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      1 #!/usr/bin/python -u
      2 """
      3 Wrapper to patch pylint library functions to suit autotest.
      5 This script is invoked as part of the presubmit checks for autotest python
      6 files. It runs pylint on a list of files that it obtains either through
      7 the command line or from an environment variable set in pre-upload.py.
      9 Example:
     10 run_pylint.py filename.py
     11 """
     13 import fnmatch
     14 import logging
     15 import os
     16 import re
     17 import sys
     19 import common
     20 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import autotemp, revision_control
     22 # Do a basic check to see if pylint is even installed.
     23 try:
     24     import pylint
     25     from pylint.__pkginfo__ import version as pylint_version
     26 except ImportError:
     27     print ("Unable to import pylint, it may need to be installed."
     28            " Run 'sudo aptitude install pylint' if you haven't already.")
     29     sys.exit(1)
     31 major, minor, release = pylint_version.split('.')
     32 pylint_version = float("%s.%s" % (major, minor))
     34 # some files make pylint blow up, so make sure we ignore them
     35 BLACKLIST = ['/contrib/*', '/frontend/afe/management.py']
     37 # patch up the logilab module lookup tools to understand autotest_lib.* trash
     38 import logilab.common.modutils
     39 _ffm = logilab.common.modutils.file_from_modpath
     40 def file_from_modpath(modpath, path=None, context_file=None):
     41     """
     42     Wrapper to eliminate autotest_lib from modpath.
     44     @param modpath: name of module splitted on '.'
     45     @param path: optional list of paths where module should be searched for.
     46     @param context_file: path to file doing the importing.
     47     @return The path to the module as returned by the parent method invocation.
     48     @raises: ImportError if these is no such module.
     49     """
     50     if modpath[0] == "autotest_lib":
     51         return _ffm(modpath[1:], path, context_file)
     52     else:
     53         return _ffm(modpath, path, context_file)
     54 logilab.common.modutils.file_from_modpath = file_from_modpath
     57 import pylint.lint
     58 from pylint.checkers import base, imports, variables
     60 # need to put autotest root dir on sys.path so pylint will be happy
     61 autotest_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
     62 sys.path.insert(0, autotest_root)
     64 # patch up pylint import checker to handle our importing magic
     65 ROOT_MODULE = 'autotest_lib.'
     67 # A list of modules for pylint to ignore, specifically, these modules
     68 # are imported for their side-effects and are not meant to be used.
     69 _IGNORE_MODULES=['common', 'frontend_test_utils',
     70                  'setup_django_environment',
     71                  'setup_django_lite_environment',
     72                  'setup_django_readonly_environment', 'setup_test_environment',]
     75 class pylint_error(Exception):
     76     """
     77     Error raised when pylint complains about a file.
     78     """
     81 class run_pylint_error(pylint_error):
     82     """
     83     Error raised when an assumption made in this file is violated.
     84     """
     87 def patch_modname(modname):
     88     """
     89     Patches modname so we can make sense of autotest_lib modules.
     91     @param modname: name of a module, contains '.'
     92     @return modified modname string.
     93     """
     94     if modname.startswith(ROOT_MODULE) or modname.startswith(ROOT_MODULE[:-1]):
     95         modname = modname[len(ROOT_MODULE):]
     96     return modname
     99 def patch_consumed_list(to_consume=None, consumed=None):
    100     """
    101     Patches the consumed modules list to ignore modules with side effects.
    103     Autotest relies on importing certain modules solely for their side
    104     effects. Pylint doesn't understand this and flags them as unused, since
    105     they're not referenced anywhere in the code. To overcome this we need
    106     to transplant said modules into the dictionary of modules pylint has
    107     already seen, before pylint checks it.
    109     @param to_consume: a dictionary of names pylint needs to see referenced.
    110     @param consumed: a dictionary of names that pylint has seen referenced.
    111     """
    112     ignore_modules = []
    113     if (to_consume is not None and consumed is not None):
    114         ignore_modules = [module_name for module_name in _IGNORE_MODULES
    115                           if module_name in to_consume]
    117     for module_name in ignore_modules:
    118         consumed[module_name] = to_consume[module_name]
    119         del to_consume[module_name]
    122 class CustomImportsChecker(imports.ImportsChecker):
    123     """Modifies stock imports checker to suit autotest."""
    124     def visit_from(self, node):
    125         node.modname = patch_modname(node.modname)
    126         return super(CustomImportsChecker, self).visit_from(node)
    129 class CustomVariablesChecker(variables.VariablesChecker):
    130     """Modifies stock variables checker to suit autotest."""
    132     def visit_module(self, node):
    133         """
    134         Unflag 'import common'.
    136         _to_consume eg: [({to reference}, {referenced}, 'scope type')]
    137         Enteries are appended to this list as we drill deeper in scope.
    138         If we ever come across a module to ignore,  we immediately move it
    139         to the consumed list.
    141         @param node: node of the ast we're currently checking.
    142         """
    143         super(CustomVariablesChecker, self).visit_module(node)
    144         scoped_names = self._to_consume.pop()
    145         patch_consumed_list(scoped_names[0],scoped_names[1])
    146         self._to_consume.append(scoped_names)
    148     def visit_from(self, node):
    149         """Patches modnames so pylints understands autotest_lib."""
    150         node.modname = patch_modname(node.modname)
    151         return super(CustomVariablesChecker, self).visit_from(node)
    154 class CustomDocStringChecker(base.DocStringChecker):
    155     """Modifies stock docstring checker to suit Autotest doxygen style."""
    157     def visit_module(self, node):
    158         """
    159         Don't visit imported modules when checking for docstrings.
    161         @param node: the node we're visiting.
    162         """
    163         pass
    166     def visit_function(self, node):
    167         """
    168         Don't request docstrings for commonly overridden autotest functions.
    170         @param node: node of the ast we're currently checking.
    171         """
    173         # Even plain functions will have a parent, which is the
    174         # module they're in, and a frame, which is the context
    175         # of said module; They need not however, always have
    176         # ancestors.
    177         if (node.name in ('run_once', 'initialize', 'cleanup') and
    178             hasattr(node.parent.frame(), 'ancestors') and
    179             any(ancestor.name == 'base_test' for ancestor in
    180                 node.parent.frame().ancestors())):
    181             return
    183         super(CustomDocStringChecker, self).visit_function(node)
    186     @staticmethod
    187     def _should_skip_arg(arg):
    188         """
    189         @return: True if the argument given by arg is whitelisted, and does
    190                  not require a "@param" docstring.
    191         """
    192         return arg in ('self', 'cls', 'args', 'kwargs', 'dargs')
    195     def _check_docstring(self, node_type, node):
    196         """
    197         Teaches pylint to look for @param with each argument in the
    198         function/method signature.
    200         @param node_type: type of the node we're currently checking.
    201         @param node: node of the ast we're currently checking.
    202         """
    203         super(CustomDocStringChecker, self)._check_docstring(node_type, node)
    204         docstring = node.doc
    205         if pylint_version >= 1.1:
    206             key = 'missing-docstring'
    207         else:
    208             key = 'C0111'
    210         if (docstring is not None and
    211                (node_type is 'method' or
    212                 node_type is 'function')):
    213             args = node.argnames()
    214             old_msg = self.linter._messages[key].msg
    215             for arg in args:
    216                 arg_docstring_rgx = '.*@param '+arg+'.*'
    217                 line = re.search(arg_docstring_rgx, node.doc)
    218                 if not line and not self._should_skip_arg(arg):
    219                     self.linter._messages[key].msg = ('Docstring needs '
    220                                                       '"@param '+arg+':"')
    221                     self.add_message(key, node=node)
    222             self.linter._messages[key].msg = old_msg
    224 base.DocStringChecker = CustomDocStringChecker
    225 imports.ImportsChecker = CustomImportsChecker
    226 variables.VariablesChecker = CustomVariablesChecker
    229 def batch_check_files(file_paths, base_opts):
    230     """
    231     Run pylint on a list of files so we get consolidated errors.
    233     @param file_paths: a list of file paths.
    234     @param base_opts: a list of pylint config options.
    236     @raises: pylint_error if pylint finds problems with a file
    237              in this commit.
    238     """
    239     if not file_paths:
    240         return
    242     pylint_runner = pylint.lint.Run(list(base_opts) + list(file_paths),
    243                                     exit=False)
    244     if pylint_runner.linter.msg_status:
    245         raise pylint_error(pylint_runner.linter.msg_status)
    248 def should_check_file(file_path):
    249     """
    250     Don't check blacklisted or non .py files.
    252     @param file_path: abs path of file to check.
    253     @return: True if this file is a non-blacklisted python file.
    254     """
    255     file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
    256     if file_path.endswith('.py'):
    257         return all(not fnmatch.fnmatch(file_path, '*' + pattern)
    258                    for pattern in BLACKLIST)
    259     return False
    262 def check_file(file_path, base_opts):
    263     """
    264     Invokes pylint on files after confirming that they're not black listed.
    266     @param base_opts: pylint base options.
    267     @param file_path: path to the file we need to run pylint on.
    268     """
    269     if not isinstance(file_path, basestring):
    270         raise TypeError('expected a string as filepath, got %s'%
    271             type(file_path))
    273     if should_check_file(file_path):
    274         pylint_runner = pylint.lint.Run(base_opts + [file_path], exit=False)
    275         if pylint_runner.linter.msg_status:
    276             pylint_error(pylint_runner.linter.msg_status)
    279 def visit(arg, dirname, filenames):
    280     """
    281     Visit function invoked in check_dir.
    283     @param arg: arg from os.walk.path
    284     @param dirname: dir from os.walk.path
    285     @param filenames: files in dir from os.walk.path
    286     """
    287     for filename in filenames:
    288         check_file(os.path.join(dirname, filename), arg)
    291 def check_dir(dir_path, base_opts):
    292     """
    293     Calls visit on files in dir_path.
    295     @param base_opts: pylint base options.
    296     @param dir_path: path to directory.
    297     """
    298     os.path.walk(dir_path, visit, base_opts)
    301 def extend_baseopts(base_opts, new_opt):
    302     """
    303     Replaces an argument in base_opts with a cmd line argument.
    305     @param base_opts: original pylint_base_opts.
    306     @param new_opt: new cmd line option.
    307     """
    308     for args in base_opts:
    309         if new_opt in args:
    310             base_opts.remove(args)
    311     base_opts.append(new_opt)
    314 def get_cmdline_options(args_list, pylint_base_opts, rcfile):
    315     """
    316     Parses args_list and extends pylint_base_opts.
    318     Command line arguments might include options mixed with files.
    319     Go through this list and filter out the options, if the options are
    320     specified in the pylintrc file we cannot replace them and the file
    321     needs to be edited. If the options are already a part of
    322     pylint_base_opts we replace them, and if not we append to
    323     pylint_base_opts.
    325     @param args_list: list of files/pylint args passed in through argv.
    326     @param pylint_base_opts: default pylint options.
    327     @param rcfile: text from pylint_rc.
    328     """
    329     for args in args_list:
    330         if args.startswith('--'):
    331             opt_name = args[2:].split('=')[0]
    332             if opt_name in rcfile and pylint_version >= 0.21:
    333                 raise run_pylint_error('The rcfile already contains the %s '
    334                                         'option. Please edit pylintrc instead.'
    335                                         % opt_name)
    336             else:
    337                 extend_baseopts(pylint_base_opts, args)
    338                 args_list.remove(args)
    341 def git_show_to_temp_file(commit, original_file, new_temp_file):
    342     """
    343     'Git shows' the file in original_file to a tmp file with
    344     the name new_temp_file. We need to preserve the filename
    345     as it gets reflected in pylints error report.
    347     @param commit: commit hash of the commit we're running repo upload on.
    348     @param original_file: the path to the original file we'd like to run
    349                           'git show' on.
    350     @param new_temp_file: new_temp_file is the path to a temp file we write the
    351                           output of 'git show' into.
    352     """
    353     git_repo = revision_control.GitRepo(common.autotest_dir, None, None,
    354         common.autotest_dir)
    356     with open(new_temp_file, 'w') as f:
    357         output = git_repo.gitcmd('show --no-ext-diff %s:%s'
    358                                  % (commit, original_file),
    359                                  ignore_status=False).stdout
    360         f.write(output)
    363 def check_committed_files(work_tree_files, commit, pylint_base_opts):
    364     """
    365     Get a list of files corresponding to the commit hash.
    367     The contents of a file in the git work tree can differ from the contents
    368     of a file in the commit we mean to upload. To work around this we run
    369     pylint on a temp file into which we've 'git show'n the committed version
    370     of each file.
    372     @param work_tree_files: list of files in this commit specified by their
    373                             absolute path.
    374     @param commit: hash of the commit this upload applies to.
    375     @param pylint_base_opts: a list of pylint config options.
    376     """
    377     files_to_check = filter(should_check_file, work_tree_files)
    379     # Map the absolute path of each file so it's relative to the autotest repo.
    380     # All files that are a part of this commit should have an abs path within
    381     # the autotest repo, so this regex should never fail.
    382     work_tree_files = [re.search(r'%s/(.*)' % common.autotest_dir, f).group(1)
    383                        for f in files_to_check]
    385     tempdir = None
    386     try:
    387         tempdir = autotemp.tempdir()
    388         temp_files = [os.path.join(tempdir.name, file_path.split('/')[-1:][0])
    389                       for file_path in work_tree_files]
    391         for file_tuple in zip(work_tree_files, temp_files):
    392             git_show_to_temp_file(commit, *file_tuple)
    393         # Only check if we successfully git showed all files in the commit.
    394         batch_check_files(temp_files, pylint_base_opts)
    395     finally:
    396         if tempdir:
    397             tempdir.clean()
    400 def main():
    401     """Main function checks each file in a commit for pylint violations."""
    403     # For now all error/warning/refactor/convention exceptions except those in
    404     # the enable string are disabled.
    405     # W0611: All imported modules (except common) need to be used.
    406     # W1201: Logging methods should take the form
    407     #   logging.<loggingmethod>(format_string, format_args...); and not
    408     #   logging.<loggingmethod>(format_string % (format_args...))
    409     # C0111: Docstring needed. Also checks @param for each arg.
    410     # C0112: Non-empty Docstring needed.
    411     # Ideally we would like to enable as much as we can, but if we did so at
    412     # this stage anyone who makes a tiny change to a file will be tasked with
    413     # cleaning all the lint in it. See chromium-os:37364.
    415     # Note:
    416     # 1. There are three major sources of E1101/E1103/E1120 false positives:
    417     #    * common_lib.enum.Enum objects
    418     #    * DB model objects (scheduler models are the worst, but Django models
    419     #      also generate some errors)
    420     # 2. Docstrings are optional on private methods, and any methods that begin
    421     #    with either 'set_' or 'get_'.
    422     pylint_rc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    423                              'pylintrc')
    425     no_docstring_rgx = r'((_.*)|(set_.*)|(get_.*))'
    426     if pylint_version >= 0.21:
    427         pylint_base_opts = ['--rcfile=%s' % pylint_rc,
    428                             '--reports=no',
    429                             '--disable=W,R,E,C,F',
    430                             '--enable=W0611,W1201,C0111,C0112,E0602,W0601',
    431                             '--no-docstring-rgx=%s' % no_docstring_rgx,]
    432     else:
    433         all_failures = 'error,warning,refactor,convention'
    434         pylint_base_opts = ['--disable-msg-cat=%s' % all_failures,
    435                             '--reports=no',
    436                             '--include-ids=y',
    437                             '--ignore-docstrings=n',
    438                             '--no-docstring-rgx=%s' % no_docstring_rgx,]
    440     # run_pylint can be invoked directly with command line arguments,
    441     # or through a presubmit hook which uses the arguments in pylintrc. In the
    442     # latter case no command line arguments are passed. If it is invoked
    443     # directly without any arguments, it should check all files in the cwd.
    444     args_list = sys.argv[1:]
    445     if args_list:
    446         get_cmdline_options(args_list,
    447                             pylint_base_opts,
    448                             open(pylint_rc).read())
    449         batch_check_files(args_list, pylint_base_opts)
    450     elif os.environ.get('PRESUBMIT_FILES') is not None:
    451         check_committed_files(
    452                               os.environ.get('PRESUBMIT_FILES').split('\n'),
    453                               os.environ.get('PRESUBMIT_COMMIT'),
    454                               pylint_base_opts)
    455     else:
    456         check_dir('.', pylint_base_opts)
    459 if __name__ == '__main__':
    460     try:
    461         main()
    462     except Exception as e:
    463         logging.error(e)
    464         sys.exit(1)