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      1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """Classes to do screen comparison."""
      7 import logging
      8 import os
      9 import time
     11 from PIL import ImageChops
     14 class ScreenComparer(object):
     15     """A class to compare two screens.
     17     Calling its member method compare() does the comparison.
     19     """
     21     def __init__(self, capturer1, capturer2, output_dir, pixel_diff_margin,
     22                  wrong_pixels_margin):
     23         """Initializes the ScreenComparer objects.
     25         @param capture1: The screen capturer object.
     26         @param capture2: The screen capturer object.
     27         @param output_dir: The directory for output images.
     28         @param pixel_diff_margin: The margin for comparing a pixel. Only
     29                 if a pixel difference exceeds this margin, will treat as a wrong
     30                 pixel. Sets None means using default value by detecting
     31                 connector type.
     32         @param wrong_pixels_margin: The percentage of margin for wrong pixels.
     33                 The value is in a closed interval [0.0, 1.0]. If the total
     34                 number of wrong pixels exceeds this margin, the check fails.
     35         """
     36         # TODO(waihong): Support multiple capturers.
     37         self._capturer1 = capturer1
     38         self._capturer2 = capturer2
     39         self._output_dir = output_dir
     40         self._pixel_diff_margin = pixel_diff_margin
     41         assert 0.0 <= wrong_pixels_margin <= 1.0
     42         self._wrong_pixels_margin = wrong_pixels_margin
     45     def compare(self):
     46         """Compares the screens.
     48         @return: None if the check passes; otherwise, a string of error message.
     49         """
     50         tags = [self._capturer1.TAG, self._capturer2.TAG]
     51         images = [self._capturer1.capture(), self._capturer2.capture()]
     53         if None in images:
     54             message = ('Failed to capture the screen of %s.' %
     55                        tags[images.index(None)])
     56             logging.error(message)
     57             return message
     59         # Sometimes the format of images got from X is not RGB,
     60         # which may lead to ValueError raised by ImageChops.difference().
     61         # So here we check the format before comparing them.
     62         for i, image in enumerate(images):
     63           if image.mode != 'RGB':
     64             images[i] = image.convert('RGB')
     66         message = 'Unexpected exception'
     67         time_str = time.strftime('%H%M%S')
     68         try:
     69             # The size property is the resolution of the image.
     70             if images[0].size != images[1].size:
     71                 message = ('Sizes of images %s and %s do not match: '
     72                            '%dx%d != %dx%d' %
     73                            (tuple(tags) + images[0].size + images[1].size))
     74                 logging.error(message)
     75                 return message
     77             size = images[0].size[0] * images[0].size[1]
     78             max_acceptable_wrong_pixels = int(self._wrong_pixels_margin * size)
     80             logging.info('Comparing the images between %s and %s...', *tags)
     81             diff_image = ImageChops.difference(*images)
     82             histogram = diff_image.convert('L').histogram()
     84             num_wrong_pixels = sum(histogram[self._pixel_diff_margin + 1:])
     85             max_diff_value = max(filter(
     86                     lambda x: histogram[x], xrange(len(histogram))))
     87             if num_wrong_pixels > 0:
     88                 logging.debug('Histogram of difference: %r', histogram)
     89                 prefix_str = '%s-%dx%d' % ((time_str,) + images[0].size)
     90                 message = ('Result of %s: total %d wrong pixels '
     91                            '(diff up to %d)' % (
     92                            prefix_str, num_wrong_pixels, max_diff_value))
     93                 if num_wrong_pixels > max_acceptable_wrong_pixels:
     94                     logging.error(message)
     95                     return message
     97                 message += (', within the acceptable range %d' %
     98                             max_acceptable_wrong_pixels)
     99                 logging.warning(message)
    100             else:
    101                 logging.info('Result: all pixels match (within +/- %d)',
    102                              max_diff_value)
    103             message = None
    104             return None
    105         finally:
    106             if message is not None:
    107                 for i in (0, 1):
    108                     # Use time and image size as the filename prefix.
    109                     prefix_str = '%s-%dx%d' % ((time_str,) + images[i].size)
    110                     # TODO(waihong): Save to a better lossless format.
    111                     file_path = os.path.join(
    112                             self._output_dir,
    113                             '%s-%s.png' % (prefix_str, tags[i]))
    114                     logging.info('Output the image %d to %s', i, file_path)
    115                     images[i].save(file_path)
    117                 file_path = os.path.join(
    118                         self._output_dir, '%s-diff.png' % prefix_str)
    119                 logging.info('Output the diff image to %s', file_path)
    120                 diff_image = ImageChops.difference(*images)
    121                 gray_image = diff_image.convert('L')
    122                 bw_image = gray_image.point(
    123                         lambda x: 0 if x <= self._pixel_diff_margin else 255,
    124                         '1')
    125                 bw_image.save(file_path)