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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 AUTHOR = "Chrome OS Project, chromeos-video (a] google.com"
      6 NAME = "video_VideoSeek.vp9"
      7 PURPOSE = "Verify that VP9 non-resolution-changing video seek works in Chrome"
      8 CRITERIA = """
      9 This test will fail if a non-resolution-changing VP9 video fails to seek in Chrome HTML5 page.
     10 """
     11 ATTRIBUTES = "suite:bvt-perbuild"
     12 SUITE = "bvt-perbuild"
     13 TIME = "SHORT"
     14 TEST_CATEGORY = "General"
     15 TEST_CLASS = "video"
     16 TEST_TYPE = "client"
     17 DEPENDENCIES = "hw_video_acc_vp9"
     18 BUG_TEMPLATE = {
     19     'labels': ['OS-Chrome', 'VideoTestFailure'],
     20     'cc': ['chromeos-video-test-failures (a] google.com'],
     21 }
     23 DOC = """
     24 This test verifies VP9 non-resolution-changing video can seek on machines with VDA.
     25 """
     27 video = 'http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromiumos-test-assets-public/Shaka-Dash/720.webm'
     28 job.run_test('video_VideoSeek', video=video)