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      1 //
      2 // Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3 //
      4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 //
      8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 //
     10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 // limitations under the License.
     15 //
     17 #include "shill/cellular/mobile_operator_info.h"
     19 #include <fstream>
     20 #include <map>
     21 #include <ostream>
     22 #include <set>
     23 #include <vector>
     25 #include <base/files/file_util.h>
     26 #include <base/macros.h>
     27 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
     28 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     30 #include "shill/cellular/mobile_operator_info_impl.h"
     31 #include "shill/logging.h"
     32 #include "shill/test_event_dispatcher.h"
     34 // These files contain binary protobuf definitions used by the following tests
     35 // inside the namespace ::mobile_operator_db
     37 #include "shill/mobile_operator_db/test_protos/data_test.h"
     38 #include "shill/mobile_operator_db/test_protos/init_test_empty_db_init.h"
     39 #include "shill/mobile_operator_db/test_protos/init_test_multiple_db_init_1.h"
     40 #include "shill/mobile_operator_db/test_protos/init_test_multiple_db_init_2.h"
     41 #include "shill/mobile_operator_db/test_protos/init_test_successful_init.h"
     42 #include "shill/mobile_operator_db/test_protos/main_test.h"
     45 using base::FilePath;
     46 using shill::mobile_operator_db::MobileOperatorDB;
     47 using std::map;
     48 using std::ofstream;
     49 using std::set;
     50 using std::string;
     51 using std::vector;
     52 using testing::Mock;
     53 using testing::Test;
     54 using testing::Values;
     55 using testing::WithParamInterface;
     57 // The tests run from the fixture |MobileOperatorInfoMainTest| and
     58 // |MobileOperatorDataTest| can be run in two modes:
     59 //   - strict event checking: We check that an event is raised for each update
     60 //     to the state of the object.
     61 //   - non-strict event checking: We check that a single event is raised as a
     62 //     result of many updates to the object.
     63 // The first case corresponds to a very aggressive event loop, that dispatches
     64 // events as soon as they are posted; the second one corresponds to an
     65 // over-crowded event loop that only dispatches events just before we verify
     66 // that events were raised.
     67 //
     68 // We use ::testing::WithParamInterface to templatize the test fixtures to do
     69 // string/non-strict event checking. When writing test cases using these
     70 // fixtures, use the |Update*|, |ExpectEventCount|, |VerifyEventCount| functions
     71 // provided by the fixture, and write the test as if event checking is strict.
     72 //
     73 // For |MobileOperatorObserverTest|, only the strict event checking case makes
     74 // sense, so we only instantiate that.
     75 namespace shill {
     77 namespace {
     79 enum EventCheckingPolicy {
     80   kEventCheckingPolicyStrict,
     81   kEventCheckingPolicyNonStrict
     82 };
     84 }  // namespace
     86 class MockMobileOperatorInfoObserver : public MobileOperatorInfo::Observer {
     87  public:
     88   MockMobileOperatorInfoObserver() {}
     89   virtual ~MockMobileOperatorInfoObserver() {}
     91   MOCK_METHOD0(OnOperatorChanged, void());
     92 };
     94 class MobileOperatorInfoInitTest : public Test {
     95  public:
     96   MobileOperatorInfoInitTest()
     97       : operator_info_(new MobileOperatorInfo(&dispatcher_, "Operator")),
     98         operator_info_impl_(operator_info_->impl()) {}
    100   void TearDown() override {
    101     for (const auto& tmp_db_path : tmp_db_paths_) {
    102       base::DeleteFile(tmp_db_path, false);
    103     }
    104   }
    106  protected:
    107   void AddDatabase(const unsigned char database_data[], size_t num_elems) {
    108     FilePath tmp_db_path;
    109     CHECK(base::CreateTemporaryFile(&tmp_db_path));
    110     tmp_db_paths_.push_back(tmp_db_path);
    112     ofstream tmp_db(tmp_db_path.value(), ofstream::binary);
    113     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i) {
    114       tmp_db << database_data[i];
    115     }
    116     tmp_db.close();
    117     operator_info_->AddDatabasePath(tmp_db_path);
    118   }
    120   void AssertDatabaseEmpty() {
    121     EXPECT_EQ(0, operator_info_impl_->database()->mno_size());
    122     EXPECT_EQ(0, operator_info_impl_->database()->imvno_size());
    123   }
    125   const MobileOperatorDB* GetDatabase() {
    126     return operator_info_impl_->database();
    127   }
    129   EventDispatcherForTest dispatcher_;
    130   vector<FilePath> tmp_db_paths_;
    131   std::unique_ptr<MobileOperatorInfo> operator_info_;
    132   // Owned by |operator_info_| and tied to its life cycle.
    133   MobileOperatorInfoImpl* operator_info_impl_;
    135  private:
    136   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest);
    137 };
    139 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, FailedInitNoPath) {
    140   // - Initialize object with no database paths set
    141   // - Verify that initialization fails.
    142   operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    143   EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->Init());
    144   AssertDatabaseEmpty();
    145 }
    147 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, FailedInitBadPath) {
    148   // - Initialize object with non-existent path.
    149   // - Verify that initialization fails.
    150   const FilePath database_path("nonexistent.pbf");
    151   operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    152   operator_info_->AddDatabasePath(database_path);
    153   EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->Init());
    154   AssertDatabaseEmpty();
    155 }
    157 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, FailedInitBadDatabase) {
    158   // - Initialize object with malformed database.
    159   // - Verify that initialization fails.
    160   // TODO(pprabhu): It's hard to get a malformed database in binary format.
    161 }
    163 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, EmptyDBInit) {
    164   // - Initialize the object with a database file that is empty.
    165   // - Verify that initialization succeeds, and that the database is empty.
    166   operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    167   // Can't use arraysize on empty array.
    168   AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::init_test_empty_db_init, 0);
    169   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->Init());
    170   AssertDatabaseEmpty();
    171 }
    173 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, SuccessfulInit) {
    174   operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    175   AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::init_test_successful_init,
    176               arraysize(mobile_operator_db::init_test_successful_init));
    177   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->Init());
    178   EXPECT_GT(GetDatabase()->mno_size(), 0);
    179   EXPECT_GT(GetDatabase()->imvno_size(), 0);
    180 }
    182 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, MultipleDBInit) {
    183   // - Initialize the object with two database files.
    184   // - Verify that intialization succeeds, and both databases are loaded.
    185   operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    186   AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::init_test_multiple_db_init_1,
    187               arraysize(mobile_operator_db::init_test_multiple_db_init_1));
    188   AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::init_test_multiple_db_init_2,
    189               arraysize(mobile_operator_db::init_test_multiple_db_init_2));
    190   operator_info_->Init();
    191   EXPECT_GT(GetDatabase()->mno_size(), 0);
    192   EXPECT_GT(GetDatabase()->imvno_size(), 0);
    193 }
    195 TEST_F(MobileOperatorInfoInitTest, InitWithObserver) {
    196   // - Add an Observer.
    197   // - Initialize the object with empty database file.
    198   // - Verify innitialization succeeds.
    199   MockMobileOperatorInfoObserver dumb_observer;
    201   operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    202   // Can't use arraysize with empty array.
    203   AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::init_test_empty_db_init, 0);
    204   operator_info_->AddObserver(&dumb_observer);
    205   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->Init());
    206 }
    208 class MobileOperatorInfoMainTest
    209     : public MobileOperatorInfoInitTest,
    210       public WithParamInterface<EventCheckingPolicy> {
    211  public:
    212   MobileOperatorInfoMainTest()
    213       : MobileOperatorInfoInitTest(),
    214         event_checking_policy_(GetParam()) {}
    216   virtual void SetUp() {
    217     operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
    218     AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::main_test,
    219                 arraysize(mobile_operator_db::main_test));
    220     operator_info_->Init();
    221     operator_info_->AddObserver(&observer_);
    222   }
    224  protected:
    225   // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    226   // Helper functions.
    227   void VerifyMNOWithUUID(const string& uuid) {
    228     EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->IsMobileNetworkOperatorKnown());
    229     EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->IsMobileVirtualNetworkOperatorKnown());
    230     EXPECT_EQ(uuid, operator_info_->uuid());
    231   }
    233   void VerifyMVNOWithUUID(const string& uuid) {
    234     EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->IsMobileNetworkOperatorKnown());
    235     EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->IsMobileVirtualNetworkOperatorKnown());
    236     EXPECT_EQ(uuid, operator_info_->uuid());
    237   }
    239   void VerifyNoMatch() {
    240     EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->IsMobileNetworkOperatorKnown());
    241     EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->IsMobileVirtualNetworkOperatorKnown());
    242     EXPECT_EQ("", operator_info_->uuid());
    243   }
    245   void ExpectEventCount(int count) {
    246     // In case we're running in the non-strict event checking mode, we only
    247     // expect one overall event to be raised for all the updates.
    248     if (event_checking_policy_ == kEventCheckingPolicyNonStrict) {
    249       count = (count > 0) ? 1 : 0;
    250     }
    251     EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(count);
    252   }
    254   void VerifyEventCount() {
    255     dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
    256     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
    257   }
    259   void ResetOperatorInfo() {
    260     operator_info_->Reset();
    261     // Eat up any events caused by |Reset|.
    262     dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
    263     VerifyNoMatch();
    264   }
    266   // Use these wrappers to send updates to |operator_info_|. These wrappers
    267   // optionally run the dispatcher if we want strict checking of the number of
    268   // events raised.
    269   void UpdateMCCMNC(const std::string& mccmnc) {
    270     operator_info_->UpdateMCCMNC(mccmnc);
    271     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    272   }
    274   void UpdateSID(const std::string& sid) {
    275     operator_info_->UpdateSID(sid);
    276     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    277   }
    279   void UpdateIMSI(const std::string& imsi) {
    280     operator_info_->UpdateIMSI(imsi);
    281     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    282   }
    284   void UpdateICCID(const std::string& iccid) {
    285     operator_info_->UpdateICCID(iccid);
    286     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    287   }
    289   void UpdateNID(const std::string& nid) {
    290     operator_info_->UpdateNID(nid);
    291     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    292   }
    294   void UpdateOperatorName(const std::string& operator_name) {
    295     operator_info_->UpdateOperatorName(operator_name);
    296     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    297   }
    299   void UpdateOnlinePortal(const std::string& url,
    300                           const std::string& method,
    301                           const std::string& post_data) {
    302     operator_info_->UpdateOnlinePortal(url, method, post_data);
    303     DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict();
    304   }
    306   void DispatchPendingEventsIfStrict() {
    307     if (event_checking_policy_ == kEventCheckingPolicyStrict) {
    308       dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
    309     }
    310   }
    312   // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    313   // Data.
    314   MockMobileOperatorInfoObserver observer_;
    315   const EventCheckingPolicy event_checking_policy_;
    317  private:
    318   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest);
    319 };
    321 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, InitialConditions) {
    322   // - Initialize a new object.
    323   // - Verify that all initial values of properties are reasonable.
    324   EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->IsMobileNetworkOperatorKnown());
    325   EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->IsMobileVirtualNetworkOperatorKnown());
    326   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->uuid().empty());
    327   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->operator_name().empty());
    328   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->country().empty());
    329   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->mccmnc().empty());
    330   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->sid().empty());
    331   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->nid().empty());
    332   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->mccmnc_list().empty());
    333   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->sid_list().empty());
    334   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->operator_name_list().empty());
    335   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->apn_list().empty());
    336   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->olp_list().empty());
    337   EXPECT_TRUE(operator_info_->activation_code().empty());
    338   EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->requires_roaming());
    339 }
    341 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNC) {
    342   // message: Has an MNO with no MVNO.
    343   // match by: MCCMNC.
    344   // verify: Observer event, uuid.
    346   ExpectEventCount(0);
    347   UpdateMCCMNC("101999");  // No match.
    348   VerifyEventCount();
    349   VerifyNoMatch();
    351   ExpectEventCount(1);
    352   UpdateMCCMNC("101001");
    353   VerifyEventCount();
    354   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid101");
    356   ExpectEventCount(1);
    357   UpdateMCCMNC("101999");
    358   VerifyEventCount();
    359   VerifyNoMatch();
    360 }
    362 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNCMultipleMCCMNCOptions) {
    363   // message: Has an MNO with no MCCMNC.
    364   // match by: One of the MCCMNCs of the multiple ones in the MNO.
    365   // verify: Observer event, uuid.
    366   ExpectEventCount(1);
    367   UpdateMCCMNC("102002");
    368   VerifyEventCount();
    369   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid102");
    370 }
    372 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNCMultipleMNOOptions) {
    373   // message: Two messages with the same MCCMNC.
    374   // match by: Both MNOs matched, one is earmarked.
    375   // verify: The earmarked MNO is picked.
    376   ExpectEventCount(1);
    377   UpdateMCCMNC("124001");
    378   VerifyEventCount();
    379   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid124002");
    380 }
    382 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByOperatorName) {
    383   // message: Has an MNO with no MVNO.
    384   // match by: OperatorName.
    385   // verify: Observer event, uuid.
    386   ExpectEventCount(0);
    387   UpdateOperatorName("name103999");  // No match.
    388   VerifyEventCount();
    389   VerifyNoMatch();
    391   ExpectEventCount(1);
    392   UpdateOperatorName("name103");
    393   VerifyEventCount();
    394   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid103");
    396   ExpectEventCount(1);
    397   UpdateOperatorName("name103999");  // No match.
    398   VerifyEventCount();
    399   VerifyNoMatch();
    400 }
    402 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByOperatorNameMultipleMNOOptions) {
    403   // message: Two messages with the same operator name.
    404   // match by: Both MNOs matched, one is earmarked.
    405   // verify: The earmarked MNO is picked.
    406   ExpectEventCount(1);
    407   UpdateOperatorName("name125001");
    408   VerifyEventCount();
    409   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid125002");
    410 }
    412 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByOperatorNameAggressiveMatch) {
    413   // These network operators match by name but only after normalizing the names.
    414   // Both the name from the database and the name provided to
    415   // |UpdateOperatoName| must be normalized for this test to pass.
    416   ExpectEventCount(1);
    417   UpdateOperatorName("name126001 casedoesnotmatch");
    418   VerifyEventCount();
    419   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid126001");
    421   ResetOperatorInfo();
    422   ExpectEventCount(1);
    423   UpdateOperatorName("name126002 CaseStillDoesNotMatch");
    424   VerifyEventCount();
    425   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid126002");
    427   ResetOperatorInfo();
    428   ExpectEventCount(1);
    429   UpdateOperatorName("name126003GiveMeMoreSpace");
    430   VerifyEventCount();
    431   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid126003");
    433   ResetOperatorInfo();
    434   ExpectEventCount(1);
    435   UpdateOperatorName("name126004  Too  Much   Air Here");
    436   VerifyEventCount();
    437   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid126004");
    439   ResetOperatorInfo();
    440   ExpectEventCount(1);
    441   UpdateOperatorName("nmwithNon-ii");
    442   VerifyEventCount();
    443   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid126005");
    444 }
    446 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByOperatorNameWithLang) {
    447   // message: Has an MNO with no MVNO.
    448   // match by: OperatorName.
    449   // verify: Observer event, fields.
    450   ExpectEventCount(1);
    451   UpdateOperatorName("name105");
    452   VerifyEventCount();
    453   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid105");
    454 }
    456 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByOperatorNameMultipleNameOptions) {
    457   // message: Has an MNO with no MVNO.
    458   // match by: OperatorName, one of the multiple present in the MNO.
    459   // verify: Observer event, fields.
    460   ExpectEventCount(1);
    461   UpdateOperatorName("name104002");
    462   VerifyEventCount();
    463   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid104");
    464 }
    466 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNCAndOperatorName) {
    467   // message: Has MNOs with no MVNO.
    468   // match by: MCCMNC finds two candidates (first one is chosen), Name narrows
    469   //           down to one.
    470   // verify: Observer event, fields.
    471   // This is merely a MCCMNC update.
    472   ExpectEventCount(1);
    473   UpdateMCCMNC("106001");
    474   VerifyEventCount();
    475   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid106001");
    477   ExpectEventCount(1);
    478   UpdateOperatorName("name106002");
    479   VerifyEventCount();
    480   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid106002");
    482   ResetOperatorInfo();
    483   // Try updates in reverse order.
    484   ExpectEventCount(1);
    485   UpdateOperatorName("name106001");
    486   VerifyEventCount();
    487   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid106001");
    488 }
    490 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByOperatorNameAndMCCMNC) {
    491   // message: Has MNOs with no MVNO.
    492   // match by: OperatorName finds two (first one is chosen), MCCMNC narrows down
    493   //           to one.
    494   // verify: Observer event, fields.
    495   // This is merely an OperatorName update.
    496   ExpectEventCount(1);
    497   UpdateOperatorName("name107");
    498   VerifyEventCount();
    499   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid107001");
    501   ExpectEventCount(1);
    502   UpdateMCCMNC("107002");
    503   VerifyEventCount();
    504   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid107002");
    506   ResetOperatorInfo();
    507   // Try updates in reverse order.
    508   ExpectEventCount(1);
    509   UpdateMCCMNC("107001");
    510   VerifyEventCount();
    511   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid107001");
    512 }
    514 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNCOverridesOperatorName) {
    515   // message: Has MNOs with no MVNO.
    516   // match by: First MCCMNC finds one. Then, OperatorName matches another.
    517   // verify: MCCMNC match prevails. No change on OperatorName update.
    518   ExpectEventCount(1);
    519   UpdateMCCMNC("108001");
    520   VerifyEventCount();
    521   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid108001");
    523   // An event is sent for the updated OperatorName.
    524   ExpectEventCount(1);
    525   UpdateOperatorName("name108002");  // Does not match.
    526   VerifyEventCount();
    527   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid108001");
    528   // OperatorName from the database is given preference over the user supplied
    529   // one.
    530   EXPECT_EQ("name108001", operator_info_->operator_name());
    532   ResetOperatorInfo();
    533   // message: Same as above.
    534   // match by: First OperatorName finds one, then MCCMNC overrides it.
    535   // verify: Two events, MCCMNC one overriding the OperatorName one.
    536   ExpectEventCount(1);
    537   UpdateOperatorName("name108001");
    538   VerifyEventCount();
    539   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid108001");
    541   ExpectEventCount(1);
    542   UpdateMCCMNC("108002");
    543   VerifyEventCount();
    544   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid108002");
    545   EXPECT_EQ("name108002", operator_info_->operator_name());
    547   // message: Same as above.
    548   // match by: First a *wrong* MCCMNC update, followed by the correct Name
    549   // update.
    550   // verify: No MNO, since MCCMNC is given precedence.
    551   ResetOperatorInfo();
    552   ExpectEventCount(0);
    553   UpdateMCCMNC("108999");  // Does not match.
    554   UpdateOperatorName("name108001");
    555   VerifyEventCount();
    556   VerifyNoMatch();
    557 }
    559 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByIMSI) {
    560   // message: Has MNO with no MVNO.
    561   // match by: MCCMNC part of IMSI of length 5 / 6.
    562   ExpectEventCount(0);
    563   UpdateIMSI("109");  // Too short.
    564   VerifyEventCount();
    565   VerifyNoMatch();
    567   ExpectEventCount(0);
    568   UpdateIMSI("109995432154321");  // No match.
    569   VerifyEventCount();
    570   VerifyNoMatch();
    572   ResetOperatorInfo();
    573   // Short MCCMNC match.
    574   ExpectEventCount(1);
    575   UpdateIMSI("109015432154321");  // First 5 digits match.
    576   VerifyEventCount();
    577   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid10901");
    579   ResetOperatorInfo();
    580   // Long MCCMNC match.
    581   ExpectEventCount(1);
    582   UpdateIMSI("10900215432154321");  // First 6 digits match.
    583   VerifyEventCount();
    584   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid109002");
    585 }
    587 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNCOverridesIMSI) {
    588   // message: Has MNOs with no MVNO.
    589   // match by: One matches MCCMNC, then one matches a different MCCMNC substring
    590   //    of IMSI
    591   // verify: Observer event for the first match, all fields. Second Update
    592   // ignored.
    593   ExpectEventCount(1);
    594   UpdateMCCMNC("110001");
    595   VerifyEventCount();
    596   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid110001");
    598   // MNO remains unchanged on a mismatched IMSI update.
    599   ExpectEventCount(0);
    600   UpdateIMSI("1100025432154321");  // First 6 digits match.
    601   VerifyEventCount();
    602   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid110001");
    604   // MNO remains uncnaged on an invalid IMSI update.
    605   ExpectEventCount(0);
    606   UpdateIMSI("1100035432154321");  // Prefix does not match.
    607   VerifyEventCount();
    608   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid110001");
    610   ExpectEventCount(0);
    611   UpdateIMSI("110");  // Too small.
    612   VerifyEventCount();
    613   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid110001");
    615   ResetOperatorInfo();
    616   // Same as above, but this time, match with IMSI, followed by a contradictory
    617   // MCCMNC update. The second update should override the first one.
    618   ExpectEventCount(1);
    619   UpdateIMSI("1100025432154321");  // First 6 digits match.
    620   VerifyEventCount();
    621   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid110002");
    623   ExpectEventCount(1);
    624   UpdateMCCMNC("110001");
    625   VerifyEventCount();
    626   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid110001");
    627 }
    629 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOUchangedBySecondaryUpdates) {
    630   // This test verifies that only some updates affect the MNO.
    631   // message: Has MNOs with no MVNO.
    632   // match by: First matches the MCCMNC. Later, MNOs with a different MCCMNC
    633   //    matchs the given SID, NID, ICCID.
    634   // verify: Only one Observer event, on the first MCCMNC match.
    635   ExpectEventCount(1);
    636   UpdateMCCMNC("111001");
    637   VerifyEventCount();
    638   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid111001");
    640   ExpectEventCount(1);  // NID change event.
    641   UpdateNID("111202");
    642   VerifyEventCount();
    643   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid111001");
    644 }
    646 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNODefaultMatch) {
    647   // message: MNO with one MVNO (no filter).
    648   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC.
    649   // verify: Observer event for MVNO match. Uuid match the MVNO.
    650   // second update: ICCID.
    651   // verify: No observer event, match remains unchanged.
    652   ExpectEventCount(1);
    653   UpdateMCCMNC("112001");
    654   VerifyEventCount();
    655   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid112002");
    657   ExpectEventCount(0);
    658   UpdateICCID("112002");
    659   VerifyEventCount();
    660   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid112002");
    661 }
    663 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNONameMatch) {
    664   // message: MNO with one MVNO (name filter).
    665   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC,
    666   //           MVNO fails to match by fist name update,
    667   //           then MVNO matches by name.
    668   // verify: Two Observer events: MNO followed by MVNO.
    669   ExpectEventCount(1);
    670   UpdateMCCMNC("113001");
    671   VerifyEventCount();
    672   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid113001");
    674   ExpectEventCount(1);
    675   UpdateOperatorName("name113999");  // No match.
    676   VerifyEventCount();
    677   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid113001");
    678   // Name from the database is given preference.
    679   EXPECT_EQ("name113001", operator_info_->operator_name());
    681   ExpectEventCount(1);
    682   UpdateOperatorName("name113002");
    683   VerifyEventCount();
    684   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid113002");
    685   EXPECT_EQ("name113002", operator_info_->operator_name());
    686 }
    688 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNONameMalformedRegexMatch) {
    689   // message: MNO with one MVNO (name filter with a malformed regex).
    690   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC.
    691   //           MVNO does not match
    692   ExpectEventCount(2);
    693   UpdateMCCMNC("114001");
    694   UpdateOperatorName("name[");
    695   VerifyEventCount();
    696   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid114001");
    697 }
    699 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNONameSubexpressionRegexMatch) {
    700   // message: MNO with one MVNO (name filter with simple regex).
    701   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC.
    702   //           MVNO does not match with a name whose subexpression matches the
    703   //           regex.
    704   ExpectEventCount(2);  // One event for just the name update.
    705   UpdateMCCMNC("115001");
    706   UpdateOperatorName("name115_ExtraCrud");
    707   VerifyEventCount();
    708   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid115001");
    710   ResetOperatorInfo();
    711   ExpectEventCount(2);  // One event for just the name update.
    712   UpdateMCCMNC("115001");
    713   UpdateOperatorName("ExtraCrud_name115");
    714   VerifyEventCount();
    715   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid115001");
    717   ResetOperatorInfo();
    718   ExpectEventCount(2);  // One event for just the name update.
    719   UpdateMCCMNC("115001");
    720   UpdateOperatorName("ExtraCrud_name115_ExtraCrud");
    721   VerifyEventCount();
    722   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid115001");
    724   ResetOperatorInfo();
    725   ExpectEventCount(2);  // One event for just the name update.
    726   UpdateMCCMNC("115001");
    727   UpdateOperatorName("name_ExtraCrud_115");
    728   VerifyEventCount();
    729   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid115001");
    731   ResetOperatorInfo();
    732   ExpectEventCount(2);
    733   UpdateMCCMNC("115001");
    734   UpdateOperatorName("name115");
    735   VerifyEventCount();
    736   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid115002");
    737 }
    739 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNONameRegexMatch) {
    740   // message: MNO with one MVNO (name filter with non-trivial regex).
    741   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC.
    742   //           MVNO fails to match several times with different strings.
    743   //           MVNO matches several times with different values.
    745   // Make sure we're not taking the regex literally!
    746   ExpectEventCount(2);
    747   UpdateMCCMNC("116001");
    748   UpdateOperatorName("name[a-zA-Z_]*116[0-9]{0,3}");
    749   VerifyEventCount();
    750   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid116001");
    752   ResetOperatorInfo();
    753   ExpectEventCount(2);
    754   UpdateMCCMNC("116001");
    755   UpdateOperatorName("name[a-zA-Z_]116[0-9]");
    756   VerifyEventCount();
    757   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid116001");
    759   ResetOperatorInfo();
    760   ExpectEventCount(2);
    761   UpdateMCCMNC("116001");
    762   UpdateOperatorName("nameb*1167");
    763   VerifyEventCount();
    764   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid116001");
    766   // Success!
    767   ResetOperatorInfo();
    768   ExpectEventCount(2);
    769   UpdateMCCMNC("116001");
    770   UpdateOperatorName("name116");
    771   VerifyEventCount();
    772   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid116002");
    774   ResetOperatorInfo();
    775   ExpectEventCount(2);
    776   UpdateMCCMNC("116001");
    777   UpdateOperatorName("nameSomeWord116");
    778   VerifyEventCount();
    779   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid116002");
    781   ResetOperatorInfo();
    782   ExpectEventCount(2);
    783   UpdateMCCMNC("116001");
    784   UpdateOperatorName("name116567");
    785   VerifyEventCount();
    786   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid116002");
    787 }
    789 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNONameMatchMultipleFilters) {
    790   // message: MNO with one MVNO with two name filters.
    791   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC.
    792   //           MVNO first fails on the second filter alone.
    793   //           MVNO fails on the first filter alone.
    794   //           MVNO matches on both filters.
    795   ExpectEventCount(2);
    796   UpdateMCCMNC("117001");
    797   UpdateOperatorName("nameA_crud");
    798   VerifyEventCount();
    799   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid117001");
    801   ResetOperatorInfo();
    802   ExpectEventCount(2);
    803   UpdateMCCMNC("117001");
    804   UpdateOperatorName("crud_nameB");
    805   VerifyEventCount();
    806   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid117001");
    808   ResetOperatorInfo();
    809   ExpectEventCount(2);
    810   UpdateMCCMNC("117001");
    811   UpdateOperatorName("crud_crud");
    812   VerifyEventCount();
    813   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid117001");
    815   ResetOperatorInfo();
    816   ExpectEventCount(2);
    817   UpdateMCCMNC("117001");
    818   UpdateOperatorName("nameA_nameB");
    819   VerifyEventCount();
    820   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid117002");
    821 }
    823 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNOIMSIMatch) {
    824   // message: MNO with one MVNO (imsi filter).
    825   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC,
    826   //           MVNO fails to match by fist imsi update,
    827   //           then MVNO matches by imsi.
    828   // verify: Two Observer events: MNO followed by MVNO.
    829   ExpectEventCount(1);
    830   UpdateMCCMNC("118001");
    831   VerifyEventCount();
    832   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid118001");
    834   ExpectEventCount(0);
    835   UpdateIMSI("1180011234512345");  // No match.
    836   VerifyEventCount();
    837   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid118001");
    839   ExpectEventCount(1);
    840   UpdateIMSI("1180015432154321");
    841   VerifyEventCount();
    842   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid118002");
    843 }
    845 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNOICCIDMatch) {
    846   // message: MNO with one MVNO (iccid filter).
    847   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC,
    848   //           MVNO fails to match by fist iccid update,
    849   //           then MVNO matches by iccid.
    850   // verify: Two Observer events: MNO followed by MVNO.
    851   ExpectEventCount(1);
    852   UpdateMCCMNC("119001");
    853   VerifyEventCount();
    854   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid119001");
    856   ExpectEventCount(0);
    857   UpdateICCID("119987654321");  // No match.
    858   VerifyEventCount();
    859   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid119001");
    861   ExpectEventCount(1);
    862   UpdateICCID("119123456789");
    863   VerifyEventCount();
    864   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid119002");
    865 }
    867 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNOSIDMatch) {
    868   // message: MNO with one MVNO (sid filter).
    869   // match by: MNO matches by SID,
    870   //           MVNO fails to match by fist sid update,
    871   //           then MVNO matches by sid.
    872   // verify: Two Observer events: MNO followed by MVNO.
    873   ExpectEventCount(0);
    874   UpdateSID("120999");  // No match.
    875   VerifyEventCount();
    876   VerifyNoMatch();
    878   ExpectEventCount(1);
    879   UpdateSID("120001");  // Only MNO matches.
    880   VerifyEventCount();
    881   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid120001");
    882   EXPECT_EQ("120001", operator_info_->sid());
    884   ExpectEventCount(1);
    885   UpdateSID("120002");  // MVNO matches as well.
    886   VerifyEventCount();
    887   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid120002");
    888   EXPECT_EQ("120002", operator_info_->sid());
    889 }
    891 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNOAllMatch) {
    892   // message: MNO with following MVNOS:
    893   //   - one with no filter.
    894   //   - one with name filter.
    895   //   - one with imsi filter.
    896   //   - one with iccid filter.
    897   //   - one with name and iccid filter.
    898   // verify:
    899   //   - initial MCCMNC matches the default MVNO directly (not MNO)
    900   //   - match each of the MVNOs in turn.
    901   //   - give super set information that does not match any MVNO correctly,
    902   //     verify that the MNO matches.
    903   ExpectEventCount(1);
    904   UpdateMCCMNC("121001");
    905   VerifyEventCount();
    906   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid121001");
    908   ResetOperatorInfo();
    909   ExpectEventCount(2);
    910   UpdateMCCMNC("121001");
    911   UpdateOperatorName("name121003");
    912   VerifyEventCount();
    913   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid121003");
    915   ResetOperatorInfo();
    916   ExpectEventCount(2);
    917   UpdateMCCMNC("121001");
    918   UpdateIMSI("1210045432154321");
    919   VerifyEventCount();
    920   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid121004");
    922   ResetOperatorInfo();
    923   ExpectEventCount(2);
    924   UpdateMCCMNC("121001");
    925   UpdateICCID("121005123456789");
    926   VerifyEventCount();
    927   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid121005");
    929   ResetOperatorInfo();
    930   ExpectEventCount(3);
    931   UpdateMCCMNC("121001");
    932   UpdateOperatorName("name121006");
    933   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid121001");
    934   UpdateICCID("121006123456789");
    935   VerifyEventCount();
    936   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid121006");
    937 }
    939 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNOMatchAndMismatch) {
    940   // message: MNO with one MVNO with name filter.
    941   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC
    942   //           MVNO matches by name.
    943   //           Second name update causes the MVNO to not match again.
    944   ExpectEventCount(1);
    945   UpdateMCCMNC("113001");
    946   VerifyEventCount();
    947   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid113001");
    949   ExpectEventCount(1);
    950   UpdateOperatorName("name113002");
    951   VerifyEventCount();
    952   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid113002");
    953   EXPECT_EQ("name113002", operator_info_->operator_name());
    955   ExpectEventCount(1);
    956   UpdateOperatorName("name113999");  // No match.
    957   VerifyEventCount();
    958   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid113001");
    959   // Name from database is given preference.
    960   EXPECT_EQ("name113001", operator_info_->operator_name());
    961 }
    963 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MVNOMatchAndReset) {
    964   // message: MVNO with name filter.
    965   // verify;
    966   //   - match MVNO by name.
    967   //   - Reset object, verify Observer event, and not match.
    968   //   - match MVNO by name again.
    969   ExpectEventCount(1);
    970   UpdateMCCMNC("113001");
    971   VerifyEventCount();
    972   ExpectEventCount(1);
    973   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid113001");
    974   UpdateOperatorName("name113002");
    975   VerifyEventCount();
    976   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid113002");
    977   EXPECT_EQ("name113002", operator_info_->operator_name());
    979   ExpectEventCount(1);
    980   operator_info_->Reset();
    981   VerifyEventCount();
    982   VerifyNoMatch();
    984   ExpectEventCount(1);
    985   UpdateMCCMNC("113001");
    986   VerifyEventCount();
    987   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid113001");
    988   ExpectEventCount(1);
    989   UpdateOperatorName("name113002");
    990   VerifyEventCount();
    991   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid113002");
    992   EXPECT_EQ("name113002", operator_info_->operator_name());
    993 }
    995 // Here, we rely on our knowledge about the implementation: The SID and MCCMNC
    996 // updates follow the same code paths, and so we can get away with not testing
    997 // all the scenarios we test above for MCCMNC. Instead, we only do basic testing
    998 // to make sure that SID upates operator as MCCMNC updates do.
    999 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOBySID) {
   1000   // message: Has an MNO with no MVNO.
   1001   // match by: SID.
   1002   // verify: Observer event, uuid.
   1004   ExpectEventCount(0);
   1005   UpdateSID("1229");  // No match.
   1006   VerifyEventCount();
   1007   VerifyNoMatch();
   1009   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1010   UpdateSID("1221");
   1011   VerifyEventCount();
   1012   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid1221");
   1014   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1015   UpdateSID("1229");  // No Match.
   1016   VerifyEventCount();
   1017   VerifyNoMatch();
   1018 }
   1020 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, MNOByMCCMNCAndSID) {
   1021   // message: Has an MNO with no MVNO.
   1022   // match by: SID / MCCMNC alternately.
   1023   // verify: Observer event, uuid.
   1025   ExpectEventCount(0);
   1026   UpdateMCCMNC("123999");  // NO match.
   1027   UpdateSID("1239");  // No match.
   1028   VerifyEventCount();
   1029   VerifyNoMatch();
   1031   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1032   UpdateMCCMNC("123001");
   1033   VerifyEventCount();
   1034   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid123001");
   1036   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1037   operator_info_->Reset();
   1038   VerifyEventCount();
   1039   VerifyNoMatch();
   1041   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1042   UpdateSID("1232");
   1043   VerifyEventCount();
   1044   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid1232");
   1046   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1047   operator_info_->Reset();
   1048   VerifyEventCount();
   1049   VerifyNoMatch();
   1051   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1052   UpdateMCCMNC("123001");
   1053   VerifyEventCount();
   1054   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid123001");
   1055 }
   1057 class MobileOperatorInfoDataTest : public MobileOperatorInfoMainTest {
   1058  public:
   1059   MobileOperatorInfoDataTest() : MobileOperatorInfoMainTest() {}
   1061   // Same as MobileOperatorInfoMainTest, except that the database used is
   1062   // different.
   1063   virtual void SetUp() {
   1064     operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
   1065     AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::data_test,
   1066                 arraysize(mobile_operator_db::data_test));
   1067     operator_info_->Init();
   1068     operator_info_->AddObserver(&observer_);
   1069   }
   1071  protected:
   1072   // This is a function that does a best effort verification of the information
   1073   // that is obtained from the database by the MobileOperatorInfo object against
   1074   // expectations stored in the form of data members in this class.
   1075   // This is not a full proof check. In particular:
   1076   //  - It is unspecified in some case which of the values from a list is
   1077   //    exposed as a property. For example, at best, we can check that |sid| is
   1078   //    non-empty.
   1079   //  - It is not robust to "" as property values at times.
   1080   void VerifyDatabaseData() {
   1081     EXPECT_EQ(country_, operator_info_->country());
   1082     EXPECT_EQ(requires_roaming_, operator_info_->requires_roaming());
   1083     EXPECT_EQ(activation_code_, operator_info_->activation_code());
   1085     EXPECT_EQ(mccmnc_list_.size(), operator_info_->mccmnc_list().size());
   1086     set<string> mccmnc_set(operator_info_->mccmnc_list().begin(),
   1087                            operator_info_->mccmnc_list().end());
   1088     for (const auto& mccmnc : mccmnc_list_) {
   1089       EXPECT_TRUE(mccmnc_set.find(mccmnc) != mccmnc_set.end());
   1090     }
   1091     if (mccmnc_list_.size() > 0) {
   1092       // It is not specified which entry will be chosen, but mccmnc() must be
   1093       // non empty.
   1094       EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->mccmnc().empty());
   1095     }
   1097     VerifyNameListsMatch(operator_name_list_,
   1098                          operator_info_->operator_name_list());
   1100     // This comparison breaks if two apns have the same |apn| field.
   1101     EXPECT_EQ(apn_list_.size(), operator_info_->apn_list().size());
   1102     map<string, const MobileOperatorInfo::MobileAPN*> mobile_apns;
   1103     for (const auto& apn_node : operator_info_->apn_list()) {
   1104       mobile_apns[apn_node->apn] = apn_node;
   1105     }
   1106     for (const auto& apn_lhs : apn_list_) {
   1107       ASSERT_TRUE(mobile_apns.find(apn_lhs->apn) != mobile_apns.end());
   1108       const auto& apn_rhs = mobile_apns[apn_lhs->apn];
   1109       // Only comparing apn, name, username, password.
   1110       EXPECT_EQ(apn_lhs->apn, apn_rhs->apn);
   1111       EXPECT_EQ(apn_lhs->username, apn_rhs->username);
   1112       EXPECT_EQ(apn_lhs->password, apn_rhs->password);
   1113       VerifyNameListsMatch(apn_lhs->operator_name_list,
   1114                            apn_rhs->operator_name_list);
   1115     }
   1117     EXPECT_EQ(olp_list_.size(), operator_info_->olp_list().size());
   1118     // This comparison breaks if two OLPs have the same |url|.
   1119     map<string, MobileOperatorInfo::OnlinePortal> olps;
   1120     for (const auto& olp : operator_info_->olp_list()) {
   1121       olps[olp.url] = olp;
   1122     }
   1123     for (const auto& olp : olp_list_) {
   1124       ASSERT_TRUE(olps.find(olp.url) != olps.end());
   1125       const auto& olp_rhs = olps[olp.url];
   1126       EXPECT_EQ(olp.method, olp_rhs.method);
   1127       EXPECT_EQ(olp.post_data, olp_rhs.post_data);
   1128     }
   1130     EXPECT_EQ(sid_list_.size(), operator_info_->sid_list().size());
   1131     set<string> sid_set(operator_info_->sid_list().begin(),
   1132                         operator_info_->sid_list().end());
   1133     for (const auto& sid : sid_list_) {
   1134       EXPECT_TRUE(sid_set.find(sid) != sid_set.end());
   1135     }
   1136     if (sid_list_.size() > 0) {
   1137       // It is not specified which entry will be chosen, but |sid()| must be
   1138       // non-empty.
   1139       EXPECT_FALSE(operator_info_->sid().empty());
   1140     }
   1141   }
   1143   // This function does some extra checks for the user data that can not be done
   1144   // when data is obtained from the database.
   1145   void VerifyUserData() {
   1146     EXPECT_EQ(sid_, operator_info_->sid());
   1147   }
   1149   void VerifyNameListsMatch(
   1150       const vector<MobileOperatorInfo::LocalizedName>& operator_name_list_lhs,
   1151       const vector<MobileOperatorInfo::LocalizedName>& operator_name_list_rhs) {
   1152     // This comparison breaks if two localized names have the same |name|.
   1153     map<string, MobileOperatorInfo::LocalizedName> localized_names;
   1154     for (const auto& localized_name : operator_name_list_rhs) {
   1155       localized_names[localized_name.name] = localized_name;
   1156     }
   1157     for (const auto& localized_name : operator_name_list_lhs) {
   1158       EXPECT_TRUE(localized_names.find(localized_name.name) !=
   1159                   localized_names.end());
   1160       EXPECT_EQ(localized_name.language,
   1161                 localized_names[localized_name.name].language);
   1162     }
   1163   }
   1165   // Use this function to pre-popluate all the data members of this object with
   1166   // values matching the MNO for the database in |data_test.prototxt|.
   1167   void PopulateMNOData() {
   1168     country_ = "us";
   1169     requires_roaming_ = true;
   1170     activation_code_ = "open sesame";
   1172     mccmnc_list_.clear();
   1173     mccmnc_list_.push_back("200001");
   1174     mccmnc_list_.push_back("200002");
   1175     mccmnc_list_.push_back("200003");
   1177     operator_name_list_.clear();
   1178     operator_name_list_.push_back({"name200001", "en"});
   1179     operator_name_list_.push_back({"name200002", ""});
   1181     apn_list_.clear();
   1182     MobileOperatorInfo::MobileAPN* apn;
   1183     apn = new MobileOperatorInfo::MobileAPN();
   1184     apn->apn = "test (at) test.com";
   1185     apn->username = "testuser";
   1186     apn->password = "is_public_boohoohoo";
   1187     apn->operator_name_list.push_back({"name200003", "hi"});
   1188     apn_list_.push_back(apn);  // Takes ownership.
   1190     olp_list_.clear();
   1191     olp_list_.push_back({"some (at) random.com", "POST", "random_data"});
   1193     sid_list_.clear();
   1194     sid_list_.push_back("200123");
   1195     sid_list_.push_back("200234");
   1196     sid_list_.push_back("200345");
   1197   }
   1199   // Use this function to pre-populate all the data members of this object with
   1200   // values matching the MVNO for the database in |data_test.prototext|.
   1201   void PopulateMVNOData() {
   1202     country_ = "ca";
   1203     requires_roaming_ = false;
   1204     activation_code_ = "khul ja sim sim";
   1206     mccmnc_list_.clear();
   1207     mccmnc_list_.push_back("200001");
   1208     mccmnc_list_.push_back("200102");
   1210     operator_name_list_.clear();
   1211     operator_name_list_.push_back({"name200101", "en"});
   1212     operator_name_list_.push_back({"name200102", ""});
   1214     apn_list_.clear();
   1215     MobileOperatorInfo::MobileAPN* apn;
   1216     apn = new MobileOperatorInfo::MobileAPN();
   1217     apn->apn = "test2 (at) test.com";
   1218     apn->username = "testuser2";
   1219     apn->password = "is_public_boohoohoo_too";
   1220     apn_list_.push_back(apn);  // Takes ownership.
   1222     olp_list_.clear();
   1223     olp_list_.push_back({"someother (at) random.com", "GET", ""});
   1225     sid_list_.clear();
   1226     sid_list_.push_back("200345");
   1227   }
   1229   // Data to be verified against the database.
   1230   string country_;
   1231   bool requires_roaming_;
   1232   string activation_code_;
   1233   vector<string> mccmnc_list_;
   1234   vector<MobileOperatorInfo::LocalizedName> operator_name_list_;
   1235   ScopedVector<MobileOperatorInfo::MobileAPN> apn_list_;
   1236   vector<MobileOperatorInfo::OnlinePortal> olp_list_;
   1237   vector<string> sid_list_;
   1239   // Extra data to be verified only against user updates.
   1240   string sid_;
   1242  private:
   1243   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest);
   1244 };
   1247 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, MNODetailedInformation) {
   1248   // message: MNO with all the information filled in.
   1249   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC
   1250   // verify: All information is correctly loaded.
   1251   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1252   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1253   VerifyEventCount();
   1254   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid200001");
   1256   PopulateMNOData();
   1257   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1258 }
   1260 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, MVNOInheritsInformation) {
   1261   // message: MVNO with name filter.
   1262   // verify: All the missing fields are carried over to the MVNO from MNO.
   1263   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1264   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1265   UpdateOperatorName("name200201");
   1266   VerifyEventCount();
   1267   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200201");
   1269   PopulateMNOData();
   1270   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1271 }
   1273 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, MVNOOverridesInformation) {
   1274   // match by: MNO matches by MCCMNC, MVNO by name.
   1275   // verify: All information is correctly loaded.
   1276   //         The MVNO in this case overrides the information provided by MNO.
   1277   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1278   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1279   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1280   VerifyEventCount();
   1281   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1283   PopulateMVNOData();
   1284   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1285 }
   1287 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, NoUpdatesBeforeMNOMatch) {
   1288   // message: MVNO.
   1289   // - do not match MNO with mccmnc/name
   1290   // - on different updates, verify no events.
   1291   ExpectEventCount(0);
   1292   UpdateMCCMNC("200999");  // No match.
   1293   UpdateOperatorName("name200001");  // matches MNO
   1294   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");  // matches MVNO filter.
   1295   UpdateSID("200999");  // No match.
   1296   VerifyEventCount();
   1297   VerifyNoMatch();
   1298 }
   1300 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, UserUpdatesOverrideMVNO) {
   1301   // - match MVNO.
   1302   // - send updates to properties and verify events are raised and values of
   1303   //   updated properties override the ones provided by the database.
   1304   string imsi {"2009991234512345"};
   1305   string iccid {"200999123456789"};
   1306   string olp_url {"url (at) url.com"};
   1307   string olp_method {"POST"};
   1308   string olp_post_data {"data"};
   1310   // Determine MVNO.
   1311   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1312   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1313   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1314   VerifyEventCount();
   1315   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1317   // Send updates.
   1318   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1319   UpdateOnlinePortal(olp_url, olp_method, olp_post_data);
   1320   UpdateIMSI(imsi);
   1321   // No event raised because imsi is not exposed.
   1322   UpdateICCID(iccid);
   1323   // No event raised because ICCID is not exposed.
   1325   VerifyEventCount();
   1327   // Update our expectations.
   1328   PopulateMVNOData();
   1329   olp_list_.push_back({olp_url, olp_method, olp_post_data});
   1331   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1332 }
   1334 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, CachedUserUpdatesOverrideMVNO) {
   1335   // message: MVNO.
   1336   // - First send updates that don't identify an MNO.
   1337   // - Then identify an MNO and MVNO.
   1338   // - verify that all the earlier updates are cached, and override the MVNO
   1339   //   information.
   1340   string imsi {"2009991234512345"};
   1341   string iccid {"200999123456789"};
   1342   string sid {"200999"};
   1343   string olp_url {"url (at) url.com"};
   1344   string olp_method {"POST"};
   1345   string olp_post_data {"data"};
   1347   // Send updates.
   1348   ExpectEventCount(0);
   1349   UpdateSID(sid);
   1350   UpdateOnlinePortal(olp_url, olp_method, olp_post_data);
   1351   UpdateIMSI(imsi);
   1352   UpdateICCID(iccid);
   1353   VerifyEventCount();
   1355   // Determine MVNO.
   1356   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1357   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1358   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1359   VerifyEventCount();
   1360   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1362   // Update our expectations.
   1363   PopulateMVNOData();
   1364   sid_ = sid;
   1365   sid_list_.push_back(sid);
   1366   olp_list_.push_back({olp_url, olp_method, olp_post_data});
   1368   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1369   VerifyUserData();
   1370 }
   1372 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, RedundantUserUpdatesMVNO) {
   1373   // - match MVNO.
   1374   // - send redundant updates to properties.
   1375   // - Verify no events, no updates to properties.
   1377   // Identify MVNO.
   1378   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1379   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1380   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1381   VerifyEventCount();
   1382   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1384   // Send redundant updates.
   1385   // TODO(pprabhu)
   1386   // |UpdateOnlinePortal| leads to an event because this is the first time this
   1387   // value are set *by the user*. Although the values from the database were the
   1388   // same, we did not use those values for filters.  It would be ideal to not
   1389   // raise these redundant events (since no public information about the object
   1390   // changed), but I haven't invested in doing so yet.
   1391   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1392   UpdateOperatorName(operator_info_->operator_name());
   1393   UpdateOnlinePortal("someother (at) random.com", "GET", "");
   1394   VerifyEventCount();
   1395   PopulateMVNOData();
   1396   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1397 }
   1399 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, RedundantCachedUpdatesMVNO) {
   1400   // message: MVNO.
   1401   // - First send updates that don't identify MVNO, but match the data.
   1402   // - Then idenityf an MNO and MVNO.
   1403   // - verify that redundant information occurs only once.
   1405   // Send redundant updates.
   1406   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1407   UpdateSID(operator_info_->sid());
   1408   UpdateOperatorName(operator_info_->operator_name());
   1409   UpdateOnlinePortal("someother (at) random.com", "GET", "");
   1411   // Identify MVNO.
   1412   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1413   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1414   VerifyEventCount();
   1415   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1417   PopulateMVNOData();
   1418   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1419 }
   1421 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, ResetClearsInformation) {
   1422   // Repeatedly reset the object and check M[V]NO identification and data.
   1423   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1424   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1425   UpdateOperatorName("name200201");
   1426   VerifyEventCount();
   1427   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200201");
   1428   PopulateMNOData();
   1429   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1431   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1432   operator_info_->Reset();
   1433   VerifyEventCount();
   1434   VerifyNoMatch();
   1436   ExpectEventCount(2);
   1437   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1438   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1439   VerifyEventCount();
   1440   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1441   PopulateMVNOData();
   1442   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1444   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1445   operator_info_->Reset();
   1446   VerifyEventCount();
   1447   VerifyNoMatch();
   1449   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1450   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1451   VerifyEventCount();
   1452   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid200001");
   1453   PopulateMNOData();
   1454   VerifyDatabaseData();
   1455 }
   1457 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTest, FilteredOLP) {
   1458   // We only check basic filter matching, using the fact that the regex matching
   1459   // code is shared with the MVNO filtering, and is already well tested.
   1460   // (1) None of the filters match.
   1461   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1462   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1463   VerifyEventCount();
   1464   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid200001");
   1466   ASSERT_EQ(1, operator_info_->olp_list().size());
   1467   // Just check that the filtered OLPs are not in the list.
   1468   EXPECT_NE("olp@mccmnc", operator_info_->olp_list()[0].url);
   1469   EXPECT_NE("olp@sid", operator_info_->olp_list()[0].url);
   1471   // (2) MCCMNC filter matches.
   1472   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1473   operator_info_->Reset();
   1474   VerifyEventCount();
   1475   VerifyNoMatch();
   1477   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1478   UpdateMCCMNC("200003");
   1479   VerifyEventCount();
   1480   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid200001");
   1482   ASSERT_EQ(2, operator_info_->olp_list().size());
   1483   EXPECT_NE("olp@sid", operator_info_->olp_list()[0].url);
   1484   bool found_olp_by_mccmnc = false;
   1485   for (const auto& olp : operator_info_->olp_list()) {
   1486     found_olp_by_mccmnc |= ("olp@mccmnc" == olp.url);
   1487   }
   1488   EXPECT_TRUE(found_olp_by_mccmnc);
   1490   // (3) SID filter matches.
   1491   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1492   operator_info_->Reset();
   1493   VerifyEventCount();
   1494   VerifyNoMatch();
   1496   ExpectEventCount(1);
   1497   UpdateSID("200345");
   1498   VerifyEventCount();
   1499   VerifyMNOWithUUID("uuid200001");
   1501   ASSERT_EQ(2, operator_info_->olp_list().size());
   1502   EXPECT_NE("olp@mccmnc", operator_info_->olp_list()[0].url);
   1503   bool found_olp_by_sid = false;
   1504   for (const auto& olp : operator_info_->olp_list()) {
   1505     found_olp_by_sid |= ("olp@sid" == olp.url);
   1506   }
   1507   EXPECT_TRUE(found_olp_by_sid);
   1508 }
   1510 class MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest : public MobileOperatorInfoMainTest {
   1511  public:
   1512   MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest() : MobileOperatorInfoMainTest() {}
   1514   // Same as |MobileOperatorInfoMainTest::SetUp|, except that we don't add a
   1515   // default observer.
   1516   virtual void SetUp() {
   1517     operator_info_->ClearDatabasePaths();
   1518     AddDatabase(mobile_operator_db::data_test,
   1519                 arraysize(mobile_operator_db::data_test));
   1520     operator_info_->Init();
   1521   }
   1523  protected:
   1524   // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1525   // Data.
   1526   MockMobileOperatorInfoObserver second_observer_;
   1528  private:
   1529   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest);
   1530 };
   1532 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest, NoObserver) {
   1533   // - Don't add any observers, and then cause an MVNO update to occur.
   1534   // - Verify no crash.
   1535   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1536   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1537 }
   1539 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest, MultipleObservers) {
   1540   // - Add two observers, and then cause an MVNO update to occur.
   1541   // - Verify both observers are notified.
   1542   operator_info_->AddObserver(&observer_);
   1543   operator_info_->AddObserver(&second_observer_);
   1545   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(2);
   1546   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(2);
   1547   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1548   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1549   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1551   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1552 }
   1554 TEST_P(MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest, LateObserver) {
   1555   // - Add one observer, and verify it gets an MVNO update.
   1556   operator_info_->AddObserver(&observer_);
   1558   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(2);
   1559   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(0);
   1560   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1561   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1562   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1563   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1564   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
   1565   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&second_observer_);
   1567   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(1);
   1568   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(0);
   1569   operator_info_->Reset();
   1570   VerifyNoMatch();
   1571   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1572   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
   1573   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&second_observer_);
   1575   // - Add another observer, verify both get an MVNO update.
   1576   operator_info_->AddObserver(&second_observer_);
   1578   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(2);
   1579   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(2);
   1580   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1581   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1582   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1583   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1584   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
   1585   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&second_observer_);
   1587   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(1);
   1588   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(1);
   1589   operator_info_->Reset();
   1590   VerifyNoMatch();
   1591   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1592   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
   1593   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&second_observer_);
   1595   // - Remove an observer, verify it no longer gets updates.
   1596   operator_info_->RemoveObserver(&observer_);
   1598   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(0);
   1599   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(2);
   1600   UpdateMCCMNC("200001");
   1601   UpdateOperatorName("name200101");
   1602   VerifyMVNOWithUUID("uuid200101");
   1603   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1604   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
   1605   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&second_observer_);
   1607   EXPECT_CALL(observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(0);
   1608   EXPECT_CALL(second_observer_, OnOperatorChanged()).Times(1);
   1609   operator_info_->Reset();
   1610   VerifyNoMatch();
   1611   dispatcher_.DispatchPendingEvents();
   1612   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
   1613   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&second_observer_);
   1614 }
   1616 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MobileOperatorInfoMainTestInstance,
   1617                         MobileOperatorInfoMainTest,
   1618                         Values(kEventCheckingPolicyStrict,
   1619                                kEventCheckingPolicyNonStrict));
   1620 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MobileOperatorInfoDataTestInstance,
   1621                         MobileOperatorInfoDataTest,
   1622                         Values(kEventCheckingPolicyStrict,
   1623                                kEventCheckingPolicyNonStrict));
   1624 // It only makes sense to do strict checking here.
   1625 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MobileOperatorInfoObserverTestInstance,
   1626                         MobileOperatorInfoObserverTest,
   1627                         Values(kEventCheckingPolicyStrict));
   1628 }  // namespace shill