj Tya h* fe e Tya Z b numb Tya Z b numb Tya s l ~ tya s@ obj_ tail a d Tya b b am d ty Tya s@ l Tya s _ tya new@ k Tya x ib Tya l x ib Tya i n _e t d Tya h* sh e obj Tya Y x Tya e iv obj Tya obj a Tya Z b na tya s@ g obj a tya g _obj_ l tya s@ gc Tya d oh Tya d d t d s tya d pa nt Tya s x ib Tya s x ib tya wr _obj tya fl h_ c e Tya fl h_who c e tya g b@ k e Tya rd Tya fl h_ Tya d wr Tya wr_ Tya s z d n Tya bg_gc Tya s z tya s of l_ tya l_ Tya l_obj tya s obj Tya s Tya s d Tya s sp i Tya s symYk Tya Y obj tya Y w k tya Y obj Tya Yk Tya s nam obj tya l /t Tya obj_l g Tya obj_Yk nt Tya obj_ o Tya obj ,e Tya symY i Tya i e Tya gut i e Tya s n ks Tya n ks Tya f Tya oh iz Tya oh o ize tya s2@ kp Z b tya s@ kp e tya s2@ kp fl h u Tya s2@ kp Tya s2^ kp sum Tya s2@ kp wr Tya s2@ kp rd Tya s@ kp c se Tya s2@ kp v am Tya s t s1 Tya p t s1 Tya s t s2 ly Tya s t s2 Tya p t s2 ly Tya p t s2 Tya rd@ t n* Tya wr@ t n* Tya m b Tya )b Tya b Tya )n* Tya )n* tya rd@ n* tya t s o a b tya t s o a m b Tya s c c tya t s o a wr Tya s@ t c tya t s o a rd Tya t s o a tya t m sh b tya t m sh tya t m sh _ b tya t m sh _ e Tya t m sh _ tya mt i e tya mt i e tya mt e tya m @ b tya mt m b tya m tya mt e #*mt b Tya mt v_ Tya mt ;e Tya v if m Tya s mt ;e v _ } v d #v _ l #v #v _? 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emc em d em y em do T sem h f%lt h fsync h ppe a a hm u y h m ks hm e h h oy 9 h m p h rss ]p 10 v c hm - h oy o h rm hmc n h o ph } h oy ur nt hm se ewseg h )ns h ns h o ph } T shm sh hu p hm? hmc o hm hm hmdt pcns b T cn d cn T cn pcn fy y c _ c%t do v x _ c l gv x _ c o v _ c o v x_ ph s _ c b do v sg_ s t p t fy p l_ fl h_ a m nt o o i b {_ o Yk o ll c t) ce 4 o twq ep. pr .7 y mq_ y mq_ Yk y mq_ ds& y mq_ d ceive y mq o fy y mq_?s Tmq_)ns Tmq b fo Tmq mnt pcn um pcn ? cs T cs c s pcn pcns ut q o v q o v x Tmq c t` g m f c t` g e `y t` g ] b T`y }u gc t` g b c ct T` g `yt,e T`y ay ' ve T`y t T`y vo` _` Yk T` Yk T`y j Yk T ` t,e T` d T ` t,e T`y ut T` ok T` ut T` { T` ok T` t, ok T`y _ d T` t, !t t`yr t`yr _ t`yr _ oy t`yr +cu pos t`yr _ Y u pos t`yr vo` t`yr t`yr _ cribe T` Yk T`yr T`yr _{ T`yr e _%x T`yr e _`yr e _ e TZ `yr na _` Y beg _` Yk@ liv `y _` Yk _` Y & T` Yk T`yr _gc t`yc @ g q` % t i _`yr 3 t` t, f . pr .8 y `y `y T`yc ^`yr _ID T`yc _jo _`yr T`yc _ d `y T`yc vok `y T`yc _`yr T`yc _`yr _Yk T`yc _`yr _ Yk T`yc _ crib `y T`yc _`yr e T`yc a `y T`yc n_`y T`yc p `y T`yc _ `y o| T`yc _ `y T`yc _ ` "v T`yc j `y T`yc eg `y T`yc q` `yr T`yc t T`yc _ sum % y T`yc ^s u y T`yc o a nt y `yc T` t k m T` v T oku `y oss s} T _ `yr s T h a `yr o d T `yr o d T _`yr o d T` fsu @ g} T` fsg @ g} e y `yr s e `yr s Tjo _`yr T oku `y T`y pl ~ _`yr tumh_` o l `y s uc `yr tumh_`y t` ] b t` ] b T] f _`y/s uc b `y T ` Yk T `y T ` w h_%xd T ` ync T ` yn w h_%xd t ` % _ t` i _% ` m t ` % t ` % _ cribe t ` % vo` t ` % _ oy T ` % ew T` i _% `y t g _v cr T T vo` T d T m T oy T T cribe _` _`y _` s- _` n _`y n _` _` s _` _` - _` s _` n ap af n e a n Yk & ap ap ap ap c s@ k ap e ap ap? ap aps a o n killpriv a o killpriv T vfs ap f d k a bprm c ds a bprm u a od~ x a o a t x u a t k s }ul a t k e r" a t k n e a t k a v gh_ m y a m p Tm m _ _h*l u y b d u y b mn u y b l mn u y b s u t ?s u y i to ctx u y ctx o u y ~ ctx u o f ctx u od~ s ctx u o ?s ctx u ix am/n t u ix_ y & u y v kb u y k ?pe s g m u y k l e u y k l f fl u y q l f fl u y g ft u n u y m k l u y m k fc n c u y m k fc n c u t _ u t _ os c u t _ _ t u o )s u y u o c u o mkd u od~ u u o )s u y T$ s u s u b d t mgr u b d s u b d sf b d u b d sf u y c s@ k u y e u y ap? u y aps u y ap u y ap %d u ot u ota_ u y g u y u v gh_ m | u bprm c ds u bprm@ k u bprm o| t ds u bprm o| d ds u bprm u u y { u y b e u y b m nt u y k n nt u y b-_ s u y b fs u y b nt u y um nt u y b ivo oot u o { u o e u o Yk u o Yk u od~ymYk u o rmd u o mk d u o na u o Yk u o f l _Yk u o p m u o ? u od~ x u o pos s x u o ?x u o li x u o u o n killpriv u o killpriv u o ?s u y u od~ s u y u o li s u y u o ?s u p m u { u e u i u m p u t t u u fcn u s f n u s& i ot k u ceive u n u t k u t e u y { l k u y e u y p c ds u sf ds u k n _ u k n u k n _ du u t x u u t k pg u t ?pg u t ?s u t k n e u t k e r" u t r" u t k e lim u t k s }ul u t ?s }ul u t e m y u t kill u t ] u t k u t t o u c m u ?s u msg sg_{ u msg sg e u msg_ { u msg_ e u msg_ s i u msg_ msgc u msg_ msgsnd u msg_ msg v u y h { u y h e u y h s i u y hm hmc u y hm hm u y e { u y e e u y e s i u y em emc u y em em u ?p u y p u n Yk & u y k c u y k pos c u y k b d u y k n t u y k li u y k cept u y k s&msg u y k cvmsg u y k ?s kna u y k ?pe na u y k ?s k t u y k s s k t u y k shu n u y k ?pe s am u y { u y e u csk l e u n_e l h} u ` { u ` e u `y m u ` ?s u y u %d ru u %d ru kn n u %d ru e u %d ru m a b d t mgr a b d s a b d sf b d a b d sf ap g a ot a ota_ a bprm@ k u y a bprm o| t ds a bprm o| d ds ap { u y ap b ~ u y ap b d ap b m nt ap k n nt ap b-_ s ap b fs ap b nt ap um nt ap b ivo oot ap b l mn ap b s a o { u y a o ~ u y a o )s u y a o c a o Yk a o Yk a od~ymYk a o mkd a o rmd a o mk d a o na a o Yk a o f l _Yk a o p m a od~ a o ? 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T a r ? 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T ^h* t ki dsd sc t _v dt t _ l g $h d t l t v c s t + h*l _ h*l t s ;e t k t e t m hods t s " t _ s e 5 t _ d t _gp h*l t _ s _ } t yn y t _ s t urs d T urs d t p h*l T _ s T _ e T urs T t _gp y s s _ b s s _ b s e ly T i [ iv p o r g h* t i br g~c T i Z ot i o br p t i r _osc T i osc/ t i o t i o e T i iv t o br g b nr b t i Yk@ k os b t i Yk e t i Y cur nt t i Yk rqr t 'u t i Y d t i Yk@ k ur nt T i Y { q T i Y q T i iz a_ q t i q d r y t i q_ ok .p .3 T i q_ d rt T i q_ l rt T i q_ W g T i q t i b d t i b d T i b ot t i e t i t t i o t i t i d t i 'u T i ' ;e T i ' ;e ;~ e ]` d ]`u ; p T i f d t i ]`u ; p T i ' T i s i t i y em l_ t @a T T g n Y t t i y em s t t i y em a t t i y e _ t t g:_(h*l a a_v t i- t l gp _ y t t _ t t s t nt nt - t i f t h*l q i vi ;e t b ligh ca m vi cap il i vi b ligh s p t vi o t d ut gum d gum d b gum d gum d p gum d _ gum d eg / _ d _&/ _ t d nam ds d ds d d ) obj ds b d ds x_ d t d ) obj t d i iz obj d m ho r d beg ho u ds hod d t m hod ds / hod d m ho d _ d m ho d _ l d m ho d ^ d m ho d _) gs d m ho d ^v ue ds obj t d il n u obj d )obj f t d il n _obj t d il n obj ds t d ) d d i iz d u *s d _ *s d _ *s d _obj *s d *s ds _i l turn d d i l turn d 'ul } d l $ul if o } ds' v *s ds _ *s ds * ds *s d u nam p h d p d v ue d eg _ d _ d 1 eg _ d 1_ d )c b s d 2 eg _ d 2_ ds c ds c h ds c ds'ul p ds'ul p h d obj h d obj d obj o l e d cur n w k ds h_w k ds o w k ds w k d )aml_w k d l w k _ i iz _ _xr h*l s _ xe ( t t t _ yn _ ut gp m hod _ d gp m k _ gpe _ gp fe nce gp fe nce _l ^gp fo ^gp ( fo h_gpe t _ yn _ gpe _gp d p _gp t t _ l gp b gp b _ i iz gp b _gp m hod _gp i ize _ d gp _w gp li _v i gp t ^gp ;e ^gp xr b _ l gp xr t _ l gp h*l s t _g b _ h*l _)g b _ h*l g b _ h*l _ g b _ g b _ t o f d p _i f obj t _ fy m _ ut g hod t g+ _ d$s p d p _ t _ t t _ _h*l _ p h*l _ _h*l s _ ut g hods _ i iz s y e m y _" p [/ g b s _ f%l _ i iz t xr h*l _gp xr h*l _ h*l ~ h*l T i f h*l o f h*l _g b _(h*l _ xe (h*l T i xe (h*l _gp h*l T i gp h*l g b _ T i g b _ d T i _ t ( t d t d _gp gpe d gpe T i gp ]k m k T i _gpe gp gp ;e T i u gp f _]` d _gp + m gp _gp b T i gp b _ d$s p h*l T i d$s p h*l t _ t _ a t _ a t _ a t /v t [i /v t eg /v t /v to /v t t t,e i t mut p s p ' e m hod g_obj t a d d _ d d _ c s _ s d t _ d u " _ w h_ d ru _ f d _ Y mut _ mut _obj t _ mut mut _obj t mut ut t _{ nam~ t am~egm t ^nam~ _ co 0A_0 1R _ co 1A_0 0R _ co 1A_1 0R _ co 1A_1 1R _ co 1A_0 1R _ co 2A_0 0R _ co 2A_2 1R _ co 2A_1 1R _ co 2A_0 1R _ co 3A_0 0R _ co 3A_1 1R t m _ co 6A_0 1R p o| _ obj t v ue ^obj fe nce /ca l o/c m h_ g um _ g _ y e m y p h*l y e " p h*l [/ g p h*l s p h*l b p h*l sp h*l ' v t v ue ' v t v ue ' v mul p t @ obj t,e ' v *s obj t o ' v obj t obj t obj t t ~ o y e ] se pho y e ] mut y e do y e do ep y em ign _ t y e ] t y em' t _ t p t p t _ p t Y h_ p t _ c f 32b t _ g b _ g b _ _e a_i to _ eg to i v p hw h h ut~ e m hod h d ep h ]k p p h ]` h d gp b hw _gp b h r m gp b t h ]`u gp b h gp b h l gpe hw _gpe h gp h d _gp h + m gp h _]`u gp h d iv p h v hw t hw a mul p h e t h mul p h b fo h pm1/ hw hw e hw _ i h g y ep h g ]k p p h g ]` t h v " hw t h p t e T i a b b T i' T i s e t, d T i rmw ]k _v t t hw e d p av~ ep p p av~ ep t ep s4b"s t ep p p t ep n ok n o i ize ns n l ns n o n l ild n n l nam p ~ubt e n l nam p b n n u n _ du co li t n ) obj t t n ) ;e t n Z m hods n i iz obj n i iz ; n a t n il n h n p hnam l g n n hna n h* to hna n t _obj t n t _obj t n t e obj t n s d obj t n t n t n t e d n co l p se ns s t t ns@ obj t,e t ns@ k e m t ns@ k li ns@ k am nt ns@ f Ze na ns@ k Ze nam ns pa ull_e m t ns null_e m n w w h e ns pa _obj t t ns pa _FDE t ns@ k li .p .0 t ns pa _PSS t ns pa _HID t ns pa _CID t ns pa _ALR t ns pa _TSS ns o l pa s ns e _ ~c e ns e _ t ns r p hna n v i o p x n t,e n n n am l g n il n a n n iz na n n iz na n v h* n t m n s c e n n n n n t,} n w nam p e u obj t u obj t,} ; w nam p e t n ; c b t t d h* na hod obj fo t,e pa nt n obj t t i n p l g 0 T i n p & T i n nam T i n na p h T i n g T i n g t i s o l T i s s T i co fo T i co na T i gum c nt T i co ze T i s co T i s o l i T i n p s T i s s aml T i pa n sc e T i h o l } c e T i )sc e T i s h c e T i s c e T i s c e T i g T i app g T i ) T i {_ T i s sc T i T i i @ T i x@ T i s na T i l p s t e g_ e T i ut m hod r d$s o| rs d$s o| r aml_l g r l l g r p r t l g to' e rs $ li rs p r t rs aml' rs/v aml o' rs/v $ e t aml rs/v aml o' e rs/v $ t aml r co b m k r co b m k r d rs $ l g rs $ he r $ ~ e rs $ ~ e r pr m ho d r cr m ho d r ae m ho d r m ho d rs sr m ho d t r v p am s.p .0 cur n $ T i' t d$s64 t r m _v& ' e w k' v& ' e T i cur n $ q+ t ($ t s f t t t v if t z o t li t t l t ov ri t t m t l nam p b n t { n n ^ n t i t a d t a fl t t x t i iz f s a d r t he @ ksum t v ify@ ksum @ dsd he dsdt t a t T i t h*l a t s a t t he t w h ize t t b x h*l { o t T i { o t t c _ m f +sdp Z o po d$ r d$ r d$ r l d$ li s c c l c v i iz t c i t i t c ie m t m t t c y i obj t t c ie m t ie m t c "bj t eobj t c eobj t "bj t c "bj t "bj t dum 2 dum f cep h [i@ a (na t, na obj t, na na cr t a fe nc na v i obj t,e fe nce l n _obj li t l n _obj t d f nt d obj fe nce d fe nce u obj t u num _obj t ut STA ut p m hods )g b s ut HID ut UID ut CID subsy em hu n c r l r a a sh divi divi v cep o br i aml { n n s r pr s dw byt~]p s eg w v i i@ v i na pa a s t l64 c d * h w k t e mut _ i ize mut m mut mut t obj ze t e m l g v i n _obj t { obj c bg l obj c c n _obj dbg c p obj t c eg obj t c obj t c s _obj t obj ze i iz f f t m _ f e f e f e os i m t i $ t,e $ l g v $ e $ he l g cr t _l g w aml' $ t p h_g po g c g c c d c pkg c pkg * h c l g subsy em T i urg c e obj _ f h*l t m i iz obj _ f e T i f e T i@ d$ r r w n fo cep p Ze w n p Ze fo nam p r m ho r t mut _obj t.p .0 mut T i mut t ^ t o fy t 'u t r ty t e t _ d li li li t l & t = 'u t = o fy t = s t = s - t = fs.p .1 t = _ d t = e ^ x ^cur t f 'u t f p& cur t f e t f _ d tvi x tvi ign i light t vi o m v t vi ; EDID vi } t vi ; um t vi b ; t vi ; lc v ur nt tvi cur t vi brigh s vi o t vi ; lcd v t vi o brigh s tvi o cur t vi o w righ s t vi ; fy t vi o'u t vi m vi t vi DOS. pr .9 t vi d t vi b e t vi fy t i s o fy t i s e t i s ^ t t t i s ^ t t i s t t t i s ^pl f lim t i s t T i s h t _ T i s t T i s h @ g} T i s u t t i s ^ t T i s ^ t _ fo t pla t i s ! cx _lap _ m r b ca t i af h t x t i s ^p fo ap _ m b ca t t 1 t t bm t t i t i s ! .p .7 T i s p& T i s 'u T i s _ho lug T i s s h @ g} T i s t m ! q o !_h ! q.p .3 s ^cur s ^ x s cur m ! q_ m ! q_ T i s ^lim fo T i s ^b" lim t i s ^pl f lim t i s p o T i s _ f m ce T i s f m ce T i s f m ce t i s pc o T i s o fy | T i s p h @ g} T i s p T i s p T i s _ a du t m ^ t m ^ i t,e t m ^ i t m ^cr t m o fy t m rt t m _ d t m 'u t m e t m o _; cb t m _ b d o _;e t m d o _;e t m zp t m sv t m _ t t m _ d t m t m o fy t m ^ t b t y m t p e t b t fo fs b t y t b t m o t b t m- t b t t b t pr ty t b t y e b t y f b t y t fy t b t d t b t fy t b t y'u t b t d b t y $ t n { np t n t n $ e n $ np ;e n {_ n ;e n ;e np ;e d e d p& d'u d r np- s np- na np c ;e np c ;e n iv np c d d be np iv n { d n d d n d ;e np c ;e np c d n ;~hu n n ; 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T _gt s fl h T _gt s sg_ i T _gt m y t _i810 b t,e t _gt c t ak p/ gu 830 t _{@ s fl h' e 9xx 9xx 830@ s fl h 810 810 T _gm be T _gm e T _gt m y t ak s i t ak p i t ak { t,e f h p c p f h p ll_ x f h p ll_v f h p g_ ave f h p fb _ f h p play t f h p r e f h p Zi t f h p rq f h p @ v f h p g_ t f h p /n t s t f h p dpms 2 f h p : k f h p t m k mdY 5 t m k r s t m r s f h p ho lug_ t f h p p f h p fb be f h p i / g f h p f c k n _ f h p f h p o t f h p w fn h p cod _ e h p r _ _ e t cod d h p d e f c s t h p @oos cod dpms t h p @oos cr pms h p /n t pms f num l m r _h p h p 'um f c h p ll b uct km h p l km h p l i t p l_ u m r _h p g km h p l_ h p b~ n t _ km h p l_ h p hp q_ t 2 g d %x c y 2 g d %x_xf 2c %x_ b m g ? g % g e { f a obj t t Z m _ p d rm } rm p t m u > r d f p d fs [ t d p o d p d i rm i d fs fo fs m k fs e fs p fs m lfl h t m txb n m txb e m txb m txb p ?sa tx m sa tx m'ctx dctx dctx ?ctx m w ctx newctx rmctx d d ak} n m clai s ?sa a t m d i t v la c se m l f ync m m e m u t obj f ug obj e m o s m m o s v m p m riv obj obj e vm se obj obj { obj ok obj h* e h* l e h* c t obj h* oy m s i fY i _i m e ? i m i ? p ?cli t ? s ?cap m v v: k nt v: k n q_ q_ m a / l v: a tv: d * ave tv: d fn v: ? m v: am f m c os t q_vga b okms v: k v: v: k r v: k ut v: o v: k os q b m/ c ] v: k h* v: h* v: k t ta` ta` e t e hav h p b p t p p m " p e m " p m " wc b p t m _ m s m _ m s m r g r k ? t oy ut ll_ _ m m m m plug_ m i i t vm g %lt t v d %lt t v f%lt t vm h f%lt t vm hm se v _ } t v vm s } t vm se m } m p fo i p e { b d b d e b d f i i p i i {_i b i b i i m g m g_{ m g_{_i m g e i [g c i [g t m q t m na m { p m m m [ i m t m q b m [ b _ m e m e t m l f na pl f m l f t m l f m b t m l f q m l f t m l s p& t m l ; m l ; d - e c sub n t - t - t d- ub n t - pms- t - t m f ; e m f ho lug_ t m fs/n t _ d t m l s'u m fs/n t e m fs m f oy m f ; d m f ; e h s em h em h e h c h j s p e h Z em h v bos li h `y | pl m )sc m )sc _w h+ | m t m s h p t m s h p r | | r ? | b m g t m km{ m b g m b r g g | c b m tak} n | e e m s | c _ b | e + m s + m dum t p be d m/n t _ t r ty m/n t r ty v ue m/n t r t v ue n t _ t _ cod n t _ t _ cod g' cod na n t a obj Zd m/n t _ plug_ fb^bp p cr gam ize t m r /v t u t m r /v u m r t um g fb m t obj ? m r _ m/n t _ cod c m r ty m r ty r f t obj !t 6 f cod m r m l c oy e t cr t t t cr m/n t m r t oy g m r ty um g_ n t _ d } r ty m l c dv i r c tv r c sc _ pr ty c d h r ty c d t fo r ty dpm na dv i e c na dv i ub n t a tv e c na tv ub n t a d t f na n t u na gr gr ) g gr p ?$ ?cr ? n t ? cod ?pl $ ?pl e d~ pl e d~ cr curs _i dfb dfb2 rmfb ?fb d tyf i fb e t i t i ?pr t i ?b i n t r ty i gam i gam ^i p fli i c dum i m dum i o dum i l c w height d~ cr fo c y v ze v c s g r Ye d l d~ na m v g _ co l g _ c f m mdY pr v d~ t p s co| Y f /n t hsync v f$h e n t _l d t co a }i he i v t f _e _ tai b g 2 Zd ea_ a av yn lay m e c d t hdm m t m _%d" }i b v }i i v t do b dd } Z dmt }i t d t e l he } rb e l he tai o v f } t d }i o * nam fo nam fo v fo e fo f fo v: fo m li t fo nam fo v _ fo t gf gfs s gfs s gf gfs i2 cod i2 cod oy > v: t > v: ( } > v: ( live d \( v: t \( v: ( } \( v: ( live d \ v: t \ v: ( } \ v: ( live d Z d v: t Z d v: ( } Z d v: ( live d g b _ em f g b _ e f g b _ g b e m rim oku i >h* m rim h* t fd m rim o priv m rim i >h* m rim i >h* m rim f t h* m rim p e to g m rim oy m rim ) priv m rim h* t f i m rim f t h* i 915_ eze 915_ aw 915 m o 915 eze 915 m p& 915 aw 915 [ e tg 6_g fodbg 1 915 p& 915'u 915 m'u T _ t p _g 6_g f c ]k ? _g 6_g f c ]k m ? Tg 6_g f c ]k ? _g 6_g f c ]k !t _g 6_g f c ]k m !t Tg 6_g f c ]k !t _g 6_g ] f _ fo 915 8 915 16 915 32 915 64 915_ e8 915_ e16 915_ e32 915' 915_ e64 915_em b crumb 915_g!_ e 915_g!_l 915_g! y 915_g! urb d 915_vga co 915 o h t _ d n b 915 hws 915 915 e 915_?p am 915 _ 915 p am 915_k n _ s t 915 li fs 915 l h_i 915_em box 915 md 915 915_ 915_ oy 915@ s v 915 _v 915_ d gfx_v 915_gfx_v 915 a m _v 915_ iv 915_ iv 915_ iv 915_ iv la c se 915_ iv c se 915_ iv o c se 915_ iv ; i p r lak d pla q r lak q r lak d v: k vybr g d v: k tg 6_ rp w k 915 d r lak v: k vybr g v: k 915_ iv q_ 915_ iv q r lak q_ 915^cr c os _ q_h*l o f r 915_ iv q o 915_ r _w f c 915_ho lug_w f c r lak q o vybr g q_h*l r lak q_h*l tg 6 rp w k tgm45^v: k nt 915^v: k nt 915_h g r _ 915^v: a 915_ r e 6 vybr g q o 915_ p e 915_ v: k 915 p e 915 v: k T _ 915_ o r 915_h* r 915_ iv q_h*l 915_ q_em 915_ q_] 915_v: k ~ 915_v: k ? 915_v: k ]p 915_h g aps} T _ q_ 915 ce]k e 915 pgt fo t crib obj 915/t 915_ f fo 915 r 915_gfx 915_ to t 915_ lay q 915+ _ r r r u s 915+ d 915_hw fo 915+ n fo 915_ m n fo 915_ r fo 915_ f c g fo 915_ m fo 915_ obj l fo 915_ gt fo 915_ obj fo 915 ap il i 915 wizz fo 915+ db la 915_g 6 ce]k c n fo 915_ m efli fo 915_ 915 bc 915+ q 915_em 915_ p fo 915 ur_ lay fo 915 ce]k 915_ r 915+ fo 915 ~h _ e 915 ~h 915_ x q 915_w}g} 915_ x q_ e 915_w} e t fak f 915_ gfs 915_ gf 915_ gfs 915 d 915 av p 915_ x} 915 a x} 915 p 915 av 915 915_ obj n d b 17 wizz 915_ gt ze 915_ obj t ve 915_ obj c 915_ obj p p e g= 915_ m c g 915_ obj fl h_gt do .p .8 915 ut _ r b 915_ d 915_ )i 915_ ap tur i 915_ dum oy 915_ m i 915_ m m p 915_ m' f c 915_ obj Z h_g= 915_ f ce gt ignm t 915_ obj b t g= 915_ m g= 915_ m gt i 915_ obj t ve 915_ n s 915_ fl h+ .p .19 915_ d 915_ m' 915_ m r r 915_] 915_ obj ] nd 915_ fl h+ 915_ obj fl h_g!_ do 915_ obj fl h ce. pr .34 915_g!_ 915_ obj p f ce 915_ obj f ce 915_ m lfl h_obj t 915_ obj s to ! o 915_ m a i 915_ obj fl h !_ do 915_ m w h_i 915_ obj s t gt do 915_ m do _i 915_ obj Z h_g! 915_ obj b d 915_ f%lt 915_ obj tail 915_ m r s 915_ m r w h*l 915_ v~hr k 915_ obj s c v 915_ obj p 915_ obj p d play l e 915_ obj p 915_ m i 915_ m _i 915_ p _i 915_ b i 915_ = i 915_ m v i 915_ {_obj t 915_ m 915_ dumb 915_ m i 915_ )obj t 915_ )swizzl 915_ )ppg= 915_ )hw 915_ m u r 915_ 915_ t v i 915_ av i 915_ la c se 915_ 915_ t hy obj t 915_ obj t 915_ hy obj t 915_ t hy obj t 915_ m e 915_ som h 915_ ve 915_ y _ f c obj t 915_ y 915_ ' ve 1 915_ d 3 915_ 915_ 2 915 pgt c + 915_ ) i pg= 915_ m u i pg= 915 pgt b obj t 915 pgt b obj t 915_ gt b obj t 915_ gt b obj t 915_ m gt pp s 915_ gt b obj t 915_ t b 6 wizz 915_ m l 915_ l 915_ obj d b 17 wizz 915_ obj sav b 17 wizz Z d i915_ obj t > i915_ obj c > i915_ obj b d > i915_ obj b d > i915_ obj g do > i915_ obj p e > i915_ obj p > i915_ obj f%lt > i915_ obj t > i915_ t > i915_ y > i915_ r p > i915_ r l h > i915_ m > i915+ > i915 l > i915 l o l e > i915 g+w \(i915_ obj c \(i915_ obj b d \(i915_ obj b d \(i915_ obj g do \(i915_ obj p e \(i915_ obj p \(i915_ obj f%lt \(i915_ obj t \(i915_ t \(i915_ y \(i915_ r p \(i915_ r l h \(i915_ m \(i915+ \(i915 l \(i915 l o l e \(i915 g+w \ i915_ obj c \ i915_ obj b d \ i915_ obj b d \ i915_ obj g do \ i915_ obj p e \ i915_ obj p \ i915_ obj f%lt \ i915_ obj t \ i915_ t \ i915_ y \ i915_ r p \ i915_ r l h \ i915_ m \ i915+ \ i915 l \ i915 l o l e \ i915 g+w Z d i915_ obj c Z d i915_ obj b d Z d i915_ obj b d Z d i915_ obj g do Z d i915_ obj p e Z d i915_ obj p Z d i915_ obj f%lt Z d i915_ t Z d i915_ y Z d i915_ r p Z d i915_ r l h Z d i915_ m Z d i915+ Z d i915 l Z d i915 l o l e Z d i915 g+w t 945^d play p d 915^d play p d 9xx c^d play p d 865^d play p d 855^d play p d 830^d play p d d r tg4x o ut wm0 t _ d w m ks t _ f%l fl t k sc c d 8xx b d tg4x b d r lak fb d du _Y lvds T r _ a lut t r _gam 830_)c g 85x_)c g w )c g tg4x_)c g t _ tod tg 3_)c g t l h play l e vybr g )c g tg 6_)c g r lak )c g p )c g bx_)c g t c Y ] ie d cxsr t k ea ce 845^ fo ize 85x^ fo ize 830^ fo ize t cul wm 830_ d wm 9xx^ fo ize 9xx_ d wm 965_ d wm tg4x_ d 8xx fbc 8xx_ fbc tg4x fbc tg4x_ fbc r lak d fbc t ^cxsr_l cy ie d wm r lak fd d t s pl e vb u d Y a tg 6 d Y a 9xx_ d pl e r lak d pl e t r pms t b w fn r lak d n+c6 t r _ x h fl t _ f h* t _ f oy Y )c g t cm w r lak fbc t _{/t p e t _g!_ m t r _ m 915g d play p d t d ll_ lak dp t d ll_g4x p t h b t r _ d~ t r _ oy t _PLL_i v .p .6 p _hdmi p p r lak co ut~rwm.p .17 t _ 6 t s p _ } t c b w k 25 t r _h & l .p .26 tg4x_ d wm t r _] f & l s *ybr g co ut~p ~rwm. pr .32 *ybr g d sp wm t s p _hdm d d t s p d d r lak d wm *ybr g d wm T ha t,e r lak d t b PLL t _g4x b PLL t _lim T _] f _v: k t _ c pllc t _ d t _ p e t pl e T _] f o t p e t r ' T s p e r lak fd Y a t _ pl e T b d T fbc t _ d fbc t ~ b om t r fl T _ f c f obj T _ p obj t _g 7_ fl t _g 6_ fl t _g 4_ fl t _g 3_ fl t _g 2_ fl t ~ b e t r t _ p _w fn T p v if T _ cod pa T _ cod o| T _ cod oy T _ d sp w m ks T lak )p fclk T _ d T r gam T r gam _? T a t p e T r _ ? T b y t r _ d curs 9xx r _ d~ 9xx r _ 9xx r o| 9xx r 9xx r pms 9xx r pa r lak cr _ d~ r lak cr _ r lak cr o| r lak cr r lak cr pms r lak cr pa t r urs _ e t r urs T h fl T h fl l e T p p fl T ^p f m r _ T t t _ f T ^ a t p e T lak~ ps T lak ps T lak d ps Tg 6 rps Tg 6 rps T _)em Tg 6_ rps Tg 6_ d r q T lak 6 T _)c g T _ T _ T _ c T cod T /n t _ t _ cod T _ vga T play aptur r T play r r t r v t r x t r s pr ty t r $ t r d~ t r dpms t r oy t r } t r t ddc t r t t t r T r t _lvd v h iz t y t _lvd d~ t _li dmi b t _li fy t _lvd t _lvd t _lvds o| t _lvd d t _lvds pa t _lvd dpms t _lvd oy t _lvd t t t _lvds pr ty t _lvd x T _lvd d t ll_ tail_ m T s b"s T u b"s s !_}p t ^ j a t p ign _ v s r lak pp/ t _g 7_}p ign _ v s t _g 6_}p ign _ v s r lak } b ligh r lak } b ligh o t Y d n r lak }p ll_ 13 r lak }p ll_o 14 t d~ r lak ] p 16 r lak }p _o t j d h 7 t v t x t p@ }p t %x@ t %x iv y t dpcd t %x iv e t p Y a t p Y a t p dpms t i2 %x@ r lak p _vd o ync r lak p _vd w k r lak }p _vd o t cod oy r lak }p _vd t p pa t t t t t p pr ty r lak }p _ t p o l Y a t ho plug t p o| t dpms T _ cod _}p T _} Yk/ g T p n T _ dp s T p i }p t oy T t _hdm x t _hdm dpms t _hdm t _hdm oy t _hdmi pr ty t _hdm t t t _hdm v 9xx_ fof r lak fof T i fof m csum t _hdm d~ T _hdm t dv dt f t dv v t dv ddc x f c t dv og_} t dvo a by t dv cmd t dv ddc x xf t dv ho lug t dvo 'p se t dv v ue t dv ~dvox t dv oy t dvo/n t _ t dv oy t dv dv t dvo v ue t dvo m t dvo h c pr ty t dv tv_ t dvo av fof t dvo m f t dvo pr ty t dvo p m f _ t dv x t dv dpms t dv t dv d~ T dv ds t t t dv t t T dv T dc be T /n t _ d T dc^ T _ t c %d" r ty T _ t c rgb r ty b ligh comb i _ t ^brigh s T _ x} _ T t T ^ x light t _ tu y b light T ^b light T b light t _ d T b light T _ b light T _ t t T u b light T _ o b light t $ v} t c t d c d tgm f c t _i2 k T _i2c' t _i2 xf tgm xf T u gmb T _gmb sp d T _gm f c b T _ d n_gmb t b s T b _ T b i T b s p& T p l@ g} T b t v pms t v_ ok t v_ v t v_ x t v_ d~ t v_ oy t v pr ty t v_ t t,e 4 t v_ t t t v^ T v_ t v v t v x t v t t t v d~ t v dpms t v t v oy t v oy T v c nd s _ tail tg 6 s r _ tail e ^s t nd r q t)r o| t) nd r t nd r ^ q t nd r tg 6+ q tg 6 nd r q tg 6 s r q t: r q s r q tg 6+ ^ q tg 6 nd r ^ q tg 6 s r ^ q t: r ^ q s r ^ q T + ^ v he tg 6+ ^s T + e T _)r u T _] r u T u r u T + eg T + _ v ce t + ync.p .7 Tg 6 s r ync o Tg 6 l r ync o T nd r ync o c nd d tg 6 nd r l h tg 6_ d t nd r p _ t nd r _ d t nd r l h p _ _ d s r l h tg 6+ p _ tg 6+ l h t: r l h T _) nd r u T nd r _) i T _)bs r u T _): r u tuv_hsubsa l tuv_vsubsa l t _ov lay vi tail t _ov la p gs t _ov la p gs 1 h gam nds t _ov lay cov f r t t _ov la d ] t _ov lay v t _ov la o ail T _ov lay w _o T _ov lay i T _ov la s T u ov lay T u ov lay T _ov lay aptur r T _ov lay r r vb^c `y nb^c `y v d c `y vb pl e n d c `y nb pl e t _ d pl e n d pl e v d pl e t pl e t _ oy l e T p ~ c `y T p c `y T l t s b light t _ _vi t T _ _ T _ _gs T _ _ T _ _ T _ i T _ h7xxx_ v h7xxx b h7xxx u gs h7xxx_ eb h7xxx_ t t h7xxx_ d~ h7xxx_ oy h7xxx_ h7xxx pms h7017_ t t h7017_ v h7017 h7017 u gs h7017_ e h7017_ oy h7017 pms h7017_ d~ h7017_ v _ t t v _ v v v u gs v _ e v _ d~ v _ oy v _ v pms t p410_ v t p410_ d~ t p410 b t p410 u gs t p410_ t t t p410_ d t p410_ oy t p410_ t p410 pms il164_ v il164_ d~ il164 b il164 u gs il164_ t t il164_ oy il164_ il164 pms t s t t T ds h*l T _ ds h*l tvga_" to tvga d _vga ut _vga_ y? _vga g cod Tvga g cod Tvga li Tvga ut tvga_ b e tvga_ tvga_ b tvga_ b p l tvga_ b fy li .p .5 tvga " 6 tvga_ b d ;e.p .9 fy Tvga_? Tvga_ y? tvga_ e Tvga_ f%l ;e n_ c b n e n_ d b n_ l b n_ {_ n_ n Yk & n_ d b n_ l b n _ n - n+x kb n c c k/n t _ /n t _ /n t /n t n t o|/n t _ n t t _ o t; nam p e t _u( lt l d @il n t,e _ t T; ul g T;~ _ul g T;~ _ T; T; c T; T; c b _ T; b _ T;~ }u c b n T; i ize t; e l d e t; c e oo ; e T na _ _u t T ;e tkl ild n_? ;e tkl ild n ut t; gr ps t; gr ps t; cl s ymYks T; f _e @ild T; na T _ iv t _ - t _u(na t ; pa nt u glu d 17 _ r k T r k T _em g T _ t T T _ r t u t T _w n T o ce _ fo t; ~y _ y T; Zd@ild T; e t; s T; l T; T; oy T o ; T; priv T; d T; _ o ; T; c v gs T; c T; t _u t Tt o ;e T;~hu n t v_ - t v_ o t - t o t u( lt t iv %t be T ks T ; kli t ? ut Tb Tb ubsy _ ubsy _ T f _e _ v ubsy _ n tkl ;e ? a 'c _;e h p T; p be t iv e y e o ; e t iv u( o t u( o tkl ; ut _ iv %t be Tb T Tb b r ubsy f ubsy f ubsy Z ; b T Z ;e T Z ; b na t iv s be t iv b d t iv b d T f _e _ Tb 'c _; T ubs y em T ;e Tb b ;e Tb ;e T iv Tb iv T ^ vd t f d b w f c t iv f d T] f _; p be iv t T vd t iv f d b igg .p .10 t f d b c _; iv T; iv iv f d b l t iv b nd T; b iv T; t iv b d e iv b ;e _; t _ iv t iv t T c s T c s c $u c ~ p& c ~hu n iv Z ;e iv iv iv Zd iv iv iv f _e _;e l - l o l am p e l s@il n t,e l s l s l s e l s e tkl cl ut tkl cl _? l s o a l l oy l _ l _ n l _ l l s o a l s o a c Yk l s o a Yk l f _e _;e l Z ;e l f l f l s l s g + m g + m~ p& g + m $u l f $ e l f q l f v be l f v b fail l f v e l f v hu n l f m m'u ^ i m k l f $ byna l f q yna l f ; !t l f ; e l f ; d' l f ; d l f ; d l f iv l f iv l f iv be l f u t t d i - l f m l f ; l l f ; l f m m p& W _ d l f ; { l f ; full l f m b d l f ; l f ; !_; e T c!_;e !_i ho lugg r c! k n _ x ! r c! o Ye Tkobj_ p Tkobj_ p Tkobj_ ok Tkobj_ tgr e tgr p s e gr p t kz{ e t kz{ T { T Zd T $ e T $ gr p t T d T kz{ T _gr p T $ s gr p T e T ? T oy T k e t T $ gr p T $ T i t ta l s o/ta T i t ta t n /ta kl !t t n /ta kl ? T i t ta t i t ta e T i t ta Zd l ;e T i t ta ; igg T i t ta igg T i t ta s T i t ta d l ;e T i t ta ;e T i t ta d l ; apt T i t ta s T i t ta ;e T i t ta l ; l t _ sp du| f c t sp s l s t sp gu T sp cl s T sp cl T _ sp cl s T sp s u ;e T sp ;e T sp gur ;e T sp ;e t sp d l ;e t sp cl s T sp o ;e t sp oy l s T _ sp cl ! p h !m k h !m li c!m k c!m li h t]k~ t]`u l m~ t]`u x_ m~ t]`u tot _ m~ t]k o t]`u v~ t]`u p c n s t]`u c n s t]`u v c n s t]` n s pm f d T]` f d T]` fs e qos f d qos fs e Trpm fs e pm fs e g p q g p l g p& g ez q g ez l g eze g o o q g o _l g o g ha q g ha e ly g haw g 'um q g 'um e ly g 'u g q g e ly g o g pa g o l e T subsy d T m subsy d T qo g b o T qos T qos g b o tapply/s a T qo d T qos t qos/s a { 6 T qo d T qo ce T qo _ qos a v ue T qos a v ue T qos/s a T qos/s a oy l e l q_ v b t$um t t c _ g _ r p& p $ult pm-_ p ] p ] fn T; p ] f _ p w h*l p r b pm'um q pm'um e ly pm'um pm p & _;~ p& t ync p& t; $u t ync'u T; p T; p T; p T; p d T; pm e T; p befo T; p aft T; p la pm'u pm o l e pm'um & pm p& pm pa pm p& T]` p pa T]` c t]` v T]` d T]` T]` e T;~ ]` ap t]` t]` s- t]` v .p .7 ]`u m fn m a a]` m a a]` ]`u t ]`u t m lax T]` T]` oy T]` T; ]`u T; )]` T; ]`u d T;~ ]`u m lax ]` & ]` nt m av ]` nt m ohe n e n cohe n e { ohe nt { cohe nt cohe nt n cohe nt cl cohe n m y m ohe n cl e m m cla m y cla m y _ cl cohe n m y cla m c i} _{ m ohe nt f m ohe nt uf n u> t m t u> t m t uf eg !_ c s u>& !_ c s u>k om u>k om u>k p u>k p u> p t uf d u>? uf ut uf p u> t u> t uf e e t rmw u t t rmw o t rmw s t rmw - a t t rmw cl t rmw t rmw d t rmw o t rmw d t rmw d _ e T rmw n a T rm] rmw p pa T rm] t rmw w f c T du iv T du iv r p r i r { rd be r ok e r s p e.p .6 r k T sf cb tx _ t sf x t sf n e T o sf t xf t sf b t o o- c e di c e t pl t e t o di c spl t t o k t o t o u d t o 64 t o d t ze 9 t t u d t 64 t w 14 t o o- _ t o o-_o s t o o- iz im t o o-_%t t lr d t e t o cb t o ok t / _i t be i tg d sh_%di tg d sh_%d" e tg d sh_%di i tg d sh_%di e tg d sh_%d" tg d sh_%d" e tg d sh_%di r t tg d sh_%d" be tqemu e tqemu e tqemu tqemu p l tqemu a e tqemu e tqemu tqemu r t tqemu _ tqemu p be cs ; t,e c m s i cs ; oku b t ? cs ; ok Z ds cs eh_]` > scs eh_]` > scs d p md > scs d p m r > sc m d l \(scs d p md \(scs d p m r \(sc m d l \(scs eh_]` \ scs eh_]` \ scs d p md \ scs d p m r \ sc m d l c o _{ o|* c o co|* cs hos { o|* cs co|* cs co|* c co|* c co|* cs hos cmd o cs { co|* cs d e cs Z h o|* cs vp y cs vpd e cs ; ? cs ; ok cs ; !t cs ; f _e _;e cs ; oku b t ? T f _e _;e Z ds cs d p md Z ds cs d p m r Z ds c m d l c hos cmd o cs co|* cs j p cs full c o| i cs oy o| i cs d p md cs hos s cs hos m cs i hos ;e c ho cs hos ? cs hos w h cs hos { cs hos cls e cs hos !t cs c cs hos ok cs w k cs fl h_w k cs hos e cs )ho s cs ho s cs n b i _ n o|*. pr .4 c dium cs i t sa a c s `y r co na c r co|* c r c - s h c -'ult c r $ult cs d s f m c -_ d se c r s s h c md r s s h c r co|* cs cod~ s c r s se c r s se c ize cs b"s t cs a b"s am c p ; $ cs ; $ cs eh cmnd cs eh h md c p b ' c p ; $ c ' p v d co|* c s c d cs ild s cs b wh s _ r s cs eh p mnd cs eh e cs h* m cs h* full cs t $ cs b ' cs hos $ h_ do e c ' p v cs s s f fld cs n m iz~ se c o| n m iz~ se c @ k se c eh mnd cs eh_ y u.p .13 cs eh ur cs eh ; cs eh s cs eh_]` c }u eh cs eh cm d cs t cs y md cs eh l h q cs c d pos i cs eh^s se cs r _h*l cs ll b y cs b s cs ;~ cs u cs ut q cs d~ se cs t y _ { cs d~e ct cs r _ e cs ; $u t; $um fn c co|* _ s& cs t i ce cs t $u cs n _; b t; b cs n _; b t; b cs k om g cs k om g c cul b nc lim cs {_ e cs )cm rh c g e c p k cs )sgt c g_{ c fn _ s& i cs ; 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Te<' hw g s aft Yk@ Te<@ f _Yk Te< hy u %t eg Te< h hw' Te< hy' Te< h fo Te<_v mdi t Te< a p m Te< u Yk Te<_) p m ams Te<_v p m@ ksum Te<_ p m Te<_ d p m@ ksum Te< a m _ Te<_h h Te<+ Te<_)hw Te<_ vfta Te< u d Te< u d Te<_ Te<_ o Te<' ap ve Te<_ d ap ve Te< b j s Te<^ fo Te<_ mng ru <^pa ep am <^msg v < msg v <^ g l <^ p l <^r p am < <^ss c nt <^co ce <^ hto s < phy t g t n_ < h d ceiv < hy' cl * rs <^ gs < c+ s <_Y < pa ep am < r p am <^ p m < p m <^Yk < ]y' <^ v fo < s t s <^s t s <_w _ cl i 10 < w < co ce <^s s <^w < ph b < i _ Te< hto _ s < hw e ph 82571 < d0_lplu 82574 < d3_lplu 82574 < d0_lplu 82571 < _vfta_82571 <@ mng_ 82574 <_ _82574 <_ nv 82571 <_v nvm@ ksu 82571 <^cfg 82571 <^hw e ph 82573 < nv 82571 <^hw e ph 82571 <_ nv 82571 < a m _ _82571 < u Y 82571 <^hw e ph 82574 < _hw n 82571 <_)h 82571 < p Y 82571 <@ f Y 82571 < u b Y 82571 <^v i t 82571 <_v i f%l 82571 <_ d nvm@ ksu 82571 < d n hy p 82571 < hw e ph 82574 Te<@ k h 82574 Te< laa 82571 Te<~ laa 82571 <' h 82571 < ~wfl _ h8l <@ mng_ h8l <@ mng_ p l <@ k' b h8l < md" l _ hv < lplu p l <_ nv h8l <_i )p l < u d l < u d l <_ l <_ o l < l h yc ) h8l < l h yc h8l <_ fl h h8l < a fl h _ h8l <_ ~wfl _ h8l <_ ~m <_v nvm@ ksu h8l < nv h8l <_ nv h8l <^ f h8l < _hw n h8l <_oe b s/ g_ h8l .p .5 <_g hw hy/ g_ h8l <_v i f%l h8l < u h8l <_ _ h8l <_ o _ h8l < p Y h8l < u Y h8l < d n hy p h8l <_ fl h _ h8l . pr .19 < fl h yt h8l <_v i nv b t h8l < a nv h8l <^cfg h8l <_ d nvm@ ksu h8l <^v i t h8l Te gur k1_ h8l <_k1_ g_w k n hv < os phy' h8l < h hw' h8l <_)h h8l <' h h8l <@ f p Y h8l Te< rx_ to h h8l Te<_lv_jumb w k n h8l Te< p t nv h8l Te<~ kmrn_ s w k n h8l Te< g nshif w k n h8l Te< igp3 hy d n_w k n h8l < d3_lplu h8l < d0_lplu h8l <^Y u f h8l Te< p w k nd h8l Te<'um w k nds l <^c l g _8 03 2l <_ nv 8 03 2l < ~wfw yn 8 03 2l < nv 8 03 2l < ph 8 03 2l <_ ~wfw yn 8 03 2l <_ ph 8 03 2l <^cfg 8 03 2l < h f c~p d l _8 03 2l < a m _ _8 03 2l < _hw n 8 03 2l <^v i t 8 03 2l <_ nv 8 03 2l < a kmrn g_8 03 2l <_ phy g_gg82563_8 03 2l < hy g_gg82563_8 03 2l <' h 8 03 2l <^Y u f 8 03 2l < d n hy p 8 03 2l <_ kmrn g_8 03 2l < fg_ _Y u 8 03 2l <_)h 8 03 2l < p Y 8 03 2l Te<~ u g Te< fo [e Te< l _i mul p[e Te< l _ p t Te< _vfta_g Te<_ vfta_g Te< r Te< )rx_ s Te<@ m _ _g Te< d m _l g Te< c _hw n b e Te<~ u b Yk Te< g l i g Te<~ f w m ks Te<~ u Y g Te< f c m c Te< g aft Y Te< f p Yk Te< f _ b Yk Te< f Yk Te< sp d l p Te< sp d l _ b Te< p hw e pho Te< hw e pho Te< %t r d e Te< v i f%lt Te< i )g Te< c u g Te< bY g Te< _g Te< o _g Te<~ p[ Te< d p[ Te< $ ap ve Te< d ap ve < ng_ hos if Te< mng_ g Te< tx k lt Te< mng_ dhc fo Te< mng ru <_l e lk < hif e s < *b nvm Te< p l_e wr e Te< nvm Te< nvm Te< a nv e d Te< nvm pi Te< ba _g Te< a m _ _g Te< v nvm@ ksu g Te< d nvm@ ksu g Te< a nv g Te< k' b g Te< ph Te< phy' dsp Te< hy g d Te< phy g d _e< hy g_igp _e< phy g_igp <_ c s h g g hv Te< hy g 88 Te< phy g 88 Te< p igp Te< hy g_igp Te< hy g_ig } Te< phy g_igp Te< phy g_ig } Te< a kmrn g Te< a kmrn g_ } Te< kmrn g Te< kmrn g_ } Te< p Yk u 82577 Te< c p Yk u igp Te< ph f c~p d l Te<~ d3_lplu Te< d nshift Te<@ k m88 Te<@ k igp Te<@ k ife Te< ph ha Y g Te<~ p Yk Te< ph f c~p d l _igp Te< h f c~p d l _ife Te< c l g 88 Te< c l g _ig 2 Te< ph f m88 Te< ph f igp Te<^ph f ife Te< phy w' Te< ph hw' g Te< cfg e Te< ph )scr igp3 Te< ph t, f Te< t m ph d$s Te<_ ph ]` g_ c bm Te< ph ]` g_ c bm <_ c s h ]` g m Te< phy g m Te< hy g m Te< hy g m2 Te< phy g m2 _e< hy g_hv _e<_ phy g_hv Te< hy p Te< d n hy p Te< co| phy Te< c p Yk u m88 Te< ph f c~p d l 88 Te< hy g_hv Te< hy g_hv_ } Te< hy g hv Te<_ phy g_hv Te<_ phy g_hv_ } Te<_ phy g hv Te<_Yk _w k n hv Te<@ k 82577 Te< h f c~p d l _82577 Te<^ph f 82577 Te<^c l g _82577 <^s t s <^pa ep am <^msg v < msg v <^ g l <^ p l <^r p am < < ss c nt < phy <^co ce <^rxnfc <^ hto s t g t n_ <^ gs <_Y < c+ s < s t s < pa ep am < r p am < p m <^ p m < ]y' < w <^ v fo < co ce <^s s <^w < i _ Te<~ hto _ s <_ } gur m x <_ q_ <_ d i <_vl +x_ v < +x+ < hy <_i < u <_ d ph fo <_w dog < x_ t < d rd ] <_{+x u s <_{_jumb rx u s <_{+x u s s _e<_ yb o tx < d s Te< s64 < r h h g < d pm < x_o <_ <_ < q < d nshif w k nd < m <+x@ ksum <_{+ 48 < d n hy < fl h_ cr t s < d ph t k < tx f 54 < x+ < x_ q <_ x x < <_)m e il y t.p .55 <_ q <_ x+x < p l < o l ~hu n <_xm f < _jumb rx_ q < +x_ q < +x_ q s Te< $ r cap il y Te<~ r cap il y < q Te< hw/ Te< hw/ <_vl +x_kill_v <_ d mng_vl <_w dog k <~ rx_ gu Te<~ u tx' Te<~ u rx' Te< tx' Te< rx' Te< p hy Te< $ <_" $ <_ Te< <'u <_"'u Te< d n <_i r _ t d <@ g mtu < se _e< hu n. pr .66 < hu n < p& Te< ) } <' t k < fe u$ ky2_ ms ky2 f _ ky2+x_ p kb x rss ky2_vl _ ky2^w ky2^msg v ky2 msg v ky2^ss c nt ky2^pa ep am ky2^r p am ky2^ g l ky2^ p l ky2 fe u$ ky2 %x ky2_ r ky2^ s ky2 mul ca ky2+x ky2 m _ d$s ky2 _ ky2_ x e u$ ky2 p l ky2_w dog ky2_h r ky2 x_ t ky2+x ky2 s ky2+x_{ ky2+x_ p kb ky2_{+x kbs ky2 w ky2^ v fo ky2 tx wd ky2 x_ p 46 ky2 x o l e ky2_xm f ky2 hy p d ky2_ ky2^s s ky2^ gs ky2 u q ky2 hz 54 ky2' ky2 co ce ky2^co ce ky2 p m _gm hy tgm h e ky2 hy ky2 h ky2_h d n ky2_ n ky2 p& ky2 hu n ky2 se ky2_i ky2_ d ky2 phy ky2_Y ky2 h ky2^ hto s ky2+x ubm ky2+x ky2@ g mtu ky2^s t s ky2 hy ky2 pa ep am ky2 ]y' ky2 s t s ky2_h ky2_ _ ky2'u ky2 ky2_ ky2 r p am ky2 l ky2^ p m v xrx_g v h r v rx v tx v rxtx f ze v m hw v_ d pa e v^ g l v^r p am v^pa ep am v_ x e u$ v m _ v ' v xrx' r s v ap d v_ o ' d v_)tx v_{+x v_{+x_ miz} v_)r v^w v^ gs v_vl _ v rx ll v q v w v_ d s v o s l v^ s64 v^ v fo v xm miz} v xm v ap v_ txskb 41 v x v +xtx v _ q_ v^ss c nt.p .43 v^ss c nt v_?l 44 v+x miz} v q u h r s. pr .62 v^ hto s v^s s i rw t) 8201 hy' v c Yksp d. pr .61 v o rx v mul ca v m _ d$s v o tx v o rxtx v se v p& v hu n v_ g yb o ' d v x miz} v x e v_ d Yksp d v_Yk v api l v^s t s v x_ t v _ q_ miz} v _ q h v_ q v q v b v_ v'u v fe u$ v pa ep am v ]y' v s t s v@ g mtu v r p am v > v n l v l/ l 8139^msg v 8139 msg v 8139^ g l 8139^ss c nt 8139^ hto s 8139^s s 8139_ r_ 8139@ ' 8139 w 8139^w 8139 rx_ 8139 p& 8139 m _ d$s 8139 l 8139^Yk 8139 ]y' 8139^ v fo 8139 s t s 8139^s t s 8139^ s64 _i 8139 xm 8139 se 8139^ gs d" di e 8139_ r t 8139 l/ l 8139 fe u$ 8139 x_ t 8139_hw 8139'u 8139 h 8139_ _ ephy phy phy _w1w0 hy di e d" 8169 bi' p& 8169_xmii' p& 8169 b Y ok 8169_xmi Y ok 8169 bi' 8169_xmii' + 8169 w 8169^ g l 8169_ x e u$ + 8169 fe u$ 8169_gs i 8169^msg v 8169 msg v 8169^ss c nt _ eph b 8168 3_hw hy/ g 8169_i b i _w p k 810x ll _)rxcfg 8168d h jumb 8168d h jumb d rx x_ c s 8169+ m 8168 ef _ephy _eph e _eph 8169 d" 8168d 2 d" 8169 di e 8168d 1 di c s 8168d 1 di e 8168d 1 d" 8169^s t s 8169 fe u$ k 8169 sp xmii 8169 sp i _appl rm] h w k }u t k 8169 h m 8169 x_ t 8169^ gs 8169 w 8169_ d c nt s 8169^ hto s 8169^ v fo 8169_gs xmii 8169_ r t 8169 p l rx_ _hw 8169 x f m c tweak 8168 h jumb 8168 h jumb d 8168 h jumb 8168 h jumb d 8168 0_h jumb 8168 1_h jumb 8168 0_h jumb d 8168 1_h jumb d c + _hw 8168cp + 8169^w 39 8169^w 8169^s s _xmi i 8169_ tx kb 50 8169 x + _hw 8105 1 54 8169+x 8169 l 8169 sp d p d n 8169 s t s _ e. pr .73 _w1w0_ i. pr .71 + m _ d$s + 8169@ Yk s c t p . pr .77 8168 ll d n 8169 s p& 8169+ m~ p& 8169 p& 8168d 2 di e 8169@ g mtu 810x ll d n + 8169'u _hw 8101 8168 ll 8169^ s64 8169_)phy 8169+ m $u 8169'u 8169_hw' l _(w k hu n 8169 se ' w k 8169 xm _hw 8168 _ o du| g iz f m om n ks t| i om t| i om a $u T om t dia@ g} T)c om o|* o d fo o dia_ t o r*o o _ e om e o a o d~ se o mrw b pc o i mrw _ e o d~e ct om w ze o i _v t| i om la msf t| i om la :k o i la msf o i _v c l t| i o v u o i ^sub nl t| i vd uct h f _%di d c.p .4 o i la k d T om om c _h*l o dia@ g} om a m h o numb of o fo. pr . o l t t| i o n t| i o l t t| i om a d t| i om ub n o mr o mr _ e o _ e o om r fo. pr .17 om c _ fo om@ om dda_ d t| i om a %d" t| i v % o i cm[a^s k cm[a s k k s p& cc d cm[a cm[a ~ k cm[a ~ k cl s cm[a s cm[a s u k $ k s k e ly'u cm[a k 'um q cm[a' c d k shu n k s t k e k l $u cc dd cm[a k cm[a_ k cm[a^s k b nr cm[a k u t cm[a k 'u cm[a k p q cc d $ e cc d ej t cc d s t cc d-' e cc d-_ q k cc d- d m cc d-_vcc cc d-_vpp cc d q k cc d c d m cc d-_v t e cc d- ,e cc d f d k cc d fs ~ k db / g_ q_* ls b e cm[a iv cm[a ne cm[a_ iv cm[a f c cm[a_ 'u cm[a_ p& cm[a d e cm[a_; e cm[a_; p be cm[a i m cm[a u u t cm[a_; y cm[a_ a rm] cm[a u m cm[a y b t d i - 4- 3- 2- 1- - > - - cm[a-' c- cm[a pm cm[a ~ k cm[a 'u cm[a p& cm[a_; d cm[a d cm[a u d cm[a e cm[a- m cm[a y cm[a u e ly'u cm[a cm[a_ $ t cm[a 'um c b cm[a p& b cm[a_ g y cm[a_ m e cm[a_ xu vpp cm[a_ xu i cm[a w d t " p e cm[a_ ;e t{_" p e cm[a " cm[a q cm[a cl iv q cm[a / g y cm[a_v m cm[a m cm[a w d cm[a gur i cm[a ;e cm[a u q cm[a u q s~ s s p cm[a s t [ p t c e. pr .2 T [ m cm[a i m t e cm[a_ [ m T oy e Tv ify e cm[a pl c cc d c cc n t cc rs t cc t d cc v c cc d- cm[a / g cm[a o t cm[a t cm[a m cc d a t cc o t cm[a_ / g cm[a_ o t cm[a^t cm[a^m m T _ t " cm[a_ k $ e $ db t v u v m h ksum _ db _i db t i db t laim . pr .6 cm[a_ ign v m m be t db cm[a _v m _ " t ca_ ew ty ta^ ty ta p ty ta i p ty ta_ g ty ta k p& t _ t _ov ri = 97_ov ri = 95_ov ri ty ta b h*l _y ta s ty ta_ 'um q t 12xx_ r ty ta_ p q ty ta_ r t ty ta_ r w pp t av t t _zoo vi o t 1250_zoo vi o oh_zoo vi o = 97_zoo vi o t t br to2m r ov ri to2m oh ty ta s k oh av oh_ov ri ty ta b q t 3x_ov ri ty ta p ty ta ty ta b c q t 12xx_2nd e ty 8 t 12xx hook t 12xx_ r t 12xx_ov ri t 1250_ov ri t ov ri T ifnu t if T u t t t pa T b d _ b^ a_ cr t T b f e T b T b t o t haw t 'u t o t eze t p& t o l e t b t t _u t T b^ T b^ T ; f ' T b^cur n f m numb T { ohe nt T b cohe nt f e T b s t t b u fy T {_ t cur v m NOTATTACHED ub w m' i d hub d n u i tk khubd T ]`u c i T $ ;e T hub T o hu s p ub p fe u p d ub fe u u hub T b ; ub w k T ep0 ub e t w k u v ub os $ u )f c3 u )f c2 ub' $u ub'u u q t um ;e ub $ ub d ub g n t ub t b' v if ;e T b' ;e T k khubd T b ;e T hub laim t T hub p t T hub T ; i n} T b n t u i ce ub r $ ub p& ub n t ub be T b e ;e ub h T % iz ;e T % iz ;e T b s p& T b $u T hu T hub T hcd@ Y urb T { ams T b ams T hc rim hcd T b T hc q T hc Y urb ep T hc Y urb ep T b c u T b _ T b^hcd t hos % ize f%l s h T hc i} cd e T b hcd T b sha hcd T b hcd t hos % ize f%l o t b T b hcd T hcd l f m hu n c { ohe nt T hc urb u f T hc urb T hc urb T hc veb urb T hcd l+h h_ m f c T hcd t b+h_ur e T hcd ubm urb T hc Y urb T hc fl h_&po T hc { *w T hc d &po T hcd' &po T hcd yn r iz Yks T hc f m numb Thc b 'u Thc b p& T po _urb T b urb T _e ty T )urb T {_urb tur oy T b urb T b^urb T _urb T po _ o urbs T b ubm urb T Y urb T ] _e t t _ _urb T _urb T b^f T Y o urbs T b cu= o urbs T kill_urb T kill_ o urbs T b o _urb T b o _ o urbs t ap b o g t b ] urb T b/ sg t b^s t b ub T b^ T b ul msg T r msg g o l e T b g_ T b g c T b g_] T b^ cr t T b T b' &po T b _h t t _e s _e s t b f e t i>u t _ $ ;e T iv gur i T b ~ T b^; cr t T b &po T b f e T b ;e T &po T f e T b f e T b' gur i T b gur i t iv g_w k t b ;e T b ne t ne T iv lai f e T b ; iv t b b ;e T ; iv T b iv t T t u t t b'um f e 17 t b f e T iv f e T b _;e T b _ T b _ t b ynam _ t b b f e t ; m T b ce b T b b T b p& T b'um co l e T b'u T b f c e n cr t . pr .4 T oy/ gur i T b^ gur i T b bo cr t T b^bo cr t t t T b t b l s T T j _ T j Thc oy Thc Thc { Thc e t _ v ib t _ s _ v ib _avo ' k _ ks _ x ild _v _ p h _ num num p d MaxP Size0 NumC gur i s D eP t D eSubCl s D eCl s cdD e _ P duct _ V& _urbnum MaxP mAt i t C gur i V ue NumInt f / gur i _ia bF c P t _ia bF c SubCl s _ia bF c Cl s _ia bInt f eC nt _ia bF Int f e _ d i Int f eP t Int f eSubCl s Int f eCl s NumEndpo Alt n S t Int f eNumb _ f ~ i duct uf tu r p t %tos p& t b o avo ' k bC gur i V ue p t _% iz} o t _% iz}- t a cr t s T b ~ f _ s T b s f _ s T b s f _ s T b ~ f _ s ; e _e di c _e t,e _e v _e wMaxP Size _e bInt v _e bmAt i t _e bEndpo Add$s _e bL g T b e s T b e s t bf c m e t iv be t iv p& t iv 'u _ t t yn ?co l } t e t b _ls k ync t b _ sco l t b laim h k d ep 17 h k l [p t o ync 18 t o yn _ f e t iv d n t t b e t b e t b o fy o urb t ync o l } _? iv 22 t b l t b _i T " T b fy T fy T b o f ;e T b o fy ;e T b o f b T b o fy b tg 'u tg p& tg n t T b@oos gur i tg be T t ks t ; p l t ; ls k t ; du t ; T bfs/n t T hcd [ hu n o i o| _hs o i T hcd [ be T hcd [ e cd ['um q t$um co| cd [ o cd ['u h o hub p d cd [ p q cd [ p& t f%l a t f%l t f%l ls k t b nt t bfs-_ s s t m nt t bf o . pr .14 t bf mk d. pr .13 s t bf ll T bf d sp i t bf fy T bfs o l e o l e ubm r ubm r ubm ubm u u s ve 1 o fy Tm d Tm l Tm u ok a e a a ct r t co l e subm s 10 a d 12 e a ] 16 a u a t Tm d Tm l Tm _v _ _v se p t l _{ u _ _v %lt f f _ t o l e ubm _] t 13 l h _ r e _i Tm _ d Tm _ l Tm _ T am ut T am Zd@ s fo T b xh[ t am k ll T am k ll T am k ll_ T xh[ Tuh[' hc Tuh[@ *' hc T i p sw xh[ T i _lp sw xh[ T i w xh[ t g_lpm se t g_lpm h[ h ov h[ a f m x h f "d _ s tqh_ oy h urb e so e e h hub u d t ll "d u so e { _uf m p "d _ x o i t uf m p "d _ x t g_lp e t g se t{ u t g t g "d _ t g_ yn t g_ ut tqh f$h 31 tqt l e 32 "d sh 33 n 42 h[ Y h t t co i *sha` 43 tqh_Y ync h[ o l e h h t 44 *shak _ r h t h j p ]`u fl s.p .46 tqt ll 47 h i ce h k "d.p .49 h[ 51 tqh o s so am ut c e li s h m t m t Y ync t Y ync h iaa_w dog t Y ync h &po d p "d .p .55 t p "d h qt { 61 h qh_{ tqh_ur s tqh_Y 67 t ll_ ync u so a Zd bg o| f. pr .71 h r h[' bg u f. pr .73 tqh_app s bg f. pr .78 h hub/ h b 'u h[ p .p .59. pr .77 t ll h d ;e h[ [ p& = l i .p .41 so am }u h }u tqh }u h ur e t _ }u h &po $ h ur e h[ hu n h w k h b p& h w dog h[ h[ ['u h q h[ [ }u = ll toh f toh n toh zfm toh toh toshiba cc t g se toh dum k toh[ [ p& t ll "d u t{ u t g t g "d _ t g_ yn t g_ ut toh[ hu n = e turb priv d }u toh hub/ toh amd7 k p& toh amd756 toh ns = d e 30 t yb pr }s _li 35 t ll_ ync u toh dum o ub. pr .42 toh ur e toh du t ll toh du 34 toh r toh[ toh toh[ [' t Y w dog c h_urb =a`b l li h_ Yks toh rh p& toh b p& toh[ toh rh'u toh b 'u toh hub u d toh[ ['u toh n _w k toh q toh ur e toh &po d tuh g_ls k h' gur hc t rh tuh hc f m numb tuh g e tuh[' v b*w tuh Z h p& t y t ve tuh fsbr_ t t]`u rh tuh rh'u tuh[@ k tuh v qh tuh tuh qh pr k tuh hub/ tuh hc &po d tuh[ ['u tuh[ [/ gur hc tuh[ [ p& tuh g tuh[ [@ *' hc tuh[ [' hc tuh xu togg s 22 tuh p tuh cur n f m numb tuh hc i} tuh[ hu n tuh[ ['um t r t b k tuh[- d 31.p .32 tuh[- c.p .34 tuh k qh_ tuh urb w t fsbr tuh { d 38 tuh[ ubm co| tuh[ g b p i b k tuh urb riv tuh[@ b*w tuh[-_qh tuh[ pr s }u tuh g_ tuh[ tuh Y qh tuh veb urb tuh[ c }u p rh tuh rh p& tuh hub u d tuh[ tuh q tuh ur e tuh ur e tuh[ t :p l t :p ubm t : lk t : l e t :p p& t :p-_i 1284_ t :p p t t :p l sg t :p ; t : i t : w] t : e t :p t : t : d n t t :p be t : t :p'u t :p e os fo t x t s _ x t s = { lav gu lav { ' t; $ t o|* _ fo o| t T b p ; $ T b p b ' T b _ spa n sc o|* T b _ c xf f T b xf f T b 12 o|* T b _u o|* t b o t b sg o| T b / sg T b _h t s t _h s.p .3 t p urb'ult T b l_ sf T b ul sf f t b ul sf gli .p .5 T b ul sf g t b ' co| . pr .6 T b _Bulk' T b _CB' T b ulk rb T b _CB_ sp t T b _Bul sp t T b o sp t T b _Bul x_l T b $ T b _ vok sp t T b r $ T b p& T b 'u T b ' $u T b os $ t b c w k t b $ t ll_ y'p se.p .15 T ll_ y'p se t b / h T b n t t y T b be1 T b be2 t p be T b _e cs T b _ucr61s2 T b _huawe e220_ _ u i T T u @ t,e t u n t t u be t u b t u^bi t u bi T u p$ t T u $ t T u _ign ;e T b p d T p sc co to c t p f%l ?`yco t p p _; l t p ogg t p p t T p h*l f _e _h* T p `yco T p s `yco t p pea `y T p g ;e T p fl h_;e T p h* t p s t p p& _ p ;e T p ;e T p _;e T p c s ;e T p h* t p t p e t p pr d ia b s t p pr d i t p -_ d i t p -_i v t p -_ duct t p -_i v& t p -_i ,e t p -_ iq t p - h t p - a T p { ;e T p ;e t p t _h*l T p h*l T p ;e T p h*l t p p _h*l t p p _;e t p h*l s - t p h*l s t p ; t p ` .p .6 T p $ ;e t p 'u T p {_ s fo t p h* t T p t T p j t T p s s ams t p pr b p t p u(b v t p _u t t p - ap w t p - a t p - ap nd t p - a d t p - a msc t p - a s t p - ap l t p - a `y t p - a t p - r T p s cap il y t p _ t p h*l s t p ; t p s r b p t p ; - t p f%l s `yco T p ;e T p (f T p _e f T p (t T p m oy T p m p f nt T p m p po emul i T p m )s T p m p s T p _ T p _ oy T p T p _ t t e t T p _ e l h_e l > oy tappl v e l }u m l > T p m ss l la e l f ga l f layb l_e m T p { p ;e T p p ;e t p p l ^m t p p l ^ x t p p l ^p l t p c s p ;e t p p l _ w k t p p l p l t p ;e t p p ; w k T p ;e T p ;e se se l se ync se e se s ;e se _ _;e se _ e se se o fy s se _ t se _ t li t 8 se e se _ se se se _ oy se n t se /n t t l t ync t e t l h t _h* `yco t _h* `yco v2 t _h* s `yco t _h* s `yco v2 t _ e t t t t _ t t t n t t /n t t _ t li t 10 t _ t 13 t _i t e t be t t r t Tr a Tr _ye a Tr _ m t Tr _v i Tr t Tr t k Tr _k m t _; e Tr _; Tr _; + a Tr a Tr _ d q Tr |ss Tr a m Tr _ q Tr _ q_ Tr l + Tr l s se Tr _ q Tr Tr _ i iz m + m. pr . _ m e _ m e Tr m Tr _ q_ Tr _ d q_ Tr _ q q + a m Tr _h* g q Tr _ai d q Tr _ui d q Tr i d q Tr _ m d w k Tr _ m Tr _ m Tr _ m c _ l _ ync _ _ _ _i _ e _ Tr _ pa Tr _ _ ;e Tr _ _ l_;e e _ - Tr _ ;e Tr _ l_;e fs x_ q fs ]` m fs-_]` m fs-_hctos fs-_ x_ q fs- c ep h fs-_ fs- fs- a Tr f ;e Tr f l_;e s@ k q r t do hu n nv e nv m _]k o _h*l _]k s fs s s a m s a s p& s l f m hu n s np hu n s np p& s'u s np'u q_ . pr .8 s m q_ 2 v ify li t 2 g y'u 2 g y p& 2 ;~hu n _i2c@ y u|y be u|y e 2c md 2 ; pm o 2 ; p aw 2 ; pm'u 2 ; e 2 ; p be 2c li e 2 ; u t _ d i a 2 apt 2 apt 2c@ mux a n 2c@ y 2c li o|* 2 ;e _ du|y _ li t 2 apt e 2c f l ;e 2c l_ apt s e apt 2c _e _ 2 l_ iv 2 cli t 2c cli t 2 y apt 2 sf 2 & 2 cv 2c^ apt 2c apt 2c e ;e 2c e du|y 2c f ne ;e 2c ew be ;e 2c apt 2 apt 2 ; pm o 2 ; p eze 2 ; pm p& 2c@ mux@ild n s e iv 2 numbe apt 2 l_ apt 2c iv 2 ; m 2c m msg 2c m xf 2 f%l p be 2c apt ne apt ne iv 2c b f k 2c mb a by 2c m by 2c mb a byt d 2c m byt d 2c mb a w d 2c m w d 2c mb s 2c mb a b d 2c m b d 2c mb a i2c d 2c m i2c d f c 2c clhi 2c p 2 2c t nak t d$s xf _i2c b 2c b 2c numbe b 1 c 1'u 1 p& 1@ k 1@ k o 1_ s .p .4 1_ c s ply b t y@ g} ply@ g} pl a i pli} pl y em pli} pl y em pli} pl a i pli} pl m _; b na ply@ w k pl b na ply s ply@ w k pl e ply pl pl _i v ib ply pr ty ply- r ty pl ) s pl u t pl d ds ply igg s ply igg s tg d sh_ ^pr ty tg d sh t pr ty tg d sh t y e tg d sh t r t tg d sh t y be t m _z ; p ve t m o _; cur s t m o _; x s t m o _; t,~ v~ t d~ t - =,~ t i t i T m _z b d o _;e T m _z b d o _;e t m o _; cur o t o - t o t,~ t m e t o T m _g n Y t t m o _; o s T m o _; T m o _; t m _z ;~ p l T m _z ; d t m _z ; k v o T m _z ; T m _z ; Tmd / } c 1 sum Tm eg y Tm eg r m m ull- t d i d ks ? o dia@ g} d v d a p l Tbi { d d i uct Tb" l md Tm i b" Tm ne t Tm ]`u Tmd 'u Tm i b b Tmd p& fl h d ubm fl h md _ ubm fl h k d d b b s d b s Tr b s Tm fl h lugg plug e Tmd @ k lugg} Tmd _ d d Tm r _ T md s y T md s y ync " i o l e Tmd Tmd y t s t g d- p hi- p - ync- ync c p l- yn x- ync - m n s t - t x c d a r s- t y s af lay- iz~ to s s t r s- t s iz~ ai d ks- t t x c d a r s o t r s o h k iz o ai d ks o ay o p o p hi o p o t$hap pos i o to s o t$ync o t x ync o ync o b to t s t cov y o ync c p l o 1_v 90 ync 90_v d _ laye l e laye l e d s d afe t o d _ _ - Tmd Tm Tm ] f e r t$hap pos i - t y iz o t d ze t y b s o tubb o b s- tubb- b- _ o t r t v o e t fo d _ Tm b s Tr b b s Tm d ~ync Tm Tmd@ n b p t x ync- ync o l }- ync p d- t y iz~ t cov y s s - t$ync s h k iz~ ay s t v - yn x o ync o d ut d iz o - Tm do ync { d be t na y o d e d Tm & b o o d r ; Tm r t 1 ync t b r y i ;e r y d - t a d k b. pr .59 1_ 90_ Tmd e Tmd ] 1+ iz 90+ iz d sb t ap ync h t o Tm _ e Tmd@ k cov y iz o d o Tmd o fy boot d ly s t l c } af lay o T b c s Tm %to t t p r md e o o d k o d k Tm r m r t y o i t o eh e }' s b p n p e c nt Tb p sync p m b s Tb & ync Tb p s~ync Tb p e t b e Tb & e Tb p/ & ync t b e - h k z~ g- t i - o g o t o t s h k z o s !t e t e 17 eh e }- - o Tb d sb k k t p e Tb plug Tb Tb p r sb Tb Tb daem _w k Tb d t b s Tb fl h Tb oy Tb p t i o Tb p m h_u t m u u( u( p fo rq_ p fo : ? o ; na m ut t _ :k se d p d ly _; b y t " bi uct rq i uct t{_ o m )m e t& l b" t(c b t o e t e rq "/s uct t fs m fn fl h p& kill_ pp} t& l m pp} m of rq e t c & _ b" l &" l d nt f _ liv t m g bv y/ } ll b y pl * b" m wq_w k o y m o y m g o uls y ; m g o uls y m m t,e m t,e m m t,e m t,e i|ut t t,e m u m e mdp m mdp ? : md m fn kobj u t n u(s (nr ] t u( d d k kobj t f kobj t m p md : i oy oy o im di m ] t m p& m'u m p d { o s m o s t ? t !t m hif g t ze t; fl h ap t; i n t t; i r*om t t t c b s t md t; d c d ap vc{ t {_ gv t{ ?s m a g_gr p m ; lim s t; a a_i v m/sum gs t t t _ . pr .12 ;e m a g m ;e t c t oy m pl gs t t ? t t,e t i|ut t t,e t b } t { o s t m o s t m o s t co l e t (c b t t ? tv h dw g ignm t 8 t s p t fl h t _;e i t Z t ? m cul lim s t nu t ?s t ; t p$ p t ?s t po s p t ?s t $um t ?s t y/ } t b t ? t s p t d c ds t s $ s r r r_ p t t t,e m t ? t ? t t,e m t t,e t t e _ p e e _ ; e _i e e e Ye _ ; i h p t m " d t igg t c p m h ^uu l ^nam c l ; h h l ;e = m s e v ^n d v t _ t ; t p& y ams m _i v ^ fo = c v s = t na t o y t = ps _h h e t e h h t t i = t _] f m nam uu p e n p e v ^p e v p e tv n p e tk p e tk n p e " li c " li oy tv p e bi uct t&" p _" " i kc yd p c b h _i job tkc yd p o l job t{ l jobs w k e job kc y do b p _job egm co l e kc yd y kc y z o o l " li p kc yd li c kc yd li oy kc y p d- _uu - am~ - m f m f r, iv b d r, po s p& r, $u r, m r, ; r, p $u r, iv_lm w e r, iv ull_g r, iv_ v_g r, iv_ v_w e r, iv la 64_g r, iv la _g r, iv b g r, s ` cp r, s `y r, m s e r, iv bi r, r, iv_lm m r, bi uct r, c & r, iv_lm d r, iv_ v r, iv_lm e r, iv_lmk r, iv_ v r, d r, 12 r, &" r, iv_lmk o r, iv_lm g r, iv_ v_ tkcr,t " tkcr,t " r, v t tkcr, r, " ubm tkcr,t ync e r, p tkcr, r,t r, c r _ ; r r o s p& r 'u ail r t]`u m r d t b" p "s t laye ]k fn t c b t r t igg t t cov t cov y o l e r l h t]`u cov ] s hoos m r 8 b" r $ p& r _avail r _ " t b r r _ p m r ize $u fl h m k sync nt d t g ,e c d t g , ync ~ ync d t g ,e t,e d t g d t g_ oy k $yn w k d d t g , g/t 7 c k ail_ g_;e k'u d fl h rh o t rh i to rh /t rh^ _`y rh^ ize rh t g +h_ ok rh cov light rh l h m _h h m _h h_ oy rh cov y rh cov & rh_ c o l $yn w k rh_ d rh cov y rh cov y rh^ +h d rh_ c & rh_ lay rh sync rh cov y pa tz o tz p T} _h*l T} _ om _ s r T} ^s fs ubs T} s fs ubs ! q_ iv t ? ! q !_? ! q ! ut ! q_ ? ! q_ x ! q_ iv ?avg gov n ! q gov n ! q^p y ! q iv " lim c ur q c _ x q c q ! f s i _l cy ! f x q ! f m q t ~c sp d c _avail gov n s c _ iv ! q fs e ! q p'u ! q p p& t j jif .p .5 ! q ! q_ t rwse e t rwse e 13 t o ! q_ iv t ? ! q_gov n ! q p y t ~c _ x q t ~c q t ~c _gov n ! q_ _ f e ! q_ ! q_ iv ! q c sp d c _gov n p 23 l d p _a d p ! q_ gov n ! q o f s i ! q_? ! fo ur q ! q_ d p y * d ! q_? ! q d c! q ! q_gov n f m ce t sp c! q o ! q p d ! q_gov n _ sp e t i i b y t u $h d _i i b y sav bi _ign n a l n t _u $h d a l + a l + m t ~a l + ! q_gov n bs sav bia t ? db m t ign n t ~a l n t t p sav bi ! q c t c! fo ! q c t v ify ! q c t t ? ! q c t ! q c t p ! q c t _avail qs ! t ! t tk l_ ! ;e ! ;e ! d ;e ! d d c! ! pla ! t ! c ! _ h*l ! $um ! ;e ! _ h*l ! pa ! ;e ! w t ! iv ! iv ! iv ! sw _gov n ! gov n ! gov n ! s ! o t cur n gov n ! o ! s ur n gov n d e p e l cy ur n iv _avail gov n s t d ! s fs e ! s fs e c na ! f e ! f e ! d s fs ! s fs ! d fs ! ~ fs 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d" q d" lai q d" q t k t k t f di ; T| xu ;e T|c gp" T|c gpi e t|c ? t|c f t|c bg d u f t|c s t| " t| "s- t| csd e t| cs t| csd t|c bg d u ? 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kb pl b s kb h kb@ ksum kb * su b s kb * su k e k tail k he k tail r kb k Yk k app& k s t kb ull k im kb ull+csum kb ut kb pl kb y kb p* kb sum k w n_lr f w d kb d _k ~kb Tk ~kb kb he kb cyc kb cyc k k !r kb o l wif sum~kb kb ph kb u fs kb l e kb am tx skb y sk p he kb egm t kb {_he om _ sk im skb ull ail kb kb p f hift kb kb pl b s kb hift T mcp f m"v T mcp f m"v & T mcp to"v T mcp to"v & sum f m"v & Tv if "v m l kb cv m kb cv m t ceiv ]k f c kb d m kb d } k kill m kb d "v kb d m/s "v kb d f "v kb@ ksum o l he kb@ ksum o l e kb * su d m kb * su d "v k a ~p e k a ] n t k a ] m y k a kill_ k a ] c se k a r c oy cm & cmsg c t ds c f d Tgn s e Tgn s app Tgn Z h y Tgn s c y o Tgn s c y Tgn s b Tgn s r e t m Tg e m Tg _kill_ m Tg pl m Tg _ m _ ve t li T n n by {_g t li .p .0 t . pr .6 t n i s 3 T n subs T n ;e _ n i s T n ;e T n subs n ns T n n b fd ur v4 ephem ur pv6 e c numb ur v6 ephem ur i ur v6_ ur p e c numb kb l s t _ ^b x T ^b x+cu T ^b fl u # a # d a m iz fe u$ #e f kb e u$ #ap gr fl h #e f ap d T f f T of s of s t, x t @ g rx l s T ^fl s T gr p # fcn # to s64 # _ c m fe u$ kb x_h h T _ d _ p # oo s @ k T)du| n T ^ s _ ^b na T ^b nam u t,~ T ^b x T _? r byhwt,e T t,~ T ^b na T _?byhw +cu _ _? r byhwt,e # +x_h*l # T @ g n nam p e T n ; T n ; ; s # e u$@ # d @ _ s m y _ se t s m y T mtu T m _ d$s t _gso k uct #e f ap l #e f u tx_ k w n a o kb@ ksu h p k gso egm t kb^rxh h e f ceiv~kb #e f ceiv~kb b g api }u _ p m cu y yn r iz n T p # +x_h*l lb e m y tx_ t,~ _ t _ t,~ - of s - t r s t - of s _ e f }u #e >; t k g ' o s #ap f gs T t,~ T _v i na api o l e # b T _ # T se #e >rx T w d kb #e >rx i #api kb h T _k ~k q T _k ~k y #e >; t # +x su f%lt #e f ` sf T n r k # r k # _em g # _ t # # _ r # _w n # o ce # _ fo T{ qs ap g o l e. pr .96 T _g ceive #ap g ceive #api o l e rx_ T _{ a t ^v i na T n ; m y of s T n ; e T n #ap f g Z h #ap f gs kb #ap gr f gs # oo b e T @ g na T i T _h d xm T _ xm _ rx_ T rx_ _ _ T _ T p m cu y T mul _ @ g fl s _ o f fl s T @ g fl s t _if T _i _ d fe u$ # _ d fe u$ T l # @ g fe u$ T n ;e T n # + odo T _ $ c # _ iv na T hto _o Yk _ hto ^ss c nt _ hto ^fl s _ hto ^s t s _ hto fl s t hto co ce t hto r p am t hto n s t hto pa ep am t hto l h_;e t hto du t hto fe u$ t hto ^s t s t hto ^w t hto ^Yk t hto ^co ce t hto ^r p am t hto ^pa ep am t hto ^p t hto ^v ue t hto rxnfc t hto ' t hto ^fe u$ t hto ^ n s t hto ^dum fl t hto ^ v fo t hto ^ gs t hto ^dum d t hto ^ p m t hto p m t hto ^rxfh_ d t hto rxfh_ d t hto ^s s t hto ^rxnfc t hto ^ss fo t hto > t hto ^ s t hto hy t hto ^fe ur m k t hto fe u T _ hto _h _ T _u T _h l h T _ l h _h _ l_ T _uc l h T c l h T l t c _ t c - _h _ T _u d T d T _ _ T _ _ d T _ _ l _h _ l ul p T _ _ l ul p T _u l _h _ sync T _u sync T sync _h _ mul p T _ _ mul p _h ync T _uc ync T c ync T g b T l_g b s d c d kb s s f s { s oy s gc k s o g s c _ g s ifd n.p .7 s e s e s _ t T n ( T n ( ( s eigh a s eigh a s eigh a s #eigh #eigh _e eigh_ v eigh l ho eigh_ ll_ fo #eigh_ ok #eigh_ oku eigh be eigh_h h u eigh_h h_{ eigh xy s #eigh o a ut #eigh/n ut #eigh i c ut neigh_ e eigh a s _ eigh a s - #eigh c _ ql #eigh c _ eight: eight:_ ll ms eigh^ r 26 eigh^n 27 #eigh+* _ #eigh m { #eigh )n n Yk eigh_ l_ m #eigh_ oy neigh_ ok #eigh ms e eigh_ m eigh_(s& #eigh' v ut #eigh eigh um fo eight:_ ll_ fo. pr .42 eight: um fo eigh o fy. pr .43 #eigh_ d eigh u * e eigh l h_ 34 #eigh@ #eigh #eigh_(ns eigh_ d eigh _e e eigh "d _w k eigh+cu p ms eigh_ m h*l #eigh neigh_ ok #eigh_ifd n #eigh c #eigh neigh_ l e eigh_ l e Tr l_i } + l_af + l_a> Tr l_ Tr l_ Tr l_af Tr l_a> Tr l_ y + l Tr l l_Y ? + l_Yk Tr l_Yk + l_Y Tr l_Y +ta_ ll l um Tr l_ a Tr l o fy Tr l s r Tr Yk s Tr l c e fo Tr l Yk f lmsg ize l_ ll_iZfo l c l_ lYk l_?Yk l um iZfo Y v Tr l_ Tr l_ Tr l_Y n o Yk tv Ykmsg l Yk + l_ Y v sg Tr Yk & Tr sg_iZfo Tr l/ gur Yk l ewYk Y t # r im T _ T 4 t T 6 t T p to sum pl e4 Tm t kw kw _urg t.p .6 kw }u w k _Ykw + _ e kw _ t TYkw _ r t TYkw TYkw + _ e lt u k@ lt t _ lt t _ lt Tbp> n _ o neg_h p r _ lt lt di @ k ookie di av cookie di m fo di co di _ co di di _ oy di +cv di _ di +cv sg l gc k l ne h hrnd l g b e 7 l ~hr k 9 Tfl ok l fl h kl Tfl fl h l fl h k Tfl fl h_ f d h g tx_ l _ - _ o g b ur n ns i s n Y ns nam p e ql-_ flight ql-_lim x iw e i m c iw i iw gm t iw r,t i nw i e i v i Yk iw gr p tx_ l fl s mtu m t ri Y t,e iZ x ifYk _ _l _ gn ,e ql h ql-_h ql ql lim m ql lim x ql lim _ t _ _ e h g gr p h g fl s h g mtu ca _ d$s # l s # l s - 7 _gr p x_ l l s tu _Y ,e _iZ x _ifYk _ _ _ _l _ _ gn ,e twi ss- _iw e _i m c _iw i _iw gm t _iw r,t _i nw _i e _i v _i Yk _iw _if i a s 10 x o $s} +x o $s} x_w d _ r s x_he bea r s x_ f r s x ri r s x_ r s +x se r s +x_ f r s +x m r s +x r r s +x_ov r s +x_l g _ r s l i s ul ca x_ p} +x_ p} x_ r s +x_ r s x yt +x yt x s +x s e _u t o 13 t gr p t tx_ l t fl s t mtu l p d t if i ql-_lim m ql-_lim # rx_ d kobj # _ d kobj # _ kobj t # kobj t # _kobj # p l_ ap # p l ap t ll kbs tzap o _ e # p l r s # p l s s t p s p l # p l p l # p l p l l_ d kb 23 # p l & k _ # p l udp p l+x t b+u p u T f%l ru p f T f%l ru d t b+u s u T b+u s T b+u u s ut T b+u ok tv ru msg 12 t b+u t t oku ru s. pr .17 t b l_ ll+u um ru s t b l u ru o f ru t b l_ lru t b l ewru Z ds/sum~kb > sum~kb > skb d "v > s v full > ud fail_ v kb > k ~kb \(k ~kb \( sum~kb \(skb d "v \(s v full \(ud fail_ v kb \ k ~kb \ sum~kb \ skb d "v \ n _xm \ n _ l \ napi l \ s v full \ s c >lim \ ud fail_ v kb > n _xm \(n _xm > n _ l \(n _ l > napi l \(napi l > s c >lim \(s c >lim Z d k ~kb Z ds kb d "v Z d n _xm Z d n _ l Z d napi l Z ds v full Z d ud fail_ v kb Z ds c >lim Tllc a Tllc ap se Tllc a Zd Tll d Tllc p Tllc i _h*l Tllc+cv Tllc _h _ Tllc uil * ui kt T h@ g mtu T h_v T h_he se T h_he e T h_he d T h _ T h_he T h T h il he T h , s T{_ h qs f f m 2 T 2 li t T 2 li t d nap li t na v nap T nap li t T nap li t if if if T{_ t if _ if - if@ pi T , s T r t il he t _he Tfddi@ g mtu Tfdd t, s T{ ddi ddi ddi il he dd he T _ s oo e f f p k f f f f e f f $ oo e Tqd c' #e f o fy e s f f du tqd c+cu e Tqd oy T _g f qd c t _w dog f f e #e f ri o i c xm _qd c+ _w dog_ #e f ri Tqd { Tqd c dflt T _ v T _ v m y T _ v T _)s }ul T hu n q_ ? q e c e q_ af q_? q ut q u l s q_w k q u q_ t q_ oy q_ q u l s s q_g ft Y d li s Y d subscr s Y ?na Y ov r Y ?s k t # Yk n ot Yk # Yk r Y d s k mc Yk &skb Y im Y d y # Y b c l d # Y b ca Y oy b Yk Yk uct lmsg ut Y du Yk cvmsg l i h h_z{ l i h h h h # Y k n e # Yk # Y Yk _ Yk - Yk Yk k x 18 Yk Yk Y ok 19 Y du # Y ha li s # Y t g b # Y t g b Yk {_gr ps Yk s k t Yk e Y s t 22 # Y k n Y %tob d 23 Yk/n t Y b d # Y ?s kby lp # Y t skb # Yk &skb # Y a #lmsg o fy Yk &msg # Y # Y v kb # Y t skb Yk@ g ngr ps # Yk@ g ngr ps Yk ul c s # Yk ul c s tg l amil Z by Tg l_ Tg l_ tg l amil Z byna Tg lmsg ut l_ ll_ fo l u family tg l+cv tg l+cv sg l_?family Tg lmsg ul c ns Tg l o fy Tg l_ s Tg l s tg l l_ t Tg l m gr p _g l_ m gr p Tg l_ m gr p Tg l family Tg l_ family Tg l famil w h_ s #f hook #> aZfo #> hook #> hooks #f hooks #f t k k #f aZfo #f/n oy #> #>hook l #> g #> g_ gg #> g d f #> g f g_ - #> g_ b d f > g os #f h*l #> h*l #> h*l s > e f - #f j t #> e #f k t #> k t f k Zd #f s k t #>?s k t #fnl_ #fnl_ #fn Yk ubs #fn Yk ubsy #fn Y ha li s #fn Yk & #fn Yk r #fn Y a fn Y v fn Y v sg t c ok t fqnl cv_ s p fqnl l h t c o u tv d _? fqnl+cv_ _ t fqnl_ p fqnl_ - fqnl+cv l_ t fqnl cv_v d t fqnl cv/ g fqnl cv_v d b fulnl cv_ s p fulnl & t c !t fulnl l h fulnl_ m fulnl_ c u _ c oy ful_ - fulnl+cv l_ t t c oku ? #fulnl_ g fulnl cv/ g h/n w f/n h h_ s t #f p nl t f/n t tkill_ #f k} u #f l f li s __ f/n Zd f/n Zd tkill p t f/n Z ? #f/n Z ? t h t #f s dy _li t h t l #f c #f/n fl h p t #f/n e t oy/n k #f p t t nl #f p nl ze #f h ht f/n k u )n #f {_h ht #f t #f t pr #f v t #f v t pr f kill_ ct #f/n t ply f f$h_ ct #f/n k h h ze #f/n t tak f/n k/ rm #f/n h h@ s t T)nf/n h h+nd f/n { #f/n { #f/n #f/n k #f/n c! c! c! # d/n k c! _ c! - s f/n n r t s s - f/n n s t p f p ds h h f p Zd #f p Z ? #f p { #f p #f p !t #f Y p p t #f p t i s #f p l d f p t i _ t f p u t t p - t p #f p l d p t t p #f Z p t i #f/n p #f/n p Zi f/n h p Zd #f/n h p du ? #f h p d f gn_h p #f h p p n by ymb #f h p p n b na #f h p p n #f h p p n_ #f/n h p #f/n h p #f h p oy #f/n h p #f/n h p Zi tkill_l3p to tkill_l4p to f l4p t Zd #f l3p t Z ? #f l4p t Z ? #f l3p to ut #f l3p t du !t #f l4p to ut #f l3p t du ? #f/n l3p t #f/n l3p to f l4p to c #f/n l4p to f l4p t c #f/n l4p t #f/n k t #f/n k t Zi tg r t tg ^l4p to tg _ v t tg k t t tg k t t tg _ v t tg r t tg ^ tg ew tg t v t t n x t t nl ze t nl ize l p t t nl t p r n k t p r t t p k t t t r t s t new t p tud v t tud tud new tudp r t tudp k t t tud r tudp t d { ize f oy f d #f & #f r ct #f/n c #f/n c Zi #f liv e #f/n k #f p #f/n #f p #f/n #f/n Zi cc v t l dccp cc nl ize cc t nl ccp r n k ccp r t ccp k t t cc r cc new ccp cc tgr v t tgr tgr new #f gr `y fl h t gr n #f gr `y oy tgr oy #f gr `y d tgr pr n k tgr pr t tgr p t gr n tgr pk t t c _ v t c ew c ^ l o c c l ize c nl c r n k c r t c k t t b @ ks 6 c c ew tudpl v t tudpl tudpl new tudpl pr t tudpl pk t t tudpl r tudpl p Yk@ g na s _ j Yk s t Yk s p n Y l/n k Y d e Y dum t s Y du nt s um na s _ j Y ll_ fo Y n k Y dum t Y d e Y l_ p t Y dum p t Yk/n t Y p t Yk@ g 27 Yk s na s Yk p t. pr .31 Y ne p t Y ll_ fo. pr .32 Y dum t Y p t Yk n k. pr .33 Y new/n k tam*a_h p t p t t numb t rfc959 f/n f i p t epsv'p se t eprt T h225_ t p h245 t k d f w d lt t h245_ .p .9 t p r + p h245@ n f. pr .18 r . pr .15 a h p t p t120 c h245 245_h p tq931_h p t b t b s t co nul t co bo t co o t co um t co nums t co b s t l 0 t co b s t co t cod~ of t co o e t b p.p .1 t co t cod~ TD o R M s e TD o Mul diaSy emC M s e TD o Q931 p f/n c i #f/n b c h p b" n h p f/n k p p _ p n t oy i: _ _ p . pr .14 p _ oy i: s n k p _h p p f/n k Zi t _h p f/n i #> x gn k > x uct Tx t ? Tx m Tx t tx t s Tx t ? Tx t ?s Tx t ?s Tx m Tx m Tx m tx m=g tx t s tx t s tx m = vfn vfn Tx Zd v i Tx Z m Tx Z t ? Tx Z t Tx Z m Tx Z t ? Tx t Tx t fo Tx { fo Tx pl t Tx t Tx hoo Yk Tx hoo Yk Tx p t Tx p t Zi tx t tx m _ tx t s - tx m - tx t s - tx t s tx t s tx m=g tx t Tx t ? Tx m tx m t m k tud m k tud mt t mt tg mt nm tg nm mt nm tg_ oy nm m oy nm tg@ k nm m k l f tg ns m tg_ oy ns m tg@ k ns m tg f g g@ k f g g f tg f tg_v1 f tg_v2 f tg@ k m tg_ oy m tg@ k m tg t x tg6@ k t x tg4@ k t xy i spa nt t x tg4 t x tg4_v1 t x tg4_v0 t x tg6_v1 t pms tg6@ k t pms tg4@ k t pmss v s mtu t pms m g p t pms tg6 t pms tg4 t tg d m tg_ oy d m tg_ pi d t$ m o f n Y u t d m tg_w k d m 'u d m tg ? d m tg@ k y d m tg- o| mt nlim m oy nlim m k n em. pr .5 nlim mt n m oy n c n mt n m v1 n m v2 n m v3 n m k t n k6 t n k4 _ p t n t4 t n t6 h e c e c gc h h u t se c v c hlim m oy t gc l _ hlim v6 k l l l hlim m k l - hlim mt p m oy p m k p mt = t l t6 pr g mt6 pr g mt4 g t g t6 im m oy im mt im m k t k=, mt _xfrm mt m k g_ _ r_ ull t d nt s t o t f t if p t ui t p _qtu r g t e r g t _li r g _qtu e r g f e r g_ui t e r g a t e r g_if a li # _ s = o t ~e t e t if y f c p _w k p Ye tqt u s i!l u s f k s' ju t o t _u64 nt d if a s ve f a d f { f 6 _(h*l f a c f _(h*l t _ d 6 t s t = o t s t if t f ut y ut y px to if a Ye.p .14 f n _(h*l t s k a nl r g ull . pr .24 tqt u l = a d tqtu e t c n f _u tqt ui mt f a fm p T ui d tqtu _ t oku t f tqt u l _ e t ota oy t ota k t ota t t ota _ e t ota t ota t2 t ota t2_ oy t ota t2@ k Tx s k p sk Tx s k ?4 k k mt4_v1 Tx s k ?6 k k mt6_v1 k mt4_v0 t mt t m oy t m k t c oy t c k t c t oy k t t m m k t m mt tu32 t s u e pv4 s ifd n c! c! c! pv4 l ho ds k pv4 l ho mtu pv4+ : ho d pmtu pv4+ : ho c _ s c v pv4 tu c ~ pv4 eigh_ ok h k e mtu pv4_Y failu r g ds { pv4 s oy s n h c! _ c! - c ~ - c ~ _ c r 28 + c n 29 c ~ pi .p .30 w k f c pv4 eg iv v e pv4_ f%l vmss d fl h 35 h k e d 36 h* m e 37 ll_ fo. pr .41 g b c ct c ~ n_h h Tr c fl h pv4 c + fl h Tr c fl h Tr b d e _ e c i nt pv4_v pe r t p co| pv4 s k _i r t `y r t fl t rt r d pmtu pv4 _ s r r di ct r s& di ct r f g d r s e pv4 l ho r r du r mul c t t o a T ! e T pe xrli t pe u t pe g w k t pe v +cu T pe v t e e avl b ce 6 T ?pe T d t T l t _ liv Z h v h p _ @a _ liv v pqh hfn p4_h hfn p4 g p4 g e p4 g_ pi f g p@ f g f g f g_ m f w Z h f w d s o i { v rr ild ho f gm t do f ? f w s s ut p &@ k Z h_ ut2 _ b xm p m f gm t Z h_ ut p k p pl glu b s g _?f g _i app d 31 _i fl h & m 32 _i _ t _ t il * & kt xm m ut ut app d app& e _i k~kb p & kb p h & m fl h & m k~kb p & ply p msg cv _ o u i ?s k t. pr .14 ?s k t p msg & / s k t 13 p s k t m r _ r p cv_ r pv4 kt fo pa T h h f _ oku li _ oku e l h} _ h h i T h h _ e l h} T h h T b ck c T b ck oy T p p t T b h h _ h p t _ h h/n t T h h/n t t tws e T twsk ut _ tws h hd ce T tws { T twsk }u T tws h h T tws b h h _ tws kill t tw twkill_w k T tw _h gm T tw wkill_w k T tws }u T twsk ur T tw wc _ ck T cs 2s k T r T cs b d/fl t T csk e q T cs p t T cs cept T cs )xm m s T csk _xm m s T cs l k p iv m T csk' k p iv m T csk qs h h_ d T csk qs pr e T cs r t q T cs r t ild k T csk l T csk p f c} se T cs oy k T cs li T cs li t p ooki v u e T p l T i t p pl d cv t p mss t p p s T p T d n t T fo T g ceive T p ooki g T t m y $su T g o l e T d e T t T o egm t ?s k t 26 T ?s k t T p hu n k a { kb T p &p e T p &msg T p u r f T p k T p pl T p cvmsg p s k t 29 T p s k t T p@ oom T p se T ) m T nuk t cr_ k t ) p e T i iz v ss t v+t d t v ify sm h t p t _ e t do wr t do cov y t p@ k p e T v i rt t t frt ss T p s s t p hif d kb _ nd@ k t p' t m kb o t Z t p t k 19 t ds t ds & t p r of e t y d e t p s igne a t p laps e 28 t p lapse t p r e t p &@ g t urg t d d .p .16 t p@ k d t p d t v com t m hea t (d cv T p i sm t p t _w k t p t _ e T v p ju t d _ e T d s T )cwnd t ) s T t wr T frto T t frto T p s T t ss t fa t t T v_e l h} T v p s T p wn appl i _lim } T p e c i _w d t )n d kb t p sk o egs t ) o egs t j pc nt sk i he t e t (ne d t T k~yn T f gm t T i he T mtu mss T p ync ss T ms t mtu T mtu T p ur n mss T y n _ p e c w d t sm skb t xm _ p h & m T p h_ e T p/n t t xm p b~kb T p sm skb T xm sm e T p Z T p v $ T p & yn T p T p laye T ]` T p & be0 T p yn_ t T )xm m s t r t k p iv m t l m t sm t t of' T p sm m t m T p k p ive t p ooki v u e T v4/n t _ v4 &@ k T v4 &@ k T p yn o t v4 qs uct t v4 &' t v4 & yn t v4+tx yn T v4 yn cv k T v4 v T v4 pe T p _ T p T p _ t p4 - t v4_)s k l he r 36 l he n 37 T tws i T v4^pe t p i ^n 42 T v4/n t v4 . pr .44 t v4 qsk T v4_ oy k t p t p T v4_ r T v4_gso &@ k T v4+cv T p4 _ T p4_g ceive T p4_g o l e T tws uct T ] p s T p q@ild T p@ k q T p@ild s T m ] T wn lim } T p h$h T p n m wnd t p a d T /g / T p /g / T p l T p/g_avoi ai T p /g_avo T ) g / T p /g / T p f%l g / T avail g / T f%l g / T }/g / T p }/g / T p g / p4 m/n t s ut T w T h h k T h h k T w a v kb aw d aw cvmsg a oy aw se T w _ a v4 _ aw - aw s k t a a ?s k t a i _ v4_ ok . pr .21 aw &msg T w T m r T v T _ liv tud li h h tud lib se tudpl ?f g pv4+cv _e Tud lib h h tudp4_li ok 2 tudp & kb Tudp h & m Tud d n t Tud lib s k t t rs p l g Tudp cvmsg Tud li h h _ud v kb Tud li ?s k t Tud ?s k t Tudp l Tudp _ Tudp Tudp _ tudp4 t _h h 27 tud v4 h h tud r 28 tud n tudp tudp Tud fl h & m Tudp &msg Tudp &p e Tud i Tud oy k Tudp s k t Tudp4 - tud li lp e2. pr .36 tud li lp e. pr .37 Tud lib^p t _udp4_li ok Tudp4_li ok Tud v4^p t tudp _udp4_li r Tud r Tud v kb l h _udp4_lib c liv 35 _udp4_lib+cv Tud v Tudp4 _ Tudp4_ufo &@ k Tudp4_uf f gm t tud li h h tud lib se tudpl ~ tudpl r tudpl v t h h T v t r p t T p T xm t p _ t p t p q t p - T p & t p s p do t v t p t n _ t t p q_ l e T m p t p/s uct T Zd T i T ifd n cm d$s cm d c d cm d$s ply cm cm glu b s c di ct cm r t ok . pr .16 c h ply T & c ply. pr .17 cm ho cm a .p .14 cm a T m c nt T m v t Y af ize T se c _i d T _ h_ oy t _ +cu ut t u ifa T x t {_ifa t h h e t ll_if sg_ifa _ l_ifa t dum if T o T o t v Y af t s Y af t rt l t ll_Y af t f f _ s c pv4 o fl h t f t s c w d r _ 14 T r _ s c _ 18 _ s ifa t s ifa t rt new t _ t _ t T _ Yk T ifa , x T i T cvmsg nm f d T s uct T li t %tob d T dg m/n t T s&msg T shu n T e T b d T am/n t nm f d64 T tosw T cept T ?na T s&p e T i T c k t g o l e t gso &@ k t g ceive t gso egm t T il eh h t T tosw T sk il he nm mi nm mib e t c f k mc g m g o m gm mc gm mcf g v3 _ l c m l1 g v3 ewp t grhe g v3 &p t g c g v3 & p t gm gq_ m pi g & p t mc jo _gr ps f gm mcf _ gm mc _ gm mcf - gm mc - gm mc gm mcf^n 18 gm mcf gm mcf mc . pr .24 ut gm m pi gm if t m d m l m av~ gm gr d m gr p m jo _gr p gm gr p} m gr p gm mc gm if m pi gm v m p mc p mc n m ) m m o m av gr p mc e mc s lt mc sf? m gsf? mc > m k p@ mc+cu b t dum b t t b/ g. pr .13 t b l h. pr .14 t b T b^t T ,e T _ ,e T b e t t g t rt newr l_ !t t rt lr T v s e r i T if t b _ t T l_if t _ t f u t f h h e t f h h_{ T fo T b fo b@ f%lt T b i T t h T b h T f d nh T b fo T b um fo Tr sg_ b T b ync n_ T b ync n_ T b e c f%lt T b yn T b e c mul p h t s a> fo t i r _ ia m _ af u t b t a>w u t i r af t i n af t b+ t~ t i n t i~ t o p ild g t a> f new t o new t o c e _ o v e t o fl h t i~ t b+ t~ t b+ t~ _ t i~ _ t b+ t~ - t b+ t~ t ie a s _ h af 6 T b ok t i~ t o ~afe t ze t i b ce t i af e _ o u t ie a s - t i~ - T b s t T b l e T b fl h T b t T b du T i t T f g )n t f g ild T f g T f g Zi T f g_ oy T f g d T f g_kill T f g_ t T f g n T f g_ yb w n_ov fl ^p t _h h _ h h se _?f g cvmsg _ v kb _ ^ r 16 o| &msg _v4 &msg - _)s k _ ok . pr .23 +cv _ r ^ x @ b s d _v4_ r _ _ f%l )rwnd pv4_ m _ }/g / _ avail g / _ p/g / pv4_ r pv4 _gr r t r x o t r f o t r m o t w x o t w f o t w m o t r x- t r f- t r m - t w x- t w f- t w m - n _ a s _ k a s _ a s - k a s - c msg Ye.p .2 n - t b4+u co a t b4+u nlmsg ay T ok t b4+u fl h e t b4+u m t b4+u ll t b4+u t b4+u gu t g_vif pmr Zd pmr w Z h pmr u pmr_ d $h ds pmr_ o $ pmr_vif pmr p t t g_vi>xm tvi> l e r t c s r uct pmr_ l n pmr_ p p s pmr $ v} pmr f pmr_vi> pmr_vif - pmr fc - pmr_vif pmr fc _ x 28 pmr fc pmr fc pmr fc pmr_; t _ mr_ ll r 33 pmr+t du r i v. pr .36 i v tvi> d. pr .40 pmr_ xm 34. pr .43 mr w d. pr .39 pmr_vif mr t~ s k t mr t ?s k t pmr_i mr_ !t i v_v1 pmr^r ooki h h ooki a ooki ) a ooki v4_)se ce ooki v4@ k t d e t { t p d e2 t !t t p d e t oy t ) t p4_ r t p4^mtu t ut r c r @ k r d sum r ) c r d o| r fl h Tlr fl h_ Tlr fl h kt r g kb Tl ceiv f gs Tl ceiv~kb = n 4_ r = n 64_ r Txfrm4 n Txfrm4 n _ = n 4+cv = n 64+cv txfrm4_ sp !t txfrm4_ sp ut txfrm4_ t n _ ut txfrm4_ t n _ !t np _ np - >i r r t m h d #> @ ksum pv4 lt > @ ksum pv4 lt Zi > av > r xfr m h d c! c! c! c! _ t c! - s t p t p t p - s s - t p s pv4_ v t pv4 l t # v4/n k pv4 l ze pv4 t nl pv4 k t t pv4^l4p to pv4 r t t? igd pv4/ rm pv4/n pv4/n cm cm new cm nl t cm nl ze cm t t nl c r t c k t t c cm v t cm r #f a e t t + #f a p t f a c /n k #f a p t _ f a e kt #f a p #f a pl sl i #f a s u fo fn Yk s na s #f a o s g t f a csum #f a s s _ ju f a m g p #f a f l _ #f a m g udp #f a s _ ju t kn n_ + t kn n_ i t t kn n kt #f a p t nl r #f a p t + #f a p t i t t i t t m kt tud i t tud m kt cm + cm i t cm m kt #> f g_ v4_ pv4/n f g p tw n f a f h225_ a q931 a c f w d a h245 g_ h245_ a t120 a r + p na c f w d _ p t na q931_ p t tw n p p _ g p a p d p _ b nd kt p _ nd kt p cc i t cc m kt #f a n g tgr i t tgr m kt tudpl i t tudpl m kt c _ i t c kt c @ k y p {_ i t c nt s p d t u m u y p t cm m t sl t p t p r t fo 5. pr . c d nt s 9. pr .12 s c pt lt hook pt m g hook p dna t ? p sna t ? p dna k y p sna k y #f a ru Zd #f a ru c a cod~ f a fn f a f a n f a t pt hook pt s u hook tah k tah t tg@ k t; c tg q_ t q_; t tg@ k tg t di c tg@ k t di c tg t j tg@ k t j tg T p {_ i t c nt s t sl t T p t T p t t p r t fo 8. pr .16 p c d nt s 12. pr .17 p s c T p d t h k y = ? t pt lt hook p c c h$h do wnd p } p/g_avo s v4_ p h h s v4 oi e s v4_ lvl_v s v4 e s v4_ l t s v4 k s v4_ lvl_ht s v4_ lvl toh s v4_g t. pr .24 s v4_? .p .23 s v4 v s v4 d s v4 o d s v4 o e s v4 o u s v4 oi e s v4 o ? f s v4 oi ut f s v4 o w k s v4_v s v4_ r s v4 k s v4 q s v4 l s v4 q_ l s v4 ? s v4 k s v4 k _ l s v4 k _? txfrm4^tos txfrm4_)p h txfrm4_ ll txfrm4_g b c ct txfrm4_ d pmtu cod~ 4 txfrm4 s ifd n txfrm4 s oy txfrm4 s ok txfrm4^s txfrm4_)fl s txfrm4_) r _xfrm4_) s Txfrm4_ he txfrm4+cv_ ca Z h Txfrm4+cv_ cap Txfrm4+cv Txfrm4_ !t Txfrm4_ sp Z h Txfrm4_ud ca v Txfrm4 p ut Txfrm4_ ut Txfrm4_ Z h Txfrm4_ ut txfrm f @ k Txfrm w _xfrm Yk Txfr ds ifd n txfr Y failu txfr f%l vmss txfr neigh_ ok h h txfrm fl ? txfrm aZfo Txfrm { Txfrm p ? fo Txfrm w k Txfrm w d e Txfrm aZfo _xfrm Yk txfr neg iv v e txfr b d ok txfr b d fl ? txfr b d fl l e Txfrm y aZfo txfr %d co| y fo Txfr %d p d Txfr %d p l e _xfr g b c ct 30 txfr g b c c f d txfr mtu txfrm y aZfo 34 _xfr cod~ Txfrm oy txfrm fl l e txfrm kill Txfrm b tx Txfrm l e Txfrm fl h txfrm Zi txfrm m l p y Txfrm by txfr h h ze txfr _ t txfrm' v * b d txfr g _ x. pr .43 Txfrm s t txfr ds k txfr b d f @ k Txfrm e ct txfrm k ok Txfr ok _xfr r t f w d _xfrm y@ k txfrm oku byt,e. pr .42 txfr b d ok txfrm ok Txfrm k s t _xfrm k l p y _xfr Z q Txfr qs Txfrm w Txfrm a ? fo Txfr Z q Txfrm w k Txfrm w d e txfrm aZfo Txfrm km Txfr km Txfrm aZfo Txfrm aZfo txfrm pla m h*l txfrm aZfo Tkm fy Tkm fy Tk y Tk ne pp Tkm p t Txfrm { _xfrm oy _xfrm l e Txfrm l e Txfrm l t n _xfrm ok Txfrm ok _xfrm oku by Txfrm oku by Txfrm l Zd _xfrm m g s Txfr { pi Txfr y txfrm gc k txfr h h ze txfr %d h p a fo Txfr %d d Txfr %d l e Txfrm fl h Txfr txfrm p aZfo 17 txfr _xfr ) Txfr ) Tkm pi d Txfrm pi txfr m h*l Tkm pi d txfrm o txfr %d h p kt fo Txfr %d pla ov fl Txfr %d play Txfr %d nd i Txfr %d nd Txfr %d vfail Txfr t,e Txfrm t,e Txfrm _xfrm s t Txfrm s t Txfrm d q o Txfr Z q Txfrm d Txfrm Zd Txfrm mtu Txfrm Zi Txfr h h_{ Txfr h h e Txfrm p !t p h_ oy p h Txfrm s~pi Txfr !t Txfr p $u Txfr n ut Txfr $u txfr ut2 Txfr ut txfr g_i m Txfr a g^by x Txfr e g^by x Txfrm n % p d Txfrm n c p d txfr Z go Txfr a g^by Txfr e g^by Txfrm g^by Txfr a g^byna Txfr e g^byna Txfrm g^byna Txfr aea byna txfr aea nam m Txfrm b gs skb ut txfr g am m Txfr ) play txfrm pla v c b txfrm pla fy txfrm pla f b txfrm play@ k txfrm play@ b txfrm play@ n txfrm pla v ce txfrm pla ov fl txfrm pla ov fl txfrm pla ov fl _ n Txfrm play hi txfrm play n txfrm pla v c n T ix_ tq_l t ix l T ix e ? T ix_ q_l t ix_i t ix t ix _ t ix - t ix p o t)pe c d t ix k pa _ ix_ s s k t ix_li t ix_] f e t ix g m l t ix_?na t ix hu n t ix_ cept t ix 1 t ix t ix uct t ix_ ~p e _ ix ~ k t ix ~ k t ix e t yb d ds t ix t ix d b t ix_ t ds 24 t ix_ uc scm t ix am cvmsg t ix kna _ ix d k byna 26 t ix_%tob d t ix d t ix_ t ds 27 t ix o 28 t ix am/n t t ix g d n d t ix g m &msg t ix p s&msg t ix g m/n t t ix t ix am &msg t ix g m cvmsg t ix p cvmsg t flight t flight t fligh tail T ix^s k c _ flight c @ild n T ix_ flight T ix ot flight T ix_gc T] f _ ix_gc T ix c _ pv6_ cep d T 6_?na T 6 d T 6 e T 6_ oy k T 6 tosw T 6 k il he pv6_g o l e t 6 pv6_gso ull_ h s pv6_gso &@ k pv6_g ceive pv6_gso egm t T 6_ tosw T 6_kill _i T 6_i pv6@ t 6 t 6 _ t 6 - t 6^n 6 t 6 t 6 t a ut pv6_ _ _ c pv6 _jo _ v6_ _ _ c pv6 _ pv6 se pv6_ _ o pv6@ T 6 _ s ut p6 w Z h p6 m p6 s oku tail p6 s ok p6 s oku fl p6 ds oku fl p6_ _ b xm p6 h_ ut2 p6 k e 27 p6_xm _ 6_ _ t p6_ _ t p6 h p6 w d p6 1 f g t pv6 e c i nt p6 gm t p6 h_ ut p6_ ut p6_app d p6 h & m p6 l h & m p6+cv h p6_ p Z h pv6+cv p6_ !t p6 !t pv6_ _h h _ v6_ i d t 6^Y af ize T 6_ h_ oy t > l_ m pv6@ f6 pv6@k x c e fo t 6_ ll_if t 6_ifa o fy t >jo _ yca t > av yca t > m t f a k k _ f c t w d@ t f c w d f6 _ f6 - T 6 o T 6 o t f6 f6 pv6^s _ pv6_g eui64 r t d 29 t > mr 30 pv6_ _ f c _ 32 t 6 um t 6 um if t 6 um ifmc t 6 um if t 6_ ll_ifla6_ s t 6_ ll_iZfo t 6 um iZfo t 6_ ll_Y af pv6_ pv6 i T 6_ifa h_ oy pv6_ ^s t >r m _ v6^ll pv6^ll pv6^if t 6+t ? T >jo t T > av~ t _ v6_ifa o fy.p .35 pv6_ifa o fy pv6_ l_ t f o l } t f 38 t f a m t >v ify t T f a failu t >ifd n t 6_ _ l t 6+t l T >r t t f x+ t > Yk t > t 6_ _ d t 6+t new T f x+cv T f d T > if T > l_if f6 _ T 6_iZf fy t f o fy t t f c T f p6 l: u _ v6_ _l 9 p6 l:_ d p6 l: ew l p6 l:_ ll. pr .14 p6 l:_? p6 l: u pv6_ _l pv6_ _l p6 l ho mtu p6+ : ho d pmtu p6+ : ho c _ s p6_ f%l vmss Trt6_ f ur t b6 p fs t b6_ifd n p6+ t ok _ 6+ t di ct p6 + t ok Trt6_ ok t6 tu@ g r p6+ c y t6 neighb r p6 eigh_ ok p6 s gc p6+ t ut p6 s ifd n p6 s oy p6 k p6 k d c d p6 k d c t p6 k p hib t p6 k p hib p6+ t l pv6 c + fl h t t b6/ g t 6+t lr t6 s _ pv6+ t t6 s - pv6+ t~ t6_ f r m p6+ d pmtu p6 tu p6 s h lim p6+ t o fy t6_{ 35 Trt6 d e p6 s k pv6 _ s p6_ rt p6 + p6 + t !t p6 + t ut p6+ t !t p6 l ho r T 6 s { T 6 s gc p6+ t d t 6+t newr p6_ l+t p6_Y failu p6 eg iv v e t6 o mtu c. pr .38 Trt6 di ct Trt6 mtu cov y Trt6^dfl r t Trt6_ dfl r t Trt6 urg dfl r t s pv6+ t i T f s { p6+ t s t6_ ll o 37 t 6+t Trt6 p fs Trt6_ifd n Trt6 tu@ Trt6 um r T 6+ fy p6+ t c t b6 r cl e t b6_w k/t ue t b6_ e t b6 um t b6 um & t b6 um d e t b6 t b6_Y t 5 t b6_w k t 6 um b T b6^t T b6 e t T b6 c gc T b6_ d T b6_ ok T b6_ T b6_ l t b6 o T b6 _ _ T b6 _ T b6+ _gc t b6_g m b T b6_gc pv6_ d s v6_?s k t 8. pr .12 pv6_?s k t p6_ / v6 s k t 10 pv6 s k t s ut d h h d r p t nd uct nd c/s uct #d c p d c/s uct d c s s #d iZfo c @ #d c & kb d ll_ _ #d c uild kb d c & d c na d c cv s nd c do d c _ t d c+ t d cov y #d c ns d c #d c rs #d c & di ct #d c+cv #d c tud li h h tud lib se tudpl ?f g tudpv6_ r tudpv6+cv pv6+cv _e tudp6_li ok 2 Tudpv6 cvmsg Tudpv6_ v kb tudp6_ufo &@ k l h tud v6 h & m Tudpv6_?s k t Tudp6 - Tud v6 k tudp6_uf f gm t tudp6 t _h h 24 Tud v6^p t _udp6_li ok Tudp6_li ok tud v6 h h Tudpv6 &msg Tudpv6 s k t tud v6 c n . pr .28 _udp6_lib c liv . pr .27 Tudpv6_ oy k _udp6_li r _udp6_lib+cv Tudp6 _ Tudpv6_ tud li h h tud lib se tudpl ~ tudpl 6_ r tudpl 6+cv Tudpl 6_ Tudpl e6 _ s ut awv6+cv kb awv6_)sk awv6 d awv6 cvmsg aw6_ oy awv6 se aw6 _ aw6 - awv6_i awv6_?s k t awv6 s k t _ v6_ ok . pr .24 awv6 &msg T w6_ m r T wv6+cv T w6_ _ liv T w6 _ T wv6_ T 6_ d t T 6_ l t c v6_?f g c v6_ r T v6_ r/v t T v6 h & m T v6+ t ok T v6 & T v6 am b T v6 o fy c v6+cv T v6 l _ T v6 s ut f k g 6 cf g 6 c p6 l1 f l newp t grhe ld _ l c g 6 cf _ g 6 c _ g 6 c - g 6 cf^n 20 g 6 cf g 6 cf g 6 c^n 21 g 6 c g 6 c t ut g 6_gr i} g 6 cf - p6 c +cu. pr .29 g 6 & ld &p t g c ld & p t 26 g 6_ m h*l l gq_ m pi l if t p6 l p6 av~ p6 d g 6_gr d g 6_gr p} l if m pi p6 c sf? T 6 c@ k pv6_ c pv6 m jo _ v6_ c pv6 m p6 c e p6 c s lt pv6 mc se pv6_ c pv6_i mld pv6@ mc g 6_( y g 6_( p t pv6 p pv6 c n pv6 pv6 c p pv6 ) pv6 o g 6 T 6_h h g p6_h hfn p6 g p6 g_ p6 g_ pi pv6 g+cv p6 g p6 g_ m pv6 g_ t v6 qs uct t v6 k _ v6 &@ k t v6 &@ k t v6 & yn t v6+tx yn t v6 pe t v6 yn cv k t v6^pe t v6/n t v6_ oy k t v6_)s k t v6/n t t p6_g o l e t p6_g ceive t v6_gso &@ k t v6_ r t p6 - t v6_h h t v6 &'p se. pr .32 t v6 &' t v6 v t v6+cv t v6 qsk T p6 _ T pv6_ u| v6 cv_ r u| d m cv u| v6_ r/v t u| v6_ m r u| v6@ _v6 &msg v6_ pv6 v Tfl6_ d d p6 s v pv6_ v pv6+ +cv pv6_ho pv6_ho jumbo pv6 h_ h pv6 h f g_ pv6 u s pv6 ne pv6_ h pv6 s h pv6 h g_ pv6 ne s pv6_ xu s p6 m/n t pv6_ m r pv6_ _ r pv6_ +xpmtu pv6 cv+xpmtu m cv pv6 cv_ r m & p6fl l e l e p6 l_gc p6fl _ p6fl - p6fl Tfl6 ok l_ ok 10 l6 new l . pr .15 p6fl Tfl6 ~ kli Tfl6 g s pv6 l l _ t p6 l l _ p6 l l t 6 ynq_h h T 6 s b d/fl t T 6 sk e q T 6 sk qs h h_ d T 6 s xm T 6 s 2s k T 6 s r t q pv6 c pv6 c _ pv6 c pv6 c _ txfrm6^tos txfrm6_)p h cod~ 6 txfrm6_g b c ct txfrm6_ d pmtu txfrm6_ ll txfrm6 s oy txfrm6 s ok txfrm6^s txfrm6 s ifd n Txfrm6 i _xfrm6 s c _xfrm6 l c txfrm6_) r _xfrm6_) s _xfrm6 t _xfrm6 s t _xfrm6 l t Txfrm6_ he Txfrm6 Zi Txfrm6+cv pi Txfrm6+cv Txfrm6_ p Txfrm6_ !t Txfrm6_ sp Z h Txfrm6 1 f g t txfrm6_ _ r Txfrm6 p ut _xfrm6_ ut Txfrm6_ ut Txfrm6_ Z h Txfrm6_ ut > 6+ p6+ t m h d #> 6@ ksum > 6@ ksum > 6 av > 6 r pv6 lt Zi t b6+u f%l p f t b6+u nlmsg ay t b6+u gu t b6+u m t b6+u t b6+u ll t b6+u co a T b6+u ok T b6+u s n 6_ _ n 6 -_ em n 6 -_ v6msg n 6 _ k 6 _ k 6 - n 6 -_ em64. pr .1 n 6 - n 6_ - n 6 n 6_ pv6 c _ ooki h h ooki v6_)se ce ooki v6@ k txfrm6_ sp ut txfrm6_ sp !t txfrm6_ t n _ ut txfrm6_ t n _ !t txfrm6 e k he txfrm6 e ut txfrm6 e !t c 6@ k y p6 {_ i t c nt s u m u y p6 t c 6 pv6 h p6 d t t sl t p6 t p6 r t fo 5. pr . 6 c d nt s 9. pr .12 6 s c p6t lt hook p6t m g hook p6t hook pv6 l t pv6_ v t pv6 l ze pv6 t nl pv6 k t t pv6 r t f v6 ki h pv6^l4p to pv6/ rm _ v6/n 4. pr .7 pv6/n pv6/n c v6_ v t c v6^ c v6 l t c v6 l ze c v6 t nl c v6 r t c v6 ew c v6 k t t c v6 c v6_ r #> f g_ v6_ pv6_ f g f kb e >h hfn f f g6_ pi #f f g6_g h #f f g6_ ut #f f g6_ #f f g6 t j tg6@ k t j tg6 p 6^ s _ 6 uck p 6 n @ g mtu p 6 n p 6 n rl_l o u p 6 n _xm p 6_ e p 6 n _ ok . pr .21 p 6+cv p 6_ r p 6 n _ p 6 n _ . pr .20 p 6 n _i _ v6_ ,e pv6_ h pv6 ki h _ 6_h h _ 6_ oku e l h} T 6_ oku li T 6_ ok _ 6@ e l h} T 6_h h/n t Tm gr p m | se s _ s - s s s Yk v pkt s uct s&msg pkt ?nam~pkt ?na rb r cur n b pg_v cvmsg i m p ?s k t r ll urr v t c _ hook t hook c .p .37 s t uc skb oku f p l r rb r rx l m pi d s r e s s k t d b d.p .36 b d pkt b d s&msg v t v f`y to2s ,e f`y k ize f`y' v} h k q f` xfrm y2msg ize f` migr f`y migr f`y f`y _ f`y - f` xfrm y2msg p f`y k _ t f` b c e f` b ca f` d du t fl h'p f` du p f` du d e f`y cvmsg f`y f`y m c f` du f` du a e f` du a f` fl h f` i f`y e $ * am family f`y s f`y &msg f`y f`y f`y k _ ll f` xfrm y2msg f`y pd? f`y i f` xfrm 2msg f` ?spi f`y & fy f`y fy f`y pddu f`y pdfl h f`y s s s f`y o i p y f` xfrm ok 31. pr .35 f` l e f` ? u p u a f`y pd l e f`y pd d f`y ne pp f`y uct f` d fg +fkill l Tw h new Tw h Tw h e tw u w k fg o Tw h rfkill p l Tw h rfkill l fg _(w k fg +fkill b .p .20 fg +fkill b Tw h rfkill hw fg +fkill yn w k fg + w h x T w h x Tw hy Tw h x w hy fg + fo fg ^ fo fg ^ iZ x fg _ na fg w ns fg _ e tw h u t tw h nam p e tw hy p& tw hy'u tw h e am~ t d$ m k- d$s- t x- t d$s - Tw hy f Tw hy f + "ta _ + "ta ^$p s r _i ^ n ^m h_h l s ie fg cul bi 3 @ n cy c to@ n _h l ^h l m kb 3 _amsdu 3s fg l fy 1d bi fl s fg p d h u e fg _v `y t s fg _ /n ` fg w _ fg r _ fg _v be _ fg @ g f e fg @ g if e ^r m k _ pha2 t g+u s t t p gdo fl s ht40 o } * g e t g y gd r r ru s t gul y t gul h co t g p s} T gul h T g_; u t t gdom@ g q g_ fo gd 6 T q g_ fo Tw h apply u om gul y t$ gdo s w ld gdom tw h d gul y t g odo T g_i v T gul d T gul h t gul y t s t g_ w k T gul h d T gul h d n t T gul h f n be T g p dfs gdom T g_; e T gul fg ie fg v& _ie fg f ss m i fg ^bss fg _w wsc m h ss ss e fg bss fg _ Y bss fg c e fg } c 'ul fg _ Y bss fg ^m h m bss o fg s d fg _ f bss fg _ f bs f _ fg c e fg c e fg } c 'ul fg } c fg } c p} fg s e fg s pi fg _w wsc v i i l _` } l wds e l _ l_ f e l p l o ap l _ l i l h l e h l _ l_ h tv sc qs l s mc r l l h mksa l dl mgmt l dl l p ave l p f l be s l sg n l ift, t `y b l w hy l if e fg b l a+ l _ p f fg p obs be l b cli t l ^w l l ^p ave l ^`y l ^w hy l ^ f e l s ` new s m l s l cqm l ^m h/ g l ` d l ^ g l um f e l um w hy l w l l _ av m h l c _ @ n l x gm c c _] l x gmt l mgmt l tx i m k l l mksa l bss l _ @ n l _w h n ns l n t l s n` l _ av ibss l _jo _ibss l s i l _ % c l } c l q g l g s i l s 24 l s m h/ g 25 l _ d m h/ g l _jo h l mlm t 28 l mlm t 29 l & _ @ _ t 30 l h 32 l ^ h l os do l h u t vl 35 l ew i l i l & i 38 l ^ i l Y fy l s `y l _ l_`y l `y l e `y l _% c l s be 42 l be l p n u 44 l um h l u i l r,to t s 45 l /n t l _ s i l ap l u c l r do l & c sg 37. pr .48 l & } c sg 27. pr .49 l & urvey 31. pr .50 l u urvey l e f e l f e l n 40 l n l w hy #l o f na #l & c l _ igg c #l & c e #l & c _ d #l & } c 'ul #l & } c l s } c #l & g@ g t #l rx_% #l rx_ s #l % #l d s #l p % #l p d s #l % _ t #l s _ t #l &/n $ult #l a d #l d n d #l ibs bss #l new e * #l ha ailu #l be _h t #l & _ @ n #l & _ @ n c #l & a_ t #l & a_ l_ t #l _ p f #l _ p 4 #l mgmt #l mgm tx #l & q rss fy #l _gtk ` fy #l mksa * fy #l & qm kt s fy #l _ #l _ fg rx_ s fg % fg % fg d s fg d s fg ha ailu fg +x gmt fg +x !ri f fg +x_ p 4 fg rx_% fg p % fg p d s fg % _ t fg s _ t fg @ n fg _ @ n _ pi d fg ew a fg _ l a fg gm tx fg q rss fy fg qm kt s fy fg _gtk ` fy fg mksa * fy fg lm % fg lm % fg _ h capa fg lm s fg lm s fg lm % fg lm % fg lm d s fg lm d n fg lm mgmt fg lm k fg lm !rg g i s fg lm mgm tx fg _ibs jo } fg _ibss fg _ibs jo } fg _jo _ibss fg _jo _ibss fg _ibss fg _ av ibss fg _ av ibss fg _ibs w jo fg _ibs w w q fg _ibs w w q fg _ibs w w s fg _ibs w w s fg _ibs w ]p fg _ibs w ]p fg /n c fg /n w k fg ^ n ss fg /n $ult fg _ a bss fg _ a d fg n d n w k fg m fai d s fg m fai s fg /n $ult fg /n_w k fg m~c e fg m rx_% fg _ a d fg n d fg /n t fg /n t fg n t fg n t fg m d s fg e @ Tr q o@ fg q fg ^ g l fg ^ gs fg ^ v fo fg r p am fg ^r p am fg o f new e * fg _jo h fg _jo h fg _ av m h fg _w w fg _w wr fg _w wf g fg _w w y fg _w ]u fg _w wp fg _w wna fg _w w y fg _w wp fg _w wpmksa fg _w wr fg _wi ss s fg _w w fg _w wr fg _w w co fg cr, fg _w w co fg _w wtxp fg _w wr fg _w w s fg _w w s fg _w w q fg _w wr fg _w wf g fg _w wtxp fg _w ]u fg _w ]p fg _w ]p fg _w w co fg _w q fg _w w q fg g w n t fg g w w q fg g w w q fg g w w s fg g w w s fg g w ]p fg g w ]p fg _w wg ie fg _w wml twi s n v p s Twi ss t * d T wi ss s h*l iw s o| h*l Tw h* i _ _wi ss twi s twi s twi s twi s - api l hw api }u api o l e _{_hw kl h*l c c w k w k hw _ hw hw f / gur lt g_ lt _hw/ g s fo@ g fy _ifa@ g} ' fo x u qsafe p l _ _h* l f txskb x urg tx_ e d a if a fl s a a]` a_eos qsafe T a_ f ? T a_ f bss d a T a_ f b x T a_ f e T a_ f { T a_ f s u T a_ f s t T a_ fo c m t a_ fo a liv 'p se a e d T a_ f a liv ]` a liv l'p se a liv uapsd t a_ b T a_ f a_ f oy T a_ f o T a_ f o ss T a_ f fl h T a_ fo a_ pi _we iv _we i wea iv 2 _we _we e _we cr, d _we cr,t _we cr, d r,t we cr,t r,t we cr,t c p i s cm cr, skb 3 x_h ha _ d +x_h ha _v ify r,t tki cr,t r,t tki cr,t r,to cm cr,t r,to cm cr,t r,t a m _ cr,t r,t a m _ cr,t r,t h cr,t +x s e c o l } hw c _i sc _i c o l } } c p} } c 'ul +x s ? +x ss ut s f d c +x c _w k sc ibss c c c s } c s } c } c pe w k @ n _ @ n _ pi d _h e _h _o n o vifs _o n turn _h s s 1 fg_ov r d ht40 _appl h a ov ri _h ca i to a_h cap a_ n_BA s a _w k lba lba & s w k b _ g pl p s _]k g _ g x_ i o tx a t a x_ g _ m pi d t a_ dba' m pi d tx a tx a qsafe o tx a qsafe _ gn_ tx __i o tx a x a _h* tx a b _i o tx a o tx a b dba'p rx t a+x_ g _ m pi d o rx a t a+x_ g d m pi d __i o rx a _i o rx a dba _ibs m _i a_jo _ibss _ibs Z h a _ibs d a a_ v ibss +x s fo +x gm p b $p +x gm be _ibs rx o a _ibs rx_ e mgmt _ibs w k _ibs i ce _ibss _ibss d _ibs fy c o l } _ibs jo _ibs ave _w m e _w w k T w k _ w k _w _w k ur _wk _ @ n _wk c _ @ n @ g mtu @ k/cur n if e d @ g m mul c li e c e _if w k e c e _if o fy _ d n d _ j m l s _i> d _if e f _i c o _if@ g t,e _ c _if _if x c m k + _ _ r _ ? Tr l + Tr ^r _)r c l_ g Tr _ i ize ha Tm ha =k S =ki mix h e1 ^tki rx 1k =ki mix h e2 ^tk 2k ^tk 1 iv ki iv ki cr, d ki cr, d ta cm pa _a c cr,t _a c cr,t _ae `y u cr,t _ae ` e tgf ulx _a m _a m _`y _a m _` e p dl cap wds e b cli t dl u urvey t na ^ t na r p am ^r p am ` d bi m k } c } c cq rs / g @ g bss w hy ams c _ @ n _hw gm tx c _] _ @ n _hw gm tx c _ @ n _ @ n _ av ibss s _ % _% c n txq ams ^`y lay 2_ d t a_apply am s @ g i _ d i o ap / g_ f%l mgm `y / g_ f%l `y _ l_`y _ `y @ g if e _ l_if e 'u ^tx +fkill l ^ ls a ap 9 _w h n gm f m tx _o x e _jo _ibss _ s _ l i _ gn e @ g be ap _ if e p& dl mgmt T a r f tx t a s fo u i ^ i _i s s p mgmt ^|i `y x tap a s d f a d e _ rx+ "ta he +x_ qsafe t m _ fo 16 +x_h*l s'ult +x_h*l s a s i p rx_h* +x d t u m q kb ze x pa sp l_? ullf ? be q_? _i x urg d s t vok tx_h*l s x +t ? t os >? ^ e bc e _ m 18 e ^ m be$ ? _xm xm ubif xm x & x & x k d _`y } ^` tx _` h c _ ` _gtk ` fy ^` rx _` d h c .p .10 _i _` oy _i _`y pl e f%l `y f%l mgm `y _` { _` Yk _i _` e _` e _ ` ` ` i _ rs p _ rs p rs p _ v f e om _i _]k e _ p} _i o e _ v f 'um d n t _ w k Tw h t i _hw _ laye w k ^bss x p t d m dur i _g m dur i +t dur i t os f ur i _]k by _]k e o by o e _ d & kb _ d & kb fn _ d & kbs o e by o _]k e by _]k _ s e ms _ s e ms wm f%lt a_ >w| ams * r % a^r o ;e g c c s _i~pl _i~pl v& _i il h cap uild q_i uild b q & b q _i il h fo _h f to@ n ,e _ d r ie _ sr ie ngr e e c e c e qo h Tm _ ha ailu ^ n _ n ,e ^tx@ n ,e Z d _ l t Z d api } c 'ul Z d api } c p} > _ l t > _u32_ t > v turn_ > v turn o > v turn_u64 > v/ g > v p mul ca > v/ gur lt > v^ s > v^tk > v cov cl s > v^survey > v l h > v@ n w > v t na > v^ t na > v _ @ n > v_o n x > v r p am > v^r p am > v+s b > api c o l } > api } c 'ul > api } c p} > ]k e > o e \( _ l t \( _u32_ t \( v turn_ \( v turn o \( v turn_u64 \( v/ g \( v p mul ca \( v/ gur lt \( v^ s \( v^tk \( v cov cl s \( v^survey \( v l h \( v@ n w \( v t na \( v^ t na \( v _ @ n \( v_o n x \( v r p am \( v^r p am \( v+s b \(api c o l } \(api } c 'ul \(api } c p} \(]k e \( o e > v m \( v m > t \( t > api tx a \(api tx a > api o tx a \(api o tx a > api a a]` \(api a a]` > ap eosp \(ap eosp > d _ t \( d _ t > v@ g f e \( v@ g f e > v s fo@ g} \( v s fo@ g} > v/f x \( v/f x > v f \( v f > v bi m k \( v bi m k > ap be _ ss \(ap be _ ss > api/n _ ss \(api/n _ ss > api q rss fy \(api q rss fy > api@sw e \(api@sw e > ap rs p \(ap rs p > d _ _ t \( d _ _ t > v `y \( v `y > v_ d tki `y \( v_ d tki `y > v a o fy \( v a o fy > v a \( v a > v a_ d \( v a_ d > v a e \( v a e > v_a du_ \( v_a du_ > v ` d \( v ` d > api tx a b \(api tx a b > api o tx a b \(api o tx a b > ap gtk ` fy \(ap gtk ` fy \ _ l t \ v turn_ \ v turn o \ v turn_u64 \ d _ _ t \ v@ g f e \ v/ g \ v s fo@ g} \ v p mul ca \ v/ gur lt \ v m \ v `y \ v_ d tki `y \ d _ t \ v^ s \ v^tk \ _u32_ t \ v cov cl s \ v a o fy \ v a \ v a_ d \ v a e \ v/f x \ v f \ v_a du_ \ v^survey \ v l h \ v@ n w \ v t na \ v^ t na \ v _ @ n \ v_o n x \ v r p am \ v^r p am \ v bi m k \ v ` d \ v+s b \ t \ api tx a \ api tx a b \ api o tx a \ api o tx a b \ ap be _ ss \ api/n _ ss \ api q rss fy \ api c o l } \ api } c 'ul \ api } c p} \ api a a]` \ api@sw e \ ap gtk ` fy \ ap rs p \ ap eosp \ ]k e \ o e Z d ap be _ ss Z d api/n _ ss Z d api q rss fy Z d api@sw e Z d ap rs p Z d d _ _ t Z d _u32_ t Z d d _ t Z d v turn_ Z d v turn o Z d v turn_u64 Z d v@ g f e Z d v/ g Z d v s fo@ g} Z d v p mul ca Z d v/ gur lt Z d v m Z d v `y Z d v_ d tki `y Z d v^ s Z d v^tk Z d v cov cl s Z d v a o fy Z d v a Z d v a_ d Z d v a e Z d v/f x Z d v f Z d v_a du_ Z d v^survey Z d v l h Z d v@ n w Z d v t na Z d v^ t na Z d v _ @ n Z d v_o n x Z d v r p am Z d v^r p am Z d v bi m k Z d v ` d Z d v+s b Z ds t Z d api tx a Z d api tx a b Z d api o tx a Z d api o tx a b Z d api c o l } Z d api a a]` Z d ap gtk ` fy Z d ap eosp Z d ]k e Z ds o e _h* bss ap il y ^ _ a @sw _ m a/n _ m a cn _ m a_ m @sw e _ dyn s e _ ss /n _ ss dyn s _ap be q_? % s d s a/n _ a_w| ams _ ht _ o % _ o s _% @ b % q rss fy @sw _w k p/n a' be a' n & sp l nullf c gd b ap & a s@ sw c c s gd b ap.p .17 e /n _ s w k a _w k +x s fo +x gm be ' ap be +x gm p b $p ynam d w k ynam w k ynam m a+x o fy +x gm s 'p a x o fy a+x_ e mgmt a_w k a_ i ce a a d lm fy c o l } _ x w l cy g % g s g % g d s gd _i ^r i na _i ^ s _ na _i ^tx_ na _i ^rx_ na _i igg t ig_ m _ rx _ tx _ s _ r " _ nam _ _ _ ig _ i ce _i p& l x l a l e l+ l_{ l_{ a l^r T l_ l_h s r l_h { l_h e l_h a l_h d caps l_h r d l_h r l_h { a l_h r l_h tx T l_h # l:_%d co| # l: fg_ l # l: fg_ l:_ d # l: fg_ l: _ d # l: fg_ l: _ l # l: fg sov4_ d # l: fg sov4_ l # l: fg sov4_ d # l: w k # l: w rng # l: p b # l: p e ng # l:_ d # l: k # l: l # l: ? # l:/n # l: q # l: q_ l # l: k # l: k _? # l: k _ r # l: v # l: d # l:_%d l: omhsh y l: omhsh e l: omhsh_%d d l: omhsh e _ f # l: omhsh_ d # l: omhsh_ f%lt # l: omhsh y # l: omhsh af4 # l: omhsh e # l: omhsh f%lt # l: omhsh_? y # l: omhsh_? af4 # l: omhsh_? af6 # l: omhsh_w k # l:_af4l se # l:_af4l se _ t # 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_ p4 g ns _ 14 pv4 g n t p4 _ n t p b t p a n tudp4 _ n tudpl e4 _ n t n c t n pv4 i n gm n t b T b _ _ n pv4 c _ n p _ n T b4+u pmr+u 35 pmr p/n n f a n t n pt lt n pt m g n f a ru n pt n pt s u n t t n t pt lt n txfr n Txfrm c i t ix t 6 f6 t > n p6 l: p6+ t n l p6+ t n d c tudpl e6 _ n aw6_ n c v6 g 6 _ g 6 p6 g ns c _ 13 pv6 g n t pv6 b t pv6 p6 l l i p6 l ur p6 l l pv6 c t b6+u n pv6 _ n p6 n p6t lt n p6t m g n p6t n o t n s n n f` p f` n fg n tw p n Tw p _ c tvia d tg d sh be T ur n m [ a br g b [ c @il b [ c r [ c _ o b [ c a n d [ c t |i ]y t m l ox av t k i e t k 3_64M t d d t spa n br t n 3 t b 570x_lim vpd t ho lug r t xu s 256 t k s5536_vsa t n s t d p l0s t xu 816x l s t via_ i t k vwks sb5i t am t h m _ 6 t g po bm 7_lp g _ co t via x7 [ k t p d ce t vt82c598_ t " t i7101_ i t h4_lp i 6_lp gp" t h7_lpc t vt8235_ i t x"2 0a t k [ m t k [ pxh t e _ r t igfx_ q t a _h gs t n [p[ t n [amd t t via bf t vsfx t n o t x v1_53c810 t k 64h2_1 " t k 64h2_1 i x_": t vt82c586_ i t vt82c686_ i t b 5719_lim mrrs t r t k iix4_ i t h6_lpc [ p t v be ta be do c tg d sh b e 6 tg d sh b be tg d sh b e t i o d tg d sh ty be t ap tur v t amd64 be t be 915 [ be n_ iix_) e _) e la n* be e2k ) e nx2_) e =g3_ su o o|* =g3 a o hycfg =g3 a d h_v =g3 v p ize 50 =g3^5752 v fo =g3^577 v fo =g3^5717 v fo =g3^ p m ize =g3^nv m ize =g3 a b v =g3 a mgm v =g3 v =g3 d e 86 =g3 t d 70. pr .90 =g3^ v i =g3_) e be < be <_v 0 Te<@ s <_v 0 Te< s < be ky2_)n . pr .62 ky2 be v be t a p m 8139_) e _) e cm[a u d k cc d f rs ty ta be t|"' d.p .1 t e l h*o toh[ [ t t ]k~ .p .7 s np be 1 be mi@ bo ; t i m@ : li t i m@ g yli xu l cy x iix4_ i xu spa n br [ iem r l xu um i xu i450nx xu i450gx xu vi o xu ncr53c810 xu ms k8 bo d nd [ r xu toshiba_oh[1394 [ os xu toshiba_oh[1394 =w he ' v kill _z e i c _ ot [b"s c p i c ki "$ ign t gn_ s t a dm t, b1 bf t d m hod [b" xu b [b"s c _ ot [b"s [ c u o [ c u w h d T d $ tg d sh e tg d sh ty e t amd64 e t e n i la n* e e2k [ e nx2 e =g3 e e < e < e ky2 e v e 8139 e e cc d fs rs ty ta se 1 e _)p s t)po u t w b r k r k } um he 17 too kill s.p .20. pr .24 c! um {_ fo l _ o> m y. pr .69 c g t o brk t > p t ign t o a f r Tfa msg tya )b s tya s fak d tya s i tya dum t s2.p .1 yd x t a v x a n sub d b nr 21 iix4_i k iix4_ k. pr .22 t _ _h*l s t i osc p t crd n t cur tg d sh t l iv aptur b li 915_ r _obj c tk r c w sw 830_ v p a t g y p& cs cod~ s .p .3 =g3 di e < gdu < y v s _w k nd t g *@ k t g *@ k + 8139 u 8168_oob o fy om c .p .5 o mrw gf s p. pr .15 o mrw gf m . pr .16 ty ta e ' 9 ty ta_{ $ t p p _ t t i b s 0 do be t p y t ne d k t d f f y o c w d s h h t g = f hooks. pr .4 t ig pv6_h a_jo _ibss _ liv kb m } _ s ucc s so d i }u e t }u t }u r b }u kill }u r b _] T o>Y ] _] T o>Y ] Tmut _ Tmut _ Tmut _ y ut _ r b sl p h Tmut _ r b ut _ kill sl p h Tmut _ kill ut _ l p h ut _ l p h n os ep Thr m n os ep }u hr r g c }u hr r }u hr t n n_ e n n_ r b n_kill n_ t _ 0 }u }u o }u e s }u t] f o| T] f o T] f o _ t T] f o _ r b T] f o _ r b t T] f o _kill T] f o _kill t e o| T r b s e T r b s e _ t e e _ t Tyi to T/d' } /d' } of rq }u p e d d e s }u q Tyi d o }u t t m ns ep Tr mut _ y + mut l mut l Tr mut _ Tr mut _ r b Tr mut _ wse d n ai d o| Trwse d n a fai d Trwse d n_ fai d e t & T= _ t T= _ t & t f cep _kp be t t f t$um sp g T$um sp e T$um k n d' } y em c c _ t t o e t n h k rq turn d ss tw k & tw k' } tw fy g tw fy g_v86 c _ y c _ w k c %lt c s Tx86 l f i s _ r imd s _ r T; avail Tov fl Tb nds T v i s egm ov r T v i TSS egm p$ t T egm t T ignm k iv r !ri r g f%lt t r o T g t g_ x_ sn t g ct #mi mi ct mi x m g @ k m p x T 3 Tg t ap g t 3 g ; avail To beg To & ie nmi Tt po` t o m t po` Tt pok~ Tt pok~m b Thw akpo cep fy >(nm h*l Tjp b turn Tjp b turn_& be cur n kp be 4. pr . ep. pr .8 yn iz lju yn iz lc oo s uc T p kp be T _ kp be T kp be T kp be T p k be tk b a h d Tk b a e t a h*l Tkp b f%l h*l Tkp b cep fy j r h*l Tl gjm b a h*l T _ a kp be tvm{ %lt !ri f%lt o f%lt o @a _ om o @a T om o @a #o f die T d e c nt ub e c nt t gr %l h*l t gr a h*l tkp b~ tkp b~ tkp b~ t gr r h*l t gr os h*l tkp b _ kp b bo=om t gf kp b tkp be t p p be _kp b c ~ t tk b t tkp be du c b c g b ~ . pr .21 r h*l k be T sn t T sn t T kp be ^v i kp be T kp be T k be kp be _ kp b t t kp b .p .15 T kp b T kp b T kp be t jp b .p .16 T jp b T jp be t k b .p .17 T k b T k b T k be kp be T kp be Tkp be c m s} nt T cyc r Tk b h h_ Tk b h h_ Tkp b fl h k T jp b T jp be um kp be > f pa tv _u8 tv _u16 tv _u32 tv _u64 u8 u16 u32 u64 r t,~64 r t,~32 r t,~16 r t,~8 r t, u64 r t, u16 r t, u8 r t, u32 g_u8 g_u16 g_u32 g_u64 ^d ize t gs _ m u8 ymb _u8 _ >u8 _ m u16 ymb _u16 _ >u16 _ m u32 ymb _u32 _ >u32 _ m u64 ymb _u64 _ >u64 _ m y ymb _ f _ m y ize ymb ize _ f ize tk b d p tkp b d p u8 u16 u32 u64 d$s t d f am r t,~ f am tkp b _kp be t & _ t T f f k a32 t t ? t p t do t t %d %d t g i l t g f k t g vf k t g ve t gs ig t t gs ig turn t g r g turn t g vm86 t g vm86 d t gs l e T q_ i o| _ r t Tk n h a h p _ t & c 386 k n T t T$ v ebda $ ; t g_k n t i k n t)s d)s t g v e ly am t pa _ v t kn n oot s e l s s e ly am Ws s _ W a fo T k n tk n _ oot] s oo d nam t a md k oo lay oo t ly t e Tm n b ot T g fl py Tm n ot p nam p e md k amd k s t r o r_ ll o r l h Tr a i Tr a d k i d Yux T i a d d u ive Tm r t r t a o o o k t ta _ i d am h u o ymYk o y t p t o s o ct he o' t yb Yk.p .1 ul o s na l h u pj Te l a T a tx86_l m u f%l m q Thp m T m tk o byt u kn n mi s $ v T brk T$ v * "' u 386' v $ Tx86_)u o|u_) Tx86_)pg 8259A_) s T)ISA_ qs T)IRQ # iv )IRQ om gn u om ksum b ms b> pco a 820 r t,e 820 nv m y 820_& fn. pr .1 _e820_ d r Te820_ _ pp} Te820_ d _app e820_ p Te820 r p iz e820_ p Te820_ d r Te820 r s m t s m t T d e820 Te820 e _gap Te820 u gap s e820_ Te ly' v e820 Te820_ o> m fn Te820_ o>l _ m fn TZ h_e820 s Te820' v $ Te820' v $ e l T f%l m ~p i m y u m p T mb x86_ ll T mb Z d ' ve "|u_ o|u "|u_{ = og t _k gf t g_ t u pl ~ T _)i s T t n iv s uc s t)p c s e m #o c t c ! q_ c t) c s e T lay am m i la 0x} t la t r s "|u T "|u_ i gur a u a d s T)am e4 1 m k tx boo c! t )fl s y t t )fl s y 8237A_) s tx86_xsav~ tx86_xsave s tx86 xsr tx86 ep tx86 i r u d s p u n lfl h iz~ - sr u d c! !_ ks Te ly !_ n f boo c! tvmw pl f m tvmw pl f m T)h, v l f m h, v_)pl f m h, v l f m tx86+ * 387 h t T gs t)hw > Tamd mu_ 6 mu_ 4 mu_ t v t n_ k t eh e k t *ybr g k t _ _ t k T mu_ r_)Zi ize Tm r r_i> r xe la .p .2 r x} Tm r w n T m r m r_ im Tm r Tamd p i _ f%l m r Tm r_ i c e m y Tam )m r yrix_)m r t%r_)m r t i s~bf p s $ e t i s hp s p[ i [ q m d i t i s f t m ign q0_ m ov ri s i u i [ _ t _ t T i [ igg T i q_ l T i q_ l_"ap boo t Te l boo boo s@ k t i ep fh t boo s t boo [ boo kbd boot b"s boot p[ boot sr_ !i tvia ugs v ia ugs t gs t gs/ t x_h, sp g Te l ks T _)kp b ly i _ u e ly r k hp p s Thp p l t)am nbs Te l i am nb t d cspkr # iv p $ ve Tz ze t{_l e s high m t p t t r g . pr .12 ul a md ul a Tk n h _ pp _ T highp e w h_ v s # iv p s # iv p s u d e Te l " p t r g Tl m fn_ Thigh m fn_ TZ l fn+ u boot { T _ T l " g h e l " ak _e l " p e l " p p Te l " Te l " p' T xu e l " p Te l " p Te l m p Te l i n p a g a mt, l u p T$ v to d$s o Tx86 p nx s vm{ s $ v high m e tae tvdso t tg d sh_ tg d sh u o dum lt Tf e _ do to s so s p d t g u>l so s u g uf gn g v tk boo r l pawn_ksof rqd of rq_ W b nr_ qs W _e l q_ o$ e " m t$ v~ T$ v _w h pl c _ t cap d T) m s tu r f ign s ign T h p t)w k h h_ _ t du kobj t am f t)po x_ m s t)po x !_ m s.p .8 t)po x !_ m s u hr m h$ Thr m #sp xy tks f e ) g e )s e T)s e fa l s t)s e g fs qos gf T]` _ t k p _) s T k p _ _ c j # _ oo ov r c s e s d boot t)c s ~ fs oo ov r c t)jif s e Wc s f%l c t) m l p fs t m m .p .4 t m m T c u c hz ut _ _ _ du tk sym gr d gr )subs gr )e ly gr t nam p e i nam p e t%d t%d T%d l s t%d w _ t%d t t)kp b Te l q_ u f ce q s rq x rqp l rq ) s cu }ul y d t la tu nam~ c _ t lay c s u d = k Tt k )e ly cmdY f e f dum _o s f ize h$h oo t { u s t ) gfs t) t) pr f c _ p t t) pr k t)]`u t): u t t( t)kp b e >(s f >( T)hw akpo m fn o mdY p s k n co mdY p s co ! T boot w h_ v s p s m y $ w h_ v s T s p e + #o p fn_ ignm t TZ m fn_w h_ v s d ' ve {_ T a a_) T a a_) T a a_ T{_l g~y e h h eb ]p t d hr k g tks]p h u vm di l t f%l bd |) g v t| f T|)v ify efl lay t c!_{_{_ fo c! {_ fo c! u rs k !_a c!_)l d$ r* ps t)z o fn Tm T _v _ _vm{_ Tv a a_ e ly Tv a a e ly Tvm{_ p e m y _{_ m y e ly __{ oot n . pr .8 T boot l T l _ m y e ly T oot T oot m T boot T boot m _{ oot n _{ oot m _{ oot _{ oot high _{ oot n _{ oot l _{ oot l o l mb T mb { _ mb { e T mb { e T mb { T mb {_ n T mb hy m ize T mb f c m lim T mb ' v} T mb ze t)em g cy o t x ]p s@ k s]p u?l f%l s W{ oot hug p e u?l h { u?lb rp Thu?l h u?l lub om tk m boo a x lu g lub _ d lu x_ d lub _obj l _ l f km{ e Tk m Tk m )l T T r _ t)p fs cn _ dh h_ i Tvfs e )e ly Tvfs e ih h_ i T o )e ly T o T f _ sy em T sy e li Tmn T t)b" Tb i s f s f c i _ s f m f t o f t l_ .p .14 t l_ t _ o ta" _ t t)m c fmt t)scr b fmt t) f fmt t)mbc e o t ota_ _) o c e _ o t mdY /so ! f _;e _ r t _ avg_ _ m f a _ m _v _ of rq y n _kc _kmsg_ f o f t) pt fs T _)p e" t _)fs T _)mb{ T _)sy e z e T _)x Tjbd2_j rn _) s e Tjbd2_j rn _) vok c tj rn _ t) mf fs T) o s t)hu?lbf fs Tfa c t)fa fs t)vfa fs t)msdo fs t) o9660 s Tz of t)nls p437 t)nl [i t)nl o8859_1 t)nl u 8 Tf _ Tf c _ t gf t)ya fs p p )p _ f e Tmsg_ e pc h pc c _ t)m fs T` t`y _ t)m m _ hoos lsm u u du T u y u xu s Tav t f c ux_ d ux_ ux >i h k qp s t)s s nl_ e > p t%ru r,t wq_ r,t gap r,t )p k[ph du ha iv_ du t iv_ du r,tomgr_ m _ du d5_ ha1_g _ ha256_g _ r,t du r,to b du t g _ =wo sh_ tae t c4_ 32 r,t % du r,t % n_ du tkrng_ v T: _ t:k t t: i _ t:k of rq_ t: i l tg h ; _g h r i s t:k cs i _ c gp fn sg_ oo t Y fq_ o ll Tg z _)c e tkobj u( ri t Tr ix *om32_ *om32' d ibc 32 t)k t)bm t)fsm t%d cl se [b l [ bf [ b r [' ignm s f [ vga [ iv [ f [ _ t e a r t 86c 1_i t am 8131 mrbc t ~a t u hi m ho br appl Z _ ks t i k [ehp mi [ pm d m [ p s [ p t v_ ta v ho lug_ p [ {^ t gn_ gn}' t i b tvi o = o cr l ligh cl tg :_ iv tg d sh tvi cl t i s ap _ ce t p s i t p s m t t p se t m os Yux m d os w 7 m d os vi a : li } t i t i' v $ t i i iz~ t o nam~ t f c $ o o po Te l o m y o os Yux to dm os Yux o i ize o i ize1 ]`u ; t) d p d t)nv save nv save d p d T i e T i ep _ t e l T) ; fy T i c _ n m] l )pdc e ly s pdc boo _ _ d p be _ t i o t q ob c~ t q c~ t q_ a rqr t ) s t i Y t q [ q t T i t ( T i f gf t b light s o t t n %to sd s i iz t s i iz~ubsy em t _ t = _ t f _ tvi o bq o s t vi t i s _ t m _ t b t t b t ) ync n np ' v q np ' v d np ' v " np ' v m np y e t i n Z ;e t i n m np i spnp i np ; h*l np np i s d$ np ' e np i s $ =ty l so T= t rq_ ]y d rq_ Tvc Tkb so tv so cl _ Tvt hr_ _ v t t t t tg d sh t t p t T amd64_ t amd64_ t _ t m 915_ t o r dmi b t lvd dmi b t _vb c b tvga_ ; n _ T;e Tb e l se Te ly l f iv Te ly l f ; Te ly l f iv Te ly l f iv be Te ly l f m l f !_ _ T rmw iv t]` e gf t rmw cl amd k ize r t o t x_ tg d sh_%di tqemu _ t)sc cs ) e cs ) fo cs )s c cs )p fs p sp scs sp t)sd t)sr t)sg t _ Tlib _ sp T _ tah iix_ tam t dpiix_ _ t iix_ t _g _ t bd t)m t)m b t)nf tg d sh b la n iv b li 2 d t b n t t)n so h Tmdi = _ e2k nx2_ =g3_ _) du <_) du <_) du ky2_) du t)n 8139_) du 8169_) du u oh[1394 T)oh[1394 _ _ / l s o t)pcm[a s t)pcm[a f ty ta k t T i T bf _ Tm Tm _ h hc toh hc tuh hc t : iv t b _ t u _ t p se _ t _ _ Tr _ _ Tr f s l f m be 2c bo fo 2 2 i 1_ ply l tg d sh t t m _ t _ t Ye _ m f i kc y m r, m r _ d t g_ z t)c! q_ s i o li ! q ! q_gov f m c ! q_gov_ sp ! q_gov b ! ! s fs t)l d t)m u t| t|c l tg d sh m t d r l d mi osave mi mi av i nt mi av ;e.p .4 mi $ t m co mi c e m i TZ ibf t m T rmw e ly t i good t) i m s e s pm r s i8253_ (i8253_ i Th ta4_ tapp k _ h_ h_ z_ tgyr i _ g_ r_ ig_ l_ l_ ams g_ = i t _ d t h t [b" { b ' [b" { $ [b" gn' [b"s' ~urvey _ [ cb" |cfg_ _ |cfg_ e [ y@ k 0 di c di c p be | f' v} | g_ d |cfg_ _945 |cfg_e7520 mcfg |cfg_am fam10h i' v} mbo d' e |cfg v ia cp55 [ s mcfg |cfg_ .p .2 h mcfg' e |cfg_l s $ |cfg_e l |cfg_l crs n s crs i r ks g [ ubsy tvia+ t be tvls r t be v w k r t be i r t be yrix+ t be t + t be t r t be t r t be tam r t be r t be q e k t x_ 360_ qr t t x k _h b" q9 t + t be [b" xu qs [b" q_ mi@ k ki a_ ign mi@ k [p be [b"s c Y ze [b" l ll fo tamd o c t t )n k n n n s c c n # oo s _ t t i iz h hrnd _ t c T c s eigh_ Y n Tr Y di _ l )g b p l_ t b+u n t b+u l na i> Y n Yk t tg l n tg l_ # lt # lt g_ # lt fn Y n fn Y fn Y fn Y g_ f/n k * cc n f/n k t dcc f p t gr f/n k to c _ f/n k t udpl Y n Y f/n am*a_ f/n f _ f/n h323_ f/n f/n n b" n f/n k p _ f/n k f/n _ > x tx n tx t !d m m nm m l f tg_ ns m tg_ f g g_ f tg_ m tg_ t x tg_ t pms tg_ t tg_ d m tg_ o| m nlim m n m t n hlim n hlim m p m l pr g m g im m k=, m m tqt ui m t ota t ota t2_ k m t m t c t m m tu32 g i rh h_ i c + t n r do _ r p c _ T pe s pv4 g )n pf g_ h_ i T t p4 _)n t p T p4 _ T v4_ t p/g _ f%lt a )n T w _ T w _ tudp4 _)n uh h_ i Tudp4 _ Tud t Tud tudpl e4 _)n Tudpl e4 t n T c T m t )n T t pv4 i )n gm n gm mc _ t b T i T b _ _)n _ _ c _ v4_ pv4 c _)n f v4_ p _)n m c _ T b4+u pmr mr_ t)syncooki t p4_ = n 4_ txfrm4_ sp txfrm4_ t n _ i ) c+ p cv c s s c t na c oo c oo cv %to/ g fs s/ g tv& l i n i . pr .15 c u if T o nfs s %to/ g p/n n #f/n v4 o a f/n l3p t v4_ f a n f a > f g_ f a am*a_ f a f _ t f a f a h p p _ f a _ f a p t dcc f a p t gr f a p t udpl f a p to c _ t n t pt lt n pt lt pt m g n pt m g f a ru n #f a ru f a * pt n pt pt s u n pt s u tah tg_ tg_ t di c tg_ t j tg_ t t n t t t p m g t pt lt n t pt lt ub p s v4_ Txfrm4_ Txfrm4 txfr n Txfr Txfrm Txfr p Txfrm c _ t ix ta> ix_ T ix c t 6 t 6_ T 6 _ f6 t >)n f6 _ T > p6 l: pv6_ _l _ pv6_ _l + l p6+ t n )l p6+ t n pv6+ t~ c _ p6+ t t b6 T b6_ d c #d Tudp6 _ Tudpv6_ tudpl e6 _)n Tudpl 6_ Tudpl e6 _ aw6_)n T w6 _ T wv6_ c v6 T v6_ pv6_ c _ g 6 g 6_ pv6 g )n pv6 g_ t pv6 T p6 _ T pv6_ v6_ pv6_ h p6 l l _ pv6 c Txfrm6_ Txfrm6 pv6 lt t b6+u n T b6+u pv6 _)n pv6 c _ txfrm6_ sp txfrm6_ t n _ txfrm6 e p6 n p6 p6t lt n p6t lt p6t m g n p6t m g p6t n p6t f/n l3p t v6_ > f g_ t j tg6_ )n n f` n ps f` fg _ T gul tw p n twi s n v Tw p _ _ T l_ T l_h # l: Y l:_ # l: omhsh_ # l: gm g l_ # l:_ l _g l_ # l:_ l _ # l:_ l _ f f # l: sov4_g l_ c s c _ t v y t f%l y h kCPUt,e s486 s386 h x87 u t p t l div r l il g _ co ly t %lt ly f%lt l f%lt l gn tv ify ! tv ify ! oamd tv ify ! _xd tv ify !@ k tv ify ! s tv ify ! l g tv ify ! s ok Wc ibr la i kn n ibr lay T q tx_ Tx86_) T syn r ize c e c r t e Tf!_ Txsav ! 4 ok gs t c!_ av ! 4 ~ f 7 ~ f T) e fo T)sc d !i fe u$ T t t ogy av c! t c!_v& n fy !_w h c! t lt !i fe u$ t f%l p !_ t c z T t ht !_ t t T c! ap n fy ! n fy d y ! r c! sr r c!_ fo T gs !_ tvmw ~ c! e u$ T)h, v Tx86_)r * t iz c e l ) t) pr w h_ g tamd iz c e s )amd l )amd t)amd o yrix_ l )cyrix t)cyrix t)nsc yrix_i n fy t%r iz c e l )c t%r t)c t%r l ) sm a t) sm a tx86 mu o Tx86/ gur nx Tf ! b t m ! o fy r m ! o fy T) bootu t k T) >()c! 54 f ! o fy T i s pdc t i s _ d T i s T ! = ogy f t p i s tamd ! o fy l c! pa 10 l c! T)cur n e t z e _e ly fn n Te ly fn n T pfn+ g f tz ~p n} e o 63 _ s p e + tz s p e o 64 T m )z e T)p z wm m p e boot m T|)v ify Yks t mb e t mb m g s t mb du t mb s t mb T { mb ' v} fo r r g v T mb Z + g T mb Z + t mb d b y t mb d T mb T mb d T mb ' ve t mb r _ mb e T mb e T mb e m fn+ T mb T mb o>DRAM T mb o>DRAM T mb i m y T mb _ m y T mb ' v} T mb i m y T mb cur n lim _ mb dum T rmw ho lug e t \ p! {, 7 C YP [ g ^s ~ k N T 5 " 1 = L \W c ]p | # R q y : T $ 0 ; E CR \ i z 2 | 7 ? = M X @% 1 {= I T _ j t ( ( _ . p j * 6 B N [ 2h t l ack all tm ach Tdr des regist tb intel Td td de_ ip ci_ art rc _set mov eq leas .isra. isra. ra. eee80211 b_ no eee fre able_ queu con c_ ge pu io Tn res au end _res event_ init_ and _r yp _show . _con 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bl devic 1000 tt f_ get _ch A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X lin fin ci tftrace_raw_ wa _get_ _ ke a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z alloc mm ed e_s Tc th raw_ 100 ys ata ate que si gist bu _m lock ext4 roc tl Tacpi_ _t T_ _set_ writ lo _d _n te ut_ 80211 Ti 802 tn w_ int ff 11 80 gi mp even ro ing _b _f tftrace_ ir ol ate_ acpi_ ext id Tp mo ab ev ag rit it_ ch qu how me ee init ma acp dr er_ es 00 _st o_ le_ up un ic get_ y_ trace_ is dev ra tf op el tc Ts us ow loc ec ou as fi trac m_ k_ ad i_ p_ ts tp le or ex ar an al st et s_ d_ ti on _re et_ oc it _p en _c de at tr ac er _s re in t_ e_ ! ' * - 1 4 8 < ? D H K P W ] a j m p t x ~ " $ & ( * . 2 5 B E K M P R T V X Z \ ^ ` b d f h j l n p r t v x z | ~ $ ' + . 1 : = @ E K O R U X [ ^ a e i l o s v y ~ " & * - 0 3 6 9 < ? B E H K N Q T console earlycon <4>Malformed early option '%s' <4>Failed to execute %s <4>Failed to execute %s. Attempting defaults... /sbin/init /etc/init /bin/init /bin/sh No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance. init/main.c Too many boot init vars at `%s' <4>Parameter %s is obsolete, ignored Too many boot env vars at `%s' early options <5>%s <5>Kernel command line: %s Booting kernel <4>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it <2>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled early <2>initrd overwritten (0x%08lx < 0x%08lx) - disabling it. <7>calling %pF @ %i <7>initcall %pF returned %d after %lld usecs error code %d preemption imbalance disabled interrupts initcall %pF returned with %s /dev/console <4>Warning: unable to open an initial console. /init early parameters core parameters postcore parameters arch parameters subsys parameters fs parameters device parameters late parameters HOME=/ TERM=linux init PARTUUID= /PARTNROFF=%d%c <3>VFS: PARTUUID= is invalid. Expected PARTUUID=[/PARTNROFF=%%d] <3>Disabling rootwait; root= is invalid. /dev/ %u:%u nfs ram readonly /root <6>VFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s on device %u:%u. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s: error %d Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %s List of all partitions: No filesystem could mount root, tried: %s /dev/root <5>VFS: Insert %s and press ENTER <6>Waiting %dsec before mounting root device... mtd ubi <6>Waiting for root device %s... / . <3>%s <3>RAMDISK: error while reading compressed data <3>RAMDISK: EOF while reading compressed data <3>RAMDISK: incomplete write (%d != %d) s /dev/ram <5>RAMDISK: %s image found at block %d <0>RAMDISK: %s decompressor not configured! <5>RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d. RAMDISK: image too big! (%dKiB/%ldKiB) /initrd.image <3>RAMDISK: could not determine device size <3>RAMDISK: could not allocate buffer <5>RAMDISK: Loading %dKiB [%ld disk%s] into ram disk... done disk #%d. Error closing the disk. disk #%d Error opening disk. Loading disk #%d... %c done. root floppy disk to be loaded into RAM disk okay failed /dev/root.old /old /linuxrc <5>Trying to move old root to /initrd ... /root/initrd /initrd does not exist. Ignored. <5>Unmounting old root <5>Trying to free ramdisk memory ... linuxrc noautodetect autodetect partitionable part d raid0 super-block linear <4>md: Too few arguments supplied to md=. <4>md: md=%s%d, Specified more than once. Replacing previous definition. <4>md: md=%s%d - too many md initialisations <6>md: Will configure md%d (%s) from %s, below. _d /dev/md%s%d /dev/%s <4>md: Unknown device name: %s <6>md: Loading md%s%d: %s <3>md: open failed - cannot start array %s <4>md: Ignoring md=%d, already autodetected. (Use raid=noautodetect) <4>md: starting md%d failed /dev/md0 <6>md: Skipping autodetection of RAID arrays. (raid=autodetect will force) <6>md: Waiting for all devices to be available before autodetect <6>md: If you don't use raid, use raid=noautodetect can't allocate buffers decompressor failed compression method %s not configured junk in compressed archive 070707 incorrect cpio method used: use -H newc option 070701 no cpio magic broken padding can't allocate link hash entry <6>Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs... init/initramfs.c <6>rootfs image is not initramfs (%s); looks like an initrd TRAILER!!! can't allocate dir_entry buffer <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped) already calibrated this CPU <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. <5>calibrate_delay_direct() ignoring timer_rate as we had a TSC wrap around start=%lu >=post_end=%lu <5>calibrate_delay_direct() dropping min bogoMips estimate %d = %lu <5>calibrate_delay_direct() dropping max bogoMips estimate %d = %lu <5>calibrate_delay_direct() failed to get a good estimate for loops_per_jiffy. Probably due to long platform interrupts. Consider using "lpj=" boot option. <6>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. <6>Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] EFLAGS: %08lx CPU: %d EIP is at %s EAX: %08lx EBX: %08lx ECX: %08lx EDX: %08lx ESI: %08lx EDI: %08lx EBP: %08lx ESP: %08lx DS: %04x ES: %04x FS: %04x GS: %04x SS: %04x CR0: %08lx CR2: %08lx CR3: %08lx CR4: %08lx DR0: %08lx DR1: %08lx DR2: %08lx DR3: %08lx DR6: %08lx DR7: %08lx arch/x86/kernel/process_32.c <6> <0> %s%s[%d] bad frame in %s frame:%p ip:%lx sp:%lx orax:%lx in sigreturn rt_sigreturn divide error overflow bounds invalid opcode coprocessor segment overrun invalid TSS segment not present stack segment alignment check <6>%s[%d] general protection ip:%lx sp:%lx error:%lx general protection fault int3 debug fpu exception simd exception /usr/local/google/home/jinqian/Android/aosp/goldfish/arch/x86/include/asm/fpu-internal.h iret exception <3>unexpected IRQ trap at vector %02x NMI %*s: %10u Non-maskable interrupts PLT Platform interrupts ERR %*s: %10u <0>%s: %d.%d No irq handler for vector (irq %d) <7>CPU %u irqstacks, hard=%p soft=%p arch/x86/kernel/irq_32.c IRQ %08lx <0>Process %.*s (pid: %d, ti=%p task=%p task.ti=%p) <0>Stack: <0>Code: Bad EIP value. <%02x> %02x timer &mm->context.lock %s <%s> ? [<%p>] %s%pB %sCall Trace: Pid: %d, comm: %.20s %s %s %.*s Fatal exception in interrupt Fatal exception %s: %04lx [#%d] PREEMPT <0>EIP: [<%08lx>] %s SS:ESP %04x:%08lx arch/x86/kernel/nmi.c Trying to free NMI (%s) from NMI context! <0>NMI: PCI system error (SERR) for reason %02x on CPU %d. NMI: Not continuing <0>Dazed and confused, but trying to continue <0>NMI: IOCK error (debug interrupt?) for reason %02x on CPU %d. NMI IOCK error: Not continuing <0>Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason %02x on CPU %d. <0>Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? arch/x86/kernel/setup.c <6>extended physical RAM map: reserve setup_data <6>fixed physical RAM map: bad_ppro <7>initial memory mapped : 0 - %08lx <4>failed to reserve 0x%08lx <3>initrd too large to handle, disabling initrd <6>RAMDISK: %08llx - %08llx Cannot find place for new RAMDISK of size %lld <6>Allocated new RAMDISK: %08llx - %08llx <6>Move RAMDISK from %016llx - %016llx to %08llx - %08llx <7>reserving inaccessible SNB gfx pages Video RAM area dma1 pic1 timer0 timer1 keyboard dma page reg pic2 dma2 fpu Kernel bss Kernel code Kernel data <7>spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ%d. XT-PIC /usr/local/google/home/jinqian/Android/aosp/goldfish/arch/x86/include/asm/desc.h cascade Video ROM Adapter ROM Extension ROM System ROM <6>Simple Boot Flag at 0x%x set to 0x%x <4>Simple Boot Flag value 0x%x read from CMOS RAM was invalid (usable) (reserved) (ACPI data) (ACPI NVS) (unusable) type %u <6>last_pfn = %#lx max_arch_pfn = %#lx arch/x86/kernel/e820.c <7>e820 update range: %016Lx - %016Lx ==> <3>Ooops! Too many entries in the memory map! <6> %s: %016Lx - %016Lx <7>e820 remove range: %016Lx - %016Lx nopentium exactmap <6>modified physical RAM map: modified <6>Allocating PCI resources starting at %lx (gap: %lx:%lx) extended <6>update e820_saved for early_reserve_e820 Invalid user supplied memory map <6>user-defined physical RAM map: user System RAM ACPI Tables ACPI Non-volatile Storage Unusable memory reserved <7>reserve RAM buffer: %016llx - %016llx RAM buffer BIOS-88 BIOS-e801 BIOS-e820 <6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map: off force noforce biomerge panic nopanic merge nomerge forcesac allowdac nodac usedac pt group_mf , PCI: Disallowing DAC for device Force SAC with mask %Lx disabling DAC on VIA PCI bridge fallback device RCBA disabled; cannot force enable HPET <7> ioremap failed; cannot force enable HPET Force enabled HPET at 0x%lx Failed to force enable HPET HPET at 0x%lx <6>HPET not enabled in BIOS. You might try hpet=force boot option SB4X0 revision 0x%x arch/x86/kernel/quirks.c <7>Force enabled HPET at resume x86 <7>%s: alt table %p -> %p arch/x86/kernel/alternative.c SMP alternatives <3>nommu_%s: overflow %Lx+%zu of device mask %Lx arch/x86/kernel/pci-nommu.c map_sg map_single Can't find any breakpoint slot arch/x86/kernel/hw_breakpoint.c /usr/local/google/home/jinqian/Android/aosp/goldfish/arch/x86/include/asm/debugreg.h <4>notsc: Kernel compiled with CONFIG_X86_TSC, cannot disable TSC completely. reliable noirqtime <6>Refined TSC clocksource calibration: %lu.%03lu MHz. <6>Marking TSC unstable due to %s cpufreq changes HPET PMTIMER Fast TSC calibration failed Fast TSC calibration using PIT <6>TSC: PIT calibration matches %s. %d loops <4>TSC: Unable to calibrate against PIT TSC: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available <4>TSC: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed. <6>TSC: using %s reference calibration <6>TSC: Using PIT calibration value <4>TSC: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed. Using PIT calibration <4>TSC: PIT calibration deviates from %s: %lu %lu. could not calculate TSC khz Detected %lu.%03lu MHz processor. TSCs unsynchronized tsc 0x80 0xed udelay none <5>%s: using 0xed I/O delay port Compaq Presario V6000 HP Pavilion dv9000z HP Pavilion dv6000 HP Pavilion tx1000 Presario F700 registered platform RTC device (no PNP device found) <5>set_rtc_mmss: can't update from %d to %d arch/x86/kernel/rtc.c <6>Extended CMOS year: %d PNP0b00 PNP0b01 PNP0b02 rtc_cmos <3>CYCLIC DEPENDENCY FOUND! %pS depends on %pS and vice-versa. BREAKING IT. <3>EXECUTION ORDER INVALID! %pS should be called before %pS! Cannot allocate trampoline <7>Base memory trampoline at [%p] %llx size %zu TSC halt in AMD C1E <6>System has AMD C1E enabled <6>Switch to broadcast mode on CPU%d poll using polling idle threads. mwait "idle=mwait" will be removed in 2012 arch/x86/kernel/process.c halt nomwait task_xstate Pid: %d, comm: %.20s %s %s %.*s %s %s /%s <6>using mwait in idle threads. <6>using AMD E400 aware idle routine arch/x86/kernel/i387.c <3>XSTATE_CPUID missing arch/x86/kernel/xsave.c <3>FP/SSE not shown under xsave features 0x%llx <6>xsave/xrstor: enabled xstate_bv 0x%llx, cntxt size 0x%x include/trace/events/syscalls.h %s: NR %ld (%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx) NR %ld = %ld id long ret unsigned long %s[%d] args i386 bx cx dx si di bp ax ds es fs gs orig_ax ip cs flags sp ss sys_exit raw_syscalls sys_enter %luK %lu %x Data Instruction Unified Unknown cache index%1lu %d FREE <4>L3 slot %d in use/index already disabled! shared_cpu_list shared_cpu_map size number_of_sets ways_of_associativity physical_line_partition coherency_line_size type level subcaches cache_disable_1 cache_disable_0 unknown yes no processor : %u vendor_id : %s cpu family : %d model : %u model name : %s stepping : %d stepping : unknown microcode : 0x%x cpu MHz : %u.%03u cache size : %d KB fdiv_bug : %s hlt_bug : %s f00f_bug : %s coma_bug : %s fpu : %s fpu_exception : %s cpuid level : %d wp : %s flags : bogomips : %lu.%02lu clflush size : %u cache_alignment : %d address sizes : %u bits physical, %u bits virtual power management: %s%s [%d] vme de pse msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 pn clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht tm ia64 pbe syscall mp nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 3dnowext 3dnow recovery longrun lrti cxmmx k6_mtrr cyrix_arr centaur_mcr constant_tsc up arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc extd_apicid amd_dcm aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cid fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid dca sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor rng rng_en ace ace_en ace2 ace2_en phe phe_en pmm pmm_en lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs xop skinit wdt lwp fma4 tce nodeid_msr tbm topoext perfctr_core ida arat cpb epb xsaveopt pln pts dtherm hw_pstate tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid npt lbrv svm_lock nrip_save tsc_scale vmcb_clean flushbyasid decodeassists pausefilter pfthreshold fsgsbase bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm ts fid vid ttp stc 100mhzsteps hwpstate eff_freq_ro <3>CPU: vendor_id '%s' unknown, using generic init. CPU: Your system may be unstable. <4>CPU: CPU feature %s disabled, no CPUID level 0x%x 486 386 <5>CPU serial number disabled. %02x/%02x arch/x86/kernel/cpu/common.c <6> MSR%08x: %016llx %s %s %d86 stepping %02x <4>CPU#%d already initialized! <6>Initializing CPU#%d Unknown <4>Failed to get TSC freq from the hypervisor arch/x86/kernel/cpu/vmware.c <6>TSC freq read from hypervisor : %lu.%03lu MHz VMwareVMware VMware <6>Hypervisor detected: %s <6>HyperV: features 0x%x, hints 0x%x Microsoft Hv Microsoft HyperV hyperv_clocksource x86cpu:vendor:%04X:family:%04X:model:%04X:feature: ,%04X x86 features overflow page arch/x86/kernel/cpu/match.c MODALIAS=%s "no-hlt" is deprecated, please use "idle=poll" arch/x86/kernel/cpu/bugs.c <6>CPU: Kernel requires i486+ for 'invlpg' and other features <0>No coprocessor found and no math emulation present. <0>Giving up. <4>Hmm, FPU with FDIV bug. <6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... disabled OK. <4>Atom PSE erratum detected, BIOS microcode update recommended <6>Disabled fast string operations Celeron-A Celeron (Mendocino) Mobile Pentium II (Dixon) Celeron (Covington) Celeron (Coppermine) <6>CPU: C0 stepping P4 Xeon detected. <6>CPU: Disabling hardware prefetching (Errata 037) WARNING: SMP operation may be unreliablewith B stepping processors. arch/x86/kernel/cpu/intel.c <4>ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: Set to 'normal', was 'performance' ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: View and update with x86_energy_perf_policy(8) <6>Pentium Pro with Errata#50 detected. Taking evasive action. Intel GenuineIntel 486 DX-25/33 486 DX-50 486 SX 486 DX/2 486 SL 486 SX/2 486 DX/2-WB 486 DX/4 486 DX/4-WB Pentium 60/66 A-step Pentium 60/66 Pentium 75 - 200 OverDrive PODP5V83 Pentium MMX Mobile Pentium 75 - 200 Mobile Pentium MMX Pentium Pro A-step Pentium Pro Pentium II (Klamath) Pentium II (Deschutes) Mobile Pentium II Pentium III (Katmai) Pentium III (Coppermine) Pentium III (Cascades) Pentium III (Tualatin) Pentium 4 (Unknown) Pentium 4 (Willamette) Pentium 4 (Northwood) Pentium 4 (Foster) <4>[Firmware Bug]: TSC doesn't count with P0 frequency! <6>AMD K6 stepping B detected - system stability may be impaired when more than 32 MB are used. probably OK (after B9730xxxx). <6>Enabling old style K6 write allocation for %d Mb <6>Enabling new style K6 write allocation for %d Mb <6>Enabling disabled K7/SSE Support. <6>CPU: CLK_CTL MSR was %x. Reprogramming to %x WARNING: This combination of AMD processors is not suitable for SMP. arch/x86/kernel/cpu/amd.c Hammer <6>[Firmware Info]: CPU: Re-enabling disabled Topology Extensions Support AMD AuthenticAMD Am5x86-WT Am5x86-WB <6>Recalibrating delay loop with SLOP bit reset <6>Working around Cyrix MediaGX virtual DMA bugs. cyrix 5510/5520 detected <6>Enable Memory-Write-back mode on Cyrix/NSC processor. <6>Enable Memory access reorder on Cyrix/NSC processor. CyrixInstead <6>Enabling CPUID on Cyrix processor. NSC Geode by NSC Cyrix 3 C6 2 2A 2B ?? <5>Disabling bugged TSC. <6>Centaur FCR was 0x%X now 0x%X <6>Centaur FCR is 0x%X WinChip %s <6>CPU: Enabled ACE h/w crypto <6>CPU: Enabled h/w RNG Centaur CentaurHauls <6>CPU: Processor revision %u.%u.%u.%u, %u MHz <6>CPU: Processor revision %08X, %u MHz <6>CPU: Code Morphing Software revision %u.%u.%u-%u-%u <6>CPU: %s Transmeta GenuineTMx86 TransmetaCPU UMC UMC UMC UMC U5D U5S <6>Performance Events: no PMU driver, software events only. <6>no APIC, boot with the "lapic" boot parameter to force-enable it. <6>no hardware sampling interrupt available. Broken BIOS detected, complain to your hardware vendor. <3>[Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR %x is %Lx) Broken PMU hardware detected, using software events only. <3>hw perf events %d > max(%d), clipping! arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event.c <3>hw perf events fixed %d > max(%d), clipping! PMI <6>... version: %d <6>... bit width: %d <6>... generic registers: %d <6>... value mask: %016Lx <6>... max period: %016Lx <6>... fixed-purpose events: %d <6>... event mask: %016Lx cpu %s PMU driver. <6> <6>CPU#%d: ctrl: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: status: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: overflow: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: fixed: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: pebs: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: active: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: gen-PMC%d ctrl: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: gen-PMC%d count: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: gen-PMC%d left: %016llx <6>CPU#%d: fixed-PMC%d count: %016llx rdpmc format config:24-31 config:23 config:18 config:8-15 config:0-7,32-35 arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_amd.c AMD Family 15h cmask inv edge umask event config:19 config:0-7 unsupported p6 CPU model %d p6 pc config:63 config:32-62 config:0-31 arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_p4.c P4 PMU: Wrong address passed: %x unsupported Netburst CPU model %d Netburst events, Netburst P4/Xeon escr cccr arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_intel_lbr.c 4-deep LBR, 16-deep LBR, LBR disabled due to erratum 8-deep LBR, arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_intel_ds.c PEBS fmt0%c, PEBS fmt1%c, no PEBS fmt%d%c, <4>PEBS disabled due to CPU errata. <6>CPU erratum AAJ80 worked around config1:0-63 config:21 <4>CPUID marked event: '%s' unavailable arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_intel.c perfevents: irq loop stuck! clearing PMU state on CPU#%d core Core events, Core2 events, Nehalem events, Atom events, Westmere events, SandyBridge events, generic architected perfmon v1, generic architected perfmon, cpu cycles instructions bus cycles cache references cache misses branch instructions branch misses offcore_rsp any <4>mtrr: type: %u invalid <6>mtrr: Serverworks LE rev < 6 detected. Write-combining disabled. <6>mtrr: Intel 450NX MMC detected. Write-combining disabled. <4>mtrr: your processor doesn't support write-combining <4>mtrr: zero sized request <4>mtrr: base or size exceeds the MTRR width <4>mtrr: 0x%lx000,0x%lx000 overlaps existing 0x%lx000,0x%lx000 <6>mtrr: no more MTRRs available <4>mtrr: type mismatch for %lx000,%lx000 old: %s new: %s <4>mtrr: size and base must be multiples of 4 kiB <7>mtrr: size: 0x%lx base: 0x%lx <7>mtrr: no MTRR for %lx000,%lx000 found <4>mtrr: register: %d too big <4>mtrr: MTRR %d not used <4>mtrr: reg: %d has count=0 ? reg%02i: base=0x%06lx000 (%5luMB), size=%5lu%cB, count=%d: %s disable= base= size= type= uncachable write-combining write-through write-protect write-back <4>mtrr: base(0x%lx000) is not 4 MiB aligned <4>mtrr: writable mtrr between 0x70000000 and 0x7003FFFF may hang the CPU. <4>mtrr: base(0x%lx000) is not aligned on a size(0x%lx000) boundary <4>mtrr: your BIOS has configured an incorrect mask, fixing it. arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/generic.c <7> %05X-%05X %s <4>mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent fixed MTRR settings <4>mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent variable MTRR settings <4>mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent MTRRdefType settings <6>mtrr: probably your BIOS does not setup all CPUs. <6>mtrr: corrected configuration. <3>MTRR: CPU %u: Writing MSR %x to %x:%x failed <3>[Firmware Warn]: MTRR: CPU %u: SYSCFG[MtrrFixDramModEn] not cleared by BIOS, clearing this bit en dis <7>MTRR default type: %s <7>MTRR fixed ranges %sabled: <7>MTRR variable ranges %sabled: <7> %u base %0*X%05X000 mask %0*X%05X000 %s <7> %u disabled <7>TOM2: %016llx aka %lldM <6>CPU MTRRs all blank - virtualized system. <7>After WB checking <7>MTRR MAP PFN: %016llx - %016llx <4>WARNING: BIOS bug: VAR MTRR %d contains strange UC entry under 1M, check with your system vendor! <7>After UC checking <7>After sorting <4>WARNING: BIOS bug: CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory, losing %lluMB of RAM. arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/cleanup.c <6>update e820 for mtrr is <4>mtrr: only write-combining%s supported <4>ACPI: Unable to map SBF <4>ACPI: Unable to map HPET <4>ACPI: HPET timers must be located in memory. <4>ACPI: HPET id: %#x base: %#lx is invalid <6>ACPI: HPET id: %#x base: %#lx HPET %u noacpi <5>%s detected: force use of pci=noacpi <5>%s detected: force use of acpi=noirq <5>%s detected: acpi off <5>Warning: DMI blacklist says broken, but acpi forced <6>ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: %#x <5>%s detected: Ignoring BIOS IRQ0 override strict rsdt noirq copy_dsdt high low ACPI: setting ELCR to %04x (from %04x) BOOT <4>ACPI: acpi=force override <4>ACPI: Disabling ACPI support FACP HP nx6115 laptop HP NX6125 laptop HP NX6325 laptop HP 6715b laptop FUJITSU SIEMENS IBM Thinkpad ASUS A7V IBM Thinkpad 600 Series 2645 IBM Thinkpad 600 Series 2646 ASUS PR-DLS Acer TravelMate 36x Laptop s3_bios s3_mode s3_beep nonvs old_ordering , <3>wakeup header does not match <7>Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-%d state ACPI FFH INTEL MWAIT 0x%x <6>%s series board detected. Selecting KBD-method for reboot. <6>%s series board detected. Selecting BIOS-method for reboots. <6>%s series board detected. Selecting PCI-method for reboots. machine restart Apple MacBook5 Apple MacBookPro5 Apple Macmini3,1 Apple iMac9,1 Dell Latitude E6320 Dell Latitude E5420 Dell Latitude E6420 Dell OptiPlex 990 Dell PowerEdge C6100 Dell E520 Dell PowerEdge 1300 Dell PowerEdge 300 Dell OptiPlex 745 Dell OptiPlex 330 Dell OptiPlex 360 Dell OptiPlex 760 Dell PowerEdge 2400 Dell Precision T5400 Dell Precision T7400 HP Compaq Laptop Dell XPS710 Dell DXP061 Sony VGN-Z540N CompuLab SBC-FITPC2 ASUS P4S800 Acer Aspire One A110 cpu/%u/msr cpu/msr <3>msr: unable to get major %d for msr msr%d cpu/%u/cpuid cpu/cpuid <3>cpuid: unable to get major %d for cpuid cpuid cpu%d <6>Detected use of extended apic ids on hypertransport bus <6>Enabling hypertransport extended apic interrupt broadcast <6>Note this is a bios bug, please contact your hw vendor kretprobe BUG!: Processing kretprobe %p @ %p include/linux/kprobes.h <4>Unrecoverable kprobe detected at %p. arch/x86/kernel/kprobes.c <3>current sp %p does not match saved sp %p <3>Saved registers for jprobe %p <3>Current registers __switch_to <3>module %s: Unknown relocation: %u .text .altinstructions .smp_locks .parainstructions <0>PANIC: double fault, gdt at %08lx [%d bytes] <0>double fault, tss at %08lx <0>eip = %08lx, esp = %08lx <0>eax = %08lx, ebx = %08lx, ecx = %08lx, edx = %08lx <0>esi = %08lx, edi = %08lx no vm86_info: BAD vm86: could not access userspace vm86_info vm86irq 0x ttyS keep serial <2>ERROR: earlyprintk= %s already used ,ttyS vga disable verbose <6>hpet: %s(%d): <6>hpet: ID: 0x%x, PERIOD: 0x%x <6>hpet: CFG: 0x%x, STATUS: 0x%x <6>hpet: COUNTER_l: 0x%x, COUNTER_h: 0x%x <6>hpet: T%d: CFG_l: 0x%x, CFG_h: 0x%x <6>hpet: T%d: CMP_l: 0x%x, CMP_h: 0x%x <6>hpet: T%d ROUTE_l: 0x%x, ROUTE_h: 0x%x <4>hpet1: lost %d rtc interrupts <4>HPET config register value = 0xFFFFFFFF. Disabling HPET <4>HPET counter not counting. HPET disabled <7>hpet clockevent registered hpet <5>AMD NB: Cannot enumerate AMD northbridges. <5>AMD NB: Cannot initialize GART flush words, GART support disabled. nothing to flush? <3>rodata_test: test 1 fails (start data) <3>rodata_test: test data was not read only <3>rodata_test: .rodata is not 4k aligned <3>rodata_test: .rodata end is not 4k aligned pcspkr 4k 1G 2M <6>init_memory_mapping: %016lx-%016lx <7> %010lx - %010lx page %s Cannot find space for the kernel page tables <7>kernel direct mapping tables up to %#lx @ [mem %#010lx-%#010lx] arch/x86/mm/init.c <6>Freeing %s: %luk freed unused kernel memory initrd memory alloc_low_page: ran out of memory arch/x86/mm/init_32.c <3>highmem size (%luMB) is bigger than pages available (%luMB)! <3>highmem size (%luMB) results in <64MB lowmem, ignoring it! <4>only %luMB highmem pages available, ignoring highmem size of %luMB! <4>Warning: only 4GB will be used. Use a HIGHMEM64G enabled kernel! <6> mapped low ram: 0 - %08lx <6> low ram: 0 - %08lx <5>%ldMB HIGHMEM available. <5>%ldMB LOWMEM available. <6>Memory: %luk/%luk available (%dk kernel code, %dk reserved, %dk data, %dk init, %ldk highmem) <6>virtual kernel memory layout: fixmap : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) pkmap : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) vmalloc : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) lowmem : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) .init : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) .data : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) .text : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) <6>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... No. This kernel doesn't support CPU's with broken WP. Recompile it for a 386! Ok. <6>Write protecting the kernel text: %luk <6>Write protecting the kernel read-only data: %luk arch/x86/mm/fault.c *pde = %0*Lx *pte = %0*Lx <1>%s: Corrupted page table at address %lx Bad pagetable <1>BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference paging request at %p <1>IP: <0>Thread overran stack, or stack corrupted Oops CR2: %016lx %s%s[%d]: segfault at %lx ip %p sp %p error %lx in PMD has incorrect permission bits <4>Debug warning: early ioremap leak of %d areas detected. arch/x86/mm/ioremap.c <4>please boot with early_ioremap_debug and report the dmesg. <3>ioremap reserve_memtype failed %d <6>Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine. <3>ioremap error for 0x%llx-0x%llx, requested 0x%lx, got 0x%lx <3>iounmap: bad address %p <6>early_ioremap(%08llx, %08lx) [%d] => %08lx + %08lx <6>early_iomap(%08llx, %08lx) not found slot <6>early_ioremap_init() <4>pmd %p != %p <4>fix_to_virt(FIX_BTMAP_BEGIN): %08lx <4>fix_to_virt(FIX_BTMAP_END): %08lx <4>FIX_BTMAP_END: %d <4>FIX_BTMAP_BEGIN: %d <6>early_iounmap(%p, %08lx) [%d] size not consistent %08lx <6>early_iounmap(%p, %08lx) [%d] <6>early_iounmap(%p, %08lx) not found slot <4>CPA: called for zero pte. vaddr = %lx cpa->vaddr = %lx arch/x86/mm/pageattr.c DirectMap4k: %8lu kB DirectMap4M: %8lu kB PAT support disabled. <6>%s %s @ 0x%Lx-0x%Lx PAT memtype list: pat_memtype_list PAT not supported by CPU. <3>PAT enabled, but not supported by secondary CPU arch/x86/mm/pat.c <6>x86 PAT enabled: cpu %d, old 0x%Lx, new 0x%Lx - <6>reserve_memtype failed 0x%Lx-0x%Lx, track %s, req %s <6>reserve_memtype added 0x%Lx-0x%Lx, track %s, req %s, ret %s <6>reserve_ram_pages_type failed 0x%Lx-0x%Lx, track 0x%lx, req 0x%lx <6>%s:%d freeing invalid memtype %Lx-%Lx <6>free_memtype request 0x%Lx-0x%Lx <6>Program %s tried to access /dev/mem between %Lx->%Lx. <6>%s:%d ioremap_change_attr failed %s for %Lx-%Lx <4>%s:%d map pfn RAM range req %s for %Lx-%Lx, got %s <3>%s:%d map pfn expected mapping type %s for %Lx-%Lx, got %s broken uncached-minus uncached nohigh arch/x86/mm/pgtable.c <6>Reserving virtual address space above 0x%08x on <5>Notice: NX (Execute Disable) protection missing in CPU! <5>Notice: NX (Execute Disable) protection cannot be enabled: non-PAE kernel! <6>Overlap at 0x%Lx-0x%Lx <6>%s:%d conflicting memory types %Lx-%Lx %s<->%s arch/x86/mm/pgtable_32.c <4>set_pmd_pfn: vaddr misaligned <4>set_pmd_pfn: pfn misaligned arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c arch/x86/mm/highmem_32.c /usr/local/google/home/jinqian/Android/aosp/goldfish/arch/x86/include/asm/fixmap.h <6>Initializing %s for node %d (%08lx:%08lx) ELF arch/x86/vdso/vdso32-setup.c <6>VDSO: unexpected DT_tag %x <6>VDSO: unexpected st_shndx %x [vdso] goldfish_pdev_worker failed to register device, %s goldfish_pdev_worker registered %s goldfish_pdev_remove could not find device at %x goldfish_new_pdev %s at %x irq %d goldfish_pdev_bus include/trace/events/task.h pid=%d comm=%s clone_flags=%lx oom_score_adj=%d pid=%d oldcomm=%s newcomm=%s oom_score_adj=%d &sighand->signalfd_wqh pid pid_t char comm clone_flags oom_score_adj int oldcomm newcomm &mm->mmap_sem kernel/fork.c <1>BUG: Bad rss-counter state mm:%p idx:%d val:%ld task_struct &sig->wait_chldexit &sig->group_rwsem &sig->cred_guard_mutex include/linux/kref.h &x->wait sighand_cache signal_cache files_cache fs_cache mm_struct vm_area_struct task_rename task task_newtask kernel %d-%d %-16s [%s] execdomains Linux <4>Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint <0>Kernel panic - not syncing: %s <0>Rebooting in %d seconds.. Tainted: Not tainted <4>Board Information: %s <4>---[ end trace %016llx ]--- <4>------------[ cut here ]------------ <4>WARNING: at %s:%d %pS() <4>Hardware name: %s msg __data_loc char[] profile buffer not large enough include/trace/events/printk.h %s kernel/printk.c [%5lu.%06lu] <3>log_buf_len: %ld bytes not available <6>log_buf_len: %d <6>early log buf free: %d(%d%%) <4>%s (%d): Attempt to access syslog with CAP_SYS_ADMIN but no CAP_SYSLOG (deprecated). <6>debug: ignoring loglevel setting. Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) <4>[sched_delayed] %s <6>debug: skip boot console de-registration. <6>turn off boot console %s%d boot <6>Too late to register bootconsole %s%d <6>console [%s%d] enabled, bootconsole disabled <6>%sconsole [%s%d] enabled printk kernel/exit.c include/linux/ptrace.h Aiee, killing interrupt handler! Attempted to kill the idle task! <1>Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! <6>note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x%08x <4>%s calls setitimer() with new_value NULL pointer. Misfeature support will be removed vec unsigned int include/trace/events/irq.h irq=%d name=%s handled unhandled irq=%d ret=%s vec=%u [action=%s] kernel/softirq.c Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt irq name ksoftirqd/%d ksoftirqd for %i failed <3>huh, entered softirq %u %s %pwith preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? HI TIMER NET_TX NET_RX BLOCK BLOCK_IOPOLL TASKLET SCHED HRTIMER RCU softirq_raise softirq_exit softirq_entry irq_handler_exit irq_handler_entry %*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s ioports iomem kernel/resource.c <4>Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> relaxed <7>release child resource %pR check-region Expanded resource %s due to conflict with %s <4>resource map sanity check conflict: 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx %s PCI mem PCI IO %s%lu exception-trace inode-nr inode-state file-nr file-max nr_open dentry-state overflowuid overflowgid leases-enable dir-notify-enable lease-break-time aio-nr aio-max-nr inotify epoll suid_dumpable binfmt_misc pipe-max-size overcommit_memory panic_on_oom oom_kill_allocating_task oom_dump_tasks overcommit_ratio page-cluster dirty_background_ratio dirty_background_bytes dirty_ratio dirty_bytes dirty_writeback_centisecs dirty_expire_centisecs nr_pdflush_threads swappiness nr_hugepages hugetlb_shm_group hugepages_treat_as_movable nr_overcommit_hugepages lowmem_reserve_ratio drop_caches min_free_kbytes extra_free_kbytes min_free_order_shift percpu_pagelist_fraction max_map_count laptop_mode block_dump vfs_cache_pressure legacy_va_layout mmap_min_addr vdso_enabled highmem_is_dirtyable scan_unevictable_pages mmap_rnd_bits sched_child_runs_first sched_min_granularity_ns sched_latency_ns sched_wakeup_granularity_ns sched_tunable_scaling sched_migration_cost sched_nr_migrate sched_time_avg sched_shares_window timer_migration sched_rt_period_us sched_rt_runtime_us core_uses_pid core_pattern core_pipe_limit tainted real-root-dev print-fatal-signals ctrl-alt-del ftrace_dump_on_oops modprobe modules_disabled hotplug sg-big-buff acct sysrq cad_pid threads-max random usermodehelper pid_max panic_on_oops printk_ratelimit printk_ratelimit_burst printk_delay dmesg_restrict kptr_restrict ngroups_max cap_last_cap panic_on_unrecovered_nmi panic_on_io_nmi bootloader_type bootloader_version kstack_depth_to_print io_delay_type randomize_va_space acpi_video_flags max_lock_depth poweroff_cmd keys perf_event_paranoid perf_event_mlock_kb perf_event_max_sample_rate blk_iopoll vm dev %lu %hu.%hu <6>warning: process `%s' used the deprecated sysctl system call with %d. net bus abi s390dbf sunrpc pm cmode p0 cm udp_slot_table_entries tcp_slot_table_entries min_resvport max_resvport debug_stoppable debug_active isa membase portbase portshift raid mac_hid scsi ipmi logging_level speed_limit_min speed_limit_max mouse_button_emulation mouse_button2_keycode mouse_button3_keycode poweroff_powercycle quota xfs ocfs2 max_user_instances max_user_watches max_queued_events nm hb_ctl_path irix_sgid_inherit irix_symlink_mode panic_mask error_level xfssyncd_centisecs inherit_sync inherit_nodump inherit_noatime xfsbufd_centisecs age_buffer_centisecs inherit_nosymlinks rotorstep inherit_nodefrag filestream_centisecs stats_clear lookups drops reads writes cache_hits allocated_dquots free_dquots syncs warnings unix ipv4 ipx appletalk netrom ax25 rose ipv6 x25 token-ring decnet sctp llc netfilter irda nf_conntrack_max discovery devname fast_poll_increase discovery_slots discovery_timeout slot_timeout max_baud_rate min_tx_turn_time max_tx_data_size max_tx_window max_noreply_time warn_noreply_time lap_keepalive_time nf_conntrack_buckets nf_conntrack_log_invalid nf_conntrack_tcp_loose nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal nf_conntrack_tcp_max_retrans nf_conntrack_count nf_conntrack_frag6_low_thresh nf_conntrack_frag6_high_thresh nf_conntrack_checksum llc2 station timeout ack_timeout ack p rej busy rto_initial rto_min rto_max rto_alpha_exp_divisor rto_beta_exp_divisor valid_cookie_life association_max_retrans path_max_retrans max_init_retransmits hb_interval cookie_preserve_enable max_burst addip_enable prsctp_enable sndbuf_policy sack_timeout rcvbuf_policy conf node_address node_name default_device time_wait dn_count di_count dr_count dst_gc_interval no_fc_max_cwnd decnet_mem decnet_rmem decnet_wmem ethernet ipgre ppp ddcmp loopback forwarding priority t2 t3 rif_timeout restart_request_timeout call_request_timeout reset_request_timeout clear_request_timeout acknowledgement_hold_back_timeout x25_forward neigh route icmp bindv6only ip6frag_high_thresh ip6frag_low_thresh ip6frag_time ip6frag_secret_interval mld_max_msf ip6_queue_maxlen ratelimit gc_thresh max_size gc_min_interval gc_timeout gc_interval gc_elasticity mtu_expires min_adv_mss gc_min_interval_ms all default hop_limit mtu accept_ra accept_redirects autoconf dad_transmits router_solicitations router_solicitation_interval router_solicitation_delay use_tempaddr temp_valid_lft temp_prefered_lft regen_max_retry max_desync_factor max_addresses force_mld_version accept_ra_defrtr accept_ra_pinfo accept_ra_rtr_pref router_probe_interval accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen proxy_ndp accept_source_route acknowledge_hold_back_timeout routing_control link_fail_timeout maximum_virtual_circuits window_size no_activity_timeout ip_default_mode ax25_default_mode backoff_type connect_mode standard_window_size extended_window_size t1_timeout t2_timeout t3_timeout idle_timeout maximum_retry_count maximum_packet_length protocol dama_slave_timeout default_path_quality obsolescence_count_initialiser network_ttl_initialiser transport_timeout transport_maximum_tries transport_acknowledge_delay transport_busy_delay transport_requested_window_size transport_no_activity_timeout link_fails_count reset aarp-expiry-time aarp-tick-time aarp-retransmit-limit aarp-resolve-time ipx_pprop_broadcasting ip_forward tcp_timestamps tcp_window_scaling tcp_sack tcp_retrans_collapse ip_default_ttl ip_no_pmtu_disc ip_nonlocal_bind tcp_syn_retries tcp_synack_retries tcp_max_orphans tcp_max_tw_buckets ip_dynaddr tcp_keepalive_time tcp_keepalive_probes tcp_keepalive_intvl tcp_retries1 tcp_retries2 tcp_fin_timeout tcp_syncookies tcp_tw_recycle tcp_abort_on_overflow tcp_stdurg tcp_rfc1337 tcp_max_syn_backlog ip_local_port_range igmp_max_memberships igmp_max_msf inet_peer_threshold inet_peer_minttl inet_peer_maxttl inet_peer_gc_mintime inet_peer_gc_maxtime tcp_orphan_retries tcp_fack tcp_reordering tcp_ecn tcp_dsack tcp_mem tcp_wmem tcp_rmem tcp_app_win tcp_adv_win_scale tcp_tw_reuse tcp_frto tcp_frto_response tcp_low_latency tcp_no_metrics_save tcp_moderate_rcvbuf tcp_tso_win_divisor tcp_congestion_control tcp_abc tcp_mtu_probing tcp_base_mss tcp_workaround_signed_windows tcp_dma_copybreak tcp_slow_start_after_idle cipso_cache_enable cipso_cache_bucket_size cipso_rbm_optfmt cipso_rbm_strictvalid tcp_allowed_congestion_control tcp_max_ssthresh icmp_echo_ignore_all icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr icmp_ratelimit icmp_ratemask ipfrag_high_thresh ipfrag_low_thresh ipfrag_time ipfrag_secret_interval ip_queue_maxlen ip_conntrack_max ip_conntrack_buckets ip_conntrack_log_invalid ip_conntrack_tcp_loose ip_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal ip_conntrack_tcp_max_retrans ip_conntrack_count ip_conntrack_checksum mcast_solicit ucast_solicit app_solicit base_reachable_time delay_first_probe_time gc_stale_time unres_qlen proxy_qlen gc_thresh1 gc_thresh2 gc_thresh3 retrans_time_ms base_reachable_time_ms mc_forwarding secure_redirects send_redirects shared_media rp_filter proxy_arp medium_id bootp_relay log_martians tag arp_filter arp_announce arp_ignore arp_accept arp_notify disable_xfrm disable_policy force_igmp_version promote_secondaries flush redirect_load redirect_number redirect_silence error_cost error_burst min_pmtu max_dgram_qlen wmem_max rmem_max wmem_default rmem_default netdev_max_backlog message_cost message_burst optmem_max dev_weight somaxconn netdev_budget xfrm_aevent_etime xfrm_aevent_rseqth zone_reclaim_mode min_unmapped_ratio min_slab_ratio ostype osrelease version hostname domainname reboot-cmd powersave-nap shmmax msgmax msgmnb shmall msgmni sem stop-a shmmni ieee_emulation_warnings userprocess_debug soft-power unaligned-trap pty scons-poweroff unknown_nmi_panic spin_retry ignore-unaligned-usertrap compat-log max nr poolsize entropy_avail read_wakeup_threshold write_wakeup_threshold boot_id uuid <6>warning: `%s' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) <6>warning: `%s' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure. <2>capable() called with invalid cap=%u kernel/capability.c kernel/ptrace.c void * hrtimer include/trace/events/timer.h timer=%p timer=%p function=%pf expires=%lu [timeout=%ld] timer=%p function=%pf now=%lu HRTIMER_MODE_ABS HRTIMER_MODE_REL CLOCK_REALTIME CLOCK_MONOTONIC hrtimer=%p clockid=%s mode=%s hrtimer=%p function=%pf expires=%llu softexpires=%llu hrtimer=%p function=%pf now=%llu hrtimer=%p which=%d expires=%llu it_value=%ld.%ld it_interval=%ld.%ld which=%d pid=%d now=%llu kernel/timer.c function expires now clockid clockid_t mode enum hrtimer_mode s64 softexpires which cputime_t value_sec value_usec interval_sec interval_usec timer: %pF preempt leak: %08x -> %08x <3>schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx itimer_expire itimer_state hrtimer_cancel hrtimer_expire_exit hrtimer_expire_entry hrtimer_start hrtimer_init timer_cancel timer_expire_exit timer_expire_entry timer_start timer_init uid_cache include/trace/events/signal.h sig=%d errno=%d code=%d comm=%s pid=%d grp=%d res=%d sig=%d errno=%d code=%d sa_handler=%lx sa_flags=%lx <6>%s/%d: reached RLIMIT_SIGPENDING, dropped signal %d sig errno code sa_handler sa_flags group result kernel/signal.c %s/%d: potentially unexpected fatal signal %d. code at %08lx: %02x sigqueue signal_deliver signal signal_generate <0>Power down. 3.4.67+ 2.6.%u%s <4>%s failed to allocate memory for "%s" <4>Failed to start orderly shutdown: forcing the issue <0>System halted. <0>Restarting system. <0>Restarting system with command '%s'. kernel/sys.c PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin kernel/kmod.c <3>request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s -q -- khelper PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin bset inheritable work include/trace/events/workqueue.h work struct=%p function=%pf workqueue=%p req_cpu=%u cpu=%u work struct %p work struct %p: function %pf kernel/workqueue.c <4>workqueue %s: flush on destruction isn't complete after %u tries workqueue req_cpu <4>workqueue: max_active %d requested for %s is out of range, clamping between %d and %d kworker/%u:%d kworker/u:%d <3>BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d last function: %pf &wq->flush_mutex &gcwq->trustee_wait events events_long events_nrt events_unbound events_freezable events_nrt_freezable workqueue_execute_end workqueue_execute_start workqueue_activate_work workqueue_queue_work PID <6>pid_max: default: %u minimum: %u char * include/trace/events/rcu.h rcu_utilization rcu %c %hi %hu %i %u %li %lu <3>%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. 1 kernel/params.c <3>Module '%s' failed add to sysfs, error number %d <3>The system will be unstable now. <3>%s: string parameter too long parameters module <4>%s (%d): error creating kset <3>%s: can only take %i arguments <3>%s: needs at least %i arguments <4>parse_args(): option '%s' enabled irq's! <3>%s: Unknown parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' <4>POSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d <4>POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_get() <4>POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_getres() posix_timers_cache kernel/posix-timers.c kernel/kthread.c kthreadd include/linux/scatterlist.h kernel/kfifo.c kernel/posix-cpu-timers.c <6>RT Watchdog Timeout: %s[%d] kernel/hrtimer.c <6>hrtimers_resume() called with IRQs enabled! <4>hrtimer: interrupt took %llu ns <4>Could not switch to high resolution mode on CPU %d nsproxy &sp->mutex kernel/srcu.c &nh->mutex kernel/notifier.c %llu notes fscaps uevent_helper uevent_seqnum kernel/cred.c CRED: put_cred_rcu() sees %p with usage %d cred_jar <7>calling %lli_%pF @ %i <7>initcall %lli_%pF returned 0 after %lld usecs <7>async_waiting @ %i <7>async_continuing @ %i after %lli usec <3>run of slot in ranges include/trace/events/sched.h comm=%s pid=%d ret=%d comm=%s pid=%d prio=%d success=%d target_cpu=%03d comm=%s pid=%d prio=%d orig_cpu=%d dest_cpu=%d comm=%s pid=%d prio=%d comm=%s pid=%d child_comm=%s child_pid=%d filename=%s pid=%d old_pid=%d comm=%s pid=%d delay=%Lu [ns] comm=%s pid=%d runtime=%Lu [ns] vruntime=%Lu [ns] comm=%s pid=%d oldprio=%d newprio=%d + R | prev_comm=%s prev_pid=%d prev_prio=%d prev_state=%s%s ==> next_comm=%s next_pid=%d next_prio=%d sched_features NO_ %s system <3>BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/%d/0x%08x filename old_pid prio success target_cpu prev_comm prev_pid prev_prio prev_state next_comm next_pid next_prio orig_cpu dest_cpu parent_comm parent_pid child_comm child_pid delay u64 runtime vruntime oldprio newprio kernel/sched/core.c kernel/sched/sched.h %llu <6>%-15.15s %c running %08lx %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx <6> task PC stack pid father S D T t Z X x W cpuacct GENTLE_FAIR_SLEEPERS START_DEBIT AFFINE_WAKEUPS NEXT_BUDDY LAST_BUDDY CACHE_HOT_BUDDY ARCH_POWER HRTICK DOUBLE_TICK LB_BIAS OWNER_SPIN NONTASK_POWER TTWU_QUEUE FORCE_SD_OVERLAP RT_RUNTIME_SHARE LB_MIN sched_pi_setprio sched sched_stat_runtime sched_stat_blocked sched_stat_iowait sched_stat_sleep sched_stat_wait sched_process_exec sched_process_fork sched_process_wait sched_wait_task sched_process_exit sched_process_free sched_migrate_task sched_switch sched_wakeup_new sched_wakeup sched_kthread_stop_ret sched_kthread_stop kernel/sched/clock.c kernel/sched/idle_task.c <3>bad: scheduling from the idle thread! kernel/sched/fair.c kernel/sched/rt.c sched: RT throttling activated kernel/sched/stop_task.c sched_debug Sched Debug Version: v0.10, %s %.*s ktime %-40s: %Ld.%06ld sched_clk cpu_clk jiffies %-40s: %Ld sched_clock_stable sysctl_sched sysctl_sched_latency .%-40s: %Ld.%06ld sysctl_sched_min_granularity sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity sysctl_sched_child_runs_first .%-40s: %Ld sysctl_sched_features sysctl_sched_tunable_scaling .%-40s: %d (%s) cpu#%d, %u.%03u MHz nr_running .%-30s: %Ld load .%-30s: %lu nr_switches nr_load_updates nr_uninterruptible next_balance .%-30s: %Ld.%06ld curr->pid clock cpu_load[0] cpu_load[1] cpu_load[2] cpu_load[3] cpu_load[4] runnable tasks: task PID tree-key switches prio exec-runtime sum-exec sum-sleep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %15s %5d %9Ld.%06ld %9Ld %5d %15Ld %15Ld %15Ld.%06ld %15Ld.%06ld %15Ld.%06ld cfs_rq[%d]:%s exec_clock MIN_vruntime min_vruntime max_vruntime spread spread0 nr_spread_over .%-30s: %d .%-30s: %ld se->exec_start .%-30s: %lld.%06ld se->vruntime se->sum_exec_runtime se->load.weight .%-30s: %lld rt_rq[%d]: rt_nr_running rt_throttled rt_time rt_runtime %s (%d, #threads: %d) --------------------------------------------------------- se.exec_start %-35s:%14Ld.%06ld se.vruntime se.sum_exec_runtime %-35s:%21Ld nr_voluntary_switches nr_involuntary_switches se.load.weight policy clock-delta logaritmic <3>pm_qos_param: %s setup failed kernel/power/qos.c <3>pm_qos_add_request() called for already added request <3>pm_qos_update_request() called for unknown object <3>pm_qos_remove_request() called for unknown object %s called for unknown object. network_throughput network_latency cpu_dma_latency suspend_stats power %u disk failed_resume_noirq failed_resume_early failed_resume failed_suspend_noirq failed_suspend_late failed_suspend failed_prepare failed_freeze fail %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d failures: last_failed_dev: %-s %-s last_failed_errno: %-d %-d last_failed_step: %-s freeze prepare suspend suspend_noirq resume_noirq resume wakeup_count state pm_async <3>Freezing of tasks aborted after %d.%03d seconds <3>Freezing of tasks failed after %d.%03d seconds (%d tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=%d): (elapsed %d.%03d seconds) Restarting tasks ... Freezing user space processes ... done. kernel/power/process.c Restarting kernel threads ... Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... <6>PM: suspend %s %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%09lu UTC <3>PM: Some devices failed to suspend <3>PM: Some devices failed to power down kernel/power/suspend.c entry <6>PM: Syncing filesystems ... exit standby mem powerOff Power Off %d %s <4>[%s] failed to register PM notifier %d wakeup_reasons <4>[%s] failed to create a sysfs kobject <4>[%s] failed to create a sysfs group %d <6>Resume caused by IRQ %d, %s <6>Resume caused by IRQ %d <4>Resume caused by more than %d IRQs last_resume_reason kernel/stacktrace.c %*c [<%p>] %pS <6>save_stack_trace_tsk() not implemented yet. <6>save_stack_trace_regs() not implemented yet. kernel/time/timekeeping.c <4>__timekeeping_inject_sleeptime: Invalid sleep delta value! <4>WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. <4>WARNING: Boot clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. <4>Adjusting %s more than 11%% (%ld vs %ld) <5>Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC <5>Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC kwatchdog <4>Override clocksource %s is not HRT compatible. Cannot switch while in HRT/NOHZ mode <6>Switching to clocksource %s pmtmr Warning: clock=pmtmr is deprecated. Use clocksource=acpi_pm. acpi_pm Warning! clock= boot option is deprecated. Use clocksource=xyz <4>Clocksource %s unstable (delta = %Ld ns) Clocksource %s might overflow on 11%% adjustment kernel/time/clocksource.c clocksource available_clocksource current_clocksource timer_list <%pK> Timer List Version: v0.6 HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES: %d now at %Ld nsecs cpu: %d clock %d: .base: %pK .index: %d .resolution: %Lu nsecs .get_time: .offset: %Lu nsecs active timers: #%d: , , S:%02lx # expires at %Lu-%Lu nsecs [in %Ld to %Ld nsecs] expires_next .%-15s: %Lu nsecs hres_active .%-15s: %Lu nr_events nr_retries nr_hangs max_hang_time nohz_mode idle_tick tick_stopped idle_jiffies idle_calls idle_sleeps idle_entrytime idle_waketime idle_exittime idle_sleeptime iowait_sleeptime last_jiffies next_jiffies idle_expires jiffies: %Lu Tick Device: mode: %d Per CPU device: %d Clock Event Device: retries: %lu event_handler: set_mode: max_delta_ns: %llu min_delta_ns: %llu mult: %u shift: %u mode: %d next_event: %Ld nsecs set_next_event: &clk->rwsem alarmtimer kernel/time/clockevents.c <4>CE: Reprogramming failure. Giving up <4>CE: %s increased min_delta_ns to %llu nsec <6>Clockevents: could not switch to one-shot mode: no tick device %s is not functional. %s does not support one-shot mode. <3>NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x kernel/time/tick-sched.c kernel/futex.c refusing to wake PI futex <3>fixup_owner: ret = %d pi-mutex: %p pi-state %p kernel/rtmutex_common.h kernel/rtmutex.c <4>Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) <4>Trying to free DMA%d <4>Trying to free free DMA%d %2d: %s dma kernel/up.c include/trace/events/module.h %s call_site=%pf refcnt=%d %s wait=%d call_site=%pf %s %s <4>Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future <4>Please see the file Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt in the kernel source tree for more details. 0x%pK atd modules Live Unloading Loading %s %u %lu %s, [permanent], 0x%pK taints refcnt wait bool <4>%s: out of memory loading kernel/module.c %s: please compile with -fno-common <4>%s: gave up waiting for init of module %s. <4>%s: Unknown symbol %s (err %li) <3>module %s: REL relocation unsupported <3>module %s: RELA relocation unsupported unspecified <3>Module len %lu truncated __versions .modinfo .gnu.linkonce.this_module <4>No module found in object <4>%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) vermagic <3>%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' intree staging <4>%s: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned. license GPL GPL v2 GPL and additional rights Dual BSD/GPL Dual MIT/GPL Dual MPL/GPL <4>%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. .init __param __ksymtab __kcrctab __ksymtab_gpl __kcrctab_gpl __ksymtab_gpl_future __kcrctab_gpl_future __tracepoints_ptrs _ftrace_events __trace_printk_fmt __ex_table __obsparm <4>%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters __verbose ndiswrapper driverloader lve .debug <3>%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) <3>%s: module sysfs not initialized <3>%s: module is already loaded sections <4>%s: '%s'->init suspiciously returned %d, it should follow 0/-E convention %s: loading module anyway... holders Modules linked in: %s%s [last unloaded: %s] live coming going P F C taint initsize coresize uevent initstate srcversion module_request module_put module_get module_free module_load kernel/kallsyms.c %pK %c %s [%s] %pK %c %s kallsyms 0x%lx +%#lx/%#lx [%s] +%#lx/%#lx <6>Process accounting paused <6>Process accounting resumed kernel/cgroup.c %s %llu Root %d group %s #subsys_name hierarchy num_cgroups enabled %s %d %d %d css_set %p ... task %d noprefix clone_children release_agent= name= <6>Disabling %s control group subsystem %d: %sname=%s %lld &ss->hierarchy_mutex ,%s ,noprefix ,release_agent=%s ,clone_children ,name=%s <6>Initializing cgroup subsys %s &cgrp->pidlist_mutex &l->mutex <3>cgroup: Subsys %s id == %d cgroup cgroups kernel/cgroup_freezer.c THAWED FROZEN freezer FREEZING kernel/utsname.c uts user_namespace pid_namespace pid_%d ns_last_pid kernel/res_counter.c enabled disabled <6>audit: %s (after initialization) (until reboot) <3>audit: %s audit: %s <4>audit: audit_lost=%d audit_rate_limit=%d audit_backlog_limit=%d kernel/audit.c out of memory in audit_expand Cannot convert secid to context obj=%s <3>audit: *NO* daemon at audit_pid=%d auditd disappeared <5>type=%d %s printk limit exceeded rate limit exceeded audit_send_reply <4>audit: audit_backlog=%d > audit_backlog_limit=%d backlog limit exceeded out of memory in audit_log_start audit(%lu.%03lu:%u): pid=%d uid=%u auid=%u ses=%u ssid=%u subj=%s %s=%d old=%d auid=%u ses=%u sid=%u res=%d <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (%s) cannot initialize netlink socket initialized 0123456789ABCDEF kauditd audit_enabled audit_failure audit_pid audit_rate_limit audit_backlog_limit msg='%.1024s' msg= audit_enabled=%d res=0 op=trim res=1 op=make_equiv old= new= key= (null) <3>AUDIT_POSSIBLE is deprecated auid=%u ses=%u op= list=%d res=%d <4>audit rule for LSM '%s' is invalid audit_send_list add rule remove rule kernel/auditfilter.c error updating LSM filters %s= %08x error in audit_log_task_context opid=%d oauid=%d ouid=%d oses=%d obj=(none) ocomm= auid=%u uid=%u gid=%u ses=%u pid=%d comm= reason= sig=%ld (none) arch=%x syscall=%d per=%lx success=%s exit=%ld a0=%lx a1=%lx a2=%lx a3=%lx items=%d ppid=%d pid=%d auid=%u uid=%u gid=%u euid=%u suid=%u fsuid=%u egid=%u sgid=%u fsgid=%u tty=%s ses=%u comm= exe= argc=%d out of memory for argv string %d kernel/auditsc.c a%d_len=%zu a%d [%d] = fver=%x fp fi fe=%d old_pp old_pi old_pe new_pp new_pi new_pe nargs=%d a%d=%lx ouid=%u ogid=%u mode=%#ho osid=%u qbytes=%lx ouid=%u ogid=%u mode=%#ho oflag=0x%x mode=%#ho mq_flags=0x%lx mq_maxmsg=%ld mq_msgsize=%ld mq_curmsgs=%ld mqdes=%d msg_len=%zd msg_prio=%u abs_timeout_sec=%ld abs_timeout_nsec=%ld mqdes=%d sigev_signo=%d mqdes=%d mq_flags=0x%lx mq_maxmsg=%ld mq_msgsize=%ld mq_curmsgs=%ld pid=%d cap_pi cap_pp cap_pe fd=%d flags=0x%x fd0=%d fd1=%d saddr= cwd= item=%d name= name=(null) inode=%lu dev=%02x:%02x mode=%#ho ouid=%u ogid=%u rdev=%02x:%02x cap_fe=%d cap_fver=%x error converting sid to string cap_fp cap_fi Missing AUDIT_COMPARE define. Report as a bug <4>out of memory, audit has lost a tree reference out of memory in audit_alloc <3>audit(:%d): major=%d name_count=%d: freeing multiple contexts (%d) <3>audit: freed %d contexts login pid=%d uid=%u old auid=%u new auid=%u old ses=%u new ses=%u memory violation seccomp syscall=%ld compat=%d ip=0x%lx code=0x%x cannot create audit fsnotify group auid=%u ses=%u op= path= list=%d res=1 kernel/audit_watch.c error updating watch, skipping error updating watch, removing updated rules kernel/audit_tree.c op= dir= cannot initialize fsnotify group for rectree watches audit_prune_tree kprobes list <6>Kprobes globally enabled <6>Kprobes globally disabled r j k [OPTIMIZED] [DISABLED] [GONE] %p %s %s+0x%x %s %p %s %p %s%s%s kretprobe: lookup failed: %s kernel/kprobes.c <3>Error: There should be no unused kprobe here. <4>Dumping kprobe: <4>Name: %s Address: %p Offset: %x preempt_schedule native_get_debugreg irq_entries_start common_interrupt mcount <6>NR_IRQS:%d nr_irqs:%d %d kernel/irq/irqdesc.c irq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->irq_data.chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, IRQ_LEVEL %14s set IRQ_PER_CPU IRQ_NOPROBE IRQ_NOREQUEST IRQ_NOTHREAD IRQ_NOAUTOEN IRQS_AUTODETECT IRQS_REPLAY IRQS_WAITING IRQS_PENDING irq %u handler %pF enabled interrupts kernel/irq/handle.c <4>IRQ %d device %s returned IRQ_WAKE_THREAD but no thread function available. Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable kernel/irq/manage.c Primary handler called for nested irq %d Trying to free IRQ %d from IRQ context! Trying to free already-free IRQ %d percpu IRQ %d still enabled on CPU%d! <4>Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d <3>enable_irq before setup/request_irq: irq %u <3>setting trigger mode %lu for irq %u failed (%pF) irq/%d-%s &desc->wait_for_threads <4>IRQ %d uses trigger mode %u; requested %u <3>exiting task "%s" (%d) is an active IRQ thread (irq %d) failed to set type for IRQ%d <6>IRQ lockup detection disabled <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. <4>This may impact system performance. <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled <4>This may significantly impact system performance <3>handlers: <3>[<%p>] %pf threaded [<%p>] %pf <3>irq event %d: bogus return value %x <3>irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) irq poll in progress on cpu %d for irq %d kernel/irq/spurious.c <0>Disabling IRQ #%d kernel/irq/chip.c dummy kernel/irq/devres.c count %u unhandled %u last_unhandled %u ms spurious %*s CPU%-8d %*d: %8s None -%-8s %s , %s <6>Wakeup IRQ %d %s pending, suspend aborted kernel/seccomp.c kernel/rcutiny_plugin.h Current pid: %d comm: %s / Idle pid: %d comm: %s kernel/rcutiny.c &buf->read_wait %s%d <4>relay: one or more items not logged [item size (%Zd) > sub-buffer size (%Zd)] <3>CPU has no buffer! kernel/relay.c task_delay_info <6>registered taskstats version %d taskstats &(per_cpu(listener_array, i).sem) kernel/tracepoint.c <5>tracepoint %s busy <4>Tracing recursion: depth[%ld]:HC[%lu]:SC[%lu]:NMI[%lu] kernel/trace/ring_buffer.c &buffer->mutex If you just came from a suspend/resume, please switch to the trace global clock: echo global > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_clock <4>Delta way too big! %llu ts=%llu write stamp = %llu %s # compressed entry header type_len : 5 bits time_delta : 27 bits array : 32 bits padding : type == %d time_extend : type == %d data max type_len == %d field: u64 timestamp; offset:0; size:%u; signed:%u; field: local_t commit; offset:%u; size:%u; signed:%u; field: int overwrite; offset:%u; size:%u; signed:%u; field: char data; offset:%u; size:%u; signed:%u; <6>ftrace bootup tracer '%s' not registered. kernel/trace/trace.c 1 0 no%s # _------=> CPU# # / _-----=> irqs-off # | / _----=> need-resched # || / _---=> hardirq/softirq # ||| / _--=> preempt-depth # |||| / delay # cmd pid ||||| time | caller # \ / ||||| \ | / # entries-in-buffer/entries-written: %lu/%lu #P:%d # %lu (expanded: %lu) ] [ %s%s%s%s &iter->mutex %ld Ftrace: previous read must page-align Ftrace: splice_read should page-align entries: %ld overrun: %ld commit overrun: %ld bytes: %ld oldest event ts: %5llu.%06lu now ts: %5llu.%06lu <6>Tracer %s not registered tracing_enabled is deprecated. Use tracing_on <...> %d %d preemption # %s latency trace v1.1.5 on %s # -------------------------------------------------------------------- preempt # latency: %lu us, #%lu/%lu, CPU#%d | (M:%s VP:%d, KP:%d, SP:%d HP:%d ) # ----------------- # | task: %.16s-%d (uid:%d nice:%ld policy:%ld rt_prio:%ld) # => started at: # => ended at: # CPU:%d [LOST %lu EVENTS] %d %d %llu %d ? ##### CPU %u buffer started #### Unknown type %d full flag set for trace type %d # _-----=> irqs-off # / _----=> need-resched # | / _---=> hardirq/softirq # || / _--=> preempt-depth # ||| / delay # TASK-PID TGID CPU# |||| TIMESTAMP FUNCTION # | | | | |||| | | # _-----=> irqs-off # / _----=> need-resched # | / _---=> hardirq/softirq # || / _--=> preempt-depth # ||| / delay # TASK-PID CPU# |||| TIMESTAMP FUNCTION # | | | |||| | | # TASK-PID TGID CPU# TIMESTAMP FUNCTION # | | | | | | # TASK-PID CPU# TIMESTAMP FUNCTION # | | | | | # tracer: %s tracing <4>Could not create debugfs directory 'tracing' options <4>Could not create debugfs directory 'options' per_cpu <4>Could not create debugfs directory 'per_cpu' <4>Could not create debugfs '%s' entry <6>Tracer must have a name <6>Tracer has a name longer than %d <6>Tracer %s already registered <6>Starting tracer '%s' <3>tracer: failed to allocate ring buffer! <3>tracer: failed to allocate max ring buffer! tracing_enabled trace_options tracing_cpumask trace available_tracers current_tracer tracing_max_latency tracing_thresh README trace_pipe buffer_size_kb buffer_total_size_kb free_buffer trace_marker saved_cmdlines saved_tgids trace_clock tracing_on cpu%ld trace_pipe_raw stats <0>%s <0>Bad dumping mode, switching to all CPUs dump <0>Dumping ftrace buffer: <0>--------------------------------- <0> (ftrace buffer empty) local global counter print-parent sym-offset sym-addr raw hex bin block stacktrace trace_printk ftrace_preempt branch annotate userstacktrace sym-userobj printk-msg-only context-info latency-format sleep-time graph-time record-cmd overwrite disable_on_free irq-info print-tgid type: %d kernel/trace/trace_output.c # %lx %s %d %d %c %d %d %d %c %lx %lld %lld %ld %d %lx %d %lx %lx %5d:%3d:%c %s [%03d] %5d:%3d:%c %s + ==> %s%2.2x [unknown/kretprobe'd] : %lx : 0x%llx [+0x%lx] <%08lx> => 0 : %s : graph_ret: func= graph_ent: func= <- %c%c%c %x %16s-%-5d [%03d] (-----) (%5d) %5lu.%06lu: %16s %5d %3d %d %08x %08lx [%08llx] %ld.%03ldms (+%ld.%03ldms): %8.8s-%-5d %3d %4lldus%c: <4>Need to add type to trace.h <4>event %d failed to register &session->stat_mutex trace_stat <4>Could not create debugfs 'trace_stat' entry printk_formats 0x%lx : " \n \t \ \" " <6>wakeup trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_wakeup <6>wakeup trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_wakeup_new <6>sched trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_switch kernel/trace/trace_sched_switch.c <6>wakeup trace: Couldn't activate tracepoint probe to kernel_sched_migrate_task <3>failed to start wakeup tracer wakeup_rt wakeup <7>nop_test_accept flag set to %d: we accept. Now cat trace_options to see the result <7>nop_test_refuse flag set to %d: we refuse.Now cat trace_options to see the result nop test_nop_accept test_nop_refuse block_rq_remap block_bio_remap block_split block_unplug block_plug block_sleeprq block_getrq block_bio_queue block_bio_frontmerge block_bio_backmerge block_bio_complete block_bio_bounce block_rq_complete block_rq_requeue block_rq_issue block_rq_insert block_rq_abort kernel/trace/blktrace.c %llu + %u <- (%d,%d) %llu %3d,%-3d %2s %3s %3d,%-3d %2d %5d.%09lu %5u %2s %3s %llu / %llu [%s] [%s] %llu [%s] %s%02x ..) ) %u %llu + %u [%s] message m Unknown action %x # DEV CPU TIMESTAMP PID ACT FLG # | | | | | | %llx %llu <4>Warning: could not register block events <4>Warning: could not register the block tracer [%d] %llu + %u [%d] %llu [%d] dropped .. read write sync queue requeue issue complete ahead meta discard drv_data fua end_lba start_lba act_mask enable blk Q M backmerge frontmerge G getrq sleeprq plug U unplug_io UT unplug_timer I insert split B bounce A remap blk_classic TRACE_SYSTEM %s: kernel/trace/trace_events.c <6>event trace: Could not enable event %s : * name: %s ID: %d format: print fmt: %s __data_loc field:%s %s; offset:%u; size:%u; signed:%d; field:%.*s %s%s; offset:%u; size:%u; signed:%d; <4>Could not create debugfs 'events' directory <4>Could not initialize trace events/%s <4>No memory to create event subsystem %s <4>Could not create event subsystem %s <4>Could not allocate filter for subsystem '%s' filter <4>Could not create debugfs '%s/filter' entry <4>Could not create debugfs '%s' directory <4>Could not initialize trace point events/%s available_events <4>Could not create debugfs 'available_events' entry set_event <4>Could not create debugfs 'set_event' entry header_page header_event common_type unsigned short common_flags unsigned char common_preempt_count common_pid common_padding <4>tracing: Failed to allocate common fields <4>Failed to enable trace event: %s <4>Failed to register trace events module notifier parent_ip func depth calltime unsigned long long rettime overrun next_cpu next_state caller fmt const char * buf u32 phys resource_size_t value map_id opcode width virt len tgid line file correct "%u:%s:%s (%u)", REC->line, REC->func, REC->file, REC->correct ftrace mmiotrace_map "%lx %lx %lx %d %x", (unsigned long)REC->phys, REC->virt, REC->len, REC->map_id, REC->opcode mmiotrace_rw "%lx %lx %lx %d %x %x", (unsigned long)REC->phys, REC->value, REC->pc, REC->map_id, REC->opcode, REC->width print "%08lx %s", REC->ip, REC->buf bprint "%08lx fmt:%p", REC->ip, REC->fmt user_stack "\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n" "\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n" "\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n\t=> (" "%08lx" ")\n", REC->caller[0], REC->caller[1], REC->caller[2], REC->caller[3], REC->caller[4], REC->caller[5], REC->caller[6], REC->caller[7] kernel_stack "%u:%u:%u ==+ %u:%u:%u [%03u]", REC->prev_pid, REC->prev_prio, REC->prev_state, REC->next_pid, REC->next_prio, REC->next_state, REC->next_cpu context_switch "%u:%u:%u ==> %u:%u:%u [%03u]", REC->prev_pid, REC->prev_prio, REC->prev_state, REC->next_pid, REC->next_prio, REC->next_state, REC->next_cpu funcgraph_exit "<-- %lx (%d) (start: %llx end: %llx) over: %d", REC->func, REC->depth, REC->calltime, REC->rettime, REC->depth funcgraph_entry "--> %lx (%d)", REC->func, REC->depth " %lx <-- %lx", REC->ip, REC->parent_ip kernel/trace/trace_event_perf.c kernel/trace/trace_events_filter.c parse_error: %s OP_NONE none ### global filter ### # Use this to set filters for multiple events. # Only events with the given fields will be affected. # If no events are modified, an error message will be displayed here No error Invalid operator Unbalanced parens Too many operands Operand too long Field not found Illegal operation for field type Illegal integer value Couldn't find or set field in one of a subsystem's events Too many terms in predicate expression Missing field name and/or value Meaningless filter expression Only 'ip' field is supported for function trace || && ~ != == < <= > >= ( %s=%lld %s=%ld %s=%d %s=%llx %s=%x %s=%lx %s: ( ) <- kprobe_events <4>Could not create debugfs 'kprobe_events' entry kprobe_profile <4>Could not create debugfs 'kprobe_profile' entry %-44s %15lu %15lu :%s/%s 0x%p %s+%u %s=%s REC->__probe_ip (%lx) REC->__probe_func, REC->__probe_ret_ip (%lx <- %lx) "%s ", %s string , __get_str(%s) , REC->%s u8 u16 kernel/trace/trace_kprobe.c __probe_ip __probe_func __probe_ret_ip <4>Could not insert probe at %s+%lu: %d <4>This probe might be able to register aftertarget module is loaded. Continue. <4>Probing address(0x%p) is not an instruction boundary. %s=(fault) %s="%s" <4>Failed to re-register probe %s on%s: %d retval stack <6>%s type has no corresponding fetch method. <4>Line length is too long: Should be less than %d. <6>Probe definition must be started with 'p', 'r' or '-'. <6>Group name is not specified <6>Event name is not specified <6>Delete command needs an event name. <6>Event %s/%s doesn't exist. <6>Probe point is not specified. <6>Return probe point must be a symbol. <6>Failed to parse address. <6>Return probe must be used without offset. %c_%s_%ld %c_0x%p <6>Failed to allocate trace_probe.(%d) arg%d <6>Failed to allocate argument[%d] name. <6>Invalid argument[%d] name: %s <6>Argument is too long.: %s <6>Failed to allocate memory for command '%s'. <6>Unsupported type: %s <6>Parse error at argument[%d]. (%d) <6>Failed to register kprobe event: %s <4>Failed to register probe event(%d) <6>Failed to parse symbol. <6>Argument[%d] name '%s' conflicts with another field. string_size s8 s16 s32 common_tgid cpu_id parent_name include/trace/events/power.h state=%lu cpu_id=%lu state=%lu %s state=0x%lx type=%lu state=%lu cpu_id=%lu cpu_id=%lu %s state=%lu cpu_id=%lu %s parent=%s power_domain_target clock_set_parent clock_set_rate clock_disable clock_enable power_end power_frequency power_start wakeup_source_deactivate wakeup_source_activate machine_suspend cpu_frequency cpu_idle kernel/irq_work.c kernel/events/core.c Failed to register pmu: %s, reason %d &ctx->mutex pmu //enomem //toolong [heap] [stack] //anon &event->child_mutex &event->waitq &event->mmap_mutex [perf_event] &child->perf_event_mutex &swhash->hlist_mutex software tracepoint hw_breakpoint initialization failed with: %d event_source kernel/events/callchain.c breakpoint mm/filemap.c mm/mempool.c &pool->wait include/trace/events/oom.h pid=%d comm=%s oom_score_adj=%d <4>%s invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d, oom_adj=%d, oom_score_adj=%d <6>[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss cpu oom_adj oom_score_adj name <6>[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %3u %3d %5d %s <3>%s: Kill process %d (%s) score %d or sacrifice child <3>Killed process %d (%s) total-vm:%lukB, anon-rss:%lukB, file-rss:%lukB <3>Kill process %d (%s) sharing same memory compulsory system-wide Out of memory: %s panic_on_oom is enabled Out of memory (oom_kill_allocating_task) Out of memory and no killable processes... Out of memory oom_score_adj_update oom mm/page_alloc.c zone->wait_table + i <4>Could not find start_pfn for node %d <4>%pV <4>%s: page allocation failure: order:%d, mode:0x%x %s per-cpu: CPU %4d: hi:%5d, btch:%4d usd:%4d active_anon:%lu inactive_anon:%lu isolated_anon:%lu active_file:%lu inactive_file:%lu isolated_file:%lu unevictable:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu free:%lu slab_reclaimable:%lu slab_unreclaimable:%lu mapped:%lu shmem:%lu pagetables:%lu bounce:%lu %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active_anon:%lukB inactive_anon:%lukB active_file:%lukB inactive_file:%lukB unevictable:%lukB isolated(anon):%lukB isolated(file):%lukB present:%lukB mlocked:%lukB dirty:%lukB writeback:%lukB mapped:%lukB shmem:%lukB slab_reclaimable:%lukB slab_unreclaimable:%lukB kernel_stack:%lukB pagetables:%lukB unstable:%lukB bounce:%lukB writeback_tmp:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]: %lu %lu*%lukB = %lukB %ld total pagecache pages Built %i zonelists in %s order, mobility grouping %s. Total pages: %ld mminit::memmap_init Initialising map node %d zone %lu pfns %lu -> %lu <7>On node %d totalpages: %lu <7>free_area_init_node: node %d, pgdat %08lx, node_mem_map %08lx &pgdat->kswapd_wait <7> %s zone: %lu pages used for memmap <4> %s zone: %lu pages exceeds realsize %lu DMA <7> %s zone: %lu pages reserved <7> %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%u Zone PFN ranges: %-8s empty %0#10lx -> %0#10lx Movable zone start PFN for each node Node %d: %lu Early memory PFN ranges %3d: %0#10lx -> %0#10lx <1>page:%p count:%d mapcount:%d mapping:%p index:%#lx <1>page flags: %#lx( %s%#lx <1>BUG: Bad page state: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page state in process %s pfn:%05lx include/linux/gfp.h Failed to allocate %s hash table <6>%s hash table entries: %ld (order: %d, %lu bytes) locked error referenced uptodate dirty lru active slab owner_priv_1 arch_1 private private_2 writeback head tail swapcache mappedtodisk reclaim swapbacked unevictable mlocked Normal HighMem Movable mm/page-writeback.c mm/readahead.c mm/truncate.c nid nr_reclaimed swap_token_mm struct mm_struct* include/trace/events/vmscan.h nid=%d nid=%d order=%d nid=%d zid=%d order=%d nr_reclaimed=%lu %pF %p: unused scan count %ld new scan count %ld total_scan %ld last shrinker return val %d isolate_mode=%d order=%d nr_requested=%lu nr_scanned=%lu nr_taken=%lu contig_taken=%lu contig_dirty=%lu contig_failed=%lu file=%d old_token_mm=%p old_prio=%u new_token_mm=%p new_prio=%u token_mm=%p mm=%p old_prio=%u new_prio=%u swap_token_mm=%p token_prio=%u GFP_NOWAIT order=%d may_writepage=%d gfp_flags=%s %pF %p: objects to shrink %ld gfp_flags %s pgs_scanned %ld lru_pgs %ld cache items %ld delta %lld total_scan %ld RECLAIM_WB_NONE page=%p pfn=%lu flags=%s nid=%d zid=%d nr_scanned=%ld nr_reclaimed=%ld priority=%d flags=%s shrinker %pf %d mm/vmscan.c order zid may_writepage gfp_flags gfp_t shr struct shrinker * shrink nr_objects_to_shrink pgs_scanned lru_pgs cache_items delta total_scan unused_scan new_scan nr_requested nr_scanned nr_taken nr_lumpy_taken nr_lumpy_dirty nr_lumpy_failed isolate_mode isolate_mode_t page struct page * reclaim_flags old_mm old_prio new_mm new_prio mm swap_token_prio <3>shrink_slab: %pF negative objects to delete nr=%ld kswapd%d Failed to start kswapd on node %d %s: orphaned page <4>%s: The scan_unevictable_pages sysctl/node-interface has been disabled for lack of a legitimate use case. If you have one, please send an email to linux-mm@kvack.org. RECLAIM_WB_ANON RECLAIM_WB_FILE RECLAIM_WB_MIXED RECLAIM_WB_SYNC RECLAIM_WB_ASYNC GFP_TRANSHUGE GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE GFP_HIGHUSER GFP_USER GFP_TEMPORARY GFP_KERNEL GFP_NOFS GFP_ATOMIC GFP_NOIO GFP_HIGH GFP_WAIT GFP_IO GFP_COLD GFP_NOWARN GFP_REPEAT GFP_NOFAIL GFP_NORETRY GFP_COMP GFP_ZERO GFP_NOMEMALLOC GFP_HARDWALL GFP_THISNODE GFP_RECLAIMABLE GFP_MOVABLE GFP_NOTRACK GFP_NO_KSWAPD GFP_OTHER_NODE update_swap_token_priority vmscan disable_swap_token put_swap_token replace_swap_token mm_vmscan_lru_shrink_inactive mm_vmscan_writepage mm_vmscan_memcg_isolate mm_vmscan_lru_isolate mm_shrink_slab_end mm_shrink_slab_start mm_vmscan_memcg_softlimit_reclaim_end mm_vmscan_memcg_reclaim_end mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end mm_vmscan_memcg_softlimit_reclaim_begin mm_vmscan_memcg_reclaim_begin mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin mm_vmscan_wakeup_kswapd mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep <3>tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocks nr_inodes uid gid mpol <3>tmpfs: Bad mount option %s <3>tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' security. trusted. include/linux/radix-tree.h mm/shmem.c system. ,size=%luk ,nr_inodes=%lu ,mode=%03ho ,uid=%u ,gid=%u shmem_inode_cache <3>Could not register tmpfs <3>Could not kern_mount tmpfs dev/zero tmpfs mm/prio_tree.c include/trace/events/kmem.h call_site=%lx ptr=%p page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d page=%p pfn=%lu order=0 cold=%d page=%p pfn=%lu order=%u migratetype=%d percpu_refill=%d mm_page_pcpu_drain page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d migratetype=%d page=%p pfn=%lu alloc_order=%d fallback_order=%d pageblock_order=%d alloc_migratetype=%d fallback_migratetype=%d fragmenting=%d change_ownership=%d call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s call_site=%lx ptr=%p bytes_req=%zu bytes_alloc=%zu gfp_flags=%s node=%d page=%p pfn=%lu order=%d migratetype=%d gfp_flags=%s call_site ptr const void * bytes_req size_t bytes_alloc node cold migratetype alloc_order fallback_order alloc_migratetype fallback_migratetype mm_page_alloc_extfrag kmem mm_page_alloc_zone_locked mm_page_alloc mm_page_free_batched mm_page_free kmem_cache_free kfree kmem_cache_alloc_node kmalloc_node kmem_cache_alloc kmalloc %s %lu Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu scanned %lu spanned %lu present %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%lu , %lu ) pagesets cpu: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i all_unreclaimable: %u start_pfn: %lu inactive_ratio: %u Node %4d, zone %8s, type %12s %6lu Node %d, zone %8s %12lu buddyinfo pagetypeinfo vmstat zoneinfo Page block order: %d Pages per block: %lu Free pages count per migrate type at order %-43s %6d Number of blocks type %-23s %12s nr_free_pages nr_inactive_anon nr_active_anon nr_inactive_file nr_active_file nr_unevictable nr_mlock nr_anon_pages nr_mapped nr_file_pages nr_dirty nr_writeback nr_slab_reclaimable nr_slab_unreclaimable nr_page_table_pages nr_kernel_stack nr_unstable nr_bounce nr_vmscan_write nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim nr_writeback_temp nr_isolated_anon nr_isolated_file nr_shmem nr_dirtied nr_written nr_anon_transparent_hugepages nr_dirty_threshold nr_dirty_background_threshold pgpgin pgpgout pswpin pswpout pgalloc_dma pgalloc_normal pgalloc_high pgalloc_movable pgfree pgactivate pgdeactivate pgfault pgmajfault pgrefill_dma pgrefill_normal pgrefill_high pgrefill_movable pgsteal_kswapd_dma pgsteal_kswapd_normal pgsteal_kswapd_high pgsteal_kswapd_movable pgsteal_direct_dma pgsteal_direct_normal pgsteal_direct_high pgsteal_direct_movable pgscan_kswapd_dma pgscan_kswapd_normal pgscan_kswapd_high pgscan_kswapd_movable pgscan_direct_dma pgscan_direct_normal pgscan_direct_high pgscan_direct_movable pginodesteal slabs_scanned kswapd_inodesteal kswapd_low_wmark_hit_quickly kswapd_high_wmark_hit_quickly kswapd_skip_congestion_wait pageoutrun allocstall pgrotated htlb_buddy_alloc_success htlb_buddy_alloc_fail unevictable_pgs_culled unevictable_pgs_scanned unevictable_pgs_rescued unevictable_pgs_mlocked unevictable_pgs_munlocked unevictable_pgs_cleared unevictable_pgs_stranded unevictable_pgs_mlockfreed Unmovable Reclaimable Reserve Isolate bdi BdiWriteback: %10lu kB BdiReclaimable: %10lu kB BdiDirtyThresh: %10lu kB DirtyThresh: %10lu kB BackgroundThresh: %10lu kB BdiDirtied: %10lu kB BdiWritten: %10lu kB BdiWriteBandwidth: %10lu kBps b_dirty: %10lu b_io: %10lu b_more_io: %10lu bdi_list: %10u state: %10lx bdi-%s bdi %p/%s is not registered! mm/backing-dev.c flush-%s -%d %.28s%s sync_supers read_ahead_kb min_ratio max_ratio noop mm/page_isolation.c general <7>mminit::zonelist %s %d:%s = 0:%s mminit::pageflags_layout_widths Section %d Node %d Zone %d Flags %d mminit::pageflags_layout_shifts Section %d Node %d Zone %d mminit::pageflags_layout_offsets Section %lu Node %lu Zone %lu mminit::pageflags_layout_zoneid Zone ID: %lu -> %lu mminit::pageflags_layout_usage location: %d -> %d unused %d -> %d flags %d -> %d mm/mm_init.c %spcpu-alloc: s%zu r%zu d%zu u%zu alloc=%zu*%zu mm/percpu.c %spcpu-alloc: [%0*d] %0*d -------- failed to extend area map of reserved chunk failed to extend area map failed to allocate new chunk alloc from reserved chunk failed illegal size (%zu) or align (%zu) for percpu allocation <4>PERCPU: allocation failed, size=%zu align=%zu, %s <6>PERCPU: limit reached, disable warning ai->nr_groups <= 0 <0>PERCPU: failed to initialize, %s <0>PERCPU: cpu_possible_mask=%s !base_addr (unsigned long)base_addr & ~PAGE_MASK ai->unit_size < size_sum ai->unit_size & ~PAGE_MASK ai->unit_size < PCPU_MIN_UNIT_SIZE ai->dyn_size < PERCPU_DYNAMIC_EARLY_SIZE <2>percpu: can't handle more than one groups pcpu_verify_alloc_info(ai) < 0 <4>percpu: wasting %zu pages per chunk cpu > nr_cpu_ids unit_map[cpu] != UINT_MAX unit_map[cpu] == UINT_MAX Failed to allocate memory for percpu areas. Failed to initialize percpu areas. mm/fremap.c mm/highmem.c include/linux/huge_mm.h <1>BUG: Bad page map: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page map in process %s pte:%08llx pmd:%08llx <1>addr:%p vm_flags:%08lx anon_vma:%p mapping:%p index:%lx <1>vma->vm_ops->fault: %s <1>vma->vm_file->f_op->mmap: %s mm/memory.c %s:%d: bad pgd %08lx. /usr/local/google/home/jinqian/Android/aosp/goldfish/arch/x86/include/asm/pgalloc.h %s%s[%lx+%lx] mm/mlock.c mm/mmap.c anon_hugepage mm/mprotect.c &anon_vma->mutex mm/rmap.c anon_vma anon_vma_chain include/linux/swapops.h mm/vmalloc.c 0x%p-0x%p %7ld %pS pages=%d phys=%llx ioremap vmalloc vmap user vpages vmallocinfo <4>vmap allocation for size %lu failed: use vmalloc= to increase size. <3>Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) <3>Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) vmalloc: allocation failure, allocated %ld of %ld bytes vmalloc: allocation failure: %lu bytes mm/nobootmem.c <1>bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! mm/memblock.c <6> %s.cnt = 0x%lx on node %d <6> %s[%#x] [%#016llx-%#016llx], %#llx bytes%s memory <3>memblock: Failed to double %s array from %ld to %ld entries ! <6>memblock: %s array is doubled to %ld at [%#010llx-%#010llx] <6>memblock_reserve: [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF <6> memblock_free: [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%llx bytes below 0x%llx. <6>MEMBLOCK configuration: <6> memory size = %#llx reserved size = %#llx mm/bounce.c highmem bounce pool size: %d pages isa bounce pool size: %d pages <1>Read-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) <1>Write-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) %lu pages in swap cache Swap cache stats: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu Free swap = %ldkB Total swap = %lukB swap <3>swap_free: %s%08lx mm/swapfile.c <3>swap_dup: %s%08lx partition file Filename Type Size Used Priority \ %*s%s %u %u %d swaps SS SWAPSPACE2 <3>Unable to find swap-space signature <4>Unable to handle swap header version %d <4>Swap area shorter than signature indicates <4>Empty swap-file <3>swapon: swapfile has holes <6>Adding %uk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d across:%lluk %s%s poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) <3>dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy <3>dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy /usr/local/google/home/jinqian/Android/aosp/goldfish/arch/x86/include/asm/dma-mapping.h mm/dmapool.c pools mm/hugetlb.c <4>hugepages= specified twice without interleaving hugepagesz=, ignoring <4>hugepagesz= specified twice, ignoring hugepages-%lukB %lu GB %lu MB %lu KB <6>HugeTLB registered %s page size, pre-allocated %ld pages hugepages <3>Hugetlb: Unable to add hstate %s HugePages_Total: %5lu HugePages_Free: %5lu HugePages_Rsvd: %5lu HugePages_Surp: %5lu Hugepagesize: %8lu kB Node %d HugePages_Total: %5u Node %d HugePages_Free: %5u Node %d HugePages_Surp: %5u <4>PID %d killed due to inadequate hugepage pool surplus_hugepages resv_hugepages free_hugepages <3>slub_debug option '%c' unknown. skipped <3>FIX %s: %s <3>============================================================================= <3>BUG %s (%s): %s <3>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <3> mm/slub.c %d(%d) %pS %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6lu slabinfo - version: 2.1 # name : tunables : slabdata slabinfo <4>SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node %d (gfp=0x%x) <4> cache: %s, object size: %d, buffer size: %d, default order: %d, min order: %d <4> %s debugging increased min order, use slub_debug=O to disable. <4> node %d: slabs: %ld, objs: %ld, free: %ld <3>INFO: Slab 0x%p objects=%u used=%u fp=0x%p flags=0x%04lx Padding overwritten. 0x%p-0x%p Padding Restoring 0x%p-0x%p=0x%x Not a valid slab page objects %u > max %u inuse %u > max %u Allocated <3>INFO: %s in %pS age=%lu cpu=%u pid=%d <3> %pS Freed <3>INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu fp=0x%p Bytes b4 Object Redzone %s overwritten <3>INFO: 0x%p-0x%p. First byte 0x%x instead of 0x%x Redzone Alignment padding Poison Object padding Freepointer corrupt Freechain corrupt Freelist cleared Wrong number of objects. Found %d but should be %d Number of objects adjusted. Wrong object count. Counter is %d but counted were %d Object count adjusted. Object is on free-list Object already free Attempt to free object(0x%p) outside of slab <3>SLUB : no slab for object 0x%p. page slab pointer corrupt. free <6>TRACE %s %s 0x%p inuse=%d fp=0x%p Object at 0x%p not freed Invalid object pointer 0x%p alloc Marking all objects used Freelist Pointer check fails %07d <3>Cannot register slab subsystem. <3>SLUB: Unable to add boot slab %s to sysfs <3>SLUB: Unable to add boot slab alias %s to sysfs <3>SLUB %s: %ld partial slabs counted but counter=%ld <3>SLUB: %s %ld slabs counted but counter=%ld Out of memory %7ld %pS age=%ld/%ld/%ld age=%ld pid=%ld-%ld pid=%ld No data Objects remaining on kmem_cache_close() <3>INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu <3>SLUB %s: %s called for cache that still has objects. Cannot create slab %s size=%lu realsize=%u order=%u offset=%u flags=%lx Creation of kmalloc slab %s size=%d failed. Cannot create slabcache %s kmem_cache_node kmem_cache kmalloc-96 kmalloc-192 kmalloc-%d dma-kmalloc-%d <6>SLUB: Genslabs=%d, HWalign=%d, Order=%d-%d, MinObjects=%d, CPUs=%d, Nodes=%d free_calls alloc_calls validate store_user poison red_zone sanity_checks total_objects slabs destroy_by_rcu cache_dma hwcache_align reclaim_account slabs_cpu_partial objects_partial objects cpu_slabs partial aliases ctor cpu_partial min_partial objs_per_slab object_size align slab_size <3>VFS: Close: file count is 0 fs/open.c <6>VFS: file-max limit %lu reached fs/file_table.c filp files_lglock VFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... fs/super.c <3>VFS:Filesystem freeze failed <3>VFS:Filesystem thaw failed &s->s_umount &s->s_lock &s->s_vfs_rename_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqptr_sem &s->s_wait_unfrozen forced remount of a %s fs returned %i Emergency Remount complete %s set sb->s_maxbytes to negative value (%lld) char-major-%d-%d char-major-%d %3d %s <4>VFS: Warning: %s using old stat() call. Recompile your binary. fs/exec.c binfmt-%04x %ld %s (path unknown) .%d <4>format_corename failed <4>Aborting core <4>Process %d(%s) has RLIMIT_CORE set to 1 <4>Pid %d(%s) over core_pipe_limit <4>Skipping core dump <4>%s failed to allocate memory <6>Core dump to %s pipe failed pipe: pipe:[%lu] fs/pipe.c &pipe->wait pipefs fs/namei.c fs/fcntl.c fasync_cache <3>kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! fs/dcache.c Root dentry has weird name <%.*s> (deleted) <3>BUG: Dentry %p{i=%lx,n=%s} still in use (%d) [unmount of %s %s] <4>VFS: moving negative dcache entry <4>VFS: Lookup of '%s' in %s %s would have caused loop (unreachable) //deleted Dentry cache names_cache dentry &inode->i_mutex &mapping->i_mmap_mutex fs/inode.c <7>init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) for inode %s:%lu Inode-cache inode_cache fs/attr.c fs/file.c <4>alloc_fd: slot %d not NULL! nodev %s %s filesystems fs/filesystems.c %.*s fs/namespace.c &new_ns->poll &namespace_sem mnt_cache Failed to allocate mount hash table <6>Mount-cache hash table entries: %lu &vfsmount_lock <4>%s: sysfs_init error: %d <4>%s: kobj create error rootfs Can't find rootfs type Can't create rootfs Can't allocate initial namespace mnt &p->lock include/linux/seq_file.h user. .. fs/libfs.c include/linux/highmem.h <4>%s: %s passed in a files arraywith an index of 1! &attr->mutex pages include/trace/events/writeback.h bdi %s bdi %s: towrt=%ld skip=%ld mode=%d kupd=%d bgrd=%d reclm=%d cyclic=%d start=0x%lx end=0x%lx dirty=%lu writeback=%lu unstable=%lu bg_thresh=%lu thresh=%lu limit=%lu dirtied=%lu written=%lu bdi %s: write_bw=%lu awrite_bw=%lu dirty_rate=%lu dirty_ratelimit=%lu task_ratelimit=%lu balanced_dirty_ratelimit=%lu bdi %s: limit=%lu setpoint=%lu dirty=%lu bdi_setpoint=%lu bdi_dirty=%lu dirty_ratelimit=%lu task_ratelimit=%lu dirtied=%u dirtied_pause=%u paused=%lu pause=%ld period=%lu think=%ld usec_timeout=%u usec_delayed=%u bdi %s: sb_dev %d:%d nr_pages=%ld sync_mode=%d kupdate=%d range_cyclic=%d background=%d reason=%s bdi %s: older=%lu age=%ld enqueue=%d reason=%s bdev bdi %s: ino=%lu state=%s dirtied_when=%lu age=%lu index=%lu to_write=%ld wrote=%lu <7>%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s bdi-%s not registered fs/fs-writeback.c background_thresh dirty_thresh dirty_limit usec_timeout usec_delayed nr_pages sb_dev dev_t sync_mode for_kupdate range_cyclic for_background reason nr_to_write pages_skipped for_reclaim range_start range_end older age moved write_bw avg_write_bw dirty_rate dirty_ratelimit task_ratelimit balanced_dirty_ratelimit limit setpoint bdi_setpoint bdi_dirty dirtied dirtied_pause paused pause period think ino dirtied_when writeback_index wrote I_DIRTY_SYNC I_DIRTY_DATASYNC I_DIRTY_PAGES I_NEW I_WILL_FREE I_FREEING I_CLEAR I_SYNC I_REFERENCED background try_to_free_pages periodic laptop_timer free_more_memory fs_free_space forker_thread writeback_single_inode writeback_single_inode_requeue writeback_wait_iff_congested writeback_congestion_wait balance_dirty_pages bdi_dirty_ratelimit global_dirty_state writeback_queue_io wbc_writepage writeback_thread_stop writeback_thread_start writeback_bdi_unregister writeback_bdi_register writeback_wake_forker_thread writeback_wake_thread writeback_wake_background writeback_nowork writeback_pages_written writeback_wait writeback_written writeback_start writeback_exec writeback_queue writeback_nothread fs/pnode.c fs/splice.c fs/sync.c Emergency Sync complete <3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %Lu fs/buffer.c <4>Emergency Thaw complete <4>Emergency Thaw on %s __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device %s blocksize: %d <4>lost page write due to I/O error on %s <3>VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer <3>getblk(): invalid block size %d requested <3>logical block size: %d <3>%s: requested out-of-range block %llu for device %s <6>warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call <6>Fix your initscripts? buffer_head include/linux/bio.h fs/bio.c <3>bio: unable to find slab! bio-%d <6>bio: create slab <%s> at %d bio: can't allocate bios bio: can't create split pool biovec-1 biovec-4 biovec-16 biovec-64 biovec-128 biovec-256 bdev: &bdev->bd_mutex &bdev->bd_fsfreeze_mutex <4>VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk %s <6>%s: detected capacity change from %lld to %lld fs/block_dev.c bdev_cache Cannot register bdev pseudo-fs Cannot create bdev pseudo-fs dio fs/direct-io.c fs/mpage.c device no device mounted on with fstype ro rw 0 0 %i %i %u:%u shared:%i master:%i propagate_from:%i unbindable - ,nosuid ,nodev ,noexec ,noatime ,nodiratime ,relatime ,sync ,dirsync ,mand initializing fsnotify_mark_srcu fs/notify/fsnotify.c fs/notify/notification.c fsnotify_event fsnotify_event_holder unable to allocate fsnotify q_overflow_event &group->notification_mutex &group->notification_waitq fs/notify/inode_mark.c fsnotify_mark unable to start fsnotify mark destruction thread. fs/notify/mark.c fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c dnotify_struct dnotify_mark unable to allocate fsnotify group for dnotify fs/notify/dnotify/dnotify.c inotify closing but id=%d for fsn_mark=%p in group=%p still in idr. Probably leaking memory fs/notify/inotify/inotify_fsnotify.c <4>fsn_mark->group=%p inode=%p wd=%d inotify_inode_mark inotify_event_private_data %s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p i_mark->inode=%p fs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.c %s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p mark->inode=%p found_i_mark=%p found_i_mark->wd=%d found_i_mark->group=%p found_i_mark->inode=%p <3>%s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p i_mark->inode=%p eventpoll fs/eventpoll.c eventpoll_epi eventpoll_pwq <3>reverse_path_check_proc: file is not an ep! &ep->mtx &ep->wq &ep->poll_wait [eventpoll] <3>anon_inode_init() failed (%d) anon_inode:%s anon_inode: anon_inodefs [signalfd] &ctx->wqh [timerfd] [eventfd] fs/aio.c kiocb kioctx aio aio_run_iocb: iocb->ki_retry = NULL <7>exit_aio:ioctx still alive: %d %d %d &ctx->wait &fl->fl_wait MANDATORY *NOINODE* ADVISORY ACCESS POSIX READ NONE WRITE RW UNLCK %lld:%s %6s %s FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN %d %02x:%02x:%ld %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF -> locks file_lock_cache fs/locks.c <3>locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p enabled %s interpreter %s flags: extension .%s offset %i magic %02x mask status register CORE fs/binfmt_elf.c LINUX RSDTZW <3>cache %s: %d orphaned entries include/linux/posix_acl.h system.posix_acl_access system.posix_acl_default <3>Quota error (device %s): %s: %pV dquot_6.5.2 <5>VFS: Disk quotas %s dquot Cannot create dquot hash table Dquot-cache hash table entries: %ld (order %ld, %ld bytes) Can't write quota structure (error %d). Quota may get out of sync! &dquot->dq_lock &dquot->dq_wait_unused fs/quota/dquot.c quota_v1 quota_v2 <3>VFS: Not enough memory to send quota warning. <3>VFS: Cannot store netlink header in quota warning. <3>VFS: Not enough space to compose quota message! <3>VFS: Failed to create quota netlink interface. [anon: ] %08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu %n [stack:%d] Size: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Pss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB Referenced: %8lu kB Anonymous: %8lu kB AnonHugePages: %8lu kB Swap: %8lu kB SwapPss: %8lu kB KernelPageSize: %8lu kB MMUPageSize: %8lu kB Locked: %8lu kB Name: VmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmPin: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB VmSwap: %8lu kB ,gid=%lu ,hidepid=%u proc_inode_cache proc_read_super: get root inode failed <3>proc: hidepid value must be between 0 and 2. <3>proc: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value self/mounts mounts sysvipc driver fs/nfsd proc hidepid=%u gid=%u rchar: %llu wchar: %llu syscr: %llu syscw: %llu read_bytes: %llu write_bytes: %llu cancelled_write_bytes: %llu %08lx %i <4>%s (%d): /proc/%d/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/%d/oom_score_adj instead. Units Hard Limit Soft Limit Limit %-25s %-20s %-20s %-10s unlimited %-25s %-20s %-25s %-20lu %-20s %-20lu %-10s pos: %lli flags: 0%o [<%pK>] %pS %08x running %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx self fd fdinfo ns environ auxv personality limits cmdline stat statm maps cwd root exe mountinfo clear_refs smaps pagemap attr wchan oom_score oom_adj loginuid sessionid io mountstats coredump_filter current prev exec fscreate keycreate sockcreate Max cpu time seconds Max file size bytes Max data size Max stack size Max core file size Max resident set Max processes processes Max open files files Max locked memory Max address space Max file locks Max pending signals signals Max msgqueue size Max nice priority Max realtime priority Max realtime timeout us <3>proc_file_read: Apparent buffer overflow! <4>proc_file_read: Read count exceeded name '%s' fs/proc/generic.c <4>proc_dir_entry '%s/%s' already registered <4>%s: removing non-empty directory '%s/%s', leaking at least '%s' %d (%s) %c Name: State: %s Tgid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: %d Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: CapPrm: CapEff: CapBnd: Cpus_allowed: Cpus_allowed_list: voluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu R (running) S (sleeping) D (disk sleep) T (stopped) t (tracing stop) Z (zombie) X (dead) x (dead) K (wakekill) W (waking) /dev/%-8s %3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty :console :vtmaster pty:master pty:slave type:%d.%d tty /dev/tty %-20s /dev/%-8s system:/dev/tty system:console ptmx /dev/ptmx system vc/0 /dev/vc/0 system:vtmaster tty/ldisc tty/driver tty/ldiscs tty/drivers %s%d%n %*c%c%c%c (%s) %4d:%d consoles cpuinfo Character devices: Block devices: devices interrupts %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %ld/%d %d loadavg meminfo MemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB Active(anon): %8lu kB Inactive(anon): %8lu kB Active(file): %8lu kB Inactive(file): %8lu kB Unevictable: %8lu kB Mlocked: %8lu kB HighTotal: %8lu kB HighFree: %8lu kB LowTotal: %8lu kB LowFree: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Shmem: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB SReclaimable: %8lu kB SUnreclaim: %8lu kB KernelStack: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB WritebackTmp: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB cpu intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu softirq %llu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu uptime %12s: %10u softirqs %s:[%lu] %s:[%u] %s/ <3>sysctl table check failed: %s/%s %pV fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c <3>sysctl link missing during unregister: /%s <3>sysctl duplicate entry: Not a file No data No maxlen No proc_handler bogus .mode 0%o <3>sysctl could not get directory: /%*.*s %ld sys self/net vmlinux kcore <3>couldn't create /proc/kcore kmsg kpagecount kpageflags fs/sysfs/sysfs.h fs/sysfs/inode.c <4>sysfs: can not remove '%s', no directory sysfs <3>missing sysfs attribute operations for kobject: %s fs/sysfs/file.c &new_od->poll fill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count sysfsd <3>sysfs: kobject %s without dirent <3>missing sysfs namespace attribute operation for kobject: %s required invalid <4>sysfs: ns %s in '%s' for '%s' fs/sysfs/dir.c <4>sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '%s' fs/sysfs/symlink.c <4>sysfs: symlink across ns_types %s/%s -> %s/%s ../ <7>sysfs: could not get root inode <7>%s: could not get root dentry! sysfs_dir_cache <3>sysfs: could not mount! &bb->mutex fs/sysfs/bin.c fs/sysfs/group.c sysfs: attrs not set by subsystem for group: %s/%s <4>sysfs group %p not found for kobject '%s' ,mode=%03o <3>devpts: get root dentry failed <3>devpts: called with bogus options fs/devpts/inode.c devpts uid=%u mode=%o reserve block_group >= groups_count - block_group = %u, groups_count = %u Group descriptor not loaded - block_group = %u, group_desc = %u, desc = %u Cannot read block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %llu Invalid block bitmap - block_group = %d, block = %llu fs/ext4/balloc.c Checksum bad for group %u Cannot get buffer for block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %llu %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: called with null fname?!? rec_len is smaller than minimal rec_len % 4 != 0 rec_len is too small for name_len directory entry across blocks inode out of bounds bad entry in directory: %s - offset=%u(%u), inode=%u, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d directory contains a hole at offset %llu Unaligned AIO/DIO on inode %ld by %s; performance will be poor. <4> fs/ext4/fsync.c fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.h Cannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %u, inode_bitmap = %llu fs/ext4/ialloc.c <3>EXT4-fs: %s:%d: inode on nonexistent device %s:%d: inode #%lu: count=%d %s:%d: inode #%lu: nlink=%d reserved or nonexistent inode %lu bit already cleared for inode %lu reserved inode found cleared - inode=%lu bad orphan ino %lu! e2fsck was run? inode bitmap error for orphan %lu bad orphan inode %lu! e2fsck was run? <5>ext4_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d <5>inode=%p <5>is_bad_inode(inode)=%d <5>NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u <5>max_ino=%lu <5>i_nlink=%u Something is wrong with group %u: used itable blocks: %d; itable unused count: %u fs/ext4/inode.c sb umounted, discard end_io request for inode %lu <4>%s: allocation fail unable to read itable block ext4_da_release_space: ino %lu, to_free %d with only %d reserved data blocks <5> %s: ino %lu, used %d with only %d reserved data blocks %s: ino %lu, allocated %d with only %d reserved metadata blocks lblock %lu mapped to illegal pblock (length %d) bad extended attribute block %llu bogus i_mode (%o) IO error syncing inode Unable to expand inode %lu. Delete some EAs or run e2fsck. couldn't mark inode dirty (err %d) couldn't extend journal (err %d) delayed block allocation failed for inode %lu at logical offset %llu with max blocks %zd with error %d <2> This should not happen!! Data will be lost Total free blocks count %lld Free/Dirty block details free_blocks=%lld dirty_blocks=%lld Block reservation details i_reserved_data_blocks=%u i_reserved_meta_blocks=%u Failed to mark inode %lu dirty %s: jbd2_start: %ld pages, ino %lu; err %d ext4_io_page ext4_io_end fs/ext4/page-io.c <3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %llu I/O error writing to inode %lu (offset %llu size %ld starting block %llu) failed to convert unwritten extents to written extents -- potential data loss! (inode %lu, offset %llu, size %zd, error %d) Online resizing not supported with bigalloc Online defrag not supported with bigalloc Online resizing not (yet) supported with bigalloc Online resizing not (yet) supported with meta_bg File system only supports 32-bit block numbers FITRIM not supported with bigalloc Unrecognised inode hash code %d Unimplemented inode hash flags: %#06x Unimplemented inode hash depth: %#06x dx entry: limit != root limit dx entry: no count or count > limit dx entry: limit != node limit Corrupt dir inode %lu, running e2fsck is recommended. error reading index page in directory #%lu reading directory lblock %lu fs/ext4/ext4.h error %d reading directory lblock 0 bad directory (dir #%lu) - no data block bad directory (dir #%lu) - no `.' or `..' error %d reading directory lblock %u fs/ext4/namei.c Directory index full! invalid rec_len for '..' '%.*s' linked to parent dir deleted inode referenced: %u bad inode number: %u bad parent inode number: %u Deleting old file (%lu), %d, error=%d empty directory has too many links (%d) Deleting nonexistent file (%lu), %d include/trace/events/ext4.h dev %d,%d ino %lu mode 0%o uid %u gid %u blocks %llu dev %d,%d dir %lu mode 0%o dev %d,%d ino %lu dir %lu mode 0%o dev %d,%d ino %lu nlink %d dev %d,%d ino %lu drop %d dev %d,%d ino %lu caller %pF dev %d,%d ino %lu new_size %lld dev %d,%d ino %lu pos %lld len %u flags %u dev %d,%d ino %lu pos %lld len %u copied %u dev %d,%d ino %lu nr_to_write %ld pages_skipped %ld range_start %lld range_end %lld sync_mode %dfor_kupdate %d range_cyclic %d writeback_index %lu dev %d,%d ino %lu b_blocknr %llu b_size %u b_state 0x%04x first_page %lu io_done %d pages_written %d sync_mode %d dev %d,%d ino %lu ret %d pages_written %d pages_skipped %ld sync_mode %d writeback_index %lu dev %d,%d ino %lu page_index %lu dev %d,%d ino %lu page_index %lu offset %lu dev %d,%d blk %llu count %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu pstart %llu len %u lstart %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu block %llu count %u dev %d,%d pstart %llu len %u dev %d,%d ino %lu dev %d,%d needed %d dev %d,%d ino %lu flags %u len %u lblk %u goal %llu lleft %u lright %u pleft %llu pright %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu flags %u len %u block %llu lblk %u goal %llu lleft %u lright %u pleft %llu pright %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu mode 0%o block %llu count %lu flags %d dev %d,%d ino %lu parent %lu datasync %d dev %d,%d ino %lu ret %d dev %d,%d wait %d dev %d,%d ino %lu data_blocks %u meta_blocks %u dev %d,%d inode %lu orig %u/%d/%u@%u goal %u/%d/%u@%u result %u/%d/%u@%u blks %u grps %u cr %u flags 0x%04x tail %u broken %u dev %d,%d inode %lu orig %u/%d/%u@%u result %u/%d/%u@%u dev %d,%d inode %lu extent %u/%d/%d dev %d,%d ino %lu mode 0%o is_metadata %d block %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu mode 0%o i_blocks %llu used_blocks %d reserved_data_blocks %d reserved_meta_blocks %d allocated_meta_blocks %d quota_claim %d dev %d,%d ino %lu mode 0%o i_blocks %llu md_needed %d reserved_data_blocks %d reserved_meta_blocks %d dev %d,%d ino %lu mode 0%o i_blocks %llu freed_blocks %d reserved_data_blocks %d reserved_meta_blocks %d allocated_meta_blocks %d dev %d,%d group %u dev %d,%d ino %lu pos %lld len %lu rw %d dev %d,%d ino %lu pos %lld len %lu rw %d ret %d dev %d,%d ino %lu pos %lld len %lld mode %d dev %d,%d ino %lu pos %lld blocks %u ret %d dev %d,%d ino %lu size %lld parent %lu dev %d,%d ino %lu blocks %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu m_lblk %u m_len %u u_lblk %u u_len %u u_pblk %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu m_lblk %u m_len %u u_lblk %u u_len %u u_pblk %llu i_lblk %u i_len %u i_pblk %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u len %u flags %u dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u pblk %llu len %u ret %d dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u pblk %llu dev %d,%d ino %ld dev %d,%d nblocks %d caller %pF dev %d,%d group %u, start %d, len %d dev %d,%d ino %lu m_lblk %u m_pblk %llu m_len %u flags %dallocated %d newblock %llu dev %d,%d m_lblk %u m_pblk %llu m_len %u m_flags %u ret %d dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u len %u start %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u ret %d dev %d,%d ino %lu from %u to %u reverse %d found %d (blk = %u) dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u len %u dev %d,%d ino %lu lblk %u pblk %llu len %u dev %d,%d ino %lu extent [%u(%llu), %u]from %u to %u partial_cluster %u dev %d,%d ino %lu start_lblk %u last_extent [%u(%llu), %u]partial_cluster %u dev %d,%d ino %lu index_pblk %llu dev %d,%d ino %lu since %u depth %d dev %d,%d ino %lu since %u depth %d partial %u remaining_entries %u fs/ext4/super.c %csb=%llu %c%s %cresuid=%u %cresgid=%u %cerrors=remount-ro %cerrors=continue %cerrors=panic %ccommit=%lu %cmin_batch_time=%u %cmax_batch_time=%u %ci_version %cstripe=%lu %cdata=journal %cdata=ordered %cdata=writeback %cinode_readahead_blks=%u %cinit_itable=%u ,jqfmt=%s ,usrjquota=%s ,grpjquota=%s ,usrquota ,grpquota ro rw &eli->li_list_mtx ext4lazyinit <2>EXT4-fs: error %d creating inode table initialization thread &ei->xattr_sem &ei->i_data_sem ino_t __u16 uid_t gid_t blocks __u64 dir nlink drop new_size loff_t pos copied b_blocknr b_size __u32 b_state first_page io_done pages_written index offset count pa_pstart pa_len pa_lstart needed logical lleft lright goal pleft pright parent datasync data_blocks meta_blocks found groups buddy cr __u8 orig_logical orig_start orig_group orig_len goal_logical goal_start goal_group goal_len result_logical result_start result_group result_len is_metadata i_blocks used_blocks reserved_data_blocks reserved_meta_blocks allocated_meta_blocks quota_claim md_needed freed_blocks m_lblk ext4_lblk_t m_len unsigned u_lblk u_len u_pblk ext4_fsblk_t i_lblk i_len i_pblk lblk pblk nblocks dev_major dev_minor start allocated newblk from to reverse found_blk ee_lblk ee_pblk ee_len short eh_entries IO failure Readonly filesystem Journal has aborted error %d &ext4_li_mtx &ext4__aio_mutex[i] &ext4__ioend_wq[i] ext4 fs/ext4 features ext4_inode_cache <4>EXT4-fs: Unable to register as ext3 (%d) <4>EXT4-fs: Unable to register as ext2 (%d) <3>EXT4-fs: %s:%d: aborting transaction: %s in %s %sEXT4-fs (%s): %pV previous I/O error to superblock detected I/O error while writing superblock Remounting filesystem read-only EXT4-fs (device %s): panic forced after error <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: comm %s: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: %pV (unknown) <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: path %s: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: path %s: %pV <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s) in %s:%d: %s <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: EXT4-fs panic from previous error Detected aborted journal Quota file not on filesystem root. Journaled quota will not work Quota write (off=%llu, len=%llu) cancelled because transaction is not started Quota write (off=%llu, len=%llu) cancelled because not block aligned Couldn't clean up the journal sb orphan head is %d <3>sb_info orphan list: <3> inode %s:%lu at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d Inode %lu (%p): orphan list check failed! error count: %u <5>EXT4-fs (%s): initial error at %u: %.*s:%d : inode %u : block %llu <5>EXT4-fs (%s): last error at %u: %.*s:%d Cannot change journaled quota options when quota turned on Not enough memory for storing quotafile name %s quota file already specified quotafile must be on filesystem root 3.5 Ignoring removed %s option Cannot specify journal on remount Cannot change quota options when quota turned on %s option not supported Remounting file system with no journal so ignoring journalled data option Cannot change data mode on remount buggy handling of option %s Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value old and new quota format mixing journaled quota format not specified journaled quota format specified with no journaling enabled can't mount with dioread_nolock if block size != PAGE_SIZE EXT4-fs: inode_readahead_blks must be a power of 2 Couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x) couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x) Can't support bigalloc feature without extents feature <4>EXT4-fs warning (device %s): %s:%d: %pV Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: %s Marking fs in need of filesystem check. <2>EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: group %u, inode %lu: block %llu: %pV updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended revision level too high, forcing read-only mode warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended <6>[EXT4 FS bs=%lu, gc=%u, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04x, mo2=%04x] can't mount with both data=journal and delalloc can't mount with both data=journal and dioread_nolock Abort forced by user ext4_remount: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u) Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount/remount instead re-mounted. Opts: %s ordered data mode out journal journalled data mode writeback data mode ; sb= <3>EXT4-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s unable to set blocksize unable to read superblock failed to parse options in superblock: %s <4>EXT4-fs: Warning: mounting with data=journal disables delayed allocation and O_DIRECT support! feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended Unsupported filesystem blocksize %d bad block size %d Can't read superblock on 2nd try Magic mismatch, very weird! unsupported inode size: %d unsupported descriptor size %lu cluster size (%d) smaller than block size (%d) #clusters per group too big: %lu blocks per group (%lu) and clusters per group (%lu) inconsistent fragment/cluster size (%d) != block size (%d) #blocks per group too big: %lu #inodes per group too big: %lu filesystem too large to mount safely on this system bad geometry: block count %llu exceeds size of device (%llu blocks) bad geometry: first data block %u is beyond end of filesystem (%llu) groups count too large: %u (block count %llu, first data block %u, blocks per group %lu) not enough memory can't read group descriptor %d ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u) not enough memory for %u flex groups unable to initialize flex_bg meta info! &sbi->s_orphan_lock external journal device major/minor numbers have changed INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem write access unavailable, cannot proceed write access will be enabled during recovery filesystem has both journal and inode journals! no journal found journal inode is deleted invalid journal inode Could not load journal inode failed to open journal device %s: %ld blocksize too small for journal device couldn't read superblock of external journal external journal has bad superblock journal UUID does not match failed to create device journal I/O error on journal device External journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d barriers disabled error loading journal required journal recovery suppressed and not mounted read-only Failed to set 64-bit journal feature Journal does not support requested data journaling mode ext4-dio-unwritten <3>EXT4-fs: failed to create DIO workqueue get root inode failed corrupt root inode, run e2fsck get root dentry failed required extra inode space notavailable failed to initialize system zone (%d) failed to initialize mballoc (%d) write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanup Skipping orphan cleanup due to unknown ROCOMPAT features orphan cleanup on readonly fs Cannot turn on journaled quota: error %d %s: truncating inode %lu to %lld bytes %s: deleting unreferenced inode %lu %d orphan inode%s deleted %d truncate%s cleaned up recovery complete mounted filesystem with%s. Opts: %s%s%s VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem mount failed mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem couldn't mount as ext2 due to feature incompatibilities couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities mounting ext3 file system using the ext4 subsystem group descriptors corrupted! vfsold vfsv0 vfsv1 batched_discard lazy_itable_init max_writeback_mb_bump mb_group_prealloc mb_stream_req mb_order2_req mb_min_to_scan mb_max_to_scan mb_stats inode_goal inode_readahead_blks lifetime_write_kbytes session_write_kbytes delayed_allocation_blocks bsddf minixdf grpid bsdgroups nogrpid sysvgroups resgid=%u resuid=%u sb=%u errors=continue errors=panic errors=remount-ro nouid32 oldalloc orlov user_xattr nouser_xattr acl noacl norecovery noload nobh bh commit=%u min_batch_time=%u max_batch_time=%u journal_dev=%u journal_checksum journal_async_commit abort data=journal data=ordered data=writeback data_err=abort data_err=ignore usrjquota= usrjquota=%s grpjquota= grpjquota=%s jqfmt=vfsold jqfmt=vfsv0 jqfmt=vfsv1 grpquota noquota usrquota barrier=%u barrier nobarrier i_version stripe=%u delalloc nodelalloc mblk_io_submit nomblk_io_submit block_validity noblock_validity inode_readahead_blks=%u journal_ioprio=%u auto_da_alloc=%u auto_da_alloc noauto_da_alloc dioread_nolock dioread_lock nodiscard init_itable=%u init_itable noinit_itable check=none nocheck reservation noreservation journal=%u ext3 ext2 ext4_ext_remove_space_done ext4_ext_remove_space ext4_ext_rm_idx ext4_ext_rm_leaf ext4_remove_blocks ext4_ext_show_extent ext4_get_reserved_cluster_alloc ext4_find_delalloc_range ext4_ext_in_cache ext4_ext_put_in_cache ext4_get_implied_cluster_alloc_exit ext4_ext_handle_uninitialized_extents ext4_trim_all_free ext4_trim_extent ext4_journal_start ext4_load_inode ext4_ext_load_extent ext4_ind_map_blocks_exit ext4_ext_map_blocks_exit ext4_ind_map_blocks_enter ext4_ext_map_blocks_enter ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_enter ext4_truncate_exit ext4_truncate_enter ext4_unlink_exit ext4_unlink_enter ext4_fallocate_exit ext4_fallocate_enter ext4_direct_IO_exit ext4_direct_IO_enter ext4_load_inode_bitmap ext4_read_block_bitmap_load ext4_mb_buddy_bitmap_load ext4_mb_bitmap_load ext4_da_release_space ext4_da_reserve_space ext4_da_update_reserve_space ext4_forget ext4_mballoc_free ext4_mballoc_discard ext4_mballoc_prealloc ext4_mballoc_alloc ext4_alloc_da_blocks ext4_sync_fs ext4_sync_file_exit ext4_sync_file_enter ext4_free_blocks ext4_allocate_blocks ext4_request_blocks ext4_mb_discard_preallocations ext4_discard_preallocations ext4_mb_release_group_pa ext4_mb_release_inode_pa ext4_mb_new_group_pa ext4_mb_new_inode_pa ext4_discard_blocks ext4_invalidatepage ext4_releasepage ext4_readpage ext4_writepage ext4_da_writepages_result ext4_da_write_pages ext4_da_writepages ext4_da_write_end ext4_journalled_write_end ext4_writeback_write_end ext4_ordered_write_end ext4_da_write_begin ext4_write_begin ext4_begin_ordered_truncate ext4_mark_inode_dirty ext4_drop_inode ext4_evict_inode ext4_allocate_inode ext4_request_inode ext4_free_inode can't update backup for group %u (err %d), forcing fsck on next reboot error %d on journal start error %d on journal write access <7>EXT4-fs: extended group to %llu blocks fs/ext4/resize.c reserved GDT %llu missing grp %d (%llu) reserved block %llu not at offset %ld <7>EXT4-fs: ext4_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu won't resize using backup superblock at %llu new group %u GDT block %llu not reserved not enough memory for %lu groups <7>EXT4-fs: added group %u:%llu blocks(%llu free %llu reserved) There are errors in the filesystem, so online resizing is not allowed normal no-super Can't resize non-sparse filesystem further blocks_count overflow inodes_count overflow No reserved GDT blocks, can't resize Error opening resize inode <7>EXT4-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %u groups) Last group not full Reserved blocks too high (%u) Bad blocks count %u Cannot read last block (%llu) Block bitmap not in group (block %llu) Inode bitmap not in group (block %llu) Inode table not in group (blocks %llu-%llu) Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%llu) Block bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu) Inode bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu) Block bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu) Inode bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu) Inode table (%llu-%llu) overlaps GDT table (%llu-%llu) extending last group from %llu to %llu blocks filesystem too large to resize to %llu blocks safely can't shrink FS - resize aborted need to use ext2online to resize further will only finish group (%llu blocks, %u new) can't read last block, resize aborted resizing filesystem from %llu to %llu blocks resize would cause inodes_count overflow <7>EXT4-fs: adding a flex group with %d groups, flexbg size is %d: <7>adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free) resized filesystem from %llu upto %llu blocks fs/ext4/extents.c invalid magic unexpected eh_depth invalid eh_max too large eh_max invalid eh_entries invalid extent entries bad header/extent: %s - magic %x, entries %u, max %u(%u), depth %u(%u) ex %p == NULL or eh %p == NULL path->p_hdr->eh_entries == 0 ppos %d > depth %d fs/ext4/ext4_extents.h eh->eh_entries = 0! ext4_ext_get_actual_len(newext) == 0 path[%d].p_hdr == NULL p_ext > EXT_MAX_EXTENT! newblock == 0! eh_entries %d != eh_max %d! k %d < 0! EXT_MAX_INDEX != EXT_LAST_INDEX ee_block %d! logical %d == ei_block %d! eh_entries %d >= eh_max %d! ix > EXT_MAX_INDEX! ix > EXT_LAST_INDEX! can not handle truncate %u:%u on extent %u:%u <6>strange request: removal(2) %u-%u from %u:%u bad extent address lblock: %lu, depth: %d pblock %lld path == NULL *logical %d! EXT_FIRST_EXTENT != ex *logical %d ee_block %d! ix (%d) != EXT_FIRST_INDEX (%d) (depth %d)! logical %d < ee_block %d + ee_len %d! first_extent(path[%d].p_hdr) != ex ix != EXT_FIRST_INDEX *logical %d! %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %u: len %u: ext4_ext_map_blocks returned %d cbex.ec_len == 0 error %d when attempting revoke fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.c IO error syncing itable block fs/ext4/mballoc.c freeing already freed block (bit %u) pa %p: logic %lu, phys. %lu, len %lu free %u, pa_free %u start %lu, size %lu, fe_logical %lu %u clusters in bitmap, %u in gd Block already on to-be-freed list 2^13 2^12 2^11 2^10 2^9 2^8 2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0 first frags #%-5s: %-5s %-5s %-5s [ %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s ] #%-5u: I/O error #%-5u: %-5u %-5u %-5u [ %-5u ] Error reading block bitmap for %u Error loading buddy information for %u %d free clusters as per group info. But bitmap says 0 %d free clusters as per group info. But got %d blocks Allocating blocks %llu-%llu which overlap fs metadata can't allocate mem for a buddy group can't allocate buddy mem &meta_group_info[i]->alloc_sem <0>EXT4-fs: no memory for groupinfo slab cache &lg->lg_mutex can't allocate buddy meta group can't get new inode can't read descriptor %u mb_groups mballoc: %u blocks %u reqs (%u success) mballoc: %u extents scanned, %u goal hits, %u 2^N hits, %u breaks, %u lost mballoc: %lu generated and it took %Lu mballoc: %u preallocated, %u discarded ext4_prealloc_space ext4_allocation_context ext4_free_data uh-oh! used pa while discarding Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = %llu, count = %lu Freeing blocks in system zone - Block = %llu, count = %lu too much blocks added to group %u Adding blocks in system zones - Block = %llu, count = %lu bit already cleared for block %llu Error in loading buddy information for %u ext4_groupinfo_1k ext4_groupinfo_2k ext4_groupinfo_4k ext4_groupinfo_8k ext4_groupinfo_16k ext4_groupinfo_32k ext4_groupinfo_64k ext4_groupinfo_128k ext4_system_zone <6>System zones: %s%llu-%llu invalid block fs/ext4/move_extent.c new_ext_end(%u) should be less than or equal to oext->ee_block(%u) + oext_alen(%d) - 1 The extent for donor must be found Donor offset(%u) and the first block of donor extent(%u) should be equal We replaced blocks too much! sum of replaced: %llu requested: %llu Error while reading MMP block %llu MMP failure info: last update time: %llu, last update node: %s, last update device: %s Error writing to MMP block kmmpd being stopped since MMP feature has been disabled. kmmpd being stopped since filesystem has been remounted as readonly. error reading MMP data: %d Error while updating MMP info. The filesystem seems to have been multiply mounted. Invalid MMP block in superblock fsck is running on the filesystem MMP interval %u higher than expected, please wait. MMP startup interrupted, failing mount Device is already active on another node. not enough memory for mmpd_data kmmpd-%s Unable to create kmmpd thread for %s. block %lu > max in inode %lu attempt to clear invalid blocks %llu len %lu circular indirect block detected at block %llu invalid indirect mapped block %lu (level %d) Read failure current_block %llu + count %lu > %d! <6>%s returned more blocks than requested fs/ext4/indirect.c current_block %llu + ar.len %d > %d! Can't allocate blocks for non-extent mapped inodes with bigalloc bad block %llu block %lu read error fs/ext4/xattr.c block %llu read error ext4_xattr fs/jbd2/transaction.c jbd2_transaction_s <3>JBD2: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) <4>JBD2: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. <0>%s: OOM for frozen_buffer buffer_uptodate(jh2bh(jh)) <3>JBD2 unexpected failure: %s: %s; <3>Possible IO failure. <0>%s: No memory for committed data <0>JBD: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_running_transaction (%p, %u) <0>JBD: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_committing_transaction (%p, %u) <0>JBD: %s: jh->b_next_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != transaction (%p, %u) !jh->b_committed_data <3>inconsistent data on disk fs/jbd2/commit.c <4>JBD2: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s <3>JBD2: corrupted journal superblock <3>JBD2: bad block at offset %u <3>JBD2: Failed to read block at offset %u <3>JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %lu in log <3>JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log fs/jbd2/recovery.c <3>JBD2: Out of memory during recovery. <3>JBD2: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u <3>JBD2: error %d scanning journal fs/jbd2/checkpoint.c <3>JBD2: %s: Waiting for Godot: block %llu <3>%s: needed %d blocks and only had %d space available <3>%s: no way to get more journal space in %s fs/jbd2/revoke.c jbd2_revoke_record_s jbd2_revoke_table_s !buffer_revoked(bh) include/trace/events/jbd2.h dev %d,%d result %d dev %d,%d transaction %d sync %d dev %d,%d transaction %d sync %d head %d dev %d,%d from %u to %u offset %lu freed %lu dev %d,%d write_op %x dev %d,%d tid %lu wait %u running %u locked %u flushing %u logging %u handle_count %u blocks %u blocks_logged %u dev %d,%d tid %lu chp_time %u forced_to_close %u written %u dropped %u <0>journal commit I/O error info %lu transaction, each up to %u blocks average: %ums waiting for transaction %ums running transaction %ums transaction was being locked %ums flushing data (in ordered mode) %ums logging transaction %lluus average transaction commit time %lu handles per transaction %lu blocks per transaction %lu logged blocks per transaction &journal->j_wait_transaction_locked &journal->j_wait_logspace &journal->j_wait_done_commit &journal->j_wait_checkpoint &journal->j_wait_commit &journal->j_wait_updates &journal->j_barrier &journal->j_checkpoint_mutex fs/jbd2/journal.c <3>%s: Can't allocate bhs for commit thread <3>%s: Cannot get buffer for journal superblock <3>JBD2: previous I/O error detected for journal superblock update for %s. <3>JBD2: Error %d detected when updating journal superblock for %s. jbd2_journal_head <0>JBD2: no memory for journal_head cache <0>JBD2: failed to create handle cache jbd2_inode <0>JBD2: failed to create inode cache fs/jbd2 jbd2_journal_handle sync_commit transaction tid running flushing logging handle_count blocks_logged chp_time forced_to_close written tail_sequence tid_t first_tid block_nr freed write_op <3>JBD2: IO error reading journal superblock <4>JBD2: no valid journal superblock found <4>JBD2: unrecognised superblock format ID <4>JBD2: journal file too short <4>JBD2: Invalid start block of journal: %u Clearing Ignoring <4>JBD2: %s recovery information on journal JBD2: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u <4>JBD2: Unrecognised features on journal <0>JBD2: no memory for jbd2_slab cache <3>JBD2: journal transaction %u on %s is corrupt. <3>JBD2: Journal too short (blocks %llu-%llu). jbd2/%s <4>JBD2: recovery failed <3>Aborting journal on device %s. <1>%s: journal block not found at offset %lu on %s -%lu <3>%s: Cannot locate journal superblock <5>ENOMEM in %s, retrying. <4>%s: freeing b_frozen_data <4>%s: freeing b_committed_data jbd2_1k jbd2_2k jbd2_4k jbd2_8k jbd2_16k jbd2_32k jbd2_64k jbd2_128k jbd2_write_superblock jbd2 jbd2_update_log_tail jbd2_checkpoint_stats jbd2_run_stats jbd2_submit_inode_data jbd2_end_commit jbd2_drop_transaction jbd2_commit_logging jbd2_commit_flushing jbd2_commit_locking jbd2_start_commit jbd2_checkpoint ramfs fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c hugetlbfs_inode_cache <3>hugetlbfs: Unsupported page size %lu MB <3>hugetlbfs: Bad mount option: "%s" <3>hugetlbfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' <4>%s (%d): Using mlock ulimits for SHM_HUGETLB is deprecated hugetlbfs size=%s nr_inodes=%s pagesize=%s fs/fat/cache.c fat_cache %s: detected the cluster chain loop (i_pos %lld) %s: invalid cluster chain (i_pos %lld) %s: request beyond EOF (i_pos %lld) Directory bread(block %llu) failed . .. Couldn't remove the long name slots filename was truncated while converting. Corrupted directory (i_pos %lld) fs/fat/dir.c Odd directory size fs/fat/fatent.c FAT read failed (blocknr %llu) &sbi->fat_lock invalid access to FAT (entry 0x%08x) %s: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF corrupted file size (i_pos %lld, %lld) fs/fat/inode.c unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos %lld) ,fmask=%04o ,dmask=%04o ,allow_utime=%04o ,codepage=%s ,iocharset=%s ,shortname=win95 ,shortname=winnt ,shortname=mixed ,shortname=lower ,shortname=unknown ,check=%c ,usefree ,quiet ,showexec ,sys_immutable ,dotsOK=yes ,nocase ,utf8 ,uni_xlate ,nonumtail ,rodir ,flush ,tz=UTC ,errors=continue ,errors=panic ,errors=remount-ro ,discard &ei->truncate_lock fat_inode_cache utf8 "%s" option is obsolete, not supported now utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive! unable to read boot sector bogus number of reserved sectors bogus number of FAT structure invalid media value (0x%02x) bogus logical sector size %u bogus sectors per cluster %u logical sector size too small for device (logical sector size = %u) unable to set blocksize %u unable to read boot sector (logical sector size = %lu) bread failed, FSINFO block (sector = %lu) Invalid FSINFO signature: 0x%08x, 0x%08x (sector = %lu) bogus directroy-entries per block (%u) count of clusters too big (%u) cp%d codepage %s not found IO charset %s not found Can't find a valid FAT filesystem EXECOMBAT iocharset=%s shortname=lower shortname=win95 shortname=winnt shortname=mixed utf8=0 utf8=no utf8=false utf8=1 utf8=yes utf8=true uni_xlate=0 uni_xlate=no uni_xlate=false uni_xlate=1 uni_xlate=yes uni_xlate=true uni_xlate nonumtail=0 nonumtail=no nonumtail=false nonumtail=1 nonumtail=yes nonumtail=true nonumtail rodir nodots dotsOK=no dots dotsOK=yes check=relaxed check=strict check=normal check=r check=s check=n umask=%o dmask=%o fmask=%o allow_utime=%o codepage=%u usefree nocase quiet showexec sys_immutable tz=UTC conv=binary conv=text conv=auto conv=b conv=t conv=a fat=%u blocksize=%u cvf_format=%20s cvf_options=%100s posix <3>FAT-fs (%s): error, %pV FAT-fs (%s): fs panic from previous error <3>FAT-fs (%s): Filesystem has been set read-only %sFAT-fs (%s): %pV bread failed in fat_clusters_flush clusters badly computed (%d != %llu) fs/fat/namei_vfat.c %04X %s: Filesystem corrupted (i_pos %lld) vfat msdos <5>iso9660: Corrupted directory entry in block %lu of inode %lu isofs_inode_cache <6>%s: out of memory <6>ISOFS: unable to read i-node block %lu <6>%s: More than 100 file sections ?!?, aborting... isofs_read_level3_size: inode=%lu <7>ISOFS: Interleaved files not (yet) supported. <7>ISOFS: File unit size != 0 for ISO file (%ld). <4>ISOFS: unable to read i-node block <7>%s: block number too large <7>%s: block >= EOF (%lu, %llu) <7>%s: More than 100 file sections ?!? aborting... <7>%s: block=%lu firstext=%u sect_size=%u nextblk=%lu nextoff=%lu <7>%s: Kernel tries to allocate a block <7>ISOFS: Session %d start %d type %d <3>ISOFS: Invalid session number or type of track <3>ISOFS: Invalid session number CD001 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level %d CDROM <5>ISOFS: primary root directory is empty. Disabling Rock Ridge and switching to Joliet. <7>ISOFS: changing to secondary root <4>isofs_fill_super: root inode is not a directory. Corrupted media? <4>%s: get root inode failed <4>%s: bread failed, dev=%s, iso_blknum=%d, block=%d <4>ISOFS: Bad logical zone size %ld <4>ISOFS: Logical zone size(%d) < hardware blocksize(%u) <4>ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. iso9660 norock nojoliet unhide hide showassoc cruft map=acorn map=a map=normal map=n map=off map=o session=%u sbsector=%u mode=%u dmode=%u overriderockperm block=%u conv=mtext conv=m nocompress ARCHIMEDES %3.3x <5>rock: corrupted directory entry. extent=%d, offset=%d, size=%d Unable to read rock-ridge attributes <5>rock: directory entry would overflow storage <5>rock: sig=0x%02x, size=%d, remaining=%d Symlink component flag not implemented (%d) unable to read i-node block symlink spans iso9660 blocks <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Symlink component flag not implemented <4>Attempt to read inode for relocated directory <4>isofs: Can't handle ZF block size of 2^%d <4>isofs: Unknown ZF compression algorithm: %c%c Unsupported NM flag settings (%d) <3>isofs: isofs_export_get_parent(): child is not a directory! <3>isofs: isofs_export_get_parent(): child directory not normalized! <3>isofs: Unable to find the ".." directory for NFS. fs/isofs/compress.c <7>zisofs: zisofs_inflateInit returned %d <7>zisofs: zisofs_inflate returned %d, inode = %lu, page idx = %d, bh idx = %d, avail_in = %d, avail_out = %d nls_%s cp437 ascii iso8859-1 &req->waitq fs/fuse/dev.c <4>fuse: trying to steal weird page <4> page=%p index=%li flags=%08lx, count=%i, mapcount=%i, mapping=%p fuse_request fuse fs/fuse/dir.c fs/fuse/file.c &ff->poll_wait &fc->inst_mutex &fc->killsb &fc->waitq &fc->blocked_waitq &fc->reserved_req_waitq ,user_id=%u ,group_id=%u ,default_permissions ,allow_other ,max_read=%u ,blksize=%lu fs/fuse/inode.c <6>fuse init (API version %i.%i) fuse_inode connections <7>fuse exit &fi->page_waitq %u:%u-fuseblk fuseblk fd=%u rootmode=%o user_id=%u group_id=%u default_permissions allow_other max_read=%u blksize=%u fs/fuse/control.c waiting max_background congestion_threshold fusectl ,mode=%o debugfs 0x%02llx 0x%04llx 0x%08llx 0x%016llx %s = 0x%08x <7>yaffs: flushing obj %d <7>yaffs: yaffs built Mar 11 2016 16:00:10 removing. yaffs inband-tags tags-ecc-off tags-ecc-on lazy-loading-off lazy-loading-on disable-summary empty-lost-and-found-off empty-lost-and-found-on no-cache no-checkpoint-read no-checkpoint-write no-checkpoint <6>yaffs: Bad mount option "%s" Multi-version YAFFS built:Mar 11 2016 16:00:10 Device %d "%s" start_block.......... %d end_block............ %d total_bytes_per_chunk %d use_nand_ecc......... %d no_tags_ecc.......... %d is_yaffs2............ %d inband_tags.......... %d empty_lost_n_found... %d disable_lazy_load.... %d refresh_period....... %d n_caches............. %d n_reserved_blocks.... %d always_check_erased.. %d max file size....... %lld data_bytes_per_chunk. %d chunk_grp_bits....... %d chunk_grp_size....... %d n_erased_blocks...... %d blocks_in_checkpt.... %d n_tnodes............. %d n_obj................ %d n_free_chunks........ %d n_page_writes........ %u n_page_reads......... %u n_erasures........... %u n_gc_copies.......... %u all_gcs.............. %u passive_gc_count..... %u oldest_dirty_gc_count %u n_gc_blocks.......... %u bg_gcs............... %u n_retried_writes..... %u n_retired_blocks..... %u n_ecc_fixed.......... %u n_ecc_unfixed........ %u n_tags_ecc_fixed..... %u n_tags_ecc_unfixed... %u cache_hits........... %u n_deleted_files...... %u n_unlinked_files..... %u refresh_count........ %u n_bg_deletions....... %u tags_used............ %u summary_used......... %u <7>yaffs: yaffs locking %p <7>yaffs: yaffs locked %p <7>yaffs: yaffs_fill_inode mode %x uid %d gid %d size %lld count %d <7>yaffs: yaffs unlocking %p <7>yaffs: yaffs_iget for %lu <7>yaffs: yaffs_fill_inode invalid parameters <7>yaffs: yaffs_removexattr of object %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_removexattr done returning %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_listxattr of object %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_listxattr done returning %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_getxattr "%s" from object %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_getxattr done returning %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_setxattr of object %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_setxattr done returning %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_setattr of object %d <7>yaffs: inode_setattr called <7>yaffs: resize to %d(%x) <7>yaffs: yaffs_setattr done returning %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_sync_object <7>yaffs: yaffs_rename <7>yaffs: target is non-empty dir <7>yaffs: calling yaffs_rename_obj <7>yaffs: yaffs_unlink %d:%s <7>yaffs: yaffs_link <7>yaffs: yaffs_link link count %d i_count %d fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c <7>yaffs: yaffs_writepage at %lld, inode size = %lld!! <7>yaffs: -> don't care!! <7>yaffs: yaffs_writepage at %lld, size %08x <7>yaffs: writepag0: obj = %lld, ino = %lld <7>yaffs: writepag1: obj = %lld, ino = %lld clean <7>yaffs: yaffs_file_flush object %d (%s) <7>yaffs: yaffs_statfs object exists null object <7>yaffs: yaffs_evict_inode: ino %d, count %d %s <7>yaffs: yaffs_background starting for dev %p <7>yaffs: yaffs_background <7>yaffs: yaffs_readpage_nolock at %lld, size %08x <7>yaffs: yaffs_readpage_nolock done <7>yaffs: start yaffs_write_begin index %d(%x) uptodate %d <7>yaffs: end yaffs_write_begin - ok <7>yaffs: end yaffs_write_begin fail returning %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_readpage <7>yaffs: yaffs_readpage done <7>yaffs: yaffs built Mar 11 2016 16:00:10 Installing. &yaffs_context_lock <7>new trace = 0x%08X <7>%c%s one-shot checkpoint requested no checkpoint <7>yaffs: yaffs_do_sync_fs: gc-urgency %d %s %s%s checkpt <7>yaffs: yaffs_sync_fs%s <7>yaffs: yaffs_write_super %s <7>yaffs: yaffs_write_end addr %p pos %lld n_bytes %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_file_write: hey obj is null! <7>yaffs: yaffs_file_write about to write writing %u(%x) bytes to object %d at %lld <7>yaffs: yaffs_file_write: %d(%x) bytes written <7>yaffs: yaffs_file_write size updated to %lld bytes, %d blocks <7>yaffs: yaffs_write_end not same size ret %d copied %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_readdir: starting at %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_readdir: entry . ino %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_readdir: entry .. ino %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_readdir: %s inode %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_put_super <7>yaffs: Shutting down yaffs background thread <7>yaffs: yaffs background thread shut down <7>yaffs: yaffs_put_super done <7>yaffs: yaffs_get_inode for NULL super_block!! <7>yaffs: yaffs_get_inode for NULL object!! <7>yaffs: yaffs_get_inode for object %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: parent object %d type %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: could not get parent object <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making oject for %s, mode %x dev %x <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making special <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making file <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making directory <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making symlink <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod created object %d count = %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_mknod failed making object <7>yaffs: yaffs_mkdir <7>yaffs: yaffs_create <7>yaffs: yaffs_symlink <7>yaffs: symlink created OK <7>yaffs: symlink not created <7>yaffs: yaffs_lookup for %d:%s <7>yaffs: yaffs_lookup found %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_lookup not found OK FAILED <6>yaffs: sb is NULL <6>yaffs: sb->s_dev is NULL <6>yaffs: devname is NULL <6>yaffs: dev is %d name is "%s" %s <6>yaffs: passed flags "%s" <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: Using yaffs%d <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: block size %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of %u.%u,"%s" <7>yaffs: yaffs: MTD device %u either not valid or unavailable <7>yaffs: auto selecting yaffs2 <7>yaffs: auto selecting yaffs1 <6>yaffs: mtd is read only, setting superblock read only <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: Failed trying to allocate struct yaffs_dev. &(yaffs_dev_to_lc(dev)->gross_lock) <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: guts initialised %s yaffs-bg-%d <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: got root inode <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: is_checkpointed %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_read_super: done allocate always bad_blocks buffers bug checkpt deletion erase gc_detail gc lock nandaccess os scan_debug scan mount verify verify_nand verify_full verify_all yaffs2 fs/yaffs2/yaffs_guts.c <7>yaffs: FreeObject %p inode %p obj <7>yaffs: Out of temp buffers <7>yaffs: Releasing unmanaged temp buffer <7>yaffs: yaffs: Block struck out <7>yaffs: Chunk %d not erased <7>yaffs: **>> yaffs: get_block_info block %d is not valid fs/yaffs2/yaffs_getblockinfo.h <7>yaffs: soft delete chunk %d <7>yaffs: Chunk %d not found zero instead <7>yaffs: yaffs: no more tnodes <7>yaffs: tragedy: Trying to add an object to a null pointer directory <7>yaffs: tragedy: Trying to add an object to a non-directory needs retiring <7>yaffs: yaffs_block_became_dirty block %d state %d %s <7>yaffs: **>> Erasure failed %d <7>yaffs: >>Block %d erasure supposedly OK, but chunk %d not erased <7>yaffs: yaffs: Failed to mark bad and erase block %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: Failed to write bad block marker to block %d <7>yaffs: **>> Block %d retired <7>yaffs: Erased block %d <7>yaffs: Deleting invalid chunk %d <7>yaffs: line %d delete of chunk %d <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy:attempt to put data chunk into a non-file <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: existing chunk < 0 in scan <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: no more erased blocks <7>yaffs: Allocated block %d, seq %d, %d left <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: no more erased blocks, but there should have been %d <7>yaffs: Allocating reserve <7>yaffs: !!!!!!!!! Allocator out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <7>yaffs: **>> yaffs chunk %d was not erased <7>yaffs: **>> Block %d needs retiring <7>yaffs: **>> yaffs write required %d attempts lost+found <7>yaffs: tragedy: yaffs_find_by_name: null pointer directory <7>yaffs: tragedy: yaffs_find_by_name: non-directory <7>yaffs: tragedy: yaffs_change_obj_name: new_dir is not a directory deleted bg <7>yaffs: GC Selected block %d with %d free, prioritised:%d <7>yaffs: GC none: finder %d skip %d threshold %d dirtiest %d using %d oldest %d%s <7>yaffs: yaffs: GC n_erased_blocks %d aggressive %d <7>yaffs: Collecting block %d, in use %d, shrink %d, whole_block %d <7>yaffs: Collecting block %d that has no chunks in use <7>yaffs: Collecting chunk in block %d, %d %d %d <7>yaffs: gc: page in gc mismatch: %d %d %d %d <7>yaffs: page %d in gc has no object: %d %d %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: About to finally delete object %d <7>yaffs: gc did not increase free chunks before %d after %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: GC !!!no reclaim!!! n_erased_blocks %d after try %d block %d no alias silly old name <7>yaffs: Update dirty directories <7>yaffs: Update directory %d <7>yaffs: Added object %d to dirty directories <7>yaffs: Writing %d bytes to chunk!!!!!!!!! <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: no space during cache write <7>yaffs: AddrToChunk of offset %lld gives chunk %d start %d <7>yaffs: Found daft chunk_id %d for %d <7>yaffs: Background gc %u <7>yaffs: yaffs: Deleting empty file %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: immediate deletion of file %d unlinked <7>yaffs: Remove object %d from dirty directories <7>yaffs: Deleting lost_found object %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: yaffs_guts_initialise() <7>yaffs: yaffs: Need a device <7>yaffs: device already mounted <7>yaffs: NAND geometry problems: chunk size %d, type is yaffs%s, inband_tags %d <7>yaffs: InitialiseNAND failed <7>yaffs: device function(s) missing or wrong <7>yaffs: chunk group too large <7>yaffs: yaffs: restored from checkpoint <7>yaffs: Hanging object %d moved to lost and found <7>yaffs: yaffs: yaffs_guts_initialise() aborted. <7>yaffs: yaffs: yaffs_guts_initialise() done. <7>yaffs: find next checkpt block: start: blocks %d next %d <7>yaffs: find next checkpt block: search: block %d state %d oid %d seq %d eccr %d <7>yaffs: found checkpt block %d <7>yaffs: found no more checkpt blocks <7>yaffs: checking blocks %d to %d <7>yaffs: erasing checkpt block %d <7>yaffs: allocating checkpt block: erased %d reserved %d avail %d next %d <7>yaffs: allocating checkpt block %d <7>yaffs: out of checkpt blocks <7>yaffs: checkpoint wite buffer nand %d(%d:%d) objid %d chId %d <7>yaffs: checkpt blocks_avail = %d <7>yaffs: checkpoint byte count %d <7>yaffs: checkpoint invalidate of %d blocks <7>yaffs: ext.tags eccres %d blkbad %d chused %d obj %d chunk%d byte %d del %d ser %d seq %d <7>yaffs: packed tags obj %d chunk %d byte %d seq %d <7>yaffs: Writing with no tags fs/yaffs2/yaffs_nand.c <7>yaffs: Writing chunk %d tags %d %d <7>yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:0 <7>yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:0 <7>yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:1 <7>yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:1 <7>yaffs: **>>Block %d marked for retirement <7>yaffs: yaffs_tags_marshall_read chunk %d data %p tags %p fs/yaffs2/yaffs_tagsmarshall.c <7>yaffs: yaffs_tags_marshall_query_block %d <7>yaffs: block is bad <7>yaffs: block query returns seq %d state %d <7>yaffs: yaffs_tags_marshall_write chunk %d data %p tags %p <7>yaffs: checking block %d bad <7>yaffs: marking block %d bad <7>yaffs: read_oob failed, chunk %d, mtd error %d <7>yaffs: write_oob failed, chunk %d, mtd error %d <7>yaffs: yaffs: MTD device is not NAND it's type %d writesize <7>yaffs: %s %d <7>yaffs: oobsize %d <7>yaffs: erasesize %d <7>yaffs: size %lld <7>yaffs: MTD device does not have the right page sizes <7>yaffs: MTD device does not support have the right page sizes fs/yaffs2/yaffs_allocator.c <7>yaffs: yaffs: Could not allocate Tnodes <7>yaffs: Could not add tnodes to management list <7>yaffs: Tnodes added <7>yaffs: Could not allocate more objects <7>yaffs: yaffs1_scan starts intstartblk %d intendblk %d... <7>yaffs: Block scanning block %d state %d seq %d <7>yaffs: block %d is bad <7>yaffs: Block empty <7>yaffs: Allocating from %d %d <7>yaffs: Shadow fixer: %d shadows %d <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: attempting to use non-directory as a directory in scan. Put in lost+found. <7>yaffs: yaffs1_scan ends <7>yaffs: Checkpoint write object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d obj addr %p <7>yaffs: GC refresh count %d selected block %d with seq_number %d <7>yaffs: save entry: is_checkpointed %d <7>yaffs: skipping checkpoint write <7>yaffs: write checkpoint validity <7>yaffs: write checkpoint device <7>yaffs: write checkpoint objects <7>yaffs: save exit: is_checkpointed %d <7>yaffs: restore entry: is_checkpointed %d <7>yaffs: skipping checkpoint read <7>yaffs: read checkpoint validity <7>yaffs: read checkpoint device <7>yaffs: read checkpoint objects <7>yaffs: struct size %d instead of %d ok %d <7>yaffs: Checkpoint read object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d <7>yaffs: Checkpoint read object %d type %d chunk %d does not match existing object type %d <7>yaffs: Checkpoint read object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d Parent type, %d, not directory <7>yaffs: Checkpoint read tnodes %d records, last %d. ok %d <7>yaffs: read checkpoint checksum %d <7>yaffs: restore exit: is_checkpointed %d <7>yaffs: yaffs2_scan_backwards starts intstartblk %d intendblk %d... <7>yaffs: yaffs2_scan_backwards() could not allocate block index! <7>yaffs: Block scanning block %d has bad sequence number %d <7>yaffs: %d blocks to be sorted... <7>yaffs: ...done <7>yaffs: %d blocks to scan <7>yaffs: Partially written block %d detected. gc will fix this. <7>yaffs: Unfixed ECC in chunk(%d:%d), chunk ignored <7>yaffs: Chunk (%d:%d) with bad tags:obj = %d, chunk_id = %d, n_bytes = %d, ignored <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: Could not make object for object %d at chunk %d during scan <7>yaffs: yaffs tragedy: Bad object type, %d != %d, for object %d at chunk %d during scan <7>yaffs: yaffs2_scan_backwards ends <7>yaffs: Chunk Id (%d:%d) invalid fs/yaffs2/yaffs_bitmap.c <7>yaffs: BlockBits block %d is not valid <7>yaffs: Block %d has undefined state %d <7>yaffs: Block %d has bad run-state %s <7>yaffs: Block %d has illegal values pages_in_used %d soft_del_pages %d <7>yaffs: Block %d has inconsistent values pages_in_use %d counted chunk bits %d <7>yaffs: Block %d is in state %d after gc, should be erased <7>yaffs: Block summary <7>yaffs: %d blocks have illegal states <7>yaffs: Too many allocating blocks <7>yaffs: %s %d blocks <7>yaffs: Checkpoint block count wrong dev %d count %d <7>yaffs: Erased block count wrong dev %d count %d <7>yaffs: Too many collecting blocks %d (max is 1) <7>yaffs: Verifying object header tags %p obj %p oh %p <7>yaffs: Obj %d header type is illegal value 0x%x <7>yaffs: Obj %d header mismatch obj_id %d <7>yaffs: Obj %d header mismatch parent_id %d obj->parent is NULL <7>yaffs: Obj %d header mismatch parent_id %d parent_obj_id %d <7>yaffs: Obj %d header name is NULL <7>yaffs: Obj %d header name is 0xff <7>yaffs: Object %d chunk_id %d NAND mismatch chunk %d tags (%d:%d) fs/yaffs2/yaffs_verify.c <7>yaffs: Directory has wrong type: %d <7>yaffs: Object in directory list has wrong parent %p ,marked as deleted ,out of range <7>yaffs: Obj %d has chunk_id %d %s %s <7>yaffs: Obj %d has parent pointer %p which does not look like an object <7>yaffs: Obj %d's parent is not a directory (type %d) <7>yaffs: Obj %d has illegaltype %d <7>yaffs: No object to verify <7>yaffs: Object does not have parent <7>yaffs: Parent is not directory <7>yaffs: Object in directory %d times <7>yaffs: Freechunks verification failure %d %d %d Needs scan Scanning Empty Allocating Full Dirty Checkpoint Collecting Dead &ids->rw_mutex %10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu <6>msgmni has been set to %d key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime sysvipc/msg %10d %10d %4o %10u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu ipc/sem.c key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime sysvipc/sem ipc/shm.c %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu SYSV%08x key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime rss swap sysvipc/shm shm_rmid_forced auto_msgmni QSIZE:%-10lu NOTIFY:%-5d SIGNO:%-5d NOTIFY_PID:%-6d &info->wait_q mqueue_inode_cache mqueue ipc queues_max msg_max msgsize_max dead &candidate->cons_lock &key->sem key_jar [anon] : %u/%u : empty security/keys/keyring.c keyring %s;%d;%d;%08x;%s _uid.%u _uid_ses.%u _tid _pid _ses security/keys/process_keys.c security/keys/request_key.c _req.%u /sbin/request-key create key: pid:%d ci:%zu .request_key_auth : %u logon %5u: %5d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %lus %lum %luh %lud %luw %08x %c%c%c%c%c%c %5d %4s %08x %5d %5d %-9.9s Cannot create /proc/keys key-users Cannot create /proc/key-users maxkeys maxbytes root_maxkeys root_maxbytes gc_delay security.capability <5>%s: get_vfs_caps_from_disk returned %d for %s <6>warning: `%s' has both setuid-root and effective capabilities. Therefore not raising all capabilities. <6>Security Framework initialized <7>%s could not verify security_operations structure. include/linux/fsnotify.h denied granted avc: %s null { 0x%x } for ssid=%d scontext=%s tsid=%d tcontext=%s security/selinux/avc.c tclass=%s permissive=%u <4>SELinux: avc: seqno %d < latest_notif %d avc_node avc_xperms_node avc_xperms_decision_node avc_xperms_data AVC INITIALIZED entries: %d buckets used: %d/%d longest chain: %d security compute_av compute_create compute_member check_context load_policy compute_relabel compute_user setenforce setbool setsecparam setcheckreqprot read_policy process fork transition sigchld sigkill sigstop signull ptrace getsched setsched getsession getpgid setpgid getcap setcap share getattr setexec setfscreate noatsecure siginh setrlimit rlimitinh dyntransition setcurrent execmem execstack execheap setkeycreate setsockcreate ipc_info syslog_read syslog_mod syslog_console capability chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap filesystem remount unmount relabelfrom relabelto associate quotamod quotaget ioctl setattr append unlink link rename execute swapon quotaon mounton audit_access open execmod execute_no_trans entrypoint add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir use lnk_file chr_file blk_file sock_file fifo_file socket bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto recv_msg send_msg name_bind tcp_socket connectto newconn acceptfrom node_bind name_connect udp_socket rawip_socket tcp_recv tcp_send udp_recv udp_send rawip_recv rawip_send enforce_dest dccp_recv dccp_send netif ingress egress netlink_socket packet_socket key_socket unix_stream_socket unix_dgram_socket destroy unix_read unix_write send receive msgq enqueue shm netlink_route_socket nlmsg_read nlmsg_write netlink_firewall_socket netlink_tcpdiag_socket netlink_nflog_socket netlink_xfrm_socket netlink_selinux_socket netlink_audit_socket nlmsg_relay nlmsg_readpriv nlmsg_tty_audit netlink_ip6fw_socket netlink_dnrt_socket association setcontext polmatch netlink_kobject_uevent_socket appletalk_socket packet recv forward_in forward_out key view dccp_socket memprotect mmap_zero peer capability2 mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend kernel_service use_as_override create_files_as tun_socket binder impersonate call set_context_mgr transfer <4>SELinux: duplicate or incompatible mount options <4>SELinux: unknown mount option selinux security.selinux <4>SELinux: %s: getxattr returned %d for dev=%s ino=%ld <5>SELinux: inode=%lu on dev=%s was found to have an invalid context=%s. This indicates you may need to relabel the inode or the filesystem in question. <4>SELinux: %s: context_to_sid(%s) returned %d for dev=%s ino=%ld <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) has no xattr support <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) has no security xattr handler <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) getxattr errno %d <3>SELinux: initialized (dev %s, type %s), unknown behavior <7>SELinux: initialized (dev %s, type %s), %s pstore security/selinux/hooks.c <4>SELinux: failure in selinux_skb_peerlbl_sid(), unable to determine packet's peer label <3>SELinux: unable to map context to SIDfor (%s, %lu), rc=%d SELinux: unrecognized netlink message type=%hu for sclass=%hu <3>SELinux: out of range capability %d <4>%s: security_transition_sid failed, rc=%d (dev=%s ino=%ld) &sbsec->lock &isec->lock context= fscontext= defcontext= rootcontext= seclabel <4>SELinux: security_context_to_sid(%s) failed for (dev %s, type %s) errno=%d <4>SELinux: unable to change security options during remount (dev %s, type=%s) <4>SELinux: %s: unrecognized kind %d <6>SELinux: Disabled at boot. <6>SELinux: Initializing. SELinux: Failed to initialize initial task. selinux_inode_security SELinux: Unable to register with kernel. <7>SELinux: Starting in enforcing mode <7>SELinux: Starting in permissive mode <7>SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks SELinux: nf_register_hooks for IPv4: error %d SELinux: nf_register_hooks for IPv6: error %d <4>SELinux: failure in selinux_parse_skb(), unable to parse packet <4>SELinux: Unable to set superblock options before the security server is initialized <4>%s: security_fs_use(%s) returned %d <4>SELinux: defcontext option is invalid for this filesystem type <4>SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev %s, type %s) <7>SELinux: Completing initialization. <7>SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. context=%s fscontext=%s defcontext=%s rootcontext=%s uses xattr uses transition SIDs uses task SIDs uses genfs_contexts not configured for labeling uses mountpoint labeling lookups hits misses allocations reclaims frees %u %u %u %u %u %u booleans null avc policy_capabilities <3>SELinux: %s: failed while creating inodes initial_contexts class security/selinux/selinuxfs.c %s %s %hu <3>SELinux: %s: context size (%u) exceeds payload max %s %s %s %s %hu %s %x %x %x %x %u %x enforcing=%d old_enforcing=%d auid=%u ses=%u %d %d /%s/%s selinuxfs perms policy loaded auid=%u ses=%u <3>selinuxfs: could not mount! cache_threshold hash_stats cache_stats enforce context access relabel policyvers commit_pending_bools mls member checkreqprot reject_unknown deny_unknown network_peer_controls open_perms security/selinux/netlink.c <3>SELinux: OOM in %s SELinux: Cannot create netlink socket. avc_add_callback() failed, error %d <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netif_sid_slow(), invalid network interface (%d) <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netif_sid_slow(), unable to determine network interface label (%d) security/selinux/netnode.c <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netnode_sid_slow(), unable to determine network node label <4>SELinux: failure in sel_netport_sid_slow(), unable to determine network port label security/selinux/ss/ebitmap.h <3>SELinux: ebitmap: map size %u does not match my size %Zd (high bit was %d) <3>SELinux: ebitmap start bit (%d) is not a multiple of the map unit size (%u) <3>SELinux: ebitmap start bit (%d) is beyond the end of the bitmap (%u) <3>SELinux: ebitmap: out of memory <3>SELinux: ebitmap: start bit %d comes after start bit %d <3>SELinux: ebitmap: truncated map security/selinux/ss/sidtab.c <6>SELinux: Context %s is not valid (left unmapped). <7>%s: %d entries and %d/%d buckets used, longest chain length %d <7>SELinux: %d avtab hash slots, %d rules. <7>SELinux: %s: %d entries and %d/%d buckets used, longest chain length %d sum of chain length^2 %llu <3>SELinux: avtab: entry overflow <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated source type <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated target type <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated target class <3>SELinux: avtab: null entry <3>SELinux: avtab: entry has both access vectors and types <3>SELinux: avtab: entry has extended permissions <3>SELinux: avtab: entry only had %d items, expected %d <6>SELinux: Android master kernel running Android M policy in compatibility mode. <3>SELinux: avtab: invalid type or class <3>SELinux: avtab: more than one specifier <3>SELinux: avtab: policy version %u does not support extended permissions rules and one was specified <3>SELinux: avtab: invalid type <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated entry <3>SELinux: avtab: table is empty <3>SELinux: avtab: out of memory <3>SELinux: avtab: duplicate entry <3>SELinux: avtab: truncated table avtab_node avtab_extended_perms <3>SELinux: mls: error reading level categories <3>SELinux: mls: truncated level object_r <3>SELinux: Role %s has wrong value %d <3>SELinux: mls: range overflow <3>SELinux: mls: error reading low categories <3>SELinux: mls: error reading high categories <3>SELinux: mls: out of memory <3>SELinux: mls: truncated range <7>SELinux: %d users, %d roles, %d types, %d bools , %d sens, %d cats <7>SELinux: %d classes, %d rules security/selinux/ss/policydb.c <3>SELinux: role %s: too deep or looped bounds <3>SELinux: boundary violated policy: role=%s type=%s bounds=%s <3>SELinux: user %s: too deep or looped boundary <3>SELinux: boundary violated policy: user=%s role=%s bounds=%s <3>SELinux: unknown common %s <3>SELinux: type %s: too deep or looped boundary <3>SELinux: type %s: bounded by attribute %s <3>SELinux: out of memory on SID table init <3>SELinux: SID %s was never defined. <3>SELinux: unable to load initial SID %s. <3>SELinux: error reading MLS range of context <3>SELinux: invalid security context <3>SELinux: context truncated <3>SELinux: policydb magic number 0x%x does not match expected magic number 0x%x SE Linux <3>SELinux: policydb string length %d does not match expected length %Zu <3>SELinux: unable to allocate memory for policydb string of length %d <3>SELinux: policydb string %s does not match my string %s <3>SELinux: policydb version %d does not match my version range %d-%d <3>SELinux: security policydb version %d (MLS) not backwards compatible <3>SELinux: unable to find policy compat info for version %d <3>SELinux: policydb table sizes (%d,%d) do not match mine (%d,%d) <3>SELinux: dup genfs fstype %s <3>SELinux: dup genfs entry (%s,%s) <4>SELinux: rangetrans: invalid range <3>SELinux: truncated policydb string identifier <3>SELinux: refusing to write policy version %d. Because it is less than version %d <3>SELinux: compatibility lookup failed for policy version %d security/selinux/ss/services.c %s:%s:%s <3>SELinux: %s: called before initial load_policy on unknown SID %d <3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized SID %d <6>SELinux: Context %s became valid (mapped). <3>SELinux: Unable to map context %s, rc = %d. <4>SELinux: Context %s would be invalid if enforcing <6>SELinux: Context %s became invalid (unmapped). <3>SELinux: unable to look up the initial SIDs list ???? op=security_compute_av reason=%s scontext=%s tcontext=%s tclass=%s perms= allowed <6>SELinux: Class %s not defined in policy. <6>SELinux: Permission %s in class %s not defined in policy. <6>SELinux: the above unknown classes and permissions will be %s security_compute_sid: invalid context %s for scontext=%s tcontext=%s tclass=%s <4>SELinux: Invalid class %hu <3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized class %d security_validate_transition: denied for oldcontext=%s newcontext=%s taskcontext=%s tclass=%s <3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized SID %u op=security_bounded_transition result=denied oldcontext=%s newcontext=%s <6>SELinux: Disabling MLS support... <6>SELinux: Enabling MLS support... <3>SELinux: unable to load the initial SIDs <3>SELinux: unable to preserve booleans <3>SELinux: unable to convert the internal representation of contexts in the new SID table bool=%s val=%d old_val=%d auid=%u ses=%u security_sid_mls_copy: invalid context %s <3>SELinux: %s: unrecognized class %s selinux_audit_rule_match: missing rule selinux_audit_rule_match: stale rule selinux_audit_rule_match: unrecognized SID %d unlabeled file_labels any_socket port netmsg igmp_packet icmp_socket sysctl_modprobe sysctl sysctl_fs sysctl_kernel sysctl_net sysctl_net_unix sysctl_vm sysctl_dev kmod scmp_packet devnull <3>SELinux: type rule already exists outside of a conditional. <3>SELinux: too many conflicting type rules. <3>SELinux: conflicting type rules when adding type rule for true. <3>SELinux: could not insert rule. <3>SELinux: conflicting type rules. <3>SELinux: expression result was undefined - disabling all rules. security/selinux/ss/conditional.c <3>SELinux: conditional expressions uses unknown operator. <3>SELinux: conditional expressions uses unknown bool. key=%d capability=%d dev= ino=%lu ioctlcmd=%hx laddr %s=%pI4 lport faddr fport %s=%pI6c saddr src daddr dest netif=%s key_serial=%u key_desc= kmod= %s-all crypto/api.c cryptomgr crypto -generic %s(%s) crypto/algapi.c <3>alg: Unexpected test result for %s: %d <3>Failed to unregister %s %s: %d crypto/scatterwalk.c passed name : %s driver : %s module : %s priority : %d refcnt : %d selftest : %s type : larval flags : 0x%x type : cipher blocksize : %u min keysize : %u max keysize : %u type : compression type : unknown aead nivaead type : aead async : %s ivsize : %u maxauthsize : %u geniv : %s type : nivaead crypto/aead.c chainiv crypto/ablkcipher.c ablkcipher givcipher type : ablkcipher type : givcipher eseqiv crypto/blkcipher.c blkcipher type : blkcipher crypto/chainiv.c ahash type : ahash digestsize : %u shash type : shash pcomp type : pcomp cryptomgr_probe cryptomgr_test crypto/algboss.c hmac ecb cbc authenc(%s,%s) authencesn(%s,%s) type : rng seedsize : %u stdrng %s-iosched (default) block/elevator.c cfq <6>io scheduler %s registered%s %s_io_cq &eq->sysfs_lock <3>I/O scheduler %s not found <3>Default I/O scheduler not found. Using noop. <3>%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this <3>%s: bad insertion point %d iosched <3>elevator: type %s not found elv switch: %s <3>elevator: switch to %s failed [%s] include/trace/events/block.h block/blk-core.c %d,%d %s (%s) %llu + %u [%d] %d,%d %s %u (%s) %llu + %u [%s] %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%s] %d,%d %s %llu + %u [%d] [%s] %d %d,%d %s %llu / %llu [%s] %d,%d %s %llu + %u <- (%d,%d) %llu <6>%s: dev %s: type=%x, flags=%x <6> sector %llu, nr/cnr %u/%u <6> bio %p, biotail %p, buffer %p, len %u <6> cdb: &q->sysfs_lock <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu <3>generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) <3>bio too big device %s (%u > %u) sector sector_t nr_sector errors rwbs cmd nr_rq new_sector old_dev old_sector <3>%s: want %u bytes done, %u left recoverable transport critical target critical nexus I/O <3>end_request: %s error, dev %s, sector %llu __end_that <3>%s: bio idx %d >= vcnt %d request botched READ <7>%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s (%u sectors) <3>%s: over max size limit. <3>%s: over max segments limit. block/blk.h &rl->wait[BLK_RW_SYNC] &rl->wait[BLK_RW_ASYNC] <3>%s: bad return=%d kblockd Failed to create kblockd blkdev_requests blkdev_queue <3>%s: adjusted depth to %d block/blk-tag.c <3>%s: tag %d is missing <3>%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) <3>%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %d block/blk-sysfs.c add_random iostats rq_affinity nomerges rotational discard_zeroes_data discard_max_bytes discard_granularity optimal_io_size minimum_io_size physical_block_size logical_block_size hw_sector_size scheduler max_segment_size max_integrity_segments max_segments max_hw_sectors_kb max_sectors_kb nr_requests block/blk-flush.c <6>%s: set to minimum %d <6>%s: set to minimum %lx block/blk-settings.c <5>%s: Warning: Device %s is misaligned block/blk-ioc.c blkdev_ioc <3>cfq: icq link failed! block/blk-exec.c block/blk-merge.c block/blk-softirq.c block/blk-timeout.c <3>block: bad eh return: %d block/blk-iopoll.c register_blkdev: failed to get major for %s register_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s block/genhd.c DISK_RO=1 media_change eject_request NPARTS=%u blkext block-major-%d-%d block-major-%d major minor #blocks name %4d %7d %s %lu %lu %lu %u %lu %lu %lu %u %u %u %u diskstats partitions %4d %7d %10llu %s DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE=1 DISK_EJECT_REQUEST=1 <4>%s: failed to initialize events &ev->block_mutex slaves <4>%s: failed to create sysfs files for events %pU %02x%02x %-9s %03x:%05x %s%s %10llu %s %s driver: %s (driver?) events_poll_msecs events_async inflight discard_alignment alignment_offset removable ext_range range <4>%s: sending ioctl %x to a partition! <4>program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO unknown-block(%u,%u) %8u %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u PARTN=%u PARTNAME=%s enabling native capacity truncated %sp%d <4>%s: partition table beyond EOD, <4>%s: partition table partially beyond EOD, <4>%s: p%d start %llu is beyond EOD, <4>%s: p%d size %llu extends beyond EOD, <3> %s: p%d could not be added: %ld whole_disk %s: unknown partition table unable to read partition table <6>%s Dev %s: unable to read RDB block %d Warning: Trashed word at 0xd0 in block %d ignored in checksum calculation Dev %s: RDB in block %d has bad checksum RDSK (%d) Dev %s: unable to read partition block %d %s%d (%c%c%c^%c) (%c%c%c%c) (res %d spb %d) [mac] Linux_RAID %s%d: [s%d] > %s%d: [DM] [EZD] <4>Dev %s SGI disklabel: csum bad, label corrupted Dev %s Sun disklabel: Csum bad, label corrupted <4>GPT:Primary header LBA != Alt. header alternate_lba <4>GPT:%lld != %lld <4>GPT:Primary header alternate_lba != Alt. header my_lba <4>GPT:first_usable_lbas don't match. <4>GPT:last_usable_lbas don't match. <4>GPT:disk_guids don't match. <4>GPT:num_partition_entries don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x <4>GPT:sizeof_partition_entry values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x <4>GPT:partition_entry_array_crc32 values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x <4>GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. <4>GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. <4>GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. <4>Alternate GPT is invalid, using primary GPT. <4>Primary GPT is invalid, using alternate GPT. %pUl bsg <3>bsg: too many bsg devices bsg_cmd <3>bsg: failed creating slab cache <6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major %d) block/bsg.c &bd->wq_free &bd->wq_done bsg/%s block/bsg-lib.c <3>%s: bsg interface failed to initialize - register queue block/noop-iosched.c block/deadline-iosched.c read_expire write_expire writes_starved front_merges fifo_batch cfq%d activate rq, drv=%d cfq%d set_active wl_prio:%d wl_type:%d block/cfq-iosched.c cfq%d deactivate rq, drv=%d cfq%d Not idling. st->count:%d cfq_queue <3>cfq: bad prio %x cfq%d alloced cfq%d dispatch_insert cfq%d add_to_rr cfq%d del_from_rr cfq%d slice expired t=%d cfq%d resid=%ld cfq%d sl_used=%u disp=%u charge=%u iops=%u sect=%lu cfq idle timer fired cfq schedule dispatch cfq%d put_queue cfq%d breaking apart cfqq cfqq->new_cfqq loop detected cfq%d merging with queue %p cfq%d complete rqnoidle %d cfq%d set_slice=%lu cfq%d will busy wait cfq%d Not idling. think_time:%lu cfq%d arm_idle: %lu group_idle: %d cfq forced_dispatch=%d cfq workload slice:%d cfq%d fifo=%p cfq%d dispatched a request cfq%d insert_request cfq%d idle=%d cfq%d preempt quantum fifo_expire_sync fifo_expire_async back_seek_max back_seek_penalty slice_sync slice_async slice_async_rq slice_idle group_idle low_latency target_latency __bug_table <4>WARNING: at %s:%u <4>WARNING: at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] ------------[ cut here ]------------ <2>kernel BUG at %s:%u! <2>Kernel BUG at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] gzip bzip2 lzma xz lzo Out of memory while allocating output buffer Out of memory while allocating input buffer Out of memory while allocating z_stream Out of memory while allocating workspace Not a gzip file header error read error write error uncompression error lib/idr.c <4>idr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. <4>ida_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. idr_layer_cache lib/ioremap.c invalid kobject pointer! must have a ktype to be initialized properly! <3>kobject (%p): tried to init an initialized object, something is seriously wrong. <3>kobject (%p): %s <4>kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_put() is being called. lib/kobject.c 'none' kobject: (%p): attempted to be registered with empty name! %s failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. %s failed for %s (error: %d parent: %s) DEVPATH_OLD=%s <3>kobject: can not set name properly! <3>kobject '%s' (%p): tried to add an uninitialized object, something is seriously wrong. <4>%s: kobject_add error: %d <3>add_uevent_var: too many keys lib/kobject_uevent.c <3>add_uevent_var: buffer size too small ACTION=%s DEVPATH=%s SUBSYSTEM=%s SEQNUM=%llu %s@%s <3>kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! add remove change move online offline lib/plist.c lib/prio_tree.c &pd->mutex lib/radix-tree.c radix_tree_node <4>%s: %d callbacks suppressed Mem-Info: %lu pages RAM %lu pages HighMem %lu pages reserved %lu pages shared %lu pages non-shared lib/string.c lib/timerqueue.c I4 io mem irq dma bus ??? 64bit pref window disabled flags pK-error lib/vsprintf.c Buffer overflow detected! arch/x86/lib/usercopy_32.c %s%16.16llx %s%8.8x %s%4.4x %s%s%p: %s %s%s%.8x: %s %s%0*lx %d-%d lib/bitmap.c lib/scatterlist.c .%03lld %lld%s %s kB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB KiB MiB GiB TiB PiB EiB ZiB YiB <7>list passed to list_sort() too long for efficiency <3>Bad IO access at port %#lx (%s) lib/iomap.c return inb(port) return inw(port) return inl(port) return pio_read32be(port) outb(val,port) outw(val,port) outl(val,port) return pio_read16be(port) insb(port,dst,count) insw(port,dst,count) insl(port,dst,count) outsb(port, src, count) outsw(port, src, count) outsl(port, src,count) pio_write16be(val,port) pio_write32be(val,port) lib/devres.c invalid resource can't request region for resource %pR ioremap failed for resource %pR <3>BUG: using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [%08x] code: %s/%d caller is %s crc32c lib/libcrc32c.c invalid distance too far back invalid distance code invalid literal/length code incorrect header check unknown compression method invalid window size invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid code lengths set invalid bit length repeat invalid literal/lengths set invalid distances set incorrect data check ts_%s kmp bm fsm lib/nlattr.c <4>netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes. lib/average.c lib/dynamic_queue_limits.c <4>%s: error allocating msrs drivers/pci/access.c vpd r/w failed. This is likely a firmware bug on this device. Contact the card vendor for a firmware update. &vpd->lock <3>PCI: can't add host bridge window %pR Error enabling bridge (%d), continuing can't add %pR resource Error adding device, continuing drivers/pci/bus.c Error adding bus, continuing <4>pci %04x:%02x:%02x.%d: not responding Failed attempting to set the MPS Failed attempting to set the MRRS MRRS was unable to be configured with a safe value. If problems are experienced, try running with pci=pcie_bus_safe. PCI-E Max Payload Size set to %4d/%4d (was %4d), Max Read Rq %4d %04x:%02x 1M mem BAR treated as 32-bit BAR mem unknown type %x treated as 32-bit BAR reg %x: can't handle 64-bit BAR reg %x: %pR (subtractive decode) PCI bridge to [bus %02x-%02x]%s bridge window %pR can't handle 64-bit address space for bridge bridge window %pR (subtractive decode) %04x:%02x:%02x.%d [%04x:%04x] type %02x class %#08x unknown header type %02x, ignoring device ignoring class %#08x (doesn't match header type %02x) PCI CardBus %04x:%02x PCI Bus %04x:%02x transparent wholly partially Primary bus is hard wired to 0 bridge configuration invalid ([bus %02x-%02x]), reconfiguring [bus %02x-%02x] %s hidden behind%s bridge %s [bus %02x-%02x] (bus address [%#06llx-%#06llx]) (bus address [%#010llx-%#010llx]) pci%04x:%02x PCI host bridge to bus %s <6>PCI host bridge to bus %s root bus resource %pR%s pci_bus drivers/pci/pci.c bad OBFF signal type BAR %d: can't reserve %pR cache line size of %d is not supported Command register changed from 0x%x to 0x%x: driver or hardware bug? unrecognized suspend event %d transaction is not cleared; proceeding with reset anyway buffer not found in %s invalid power transition (from state %d to %d) Refused to change power state, currently in D%d D2 D1 D3cold D3hot D0 unsupported PM cap regs version (%u) supports%s%s PME# supported from%s%s%s%s%s unable to preallocate PCI Express save buffer unable to preallocate PCI-X save buffer setting latency timer to %d BAR %d: invalid resource %d%n %x:%x:%x.%x%n %x:%x.%x%n <3>PCI: Can't parse resource_alignment parameter: %s Can't reassign resources to host bridge. Disabling memory decoding and releasing memory resources. Rounding up size of resource #%d to %#llx. nomsi noaer realloc= realloc nodomains noari cbiosize= cbmemsize= resource_alignment= ecrc= hpiosize= hpmemsize= pcie_bus_tune_off pcie_bus_safe pcie_bus_perf pcie_bus_peer2peer <3>PCI: Unknown option `%s' resource_alignment D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold driver %s device %04x:%04x drivers/pci/pci-driver.c %x %x %x %x %x %x %lx %x %x %x %x %x %x PCI PM: Device state not saved by %pF PCI PM: State of device not saved by %pF pci compat remove_id new_id drivers/pci/search.c not forced subordinate bus to%s support MSI, bad things could happen pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02x 0x%06x 0x%04x 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%016llx resource%d_wc resource%d process "%s" tried to map 0x%08lx bytes at page 0x%08lx on %s BAR %d (start 0x%16Lx, size 0x%16Lx) drivers/pci/pci-sysfs.c rom vpd config boot_vga rescan cpuaffinity cpulistaffinity resource vendor device subsystem_vendor subsystem_device local_cpus local_cpulist modalias dma_mask_bits consistent_dma_mask_bits broken_parity_status msi_bus Invalid ROM contents no compatible bridge window for %pR address space collision: %pR conflicts with %s %pR mem pref BAR %d: can't assign %s (size %#llx) BAR %d: error updating (%#08x != %#08x) BAR %d: error updating (high %#08x != %#08x) disabling bridge mem windows BAR %d: can't reassign an unassigned resource %pR BAR %d: reassigned %pR BAR %d: can't assign %pR (bogus alignment) BAR %d: trying firmware assignment %pR BAR %d: assigned %pR BAR %d: %pR conflicts with %s %pR device not available (can't reserve %pR) enabling device (%04x -> %04x) Potentially misrouted IRQ (Bridge %s %04x:%04x) Please report to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org drivers/pci/irq.c MSIX routing failure MSI routing failure Potential ACPI misrouting please reboot with acpi=noirq unknown cause (not MSI or ACPI) %02x%02x %04x%04x %x %16llx %02x.%x bus/pci %s-%d drivers/pci/slot.c slots <3>PCI: Slot initialization failure %04x:%02x %04x:%02x:%02x cur_bus_speed max_bus_speed address 33 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI-X 100 MHz PCI-X 133 MHz PCI-X 66 MHz PCI-X 266 100 MHz PCI-X 266 133 MHz PCI-X 266 Unknown AGP 1x AGP 2x AGP 4x AGP 8x AGP 66 MHz PCI-X 533 100 MHz PCI-X 533 133 MHz PCI-X 533 2.5 GT/s PCIe 5.0 GT/s PCIe 8.0 GT/s PCIe CS5536 ISA bridge bug detected (incorrect header); workaround applied. AMD8131 rev %x detected; disabling PCI-X MMRBC Netmos %04x (%u parallel, %u serial); changing class SERIAL to OTHER (use parport_serial) Disabling L0s Setting PCI class for 816x PCIe device Fixup for MediaGX/Geode Slave Disconnect Boundary (0x41=0x%02x) set SATA to AHCI mode IDE mode mismatch; forcing legacy mode Enabling SiS 96x SMBus Linking AER extended capability Enabling MCH 'Overflow' Device PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release [Firmware Bug]: TigerPoint LPC.BM_STS cleared %s PIO at %04x-%04x %s PIO at %04x (mask %04x) Applying VIA southbridge workaround Disabling VIA CX700 PCI parking Disabling VIA CX700 PCI caching ATI Northbridge, reserving I/O ports 0x3b0 to 0x3bb RadeonIGP quirk: %pR claimed by %s ali7101 ACPI ali7101 SMB ICH4 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH4 GPIO ICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH6 GPIO ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 1 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 2 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 3 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 4 vt8235 PM vt8235 SMB TI XIO2000a quirk detected; secondary bus fast back-to-back transfers disabled VIA VLink IRQ fixup, from %d to %d BIOS failed to enable PCI standards compliance; fixing this error drivers/pci/quirks.c PXH quirk detected; SHPC device MSI disabled Can't map e100 registers Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling igfx quirk: Can't iomap PCI device BIOS left Intel GPU interrupts enabled; disabling <7>calling %pF @ %i for %s <7>pci fixup %pF returned after %lld usecs for %s <7>PCI: CLS %u bytes <7>PCI: CLS mismatch (%u != %u), using %u bytes <7>PCI: CLS %u bytes, default %u Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds Disabling direct PCI/PCI transfers Chipset erratum: Disabling direct PCI/AGP transfers Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers C0 revision 450NX. Disabling PCI restreaming NCR 53c810 rev 1 detected; setting PCI class Enable I/O Space to 1KB granularity Fixing P64H2 IOBL_ADR from 0x%x to 0x%x for 1KB granularity vt82c586 ACPI vt82c686 HW-mon vt82c686 SMB i801 SMBus device continues to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x Enabled i801 SMBus device Onboard AC97/MC97 devices continue to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x Enabled onboard AC97/MC97 devices Enabled ICH6/i801 SMBus device Error attempting to read the read completion coalescing register. Error attempting to write the read completion coalescing register. <6>Read completion coalescing disabled due to hardware errata relating to 256B MPS. %s MMIO at %04x-%04x PIIX4 ACPI PIIX4 SMB PIIX4 devres B PIIX4 devres C PIIX4 devres E PIIX4 devres F PIIX4 devres G PIIX4 devres H PIIX4 devres I PIIX4 devres J LPC Generic IO decode 1 LPC Generic IO decode 2 unloading service driver %s service driver %s loaded %s:pcie%02x <5>%s detected: will not use MSI for PCIe PME signaling device [%04x:%04x] has invalid IRQ; check vendor BIOS native auto pcieportdrv <4>PCIE: bus_register error: %d MSI Wind U-100 pcieport pci_express (First) %s%s %s: %sPCIe Bus Error: severity=%s, type=Unaccessible, id=%04x(Unregistered Agent ID) %sPCIe Bus Error: severity=%s, type=%s, id=%04x(%s) %s device [%04x:%04x] error status/mask=%08x/%08x %s [%2d] %-22s%s %s [%2d] Unknown Error Bit%s %s TLP Header: %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %s Error of this Agent(%04x) is reported first Multiple AER: %s%s error received: id=%04x Receiver ID Requester ID Completer ID Transmitter ID Data Link Protocol Poisoned TLP Flow Control Protocol Completion Timeout Completer Abort Unexpected Completion Receiver Overflow Malformed TLP ECRC Unsupported Request Receiver Error Bad TLP Bad DLLP RELAY_NUM Rollover Replay Timer Timeout Advisory Non-Fatal Physical Layer Data Link Layer Transaction Layer Uncorrected (Non-Fatal) Uncorrected (Fatal) Corrected no AER-aware driver no driver device has %s broadcast %s message can't find device of ID%04x error_detected Downstream Port link has been reset no link-reset support at upstream device %s link reset at upstream device %s failed mmio_enabled slot_reset AER driver successfully recovered AER driver didn't recover Can't allocate mem when processing AER errors aerdrv forceload requested. Root Port link has been reset &rpc->rpc_mutex &rpc->wait_release aerdrv request IRQ failed alloc rpc failed aer PCI_CLASS=%04X PCI_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SUBSYS_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SLOT_NAME=%s MODALIAS=pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02x pci_hotplug <6>%s: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 <7>%s: %s: test = %d <7>%s: %s: - attention = %d <7>%s: %s: power = %d <3>%s: Illegal value specified for power <7>%s: %s: Removed slot %s from the list <7>%s: %s: Why are you trying to register a hotplug slot without a proper release function? <7>%s: %s: Added slot %s to the list test adapter latch attention no hotplug settings from platform PCIe settings rev %d not supported PCI-X settings not supported using default PCI settings PCI settings rev %d not supported; using defaults _HPX <4>%s: Type 0 Revision %d record not supported <4>%s: Type 1 Revision %d record not supported <4>%s: Type 2 Revision %d record not supported <3>%s: Type %d record not supported _HPP acpi_pcihp <3>%s: Invalid flags %u specified! <7>%s: %s: Trying to get hotplug control for %s <7>%s: %s: Trying to get hotplug control for %s OSHP <3>%s:%s OSHP fails=0x%x <7>%s: %s: %s:%s OSHP not found <7>%s: %s: Cannot get control of hotplug hardware for pci %s <7>%s: %s: Gained control for hotplug HW for pci %s (%s) _ADR _EJ0 _RMV CardBus bridge to [bus %02x-%02x] PCI bridge to [bus %02x-%02x] <4>add_to_list: kmalloc() failed! res[%d]=%pR get_res_add_size add_size %llx resource %d %pR failed to add %llx res[%d]=%pR resource %d %pR released disabling BAR %d: %pR (bad alignment %#llx) disabling bridge window %pR to [bus %02x-%02x] (unused) bridge window %pR to [bus %02x-%02x] add_size %llx BAR %d: %pR has bogus alignment pdev_sort_resources(): kmalloc() failed! not setting up bridge for bus %04x:%02x bridge window %pR to [bus %02x-%02x] add_size %lx <7>PCI: No. %d try to assign unassigned res drivers/pci/setup-bus.c <7>PCI: max bus depth: %d pci_try_num: %d <6>Some PCI device resources are unassigned, try booting with pci=realloc <6>Automatically enabled pci realloc, if you have problem, try booting with pci=realloc=off <6>ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support MSI, so disable it <6>ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM, so disable it power state changed by ACPI to D%d _DSM acpi_index label <4>detected fb_set_par error, error code: %d fb%d fb unable to get major %d for fb devs graphics <4>Unable to create fb class; errno = %ld offb <7>checking generic (%llx %llx) vs hw (%llx %llx) <6>fb: conflicting fb hw usage %s vs %s - removing generic driver <3>%s: enable CONFIG_FB_BIG_ENDIAN to support this framebuffer &fb_info->lock &fb_info->mm_lock <4>Unable to create device for framebuffer %d; errno = %ld ofonly fbmon: The EDID Block of Manufacturer: %s Model: 0x%x is known to be broken, fbmon: trying a header reconstruct fbmon: trying to fix input type fbmon: trying to fix monitor timings <4>Reserved SVD code %d <4>Unimplemented SVD code %d Display is GTF capable %d,%d %c:%dx%d%c-%d bits_per_pixel blank cursor modes pan virtual_size stride rotate <6>fbcvt: Invalid input parameters <6>fbcvt: Refresh rate not CVT standard <6>fbcvt: 60Hz refresh rate advised for reduced blanking <6>fbcvt: Aspect ratio not CVT standard fbcvt: %dx%d@%d: CVT Name - Not a CVT standard - %d.%03d Mega Pixel Image .%03dM 4 9 -R dummy device *MDA VGA+ *CGA EGA+ EGA cga vga+ ega mda SOURCE=sysfs SOURCE=hotkey SOURCE=unknown actual_brightness &new_bd->update_lock &new_bd->ops_lock %s: invalid backlight type drivers/video/backlight/backlight.c backlight <4>Unable to create backlight class; errno = %ld bl_power brightness max_brightness platform firmware Generic Backlight Driver Unloaded generic-bl Generic Backlight Driver Initialized. pixel_to_pat(): unsupported pixelformat <3>cfb_fillrect(): unknown rop, defaulting to ROP_COPY goldfish_fb_pan_display: timeout wating for base update &fb->wait no framebuffer memblock drivers/video/goldfishfb.c framebuffer memblock found, but size %zu < minimum size %zu allocating page list failed mapping framebuffer memblock failed allocating frame buffer %d * %d, got %p goldfish_fb %.8x video_output <5>ACPI: Shall use APIC/MADT table %d <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x%02x] lapic_id[0x%02x] %s) <6>ACPI: X2APIC (apic_id[0x%02x] uid[0x%02x] %s) <6>ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x%02x] address[0x%08x] gsi_base[%d]) <6>ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus %d bus_irq %d global_irq %d %s %s) <6>ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR unexpected reserved flags: 0x%x <6>ACPI: NMI_SRC (%s %s global_irq %d) <6>ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x%02x] %s %s lint[0x%x]) <6>ACPI: X2APIC_NMI (uid[0x%02x] %s %s lint[0x%x]) <6>ACPI: LAPIC_ADDR_OVR (address[%p]) <6>ACPI: IOSAPIC (id[0x%x] address[%p] gsi_base[%d]) <6>ACPI: LSAPIC (acpi_id[0x%02x] lsapic_id[0x%02x] lsapic_eid[0x%02x] %s) <6>ACPI: PLAT_INT_SRC (%s %s type[0x%x] id[0x%04x] eid[0x%x] iosapic_vector[0x%x] global_irq[0x%x] <4>ACPI: Found unsupported MADT entry (type = 0x%x) APIC <4>ACPI: %4.4s not present <4>ACPI: [%4.4s:0x%02x] ignored %i entries of %i found <4>ACPI: BIOS bug: multiple APIC/MADT found, using %d <4>ACPI: If "acpi_apic_instance=%d" works better, notify linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org dfl res <5>ACPI: DMI detected: %s !Windows 2009 !Windows 2006 !Windows 2006 SP1 !Windows 2006 SP2 non-recoverable recoverable <3>ACPI: Vendor "%6.6s" System "%8.8s" Revision 0x%x has a known ACPI BIOS problem. <3>ACPI: Reason: %s. This is a %s error Fujitsu Siemens MSI GX723 Sony VGN-NS10J_S Sony VGN-SR290J VGN-NS50B_L Toshiba Satellite L355 ASUS K50IJ Toshiba P305D Lenovo ThinkPad R61 Lenovo ThinkPad T61 Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Lenovo ThinkPad T400 Lenovo ThinkPad T500 DSDT Multiple problems ACPI driver problem Does not use _REG to protect EC OpRegions Incorrect _ADR ACPI PM1a_EVT_BLK ACPI PM1b_EVT_BLK ACPI PM1a_CNT_BLK ACPI PM1b_CNT_BLK ACPI PM_TMR ACPI PM2_CNT_BLK ACPI GPE0_BLK ACPI GPE1_BLK <6>ACPI: serialize enabled <3>ACPI: Call to queue_work() failed. drivers/acpi/osl.c lax via cmdline via DMI honored ignored <5>[Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query %s%s <5>ACPI: This conflict may cause random problems and system instability <6>ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver ACPI: %s: bad address %p _OS_ <6>ACPI: Overriding _OS definition to '%s' <3>ACPI: SCI (ACPI GSI %d) not registered <3>ACPI: SCI (IRQ%d) allocation failed <3>ACPI: acpi_os_get_timer() TBD <3>ACPI: Fatal opcode executed <6>ACPI: _OSI method disabled !Linux kacpid kacpi_notify kacpi_hotplug <6>ACPI: Added _OSI(%s) <6>ACPI: Deleted _OSI(%s) <4>ACPI: Invalid package argument <4>ACPI: Invalid format argument <4>ACPI: Invalid buffer argument <4>ACPI: Format specifies more objects [%d] than exist in package [%d]. <4>ACPI: Invalid package element [%d]: got number, expecing [%c] <4>ACPI: Invalid package element [%d] got string/buffer, expecing [%c] <3>ACPI: No return object (len %X ptr %p) <3>ACPI: Expecting a [Package], found type %X <3>ACPI: [Package] has zero elements (%p) <3>ACPI: Expecting a [Reference] package element, found type %X <4>ACPI: Invalid reference in package %s <7>Resetting with ACPI PCI RESET_REG. <7>ACPI MEMORY or I/O RESET_REG. <6>PM: Registering ACPI NVS region [mem %#010lx-%#010lx] (%ld bytes) <6>PM: Saving platform NVS memory <6>PM: Restoring platform NVS memory \_TTS <5>Failure in evaluating _TTS object <7>%s called <6>ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S%d <6>ACPI: Low-level resume complete <3>ACPI does not support this state: %d <6>ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S%d <7>ACPI handle has no context! <4>ACPI: Wrong value from %s wake-up capability %s by ACPI <6>ACPI: (supports S0 S%d S5 \_GTS <5>ACPI: BIOS offers _GTS <5>ACPI: If "acpi.gts=1" improves suspend, please notify linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org \_BFS <5>ACPI: BIOS offers _BFS <5>ACPI: If "acpi.bfs=1" improves resume, please notify linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org Abit KN9 (nForce4 variant) HP xw4600 Workstation Asus Pundit P1-AH2 (M2N8L motherboard) Panasonic CF51-2L Sony Vaio VGN-FW41E_H Sony Vaio VGN-FW21E Sony Vaio VPCEB17FX Sony Vaio VGN-SR11M Everex StepNote Series Sony Vaio VPCEB1Z1E Sony Vaio VGN-NW130D Sony Vaio VPCCW29FX Averatec AV1020-ED2 Asus A8N-SLI DELUXE Asus A8N-SLI Premium Sony Vaio VGN-SR26GN_P Sony Vaio VPCEB1S1E Sony Vaio VGN-FW520F Asus K54C Asus K54HR no-bus Device S-state Status Sysfs node %s S%d %c%-8s %s:%s <5>%s detected - force copy of DSDT to local memory <4>ACPI: Device does not support D%d <4>ACPI: Cannot set device to a higher-powered state than parent <4>ACPI: Device [%s] failed to transition to D%d _PSC <7>%s <7>%s:%s <7>_OSC request data: %x _OSC evaluation returned wrong type _OSC request failed _OSC invalid UUID _OSC invalid revision _OSC PIC IOAPIC IOSAPIC platform specific model <6>ACPI: Interpreter disabled. <4>%s: kset create error <3>ACPI: Unable to start the ACPI Interpreter <3>ACPI: Unable to initialize ACPI objects \_SB <6>ACPI: Interpreter enabled <4>ACPI: Unknown interrupt routing model <6>ACPI: Using %s for interrupt routing \_PIC Evaluating _PIC <3>ACPI: Unable to register for device notifications _STA <6>ACPI: Core revision %08x <3>ACPI: Unable to reallocate ACPI tables <3>ACPI: Unable to initialize the ACPI Interpreter <3>ACPI: Unable to load the System Description Tables <3>ACPI: Unable to enable ACPI TOSHIBA Satellite firmware_node physical_node Oops, 'acpi_handle' corrupt Drivers changed 'acpi_handle' <6>ACPI: bus type %s registered <6>ACPI: ACPI bus type %s unregistered <3>ACPI: Can't use platform_notify acpi: MODALIAS= _EJD _PRW Evaluating _PRW Extracting _PRW package <3>ACPI: Memory allocation error ACPI PWRF SLPF _LCK _PS0 _PR0 LNXSYSTM <3>ACPI: %s: Error reading device info LNXVIDEO _GTF _GTM _STM _SDD LNXIOBAY _DCK LNXDOCK IBM SMBS SBI SBR SBW SMBUSIBM LNXSYBUS System Bus system_bus LNXPOWER LNXCPU LNXTHERM LNXPWRBN LNXSLPBN _IRC <3>ACPI: Error attaching device data %s:%02x Error registering device <3>ACPI: Error creating sysfs interface for device %s <3>ACPI: Removing device failed _PS3 <4>ACPI: Power-off device failed <4>ACPI: Eject device failed <3>ACPI: Could not register bus type path hid eject <5>ACPI: %s detected - disabling mwait for CPU C-states _MAT <3>Memory allocation error _PDC _UID ACPI0007 Extensa 5220 <7>ACPI: EC: Detected MSI hardware, enabling workarounds. _CRS _GPE _GLK &ec->lock &ec->wait <3>ACPI: EC: failed to remove space handler <3>ACPI: EC: failed to remove gpe handler _Q%x <3>Fail in evaluating the _REG object of EC device. Broken bios is suspected. Embedded Controller embedded_controller EC data Could not request EC data io port 0x%lx drivers/acpi/ec.c EC cmd Could not request EC cmd io port 0x%lx <6>ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x%lx, I/O: command/status = 0x%lx, data = 0x%lx <6>ACPI: EC: GPE storm detected, transactions will use polling mode <3>ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction ECDT <6>ACPI: EC: EC description table is found, configuring boot EC <7>ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT <6>ACPI: EC: ASUSTek keeps feeding us with broken ECDT tables, which are very hard to workaround. Trying to use DSDT EC info instead. Please send output of acpidump to linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org ASUS _INI Compal JFL92 MSI hardware Quanta hardware ASUS hardware CLEVO hardware HP Folio 13 drivers/acpi/pci_root.c _SEG <3>ACPI: can't evaluate _SEG <3>ACPI: can't evaluate _BBN PCI Root Bridge pci_bridge <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (domain %04x %pR) <3>ACPI: Bus %04x:%02x not present in PCI namespace _PRT Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x%02x) ACPI _OSC control (0x%02x) granted ACPI _OSC request failed (%s), returned control mask: 0x%02x <6>ACPI _OSC control for PCIe not granted, disabling ASPM Unable to request _OSC control (_OSC support mask: 0x%02x) <4>[Firmware Bug]: ACPI: no secondary bus range in _CRS _BBN <4>ACPI: Invalid _PRS IRQ %d <4>ACPI: Blank _PRS EXT IRQ resource <3>ACPI: _PRS resource type 0x%x isn't an IRQ <3>ACPI: Unable to read status Evaluating _CRS <3>ACPI: _CRS returned 0 <3>ACPI: Invalid Resource_type %d Evaluating _SRS <4>ACPI: %s [%s] disabled and referenced, BIOS bug <4>ACPI: %s [%s] BIOS reported IRQ %d, using IRQ %d PCI Interrupt Link pci_irq_routing _PRS Evaluating _PRS *%d %d , disabled. _DIS <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (IRQs <4>ACPI: Blank _CRS EXT IRQ resource <3>ACPI: _CRS resource type 0x%x isn't an IRQ <3>ACPI: Invalid link device <3>ACPI: Invalid link context <3>ACPI: Invalid index %d <4>ACPI: _CRS %d not found in _PRS <3>ACPI: Unable to set IRQ for %s [%s]. Try pci=noacpi or acpi=off <4>ACPI: %s [%s] enabled at IRQ %d <3>ACPI: Link active IRQ is 0! <3>ACPI: Link isn't initialized can't derive routing for PCI INT %c <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [%s._PRT] Evaluating _PRT [%s] <4>ACPI: firmware reports %04x:%02x:%02x PCI INT %c connected to %s; changing to %s <7>ACPI: Delete PCI Interrupt Routing Table for %04x:%02x PCI INT %c: no GSI - using ISA IRQ %d PCI INT %c: failed to register GSI -> Link[%s] \_SB_.PCI0.ISA_.LNKA \_SB_.PCI0.ISA_.LNKB \_SB_.LNKB \_SB_.LNKA \_SB_.PCI0.LNK1 \_SB_.PCI0.LNK3 HP t5710 Dell Optiplex GX1 Medion MD9580-F laptop <4>ACPI: Getting context [%p] _OFF &resource->resource_lock &resource->devices_lock Power Resource power_resource <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (%s) _ON <7>ACPI: Invalid Power Resource to register! _DSW <3>ACPI: _DSW execution failed _PSW <3>ACPI: _PSW execution failed <3>ACPI: Transition power state %s %s %08x %08x <4>ACPI: Failed to create genetlink family for ACPI event NULL Invalid GPE 0x%x <4>ACPI: Can not change Invalid GPE/Fixed Event status disable enable clear %8d invalid enabled wake_enabled disabled gpe%02X ff_pmtimer ff_gbl_lock ff_pwr_btn ff_slp_btn ff_rt_clk gpe_all sci sci_not bug%02X tables dynamic pm_profile _DOD _DOS _ROM _VPO _GPD _SPD _BCM _BCL _BQC <4>[Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness Invalid device video No pointer back to namespace node in buffer object %p No pointer back to namespace node in package %p Executed AML Breakpoint opcode Unknown control opcode=0x%X Op=%p Bit offset within field too large (> 0xFFFFFFFF) Field [%4.4s] bit offset too large (> 0xFFFFFFFF) Invalid opcode in field list: 0x%X During Region initialization %p [%4.4s] During WalkNamespace Method reached maximum reentrancy limit (255) Cannot acquire Mutex for method [%4.4s], current SyncLevel is too large (%u) Invalid zero thread count in method Marking method %4.4s as Serialized because of AE_ALREADY_EXISTS error __A0 __L0 Local index %u is invalid (max %u) Arg index %u is invalid (max %u) Type %u is invalid Null object descriptor pointer Uninitialized Arg[%u] at node %p Not a Arg/Local opcode: 0x%X Expecting bytelist, found AML opcode 0x%X in op %p Unknown constant opcode 0x%X Unknown Integer type 0x%X Unimplemented reference type for AML opcode: 0x%4.4X Unimplemented data type: 0x%X Actual Package length (%u) is larger than NumElements field (%u), truncated Target of Create Field is not a Buffer object - %s (%s) destination not a NS Node [%s] Attempt to CreateField of length zero Unknown field creation opcode 0x%02X Field [%4.4s] at %u exceeds Buffer [%4.4s] size %u (bits) (%s) bad operand(s), status 0x%X Null Op Unknown parent opcode Op=%p Missing or null operand While creating Arg %u Could not get result from predicate evaluation No predicate ObjDesc=%p State=%p Bad predicate (not an integer) ObjDesc=%p State=%p Type=0x%X Unknown opcode 0x%X While resolving operands for [%s] Undefined opcode type Op=%p Unimplemented opcode, class=0x%X type=0x%X Opcode=-0x%X Op=%p Invalid type (%s) for target of Scope operator [%4.4s] (Cannot override) Type override - [%4.4s] had invalid type (%s) for Scope operator, changed to type ANY Null scope parameter Invalid object type: 0x%X No results on result stack No result state for result stack Result stack is empty! State=%p No result objects on result stack, State=%p Insufficient result stack size Result stack is full Result stack overflow: State=%p Num=%u No free elements in result stack No result stack frame during push Null Object! Obj=%p State=%p Num=%u Failed to extend the result stack Object stack overflow! Obj=%p State=%p #Ops=%u Object stack underflow! Count=%X State=%p #Ops=%u %p is not a valid walk state %p walk still has a scope list Unable to initialize fixed events Unable to initialize general purpose events Unable to install System Control Interrupt handler Unable to initialize Global Lock handler No installed handler for fixed event [0x%08X] while handling a GPE while evaluating GPE method [%4.4s] Unable to clear GPE%02X Unable to disable GPE%02X Unable to queue handler for GPE%2X - event disabled No handler or method for GPE%02X, disabling event Could not allocate the GpeRegisterInfo table Could not allocate the GpeEventInfo table Could not enable GPE 0x%02X For GPE 0x%.2X, found both _L%2.2X and _E%2.2X methods Could not create GPE Block 0 GPE0 block (GPE 0 to %u) overlaps the GPE1 block (GPE %u to %u) - Ignoring GPE1 Could not create GPE Block 1 Maximum GPE number from FADT is too large: 0x%X While decoding _Lxx/_Exx methods Enabled %u new GPEs Could not install GPE interrupt handler at level 0x%X Could not signal Global Lock semaphore No response from Global Lock hardware, disabling lock Cannot release the ACPI Global Lock, it has not been acquired Could not disable fixed event %u Could not remove SCI handler Could not remove Global Lock handler AcpiDisable failed No handler for Region [%4.4s] (%p) [%s] No init routine for region(%p) [%s] During region initialization: [%s] Returned by Handler for [%s] from region _REG, [%s] from region handler - deactivate, [%s] _REG Could not install PciConfig handler for Root Bridge %4.4s Removing notify handler Could not enable fixed event 0x%X Could not write to fixed event enable register 0x%X Could not exit ACPI mode to legacy mode Could not transition to ACPI mode Platform took > %d00 usec to enter ACPI mode Hardware did not enter ACPI mode Could not enable %s event Could not disable %s events %u, Invalid action Dynamic OEM Table Load: Bad destination type during conversion: 0x%X Unknown Target type ID 0x%X AmlOpcode 0x%X DestType %s Invalid/unknown Address Space ID: 0x%2.2X [ACPI Debug] %*s (%.2u) [Null Object] %p, Invalid Internal Object! %s: %p 0x%8.8X 0x%8.8X%8.8X [0x%.2X] [0x%.2X] "%s" [Contains 0x%.2X Elements] 0x%X Table Index 0x%X %p - Not a valid namespace node Node %p [%4.4s] Device Thermal Zone %p SMBus/IPMI/GenericSerialBus write requires Buffer, found type %s SMBus/IPMI/GenericSerialBus write requires Buffer of length %u, found length %u Needed Region, found type 0x%X (%s) Field [%4.4s] access width (%u bytes) too large for region [%4.4s] (length %u) Field [%4.4s] Base+Offset+Width %u+%u+%u is beyond end of region [%4.4s] (length %u) Region %s (ID=%u) not implemented Region %s (ID=%u) has no handler Index value 0x%8.8X%8.8X overflows field width 0x%X Wrong object type in field I/O %u Unknown UpdateRule value: 0x%X Field size %u (bits) is too large for buffer (%u) Cannot acquire Mutex [%4.4s], null thread info Cannot acquire Mutex [%4.4s], current SyncLevel is too large (%u) Cannot release Mutex [%4.4s], not acquired Cannot release Mutex [%4.4s], null thread info Thread %u cannot release Mutex [%4.4s] acquired by thread %u Cannot release Mutex [%4.4s], SyncLevel mismatch: mutex %u current %u Could not allocate size %u Invalid leading digit: %c Bad character 0x%02x in name, at %p Malformed Name at %p Unknown AML opcode 0x%X BCD digit too large (not decimal): 0x%X Integer too large to convert to BCD: 0x%8.8X%8.8X %s is obsolete and not implemented Operand must be Buffer/Integer/String/Package - found type %s Unknown Index TargetType 0x%X in reference object %p Unknown class in reference(%p) - 0x%2.2X Unexpected notify object type [%s] Index (0x%8.8X%8.8X) is beyond end of object Match operator out of range Index (0x%8.8X%8.8X) beyond package end (0x%X) Unknown field access type 0x%X Null RegionNode Null Index Object during field prep Unknown Reference Class 0x%2.2X Invalid descriptor type 0x%X Invalid SystemMemory width %u Could not map memory at 0x%8.8X%8.8X, size %u No object attached to node %p Object not a Package, type %s Object not a Buffer, type %s Object not a String, type %s Object not a Integer, type %s Untyped entry %p, no attached object! Unsupported Reference type 0x%X Node %p - Unknown object type 0x%X Internal - null pointer Attempt to dereference an Index to NULL package element Idx=%p Unknown TargetType 0x%X in Index/Reference object %p Unknown Reference type 0x%X in %p Not a namespace node %p [%s] Needed type [%s], found [%s] %p Null stack entry at %p Bad operand object type [0x%X] Unknown Reference Class 0x%2.2X in %p Invalid descriptor %p [%s] Needed [Integer/String/Buffer], found [%s] %p Needed [Buffer/String/Package/Reference], found [%s] %p Needed [Buffer/String/Package], found [%s] %p Needed [Region/Buffer], found [%s] %p Needed Integer/Buffer/String/Package/Ref/Ddb], found [%s] %p Internal - Unknown ARGI (required operand) type 0x%X Null parameter Target is not a Reference or Constant object - %s [%p] Source must be Integer/Buffer/String type, not %s Target is not a Package or BufferField Cannot assign type %s to %s (must be type Int/Str/Buf) Store into an unresolved Alias object Store into type %s not implemented Time parameter is too large (%u) Could not acquire AML Interpreter mutex Could not release AML Interpreter mutex Could not acquire Global Lock Could not release Global Lock Expected EISAID is larger than 32 bits: 0x%8.8X%8.8X, truncating No SMI_CMD in FADT, mode transition failed No ACPI mode transition supported in this system (enable/disable both zero) Could not write ACPI mode change While executing method %s \_SI._SST \_WAK Invalid GPE Action, %u Unsupported address space: 0x%X Unsupported register bit width: 0x%X Unsupported register bit offset: 0x%X Invalid BitRegister ID: 0x%X Unknown Register ID: 0x%X Bad BitWidth parameter: %8.8X Illegal I/O port address/length above 64K: %p/0x%X PIC0 PIT1 PIT2 RTC CMOS DMA1 DMA1L DMA2 DMA2L ARBC SETUP POS PIC1 IDMA ELCR PCI No Sleep State object returned from [%s] Sleep State return object is not a Package Sleep State return package does not have at least two elements Sleep State return package elements are not both Integers (%s, %s) While evaluating SleepState [%s], bad Sleep object %p type %s \_PTS Sleep values out of range: A=0x%X B=0x%X %p is not a namespace node [%s] ACPI path has too many parent prefixes (^) - reached beyond root node NsLookup: Type mismatch on %4.4s (%s), searching for (%s) _OSI Could not create predefined name %s Could not override predefined %s _GL_ Unsupported initial type value 0x%X \_GPE Found a grandchild! P=%p C=%p Control method has no attached sub-object [%4.4s] Evaluation of object type [%s] is not supported Executed %u blocks of module-level executable AML code Could not execute arguments for [%4.4s] (%s) During device initialization Could not construct external pathname; index=%u, size=%u, Path=%s Invalid Namespace Node (%p) while traversing namespace Could not allocate %u bytes Null NamedObj handle Null object, but type not ACPI_TYPE_ANY Invalid handle %p [%s] Null Node ptr Invalid return type - Found a Namespace node [%4.4s] type %s Return type mismatch - unexpected reference object type [%s] %2.2X Return type mismatch - found %s, expected %s Return Package type mismatch at index %u - found %s, expected %s Return Sub-Package[%u] is too small - found %u elements, expected %u Insufficient arguments - needs %u, found %u Excess arguments - needs %u, found %u Parameter count mismatch - caller passed %u, ACPI requires %u Parameter count mismatch - ASL declared %u, ACPI requires %u Missing expected return value Return Package has no elements (empty) Invalid internal return type in table entry: %X Return Package is too small - found %u elements, expected %u /Integer /String /Buffer /Package /Reference Incorrect return buffer length %u, expected %u SubPackage[%u,%u] - suspicious power dissipation values Invalid zero-length _HID or _CID string ^_PSS Null parameter: Node %p Name 0x%X ReturnNode %p Found bad character(s) in name, repaired: [%4.4s] [NULL NAME] [%s] (Node %p) Null Node parameter Invalid Object Type 0x%X Invalid internal name No return value Incorrect return type [%s] requested [%s] SSDT Control Method %p has no attached object Invalid ArgType 0x%X Invalid ArgType: 0x%X Invoked method did not return a value GetPredicate Failed Found unknown opcode 0x%X at AML address %p offset 0x%X, ignoring During name lookup/catalog Detected an unsupported executable opcode at module-level: [0x%.4X] at table offset 0x%.4X OpcodeName unavailable Method parse/execution failed Invalid AML Opcode: 0x%2.2X (PRT[%u]) Need sub-package, found %s (PRT[%u]) Need package of length 4, found length %u (PRT[%u].Address) Need Integer, found %s (PRT[%u].Pin) Need Integer, found %s (PRT[%X].Source) SourceName and SourceIndex are reversed, fixed (PRT[%u].Source) Need name, found Reference Class 0x%X (PRT[%u].Source) Need Ref/String/Integer, found %s (PRT[%u].SourceIndex) Need Integer, found %s Misaligned resource pointer %p Invalid/unsupported resource descriptor: Type 0x%2.2X Could not convert AML resource (Type 0x%X) Invalid descriptor type (0x%X) in resource list Could not convert resource (type 0x%X) to AML Misaligned resource pointer (get): %p Type 0x%2.2X Length %u Invalid conversion sub-opcode Invalid conversion opcode _AEI _SRS FADT (revision %u) is longer than ACPI 5.0 version, truncating length %u to %u 32/64 FACS address mismatch in FADT - two FACS tables! 32/64 DSDT address mismatch in FADT - two DSDT tables! 32/64X address mismatch in %s: 0x%8.8X/0x%8.8X%8.8X, using 32 32/64X FACS address mismatch in FADT - 0x%8.8X/0x%8.8X%8.8X, using 32 32/64X DSDT address mismatch in FADT - 0x%8.8X/0x%8.8X%8.8X, using 32 32/64X length mismatch in %s: %u/%u Required field %s has zero address and/or length: 0x%8.8X%8.8X/0x%X Optional field %s has zero address or length: 0x%8.8X%8.8X/0x%X Invalid length for %s: %u, using default %u FACS Pm1aEventBlock Pm1bEventBlock Pm1aControlBlock Pm1bControlBlock Pm2ControlBlock PmTimerBlock Gpe0Block Gpe1Block Resize of Root Table Array is not allowed Could not allocate new root table array Logical Physical %4.4s %p Attempted physical table override failed %4.4s %p %s table override, new table: %p OEM Table has invalid signature [%4.4s] (0x%8.8X), must be SSDT or OEMx %4.4s %p %05X RSD PTR RSDP %p %05X (v%.2d %6.6s) %4.4s %p %05X (v%.2d %6.6s %8.8s %08X %4.4s %08X) Incorrect checksum in table [%4.4s] - 0x%2.2X, should be 0x%2.2X The DSDT has been corrupted or replaced - old, new headers below Please send DMI info to linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org If system does not work as expected, please boot with acpi=copy_dsdt Could not copy DSDT of length 0x%X Forced DSDT copy: length 0x%05X copied locally, original unmapped Null physical address for ACPI table [%s] Could not map memory for table [%s] at %p Invalid signature 0x%X for ACPI table, expected [%s] Invalid length 0x%X in RSDT/XSDT Truncating %u table entries! 64-bit Physical Address in XSDT is too large (0x%8.8X%8.8X), truncating BIOS XSDT has NULL entry, using RSDT PSDT <4>ACPI: SSDT ignored due to "acpi_no_auto_ssdt" While loading namespace from ACPI tables <5>ACPI: SSDT auto-load disabled Could not map memory at 0x%8.8X for length %u A valid RSDP was not found 0x%p-0x%p %s conflicts with Region %s %d Acpi-Namespace Acpi-State Acpi-Parse Acpi-ParseExt Acpi-Operand Unsupported object type, cannot convert to external object: %s Unsupported object type, cannot convert to internal object: %s Package allocation failure Null Buffer Pointer in DumpBuffer! %6.4X: %02X %04X %08X %08X UNKNOWN_STATUS_CODE Unknown exception code: 0x%8.8X UserDefinedRegion DataTable FunctionalFixedHW InvalidSpaceId InvalidEventID [NULL Object Descriptor] "\" #### NULL OBJECT Not a Descriptor NULL Object Not an Operand object Not a Reference object Unknown Reference class Local Argument RefOf Index DdbHandle Named Object Debug Cached State-Generic State-Update State-Package State-Control State-RootParseScope State-ParseScope State-WalkScope State-Result State-Notify State-Thread Walk Parser Operand Node Untyped Integer String Buffer Package FieldUnit Device Event Method Mutex Region Power Processor Thermal BufferField DebugObject RegionField BankField IndexField Reference Alias MethodAlias Notify AddrHandler ResourceDesc ResourceFld Scope Extra Data Invalid PM_Timer GlobalLock PowerButton SleepButton RealTimeClock SystemMemory SystemIO PCI_Config EmbeddedControl SMBus SystemCMOS PCIBARTarget IPMI GeneralPurposeIo GenericSerialBus Unknown action (0x%X) Large Reference Count (0x%X) in object %p Could not update object reference count Method execution failed No object was returned from Return object type is incorrect Type returned from %s was incorrect: %s, expected Btypes: 0x%X _PR_ _SB_ _SI_ _TZ_ _REV Microsoft Windows NT _S1D _S2D _S3D _S4D _S0W _S1W _S2W _S3W _S4W \_S0_ \_S1_ \_S2_ \_S3_ \_S4_ \_S5_ AE_CTRL_RETURN_VALUE AE_CTRL_PENDING AE_CTRL_TERMINATE AE_CTRL_TRUE AE_CTRL_FALSE AE_CTRL_DEPTH AE_CTRL_END AE_CTRL_TRANSFER AE_CTRL_BREAK AE_CTRL_CONTINUE AE_CTRL_SKIP AE_CTRL_PARSE_CONTINUE AE_CTRL_PARSE_PENDING AE_AML_BAD_OPCODE AE_AML_NO_OPERAND AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE AE_AML_OPERAND_VALUE AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_LOCAL AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_ARG AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_ELEMENT AE_AML_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW AE_AML_REGION_LIMIT AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT AE_AML_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO AE_AML_BAD_NAME AE_AML_NAME_NOT_FOUND AE_AML_INTERNAL AE_AML_INVALID_SPACE_ID AE_AML_STRING_LIMIT AE_AML_NO_RETURN_VALUE AE_AML_METHOD_LIMIT AE_AML_NOT_OWNER AE_AML_MUTEX_ORDER AE_AML_MUTEX_NOT_ACQUIRED AE_AML_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE AE_AML_INVALID_INDEX AE_AML_REGISTER_LIMIT AE_AML_NO_WHILE AE_AML_ALIGNMENT AE_AML_NO_RESOURCE_END_TAG AE_AML_BAD_RESOURCE_VALUE AE_AML_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE AE_AML_BAD_RESOURCE_LENGTH AE_AML_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP AE_BAD_SIGNATURE AE_BAD_HEADER AE_BAD_CHECKSUM AE_BAD_VALUE AE_INVALID_TABLE_LENGTH AE_BAD_PARAMETER AE_BAD_CHARACTER AE_BAD_PATHNAME AE_BAD_DATA AE_BAD_HEX_CONSTANT AE_BAD_OCTAL_CONSTANT AE_BAD_DECIMAL_CONSTANT AE_MISSING_ARGUMENTS AE_BAD_ADDRESS AE_OK AE_ERROR AE_NO_ACPI_TABLES AE_NO_NAMESPACE AE_NO_MEMORY AE_NOT_FOUND AE_NOT_EXIST AE_ALREADY_EXISTS AE_TYPE AE_NULL_OBJECT AE_NULL_ENTRY AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW AE_STACK_OVERFLOW AE_STACK_UNDERFLOW AE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED AE_SUPPORT AE_LIMIT AE_TIME AE_ACQUIRE_DEADLOCK AE_RELEASE_DEADLOCK AE_NOT_ACQUIRED AE_ALREADY_ACQUIRED AE_NO_HARDWARE_RESPONSE AE_NO_GLOBAL_LOCK AE_ABORT_METHOD AE_SAME_HANDLER AE_NO_HANDLER AE_OWNER_ID_LIMIT AE_NOT_CONFIGURED _HID _CID Divide by zero PNP0A03 PNP0A08 Owner ID [0x%2.2X] already exists Could not allocate new OwnerId (255 max), AE_OWNER_ID_LIMIT Invalid OwnerId: 0x%2.2X Release of non-allocated OwnerId: 0x%2.2X <"NULL STRING PTR"> " \a \b \f \r \v \%c \x%2.2X ... Thread %u could not acquire Mutex [0x%X] Mutex [0x%X] is not acquired, cannot release Cannot convert to external object - unsupported Reference Class [%s] 0x%X in object %p Cannot convert to external object - unsupported type [%s] 0x%X in object %p Could not allocate an object descriptor %p is not an ACPI Operand object [%s] Windows 2000 Windows 2001 Windows 2001 SP1 Windows 2001.1 Windows 2001 SP2 Windows 2001.1 SP1 Windows 2006 Windows 2006.1 Windows 2006 SP1 Windows 2006 SP2 Windows 2009 Extended Address Space Descriptor Invalid/unsupported SerialBus resource descriptor: BusType 0x%2.2X Invalid resource descriptor length: Type 0x%2.2X, Length 0x%4.4X, MinLength 0x%4.4X Invalid zero ID from AcpiOsGetThreadId AcpiEnable failed Could not map the FACS table ACPI Subsystem is already terminated During OSL initialization During initialization of globals During Global Mutex creation During Namespace initialization During OSI interfaces initialization ACPI Error: (%8.8X/%s-%u) ACPI Warning: ACPI: ACPI Exception: %s, ACPI Warning: For %s: ACPI: For %s: [0x%4.4X] (NON-ASCII) [%s] [COULD NOT EXTERNALIZE NAME] Namespace lookup failure, %s [Could not get node by pathname] _PSR Error reading AC Adapter state on-line off-line AC Adapter ac_adapter _LID closed unsupported state: %s lid button PNP0C0C Power Button %s/%s PNP0C0E Sleep Button sleep PNP0C0D Lid Switch <3>ACPI: Unsupported hid [%s] <3>ACPI: More than one Lid device found! <6>ACPI: %s [%s] %s/button/input0 <3>ACPI: Error updating fan power state thermal_cooling Fan fan <3>ACPI: Setting initial power state Failed to create sysfs link 'thermal_cooling' Failed to create sysfs link 'device' _DDC <3>ACPI: Invalid _DDC data Evaluating _DOD Invalid _DOD data <3>ACPI: Invalid _DOD data in element %d <4>ACPI: Can't remove video notify handler <4>ACPI: hhuuhhuu bug in acpi video driver. _BCQ %s returned an invalid level Evaluating %s failed Evaluating _BCM failed Current brightness invalid <3>ACPI: Failed to switch the brightness Restoring backlight state Video Bus <4>[Firmware Bug]: Duplicate ACPI video bus devices for the same VGA controller, please try module parameter "video.allow_duplicates=1"if the current driver doesn't work. VID VGA <4>[Firmware Bug]: ACPI(%s) defines _DOD but not _DOS &video->device_list_lock Video Device <4>[Firmware Bug]: _BCQ is used instead of _BQC <3>ACPI: Invalid _BCL data <3>can't allocate memory <3>ACPI: Invalid data Too many duplicates in _BCL package Found unordered _BCL package acpi_video%d LCD registered as cooling_device%d <3>ACPI: Create sysfs link <3>ACPI: Error installing notify handler <4>ACPI: Can't attach device %s/video/input0 <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (multi-head: %s rom: %s post: %s) Acer Aspire 5720 Acer Aspire 5710Z eMachines E510 Acer Aspire 5315 Acer Aspire 7720 HP Folio 13-2000 HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC HP Pavilion m4 sysdev processor <3>ACPI: Evaluating processor object <3>ACPI: Evaluating processor _UID [%#x] CPU%X <3>ACPI: Invalid PBLK length [%d] ACPI CPU throttle _SUN drivers/acpi/processor_driver.c <4>BIOS reported wrong ACPI id for the processor _TPC Evaluating _TPC <3>ACPI: HARDWARE addr space,NOT supported yet <3>ACPI: Unknown addr space %d <4>Exceed the limit of T-state _PTC Evaluating _PTC <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC data <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC data (control_register) <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC data (status_register) <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC control register <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC status register NNNNN _TSS Evaluating _TSS <3>ACPI: Invalid _TSS data Invalid _TSS data <3>ACPI: Invalid _TSS data: freq is zero <4>ACPI: duty_cycle spans bit 4 _TSD Evaluating _TSD <3>ACPI: Invalid _TSD data <3>ACPI: Unknown _TSD:num_entries <3>ACPI: Unknown _TSD:revision <5>ACPI: %s detected - limiting to C%ld max_cstate. Override with "processor.max_cstate=%d" _CST <3>ACPI: not enough elements in _CST <3>ACPI: count given by _CST is not valid ACPI HLT ACPI IOPORT 0x%x <4>Limiting number of power states to max (%d) <4>Please increase ACPI_PROCESSOR_MAX_POWER if needed. TSC halts in idle C%d <5>ACPI: processor limited to max C-state %d Notifying BIOS of _CST ability failed <7>ACPI: %s registered with cpuidle acpi_idle Clevo 5600D Pavilion zv5000 Asus L8400B _PPC Evaluating _PPC _OST _PSD <3>ACPI: Invalid _PSD data <3>ACPI: Unknown _PSD:num_entries <3>ACPI: Unknown _PSD:revision <3>ACPI: Invalid _PSD:coord_type drivers/acpi/processor_perflib.c _PCT Evaluating _PCT <3>ACPI: Invalid _PCT data <3>ACPI: Invalid _PCT data (control_register) <3>ACPI: Invalid _PCT data (status_register) NNNNNN _PSS Evaluating _PSS <3>ACPI: Invalid _PSS data Invalid _PSS data <3>[Firmware Bug]: ACPI: Invalid BIOS _PSS frequency: 0x%llx MHz <4>[Firmware Bug]: BIOS needs update for CPU frequency support Failed to write pstate_control [0x%x] to smi_command [0x%x] <7>Warning: Processor Platform Limit not supported. <6>ACPI: Requesting acpi_cpufreq acpi_cpufreq <5>ACPI: %s detected: disabling all critical thermal trip point actions. _CRT <4>[Firmware Bug]: Invalid critical threshold (%llu) <4>ACPI: Critical threshold %d C _HOT _PSV _TC1 _TC2 _TSP _PSL <4>ACPI: Invalid passive threshold ACPI thermal trip point %s changed Please send acpidump to linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org <4>ACPI: Invalid active%d threshold _TZD thermal_zone <5>ACPI: thermal control disabled <5>ACPI: %s detected: enabling thermal zone polling <5>ACPI: %s detected: disabling all passive thermal trip points <5>ACPI: %s detected: disabling all active thermal trip points Thermal Zone &tz->lock <4>[Firmware Bug]: No valid trip found _SCP _TZP acpitz registered as thermal_zone%d <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (%ld C) _TMP AOpen i915GMm-HFS Gigabyte GA-7ZX _BTP _BIX _BIF Evaluating %s _BST Evaluating _BST <4>[Firmware Bug]: battery: (dis)charge rate invalid. NiCd NiMH LION LI-ION LiP Evaluating _STA LENOVO ThinkPad present absent Battery battery &battery->lock &battery->sysfs_lock <6>ACPI: %s Slot [%s] (battery %s) alarm <3>pnp: Out of Memory pnp%d %02x:%02x %s device, IDs%s (%s) could not register (err=%d) %02x:%02x.%02x card_id ANYDEVS pnp device %s using irq %d legacy IDE device %s using irq %d can't add resource for IRQ %d %pR can't add resource for DMA %d can't add resource for IO %#llx-%#llx can't add resource for MEM %#llx-%#llx can't add resource for BUS %#llx-%#llx irq %d already set to %d flags %#lx irq %d disabled irq %d disabled (optional) couldn't assign irq %d pnp_assign_resources, try dependent set %d io %d already set to %#llx-%#llx flags %#lx io %d disabled couldn't assign io %d (min %#llx max %#llx) mem %d already set to %#llx-%#llx flags %#lx mem %d disabled couldn't assign mem %d (min %#llx max %#llx) dma %d already set to %d flags %#lx disable dma %d pnp_assign_resources failed (%d) pnp_assign_resources succeeded activation not supported pnp_start_dev activation failed activated disabling not supported disable failed configuration not supported unable to assign resources %s: no current resources %s: current resources: %pr dependent set %d (%s) independent io min %#llx max %#llx align %lld size %lld flags %#x mem min %#llx max %#llx align %lld size %lld flags %#x flags %#x (optional) (bitmask %#x) flags %#x preferred acceptable functional 8-bit 8-bit&16-bit 16-bit type-A type-B type-F compatible Dependent: %02i - Priority %s %sport %#llx-%#llx, align %#llx, size %#llx, %i-bit address decoding %sMemory %#llx-%#llx, align %#llx, size %#llx , writeable , cacheable , range-length , shadowable , expansion ROM , %s %sirq 2/9 High-Edge Low-Edge High-Level Low-Level %sdma master byte-count word-count %s in use; can't configure activate fill clear get set state = %s disabled %#llx-%#llx%s %lld 32-bit resources made independent IRQ optional increased option port range from %#llx-%#llx to %#llx-%#llx [Firmware Bug]: %pR covers only part of AMD MMCONFIG area %pR; adding more reservations disabling %pR because it overlaps %s BAR %d %pR no dependent option sets couldn't clone dependent set %d added dependent option set %d (same as set %d except IRQ optional) couldn't add ioport region to option set %d added ioport region %#llx-%#llx to set %d set possible IRQs in option set %d to 5, 7, 10 changing possible DMA channel mask in option set %d from %#02x to 0x0A (1, 3) %s: calling %pF could not be has been pnp %s %pR %s reserved set resources drivers/pnp/pnpacpi/core.c get resources <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled <6>pnp: PnP ACPI init <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: found %d devices Plug and Play ACPI invalid DMA type %d invalid DMA transfer type %d can't convert resource type %d invalid dependent option priority %d clipped to %d ignoring IRQ %d option (too large for %d entry bitmap) unknown resource type %d in _PRS multiple interrupts in _CRS descriptor; configuration can't be changed wrong vendor descriptor size; expected %d, found %d bytes failed to convert resource type %d unknown resource type %d in _CRS parse allocated resources can't evaluate _CRS: %d parse resource options can't evaluate _PRS: %d can't evaluate _CRS: %d missing shared exclusive encode %d resources encode irq (%s) can't encode invalid IRQ mode %#x encode irq %d %s %s %s (%d-byte descriptor) encode dma (%s) encode dma %d type %#x transfer %#x master %d encode io %#x-%#x decode %#x encode fixed_io %#x-%#x encode mem24 %#x-%#x write_protect %#x encode mem32 %#x-%#x write_protect %#x encode fixed_mem32 %#x-%#x write_protect %#x encode extended irq (%s) encode irq %d %s %s %s can't encode unknown resource type %d NULL tty <4>Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s %s%d%c <4>tty_check_change: tty->pgrp == NULL! <3>Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x <4>null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s <4>bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s tty_fasync tty_read tty_poll tty_write <3>tty driver %s lacks a write_room method. <7>tty not NULL!! tty_hangup <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): task_session(p)==tty->session <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty &tty->termios_mutex &tty->ldisc_mutex &tty->write_wait &tty->read_wait &tty->atomic_read_lock &tty->atomic_write_lock &tty->output_lock &tty->echo_lock <6>tty_init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d drivers/tty/tty_io.c <7>%s: bad idx when trying to free (%s) <7>%s: driver.table[%d] not tty for (%s) <7>%s: driver.termios[%d] not termios for (%s) <7>%s: other->table[%d] not o_tty for (%s) <7>%s: other->termios[%d] not o_termios for (%s) <7>%s: bad pty pointers <4>%s: %s: read/write wait queue active! <4>%s: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s <4>%s: bad tty->count (%d) for %s tty_ioctl Couldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver drivers/tty/n_tty.c <4>%s: %d input overrun(s) <3>%s: unknown flag %d <3>n_tty_read: no tty->pgrp! n_tty <4>Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. <4>Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated drivers/tty/tty_ioctl.c ??? %-10s %2d drivers/tty/tty_ldisc.c tty-ldisc-%d n_tty: get Couldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d. <4>%s: waiting (%s) for %s took too long, but we keep waiting... n_tty: init_tty drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c &port->open_wait &port->close_wait &port->delta_msr_wait &port->mutex &port->buf_mutex <4>tty_port_close_start: tty->count = 1 port count = %d. <4>tty_port_close_start: count = %d Couldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't allocate Unix98 pts driver pty_master ptm pty_slave Couldn't register Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't register Unix98 pts driver Couldn't register /dev/ptmx driver drivers/tty/pty.c %s pid=%u uid=%u auid=%u ses=%u major=%d minor=%d comm= data= drivers/tty/tty_audit.c ioctl=TIOCSTI &buf->mutex out of memory in TTY auditing <6>sysrq: sysrq always enabled. Loglevel set to %d <3>sysrq: Failed to register input sysrq handler, error %d <3>sysrq: Failed to open input device, error %d sysrq-trigger <3>sysrq: Failed to register proc interface <3>sysrq: Failed to register input handler, error %d <6>SysRq : This sysrq operation is disabled. HELP : nice-all-RT-tasks(N) Nice All RT Tasks kill-all-tasks(I) Kill All Tasks thaw-filesystems(J) Emergency Thaw of all frozen filesystems memory-full-oom-kill(F) Manual OOM execution terminate-all-tasks(E) Terminate All Tasks show-memory-usage(M) Show Memory dump-ftrace-buffer(Z) Dump ftrace buffer show-blocked-tasks(W) Show Blocked State show-task-states(T) Show State show-registers(P) Show Regs Unmount Emergency Remount R/O show-all-timers(Q) Show clockevent devices & pending hrtimers (no others) Sync Emergency Sync reBoot Resetting Crash Trigger a crash unRaw Keyboard mode set to system default saK SAK loglevel(0-9) Changing Loglevel drivers/tty/vt/vc_screen.c &poll->waitq vcs%u vcsa%u vcs unable to get major %d for vcs device vc vcsa <4>selection: kmalloc() failed kbd <3>keyboard: k_lowercase was called - impossible <4>keyboard: can't emulate rawmode for keycode %d <4>keyboard: keyboard mode must be unicode for braille patterns drivers/tty/vt/vt.c tty%d vtcon%i <4>Unable to create device for %s; errno = %ld (M) (S) vtconsole <4>Unable to create vt console class; errno = %ld &vc->paste_wait colour mono <6>Console: %s %s %dx%d <6>Console: switching consoles %d-%d to %s %s %dx%d to %s <4>unblank_screen: tty %d not allocated ?? [M%c%c%c Couldn't register /dev/tty0 driver tty0 Couldn't allocate console driver Couldn't register console driver <3>vt: argh, driver_data is NULL ! <4>con_write: tty %d not allocated [?6c [0n [%d;%dR unable to get major %d for memory devs zero full urandom char/mem include/trace/events/random.h %s pool: bytes %d caller %pF %s pool: bits %d entropy_count %d entropy_total %d caller %pF nbytes %d caller %pF %s pool: nbytes %d entropy_count %d caller %pF drivers/char/random.c pool_name IP bits entropy_count entropy_total nbytes nonblocking blocking input extract_entropy_user extract_entropy get_random_bytes credit_entropy_bits mix_pool_bytes_nolock mix_pool_bytes drivers/char/misc.c %3i %s misc unable to get major %d for misc devices driver/nvram <3>nvram: can't misc_register on minor=%d <3>nvram: can't create /proc/driver/nvram <6>Non-volatile memory driver v1.3 not Checksum status: %svalid # floppies : %d Floppy 0 type : %d (unknown) Floppy 1 type : HD 0 type : %02x HD 1 type : HD type 48 data: %d/%d/%d C/H/S, precomp %d, lz %d HD type 49 data: %d/%d/%d C/H/S, precomp %d, lz %d DOS base memory: %d kB Extended memory: %d kB (configured), %d kB (tested) Gfx adapter : %s FPU : %sinstalled EGA, VGA, ... (with BIOS) CGA (40 cols) CGA (80 cols) monochrome 5.25'' 360k 5.25'' 1.2M 3.5'' 720k 3.5'' 1.44M 3.5'' 2.88M nvram rng_available rng_current hw_random hwrng <4>intel_rng: unusual: RNG already disabled <3>intel_rng: cannot enable RNG, aborting <5>intel_rng: FWH not detected <6>Intel 82802 RNG detected <3>intel_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) intel AMD HWRNG AMD HWRNG region 0x%x already in use! <6>AMD768 RNG detected <3>amd_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) amd <6>AMD Geode RNG detected <3>geode_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) geode <3>via_rng: can't enable hardware RNG if XSTORE is not enabled <3>via_rng: cannot enable VIA C3 RNG, aborting <6>VIA RNG detected <3>via_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) via goldfish goldfish_tty <7>agpgart: Erk, registering with no pci_dev! can't lock chipset driver can't get memory for scratch page can't determine aperture size can't get memory for graphics translation table can't allocate memory for key lists error configuring host chipset agp_frontend_initialize() failed AGP aperture is %dM @ 0x%lx agp_backend_initialize() failed try_unsupported <6>Linux agpgart interface v%d.%d &(agp_fe.agp_mutex) <3>agpgart: unable to get minor: %d agpgart <6>agpgart: Couldn't find an AGP VGA controller. <6>agpgart: reserved bits set (%x) in mode 0x%x. Fixed. <6>agpgart: %s tried to set rate=x0. Setting to AGP3 x4 mode. <6>agpgart: %s tried to set rate=x%d. Setting to AGP3 x8 mode. <6>agpgart: %s passes broken AGP3 flags (%x). Fixed. <6>agpgart: %s passes broken AGP2 flags (%x) in AGP3 mode. Fixed. <6>agpgart: %s requested AGPx8 but bridge not capable. <6>agpgart: %s requested AGPx8 but graphic card not capable. <6>agpgart: No AGP mode specified. Setting to highest mode supported by bridge & card (x8). <6>agpgart: Fell back to AGPx4 mode because <6>agpgart: bridge couldn't do x8. bridge_agpstat:%x (orig=%x) <6>agpgart: graphics card couldn't do x8. vga_agpstat:%x (orig=%x) <6>agpgart: BIOS bug. AGP bridge claims to only support x4 rate. Fixing up support for x2 & x1 <6>agpgart: BIOS bug. AGP bridge claims to only support x2 rate. Fixing up support for x1 <6>agpgart: %s tried to set rate=x0. Setting to x1 mode. putting AGP V%d device into %dx mode <4>Could not set GATT table memory to UC! AGP %d.%d bridge bridge is in legacy mode, falling back to 2.x <6>agpgart: memory %p is already bound! <6>agpgart: memory %p was not bound! wacky, found unclassified AGP device %s [%04x/%04x] woah! Non-AGP device %s on secondary bus of AGP 3.5 bridge! woah! AGP 2.0 device %s on secondary bus of AGP 3.5 bridge operating with AGP 3.0 electricals! woah! AGP 3.x device %s not operating in AGP 3.x mode on secondary bus of AGP 3.5 bridge operating with AGP 3.0 electricals! isochronous bandwidth required by AGP 3.0 devices exceeds that which is supported by the AGP 3.0 bridge! number of isochronous transactions per period required by AGP 3.0 devices exceeds that which is supported by the AGP 3.0 bridge! number of request queue slots required by the isochronous bandwidth requested by AGP 3.0 devices exceeds the number provided by the AGP 3.0 bridge! something bad happened setting up isochronous xfers; falling back to non-isochronous xfer mode setting up Nforce3 AGP no NForce3 size found for %d can't find Nforce3 secondary device aperture base > 4G drivers/char/agp/amd64-agp.c <6>Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring. <6>Aperture pointing to e820 RAM. Ignoring. <6>Aperture too small (%d MB) than (%d MB) aperture <3>agpgart: Aperture conflicts with PCI mapping. AMD 8151 AGP Bridge rev %s correcting AGP revision (reports 3.5, is really 3.0) AGP bridge [%04x/%04x] aperture size %u MB is not right, using settings from NB aperture from AGP @ %Lx size %u MB no usable aperture found setting up ULi AGP can't find ULi secondary device no ULi size found for %d amd64_agp <6>agpgart: No supported AGP bridge found. <6>agpgart: You can boot with agp=try_unsupported A0 A1 B0 B1 B2 B3 agpgart-amd64 gatt bus addr too high unsupported Intel chipset [%04x/%04x] Intel %s Chipset can't assign resource 0 can't enable PCI device intel_agp agpgart-intel 440LX 440BX 440GX i815 i820 830M i840 i845 845G i850 854 855PM 855GM i860 865 i875 E7505 E7205 failed to enable the GTT: GMCH_CTRL=%x failed to enable the GTT: PGETBL=%x [expected %x] Intel Flush Page can't ioremap flush page - no chipset flushing detected 4MB dedicated video ram stolen set gfx device dma mask %d-bit failed! unknown page table size, assuming 512KB <3>Bad GTT size mask: 0x%04x. detected gtt size: %dK total, %dK mappable detected %dK %s memory no pre-allocated video memory detected i810 E7221 (i915) 915G 915GM 945G 945GM 945GME 946GZ G35 965Q 965G 965GM 965GME/GLE G33 Q35 Q33 GMA3150 GM45 Eaglelake Q45/Q43 G45/G43 B43 G41 HD Graphics Sandybridge Ivybridge no fb to restore?? <6>drm: unregistered panic notifier fb userspace requested width/height/bpp is greater than current fb request %dx%d-%d (virtual %dx%d) > %dx%d-%d drm connector %d enabled? %s can clone using command line can clone using 1024x768 <6>[drm] kms: can't enable cloning when we probably wanted to. looking for cmdline mode on connector %d looking for preferred mode on connector %d found mode %s picking CRTCs for %dx%d config desired mode %s set on crtc %d PIXEL CLOCK SET <6>[drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes - going 1024x768 <6>fb%d: %s frame buffer device <6>drm: registered panic notifier OFF ON - dig ON interlaced with margins reduced blanking <6>[drm] forcing %s connector %s cmdline mode for connector %s %dx%d@%dHz%s%s%s <6>No connectors reported connected with modes <3>panic occurred, switching back to text console Failed to restore crtc configuration force-fb(V) Restore framebuffer console Encoder fixup failed CRTC fixup failed [CRTC:%d] [ENCODER:%d:%s] set [MODE:%d:%s] failed to set mode on crtc %p [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] status updated from %d to %d [CRTC:%d] [FB:%d] #connectors=%d (x y) (%i %i) [CRTC:%d] [NOFB] crtc has no fb, full mode set modes are different, full mode set encoder changed, full mode switch crtc changed, full mode switch [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] to [CRTC:%d] [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] to [NOCRTC] attempting to set mode from userspace failed to set mode on [CRTC:%d] Setting connector DPMS state to on [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] set DPMS on failed to restore config after modeset failure [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] disconnected [CONNECTOR:%d:%s] probed modes : dp_aux_xfer return %d Failed to allocate drm buffer object to hold %d bytes in %d pages. Failed to allocate %dth page for drm buffer with %d bytes and %d pages. Requesting to copy %d bytes to a drm buffer with %d bytes space Failed to copy user data (%p) to drm buffer (%p) %dth page. mtrr_del=%d tried to rmmap GEM object count: %d order: %d size: %d agp_offset: %lx alignment: %d page_order: %d total: %d zone invalid &buf->dma_wait buffer %d @ %p byte_count: %d dma->buf_count : %d entry->buf_count : %d count=%d, size=%d (%d), order=%d, queue_count=%d pagelist: %d entries page %d @ 0x%08lx offset = 0x%08llx, size = 0x%08lx, type = %d Matching maps of type %d with mismatched sizes, (%ld vs %ld) %lu %d %p AGP offset = 0x%08llx, size = 0x%08lx tried to addmap GEM object agp_offset: %lu count = %d %d %d %d %d %d %d, %d, %d Index %d (of %d max) Process %d freeing buffer not owned %d buffers, retcode = %d Out of memory expanding drawable idr Not enough free contexts. out of memory Reentering -- FIXME Context switch from %d to %d Lock isn't held after context switch order %d: buf_count = %d, seg_count = %d dri <3>DRM: Error creating drm class. Cannot create /proc/dri Cannot create /sys/kernel/debug/dri 20060810 <6>[drm] Initialized %s %d.%d.%d %s pid=%d, cmd=0x%02x, nr=0x%02x, dev 0x%lx, auth=%d no function ret = %x driver lastclose completed lastclose completed pid = %d, minor = %d &priv->event_wait &dev->context_wait &dev->buf_readers &dev->buf_writers fd = %d, device = 0x%lx open_count = %d pid = %d, device = 0x%lx, open_count = %d File %p released, freeing lock for context %d Device busy: %d reclaim_buffers_locked() deadlock. Please rework this driver to use reclaim_buffers_idlelocked() instead. I will go on reclaiming the buffers anyway. drivers/gpu/drm/drm_gem.c failed to allocate offset for bo %d failed to add to map hash drm mm object irq=%d crtc %d: Can't calculate constants, dotclock = 0! crtc %d: hwmode: htotal %d, vtotal %d, vdisplay %d crtc %d: clock %d kHz framedur %d linedur %d, pixeldur %d disabling vblank on crtc %d enabling vblank on crtc %d, ret: %d last_vblank[%d]=0x%x, cur_vblank=0x%x => diff=0x%x enabling vblank interrupts on crtc %d, missed %d Invalid crtc %d Called from driver w/o get_scanout_position()!? crtc %d: Noop due to uninitialized mode. crtc %d : scanoutpos query failed [%d]. crtc %d : v %d p(%d,%d)@ %ld.%ld -> %ld.%ld [e %d us, %d rep] crtc %d: Noisy timestamp %d us > %d us [%d reps]. <6>[drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 1 (10.10.2010). <6>[drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query. <6>[drm] No driver support for vblank timestamp query. &dev->vbl_queue[i] drivers/gpu/drm/drm_irq.c Sending premature vblank event on disable: wanted %d, current %d Unsupported type value 0x%x, supported mask 0x%x failed to acquire vblank counter, %d event on vblank count %d, current %d, crtc %d waiting on vblank count %d, crtc %d returning %d to client vblank wait interrupted by signal vblank event on %d, current %d crtc %d: Redundant vblirq ignored. diff_ns = %d %d holds heavyweight lock interrupted has lock Process %d using kernel context %d %d (pid %d) requests lock (0x%08x), flags = 0x%08x %d waiting for DMA quiescent %d freed heavyweight lock held by %d Cannot create /proc/dri/%s/%s Cannot create /proc/dri/%s Failed to create core drm proc files clients queues bufs gem_names vma <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* %pV <7>[%s:%s], &dev->struct_mutex &dev->ctxlist_mutex Cannot allocate memory for context bitmap. Cannot initialize graphics execution manager (GEM) DRM: Failed to initialize /proc/dri. DRM: Failed to initialize /sys/kernel/debug/dri. <3>DRM: Error sysfs_device_add. new minor assigned %d release secondary minor %d cleanup called no dev &master->lock.lock_queue dma_fault 0x%lx (page %lu) baddr = 0x%llx page = 0x%p, offset = 0x%llx, count=%d shm_fault 0x%lx 0x%08lx,0x%08lx mtrr_del = %d start = 0x%lx, end = 0x%lx, page offset = 0x%lx Could not find map Type = %d; start = 0x%lx, end = 0x%lx, offset = 0x%llx Failed to allocate memory for %ld pages Failed to bind AGP memory: %d base = 0x%lx entry->bound = 0x%lx size=%ld pages=%ld handle = %08lx virtual = %p virtual = %p no scatter/gather memory! PCI: no table in VRAM: using normal RAM fail to set dma mask to 0x%Lx PCI: Gart Table: VRAM %08LX mapped at %08lX unable to map PCIGART pages! cannot allocate PCI GART page! <3>DRM: Fill_in_dev failed. <6>[drm] Initialized %s %d.%d.%d %s for %s on minor %d <6>[drm] Module unloaded PCI:%d:%d:%d Cannot initialize the agpgart module. %d:%d:%d => IRQ %d pci:%04x:%02x:%02x.%d buffer overflow <6>[drm] Initialized %s %d.%d.%d %s on minor %d platform:%s:%02d Unique buffer overflowed dri/%s Wrong connector type for this property Unable to find select subconnector property Unable to find subconnector property HOTPLUG=1 generating hotplug event drivers/gpu/drm/drm_sysfs.c adding "%s" to sysfs card%d-%s failed to register connector device: %d removing "%s" from sysfs controlD%d renderD%d card%d device add failed: %d edid subconnector select_subconnector dpms drm 1.1.0 20060810 drm_minor Out of memory for hash table Available key bit space exhausted Key is 0x%08lx, Hashed key is 0x%08x count %d, key: 0x%08lx drivers/gpu/drm/drm_mm.c <7>%s 0x%08lx-0x%08lx: %8lu: free <7>%s 0x%08lx-0x%08lx: %8lu: used <7>%s total: %lu, used %lu free %lu Memory manager not clean. Delaying takedown 0x%08lx-0x%08lx: 0x%08lx: free 0x%08lx-0x%08lx: 0x%08lx: used total: %lu, used %lu free %lu unsupported pixel format timing values too large for mode info drivers/gpu/drm/drm_crtc.c bad bpp, assuming x8r8g8b8 pixel format Ran out memory getting a mode number failed to reset crtc %p when fb was deleted failed to disable plane with busy fb &dev->mode_config.mutex &dev->mode_config.idr_mutex EDID DPMS out of memory when allocating plane select subconnector left margin right margin top margin bottom margin contrast flicker reduction overscan saturation hue scaling mode dithering connected disconnected [ENCODER:%d:%s] CRTC[%d] CONNECTORS[%d] ENCODERS[%d] [CONNECTOR:%d:?] Unknown plane ID %d Unknown crtc ID %d Unknown framebuffer ID %d Invalid pixel format 0x%08x Invalid source coordinates %u.%06ux%u.%06u+%u.%06u+%u.%06u Invalid CRTC coordinates %ux%u+%d+%d Unknown CRTC ID %d CRTC doesn't have current FB Unknown FB ID%d Invalid mode Invalid CRTC viewport %ux%u+%u+%u for fb size %ux%u. Count connectors is 0 but mode set Count connectors is %d but no mode or fb set Connector id %d unknown could not create framebuffer [FB:%d] bad framebuffer width %d, should be >= %d && <= %d bad framebuffer height %d, should be >= %d && <= %d bad framebuffer format 0x%08x Invalid fb size %ux%u for CRTC viewport %ux%u+%d+%d. DAC TMDS LVDS TV Virtual DVI-I DVI-D DVI-A Composite SVIDEO Component DIN DP HDMI-A HDMI-B eDP Off On Annotate SCART Automatic Center Full aspect Standby Suspend Modeline %d:"%s" %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d 0x%x 0x%x i %dx%d%s Not using %s mode %d <4>parse error at position %i in video mode '%s' Monitor has basic audio support CEA audio format %d Fixing EDID header, your hardware may be failing EDID checksum is invalid, remainder is %d EDID has major version %d, instead of 1 EDID minor > 4, assuming backward compatibility <3>Raw EDID: drm: skipping non-existent adapter %s ELD: no CEA Extension found ELD monitor %s HDMI: DVI dual %d, max TMDS clock %d, latency present %d %d, video latency %d %d, audio latency %d %d ELD size %d, SAD count %d <4>stereo mode not supported <4>composite sync not supported Incorrect Detailed timing. Wrong Hsync/Vsync pulse width %s: EDID block %d invalid. %s: Ignoring invalid EDID block %d. %s: EDID invalid. ACR API MAX EPI FCM LPL PHL PTS SAM VSC MED name %d size %zd %6d %8zd %7d %8d %s %s %s slot offset size type flags address mtrr %4d 0x%016llx 0x%08lx %4.4s 0x%02x 0x%08lx %4d FB REG SHM AGP SG ctx/flags use fin blk/rw/rwf wait flushed queued locks %5d/0x%03x %5d %5d %5d/%c%c/%c%c%c %5Zd o size count free segs pages kB %2d %8d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5ld CRTC %d enable: %d CRTC %d counter: %d CRTC %d last wait: %d CRTC %d in modeset: %d a dev pid uid magic ioctls %c %3d %5d %5d %10u %10lu name size handles refcount vma use count: %d, high_memory = %pK, 0x%pK %5d 0x%pK-0x%pK %c%c%c%c%c%c 0x%08lx000 %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c Cannot create /sys/kernel/debug/dri/%s/%s &minor->debugfs_lock Cannot create /sys/kernel/debug/dri/%s Failed to create core drm debugfs files DRM: Driver failed to initialize /sys/kernel/debug/dri. i2c: drivers/gpu/drm/./drm_trace.h crtc=%d, seq=%d pid=%d, crtc=%d, seq=%d crtc seq drm_vblank_event_delivered drm_vblank_event_queued drm_vblank_event drivers/gpu/drm/drm_global.c &item->mutex &prime_fpriv->lock GEM idle failed, resume might fail DRM not initialized, aborting suspend. MMIO read or write has been dropped %x drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.c dev: %p drm/i915 can't work without intel_agp module! Found Ibex Peak PCH Found CougarPoint PCH Found PatherPoint PCH GPU hanging too fast, declaring wedged! Failed to reset chip. i915 Intel Graphics 20080730 called with no initialization tried to set status page when mode setting active drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c set status page addr 0x%08x can not ioremap virtual address for G33 hw status page load hws HWS_PGA with gfx mem 0x%x load hws at %p Unknown parameter %d DRM_COPY_TO_USER failed sarea not found assuming DRI2 userspace Client tried to initialize ringbuffer in GEM mode can not ioremap virtual address for ring buffer Can not find hardware status page hw status page @ %p Enabled hardware status page unknown parameter %d %s called without lock held, held %d owner %p %p %s: page=%d pfCurrentPage=%d Bad box %d,%d..%d,%d i915 cmdbuffer, buf %p sz %d cliprects %d alignment i915_dispatch_cmdbuffer failed Batchbuffer ioctl disabled i915 batchbuffer, start %x used %d cliprects %d bridge device not found failed to map registers Failed to initialize GTT <6>[drm] MTRR allocation failed. Graphics performance may suffer. Failed to create our workqueue. i915 MCHBAR failed bus alloc: %d Can not allocate hardware status page unknown memory frequency 0x%02x unknown fsb frequency 0x%04x <6>[drm] failed to find VBIOS tables FBC base 0x%08lx, ll base 0x%08lx, size %dM not enough stolen space for compressed buffer, disabling hint: you may be able to increase stolen memory size in the BIOS to avoid this failed to init modeset ips_link_to_i915_driver failed to idle hardware: %d trying to get scanoutpos for disabled pipe %c include/linux/io-mapping.h Kicking stuck wait on %s PCH audio power change on port %d PCH GMBUS interrupt PCH HDCP audio interrupt PCH transcoder audio interrupt PCH poison interrupt pipe %c FDI IIR: 0x%08x PCH transcoder CRC done interrupt PCH transcoder CRC error interrupt PCH transcoder B underrun interrupt PCH transcoder A underrun interrupt ERROR=1 RESET=1 ERROR=0 resetting chip running encoder hotplug functions &dev_priv->ring[RCS].irq_queue &dev_priv->ring[VCS].irq_queue &dev_priv->ring[BCS].irq_queue trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe %c Hangcheck timer elapsed... %s idle [waiting on %d, at %d], missed IRQ? crtc %d is disabled out of memory, not capturing error state <6>[drm] capturing error event; look for more information in /debug/dri/%d/i915_error_state <3>render error detected, EIR: 0x%08x <3> IPEIR: 0x%08x <3> IPEHR: 0x%08x <3> INSTDONE: 0x%08x <3> INSTPS: 0x%08x <3> INSTDONE1: 0x%08x <3> ACTHD: 0x%08x <3>page table error <3> PGTBL_ER: 0x%08x <3>memory refresh error: <3>pipe %c stat: 0x%08x <3>instruction error <3> INSTPM: 0x%08x EIR stuck: 0x%08x, masking pipe %c underrun hotplug event received, stat 0x%08x Pageflip stall detected copy_to_user irq_nr=%d breadcrumb=%d EBUSY -- rec: %d emitted: %d Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung GFX_MODE: 0x%08x PP_DIR_BASE: 0x%08x PP_DIR_BASE_READ: 0x%08x PP_DIR_DCLV: 0x%08x aliasing PPGTT: pd gtt offset: 0x%08x ECOCHK: 0x%08x purgeable dirty Y %pK: %s%s %8zdKiB %04x %04x %d %d%s%s%s (name: %d) (fence: %d) (gtt offset: %08x, size: %08x) (%s mappable) (%s) power context render context fbcon size: %d x %d, depth %d, %d bpp, obj user size: %d x %d, depth %d, %d bpp, obj self-refresh: %s GFXEC: %ld INTTOEXT%02d: 0x%08x P%02dVIDFREQ: 0x%08x (VID: %d) %s command stream: HEAD: 0x%08x TAIL: 0x%08x ACTHD: 0x%08x IPEIR: 0x%08x IPEHR: 0x%08x INSTDONE: 0x%08x INSTDONE1: 0x%08x BBADDR: 0x%08llx INSTPS: 0x%08x INSTPM: 0x%08x FADDR: 0x%08x FAULT_REG: 0x%08x SYNC_0: 0x%08x SYNC_1: 0x%08x seqno: 0x%08x ring->head: 0x%08x ring->tail: 0x%08x X Y P p %s [%d]: %08x %8u %04x %04x %08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s No ringbuffer setup %08x : %08x 0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x Current sequence (%s): %d Waiter sequence (%s): %d IRQ sequence (%s): %d Interrupt enable: %08x Interrupt identity: %08x Interrupt mask: %08x Pipe %c stat: %08x North Display Interrupt enable: %08x North Display Interrupt identity: %08x North Display Interrupt mask: %08x South Display Interrupt enable: %08x South Display Interrupt identity: %08x South Display Interrupt mask: %08x Graphics Interrupt enable: %08x Graphics Interrupt identity: %08x Graphics Interrupt mask: %08x Interrupts received: %d Graphics Interrupt mask (%s): %08x Reserved fences = %d Total fences = %d Fenced object[%2d] = unused Render requests: %d @ %d BSD requests: BLT requests: No requests Active: Inactive: Pinned: Flushing: Deferred free: Total %d objects, %zu bytes, %zu GTT size %u objects, %zu bytes %u [%u] objects, %zu [%zu] bytes in gtt %u [%u] active objects, %zu [%zu] bytes %u [%u] pinned objects, %zu [%zu] bytes %u [%u] inactive objects, %zu [%zu] bytes %u [%u] freed objects, %zu [%zu] bytes %u pinned mappable objects, %zu bytes %u fault mappable objects, %zu bytes %zu [%zu] gtt total gen: %d pch: %d is_mobile: %s is_i85x: %s is_i915g: %s is_i945gm: %s is_g33: %s need_gfx_hws: %s is_g4x: %s is_pineview: %s is_broadwater: %s is_crestline: %s has_fbc: %s has_pipe_cxsr: %s has_hotplug: %s cursor_needs_physical: %s has_overlay: %s overlay_needs_physical: %s supports_tv: %s has_bsd_ring: %s has_blt_ring: %s has_llc: %s bit6 swizzle for X-tiling = %s bit6 swizzle for Y-tiling = %s DDC = 0x%08x C0DRB3 = 0x%04x C1DRB3 = 0x%04x MAD_DIMM_C0 = 0x%08x MAD_DIMM_C1 = 0x%08x MAD_DIMM_C2 = 0x%08x TILECTL = 0x%08x ARB_MODE = 0x%08x DISP_ARB_CTL = 0x%08x w/ctx: %d, w/o ctx: %d forcewake count = %u No flip due on pipe %c (plane %c) Flip queued on pipe %c (plane %c) Flip pending (waiting for vsync) on pipe %c (plane %c) Stall check enabled, Stall check waiting for page flip ioctl, %d prepares Old framebuffer gtt_offset 0x%08x New framebuffer gtt_offset 0x%08x FBC unsupported on this chipset FBC enabled FBC disabled: no outputs not enough stolen memory mode not supported mode too large FBC unsupported on plane scanout buffer not tiled multiple pipes are enabled disabled per module param (default off) unknown reason unsupported on this chipset GPU freq (MHz) Effective CPU freq (MHz) pcode read of freq table timed out %d %d GMCH temp: %ld Chipset power: %ld GFX power: %ld Total power: %ld RC information inaccurate because somebody holds a forcewake reference RC information accurate: %s Video Turbo Mode: %s HW control enabled: %s SW control enabled: %s RC1e Enabled: %s RC6 Enabled: %s Deep RC6 Enabled: %s Deepest RC6 Enabled: %s Current RC state: Core Power Down on RC3 RC6 RC7 Core Power Down: %s HD boost: %s Boost freq: %d Gated voltage change: %s Starting frequency: P%d Max P-state: P%d Min P-state: P%d RS1 VID: %d RS2 VID: %d Render standby enabled: %s Current RS state: RC1 RC1E RS1 RS2 (RC6) RC3 (RC6+) unknown Requested P-state: %d Requested VID: %d Current VID: %d Current P-state: %d GT_PERF_STATUS: 0x%08x RPSTAT1: 0x%08x Render p-state ratio: %d Render p-state VID: %d Render p-state limit: %d CAGF: %dMHz RP CUR UP EI: %dus RP CUR UP: %dus RP PREV UP: %dus RP CUR DOWN EI: %dus RP CUR DOWN: %dus RP PREV DOWN: %dus Lowest (RPN) frequency: %dMHz Nominal (RP1) frequency: %dMHz Max non-overclocked (RP0) frequency: %dMHz no P-state info available no error state collected Time: %ld s %ld us PCI ID: 0x%04x EIR: 0x%08x PGTBL_ER: 0x%08x fence[%d] = %08llx ERROR: 0x%08x DONE_REG: 0x%08x Active Pinned %s --- gtt_offset = 0x%08x %s --- %d requests seqno 0x%08x, emitted %ld, tail 0x%08x %s --- ringbuffer = 0x%08x Ring %s: Head : %08x Tail : %08x Size : %08x Active : %08x NOPID : %08x Sync 0 : %08x Sync 1 : %08x Control : %08x Start : %08x Manually setting uncore sharing to %d max freq: %d wedged : %d Manually setting max freq to %d <6>[drm] Manually setting wedged to %d i915_wedged i915_forcewake_user i915_max_freq i915_cache_sharing bit9 bit9/bit10 bit9/bit11 bit9/bit10/bit11 unkown bit9/bit17 bit9/bit10/bit17 render blt uncached snooped (LLC) snooped (LLC+MLC) i915_capabilities i915_gem_objects i915_gem_gtt i915_gem_active i915_gem_flushing i915_gem_inactive i915_gem_pinned i915_gem_deferred_free i915_gem_pageflip i915_gem_request i915_gem_seqno i915_gem_fence_regs i915_gem_interrupt i915_gem_hws i915_gem_hws_blt i915_gem_hws_bsd i915_ringbuffer_data i915_ringbuffer_info i915_bsd_ringbuffer_data i915_bsd_ringbuffer_info i915_blt_ringbuffer_data i915_blt_ringbuffer_info i915_error_state i915_rstdby_delays i915_cur_delayinfo i915_delayfreq_table i915_inttoext_table i915_drpc_info i915_emon_status i915_ring_freq_table i915_gfxec i915_fbc_status i915_sr_status i915_opregion i915_gem_framebuffer i915_context_status i915_gen6_forcewake_count i915_swizzle_info i915_ppgtt_info drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem.c Attempting to bind a purgeable object Invalid object alignment requested %u Attempting to bind an object larger than the aperture Attempting to mmap a purgeable buffer something (likely vbetool) disabled interrupts, re-enabling object 0x%08x [fenceable? %d] not 1M or pot-size (0x%08x) aligned object 0x%08x not 512K or pot-size 0x%08x aligned Attempting to unbind pinned buffer can not change the cache level of pinned objects bo is already pinned with incorrect alignment: offset=%x, req.alignment=%x, req.map_and_fenceable=%d, obj->map_and_fenceable=%d Attempting to pin a purgeable buffer Already pinned in i915_gem_pin_ioctl(): %d Not pinned by caller in i915_gem_pin_ioctl(): %d Reenabling wedged hardware, good luck &dev_priv->pending_flip_queue failed to init phys object %d size: %zu drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_evict.c No GTT space found for object %d reloc with multiple write domains: obj %p target %d offset %d read %08x write %08x reloc with read/write non-GPU domains: obj %p target %d offset %d read %08x write %08x Write domain conflict: obj %p target %d offset %d new %08x old %08x Relocation beyond object bounds: obj %p target %d offset %d size %d. Relocation not 4-byte aligned: obj %p target %d offset %d. drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_execbuffer.c execbuf with invalid offset/length execbuf with invalid ring (BSD) execbuf with invalid ring (BLT) execbuf with unknown ring: %d execbuf with unknown constants: %d execbuf with %d buffers clip rectangles are only valid with the render ring execbuf with %u cliprects Invalid object handle %d at index %d Object %p [handle %d, index %d] appears more than once in object list Attempting to use self-modifying batch buffer Failed to allocate exec list for %d buffers copy %d exec entries failed %d failed to copy %d exec entries back to user (%d) execbuf2 with %d buffers drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_gtt.c Couldn't idle GPU Couldn't read from MCHBAR. Disabling tiling. unknown tiling mode Failed to allocate memory for bit 17 record struct drm_i915_gem_object * drivers/gpu/drm/i915/./i915_trace.h obj=%p, size=%u , mappable obj=%p, offset=%08x size=%x%s obj=%p, offset=%08x size=%x obj=%p, read=%02x=>%02x, write=%02x=>%02x obj=%p, offset=%u, len=%u , writable GTT CPU obj=%p, %s index=%u %s obj=%p dev=%d, size=%d, align=%d %s , purgeable only dev=%d%s dev=%u, ring=%u, seqno=%u dev=%u, ring=%x, invalidate=%04x, flush=%04x dev=%u, ring=%u plane=%d, obj=%p %s reg=0x%x, len=%d, val=(0x%x, 0x%x) mappable read_domains write_domain gtt purgeable ring seqno invalidate plane val reg i915_reg_rw i915_flip_complete i915_flip_request i915_ring_wait_end i915_ring_wait_begin i915_gem_request_wait_end i915_gem_request_wait_begin i915_gem_request_retire i915_gem_request_complete i915_gem_request_add i915_gem_ring_flush i915_gem_ring_dispatch i915_gem_evict_everything i915_gem_evict i915_gem_object_destroy i915_gem_object_clflush i915_gem_object_fault i915_gem_object_pread i915_gem_object_pwrite i915_gem_object_change_domain i915_gem_object_unbind i915_gem_object_bind i915_gem_object_create applying pipe a force quirk FIFO size - (0x%08x) %s: %d FIFO entries required for mode: %ld FIFO watermark level: %ld Setting FIFO watermarks - A: %d FIFO watermarks - A: %d, B: %d self-refresh entries: %d Setting FIFO watermarks - A: %d, B: %d, C: %d, SR %d memory self refresh enabled memory self refresh disabled self-refresh entries: %d, wm: %d self-refresh watermark: display plane %d cursor %d Setting FIFO watermarks - A: 8, B: 8, C: 8, SR %d ELD size %d disabled FBC FBC idle timed out enabled FBC, pitch %d, yoff %d, plane %d, enabled fbc on plane %d Unknown FSB/MEM found, disable CxSR DSPFW1 register is %x DSPFW3 register is %x Self-refresh is enabled Self-refresh is disabled plane %c assertion failure (expected %s, current %s) drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c FDI_RX_IIR 0x%x FDI train 1 done. FDI train 2 done. FDI train done. FDI train 1 fail! FDI train 2 fail! Can't update plane %d in SAREA Unknown color depth %d Writing base %08lX %08lX %d %d %d Can't update pipe %c in SAREA <6>[drm] applying no-PCH_PWM_ENABLE quirk failed to alloc power context, RC6 disabled failed to pin power context: %d failed to set-domain on power context: %d Disabling pch HDMI %x on pipe %d Disabling pch dp %x on pipe %d watermark %d: display plane %d, fbc lines %d, cursor %d fbc watermark(%d) is too large(%d), disabling wm%d+ display watermark(%d) is too large(%d), disabling wm%d+ cursor watermark(%d) is too large(%d), disabling wm%d+ latency %d is 0, disabling wm%d+ Sandybridge: deep RC6 disabled RC6 and deep RC6 enabled panel assertion failure, pipe %c regs locked cancelling pending FBC enable SR watermark: display plane %d, cursor %d display watermark is too large(%d/%ld), disabling cursor watermark is too large(%d/%ld), disabling Setting FIFO watermarks - A: plane=%d, cursor=%d, B: plane=%d, cursor=%d, SR: plane=%d, cursor=%d failed to compute sprite wm for pipe %d failed to compute sprite lp1 wm on pipe %d failed to compute sprite lp2 wm on pipe %d failed to compute sprite lp3 wm on pipe %d sprite watermarks For pipe %d - %d PCH HDMI (0x%08x) enabled on transcoder %c, should be disabled PCH DP (0x%08x) enabled on transcoder %c, should be disabled FIFO watermarks For pipe A - plane %d, cursor: %d FIFO watermarks For pipe B - plane %d, cursor: %d FIFO watermarks For pipe C - plane %d, cursor: %d ELD on pipe %c Audio directed to unknown port ELD on port %c ELD: DisplayPort detected vblank wait timed out upclocking LVDS failed to upclock LVDS! downclocking LVDS failed to downclock LVDS! PLL state assertion failure (expected %s, current %s) FDI RX PLL assertion failure, should be active but is disabled FDI TX PLL assertion failure, should be active but is disabled pipe_off wait timed out plane %c assertion failure, should be disabled but not plane %c assertion failure, should be off on pipe %c but is still active pipe %c assertion failure (expected %s, current %s) FDI train done more than one pipe active, disabling compression no output, disabling fbc set to per-chip default fbc disabled per module param framebuffer too large, disabling compression mode incompatible with compression, disabling mode too large for compression, disabling plane not 0, disabling compression framebuffer not tiled or fenced, disabling compression disabling active FBC for update scheduling delayed FBC enable unsupported config, disabling FBC flip queue: crtc already busy Y tiled not allowed for scan out buffers unknown plane in flip command No FB bound no plane for crtc pin & fence failed failed to update base address mode set failed: pipe %d stuck has_panel %d has_lvds %d has_pch_edp %d has_cpu_edp %d has_ck505 %d Using SSC on panel Using SSC on eDP Disabling SSC entirely ELD on [CONNECTOR:%d:%s], [ENCODER:%d:%s] [CONNECTOR:%d:%s], [ENCODER:%d:%s] Unknown DPLL mode %08x in programmed mode using SSC reference clock of %d MHz Couldn't find PLL settings for mode! Mode for pipe %c: <6>[drm] Changing LVDS panel from (%chsync, %cvsync) to (%chsync, %cvsync) enabling CxSR downclocking disabling CxSR downclocking clamping display bpc (was %d) to LVDS (%d) clamping display bpc (was %d) to EDID reported max of %d clamping display bpc (was %d) to eDP (%d) forcing bpc to 12 for HDMI forcing bpc to 8 for HDMI Dithering DP to 6bpc unsupported depth, assuming 24 bits setting pipe bpc to %d (max display bpc %d) intel_choose_pipe_bpp returned invalid value %d Mode for pipe %d: using pipe a dpll using pipe b dpll no matching PLL configuration for pipe 2 eDP PLL enable for clock %d PCH refclk assertion failure, should be active but is disabled Wrong PCH DP port return. Guess port B transcoder %d PLL not enabled PCH PLL state assertion failure (expected %s, current %s) FDI TX state assertion failure (expected %s, current %s) FDI RX state assertion failure (expected %s, current %s) failed to enable transcoder %d transcoder assertion failed, should be off on pipe %c but is still active disable lvds on pipe %d val 0x%08x PCH VGA enabled on transcoder %c, should be disabled PCH LVDS enabled on transcoder %c, should be disabled failed to disable transcoder %d crtc %d/%d dpms on crtc %d/%d dpms off cursor off we currently only support 64x64 cursors buffer is to small cursor cannot be tiled failed to move cursor bo into the GTT failed to release fence for cursor failed to attach phys object Prepared flip multiple times preparing flip with no unpin work? no such CRTC id unsupported pixel format %u framebuffer init failed %d no pipe available for load-detect creating tmp fb for load-detection reusing fbdev for load-detection framebuffer failed to allocate framebuffer for load-detection failed to set mode on load-detect pipe gpu busy, RCS change rejected fmax: %d, fmin: %d, fstart: %d stuck trying to change perf mode bad pxval: %ld GT fifo had a previous error %x <6>[drm] Enabling RC6 states: RC6 %s, RC6p %s, RC6pp %s overclocking supported, adjusting frequency max to %dMHz timeout waiting for pcode mailbox to become idle timeout waiting for pcode mailbox to finish pcode write of freq table timed out failed to enable ironlake power power savings Using MT version of forcewake Failed to get proper latency. Disable CxSR Failed to read display plane latency. Disable CxSR <6>[drm] failed to find known CxSR latency (found ddr%s fsb freq %d, mem freq %d), disabling CxSR %d display pipe%s available. swapping pipes & planes for FBC plane %d init failed: %d probing SDVOB probing HDMI on SDVOB probing DP_B probing SDVOC probing HDMI on SDVOC probing DP_C probing DP_D Pipe [%d]: CONF: %08x SRC: %08x HTOTAL: %08x HBLANK: %08x HSYNC: %08x VTOTAL: %08x VBLANK: %08x VSYNC: %08x Plane [%d]: CNTR: %08x STRIDE: %08x SIZE: %08x POS: %08x ADDR: %08x SURF: %08x TILEOFF: %08x Cursor [%d]: BASE: %08x Skipping CRT initialization for %s CRT GMBUS EDID read failed, retry using GPIO bit-banging CRT detected via DDC:0x50 [EDID] CRT not detected via DDC:0x50 [EDID reports a digital panel] trigger hotplug detect cycle: adpa=0x%x ironlake hotplug adpa=0x%x, result %d CRT detected via hotplug CRT not detected via hotplug starting load-detect on CRT timed out waiting for FORCE_TRIGGER timed out waiting for FORCE_DETECT to go off pch crt adpa set to 0x%x ACER ZGB Skipping forced modeset for %s Skipping LVDS initialization for %s applying panel-fitter: %x, %x timed out waiting for panel to power on timed out waiting for panel to power off no scaling not supported Can't support LVDS on pipe A Can't enable LVDS and another encoder on the same pipe disable LVDS for eDP support LVDS downclock is found in EDID. Normal clock %dKhz, downclock %dKhz lid notifier registration failed No LVDS modes found, disabling. LVDS is not present in VBT Apple Mac Mini (Core series) Apple Mac Mini (Core 2 series) MSI IM-945GSE-A Dell Studio Hybrid Dell OptiPlex FX170 AOpen Mini PC AOpen Mini PC MP915 AOpen i45GMx-I Aopen i945GTt-VFA Clientron U800 Clientron E830 Asus EeeBox PC EB1007 Asus AT5NM10T-I Hewlett-Packard HP t5740 Hewlett-Packard t5745 Hewlett-Packard st5747 MSI Wind Box DC500 Gigabyte GA-D525TUD Supermicro X7SPA-H Fujitsu Esprimo Q900 Toshiba Tecra A11 Falling back to manually reading VBT from VBIOS ROM for %s SDVOB SDVOC Set default to SSC at %dMHz $VBT Using VBT from OpRegion: %20s VBT signature missing BDB_GENERAL_FEATURES int_tv_support %d int_crt_support %d lvds_use_ssc %d lvds_ssc_freq %d display_clock_mode %d crt_ddc_bus_pin: %d BDB_GD too small (%d). Invalid. Found panel mode in BIOS VBT tables: LVDS downclock is found in VBT. Normal Clock %dKHz, downclock %dKHz VBT initial LVDS value %x Found SDVO panel mode in BIOS VBT tables: No general definition block is found, unable to construct sdvo mapping. different child size is found. Invalid. Incorrect SDVO port. Skip it the SDVO device with slave addr %2x is found on %s port SDVO device: dvo=%x, addr=%x, wiring=%d, ddc_pin=%d, i2c_pin=%d Maybe one SDVO port is shared by two SDVO device. there exists the slave2_addr. Maybe this is a SDVO device with multiple inputs. No SDVO device info is found in VBT No general definition block is found, no devices defined. no child dev is parsed from VBT No memory space for child device No eDP BDB found but eDP panel supported. ThinkCentre A57 Unsupported voltage swing/pre-emphasis level:0x%x Enabling DP audio on pipe %c mask %08x value %08x status %08x control %08x Panel status timeout: status %08x control %08x Turn eDP power off Need VDD to turn off panel drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_dp.c Wait for panel power off time Display port link bw %02x lane count %d clock %d eDP powered off while attempting aux channel communication. Status 0x%08x Control 0x%08x dp_aux_ch not done status 0x%08x dp_aux_ch receive error status 0x%08x dp_aux_ch timeout status 0x%08x dp_aux_ch not started status 0x%08x training pattern 1 signal levels %08x failed to get link status too many full retries, give up too many voltage retries, give up clock recovery OK failed to write sink power state aux_ch failed %d aux_ch native nack aux_ch invalid native reply 0x%02x aux_i2c nack aux_i2c defer aux_i2c invalid reply 0x%02x too many retries, giving up PCH_PP_STATUS: 0x%08x PCH_PP_CONTROL: 0x%08x Turn eDP VDD off %d eDP VDD not forced on Turn eDP VDD on eDP VDD already requested on eDP VDD already on Wait for panel power cycle eDP was not running DPCD: %02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx Turn eDP power on eDP power already on Wait for panel power on failed to train DP, aborting CP or sink specific irq unhandled %s: channel EQ not ok, retraining DPDDC-A DPDDC-B DPDDC-C DPDDC-D cur t1_t3 %d t8 %d t9 %d t10 %d t11_t12 %d vbt t1_t3 %d t8 %d t9 %d t10 %d t11_t12 %d panel power up delay %d, power down delay %d, power cycle delay %d backlight on delay %d, off delay %d <6>[drm] failed to retrieve link info, disabling eDP i2c_init %s unknown info frame type %d Enabling HDMI audio on pipe %c Integrated gfx i2c transfer returned %d %s: W: %02X (%s) I2c transfer returned %d I2c transfer returned %d/%d (%02X) %s: R: (??? %d) %02X ... failed No enhancement is supported left_margin right_margin h_overscan: max %d, default %d, current %d top_margin bottom_margin v_overscan: max %d, default %d, current %d hpos hpos: max %d, default %d, current %d vpos vpos: max %d, default %d, current %d saturation: max %d, default %d, current %d contrast: max %d, default %d, current %d hue: max %d, default %d, current %d sharpness sharpness: max %d, default %d, current %d brightness: max %d, default %d, current %d flicker_filter flicker_filter: max %d, default %d, current %d flicker_filter_adaptive flicker_filter_adaptive: max %d, default %d, current %d flicker_filter_2d flicker_filter_2d: max %d, default %d, current %d tv_chroma_filter tv_chroma_filter: max %d, default %d, current %d tv_luma_filter tv_luma_filter: max %d, default %d, current %d dot_crawl dot crawl: current %d writing sdvo hbuf: %i, hbuf_size %i, hbuf_size: %i First %s output reported failure to sync connector_is_digital? %d, monitor_is_digital? %d SDVO response %d %d [%x] SDVO DDC proxy No SDVO device found on SDVO%c SDVO capabilities: vendor_id: %d device_id: %d device_rev_id: %d sdvo_version_major: %d sdvo_version_minor: %d sdvo_inputs_mask: %d smooth_scaling: %d sharp_scaling: %d up_scaling: %d down_scaling: %d stall_support: %d output_flags: %d %s: Unknown SDVO output type (0x%02x%02x) SDVO output failed to setup on SDVO%c %s device VID/DID: %02X:%02X.%02X, clock range %dMHz - %dMHz, input 1: %c, input 2: %c, output 1: %c, output 2: %c Power on Success Not supported Invalid arg Pending Target not specified Scaling not supported SDVO_CMD_RESET SDVO_CMD_GET_DEVICE_CAPS SDVO_CMD_GET_FIRMWARE_REV SDVO_CMD_GET_TRAINED_INPUTS SDVO_CMD_GET_ACTIVE_OUTPUTS SDVO_CMD_SET_ACTIVE_OUTPUTS SDVO_CMD_GET_IN_OUT_MAP SDVO_CMD_SET_IN_OUT_MAP SDVO_CMD_GET_ATTACHED_DISPLAYS SDVO_CMD_GET_HOT_PLUG_SUPPORT SDVO_CMD_SET_ACTIVE_HOT_PLUG SDVO_CMD_GET_ACTIVE_HOT_PLUG SDVO_CMD_GET_INTERRUPT_EVENT_SOURCE SDVO_CMD_SET_TARGET_INPUT SDVO_CMD_SET_TARGET_OUTPUT SDVO_CMD_GET_INPUT_TIMINGS_PART1 SDVO_CMD_GET_INPUT_TIMINGS_PART2 SDVO_CMD_SET_INPUT_TIMINGS_PART1 SDVO_CMD_SET_INPUT_TIMINGS_PART2 SDVO_CMD_SET_OUTPUT_TIMINGS_PART1 SDVO_CMD_SET_OUTPUT_TIMINGS_PART2 SDVO_CMD_GET_OUTPUT_TIMINGS_PART1 SDVO_CMD_GET_OUTPUT_TIMINGS_PART2 SDVO_CMD_CREATE_PREFERRED_INPUT_TIMING SDVO_CMD_GET_PREFERRED_INPUT_TIMING_PART1 SDVO_CMD_GET_PREFERRED_INPUT_TIMING_PART2 SDVO_CMD_GET_INPUT_PIXEL_CLOCK_RANGE SDVO_CMD_GET_OUTPUT_PIXEL_CLOCK_RANGE SDVO_CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_CLOCK_RATE_MULTS SDVO_CMD_GET_CLOCK_RATE_MULT SDVO_CMD_SET_CLOCK_RATE_MULT SDVO_CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_TV_FORMATS SDVO_CMD_GET_TV_FORMAT SDVO_CMD_SET_TV_FORMAT SDVO_CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_POWER_STATES SDVO_CMD_GET_POWER_STATE SDVO_CMD_SET_ENCODER_POWER_STATE SDVO_CMD_SET_DISPLAY_POWER_STATE SDVO_CMD_SET_CONTROL_BUS_SWITCH SDVO_CMD_GET_SDTV_RESOLUTION_SUPPORT SDVO_CMD_GET_SCALED_HDTV_RESOLUTION_SUPPORT SDVO_CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_ENHANCEMENTS SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_HPOS SDVO_CMD_GET_HPOS SDVO_CMD_SET_HPOS SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_VPOS SDVO_CMD_GET_VPOS SDVO_CMD_SET_VPOS SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_SATURATION SDVO_CMD_GET_SATURATION SDVO_CMD_SET_SATURATION SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_HUE SDVO_CMD_GET_HUE SDVO_CMD_SET_HUE SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_CONTRAST SDVO_CMD_GET_CONTRAST SDVO_CMD_SET_CONTRAST SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_BRIGHTNESS SDVO_CMD_GET_BRIGHTNESS SDVO_CMD_SET_BRIGHTNESS SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_OVERSCAN_H SDVO_CMD_GET_OVERSCAN_H SDVO_CMD_SET_OVERSCAN_H SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_OVERSCAN_V SDVO_CMD_GET_OVERSCAN_V SDVO_CMD_SET_OVERSCAN_V SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_FLICKER_FILTER SDVO_CMD_GET_FLICKER_FILTER SDVO_CMD_SET_FLICKER_FILTER SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_FLICKER_FILTER_ADAPTIVE SDVO_CMD_GET_FLICKER_FILTER_ADAPTIVE SDVO_CMD_SET_FLICKER_FILTER_ADAPTIVE SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_FLICKER_FILTER_2D SDVO_CMD_GET_FLICKER_FILTER_2D SDVO_CMD_SET_FLICKER_FILTER_2D SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_SHARPNESS SDVO_CMD_GET_SHARPNESS SDVO_CMD_SET_SHARPNESS SDVO_CMD_GET_DOT_CRAWL SDVO_CMD_SET_DOT_CRAWL SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_TV_CHROMA_FILTER SDVO_CMD_GET_TV_CHROMA_FILTER SDVO_CMD_SET_TV_CHROMA_FILTER SDVO_CMD_GET_MAX_TV_LUMA_FILTER SDVO_CMD_GET_TV_LUMA_FILTER SDVO_CMD_SET_TV_LUMA_FILTER SDVO_CMD_GET_SUPP_ENCODE SDVO_CMD_GET_ENCODE SDVO_CMD_SET_ENCODE SDVO_CMD_SET_PIXEL_REPLI SDVO_CMD_GET_PIXEL_REPLI SDVO_CMD_GET_COLORIMETRY_CAP SDVO_CMD_SET_COLORIMETRY SDVO_CMD_GET_COLORIMETRY SDVO_CMD_GET_AUDIO_ENCRYPT_PREFER SDVO_CMD_SET_AUDIO_STAT SDVO_CMD_GET_AUDIO_STAT SDVO_CMD_GET_HBUF_INDEX SDVO_CMD_SET_HBUF_INDEX SDVO_CMD_GET_HBUF_INFO SDVO_CMD_GET_HBUF_AV_SPLIT SDVO_CMD_SET_HBUF_AV_SPLIT SDVO_CMD_GET_HBUF_TXRATE SDVO_CMD_SET_HBUF_TXRATE SDVO_CMD_SET_HBUF_DATA SDVO_CMD_GET_HBUF_DATA NTSC_M NTSC_J NTSC_443 PAL_B PAL_D PAL_G PAL_H PAL_I PAL_M PAL_N PAL_NC PAL_60 SECAM_B SECAM_D SECAM_G SECAM_K SECAM_K1 SECAM_L SECAM_60 audio Broadcast RGB Limited 16:235 force-dvi <4>fixme: max PWM is zero. max backlight PWM = %d set backlight PWM = %d get backlight PWM = %d intel_backlight Failed to register backlight: %ld <6>[drm] GMBUS timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin %d [%s] <6>[drm] GMBUS timed out waiting for idle &dev_priv->gmbus_mutex i915 gmbus %s ssc panel dpc dpb dpd failed to allocate framebuffer failed to pin fb: %d inteldrmfb allocated %dx%d fb: 0x%08x, bo %p failed to restore crtc mode TV detected: %x, %x Detected Composite TV connection Detected S-Video TV connection Detected Component TV connection Unrecognised TV connection NTSC-M Integrated TV is not present. 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 848x480 1280x720 1920x1080 NTSC-443 NTSC-J PAL-M PAL-N PAL 480p 576p 720p@60Hz 720p@50Hz 1080i@50Hz 1080i@60Hz sil164 ch7xxx ivch tfp410 ch7017 timed out waiting for IDLE Indicator %s head not reset to zero ctl %08x head %08x tail %08x start %08x failed to set %s head to zero ctl %08x head %08x tail %08x start %08x %s initialization failed ctl %08x head %08x tail %08x start %08x Failed to allocate seqno page %s: wait for SyncFlush to complete for TLB invalidation timed out &ring->irq_queue Failed to allocate status page %s hws offset: 0x%08x Failed to allocate ringbuffer Failed to map ringbuffer. drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_ringbuffer.c failed to quiesce %s whilst cleaning up: %d render ring gen6 bsd ring bsd ring blt ring Enabling pipe A in order to enable overlay drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c userspace bug: no overlay buffer used for overlay image can not be tiled overlay underrun, DOVSTA: %x failed to attach phys overlay regs failed to pin overlay register bo failed to move overlay register bo into the GTT <6>[drm] initialized overlay support Overlay, status: 0x%08x, interrupt: 0x%08x Register file at 0x%08lx: OBUF_0Y: 0x%08x OBUF_1Y: 0x%08x OBUF_0U: 0x%08x OBUF_0V: 0x%08x OBUF_1U: 0x%08x OBUF_1V: 0x%08x OSTRIDE: 0x%08x YRGB_VPH: 0x%08x UV_VPH: 0x%08x HORZ_PH: 0x%08x INIT_PHS: 0x%08x DWINPOS: 0x%08x DWINSZ: 0x%08x SWIDTH: 0x%08x SWIDTHSW: 0x%08x SHEIGHT: 0x%08x YRGBSCALE: 0x%08x UVSCALE: 0x%08x OCLRC0: 0x%08x OCLRC1: 0x%08x DCLRKV: 0x%08x DCLRKM: 0x%08x SCLRKVH: 0x%08x SCLRKVL: 0x%08x SCLRKEN: 0x%08x OCONFIG: 0x%08x OCMD: 0x%08x OSTART_0Y: 0x%08x OSTART_1Y: 0x%08x OSTART_0U: 0x%08x OSTART_0V: 0x%08x OSTART_1U: 0x%08x OSTART_1V: 0x%08x OTILEOFF_0Y: 0x%08x OTILEOFF_1Y: 0x%08x OTILEOFF_0U: 0x%08x OTILEOFF_0V: 0x%08x OTILEOFF_1U: 0x%08x OTILEOFF_1V: 0x%08x FASTHSCALE: 0x%08x UVSCALEV: 0x%08x bad pixel format, assuming RGBX888 non asle set request?? Illum is not supported Pfit is not supported PWM freq is not supported <4>No ACPI video bus found More than 8 outputs detected graphic opregion physical addr: 0x%x ACPI OpRegion not supported! IntelGraphicsMem opregion signature mismatch Public ACPI methods supported SWSCI supported ASLE supported Unable to read register 0x%02x from %s:%02x. %02X: Unable to write register 0x%02x to %s:%d. ch7xxx not detected; got 0x%02x from %s slave %d. Detected %s chipset, vendor/device ID 0x%02x/0x%02x CH7011 CH7009A CH7009B CH7301 CH7017_HORIZONTAL_ACTIVE_PIXEL_INPUT: %02x CH7017_HORIZONTAL_ACTIVE_PIXEL_OUTPUT: %02x CH7017_VERTICAL_ACTIVE_LINE_OUTPUT: %02x CH7017_ACTIVE_INPUT_LINE_OUTPUT: %02x CH7017_LVDS_PLL_VCO_CONTROL: %02x CH7017_LVDS_PLL_FEEDBACK_DIV: %02x CH7017_LVDS_CONTROL_2: %02x CH7017_OUTPUTS_ENABLE: %02x CH7017_LVDS_POWER_DOWN: %02x Registers before mode setting Registers after mode setting ch7018 ch7019 ch701x not detected, got %d: from %s slave %d. %s detected on %s, addr %d VR00: 0x%04x VR01: 0x%04x VR30: 0x%04x VR40: 0x%04x VR80: 0x%04x VR81: 0x%04x VR82: 0x%04x VR83: 0x%04x VR84: 0x%04x VR85: 0x%04x VR86: 0x%04x VR87: 0x%04x VR88: 0x%04x VR8E: 0x%04x VR8F: 0x%04x ivch detect failed due to address mismatch (%d vs %d) TFP410_REV: 0x%02X TFP410_CTL1: 0x%02X TFP410_CTL2: 0x%02X TFP410_CTL3: 0x%02X TFP410_USERCFG: 0x%02X TFP410_DE_DLY: 0x%02X TFP410_DE_CTL: 0x%02X TFP410_DE_TOP: 0x%02X TFP410_DE_CNT: 0x%02X%02X TFP410_DE_LIN: 0x%02X%02X TFP410_H_RES: 0x%02X%02X TFP410_V_RES: 0x%02X%02X tfp410 not detected got VID %X: from %s Slave %d. tfp410 not detected got DID %X: from %s Slave %d. SIL164_FREQ_LO: 0x%02x SIL164_FREQ_HI: 0x%02x SIL164_REG8: 0x%02x SIL164_REG9: 0x%02x SIL164_REGC: 0x%02x sil164 not detected got %d: from %s Slave %d. init sil164 dvo controller successfully! bad type no _DSM method for intel device failed to evaluate _DSM: %d failed to get supported _DSM functions MUX info connectors: %lld Connector id: 0x%016llx port id: %s display mux info: %s aux/dc mux info: %s hpd mux info: %s MUX INFO call failed VGA switcheroo: detected DSM switching method %s handle No MUX, iGPU only No MUX, dGPU only MUXed between iGPU and dGPU Reserved Analog VGA HDMI/DVI_B HDMI/DVI_C HDMI/DVI_D DisplayPort_A DisplayPort_B DisplayPort_C DisplayPort_D WiDi drivers/gpu/vga/vgaarb.c <6>vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:%s,olddecodes=%s,decodes=%s:owns=%s <6>vgaarb: transferring owner from PCI:%s to PCI:%s count:%d,PCI:%s,decodes=%s,owns=%s,locks=%s(%d:%d) io+mem <3>vgaarb: failed to allocate pci device <6>vgaarb: device added: PCI:%s,decodes=%s,owns=%s,locks=%s <3>vgaarb: error %d registering device <6>vgaarb: loaded <6>vgaarb: bridge control possible %s <6>vgaarb: no bridge control possible %s lock unlock trylock target PCI:%x:%x:%x.%x <3>vgaarb: invalid PCI domain and/or bus address %x:%x <3>vgaarb: invalid PCI address %x:%x <3>vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device decodes <3>vgaarb: maximum user cards (%d) number reached! vga_arbiter <3>Failed to create new callback queue. <6>Waiting for %s to become free: refcnt=%d. connector Name ID %-15s %u:%u cqueue cn_proc <4>cn_proc failed to register %lx &dev->mutex <3>Device '%s' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. drivers/base/core.c %u:%u subsystem dev_attr_show: %s returned bad count virtual %s(NULL device *): %pV %s%s %s: %pV <1> uevent: unknown action-string %s%u MAJOR=%u MINOR=%u DEVNAME=%s DEVMODE=%#o DEVTYPE=%s DRIVER=%s &(&priv->bus_notifier)->rwsem drivers subsys mutex drivers/base/bus.c <3>%s: uevent attr (%s) failed <3>%s: driver_add_attrs(%s) failed <3>%s: add_bind_files(%s) failed drivers_autoprobe drivers_probe unbind deferwq drivers/base/dd.c <4>%s: device %s already bound <3>%s: driver_sysfs_add(%s) failed Driver %s requests probe deferral <4>%s: probe of %s failed with error %d Interrupts enabled before system core resume. drivers/base/syscore.c <6>PM: Calling %pF Interrupts enabled after %pF Interrupts enabled before system core suspend. <3>PM: System core suspend callback %pF failed. drivers/base/driver.c <4>Driver '%s' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <3>Error: Driver '%s' is already registered, aborting... Unexpected driver unregister! %s called for class '%s' before it was initialized drivers/base/class.c %s.%d <3>%s: failed to claim resource %d platform: MODALIAS=%s%s platform:%s <4>%s: unable to parse %s parameter <4>%s: unable to probe %s early. Failed to register CPU subsystem kernel_max possible drivers/base/devres.c drivers/base/attribute_container.c failed to allocate class container drivers/base/transport_class.c topology core_siblings_list core_siblings thread_siblings_list thread_siblings core_id physical_package_id wakeup_last_time_ms wakeup_max_time_ms wakeup_total_time_ms wakeup_active wakeup_expire_count wakeup_abort_count wakeup_active_count %s() called for unknown object drivers/base/power/qos.c &(n)->rwsem %s() called for already added request quiesce hibernate thaw restore recover (unknown PM event) <6>calling %s+ @ %i, parent: %s <3>PM: Device %s failed to %s%s: error %d <3>%s(): %pF returns %d <6>PM: %s%s%s of devices complete after %ld.%03ld msecs **** DPM device timeout **** drivers/base/power/main.c <6>call %s+ returned %d after %Ld usecs noirq early early late late async parent %s should not be sleeping <6>PM: Device %s not prepared for power transition: code %d drivers/base/power/wakeup.c wakeup_sources name active_count event_count wakeup_count expire_count active_since total_time max_time last_change prevent_suspend_time %-12s %lu %lu %lu %lu %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld <6>active wakeup source: %s <6>last active wakeup source: %s drivers/base/dma-mapping.c drivers/base/dma-buf.c dmabuf &dmabuf->lock FIRMWARE=%s TIMEOUT=%i ASYNC=%d %s: device_register failed %s: sysfs_create_bin_file failed %s: device_create_file failed %s: vmap() failed %s: unexpected value (%d) %s: kmalloc(struct firmware) failed %s: kmalloc failed drivers/base/firmware_class.c firmware: %s will not be loaded data loading drivers/block/brd.c ram%d ramdisk <6>brd: module loaded loop <3>loop: Write error at byte offset %llu, length %i. <3>loop: transfer error block %ld <3>loop: Transfer error at byte offset %llu, length %i. drivers/block/loop.c <3>loop: Failed to allocate temporary page for write. &lo->lo_ctl_mutex &lo->lo_event loop%d <6>loop: module loaded loop-control partscan autoclear sizelimit backing_file copy_from_user failed! goldfish_audio_probe &data->wait platform_get_resource failed platform_get_irq failed misc_register returned %d in goldfish_audio_init platform_driver_register returned %d goldfish_audio eac 1.0 <3>QEMU Pipe Device:Not enough kernel memory to allocate new pipe &pipe->lock &pipe->wake_queue <3>QEMU Pipe Device:opening pipe failed due to radix tree insertion failure <3>QEMU Pipe Device:Could not open pipe channel, error=%d <4>QEMU Pipe Device:(write=%d) already closed! <4>QEMU Pipe Device:rw access_ok failed <4>QEMU Pipe Device:(write=%d) interrupted! <4>QEMU Pipe Device:goldfish_pipe: backend returned error %d on %s <4>QEMU Pipe Device:rw, wait_event error <4>QEMU Pipe Device:rw, pipe already closed <4>QEMU Pipe Device:interrupt for already closed pipe <3>QEMU PIPE Device: already mapped at %p <3>QEMU PIPE Device: can't allocate i/o page <3>QEMU PIPE Device: failure to allocate IRQ goldfish_pipe qemu_pipe Well-known LUN No Device Unknown host_no include/trace/events/scsi.h host_no=%u host_no=%u channel=%u id=%u lun=%u data_sgl=%u prot_sgl=%u prot_op=%s cmnd=(%s %s raw=%s) host_no=%u channel=%u id=%u lun=%u data_sgl=%u prot_sgl=%u prot_op=%s cmnd=(%s %s raw=%s) rtn=%d host_no=%u channel=%u id=%u lun=%u data_sgl=%u prot_sgl=%u prot_op=%s cmnd=(%s %s raw=%s) result=(driver=%s host=%s message=%s status=%s) drivers/scsi/scsi.c channel lun cmd_len data_sglen prot_sglen prot_op cmnd __data_loc unsigned char[] rtn scsi_adjust_queue_depth, bad queue type, disabled <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <3>SCSI subsystem failed to initialize, error = %d SCSI_PROT_NORMAL SCSI_PROT_READ_INSERT SCSI_PROT_WRITE_STRIP SCSI_PROT_READ_STRIP SCSI_PROT_WRITE_INSERT SCSI_PROT_READ_PASS SCSI_PROT_WRITE_PASS TEST_UNIT_READY REZERO_UNIT REQUEST_SENSE FORMAT_UNIT READ_BLOCK_LIMITS REASSIGN_BLOCKS INITIALIZE_ELEMENT_STATUS READ_6 WRITE_6 SEEK_6 READ_REVERSE WRITE_FILEMARKS SPACE INQUIRY RECOVER_BUFFERED_DATA MODE_SELECT RESERVE RELEASE COPY ERASE MODE_SENSE START_STOP RECEIVE_DIAGNOSTIC SEND_DIAGNOSTIC ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL SET_WINDOW READ_CAPACITY READ_10 WRITE_10 SEEK_10 POSITION_TO_ELEMENT WRITE_VERIFY VERIFY SEARCH_HIGH SEARCH_EQUAL SEARCH_LOW SET_LIMITS PRE_FETCH READ_POSITION SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE LOCK_UNLOCK_CACHE READ_DEFECT_DATA MEDIUM_SCAN COMPARE COPY_VERIFY WRITE_BUFFER READ_BUFFER UPDATE_BLOCK READ_LONG WRITE_LONG CHANGE_DEFINITION WRITE_SAME UNMAP READ_TOC LOG_SELECT LOG_SENSE XDWRITEREAD_10 MODE_SELECT_10 RESERVE_10 RELEASE_10 MODE_SENSE_10 PERSISTENT_RESERVE_IN PERSISTENT_RESERVE_OUT VARIABLE_LENGTH_CMD REPORT_LUNS MAINTENANCE_IN MAINTENANCE_OUT MOVE_MEDIUM EXCHANGE_MEDIUM READ_12 WRITE_12 WRITE_VERIFY_12 SEARCH_HIGH_12 SEARCH_EQUAL_12 SEARCH_LOW_12 READ_ELEMENT_STATUS SEND_VOLUME_TAG WRITE_LONG_2 READ_16 WRITE_16 VERIFY_16 WRITE_SAME_16 SERVICE_ACTION_IN SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16 SAI_GET_LBA_STATUS MI_REPORT_TARGET_PGS MO_SET_TARGET_PGS READ_32 WRITE_32 WRITE_SAME_32 ATA_16 ATA_12 DRIVER_OK DRIVER_BUSY DRIVER_SOFT DRIVER_MEDIA DRIVER_ERROR DRIVER_INVALID DRIVER_TIMEOUT DRIVER_HARD DRIVER_SENSE DID_OK DID_NO_CONNECT DID_BUS_BUSY DID_TIME_OUT DID_BAD_TARGET DID_ABORT DID_PARITY DID_ERROR DID_RESET DID_BAD_INTR DID_PASSTHROUGH DID_SOFT_ERROR DID_IMM_RETRY DID_REQUEUE DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED DID_TRANSPORT_FAILFAST COMMAND_COMPLETE EXTENDED_MESSAGE SAVE_POINTERS RESTORE_POINTERS DISCONNECT INITIATOR_ERROR ABORT_TASK_SET MESSAGE_REJECT NOP MSG_PARITY_ERROR LINKED_CMD_COMPLETE LINKED_FLG_CMD_COMPLETE TARGET_RESET ABORT_TASK CLEAR_TASK_SET INITIATE_RECOVERY RELEASE_RECOVERY CLEAR_ACA LOGICAL_UNIT_RESET SIMPLE_QUEUE_TAG HEAD_OF_QUEUE_TAG ORDERED_QUEUE_TAG IGNORE_WIDE_RESIDUE ACA QAS_REQUEST BUS_DEVICE_RESET ABORT SAM_STAT_GOOD SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION SAM_STAT_CONDITION_MET SAM_STAT_BUSY SAM_STAT_INTERMEDIATE SAM_STAT_INTERMEDIATE_CONDITION_MET SAM_STAT_RESERVATION_CONFLICT SAM_STAT_COMMAND_TERMINATED SAM_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL SAM_STAT_ACA_ACTIVE SAM_STAT_TASK_ABORTED scsi_cmd_cache(DMA) scsi_sense_cache(DMA) scsi_cmd_cache scsi_sense_cache Direct-Access Sequential-Access Printer Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBC Optical card Bridge controller Object storage Automation/Drive scsi_eh_wakeup scsi_dispatch_cmd_timeout scsi_dispatch_cmd_done scsi_dispatch_cmd_error scsi_dispatch_cmd_start drivers/scsi/hosts.c <6>scsi%d : %s <3>%s: can_queue = 0 no longer supported scsi_wq_%d &shost->host_wait &shost->scan_mutex host%d scsi_eh_%d <4>scsi%d: error handler thread failed to spawn, error = %ld <4>scsi_register() called on new-style template for driver %s <3>ERROR: Scsi host '%s' attempted to queue scsi-work, when no workqueue created. <3>ERROR: Scsi host '%s' attempted to flush scsi-work, when no workqueue created. scsi_host <6>ioctl_internal_command: ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x%x ascq=0x%x ioctl_internal_command return code = %x short variable length command, len=%d ext_len=%d cdb[0]=0x%x, sa=0x%x , in_cdb_len=%d, ext_len=%d cdb[0]=0x%x (reserved) cdb[0]=0x%x (vendor) %02x Unknown status [deferred] [current] Sense Key : %s Sense Key : 0x%x [descriptor] Result: hostbyte=%s driverbyte=%s [%s] Add. Sense: Add. Sense: %s <> ASC=0x%x ASCQ=0x%x ASC=0x%x <> ASCQ=0x%x ASC=0x%x ASCQ=0x%x <6>%s: [%s] %s: [%s] CDB: CDB: Unrecognized sense data (in hex): <6> Info fld=0x%x FMK EOM ILI Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex): Good Check Condition Condition Met Busy Intermediate Intermediate-Condition Met Reservation Conflict Command Terminated Task set Full ACA Active Task Aborted No Sense Recovered Error Not Ready Medium Error Hardware Error Illegal Request Unit Attention Data Protect Blank Check Vendor Specific(9) Copy Aborted Aborted Command Equal Volume Overflow Miscompare Ram failure (%x) Diagnostic failure on component (%x) Data path failure (%x) Power-on or self-test failure (%x) Tagged overlapped commands (task tag %x) Decompression exception short algorithm id of %x No additional sense information Filemark detected End-of-partition/medium detected Setmark detected Beginning-of-partition/medium detected End-of-data detected I/O process terminated Programmable early warning detected Audio play operation in progress Audio play operation paused Audio play operation successfully completed Audio play operation stopped due to error No current audio status to return Operation in progress Cleaning requested Erase operation in progress Locate operation in progress Rewind operation in progress Set capacity operation in progress Verify operation in progress ATA pass through information available Conflicting SA creation request No index/sector signal No seek complete Peripheral device write fault No write current Excessive write errors Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable Logical unit is in process of becoming ready Logical unit not ready, initializing command required Logical unit not ready, manual intervention required Logical unit not ready, format in progress Logical unit not ready, rebuild in progress Logical unit not ready, recalculation in progress Logical unit not ready, operation in progress Logical unit not ready, long write in progress Logical unit not ready, self-test in progress Logical unit not accessible, asymmetric access state transition Logical unit not accessible, target port in standby state Logical unit not accessible, target port in unavailable state Logical unit not ready, structure check required Logical unit not ready, auxiliary memory not accessible Logical unit not ready, notify (enable spinup) required Logical unit not ready, offline Logical unit not ready, SA creation in progress Logical unit not ready, space allocation in progress Logical unit does not respond to selection No reference position found Multiple peripheral devices selected Logical unit communication failure Logical unit communication time-out Logical unit communication parity error Logical unit communication CRC error (Ultra-DMA/32) Unreachable copy target Track following error Tracking servo failure Focus servo failure Spindle servo failure Head select fault Error log overflow Warning Warning - specified temperature exceeded Warning - enclosure degraded Warning - background self-test failed Warning - background pre-scan detected medium error Warning - background medium scan detected medium error Warning - non-volatile cache now volatile Warning - degraded power to non-volatile cache Warning - power loss expected Write error Write error - recovered with auto reallocation Write error - auto reallocation failed Write error - recommend reassignment Compression check miscompare error Data expansion occurred during compression Block not compressible Write error - recovery needed Write error - recovery failed Write error - loss of streaming Write error - padding blocks added Auxiliary memory write error Write error - unexpected unsolicited data Write error - not enough unsolicited data Defects in error window Error detected by third party temporary initiator Third party device failure Copy target device not reachable Incorrect copy target device type Copy target device data underrun Copy target device data overrun Invalid information unit Information unit too short Information unit too long Invalid field in command information unit Id CRC or ECC error Logical block guard check failed Logical block application tag check failed Logical block reference tag check failed Unrecovered read error Read retries exhausted Error too long to correct Multiple read errors Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed L-EC uncorrectable error CIRC unrecovered error Data re-synchronization error Incomplete block read No gap found Miscorrected error Unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment Unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data De-compression CRC error Cannot decompress using declared algorithm Error reading UPC/EAN number Error reading ISRC number Read error - loss of streaming Auxiliary memory read error Read error - failed retransmission request Read error - lba marked bad by application client Address mark not found for id field Address mark not found for data field Recorded entity not found Record not found Filemark or setmark not found End-of-data not found Block sequence error Record not found - recommend reassignment Record not found - data auto-reallocated Locate operation failure Random positioning error Mechanical positioning error Positioning error detected by read of medium Data synchronization mark error Data sync error - data rewritten Data sync error - recommend rewrite Data sync error - data auto-reallocated Data sync error - recommend reassignment Recovered data with no error correction applied Recovered data with retries Recovered data with positive head offset Recovered data with negative head offset Recovered data with retries and/or circ applied Recovered data using previous sector id Recovered data without ECC - data auto-reallocated Recovered data without ECC - recommend reassignment Recovered data without ECC - recommend rewrite Recovered data without ECC - data rewritten Recovered data with error correction applied Recovered data with error corr. & retries applied Recovered data - data auto-reallocated Recovered data with CIRC Recovered data with L-EC Recovered data - recommend reassignment Recovered data - recommend rewrite Recovered data with ECC - data rewritten Recovered data with linking Defect list error Defect list not available Defect list error in primary list Defect list error in grown list Parameter list length error Synchronous data transfer error Defect list not found Primary defect list not found Grown defect list not found Miscompare during verify operation Miscompare verify of unmapped LBA Recovered id with ECC correction Partial defect list transfer Invalid command operation code Access denied - initiator pending-enrolled Access denied - no access rights Access denied - invalid mgmt id key Illegal command while in write capable state Obsolete Illegal command while in explicit address mode Illegal command while in implicit address mode Access denied - enrollment conflict Access denied - invalid LU identifier Access denied - invalid proxy token Access denied - ACL LUN conflict Logical block address out of range Invalid element address Invalid address for write Invalid write crossing layer jump Illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00) Invalid field in cdb CDB decryption error Security audit value frozen Security working key frozen Nonce not unique Nonce timestamp out of range Invalid XCDB Logical unit not supported Invalid field in parameter list Parameter not supported Parameter value invalid Threshold parameters not supported Invalid release of persistent reservation Data decryption error Too many target descriptors Unsupported target descriptor type code Too many segment descriptors Unsupported segment descriptor type code Unexpected inexact segment Inline data length exceeded Invalid operation for copy source or destination Copy segment granularity violation Invalid parameter while port is enabled Invalid data-out buffer integrity check value Data decryption key fail limit reached Incomplete key-associated data set Vendor specific key reference not found Write protected Hardware write protected Logical unit software write protected Associated write protect Persistent write protect Permanent write protect Conditional write protect Space allocation failed write protect Not ready to ready change, medium may have changed Import or export element accessed Format-layer may have changed Import/export element accessed, medium changed Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred Power on occurred Scsi bus reset occurred Bus device reset function occurred Device internal reset Transceiver mode changed to single-ended Transceiver mode changed to lvd I_T nexus loss occurred Parameters changed Mode parameters changed Log parameters changed Reservations preempted Reservations released Registrations preempted Asymmetric access state changed Implicit asymmetric access state transition failed Priority changed Capacity data has changed Error history I_T nexus cleared Error history snapshot released Error recovery attributes have changed Data encryption capabilities changed Timestamp changed Data encryption parameters changed by another i_t nexus Data encryption parameters changed by vendor specific event Data encryption key instance counter has changed SA creation capabilities data has changed Copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect Command sequence error Too many windows specified Invalid combination of windows specified Current program area is not empty Current program area is empty Illegal power condition request Persistent prevent conflict Previous busy status Previous task set full status Previous reservation conflict status Partition or collection contains user objects Not reserved Overwrite error on update in place Insufficient time for operation Commands cleared by another initiator Commands cleared by power loss notification Commands cleared by device server Incompatible medium installed Cannot read medium - unknown format Cannot read medium - incompatible format Cleaning cartridge installed Cannot write medium - unknown format Cannot write medium - incompatible format Cannot format medium - incompatible medium Cleaning failure Cannot write - application code mismatch Current session not fixated for append Cleaning request rejected WORM medium - overwrite attempted WORM medium - integrity check Medium not formatted Incompatible volume type Incompatible volume qualifier Medium format corrupted Format command failed Zoned formatting failed due to spare linking No defect spare location available Defect list update failure Tape length error Enclosure failure Enclosure services failure Unsupported enclosure function Enclosure services unavailable Enclosure services transfer failure Enclosure services transfer refused Enclosure services checksum error Ribbon, ink, or toner failure Rounded parameter Event status notification Esn - power management class event Esn - media class event Esn - device busy class event Thin Provisioning soft threshold reached Saving parameters not supported Medium not present Medium not present - tray closed Medium not present - tray open Medium not present - loadable Medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible Sequential positioning error Tape position error at beginning-of-medium Tape position error at end-of-medium Tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready Slew failure Paper jam Failed to sense top-of-form Failed to sense bottom-of-form Reposition error Read past end of medium Read past beginning of medium Position past end of medium Position past beginning of medium Medium destination element full Medium source element empty End of medium reached Medium magazine not accessible Medium magazine removed Medium magazine inserted Medium magazine locked Medium magazine unlocked Mechanical positioning or changer error Read past end of user object Element disabled Element enabled Data transfer device removed Data transfer device inserted Invalid bits in identify message Logical unit has not self-configured yet Logical unit failure Timeout on logical unit Logical unit failed self-test Logical unit unable to update self-test log Target operating conditions have changed Microcode has been changed Changed operating definition Inquiry data has changed Component device attached Device identifier changed Redundancy group created or modified Redundancy group deleted Spare created or modified Spare deleted Volume set created or modified Volume set deleted Volume set deassigned Volume set reassigned Reported luns data has changed Echo buffer overwritten Medium loadable Medium auxiliary memory accessible iSCSI IP address added iSCSI IP address removed iSCSI IP address changed Message error Internal target failure ATA device failed set features Select or reselect failure Unsuccessful soft reset Scsi parity error Data phase CRC error detected Scsi parity error detected during st data phase Information unit iuCRC error detected Asynchronous information protection error detected Protocol service CRC error Phy test function in progress Some commands cleared by iSCSI Protocol event Initiator detected error message received Invalid message error Command phase error Data phase error Invalid target port transfer tag received Too much write data Ack/nak timeout Nak received Data offset error Initiator response timeout Logical unit failed self-configuration Overlapped commands attempted Write append error Write append position error Position error related to timing Erase failure Erase failure - incomplete erase operation detected Cartridge fault Media load or eject failed Unload tape failure Medium removal prevented Medium removal prevented by data transfer element Medium thread or unthread failure Scsi to host system interface failure System resource failure System buffer full Insufficient reservation resources Insufficient resources Insufficient registration resources Insufficient access control resources Auxiliary memory out of space Quota error Maximum number of supplemental decryption keys exceeded Medium auxiliary memory not accessible Data currently unavailable Unable to recover table-of-contents Generation does not exist Updated block read Operator request or state change input Operator medium removal request Operator selected write protect Operator selected write permit Log exception Threshold condition met Log counter at maximum Log list codes exhausted Rpl status change Spindles synchronized Spindles not synchronized Failure prediction threshold exceeded Media failure prediction threshold exceeded Logical unit failure prediction threshold exceeded Spare area exhaustion prediction threshold exceeded Hardware impending failure general hard drive failure Hardware impending failure drive error rate too high Hardware impending failure data error rate too high Hardware impending failure seek error rate too high Hardware impending failure too many block reassigns Hardware impending failure access times too high Hardware impending failure start unit times too high Hardware impending failure channel parametrics Hardware impending failure controller detected Hardware impending failure throughput performance Hardware impending failure seek time performance Hardware impending failure spin-up retry count Hardware impending failure drive calibration retry count Controller impending failure general hard drive failure Controller impending failure drive error rate too high Controller impending failure data error rate too high Controller impending failure seek error rate too high Controller impending failure too many block reassigns Controller impending failure access times too high Controller impending failure start unit times too high Controller impending failure channel parametrics Controller impending failure controller detected Controller impending failure throughput performance Controller impending failure seek time performance Controller impending failure spin-up retry count Controller impending failure drive calibration retry count Data channel impending failure general hard drive failure Data channel impending failure drive error rate too high Data channel impending failure data error rate too high Data channel impending failure seek error rate too high Data channel impending failure too many block reassigns Data channel impending failure access times too high Data channel impending failure start unit times too high Data channel impending failure channel parametrics Data channel impending failure controller detected Data channel impending failure throughput performance Data channel impending failure seek time performance Data channel impending failure spin-up retry count Data channel impending failure drive calibration retry count Servo impending failure general hard drive failure Servo impending failure drive error rate too high Servo impending failure data error rate too high Servo impending failure seek error rate too high Servo impending failure too many block reassigns Servo impending failure access times too high Servo impending failure start unit times too high Servo impending failure channel parametrics Servo impending failure controller detected Servo impending failure throughput performance Servo impending failure seek time performance Servo impending failure spin-up retry count Servo impending failure drive calibration retry count Spindle impending failure general hard drive failure Spindle impending failure drive error rate too high Spindle impending failure data error rate too high Spindle impending failure seek error rate too high Spindle impending failure too many block reassigns Spindle impending failure access times too high Spindle impending failure start unit times too high Spindle impending failure channel parametrics Spindle impending failure controller detected Spindle impending failure throughput performance Spindle impending failure seek time performance Spindle impending failure spin-up retry count Spindle impending failure drive calibration retry count Firmware impending failure general hard drive failure Firmware impending failure drive error rate too high Firmware impending failure data error rate too high Firmware impending failure seek error rate too high Firmware impending failure too many block reassigns Firmware impending failure access times too high Firmware impending failure start unit times too high Firmware impending failure channel parametrics Firmware impending failure controller detected Firmware impending failure throughput performance Firmware impending failure seek time performance Firmware impending failure spin-up retry count Firmware impending failure drive calibration retry count Failure prediction threshold exceeded (false) Low power condition on Idle condition activated by timer Standby condition activated by timer Idle condition activated by command Standby condition activated by command Idle_b condition activated by timer Idle_b condition activated by command Idle_c condition activated by timer Idle_c condition activated by command Standby_y condition activated by timer Standby_y condition activated by command Power state change to active Power state change to idle Power state change to standby Power state change to sleep Power state change to device control Lamp failure Video acquisition error Unable to acquire video Out of focus Scan head positioning error End of user area encountered on this track Packet does not fit in available space Illegal mode for this track Invalid packet size Voltage fault Automatic document feeder cover up Automatic document feeder lift up Document jam in automatic document feeder Document miss feed automatic in document feeder Configuration failure Configuration of incapable logical units failed Add logical unit failed Modification of logical unit failed Exchange of logical unit failed Remove of logical unit failed Attachment of logical unit failed Creation of logical unit failed Assign failure occurred Multiply assigned logical unit Set target port groups command failed ATA device feature not enabled Logical unit not configured Data loss on logical unit Multiple logical unit failures Parity/data mismatch Informational, refer to log State change has occurred Redundancy level got better Redundancy level got worse Rebuild failure occurred Recalculate failure occurred Command to logical unit failed Copy protection key exchange failure - authentication failure Copy protection key exchange failure - key not present Copy protection key exchange failure - key not established Read of scrambled sector without authentication Media region code is mismatched to logical unit region Drive region must be permanent/region reset count error Insufficient block count for binding nonce recording Conflict in binding nonce recording Decompression exception long algorithm id Session fixation error Session fixation error writing lead-in Session fixation error writing lead-out Session fixation error - incomplete track in session Empty or partially written reserved track No more track reservations allowed RMZ extension is not allowed No more test zone extensions are allowed Cd control error Power calibration area almost full Power calibration area is full Power calibration area error Program memory area update failure Program memory area is full RMA/PMA is almost full Current power calibration area almost full Current power calibration area is full RDZ is full Security error Unable to decrypt data Unencrypted data encountered while decrypting Incorrect data encryption key Cryptographic integrity validation failed Error decrypting data Unknown signature verification key Encryption parameters not useable Digital signature validation failure Encryption mode mismatch on read Encrypted block not raw read enabled Incorrect Encryption parameters Unable to decrypt parameter list Encryption algorithm disabled SA creation parameter value invalid SA creation parameter value rejected Invalid SA usage Data Encryption configuration prevented SA creation parameter not supported Authentication failed External data encryption key manager access error External data encryption key manager error External data encryption key not found External data encryption request not authorized External data encryption control timeout External data encryption control error Logical unit access not authorized Security conflict in translated device Rebuild(32) Regenerate(32) Xdread(32) Xdwrite(32) Xdwrite extended(32) Xpwrite(32) Xdwriteread(32) Xdwrite extended(64) Read(32) Verify(32) Write(32) Write an verify(32) Write same(32) Format OSD Create (osd) List (osd) Read (osd) Write (osd) Append (osd) Flush (osd) Remove (osd) Create partition (osd) Remove partition (osd) Get attributes (osd) Set attributes (osd) Create and write (osd) Create collection (osd) Remove collection (osd) List collection (osd) Set key (osd) Set master key (osd) Flush collection (osd) Flush partition (osd) Flush OSD Perform SCSI command (osd) Perform task management function (osd) Write long(16) Notify data transfer device(16) Read capacity(16) Read long(16) Get LBA status dummy entry Read media serial number Set identifying information Set target port groups Change aliases Set priority Set timestamp Management protocol out Report identifying information Report target port groups Report aliases Report supported operation codes Report supported task management functions Report priority Report timestamp Management protocol in Test Unit Ready Rezero Unit/Rewind Request Sense Format Unit/Medium Read Block Limits Reassign Blocks Read(6) Write(6) Seek(6) Read Reverse Write Filemarks Space Inquiry Verify(6) Recover Buffered Data Mode Select(6) Reserve(6) Release(6) Copy Erase Mode Sense(6) Start/Stop Unit Receive Diagnostic Send Diagnostic Prevent/Allow Medium Removal Read Format Capacities Set Window Read Capacity(10) Read(10) Read Generation Write(10) Seek(10) Erase(10) Read updated block Write Verify(10) Verify(10) Search High Search Equal Search Low Set Limits Prefetch/Read Position Synchronize Cache(10) Lock/Unlock Cache(10) Read Defect Data(10) Medium Scan Compare Copy Verify Write Buffer Read Buffer Update Block Read Long(10) Write Long(10) Change Definition Write Same(10) Unmap/Read sub-channel Read TOC/PMA/ATIP Read density support Play audio(10) Get configuration Play audio msf Play audio track/index Play track relative(10) Get event status notification Pause/resume Log Select Log Sense Stop play/scan Xdwrite Xpwrite, Read disk info Xdread, Read track info Reserve track Send OPC info Mode Select(10) Reserve(10) Release(10) Repair track Read master cue Mode Sense(10) Close track/session Read buffer capacity Send cue sheet Persistent reserve in Persistent reserve out Extended CDB Variable length Xdwrite(16) Rebuild(16) Regenerate(16) Extended copy Receive copy results ATA command pass through(16) Access control in Access control out Read(16) Memory Export Out(16) Write(16) ORWrite Read attributes Write attributes Write and verify(16) Verify(16) Pre-fetch(16) Synchronize cache(16) Lock/unlock cache(16) Write same(16) Service action in(16) Service action out(16) Report luns ATA command pass through(12)/Blank Security protocol in Maintenance in Maintenance out Move medium/play audio(12) Exchange medium Move medium attached Read(12) Play track relative(12) Write(12) Erase(12), Get Performance Read DVD structure Write and verify(12) Verify(12) Search data high(12) Search data equal(12) Search data low(12) Set limits(12) Read element status attached Security protocol out Send volume tag, set streaming Read defect data(12) Read element status Read CD msf Redundancy group (in), Scan Redundancy group (out), Set cd-rom speed Spare (in), Play cd Spare (out), Mechanism status Volume set (in), Read cd Volume set (out), Send DVD structure drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c [%s] Warning! Received an indication that the LUN assignments on this target have changed. The Linux SCSI layer does not automatically remap LUN assignments. Warning! Received an indication that the LUN assignments on this target have changed. The Linux SCSI layer does not automatically remap LUN assignments. [%s] Warning! Received an indication that the operating parameters on this target have changed. The Linux SCSI layer does not automatically adjust these parameters. Warning! Received an indication that the operating parameters on this target have changed. The Linux SCSI layer does not automatically adjust these parameters. [%s] Warning! Received an indication that the LUN reached a thin provisioning soft threshold. Warning! Received an indication that the LUN reached a thin provisioning soft threshold. Device offlined - not ready after error recovery reservation conflict drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c <3>%s: Bytes in sg: %zu, requested offset %zu, elements %d rejecting I/O to offline device rejecting I/O to dead device [%s] killing request killing request <2>impossible request in %s. please mail a stack trace to linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org foo event %d eaten due to OOM timing out command, waited %lus Device not ready Host Data Integrity Failure Target Data Integrity Failure Unhandled sense code Media Changed Discard failure Unhandled error code [%s] %s scsi_data_buffer <3>SCSI: can't init scsi sdb cache <3>SCSI: can't init sg slab %s <3>SCSI: can't init sg mempool %s SDEV_MEDIA_CHANGE=1 sgpool-8 sgpool-16 sgpool-32 sgpool-64 sgpool-128 include/asm-generic/dma-mapping-common.h <6>scsi: waiting for bus probes to complete ... <3>%s: allocation failure target%d:%d:%d target allocation failed, error %d nullnullnullnull drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c <3>%s: Allocation failure during SCSI scanning, some SCSI devices might not be configured CCS <6>scsi scan: %d byte inquiry failed. Consider BLIST_INQUIRY_36 for this device <6>scsi scan: INQUIRY result too short (%d), using 36 ATA <6>scsi: unknown device type %d %s %.8s %.16s %.4s PQ: %d ANSI: %d%s in wrong state %s to complete scan failed to configure device <5>scsi: unlocking floptical drive host %d channel %d id %d <4>scsi: On %s only %d (max_scsi_report_luns) of %d luns reported, try increasing max_scsi_report_luns. <4>scsi: %s lun 0x has a LUN larger than currently supported. <4>scsi: %s lun%d has a LUN larger than allowed by the host adapter Unexpected response from lun %d while scanning, scan aborted %s called twice for host %d scsi_scan_%d scsi_target ordered simple %hd %hu scsi:t-0x%02x 0x%llx %.4s %.16s %.8s Initiator Target %10s %10s %10s %c MODALIAS=scsi:t-0x%02x target device_add failed, error %d failed to add device: %d failed to add class device: %d Failed to register bsg queue, errno=%d %d:%d:%d:%d queue_type queue_ramp_up_period queue_depth evt_media_change ioerr_cnt iodone_cnt iorequest_cnt iocounterbits delete rev model scsi_level device_blocked scsi_device proc_name prot_guard_type prot_capabilities unchecked_isa_dma sg_prot_tablesize sg_tablesize can_queue cmd_per_lun host_busy unique_id host_reset active_mode supported_mode created cancel cancel/recovery deleted/recovery blocked created-blocked [%s]: '%.8s' '%.16s' 0x%x <4>%s: %s string '%s' is too long <3>%s: no memory ," <3>%s: bad dev info string '%s' '%s' '%s' scsi/device_info Aashima IMAGERY 2400SP 1.03 CHINON CD-ROM CDS-431 H42 CD-ROM CDS-535 Q14 DENON DRD-25X V HITACHI DK312C CM81 DK314C CR21 2104-DU3 2104-TU3 IMS CDD521/10 2.06 MAXTOR XT-3280 PR02 XT-4380S B3C MXT-1240S I1.2 XT-4170S B5A XT-8760S B7B MEDIAVIS RENO CD-ROMX2A 2.03 MICROTEK ScanMakerIII 2.30 NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:841 PHILIPS PCA80SC V4-2 RODIME RO3000S 2.33 SUN SENA SANYO CRD-250S 1.20 SEAGATE ST157N |j ST296 921 ST1581 6538 SONY CD-ROM CDU-541 4.3d CD-ROM CDU-55S 1.0i CD-ROM CDU-561 1.7x CD-ROM CDU-8012 SDT-5000 3.17 TANDBERG TDC 3600 U07 TEAC CD-R55S 1.0H CD-ROM 1.06 MT-2ST/45S2-27 RV M HP C1750A 3226 C1790A C2500A CDR-H93MV 1.31 ScanMaker II 5.61 MITSUMI CD-R CR-2201CS 6119 D3856 0009 QUANTUM LPS525S 3110 PD1225S FIREBALL ST4.3S 0F0C RELISYS Scorpio SANKYO CP525 6.64 TEXEL transtec T5008 0001 YAMAHA CDR100 1.00 CDR102 CRW8424S CRW6416S 1.0c Scanner 1.80 3PARdata VV ADAPTEC AACRAID Adaptec 5400S AFT PRO -IX CF 0.0> BELKIN USB 2 HS-CF 1.95 BROWNIE 1200U3P 1600U3P CANON IPUBJD CBOX3 USB Storage-SMC 300A CMD CRA-7280 CNSI G7324 CNSi G8324 COMPAQ ARRAY CONTROLLER LOGICAL VOLUME CR3500 MSA1000 MSA1000 VOLUME HSV110 DDN SAN DataDirector DEC HSG80 DELL PV660F PV660F PSEUDO PSEUDO DEVICE . PV530F PERCRAID DGC RAID DISK EMC Invista SYMMETRIX EMULEX MD21/S2 ESDI easyRAID 16P X6P F8 FSC CentricStor Generic USB SD Reader 0180 0207 DF400 DF500 DISK-SUBSYSTEM OPEN- OP-C- 3380- 3390- 6586- 6588- A6189A NetRAID-4M HSV100 C1557A C3323-300 4269 C5713A DF600 AuSaV1S2 ProFibre 4000R 2105 iomega jaz 1GB J.86 IOMEGA ZIP Io20S *F INSITE Floptical F*8I I325VM iRiver iFP Mass Driver LASOUND CDX7405 3.10 MATSHITA PD-1 DMC-LC5 DMC-LC40 Medion Flash XL MMC/SD 2.6D MegaRAID LD MICROP 4110 MYLEX DACARMRB nCipher Fastness Crypto NAKAMICH MJ-4.8S MJ-5.16S PD-1 ODX654P iStorage NRC MBR-7 MBR-7.4 PIONEER CD-ROM DRM-600 CD-ROM DRM-602X CD-ROM DRM-604X CD-ROM DRM-624X Promise XP34301 1071 REGAL CDC-4X SanDisk ImageMate CF-SD1 ST34555N 0930 ST3390N 9546 SGI RAID3 RAID5 TP9100 Universal Xport SMSC CD-ROM CDU-8001 TSL ST650211 CF T300 T4 Tornado- F4 TOSHIBA Traxdata CDR4120 USB2.0 SMARTMEDIA/XD WangDAT Model 2600 01.7 Model 3200 02.2 Model 1300 02.4 WDC WD25 00JB-00FUA0 XYRATEX RS Zzyzx RocketStor 500S RocketStor 2000 Attached devices: Host: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d Vendor: Model: Rev: Type: %s ANSI SCSI revision: %02x CCS scsi add-single-device scsi remove-single-device <3>%s: proc_mkdir failed for %s <3>%s: Failed to register host %d in%s scsi/scsi READ_CAPACITY_16 GET_LBA_STATUS lba=%llu txlen=%llu lba=%llu txlen=%llu protect=%u unmap=%u regions=%u UNKNOWN %s lba=%llu alloc_len=%u %s_32 lba=%llu txlen=%llu protect=%u ei_lbrt=%u Domain Validation Disabing Information Units Domain Validation Disabing Quick Arbitration and Selection Domain Validation Failure, dropping back to Asynchronous Domain Validation detected failure, dropping back Write Buffer failure %x Beginning Domain Validation Domain Validation Initial Inquiry Failed Wide Transfers Fail Domain Validation skipping write tests Echo buffer size %d is too big, trimming to %d Ending Domain Validation %s = %d wide narrow &spi_dv_mutex(starget) Information Units disabled by blacklist include/linux/transport_class.h SCSI Parallel Transport Class period = %s ns offset = %d width = %d FAST-320 FAST-20 FAST-10 FAST-5 FAST-? FAST-40 FAST-80 FAST-160 HMCS PCOMP WRFLOW RTI RDSTRM QAS IU DT ST WIDE wide %s %sSCSI %d.%d MB/s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s (%s ns, offset %d) %sasynchronous target routine Extended Message, reserved code (0x%02x) pointer out in Identify disconnect %sallowed %s %d reserved (%02x) QAS Request %s %02x reserved two byte (%02x %02x) reserved spi_transport Modify Data Pointer Synchronous Data Transfer Request SCSI-I Extended Identify Wide Data Transfer Request Parallel Protocol Request Modify Bidirectional Data Pointer Simple Queue Tag Head of Queue Tag Ordered Queue Tag Ignore Wide Residue Task Complete Save Pointers Restore Pointers Disconnect Initiator Error Abort Task Set Message Reject Nop Message Parity Error Linked Command Complete Linked Command Complete w/flag Target Reset Abort Task Clear Task Set Initiate Recovery Release Recovery Terminate Process Continue Task Target Transfer Disable Clear ACA LUN Reset hba_id host_width signalling min_period revalidate hold_mcs pcomp_en rti rd_strm wr_flow qas max_qas dt iu max_iu max_width max_offset spi_host SE LVD HVD Ultrium 3-SCSI ULTRIUM-TD3 Unknown! 0x%x <3>Too many connections. Max supported %u ep-%llu ipv4-iface-%u-%u ipv6-iface-%u-%u Invalid iface attr drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.c Invalid session attr %s: Releasing conn %s: Completing session release %s: Completed creating transport session %s: Completed session allocation %s: Blocking session %s: Completed SCSI target blocking session recovery timed out after %d secs %s: Unblocking SCSI target %s: Completed unblocking SCSI target %s: Unblocking session %s: Completed unblocking session %s: Completing conn destruction &conn->ep_mutex connection%d:%u could not register connection's dev %s: Completed conn creation gracefully ignored conn error (%d) detected conn error (%d) gracefully ignored conn login (%d) detected conn login (%d) can not deliver control PDU: OOM <3>can not deliver iscsi offload message:OOM <3>gracefully ignored host event (%d):%d OOM <3>gracefully ignored ping comp: OOM Cannot notify userspace of session event %u Invalid event %u. Cannot notify userspace of session event %u. Check iscsi daemon %s: Completed handling event %d rc %d %s: Unbinding session %s: Completed target removal %s: Removing session Could not delete all connections for session. Error %d. %s: Completing session removal Failure in Target ID Allocation session%u could not register session's dev %s: Completed session adding %s: Freeing session %s: Completing session destruction off Invalid conn attr Invalid host attr <5>iscsi: registered transport (%s) %s: Scanning session %s: Completed session scan &ihost->mutex iscsi_host%d bsg interface failed to initialize - no request queue 2.0-870 <6>Loading iSCSI transport class v%s. iscsi_eh <3>iscsi: invalid session %d. couldn't create a new connection. %s: Completed creating transport conn %s: Destroying transport conn Could not set ep conn binding can not deliver stats: OOM <3>ep connect failed. Could not find host no %u <3>target discovery could not find host no %u <3>set_host_param could not find host no %u <3>set path could not find host no %u <3>set_iface_params could not find host no %u <3>iscsi_ping could not find host no %u <3>%s: failed. Cound not find host no %u <3>can not deliver chap: OOM <3>%s could not find host no %u <3>Could not allocate skb to send reply. scsi_transport_iscsi LINK DOWN LINK UP 10 Mbps 100 Mbps 1 Gbps 10 Gbps port_speed port_state initiatorname ipaddress hwaddress netdev recovery_tmo creator targetalias ifacename tgt_reset_tmo lu_reset_tmo abort_tmo fast_abort chap_in_idx chap_out_idx password_in password username_in username tpgt erl data_seq_in_order data_pdu_in_order max_burst_len first_burst_len immediate_data max_outstanding_r2t initial_r2t targetname recv_tmo ping_tmo persistent_address exp_statsn persistent_port ofmarker ifmarker data_digest header_digest max_xmit_dlength max_recv_dlength LOGGED_IN FREE iscsi_connection iscsi_session iscsi_host vlan_enabled vlan_priority vlan_id link_local_autocfg ipaddr_autocfg router_addr link_local_addr bootproto subnet gateway iscsi_iface handle iscsi_endpoint caps iscsi_transport unmap writesame_16 writesame_10 writesame_zero [%s] Medium access timeout failure. Offlining disk! Medium access timeout failure. Offlining disk! sd [%s] START_STOP FAILED START_STOP FAILED [%s] Sense not available. Sense not available. [%s] Bad block number requested Bad block number requested [%s] FUA write on READ/WRITE(6) drive FUA write on READ/WRITE(6) drive [%s] READ CAPACITY failed READ CAPACITY failed [%s] READ CAPACITY(16) failed READ CAPACITY(16) failed [%s] formatted with unsupported protection type %u. Disabling disk! formatted with unsupported protection type %u. Disabling disk! [%s] Enabling DIF Type %u protection Enabling DIF Type %u protection [%s] Disabling DIF Type %u protection Disabling DIF Type %u protection [%s] physical block alignment offset: %u physical block alignment offset: %u supports DPO and FUA doesn't support DPO or FUA [%s] sd_revalidate_disk: Memory allocation failure. sd_revalidate_disk: Memory allocation failure. [%s] Unit Not Ready Unit Not Ready [%s] Spinning up disk... Spinning up disk... [%s] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16). Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16). [%s] Using 0xffffffff as device size Using 0xffffffff as device size [%s] Adjusting the sector count from its reported value: %llu Adjusting the sector count from its reported value: %llu [%s] Sector size 0 reported, assuming 512. Sector size 0 reported, assuming 512. [%s] Unsupported sector size %d. Unsupported sector size %d. [%s] %llu %d-byte logical blocks: (%s/%s) %llu %d-byte logical blocks: (%s/%s) [%s] %u-byte physical blocks %u-byte physical blocks [%s] Assuming Write Enabled Assuming Write Enabled [%s] Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled [%s] Write Protect is %s Write Protect is %s [%s] Mode Sense: %02x %02x %02x %02x Mode Sense: %02x %02x %02x %02x [%s] Missing header in MODE_SENSE response Missing header in MODE_SENSE response [%s] Truncating mode parameter data from %d to %d bytes Truncating mode parameter data from %d to %d bytes [%s] Incomplete mode parameter data Incomplete mode parameter data [%s] No Caching mode page found No Caching mode page found [%s] Uses READ/WRITE(6), disabling FUA Uses READ/WRITE(6), disabling FUA [%s] Write cache: %s, read cache: %s, %s Write cache: %s, read cache: %s, %s [%s] Cache data unavailable Cache data unavailable [%s] Asking for cache data failed Asking for cache data failed [%s] Assuming drive cache: write through Assuming drive cache: write through [%s] getting Control mode page failed, assume no ATO getting Control mode page failed, assume no ATO [%s] ATO Got wrong page ATO Got wrong page ready not responding... dif %s%u [%s] Starting disk Starting disk [%s] Synchronizing SCSI cache Synchronizing SCSI cache [%s] Stopping disk Stopping disk drivers/scsi/sd.c removable [%s] Attached SCSI %sdisk Attached SCSI %sdisk sd_ext_cdb <3>sd: can't init extended cdb cache <3>sd: can't init extended cdb pool sd_probe: memory exhausted. SCSI disk (sd) name length exceeded. scsi_disk cache_type FUA allow_restart manage_start_stop protection_type protection_mode app_tag_own thin_provisioning provisioning_mode max_medium_access_timeouts write through write back write back, no read (daft) sr sr: can't switch blocksize: in interrupt [%s] bad sector size %d bad sector size %d [%s] mismatch count %d, bytes %d mismatch count %d, bytes %d [%s] unaligned transfer unaligned transfer GET_EVENT and TUR disagree continuously, suppress GET_EVENT events %s: unsupported sector size %d. cdda xa/form2 cd/rw dvd-ram writer sr%d <3>sr: out of memory. %s: scsi3-mmc drive: %dx/%dx %s%s%s%s%s%s Attached scsi CD-ROM %s %s: scsi-1 drive caddy tray pop-up changer cartridge changer <6>%s: disc change detected. <6>%s: CDROM not ready yet. <6>%s: CDROM not ready. Make sure there is a disc in the drive. <3>%s: CDROM (ioctl) error, command: CDROM does'nt support READ CD (0xbe) command CD-ROM DRIVE:25 CD-ROM DRIVE:36 CD-ROM DRIVE:83 CD-ROM DRIVE:84 <6>%s: Hmm, seems the drive doesn't support multisession CD's <6>%s: Hmm, seems the cdrom doesn't support multisession CD's <4>%s: No finished session <4>%s: unknown vendor code (%i), not initialized ? generic drivers/scsi/sg.c <6>sg_rq_end_io: device detached sg_cmd_done <4>alloc_disk failed <4>cdev_alloc failed <4>kmalloc Sg_device failure <4>idr expansion Sg_device failure <4>idr allocation Sg_device failure: %d sg%d &sdp->o_excl_wait Unable to attach sg device type=%d, minor number exceeds %d <4>sg_alloc failed <3>sg_add: device_create failed <3>sg_add: unable to make symlink 'generic' back to sg%d <4>sg_add: sg_sys Invalid Attached scsi generic sg%d type %d 20061027 3.5.34 %d %s [%s] host chan id lun type opens qdepth busy online mmap>> rb>> dio>> act: fin: rcv: max_active_device=%d(origin 1) def_reserved_size=%d >>> device=%s detached pending close scsi%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d em=%d sg_tablesize=%d excl=%d FD(%d): timeout=%dms bufflen=%d (res)sgat=%d low_dma=%d cmd_q=%d f_packid=%d k_orphan=%d closed=%d id=%d blen=%d dur=%d t_o/elap=%d/%d ms sgat=%d op=0x%02x No requests active sg scsi_generic %8.8s %16.16s %4.4s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 <4>sg_write: data in/out %d/%d bytes for SCSI command 0x%x-- guessing data in; program %s not setting count and/or reply_len properly &sfp->read_wait allow_dio def_reserved_size device_hdr device_strs drivers/ata/libata-core.c &host->eh_mutex failed to enable device after resume (%d) %sata%u: %pV %sata%u.%02u: %pV link resume succeeded after %d retries failed to resume link (SControl %X) version %s class mismatch %d != %d model number mismatch '%s' != '%s' serial number mismatch '%s' != '%s' failed to start port %d (errno=%d) invalid device invalid port/link unknown value ambigious value <4>ata: failed to extend force table, libata.force ignored <4>ata: failed to parse force parameter "%s" (%s) <7>libata version 3.00 loaded. FORCE: cable set to %s device reported invalid CHS sector 0 limiting SATA link speed to %s limiting speed to %s illegal qc_active transition (%08x->%08x) waking up from sleep qc timeout (cmd 0x%x) unsupported class I/O error device reports invalid type SPINUP failed INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed %s: ENTER NODEV after polling detection IDENTIFY failed on device w/ SEMB sig, disabled both IDENTIFYs aborted, assuming NODEV dumping IDENTIFY data, class=%d may_fallback=%d tried_spinup=%d host indicates ignore ATA devices, ignored failed to IDENTIFY (%s, err_mask=0x%x) failed to read native max address (err_mask=0x%x) HPA support seems broken, skipping HPA handling HPA detected: current %llu, native %llu native sectors (%llu) is smaller than sectors (%llu) failed to set max address (err_mask=0x%x) device aborted resize (%llu -> %llu), skipping HPA handling failed to re-read IDENTIFY data after HPA resizing HPA unlocked: %llu -> %llu, native %llu not supported with this driver LBA LBA48 , AA , ATAPI AN , CDB intr , DMADIR %s: ENTER/EXIT -- nodev FORCE: horkage modified (%s) unsupported device, disabling WARNING: ATAPI is %s, device ignored 1.5 Gbps applying link speed limit horkage to %s %s: cfg 49:%04x 82:%04x 83:%04x 84:%04x 85:%04x 86:%04x 87:%04x 88:%04x supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessible CFA ATA-%d NCQ (not used) failed to enable AA (error_mask=0x%x) NCQ (depth %d)%s NCQ (depth %d/%d)%s %s: %s, %s, max %s %llu sectors, multi %u: %s %s %llu sectors, multi %u, CHS %u/%u/%u unsupported CDB len failed to enable ATAPI AN (err_mask=0x%x) ATAPI: %s, %s, max %s%s%s%s applying bridge limits Drive reports diagnostics failure. This may indicate a drive fault or invalid emulation. Contact drive vendor for information. WARNING: device requires firmware update to be fully functional contact the vendor or visit http://ata.wiki.kernel.org %s: EXIT, err class mismatch %u != %u n_sectors mismatch %llu != %llu new n_sectors matches native, probably late HPA unlock, n_sectors updated old n_sectors matches native, probably late HPA lock, will try to unlock HPA revalidation failed (errno=%d) (SET_XFERMODE skipped) (device error ignored) device is on DMA blacklist, disabling DMA simplex DMA is claimed by other device, disabling DMA FORCE: xfer_mask set to %s no PIO support NOSETXFER but PATA detected - can't skip SETXFER, might malfunction configured for %s%s failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x%x) limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable SATA link up %s (SStatus %X SControl %X) SATA link down (SStatus %X SControl %X) failed to resume link for reset (errno=%d) link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=%d) COMRESET failed (errno=%d) FORCE: PHY spd limit set to %s FORCE: link flag 0x%x forced -> 0x%x BUG: trying to register unstarted host %cATA max %s %s DUMMY irq %d &ap->scsi_scan_mutex &ap->eh_wait_q 40c 80c short40c unk ign sata 1.5Gbps 3.0Gbps noncq ncq dump_id pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 pio5 pio6 mwdma0 mwdma1 mwdma2 mwdma3 mwdma4 udma0 udma16 udma/16 udma1 udma25 udma/25 udma2 udma33 udma/33 udma3 udma44 udma/44 udma4 udma66 udma/66 udma5 udma100 udma/100 udma6 udma133 udma/133 udma7 nohrst nosrst norst 3.0 Gbps 6.0 Gbps PIO0 PIO1 PIO2 PIO3 PIO4 PIO5 PIO6 MWDMA0 MWDMA1 MWDMA2 MWDMA3 MWDMA4 UDMA/16 UDMA/25 UDMA/33 UDMA/44 UDMA/66 UDMA/100 UDMA/133 UDMA7 ata_port WDC AC11000H WDC AC22100H WDC AC32500H WDC AC33100H WDC AC31600H WDC AC32100H 24.09P07 WDC AC23200L 21.10N21 Compaq CRD-8241B CRD-8400B CRD-848[02]B CRD-84 SanDisk SDP3B SanDisk SDP3B-64 SANYO CD-ROM CRD HITACHI CDR-8 HITACHI CDR-8[34]35 Toshiba CD-ROM XM-6202B TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-1702BC CD-532E-A E-IDE CD-ROM CR-840 CD-ROM Drive/F5A WPI CDD-820 SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148C SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC ATAPI CD-ROM DRIVE 40X MAXIMUM _NEC DV5800A SAMSUNG CD-ROM SN-124 N001 Seagate STT20000A Config Disk TORiSAN DVD-ROM DRD-N216 QUANTUM DAT DAT72-000 Slimtype DVD A DS8A8SH WDC WD740ADFD-00 WDC WD740ADFD-00NLR1 FUJITSU MHT2060BH Maxtor * BANC* Maxtor 7V300F0 VA111630 ST380817AS 3.42 ST3160023AS OCZ CORE_SSD 02.10104 ST31500341AS SD1[5-9] ST31000333AS ST3640[36]23AS ST3320[68]13AS HTS541060G9SA00 MB3OC60D HTS541080G9SA00 MB4OC60D HTS541010G9SA00 MBZOC60D C300-CTFDDAC128MAG HDS724040KLSA80 KFAOA20N WDC WD3200JD-00KLB0 WD-WCAMR1130137 WDC WD2500JD-00HBB0 WD-WMAL71490727 MAXTOR 6L080L4 A93.0500 OCZ-VERTEX 1.30 ST340823A ST320413A ST310211A QUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 05 A03.0900 TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202[HJN] SB0[01] MTRON MSP-SATA* WD My Book Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex PIONEER DVD-RW DVRTD08 PIONEER DVD-RW DVRTD08A PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-215 PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-212D PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-216D libata 3.00 drain buffer allocation failed sector_size=%u > PAGE_SIZE, PIO may malfunction <4>ata%u: no sense translation for error 0x%02x <4>ata%u: no sense translation for status: 0x%02x <3>ata%u: translated ATA stat/err 0x%02x/%02x to SCSI SK/ASC/ASCQ 0x%x/%02x/%02x WARNING: zero len r/w req libata drivers/ata/libata-scsi.c detaching (SCSI %s) <4>ata%u: status=0x%02x { Busy } DriveReady DeviceFault SeekComplete DataRequest CorrectedError Index Error } <4>ata%u: error=0x%02x { DriveStatusError BadCRC Sector UncorrectableError SectorIdNotFound TrackZeroNotFound AddrMarkNotFound invalid multi_count %u ignored Maxtor BANC1G10 WARNING: synchronous SCSI scan failed without making any progress, switching to async sw_activity em_message_type em_message unload_heads link_power_management_policy max_performance medium_power min_power drivers/ata/libata-eh.c head unload failed! %s %s%llu@0x%llx %s 0x%llx invalid checksum 0x%x on log page 10h log page 10h reported inactive tag %d failed to read log page 10h (errno=%d) NCQ disabled due to excessive errors frozen DevExch UnrecFIS TrStaTrns LinkSeq Handshk Dispar 10B8B CommWake PHYInt PHYRdyChg HostInt Proto Persist UnrecovData RecovComm RecovData host bus error ATA bus error HSM violation internal error media error invalid argument device error unknown error ERR DRQ DF DRDY ABRT IDNF UNC ICRC t%d exception Emask 0x%x SAct 0x%x SErr 0x%x action 0x%x%s%s SError: { %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s} %s %u %s cdb %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x failed command: %s cmd %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x tag %d%s %sres %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x Emask 0x%x (%s)%s status: { Busy } status: { %s%s%s%s} error: { %s%s%s%s} soft hard port disabled--ignoring prereset failed (errno=%d) %s resetting link hard resetting link follow-up softreset required but no softreset available no reset method available, skipping reset link online but device misclassified link status unknown, clearing UNKNOWN to NONE link online but %d devices misclassified, retrying link online but %d devices misclassified, device detection might fail reset failed (errno=%d), retrying in %u secs link offline, clearing class %d to NONE reset failed, giving up TEST_UNIT_READY failed (err_mask=0x%x) failed to clear UNIT ATTENTION (err_mask=0x%x) UNIT ATTENTION persists after %d tries retrying FLUSH 0x%x Emask 0x%x FLUSH failed Emask 0x%x failed to disable DIPM, Emask 0x%x failed to enable DIPM, Emask 0x%x disabling LPM on the link EH pending after %d tries, giving up EH complete pio bidi DEVICE RESET CHECK POWER MODE STANDBY IDLE EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC DOWNLOAD MICROCODE FLUSH CACHE FLUSH CACHE EXT IDENTIFY DEVICE IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE SERVICE READ DMA READ DMA EXT READ DMA QUEUED READ STREAM EXT READ STREAM DMA EXT WRITE DMA WRITE DMA EXT WRITE DMA QUEUED EXT WRITE STREAM EXT WRITE STREAM DMA EXT WRITE DMA FUA EXT WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT READ FPDMA QUEUED WRITE FPDMA QUEUED READ SECTOR(S) READ SECTOR(S) EXT WRITE SECTOR(S) WRITE SECTOR(S) EXT READ MULTIPLE READ MULTIPLE EXT WRITE MULTIPLE WRITE MULTIPLE EXT WRITE MULTIPLE FUA EXT SET FEATURES SET MULTIPLE MODE READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) EXT WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT STANDBY IMMEDIATE IDLE IMMEDIATE SLEEP INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS EXT SET MAX ADDRESS SET MAX ADDRESS EXT READ LOG EXT WRITE LOG EXT READ LOG DMA EXT WRITE LOG DMA EXT TRUSTED RECEIVE TRUSTED RECEIVE DMA TRUSTED SEND TRUSTED SEND DMA READ BUFFER WRITE BUFFER DEVICE CONFIGURATION OVERLAY SECURITY SET PASSWORD SECURITY UNLOCK SECURITY ERASE PREPARE SECURITY ERASE UNIT SECURITY FREEZE LOCK SECURITY DISABLE PASSWORD CONFIGURE STREAM SMART DOOR LOCK DOOR UNLOCK DATA SET MANAGEMENT CHECK MEDIA CARD TYPE CFA REQUEST EXTENDED ERROR CFA WRITE SECTORS WITHOUT ERASE CFA TRANSLATE SECTOR CFA ERASE SECTORS CFA WRITE MULTIPLE WITHOUT ERASE READ LONG (with retries) READ LONG (without retries) WRITE LONG (with retries) WRITE LONG (without retries) RECALIBRATE %08x%c %04x%c [%5lu.%06lu] link%d.%d link%d dev%d.%d dev%d.%d.0 ata%d ata_device gscr ering spdn_cnt xfer_mode dma_mode pio_mode ata_link sata_spd sata_spd_limit hw_sata_spd_limit idle_irq nr_pmp_links XFER_UDMA_7 XFER_UDMA_6 XFER_UDMA_5 XFER_UDMA_4 XFER_UDMA_3 XFER_UDMA_2 XFER_UDMA_1 XFER_UDMA_0 XFER_MW_DMA_4 XFER_MW_DMA_3 XFER_MW_DMA_2 XFER_MW_DMA_1 XFER_MW_DMA_0 XFER_SW_DMA_2 XFER_SW_DMA_1 XFER_SW_DMA_0 XFER_PIO_6 XFER_PIO_5 XFER_PIO_4 XFER_PIO_3 XFER_PIO_2 XFER_PIO_1 XFER_PIO_0 XFER_PIO_SLOW DeviceError HostStateMachineError Timeout MediaError BusError HostBusError SystemError InvalidArg NoDeviceHint NCQError ata atapi pmp semb port failed to respond (%lu secs, Status 0x%x) port is slow to respond, please be patient (Status 0x%x) drivers/ata/libata-sff.c SRST failed (errno=%d) drained %d bytes to clear DRQ failed to request/iomap BARs for port %d (errno=%d) cmd 0x%llx ctl 0x%llx no available native port BMDMA: %s, falling back to PIO failed to allocate ATA host BAR4 is zero failed to set dma mask failed to request/iomap BAR4 bmdma 0x%llx failed to set consistent dma mask no valid port_info specified ST_FIRST: !(DRQ|ERR|DF) ST_FIRST: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x%X ST-ATAPI: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x%X unexpected or too much trailing data buf=%u cur=%u bytes=%u ATAPI check failed (ireason=0x%x bytes=%u) ST-ATA: DRQ=0 without device error, dev_stat 0x%X ST-ATA: BUSY|DRQ persists on ERR|DF, dev_stat 0x%X BMDMA stat 0x%x device not ready (errno=%d), forcing hardreset ata_dev_select: ENTER, device %u, wait %u lost interrupt (Status 0x%x) %s: EXIT ata_sff failed to read PMP GSCR[%d] (Emask=0x%x) failed to read Sil3x26 Private Register failed to write Sil3x26 Private Register 1.2 1.1 invalid nr_ports failed to write GSCR_ERROR_EN Port Multiplier %s, 0x%04x:0x%04x r%d, %d ports, feat 0x%x/0x%x Asynchronous notification not supported, hotplug won't work on fan-out ports. Use warm-plug instead. failed to configure Port Multiplier (%s, Emask=0x%x) failed to recover link after %d tries, disabling Port Multiplier detaching drivers/ata/libata-pmp.c failed to reset PMP, giving up Port Multiplier vendor mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' Port Multiplier device ID mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' Port Multiplier nr_ports mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' PMP revalidation failed (errno=%d) failed to read PMP product ID (Emask=0x%x) PMP product ID mismatch failed to recover PMP after %d tries, giving up failed to disable NOTIFY (err_mask=0x%x) failed to clear SError.N (errno=%d) failed to write PMP_FEAT_EN (Emask=0x%x) failed to read PMP_GSCR_ERROR (Emask=0x%x) PHY status changed but maxed out on retries, giving up Manually issue scan to resume this link PMP SError.N set for some ports, repeating recovery failed to read SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) failed to write SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) host does not support Port Multiplier Port Multiplier must be the first device Port Multipliers cannot be nested failed to initialize PMP links ACPI set timing mode failed (status=0x%x) ACPI get timing mode failed (AE 0x%x) _GTM returned unexpected object type 0x%x _GTM returned invalid length %d %s: ENTER: port#: %d _GTF evaluation failed (AE 0x%x) %s: Run _GTF: length or ptr is NULL (0x%llx, 0x%p) _GTF unexpected object type 0x%x unexpected _GTF length (%d) %s: returning gtf=%p, gtf_count=%d succeeded rejected by device (Stat=0x%02x Err=0x%02x) failed (Emask=0x%x Stat=0x%02x Err=0x%02x) ACPI cmd %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x (%s) %s filtered out drivers/ata/libata-acpi.c %s: ix = %d, port#: %d ACPI _SDD failed (AE 0x%x) failed to IDENTIFY after ACPI commands ACPI: failed the second time, disabled BIOS update required for suspend/resume ahci IDE SATA 3.0 PDC42819 can only drive SATA devices with this driver controller is in combined mode, can't enable AHCI mode %04d%02d%02d %s: BIOS too old, forcing 32bit DMA, update BIOS %s: enabling 64bit DMA JMB361 has only one port Disabling your PATA port. Use the boot option 'ahci.marvell_enable=0' to avoid this. quirky BIOS, skipping spindown on poweroff online status unreliable, applying workaround <6>ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled abar enabling ASUS P5W DH Deluxe on-board SIMG4726 workaround applying extra ACPI _GTF filter 0x%x for %s 32-bit DMA enable failed 64-bit DMA enable failed 32-bit consistent DMA enable failed Aspire 3810T P5W DH Deluxe EP45-DQ6 EP45-DS5 dv4 20090105 dv5 20090506 dv6 20090423 HDX18 20090430 G725 20091216 HP Compaq nx6310 HP Compaq 6720s ASUS M2A-VM 20071026 MSI K9A2 Platinum ASUS M3A sgpio ses-2 saf-te led %s%s%s%s EM read buffer size too large: buffer size %u, page size %lu 1.5 6 boh nvmp apst sxs ems ccc part slum pio fbs pmp only clo pm stag ilck sntf ncq 64bit AHCI %02x%02x.%02x%02x %u slots %u ports %s Gbps 0x%x impl %s mode flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s Failed to disable FBS FBS is disabled FBS is enabled Failed to enable FBS port %d can do FBS, forcing FBSCP port %d is not capable of FBS SB600 AHCI: limiting to 255 sectors per cmd drivers/ata/libahci.c controller can't do 64bit DMA, forcing 32bit controller can't do NCQ, turning off CAP_NCQ controller can do NCQ, turning on CAP_NCQ controller can't do PMP, turning off CAP_PMP controller can't do SNTF, turning off CAP_SNTF controller can do FBS, turning on CAP_FBS forcing port_map 0x%x -> 0x%x masking port_map 0x%x -> 0x%x implemented port map (0x%x) contains more ports than nr_ports (%u), using nr_ports forcing PORTS_IMPL to 0x%x controller reset failed (0x%x) skipping global host reset failed to stop engine failed stop FIS RX %s (%d) connection status changed PHY RDY changed irq_stat 0x%08x unknown FIS %08x %08x %08x %08x incorrect PMP interface fatal error interrupt on disabled port %u failed to clear device error 1st FIS failed device not ready failed to reset engine (errno=%d) device not ready, treating as offline softreset failed (%s) applying PMP SRST workaround and retrying em_message_supported em_buffer ahci_port_cmd ahci_host_version ahci_host_cap2 ahci_host_caps Tecra M3, 000000 Portable PC Version A0 ata_piix - a BIOS update may resolve this 2.13 quirky BIOS, skipping spindown on poweroff and hibernation MAP [ XX -- IDE IDE P%d ] invalid MAP value %u Samsung DB-P70 detected, disabling SIDPR SCR access via SIDPR is available but doesn't work applying IOCFG bit18 quirk 450NX errata present, disabling IDE DMA%s drivers/ata/ata_piix.c M570U HP Compaq 2510p HP Compaq nc6000 TECRA M3 TECRA M4 TECRA M5 TECRA M6 TECRA M7 TECRA A8 Satellite R20 Satellite R25 Satellite U200 Satellite Pro U200 Satellite U205 SATELLITE U205 Satellite Pro A120 Portege M500 VGN-BX297XP 0.4.1 (%u:%u:0x%x) nv_mode_filter: 0x%lx&0x%lx->0x%lx, BIOS=0x%lx (0x%x) ACPI=0x%lx%s unknown mode %d pata_amd 0.5.5 pata_oldpiix 0.2 pata_sch 0.7.7 cmd 0x%x ctl 0x%x pata_mpiix configured for %s configured for PIO ata_generic 0.2.15 0x%lx dev: size erasesize name mtd%d: %8.8llx %8.8x "%s" drivers/mtd/mtdcore.c mtd-unmap mtd-romap mtd-rwmap <3>Error registering mtd class or bdi: %d <4>%s: unlock failed, writes may not work mtd%d <5>Removing MTD device #%d (%s) with use count %d nor nand dataflash numeraseregions oobsize subpagesize erasesize <5>MTD: MTD device with name "%s" not found. <5>MTD: Attempt to mount non-MTD device "%s" &waitq drivers/mtd/mtdconcat.c <5>Concatenating MTD devices: <5>(%d): "%s" <5>into device "%s" memory allocation error while creating concatenated device "%s" Incompatible device type on "%s" Incompatible device flags on "%s" Incompatible OOB or ECC data on "%s" memory allocation error while creating erase region list for device "%s" <3>memory allocation error while creating partitions for "%s" <5>Moving partition %d: 0x%012llx -> 0x%012llx <3>mtd partition "%s" doesn't have enough space: %#llx < %#llx, disabled <5>0x%012llx-0x%012llx : "%s" <3>mtd: partition "%s" is out of reach -- disabled <4>mtd: partition "%s" extends beyond the end of device "%s" -- size truncated to %#llx drivers/mtd/mtdpart.c <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't end on an erase block -- force read-only <5>Creating %d MTD partitions on "%s": <5>%d %s partitions found on MTD device %s cmdlinepart ofpart drivers/mtd/mtd_blkdevs.c &new->lock %s%c %s%c%c <4>Unable to register %s block device on major %d: %d &wait_q <4>mtdblock: erase of region [0x%lx, 0x%x] on "%s" failed &mtdblk->cache_mutex mtdblock DiskOnChip <4>NFTL: could not mount device <4>NFTL: cannot calculate a geometry to match size of 0x%lx. <4>NFTL: using C:%d H:%d S:%d (== 0x%lx sects) Unknown status for block %ld in EUN %d: %x <4>Infinite loop in Virtual Unit Chain 0x%lx nftl <4>Block read at 0x%x of mtd%d failed: %d <4>Further failures for this block will not be printed ANAND <4>ANAND header found at 0x%x in mtd%d, but OOB data read failed (err %d) <5>NFTL Media Headers at 0x%x and 0x%x disagree. <5>NFTL Media Header sanity check failed: <5>nb_boot_blocks (%d) + 2 > nb_blocks (%d) <5>numvunits (%d) > nb_blocks (%d) - nb_boot_blocks(%d) - 2 <5>NFTL: allocation of EUNtable failed <5>NFTL: allocation of ReplUnitTable failed Error while formatting block %d Formatting chain at block %d Formatting block %d incorrect ReplUnitTable[] : %d Could not find valid boot record Block %d: free but referenced in chain %d Block %d: incorrect logical block: %d expected: %d Block %d: incorrectly marked as first block in chain Block %d: folding in progress - ignoring first block flag Block %d: referencing invalid block %d Block %d: referencing block %d already in another chain Could read foldmark at block %d Incorrect free sector %d in block %d: marking it as ignored nftl: length too long %d ! Two chains at blocks %d (len=%d) and %d (len=%d) Unreferenced block %d, formatting it goldfish_nand_block_markbad: invalid arg, ofs %llx, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_block_isbad: invalid arg, ofs %llx, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_read_oob: invalid read, start %llx, len %x, ooblen %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_write_oob: invalid write, start %llx, len %x, ooblen %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_write: invalid write, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_read: invalid read, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_erase: erase failed, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, erase_size %x goldfish_nand_erase: invalid erase, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, erase_size %x goldfish_nand_init: version mismatch, got %d, expected %d goldfish nand dev%d: size %llx, page %d, extra %d, erase %d goldfish_nand_init_device failed to get dev name %d != %d goldfish_nand <3>Cannot create a cache for Goldfish NAND. <3>goldfish_allocate_cache: cache already exists. <3>%s: unexpected refresh level. drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c <5>%s: attempt to write non page aligned data <4>No oob scheme defined for oobsize %d <4>No ECC functions supplied; hardware ECC not possible <4>%d byte HW ECC not possible on %d byte page size, fallback to SW ECC <4>CONFIG_MTD_ECC_BCH not enabled <4>NAND_ECC_NONE selected by board driver. This is not recommended! <4>Invalid NAND_ECC_MODE %d <4>Invalid ECC parameters nand-disk <3>%s called for a chip which is not in suspended state &chip->controller->wq <6>%s: second ID read did not match %02x,%02x against %02x,%02x <6>ONFI param page %d valid <6>%s: unsupported ONFI version: %d <6>ONFI flash detected <6>NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x%02x, Chip ID: 0x%02x (%s %s) <4>NAND bus width %d instead %d bit <4>No NAND device found <6>%d NAND chips detected <2>%s called with NULL mtd->owner! <4>%s: attempt to erase a bad block at page 0x%08x drivers/mtd/nand/nand_bbt.c <6>Scanning device for bad blocks <4>create_bbt(): chipnr (%d) > available chips (%d) <4>Bad eraseblock %d at 0x%012llx <6>nand_bbt: ECC error in BBT at 0x%012llx <6>nand_bbt: corrected error in BBT at 0x%012llx <6>nand_bbt: error reading BBT <6>nand_read_bbt: reserved block at 0x%012llx <6>nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x%012llx <3>No space left to write bad block table <6>nand_bbt: error reading block for writing the bad block table <4>nand_bbt: ECC error while reading block for writing bad block table <6>Bad block table written to 0x%012llx, version 0x%02X <4>nand_bbt: error while writing bad block table %d <4>Bad block table not found for chip %d <6>Bad block table found at page %d, version 0x%02X <3>nand_bbt: can't scan flash and build the RAM-based BBT <6>Bad block table at page %d, version 0x%02X <3>uncorrectable error : Toshiba Samsung Fujitsu National Renesas ST Micro Hynix Micron Macronix NAND 16MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 16MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 32MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 32MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 32MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 32MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 64MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 64MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 64MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 128MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 128MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 128MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 256MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 256MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 256MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 512MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 512MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 1GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 1GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 1GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 2GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 2GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 2GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 4GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 4GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 4GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 4GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 8GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 8GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 8GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 8GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 16GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 16GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 16GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 16GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 32GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 32GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 32GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 32GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 64GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 64GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 64GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 64GiB 3,3V 16-bit AND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit invalid number of chips specified failed to allocate device structure. request_mem_region failed ioremap failed gen_nand half link down link up, %uMbps, %s-duplex, lpa 0x%04X eth lo loopback: Failed to register netdevice: %d <6>netconsole: network logging stopped on interface %s as it unregistered released slaves is joining a master device netconsole eth0 ; <6>netconsole: network logging started <3>netconsole: cleaning up Up Down Half <6>PHY: %s - Link is %s - %d/%s phy_interrupt <4>%s: Can't get IRQ %d (PHY) FULL HALF <6>Trying %d/%s MATCH ANY PHY &dev->lock mdio:%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d <3>phy %d failed to register <3>%s: Error %d in registering driver PHY already attached <3>PHY %s not found Generic PHY drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c <3>mii_bus %s failed to register &bus->mdio_lock <6>%s: probed mdio_bus include/linux/netdevice.h <6>tun: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() drivers/net/tun.c <3>RTNL: assertion failed at %s (%d) 1.6 Universal TUN/TAP device driver <6>tun: %s, %s (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <6>tun: %s <3>tun: Can't register link_ops <3>tun: Can't register misc device %d <3>tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x%x, gso_size %d, hdr_len %d tun: tun tap tun%d tap%d &tun->wq.wait <3>tun: Failed to create tun sysfs files net/tun owner tun_flags %s: DMAing conflict in ne2k_pci_block_input [DMAstat:%d][irqlock:%d]. %s: Resetting the 8390 t=%ld... %s: ne2k_pci_reset_8390() did not complete. %s: DMAing conflict in ne2k_pci_block_output.[DMAstat:%d][irqlock:%d] <4>%s: timeout waiting for Tx RDC. ne2k-pci no I/O resource at PCI BAR #0 I/O resource 0x%x @ 0x%lx busy cannot allocate ethernet device Card failure (no reset ack). %s: %s found at %#lx, IRQ %d, %pM. ne2k_pci drivers/net/ethernet/8390/ne2k-pci.c %s: DMAing conflict in ne2k_pci_get_8390_hdr [DMAstat:%d][irqlock:%d]. RealTek RTL-8029 Winbond 89C940 Compex RL2000 KTI ET32P2 NetVin NV5000SC Via 86C926 SureCom NE34 Winbond W89C940F Holtek HT80232 Holtek HT80229 Winbond W89C940(misprogrammed) <6>netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() trigger_send() called with the transmitter busy <3>%s: bogus last_tx_buffer %d, tx1=%d <3>%s: bogus last_tx_buffer %d, tx2=%d mismatched read page pointers %2x vs %2x next frame inconsistency, %#2x eth%d Interrupted while interrupts are masked! isr=%#2x imr=%#2x interrupt from stopped card Too much work at interrupt, status %#2.2x <6>bnx2: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() BUG! Tx ring full when queue awake! include/linux/dynamic_queue_limits.h bnx2 2.2.1 <--- start MCP states dump ---> DEBUG: MCP_STATE_P0[%08x] MCP_STATE_P1[%08x] DEBUG: MCP mode[%08x] state[%08x] evt_mask[%08x] DEBUG: pc[%08x] pc[%08x] instr[%08x] DEBUG: shmem states: DEBUG: drv_mb[%08x] fw_mb[%08x] link_status[%08x] drv_pulse_mb[%08x] DEBUG: dev_info_signature[%08x] reset_type[%08x] condition[%08x] DEBUG: %08x: %08x %08x %08x %08x DEBUG: 0x3fc[%08x] <--- end MCP states dump ---> DEBUG: intr_sem[%x] PCI_CMD[%08x] DEBUG: PCI_PM[%08x] PCI_MISC_CFG[%08x] DEBUG: EMAC_TX_STATUS[%08x] EMAC_RX_STATUS[%08x] DEBUG: RPM_MGMT_PKT_CTRL[%08x] DEBUG: HC_STATS_INTERRUPT_STATUS[%08x] DEBUG: PBA[%08x] SerDes Copper Remote Copper NIC %s Link is Up, %d Mbps %s duplex , receive & transmit , transmit flow control ON NIC %s Link is Down <3>bnx2: fw sync timeout, reset code = %x <3>bnx2: Chip not in correct endian mode <3>bnx2: Chip reset did not complete <1>bnx2: Unknown flash/EEPROM type init'ed rx page ring %d with %d/%d pages only init'ed rx ring %d with %d/%d skbs only Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset pci_cleanup_aer_uncorrect_error_status failed 0x%0x failed to reset NIC, closing bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-06-6.0.15.fw bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-6.2.3.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09ax-6.0.17.fw bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1b.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09-6.0.17.fw <3>bnx2: Can't load firmware file "%s" <3>bnx2: Firmware file "%s" is invalid No interrupt was generated using MSI, switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information. using MSI using MSIX <6>bnx2: %s Cannot enable PCI device, aborting Cannot find PCI device base address, aborting Cannot obtain PCI resources, aborting Cannot find power management capability, aborting Cannot map register space, aborting Not PCIE, aborting Cannot find PCIX capability, aborting System does not support DMA, aborting 5706 A1 can only be used in a PCIX bus, aborting Firmware not running, aborting MN 1028 V0 Cannot register net device PCI Express -X 32-bit 64-bit %dMHz %s (%c%d) %s found at mem %lx, IRQ %d, node addr %pM pci_set_consistent_dma_mask failed, aborting 5709 Buffered flash (256kB) EEPROM - slow Entry 0001 Non-buffered flash (128kB) Non-buffered flash (256kB) Entry 0100 Entry 0101: ST M45PE10 (128kB non-bufferred) Entry 0110: ST M45PE20 (256kB non-bufferred) Non-buffered flash (64kB) EEPROM - fast Entry 1001 Entry 1010 Buffered flash (128kB) Entry 1100 Entry 1101 Entry 1110 (Atmel) Buffered flash (256kB) Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5706 1000Base-T HP NC370T Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter HP NC370i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5706 1000Base-SX HP NC370F Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 1000Base-T Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 1000Base-SX Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-SX Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5716 1000Base-T Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5716 1000Base-SX drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c TX RX %s timed out, %s CPU Failed allocating register dump buffer 0x%08x: 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x %d: Host status block [%08x:%08x:(%04x:%04x:%04x):(%04x:%04x)] %d: NAPI info [%08x:%08x:(%04x:%04x:%04x):%04x:(%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x)] transmit timed out, resetting BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake! tg3 3.123 NCSI DASH %s v%d.%d.%d.%d %s: Trying to load TX cpu firmware which is 5705 tg3 mdio bus mdiobus_reg failed (0x%x) No PHY devices No firmware running The system may be re-ordering memory-mapped I/O cycles to the network device, attempting to recover. Please report the problem to the driver maintainer and include system chipset information. v%d.%02d sb v%d.%02d tg3_stop_block timed out, ofs=%lx enable_bit=%x %s timed out, TX_MODE_ENABLE will not clear MAC_TX_MODE=%08x Transition to D0 failed Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset. Link is down Link is up at %d Mbps, %s duplex Flow control is %s for TX and %s for RX EEE is %s tigon/tg3_tso5.bin tigon/tg3_tso.bin tigon/tg3.bin Cannot find PCI-X capability, aborting Cannot get nvram lock, %s failed Could not attach to PHY phy probe failed, err %d %.*s bc PN BCM5717 BCM5718 BCM57780 BCM57760 BCM57790 BCM57788 BCM57761 BCM57765 BCM57781 BCM57785 BCM57791 BCM57795 BCM57762 BCM57766 BCM57782 BCM57786 BCM95906 sb v%d.%02d Using a smaller RX standard ring. Only %d out of %d buffers were allocated successfully Using a smaller RX jumbo ring. Only %d out of %d buffers were allocated successfully %s cannot enable BUFMGR %s fails to set RX CPU PC, is %08x should be %08x %s fails to set CPU PC, is %08x should be %08x FLOW Attention error. Resetting chip. MSI Status error. Resetting chip. DMA Status error. Resetting chip. Internal MAC loopback mode enabled. Internal MAC loopback mode disabled. Failed to re-initialize device, aborting Cannot restart hardware after reset. PCI I/O error detected Failed to load firmware "%s" bogus length %d in "%s" TSO capability disabled TSO capability restored MSI without TAGGED_STATUS? Not using MSI No interrupt was generated using MSI. Switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information 10/100Base-TX 1000Base-SX 10/100/1000Base-T 5400 5401 5411 5701 5703 5704 5705 5750 5752 5714 5780 5755 5787 5784 5722/5756 5906 5761 5718C 5718S 57765 5719C 5720C 8002/serdes serdes Cannot find Power Management capability, aborting Transition to D0 failed, aborting Cannot map device registers, aborting Cannot map APE registers, aborting Problem fetching invariants of chip, aborting No usable DMA configuration, aborting Could not obtain valid ethernet address, aborting %s: Buffer write failed. err = %d %s: Buffer read failed. err = %d %s: Buffer corrupted on read back! (%d != %d) DMA engine test failed, aborting Cannot register net device, aborting PCIX: 133MHz 33MHz 50MHz 66MHz 100MHz PCI: :32-bit :64-bit Tigon3 [partno(%s) rev %04x] (%s) MAC address %pM attached PHY driver [%s] (mii_bus:phy_addr=%s) attached PHY is %s (%s Ethernet) (WireSpeed[%d], EEE[%d]) RXcsums[%d] LinkChgREG[%d] MIirq[%d] ASF[%d] TSOcap[%d] dma_rwctrl[%08x] dma_mask[%d-bit] Unable to obtain 64 bit DMA for consistent allocations RV Register test failed at offset %x stat_ack = 0x%02X [00-07]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X [08-15]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X [16-23]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X EEPROM corrupted %s:addr=%d, reg=%d, data_in=0x%04X, data_out=0x%04X e100.mdio_ctrl won't go Ready found MII-less i82503 or 80c24 or other PHY Failed to locate any known PHY, aborting phy_addr = %d phy ID = 0x%08X mc_count=%d, flags=0x%04X cb[%d]->status = 0x%04X exec cuc_nop failed No space for CB <6>e100: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() Out of Tx resources, returning skb <3>e100: Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset right now = %ld NIC Link is Up %u Mbps %s Duplex NIC Link is Down exec cuc_dump_reset failed e100 3.5.24-k2-NAPI Cannot find proper PCI device base address, aborting using i/o access mode Cannot alloc driver memory, aborting Invalid MAC address from EEPROM, aborting Invalid MAC address from EEPROM, you MUST configure one. addr 0x%llx, irq %d, MAC addr %pM Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver <6>e100: %s, %s Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation <6>e100: %s %s:addr=%d, reg=%d, data=0x%04X: unimplemented emulation! Self-test failed: result=0x%08X Self-test failed: timed out e100/d101m_ucode.bin e100/d101s_ucode.bin e100/d102e_ucode.bin e100_hw_init Failed to load firmware "%s": %d Firmware "%s" has wrong size %zu "%s" has bogus offset values (0x%x,0x%x,0x%x) ucode cmd failed with error %d ucode load failed Ring Param settings: rx: %d, tx %d scb.status=0x%02X Cannot open interface, aborting status=0x%04X <6>e1000: Register dump <6>e1000: %-15s %08x <6>e1000: %s - version %s <6>e1000: %s e1000 <6>e1000: copybreak disabled <6>e1000: copybreak enabled for packets <= %u bytes skb align check failed: %u bytes at %p dma align check failed: %u bytes at %p Unable to allocate interrupt Error: %d NTC/U NTU NTC Detected Tx Unit Hang Tx Queue <%lu> TDH <%x> TDT <%x> next_to_use <%x> next_to_clean <%x> buffer_info[next_to_clean] time_stamp <%lx> next_to_watch <%x> jiffies <%lx> next_to_watch.status <%x> <6>e1000: TX Desc ring0 dump <6>e1000: Tc[desc] [Ce CoCsIpceCoS] [MssHlRSCm0Plen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestmp bi->skb <6>e1000: Td[desc] [address 63:0 ] [VlaPoRSCm1Dlen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestmp bi->skb <6>e1000: RX Desc ring dump <6>e1000: R[desc] [address 63:0 ] [vl er S cks ln] [bi->dma ] [bi->skb] <6>e1000: T%c[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %04X %3X %016llX %p %s <6>e1000: R[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %p %s <6>e1000: Rx descriptor cache in 64bit format <6>e1000: R%04X: %08X|%08X %08X|%08X <6>e1000: Tx descriptor cache in 64bit format <6>e1000: T%04X: %08X|%08X %08X|%08X pskb_may_pull failed. __pskb_pull_tail failed. checksum_partial proto=%x! TX DMA map failed Hardware Error <3>e1000: Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset. Unknown MAC Type <3>e1000: No usable DMA config, aborting Unable to allocate memory for queues EEPROM initialization failed The EEPROM Checksum Is Not Valid <3>e1000: /*********************/ <3>e1000: Current EEPROM Checksum : 0x%04x <3>e1000: Calculated : 0x%04x <3>e1000: Offset Values <3>e1000: ======== ====== <3>e1000: Include this output when contacting your support provider. <3>e1000: This is not a software error! Something bad happened to <3>e1000: your hardware or EEPROM image. Ignoring this problem could <3>e1000: result in further problems, possibly loss of data, <3>e1000: corruption or system hangs! <3>e1000: The MAC Address will be reset to 00:00:00:00:00:00, <3>e1000: which is invalid and requires you to set the proper MAC <3>e1000: address manually before continuing to enable this network <3>e1000: device. Please inspect the EEPROM dump and report the <3>e1000: issue to your hardware vendor or Intel Customer Support. EEPROM Read Error Invalid MAC Address (PCI%s:%dMHz:%d-bit) %pM Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection &adapter->mutex Unable to allocate memory for the Tx descriptor ring txdr align check failed: %u bytes at %p Unable to allocate aligned memory for the transmit descriptor ring Allocation for Tx Queue %u failed Unable to allocate memory for the Rx descriptor ring rxdr align check failed: %u bytes at %p Unable to allocate aligned memory for the Rx descriptor ring Allocation for Rx Queue %u failed drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_main.c RX/TX Full Duplex Half Duplex <6>e1000: %s NIC Link is Up %d Mbps %s, Flow Control: %s <6>e1000: %s NIC Link is Down Error in setting MWI memory allocation failed <6>e1000: can't bring device back up after reset <3>e1000: Cannot enable PCI device from suspend Reset adapter Invalid MTU setting Jumbo Frames not supported. <6>e1000: %s changing MTU from %d to %d Unsupported Speed/Duplex configuration CTRL STATUS RCTL RDLEN RDH RDT RDTR TCTL TDBAL TDBAH TDLEN TDH TDT TIDV TXDCTL TADV TARC0 TDBAL1 TDBAH1 TDLEN1 TDH1 TDT1 TXDCTL1 TARC1 CTRL_EXT ERT RDBAL RDBAH TDFH TDFT TDFHS TDFTS TDFPC RDFH RDFT RDFHS RDFTS RDFPC 7.3.21-k8-NAPI set/check reg %04X test failed: got 0x%08X expected 0x%08X pattern test reg %04X failed: got 0x%08X expected 0x%08X Interface does not support directed (unicast) frame wake-up packets unshared offline testing starting failed STATUS register test got: 0x%08X expected: 0x%08X testing %s interrupt online testing starting %s Enabled %s Disabled %s set to %i drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000/e1000_param.c Invalid %s value specified (%i) %s Warning: no configuration for board #%i using defaults for all values Transmit Descriptors using default of 256 Receive Descriptors Checksum Offload defaulting to Enabled %s turned off %s set to dynamic mode %s set to dynamic conservative mode %s set to simplified (2000-8000) ints mode PHY Smart Power Down defaulting to Disabled Speed not valid for fiber adapters, parameter ignored Duplex not valid for fiber adapters, parameter ignored AutoNeg other than 1000/Full is not valid for fiberadapters, parameter ignored AutoNeg specified along with Speed or Duplex, parameter ignored Speed and duplex autonegotiation enabled Half Duplex specified without Speed Using Autonegotiation at Half Duplex only Full Duplex specified without Speed Using Autonegotiation at Full Duplex only 10 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex Using Autonegotiation at 10 Mbps only Forcing to 10 Mbps Half Duplex Forcing to 10 Mbps Full Duplex 100 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex Using Autonegotiation at 100 Mbps only Forcing to 100 Mbps Half Duplex Forcing to 100 Mbps Full Duplex 1000 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex Half Duplex is not supported at 1000 Mbps Using Autonegotiation at 1000 Mbps Full Duplex only Speed, AutoNeg and MDI-X specs are incompatible. Setting MDI-X to a compatible value. Flow Control reading default settings from EEPROM Transmit Interrupt Delay using default of 8 Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay using default of 32 Receive Interrupt Delay using default of 0 Receive Absolute Interrupt Delay Interrupt Throttling Rate (ints/sec) using default of 3 Speed parameter ignored Duplex AutoNeg AutoNeg advertising 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD Flow Control Disabled Flow Control Receive Only Flow Control Transmit Only Flow Control Enabled Flow Control Hardware Default drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/param.c Warning: no configuration for board #%i Using defaults for all values %s set to simplified (2000-8000 ints) mode Write-protect NVM Kumeran Lock Loss Workaround CRC Stripping Interrupt Mode defaulting to 0 (legacy) Cannot change link characteristics when SoL/IDER is active. %d.%d-%d Cannot do PHY loopback test when SoL/IDER is active. Cannot setup 1Gbps loopback. Error reading PHY register ME firmware caused invalid RDT - resetting Rx DMA map failed Rx DMA page map failed <6>e1000e: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() <6>e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - %s <6>e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Intel Corporation. e1000e Detected Hardware Unit Hang: TDH <%x> TDT <%x> next_to_use <%x> next_to_clean <%x> buffer_info[next_to_clean]: time_stamp <%lx> next_to_watch <%x> jiffies <%lx> next_to_watch.status <%x> MAC Status <%x> PHY Status <%x> PHY 1000BASE-T Status <%x> PHY Extended Status <%x> PCI Status <%x> L1 L0s Disabling ASPM %s %s Unable to create IPMI pass-through filter Tx DMA map failed ME firmware caused invalid TDT - resetting Failed to initialize MSI-X interrupts. Falling back to MSI interrupts. Failed to initialize MSI interrupts. Falling back to legacy interrupts. %s-rx-0 %s-tx-0 Unable to allocate interrupt, Error: %d Rx/Tx Rx Tx Gigabit has been disabled, downgrading speed <6>e1000e: %s NIC Link is Up %d Mbps %s Duplex, Flow Control: %s Autonegotiated half duplex but link partner cannot autoneg. Try forcing full duplex if link gets many collisions. 10/100 speed: disabling TSO <6>e1000e: %s NIC Link is Down Unable to allocate memory for the transmit descriptor ring Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring Interrupt Throttle Rate turned off Interrupt Throttle Rate turned on Width x4 Width x1 10/100 1000 PHY reset is blocked due to SOL/IDER session. The NVM Checksum Is Not Valid Warning: detected DSPD enabled in EEPROM NVM Read Error while reading MAC address (PCI Express:2.5GT/s:%s) %pM Intel(R) PRO/%s Network Connection MAC: %d, PHY: %d, PBA No: %s Invalid MAC Address: %pM Interrupt allocation failed Unicast Packet other Multicast Packet Broadcast Packet Magic Packet Link Status Change PHY Wakeup cause - %s MAC Wakeup cause - %s can't bring device back up after reset Unsupported MTU setting Jumbo Frames not supported on 82579 when CRC stripping is disabled. changing MTU from %d to %d drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e1000e/netdev.c Could not acquire PHY Could not set PHY Host Wakeup bit NTC/U NTU NTC Net device Info <6>e1000e: Device Name state trans_start last_rx <6>e1000e: %-15s %016lX %016lX %016lX Register Dump <6>e1000e: Register Name Value <6>e1000e: %-15s %08x [0-1] <6>e1000e: %-15s %08x %08x Tx Ring Summary <6>e1000e: Queue [NTU] [NTC] [bi(ntc)->dma ] leng ntw timestamp <6>e1000e: %5d %5X %5X %016llX %04X %3X %016llX Rx Ring Summary <6>e1000e: Queue [NTU] [NTC] <6>e1000e: %5d %5X %5X Tx Ring Dump <6>e1000e: Tl[desc] [address 63:0 ] [SpeCssSCmCsLen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestamp bi->skb <-- Legacy format <6>e1000e: Tc[desc] [Ce CoCsIpceCoS] [MssHlRSCm0Plen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestamp bi->skb <-- Ext Context format <6>e1000e: Td[desc] [address 63:0 ] [VlaPoRSCm1Dlen] [bi->dma ] leng ntw timestamp bi->skb <-- Ext Data format <6>e1000e: T%c[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %04X %3X %016llX %p%s Rx Ring Dump <6>e1000e: R [desc] [buffer 0 63:0 ] [buffer 1 63:0 ] [buffer 2 63:0 ] [buffer 3 63:0 ] [bi->dma ] [bi->skb] <-- Ext Pkt Split format <6>e1000e: RWB[desc] [ck ipid mrqhsh] [vl l0 ee es] [ l3 l2 l1 hs] [reserved ] ---------------- [bi->skb] <-- Ext Rx Write-Back format RWB <6>e1000e: %s[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX ---------------- %p%s R <6>e1000e: %s[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %016llX %p%s <6>e1000e: R [desc] [buf addr 63:0 ] [reserved 63:0 ] [bi->dma ] [bi->skb] <-- Ext (Read) format <6>e1000e: RWB[desc] [cs ipid mrq] [vt ln xe xs] [bi->skb] <-- Ext (Write-Back) format <6>e1000e: %s[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX ---------------- %p%s <6>e1000e: %s[0x%03X] %016llX %016llX %016llX %p%s 1.9.5-k ICR RXDCTL TARC %s: descriptor error q=%#x get=%u put=%u receiver stop failed mac interrupt status 0x%x checksum offload not possible with jumbo frames receive hashing forces receive checksum hung mac %d:%d fifo %d (%d:%d) receiver hang detected hw error interrupt status 0x%x ram data read parity error ram data write parity error MAC parity error RX parity error TCP segmentation error tx timeout transmit ring %u .. %u report=%u done=%u %s: rx mapping error drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c sky2 <6>sky2: driver version 1.30 tx done %u tx queued, slot %u, len %d <6>sky2: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() %s: tx mapping error cannot assign irq %d ignoring stuck error report bit VPD cycle timed out %s: phy read timeout %s: phy I/O error %s: phy write timeout disabling interface Link is up at %d Mbps, %s duplex, flow control %s phy interrupt status 0x%x 0x%x remote fault speed/duplex mismatch PCI write config failed resume failed (%d) enabling interface could not restart %d error interrupt status=%#x PCI hardware error (0x%x) PCI Express error (0x%x) rx slot %u status 0x%x len %d rx error, status 0x%x length %d %s: receive checksum problem (status = %#x) <4>sky2: unknown status opcode 0x%x cannot enable PCI device PCI read config failed PCI configuration read error cannot obtain PCI resources no usable DMA configuration sky2@pci: cannot allocate hardware struct sky2@pci:%s cannot map device registers unsupported revision Yukon-EC rev A1 unsupported chip type 0x%x (chip %#x) Yukon-2 %s chip revision %d cannot register net device addr %pM cannot register second net device XL EC Ultra Extreme EC FE FE+ Supreme UL 2 Optima Optima Prime Optima 2 tx rx both forcedeth: estats spin_lock(_bh) from top-half drivers/net/ethernet/nvidia/forcedeth.c forcedeth 0.64 <6>forcedeth: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() %s: ReceiverStatus remained busy %s: TransmitterStatus remained busy link up Got tx_timeout. irq status: %08x Ring at %lx Dumping tx registers %3x: %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x Dumping tx ring %03x: %08x %08x // %08x %08x // %08x %08x // %08x %08x %03x: %08x %08x %08x // %08x %08x %08x // %08x %08x %08x // %08x %08x %08x %s: phy write to errata reg failed %s: phy init failed %s: phy write to advertise failed %s: phy reset failed msi-x msi lnktim gbit timirq mgmt pwrctl loopback vlan csum highdma <6>forcedeth: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version %s. 64-bit DMA failed, using 32-bit addressing unable to register netdev: %d ifname %s, PHY OUI 0x%x @ %d, addr %pM %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sdesc-v%u Couldn't find register window 64-bit DMA (consistent) failed, using 32-bit ring buffers Invalid MAC address detected: %pM - Please complain to your hardware vendor. Using random MAC address: %pM open: Could not find a valid PHY Loopback already enabled Internal PHY loopback mode enabled. Loopback already disabled Internal PHY loopback mode disabled. no link during initialization %s: SetupReg5, Bit 31 remained off can not set pause settings when forced link is in half duplex hardware does not support tx pause frames phy reset failed netdev_alloc_skb() failed during loopback test MAC in recoverable error state drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/8139too.c dev != NULL <3>8139too: Assertion failed! %s,%s,%s,line=%d tp->pci_dev != NULL Memory squeeze, dropping packet 8139too 0.9.28 <6>8139too: netif_stop_queue() cannot be called before register_netdev() pdev != NULL ent != NULL <6>8139too: 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28 This (id %04x:%04x rev %02x) is an enhanced 8139C+ chip, use 8139cp <6>8139too: OQO Model 2 detected. Forcing PIO region #0 not a PIO resource, aborting Invalid PCI I/O region size(s), aborting region #1 not an MMIO resource, aborting Invalid PCI mem region size(s), aborting cannot map PIO, aborting cannot remap MMIO, trying PIO Chip not responding, ignoring board ioaddr != NULL %s at 0x%lx, %pM, IRQ %d Media type forced to Full Duplex Forcing %dMbps %s-duplex operation tp != NULL PCI Bus error %04x Out-of-sync dirty pointer, %ld vs. %ld Setting %s-duplex based on MII #%d link partner ability of %04x media is unconnected, link down, or incompatible connection RTL-8139 RTL-8139 rev K RTL-8139A RTL-8139A rev G RTL-8139B RTL-8130 RTL-8139C RTL-8100 RTL-8100B/8139D RTL-8101 RealTek RTL8139 RealTek RTL8129 PHY does not support 1000Mbps incorrect speed setting refused in TBI mode drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c PHY reset until link up r8169 2.3LK-NAPI Promiscuous mode enabled Rx ERROR. status = %08x ok ko <6>%s Gigabit Ethernet driver %s loaded enable failure Mem-Wr-Inval unavailable region #%d not an MMIO resource, aborting Invalid PCI region size(s), aborting could not request regions DMA configuration failed cannot remap MMIO, aborting not PCI Express unknown MAC, using family default no MSI. Back to INTx. &tp->wk.mutex %s at 0x%p, %pM, XID %08x IRQ %d jumbo features [frames: %d bytes, tx checksumming: %s] chipset not ready for firmware PHY reset failed TBI auto-negotiating PCI error (cmd = 0x%04x, status = 0x%04x) disabling PCI DAC Failed to map TX DMA! Failed to map TX fragments DMA! <3>r8169: %s: unknown chipset (mac_version = %d). Failed to map RX DMA! invalid firwmare Out of range of firmware Invalid action 0x%08x unable to load firmware patch %s (%d) RTL8169 RTL8169s RTL8110s RTL8169sb/8110sb RTL8169sc/8110sc RTL8102e RTL8101e RTL8168b/8111b RTL8100e RTL8168cp/8111cp RTL8168c/8111c RTL8168d/8111d rtl_nic/rtl8168d-1.fw rtl_nic/rtl8168d-2.fw RTL8168dp/8111dp RTL8105e rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw RTL8168e/8111e rtl_nic/rtl8168e-1.fw rtl_nic/rtl8168e-2.fw RTL8168evl/8111evl rtl_nic/rtl8168e-3.fw RTL8168f/8111f rtl_nic/rtl8168f-1.fw rtl_nic/rtl8168f-2.fw <6>init_ohci1394_dma: initializing OHCI-1394 at %02x:%02x.%x <6>init_ohci1394_dma: finished initializing OHCI DMA <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_count_tracks <6>cdrom: track %d: format=%d, ctrl=%d <6>cdrom: disc has %d tracks: %d=audio %d=data %d=Cd-I %d=XA <6>cdrom: entering CDROMSTART/CDROMSTOP <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPAUSE/CDROMRESUME <6>cdrom: entering unregister_cdrom <6>cdrom: drive "/dev/%s" unregistered drivers/cdrom/cdrom.c <6>cdrom: can open for random write <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_release <6>cdrom: Use count for "/dev/%s" now zero <6>cdrom: %s: No DVD+RW <6>cdrom: %s: DVD+RW media clean <6>cdrom: %s: dirty DVD+RW media, "finalizing" <6>cdrom: Unlocking door! <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_load_unload() <6>cdrom: entering CDROMVOLREAD <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPLAYMSF <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPLAYBLK <6>cdrom: entering CDROMVOLCTRL <6>cdrom: entering CDROMVOLUME <6>cdrom: entering DVD_READ_STRUCT <6>cdrom: Received invalid BCA length (%d) <6>cdrom: Received invalid manufacture info length (%d): truncating to 2048 <6>cdrom: : Invalid DVD structure read requested (%d) <6>cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver unloaded <6>cdrom: drive_status=%d <6>cdrom: the tray is open... <6>cdrom: trying to close the tray. <6>cdrom: bummer. tried to close tray but failed. <6>cdrom: bummer. this driver can't close the tray. <6>cdrom: bummer. the tray is still not closed. <6>cdrom: bummer. disc isn't ready. <6>cdrom: the tray is now closed. <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPLAYTRKIND <6>cdrom: entering check_for_audio_disc <6>cdrom: entering register_cdrom <6>cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 <6>cdrom: drive "/dev/%s" registered <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_number_of_slots() <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_NEXT_WRITABLE <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_LAST_WRITTEN <6>cdrom: issuing MRW background format suspend Re <6>cdrom: %sstarting format <6>cdrom: bgformat failed <6>cdrom: %s: mrw address space %s selected <3>cdrom: failed setting lba address space <6>cdrom: open: mrw_status '%s' <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_open <6>cdrom: entering open_for_data <6>cdrom: bummer. tried to close the tray but failed. <6>cdrom: bummer. this drive can't close the tray. <6>cdrom: tray might not contain a medium. <6>cdrom: bummer. no disc. <6>cdrom: bummer. wrong media type. <6>cdrom: pid %d must open device O_NONBLOCK! <6>cdrom: wrong media type, but CDO_CHECK_TYPE not set. <6>cdrom: all seems well, opening the device. <6>cdrom: opening the device gave me %d. <6>cdrom: open device failed. <6>cdrom: door locked. <6>cdrom: device opened successfully. <6>cdrom: open failed. <6>cdrom: door unlocked. <6>cdrom: Use count for "/dev/%s" now %d %s %d <6>cdrom: invalid option%d CD-ROM information, Id: cdrom.c 3.20 2003/12/17 drive name: drive speed: drive # of slots: Can close tray: Can open tray: Can lock tray: Can change speed: Can select disk: Can read multisession: Can read MCN: Reports media changed: Can play audio: Can write CD-R: Can write CD-RW: Can read DVD: Can write DVD-R: Can write DVD-RAM: Can read MRW: Can write MRW: Can write RAM: <6>cdrom: info buffer too small <6>cdrom: dropping to single frame dma <6>cdrom: dropping to old style cdda (sense=%x) <6>cdrom: entering DVD_AUTH <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_AGID <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_KEY1 <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_CHALLENGE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_TITLE_KEY <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_ASF <6>cdrom: entering DVD_HOST_SEND_CHALLENGE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_HOST_SEND_KEY2 <6>cdrom: entering DVD_INVALIDATE_AGID <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_RPC_STATE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_HOST_SEND_RPC_STATE <6>cdrom: Invalid DVD key ioctl (%d) L Unl En Dis <6>cdrom: entering CDROMMULTISESSION <6>cdrom: CDROMMULTISESSION successful <6>cdrom: entering CDROMEJECT <6>cdrom: entering CDROMCLOSETRAY <6>cdrom: entering CDROMEJECT_SW <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_SET_OPTIONS <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_SELECT_SPEED <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_SELECT_DISC <6>cdrom: Using generic cdrom_select_disc() <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_select_disc() <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_RESET <6>cdrom: %socking door. <6>cdrom: %sabling debug. <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_GET_MCN <6>cdrom: CDROM_GET_MCN successful <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_slot_status() <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_DISC_STATUS <6>cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_CHANGER_NSLOTS <6>cdrom: doing audio ioctl (start/stop/pause/resume) cdrom autoclose autoeject check_media not mrw bgformat inactive bgformat active mrw complete time out after reset. voltage interrogation timed out. cardbus cards are not supported. unsupported voltage key. unable to apply power. *** DANGER *** unable to remove socket power CardBus PCMCIA pccard: %s card inserted into slot %d pccard: card ejected from slot %d PCMCIA: unable to register socket err %d adding socket attributes pcmcia_socket%u &socket->skt_mutex &socket->ops_mutex pccardd PCMCIA: warning: socket thread did not start pcmcia SOCKET_NO=%u pcmcia_socket %d.%dV X.XV 32-bit 16-bit available_resources_setup_done card_irq_mask card_eject card_pm_state card_insert card_vcc card_vpp card_voltage card_type <7>pcmcia: %s lacks a requisite callback function <7>pcmcia: %s: invalid hash for product string "%s": is 0x%x, should be 0x%x <7>pcmcia: see Documentation/pcmcia/devicetable.txt for details &driver->dynids.lock %hx %hx %hx %hhx %hhx %hhx %x %x %x %x pcmcia: device %s (driver %s) did not want to go to sleep (%d) pcmcia: driver %s did not release config properly pcmcia: driver %s did not release window properly pcmcia: could not parse base and rmask0 of CIS DEVICE_NO=%02X MODALIAS=pcmcia:m%04Xc%04Xf%02Xfn%02Xpfn%02Xpa%08Xpb%08Xpc%08Xpd%08X pcmcia: CIS override is too big pcmcia: CIS override failed pcmcia:m%04Xc%04Xf%02Xfn%02Xpfn%02Xpa%08Xpb%08Xpc%08Xpd%08X 0x%02x <4>pcmcia: bus_register error: %d <4>pcmcia: class_interface_register error: %d PCMCIA obtaining reference to socket failed PCMCIA registration failed %d.%d pcmcia%s IRQ setup failed -- device might not work pcmcia: registering new device %s (IRQ: %d) rescanning the bus failed pm_state func_id manf_id prod_id1 prod_id2 prod_id3 prod_id4 allow_func_id_match failed to set_mem_map Unable to set VPP Unable to set socket state speaker requested, but PRESENT_STATUS not set! request_resource %pR failed: %d pcmcia: request for exclusive IRQ could not be fulfilled. pcmcia: the driver needs updating to supported shared IRQ lines. request_irq() failed cs: unable to map card memory! no memory for verifying CIS replacement CIS too big no memory to replace CIS Using replacement CIS CIS drivers/pcmcia/cistpl.c no memory to validate CIS cis Invalid CIS tuple length for LAN_NODE_ID Invalid header for LAN_NODE_ID no memory to read tuple <4>out of memory to update resources 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx + 0x%lx - 0x%lx - 0x%lx - 0x%lx 0x%lx - 0x%lx PCMCIA memprobe clean. cs: memory probe 0x%06lx-0x%06lx: excluding %#05lx-%#05lx pcmcia: parent PCI bridge window: %pR available_resources_mem available_resources_io CB registers: %02x: %08x ExCA registers: EnE: chaning testregister 0xC9, %02x -> %02x O2: enabling read prefetch/write burst. If you experience problems or performance issues, use the yenta_socket parameter 'o2_speedup=off' O2: Unknown parameter, using 'default' O2: disabling read prefetch/write burst. If you experience problems or performance issues, use the yenta_socket parameter 'o2_speedup=on' Yenta TI113x: using isa irq %d for CardBus yenta request_irq() in yenta_probe_cb_irq() failed! yenta_socket Preassigned resource %d busy or not available, reconfiguring... no resource of type %x available, trying to continue... no bus associated! (try 'pci=assign-busses') No cardbus resource! CardBus bridge found [%04x:%04x] no PCI IRQ, CardBus support disabled for this socket. check your BIOS CardBus, BIOS IRQ or ACPI settings. ISA IRQ mask 0x%04x, PCI irq %d Socket status: %08x Upper limit for fixing this bridge's parent bridge: #%02x Raising subordinate bus# of parent bus (#%02x) from #%02x to #%02x CSCINT INTVAL ISA Disabling CLKRUN feature Enabling burst memory read transactions Using %s to route CSC interrupts to PCI Routing CardBus interrupts to %s TI: mfunc 0x%08x, devctl 0x%02x TI: probing PCI interrupt failed, trying to fix TI: all-serial interrupts ok Yenta TI: no PCI interrupts. Fish. Please report. TI: falling back to parallel PCI interrupts TI: parallel PCI interrupts ok TI: all-serial interrupts, tied ok TI: parallel PCI interrupts, tied ok TI: no PCI interrupts. Fish. Please report. adjusting diagnostic: %02x -> %02x yenta_cardbus yenta_registers <3>%s: bogus descriptor, type %d length %d bus/usb/%03d/%03d BUSNUM=%03d DEVNUM=%03d <6>%s: USB support disabled usb usbcore <7>Did not find alt setting %u for intf %u, config %u usb%d %d-%s usb_device can't save CLEAR_TT_BUFFER state root hub lost power or was reset %s failed (err = %d) port %d indicator %s status %d enabling power on all ports trying to enable port power on non-switchable hub clear tt %d (%04x) error %d set hub depth failed Host not accepting hub info update. LS/FS devices and hubs may not work under this hub . port %d: status %04x change %04x activate --> %d transfer --> %d resubmit --> %d can't read configurations, error %d n/a (unauthorized) warm only USB3 hub support warm reset cannot %sreset port %d (err = %d) port %d not %sreset yet, waiting %dms port_wait_reset: err = %d hot reset failed, warm reset port %d port %d not enabled, trying %sreset again... Cannot enable port %i. Maybe the USB cable is bad? cannot disable port %d (err = %d) Could not disable port %d after %d ms logical disconnect on port %d variable speed Wireless new device reset changed speed! %s %s USB device number %d using %s parent hub has no TT device descriptor read/64, error %d device not accepting address %d, error %d %s SuperSpeed USB device number %d using %s device descriptor read/8, error %d got a wrong device descriptor, warm reset device Invalid ep0 maxpacket: %d ep0 maxpacket = %d Using ep0 maxpacket: %d device descriptor read/all, error %d device reset not allowed in state %d %s for root hub! no mem to re-read configs after reset config index %d, error %d config index %d changed (#%d) serial string error %d serial string changed device firmware changed Busted HC? Not enough HCD resources for old configuration. can't restore configuration #%d (error=%d) failed to restore interface %d altsetting %d (error=%d) USB disconnect, device number %d unregistering device port %d nyet suspended lost (inactive) good no out of memory can't get hub status can't update HCD hub info can't read hub descriptor hub has too many ports! Unsupported bus topology: hub nested too deep bad descriptor, ignoring hub couldn't kmalloc hub struct &hub->status_mutex %d port%s detected compound device; port removable status: %s standalone hub ganged power switching individual port power switching no power switching (usb 1.0) global over-current protection individual port over-current protection no over-current protection Single TT TT per port Using single TT (err %d) Unrecognized hub protocol %d TT requires at most %d FS bit times (%d ns) Port indicators are supported power on to power good time: %dms hub controller current requirement: %dmA insufficient power available to use all downstream ports %umA bus power budget for each child local power source is %s %sover-current condition exists config failed, %s (err %d) USB hub found udev %d, busnum %d, minor = %d New USB device found, idVendor=%04x, idProduct=%04x New USB device strings: Mfr=%d, Product=%d, SerialNumber=%d Product %s: %s Manufacturer SerialNumber can't device_add, error %d 5.0 Gb/s 480 Mb/s 1.5 Mb/s 12 Mb/s state %d ports %d chg %04x evt %04x resetting for error %d error resetting hub: %d port %d enable change, status %08x port %i disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling... resume on port %d, status %d over-current change on port %d over-current condition on port %d reset change on port %d warm reset change on port %d config error on port %d warm reset port %d port %d, status %04x, change %04x, %s debounce: port %d: total %dms stable %dms status 0x%x connect-debounce failed, port %d disabled couldn't allocate port %d usb_device drivers/usb/core/hub.c get status %d ? can't connect bus-powered hub to this port not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub %dmA is over %umA budget for port %d! %dmA over power budget! %dmA power budget left unable to enumerate USB device on port %d get_hub_status failed power change over-current change over-current condition <7>%s: khubd exiting can't re-read device descriptor for authorization: %d can't set config #%d, error %d authorized to connect reset-resume port %d status %04x.%04x after resume, %d can't resume, status %d <3>%s: can't register hub driver khubd <3>%s: can't start khubd amber green hub <7>%s: bogus device speed! <3>USB: monitor was not registered %s %s %s HC died; cleaning up USB Host Controller hcd alloc failed hcd bandwidth mutex alloc failed hcd->bandwidth_mutex USB bus %d deregistered remove, state %x roothub graceful disconnect drivers/usb/core/hcd.c io mem io base pool alloc failed <3>%s: too many buses new USB bus registered, assigned bus number %d unable to allocate root hub can't setup supports USB remote wakeup %s:usb%d request interrupt %d failed irq %d, %s 0x%08llx %s 0x%08llx startup error %d can't read %s device descriptor %d can't register root hub for %s, %d <3>Cannot register USB bus sysfs attributes: %d not queuing rh status urb root hub device address %d no endpoint features yet CTRL: TypeReq=0x%x val=0x%x idx=0x%x len=%d ==> %d hcd_unlink_urb %p fail %d shutdown urb %p ep%d%s%s auto- usb %sresume skipped %s of dead bus bus %s fail, err %d bus %ssuspend, wakeup %d suspend raced with wakeup event -iso -bulk -intr authorized_default <3>alloc_urb: kmalloc failed bogus endpoint ep%d%s in %s (bad maxpacket %d) Device: %s BOGUS urb xfer, pipe %x != type %x drivers/usb/core/urb.c Device: %s BOGUS urb flags, %x --> %x %s timed out on ep%d%s len=%u/%u dev %s ep%d%s scatterlist error %d/%d %s, unlink --> %d %s, submit --> %d string descriptor 0 malformed (err = %d), defaulting to 0x%04x string descriptor 0 read error: %d default language 0x%04x wrong descriptor type %02x for string %d ("%s") INTERFACE=%d/%d/%d MODALIAS=usb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02X non-ep0 unregistering interface %s %s nuking %s URBs selecting invalid interface %d selecting invalid altsetting %d Not enough bandwidth for altsetting %d manual set_interface for iface %d, alt %d config 0 descriptor?? new config #%d exceeds power limit by %dmA Interface #%d referenced by multiple IADs %d-%s:%d.%d adding %s (config #%d, interface %d) device_add(%s) --> %d usb_interface %x %x %x <6>%s: registered new device driver %s <3>%s: error %d registering device driver %s <6>%s: deregistering device driver %s <6>%s: registered new interface driver %s <3>%s: error %d registering interface driver %s %x %x <6>%s: deregistering interface driver %s <7>usb %s: already deleted? <7>usb %s: bus removed? DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/%03d/%03d PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x TYPE=%d/%d/%d reset_resume %s error %d no %s for driver %s? resume error %d Device is not authorized for usage %s - got id forced unbind rebind failed: %d suspend error %d Control Bulk Isoc Int too many configurations: %d, using maximum allowed: %d no configurations unable to read config index %d descriptor/%s: %d chopping to %d config(s) config index %d descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) unable to read config index %d descriptor/%s invalid descriptor for config index %d: type = 0x%X, length = %d config %d has too many interfaces: %d, using maximum allowed: %d config %d descriptor has %d excess byte%s, ignoring config %d has an invalid descriptor of length %d, skipping remainder of the config config %d has an invalid interface descriptor of length %d, skipping config %d has more interface descriptors, than it declares in bNumInterfaces, ignoring interface number: %d config %d has an invalid interface number: %d but max is %d found more Interface Association Descriptors than allocated for in configuration %d config %d contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x%X, skipping config %d has %d interface%s, different from the descriptor's value: %d config %d has no interfaces? config %d has no interface number %d too many alternate settings for config %d interface %d: %d, using maximum allowed: %d configuration skipped %d descriptor%s after %s Duplicate descriptor for config %d interface %d altsetting %d, skipping interface too many endpoints for config %d interface %d altsetting %d: %d, using maximum allowed: %d config %d interface %d altsetting %d has an invalid endpoint descriptor of length %d, skipping config %d interface %d altsetting %d has an invalid endpoint with address 0x%X, skipping config %d interface %d altsetting %d endpoint 0x%X has an invalid bInterval %d, changing to %d config %d interface %d altsetting %d endpoint 0x%X is Bulk; changing to Interrupt config %d interface %d altsetting %d bulk endpoint 0x%X has invalid maxpacket %d No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: using minimum values Control endpoint with bMaxBurst = %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to zero Endpoint with bMaxBurst = %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to 15 %s endpoint with bmAttributes = %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to zero Bulk endpoint with more than 65536 streams in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to max Isoc endpoint has Mult of %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to 3 %s endpoint with wBytesPerInterval of %d in config %d interface %d altsetting %d ep %d: setting to %d endpoint config %d interface %d altsetting %d has %d endpoint descriptor%s, different from the interface descriptor's value: %d config %d interface %d has no altsetting %d unable to get BOS descriptor unable to get BOS descriptor set descriptor type invalid, skip <3>class_create failed for usb devices looking for a minor, starting at %d drivers/usb/core/file.c <7>%s: removing %d minor <3>Unable to get major %d for usb devices buffer-%d fixed %2x.%02x %04x %3dmA %2x %2d %02d usb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02X 12 480 5000 supports_autosuspend bInterfaceProtocol bInterfaceSubClass bInterfaceClass bNumEndpoints bAlternateSetting bInterfaceNumber iad_bFunctionProtocol iad_bFunctionSubClass iad_bFunctionClass iad_bInterfaceCount iad_bFirstInterface descriptors authorized bMaxPacketSize0 bNumConfigurations bDeviceProtocol bDeviceSubClass bDeviceClass bcdDevice idProduct idVendor persist urbnum avoid_reset_quirk quirks maxchild devpath devnum busnum speed manufacturer product bConfigurationValue bMaxPower bmAttributes bNumInterfaces %d%cs ep_%02x Interrupt direction interval wMaxPacketSize bInterval bEndpointAddress bLength usb_endpoint &ps->wait opened by process %d: %s usbfs: process %d (%s) did not claim interface %u before use %s: process %i (%s) requesting ep %02x but needs %02x interface number %u out of range userurb %p, ep%d %s-%s, length %u userurb %p, ep%d %s-%s, actual_length %u status %d ep%d %s-%s, length %u, timeout %d ep%d %s-%s, actual_length %u, status %d data: urb complete %s: CONTROL control urb: bRequestType=%02x bRequest=%02x wValue=%04x wIndex=%04x wLength=%04x usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd %s rqt %u rq %u len %u ret %d %s: BULK include/linux/usb.h %s: RESETEP %s: RESET %s: CLEAR_HALT %s: GETDRIVER %s: CONNECTINFO %s: SETINTERFACE %s: SETCONFIGURATION usbfs: interface %d claimed by %s while '%s' sets config #%d %s: SUBMITURB usbfs: usb_submit_urb returned %d %s: DISCARDURB %s: REAPURB %s: REAPURBNDELAY %s: DISCSIGNAL %s: CLAIMINTERFACE %s: RELEASEINTERFACE %s: IOCTL disconnect by usbfs %s: CLAIM_PORT port %d claimed by process %d: %s %s: RELEASE_PORT <3>Unable to register minors for usb_device <3>Unable to get usb_device major %d isoc ctrl bulk usbfs rejected %d configuration%s due to insufficient available bus power configuration #%d chosen from %d choice%s no configuration chosen from %d choice%s USB quirks for this device: %x Ctrl Int. (null Cfg. desc.) (truncated) >ifc comm. HID still stor. scard c-sec wlcon app. vend. unk. HS companion for %s Found HC with no IRQ. Check BIOS/PCI %s setup! controller already in use error mapping memory init %s fail, %d no i/o regions available can't resume, not suspended! can't re-enable after resume, %d! PCI post-resume error %d! Root hub is not suspended Secondary root hub is not suspended wakeup: %d --> PCI D0 legacy --> PCI %s ,devuid=%u ,devgid=%u ,devmode=%o ,busuid=%u ,busgid=%u ,busmode=%o ,listuid=%u ,listgid=%u ,listmode=%o <3>usbfs: unrecognised mount option "%s" or missing value <4>usbfs: mount parameter error. <4>usbfs: Unknown node %s mode %x found on remount! drivers/usb/core/inode.c <7>%s: creating file '%s' <7>%s: Ah! can not find a parent! <7>%s: %s: could not get root dentry! %03d <3>Error creating usbfs device entry <3>Unable to get usbfs mount <3>Unable to create devices usbfs file <3>Error creating usbfs bus entry bus/usb devuid=%u devgid=%u devmode=%o busuid=%u busgid=%u busmode=%o listuid=%u listgid=%u listmode=%o <3>usbmon: Outstanding opens (%d) on usb%d, leaking... <5>usbmon: unable to register with the core nreaders %d events %u text_lost %u &rp->wait &rp->printf_lock mon_text_%p s %02x %02x %04x %04x %04x %c __ __ ____ ____ ____ = %c <3>usbmon: consistency error on close %lx %u %c %c%c:%d:%03u:%u %d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d:%d %d:%u:%u %d:%d %lx %u %c %c%c:%03u:%02u %dt %du %ds usbmon <5>usbmon: unable to create usbmon directory <3>usbmon: consistency error on open &rp->b_wait &rp->fetch_lock usbmon%d <7>QUIRK: Enable AMD PLL fix CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD is turned off, defaulting to EHCI. USB 3.0 devices will work at USB 2.0 speeds. HCRESET not completed yet! %s: legsup = 0x%04x %s: cmd = 0x%04x %s: intr = 0x%04x Performing full reset Can't enable PCI device, BIOS handoff failed. EHCI: BIOS handoff EHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) %08x EHCI: unrecognized capability %02x xHCI controller failing to respond OHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) %08x EHCI: capability loop? xHCI BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug ?) %08x xHCI HW not ready after 5 sec (HC bug?) status = 0x%x xHCI HW did not halt within %d usec status = 0x%x ignoring FSTN cost ... uframe %d sched overrun: %d usecs unused qh not empty! drivers/usb/host/ehci-mem.c size = %d %4d: qh%d-%04x/%p ... (%c%d ep%d%s [%d/%d] q%d p%d) fstn-%8x/%p itd/%p sitd%d-%04x/%p rejecting invalid request for uframe_periodic_max=%u cannot decrease uframe_periodic_max becase periodic bandwidth is already allocated (%u > %u) setting max periodic bandwidth to %u%% (== %u usec/uframe) max periodic bandwidth set is non-standard ERR: LPM on bad port %lu LPM: no device attached <6>force enable LPM for port %lu hird= <6>setting hird %s %lu ERR: LPM off bad port %lu ERR: no device attached <6>disabled LPM for port %lu drivers/usb/host/ehci-q.c <6>%s: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver <4>Warning! ehci_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after <7>%s: block sizes: qh %Zd qtd %Zd itd %Zd sitd %Zd ehci ehci_hcd force halt; handshake %p %08x %08x -> %d drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c clear tt buffer port %d, a%d ep%d t%08x detected DataBufferErr for urb %p ep%d%s len %d, qtd %p [qh %p] detected XactErr len %zu/%zu retry %d devpath %s ep%d%s 3strikes drivers/usb/host/ehci.h (has tds) qh %p (#%02x) state %d%s no dummy td data1 data0 qh/%p dev%d %cs ep%d %08x %08x (%08x%c %s nak%d) %p%c%s len=%d %08x urb %p reclaim = dev %s ep%d%s, not iso?? RUN HALT Reset Periodic Async IAAD LReset park (park) PSPE ASPE FSP PPCEE HIRD %s%scommand %07x %s%s%s%s%s%s=%d ithresh=%d%s%s%s%s period=%s%s %s , overcurrent ignored USB %x.%x started, EHCI %x.%02x%s async registers lpm INT ERR PCD FLR FATAL IAA Halt Recl PPCE %s%sstatus %04x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s bogus qh maxpacket %d <7>%s: bogus dev %p speed %d se0 CONNECT CSC PE PEC OC OCC RESUME SUSPEND RESET LPM OWNER POWER ACK NYET STALL %s%sport:%d status %06x %d %s%s%s%s%s%s sig=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s failed port %d resume error %d port %d reset error %d port %d full speed --> companion port %d high speed port %d --> companion GetStatus Port%d phy low pwr mode %s port %d low speed --> companion after power loss resume root hub%s failed handover port %d: %x ...power%s ports... firmware linux bus %s, device %s %s SUSPENDED (no register access) bus %s, device %s %s EHCI %x.%02x, rh state %s ownership %08x%s%s SMI sts/enable 0x%08x structural params 0x%08x capability params 0x%08x %s%sintrenable %02x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s uframe %04x debug control %08x reclaim qh %p irq normal %ld err %ld reclaim %ld (lost %ld) complete %ld unlink %ld set dev address %d for port %d invalid port number %d Sending LPM 0x%08x to port %d LPM LPM: device ACK for LPM LPM: device does not ACK, disable LPM %d periodic frame %d bogus type %d iso request %p too long request %p would overflow (%d+%d >= %d) iso resched full %p (now %d max %d) reused qh %p schedule link qh%d-%04x/%p start %d [%d/%d us] drivers/usb/host/ehci-sched.c can't get iso stream can't change iso interval %d --> %d can't init itds can't init sitds unlink qh%d-%04x/%p start %d [%d/%d us] can't reschedule qh %p, err %d clear_halt for a busy endpoint bogus qh %p state %d <7>%s: ignoring completions from FSTNs <7>%s: corrupt type %d frame %d shadow %p suspend root hub suspend failed because a port is resuming Port %d phy low-power mode %s stop ehci_stop completed MWI active device removed IAA with IAAD still set? IAA with nothing to reclaim? port %d remote wakeup fatal error fatal !ppc ordered ind 64 bit addr 256/512/1024 1024 32 periodic list hw prefetch ppce IN USE unsupported big endian Toshiba quirk %s hcs_params 0x%x dbg=%d%s cc=%d pcc=%d%s%s ports=%d %s portroute %s %s hcc_params %04x caching frame %s%s%s %s hcc_params %04x thresh %d uframes %s%s%s%s%s%s%s applying AMD SB700/SB800/Hudson-2/3 EHCI dummy qh workaround ehci_qtd couldn't init memory ehci_qh ehci_itd ehci_sitd enable per-port change event park %d support lpm hird %d invalid, use default 0 using broken periodic workaround disable lpm for langwell/penwell ignoring AMD8111 (errata) disable lpm/ppcd for nvidia mcp89 applying AMD SB600/SB700 USB freeze workaround applying MosChip frame-index workaround debug port %d%s bogus port configuration: cc=%d x pcc=%d < ports=%d Enabling legacy PCI PM can't enable NVidia workaround for >2GB RAM setup halted suspended EHCI Host Controller uframe_periodic_max companion 512 256 enabled NEC chipset lost interrupt quirk enabled Compaq ZFMicro chipset quirks WARNING: OPTi workarounds unavailable SO WDH SF RD UE FNO RHSC MIE %s 0x%08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s H K iso %2d [%3d]: ed%d/%p (%cs dev%d ep%d%s-%s qlen %u max %d %08x%s%s) no hash for td %p drivers/usb/host/ohci-q.c ERR %d, interval %d msecs, load %d PES PSS POCI PRS PPS LSDA PESC PSSC OCIC PRSC %s roothub.portstatus [%d] = 0x%08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s port[%d] reset timeout, stat %08x enabled AMD prefetch quirk AMD756 erratum 4 workaround Using NSC SuperIO setup <6>%s: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver <7>%s: block sizes: ed %Zd td %Zd ohci ohci_hcd %s %08x s (?) ed/%p %cs dev%d ep%d%s max %d %08x%s%s %s td %p %s %d cc=%x urb %p (%08x) PSM NPS DT OCPM NOCP LPS OCI DRWE LPSC CRWE roothub.a %08x POTPGT=%d%s%s%s%s%s NDP=%d(%d) roothub.b %08x PPCM=%04x DR=%04x roothub.status %08x%s%s%s%s%s%s roothub.portstatus [%d] 0x%08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s PLE IE CLE BLE operational IR RWC RWE HCR CLF BLF OCR NO OHCI %d.%d, %s legacy support registers, rh state %s control 0x%03x%s%s%s HCFS=%s%s%s%s%s CBSR=%d cmdstatus 0x%05x SOC=%d%s%s%s%s intrstatus intrenable ed_periodcurrent ed_controlhead ed_controlcurrent ed_bulkhead ed_bulkcurrent donehead FIT FRT bus %s, device %s %s %s SUSPENDED (no register access) hcca frame 0x%04x fmintvl 0x%08x %sFSMPS=0x%04x FI=0x%04x fmremaining 0x%08x %sFR=0x%04x periodicstart 0x%04x lsthresh 0x%04x hub poll timer %s OHCI controller state hcca frame #%04x fminterval delta %d USB HC reset timed out! enabling initreset quirk init err (%08x %04x) USB HC TakeOver from BIOS/SMM USB HC takeover failed! (BIOS/SMM bug) ohci_td ohci_ed created debug files can't start urb %p path %s ep%d%s %08x cc %d --> status %d bad entry %8x auto-stop resume/suspend? needs reinit! already suspended %s root hub stopping schedules ... abort schedule... bogus ed %p state %d can't restart, %d restart complete auto-start BIOS/SMM active, control %03x duplicate resume %swakeup root hub snapshot resume? reinit lost power controller won't resume restarting schedules ... %08x bogus NDP, rereads as NDP=%d powerup ports ohci_init Restarting NEC controller failed in %s, %d ohci_restart device removed! OHCI Unrecoverable Error, scheduling NEC chip restart OHCI Unrecoverable Error, disabled Reclaiming orphan TD %p (has tds) ED unlink timeout Attempting ZF TD recovery leak ed %p (#%02x) state %d%s OHCI Host Controller INT ISO %s dev %d ep%02x-%s, period %d, phase %d, %d us (auto-start) %s%s FGR not stopped yet! drivers/usb/host/uhci-q.c Device: %s td %p still in list! Device: %s td %p still in fl_list! Device: %s qh %p list not empty! port %d portsc %04x,%02x Root hub isn't suspended! BitStuff CRC/Timeo NAK Babble DataBufErr Stalled Active IOC LS SPD OUT IN %*s[%p] link (%08x) e%d %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sLength=%x MaxLen=%x DT%d EndPt=%x Dev=%x, PID=%x(%s) (buf=%08x) Connected ConnectChange Enabled EnableChange ResumeDetect LowSpeed OverCurrent OverCurrentChange Suspend stat%d = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s <6>uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver%s uhci uhci_urb_priv uhci_hcd Device: %s urb %p still on QH's list! bandwidth allocation failed: period %d, phase %d, %d + %d us Skel CTL FSBR -8 %*s[%p] %s QH link (%08x) element (%08x) %*s period %d phase %d load %d us, frame %x desc [%p] %*s period %d phase %d load %d us %*s Element points to QH (bug?) %*s Depth traverse %*s Bit 3 set (bug?) %*s Element is NULL (bug?) %*s queue is empty %*s Element != First TD urb_priv [%p] urb [%p] qh [%p] Dev=%d EP=%x(%s) Actlen=%d%s Unlinked=%d %*s%d: %*s[skipped %d inactive and %d active TDs] %*s Skipped %d URBs %*s Dummy TD RS HCRESET GRESET EGSM FGR SWDBG CF Maxp64 Maxp32 USBINT USBError ResumeDetect HostSystemError HostControllerProcessError HCHalted Root-hub state: %s FSBR: %d HC status usbcmd = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s usbstat = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s usbint = %04x usbfrnum = (%d)%03x flbaseadd = %08x sof = %02x Most recent frame: %x (%d) Last ISO frame: %x (%d) Periodic load table Total: %d, #INT: %d, #ISO: %d Frame List - Frame %d -> (%08x) link does not match list entry! link does not match QH (%08x)! Skipped %d bad links Skeleton QHs - skel_%s_qh skel_term_qh element is not set to term_td! Skipped %d QHs last QH not linked to next skeleton! detected %d ports port count misdetected? forcing to 2 ports release %s: failed with status %x (auto-stop) Controller not stopped yet! host system error, PCI problems? host controller process error, something bad happened! host controller halted, very bad! &uhci->waitqh couldn't create uhci debugfs entry unable to allocate consistent memory for frame list unable to allocate memory for frame pointers uhci_td unable to create td dma_pool uhci_qh unable to create qh dma_pool unable to allocate terminating TD unable to allocate QH auto-stopped resuming suspending running, no devs BLK int128 int64 int32 int16 int8 int4 int2 term UHCI Host Controller usblp <4>usblp%d: nonzero read bulk status received: %d <4>usblp%d: nonzero write bulk status received: %d <3>usblp: can't set desired altsetting %d on interface %d usblp%d: error = %d setting HP channel <3>usblp%d:failed reading printer status (%d) <3>usblp%d: error %d reading printer status <6>usblp%d: %s <3>usblp%d: error %d reading from printer usb/%s bogus disconnect drivers/usb/class/usblp.c <6>usblp%d: removed Bi Uni &usblp->wmut &usblp->mut &usblp->rwait &usblp->wwait &anchor->wait <6>usblp%d: Disabling reads from problematic bidirectional printer <3>usblp: Not able to get a minor (base %u, slice default): %d <6>usblp%d: USB %sdirectional printer dev %d if %d alt %d proto %d vid 0x%4.4X pid 0x%4.4X ieee1284_id lp%d out of paper on fire <3>usb-storage: Error in %s: us->srb = %p Host scsi%d: usb-storage Vendor: %s Product: %s Serial Number: %s Protocol: %s Transport: %s Quirks: SINGLE_LUN NEED_OVERRIDE SCM_MULT_TARG FIX_INQUIRY FIX_CAPACITY IGNORE_RESIDUE BULK32 NOT_LOCKABLE GO_SLOW NO_WP_DETECT MAX_SECTORS_64 IGNORE_DEVICE CAPACITY_HEURISTICS MAX_SECTORS_MIN BULK_IGNORE_TAG SANE_SENSE CAPACITY_OK BAD_SENSE NO_READ_DISC_INFO NO_READ_CAPACITY_16 INITIAL_READ10 usb-storage max_sectors <6>Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... usb_storage <6>USB Mass Storage support registered. Unable to allocate the scsi host &(us->dev_mutex) &us->delay_wait device ignored Quirks match for vid %04x pid %04x: %lx This device (%04x,%04x,%04x S %02x P %02x) has %s in unusual_devs.h (kernel %s) Please send a copy of this message to and Control/Bulk Control/Bulk/Interrupt Reduced Block Commands (RBC) 8020i QIC-157 8070i Transparent SCSI Uniform Floppy Interface (UFI) usb-storage %s Unable to add the scsi host Unable to start control thread an unneeded SubClass entry an unneeded Protocol entry unneeded SubClass and Protocol entries ATMEL SND1 Storage VIA Technologies Inc. Mitsumi multi cardreader CD-Writer+ Personal Media Drive PhotoSmart R707 NEC USB UF000x USB 2.0 Card Reader Buffalo DUB-P40G HDD Samsung Info. Systems America, Inc. MP3 Player TrekStor i.Beat 115 2.0 i.Beat Joy 2.0 GENERIC MP3 PLAYER Nokia Nokia 6288 Nokia 3250 E70 E60 N91 N80 E61 6131 Nokia 6233 6234 Microtech CameraMate Neuros Audio USB 2.0 HD 2.5 USBest Technology USB Mass Storage Device USB 2.0 Flash Disk Mitac GPS AMI Virtual Floppy Kyocera Finecam S3x Finecam S4 Finecam S5 CONTAX SL300R T* Hitachi DVD-CAM DZ-MV100A Camcorder Tekom Technologies, Inc 300_CAMERA NIKON NIKON DSC E2000 IBM RSA2 Epson 875DC Storage 785EPX Storage Fujifilm FinePix 1400Zoom ScanLogic SL11R-IDE Panasonic LS-120 Camera Sharp CE-CW05 CD-R/RW Drive DMC-LCx Camera LEICA D-LUX Camera Matshita LS-120 Shuttle eUSCSI Bridge SCM Microsystems eUSB CompactFlash Adapter SCM Microsystems Inc. eUSB MMC Adapter Sony Hifd eUSB ATA/ATAPI Adapter CD-RW Device YP-U3 YP-CP3 YP-Z3 Kobian Mercury Binocam DCB-132 Belkin USB SCSI Adaptor Iomega USB Clik! 40 File-backed Storage Gadget 400_CAMERA DSC-S30/S70/S75/505V/F505/F707/F717/P8 DSC-T1/T5/H5 Memorystick NW-MS7 USB Floppy Drive Memorystick MSAC-US1 Handycam Handycam HC-85 Memorystick MSC-U01N PEG N760c Memorystick Memorystick MSC-U03 PEG Mass Storage Sony Corp. MicroVault Flash Drive SAMSUNG SFD-321U [FW 0C] Y-E Data Flashbuster-U Silicon Media R/W JetFlash TS1GJF2A/120 Digital Camera EX-20 DSC ZIP 100 LaCie DVD+-RW In-System PyroGate External CD-ROM Enclosure (FCD-523) Apple iPod Option N.V. Mass Storage Lexar USB CF Reader Genesys Logic USB to IDE Optical USB to IDE Disk USB to SATA Vivitar Vivicam 35Xx Floppy Drive SigmaTel USBMSC Audio Player Prolific Technology, Inc. Prolific Storage Gadget Mass Storage Device Prolific Technology Inc. ATAPI-6 Bridge Controller Minolta Dimage F300 DIMAGE E223 Hagiwara Flashgate Thomson Multimedia Inc. RCA RD1080 MP3 Player RockChip MP3 MTP ROCK MP3 Sandisk ImageMate SDDR-05a SanDisk Corporation ImageMate CompactFlash USB ImageMate SDDR-12 Freecom Technologies FHD-Classic USB-SCSI-DB25 USB-SCSI-HD50 Datafab KECF-USB Simple Tech/Datafab CF+SM Reader Casio QV DigitalCamera EX-N1 DigitalCamera Digimax 410 Argosy Storage Grandtech DC2MEGA MagicPixel FW_Omega2 PanDigital Photo Frame CITIZEN X1DE-USB AIPTEK Aiptek USB Keychain MP3 Player Trumpion t33520 USB Flash Card Controller Trumpion Microelectronics, Inc. 33520 USB Digital Voice Recorder MP3 player Feiya 5-in-1 Card Reader SD/SDHC Card Reader Pentax Optio 2/3/400 ZyXEL G-220F USB-WLAN Install SiteCom WL-117 USB-WLAN Install Option GI 0401 SD-Card GI 0431 SD-Card GI 0451 SD-Card GI 0452 SD-Card GI 0461 SD-Card GI 033x SD-Card GI 070x SD-Card GI 1505 SD-Card GI 1509 SD-Card GI 1515 SD-Card GI 1215 SD-Card Seagate FreeAgent Pro MD 7425 Jenoptik JD 5200 z3 Macpower Technology Co.LTD. USB 2.0 3.5" DEVICE Netac USB-CF-Card USB Flash Disk WINWARD Music Disk PNP_MP3 PNP_MP3 PLAYER Cowon Systems iAUDIO M5 USB Solid state disk Ours Technology Typhoon My DJ 1820 Oracom Co., Ltd ORC-200M C-MEX A-VOX VTech Kidizoom Sony Ericsson V800-Vodafone 802 MD400 P990i M600i P1i Desknote UCR-61S2B Western Digital External HDD Actions Semiconductor Mtp device D-Link USB Mass Storage Sierra Wireless USB MMC Storage Digitech HMG DigiTech Mass Storage HUAWEI MOBILE Dimage Z10 SWISSBIT Black Silver Kingston DT 101 G2 Super Top IDE DEVICE JMicron USB to ATA/ATAPI Bridge Teac HD-35PUK-B Yarvik PMP400 BUILDWIN Corsair Padlock v2 TrekStor GmbH & Co. KG DataStation maxi g.u Coby Electronics Motorola RAZR V3x MSnc. MPIO HS200 Mio DigiWalker USB Sync MP3 T10 P7K Micro Mini 1GB Keil Software, Inc. V2M MotherBoard DataStor USB4500 FW1.04 TGE Digital MP3 Audio Player Forced Mass Storage Error REV=%02d SKU=%04X VER=%04X truinst ZCOPTION libusual_%ld <4>libusual: Unable to start the thread for %s: %d <5>libusual: modprobe for %s succeeded, but module is not present usb_libusual ub libusual low-speed full-speed high-speed wireless super-speed input/%s %X, input:b%04Xv%04Xp%04Xe%04X- <3>input: failed to attach handler %s to device %s, error: %d N/A Unspecified device input%ld <6>input: %s as %s drivers/input/input.c handlers bus/input N: Number=%u Name=%s (filter) Minor=%d %s(): kcalloc() failed? %lx PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x/%x NAME="%s" PHYS="%s" PROP= UNIQ="%s" EV= KEY= REL= ABS= MSC= LED= SND= FF= SW= <3>input: input_set_capability: unknown type %u (code %u) <3>input: unable to register input_dev class <3>input: unable to register char major %d B: %s= I: Bus=%04x Vendor=%04x Product=%04x Version=%04x N: Name="%s" P: Phys=%s S: Sysfs=%s U: Uniq=%s H: Handlers= PROP EV KEY REL ABS MSC LED SND FF SW capabilities sw ff snd led msc abs rel ev bustype properties uniq <3>ff_core: cannot allocate device without any effects &ff->mutex <3>ff_memless: invalid type in get_compatible_type() <3>ff_memless: invalid type in ml_combine_effects() min input_polldev 0.1 &mousedev->mutex &mousedev->wait mice mouse%d <3>mousedev: no more free mousedev devices <6>mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice mousedev &evdev->mutex &evdev->wait event%d <3>evdev: no more free evdev devices <4>evdev: (EVIOCGBIT): Suspicious buffer size %u, limiting output to %zu bytes. See http://userweb.kernel.org/~dtor/eviocgbit-bug.html evdev *** events probe *** events_probe() addr=0x%p irq=%d events_probe() keymap=%s goldfish-events-keypad goldfish_events &rtc->ops_lock &rtc->irq_queue rtc%d rtc core: registered %s as %s rtc core: unable to register %s, err = %d rtc drivers/rtc/class.c <3>%s: couldn't create class alarm rollover not handled <4>%s: failed to add char device %d:%d drivers/rtc/rtc-dev.c <3>%s: failed to allocate char dev region rtc_time : %02d:%02d:%02d rtc_date : %04d-%02d-%02d alrm_time : %02d: **: ** alrm_date : %04d- ****- %02d- **- alarm_IRQ : %s alrm_pending : %s update IRQ enabled : %s periodic IRQ enabled : %s periodic IRQ frequency : %d max user IRQ frequency : %d 24hr : yes driver/rtc %02d:%02d:%02d %04d-%02d-%02d failed to create alarm attribute, %d wakealarm date time since_epoch max_user_freq hctosys okay periodic_IRQ : %s update_IRQ : %s HPET_emulated : %s BCD : %s DST_enable : %s periodic_freq : %d batt_status : %s , hpet irqs , y3k alarms up to one year no alarms alarms up to one day alarms up to one month only 24-hr supported <4>hpet_register_irq_handler failed in rtc_init(). <6>%s: %s%s, %zd bytes nvram%s RTC can wake from S4 %hi%c delete_device %s: Can't parse I2C address %s: Extra parameters %s: Deleting device %s at 0x%02hx %s: Can't find device in list %s: detach_adapter method is deprecated detach_adapter failed (%d) for driver [%s] Invalid %d-bit I2C address 0x%02hx %d-%04x Failed to register i2c client %s at 0x%02x (%d) new_device %s: Missing parameters %s: Invalid device name %s: Instantiated device %s at 0x%02hx Invalid 7-bit address 0x%02x drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c <3>i2c-core: Attempt to register an adapter with no name! <3>i2c-core: Attempt to register adapter '%s' with no algo! &adap->userspace_clients_lock i2c-%d Failed to create compatibility class link Can't create device at 0x%02x <4>i2c-core: driver [%s] using legacy suspend method <4>i2c-core: driver [%s] using legacy resume method i2c-adapter Invalid block write size %d Unsupported transaction %d No suitable probing method supported %s detection function provided no name for 0x%x Failed creating %s at 0x%02x %s: attach_adapter method is deprecated Please use another way to instantiate your i2c_client Invalid probe address 0x%02x i2c readbytes: ack/nak timeout died at extended address code died at 2nd address code died at repeated address code readbytes: invalid block length (%d) sendbytes: NAK bailout. sendbytes: error %d <6>%s: Testing SDA only, SCL is not readable <4>%s: bus seems to be busy (scl=%d, sda=%d) <4>%s: SDA stuck high! <4>%s: SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA low! <4>%s: SDA stuck low! <4>%s: SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA high! <4>%s: SCL stuck high! <4>%s: SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL low! <4>%s: SCL stuck low! <4>%s: SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL high! <6>%s: Test OK Not I2C compliant: can't read SCL Bus may be unreliable %s disabled by user Failed to enable SMBus PCI device (%d) SMBus base address uninitialized, upgrade BIOS Failed to request SMBus region 0x%lx-0x%Lx Enabling SMBus device SMBus I801 adapter at %04lx Failed to add SMBus adapter fujitsu_apanel FUJITSU i2c_i801 FJKEYINF SMBus is busy, can't use it! Failed clearing status flags (%02x) Transaction timeout Failed terminating the transaction Transaction failed Failed clearing status flags at end of transaction (%02x) I2C block read is unsupported! Illegal SMBus block read size %d Syleus fscsyl Hermes fscher Hades fschds SMBus PEC Block buffer Block process call I2C block read i801_smbus powers power_supply driver failed to report `%s' property: %zd POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=%s POWER_SUPPLY_%s=%s System UPS Mains USB_DCP USB_CDP USB_ACA Critical Low High Li-ion Li-poly LiFe LiMn Overheat Over voltage Unspecified failure Cold Trickle Fast Charging Discharging Not charging charge_type health technology cycle_count voltage_max voltage_min voltage_max_design voltage_min_design voltage_now voltage_avg current_max current_now current_avg power_now power_avg charge_full_design charge_empty_design charge_full charge_empty charge_now charge_avg charge_counter energy_full_design energy_empty_design energy_full energy_empty energy_now energy_avg capacity capacity_level temp temp_ambient time_to_empty_now time_to_empty_avg time_to_full_now time_to_full_avg scope usb_hc usb_otg charge_enabled model_name serial_number %s-charging-or-full %s-charging %s-full %s-charging-blink-full-solid %s-online ac <3>%s: platform_get_resource failed <3>%s: platform_get_irq failed goldfish-battery cdev%d cdev%d_trip_point trip_point_%d_temp trip_point_%d_type critical hot passive active <6>thermal_sys: failed to send netlink event:%d -1 cooling_device%d <4>thermal_sys: failed to read out thermal zone %d <0>thermal_sys: Critical temperature reached (%ld C), shutting down thermal_zone%d thermal cur_state max_state trip_point_0_type trip_point_0_temp trip_point_1_type trip_point_1_temp trip_point_2_type trip_point_2_temp trip_point_3_type trip_point_3_temp trip_point_4_type trip_point_4_temp trip_point_5_type trip_point_5_temp trip_point_6_type trip_point_6_temp trip_point_7_type trip_point_7_temp trip_point_8_type trip_point_8_temp trip_point_9_type trip_point_9_temp trip_point_10_type trip_point_10_temp trip_point_11_type trip_point_11_temp passive drivers/md/md.c &mddev->open_mutex &mddev->reconfig_mutex &mddev->bitmap_info.mutex &mddev->sb_wait &mddev->recovery_wait &rdev->blocked_wait <6>md: %s personality registered for level %d <6>md: %s personality unregistered %s: unlocked mddev! %d (%s) frozen idle repair reshape check resync %d.%03d %sfaulty %sin_sync %swrite_mostly %sblocked %sspare %swrite_error %swant_replacement %sreplacement %d (%d) rd%d mdX &thread->wqueue %s_%s <6>md: %s switched to read-write mode. %llu %d%c %llu %u <3>md: could not open %s. <4>md: %s: %s does not support online personality change md-%s md-level-%s <4>md: personality %s not loaded <4>md: %s: %s does not support personality takeover <4>md: %s: %s would not accept array <4>md: cannot register extra attributes for %s sync_action <4>md: cannot register rd%d for %s after level change md md_misc mdp mdstat <3>%s: bitmaps are not supported for %s max %llu / %llu default %d.%d external:%s requested-resync data-check <6>md: delaying %s of %s until %s has finished (they share one or more physical units) <6>md: %s of RAID array %s <6>md: minimum _guaranteed_ speed: %d KB/sec/disk. <6>md: using maximum available idle IO bandwidth (but not more than %d KB/sec) for %s. <6>md: using %dk window, over a total of %lluk. <6>md: resuming %s of %s from checkpoint. sync_completed <6>md: %s: %s done. <6>md: checkpointing %s of %s. <6>md: md_do_sync() got signal ... exiting md_d%d md%d <4>md: cannot register %s/md - name in use <7>pointless warning array_state md_ external: md: ********************************** md: * * <%s> <6>md: rdev %s, Sect:%08llu F:%d S:%d DN:%u <6>md: rdev superblock (MJ:%d): <6>md: SB: (V:%d.%d.%d) ID:<%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x> CT:%08x <6>md: L%d S%08d ND:%d RD:%d md%d LO:%d CS:%d <6>md: UT:%08x ST:%d AD:%d WD:%d FD:%d SD:%d CSUM:%08x E:%08lx D %2d: DISK <6>md: THIS: <6>md: SB: (V:%u) (F:0x%08x) Array-ID:<%pU> md: Name: "%s" CT:%llu <6>md: L%u SZ%llu RD:%u LO:%u CS:%u DO:%llu DS:%llu SO:%llu RO:%llu md: Dev:%08x UUID: %pU md: (F:0x%08x) UT:%llu Events:%llu ResyncOffset:%llu CSUM:0x%08x md: (MaxDev:%u) <6>md: no rdev superblock! md: bug in file %s, line %d md: super_written gets error=%d, uptodate=%d <6>md: unbind<%s> <3>md: could not alloc mem for new device! <1>md: out of memory. <4>md: %s has zero or unknown size, marking faulty! <4>md: %s does not have a valid v%d.%d superblock, not importing! <4>md: could not read %s's sb, not importing! <4>md: %s: array is limited to %d devices <6>md: bind<%s> dev-%s <4>md: failed to register dev-%s for %s Personalities : unused devices: %s : %sactive (read-only) (auto-read-only) %s[%d] (W) (F) (R) %llu blocks super %d.%d super external:%s super non-persistent ] %s =%3u.%u%% (%llu/%llu) finish=%lu.%lumin speed=%ldK/sec resync=DELAYED resync=PENDING <4>md: disabled device %s, could not read superblock. md: invalid superblock checksum on %s md: data_size too small on %s <4>md: %s has strangely different superblock to %s <3>md: invalid raid superblock magic on %s <4>Bad version number %d.%d on %s <4>md: invalid superblock checksum on %s <6>md.c sb_equal(): failed to allocate memory! <4>md: %s has same UUID but different superblock to %s <4>md: %s has different UUID to %s degraded <6>md: %s in immediate safe mode <3>%s: could not start resync thread... md: %s still in use. <2>md: md_autodetect_dev: kzalloc failed, skipping dev(%d,%d) <6>md: export_rdev(%s) <6>md: %s stopped. <4>md: md_import_device returned %ld <4>%s: personality does not support diskops! <4>%s: ADD_NEW_DISK not supported <4>md: error, md_import_device() returned %ld <6>md: nonpersistent superblock ... <4>%s: HOT_ADD may only be used with version-0 superblocks. <4>md: can not hot-add faulty %s disk to %s! <4>md: cannot remove active disk %s from %s ... <3>md: fatal superblock inconsistency in %s -- removing from array <4>md: %s: %s: only %d devices permitted <4>md: kicking non-fresh %s from array! md-level-%d md: %s: data overlaps metadata md: %s: metadata overlaps data <4>md: personality for level %d is not loaded! <4>md: personality for level %s is not loaded! <4>%s: WARNING: %s appears to be on the same physical disk as %s. <4>True protection against single-disk failure might be compromised. <3>md: pers->run() failed ... %s: default size too small, but 'external_size' not in effect? <3>md: invalid array_size %llu > default size %llu <3>%s: failed to create bitmap (%d) <6>md: Autodetecting RAID arrays. <6>md: Scanned %d and added %d devices. <6>md: autorun ... <6>md: considering %s ... <6>md: adding %s ... <6>md: unit number in %s is bad: %d <3>md: cannot allocate memory for md drive. <4>md: %s locked, cannot run <4>md: %s already running, cannot run %s <6>md: created %s <6>md: running: <4>md: do_md_run() returned %d <6>md: ... autorun DONE. <6>md: ioctl lock interrupted, reason %d, cmd %d <4>md: couldn't update array info. %d <4>md: array %s already has disks! <4>md: array %s already initialised! <6>md: superblock version %d not known <4>md: couldn't set array info. %d <3>%s: error: failed to get bitmap file <3>%s: error: bitmap file is already in use faulty writemostly -writemostly -blocked insync write_error -write_error want_replacement -want_replacement replacement -replacement array_size reshape_position suspend_hi suspend_lo sync_max sync_min sync_speed sync_force_parallel sync_speed_max sync_speed_min mismatch_cnt metadata_version component_size bitmap_set_bits new_dev max_read_errors inactive readonly read-auto write-pending active-idle resync_start chunk_size raid_disks layout safe_mode_delay unacknowledged_bad_blocks recovery_start slot 0.90.0 md-1 external internal %+lld false true .%03u drivers/md/bitmap.c <1>md: bitmap read error: (%dB @ %llu): %ld <1>%s: kicking failed bitmap file %s from array! <1>%s: disabling internal bitmap due to errors <6>%s: bitmap file is out of date, doing full recovery <6>%s: bitmap file too short %lu < %lu <6>%s: bitmap initialized from disk: read %lu/%lu pages, set %lu of %lu bits <6>%s: bitmap initialisation failed: %d <7>%s: bitmap file superblock: <7> magic: %08x <7> version: %d <7> uuid: %08x.%08x.%08x.%08x <7> events: %llu <7>events cleared: %llu <7> state: %08x <7> chunksize: %d B <7> daemon sleep: %ds <7> sync size: %llu KB <7>max write behind: %d write-behind limit out of range (0 - 16383) daemon sleep period out of range bitmap chunksize not a power of 2 bitmap chunksize too small unrecognized superblock version bad magic &bitmap->write_wait &bitmap->overflow_wait &bitmap->behind_wait bitmap can_clear <3>bitmap chunksize not a power of 2 <6>Choosing daemon_sleep default (5 sec) <6>%s: invalid bitmap file superblock: %s <6>%s: bitmap superblock UUID mismatch <6>%s: bitmap file is out of date (%llu < %llu) -- forcing full recovery <6>created bitmap (%lu pages) for device %s file: KB bitmap: %lu/%lu pages [%luKB], %lu%s chunk , file: max_backlog_used metadata chunksize backlog time_base location <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: Invalid event_type %d DM_TARGET=%s <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_TARGET failed DM_ACTION=%s <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_ACTION failed DM_SEQNUM=%u <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_SEQNUM failed DM_PATH=%s <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_PATH failed DM_NR_VALID_PATHS=%d <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_NR_VALID_PATHS failed <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: dm_uevent_alloc() failed <6>device-mapper: uevent: %s: skipping sending uevent for lost device DM_NAME=%s <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_NAME failed DM_UUID=%s <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: add_uevent_var() for DM_UUID failed <3>device-mapper: uevent: %s: kobject_uevent_env failed dm_uevent <6>device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 PATH_FAILED PATH_REINSTATED device-mapper <6>device-mapper: core: cleaned up <3>device-mapper: core: bio completion is going in the middle of the request dm_io dm_target_io dm_rq_target_io dm_rq_clone_bio_info <4>device-mapper: core: Already has something in rq->special. <4>device-mapper: core: unimplemented target endio return value: %d drivers/md/dm.c <4>device-mapper: core: unimplemented target map return value: %d <4>device-mapper: core: Start sector is beyond the geometry limits. <4>device-mapper: core: unable to allocate device, out of memory. &md->io_lock &md->suspend_lock &md->type_lock &md->wait &md->eventq dm-%d kdmflush <4>device-mapper: core: Cannot initialize queue for request-based mapped device <3>device-mapper: core: request attempted access beyond the end of device DM_COOKIE %s=%u <4>device-mapper: core: %s: Forcibly removing mapped_device still in use! (%d users) %u%c <4>device-mapper: table: %s: Cannot set limits for nonexistent device %s <4>device-mapper: table: %s: adding target device %s caused an alignment inconsistency: physical_block_size=%u, logical_block_size=%u, alignment_offset=%u, start=%llu <4>device-mapper: table: %s: %s is not yet initialised: start=%llu, len=%llu, dev_size=%llu <4>device-mapper: table: %s: %s too small for target: start=%llu, len=%llu, dev_size=%llu <4>device-mapper: table: %s: start=%llu not aligned to h/w logical block size %u of %s <4>device-mapper: table: %s: len=%llu not aligned to h/w logical block size %u of %s drivers/md/dm-table.c I belong to device-mapper %u:%u%c <4>device-mapper: table: dm_table_destroy: dm_put_device call missing for %s <3>device-mapper: table: %s: target type %s must appear alone in table <3>device-mapper: table: %s: zero-length target <3>device-mapper: table: %s: %s: unknown target type <3>device-mapper: table: %s: target type %s may not be included in read-only tables <3>device-mapper: table: %s: immutable target type %s cannot be mixed with other target types Unknown error Gap in table couldn't split parameters (insufficient memory) <4>device-mapper: table: %s: %s: ignoring discards_supported because num_discard_requests is zero. <3>device-mapper: table: %s: %s: %s <4>device-mapper: table: no table type is set, can't allocate mempools <4>device-mapper: table: Inconsistent table: different target types can't be mixed up <4>device-mapper: table: table load rejected: including non-request-stackable devices <4>device-mapper: table: Request-based dm doesn't support multiple targets yet <3>device-mapper: table: unable to allocate mempools <3>device-mapper: table: unable to set table type <3>device-mapper: table: unable to build btrees <4>device-mapper: table: %s: table line %u (start sect %llu len %llu) not aligned to h/w logical block size %u <4>device-mapper: table: %s: adding target device (start sect %llu len %llu) caused an alignment inconsistency <4>device-mapper: table: %s: any_congested: nonexistent device %s <2>device-mapper: target: Unregistering unrecognised target: %s drivers/md/dm-target.c dm-%s %s %llu Invalid argument count dm-linear: Cannot allocate linear context %llu%c dm-linear: Invalid device sector dm-linear: Device lookup failed <3>device-mapper: linear: register failed %d 1 %s %d %llu %s %llu %d:%d Not enough arguments Invalid stripe count Invalid chunk_size Invalid chunk size Target length not divisible by chunk size Target length not divisible by number of stripes Not enough destinations specified Memory allocation for striped context failed Couldn't parse stripe destination drivers/md/dm-stripe.c <4>device-mapper: striped: target registration failed striped <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Invalid target message parameters. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Failed to split target message parameters <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Empty message received. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Target message sector outside device. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Target type does not support messages <4>device-mapper: ioctl: device has been removed from the dev hash table. <7>device-mapper: ioctl: device doesn't appear to be in the dev hash table. <3>device-mapper: ioctl: rejecting ioctl: data size modified while processing parameters <4>device-mapper: ioctl: ioctl interface mismatch: kernel(%u.%u.%u), user(%u.%u.%u), cmd(%d) <4>device-mapper: ioctl: dm_ctl_ioctl: unknown command 0x%x <4>device-mapper: ioctl: name not supplied when creating device <4>device-mapper: ioctl: only supply one of name or uuid, cmd(%u) <4>device-mapper: ioctl: populate_table: no targets specified <4>device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table <4>device-mapper: ioctl: can't replace immutable target type %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: can't change device type after initial table load. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: unable to set up device queue for new table. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: unable to find target uuid <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Invalid new mapped device name or uuid string supplied. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: invalid device name <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Unable to change %s on mapped device %s to one that already exists: %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Unable to rename non-existent device, %s to %s%s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Unable to change uuid of mapped device %s to %s because uuid is already set to %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Invalid geometry supplied. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Unable to interpret geometry settings. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Geometry exceeds range limits. %lu %lu %lu %lu%c <7>device-mapper: ioctl: unable to remove open device %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: remove_all left %d open device(s) <3>device-mapper: ioctl: misc_register failed for control device dm-devel@redhat.com -ioctl (2011-10-19) <6>device-mapper: ioctl: %d.%d.%d%s initialised: %s <3>device-mapper: ioctl: misc_deregister failed for control device mapper/control drivers/md/dm-io.c <2>device-mapper: io: Unaligned struct io pointer %p &job->lock drivers/md/dm-kcopyd.c kcopyd &kc->destroyq kcopyd_job dm <3>device-mapper: crypt: aborting resume - crypt key is not set. <4>device-mapper: crypt: not suspended during key manipulation. wipe <4>device-mapper: crypt: unrecognised message received. cypher blocksize is not a power of 2 cypher blocksize is > 512 %llu %s %llu 1 allow_discards md5 Error initializing LMK hash Error kmallocing seed storage in LMK dm_crypt_io <3>device-mapper: crypt: register failed %d Digest algorithm missing for ESSIV mode Error initializing ESSIV hash Error kmallocing salt storage in ESSIV Failed to set key for ESSIV cipher Block size of ESSIV cipher does not match IV size of block cipher Error allocating crypto tfm for ESSIV drivers/md/dm-crypt.c plain Cannot allocate encryption context Bad cipher specification Bad cipher key count specification <4>device-mapper: crypt: Ignoring unexpected additional cipher options IV mechanism required Error allocating crypto tfm Error decoding and setting key <4>device-mapper: crypt: Selected cipher does not support IVs plain64 essiv benbi lmk Invalid IV mode Error creating IV Error initialising IV Cannot allocate cipher strings Cannot allocate crypt io mempool Cannot allocate crypt request mempool Cannot allocate page mempool Cannot allocate crypt bioset Invalid iv_offset sector Device lookup failed Invalid device sector allow_discards Invalid feature arguments kcryptd_io Couldn't create kcryptd io queue kcryptd Couldn't create kcryptd queue Invalid number of feature args crypt %llu/%llu 1 %s 1 handle_errors <4>device-mapper: raid1: log postsuspend failed <4>device-mapper: raid1: log resume failed <3>device-mapper: raid1: Primary mirror (%s) failed while out-of-sync: Reads may fail. <4>device-mapper: raid1: All sides of mirror have failed. <3>device-mapper: raid1: Unable to read primary mirror during recovery <3>device-mapper: raid1: Write error during recovery (error = 0x%lx) dm_raid1_read_record <3>device-mapper: raid1: Can't allocate dm_raid1_read_record cache <3>device-mapper: raid1: Failed to register mirror target <4>device-mapper: raid1: log presuspend failed <3>device-mapper: raid1: Mirror read failed. <3>device-mapper: raid1: Mirror read failed from %s. Trying alternative device. <3>device-mapper: raid1: All replicated volumes dead, failing I/O <4>device-mapper: raid1: Read failure on mirror device %s. Trying alternative device. <3>device-mapper: raid1: Read failure on mirror device %s. Failing I/O. Insufficient mirror log arguments Invalid mirror log argument count Error creating mirror dirty log Invalid number of mirrors Too few mirror arguments Cannot allocate mirror context Error creating mirror read_record_pool Error creating dm_io client Error creating dirty region hash Invalid offset Device lookup failure kmirrord <3>device-mapper: raid1: couldn't start kmirrord Invalid number of features Not enough arguments to support feature count handle_errors Unrecognised feature requested Too many mirror arguments drivers/md/dm-raid1.c mirror <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: No memory left to attempt log module load for "%s" dm-log-%s <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: Module for logging type "%s" not found. %s %u %u %ssync 3 %s %s %c %s %u %s %u <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't register core log <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't register disk type <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: wrong number of arguments to dirty region log nosync <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: unrecognised sync argument to dirty region log: %s <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: invalid region size %s <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate core log <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate clean bitset <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: log device %s too small: need %llu bytes <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate disk io client <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate disk log buffer <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate sync bitset <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: wrong number of arguments to disk dirty region log <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: incompatible disk log version <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: %s: Failed to read header on dirty region log device <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: %s: Failed to write header on dirty region log device <3>device-mapper: region hash: unable to allocate region hash memory <3>device-mapper: region hash: unable to allocate region hash bucket memory drivers/md/dm-region-hash.c No arguments required <3>device-mapper: zero: register failed %d <3>Error registering toplevel EDAC sysfs dir edac performance powersave <3>cpufreq: resume failed in ->resume step on CPU %u <3>cpufreq: suspend failed in ->suspend step on CPU %u drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c <4>%s governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to %s governor %15s performance powersave cpufreq_%s cpufreq powersave performance &per_cpu(cpu_policy_rwsem, cpu) scaling_setspeed scaling_governor scaling_max_freq scaling_min_freq affected_cpus related_cpus bios_limit scaling_cur_freq scaling_driver scaling_available_governors cpuinfo_transition_latency cpuinfo_max_freq cpuinfo_min_freq cpuinfo_cur_freq drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_userspace.c &this_dbs_info->timer_mutex ondemand powersave_bias ignore_nice_load sampling_down_factor up_threshold io_is_busy sampling_rate sampling_rate_min scaling_available_frequencies POLL CPUIDLE CORE POLL IDLE invalid cpuidle_unregister_driver(%s) drivers/cpuidle/driver.c <6>cpuidle: using governor %s state%d cpuidle usage latency desc current_governor available_governors current_governor_ro current_driver drivers/mmc/core/core.c <6>%s: HPI enable bit unset <3>%s: Get card status fail <3>%s: cache %s error %d kmmcd <3>mmc_erase: group start error %d, status %#x <3>mmc_erase: group end error %d, status %#x <3>mmc_erase: erase error %d, status %#x <3>error %d requesting status %#x <3>%s: cache flush error %d %s: Starting deferred resume %s: Deferred resume completed <4>%s: host doesn't support card's voltages <4>%s: error %d during resume (card was removed?) <3>Device failed to respond within %d poweroff time. Forcefully powering down the device <4>%s: error %d during resume (continue with poweroff sequence) MMC_NAME=%s MMC_TYPE=%s MODALIAS=mmc:block MMC SD SDIO SDcombo MMC SDXC SDIO SDHC-combo SD SDHC SD-combo DDR high speed HS200 ultra high speed %s:%04x <6>%s: new %s%s%s card on SPI <6>%s: new %s%s%s%s%s card at address %04x <6>%s: SPI card removed <6>%s: card %04x removed SDcombo SDR12 SDR25 SDR50 SDR104 DDR50 mmc mmc%d &host->wq %s_detect drivers/mmc/core/host.c mmc_host drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c <4>%s: Voltage range not supported for power class. 0x%08x %02d/%04d %08x%08x%08x%08x <3>%s: could not allocate a buffer to receive the ext_csd. <3>%s: unable to read EXT_CSD on a possible high capacity card. Card will be ignored. <4>%s: unable to read EXT_CSD, performance might suffer. <3>%s: unrecognised CSD structure version %d <3>%s: card has unknown MMCA version %d <3>%s: unrecognised EXT_CSD structure version %d <3>%s: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision %d <4>%s: card is mmc v4 but doesn't support any high-speed modes. boot%d gp%d <4>%s: switch to highspeed failed <4>%s: tuning execution failed <4>%s: power class selection to bus width %d failed <4>%s: power class selection to bus width %d ddr %d failed <4>%s: switch to bus width %d ddr %d failed <4>%s: Enabling HPI failed <4>%s: Cache is supported, but failed to turn on (%d) <4>%s: card claims to support voltages below the defined range. These will be ignored. <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising MMC card enhanced_area_size enhanced_area_offset oemid manfid hwrev fwrev preferred_erase_size erase_size csd <3>%s: Invalid bus_width %d drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c <4>%s: unexpected status %#x after switch <4>%s: Card didn't support HPI command <4>%s: error %d interrupting operation. HPI command response %#x %08x%08x drivers/mmc/core/sd.c <3>%s: could not allocate a buffer for switch capabilities. <4>%s: Problem switching card into high-speed mode! <3>%s: unrecognised SCR structure version %d <4>%s: card lacks mandatory SD Status function. <4>%s: problem reading SD Status register. <4>%s: card lacks mandatory switch function, performance might suffer. <4>%s: problem reading Bus Speed modes. <4>%s: problem reading Driver Strength. <4>%s: problem reading Current Limit. <4>%s: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable. <4>%s: Problem setting drive strength! <4>%s: Problem setting current limit! <4>%s: Problem setting bus speed mode! <4>%s: SD card claims to support the incompletely defined 'low voltage range'. This will be ignored. <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising SD card scr drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c drivers/mmc/core/sdio.c <3>%s: unrecognised CCCR structure version %d %s(): %s: Error resetting SDIO communications (%d) <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising SDIO card drivers/mmc/core/sdio_ops.c <4>WARNING: driver %s did not remove its interrupt handler! SDIO_CLASS=%02X SDIO_ID=%04X:%04X MODALIAS=sdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X sdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X %s:%d sdio <3>%s: bad %s tuple 0x%02x (%u bytes) CISTPL_FUNCE drivers/mmc/core/sdio_cis.c <4>%s: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x%02x (%u bytes) drivers/mmc/core/sdio_io.c <4>%s: pending IRQ for non-existent function <4>%s: pending IRQ with no handler drivers/mmc/core/sdio_irq.c ksdioirqd/%s include/linux/gpio.h %08llx open drain push-pull clock: %u Hz actual clock: %u Hz vdd: %u (1.65 - 1.95 V) (%s ~ %s V) (invalid) bus mode: %u (%s) chip select: %u (%s) power mode: %u (%s) bus width: %u (%u bits) timing spec: %u (%s) drivers/mmc/core/debugfs.c ios failed to initialize debugfs ext_csd legacy mmc high-speed sd high-speed sd uhs SDR50 sd uhs SDR104 sd uhs DDR50 mmc high-speed SDR200 don't care active high active low 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 include/trace/events/mmc.h cmd=%u,addr=0x%08x,size=0x%08x mmcblk%d%s force_ro ro_lock_until_next_power_on <6>mmcblk: using %d minors per device addr (ro) <6>%s: %s %s %s %s <6>%s: %s %s partition %u %s %s: cmd error %d %s: data error %d response CRC error <3>%s: %s sending %s command, card status %#x timed out <3>%s: status not valid, retrying timeout <3>%s: command error, retrying timeout <3>%s: not retrying timeout <3>%s: unknown error %d sending read/write command, card status %#x <3>%s: Locking boot partition ro until next power on failed: %d <6>%s: Locking boot partition ro until next power on <3>%s BUG rq_tot %d d_xfer %d <4>%s: retrying using single block read retry <3>%s: error %d sending status command, %sing <3>%s: error %d sending stop command SET_BLOCK_COUNT r/w cmd <3>%s: error %d sending stop command, original cmd response %#x, card status %#x <3>%s: r/w command failed, status = %#x <3>%s: error %d requesting status <3>%s: error %d transferring data, sector %u, nr %u, cmd response %#x, card status %#x mmcblk SEM02G SEM04G SEM08G SEM16G SEM32G MMC08G MMC16G MMC32G M8G2FA MAG4FA MBG8FA MCGAFA VAL00M VYL00M KYL00M VZL00M mmc_blk_rw_end mmc_blk_rw_start mmc_blk_erase_end mmc_blk_erase_start MMC bad request <4>%s: unable to allocate bounce cur buffer <4>%s: unable to allocate bounce prev buffer mmcqd/%d%s drivers/mmc/card/queue.c drivers/mmc/host/goldfish.c Invalid response type: %04x goldfish_mmc Unable to create sysfs attributes <6>%s: Card detect now %d spurious irq 0x%04x cover_switch &led_cdev->trigger_lock <7>Registered led device: %s leds trigger [none] none TRIGGER=%s <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (%d) <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (no memory) %c \x%02x <3>dmi_string: cannot allocate %Zu bytes. <3>dmi check: not initialized yet. drivers/firmware/dmi_scan.c <3>dmi_save_one_device: out of memory. <6>SMBIOS %d.%d present. <6>Legacy DMI %d.%d present. <7>DMI: / , BIOS %pUL %pUB <3>dmi_save_oem_strings_devices: out of memory. <3>dmi_save_ipmi_device: out of memory. IPMI controller <3>dmi_save_dev_onboard: out of memory. _SM_ _DMI_ <6>DMI not present or invalid. dmi :%s%s bvn bvr bd svn pvr rvn rn rvr cvn ct cvr chassis_asset_tag chassis_serial chassis_version chassis_type chassis_vendor board_asset_tag board_serial board_version board_name board_vendor product_uuid product_serial product_version product_name sys_vendor bios_date bios_version bios_vendor iBFT BIFT <6>iBFT found at 0x%lx. memmap drivers/firmware/memmap.c end <6>PM-Timer had inconsistent results: 0x%#llx, 0x%#llx - aborting. <6>PM-Timer running at invalid rate: %lu%% of normal - aborting. <6>PM-Timer failed consistency check (0x%#llx) - aborting. <6>PMTMR IOPort override: 0x%04x -> 0x%04lx <4>* Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources <4>* The chipset may have PM-Timer Bug. Due to workarounds for a bug, * this clock source is slow. If you are sure your timer does not have * this bug, please use "acpi_pm_good" to disable the workaround pit %04x <3>hid: error allocating HID debug buffer Constant Variable Array Relative Absolute Wrap NonLinear NoPreferredState NullState Volatile BufferedByte Physical( Logical( Application( Usage(%d) Logical Minimum(%d) Logical Maximum(%d) Physical Minimum(%d) Physical Maximum(%d) Unit Exponent(%d) Unit(Invalid) Unit(%s : ^%d Report Size(%u) Report Count(%u) Report Offset(%u) Flags( (%d) Field(%d) ---> %s.%s = %d &list->read_mutex rdesc INPUT OUTPUT FEATURE Centimeter Gram Seconds Kelvin Ampere Candela Radians Inch Slug Fahrenheit Degrees SI Linear SI Rotation English Linear English Rotation Click Bell Tone Delay Period NumLock CapsLock ScrollLock Compose Kana Sleep Mute Misc Serial Pulseled Gesture RawData Ry Rz Throttle Rudder Wheel Gas Brake Hat0X Hat0Y Hat1X Hat1Y Hat2X Hat2Y Hat3X Hat 3Y Pressure Distance XTilt YTilt ToolWidth Volume MTMajor MTMinor MTMajorW MTMinorW MTOrientation MTPositionX MTPositionY MTToolType MTBlobID HWheel Dial Esc 5 7 8 Minus Backspace Tab E O LeftBrace RightBrace Enter LeftControl H J K Semicolon Apostrophe Grave LeftShift BackSlash N Comma Dot Slash RightShift KPAsterisk LeftAlt F1 F2 F3 F5 F6 F7 F9 F10 KP7 KP8 KP9 KPMinus KP4 KP5 KP6 KPPlus KP1 KP2 KP3 KP0 KPDot Zenkaku/Hankaku 102nd F11 F12 RO Katakana HIRAGANA Henkan Katakana/Hiragana Muhenkan KPJpComma KPEnter RightCtrl KPSlash SysRq RightAlt LineFeed Home PageUp Left Right End PageDown Insert Delete Macro VolumeDown VolumeUp KPEqual KPPlusMinus Pause KPComma Hangeul Hanja Yen LeftMeta RightMeta Stop Again Props Undo Front Open Paste Find Cut Help Menu Calc Setup WakeUp File SendFile DeleteFile X-fer Prog1 Prog2 WWW MSDOS Coffee Direction CycleWindows Mail Bookmarks Computer Back Forward CloseCD EjectCD EjectCloseCD NextSong PlayPause PreviousSong StopCD Record Rewind Phone ISOKey Config HomePage Refresh Exit Move Edit ScrollUp ScrollDown KPLeftParenthesis KPRightParenthesis New Redo F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 PlayCD PauseCD Prog3 Prog4 Close Play FastForward BassBoost Print Camera Sound Question Email Chat Search Connect Finance Sport Shop AlternateErase Cancel BrightnessDown BrightnessUp Media SwitchVideoMode KbdIlluminationToggle KbdIlluminationDown KbdIlluminationUp Send Reply ForwardMail Save Documents BrightnessAuto Btn0 Btn1 Btn2 Btn3 Btn4 Btn5 Btn6 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 LeftBtn RightBtn MiddleBtn SideBtn ExtraBtn ForwardBtn BackBtn TaskBtn Trigger ThumbBtn ThumbBtn2 TopBtn TopBtn2 PinkieBtn BaseBtn BaseBtn2 BaseBtn3 BaseBtn4 BaseBtn5 BaseBtn6 BtnDead BtnA BtnB BtnC BtnX BtnY BtnZ BtnTL BtnTR BtnTL2 BtnTR2 BtnSelect BtnStart BtnMode BtnThumbL BtnThumbR ToolPen ToolRubber ToolBrush ToolPencil ToolAirbrush ToolFinger ToolMouse ToolLens Touch Stylus Stylus2 ToolDoubleTap ToolTripleTap ToolQuadrupleTap WheelBtn Gear up Ok Select Goto Clear Power2 Info Time Vendor Archive Program Channel Favorites EPG PVR MHP Language Title Subtitle Angle Zoom Mode Keyboard Screen PC TV2 VCR VCR2 Sat Sat2 CD Tape Radio Tuner Player Text DVD Aux Audio Video Directory List Memo Calendar Red Green Yellow Blue ChannelUp ChannelDown First Last AB Next Restart Slow Shuffle Break Previous Digits TEEN TWEN SpellCheck Logoff DeleteEOL DeleteEOS InsertLine DeleteLine Fn Fn+ESC Fn+F1 Fn+F2 Fn+F3 Fn+F4 Fn+F5 Fn+F6 Fn+F7 Fn+F8 Fn+F9 Fn+F10 Fn+F11 Fn+F12 Fn+1 Fn+2 Fn+D Fn+E Fn+F Fn+S Fn+B BtnDPadUp BtnDPadDown BtnDPadLeft BtnDPadRight ButtonConfig TaskManager Journal ControlPanel AppSelect ScreenSaver VoiceCommand BrightnessMin BrightnessMax Report MT Report Key Relative Absolute Repeat ForceFeedback ForceFeedbackStatus Undefined GenericDesktop Pointer Mouse Joystick GamePad Keypad MultiAxis Slider HatSwitch CountedBuffer ByteCount MotionWakeup Start Vx Vy Vz Vbrx Vbry Vbrz Vno SystemControl SystemPowerDown SystemSleep SystemWakeUp SystemContextMenu SystemMainMenu SystemAppMenu SystemMenuHelp SystemMenuExit SystemMenuSelect SystemMenuRight SystemMenuLeft SystemMenuUp SystemMenuDown D-PadUp D-PadDown D-PadRight D-PadLeft Simulation Aileron AileronTrim Anti-Torque Autopilot Chaff Collective DiveBrake ElectronicCountermeasures Elevator ElevatorTrim FlightCommunications FlareRelease LandingGear ToeBrake GenericDeviceControls BatteryStrength WirelessChannel WirelessID DiscoverWirelessControl SecurityCodeCharacterEntered SecurityCodeCharactedErased SecurityCodeCleared GenericIndicator Button Ordinal Consumer HorizontalWheel Digitizers Digitizer Pen LightPen TouchScreen TouchPad Puck Finger TipPressure BarrelPressure InRange UnTouch Tap TabletFunctionKey ProgramChangeKey Invert TipSwitch SecondaryTipSwitch BarrelSwitch Eraser TabletPick Confidence Width Height ContactID InputMode DeviceIndex ContactCount ContactMaximumNumber PhysicalInterfaceDevice Physical_Interface_Device Set_Effect_Report Effect_Block_Index Parameter_Block_Offset ROM_Flag Effect_Type ET_Constant_Force ET_Ramp ET_Custom_Force_Data ET_Square ET_Sine ET_Triangle ET_Sawtooth_Up ET_Sawtooth_Down ET_Spring ET_Damper ET_Inertia ET_Friction Duration Sample_Period Gain Trigger_Button Trigger_Repeat_Interval Axes_Enable Direction_Enable Type_Specific_Block_Offset Block_Type Set_Envelope_Report Attack_Level Attack_Time Fade_Level Fade_Time Set_Condition_Report CP_Offset Positive_Coefficient Negative_Coefficient Positive_Saturation Negative_Saturation Dead_Band Download_Force_Sample Isoch_Custom_Force_Enable Custom_Force_Data_Report Custom_Force_Data Custom_Force_Vendor_Defined_Data Set_Custom_Force_Report Custom_Force_Data_Offset Sample_Count Set_Periodic_Report Offset Magnitude Phase Set_Constant_Force_Report Set_Ramp_Force_Report Ramp_Start Ramp_End Effect_Operation_Report Effect_Operation Op_Effect_Start Op_Effect_Start_Solo Op_Effect_Stop Loop_Count Device_Gain_Report Device_Gain PID_Pool_Report RAM_Pool_Size ROM_Pool_Size ROM_Effect_Block_Count Simultaneous_Effects_Max Pool_Alignment PID_Pool_Move_Report Move_Source Move_Destination Move_Length PID_Block_Load_Report Block_Load_Status Block_Load_Success Block_Load_Full Block_Load_Error Block_Handle PID_Block_Free_Report Type_Specific_Block_Handle PID_State_Report Effect_Playing PID_Device_Control_Report PID_Device_Control DC_Enable_Actuators DC_Disable_Actuators DC_Stop_All_Effects DC_Device_Reset DC_Device_Pause DC_Device_Continue Device_Paused Actuators_Enabled Safety_Switch Actuator_Override_Switch Actuator_Power Start_Delay Parameter_Block_Size Device_Managed_Pool Shared_Parameter_Blocks Create_New_Effect_Report RAM_Pool_Available Power Device PresentStatus ChangeStatus PowerSupply BatterySystem BatterySystemID BatteryID Charger ChargerID PowerConverter PowerConverterID OutletSystem OutletSystemID Input InputID Output OutputID Flow FlowID Outlet OutletID Gang PowerSummary PowerSummaryID Voltage Current Frequency ApparentPower PercentLoad ConfigVoltage ConfigCurrent ConfigApparentPower LowVoltageTransfer HighVoltageTransfer DelayBeforeStartup DelayBeforeShutdown Test AudibleAlarmControl Present InternalFailure Overload OverCharged OverTemperature ShutdownRequested ShutdownImminent SwitchOn/Off Switchable Used Boost CommunicationLost iManufacturer iProduct iSerialNumber Battery System SMBBatteryMode SMBBatteryStatus SMBAlarmWarning SMBChargerMode SMBChargerStatus SMBChargerSpecInfo SMBSelectorState SMBSelectorPresets SMBSelectorInfo RemainingCapacityLimit CapacityMode BelowRemainingCapacityLimit NeedReplacement RemainingCapacity RunTimeToEmpty AverageTimeToFull DesignCapacity ManufacturerDate iDeviceChemistry Rechargeable iOEMInformation CapacityGranularity1 ACPresent Vendor-specific-FF invalid HID report type %u invalid HID report id %u missing %s %u not enough fields in %s %u not enough values in %s %u field %u unexpected long global item item %u %u %u %u parsing failed unbalanced collection at end of report description unbalanced delimiter at end of report description item fetching failed at offset %d global environment stack overflow global environment stack underflow invalid report_size %d invalid report_count %d report_id %u is invalid unknown global tag 0x%x %s() called with n (%d) > 32! (%s) %s() called with too large value %d! (%s) drivers/hid/hid-core.c &hdev->debug_wait %x %x %x %lx <4>hid: hid_debug is now used solely for parser and driver debugging. debugfs is now used for inspecting the device (report descriptor, reports) <3>hid: can't register hid bus hid_register_report failed logical range invalid %d %d too many fields in report collection stack overflow failed to reallocate collection array collection stack underflow unknown main item tag 0x%x offset (%d) exceeds report_count (%d) value %d is out of range %s's event failed with %d <7>%s: reserved item type, tag 0x%x HID_ID=%04X:%08X:%08X HID_NAME=%s HID_PHYS=%s HID_UNIQ=%s MODALIAS=hid:b%04Xv%08Xp%08X <7>%s: undefined report_id %u received <7>%s: report %d is too short, (%d < %d) extract() called with n (%d) > 32! (%s) un <7>%s: empty report report (size %u) (%snumbered) = nested delimiters bogus close delimiter <7>%s: alternative usage ignored usage index exceeded <7>%s: hid_add_usage failed <7>%s: unknown local item tag 0x%x BLUETOOTH claimed by neither input, hiddev nor hidraw %shiddev%d %shidraw%d can't create sysfs report descriptor attribute err: %d %s: %s HID v%x.%02x %s [%s] on %s HOLTEK B-LINK USB Audio %04X:%04X:%04X.%04X hid-multitouch generic- Gamepad Multi-Axis Controller report_descriptor HID_INPUT_REPORT HID_OUTPUT_REPORT HID_FEATURE_REPORT event field not found Out of memory during hid input probe drivers/hid/hid-input.c <7>%s: Assigned keycode %d to HID usage code %x <7>%s: Maximum Effects - %d <7>%s: PID Pool Report <7>%s: Ignoring out-of-range value %x hidraw &dev->wait pid %d passed too large report pid %d passed too short report <4>hidraw: pid %d passed too large report <4>hidraw: pid %d passed too short report <4>hid: can't get major number can't alloc device descriptor parse failed hw start failed hid_a4tech a4tech fixing up MacBook JIS keyboard report descriptor can't alloc apple descriptor hid_apple <3>hid_apple: can't register apple driver apple hid_belkin belkin hid_cherry fixing up Cherry Cymotion report descriptor cherry hid_chicony chicony hid_cypress cypress hid_ezkey ezkey hid_gyration gyration fixing up Logitech keyboard report descriptor fixing up rel/abs in Logitech report descriptor fixing up Logitech Speed Force Wireless button descriptor fixing up Logitech Driving Force Pro report descriptor &wait hid_logitech logitech drivers/hid/hid-lgff.c <7>%s: (x, y)=(%04x, %04x) <7>%s: (left, right)=(%04x, %04x) <6>hid_logitech: Force feedback for Logitech force feedback devices by Johann Deneux drivers/hid/hid-lg4ff.c <7>%s: Device not found! <7>%s: G25/G27/DFGT: setting range to %u <7>%s: Driving Force Pro: setting range to %u <7>%s: Found compatible device, product ID %04X NULL USB device descriptor <7>%s: Generic wheel detected, can it do native? <7>%s: USB revision: %2x.%02x Switched to native mode Cannot add device, insufficient memory. Cannot set device_id, insufficient memory. <7>%s: sysfs interface created Force feedback for Logitech Speed Force Wireless by Simon Wood Device is not supported by lg4ff driver. If you think it should be, consider reporting a bug toLKML, Simon Wood or Michal Maly <7>%s: Device entry not found! <7>%s: Device successfully unregistered hid_microsoft fixing up Microsoft Wireless Receiver Model 1028 report descriptor microsoft hid_monterey fixing up button/consumer in HID report descriptor monterey N-Trig Touchscreen N-Trig MultiTouch cannot allocate N-Trig data N-Trig Pen %u.%u.%u.%u.%u Firmware version: %s (%02x%02x %02x%02x) hid_ntrig ntrig deactivate_slack activation_height activation_width activate_slack min_height min_width sensor_logical_height sensor_logical_width sensor_physical_height sensor_physical_width no output reports found required output report is missing no fields in the report not enough fields or values Force feedback for PantherLord/GreenAsia devices by Anssi Hannula hid_pl pantherlord hid_petalynx fixing up Petalynx Maxter Remote report descriptor petalynx hid_samsung fixing up Samsung IrDA %d byte report descriptor drivers/hid/hid-samsung.c <7>%s: samsung wireless keyboard/mouse input mapping event [0x%x] samsung Fixing up Sony Vaio VGX report descriptor Fixing up Sony Sixaxis report descriptor can't alloc sony descriptor can't set operational mode hid_sony sony hid_sunplus fixing up Sunplus Wireless Desktop report descriptor sunplus hid_topseed topseed drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c <7>%s: submitting out urb usb_submit_urb(out) failed: %d Set_Report Get_Report <7>%s: submitting ctrl urb: %s wValue=0x%04x wIndex=0x%04x wLength=%u usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed: %d output queue full output queueing failed control queue full control queueing failed <7>%s: timeout waiting for ctrl or out queue to clear LED event field not found <7>%s: HID probe called for ifnum %d couldn't find an input interrupt endpoint HID %04x:%04x usb-%s-%s /input &usbhid->wait can't add hid device: %d usbhid <6>usbhid: USB HID core driver can't reset device, %s-%s/input%d, status %d input irq status %d received can't resubmit intr, %s-%s/input%d, status %d <7>%s: class descriptor not present <7>%s: weird size of report descriptor (%u) <7>%s: couldn't allocate rdesc memory <7>%s: reading report descriptor failed <7>%s: parsing report descriptor failed ctrl urb status %d received output irq status %d received timeout initializing reports <6>%s: Fixing fullspeed to highspeed interval: %d -> %d generic-usb drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c <7>%s: Found dynamic quirk 0x%x for USB HID vendor 0x%hx prod 0x%hx <7>%s: Found squirk 0x%x for USB HID vendor 0x%hx prod 0x%hx 0x%hx:0x%hx:0x%x <7>%s: Cannot add a quirk with idVendor = 0 <7>%s: Could not allocate quirks_list_struct <4>Could not parse HID quirk module param %s &list->thread_lock &hiddev->wait &hiddev->existancelock Not able to get a minor for this device hiddev%d pid_block_load failed 60 times <3>usbhid: logical_minimum is not 1 as it should be invalid waveform invalid type unknown set_effect report layout unknown pid_block_load report layout unknown effect_operation report layout unknown pid_block_free report layout effect lists not found direction field not found device control field not found block load status field not found effect operation field not found no effect types found block load status identifiers not found effect operation identifiers not found effect type number %d is invalid has constant effect but no envelope has ramp effect but no envelope has periodic effect but no envelope unknown constant effect layout unknown ramp effect layout unknown condition effect layout unknown periodic effect layout device reports %d simultaneous effects upload request failed device has unknown autocenter control method device does not support device managed pool Force feedback for USB HID PID devices by Anssi Hannula <6>binder: %d open vm area %lx-%lx (%ld K) vma %lx pagep %lx <6>binder: %d:%d node %d u%p c%p created drivers/staging/android/binder.c <6>binder: %d new ref %d desc %d for node %d <6>binder: %d new ref %d desc %d for dead node transactions transaction_log failed_transaction_log call reply %d: %s from %d:%d to %d:%d node %d handle %d size %d:%d %s%s: %d %s%s: active %d total %d %s %d: %p from %d:%d to %d:%d code %x flags %x pri %ld r%d buffer free node %d size %zd:%zd data %p %stransaction complete %snode work %d: u%p c%p %shas dead binder %shas cleared dead binder %shas cleared death notification %sunknown work: type %d node %d: u%p c%p hs %d hw %d ls %d lw %d is %d iw %d proc pending async transaction binder stats: proc %d threads: %d requested threads: %d+%d/%d ready threads %d free async space %zd nodes: %d refs: %d s %d w %d buffers: %d pending transactions: %d <6>binder: %d close vm area %lx-%lx (%ld K) vma %lx pagep %lx &thread->wait <6>binder_open: %d:%d &proc->wait debug_id uint32_t drivers/staging/android/./binder_trace.h cmd=0x%x arg=0x%lx tag=%s proc_work=%d transaction_stack=%d thread_todo=%d transaction=%d dest_node=%d dest_proc=%d dest_thread=%d reply=%d flags=0x%x code=0x%x transaction=%d transaction=%d node=%d src_ptr=0x%p ==> dest_ref=%d dest_desc=%d transaction=%d node=%d src_ref=%d src_desc=%d ==> dest_ptr=0x%p transaction=%d node=%d src_ref=%d src_desc=%d ==> dest_ref=%d dest_desc=%d transaction=%d src_fd=%d ==> dest_fd=%d transaction=%d data_size=%zd offsets_size=%zd proc=%d allocate=%d offset=%zu size=%zu cmd=0x%x %s <6>binder: refless node %d deleted <6>binder: dead node %d deleted <6>binder: %d delete ref %d desc %d for node %d <6>binder: %d delete ref %d desc %d has death notification <6>binder: %d invalid dec strong, ref %d desc %d s %d w %d <6>binder: %d invalid dec weak, ref %d desc %d s %d w %d <6>binder: send failed reply for transaction %d to %d:%d <3>binder: reply failed, target thread, %d:%d, has error code %d already <6>binder: send failed reply for transaction %d, target dead <6>binder: reply failed, no target thread at root <6>binder: reply failed, no target thread -- retry %d <6>binder: undelivered transaction %d <6>binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE <6>binder: undelivered death notification, %p <3>binder: unexpected work type, %d, not freed <6>binder: release %d:%d transaction %d %s, still active <6>binder: %d buffer release %d, size %zd-%zd, failed at %p <3>binder: transaction release %d badoffset %zd, size %zd <3>binder: transaction release %d bad node %p <6> node %d u%p <3>binder: transaction release %d bad handle %ld <6> ref %d desc %d (node %d) <6> fd %ld <3>binder: transaction release %d bad object type %lx <6>binder: %d: %s pages %p-%p <3>binder: %d: vma mm and task mm mismatch <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed to map pages in userspace, no vma <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed for page at %p <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed to map page at %p in kernel <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed to map page at %lx in userspace start end <6>binder: %d: merge free, buffer %p share page with %p <6>binder: %d: merge free, buffer %p do not share page%s%s with with %p or %p <6>binder: %d: nice value %ld not allowed use %ld instead <6>binder: %d RLIMIT_NICE not set arg proc_work transaction_stack thread_todo target_node to_proc to_thread node_debug_id node_ptr ref_debug_id ref_desc src_ref_debug_id src_ref_desc dest_ref_debug_id dest_ref_desc src_fd dest_fd data_size offsets_size dead delivered thread %d: l %02x outgoing transaction incoming transaction bad transaction pending transaction ref %d: desc %d %snode %d s %d w %d d %p buffer %s %d: %p size %zd:%zd %s pending transaction has delivered dead binder binder transactions: binder state: dead nodes: binder proc state: <6>binder: %d: add free buffer, size %zd, at %p <6>binder: %d: binder_free_buf %p size %zd buffer_size %zd <6>binder: %d: binder_free_buf size %zd async free %zd <6>binder_flush: %d woke %d threads <6>binder_release: %d context_mgr_node gone <6>binder: node %d now dead, refs %d, death %d <3>binder: release proc %d, transaction %d, not freed <6>binder_release: %d: page %d at %p not freed <6>binder_release: %d threads %d, nodes %d (ref %d), refs %d, active transactions %d, buffers %d, pages %d alloc page array alloc small buf already mapped get_vm_area bad vm_flags <6>binder_mmap: %d %lx-%lx (%ld K) vma %lx pagep %lx <3>binder_mmap: %d %lx-%lx %s failed %d <3>binder: invalid inc strong node for %d <3>binder: invalid inc weak node for %d <4>get_unused_fd: slot %d not NULL! IncRefs Acquire Release DecRefs BC_INCREFS_DONE BC_ACQUIRE_DONE finished BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION BC_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION <6>binder: %d:%d tried to acquire reference to desc 0, got %d instead <6>binder: %d:%d refcount change on invalid ref %d <6>binder: %d:%d %s ref %d desc %d s %d w %d for node %d <6>binder: %d:%d %s u%p no match <6>binder: %d:%d %s u%p node %d cookie mismatch %p != %p <6>binder: %d:%d BC_ACQUIRE_DONE node %d has no pending acquire request <6>binder: %d:%d BC_INCREFS_DONE node %d has no pending increfs request <6>binder: %d:%d %s node %d ls %d lw %d <3>binder: BC_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE not supported <3>binder: BC_ACQUIRE_RESULT not supported <6>binder: %d:%d BC_FREE_BUFFER u%p no match <6>binder: %d:%d BC_FREE_BUFFER u%p matched unreturned buffer <6>binder: %d:%d BC_FREE_BUFFER u%p found buffer %d for %s transaction <6>binder: %d:%d got reply transaction with no transaction stack <6>binder: %d:%d got reply transaction with bad transaction stack, transaction %d has target %d:%d <6>binder: %d:%d got reply transaction with bad target transaction stack %d, expected %d <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction to invalid handle <6>binder: %d:%d got new transaction with bad transaction stack, transaction %d has target %d:%d <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REPLY %d -> %d:%d, data %p-%p size %zd-%zd <6>binder: %d:%d BC_TRANSACTION %d -> %d - node %d, data %p-%p size %zd-%zd <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf, no vma <6>binder: %d: got transaction with invalid size %zd-%zd <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zdfailed, no async space left <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd failed, no address space <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd got buffer %p size %zd <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd got %p <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd async free %zd <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid data ptr <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid offsets ptr <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid offsets size, %zd <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid offset, %zd <6>binder: %d:%d sending u%p node %d, cookie mismatch %p != %p <6> node %d u%p -> ref %d desc %d <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid handle, %ld <6> ref %d desc %d -> node %d u%p <6> ref %d desc %d -> ref %d desc %d (node %d) <6>binder: %d:%d got reply with fd, %ld, but target does not allow fds <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with fd, %ld, but target does not allow fds <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid fd, %ld <6> fd %ld -> %d <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid object type, %lx <6>binder: %d:%d transaction failed %d, size %zd-%zd <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REGISTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: BC_REGISTER_LOOPER called after BC_ENTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: BC_REGISTER_LOOPER called without request <6>binder: %d:%d BC_ENTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: BC_ENTER_LOOPER called after BC_REGISTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d BC_EXIT_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d %s invalid ref %d <6>binder: %d:%d %s %p ref %d desc %d s %d w %d for node %d <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION death notification already set <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION failed <6>binder: %d:%d BC_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION death notification not active <6>binder: %d:%d BC_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION death notification cookie mismatch %p != %p <6>binder: %d:%d BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE %p found %p <6>binder: %d:%d BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE %p not found <3>binder: %d:%d unknown command %d BR_DEAD_BINDER BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE BR_TRANSACTION BR_REPLY BR_DECREFS BR_RELEASE BR_ACQUIRE BR_INCREFS <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: Thread waiting for process work before calling BC_REGISTER_LOOPER or BC_ENTER_LOOPER (state %x) <6>binder: %d:%d BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE <6>binder: %d:%d %s %d u%p c%p <6>binder: %d:%d node %d u%p c%p deleted <6>binder: %d:%d node %d u%p c%p state unchanged <6>binder: %d:%d %s %p <6>binder: %d:%d %s %d %d:%d, cmd %dsize %zd-%zd ptr %p-%p <6>binder: %d:%d BR_SPAWN_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d write %ld at %08lx, read %ld at %08lx <6>binder: %d:%d wrote %ld of %ld, read return %ld of %ld <3>binder: BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR already set <3>binder: BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR bad uid %d != %d <6>binder: %d:%d exit <6>binder: %d:%d ioctl %x %lx returned %d binder_return binder_command binder_update_page_range binder_transaction_failed_buffer_release binder_transaction_buffer_release binder_transaction_alloc_buf binder_transaction_fd binder_transaction_ref_to_ref binder_transaction_ref_to_node binder_transaction_node_to_ref binder_transaction_received binder_transaction binder_wait_for_work binder_read_done binder_write_done binder_ioctl_done binder_unlock binder_locked binder_lock binder_ioctl thread ref death transaction_complete BC_TRANSACTION BC_REPLY BC_ACQUIRE_RESULT BC_FREE_BUFFER BC_INCREFS BC_ACQUIRE BC_RELEASE BC_DECREFS BC_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE BC_REGISTER_LOOPER BC_ENTER_LOOPER BC_EXIT_LOOPER BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE BR_ERROR BR_OK BR_ACQUIRE_RESULT BR_DEAD_REPLY BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE BR_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE BR_NOOP BR_SPAWN_LOOPER BR_FINISHED BR_FAILED_REPLY <3>ashmem: failed to unregister misc device! <6>ashmem: unloaded dev/ashmem/ dev/ashmem ashmem_area_cache <3>ashmem: failed to create slab cache ashmem_range_cache <3>ashmem: failed to register misc device! <6>ashmem: initialized ashmem timed_output <3>timed_output: Failed to register driver %s arch/x86/pci/i386.c <3>PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found <3>PCI: Error %02x when fetching IRQ routing table. <6>PCI: Using BIOS Interrupt Routing Table arch/x86/pci/pcbios.c PCI: unsupported BIOS32 revision %d at 0x%p PCI: BIOS32 entry (0x%p) in high memory, cannot use. <4>bios32_service(0x%lx): not present <4>bios32_service(0x%lx): returned 0x%x -- BIOS bug! <3>PCI: BIOS BUG #%x[%08x] found <6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision %x.%02x entry at 0x%lx, last bus=%d <6>PCI: Using MMCONFIG for extended config space arch/x86/pci/direct.c <6>PCI: Using configuration type %d for base access <6>PCI: Using configuration type 1 for extended access PCI conf1 PCI conf2 E820 ACPI motherboard resources <6>PCI: MMCONFIG at %pR reserved in %s PCI MMCONFIG %04x [bus %02x-%02x] <6>PCI: MMCONFIG for %04x [bus%02x-%02x] at %pR (base %#lx) (size reduced!) <6>PCI: MMCONFIG for domain %04x [bus %02x-%02x] at %pR (base %#lx) Intel Corporation 945G/GZ/P/PL Express Memory Controller Hub Intel Corporation E7520 Memory Controller Hub AMD Family 10h NB PNP0C01 PNP0C02 nVidia MCP55 <3>PCI: MMCONFIG has no entries SGI2 <3>PCI: MCFG region for %04x [bus %02x-%02x] at %#llx is above 4GB, ignored <4>PCI: no memory for MCFG entries <6>PCI: %s with MMCONFIG support MCFG <3>[Firmware Bug]: PCI: MMCONFIG at %pR not reserved in ACPI motherboard resources <6>PCI: not using MMCONFIG Fixing base address flags Searching for i450NX host bridges i440KX/GX host bridge; secondary bus %02x Disabling VIA memory write queue (PCI ID %04x, rev %02x): [%02x] %02x & %02x -> %02x nForce2 C1 Halt Disconnect fixup Boot video device Fixing NCR 53C810 class code Detected MSI K8T Neo2-FIR; can't enable onboard soundcard! Detected MSI K8T Neo2-FIR; enabled onboard soundcard <6>Reserving memory on Twinhead H12Y twinhead Toshiba PS5 based laptop Toshiba PSM4 based laptop Toshiba A40 based laptop MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir host bridge window [%#llx-%#llx] (ignored, not CPU addressable) host bridge window [%#llx-%#llx] ([%#llx-%#llx] ignored, not CPU addressable) host bridge window %pR (ignored) host bridge window %pR (PCI address [%#llx-%#llx]) host bridge window %pR host bridge window expanded to %pR; %pR ignored nocrs Using use_crs <6>PCI: %s host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=%s" and report a bug <4>pci_bus %04x:%02x: ignored (multiple domains not supported) <4>pci_bus %04x:%02x: ignored (out of memory) ignoring host bridge window %pR (conflicts with %s %pR) on NUMA node %d <6>PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing <6>PCI: Routing PCI interrupts for all devices because "pci=routeirq" specified IBM System x3800 ASRock ALiveSATA2-GLAN ASUS M2V-MX SE MSI MS-7253 Dell Studio 1557 Thinkpad SL510 <6>PCI: Discovered peer bus %02x PCI: System does not support PCI PCI: Probing PCI hardware VIA VLSI 82C534 ServerWorks SIS NatSemi OPTI ITE ALI AMD756 AMD766 AMD768 PicoPower PT86C523 PicoPower PT86C523 rev. BB+ AMD756: dev [%04x:%04x], router PIRQ %d get IRQ %d <6>PCI: Discovered primary peer bus %02x [IRQ] arch/x86/pci/irq.c AMD756: dev [%04x:%04x], router PIRQ %d set IRQ %d <6>%s detected - fixing broken IRQ routing VLSI router PIRQ escape (%d) PIIX/ICH <7>PCI: setting IRQ %u as level-triggered guessed hardcoded assigned IRQ %d doesn't match PIRQ mask %#x; try pci=usepirqmask %s PCI INT %c -> IRQ %d IRQ routing conflict: have IRQ %d, want IRQ %d sharing IRQ %d with %s ; please try using pci=biosirq can't find IRQ for PCI INT %c%s <4>PCI: PIRQ table NOT found at pirqaddr <6>PCI: Using BIOS for IRQ routing BIOS %s IRQ router [%04x:%04x] HP Pavilion N5400 Series Laptop <6>PCI: %s detected, can skip ISA alignment <6>%s detected: enabling PCI bus# renumbering (pci=assign-busses) <6>dmi type 0xB1 record - unknown flag <6>PCI: %s detected, enabling pci=bfsort. <3>PCI: OOM, not probing PCI bus %02x <7>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus %02x) <7>PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to %d bytes <7>PCI: Unknown cacheline size. Setting to 32 bytes <4>PCI: System does not support PCI bfsort nobfsort bios nobios biosirq pirqaddr= conf1 conf2 nommconf check_enable_amd_mmconf noearly usepirqmask irqmask= lastbus= norom nobar assign-busses earlydump routeirq skip_isa_align noioapicquirk ioapicreroute noioapicreroute <3>PCI: OOM, skipping PCI bus %02x Samsung X20 Laptop Dell PowerEdge 1950 Dell PowerEdge 1955 Dell PowerEdge 2900 Dell PowerEdge 2950 Dell PowerEdge R900 Dell System HP ProLiant BL20p G3 HP ProLiant BL20p G4 HP ProLiant BL30p G1 HP ProLiant BL25p G1 HP ProLiant BL35p G1 HP ProLiant BL45p G1 HP ProLiant BL45p G2 HP ProLiant BL460c G1 HP ProLiant BL465c G1 HP ProLiant BL480c G1 HP ProLiant BL685c G1 HP ProLiant DL360 HP ProLiant DL380 Compaq EVO N800c HP ProLiant DL385 G2 HP ProLiant DL585 G2 IBM System x3850 IBM System x3950 <6>pci 0000:%02x:%02x.%d config space: %02x: <7>PCI: root bus %02x: hardware-probed resources <7>PCI: root bus %02x: using default resources and ==> none PCI Bus #%02x <7>node %d link %d: io port [%llx, %llx] <6>TOM: %016llx aka %lldM <7>Fam 10h mmconf %pR <7>node %d link %d: mmio [%llx, %llx] ==> [%llx, %llx] %s [%llx, %llx] %s <6>TOM2: %016llx aka %lldM <7>bus: [%02x, %02x] on node %x link %x <7>bus: %02x index %x %pR <2>protocol %d >= NPROTO(%d) <6>NET: Registered protocol family %d socket: socket:[%lu] &wq->wait sock_inode_cache <3>sock_release: fasync list not empty! <7>sock_close: NULL inode <6>%s uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET) <4>socket: no more sockets net-pf-%d net/socket.c <6>NET: Unregistered protocol family %d bridge 8021q dlci sockets: used %d sockfs &sk->sk_lock.wq net/core/sock.c protocols <6>sock_set_timeout: `%s' (pid %d) tries to set negative timeout <2>%s: Can't create sock SLAB cache! request_sock_%s <2>%s: Can't create request sock SLAB cache! tw_sock_%s <3>PROTO_INUSE_NR exhausted NI cl co di ac io in de sh ss gs se re sp bi br ha uh gp em maxhdr press sockets %-9s %-4s %-8s %-6s %-5s %-7s %-4s %-10s %s %-9s %4u %6d %6ld %-3s %6u %-3s %-10s %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c <7>%s: optmem leakage (%d bytes) detected. getsockopt <4>process `%s' is using obsolete %s SO_BSDCOMPAT setsockopt net/core/request_sock.c include/linux/skbuff.h net/core/skbuff.c net/core/kmap_skb.h <0>skb_under_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s <0>skb_over_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s <4>bad partial csum: csum=%u/%u len=%u <4>%s: received packets cannot be forwarded while LRO is enabled skbuff_head_cache skbuff_fclone_cache net/core/datagram.c net/core/stream.c net/core/gen_estimator.c include/net/netns/generic.h net/core/net_namespace.c Could not allocate generic netns Could not setup the initial network namespace net/core/sysctl_net_core.c netdev_tstamp_prequeue <4>dev_remove_pack: %p not found net/core/dev.c dev%d <0>%s: failed to move %s to init_net: %d <4>Number of in use tx queues changed invalidating tc mappings. Priority traffic classification disabled! <4>Number of in use tx queues changed. Priority %i to tc mapping %i is no longer valid. Setting map to 0 %s: caps=(%pNF, %pNF) len=%d data_len=%d gso_size=%d gso_type=%d ip_summed=%d entered left <4>%s: promiscuity touches roof, set promiscuity failed. promiscuity feature of device might be broken. <6>device %s %s promiscuous mode dev=%s prom=%d old_prom=%d auid=%u uid=%u gid=%u ses=%u ptype softnet_stat Type Device Function ALL %-8s %pF %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %6s: %7llu %7llu %4llu %4llu %4llu %5llu %10llu %9llu %8llu %7llu %4llu %4llu %4llu %5llu %7llu %10llu Inter-| Receive | Transmit face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed netdev-%s <3>Loading kernel module for a network device with CAP_SYS_MODULE (deprecated). Use CAP_NET_ADMIN and alias netdev-%s instead. <3>%s: hw csum failure (unregistered net_device) %s: %pV %s%s: %pV %s(NULL net_device): %pV <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device with zero queues <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device <3>netdev: Unable to allocate %u tx queues <3>%s: name change rollback failed: %d <2>protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s <4>%s selects TX queue %d, but real number of TX queues is %d <2>Virtual device %s asks to queue packet! <2>Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently! <4>%s: allmulti touches roof, set allmulti failed. allmulti feature of device might be broken. mixed HW and IP checksum settings. set_features() failed (%d); wanted %pNF, left %pNF include/linux/if_vlan.h netdevice: %s failed to disable LRO! <3>network todo '%s' but state %d <0>unregister_netdevice: waiting for %s to become free. Usage count = %d net/core/ethtool.c dev_mcast %-4d %-15s %-5d %-5d net/core/dev_addr_lists.c net/core/dst.c entries allocs destroys hash_grows lookups hits res_failed rcv_probes_mcast rcv_probes_ucast periodic_gc_runs forced_gc_runs unresolved_discards %08x %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx proto cannot create neighbour cache statistics cannot create neighbour proc dir entry cannot allocate neighbour cache hashes <4>Destroying alive neighbour %p <4>Impossible event. net/core/neighbour.c neigh_parms_release: not found NEIGH: BUG, double timer add, state is %x neigh_resolve_output: dst=%p neigh=%p <3>NEIGH: Registering multiple tables for family %d <2>neighbour leakage retrans_time unres_qlen_bytes anycast_delay proxy_delay locktime net/core/rtnetlink.c Unable to register rtnetlink message handler, protocol = %d, message type = %d <4>A link change request failed with some changes committed already. Interface %s may have been left with an inconsistent configuration, please check. rtnl-link-%s %s%%d rtnetlink_init: cannot allocate rta_buf rtnetlink_init: cannot initialize rtnetlink 0123456789abcdefABCDEF Unknown code:%u jt:%u tf:%u k:%u net/core/filter.c net/core/sock_diag.c net-pf-%d-proto-%d-type-%d <3>NET: failed to allocate flow cache sz %zu flow_cache net/core/net-sysfs.c INTERFACE=%s IFINDEX=%d tx-%u byte_queue_limits limit_min limit_max hold_time tx_timeout beacon retries fragment nwid noise statistics tx_compressed rx_compressed tx_window_errors tx_heartbeat_errors tx_fifo_errors tx_carrier_errors tx_aborted_errors rx_missed_errors rx_fifo_errors rx_frame_errors rx_crc_errors rx_over_errors rx_length_errors collisions multicast tx_dropped rx_dropped tx_errors rx_errors tx_bytes rx_bytes tx_packets rx_packets addr_assign_type addr_len dev_id ifalias iflink ifindex link_mode broadcast carrier duplex dormant operstate tx_queue_len netdev_group notpresent down lowerlayerdown testing <6>netpoll: %s: local port %d <6>netpoll: %s: local IP %pI4 <6>netpoll: %s: interface '%s' <6>netpoll: %s: remote port %d <6>netpoll: %s: remote IP %pI4 <6>netpoll: %s: remote ethernet address %pM <6>netpoll: %s: warning: whitespace is not allowed <6>netpoll: %s: couldn't parse config at '%s'! <3>netpoll: %s: %s doesn't support polling, aborting <3>netpoll: %s: %s doesn't exist, aborting <3>netpoll: %s: %s is a slave device, aborting <6>netpoll: %s: device %s not up yet, forcing it <3>netpoll: %s: failed to open %s <5>netpoll: %s: timeout waiting for carrier <5>netpoll: %s: carrier detect appears untrustworthy, waiting 4 seconds <3>netpoll: %s: no IP address for %s, aborting netpoll_send_skb(): %s enabled interrupts in poll (%pF) net/core/netpoll.c net/core/fib_rules.c skbaddr include/trace/events/skb.h skbaddr=%p protocol=%u location=%p skbaddr=%p skbaddr=%p len=%d include/trace/events/net.h dev=%s skbaddr=%p len=%u rc=%d dev=%s skbaddr=%p len=%u include/trace/events/napi.h napi poll on napi struct %p for device %s include/trace/events/sock.h rmem_alloc=%d truesize=%u sk_rcvbuf=%d proto:%s sysctl_mem=%ld,%ld,%ld allocated=%ld sysctl_rmem=%d rmem_alloc=%d include/trace/events/udp.h rc=%d port=%hu (no_device) rc napi struct napi_struct * dev_name rmem_alloc truesize sk_rcvbuf sysctl_mem long * sysctl_rmem udp_fail_queue_rcv_skb udp sock_exceed_buf_limit sock sock_rcvqueue_full napi_poll netif_rx netif_receive_skb net_dev_queue net_dev_xmit skb_copy_datagram_iovec skb consume_skb kfree_skb net/llc/llc_core.c device type not supported: %d net/llc/llc_output.c <7>%s: unable to resolve type %X addresses. tr%d if TR address TTL rcf routing segments %s %pM %7li local %03X -%01X-%03X tr_rif <7>tr.c: Couldn't malloc rif cache entry ! tr_rebuild_header: Don't know how to resolve type %04X addresses ? fddi%d %s: Don't know how to resolve type %04X addresses. <6>NETDEV WATCHDOG: %s (%s): transmit queue %u timed out net/sched/sch_generic.c <4>Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently! <4>BUG %s code %d qlen %d net/netlink/af_netlink.c nlk->cb_mutex &nlk->wait <3>Freeing alive netlink socket %p netlink sk Eth Pid Groups Rmem Wmem Dump Locks Drops Inode %pK %-3d %-6d %08x %-8d %-8d %pK %-8d %-8d %-8lu net-pf-%d-proto-%d include/net/sock.h netlink_add_usersock_entry: Cannot allocate listeners netlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table GENL: Cannot initialize generic netlink net-pf-%d-proto-%d-type-%s net/netlink/genetlink.c GENL: Cannot register controller: %d net/netfilter/core.c cannot create netfilter proc entry cannot initialize nf_queue cannot initialize nf_log %2lld NONE ( %2lld %s ( NONE nf_log %2lld NONE %2lld %s nf_queue <6>Removing netfilter NETLINK layer. <6>Netfilter messages via NETLINK v%s. nfnetlink-subsys-%d <4>nf_queue: no tailroom! net/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.c <3>nf_queue: error creating packet message <4>nf_queue: full at %d entries, dropping packets(s). nfnetlink_queue %5d %6d %5d %1d %5d %5d %5d %8d %2d <3>nf_queue: failed to create netlink socket <4>nf_queue: OOM in mangle, dropping packet nfnetlink_log %5d %6d %5d %1d %5d %6d %2d <3>log: failed to create netlink socket <3>log: failed to register logger <3>nfnetlink_log: can't even alloc %u bytes <4>nfnetlink_log: no tailroom! net/netfilter/nfnetlink_log.c <3>nfnetlink_log: error creating log nlmsg log net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.c <4>nf_conntrack: falling back to vmalloc. <4>nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet. 0.5.0 <6>nf_conntrack version %s (%u buckets, %d max) nf_conntrack_%p <3>Unable to create nf_conn slab cache <3>Unable to create nf_conntrack_hash entries searched found new invalid ignore delete delete_list insert insert_failed drop early_drop icmp_error expect_new expect_create expect_delete search_restart %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x nf_conntrack <3>nf_conntrack: can't register to sysctl. %-8s %u %-8s %u %ld [UNREPLIED] mark=%u [ASSURED] secctx=%s use=%u nf_conntrack_expect_max %ld - l3proto = %u proto=%u PERMANENT %sINACTIVE %sUSERSPACE /%s <4>nf_conntrack: expectation table full nf_conntrack_expect nfct-helper-%s net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.c nf_conntrack-%d net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto.c ip_conntrack_generic_timeout nf_conntrack_generic_timeout sport=%hu dport=%hu nf_ct_tcp: short packet nf_ct_tcp: truncated/malformed packet nf_ct_tcp: bad TCP checksum nf_ct_tcp: invalid TCP flag combination net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_tcp.c SEQ is over the upper bound (over the window of the receiver) ACK is under the lower bound (possible overly delayed ACK) SEQ is under the lower bound (already ACKed data retransmitted) ACK is over the upper bound (ACKed data not seen yet) BUG nf_ct_tcp: invalid packet ignored nf_ct_tcp: invalid state nf_ct_tcp: invalid RST nf_ct_tcp: %s tcp ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sent ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sent2 ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_recv ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_wait ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_last_ack ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_max_retrans nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sent nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_recv nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_wait nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_last_ack nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_max_retrans nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_unacknowledged SYN_SENT SYN_RECV ESTABLISHED FIN_WAIT CLOSE_WAIT LAST_ACK TIME_WAIT CLOSE SYN_SENT2 nf_ct_udp: short packet nf_ct_udp: truncated/malformed packet nf_ct_udp: bad UDP checksum ip_conntrack_udp_timeout ip_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream nf_conntrack_udp_timeout nf_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.c packets=%llu bytes=%llu <3>nf_conntrack_acct: Unable to register extension <3>nf_conntrack_acct: can't register to sysctl. nf_conntrack_acct net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ecache.c <3>nf_ct_event: Unable to register event extension. <3>nf_ct_event: can't register to sysctl. nf_conntrack_events nf_conntrack_events_retry_timeout nf_ct_dccp: short packet nf_ct_dccp: truncated/malformed packet nf_ct_dccp: bad checksum coverage nf_ct_dccp: bad checksum nf_ct_dccp: reserved packet type nf_ct_dccp: not picking up existing connection nf_ct_dccp: invalid state transition net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_dccp.c nf_ct_dccp: invalid packet ignored dccp nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_request nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_respond nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_partopen nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_open nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_closereq nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_closing nf_conntrack_dccp_timeout_timewait nf_conntrack_dccp_loose REQUEST RESPOND PARTOPEN OPEN CLOSEREQ CLOSING TIMEWAIT IGNORE INVALID timeout=%u, stream_timeout=%u srckey=0x%x dstkey=0x%x gre <3>nf_conntrack_l4proto_sctp4: protocol register failed <3>nf_conntrack_l4proto_sctp6: protocol register failed ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_closed ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_wait ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_echoed ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_established ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_sent ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_recd ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_ack_sent nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_closed nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_wait nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_echoed nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_established nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_sent nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_recd nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_ack_sent CLOSED COOKIE_WAIT COOKIE_ECHOED SHUTDOWN_SENT SHUTDOWN_RECD SHUTDOWN_ACK_SENT nf_ct_udplite: short packet nf_ct_udplite: invalid checksum coverage nf_ct_udplite: checksum missing nf_ct_udplite: bad UDPLite checksum udplite nf_conntrack_udplite_timeout nf_conntrack_udplite_timeout_stream <6>ctnetlink: unregistering from nfnetlink. <3>ctnetlink_init: cannot register notifier. <3>ctnetlink_init: cannot expect register notifier. <6>ctnetlink v%s: registering with nfnetlink. <3>ctnetlink_init: cannot register with nfnetlink. <3>ctnetlink_init: cannot register exp with nfnetlink. <3>ctnetlink_init: cannot register pernet operations nf-nat-ipv4 conntrack_expect conntrack <3>amanda_help: skblen = %u amanda CONNECT DATA MESG INDEX ftp ftp-%d <3>nf_ct_ftp: failed to register helper for pf: %d port: %d net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ftp.c PORT EPRT 227 229 net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_h323_main.c <6>nf_ct_ras: packet dropped <6>nf_ct_h245: packet dropped <6>nf_ct_q931: packet dropped RAS Q.931 H.245 net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_irc.c DCC <4>Forged DCC command from %pI4: %pI4:%u <3>nf_ct_irc: max_dcc_channels must not be zero irc irc-%u <3>nf_ct_irc: failed to register helper for pf: %u port: %u SEND CHAT MOVE TSEND SCHAT netbios-ns net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_pptp.c pptp net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_sane.c sane sane-%d <3>nf_ct_sane: failed to register helper for pf: %d port: %d tftp tftp-%u <3>nf_ct_tftp: failed to register helper for pf: %u port: %u <6>NF_TPROXY: Transparent proxy support initialized, version 4.1.0 <6>NF_TPROXY: Copyright (c) 2006-2007 BalaBit IT Ltd. %st_%s table=%s family=%u entries=%u _tables_names _tables_matches _tables_targets &xt[i].mutex <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s.%u target: invalid size %u (kernel) != (user) %u <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s target: only valid in %s table, not %s <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s target: used from hooks %s, but only usable from %s <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s target: only valid for protocol %u <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s.%u match: invalid size %u (kernel) != (user) %u <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s match: only valid in %s table, not %s <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s match: used from hooks %s, but only valid from %s <3>x_tables: %s_tables: %s match: only valid for protocol %u PREROUTING FORWARD POSTROUTING BROUTING arp eb ip6 <6>cannot load conntrack support for proto=%u mangle <6>xt_CONNSECMARK: target only valid in the 'mangle' or 'security' tables, not '%s'. <6>xt_CONNSECMARK: invalid mode: %hu <6>xt_CONNSECMARK: cannot load conntrack support for proto=%u net/netfilter/xt_CONNSECMARK.c <3>NFQUEUE: number of total queues is 0 <3>NFQUEUE: number of queues (%u) out of range (got %u) <6>xt_SECMARK: target only valid in the 'mangle' or 'security' tables, not '%s'. <6>xt_SECMARK: mode already set to %hu cannot mix with rules for mode %hu <6>xt_SECMARK: invalid mode: %hu <6>xt_SECMARK: invalid security context '%s' <6>xt_SECMARK: unable to map security context '%s' <6>xt_SECMARK: unable to obtain relabeling permission net/netfilter/xt_SECMARK.c <6>xt_TPROXY: Can be used only in combination with either -p tcp or -p udp include/net/netfilter/nf_tproxy_core.h <6>xt_TCPMSS: path-MTU clamping only supported in FORWARD, OUTPUT and POSTROUTING hooks <6>xt_TCPMSS: Only works on TCP SYN packets <3>xt_TCPMSS: unknown or invalid path-MTU (%u) <3>xt_IDLETIMER: message too long (%d) STATE=%s UID=%u UID= TIME_NS=%llu xt_idletimer timers net/netfilter/xt_IDLETIMER.c <4>[%s] Failed to register pm notifier %d 0 %d <6>xt_connlimit: cannot load conntrack support for address family %u <6>xt_conntrack: cannot load conntrack support for proto=%u <6>xt_ecn: cannot match TCP bits in rule for non-tcp packets ipt_hashlimit ip6t_hashlimit net/netfilter/xt_hashlimit.c xt_hashlimit <4>xt_hashlimit: unable to create slab cache <6>xt_hashlimit: overflow, try lower: %u/%u %ld %pI4:%u->%pI4:%u %u %u %u %ld %pI6:%u->%pI6:%u %u %u %u <3>xt_hashlimit: max count of %u reached <6>xt_helper: cannot load conntrack support for proto=%u <6>xt_limit: Overflow, try lower: %u/%u <6>xt_policy: neither incoming nor outgoing policy selected <6>xt_policy: output policy not valid in PREROUTING and INPUT <6>xt_policy: input policy not valid in POSTROUTING and OUTPUT <6>xt_policy: too many policy elements <3>qtaguid: kmalloc failed net/netfilter/xt_qtaguid_print.c tag_t@null{} tag_t@%p{tag=0x%llx, uid=%u} data_counters@null{} data_counters@%p{set0{rx{tcp{b=%llu, p=%llu}, udp{b=%llu, p=%llu},other{b=%llu, p=%llu}}, tx{tcp{b=%llu, p=%llu}, udp{b=%llu, p=%llu},other{b=%llu, p=%llu}}}, set1{rx{tcp{b=%llu, p=%llu}, udp{b=%llu, p=%llu},other{b=%llu, p=%llu}}, tx{tcp{b=%llu, p=%llu}, udp{b=%llu, p=%llu},other{b=%llu, p=%llu}}}} data_counters@%p{...} tag_node@null{} tag_node@%p{tag=%s} tag_ref@null{} tag_ref@%p{%s, num_sock_tags=%d} tag_stat@null{} tag_stat@%p{%s, counters=%s, parent_counters=%s} iface_stat@null{} iface_stat@%p{list=list_head{...}, ifname=%s, total_dev={rx={bytes=%llu, packets=%llu}, tx={bytes=%llu, packets=%llu}}, total_skb={rx={bytes=%llu, packets=%llu}, tx={bytes=%llu, packets=%llu}}, last_known_valid=%d, last_known={rx={bytes=%llu, packets=%llu}, tx={bytes=%llu, packets=%llu}}, active=%d, net_dev=%p, proc_ptr=%p, tag_stat_tree=rb_root{...}} sock_tag@null{} sock_tag@%p{sock_node=rb_node{...}, sk=%p socket=%p (f_count=%lu), list=list_head{...}, pid=%u, tag=%s} uid_tag_data@null{} uid_tag_data@%p{uid=%u, num_active_acct_tags=%d, num_pqd=%d, tag_node_tree=rb_root{...}, proc_qtu_data_tree=rb_root{...}} proc_qtu_data@null{} proc_qtu_data@%p{node=rb_node{...}, pid=%u, parent_tag_data=%s, sock_tag_list=list_head{...}} sock_tag_tree=rb_root{} <7>%*d: %s sock_tag_tree=rb_root{ <7>%*d: %s, } sock_tag_list=list_head{} sock_tag_list=list_head{ proc_qtu_data_tree=rb_root{} proc_qtu_data_tree=rb_root{ tag_ref_tree{} tag_ref_tree{ uid_tag_data_tree=rb_root{} uid_tag_data_tree=rb_root{ tag_stat_tree{} tag_stat_tree{ iface_stat_list=list_head{} iface_stat_list=list_head{ bad event num netdev_unknown NETDEV_UP NETDEV_DOWN NETDEV_REBOOT NETDEV_CHANGE NETDEV_REGISTER NETDEV_UNREGISTER NETDEV_CHANGEMTU NETDEV_CHANGEADDR NETDEV_GOING_DOWN NETDEV_CHANGENAME NETDEV_FEAT_CHANGE NETDEV_BONDING_FAILOVER NETDEV_PRE_UP NETDEV_PRE_TYPE_CHANGE NETDEV_POST_TYPE_CHANGE NETDEV_POST_INIT NETDEV_UNREGISTER_BATCH NETDEV_RELEASE NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS NETDEV_JOIN <7>qtaguid: tag_node_tree_search(0x%llx): node=%p data=%p <7>qtaguid: tag_node_tree_search(0x%llx): data.tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) res=%d <7>qtaguid: %s(): erase st: sk=%p tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <6>qtaguid: iface_stat: get() NULL device name <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create_proc(): done entry=%p dev=%s <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create_proc(): alloc failed. idx iface acct_tag_hex uid_tag_int cnt_set rx_bytes rx_packets tx_bytes tx_packets rx_tcp_bytes rx_tcp_packets rx_udp_bytes rx_udp_packets rx_other_bytes rx_other_packets tx_tcp_bytes tx_tcp_packets tx_udp_bytes tx_udp_packets tx_other_bytes tx_other_packets <7>qtaguid: stats line: %s 0x%llx %u: insufficient priv from pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u stats.gid=%u %d %s 0x%llx %u %u %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu net/netfilter/xt_qtaguid.c <7>qtaguid:proc stats pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u page=%p *num_items_returned=%p off=%ld char_count=%d *eof=%d <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): iface=%p netdev=%p bytes rx/tx=%llu/%llu active=%d last_known=%d stats_rewound=%d <4>qtaguid: iface_stat: %s(%s): iface reset its stats unexpectedly <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): iface=%p used last known bytes rx/tx=%llu/%llu <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): enable tracking. rfcnt=%d <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): disable tracking. rfcnt=%d <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: update(%s): not tracked <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): entry=%p <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): already disabled <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): dev stats stashed rx/tx=%llu/%llu <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): disable tracking. rx/tx=%llu/%llu <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): iface_stat alloc failed <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): ifname alloc failed <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): work alloc failed <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: inet6addr_event(): ev=0x%lx/%s ifa=%p <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create6(): ifa=%p netdev=%p->name=%s <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create6(): no net dev! <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create6(%s): no inet dev <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create6(%s): in_dev=%p <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): tracking now %d on ip=%pI6c <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create6(%s): done entry=%p ip=%pI6c <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): ifa=%p netdev=%p <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(): no net dev <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): no inet dev <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): in_dev=%p <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): ifa=%p ifa_label=%s <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): no matching IP <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): entry=%p <7>qtaguid: %s(%s): tracking now %d on ip=%pI4 <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: create(%s): done entry=%p ip=%pI4 <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: inetaddr_event(): ev=0x%lx/%s ifa=%p <3>qtaguid[%d]: %s(): no par->in/out?!! <3>qtaguid[%d]: %s(): no dev->name?!! <7>qtaguid[%d]: skb->dev=%p %s vs par->%s=%p %s <7>qtaguid: %s(): tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: %s(): ife=%p tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: tag stat alloc failed <7>qtaguid: %s(): %p tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <7>qtaguid: %s(): erased %p <7>qtaguid: %s(): erase utd_entry=%p uid=%u by pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: %s(): utd_entry=%p still has %d tags %d proc_qtu_data <7>%s(): transport header not found in ipv6 skb=%p %s %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu <7>qtaguid: iface_stat: netdev_event(): ev=0x%lx/%s netdev=%p->name=%s xt_qtaguid <3>qtaguid: failed to create proc/.../xt_qtaguid <3>qtaguid: failed to create xt_qtaguid/ctrl file <3>qtaguid: failed to create xt_qtaguid/stats file iface_stat <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: init failed to create proc entry iface_stat_all <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: init failed to create stat_old proc entry iface_stat_fmt <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: init failed to create stat_all proc entry <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: init failed to register dev event handler <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: init failed to register ipv4 dev event handler <3>qtaguid: iface_stat: init failed to register ipv6 dev event handler <7>qtaguid: get_sock_stat_nl(sk=%p) qtaguid: %s(): %s { <7>%s <7>qtaguid: %s(): } <7>qtaguid: proc ctrl pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u page=%p off=%ld char_count=%d *eof=%d <7>qtaguid: proc_read(): sk=%p tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) pid=%u sock=%p tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) pid=%u f_count=%lu events: sockets_tagged=%llu sockets_untagged=%llu counter_set_changes=%llu delete_cmds=%llu iface_events=%llu match_calls=%llu match_calls_prepost=%llu match_found_sk=%llu match_found_sk_in_ct=%llu match_found_no_sk_in_ct=%llu match_no_sk=%llu match_no_sk_file=%llu proc ctrl <7>qtaguid: get_active_counter_set(tag=0x%llx) (uid=%u) <7>qtaguid: tag_stat_update(tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) set=%d dir=%d proto=%d bytes=%d) <7>qtaguid: qtudev_release(): pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u pqd_entry=%p->pid=%u utd_entry=%p->active_tags=%d <7>qtaguid: %s(): erase sock_tag=%p->sk=%p pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: %s(): looking for tag=0x%llx in utd_entry=%p %s(): pid=%u tgid=%u <7>qtaguid[%d]: dev name=%s type=%d fam=%d proto=%d dir=%d <7>qtaguid: if_tag_stat_update(ifname=%s uid=%u sk=%p dir=%d proto=%d bytes=%d) <3>qtaguid: tag_stat: stat_update() %s not found <7>qtaguid: tag_stat: stat_update() dev=%s entry=%p <7>qtaguid: get_sock_stat(sk=%p) <7>qtaguid: tag_stat: stat_update(): looking for tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) in ife=%p <7>qtaguid[%d]: entered skb=%p par->in=%p/out=%p fam=%d <7>qtaguid[%d]: iface_stat: %s(%s): type=%d fam=%d proto=%d dir=%d <7>qtaguid[%d]: iface_stat: %s(%s): not tracked <7>qtaguid[%d]: %s(%s): entry=%p <7>qtaguid[%d]: find_sk(skb=%p) family=%d <7>qtaguid[%d]: %p->sk_proto=%u->sk_state=%d <7>qtaguid[%d]: sk=%p got_sock=%d fam=%d proto=%d <7>qtaguid[%d]: sk=%p->sk_socket=%p->file=%p <7>qtaguid[%d]: filp...uid=%u <7>qtaguid[%d]: leaving (sk?sk->sk_socket)=%p <7>qtaguid[%d]: leaving filp=NULL <7>qtaguid[%d]: leaving uid not matching <7>qtaguid[%d]: leaving gid not matching <7>qtaguid[%d]: leaving matched <7>qtaguid[%d]: left %d <7>qtaguid:proc iface_stat_fmt pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u page=%p *num_items_returned=%p off=%ld char_count=%d *eof=%d ifname total_skb_rx_bytes total_skb_rx_packets total_skb_tx_bytes total_skb_tx_packets rx_tcp_bytes rx_tcp_packets rx_udp_bytes rx_udp_packets rx_other_bytes rx_other_packets tx_tcp_bytes tx_tcp_packets tx_udp_bytes tx_udp_packets tx_other_bytes tx_other_packets %s %d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu <7>qtaguid: get_uid_data(%u) utd=%p <3>qtaguid: get_uid_data(%u): tag data alloc failed <7>qtaguid: get_uid_data(%u) new utd=%p <7>qtaguid: qtudev_open(): pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <3>qtaguid: qtudev_open(): %u/%u %u: proc data alloc failed <7>qtaguid: tracking data for uid=%u in pqd=%p <3>qtaguid: qtudev_open(): %u/%u %u %s already opened <7>qtaguid: lookup_tag_ref(tag=0x%llx (uid=%u)) <7>qtaguid: lookup_tag_ref(0x%llx) utd_entry=%p tr_entry=%p <7>qtaguid: ctrl(%s): pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u %c %llu %u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): argc=%d cmd=%c user_tag=0x%llx uid=%u <6>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): invalid tag <6>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): insufficient priv from pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): looking for tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): st tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): erase tcs: tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) set=%d <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): ts tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): erase ts: %s 0x%llx %u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_delete(%s): utd uid=%u <7>qtaguid: %s(tag=0x%llx (uid=%u)) %c %d %u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_counterset(%s): argc=%d cmd=%c set=%d uid=%u <6>qtaguid: ctrl_counterset(%s): invalid counter_set range <6>qtaguid: ctrl_counterset(%s): insufficient priv from pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <3>qtaguid: ctrl_counterset(%s): failed to alloc counter set <7>qtaguid: ctrl_counterset(%s): added tcs tag=0x%llx (uid=%u) set=%d %c %d %llu %u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): argc=%d cmd=%c sock_fd=%d acct_tag=0x%llx uid=%u <6>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): failed to lookup sock_fd=%d err=%d pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): socket->...->f_count=%ld ->sk=%p <6>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): invalid tag <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u euid=%u fsuid=%u ctrl.gid=%u in_group()=%d in_egroup()=%d <6>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): insufficient priv from pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: get_tag_ref(0x%llx) <6>qtaguid: new_tag_ref(0x%llx): tag ref alloc quota exceeded. max=%d <3>qtaguid: new_tag_ref(0x%llx): tag ref alloc failed <7>qtaguid: new_tag_ref(0x%llx): inserted new tag ref %p <7>qtaguid: get_tag_ref(0x%llx) utd=%p tr=%p <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): retag for sk=%p st@%p ...->f_count=%ld <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): newtag for sk=%p <3>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): socket tag alloc failed <4>qtaguid: %s(): User space forgot to open /dev/xt_qtaguid? pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): done st@%p ...->f_count=%ld <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): done. ...->f_count=%ld <7>qtaguid: ctrl_tag(%s): done. %c %d <7>qtaguid: ctrl_untag(%s): argc=%d cmd=%c sock_fd=%d <6>qtaguid: ctrl_untag(%s): failed to lookup sock_fd=%d err=%d pid=%u tgid=%u uid=%u <7>qtaguid: ctrl_untag(%s): socket->...->f_count=%ld ->sk=%p <7>qtaguid: ctrl_untag(%s): done. st@%p ...->f_count=%ld <7>qtaguid: ctrl_untag(%s): done. socket->...->f_count=%ld <7>qtaguid: ctrl_untag(%s): done. <7>qtaguid: ctrl(%s): res=%d xt_quota <3>xt_quota2: cannot alloc skb for logging <3>xt_quota.3: illegal name <3>xt_quota.3: memory alloc failure <6>invalid argument - start or stop time greater than 23:59:59 <6>xt_time: kernel timezone is +%02d%02d <6>xt_time: kernel timezone is -%02d%02d net/netfilter/xt_u32.c include/net/dst.h <7>ip_rt_bug: %pI4 -> %pI4, %s net/ipv4/route.c rt_cache entries in_hit in_slow_tot in_slow_mc in_no_route in_brd in_martian_dst in_martian_src out_hit out_slow_tot out_slow_mc gc_total gc_ignored gc_goal_miss gc_dst_overflow in_hlist_search out_hlist_search %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Source MTU Window IRTT TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst %-127s %s %08X %08X %8X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u %02X %d %1d %08X%n %*s <4>IPv4: martian source %pI4 from %pI4, on dev %s ll header: include/net/inetpeer.h <4>IPv4: dst cache overflow <4>IPv4: Neighbour table failure & not caching routes <4>IPv4: %s: %d rebuilds is over limit, route caching disabled <4>IPv4: Route hash chain too long! <4>IPv4: Neighbour table overflow <7>rt_bind_peer(0) @%p <2>IPv4: Bug in ip_route_input_slow(). Please report. <4>IPv4: martian destination %pI4 from %pI4, dev %s <6>IPv4: Redirect from %pI4 on %s about %pI4 ignored Advised path = %pI4 -> %pI4 <4>IPv4: host %pI4/if%d ignores redirects for %pI4 to %pI4 ip_dst_cache IP route cache <3>IPv4: Unable to create route proc files net/ipv4/inetpeer.c inet_peer_cache <6>IPv4: source route option %pI4 -> %pI4 net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c <3>IPv4: queue_glue: no memory for gluing queue %p <6>IPv4: Oversized IP packet from %pI4 IPv4: ipfrag_max_dist <2>IPv4: %s(): Argh! Destination lost! <7>ip_finish_output2: No header cache and no neighbour! net/ipv4/ip_output.c <6>IP: frag: no memory for new fragment! include/net/ip.h net/ipv4/inet_hashtables.c include/net/timewait_sock.h net/ipv4/inet_timewait_sock.c net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c include/net/request_sock.h net/ipv4/tcp.c cleanup rbuf bug: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X recvmsg bug: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X fl %X recvmsg bug 2: copied %X seq %X rcvnxt %X fl %X <7>TCP(%s:%d): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK. <6>TCP: too many orphaned sockets <6>TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem tcp_bind_bucket TCP established TCP bind <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established %u bind %u) net/ipv4/tcp_input.c <6>TCP: %s: Illegal window scaling value %d >14 received <3>TCP: %s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d <7>prune_queue: c=%x <7>ofo packet was already received <7>ofo requeuing : rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>partial packet: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>Leak l=%u %d <7>Leak s=%u %d <7>Leak r=%u %d <7>Ack %u after %u:%u <7>Ack %u before %u:%u net/ipv4/tcp_output.c <7>retrans_out leaked. <7>tcp_send_synack: wrong queue state net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c <7>Peer %pI4:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) <7>Peer %pI6:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) Sending cookies Dropping request <6>TCP: %s: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. %s. Check SNMP counters. sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode %-*s %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %lu %lu %u %u %d%n %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %u %d %pK%n %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %pK%n TCP <7>TCP: drop open request from %pI4/%u net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c include/net/tcp.h Failed to create the TCP control socket. <3>TCP: %s does not implement required ops <5>TCP: %s already registered <6>TCP: %s registered tcp_%s cubic net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %d <6>%s: %s forgot to set AF_INET. Fix it! include/net/udp.h <7>UDP: cork app bug 2 <7>UDP: udp cork app bug 3 sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %5d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %d%n <4>UDPLite: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested <4>UDPLite: coverage %d too small, need min %d Lite <7>UDPLite: zeroed checksum field <7>UDPLite: bad csum coverage %d/%d <7>UDP%s: short packet: From %pI4:%u %d/%d to %pI4:%u <7>UDP%s: bad checksum. From %pI4:%u to %pI4:%u ulen %d UDP UDP-Lite <3>UDPLite: %s: Cannot register /proc! <2>UDPLite: %s: Cannot add UDP-Lite protocol IP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device %pI4 00:00:00:00:00:00 %-16s 0x%-10x0x%-10x%s * %s <7>trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID <7>arp_find is called with dst==NULL <7>ARP: arp called for own IP address arp_cache net/ipv4/icmp.c <6>icmp: Wrong address mask %pI4 from %s/%pI4 <6>icmp: %pI4: fragmentation needed and DF set <6>icmp: %pI4: Source Route Failed <4>icmp: %pI4 sent an invalid ICMP type %u, code %u error to a broadcast: %pI4 on %s net/ipv4/devinet.c <3>Freeing alive in_device %p <7>inetdev_event: bug :%d accept_local src_valid_mark proxy_arp_pvlan <3>IPv4: Attempt to release TCP socket in state %d %p <3>IPv4: Attempt to release alive inet socket %p net/ipv4/af_inet.c <3>IPv4: Attempt to override permanent protocol %d <3>IPv4: Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d <2>IPv4: %s: Cannot add ICMP protocol <2>IPv4: %s: Cannot add UDP protocol <2>IPv4: %s: Cannot add TCP protocol <2>IPv4: %s: Cannot add IGMP protocol Failed to create the ICMP control socket. <2>IPv4: %s: Cannot init ipv4 mroute <2>IPv4: %s: Cannot init ipv4 mibs <3>IPv4: Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d <6>IPv4: %s(): shifting inet->saddr from %pI4 to %pI4 mcfilter igmp EXC INC SRC MCA Idx %3s %6s %10s %10s %6s %6s %3d %6.6s 0x%08x 0x%08x %6lu %6lu V2 V3 V1 Idx Device : Count Querier Group Users Timer Reporter %d %-10s: %5d %7s %08X %5d %d:%08lX %d net/ipv4/igmp.c <4>%s: bug: prim == NULL <4>%s: bug: iprim != prim <4>Freeing alive fib_info %p net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c net/ipv4/fib_trie.c Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT %s %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n * %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n Basic info: size of leaf: %Zd bytes, size of tnode: %Zd bytes. Local: Main: Id %d: Aver depth: %u.%02d Max depth: %u Leaves: %u Prefixes: %u Internal nodes: %u %u: %u Pointers: %u Null ptrs: %u Total size: %u kB universe site host nowhere +-- %pI4/%d %d %d %d |-- %pI4 type %u scope=%d /%d %s %s tos=%d <4>fib_trie tp=%p pos=%d, bits=%d, key=%0x plen=%d ip_fib_alias ip_fib_trie fib_trie fib_triestat UNSPEC UNICAST LOCAL BROADCAST ANYCAST MULTICAST BLACKHOLE UNREACHABLE PROHIBIT THROW NAT XRESOLVE net/ipv4/inet_fragment.c <4>%s%s net/ipv4/ping.c ip_local_reserved_ports rt_cache_rebuild_count ping_group_range fwmark_reflect tcp_fwmark_accept tcp_challenge_ack_limit tcp_available_congestion_control tcp_cookie_size tcp_thin_linear_timeouts tcp_thin_dupack tcp_default_init_rwnd udp_mem udp_rmem_min udp_wmem_min tcp_rmem_max tcp_rmem_def tcp_rmem_min tcp_wmem_max tcp_wmem_def tcp_wmem_min snmp netstat sockstat TcpExt: TcpExt: IpExt: %llu TCP: inuse %d orphan %d tw %d alloc %d mem %ld UDP: inuse %d mem %ld UDPLITE: inuse %d RAW: inuse %d FRAG: inuse %d memory %d Out In IcmpMsg: %sType%u Ip: Forwarding DefaultTTL Ip: %d %d Icmp: InMsgs InErrors In%s OutMsgs OutErrors Out%s Icmp: %lu %lu %lu %lu Tcp: %ld Udp: UdpLite: SyncookiesSent SyncookiesRecv SyncookiesFailed EmbryonicRsts PruneCalled RcvPruned OfoPruned OutOfWindowIcmps LockDroppedIcmps ArpFilter TW TWRecycled TWKilled PAWSPassive PAWSActive PAWSEstab DelayedACKs DelayedACKLocked DelayedACKLost ListenOverflows ListenDrops TCPPrequeued TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue TCPPrequeueDropped TCPHPHits TCPHPHitsToUser TCPPureAcks TCPHPAcks TCPRenoRecovery TCPSackRecovery TCPSACKReneging TCPFACKReorder TCPSACKReorder TCPRenoReorder TCPTSReorder TCPFullUndo TCPPartialUndo TCPDSACKUndo TCPLossUndo TCPLostRetransmit TCPRenoFailures TCPSackFailures TCPLossFailures TCPFastRetrans TCPForwardRetrans TCPSlowStartRetrans TCPTimeouts TCPRenoRecoveryFail TCPSackRecoveryFail TCPSchedulerFailed TCPRcvCollapsed TCPDSACKOldSent TCPDSACKOfoSent TCPDSACKRecv TCPDSACKOfoRecv TCPAbortOnData TCPAbortOnClose TCPAbortOnMemory TCPAbortOnTimeout TCPAbortOnLinger TCPAbortFailed TCPMemoryPressures TCPSACKDiscard TCPDSACKIgnoredOld TCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndo TCPSpuriousRTOs TCPMD5NotFound TCPMD5Unexpected TCPSackShifted TCPSackMerged TCPSackShiftFallback TCPBacklogDrop TCPMinTTLDrop TCPDeferAcceptDrop IPReversePathFilter TCPTimeWaitOverflow TCPReqQFullDoCookies TCPReqQFullDrop TCPRetransFail TCPRcvCoalesce TCPChallengeACK TCPSYNChallenge InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors RtoAlgorithm RtoMin RtoMax MaxConn ActiveOpens PassiveOpens AttemptFails EstabResets CurrEstab InSegs OutSegs RetransSegs InErrs OutRsts DestUnreachs TimeExcds ParmProbs SrcQuenchs Redirects Echos EchoReps Timestamps TimestampReps AddrMasks AddrMaskReps InNoRoutes InTruncatedPkts InMcastPkts OutMcastPkts InBcastPkts OutBcastPkts InOctets OutOctets InMcastOctets OutMcastOctets InBcastOctets OutBcastOctets InReceives InHdrErrors InAddrErrors ForwDatagrams InUnknownProtos InDiscards InDelivers OutRequests OutDiscards OutNoRoutes ReasmTimeout ReasmReqds ReasmOKs ReasmFails FragOKs FragFails FragCreates <4>mroute: pending queue full, dropping entries tunl0 dvmrp%d Interface BytesIn PktsIn BytesOut PktsOut Flags Local Remote %2Zd %-10s %8ld %7ld %8ld %7ld %05X %08X %08X Group Origin Iif Pkts Bytes Wrong Oifs %08X %08X %-3hd %8lu %8lu %8lu %2d:%-3d net/ipv4/ipmr.c ip_mr_cache ip_mr_vif pimreg pimreg%u ip_mrt_cache <3>%s: can't add PIM protocol net/ipv4/esp4.c digest_null <6>ESP: %s digestsize %u != %hu <7>pmtu discovery on SA ESP/%08x/%08x <6>IPsec: %s: can't remove protocol <6>IPsec: %s: can't remove xfrm type <6>IPsec: %s: can't add xfrm type <6>IPsec: %s: can't add protocol ESP4 <3>tunnel64 close: can't remove protocol <3>tunnel4 close: can't remove protocol <3>%s: can't add protocol <3>tunnel64 init: can't add protocol net/ipv4/xfrm4_mode_transport.c net/ipv4/xfrm4_mode_tunnel.c BOOTP RARP DHCP #PROTO: %s #MANUAL domain %s nameserver %pI4 bootserver %pI4 dhcp bootp rarp <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring fragmented reply <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Reply not for us, op[%x] xid[%x] <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring delayed packet <4>DHCP: vendorclass too long, truncated to "%s" <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface address (%d) <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface netmask (%d) <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface broadcast address (%d) <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface mtu to %d (%d) and <3>IP-Config: Failed to open %s <4>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring device %s, MTU %d too small <3>IP-Config: Device `%s' not found <3>IP-Config: No network devices available <3>IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information <3>DHCP/BOOTP: No suitable device found <3>RARP: No suitable device found <5>Sending %s%s%s requests . Unknown ARP type 0x%04x for device %s <6>DHCP: sending class identifier "%s" , OK timed out! . IP-Config: Got %s answer from %pI4, my address is %pI4 <3>IP-Config: Reopening network devices... <3>IP-Config: Auto-configuration of network failed <3>IP-Config: Unable to guess netmask for address %pI4 IP-Config: Guessing netmask %pI4 <3>IP-Config: Gateway not on directly connected network <3>IP-Config: Cannot add default route (%d) , mtu=%d <6>IP-Config: Complete: <6> device=%s, addr=%pI4, mask=%pI4, gw=%pI4 <6> host=%s, domain=%s, nis-domain=%s <6> bootserver=%pI4, rootserver=%pI4, rootpath=%s ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_expect proto=%u %-8s %u %ld src=%pI4 dst=%pI4 nf_ct_%s: dropping packet <3>Unable to register netfilter socket option <3>nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register tcp. <3>nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register udp. <3>nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register icmp. <3>nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register ipv4 <3>nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register hooks. type=%u code=%u id=%u nf_ct_icmp: short packet nf_ct_icmp: bad HW ICMP checksum nf_ct_icmp: invalid ICMP type ip_conntrack_icmp_timeout nf_conntrack_icmp_timeout <3>nf_nat_core: Unable to register extension net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_core.c nat-follow-master net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_helper.c net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_amanda.c <6>nf_nat_ftp: kernel >= 2.6.10 only uses 'ports' for conntrack modules net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_ftp.c %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u |1|%pI4|%u| |||%u| net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_h323.c <5>nf_nat_h323: nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet error <5>nf_nat_h323: nf_nat_mangle_udp_packet error <5>nf_nat_ras: out of TCP ports <5>nf_nat_q931: out of TCP ports <5>nf_nat_h323: out of TCP ports <5>nf_nat_h323: out of expectations <5>nf_nat_h323: out of RTP ports callforwarding <6>nf_nat_irc: kernel >= 2.6.10 only uses 'ports' for conntrack modules %u %u net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_irc.c net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_pptp.c net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_tftp.c rule return ERROR TRACE: %s:%s:%s:%u <6>ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team <3>ip_tables: Underflows must be unconditional and use the STANDARD target with ACCEPT/DROP <3>ip_tables: iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X. <6>ip_tables: error: `%s' iptable_%s ipt_%s <6>iptable_nat: DNAT: multiple ranges no longer supported <6>iptable_nat: SNAT: multiple ranges no longer supported nat net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_standalone.c <3>nf_nat_init: can't setup rules. <3>nf_nat_init: can't register hooks. <6>ipt_MASQUERADE: %s ate my IP address <6>ipt_REJECT: ECHOREPLY no longer supported. <6>ipt_REJECT: TCP_RESET invalid for non-tcp <3>arp_tables: Underflows must be unconditional and use the STANDARD target with ACCEPT/DROP <5>arp_tables: arptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X. <6>arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller <3>arp_tables: arp_tables: error: '%s' arptable_%s arpt_%s tcp_cubic Failed to initialize the CIPSO/IPv4 cache (%d) cipso_doi=%u cipso_type=%s res=%u cipso_doi=%u res=%u trans pass xfrm4_gc_thresh net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c sec_alg=%u sec_doi=%u sec_obj=%s src=%pI4 src_prefixlen=%d dst=%pI4 dst_prefixlen=%d src=%pI6 dst=%pI6 SPD-add op=%s auid=%u ses=%u res=%u SPD-delete xfrm_dst_cache net/xfrm/xfrm_state.c src=%pI4 dst=%pI4 src=%pI6 dst=%pI6 spi=%u(0x%x) SAD-add SAD-delete xfrm-mode-%d-%d xfrm-type-%d-%d src=%pI6 dst=%pI6 flowlbl=0x%x%02x%02x SA-replay-overflow SA-replayed-pkt spi=%u(0x%x) seqno=%u SA-notfound SA-icv-failure &net->xfrm.km_waitq secpath_cache net/xfrm/xfrm_algo.c deflate lzs lzjh ecb(cipher_null) cipher_null cbc(des) des cbc(des3_ede) des3_ede cbc(cast5) cast5 cbc(blowfish) blowfish cbc(aes) cbc(serpent) serpent cbc(camellia) camellia cbc(twofish) twofish rfc3686(ctr(aes)) hmac(md5) hmac(sha1) sha1 hmac(sha256) sha256 hmac(sha384) hmac(sha512) hmac(rmd160) rmd160 xcbc(aes) rfc4106(gcm(aes)) rfc4309(ccm(aes)) rfc4543(gcm(aes)) xfrm_larval_drop xfrm_acq_expires Num RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Inode Path %pK: %08X %08X %08X %04X %02X %5lu net/unix/af_unix.c &u->readlock &u->peer_wait <6>Attempt to release alive unix socket: %p <2>%s: Cannot create unix_sock SLAB cache! %05x net/unix/garbage.c <3>Attempt to override permanent protocol %d. <3>Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d. net/ipv6/af_inet6.c <3>Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d. <6>IPv6: Loaded, but administratively disabled, reboot required to enable %-4d %-15s %pi6 %5d anycast6 net/ipv6/ip6_output.c <7>IPv6: sending pkt_too_big to self <6>IPv6: frag: no memory for new fragment! net/ipv6/addrconf.c <4>Freeing alive inet6 device %p if_inet6 %pi6 %02x %02x %02x %02x %8s <6>%s: Disabled Multicast RS <5>Timer is still running, when freeing ifa=%p <4>Freeing alive inet6 address %p <7>ADDRCONF: unspecified / multicast address assigned as unicast address on %s <7>%s: no IPv6 routers present <6>%s: IPv6 duplicate address %pI6c detected! <6>%s: IPv6 being disabled! <4>addrconf: prefix option has invalid lifetime <7>addrconf: device %s not configured <7>IPv6 addrconf: prefix with wrong length %d <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): %s: link becomes ready <7>init sit: add_dev failed <7>init ip6-ip6: add_dev failed <7>init ip6-ip6: add_linklocal failed <7>init loopback: add_dev failed <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): %s: link is not ready <2>IPv6 Addrconf: cannot initialize default policy table: %d. accept_ra_rt_table disable_ipv6 accept_dad force_tllao use_oif_addrs_only net/ipv6/addrlabel.c ipv6_route rt6_stats %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %pi6 %02x 00000000000000000000000000000000 00 %pi6 00000000000000000000000000000000 %08x %08x %08x %08x %8s <4>ipv6: Neighbour table overflow. <4>IPv6: NLM_F_CREATE should be specified when creating new route <7>rt6_redirect: source isn't a valid nexthop for redirect target <4>IPv6: Maximum number of routes reached, consider increasing route/max_size. net/ipv6/route.c ip6_dst_cache net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c <4>IPv6: RTM_NEWROUTE with no NLM_F_CREATE or NLM_F_REPLACE <4>IPv6: Can't replace route, no match found <4>IPv6: NLM_F_CREATE should be set when creating new route <4>IPv6: NLM_F_REPLACE set, but no existing node found! <7>fib6_clean_node: del failed: rt=%p@%p err=%d fib6_nodes <3>ICMPv6 NDISC: Failed to initialize the control socket (err %d). <4>process `%s' is using deprecated sysctl (%s) net.ipv6.neigh.%s.%s; Use net.ipv6.neigh.%s.%s_ms instead. <3>ICMPv6 ND: %s() failed to allocate an skb. <3>ICMPv6 RA: can't find inet6 device for %s. <3>ICMPv6 RA: %s() got default router without neighbour. <3>ICMPv6 RA: %s() failed to add default route. <7>%s(): trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID: %pI6 <3>ICMPv6 Redirect: %s() failed to allocate an skb, err=%d. <4>ICMPv6 NA: someone advertises our address %pI6 on %s! ICMP6 RS: can't find in6 device ndisc_cache <4>UDPLITE6: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested <4>UDPLITE6: coverage %d too small, need min %d sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %5d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %d <7>udp cork app bug 2 -Lite <6>IPv6: udp checksum is 0 <7>UDP%sv6: short packet: From [%pI6c]:%u %d/%d to [%pI6c]:%u udp6 udplite6 raw6 %4d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %d net/ipv6/raw.c <3>Failed to initialize the ICMP6 control socket (err %d). <7>icmpv6_send: acast source <7>icmpv6_send: addr_any/mcast source <7>icmpv6_send: no reply to icmp error <7>ICMPv6 checksum failed [%pI6c > %pI6c] <7>icmpv6: msg of unknown type <3>Failed to register ICMP6 protocol mcfilter6 igmp6 <3>Failed to initialize the IGMP6 control socket (err %d). %-4d %-15s %pi6 %5d %08X %ld Source Address Multicast Address %3s %6s %32s %32s %6s %6s %3d %6.6s %pi6 %pi6 %6lu %6lu net/ipv6/reassembly.c <7>ip6_frag_reasm: payload len = %d <7>ip6_frag_reasm: no memory for reassembly IPv6: TCPv6 <7>TCP: drop open request from %pI6/%u <7>connect: ipv4 mapped net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode %4d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %pK %lu %lu %u %u %d %4d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %pK tcp6 <7>ipv6_hop_ra: wrong RA length %d <7>ipv6_hop_jumbo: wrong jumbo opt length/alignment %d <7>invalid cmsg type: %d ip6_flowlabel Opt Dst Expires Linger Users Owner Label %-5s %-1s %-6s %-6s %-6s %-8s %-32s %s %05X %-1d %-6d %-6d %-6ld %-8ld %pi6 %-4d net/ipv6/inet6_connection_sock.c net/ipv6/xfrm6_policy.c xfrm6_gc_thresh <7>ip6_route_me_harder: No more route. %-32s %lu Icmp6%s%s Icmp6%sType%u sockstat6 dev_snmp6 snmp6 TCP6: inuse %d UDP6: inuse %d UDPLITE6: inuse %d RAW6: inuse %d FRAG6: inuse %d memory %d %-32s %llu ifIndex %-32s %u UdpLite6InDatagrams UdpLite6NoPorts UdpLite6InErrors UdpLite6OutDatagrams UdpLite6RcvbufErrors UdpLite6SndbufErrors Udp6InDatagrams Udp6NoPorts Udp6InErrors Udp6OutDatagrams Udp6RcvbufErrors Udp6SndbufErrors PktTooBigs ParmProblems EchoReplies GroupMembQueries GroupMembResponses GroupMembReductions RouterSolicits RouterAdvertisements NeighborSolicits NeighborAdvertisements MLDv2Reports Icmp6InMsgs Icmp6InErrors Icmp6OutMsgs Icmp6OutErrors Ip6InReceives Ip6InHdrErrors Ip6InTooBigErrors Ip6InNoRoutes Ip6InAddrErrors Ip6InUnknownProtos Ip6InTruncatedPkts Ip6InDiscards Ip6InDelivers Ip6OutForwDatagrams Ip6OutRequests Ip6OutDiscards Ip6OutNoRoutes Ip6ReasmTimeout Ip6ReasmReqds Ip6ReasmOKs Ip6ReasmFails Ip6FragOKs Ip6FragFails Ip6FragCreates Ip6InMcastPkts Ip6OutMcastPkts Ip6InOctets Ip6OutOctets Ip6InMcastOctets Ip6OutMcastOctets Ip6InBcastOctets Ip6OutBcastOctets net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_transport.c net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_tunnel.c net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_beet.c <6>ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team <3>ip6_tables: Underflows must be unconditional and use the STANDARD target with ACCEPT/DROP <3>ip6_tables: iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X. <6>ip6_tables: error: `%s' ip6table_%s ip6t_%s src=%pI6 dst=%pI6 <3>nf_conntrack_ipv6: can't register tcp. <3>nf_conntrack_ipv6: can't register udp. <3>nf_conntrack_ipv6: can't register icmpv6. <3>nf_conntrack_ipv6: can't register ipv6 <3>nf_conntrack_ipv6: can't register pre-routing defrag hook. net/ipv6/netfilter/nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv6.c <5>ipv6_conntrack_local: packet too short nf_ct_icmpv6: invalid new with type %d nf_ct_icmpv6: short packet nf_ct_icmpv6: ICMPv6 checksum failed icmpv6 nf_conntrack_icmpv6_timeout <3>nf_defrag_ipv6: can't initialize frag6. <3>nf_defrag_ipv6: can't register hooks net/ipv6/netfilter/nf_conntrack_reasm.c <7>nf_ct_frag6_reasm: payload len = %d <7>nf_ct_frag6_reasm: no memory for reassembly IPv6-nf: nf_conntrack_frag6_timeout <6>ip6t_REJECT: ECHOREPLY is not supported. <6>ip6t_REJECT: TCP_RESET illegal for non-tcp net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6t_REJECT.c <6>ip6t_REJECT: case %u not handled yet <7>sit: nexthop == NULL sit0 <6>IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver <6>sit init: Can't add protocol net/ipv6/sit.c sit%d net/ipv6/inet6_hashtables.c sk RefCnt Type Proto Iface R Rmem User Inode %pK %-6d %-4d %04x %-5d %1d %-6u %-6u %-6lu net/packet/af_packet.c <3>Attempt to release alive packet socket: %p &po->pg_vec_lock TPACKET version not supported. Tx-ring is not supported. <3>packet_mmap: vma is busy: %d <3>packet size is too long (%d > %d) <3>packet size is too short (%d < %d) <3>Packet exceed the number of skb frags(%lu) TPACKET version not supported pfkey net/key/af_key.c sk RefCnt Rmem Wmem User Inode %pK %-6d %-6u %-6u %-6u %-6lu <3>pfkey: Unknown policy event %d <3>pfkey: Unknown SA event %d <3>Attempt to release alive pfkey socket: %p pfkeyv2 phy%d &rdev->mtx &rdev->devlist_mtx &rdev->sched_scan_mtx &rdev->dev_wait net/wireless/core.c net/wireless/core.h ieee80211 cfg80211 &wdev->mtx phy80211 <3>cfg80211: failed to add phy80211 symlink to netdev! phy%d%n phy <3>cfg80211: failed to rename debugfs dir to %s! wlan%d wlan %pM macaddress address_mask addresses net/wireless/util.c failed to set key %d failed to set defkey %d failed to set mgtdef %d <6>cfg80211: (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp) <6>cfg80211: (%d KHz - %d KHz @ %d KHz), (%d mBi, %d mBm) <6>cfg80211: (%d KHz - %d KHz @ %d KHz), (N/A, %d mBm) net/wireless/reg.c COUNTRY=%c%c <6>cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: %c%c <6>cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain Unexpected user alpha2: %c%c <3>cfg80211: Invalid regulatory domain detected: <6>cfg80211: Regulatory domain: %c%c <6>cfg80211: Current regulatory domain updated by AP to: %c%c <6>cfg80211: Current regulatory domain intersected: <6>cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated: <6>cfg80211: DFS Master region FCC <6>cfg80211: DFS Master region ETSI <6>cfg80211: DFS Master region JP <6>cfg80211: DFS Master region Uknown <6>cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to driver built-in settings (unknown country) <6>cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: %c%c regulatory <3>cfg80211: kobject_uevent_env() was unable to call CRDA during init 00 net/wireless/scan.c Mesh Network Path Selection Protocol ID: 0x%02X Path Selection Metric ID: 0x%02X Congestion Control Mode ID: 0x%02X Synchronization ID: 0x%02X Authentication ID: 0x%02X Formation Info: 0x%02X Capabilities: 0x%02X tsf=%016llx Last beacon: %ums ago net/wireless/nl80211.c net/wireless/mlme.c broad uni MLME-MICHAELMICFAILURE.indication(keyid=%d %scast addr=%pM) net/wireless/ibss.c net/wireless/sme.c <7>cfg80211: Secondary channel not allowed to initiate communication net/wireless/mesh.c IEEE 802.11 a b g n net/wireless/wext-sme.c net/wireless/wext-core.c (WE) : Invalid/Unknown Wireless Event (0x%04X) (WE) : Wireless Event too big (%d) (WE) : Wireless Event too small (%d) Inter-| sta-| Quality | Discarded packets | Missed | WE face | tus | link level noise | nwid crypt frag retry misc | beacon | %d %6s: %04x %3d%c %3d%c %3d%c %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d Hardware restart was requested net/mac80211/main.c &local->iflist_mtx &local->mtx &local->key_mtx mac80211: Packet is of unknown type %d %s called with hardware scan in progress U-APSD not supported with HW_PS_NULLFUNC_STACK Failed to initialize wep: %d Failed to initialize rate control algorithm Failed to add default virtual iface skb_queue not empty Have pending ack frames! net/mac80211/driver-ops.h net/mac80211/status.c <3>ieee80211_tx_status: headroom too small &sta->ampdu_mlme.mtx net/mac80211/sta_info.c <7>%s: failed to move IBSS STA %pM to state %d (%d) - keeping it anyway. &local->sta_mtx invalid state %d net/mac80211/wep.c arc4 net/mac80211/wpa.c net/mac80211/scan.c net/mac80211/ht.c TID %d gone but expected when splicing aggregates from the pending queue net/mac80211/agg-tx.c <7>HW problem - can not stop rx aggregation for tid %d net/mac80211/ibss.c net/mac80211/sta_info.h <7>%s: No room for a new IBSS STA entry %pM <7>%s: Selected IBSS BSSID %pM based on configured SSID <7>%s: Trigger new scan to find an IBSS to join <7>%s: Creating new IBSS network, BSSID %pM <7>%s: IBSS not allowed on %d MHz <7>%s: No active IBSS STAs - trying to scan for other IBSS networks with same SSID (merge) &ifibss->mtx work scheduled while going to suspend net/mac80211/work.c net/mac80211/iface.c interface work scheduled while going to suspend frame for unexpected interface type <7>not contiguous type change: do_open returned %d include/net/mac80211.h net/mac80211/rate.c rc80211_%s minstrel_ht Selected rate control algorithm '%s' Failed to select rate control algorithm include/net/cfg80211.h failed to set TX queue parameters for queue %d net/mac80211/cfg.c %s: resume with hardware scan still in progress net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h <7>%s: failed to clone multicast frame net/mac80211/rx.c failed to copy skb for %s Rate marked as an HT rate but passed status->rate_idx is not an MCS index [0-76]: %d (0x%02x) failed to reallocate TX buffer net/mac80211/tx.c %s: Dropped data frame as no usable bitrate found while scanning and associated. Target station: %pM on %d GHz band net/mac80211/key.c failed to set key (%d, %pM) to hardware (%d) failed to remove key (%d, %pM) from hardware (%d) net/mac80211/util.c queueing ieee80211 work while going to suspend Hardware became unavailable upon resume. This could be a software issue prior to suspend or a hardware issue. net/mac80211/chan.c wiphy_name net/mac80211/./driver-trace.h %s - %d %s - %s %s - %llu /p2p %s vif:%s(%d%s) addr:%pM %s vif:%s(%d%s) new type:%d%s %s ch:%#x freq:%d %s vif:%s(%d%s) changed:%#x %s prepare mc (%d) %s changed:%#x total:%#x sta:%pM %s sta:%pM set:%d %s vif:%s(%d%s) sta:%pM %s vif:%s(%d%s) sta:%pM iv32:%#x %s vif:%s(%d%s) %s ret:%d %s value:%d %s vif:%s(%d%s) sta:%pM cmd:%d %s vif:%s(%d%s) sta:%pM state: %d->%d %s vif:%s(%d%s) queue:%d %s vif:%s(%d%s) tsf:%llu %s vif:%s(%d%s) sta:%pM action:%d tid:%d buf:%d %s idx:%d %s drop:%d %s new freq:%u count:%d %s tx_ant:%d rx_ant:%d ret:%d %s freq:%dMHz duration:%dms %s freq:%dMHz, wait:%dms %s tx:%d rx %d %s tx:%d tx_max %d rx %d rx_max %d %s vif:%s(%d%s) 2G Mask:0x%x 5G Mask:0x%x %s rssi_event:%d %s sta:%pM TIDs:0x%.4x frames:%d reason:%d more:%d sta:%pM tid:%d vif:%s(%d%s) ra:%pM tid:%d vif:%s(%d%s) vif:%s(%d%s) event:%d %s aborted:%d %s sta:%pM block:%d vif:%s(%d%s) success=%d vif:%s(%d%s) rssi_min_thold =%d, rssi_max_thold = %d %s sta:%pM %s queue:%d, reason:%d vif_type enum nl80211_iftype sdata p2p vif_name rssi_event rssi_min_thold rssi_max_thold new_type new_p2p changed power_level dynamic_ps_timeout max_sleep_period listen_interval long_frame_max_tx_count short_frame_max_tx_count center_freq channel_type smps assoc aid cts shortpre shortslot dtimper bcnint assoc_cap timestamp basic_rates enable_beacon ht_operation_mode mc_count total sta_addr cipher hw_key_idx keyidx iv32 ackfail rtsfail fcserr rtssucc iv16 old_state new_state txop cw_min cw_max aifs uapsd tsf action ssn buf_size idx block_tx freq tx_ant rx_ant duration tx_max rx_max legacy_2g legacy_5g kek kck replay_ctr tids num_frames more_data ra aborted bssid stop_queue mac80211 wake_queue api_eosp api_enable_rssi_reports api_gtk_rekey_notify api_remain_on_channel_expired api_ready_on_channel api_chswitch_done api_sta_block_awake api_sched_scan_stopped api_sched_scan_results api_scan_completed api_cqm_rssi_notify api_connection_loss api_beacon_loss api_restart_hw api_stop_tx_ba_cb api_stop_tx_ba_session api_start_tx_ba_cb api_start_tx_ba_session drv_allow_buffered_frames drv_release_buffered_frames drv_rssi_callback drv_set_rekey_data drv_set_bitrate_mask drv_offchannel_tx_cancel_wait drv_tx_frames_pending drv_get_ringparam drv_set_ringparam drv_offchannel_tx drv_cancel_remain_on_channel drv_remain_on_channel drv_get_antenna drv_set_antenna drv_channel_switch drv_flush drv_get_survey drv_ampdu_action drv_tx_last_beacon drv_reset_tsf drv_set_tsf drv_get_tsf drv_conf_tx drv_sta_remove drv_sta_add drv_sta_state drv_sta_notify drv_set_coverage_class drv_set_rts_threshold drv_set_frag_threshold drv_get_tkip_seq drv_get_stats drv_sw_scan_complete drv_sw_scan_start drv_sched_scan_stop drv_sched_scan_start drv_cancel_hw_scan drv_hw_scan drv_update_tkip_key drv_set_key drv_set_tim drv_configure_filter drv_prepare_multicast drv_bss_info_changed drv_config drv_remove_interface drv_change_interface drv_add_interface drv_stop drv_resume drv_suspend drv_start drv_return_u64 drv_return_bool drv_return_int drv_return_void net/mac80211/mlme.c <7>%s: Wrong control channel in association response: configured center-freq: %d hti-cfreq: %d hti->control_chan: %d band: %d. Disabling HT. <7>%s: authentication with %pM timed out <7>%s: send auth to %pM (try %d/%d) <7>%s: direct probe to %pM (try %d/%i) <7>%s: No basic rates, using min rate instead. <7>%s: failed to insert STA entry for the AP (error %d) <7>%s: Connection to AP %pM lost. <7>%s: direct probe responded <7>%s: invalid AID value 0x%x; bits 15:14 not set <7>%s: invalid AID value %d (out of range), turn off PS <7>%s: no SuppRates element in AssocResp <7>%s: failed to move station %pM to desired state Rea <7>%s: RX %sssocResp from %pM (capab=0x%x status=%d aid=%d) <7>%s: %pM rejected association temporarily; comeback duration %u TU (%u ms) <7>%s: %pM denied association (code=%d) <7>%s: associated <7>%s: %pM denied authentication (status %d) invalid auth alg %d <7>%s: authenticated %s: STA %pM not found <7>%s: failed moving %pM to auth <7>%s: deauthenticated from %pM (Reason: %u) <7>%s: disassociated from %pM (Reason: %u) unexpected: %d <7>%s: association with %pM timed out <7>%s: associate with %pM (try %d/%d) %s: No probe response from AP %pM after %dms, disconnecting. &ifmgd->mtx <7>%s: authenticate with %pM probe response beacon and probe response <7>%s: waiting for beacon from %pM <7>%s: associating with AP with corrupt %s <7>%s: deauthenticating from %pM by local choice (reason=%d) <7>%s: disassociating from %pM by local choice (reason=%d) net/mac80211/led.c %stpt %srx %stx %sassoc %sradio net/mac80211/pm.c minstrel netlabel: auid=%u ses=%u <6>NetLabel: Initializing <6>NetLabel: domain hash size = %u <6>NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 <6>NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default NetLabel: failed to initialize properly (%d) (default) nlbl_domain=%s nlbl_protocol=unlbl net/netlabel/netlabel_domainhash.c nlbl_protocol=cipsov4 cipso_doi=%u nlbl_domain=%s res=%u dst %s_prefixlen=%d %s=%pI6 unlbl_accept=%u old=%u sec_obj=%s Min Bucket(sec) Count %15d %lu activity lib/klist.c bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1a.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09-6.0.17.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09ax-6.0.17.fw bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-6.2.1.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-06-6.0.15.fw e100/d101m_ucode.bin e100/d101s_ucode.bin e100/d102e_ucode.bin tigon/tg3.bin tigon/tg3_tso.bin tigon/tg3_tso5.bin $ 8 L ` t ( < P d x , @ T h | 0 D X l 4 H \ p $ 8 L ` t ( < P d x , @ T h | 0 D X l 4 H \ p $ 8 L ` t ( < P d x , @ T h | 0 D X l 4 H \ p $ 8 L ` t ( < P d x , @ T h | 0 D X l 4 H \ p $ 8 L ` t ( < P d x ! ! ,! @! T! h! |! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " 0" D" X" l" " " " " " " " # # 4# H# \# p# # # # # # # # $ $$ 8$ L$ `$ t$ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % (% <% P% d% x% % % % % % % & & ,& @& T& h& |& & & & & & & ' ' 0' D' X' l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' sys_exit sys_enter task_rename task_newtask console softirq_raise softirq_exit softirq_entry irq_handler_exit irq_handler_entry itimer_expire itimer_state hrtimer_cancel hrtimer_expire_exit hrtimer_expire_entry hrtimer_start hrtimer_init timer_cancel timer_expire_exit timer_expire_entry timer_start timer_init signal_deliver signal_generate workqueue_execute_end workqueue_execute_start workqueue_activate_work workqueue_queue_work rcu_utilization sched_pi_setprio sched_stat_runtime sched_stat_blocked sched_stat_iowait sched_stat_sleep sched_stat_wait sched_process_exec sched_process_fork sched_process_wait sched_wait_task sched_process_exit sched_process_free sched_migrate_task sched_switch sched_wakeup_new sched_wakeup sched_kthread_stop_ret sched_kthread_stop module_request module_put module_get module_free module_load power_domain_target clock_set_parent clock_set_rate clock_disable clock_enable power_end power_frequency power_start wakeup_source_deactivate wakeup_source_activate machine_suspend cpu_frequency cpu_idle oom_score_adj_update update_swap_token_priority disable_swap_token put_swap_token replace_swap_token mm_vmscan_lru_shrink_inactive mm_vmscan_writepage mm_vmscan_memcg_isolate mm_vmscan_lru_isolate mm_shrink_slab_end mm_shrink_slab_start mm_vmscan_memcg_softlimit_reclaim_end mm_vmscan_memcg_reclaim_end mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end mm_vmscan_memcg_softlimit_reclaim_begin mm_vmscan_memcg_reclaim_begin mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin mm_vmscan_wakeup_kswapd mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep mm_page_alloc_extfrag mm_page_pcpu_drain mm_page_alloc_zone_locked mm_page_alloc mm_page_free_batched mm_page_free kmem_cache_free kfree kmem_cache_alloc_node kmalloc_node kmem_cache_alloc kmalloc writeback_single_inode writeback_single_inode_requeue writeback_wait_iff_congested writeback_congestion_wait balance_dirty_pages bdi_dirty_ratelimit global_dirty_state writeback_queue_io wbc_writepage writeback_thread_stop writeback_thread_start writeback_bdi_unregister writeback_bdi_register writeback_wake_forker_thread writeback_wake_thread writeback_wake_background writeback_nowork writeback_pages_written writeback_wait writeback_written writeback_start writeback_exec writeback_queue writeback_nothread ext4_ext_remove_space_done ext4_ext_remove_space ext4_ext_rm_idx ext4_ext_rm_leaf ext4_remove_blocks ext4_ext_show_extent ext4_get_reserved_cluster_alloc ext4_find_delalloc_range ext4_ext_in_cache ext4_ext_put_in_cache ext4_get_implied_cluster_alloc_exit ext4_ext_handle_uninitialized_extents ext4_trim_all_free ext4_trim_extent ext4_journal_start ext4_load_inode ext4_ext_load_extent ext4_ind_map_blocks_exit ext4_ext_map_blocks_exit ext4_ind_map_blocks_enter ext4_ext_map_blocks_enter ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_enter ext4_truncate_exit ext4_truncate_enter ext4_unlink_exit ext4_unlink_enter ext4_fallocate_exit ext4_fallocate_enter ext4_direct_IO_exit ext4_direct_IO_enter ext4_load_inode_bitmap ext4_read_block_bitmap_load ext4_mb_buddy_bitmap_load ext4_mb_bitmap_load ext4_da_release_space ext4_da_reserve_space ext4_da_update_reserve_space ext4_forget ext4_mballoc_free ext4_mballoc_discard ext4_mballoc_prealloc ext4_mballoc_alloc ext4_alloc_da_blocks ext4_sync_fs ext4_sync_file_exit ext4_sync_file_enter ext4_free_blocks ext4_allocate_blocks ext4_request_blocks ext4_mb_discard_preallocations ext4_discard_preallocations ext4_mb_release_group_pa ext4_mb_release_inode_pa ext4_mb_new_group_pa ext4_mb_new_inode_pa ext4_discard_blocks ext4_invalidatepage ext4_releasepage ext4_readpage ext4_writepage ext4_da_writepages_result ext4_da_write_pages ext4_da_writepages ext4_da_write_end ext4_journalled_write_end ext4_writeback_write_end ext4_ordered_write_end ext4_da_write_begin ext4_write_begin ext4_begin_ordered_truncate ext4_mark_inode_dirty ext4_drop_inode ext4_evict_inode ext4_allocate_inode ext4_request_inode ext4_free_inode jbd2_write_superblock jbd2_update_log_tail jbd2_checkpoint_stats jbd2_run_stats jbd2_submit_inode_data jbd2_end_commit jbd2_drop_transaction jbd2_commit_logging jbd2_commit_flushing jbd2_commit_locking jbd2_start_commit jbd2_checkpoint block_rq_remap block_bio_remap block_split block_unplug block_plug block_sleeprq block_getrq block_bio_queue block_bio_frontmerge block_bio_backmerge block_bio_complete block_bio_bounce block_rq_issue block_rq_insert block_rq_complete block_rq_requeue block_rq_abort extract_entropy_user extract_entropy get_random_bytes credit_entropy_bits mix_pool_bytes_nolock mix_pool_bytes drm_vblank_event_delivered drm_vblank_event_queued drm_vblank_event i915_reg_rw i915_flip_complete i915_flip_request i915_ring_wait_end i915_ring_wait_begin i915_gem_request_wait_end i915_gem_request_wait_begin i915_gem_request_retire i915_gem_request_complete i915_gem_request_add i915_gem_ring_flush i915_gem_ring_dispatch i915_gem_evict_everything i915_gem_evict i915_gem_object_destroy i915_gem_object_clflush i915_gem_object_fault i915_gem_object_pread i915_gem_object_pwrite i915_gem_object_change_domain i915_gem_object_unbind i915_gem_object_bind i915_gem_object_create scsi_eh_wakeup scsi_dispatch_cmd_timeout scsi_dispatch_cmd_done scsi_dispatch_cmd_error scsi_dispatch_cmd_start mmc_blk_rw_end mmc_blk_rw_start mmc_blk_erase_end mmc_blk_erase_start binder_return binder_command binder_update_page_range binder_transaction_failed_buffer_release binder_transaction_buffer_release binder_transaction_alloc_buf binder_transaction_fd binder_transaction_ref_to_ref binder_transaction_ref_to_node binder_transaction_node_to_ref binder_transaction_received binder_transaction binder_wait_for_work binder_read_done binder_write_done binder_ioctl_done binder_unlock binder_locked binder_lock binder_ioctl udp_fail_queue_rcv_skb sock_exceed_buf_limit sock_rcvqueue_full napi_poll netif_rx netif_receive_skb net_dev_queue net_dev_xmit skb_copy_datagram_iovec consume_skb kfree_skb stop_queue wake_queue api_eosp api_enable_rssi_reports api_gtk_rekey_notify api_remain_on_channel_expired api_ready_on_channel api_chswitch_done api_sta_block_awake api_sched_scan_stopped api_sched_scan_results api_scan_completed api_cqm_rssi_notify api_connection_loss api_beacon_loss api_restart_hw api_stop_tx_ba_cb api_stop_tx_ba_session api_start_tx_ba_cb api_start_tx_ba_session drv_allow_buffered_frames drv_release_buffered_frames drv_rssi_callback drv_set_rekey_data drv_set_bitrate_mask drv_offchannel_tx_cancel_wait drv_tx_frames_pending drv_get_ringparam drv_set_ringparam drv_offchannel_tx drv_cancel_remain_on_channel drv_remain_on_channel drv_get_antenna drv_set_antenna drv_channel_switch drv_flush drv_get_survey drv_ampdu_action drv_tx_last_beacon drv_reset_tsf drv_set_tsf drv_get_tsf drv_conf_tx drv_sta_remove drv_sta_add drv_sta_state drv_sta_notify drv_set_coverage_class drv_set_rts_threshold drv_set_frag_threshold drv_get_tkip_seq drv_get_stats drv_sw_scan_complete drv_sw_scan_start drv_sched_scan_stop drv_sched_scan_start drv_cancel_hw_scan drv_hw_scan drv_update_tkip_key drv_set_key drv_set_tim drv_configure_filter drv_prepare_multicast drv_bss_info_changed drv_config drv_remove_interface drv_change_interface drv_add_interface drv_stop drv_resume drv_suspend drv_start drv_return_u64 drv_return_bool drv_return_int drv_return_void
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