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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     18 #include <algorithm>
     19 #include <cctype>
     20 #include <string>
     21 #include <regex>
     22 #include <stdio.h>
     23 #include <sys/types.h>
     24 #include <sys/stat.h>
     25 #include <fcntl.h>
     27 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
     29 #include "perfprofdcore.h"
     30 #include "configreader.h"
     31 #include "perfprofdutils.h"
     32 #include "perfprofdmockutils.h"
     34 #include "perf_profile.pb.h"
     35 #include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
     37 //
     38 // Set to argv[0] on startup
     39 //
     40 static const char *executable_path;
     42 //
     43 // test_dir is the directory containing the test executable and
     44 // any files associated with the test (will be created by the harness).
     45 //
     46 // dest_dir is a subdirectory of test_dir that we'll create on the fly
     47 // at the start of each testpoint (into which new files can be written),
     48 // then delete at end of testpoint.
     49 //
     50 static std::string test_dir;
     51 static std::string dest_dir;
     53 // Path to perf executable on device
     54 #define PERFPATH "/system/bin/perf"
     56 // Temporary config file that we will emit for the daemon to read
     57 #define CONFIGFILE "perfprofd.conf"
     59 static std::string encoded_file_path(int seq)
     60 {
     61   return android::base::StringPrintf("%s/perf.data.encoded.%d",
     62                                      dest_dir.c_str(), seq);
     63 }
     65 class PerfProfdTest : public testing::Test {
     66  protected:
     67   virtual void SetUp() {
     68     mock_perfprofdutils_init();
     69     create_dest_dir();
     70     yesclean();
     71   }
     73   virtual void TearDown() {
     74     mock_perfprofdutils_finish();
     75   }
     77   void noclean() {
     78     clean_ = false;
     79   }
     80   void yesclean() {
     81     clean_ = true;
     82   }
     84  private:
     85   bool clean_;
     87   void create_dest_dir() {
     88     setup_dirs();
     89     ASSERT_FALSE(dest_dir == "");
     90     if (clean_) {
     91       std::string cmd("rm -rf ");
     92       cmd += dest_dir;
     93       system(cmd.c_str());
     94     }
     95     std::string cmd("mkdir -p ");
     96     cmd += dest_dir;
     97     system(cmd.c_str());
     98   }
    100   void setup_dirs()
    101   {
    102     if (test_dir == "") {
    103       ASSERT_TRUE(executable_path != nullptr);
    104       std::string s(executable_path);
    105       auto found = s.find_last_of("/");
    106       test_dir = s.substr(0,found);
    107       dest_dir = test_dir;
    108       dest_dir += "/tmp";
    109     }
    110   }
    112 };
    114 static bool bothWhiteSpace(char lhs, char rhs)
    115 {
    116   return (std::isspace(lhs) && std::isspace(rhs));
    117 }
    119 //
    120 // Squeeze out repeated whitespace from expected/actual logs.
    121 //
    122 static std::string squeezeWhite(const std::string &str,
    123                                 const char *tag,
    124                                 bool dump=false)
    125 {
    126   if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "raw %s is %s\n", tag, str.c_str()); }
    127   std::string result(str);
    128   std::replace( result.begin(), result.end(), '\n', ' ');
    129   auto new_end = std::unique(result.begin(), result.end(), bothWhiteSpace);
    130   result.erase(new_end, result.end());
    131   while (result.begin() != result.end() && std::isspace(*result.rbegin())) {
    132     result.pop_back();
    133   }
    134   if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "squeezed %s is %s\n", tag, result.c_str()); }
    135   return result;
    136 }
    138 ///
    139 /// Helper class to kick off a run of the perfprofd daemon with a specific
    140 /// config file.
    141 ///
    142 class PerfProfdRunner {
    143  public:
    144   PerfProfdRunner()
    145       : config_path_(test_dir)
    146   {
    147     config_path_ += "/" CONFIGFILE;
    148   }
    150   ~PerfProfdRunner()
    151   {
    152     remove_processed_file();
    153   }
    155   void addToConfig(const std::string &line)
    156   {
    157     config_text_ += line;
    158     config_text_ += "\n";
    159   }
    161   void remove_semaphore_file()
    162   {
    163     std::string semaphore(test_dir);
    164     semaphore += "/" SEMAPHORE_FILENAME;
    165     unlink(semaphore.c_str());
    166   }
    168   void create_semaphore_file()
    169   {
    170     std::string semaphore(test_dir);
    171     semaphore += "/" SEMAPHORE_FILENAME;
    172     close(open(semaphore.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT));
    173   }
    175   void write_processed_file(int start_seq, int end_seq)
    176   {
    177     std::string processed = test_dir + "/" PROCESSED_FILENAME;
    178     FILE *fp = fopen(processed.c_str(), "w");
    179     for (int i = start_seq; i < end_seq; i++) {
    180       fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i);
    181     }
    182     fclose(fp);
    183   }
    185   void remove_processed_file()
    186   {
    187     std::string processed = test_dir + "/" PROCESSED_FILENAME;
    188     unlink(processed.c_str());
    189   }
    191   int invoke()
    192   {
    193     static const char *argv[3] = { "perfprofd", "-c", "" };
    194     argv[2] = config_path_.c_str();
    196     writeConfigFile(config_path_, config_text_);
    198     // execute daemon main
    199     return perfprofd_main(3, (char **) argv);
    200   }
    202  private:
    203   std::string config_path_;
    204   std::string config_text_;
    206   void writeConfigFile(const std::string &config_path,
    207                        const std::string &config_text)
    208   {
    209     FILE *fp = fopen(config_path.c_str(), "w");
    210     ASSERT_TRUE(fp != nullptr);
    211     fprintf(fp, "%s\n", config_text.c_str());
    212     fclose(fp);
    213   }
    214 };
    216 //......................................................................
    218 static void readEncodedProfile(const char *testpoint,
    219                                wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile &encodedProfile)
    220 {
    221   struct stat statb;
    222   int perf_data_stat_result = stat(encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), &statb);
    223   ASSERT_NE(-1, perf_data_stat_result);
    225   // read
    226   std::string encoded;
    227   encoded.resize(statb.st_size);
    228   FILE *ifp = fopen(encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), "r");
    229   ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ifp);
    230   size_t items_read = fread((void*) encoded.data(), statb.st_size, 1, ifp);
    231   ASSERT_EQ(1, items_read);
    232   fclose(ifp);
    234   // decode
    235   encodedProfile.ParseFromString(encoded);
    236 }
    238 static std::string encodedLoadModuleToString(const wireless_android_play_playlog::LoadModule &lm)
    239 {
    240   std::stringstream ss;
    241   ss << "name: \"" << lm.name() << "\"\n";
    242   if (lm.build_id() != "") {
    243     ss << "build_id: \"" << lm.build_id() << "\"\n";
    244   }
    245   return ss.str();
    246 }
    248 static std::string encodedModuleSamplesToString(const wireless_android_play_playlog::LoadModuleSamples &mod)
    249 {
    250   std::stringstream ss;
    252   ss << "load_module_id: " << mod.load_module_id() << "\n";
    253   for (size_t k = 0; k < mod.address_samples_size(); k++) {
    254     const auto &sample = mod.address_samples(k);
    255     ss << "  address_samples {\n";
    256     for (size_t l = 0; l < mod.address_samples(k).address_size();
    257          l++) {
    258       auto address = mod.address_samples(k).address(l);
    259       ss << "    address: " << address << "\n";
    260     }
    261     ss << "    count: " << sample.count() << "\n";
    262     ss << "  }\n";
    263   }
    264   return ss.str();
    265 }
    267 #define RAW_RESULT(x) #x
    269 //
    270 // Check to see if the log messages emitted by the daemon
    271 // match the expected result. By default we use a partial
    272 // match, e.g. if we see the expected excerpt anywhere in the
    273 // result, it's a match (for exact match, set exact to true)
    274 //
    275 static void compareLogMessages(const std::string &actual,
    276                                const std::string &expected,
    277                                const char *testpoint,
    278                                bool exactMatch=false)
    279 {
    280    std::string sqexp = squeezeWhite(expected, "expected");
    281    std::string sqact = squeezeWhite(actual, "actual");
    282    if (exactMatch) {
    283      EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp.c_str(), sqact.c_str());
    284    } else {
    285      std::size_t foundpos = sqact.find(sqexp);
    286      bool wasFound = true;
    287      if (foundpos == std::string::npos) {
    288        std::cerr << testpoint << ": expected result not found\n";
    289        std::cerr << " Actual: \"" << sqact << "\"\n";
    290        std::cerr << " Expected: \"" << sqexp << "\"\n";
    291        wasFound = false;
    292      }
    293      EXPECT_TRUE(wasFound);
    294    }
    295 }
    297 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MissingGMS)
    298 {
    299   //
    300   // AWP requires cooperation between the daemon and the GMS core
    301   // piece. If we're running on a device that has an old or damaged
    302   // version of GMS core, then the config directory we're interested in
    303   // may not be there. This test insures that the daemon does the
    304   // right thing in this case.
    305   //
    306   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    307   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    308   runner.addToConfig("trace_config_read=0");
    309   runner.addToConfig("config_directory=/does/not/exist");
    310   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1");
    311   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1");
    312   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100");
    314   // Kick off daemon
    315   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    317   // Check return code from daemon
    318   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    320   // Verify log contents
    321   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    322       I: sleep 90 seconds
    323       W: unable to open config directory /does/not/exist: (No such file or directory)
    324       I: profile collection skipped (missing config directory)
    325                                           );
    327   // check to make sure entire log matches
    328   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    329                      expected, "MissingGMS");
    330 }
    333 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MissingOptInSemaphoreFile)
    334 {
    335   //
    336   // Android device owners must opt in to "collect and report usage
    337   // data" in order for us to be able to collect profiles. The opt-in
    338   // check is performed in the GMS core component; if the check
    339   // passes, then it creates a semaphore file for the daemon to pick
    340   // up on.
    341   //
    342   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    343   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    344   std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir;
    345   runner.addToConfig(cfparam);
    346   std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir;
    347   runner.addToConfig(ddparam);
    348   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1");
    349   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1");
    350   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100");
    352   runner.remove_semaphore_file();
    354   // Kick off daemon
    355   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    357   // Check return code from daemon
    358   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    360   // Verify log contents
    361   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    362       I: profile collection skipped (missing semaphore file)
    363                                           );
    364   // check to make sure log excerpt matches
    365   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    366                      expected, "MissingOptInSemaphoreFile");
    367 }
    369 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MissingPerfExecutable)
    370 {
    371   //
    372   // Perfprofd uses the 'simpleperf' tool to collect profiles
    373   // (although this may conceivably change in the future). This test
    374   // checks to make sure that if 'simpleperf' is not present we bail out
    375   // from collecting profiles.
    376   //
    377   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    378   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    379   runner.addToConfig("trace_config_read=1");
    380   std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir;
    381   runner.addToConfig(cfparam);
    382   std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir;
    383   runner.addToConfig(ddparam);
    384   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1");
    385   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1");
    386   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100");
    387   runner.addToConfig("perf_path=/does/not/exist");
    389   // Create semaphore file
    390   runner.create_semaphore_file();
    392   // Kick off daemon
    393   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    395   // Check return code from daemon
    396   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    398   // expected log contents
    399   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    400       I: profile collection skipped (missing 'perf' executable)
    401                                           );
    402   // check to make sure log excerpt matches
    403   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    404                      expected, "MissingPerfExecutable");
    405 }
    407 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, BadPerfRun)
    408 {
    409   //
    410   // Perf tools tend to be tightly coupled with a specific kernel
    411   // version -- if things are out of sync perf could fail or
    412   // crash. This test makes sure that we detect such a case and log
    413   // the error.
    414   //
    415   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    416   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    417   std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir;
    418   runner.addToConfig(cfparam);
    419   std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir;
    420   runner.addToConfig(ddparam);
    421   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1");
    422   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1");
    423   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100");
    424   runner.addToConfig("perf_path=/system/bin/false");
    426   // Create semaphore file
    427   runner.create_semaphore_file();
    429   // Kick off daemon
    430   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    432   // Check return code from daemon
    433   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    435   // Verify log contents
    436   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    437       I: profile collection failed (perf record returned bad exit status)
    438                                           );
    440   // check to make sure log excerpt matches
    441   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    442                      expected, "BadPerfRun");
    443 }
    445 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, ConfigFileParsing)
    446 {
    447   //
    448   // Gracefully handly malformed items in the config file
    449   //
    450   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    451   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    452   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1");
    453   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100");
    454   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1");
    455   runner.addToConfig("destination_directory=/does/not/exist");
    457   // assorted bad syntax
    458   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=0");
    459   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=-1");
    460   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=2");
    461   runner.addToConfig("nonexistent_key=something");
    462   runner.addToConfig("no_equals_stmt");
    464   // Kick off daemon
    465   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    467   // Check return code from daemon
    468   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    470   // Verify log contents
    471   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    472       W: line 6: specified value 0 for 'collection_interval' outside permitted range [100 4294967295] (ignored)
    473       W: line 7: malformed unsigned value (ignored)
    474       W: line 8: specified value 2 for 'collection_interval' outside permitted range [100 4294967295] (ignored)
    475       W: line 9: unknown option 'nonexistent_key' ignored
    476       W: line 10: line malformed (no '=' found)
    477                                           );
    479   // check to make sure log excerpt matches
    480   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    481                      expected, "ConfigFileParsing");
    482 }
    484 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, ProfileCollectionAnnotations)
    485 {
    486   unsigned util1 = collect_cpu_utilization();
    487   EXPECT_LE(util1, 100);
    488   EXPECT_GE(util1, 0);
    490   // NB: expectation is that when we run this test, the device will be
    491   // completed booted, will be on charger, and will not have the camera
    492   // active.
    493   EXPECT_FALSE(get_booting());
    494   EXPECT_TRUE(get_charging());
    495   EXPECT_FALSE(get_camera_active());
    496 }
    498 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, BasicRunWithCannedPerf)
    499 {
    500   //
    501   // Verify the portion of the daemon that reads and encodes
    502   // perf.data files. Here we run the encoder on a canned perf.data
    503   // file and verify that the resulting protobuf contains what
    504   // we think it should contain.
    505   //
    506   std::string input_perf_data(test_dir);
    507   input_perf_data += "/canned.perf.data";
    509   // Set up config to avoid these annotations (they are tested elsewhere)
    510   ConfigReader config;
    511   config.overrideUnsignedEntry("collect_cpu_utilization", 0);
    512   config.overrideUnsignedEntry("collect_charging_state", 0);
    513   config.overrideUnsignedEntry("collect_camera_active", 0);
    515   // Kick off encoder and check return code
    516   PROFILE_RESULT result =
    517       encode_to_proto(input_perf_data, encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), config, 0);
    520   // Read and decode the resulting perf.data.encoded file
    521   wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile encodedProfile;
    522   readEncodedProfile("BasicRunWithCannedPerf",
    523                      encodedProfile);
    525   // Expect 29 load modules
    526   EXPECT_EQ(29, encodedProfile.programs_size());
    528   // Check a couple of load modules
    529   { const auto &lm0 = encodedProfile.load_modules(0);
    530     std::string act_lm0 = encodedLoadModuleToString(lm0);
    531     std::string sqact0 = squeezeWhite(act_lm0, "actual for lm 0");
    532     const std::string expected_lm0 = RAW_RESULT(
    533         name: "/data/app/com.google.android.apps.plus-1/lib/arm/libcronet.so"
    534                                                 );
    535     std::string sqexp0 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm0, "expected_lm0");
    536     EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp0.c_str(), sqact0.c_str());
    537   }
    538   { const auto &lm9 = encodedProfile.load_modules(9);
    539     std::string act_lm9 = encodedLoadModuleToString(lm9);
    540     std::string sqact9 = squeezeWhite(act_lm9, "actual for lm 9");
    541     const std::string expected_lm9 = RAW_RESULT(
    542         name: "/system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so" build_id: "8164ed7b3a8b8f5a220d027788922510"
    543                                                 );
    544     std::string sqexp9 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm9, "expected_lm9");
    545     EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp9.c_str(), sqact9.c_str());
    546   }
    548   // Examine some of the samples now
    549   { const auto &p1 = encodedProfile.programs(0);
    550     const auto &lm1 = p1.modules(0);
    551     std::string act_lm1 = encodedModuleSamplesToString(lm1);
    552     std::string sqact1 = squeezeWhite(act_lm1, "actual for lm1");
    553     const std::string expected_lm1 = RAW_RESULT(
    554         load_module_id: 9 address_samples { address: 296100 count: 1 }
    555                                                 );
    556     std::string sqexp1 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm1, "expected_lm1");
    557     EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp1.c_str(), sqact1.c_str());
    558   }
    559   { const auto &p1 = encodedProfile.programs(2);
    560     const auto &lm2 = p1.modules(0);
    561     std::string act_lm2 = encodedModuleSamplesToString(lm2);
    562     std::string sqact2 = squeezeWhite(act_lm2, "actual for lm2");
    563     const std::string expected_lm2 = RAW_RESULT(
    564         load_module_id: 2
    565         address_samples { address: 28030244 count: 1 }
    566         address_samples { address: 29657840 count: 1 }
    567                                                 );
    568     std::string sqexp2 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm2, "expected_lm2");
    569     EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp2.c_str(), sqact2.c_str());
    570   }
    571 }
    573 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, BasicRunWithLivePerf)
    574 {
    575   //
    576   // Basic test to exercise the main loop of the daemon. It includes
    577   // a live 'perf' run
    578   //
    579   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    580   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    581   std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir;
    582   runner.addToConfig(ddparam);
    583   std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir;
    584   runner.addToConfig(cfparam);
    585   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1");
    586   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=12345678");
    587   runner.addToConfig("max_unprocessed_profiles=100");
    588   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=9999");
    589   runner.addToConfig("sample_duration=2");
    591   // Create semaphore file
    592   runner.create_semaphore_file();
    594   // Kick off daemon
    595   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    597   // Check return code from daemon
    598   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    600   // Read and decode the resulting perf.data.encoded file
    601   wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile encodedProfile;
    602   readEncodedProfile("BasicRunWithLivePerf", encodedProfile);
    604   // Examine what we get back. Since it's a live profile, we can't
    605   // really do much in terms of verifying the contents.
    606   EXPECT_LT(0, encodedProfile.programs_size());
    608   // Verify log contents
    609   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    610       I: starting Android Wide Profiling daemon
    611       I: config file path set to /data/nativetest/perfprofd_test/perfprofd.conf
    612       I: random seed set to 12345678
    613       I: sleep 674 seconds
    614       I: initiating profile collection
    615       I: profile collection complete
    616       I: sleep 9325 seconds
    617       I: finishing Android Wide Profiling daemon
    618                                           );
    619   // check to make sure log excerpt matches
    620   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    621                      expected, "BasicRunWithLivePerf", true);
    622 }
    624 TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MultipleRunWithLivePerf)
    625 {
    626   //
    627   // Basic test to exercise the main loop of the daemon. It includes
    628   // a live 'perf' run
    629   //
    630   PerfProfdRunner runner;
    631   runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0");
    632   std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir;
    633   runner.addToConfig(ddparam);
    634   std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir;
    635   runner.addToConfig(cfparam);
    636   runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=3");
    637   runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=12345678");
    638   runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=9999");
    639   runner.addToConfig("sample_duration=2");
    640   runner.write_processed_file(1, 2);
    642   // Create semaphore file
    643   runner.create_semaphore_file();
    645   // Kick off daemon
    646   int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke();
    648   // Check return code from daemon
    649   EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code);
    651   // Read and decode the resulting perf.data.encoded file
    652   wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile encodedProfile;
    653   readEncodedProfile("BasicRunWithLivePerf", encodedProfile);
    655   // Examine what we get back. Since it's a live profile, we can't
    656   // really do much in terms of verifying the contents.
    657   EXPECT_LT(0, encodedProfile.programs_size());
    659   // Examine that encoded.1 file is removed while encoded.{0|2} exists.
    660   EXPECT_EQ(0, access(encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), F_OK));
    661   EXPECT_NE(0, access(encoded_file_path(1).c_str(), F_OK));
    662   EXPECT_EQ(0, access(encoded_file_path(2).c_str(), F_OK));
    664   // Verify log contents
    665   const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT(
    666       I: starting Android Wide Profiling daemon
    667       I: config file path set to /data/nativetest/perfprofd_test/perfprofd.conf
    668       I: random seed set to 12345678
    669       I: sleep 674 seconds
    670       I: initiating profile collection
    671       I: profile collection complete
    672       I: sleep 9325 seconds
    673       I: sleep 4974 seconds
    674       I: initiating profile collection
    675       I: profile collection complete
    676       I: sleep 5025 seconds
    677       I: sleep 501 seconds
    678       I: initiating profile collection
    679       I: profile collection complete
    680       I: sleep 9498 seconds
    681       I: finishing Android Wide Profiling daemon
    682                                           );
    683   // check to make sure log excerpt matches
    684   compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(),
    685                      expected, "BasicRunWithLivePerf", true);
    686 }
    688 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    689   executable_path = argv[0];
    690   // switch to / before starting testing (perfprofd
    691   // should be location-independent)
    692   chdir("/");
    693   testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    694   return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
    695 }