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      1 page.title=Camera Version Support
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     21     <h2>In this document</h2>
     22     <ol id="auto-toc">
     23     </ol>
     24   </div>
     25 </div>
     27 <p>This page details version differences in Camera HALs, APIs, and associated
     28 Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) tests. It also covers several
     29 architectural changes made to harden and secure the camera framework in Android
     30 7.0 and the updates vendors must make to support these changes in their camera
     31 implementations.</p>
     33 <h2 id=glossary>Terminology</h2>
     35 <p>The following terms are used on this page:</p>
     37 <dl>
     39 <dt>Camera API1</dt>
     40 <dd>The app-level camera framework on Android 4.4 and earlier devices, exposed
     41 through the <code>android.hardware.Camera</code> class.</dd>
     43 <dt>Camera API2</dt>
     44 <dd>The app-level camera framework on Android 5.0 and later devices, exposed
     45 through the<code> android.hardware.camera2</code> package.</dd>
     47 <dt>Camera HAL</dt>
     48 <dd>The camera module layer implemented by SoC vendors. The app-level public
     49 frameworks are built on top of the camera HAL.</dd>
     51 <dt>Camera HAL3.1</dt>
     52 <dd>Version of the camera device HAL released with Android 4.4.</dd>
     54 <dt>Camera HAL3.2</dt>
     55 <dd>Version of the camera device HAL released with Android 5.0.</dd>
     57 <dt>Camera API1 CTS</dt>
     58 <dd>Set of camera Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) tests that run on top of Camera
     59 API1.</dd>
     61 <dt>Camera API2 CTS</dt>
     62 <dd>Additional set of camera CTS tests that run on top of Camera API2.</dd>
     64 </dl>
     67 <h2 id=camera_apis>Camera APIs</h2>
     68 <p>Android includes the following camera APIs.</p>
     70 <h3 id=camera_api1>Camera API1</h3>
     72 <p>Android 5.0 deprecated Camera API1, which continues to be phased out as new
     73 platform development focuses on Camera API2. However, the phase-out period will
     74 be lengthy, and Android releases will continue to support Camera API1 apps for
     75 some time. Specifically, support continues for:</p>
     77 <ul>
     78 <li><em>Camera API1 interfaces for apps</em>. Camera apps built on top of Camera
     79 API1 should work as they do on devices running earlier Android release versions.
     80 </li>
     81 <li><em>Camera HAL versions</em>. Includes support for Camera HAL1.0.</li>
     82 </ul>
     84 <h3 id=camera_api2>Camera API2</h3>
     86 <p>The Camera API2 framework exposes lower-level camera control to the app,
     87 including efficient zero-copy burst/streaming flows and per-frame controls of
     88 exposure, gain, white balance gains, color conversion, denoising, sharpening,
     89 and more. For details, watch the
     90 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92fgcUNCHic&feature=youtu.be&t=29m50s">Google
     91 I/O video overview</a>.</p>
     93 <p>Android 5.0 and later includes Camera API2; however, devices running Android
     94 5.0 and later may not support all Camera API2 features. The
     95 <code>android.info.supportedHardwareLevel</code> property that apps can query
     96 through the Camera API2 interfaces reports one of the following support
     97 levels:</p>
     99 <ul>
    100 <li><code>LEGACY</code>. These devices expose capabilities to apps through the
    101 Camera API2 interfaces that are approximately the same capabilities as those
    102 exposed to apps through the Camera API1 interfaces. The legacy frameworks code
    103 conceptually translates Camera API2 calls into Camera API1 calls; legacy devices
    104 do not support Camera API2 features such as per-frame controls.</li>
    105 <li><code>FULL</code>. These devices support all of major capabilities of Camera
    106 API2 and must use Camera HAL 3.2 or later and Android 5.0 or later.</li>
    107 <li><code>LIMITED</code>. These devices support some Camera API2 capabilities
    108 (but not all) and must use Camera HAL 3.2 or later.</li>
    109 </ul>
    111 <p>Individual capabilities are exposed via the
    112 <code>android.request.availableCapabilities</code> property in the Camera API2
    113 interfaces. <code>FULL</code> devices require the <code>MANUAL_SENSOR</code> and
    114 <code>MANUAL_POST_PROCESSING</code> capabilities, among others. The
    115 <code>RAW</code> capability is optional even for <code>FULL</code> devices.
    116 <code>LIMITED</code> devices can advertise any subset of these capabilities,
    117 including none of them. However, the <code>BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE</code> capability
    118 must always be defined.</p>
    120 <p>The supported hardware level of the device, as well as the specific Camera
    121 API2 capabilities it supports, are available as the following feature flags to
    122 allow Google Play filtering of Camera API2 camera apps.</p>
    124 <ul>
    125   <li><code>android.hardware.camera.hardware_level.full</code>
    126   <li><code>android.hardware.camera.capability.raw</code>
    127   <li><code>android.hardware.camera.capability.manual_sensor</code>
    128   <li><code>android.hardware.camera.capability.manual_post_processing</code>
    129 </ul>
    131 <h2 id=cts_requirements>CTS requirements</h2>
    133 <p>Android 5.0 and later devices must pass the Camera API1 CTS, Camera API2 CTS,
    134 and CTS Verifier camera tests.</p>
    136 <p>Devices that do not feature a Camera HAL3.2 implementation and are not
    137 capable of supporting the full Camera API2 interfaces must still pass the Camera
    138 API2 CTS tests. However, the device will be running in Camera API2
    139 <code>LEGACY</code> mode (in which the Camera API2 calls are conceptually mapped
    140 to Camera API1 calls) so any Camera API2 CTS tests related to features or
    141 capabilities beyond Camera API1 will be automatically skipped.</p>
    143 <p>On legacy devices, Camera API2 CTS tests that are not skipped use the
    144 existing public Camera API1 interfaces and capabilities with no new
    145 requirements. Bugs that are exposed (and which cause a Camera API2 CTS failure)
    146 are bugs already present in the devices existing Camera HAL, and thus would
    147 be found by existing Camera API1 apps. We do not expect many bugs of this nature
    148 (however, any such bugs must be fixed to pass the Camera API2 CTS tests).</p>
    150 <h2 id=hardening>Camera framework hardening</h2>
    152 <p>To harden media and camera framework security, Android 7.0 moves camera
    153 service out of mediaserver. Vendors may need to make changes in the camera HAL
    154 depending on the API and HAL versions in use. The following sections detail
    155 architectural changes in AP1 and AP2 for HAL1 and HAL3, as well as general
    156 requirements.</p>
    158 <h3 id=hardening_api1>Architectural changes for API1</h3>
    159 <p>API1 video recording may assume camera and video encoder live in the same
    160 process. When using API1 on:</p>
    162 <ul>
    163 <li>HAL3, where camera service uses BufferQueue to pass buffers between
    164 processes, <strong>no vendor update</strong> is necessary.
    165 <p><img src="images/ape_camera_n_api1_hal3.png" alt="Android 7.0 camera and media
    166 stack in API1 on HAL3" id="figure1" /></p>
    167 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong>Android 7.0 camera and media
    168 stack in API1 on HAL3.</p>
    169 </li>
    170 <li>HAL1, which supports passing metadata in video buffers, <strong>vendors must
    171 update the HAL to allow camera and video encoder in different processes</strong>
    172 (e.g., the HAL cannot store virtual addresses in the metadata).
    173 <p><img src="images/ape_camera_n_api1_hal1.png" alt="Android 7.0 camera and media
    174 stack in API1 on HAL1" id="figure1" /></p>
    175 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong>Android 7.0 camera and media
    176 stack in API1 on HAL1.</p>
    177 </li>
    178 </ul>
    180 <h3 id=hardening_api2>Architectural changes for API2</h3>
    181 <p>For API2 on HAL1 or HAL3, BufferQueue passes buffers so those paths continue
    182 to work. The Android 7.0 architecture for API2 on:</p>
    184 <ul>
    185 <li>HAL1 is not affected by the cameraservice move, and <strong>no vendor
    186 update</strong> is necessary.</li>
    187 <li>HAL3 <em>is</em> affected, but <strong>no vendor update</strong> is
    188 necessary:
    189 <p><img src="images/ape_camera_n_api2_hal3.png" alt="Android 7.0 camera and
    190 media stack in API2 on HAL2" id="figure1" /></p>
    191 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong>Android 7.0 camera and media
    192 stack in API2 on HAL3.</p>
    193 </li>
    194 </ul>
    196 <h3 id=hardening_general>Additional requirements</h3>
    197 <p>The architectural changes made for hardening media and camera framework
    198 security include the following additional device requirements.</p>
    200 <ul>
    201 <li><strong>General</strong>. Devices require additional bandwidth due to IPC,
    202 which may affect time-sensitive camera use cases such as high-speed video
    203 recording. Vendors can measure actual impact by running
    204 <code>android.hardware.camera2.cts.PerformanceTest</code> and the Google Camera
    205 App for 120/240 FPS high speed video recording. Devices also require a small
    206 amount of additional RAM to create the new process.</li>
    207 <li><strong>Pass metadata in video buffers</strong>(<em>HAL1 only</em>). If HAL1
    208 stores metadata instead of real YUV frame data in video buffers, the HAL must
    209 not store anything that is invalid across process boundaries, including native
    210 handles. If HAL passes native handles in the metadata in video buffers, you must
    211 update it to use <code>kMetadataBufferTypeNativeHandleSource</code> as the
    212 metadata buffer type and pass <code>VideoNativeHandleMetadata</code> in video
    213 buffers.
    214 <p>With <code>VideoNativeHandleMetadata</code>, camera and media frameworks are
    215 able to pass the video buffers between processes by serializing and
    216 deserializing the native handles properly. If HAL chooses to continue using
    217 <code>kMetadataBufferTypeCameraSource</code> as the metadata buffer type, the
    218 metadata must be able to be passed between processes as plain values.</p>
    219 </li>
    220 <li><strong>Buffer handle address does not always store same buffer</strong>
    221 (<em>HAL3 only</em>). For each capture request, HAL3 gets addresses of buffer
    222 handles. HAL cannot use the addresses to identify buffers because the addresses
    223 may store another buffer handle after HAL returns the buffer. You must update
    224 the HAL to use buffer handles to identify the buffers. For example: HAL receives
    225 a buffer handle address A, which stores buffer handle A. After HAL returns
    226 buffer handle A, buffer handle address A may store buffer handle B next time the
    227 HAL receives it.</li>
    228 <li><strong>Update SELinux policies for cameraserver</strong>. If
    229 device-specific SELinux policies give mediaserver permissions to run the camera,
    230 you must update the SELinux policies to give cameraserver proper permissions. We
    231 do not encourage replicating the mediaserver's SELinux policies for cameraserver
    232 (as mediaserver and cameraserver generally require different resources in the
    233 system). Cameraserver should have only the permissions needed to perform camera
    234 functionalities and any unnecessary camera-related permissions in mediaserver
    235 should be removed.</p>
    237 <h3 id=hardening_validation>Validation</h3>
    238 <p>For all devices that include a camera and run Android 7.0, verify the
    239 implementation by running Android 7.0 CTS. Although Android 7.0 does not include
    240 new CTS tests that verify camera service changes, existing CTS tests will fail
    241 if you have not made the updates indicated above.</p>
    243 <h2 id="version-history">Camera HAL version history</h2>
    244 <p>For a list of tests available for evaluating the Android Camera HAL, see the
    245 <a href="{@docRoot}compatibility/cts/camera-hal.html">Camera HAL Testing
    246 Checklist</a>.</p>
    248 <h3 id="34">3.4</h3>
    250 <p>Minor additions to supported metadata and changes to data_space support:</p>
    252 <ul>
    253 <li>Add <code>ANDROID_SENSOR_OPAQUE_RAW_SIZE</code> static metadata as mandatory
    254 if <code>RAW_OPAQUE</code> format is supported.</li>
    256 metadata as mandatory if any RAW format is supported.</li>
    257 <li>Switch <code>camera3_stream_t data_space</code> field to a more flexible
    258 definition, using the version 0 definition of dataspace encoding.</li>
    259 <li>General metadata additions which are available to use for HALv3.2 or newer:
    260   <ul>
    261   <li>
    262   <a href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraMetadata.html#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3"><code>ANDROID_INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3</code>
    263   </a></li>
    264   <li><code>ANDROID_CONTROL_POST_RAW_SENSITIVITY_BOOST</code></li>
    266   <li><code>ANDROID_SENSOR_DYNAMIC_BLACK_LEVEL</code></li>
    267   <li><code>ANDROID_SENSOR_DYNAMIC_WHITE_LEVEL</code></li>
    268   <li><code>ANDROID_SENSOR_OPAQUE_RAW_SIZE</code></li>
    269   <li><code>ANDROID_SENSOR_OPTICAL_BLACK_REGIONS</code></li>
    270   </ul>
    271   <li>
    272 </ul>
    274 <h3 id="33">3.3</h3>
    276 <p>Minor revision of expanded-capability HAL:</p>
    278 <ul>
    279   <li>OPAQUE and YUV reprocessing API updates.</li>
    280   <li>Basic support for depth output buffers.</li>
    281   <li>Addition of <code>data_space</code> field to
    282   <code>camera3_stream_t</code>.</li>
    283   <li>Addition of rotation field to <code>camera3_stream_t</code>.</li>
    284   <li>Addition of camera3 stream configuration operation mode to
    285   <code>camera3_stream_configuration_t</code>.</li>
    286 </ul>
    288 <h3 id="32">3.2</h3>
    290 <p>Minor revision of expanded-capability HAL:</p>
    292 <ul>
    293 <li>Deprecates <code>get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops</code>. Use
    294 <code>get_vendor_tag_ops</code> in <code>camera_common.h</code> instead.</li>
    295 <li>Deprecates <code>register_stream_buffers</code>. All gralloc buffers
    296 provided by framework to HAL in <code>process_capture_request</code> may be new
    297 at any time.</li>
    298 <li>Add partial result support. <code>process_capture_result</code> may be
    299 called multiple times with a subset of the available results before the full
    300 result is available.</li>
    301 <li>Add manual template to <code>camera3_request_template</code>. Applications
    302 may use this template to control the capture settings directly.</li>
    303 <li>Rework the bidirectional and input stream specifications.</li>
    304 <li>Change the input buffer return path. The buffer is returned in
    305 <code>process_capture_result</code> instead of
    306 <code>process_capture_request</code>.</li>
    307 </ul>
    309 <h3 id="31">3.1</h3>
    311 <p>Minor revision of expanded-capability HAL:</p>
    313 <ul>
    314 <li><code>configure_streams</code> passes consumer usage flags to the HAL.</li>
    315 <li>flush call to drop all in-flight requests/buffers as fast as possible.</li>
    316 </ul>
    318 <h3 id="30">3.0</h3>
    320 <p>First revision of expanded-capability HAL:</p>
    322 <ul>
    323 <li>Major version change since the ABI is completely different. No change to the
    324 required hardware capabilities or operational model from 2.0.</li>
    325 <li>Reworked input request and stream queue interfaces: Framework calls into HAL
    326 with next request and stream buffers already dequeued. Sync framework support
    327 is included, necessary for efficient implementations.</li>
    328 <li>Moved triggers into requests, most notifications into results.</li>
    329 <li>Consolidated all callbacks into framework into one structure, and all setup
    330 methods into a single <code>initialize()</code> call.</li>
    331 <li>Made stream configuration into a single call to simplify stream management.
    332 Bidirectional streams replace STREAM_FROM_STREAM construct.</li>
    333 <li>Limited mode semantics for older/limited hardware devices.</li>
    334 </ul>
    336 <h3 id="20">2.0</h3>
    338 <p>Initial release of expanded-capability HAL (Android 4.2) [camera2.h]:</p>
    340 <ul>
    341 <li>Sufficient for implementing existing <code>android.hardware.Camera</code>
    342 API.</li>
    343 <li>Allows for ZSL queue in camera service layer.</li>
    344 <li>Not tested for any new features such as manual capture control, Bayer RAW
    345 capture, reprocessing of RAW data, etc.</li>
    346 </ul>
    348 <h3 id="10">1.0</strong></h3>
    350 <p>Initial Android camera HAL (Android 4.0) [camera.h]:</p>
    352 <ul>
    353 <li>Converted from C++ CameraHardwareInterface abstraction layer.</li>
    354 <li>Supports <code>android.hardware.Camera</code> API.</li>
    355 </ul>
    357 <h2 id=module_version>Camera module version history</h2>
    359 <p>This section contains module versioning information for the Camera hardware
    360 module, based on <code>camera_module_t.common.module_api_version</code>. The two
    361 most significant hex digits represent the major version, and the two least
    362 significant represent the minor version.</p>
    364 <h3 id="24">2_4</h3>
    366 <p>This camera module version adds the following API changes:</p>
    368 <ol>
    369  <li><em>Torch mode support</em>. The framework can turn on torch mode for any
    370  camera device that has a flash unit, without opening a camera device. The
    371  camera device has a higher priority accessing the flash unit than the camera
    372  module; opening a camera device will turn off the torch if it had been enabled
    373  through the module interface. When there are any resource conflicts, such as
    374  <code>open()</code> is called to open a camera device, the camera HAL module
    375  must notify the framework through the torch mode status callback that the torch
    376  mode has been turned off.</li>
    378  <li><em>External camera (e.g. USB hot-plug camera) support</em>. The API
    379  updates specify the camera static info is available only when camera is
    380  connected and ready to use for external hot-plug cameras. Calls to get static
    381  info will be invalid calls when camera status is not
    382  <code>CAMERA_DEVICE_STATUS_PRESENT</code>. The framework counts solely on
    383  device status change callbacks to manage the available external camera list.
    384  </li>
    386  <li><em>Camera arbitration hints</em>. Adds support for explicitly indicating
    387  the number of camera devices that can be simultaneously opened and used. To
    388  specify valid combinations of devices, the <code>resource_cost</code> and
    389  <code>conflicting_devices</code> fields should always be set in the
    390  <code>camera_info</code> structure returned by the <code>get_camera_info</code>
    391  call.</li>
    393  <li><em>Module initialization method</em>. Called by the camera service
    394  after the HAL module is loaded to allow for one-time initialization of the HAL.
    395  It is called before any other module methods are invoked.</li>
    396 </ol>
    398 <h3 id="23">2_3</h3>
    400 <p>This camera module version adds open legacy camera HAL device support.
    401  The framework can use it to open the camera device as lower device HAL version
    402  HAL device if the same device can support multiple device API versions.
    403  The standard hardware module open call (common.methods->open) continues
    404  to open the camera device with the latest supported version, which is
    405  also the version listed in <code>camera_info_t.device_version</code>.</p>
    407 <h3 id="22">2_2</h3>
    409 <p>This camera module version adds vendor tag support from the module, and
    410 deprecates the old <code>vendor_tag_query_ops</code> that were previously only
    411 accessible with a device open.</p>
    413 <h3 id="21">2_1</h3>
    415 <p>This camera module version adds support for asynchronous callbacks to the
    416 framework from the camera HAL module, which is used to notify the framework
    417 about changes to the camera module state. Modules that provide a valid
    418 <code>set_callbacks()</code> method must report at least this version number.</p>
    420 <h3 id="20">2_0</h3>
    422 <p>Camera modules that report this version number implement the second version
    423 of the camera module HAL interface. Camera devices openable through this
    424 module may support either version 1.0 or version 2.0 of the camera device
    425 HAL interface. The <code>device_version</code> field of camera_info is always
    426 valid; the <code>static_camera_characteristics</code> field of
    427 <code>camera_info</code> is valid if the <code>device_version</code> field is
    428 2.0 or higher.</p>
    430 <h3 id="10">1_0</h3>
    432 <p>Camera modules that report these version numbers implement the initial
    433 camera module HAL interface. All camera devices openable through this
    434 module support only version 1 of the camera device HAL. The
    435 <code>device_version</code> and <code>static_camera_characteristics</code>
    436 fields of <code>camera_info</code> are not valid. Only the
    437 <code>android.hardware.Camera</code> API can be supported by this module and its
    438 devices.</p>