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      1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      2 # Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     15 """Implementation of gsutil test command."""
     17 from __future__ import absolute_import
     19 from collections import namedtuple
     20 import logging
     21 import os
     22 import subprocess
     23 import sys
     24 import tempfile
     25 import textwrap
     26 import time
     28 import gslib
     29 from gslib.command import Command
     30 from gslib.command import ResetFailureCount
     31 from gslib.exception import CommandException
     32 from gslib.project_id import PopulateProjectId
     33 import gslib.tests as tests
     34 from gslib.util import IS_WINDOWS
     35 from gslib.util import NO_MAX
     38 # For Python 2.6, unittest2 is required to run the tests. If it's not available,
     39 # display an error if the test command is run instead of breaking the whole
     40 # program.
     41 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
     42 try:
     43   from gslib.tests.util import GetTestNames
     44   from gslib.tests.util import unittest
     45 except ImportError as e:
     46   if 'unittest2' in str(e):
     47     unittest = None
     48     GetTestNames = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
     49   else:
     50     raise
     53 try:
     54   import coverage
     55 except ImportError:
     56   coverage = None
     61 _SEQUENTIAL_ISOLATION_FLAG = 'sequential_only'
     64 _SYNOPSIS = """
     65   gsutil test [-l] [-u] [-f] [command command...]
     66 """
     68 _DETAILED_HELP_TEXT = ("""
     69 <B>SYNOPSIS</B>
     70 """ + _SYNOPSIS + """
     73 <B>DESCRIPTION</B>
     74   The gsutil test command runs the gsutil unit tests and integration tests.
     75   The unit tests use an in-memory mock storage service implementation, while
     76   the integration tests send requests to the production service using the
     77   preferred API set in the boto configuration file (see "gsutil help apis" for
     78   details).
     80   To run both the unit tests and integration tests, run the command with no
     81   arguments:
     83     gsutil test
     85   To run the unit tests only (which run quickly):
     87     gsutil test -u
     89   Tests run in parallel regardless of whether the top-level -m flag is
     90   present. To limit the number of tests run in parallel to 10 at a time:
     92     gsutil test -p 10
     94   To force tests to run sequentially:
     96     gsutil test -p 1    
     98   To have sequentially-run tests stop running immediately when an error occurs:
    100     gsutil test -f
    102   To run tests for one or more individual commands add those commands as
    103   arguments. For example, the following command will run the cp and mv command
    104   tests:
    106     gsutil test cp mv
    108   To list available tests, run the test command with the -l argument:
    110     gsutil test -l
    112   The tests are defined in the code under the gslib/tests module. Each test
    113   file is of the format test_[name].py where [name] is the test name you can
    114   pass to this command. For example, running "gsutil test ls" would run the
    115   tests in "gslib/tests/test_ls.py".
    117   You can also run an individual test class or function name by passing the
    118   test module followed by the class name and optionally a test name. For
    119   example, to run the an entire test class by name:
    121     gsutil test naming.GsutilNamingTests
    123   or an individual test function:
    125     gsutil test cp.TestCp.test_streaming
    127   You can list the available tests under a module or class by passing arguments
    128   with the -l option. For example, to list all available test functions in the
    129   cp module:
    131     gsutil test -l cp
    133   To output test coverage:
    135     gsutil test -c -p 500
    136     coverage html
    138   This will output an HTML report to a directory named 'htmlcov'.
    141 <B>OPTIONS</B>
    142   -c          Output coverage information.
    144   -f          Exit on first sequential test failure.
    146   -l          List available tests.
    148   -p N        Run at most N tests in parallel. The default value is %d.
    150   -s          Run tests against S3 instead of GS.
    152   -u          Only run unit tests.
    156 TestProcessData = namedtuple('TestProcessData',
    157                              'name return_code stdout stderr')
    160 def MakeCustomTestResultClass(total_tests):
    161   """Creates a closure of CustomTestResult.
    163   Args:
    164     total_tests: The total number of tests being run.
    166   Returns:
    167     An instance of CustomTestResult.
    168   """
    170   class CustomTestResult(unittest.TextTestResult):
    171     """A subclass of unittest.TextTestResult that prints a progress report."""
    173     def startTest(self, test):
    174       super(CustomTestResult, self).startTest(test)
    175       if self.dots:
    176         test_id = '.'.join(test.id().split('.')[-2:])
    177         message = ('\r%d/%d finished - E[%d] F[%d] s[%d] - %s' % (
    178             self.testsRun, total_tests, len(self.errors),
    179             len(self.failures), len(self.skipped), test_id))
    180         message = message[:73]
    181         message = message.ljust(73)
    182         self.stream.write('%s - ' % message)
    184   return CustomTestResult
    187 def GetTestNamesFromSuites(test_suite):
    188   """Takes a list of test suites and returns a list of contained test names."""
    189   suites = [test_suite]
    190   test_names = []
    191   while suites:
    192     suite = suites.pop()
    193     for test in suite:
    194       if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite):
    195         suites.append(test)
    196       else:
    197         test_names.append(test.id()[len('gslib.tests.test_'):])
    198   return test_names
    201 # pylint: disable=protected-access
    202 # Need to get into the guts of unittest to evaluate test cases for parallelism.
    203 def TestCaseToName(test_case):
    204   """Converts a python.unittest to its gsutil test-callable name."""
    205   return (str(test_case.__class__).split('\'')[1] + '.' +
    206           test_case._testMethodName)
    209 # pylint: disable=protected-access
    210 # Need to get into the guts of unittest to evaluate test cases for parallelism.
    211 def SplitParallelizableTestSuite(test_suite):
    212   """Splits a test suite into groups with different running properties.
    214   Args:
    215     test_suite: A python unittest test suite.
    217   Returns:
    218     4-part tuple of lists of test names:
    219     (tests that must be run sequentially,
    220      tests that must be isolated in a separate process but can be run either
    221          sequentially or in parallel,
    222      unit tests that can be run in parallel,
    223      integration tests that can run in parallel)
    224   """
    225   # pylint: disable=import-not-at-top
    226   # Need to import this after test globals are set so that skip functions work.
    227   from gslib.tests.testcase.unit_testcase import GsUtilUnitTestCase
    228   isolated_tests = []
    229   sequential_tests = []
    230   parallelizable_integration_tests = []
    231   parallelizable_unit_tests = []
    233   items_to_evaluate = [test_suite]
    234   cases_to_evaluate = []
    235   # Expand the test suites into individual test cases:
    236   while items_to_evaluate:
    237     suite_or_case = items_to_evaluate.pop()
    238     if isinstance(suite_or_case, unittest.suite.TestSuite):
    239       for item in suite_or_case._tests:
    240         items_to_evaluate.append(item)
    241     elif isinstance(suite_or_case, unittest.TestCase):
    242       cases_to_evaluate.append(suite_or_case)
    244   for test_case in cases_to_evaluate:
    245     test_method = getattr(test_case, test_case._testMethodName, None)
    246     if getattr(test_method, 'requires_isolation', False):
    247       # Test must be isolated to a separate process, even it if is being
    248       # run sequentially.
    249       isolated_tests.append(TestCaseToName(test_case))
    250     elif not getattr(test_method, 'is_parallelizable', True):
    251       sequential_tests.append(TestCaseToName(test_case))
    252     elif isinstance(test_case, GsUtilUnitTestCase):
    253       parallelizable_unit_tests.append(TestCaseToName(test_case))
    254     else:
    255       parallelizable_integration_tests.append(TestCaseToName(test_case))
    257   return (sorted(sequential_tests),
    258           sorted(isolated_tests),
    259           sorted(parallelizable_unit_tests),
    260           sorted(parallelizable_integration_tests))
    263 def CountFalseInList(input_list):
    264   """Counts number of falses in the input list."""
    265   num_false = 0
    266   for item in input_list:
    267     if not item:
    268       num_false += 1
    269   return num_false
    272 def CreateTestProcesses(parallel_tests, test_index, process_list, process_done,
    273                         max_parallel_tests, root_coverage_file=None):
    274   """Creates test processes to run tests in parallel.
    276   Args:
    277     parallel_tests: List of all parallel tests.
    278     test_index: List index of last created test before this function call.
    279     process_list: List of running subprocesses. Created processes are appended
    280                   to this list.
    281     process_done: List of booleans indicating process completion. One 'False'
    282                   will be added per process created.
    283     max_parallel_tests: Maximum number of tests to run in parallel.
    284     root_coverage_file: The root .coverage filename if coverage is requested.
    286   Returns:
    287     Index of last created test.
    288   """
    289   orig_test_index = test_index
    290   executable_prefix = [sys.executable] if sys.executable and IS_WINDOWS else []
    291   s3_argument = ['-s'] if tests.util.RUN_S3_TESTS else []
    293   process_create_start_time = time.time()
    294   last_log_time = process_create_start_time
    295   while (CountFalseInList(process_done) < max_parallel_tests and
    296          test_index < len(parallel_tests)):
    297     env = os.environ.copy()
    298     if root_coverage_file:
    299       env['GSUTIL_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE'] = root_coverage_file
    300     process_list.append(subprocess.Popen(
    301         executable_prefix + [gslib.GSUTIL_PATH] +
    302         ['-o', 'GSUtil:default_project_id=' + PopulateProjectId()] +
    303         ['test'] + s3_argument +
    304         ['--' + _SEQUENTIAL_ISOLATION_FLAG] +
    305         [parallel_tests[test_index][len('gslib.tests.test_'):]],
    306         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env))
    307     test_index += 1
    308     process_done.append(False)
    309     if time.time() - last_log_time > 5:
    310       print ('Created %d new processes (total %d/%d created)' %
    311              (test_index - orig_test_index, len(process_list),
    312               len(parallel_tests)))
    313       last_log_time = time.time()
    314   if test_index == len(parallel_tests):
    315     print ('Test process creation finished (%d/%d created)' %
    316            (len(process_list), len(parallel_tests)))
    317   return test_index
    320 class TestCommand(Command):
    321   """Implementation of gsutil test command."""
    323   # Command specification. See base class for documentation.
    324   command_spec = Command.CreateCommandSpec(
    325       'test',
    326       command_name_aliases=[],
    327       usage_synopsis=_SYNOPSIS,
    328       min_args=0,
    329       max_args=NO_MAX,
    330       supported_sub_args='uflp:sc',
    331       file_url_ok=True,
    332       provider_url_ok=False,
    333       urls_start_arg=0,
    334       supported_private_args=[_SEQUENTIAL_ISOLATION_FLAG]
    335   )
    336   # Help specification. See help_provider.py for documentation.
    337   help_spec = Command.HelpSpec(
    338       help_name='test',
    339       help_name_aliases=[],
    340       help_type='command_help',
    341       help_one_line_summary='Run gsutil tests',
    342       help_text=_DETAILED_HELP_TEXT,
    343       subcommand_help_text={},
    344   )
    346   def RunParallelTests(self, parallel_integration_tests,
    347                        max_parallel_tests, coverage_filename):
    348     """Executes the parallel/isolated portion of the test suite.
    350     Args:
    351       parallel_integration_tests: List of tests to execute.
    352       max_parallel_tests: Maximum number of parallel tests to run at once.
    353       coverage_filename: If not None, filename for coverage output.
    355     Returns:
    356       (int number of test failures, float elapsed time)
    357     """
    358     process_list = []
    359     process_done = []
    360     process_results = []  # Tuples of (name, return code, stdout, stderr)
    361     num_parallel_failures = 0
    362     # Number of logging cycles we ran with no progress.
    363     progress_less_logging_cycles = 0
    364     completed_as_of_last_log = 0
    365     num_parallel_tests = len(parallel_integration_tests)
    366     parallel_start_time = last_log_time = time.time()
    367     test_index = CreateTestProcesses(
    368         parallel_integration_tests, 0, process_list, process_done,
    369         max_parallel_tests, root_coverage_file=coverage_filename)
    370     while len(process_results) < num_parallel_tests:
    371       for proc_num in xrange(len(process_list)):
    372         if process_done[proc_num] or process_list[proc_num].poll() is None:
    373           continue
    374         process_done[proc_num] = True
    375         stdout, stderr = process_list[proc_num].communicate()
    376         process_list[proc_num].stdout.close()
    377         process_list[proc_num].stderr.close()
    378         # TODO: Differentiate test failures from errors.
    379         if process_list[proc_num].returncode != 0:
    380           num_parallel_failures += 1
    381         process_results.append(TestProcessData(
    382             name=parallel_integration_tests[proc_num],
    383             return_code=process_list[proc_num].returncode,
    384             stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr))
    385       if len(process_list) < num_parallel_tests:
    386         test_index = CreateTestProcesses(
    387             parallel_integration_tests, test_index, process_list,
    388             process_done, max_parallel_tests,
    389             root_coverage_file=coverage_filename)
    390       if len(process_results) < num_parallel_tests:
    391         if time.time() - last_log_time > 5:
    392           print '%d/%d finished - %d failures' % (
    393               len(process_results), num_parallel_tests, num_parallel_failures)
    394           if len(process_results) == completed_as_of_last_log:
    395             progress_less_logging_cycles += 1
    396           else:
    397             completed_as_of_last_log = len(process_results)
    398             # A process completed, so we made progress.
    399             progress_less_logging_cycles = 0
    400           if progress_less_logging_cycles > 4:
    401             # Ran 5 or more logging cycles with no progress, let the user
    402             # know which tests are running slowly or hanging.
    403             still_running = []
    404             for proc_num in xrange(len(process_list)):
    405               if not process_done[proc_num]:
    406                 still_running.append(parallel_integration_tests[proc_num])
    407             print 'Still running: %s' % still_running
    408             # TODO: Terminate still-running processes if they
    409             # hang for a long time.
    410           last_log_time = time.time()
    411         time.sleep(1)
    412     process_run_finish_time = time.time()
    413     if num_parallel_failures:
    414       for result in process_results:
    415         if result.return_code != 0:
    416           new_stderr = result.stderr.split('\n')
    417           print 'Results for failed test %s:' % result.name
    418           for line in new_stderr:
    419             print line
    421     return (num_parallel_failures,
    422             (process_run_finish_time - parallel_start_time))
    424   def PrintTestResults(self, num_sequential_tests, sequential_success,
    425                        sequential_time_elapsed,
    426                        num_parallel_tests, num_parallel_failures,
    427                        parallel_time_elapsed):
    428     """Prints test results for parallel and sequential tests."""
    429     # TODO: Properly track test skips.
    430     print 'Parallel tests complete. Success: %s Fail: %s' % (
    431         num_parallel_tests - num_parallel_failures, num_parallel_failures)
    432     print (
    433         'Ran %d tests in %.3fs (%d sequential in %.3fs, %d parallel in %.3fs)'
    434         % (num_parallel_tests + num_sequential_tests,
    435            float(sequential_time_elapsed + parallel_time_elapsed),
    436            num_sequential_tests,
    437            float(sequential_time_elapsed),
    438            num_parallel_tests,
    439            float(parallel_time_elapsed)))
    440     print
    442     if not num_parallel_failures and sequential_success:
    443       print 'OK'
    444     else:
    445       if num_parallel_failures:
    446         print 'FAILED (parallel tests)'
    447       if not sequential_success:
    448         print 'FAILED (sequential tests)'
    450   def RunCommand(self):
    451     """Command entry point for the test command."""
    452     if not unittest:
    453       raise CommandException('On Python 2.6, the unittest2 module is required '
    454                              'to run the gsutil tests.')
    456     failfast = False
    457     list_tests = False
    458     max_parallel_tests = _DEFAULT_TEST_PARALLEL_PROCESSES
    459     perform_coverage = False
    460     sequential_only = False
    461     if self.sub_opts:
    462       for o, a in self.sub_opts:
    463         if o == '-c':
    464           perform_coverage = True
    465         elif o == '-f':
    466           failfast = True
    467         elif o == '-l':
    468           list_tests = True
    469         elif o == ('--' + _SEQUENTIAL_ISOLATION_FLAG):
    470           # Called to isolate a single test in a separate process.
    471           # Don't try to isolate it again (would lead to an infinite loop).
    472           sequential_only = True
    473         elif o == '-p':
    474           max_parallel_tests = long(a)
    475         elif o == '-s':
    476           if not tests.util.HAS_S3_CREDS:
    477             raise CommandException('S3 tests require S3 credentials. Please '
    478                                    'add appropriate credentials to your .boto '
    479                                    'file and re-run.')
    480           tests.util.RUN_S3_TESTS = True
    481         elif o == '-u':
    482           tests.util.RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS = False
    484     if perform_coverage and not coverage:
    485       raise CommandException(
    486           'Coverage has been requested but the coverage module was not found. '
    487           'You can install it with "pip install coverage".')
    489     if (tests.util.RUN_S3_TESTS and
    490           max_parallel_tests > _DEFAULT_S3_TEST_PARALLEL_PROCESSES):
    491       self.logger.warn(
    492           'Reducing parallel tests to %d due to S3 maximum bucket '
    493           'limitations.', _DEFAULT_S3_TEST_PARALLEL_PROCESSES)
    494       max_parallel_tests = _DEFAULT_S3_TEST_PARALLEL_PROCESSES
    496     test_names = sorted(GetTestNames())
    497     if list_tests and not self.args:
    498       print 'Found %d test names:' % len(test_names)
    499       print ' ', '\n  '.join(sorted(test_names))
    500       return 0
    502     # Set list of commands to test if supplied.
    503     if self.args:
    504       commands_to_test = []
    505       for name in self.args:
    506         if name in test_names or name.split('.')[0] in test_names:
    507           commands_to_test.append('gslib.tests.test_%s' % name)
    508         else:
    509           commands_to_test.append(name)
    510     else:
    511       commands_to_test = ['gslib.tests.test_%s' % name for name in test_names]
    513     # Installs a ctrl-c handler that tries to cleanly tear down tests.
    514     unittest.installHandler()
    516     loader = unittest.TestLoader()
    518     if commands_to_test:
    519       try:
    520         suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(commands_to_test)
    521       except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e:
    522         raise CommandException('Invalid test argument name: %s' % e)
    524     if list_tests:
    525       test_names = GetTestNamesFromSuites(suite)
    526       print 'Found %d test names:' % len(test_names)
    527       print ' ', '\n  '.join(sorted(test_names))
    528       return 0
    530     if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO:
    531       verbosity = 1
    532     else:
    533       verbosity = 2
    534       logging.disable(logging.ERROR)
    536     if perform_coverage:
    537       # We want to run coverage over the gslib module, but filter out the test
    538       # modules and any third-party code. We also filter out anything under the
    539       # temporary directory. Otherwise, the gsutil update test (which copies
    540       # code to the temporary directory) gets included in the output.
    541       coverage_controller = coverage.coverage(
    542           source=['gslib'], omit=['gslib/third_party/*', 'gslib/tests/*',
    543                                   tempfile.gettempdir() + '*'])
    544       coverage_controller.erase()
    545       coverage_controller.start()
    547     num_parallel_failures = 0
    548     sequential_success = False
    550     (sequential_tests, isolated_tests,
    551      parallel_unit_tests, parallel_integration_tests) = (
    552          SplitParallelizableTestSuite(suite))
    554     # Since parallel integration tests are run in a separate process, they
    555     # won't get the override to tests.util, so skip them here.
    556     if not tests.util.RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS:
    557       parallel_integration_tests = []
    559     logging.debug('Sequential tests to run: %s', sequential_tests)
    560     logging.debug('Isolated tests to run: %s', isolated_tests)
    561     logging.debug('Parallel unit tests to run: %s', parallel_unit_tests)
    562     logging.debug('Parallel integration tests to run: %s',
    563                   parallel_integration_tests)
    565     # If we're running an already-isolated test (spawned in isolation by a
    566     # previous test process), or we have no parallel tests to run,
    567     # just run sequentially. For now, unit tests are always run sequentially.
    568     run_tests_sequentially = (sequential_only or
    569                               (len(parallel_integration_tests) <= 1
    570                                and not isolated_tests))
    572     if run_tests_sequentially:
    573       total_tests = suite.countTestCases()
    574       resultclass = MakeCustomTestResultClass(total_tests)
    576       runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity,
    577                                        resultclass=resultclass,
    578                                        failfast=failfast)
    579       ret = runner.run(suite)
    580       sequential_success = ret.wasSuccessful()
    581     else:
    582       if max_parallel_tests == 1:
    583         # We can't take advantage of parallelism, though we may have tests that
    584         # need isolation.
    585         sequential_tests += parallel_integration_tests
    586         parallel_integration_tests = []
    588       sequential_start_time = time.time()
    589       # TODO: For now, run unit tests sequentially because they are fast.
    590       # We could potentially shave off several seconds of execution time
    591       # by executing them in parallel with the integration tests.
    592       if len(sequential_tests) + len(parallel_unit_tests):
    593         print 'Running %d tests sequentially.' % (len(sequential_tests) +
    594                                                   len(parallel_unit_tests))
    595         sequential_tests_to_run = sequential_tests + parallel_unit_tests
    596         suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(
    597             sorted([test_name for test_name in sequential_tests_to_run]))
    598         num_sequential_tests = suite.countTestCases()
    599         resultclass = MakeCustomTestResultClass(num_sequential_tests)
    600         runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity,
    601                                          resultclass=resultclass,
    602                                          failfast=failfast)
    604         ret = runner.run(suite)
    605         sequential_success = ret.wasSuccessful()
    606       else:
    607         num_sequential_tests = 0
    608         sequential_success = True
    609       sequential_time_elapsed = time.time() - sequential_start_time
    611       # At this point, all tests get their own process so just treat the
    612       # isolated tests as parallel tests.
    613       parallel_integration_tests += isolated_tests
    614       num_parallel_tests = len(parallel_integration_tests)
    616       if not num_parallel_tests:
    617         pass
    618       else:
    619         num_processes = min(max_parallel_tests, num_parallel_tests)
    620         if num_parallel_tests > 1 and max_parallel_tests > 1:
    621           message = 'Running %d tests in parallel mode (%d processes).'
    622           if num_processes > _DEFAULT_TEST_PARALLEL_PROCESSES:
    623             message += (
    624                 ' Please be patient while your CPU is incinerated. '
    625                 'If your machine becomes unresponsive, consider reducing '
    626                 'the amount of parallel test processes by running '
    627                 '\'gsutil test -p <num_processes>\'.')
    628           print ('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(
    629               message % (num_parallel_tests, num_processes))))
    630         else:
    631           print ('Running %d tests sequentially in isolated processes.' %
    632                  num_parallel_tests)
    633         (num_parallel_failures, parallel_time_elapsed) = self.RunParallelTests(
    634             parallel_integration_tests, max_parallel_tests,
    635             coverage_controller.data.filename if perform_coverage else None)
    636         self.PrintTestResults(
    637             num_sequential_tests, sequential_success,
    638             sequential_time_elapsed,
    639             num_parallel_tests, num_parallel_failures,
    640             parallel_time_elapsed)
    642     if perform_coverage:
    643       coverage_controller.stop()
    644       coverage_controller.combine()
    645       coverage_controller.save()
    646       print ('Coverage information was saved to: %s' %
    647              coverage_controller.data.filename)
    649     if sequential_success and not num_parallel_failures:
    650       ResetFailureCount()
    651       return 0
    652     return 1