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      1 Document: draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-03.txt            Stuart Cheshire
      2 Category: Standards Track                           Apple Computer, Inc.
      3 Expires 7th December 2005                                  Marc Krochmal
      4                                                     Apple Computer, Inc.
      5                                                            7th June 2005
      7                       DNS-Based Service Discovery
      9                  <draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-03.txt>
     12 Status of this Memo
     14    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
     15    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.  Internet-Drafts are
     16    working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
     17    its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may
     18    also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
     20    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
     21    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
     22    at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
     23    reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
     25    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
     26    http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt
     28    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
     29    http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html
     31    Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
     34 Abstract
     36    This document describes a convention for naming and structuring DNS
     37    resource records. Given a type of service that a client is looking
     38    for, and a domain in which the client is looking for that service,
     39    this convention allows clients to discover a list of named instances
     40    of that desired service, using only standard DNS queries. In short,
     41    this is referred to as DNS-based Service Discovery, or DNS-SD.
     58 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 1]
     61 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
     64 Table of Contents
     66    1.  Introduction....................................................3
     67    2.  Conventions and Terminology Used in this Document...............3
     68    3.  Design Goals....................................................4
     69    4.  Service Instance Enumeration....................................5
     70    4.1 Structured Instance Names.......................................5
     71    4.2 User Interface Presentation.....................................7
     72    4.3 Internal Handling of Names......................................7
     73    4.4 What You See Is What You Get....................................7
     74    4.5 Ordering of Service Instance Name Components....................9
     75    5.  Service Name Resolution........................................11
     76    6.  Data Syntax for DNS-SD TXT Records.............................12
     77    6.1 General Format Rules for DNS TXT Records.......................12
     78    6.2 DNS TXT Record Format Rules for use in DNS-SD..................13
     79    6.3 DNS-SD TXT Record Size.........................................14
     80    6.4 Rules for Names in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs.....................14
     81    6.5 Rules for Values in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs....................16
     82    6.6 Example TXT Record.............................................16
     83    6.7 Version Tag....................................................17
     84    7.  Application Protocol Names.....................................17
     85    7.1 Service Name Length Limits.....................................19
     86    8.  Selective Instance Enumeration.................................20
     87    9.  Flagship Naming................................................20
     88    10. Service Type Enumeration.......................................22
     89    11. Populating the DNS with Information............................23
     90    12. Relationship to Multicast DNS..................................23
     91    13. Discovery of Browsing and Registration Domains.................24
     92    14. DNS Additional Record Generation...............................25
     93    15. Comparison with Alternative Service Discovery Protocols........26
     94    16. Real Example...................................................28
     95    17. IPv6 Considerations............................................29
     96    18. Security Considerations........................................29
     97    19. IANA Considerations............................................29
     98    20. Acknowledgments................................................30
     99    21. Copyright......................................................30
    100    22. Normative References...........................................31
    101    23. Informative References.........................................31
    102    24. Authors' Addresses.............................................32
    117 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 2]
    120 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    123 1. Introduction
    125    This document describes a convention for naming and structuring DNS
    126    resource records. Given a type of service that a client is looking
    127    for, and a domain in which the client is looking for that service,
    128    this convention allows clients to discover a list of named instances
    129    of a that desired service, using only standard DNS queries. In short,
    130    this is referred to as DNS-based Service Discovery, or DNS-SD.
    132    This document proposes no change to the structure of DNS messages,
    133    and no new operation codes, response codes, resource record types,
    134    or any other new DNS protocol values. This document simply proposes
    135    a convention for how existing resource record types can be named and
    136    structured to facilitate service discovery.
    138    This proposal is entirely compatible with today's existing unicast
    139    DNS server and client software.
    141    Note that the DNS-SD service does NOT have to be provided by the same
    142    DNS server hardware that is currently providing an organization's
    143    conventional host name lookup service (the service we traditionally
    144    think of when we say "DNS"). By delegating the "_tcp" subdomain, all
    145    the workload related to DNS-SD can be offloaded to a different
    146    machine. This flexibility, to handle DNS-SD on the main DNS server,
    147    or not, at the network administrator's discretion, is one of the
    148    things that makes DNS-SD so compelling.
    150    Even when the DNS-SD functions are delegated to a different machine,
    151    the benefits of using DNS remain: It is mature technology, well
    152    understood, with multiple independent implementations from different
    153    vendors, a wide selection of books published on the subject, and an
    154    established workforce experienced in its operation. In contrast,
    155    adopting some other service discovery technology would require every
    156    site in the world to install, learn, configure, operate and maintain
    157    some entirely new and unfamiliar server software. Faced with these
    158    obstacles, it seems unlikely that any other service discovery
    159    technology could hope to compete with the ubiquitous deployment
    160    that DNS already enjoys.
    162    This proposal is also compatible with (but not dependent on) the
    163    proposal outlined in "Multicast DNS" [mDNS].
    166 2. Conventions and Terminology Used in this Document
    168    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
    169    "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this
    170    document are to be interpreted as described in "Key words for use in
    171    RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" [RFC 2119].
    176 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 3]
    179 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    182 3. Design Goals
    184    A good service discovery protocol needs to have many properties,
    185    three of which are mentioned below:
    187    (i) The ability to query for services of a certain type in a certain
    188    logical domain and receive in response a list of named instances
    189    (network browsing, or "Service Instance Enumeration").
    191    (ii) Given a particular named instance, the ability to efficiently
    192    resolve that instance name to the required information a client needs
    193    to actually use the service, i.e. IP address and port number, at the
    194    very least (Service Name Resolution).
    196    (iii) Instance names should be relatively persistent. If a user
    197    selects their default printer from a list of available choices today,
    198    then tomorrow they should still be able to print on that printer --
    199    even if the IP address and/or port number where the service resides
    200    have changed -- without the user (or their software) having to repeat
    201    the network browsing step a second time.
    203    In addition, if it is to become successful, a service discovery
    204    protocol should be so simple to implement that virtually any
    205    device capable of implementing IP should not have any trouble
    206    implementing the service discovery software as well.
    208    These goals are discussed in more detail in the remainder of this
    209    document. A more thorough treatment of service discovery requirements
    210    may be found in "Requirements for a Protocol to Replace AppleTalk
    211    NBP" [NBP]. That document draws upon examples from two decades of
    212    operational experience with AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol to
    213    develop a list of universal requirements which are broadly applicable
    214    to any potential service discovery protocol.
    235 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 4]
    238 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    241 4. Service Instance Enumeration
    243    DNS SRV records [RFC 2782] are useful for locating instances of a
    244    particular type of service when all the instances are effectively
    245    indistinguishable and provide the same service to the client.
    247    For example, SRV records with the (hypothetical) name
    248    "_http._tcp.example.com." would allow a client to discover a list of
    249    all servers implementing the "_http._tcp" service (i.e. Web servers)
    250    for the "example.com." domain. The unstated assumption is that all
    251    these servers offer an identical set of Web pages, and it doesn't
    252    matter to the client which of the servers it uses, as long as it
    253    selects one at random according to the weight and priority rules laid
    254    out in RFC 2782.
    256    Instances of other kinds of service are less easily interchangeable.
    257    If a word processing application were to look up the (hypothetical)
    258    SRV record "_ipp._tcp.example.com." to find the list of IPP printers
    259    at Example Co., then picking one at random and printing on it would
    260    probably not be what the user wanted.
    262    The remainder of this section describes how SRV records may be used
    263    in a slightly different way to allow a user to discover the names
    264    of all available instances of a given type of service, in order to
    265    select the particular instance the user desires.
    268 4.1 Structured Instance Names
    270    This document borrows the logical service naming syntax and semantics
    271    from DNS SRV records, but adds one level of indirection. Instead of
    272    requesting records of type "SRV" with name "_ipp._tcp.example.com.",
    273    the client requests records of type "PTR" (pointer from one name to
    274    another in the DNS namespace).
    276    In effect, if one thinks of the domain name "_ipp._tcp.example.com."
    277    as being analogous to an absolute path to a directory in a file
    278    system then the PTR lookup is akin to performing a listing of that
    279    directory to find all the files it contains. (Remember that domain
    280    names are expressed in reverse order compared to path names: An
    281    absolute path name is read from left to right, beginning with a
    282    leading slash on the left, and then the top level directory, then the
    283    next level directory, and so on. A fully-qualified domain name is
    284    read from right to left, beginning with the dot on the right -- the
    285    root label -- and then the top level domain to the left of that, and
    286    the second level domain to the left of that, and so on. If the fully-
    287    qualified domain name "_ipp._tcp.example.com." were expressed as a
    288    file system path name, it would be "/com/example/_tcp/_ipp".)
    294 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 5]
    297 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    300    The result of this PTR lookup for the name "<Service>.<Domain>" is a
    301    list of zero or more PTR records giving Service Instance Names of the
    302    form:
    304       Service Instance Name = <Instance> . <Service> . <Domain>
    306    The <Instance> portion of the Service Instance Name is a single DNS
    307    label, containing arbitrary precomposed UTF-8-encoded text [RFC
    308    2279]. It is a user-friendly name, meaning that it is allowed to
    309    contain any characters, without restriction, including spaces, upper
    310    case, lower case, punctuation -- including dots -- accented
    311    characters, non-roman text, and anything else that may be represented
    312    using UTF-8. DNS recommends guidelines for allowable characters for
    313    host names [RFC 1033][RFC 1034][RFC 1035], but Service Instance Names
    314    are not host names. Service Instance Names are not intended to ever
    315    be typed in by a normal user; the user selects a Service Instance
    316    Name by selecting it from a list of choices presented on the screen.
    318    Note that just because this protocol supports arbitrary UTF-8-encoded
    319    names doesn't mean that any particular user or administrator is
    320    obliged to make use of that capability. Any user is free, if they
    321    wish, to continue naming their services using only letters, digits
    322    and hyphens, with no spaces, capital letters, or other punctuation.
    324    DNS labels are currently limited to 63 octets in length. UTF-8
    325    encoding can require up to four octets per Unicode character, which
    326    means that in the worst case, the <Instance> portion of a name could
    327    be limited to fifteen Unicode characters. However, the Unicode
    328    characters with longer UTF-8 encodings tend to be the more obscure
    329    ones, and tend to be the ones that convey greater meaning per
    330    character.
    332    Note that any character in the commonly-used 16-bit Unicode space can
    333    be encoded with no more than three octets of UTF-8 encoding. This
    334    means that an Instance name can contain up to 21 Kanji characters,
    335    which is a sufficiently expressive name for most purposes.
    337    The <Service> portion of the Service Instance Name consists of a pair
    338    of DNS labels, following the established convention for SRV records
    339    [RFC 2782], namely: the first label of the pair is the Application
    340    Protocol Name, and the second label is either "_tcp" or "_udp",
    341    depending on the transport protocol used by the application.
    342    More details are given in Section 7, "Application Protocol Names".
    344    The <Domain> portion of the Service Instance Name is a conventional
    345    DNS domain name, consisting of as many labels as appropriate. For
    346    example, "apple.com.", "cs.stanford.edu.", and "eng.us.ibm.com." are
    347    all valid domain names for the <Domain> portion of the Service
    348    Instance Name.
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    356 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    359 4.2 User Interface Presentation
    361    The names resulting from the PTR lookup are presented to the user in
    362    a list for the user to select one (or more). Typically only the first
    363    label is shown (the user-friendly <Instance> portion of the name). In
    364    the common case, the <Service> and <Domain> are already known to the
    365    user, these having been provided by the user in the first place, by
    366    the act of indicating the service being sought, and the domain in
    367    which to look for it. Note: The software handling the response
    368    should be careful not to make invalid assumptions though, since it
    369    *is* possible, though rare, for a service enumeration in one domain
    370    to return the names of services in a different domain. Similarly,
    371    when using subtypes (see "Selective Instance Enumeration") the
    372    <Service> of the discovered instance my not be exactly the same as
    373    the <Service> that was requested.
    375    Having chosen the desired named instance, the Service Instance Name
    376    may then be used immediately, or saved away in some persistent
    377    user-preference data structure for future use, depending on what is
    378    appropriate for the application in question.
    381 4.3 Internal Handling of Names
    383    If the <Instance>, <Service> and <Domain> portions are internally
    384    concatenated together into a single string, then care must be taken
    385    with the <Instance> portion, since it is allowed to contain any
    386    characters, including dots.
    388    Any dots in the <Instance> portion should be escaped by preceding
    389    them with a backslash ("." becomes "\."). Likewise, any backslashes
    390    in the <Instance> portion should also be escaped by preceding them
    391    with a backslash ("\" becomes "\\"). Having done this, the three
    392    components of the name may be safely concatenated. The
    393    backslash-escaping allows literal dots in the name (escaped) to be
    394    distinguished from label-separator dots (not escaped).
    396    The resulting concatenated string may be safely passed to standard
    397    DNS APIs like res_query(), which will interpret the string correctly
    398    provided it has been escaped correctly, as described here.
    401 4.4 What You See Is What You Get
    403    Some service discovery protocols decouple the true service identifier
    404    from the name presented to the user. The true service identifier used
    405    by the protocol is an opaque unique id, often represented using a
    406    long string of hexadecimal digits, and should never be seen by the
    407    typical user. The name presented to the user is merely one of the
    408    ephemeral attributes attached to this opaque identifier.
    412 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 7]
    415 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    418    The problem with this approach is that it decouples user perception
    419    from reality:
    421    * What happens if there are two service instances, with different
    422      unique ids, but they have inadvertently been given the same
    423      user-visible name? If two instances appear in an on-screen list
    424      with the same name, how does the user know which is which?
    426    * Suppose a printer breaks down, and the user replaces it with
    427      another printer of the same make and model, and configures the new
    428      printer with the exact same name as the one being replaced:
    429      "Stuart's Printer". Now, when the user tries to print, the
    430      on-screen print dialog tells them that their selected default
    431      printer is "Stuart's Printer". When they browse the network to see
    432      what is there, they see a printer called "Stuart's Printer", yet
    433      when the user tries to print, they are told that the printer
    434      "Stuart's Printer" can't be found. The hidden internal unique id
    435      that the software is trying to find on the network doesn't match
    436      the hidden internal unique id of the new printer, even though its
    437      apparent "name" and its logical purpose for being there are the
    438      same. To remedy this, the user typically has to delete the print
    439      queue they have created, and then create a new (apparently
    440      identical) queue for the new printer, so that the new queue will
    441      contain the right hidden internal unique id. Having all this hidden
    442      information that the user can't see makes for a confusing and
    443      frustrating user experience, and exposing long ugly hexadecimal
    444      strings to the user and forcing them to understand what they mean
    445      is even worse.
    447    * Suppose an existing printer is moved to a new department, and given
    448      a new name and a new function. Changing the user-visible name of
    449      that piece of hardware doesn't change its hidden internal unique
    450      id. Users who had previously created print queues for that printer
    451      will still be accessing the same hardware by its unique id, even
    452      though the logical service that used to be offered by that hardware
    453      has ceased to exist.
    455    To solve these problems requires the user or administrator to be
    456    aware of the supposedly hidden unique id, and to set its value
    457    correctly as hardware is moved around, repurposed, or replaced,
    458    thereby contradicting the notion that it is a hidden identifier that
    459    human users never need to deal with. Requiring the user to understand
    460    this expert behind-the-scenes knowledge of what is *really* going on
    461    is just one more burden placed on the user when they are trying to
    462    diagnose why their computers and network devices are not working as
    463    expected.
    465    These anomalies and counter-intuitive behaviors can be eliminated by
    466    maintaining a tight bidirectional one-to-one mapping between what the
    467    user sees on the screen and what is really happening "behind the
    471 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 8]
    474 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    477    curtain". If something is configured incorrectly, then that is
    478    apparent in the familiar day-to-day user interface that everyone
    479    understands, not in some little-known rarely-used "expert" interface.
    481    In summary: The user-visible name is the primary identifier for a
    482    service. If the user-visible name is changed, then conceptually the
    483    service being offered is a different logical service -- even though
    484    the hardware offering the service stayed the same. If the
    485    user-visible name doesn't change, then conceptually the service being
    486    offered is the same logical service -- even if the hardware offering
    487    the service is new hardware brought in to replace some old equipment.
    489    There are certainly arguments on both sides of this debate.
    490    Nonetheless, the designers of any service discovery protocol have
    491    to make a choice between between having the primary identifiers be
    492    hidden, or having them be visible, and these are the reasons that we
    493    chose to make them visible. We're not claiming that there are no
    494    disadvantages of having primary identifiers be visible. We considered
    495    both alternatives, and we believe that the few disadvantages
    496    of visible identifiers are far outweighed by the many problems
    497    caused by use of hidden identifiers.
    500 4.5 Ordering of Service Instance Name Components
    502    There have been questions about why services are named using DNS
    503    Service Instance Names of the form:
    505       Service Instance Name = <Instance> . <Service> . <Domain>
    507    instead of:
    509       Service Instance Name = <Service> . <Instance> . <Domain>
    511    There are three reasons why it is beneficial to name service
    512    instances with the parent domain as the most-significant (rightmost)
    513    part of the name, then the abstract service type as the next-most
    514    significant, and then the specific instance name as the
    515    least-significant (leftmost) part of the name:
    518 4.5.1. Semantic Structure
    520    The facility being provided by browsing ("Service Instance
    521    Enumeration") is effectively enumerating the leaves of a tree
    522    structure. A given domain offers zero or more services. For each of
    523    those service types, there may be zero or more instances of that
    524    service.
    530 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal          [Page 9]
    533 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    536    The user knows what type of service they are seeking. (If they are
    537    running an FTP client, they are looking for FTP servers. If they have
    538    a document to print, they are looking for entities that speak some
    539    known printing protocol.) The user knows in which organizational or
    540    geographical domain they wish to search. (The user does not want a
    541    single flat list of every single printer on the planet, even if such
    542    a thing were possible.) What the user does not know in advance is
    543    whether the service they seek is offered in the given domain, or if
    544    so, how many instances are offered, and the names of those instances.
    545    Hence having the instance names be the leaves of the tree is
    546    consistent with this semantic model.
    548    Having the service types be the terminal leaves of the tree would
    549    imply that the user knows the domain name, and already knows the
    550    name of the service instance, but doesn't have any idea what the
    551    service does. We would argue that this is a less useful model.
    554 4.5.2. Network Efficiency
    556    When a DNS response contains multiple answers, name compression works
    557    more effectively if all the names contain a common suffix. If many
    558    answers in the packet have the same <Service> and <Domain>, then each
    559    occurrence of a Service Instance Name can be expressed using only the
    560    <Instance> part followed by a two-byte compression pointer
    561    referencing a previous appearance of "<Service>.<Domain>". This
    562    efficiency would not be possible if the <Service> component appeared
    563    first in each name.
    566 4.5.3. Operational Flexibility
    568    This name structure allows subdomains to be delegated along logical
    569    service boundaries. For example, the network administrator at Example
    570    Co. could choose to delegate the "_tcp.example.com." subdomain to a
    571    different machine, so that the machine handling service discovery
    572    doesn't have to be the same as the machine handling other day-to-day
    573    DNS operations. (It *can* be the same machine if the administrator so
    574    chooses, but the point is that the administrator is free to make that
    575    choice.) Furthermore, if the network administrator wishes to delegate
    576    all information related to IPP printers to a machine dedicated to
    577    that specific task, this is easily done by delegating the
    578    "_ipp._tcp.example.com." subdomain to the desired machine. It is also
    579    convenient to set security policies on a per-zone/per-subdomain
    580    basis. For example, the administrator may choose to enable DNS
    581    Dynamic Update [RFC 2136] [RFC 3007] for printers registering in the
    582    "_ipp._tcp.example.com." subdomain, but not for other
    583    zones/subdomains. This easy flexibility would not exist if the
    584    <Service> component appeared first in each name.
    589 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 10]
    592 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    595 5. Service Name Resolution
    597    Given a particular Service Instance Name, when a client needs to
    598    contact that service, it sends a DNS query for the SRV record of
    599    that name.
    601    The result of the DNS query is a SRV record giving the port number
    602    and target host where the service may be found.
    604    The use of SRV records is very important. There are only 65535 TCP
    605    port numbers available. These port numbers are being allocated
    606    one-per-application-protocol at an alarming rate. Some protocols like
    607    the X Window System have a block of 64 TCP ports allocated
    608    (6000-6063). If we start allocating blocks of 64 TCP ports at a time,
    609    we will run out even faster. Using a different TCP port for each
    610    different instance of a given service on a given machine is entirely
    611    sensible, but allocating large static ranges, as was done for X, is a
    612    very inefficient way to manage a limited resource. On any given host,
    613    most TCP ports are reserved for services that will never run on that
    614    particular host. This is very poor utilization of the limited port
    615    space. Using SRV records allows each host to allocate its available
    616    port numbers dynamically to those services running on that host that
    617    need them, and then advertise the allocated port numbers via SRV
    618    records. Allocating the available listening port numbers locally
    619    on a per-host basis as needed allows much better utilization of the
    620    available port space than today's centralized global allocation.
    622    In some environments there may be no compelling reason to assign
    623    managed names to every host, since every available service is
    624    accessible by name anyway, as a first-class entity in its own right.
    625    However, the DNS packet format and record format still require a host
    626    name to link the target host referenced in the SRV record to the
    627    address records giving the IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses for that
    628    hardware. In the case where no natural host name is available, the
    629    SRV record may give its own name as the name of the target host, and
    630    then the requisite address records may be attached to that same name.
    631    It is perfectly permissible for a single name in the DNS hierarchy to
    632    have multiple records of different type attached. (The only
    633    restriction being that a given name may not have both a CNAME record
    634    and other records at the same time.)
    636    In the event that more than one SRV is returned, clients MUST
    637    correctly interpret the priority and weight fields -- i.e. Lower
    638    numbered priority servers should be used in preference to higher
    639    numbered priority servers, and servers with equal priority should be
    640    selected randomly in proportion to their relative weights. However,
    641    in the overwhelmingly common case, a single advertised DNS-SD service
    642    instance is described by exactly one SRV record, and in this common
    643    case the priority and weight fields of the SRV record SHOULD both be
    644    set to zero.
    648 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 11]
    651 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    654 6. Data Syntax for DNS-SD TXT Records
    656    Some services discovered via Service Instance Enumeration may need
    657    more than just an IP address and port number to properly identify the
    658    service. For example, printing via the LPR protocol often specifies a
    659    queue name. This queue name is typically short and cryptic, and need
    660    not be shown to the user. It should be regarded the same way as the
    661    IP address and port number -- it is one component of the addressing
    662    information required to identify a specific instance of a service
    663    being offered by some piece of hardware. Similarly, a file server may
    664    have multiple volumes, each identified by its own volume name. A Web
    665    server typically has multiple pages, each identified by its own URL.
    666    In these cases, the necessary additional data is stored in a TXT
    667    record with the same name as the SRV record. The specific nature of
    668    that additional data, and how it is to be used, is service-dependent,
    669    but the overall syntax of the data in the TXT record is standardized,
    670    as described below. Every DNS-SD service MUST have a TXT record in
    671    addition to its SRV record, with same name, even if the service has
    672    no additional data to store and the TXT record contains no more than
    673    a single zero byte.
    676 6.1 General Format Rules for DNS TXT Records
    678    A DNS TXT record can be up to 65535 (0xFFFF) bytes long. The total
    679    length is indicated by the length given in the resource record header
    680    in the DNS message. There is no way to tell directly from the data
    681    alone how long it is (e.g. there is no length count at the start, or
    682    terminating NULL byte at the end). (Note that when using Multicast
    683    DNS [mDNS] the maximum packet size is 9000 bytes, which imposes an
    684    upper limit on the size of TXT records of about 8800 bytes.)
    686    The format of the data within a DNS TXT record is one or more
    687    strings, packed together in memory without any intervening gaps or
    688    padding bytes for word alignment.
    690    The format of each constituent string within the DNS TXT record is a
    691    single length byte, followed by 0-255 bytes of text data.
    693    These format rules are defined in Section 3.3.14 of RFC 1035, and are
    694    not specific to DNS-SD. DNS-SD simply specifies a usage convention
    695    for what data should be stored in those constituent strings.
    697    An empty TXT record containing zero strings is disallowed by RFC
    698    1035. DNS-SD implementations MUST NOT emit empty TXT records. DNS-SD
    699    implementations receiving empty TXT records MUST treat them as
    700    equivalent to a one-byte TXT record containing a single zero byte
    701    (i.e. a single empty string).
    707 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 12]
    710 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    713 6.2 DNS TXT Record Format Rules for use in DNS-SD
    715    DNS-SD uses DNS TXT records to store arbitrary name/value pairs
    716    conveying additional information about the named service. Each
    717    name/value pair is encoded as its own constituent string within the
    718    DNS TXT record, in the form "name=value". Everything up to the first
    719    '=' character is the name. Everything after the first '=' character
    720    to the end of the string (including subsequent '=' characters, if
    721    any) is the value. Specific rules governing names and values are
    722    given below. Each author defining a DNS-SD profile for discovering
    723    instances of a particular type of service should define the base set
    724    of name/value attributes that are valid for that type of service.
    726    Using this standardized name/value syntax within the TXT record makes
    727    it easier for these base definitions to be expanded later by defining
    728    additional named attributes. If an implementation sees unknown
    729    attribute names in a service TXT record, it MUST silently ignore
    730    them.
    732    The TCP (or UDP) port number of the service, and target host name,
    733    are given in the SRV record. This information -- target host name and
    734    port number -- MUST NOT be duplicated using name/value attributes in
    735    the TXT record.
    737    The intention of DNS-SD TXT records is to convey a small amount of
    738    useful additional information about a service. Ideally it SHOULD NOT
    739    be necessary for a client to retrieve this additional information
    740    before it can usefully establish a connection to the service. For a
    741    well-designed TCP-based application protocol, it should be possible,
    742    knowing only the host name and port number, to open a connection to
    743    that listening process, and then perform version- or feature-
    744    negotiation to determine the capabilities of the service instance.
    745    For example, when connecting to an AppleShare server over TCP, the
    746    client enters into a protocol exchange with the server to determine
    747    which version of the AppleShare protocol the server implements, and
    748    which optional features or capabilities (if any) are available. For a
    749    well-designed application protocol, clients should be able to connect
    750    and use the service even if there is no information at all in the TXT
    751    record. In this case, the information in the TXT record should be
    752    viewed as a performance optimization -- when a client discovers many
    753    instances of a service, the TXT record allows the client to know some
    754    rudimentary information about each instance without having to open a
    755    TCP connection to each one and interrogate every service instance
    756    separately. Extreme care should be taken when doing this to ensure
    757    that the information in the TXT record is in agreement with the
    758    information retrieved by a client connecting over TCP.
    760    There are legacy protocols which provide no feature negotiation
    761    capability, and in these cases it may be useful to convey necessary
    762    information in the TXT record. For example, when printing using the
    763    old Unix LPR (port 515) protocol, the LPR service provides no way for
    766 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 13]
    769 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    772    the client to determine whether a particular printer accepts
    773    PostScript, or what version of PostScript, etc. In this case it is
    774    appropriate to embed this information in the TXT record, because the
    775    alternative is worse -- passing around written instructions to the
    776    users, arcane manual configuration of "/etc/printcap" files, etc.
    779 6.3 DNS-SD TXT Record Size
    781    The total size of a typical DNS-SD TXT record is intended to be small
    782    -- 200 bytes or less.
    784    In cases where more data is justified (e.g. LPR printing), keeping
    785    the total size under 400 bytes should allow it to fit in a single
    786    standard 512-byte DNS message. (This standard DNS message size is
    787    defined in RFC 1035.)
    789    In extreme cases where even this is not enough, keeping the size of
    790    the TXT record under 1300 bytes should allow it to fit in a single
    791    1500-byte Ethernet packet.
    793    Using TXT records larger than 1300 bytes is NOT RECOMMENDED at this
    794    time.
    797 6.4 Rules for Names in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs
    799    The "Name" MUST be at least one character. Strings beginning with an
    800    '=' character (i.e. the name is missing) SHOULD be silently ignored.
    802    The characters of "Name" MUST be printable US-ASCII values
    803    (0x20-0x7E), excluding '=' (0x3D).
    805    Spaces in the name are significant, whether leading, trailing, or in
    806    the middle -- so don't include any spaces unless you really intend
    807    that!
    809    Case is ignored when interpreting a name, so "papersize=A4",
    810    "PAPERSIZE=A4" and "Papersize=A4" are all identical.
    812    If there is no '=', then it is a boolean attribute, and is simply
    813    identified as being present, with no value.
    815    A given attribute name may appear at most once in a TXT record. If a
    816    client receives a TXT record containing the same attribute name more
    817    than once, then the client MUST silently ignore all but the first
    818    occurrence of that attribute. For client implementations that process
    819    a DNS-SD TXT record from start to end, placing name/value pairs into
    820    a hash table, using the name as the hash table key, this means that
    821    if the implementation attempts to add a new name/value pair into the
    822    table and finds an entry with the same name already present, then the
    825 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 14]
    828 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    831    new entry being added should be silently discarded instead. For
    832    client implementations that retrieve name/value pairs by searching
    833    the TXT record for the requested name, they should search the TXT
    834    record from the start, and simply return the first matching name they
    835    find. The reason for this simplifying rule is to facilitate the
    836    creation of client libraries that parse the TXT record into an
    837    internal data structure, such as a hash table or dictionary object
    838    that maps from names to values, and then make that abstraction
    839    available to client code.
    841    When examining a TXT record for a given named attribute, there are
    842    therefore four broad categories of results which may be returned:
    844    * Attribute not present (Absent)
    846    * Attribute present, with no value
    847      (e.g. "Anon Allowed" -- server allows anonymous connections)
    849    * Attribute present, with empty value (e.g. "Installed PlugIns=" --
    850      server supports plugins, but none are presently installed)
    852    * Attribute present, with non-empty value
    853      (e.g. "Installed PlugIns=JPEG,MPEG2,MPEG4")
    855    Each author defining a DNS-SD profile for discovering instances of a
    856    particular type of service should define the interpretation of these
    857    different kinds of result. For example, for some keys, there may be
    858    a natural true/false boolean interpretation:
    860    * Present implies 'true'
    861    * Absent implies 'false'
    863    For other keys it may be sensible to define other semantics, such as
    864    value/no-value/unknown:
    866    * Present with value implies that value.
    867      E.g. "Color=4" for a four-color ink-jet printer,
    868      or "Color=6" for a six-color ink-jet printer.
    870    * Present with empty value implies 'false'. E.g. Not a color printer.
    872    * Absent implies 'Unknown'. E.g. A print server connected to some
    873      unknown printer where the print server doesn't actually know if the
    874      printer does color or not -- which gives a very bad user experience
    875      and should be avoided wherever possible.
    877    (Note that this is a hypothetical example, not an example of actual
    878    name/value keys used by DNS-SD network printers.)
    880    As a general rule, attribute names that contain no dots are defined
    881    as part of the open-standard definition written by the person or
    884 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 15]
    887 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    890    group defining the DNS-SD profile for discovering that particular
    891    service type. Vendor-specific extensions should be given names of the
    892    form "keyname.company.com=value", using a domain name legitimately
    893    registered to the person or organization creating the vendor-specific
    894    key. This reduces the risk of accidental conflict if different
    895    organizations each define their own vendor-specific keys.
    898 6.5 Rules for Values in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs
    900    If there is an '=', then everything after the first '=' to the end of
    901    the string is the value. The value can contain any eight-bit values
    902    including '='. Leading or trailing spaces are part of the value, so
    903    don't put them there unless you intend them to be there. Any
    904    quotation marks around the value are part of the value, so don't put
    905    them there unless you intend them to be part of the value.
    907    The value is opaque binary data. Often the value for a particular
    908    attribute will be US-ASCII (or UTF-8) text, but it is legal for a
    909    value to be any binary data. For example, if the value of a key is an
    910    IPv4 address, that address should simply be stored as four bytes of
    911    binary data, not as a variable-length 7-15 byte ASCII string giving
    912    the address represented in textual dotted decimal notation.
    914    Generic debugging tools should generally display all attribute values
    915    as a hex dump, with accompanying text alongside displaying the UTF-8
    916    interpretation of those bytes, except for attributes where the
    917    debugging tool has embedded knowledge that the value is some other
    918    kind of data.
    920    Authors defining DNS-SD profiles SHOULD NOT convert binary attribute
    921    data types into printable text (e.g. using hexadecimal, Base-64 or UU
    922    encoding) merely for the sake of making the data be printable text
    923    when seen in a generic debugging tool. Doing this simply bloats the
    924    size of the TXT record, without actually making the data any more
    925    understandable to someone looking at it in a generic debugging tool.
    928 6.6 Example TXT Record
    930    The TXT record below contains three syntactically valid name/value
    931    pairs. (The meaning of these name/value pairs, if any, would depend
    932    on the definitions pertaining to the service in question that is
    933    using them.)
    935    ---------------------------------------------------------------
    936    | 0x0A | name=value | 0x08 | paper=A4 | 0x0E | DNS-SD Is Cool |
    937    ---------------------------------------------------------------
    943 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 16]
    946 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
    949 6.7 Version Tag
    951    It is recommended that authors defining DNS-SD profiles include an
    952    attribute of the form "txtvers=xxx" in their definition, and require
    953    it to be the first name/value pair in the TXT record. This
    954    information in the TXT record can be useful to help clients maintain
    955    backwards compatibility with older implementations if it becomes
    956    necessary to change or update the specification over time. Even if
    957    the profile author doesn't anticipate the need for any future
    958    incompatible changes, having a version number in the specification
    959    provides useful insurance should incompatible changes become
    960    unavoidable. Clients SHOULD ignore TXT records with a txtvers number
    961    higher (or lower) than the version(s) they know how to interpret.
    963    Note that the version number in the txtvers tag describes the version
    964    of the TXT record specification being used to create this TXT record,
    965    not the version of the application protocol that will be used if the
    966    client subsequently decides to contact that service. Ideally, every
    967    DNS-SD TXT record specification starts at txtvers=1 and stays that
    968    way forever. Improvements can be made by defining new keys that older
    969    clients silently ignore. The only reason to increment the version
    970    number is if the old specification is subsequently found to be so
    971    horribly broken that there's no way to do a compatible forward
    972    revision, so the txtvers number has to be incremented to tell all the
    973    old clients they should just not even try to understand this new TXT
    974    record.
    976    If there is a need to indicate which version number(s) of the
    977    application protocol the service implements, the recommended key
    978    name for this is "protovers".
    981 7. Application Protocol Names
    983    The <Service> portion of a Service Instance Name consists of a pair
    984    of DNS labels, following the established convention for SRV records
    985    [RFC 2782], namely: the first label of the pair is the Application
    986    Protocol Name, and the second label is either "_tcp" or "_udp".
    988    Wise selection of the Application Protocol Name is very important,
    989    and the choice is not always as obvious as it may appear.
    991    Application Protocol Names may be no more than fourteen characters,
    992    conforming to normal DNS host name rules: Only lower-case letters,
    993    digits, and hyphens; must begin and end with lower-case letter or
    994    digit.
    996    In some cases, the Application Protocol Name merely names and refers
    997    to the on-the-wire message format and semantics being used. FTP is
    998    "ftp", IPP printing is "ipp", and so on.
   1002 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 17]
   1005 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1008    However, it is common to "borrow" an existing protocol and repurpose
   1009    it for a new task. This is entirely sensible and sound engineering
   1010    practice, but that doesn't mean that the new protocol is providing
   1011    the same semantic service as the old one, even if it borrows the same
   1012    message formats. For example, the local network music playing
   1013    protocol implemented by iTunes on Macintosh and Windows is little
   1014    more than "HTTP GET" commands. However, that does *not* mean that it
   1015    is sensible or useful to try to access one of these music servers by
   1016    connecting to it with a standard web browser. Consequently, the
   1017    DNS-SD service advertised (and browsed for) by iTunes is "_daap._tcp"
   1018    (Digital Audio Access Protocol), not "_http._tcp". Advertising
   1019    "_http._tcp" service would cause iTunes servers to show up in
   1020    conventional Web browsers (Safari, Camino, OmniWeb, Opera, Netscape,
   1021    Internet Explorer, etc.) which is little use since it offers no pages
   1022    containing human-readable content. Similarly, browsing for
   1023    "_http._tcp" service would cause iTunes to find generic web servers,
   1024    such as the embedded web servers in devices like printers, which is
   1025    little use since printers generally don't have much music to offer.
   1027    Similarly, NFS is built on top of SUN RPC, but that doesn't mean it
   1028    makes sense for an NFS server to advertise that it provides "SUN RPC"
   1029    service. Likewise, Microsoft SMB file service is built on top of
   1030    Netbios running over IP, but that doesn't mean it makes sense for an
   1031    SMB file server to advertise that it provides "Netbios-over-IP"
   1032    service. The DNS-SD name of a service needs to encapsulate both the
   1033    "what" (semantics) and the "how" (protocol implementation) of the
   1034    service, since knowledge of both is necessary for a client to
   1035    usefully use the service. Merely advertising that a service was built
   1036    on top of SUN RPC is no use if the client has no idea what the
   1037    service actually does.
   1039    Another common mistake is to assume that the service type advertised
   1040    by iTunes should be "_daap._http._tcp." This is also incorrect. Part
   1041    of the confusion here is that the presence of "_tcp" or "_udp" in the
   1042    <Service> portion of a Service Instance Name has led people to assume
   1043    that the structure of a service name has to reflect the internal
   1044    structure of how the protocol was implemented. This is not correct.
   1046    The "_tcp" or "_udp" should be regarded as little more than
   1047    boilerplate text, and care should be taken not to attach too much
   1048    importance to it. Some might argue that the "_tcp" or "_udp" should
   1049    not be there at all, but this format is defined by RFC 2782, and
   1050    that's not going to change. In addition, the presence of "_tcp" has
   1051    the useful side-effect that it provides a convenient delegation point
   1052    to hand off control to a different DNS server, if so desired.
   1061 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 18]
   1064 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1067 7.1 Service Name Length Limits
   1069    As described above, application protocol names are allowed to be up
   1070    to fourteen characters long. The reason for this limit is to leave
   1071    as many bytes of the domain name as possible available for use
   1072    by both the network administrator (choosing service domain names)
   1073    and the end user (choosing instance names).
   1075    A domain name may be up to 255 bytes long, including the final
   1076    terminating root label at the end. Domain names used by DNS-SD
   1077    take the following forms:
   1079       <Instance>.<app>._tcp.<servicedomain>.<parentdomain>.
   1080       <sub>._sub.<app>._tcp.<servicedomain>.<parentdomain>.
   1082    The first example shows a service instance name, i.e. the name of the
   1083    service's SRV and TXT records. The second shows a subtype browsing
   1084    name, i.e. the name of a PTR record pointing to service instance
   1085    names.
   1087    The instance name <Instance> may be up to 63 bytes. Including the
   1088    length byte used by the DNS format when the name is stored in a
   1089    packet, that makes 64 bytes.
   1091    When using subtypes, the subtype identifier is allowed to be up to
   1092    63 bytes, plus the length byte, making 64. Including the "_sub"
   1093    and its length byte, this makes 69 bytes.
   1095    The application protocol name <app> may be up to 14 bytes, plus the
   1096    underscore and length byte, making 16. Including the "_udp" or "_tcp"
   1097    and its length byte, this makes 21 bytes.
   1099    Typically, DNS-SD service records are placed into subdomains of their
   1100    own beneath a company's existing domain name. Since these subdomains
   1101    are intended to be accessed through graphical user interfaces, not
   1102    typed on a command-line they are frequently long and descriptive.
   1103    Including the length byte, the user-visible service domain may be up
   1104    to 64 bytes.
   1106    The terminating root label at the end counts as one byte.
   1108    Of our available 255 bytes, we have now accounted for 69+21+64+1 =
   1109    155 bytes. This leaves 100 bytes to accommodate the organization's
   1110    existing domain name <parentdomain>. When used with Multicast DNS,
   1111    <parentdomain> is "local", which easily fits. When used with parent
   1112    domains of 100 bytes or less, the full functionality of DNS-SD is
   1113    available without restriction. When used with parent domains longer
   1114    than 100 bytes, the protocol risks exceeding the maximum possible
   1115    length of domain names, causing failures. In this case, careful
   1116    choice of short <servicedomain> names can help avoid overflows. If
   1117    the <servicedomain> and <parentdomain> are too long, then service
   1120 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 19]
   1123 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1126    instances with long instance names will not be discoverable or
   1127    resolvable, and applications making use of long subtype names may
   1128    fail.
   1130    Because of this constraint, we choose to limit Application Protocol
   1131    Names to 14 characters or less. Allowing more characters would not
   1132    add to the expressive power of the protocol, and would needlessly
   1133    lower the limit on the maximum <parentdomain> length that may be
   1134    safely used.
   1137 8. Selective Instance Enumeration
   1139    This document does not attempt to define an arbitrary query language
   1140    for service discovery, nor do we believe one is necessary.
   1142    However, there are some circumstances where narrowing the list of
   1143    results may be useful. A Web browser client that is able to retrieve
   1144    HTML documents via HTTP and display them may also be able to retrieve
   1145    HTML documents via FTP and display them, but only in the case of FTP
   1146    servers that allow anonymous login. For that Web browser, discovering
   1147    all FTP servers on the network is not useful. The Web browser only
   1148    wants to discover FTP servers that it is able to talk to. In this
   1149    case, a subtype of "_ftp._tcp" could be defined. Instead of issuing a
   1150    query for "_ftp._tcp.<Domain>", the Web browser issues a query for
   1151    "_anon._sub._ftp._tcp.<Domain>", where "_anon" is a defined subtype
   1152    of "_ftp._tcp". The response to this query only includes the names of
   1153    SRV records for FTP servers that are willing to allow anonymous
   1154    login.
   1156    Note that the FTP server's Service Instance Name is unchanged -- it
   1157    is still something of the form "The Server._ftp._tcp.example.com."
   1158    The subdomain in which FTP server SRV records are registered defines
   1159    the namespace within which FTP server names are unique. Additional
   1160    subtypes (e.g. "_anon") of the basic service type (e.g. "_ftp._tcp")
   1161    serve to narrow the list of results, not to create more namespace.
   1163    As with the TXT record name/value pairs, the list of possible
   1164    subtypes, if any, are defined and specified separately for each basic
   1165    service type.
   1168 9. Flagship Naming
   1170    In some cases, there may be several network protocols available which
   1171    all perform roughly the same logical function. For example, the
   1172    printing world has the LPR protocol, and the Internet Printing
   1173    Protocol (IPP), both of which cause printed sheets to be emitted from
   1174    printers in much the same way. In addition, many printer vendors send
   1175    their own proprietary page description language (PDL) data over a TCP
   1176    connection to TCP port 9100, herein referred to as the
   1179 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 20]
   1182 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1185    "pdl-datastream" protocol. In an ideal world we would have only one
   1186    network printing protocol, and it would be sufficiently good that no
   1187    one felt a compelling need to invent a different one. However, in
   1188    practice, multiple legacy protocols do exist, and a service discovery
   1189    protocol has to accommodate that.
   1191    Many printers implement all three printing protocols: LPR, IPP, and
   1192    pdl-datastream. For the benefit of clients that may speak only one of
   1193    those protocols, all three are advertised.
   1195    However, some clients may implement two, or all three of those
   1196    printing protocols. When a client looks for all three service types
   1197    on the network, it will find three distinct services -- an LPR
   1198    service, an IPP service, and a pdl-datastream service -- all of which
   1199    cause printed sheets to be emitted from the same physical printer.
   1201    In the case of multiple protocols like this that all perform
   1202    effectively the same function, the client should suppress duplicate
   1203    names and display each name only once. When the user prints to a
   1204    given named printer, the printing client is responsible for choosing
   1205    the protocol which will best achieve the desired effect, without, for
   1206    example, requiring the user to make a manual choice between LPR and
   1207    IPP.
   1209    As described so far, this all works very well. However, consider some
   1210    future printer that only supports IPP printing, and some other future
   1211    printer that only supports pdl-datastream printing. The name spaces
   1212    for different service types are intentionally disjoint -- it is
   1213    acceptable and desirable to be able to have both a file server called
   1214    "Sales Department" and a printer called "Sales Department". However,
   1215    it is not desirable, in the common case, to have two different
   1216    printers both called "Sales Department", just because those printers
   1217    are implementing different protocols.
   1219    To help guard against this, when there are two or more network
   1220    protocols which perform roughly the same logical function, one of the
   1221    protocols is declared the "flagship" of the fleet of related
   1222    protocols. Typically the flagship protocol is the oldest and/or
   1223    best-known protocol of the set.
   1225    If a device does not implement the flagship protocol, then it instead
   1226    creates a placeholder SRV record (priority=0, weight=0, port=0,
   1227    target host = hostname of device) with that name. If, when it
   1228    attempts to create this SRV record, it finds that a record with the
   1229    same name already exists, then it knows that this name is already
   1230    taken by some entity implementing at least one of the protocols from
   1231    the class, and it must choose another. If no SRV record already
   1232    exists, then the act of creating it stakes a claim to that name so
   1233    that future devices in the same class will detect a conflict when
   1234    they try to use it. The SRV record needs to contain the target host
   1235    name in order for the conflict detection rules to operate. If two
   1238 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 21]
   1241 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1244    different devices were to create placeholder SRV records both using a
   1245    null target host name (just the root label), then the two SRV records
   1246    would be seen to be in agreement so no conflict would be registered.
   1248    By defining a common well-known flagship protocol for the class,
   1249    future devices that may not even know about each other's protocols
   1250    establish a common ground where they can coordinate to verify
   1251    uniqueness of names.
   1253    No PTR record is created advertising the presence of empty flagship
   1254    SRV records, since they do not represent a real service being
   1255    advertised.
   1258 10. Service Type Enumeration
   1260    In general, clients are not interested in finding *every* service on
   1261    the network, just the services that the client knows how to talk to.
   1262    (Software designers may *think* there's some value to finding *every*
   1263    service on the network, but that's just wooly thinking.)
   1265    However, for problem diagnosis and network management tools, it may
   1266    be useful for network administrators to find the list of advertised
   1267    service types on the network, even if those service names are just
   1268    opaque identifiers and not particularly informative in isolation.
   1270    For this reason, a special meta-query is defined. A DNS query for
   1271    PTR records with the name "_services._dns-sd._udp.<Domain>" yields
   1272    a list of PTR records, where the rdata of each PTR record is the
   1273    name of a service type. A subsequent query for PTR records with
   1274    one of those names yields a list of instances of that service type.
   1297 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 22]
   1300 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1303 11. Populating the DNS with Information
   1305    How the SRV and PTR records that describe services and allow them to
   1306    be enumerated make their way into the DNS is outside the scope of
   1307    this document. However, it can happen easily in any of a number of
   1308    ways, for example:
   1310    On some networks, the administrator might manually enter the records
   1311    into the name server's configuration file.
   1313    A network monitoring tool could output a standard zone file to be
   1314    read into a conventional DNS server. For example, a tool that can
   1315    find Apple LaserWriters using AppleTalk NBP could find the list of
   1316    printers, communicate with each one to find its IP address,
   1317    PostScript version, installed options, etc., and then write out a DNS
   1318    zone file describing those printers and their capabilities using DNS
   1319    resource records. That information would then be available to DNS-SD
   1320    clients that don't implement AppleTalk NBP, and don't want to.
   1322    Future IP printers could use Dynamic DNS Update [RFC 2136] to
   1323    automatically register their own SRV and PTR records with the DNS
   1324    server.
   1326    A printer manager device which has knowledge of printers on the
   1327    network through some other management protocol could also use Dynamic
   1328    DNS Update [RFC 2136].
   1330    Alternatively, a printer manager device could implement enough of the
   1331    DNS protocol that it is able to answer DNS queries directly, and
   1332    Example Co.'s main DNS server could delegate the
   1333    _ipp._tcp.example.com subdomain to the printer manager device.
   1335    Zeroconf printers answer Multicast DNS queries on the local link
   1336    for appropriate PTR and SRV names ending with ".local." [mDNS]
   1339 12. Relationship to Multicast DNS
   1341    DNS-Based Service Discovery is only peripherally related to Multicast
   1342    DNS, in that the standard unicast DNS queries used by DNS-SD may also
   1343    be performed using multicast when appropriate, which is particularly
   1344    beneficial in Zeroconf environments [ZC].
   1356 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 23]
   1359 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1362 13. Discovery of Browsing and Registration Domains (Domain Enumeration)
   1364    One of the main reasons for DNS-Based Service Discovery is so that
   1365    when a visiting client (e.g. a laptop computer) arrives at a new
   1366    network, it can discover what services are available on that network
   1367    without manual configuration. This logic that applies to discovering
   1368    services without manual configuration also applies to discovering the
   1369    domains in which services are registered without requiring manual
   1370    configuration.
   1372    This discovery is performed recursively, using Unicast or Multicast
   1373    DNS. Five special RR names are reserved for this purpose:
   1375                       b._dns-sd._udp.<domain>.
   1376                      db._dns-sd._udp.<domain>.
   1377                       r._dns-sd._udp.<domain>.
   1378                      dr._dns-sd._udp.<domain>.
   1379                      lb._dns-sd._udp.<domain>.
   1381    By performing PTR queries for these names, a client can learn,
   1382    respectively:
   1384     o A list of domains recommended for browsing
   1386     o A single recommended default domain for browsing
   1388     o A list of domains recommended for registering services using
   1389       Dynamic Update
   1391     o A single recommended default domain for registering services.
   1393     o The final query shown yields the "legacy browsing" domain.
   1394       Sophisticated client applications that care to present choices of
   1395       domain to the user, use the answers learned from the previous four
   1396       queries to discover those domains to present. In contrast, many
   1397       current applications browse without specifying an explicit domain,
   1398       allowing the operating system to automatically select an
   1399       appropriate domain on their behalf. It is for this class of
   1400       application that the "legacy browsing" query is provided, to allow
   1401       the network administrator to communicate to the client operating
   1402       systems which domain should be used for these applications.
   1404    These domains are purely advisory. The client or user is free to
   1405    browse and/or register services in any domains. The purpose of these
   1406    special queries is to allow software to create a user-interface that
   1407    displays a useful list of suggested choices to the user, from which
   1408    they may make a suitable selection, or ignore the offered suggestions
   1409    and manually enter their own choice.
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   1418 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1421    The <domain> part of the name may be "local" (meaning "perform the
   1422    query using link-local multicast) or it may be learned through some
   1423    other mechanism, such as the DHCP "Domain" option (option code 15)
   1424    [RFC 2132] or the DHCP "Domain Search" option (option code 119)
   1425    [RFC 3397].
   1427    The <domain> part of the name may also be derived from the host's IP
   1428    address. The host takes its IP address, and calculates the logical
   1429    AND of that address and its subnet mask, to derive the 'base' address
   1430    of the subnet. It then constructs the conventional DNS "reverse
   1431    mapping" name corresponding to that base address, and uses that as
   1432    the <domain> part of the name for the queries described above.
   1433    For example, if a host has address, with subnet mask
   1434, then the 'base' address of the subnet is,
   1435    and to discover the recommended legacy browsing domain for devices
   1436    on this subnet, the host issues a DNS PTR query for the name
   1437    "lb._dns-sd._udp."
   1439    Sophisticated clients may perform domain enumeration queries both in
   1440    "local" and in one or more unicast domains, and then present the user
   1441    with an aggregate result, combining the information received from all
   1442    sources.
   1445 14. DNS Additional Record Generation
   1447    DNS has an efficiency feature whereby a DNS server may place
   1448    additional records in the Additional Section of the DNS Message.
   1449    These additional records are typically records that the client did
   1450    not explicitly request, but the server has reasonable grounds to
   1451    expect that the client might request them shortly.
   1453    This section recommends which additional records should be generated
   1454    to improve network efficiency for both unicast and multicast DNS-SD
   1455    responses.
   1458 14.1 PTR Records
   1460    When including a PTR record in a response packet, the
   1461    server/responder SHOULD include the following additional records:
   1463    o The SRV record(s) named in the PTR rdata.
   1464    o The TXT record(s) named in the PTR rdata.
   1465    o All address records (type "A" and "AAAA") named in the SRV rdata.
   1474 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 25]
   1477 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1480 14.2 SRV Records
   1482    When including an SVR record in a response packet, the
   1483    server/responder SHOULD include the following additional records:
   1485    o All address records (type "A" and "AAAA") named in the SRV rdata.
   1488 14.3 TXT Records
   1490    When including a TXT record in a response packet, no additional
   1491    records are required.
   1494 14.4 Other Record Types
   1496    In response to address queries, or other record types, no additional
   1497    records are required by this document.
   1500 15. Comparison with Alternative Service Discovery Protocols
   1502    Over the years there have been many proposed ways to do network
   1503    service discovery with IP, but none achieved ubiquity in the
   1504    marketplace. Certainly none has achieved anything close to the
   1505    ubiquity of today's deployment of DNS servers, clients, and other
   1506    infrastructure.
   1508    The advantage of using DNS as the basis for service discovery is that
   1509    it makes use of those existing servers, clients, protocols,
   1510    infrastructure, and expertise. Existing network analyzer tools
   1511    already know how to decode and display DNS packets for network
   1512    debugging.
   1514    For ad-hoc networks such as Zeroconf environments, peer-to-peer
   1515    multicast protocols are appropriate. The Zeroconf host profile [ZCHP]
   1516    requires the use of a DNS-like protocol over IP Multicast for host
   1517    name resolution in the absence of DNS servers. Given that Zeroconf
   1518    hosts will have to implement this Multicast-based DNS-like protocol
   1519    anyway, it makes sense for them to also perform service discovery
   1520    using that same Multicast-based DNS-like software, instead of also
   1521    having to implement an entirely different service discovery protocol.
   1523    In larger networks, a high volume of enterprise-wide IP multicast
   1524    traffic may not be desirable, so any credible service discovery
   1525    protocol intended for larger networks has to provide some facility to
   1526    aggregate registrations and lookups at a central server (or servers)
   1527    instead of working exclusively using multicast. This requires some
   1528    service discovery aggregation server software to be written,
   1529    debugged, deployed, and maintained. This also requires some service
   1530    discovery registration protocol to be implemented and deployed for
   1533 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 26]
   1536 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1539    clients to register with the central aggregation server. Virtually
   1540    every company with an IP network already runs a DNS server, and DNS
   1541    already has a dynamic registration protocol [RFC 2136]. Given that
   1542    virtually every company already has to operate and maintain a DNS
   1543    server anyway, it makes sense to take advantage of this instead of
   1544    also having to learn, operate and maintain a different service
   1545    registration server. It should be stressed again that using the same
   1546    software and protocols doesn't necessarily mean using the same
   1547    physical piece of hardware. The DNS-SD service discovery functions
   1548    do not have to be provided by the same piece of hardware that
   1549    is currently providing the company's DNS name service. The
   1550    "_tcp.<Domain>" subdomain may be delegated to a different piece of
   1551    hardware. However, even when the DNS-SD service is being provided by
   1552    a different piece of hardware, it is still the same familiar DNS
   1553    server software that is running, with the same configuration file
   1554    syntax, the same log file format, and so forth.
   1556    Service discovery needs to be able to provide appropriate security.
   1557    DNS already has existing mechanisms for security [RFC 2535].
   1559    In summary:
   1561       Service discovery requires a central aggregation server.
   1562       DNS already has one: It's called a DNS server.
   1564       Service discovery requires a service registration protocol.
   1565       DNS already has one: It's called DNS Dynamic Update.
   1567       Service discovery requires a query protocol
   1568       DNS already has one: It's called DNS.
   1570       Service discovery requires security mechanisms.
   1571       DNS already has security mechanisms: DNSSEC.
   1573       Service discovery requires a multicast mode for ad-hoc networks.
   1574       Zeroconf environments already require a multicast-based DNS-like
   1575       name lookup protocol for mapping host names to addresses, so it
   1576       makes sense to let one multicast-based protocol do both jobs.
   1578    It makes more sense to use the existing software that every network
   1579    needs already, instead of deploying an entire parallel system just
   1580    for service discovery.
   1592 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 27]
   1595 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1598 16. Real Example
   1600    The following examples were prepared using standard unmodified
   1601    nslookup and standard unmodified BIND running on GNU/Linux.
   1603    Note: In real products, this information is obtained and presented to
   1604    the user using graphical network browser software, not command-line
   1605    tools, but if you wish you can try these examples for yourself as you
   1606    read along, using the command-line tools already available on your
   1607    own Unix machine.
   1609 16.1 Question: What FTP servers are being advertised from dns-sd.org?
   1611    nslookup -q=ptr _ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org.
   1612    _ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1613             name = Apple\032QuickTime\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1614    _ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1615             name = Microsoft\032Developer\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1616    _ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1617             name = Registered\032Users'\032Only._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1619    Answer: There are three, called "Apple QuickTime Files",
   1620    "Microsoft Developer Files" and "Registered Users' Only".
   1622    Note that nslookup escapes spaces as "\032" for display purposes,
   1623    but a graphical DNS-SD browser does not.
   1625 16.2 Question: What FTP servers allow anonymous access?
   1627    nslookup -q=ptr _anon._sub._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1628    _anon._sub._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1629             name = Apple\032QuickTime\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1630    _anon._sub._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1631             name = Microsoft\032Developer\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1633    Answer: Only "Apple QuickTime Files" and "Microsoft Developer Files"
   1634    allow anonymous access.
   1636 16.3 Question: How do I access "Apple QuickTime Files"?
   1638    nslookup -q=any "Apple\032QuickTime\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org."
   1639    Apple\032QuickTime\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1640              text = "path=/quicktime"
   1641    Apple\032QuickTime\032Files._ftp._tcp.dns-sd.org
   1642              priority = 0, weight = 0, port= 21 host = ftp.apple.com
   1643    ftp.apple.com   internet address =
   1644    ftp.apple.com   internet address =
   1645    ftp.apple.com   internet address =
   1647    Answer: You need to connect to ftp.apple.com, port 21, path
   1648    "/quicktime". The addresses for ftp.apple.com are also given.
   1651 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 28]
   1654 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1657 17. IPv6 Considerations
   1659    IPv6 has no significant differences, except that the address of the
   1660    SRV record's target host is given by the appropriate IPv6 address
   1661    records instead of the IPv4 "A" record.
   1664 18. Security Considerations
   1666    DNSSEC [RFC 2535] should be used where the authenticity of
   1667    information is important. Since DNS-SD is just a naming and usage
   1668    convention for records in the existing DNS system, it has no specific
   1669    additional security requirements over and above those that already
   1670    apply to DNS queries and DNS updates.
   1673 19. IANA Considerations
   1675    This protocol builds on DNS SRV records [RFC 2782], and similarly
   1676    requires IANA to assign unique application protocol names.
   1677    Unfortunately, the "IANA Considerations" section of RFC 2782 says
   1678    simply, "The IANA has assigned RR type value 33 to the SRV RR.
   1679    No other IANA services are required by this document."
   1680    Due to this oversight, IANA is currently prevented from carrying
   1681    out the necessary function of assigning these unique identifiers.
   1683    This document proposes the following IANA allocation policy for
   1684    unique application protocol names:
   1686    Allowable names:
   1687      * Must be no more than fourteen characters long
   1688      * Must consist only of:
   1689        - lower-case letters 'a' - 'z'
   1690        - digits '0' - '9'
   1691        - the hyphen character '-'
   1692      * Must begin and end with a lower-case letter or digit.
   1693      * Must not already be assigned to some other protocol in the
   1694        existing IANA "list of assigned application protocol names
   1695        and port numbers" [ports].
   1697    These identifiers are allocated on a First Come First Served basis.
   1698    In the event of abuse (e.g. automated mass registrations, etc.),
   1699    the policy may be changed without notice to Expert Review [RFC 2434].
   1701    The textual nature of service/protocol names means that there are
   1702    almost infinitely many more of them available than the finite set of
   1703    65535 possible port numbers. This means that developers can produce
   1704    experimental implementations using unregistered service names with
   1705    little chance of accidental collision, providing service names are
   1706    chosen with appropriate care. However, this document strongly
   1707    advocates that on or before the date a product ships, developers
   1708    should properly register their service names.
   1710 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 29]
   1713 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1716    Some developers have expressed concern that publicly registering
   1717    their service names (and port numbers today) with IANA before a
   1718    product ships may give away clues about that product to competitors.
   1719    For this reason, IANA should consider allowing service name
   1720    applications to remain secret for some period of time, much as US
   1721    patent applications remain secret for two years after the date of
   1722    filing.
   1724    This proposed IANA allocation policy is not in force until this
   1725    document is published as an RFC. In the meantime, unique application
   1726    protocol names may be registered according to the instructions at
   1727    <http://www.dns-sd.org/ServiceTypes.html>. As of January 2004, there
   1728    are roughly 100 application protocols in currently shipping products
   1729    that have been so registered as using DNS-SD for service discovery.
   1732 20. Acknowledgments
   1734    The concepts described in this document have been explored, developed
   1735    and implemented with help from Richard Brown, Erik Guttman, Paul
   1736    Vixie, and Bill Woodcock.
   1738    Special thanks go to Bob Bradley, Josh Graessley, Scott Herscher,
   1739    Roger Pantos and Kiren Sekar for their significant contributions.
   1742 21. Copyright
   1744    Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2005.
   1745    All Rights Reserved.
   1747    This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   1748    others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   1749    or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   1750    and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   1751    kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   1752    included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
   1753    document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   1754    the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   1755    Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   1756    developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   1757    copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   1758    followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
   1759    English.
   1761    The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   1762    revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
   1764    This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
   1769 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 30]
   1772 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1780 22. Normative References
   1782    [ports]    IANA list of assigned application protocol names and port
   1783               numbers <http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers>
   1785    [RFC 1033] Lottor, M., "Domain Administrators Operations Guide",
   1786               RFC 1033, November 1987.
   1788    [RFC 1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
   1789               Facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
   1791    [RFC 1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
   1792               Specifications", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.
   1794    [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
   1795               Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
   1797    [RFC 2279] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
   1798               10646", RFC 2279, January 1998.
   1800    [RFC 2782] Gulbrandsen, A., et al., "A DNS RR for specifying the
   1801               location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782, February 2000.
   1804 23. Informative References
   1806    [mDNS]     Cheshire, S., and M. Krochmal, "Multicast DNS",
   1807               Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   1808               draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns-05.txt, June 2005.
   1810    [NBP]      Cheshire, S., and M. Krochmal,
   1811               "Requirements for a Protocol to Replace AppleTalk NBP",
   1812               Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   1813               draft-cheshire-dnsext-nbp-04.txt, June 2005.
   1815    [RFC 2132] Alexander, S., and Droms, R., "DHCP Options and BOOTP
   1816               Vendor Extensions", RFC 2132, March 1997.
   1818    [RFC 2136] Vixie, P., et al., "Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name
   1819               System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC 2136, April 1997.
   1821    [RFC 2434] Narten, T., and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing
   1822               an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 2434,
   1823               October 1998.
   1828 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 31]
   1831 Internet Draft       DNS-Based Service Discovery           7th June 2005
   1834    [RFC 2535] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions",
   1835               RFC 2535, March 1999.
   1837    [RFC 3007] Wellington, B., et al., "Secure Domain Name System (DNS)
   1838               Dynamic Update", RFC 3007, November 2000.
   1840    [RFC 3397] Aboba, B., and Cheshire, S., "Dynamic Host Configuration
   1841               Protocol (DHCP) Domain Search Option", RFC 3397, November
   1842               2002.
   1844    [ZC]       Williams, A., "Requirements for Automatic Configuration
   1845               of IP Hosts", Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   1846               draft-ietf-zeroconf-reqts-12.txt, September 2002.
   1848    [ZCHP]     Guttman, E., "Zeroconf Host Profile Applicability
   1849               Statement", Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   1850               draft-ietf-zeroconf-host-prof-01.txt, July 2001.
   1853 24. Authors' Addresses
   1855    Stuart Cheshire
   1856    Apple Computer, Inc.
   1857    1 Infinite Loop
   1858    Cupertino
   1859    California 95014
   1860    USA
   1862    Phone: +1 408 974 3207
   1863    EMail: rfc (a] stuartcheshire.org
   1866    Marc Krochmal
   1867    Apple Computer, Inc.
   1868    1 Infinite Loop
   1869    Cupertino
   1870    California 95014
   1871    USA
   1873    Phone: +1 408 974 4368
   1874    EMail: marc (a] apple.com
   1887 Expires 7th December 2005          Cheshire & Krochmal         [Page 32]