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      1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc \
      2 // RUN:     -mconstructor-aliases -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -fnew-ms-eh \
      3 // RUN:     -O1 -disable-llvm-optzns \
      4 // RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix WIN64 %s
      6 extern "C" void might_throw();
      8 // Simplify the generated IR with noexcept.
      9 extern "C" void recover() noexcept(true);
     10 extern "C" void handle_exception(void *e) noexcept(true);
     12 extern "C" void catch_all() {
     13   try {
     14     might_throw();
     15   } catch (...) {
     16     recover();
     17   }
     18 }
     20 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_all()
     21 // WIN64: invoke void @might_throw()
     22 // WIN64-NEXT: to label %[[cont:[^ ]*]] unwind label %[[catchswitch_lpad:[^ ]*]]
     23 //
     24 // WIN64: [[catchswitch_lpad]]
     25 // WIN64: %[[catchswitch:[^ ]*]] = catchswitch within none [label %[[catchpad_lpad:[^ ]*]]] unwind to caller
     26 //
     27 // WIN64: [[catchpad_lpad]]
     28 // WIN64: catchpad within %[[catchswitch]] [i8* null, i32 64, i8* null]
     29 // WIN64: call void @recover()
     30 // WIN64: catchret from %{{.*}} to label %[[catchret:[^ ]*]]
     31 //
     32 // WIN64: [[catchret]]
     33 // WIN64-NEXT: br label %[[ret:[^ ]*]]
     34 //
     35 // WIN64: [[ret]]
     36 // WIN64: ret void
     37 //
     38 // WIN64: [[cont]]
     39 // WIN64: br label %[[ret]]
     41 extern "C" void catch_int() {
     42   try {
     43     might_throw();
     44   } catch (int e) {
     45     handle_exception(&e);
     46   }
     47 }
     49 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_int()
     50 // WIN64: catchpad within %{{[^ ]*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i32* %[[e_addr:[^\]]*]]]
     51 //
     52 // The catchpad instruction starts the lifetime of 'e'. Unfortunately, that
     53 // leaves us with nowhere to put lifetime.start, so we don't emit lifetime
     54 // markers for now.
     55 // WIN64-NOT: lifetime.start
     56 //
     57 // WIN64: %[[e_i8:[^ ]*]] = bitcast i32* %[[e_addr]] to i8*
     58 // WIN64-NOT: lifetime.start
     59 // WIN64: call void @handle_exception
     60 // WIN64-SAME: (i8* %[[e_i8]])
     61 // WIN64-NOT: lifetime.end
     62 // WIN64: catchret
     64 extern "C" void catch_int_unnamed() {
     65   try {
     66     might_throw();
     67   } catch (int) {
     68   }
     69 }
     71 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_int_unnamed()
     72 // WIN64: catchpad within %{{.*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i8* null]
     73 // WIN64: catchret
     75 struct A {
     76   A();
     77   A(const A &o);
     78   ~A();
     79   int a;
     80 };
     82 struct B : A {
     83   B();
     84   B(const B &o);
     85   ~B();
     86   int b;
     87 };
     89 extern "C" void catch_a_byval() {
     90   try {
     91     might_throw();
     92   } catch (A e) {
     93     handle_exception(&e);
     94   }
     95 }
     97 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_a_byval()
     98 // WIN64: %[[e_addr:[^ ]*]] = alloca %struct.A
     99 // WIN64: catchpad within %{{[^ ]*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor7* @"\01??_R0?AUA@@@8", i32 0, %struct.A* %[[e_addr]]]
    100 // WIN64: %[[e_i8:[^ ]*]] = bitcast %struct.A* %[[e_addr]] to i8*
    101 // WIN64: call void @handle_exception(i8* %[[e_i8]])
    102 // WIN64: catchret
    104 extern "C" void catch_a_ref() {
    105   try {
    106     might_throw();
    107   } catch (A &e) {
    108     handle_exception(&e);
    109   }
    110 }
    112 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_a_ref()
    113 // WIN64: %[[e_addr:[^ ]*]] = alloca %struct.A*
    114 // WIN64: catchpad within %{{[^ ]*}} [%rtti.TypeDescriptor7* @"\01??_R0?AUA@@@8", i32 8, %struct.A** %[[e_addr]]]
    115 // WIN64: %[[eptr:[^ ]*]] = load %struct.A*, %struct.A** %[[e_addr]]
    116 // WIN64: %[[eptr_i8:[^ ]*]] = bitcast %struct.A* %[[eptr]] to i8*
    117 // WIN64: call void @handle_exception(i8* %[[eptr_i8]])
    118 // WIN64: catchret
    120 extern "C" void fn_with_exc_spec() throw(int) {
    121   might_throw();
    122 }
    124 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @fn_with_exc_spec()
    125 // WIN64: call void @might_throw()
    126 // WIN64-NEXT: ret void
    128 extern "C" void catch_nested() {
    129   try {
    130     might_throw();
    131   } catch (int) {
    132     try {
    133       might_throw();
    134     } catch (int) {
    135       might_throw();
    136     }
    137   }
    138 }
    140 // WIN64-LABEL: define void @catch_nested()
    141 // WIN64: invoke void @might_throw()
    142 // WIN64-NEXT: to label %{{.*}} unwind label %[[catchswitch_outer:[^ ]*]]
    143 //
    144 // WIN64: [[catchswitch_outer]]
    145 // WIN64: %[[catchswitch_outer_scope:[^ ]*]] = catchswitch within none [label %[[catch_int_outer:[^ ]*]]] unwind to caller
    146 //
    147 // WIN64: [[catch_int_outer]]
    148 // WIN64: %[[catchpad:[^ ]*]] = catchpad within %[[catchswitch_outer_scope]] [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i8* null]
    149 // WIN64: invoke void @might_throw()
    150 // WIN64-NEXT: to label %[[cont2:[^ ]*]] unwind label %[[catchswitch_inner:[^ ]*]]
    151 //
    152 // WIN64: [[catchswitch_inner]]
    153 // WIN64: %[[catchswitch_inner_scope:[^ ]*]] = catchswitch within %[[catchpad]] [label %[[catch_int_inner:[^ ]*]]] unwind to caller
    154 //
    155 // WIN64: [[catch_int_inner]]
    156 // WIN64: catchpad within %[[catchswitch_inner_scope]] [%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8", i32 0, i8* null]
    157 // WIN64-NEXT: call void @might_throw()
    158 // WIN64: catchret {{.*}} to label %[[catchret2:[^ ]*]]
    159 //
    160 // WIN64: [[catchret2]]
    161 // WIN64: catchret {{.*}} to label %[[mainret:[^ ]*]]
    162 //
    163 // WIN64: [[mainret]]
    164 // WIN64: ret void