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      1 // Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/v8.h"
      7 #include "src/compiler/pipeline.h"
      8 #include "src/handles.h"
      9 #include "src/interpreter/bytecode-generator.h"
     10 #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h"
     11 #include "src/isolate.h"
     12 #include "src/parsing/parser.h"
     13 #include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
     14 #include "test/cctest/interpreter/source-position-matcher.h"
     16 namespace v8 {
     17 namespace internal {
     18 namespace interpreter {
     20 // Flags enabling optimizations that change generated bytecode array.
     21 // Format is <command-line flag> <flag name> <bit index>
     22 #define OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS(V)                                                 \
     23   V(FLAG_ignition_reo, kUseReo, 0)                                            \
     24   V(FLAG_ignition_peephole, kUsePeephole, 1)                                  \
     25   V(FLAG_ignition_filter_expression_positions, kUseFilterExpressionPositions, \
     26     2)                                                                        \
     27   V(FLAG_ignition_deadcode, kUseDeadCode, 3)
     29 #define DECLARE_BIT(_, Name, BitIndex) static const int Name = 1 << BitIndex;
     31 #undef DECLARE_BIT
     33 // Test cases source positions are checked for. Please ensure all
     34 // combinations of flags are present here. This is done manually
     35 // because it provides easier to comprehend failure case for humans.
     36 #define TEST_CASES(V)                                              \
     37   V(UsingReo, kUseReo)                                             \
     38   V(UsingPeephole, kUsePeephole)                                   \
     39   V(UsingDeadCode, kUseDeadCode)                                   \
     40   V(UsingFilterExpressionPositions, kUseFilterExpressionPositions) \
     41   V(UsingReoAndPeephole, kUseReo | kUsePeephole)                   \
     42   V(UsingReoAndFilterExpressionPositions,                          \
     43     kUseReo | kUseFilterExpressionPositions)                       \
     44   V(UsingReoAndDeadCode, kUseReo | kUseDeadCode)                   \
     45   V(UsingPeepholeAndFilterExpressionPositions,                     \
     46     kUsePeephole | kUseFilterExpressionPositions)                  \
     47   V(UsingPeepholeAndDeadCode, kUsePeephole | kUseDeadCode)         \
     48   V(UsingFilterExpressionPositionsAndDeadCode,                     \
     49     kUseFilterExpressionPositions | kUseDeadCode)                  \
     50   V(UsingAllOptimizations,                                         \
     51     kUseReo | kUsePeephole | kUseFilterExpressionPositions | kUseDeadCode)
     53 struct TestCaseData {
     54   TestCaseData(const char* const script,
     55                const char* const declaration_parameters = "",
     56                const char* const arguments = "")
     57       : script_(script),
     58         declaration_parameters_(declaration_parameters),
     59         arguments_(arguments) {}
     61   const char* const script() const { return script_; }
     62   const char* const declaration_parameters() const {
     63     return declaration_parameters_;
     64   }
     65   const char* const arguments() const { return arguments_; }
     67  private:
     68   TestCaseData();
     70   const char* const script_;
     71   const char* const declaration_parameters_;
     72   const char* const arguments_;
     73 };
     75 static const TestCaseData kTestCaseData[] = {
     76     {"var x = (y = 3) + (x = y); return x + y;"},
     77     {"var x = 55;\n"
     78      "var y = x + (x = 1) + (x = 2) + (x = 3);\n"
     79      "return y;"},
     80     {"var x = 10; return x >>> 3;\n"},
     81     {"var x = 0; return x || (1, 2, 3);\n"},
     82     {"return a || (a, b, a, b, c = 5, 3);\n"},
     83     {"var a = 3; var b = 4; a = b; b = a; a = b; return a;\n"},
     84     {"var a = 1; return [[a, 2], [a + 2]];\n"},
     85     {"var a = 1; if (a || a < 0) { return 1; }\n"},
     86     {"var b;"
     87      "b = a.name;"
     88      "b = a.name;"
     89      "a.name = a;"
     90      "b = a.name;"
     91      "a.name = a;"
     92      "return b;"},
     93     {"var sum = 0;\n"
     94      "outer: {\n"
     95      "  for (var x = 0; x < 10; ++x) {\n"
     96      "    for (var y = 0; y < 3; ++y) {\n"
     97      "      ++sum;\n"
     98      "      if (x + y == 12) { break outer; }\n"
     99      "    }\n"
    100      "  }\n"
    101      "}\n"
    102      "return sum;\n"},
    103     {"var a = 1;"
    104      "switch (a) {"
    105      "  case 1: return a * a + 1;"
    106      "  case 1: break;"
    107      "  case 2: return (a = 3) * a + (a = 4);"
    108      "  case 3:"
    109      "}"
    110      "return a;"},
    111     {"for (var p of [0, 1, 2]) {}"},
    112     {"var x = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 };"
    113      "for (x['a'] of [1,2,3]) { return x['a']; }"},
    114     {"while (x == 4) {\n"
    115      "  var y = x + 1;\n"
    116      "  if (y == 2) break;\n"
    117      "  for (z['a'] of [0]) {\n"
    118      "    x += (x *= 3) + y;"
    119      "  }\n"
    120      "}\n"},
    121     {"function g(a, b) { return a.func(b + b, b); }\n"
    122      "g(new (function Obj() { this.func = function() { return; }})(), 1)\n"},
    123     {"return some_global[name];", "name", "'a'"}};
    125 class OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester final {
    126  public:
    127   explicit OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester(Isolate* isolate)
    128       : isolate_(isolate) {
    129     SaveOptimizationFlags();
    130     saved_flag_ignition_ = FLAG_ignition;
    131     FLAG_ignition = true;
    132     saved_flag_always_opt_ = FLAG_always_opt;
    133     FLAG_always_opt = false;
    134   }
    136   ~OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester() {
    137     RestoreOptimizationFlags();
    138     FLAG_ignition = saved_flag_ignition_;
    139     FLAG_always_opt = saved_flag_always_opt_;
    140   }
    142   bool SourcePositionsMatch(int optimization_bitmap, const char* function_body,
    143                             const char* function_decl_params,
    144                             const char* function_args);
    146  private:
    147   Handle<BytecodeArray> MakeBytecode(int optimization_bitmap,
    148                                      const char* function_body,
    149                                      const char* function_decl_params,
    150                                      const char* function_args);
    151   static std::string MakeScript(const char* function_body,
    152                                 const char* function_decl_params,
    153                                 const char* function_args);
    155   void SetOptimizationFlags(int optimization_bitmap);
    156   void SaveOptimizationFlags();
    157   void RestoreOptimizationFlags();
    159   Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
    161   Isolate* isolate_;
    162   int saved_optimization_bitmap_;
    163   bool saved_flag_ignition_;
    164   bool saved_flag_always_opt_;
    165 };
    167 // static
    168 std::string OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester::MakeScript(
    169     const char* function_body, const char* function_decl_params,
    170     const char* function_args) {
    171   std::ostringstream os;
    172   os << "function test_function"
    173      << "(" << function_decl_params << ") {";
    174   os << function_body;
    175   os << "}";
    176   os << "test_function(" << function_args << ");";
    177   return os.str();
    178 }
    180 Handle<BytecodeArray> OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester::MakeBytecode(
    181     int optimization_bitmap, const char* function_body,
    182     const char* function_decl_params, const char* function_args) {
    183   std::string script =
    184       MakeScript(function_body, function_decl_params, function_args);
    185   SetOptimizationFlags(optimization_bitmap);
    186   CompileRun(script.c_str());
    188   Local<Function> api_function = Local<Function>::Cast(
    189       CcTest::global()
    190           ->Get(CcTest::isolate()->GetCurrentContext(), v8_str("test_function"))
    191           .ToLocalChecked());
    192   Handle<JSFunction> function =
    193       Handle<JSFunction>::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*api_function));
    194   return handle(function->shared()->bytecode_array());
    195 }
    197 void OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester::SetOptimizationFlags(
    198     int optimization_bitmap) {
    199 #define SET_FLAG(V8Flag, BitName, _) \
    200   V8Flag = (optimization_bitmap & BitName) ? true : false;
    202 #undef SET_FLAG
    203 }
    205 void OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester::SaveOptimizationFlags() {
    206   saved_optimization_bitmap_ = 0;
    207 #define SAVE_FLAG(V8Flag, BitName, _) \
    208   if (V8Flag) saved_optimization_bitmap_ |= BitName;
    209 #undef SET_FLAG
    210 }
    212 void OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester::RestoreOptimizationFlags() {
    213   SetOptimizationFlags(saved_optimization_bitmap_);
    214 }
    216 bool OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester::SourcePositionsMatch(
    217     int optimization_bitmap, const char* function_body,
    218     const char* function_decl_params, const char* function_args) {
    219   Handle<BytecodeArray> unoptimized_bytecode =
    220       MakeBytecode(0, function_body, function_decl_params, function_args);
    221   Handle<BytecodeArray> optimized_bytecode = MakeBytecode(
    222       optimization_bitmap, function_body, function_decl_params, function_args);
    223   SourcePositionMatcher matcher;
    224   if (!matcher.Match(unoptimized_bytecode, optimized_bytecode)) {
    225     return false;
    226   }
    227   return true;
    228 }
    230 void TestSourcePositionsEquivalent(int optimization_bitmap) {
    231   HandleAndZoneScope handles;
    232   // Ensure handler table is generated.
    233   handles.main_isolate()->interpreter()->Initialize();
    235   OptimizedBytecodeSourcePositionTester tester(handles.main_isolate());
    236   for (auto test_case_data : kTestCaseData) {
    237     CHECK(tester.SourcePositionsMatch(
    238         optimization_bitmap, test_case_data.script(),
    239         test_case_data.declaration_parameters(), test_case_data.arguments()));
    240   }
    241 }
    243 #define MAKE_TEST(Name, Bitmap)               \
    244   TEST(TestSourcePositionsEquivalent##Name) { \
    245     TestSourcePositionsEquivalent(Bitmap);    \
    246   }
    248 #undef MAKE_TEST
    250 }  // namespace interpreter
    251 }  // namespace internal
    252 }  // namespace v8