1 <!doctype html> 2 <!-- 3 @license 4 Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. 5 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt 6 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt 7 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt 8 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also 9 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt 10 --> 11 <html> 12 <head> 13 14 <title>iron-image demo</title> 15 16 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes"> 17 <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> 18 <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> 19 20 <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script> 21 22 <link rel="import" href="../../iron-demo-helpers/demo-pages-shared-styles.html"> 23 <link rel="import" href="../../iron-demo-helpers/demo-snippet.html"> 24 <link rel="import" href="../../polymer/polymer.html"> 25 <link rel="import" href="../iron-image.html"> 26 27 <style is="custom-style" include="demo-pages-shared-styles"> 28 .example { 29 margin: 4px; 30 flex: 1; 31 } 32 33 code { 34 white-space: nowrap; 35 } 36 </style> 37 38 <script> 39 function load(id) { 40 document.getElementById(id).src = "./polymer.svg?" + Math.random(); 41 } 42 </script> 43 44 </head> 45 <body unresolved> 46 47 <div class="vertical-section-container centered"> 48 49 <h3>A plain <code>iron-image</code>.</h3> 50 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 51 <template> 52 <iron-image alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 53 </template> 54 </demo-snippet> 55 56 <h3> 57 <code>sizing="cover"</code> expands the image to cover all of its 58 specified size. 59 </h3> 60 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 61 <template> 62 <style is="custom-style"> 63 #example-sizing-cover { 64 width: 150px; 65 height: 150px; 66 background: #ddd; 67 } 68 </style> 69 70 <iron-image sizing="cover" id="example-sizing-cover" alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 71 </template> 72 </demo-snippet> 73 74 <h3> 75 <code>sizing="contain"</code> expands the image to fit within its 76 specified size. 77 </h3> 78 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 79 <template> 80 <style is="custom-style"> 81 #example-sizing-contain { 82 width: 150px; 83 height: 150px; 84 background: #ddd; 85 } 86 </style> 87 88 <iron-image sizing="contain" id="example-sizing-contain" alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 89 </template> 90 </demo-snippet> 91 92 <h3> 93 Use the <code>--iron-image-width</code> property to set the width of 94 the image wrapped by the <code>iron-image</code>. 95 </h3> 96 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 97 <template> 98 <style is="custom-style"> 99 #example-full-width-container { 100 width: 200px; 101 border: 2px solid #444; 102 background: #444; 103 } 104 105 #example-full-width-container iron-image { 106 background: #ddd; 107 } 108 109 #example-full-width { 110 width: 100%; 111 --iron-image-width: 100%; 112 } 113 114 #example-half-width { 115 width: 50%; 116 --iron-image-width: 100%; 117 } 118 </style> 119 120 121 <div id="example-full-width-container"> 122 <iron-image id="example-full-width" alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 123 <iron-image id="example-half-width" alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 124 </div> 125 </template> 126 </demo-snippet> 127 128 <h3> 129 Use the <code>--iron-image-height</code> property to set the height of 130 the image wrapped by the <code>iron-image</code>. 131 </h3> 132 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 133 <template> 134 <style is="custom-style"> 135 #example-full-height-container { 136 height: 150px; 137 border: 2px solid #444; 138 background: #444; 139 } 140 141 #example-full-height-container iron-image{ 142 background: #ddd; 143 } 144 145 #example-full-height { 146 height: 100%; 147 --iron-image-height: 100%; 148 } 149 150 #example-half-height { 151 height: 50%; 152 --iron-image-height: 100%; 153 } 154 </style> 155 156 157 <div id="example-full-height-container"> 158 <iron-image id="example-full-height" alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 159 <iron-image id="example-half-height" alt="The Polymer logo." src="./polymer.svg"></iron-image> 160 </div> 161 </template> 162 </demo-snippet> 163 164 <h3> 165 No placeholder is shown by default. 166 </h3> 167 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 168 <template> 169 <style is="custom-style"> 170 .example.without-preload iron-image { 171 width: 150px; 172 height: 150px; 173 background: #ddd; 174 } 175 </style> 176 177 <div class="example without-preload"> 178 <button onclick="load('example-without-preload-1')"> 179 Load image 180 </button> 181 <br> 182 <iron-image sizing="contain" alt="The Polymer logo." id="example-without-preload-1"></iron-image> 183 </div> 184 </template> 185 </demo-snippet> 186 187 <h3> 188 The <code>preload</code> attribute shows a placeholder element in front 189 of the image before it has loaded. Use the 190 <code>--iron-image-placeholder</code> CSS mixin to style it. 191 </h3> 192 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 193 <template> 194 <style is="custom-style"> 195 .example.preload iron-image { 196 width: 150px; 197 height: 150px; 198 background: #ddd; 199 --iron-image-placeholder: { 200 background: #939ed5; 201 }; 202 } 203 </style> 204 205 <div class="example preload"> 206 <button onclick="load('example-preload-1')"> 207 Load image 208 </button> 209 <br> 210 <iron-image preload id="example-preload-1" alt="The Polymer logo." class="sized" sizing="contain"></iron-image> 211 <br> 212 Without the <code>fade</code> attribute, the placeholder element is 213 hidden with no transition when the image loads. 214 </div> 215 <div class="example preload"> 216 <button onclick="load('example-preload-2')"> 217 Load image 218 </button> 219 <br> 220 <iron-image preload fade id="example-preload-2" alt="The Polymer logo." class="sized" sizing="contain"></iron-image> 221 <br> 222 With the <code>fade</code> attribute, the placeholder element is 223 fades away when the image loads. 224 </div> 225 </template> 226 </demo-snippet> 227 228 <h3> 229 Use the <code>placeholder</code> attribute to specify a background image 230 for the placeholder element. 231 </h3> 232 <demo-snippet class="centered-demo"> 233 <template> 234 <style is="custom-style"> 235 .example.preload-image iron-image { 236 width: 150px; 237 height: 150px; 238 background: #ddd; 239 } 240 </style> 241 242 <div class="example preload-image"> 243 <button onclick="load('example-preload-image-1')"> 244 Load image 245 </button> 246 <br> 247 <iron-image preload placeholder="./loading.png" id="example-preload-image-1" alt="The Polymer logo." class="sized" sizing="contain"></iron-image> 248 <br> 249 (without <code>fade</code> attribute) 250 </div> 251 <div class="example preload-image"> 252 <button onclick="load('example-preload-image-2')"> 253 Load image 254 </button> 255 <br> 256 <iron-image preload placeholder="./loading.png" fade id="example-preload-image-2" alt="The Polymer logo." class="sized" sizing="contain"></iron-image> 257 <br> 258 (with <code>fade</code> attribute) 259 </div> 260 </template> 261 </demo-snippet> 262 263 </div> 264 265 </body> 266 </html> 267