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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  *
     10  */
     12 #include "webrtc/call/bitrate_allocator.h"
     14 #include <algorithm>
     15 #include <utility>
     17 #include "webrtc/modules/bitrate_controller/include/bitrate_controller.h"
     19 namespace webrtc {
     21 // Allow packets to be transmitted in up to 2 times max video bitrate if the
     22 // bandwidth estimate allows it.
     23 const int kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier = 2;
     24 const int kDefaultBitrateBps = 300000;
     26 BitrateAllocator::BitrateAllocator()
     27     : crit_sect_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
     28       bitrate_observers_(),
     29       bitrate_observers_modified_(false),
     30       enforce_min_bitrate_(true),
     31       last_bitrate_bps_(kDefaultBitrateBps),
     32       last_fraction_loss_(0),
     33       last_rtt_(0) {}
     35 uint32_t BitrateAllocator::OnNetworkChanged(uint32_t bitrate,
     36                                             uint8_t fraction_loss,
     37                                             int64_t rtt) {
     38   CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
     39   last_bitrate_bps_ = bitrate;
     40   last_fraction_loss_ = fraction_loss;
     41   last_rtt_ = rtt;
     42   uint32_t allocated_bitrate_bps = 0;
     43   ObserverBitrateMap allocation = AllocateBitrates();
     44   for (const auto& kv : allocation) {
     45     kv.first->OnNetworkChanged(kv.second, last_fraction_loss_, last_rtt_);
     46     allocated_bitrate_bps += kv.second;
     47   }
     48   return allocated_bitrate_bps;
     49 }
     51 BitrateAllocator::ObserverBitrateMap BitrateAllocator::AllocateBitrates() {
     52   if (bitrate_observers_.empty())
     53     return ObserverBitrateMap();
     55   uint32_t sum_min_bitrates = 0;
     56   for (const auto& observer : bitrate_observers_)
     57     sum_min_bitrates += observer.second.min_bitrate;
     58   if (last_bitrate_bps_ <= sum_min_bitrates)
     59     return LowRateAllocation(last_bitrate_bps_);
     60   else
     61     return NormalRateAllocation(last_bitrate_bps_, sum_min_bitrates);
     62 }
     64 int BitrateAllocator::AddBitrateObserver(BitrateObserver* observer,
     65                                          uint32_t min_bitrate_bps,
     66                                          uint32_t max_bitrate_bps) {
     67   CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
     69   BitrateObserverConfList::iterator it =
     70       FindObserverConfigurationPair(observer);
     72   // Allow the max bitrate to be exceeded for FEC and retransmissions.
     73   // TODO(holmer): We have to get rid of this hack as it makes it difficult to
     74   // properly allocate bitrate. The allocator should instead distribute any
     75   // extra bitrate after all streams have maxed out.
     76   max_bitrate_bps *= kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier;
     77   if (it != bitrate_observers_.end()) {
     78     // Update current configuration.
     79     it->second.min_bitrate = min_bitrate_bps;
     80     it->second.max_bitrate = max_bitrate_bps;
     81   } else {
     82     // Add new settings.
     83     bitrate_observers_.push_back(BitrateObserverConfiguration(
     84         observer, BitrateConfiguration(min_bitrate_bps, max_bitrate_bps)));
     85     bitrate_observers_modified_ = true;
     86   }
     88   ObserverBitrateMap allocation = AllocateBitrates();
     89   int new_observer_bitrate_bps = 0;
     90   for (auto& kv : allocation) {
     91     kv.first->OnNetworkChanged(kv.second, last_fraction_loss_, last_rtt_);
     92     if (kv.first == observer)
     93       new_observer_bitrate_bps = kv.second;
     94   }
     95   return new_observer_bitrate_bps;
     96 }
     98 void BitrateAllocator::RemoveBitrateObserver(BitrateObserver* observer) {
     99   CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    100   BitrateObserverConfList::iterator it =
    101       FindObserverConfigurationPair(observer);
    102   if (it != bitrate_observers_.end()) {
    103     bitrate_observers_.erase(it);
    104     bitrate_observers_modified_ = true;
    105   }
    106 }
    108 void BitrateAllocator::GetMinMaxBitrateSumBps(int* min_bitrate_sum_bps,
    109                                               int* max_bitrate_sum_bps) const {
    110   *min_bitrate_sum_bps = 0;
    111   *max_bitrate_sum_bps = 0;
    113   CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    114   for (const auto& observer : bitrate_observers_) {
    115     *min_bitrate_sum_bps += observer.second.min_bitrate;
    116     *max_bitrate_sum_bps += observer.second.max_bitrate;
    117   }
    118 }
    120 BitrateAllocator::BitrateObserverConfList::iterator
    121 BitrateAllocator::FindObserverConfigurationPair(
    122     const BitrateObserver* observer) {
    123   for (auto it = bitrate_observers_.begin(); it != bitrate_observers_.end();
    124        ++it) {
    125     if (it->first == observer)
    126       return it;
    127   }
    128   return bitrate_observers_.end();
    129 }
    131 void BitrateAllocator::EnforceMinBitrate(bool enforce_min_bitrate) {
    132   CriticalSectionScoped lock(crit_sect_.get());
    133   enforce_min_bitrate_ = enforce_min_bitrate;
    134 }
    136 BitrateAllocator::ObserverBitrateMap BitrateAllocator::NormalRateAllocation(
    137     uint32_t bitrate,
    138     uint32_t sum_min_bitrates) {
    139   uint32_t number_of_observers =
    140       static_cast<uint32_t>(bitrate_observers_.size());
    141   uint32_t bitrate_per_observer =
    142       (bitrate - sum_min_bitrates) / number_of_observers;
    143   // Use map to sort list based on max bitrate.
    144   ObserverSortingMap list_max_bitrates;
    145   for (const auto& observer : bitrate_observers_) {
    146     list_max_bitrates.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, ObserverConfiguration>(
    147         observer.second.max_bitrate,
    148         ObserverConfiguration(observer.first, observer.second.min_bitrate)));
    149   }
    150   ObserverBitrateMap allocation;
    151   ObserverSortingMap::iterator max_it = list_max_bitrates.begin();
    152   while (max_it != list_max_bitrates.end()) {
    153     number_of_observers--;
    154     uint32_t observer_allowance =
    155         max_it->second.min_bitrate + bitrate_per_observer;
    156     if (max_it->first < observer_allowance) {
    157       // We have more than enough for this observer.
    158       // Carry the remainder forward.
    159       uint32_t remainder = observer_allowance - max_it->first;
    160       if (number_of_observers != 0) {
    161         bitrate_per_observer += remainder / number_of_observers;
    162       }
    163       allocation[max_it->second.observer] = max_it->first;
    164     } else {
    165       allocation[max_it->second.observer] = observer_allowance;
    166     }
    167     list_max_bitrates.erase(max_it);
    168     // Prepare next iteration.
    169     max_it = list_max_bitrates.begin();
    170   }
    171   return allocation;
    172 }
    174 BitrateAllocator::ObserverBitrateMap BitrateAllocator::LowRateAllocation(
    175     uint32_t bitrate) {
    176   ObserverBitrateMap allocation;
    177   if (enforce_min_bitrate_) {
    178     // Min bitrate to all observers.
    179     for (const auto& observer : bitrate_observers_)
    180       allocation[observer.first] = observer.second.min_bitrate;
    181   } else {
    182     // Allocate up to |min_bitrate| to one observer at a time, until
    183     // |bitrate| is depleted.
    184     uint32_t remainder = bitrate;
    185     for (const auto& observer : bitrate_observers_) {
    186       uint32_t allocated_bitrate =
    187           std::min(remainder, observer.second.min_bitrate);
    188       allocation[observer.first] = allocated_bitrate;
    189       remainder -= allocated_bitrate;
    190     }
    191   }
    192   return allocation;
    193 }
    194 }  // namespace webrtc