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      1 //===- unittest/Tooling/RefactoringTest.cpp - Refactoring unit tests ------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "RewriterTestContext.h"
     11 #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
     12 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
     13 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
     14 #include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
     15 #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
     16 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
     17 #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
     18 #include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
     19 #include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
     20 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
     21 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
     22 #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
     23 #include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h"
     24 #include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
     25 #include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring.h"
     26 #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
     27 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     29 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
     31 namespace clang {
     32 namespace tooling {
     34 class ReplacementTest : public ::testing::Test {
     35  protected:
     36   Replacement createReplacement(SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length,
     37                                 llvm::StringRef ReplacementText) {
     38     return Replacement(Context.Sources, Start, Length, ReplacementText);
     39   }
     41   RewriterTestContext Context;
     42 };
     44 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanDeleteAllText) {
     45   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp", "text");
     46   SourceLocation Location = Context.getLocation(ID, 1, 1);
     47   Replacement Replace(createReplacement(Location, 4, ""));
     48   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     49   EXPECT_EQ("", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
     50 }
     52 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanDeleteAllTextInTextWithNewlines) {
     53   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp", "line1\nline2\nline3");
     54   SourceLocation Location = Context.getLocation(ID, 1, 1);
     55   Replacement Replace(createReplacement(Location, 17, ""));
     56   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     57   EXPECT_EQ("", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
     58 }
     60 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanAddText) {
     61   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp", "");
     62   SourceLocation Location = Context.getLocation(ID, 1, 1);
     63   Replacement Replace(createReplacement(Location, 0, "result"));
     64   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     65   EXPECT_EQ("result", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
     66 }
     68 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanReplaceTextAtPosition) {
     69   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp",
     70                                          "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4");
     71   SourceLocation Location = Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 3);
     72   Replacement Replace(createReplacement(Location, 12, "x"));
     73   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     74   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nlixne4", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
     75 }
     77 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanReplaceTextAtPositionMultipleTimes) {
     78   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp",
     79                                          "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4");
     80   SourceLocation Location1 = Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 3);
     81   Replacement Replace1(createReplacement(Location1, 12, "x\ny\n"));
     82   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace1.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     83   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nlix\ny\nne4", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
     85   // Since the original source has not been modified, the (4, 4) points to the
     86   // 'e' in the original content.
     87   SourceLocation Location2 = Context.getLocation(ID, 4, 4);
     88   Replacement Replace2(createReplacement(Location2, 1, "f"));
     89   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace2.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     90   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nlix\ny\nnf4", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
     91 }
     93 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, ApplyFailsForNonExistentLocation) {
     94   Replacement Replace("nonexistent-file.cpp", 0, 1, "");
     95   EXPECT_FALSE(Replace.apply(Context.Rewrite));
     96 }
     98 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanRetrivePath) {
     99   Replacement Replace("/path/to/file.cpp", 0, 1, "");
    100   EXPECT_EQ("/path/to/file.cpp", Replace.getFilePath());
    101 }
    103 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, ReturnsInvalidPath) {
    104   Replacement Replace1(Context.Sources, SourceLocation(), 0, "");
    105   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace1.getFilePath().empty());
    107   Replacement Replace2;
    108   EXPECT_TRUE(Replace2.getFilePath().empty());
    109 }
    111 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, CanApplyReplacements) {
    112   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp",
    113                                          "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4");
    114   Replacements Replaces;
    115   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 1),
    116                               5, "replaced"));
    117   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 3, 1),
    118                               5, "other"));
    119   EXPECT_TRUE(applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Context.Rewrite));
    120   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nreplaced\nother\nline4", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
    121 }
    123 // FIXME: Remove this test case when Replacements is implemented as std::vector
    124 // instead of std::set. The other ReplacementTest tests will need to be updated
    125 // at that point as well.
    126 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, VectorCanApplyReplacements) {
    127   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp",
    128                                          "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4");
    129   std::vector<Replacement> Replaces;
    130   Replaces.push_back(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 1),
    131                                  5, "replaced"));
    132   Replaces.push_back(
    133       Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 3, 1), 5, "other"));
    134   EXPECT_TRUE(applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Context.Rewrite));
    135   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nreplaced\nother\nline4", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
    136 }
    138 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, SkipsDuplicateReplacements) {
    139   FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("input.cpp",
    140                                          "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4");
    141   Replacements Replaces;
    142   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 1),
    143                               5, "replaced"));
    144   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 1),
    145                               5, "replaced"));
    146   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 1),
    147                               5, "replaced"));
    148   EXPECT_TRUE(applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Context.Rewrite));
    149   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nreplaced\nline3\nline4", Context.getRewrittenText(ID));
    150 }
    152 TEST_F(ReplacementTest, ApplyAllFailsIfOneApplyFails) {
    153   // This test depends on the value of the file name of an invalid source
    154   // location being in the range ]a, z[.
    155   FileID IDa = Context.createInMemoryFile("a.cpp", "text");
    156   FileID IDz = Context.createInMemoryFile("z.cpp", "text");
    157   Replacements Replaces;
    158   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(IDa, 1, 1),
    159                               4, "a"));
    160   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, SourceLocation(),
    161                               5, "2"));
    162   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(IDz, 1, 1),
    163                               4, "z"));
    164   EXPECT_FALSE(applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Context.Rewrite));
    165   EXPECT_EQ("a", Context.getRewrittenText(IDa));
    166   EXPECT_EQ("z", Context.getRewrittenText(IDz));
    167 }
    169 TEST(ShiftedCodePositionTest, FindsNewCodePosition) {
    170   Replacements Replaces;
    171   Replaces.insert(Replacement("", 0, 1, ""));
    172   Replaces.insert(Replacement("", 4, 3, " "));
    173   // Assume ' int   i;' is turned into 'int i;' and cursor is located at '|'.
    174   EXPECT_EQ(0u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 0)); // |int   i;
    175   EXPECT_EQ(0u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 1)); //  |nt   i;
    176   EXPECT_EQ(1u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 2)); //  i|t   i;
    177   EXPECT_EQ(2u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 3)); //  in|   i;
    178   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 4)); //  int|  i;
    179   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 5)); //  int | i;
    180   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 6)); //  int  |i;
    181   EXPECT_EQ(4u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 7)); //  int   |;
    182   EXPECT_EQ(5u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 8)); //  int   i|
    183 }
    185 // FIXME: Remove this test case when Replacements is implemented as std::vector
    186 // instead of std::set. The other ReplacementTest tests will need to be updated
    187 // at that point as well.
    188 TEST(ShiftedCodePositionTest, VectorFindsNewCodePositionWithInserts) {
    189   std::vector<Replacement> Replaces;
    190   Replaces.push_back(Replacement("", 0, 1, ""));
    191   Replaces.push_back(Replacement("", 4, 3, " "));
    192   // Assume ' int   i;' is turned into 'int i;' and cursor is located at '|'.
    193   EXPECT_EQ(0u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 0)); // |int   i;
    194   EXPECT_EQ(0u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 1)); //  |nt   i;
    195   EXPECT_EQ(1u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 2)); //  i|t   i;
    196   EXPECT_EQ(2u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 3)); //  in|   i;
    197   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 4)); //  int|  i;
    198   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 5)); //  int | i;
    199   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 6)); //  int  |i;
    200   EXPECT_EQ(4u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 7)); //  int   |;
    201   EXPECT_EQ(5u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 8)); //  int   i|
    202 }
    204 TEST(ShiftedCodePositionTest, FindsNewCodePositionWithInserts) {
    205   Replacements Replaces;
    206   Replaces.insert(Replacement("", 4, 0, "\"\n\""));
    207   // Assume '"12345678"' is turned into '"1234"\n"5678"'.
    208   EXPECT_EQ(3u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 3)); // "123|5678"
    209   EXPECT_EQ(7u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 4)); // "1234|678"
    210   EXPECT_EQ(8u, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, 5)); // "12345|78"
    211 }
    213 TEST(ShiftedCodePositionTest, FindsNewCodePositionInReplacedText) {
    214   Replacements Replaces;
    215   // Replace the first four characters with "abcd".
    216   Replaces.insert(Replacement("", 0, 4, "abcd"));
    217   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    218     EXPECT_EQ(i, shiftedCodePosition(Replaces, i));
    219 }
    221 class FlushRewrittenFilesTest : public ::testing::Test {
    222 public:
    223    FlushRewrittenFilesTest() {}
    225    ~FlushRewrittenFilesTest() override {
    226     for (llvm::StringMap<std::string>::iterator I = TemporaryFiles.begin(),
    227                                                 E = TemporaryFiles.end();
    228          I != E; ++I) {
    229       llvm::StringRef Name = I->second;
    230       std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::remove(Name);
    231       (void)EC;
    232       assert(!EC);
    233     }
    234   }
    236   FileID createFile(llvm::StringRef Name, llvm::StringRef Content) {
    237     SmallString<1024> Path;
    238     int FD;
    239     std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(Name, "", FD, Path);
    240     assert(!EC);
    241     (void)EC;
    243     llvm::raw_fd_ostream OutStream(FD, true);
    244     OutStream << Content;
    245     OutStream.close();
    246     const FileEntry *File = Context.Files.getFile(Path);
    247     assert(File != nullptr);
    249     StringRef Found =
    250         TemporaryFiles.insert(std::make_pair(Name, Path.str())).first->second;
    251     assert(Found == Path);
    252     (void)Found;
    253     return Context.Sources.createFileID(File, SourceLocation(), SrcMgr::C_User);
    254   }
    256   std::string getFileContentFromDisk(llvm::StringRef Name) {
    257     std::string Path = TemporaryFiles.lookup(Name);
    258     assert(!Path.empty());
    259     // We need to read directly from the FileManager without relaying through
    260     // a FileEntry, as otherwise we'd read through an already opened file
    261     // descriptor, which might not see the changes made.
    262     // FIXME: Figure out whether there is a way to get the SourceManger to
    263     // reopen the file.
    264     auto FileBuffer = Context.Files.getBufferForFile(Path);
    265     return (*FileBuffer)->getBuffer();
    266   }
    268   llvm::StringMap<std::string> TemporaryFiles;
    269   RewriterTestContext Context;
    270 };
    272 TEST_F(FlushRewrittenFilesTest, StoresChangesOnDisk) {
    273   FileID ID = createFile("input.cpp", "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4");
    274   Replacements Replaces;
    275   Replaces.insert(Replacement(Context.Sources, Context.getLocation(ID, 2, 1),
    276                               5, "replaced"));
    277   EXPECT_TRUE(applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Context.Rewrite));
    278   EXPECT_FALSE(Context.Rewrite.overwriteChangedFiles());
    279   EXPECT_EQ("line1\nreplaced\nline3\nline4",
    280             getFileContentFromDisk("input.cpp"));
    281 }
    283 namespace {
    284 template <typename T>
    285 class TestVisitor : public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<T> {
    286 public:
    287   bool runOver(StringRef Code) {
    288     return runToolOnCode(new TestAction(this), Code);
    289   }
    291 protected:
    292   clang::SourceManager *SM;
    293   clang::ASTContext *Context;
    295 private:
    296   class FindConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
    297   public:
    298     FindConsumer(TestVisitor *Visitor) : Visitor(Visitor) {}
    300     void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &Context) override {
    301       Visitor->TraverseDecl(Context.getTranslationUnitDecl());
    302     }
    304   private:
    305     TestVisitor *Visitor;
    306   };
    308   class TestAction : public clang::ASTFrontendAction {
    309   public:
    310     TestAction(TestVisitor *Visitor) : Visitor(Visitor) {}
    312     std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer>
    313     CreateASTConsumer(clang::CompilerInstance &compiler,
    314                       llvm::StringRef dummy) override {
    315       Visitor->SM = &compiler.getSourceManager();
    316       Visitor->Context = &compiler.getASTContext();
    317       /// TestConsumer will be deleted by the framework calling us.
    318       return llvm::make_unique<FindConsumer>(Visitor);
    319     }
    321   private:
    322     TestVisitor *Visitor;
    323   };
    324 };
    325 } // end namespace
    327 void expectReplacementAt(const Replacement &Replace,
    328                          StringRef File, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length) {
    329   ASSERT_TRUE(Replace.isApplicable());
    330   EXPECT_EQ(File, Replace.getFilePath());
    331   EXPECT_EQ(Offset, Replace.getOffset());
    332   EXPECT_EQ(Length, Replace.getLength());
    333 }
    335 class ClassDeclXVisitor : public TestVisitor<ClassDeclXVisitor> {
    336 public:
    337   bool VisitCXXRecordDecl(CXXRecordDecl *Record) {
    338     if (Record->getName() == "X") {
    339       Replace = Replacement(*SM, Record, "");
    340     }
    341     return true;
    342   }
    343   Replacement Replace;
    344 };
    346 TEST(Replacement, CanBeConstructedFromNode) {
    347   ClassDeclXVisitor ClassDeclX;
    348   EXPECT_TRUE(ClassDeclX.runOver("     class X;"));
    349   expectReplacementAt(ClassDeclX.Replace, "input.cc", 5, 7);
    350 }
    352 TEST(Replacement, ReplacesAtSpellingLocation) {
    353   ClassDeclXVisitor ClassDeclX;
    354   EXPECT_TRUE(ClassDeclX.runOver("#define A(Y) Y\nA(class X);"));
    355   expectReplacementAt(ClassDeclX.Replace, "input.cc", 17, 7);
    356 }
    358 class CallToFVisitor : public TestVisitor<CallToFVisitor> {
    359 public:
    360   bool VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *Call) {
    361     if (Call->getDirectCallee()->getName() == "F") {
    362       Replace = Replacement(*SM, Call, "");
    363     }
    364     return true;
    365   }
    366   Replacement Replace;
    367 };
    369 TEST(Replacement, FunctionCall) {
    370   CallToFVisitor CallToF;
    371   EXPECT_TRUE(CallToF.runOver("void F(); void G() { F(); }"));
    372   expectReplacementAt(CallToF.Replace, "input.cc", 21, 3);
    373 }
    375 TEST(Replacement, TemplatedFunctionCall) {
    376   CallToFVisitor CallToF;
    377   EXPECT_TRUE(CallToF.runOver(
    378         "template <typename T> void F(); void G() { F<int>(); }"));
    379   expectReplacementAt(CallToF.Replace, "input.cc", 43, 8);
    380 }
    382 class NestedNameSpecifierAVisitor
    383     : public TestVisitor<NestedNameSpecifierAVisitor> {
    384 public:
    385   bool TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(NestedNameSpecifierLoc NNSLoc) {
    386     if (NNSLoc.getNestedNameSpecifier()) {
    387       if (const NamespaceDecl* NS = NNSLoc.getNestedNameSpecifier()->getAsNamespace()) {
    388         if (NS->getName() == "a") {
    389           Replace = Replacement(*SM, &NNSLoc, "", Context->getLangOpts());
    390         }
    391       }
    392     }
    393     return TestVisitor<NestedNameSpecifierAVisitor>::TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(
    394         NNSLoc);
    395   }
    396   Replacement Replace;
    397 };
    399 TEST(Replacement, ColonColon) {
    400   NestedNameSpecifierAVisitor VisitNNSA;
    401   EXPECT_TRUE(VisitNNSA.runOver("namespace a { void f() { ::a::f(); } }"));
    402   expectReplacementAt(VisitNNSA.Replace, "input.cc", 25, 5);
    403 }
    405 TEST(Range, overlaps) {
    406   EXPECT_TRUE(Range(10, 10).overlapsWith(Range(0, 11)));
    407   EXPECT_TRUE(Range(0, 11).overlapsWith(Range(10, 10)));
    408   EXPECT_FALSE(Range(10, 10).overlapsWith(Range(0, 10)));
    409   EXPECT_FALSE(Range(0, 10).overlapsWith(Range(10, 10)));
    410   EXPECT_TRUE(Range(0, 10).overlapsWith(Range(2, 6)));
    411   EXPECT_TRUE(Range(2, 6).overlapsWith(Range(0, 10)));
    412 }
    414 TEST(Range, contains) {
    415   EXPECT_TRUE(Range(0, 10).contains(Range(0, 10)));
    416   EXPECT_TRUE(Range(0, 10).contains(Range(2, 6)));
    417   EXPECT_FALSE(Range(2, 6).contains(Range(0, 10)));
    418   EXPECT_FALSE(Range(0, 10).contains(Range(0, 11)));
    419 }
    421 TEST(DeduplicateTest, removesDuplicates) {
    422   std::vector<Replacement> Input;
    423   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 50, 0, " foo "));
    424   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 10, 3, " bar "));
    425   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 10, 2, " bar ")); // Length differs
    426   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 9,  3, " bar ")); // Offset differs
    427   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 50, 0, " foo ")); // Duplicate
    428   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 51, 3, " bar "));
    429   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileB", 51, 3, " bar ")); // Filename differs!
    430   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileB", 60, 1, " bar "));
    431   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 60, 2, " bar "));
    432   Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 51, 3, " moo ")); // Replacement text
    433                                                          // differs!
    435   std::vector<Replacement> Expected;
    436   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 9,  3, " bar "));
    437   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 10, 2, " bar "));
    438   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 10, 3, " bar "));
    439   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 50, 0, " foo "));
    440   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 51, 3, " bar "));
    441   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 51, 3, " moo "));
    442   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileB", 60, 1, " bar "));
    443   Expected.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 60, 2, " bar "));
    445   std::vector<Range> Conflicts; // Ignored for this test
    446   deduplicate(Input, Conflicts);
    448   EXPECT_EQ(3U, Conflicts.size());
    449   EXPECT_EQ(Expected, Input);
    450 }
    452 TEST(DeduplicateTest, detectsConflicts) {
    453   {
    454     std::vector<Replacement> Input;
    455     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 0, 5, " foo "));
    456     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 0, 5, " foo ")); // Duplicate not a
    457                                                           // conflict.
    458     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 2, 6, " bar "));
    459     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 7, 3, " moo "));
    461     std::vector<Range> Conflicts;
    462     deduplicate(Input, Conflicts);
    464     // One duplicate is removed and the remaining three items form one
    465     // conflicted range.
    466     ASSERT_EQ(3u, Input.size());
    467     ASSERT_EQ(1u, Conflicts.size());
    468     ASSERT_EQ(0u, Conflicts.front().getOffset());
    469     ASSERT_EQ(3u, Conflicts.front().getLength());
    470   }
    471   {
    472     std::vector<Replacement> Input;
    474     // Expected sorted order is shown. It is the sorted order to which the
    475     // returned conflict info refers to.
    476     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 0,  5, " foo "));  // 0
    477     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 5,  5, " bar "));  // 1
    478     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 6,  0, " bar "));  // 3
    479     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 5,  5, " moo "));  // 2
    480     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 7,  2, " bar "));  // 4
    481     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 15, 5, " golf ")); // 5
    482     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 16, 5, " bag "));  // 6
    483     Input.push_back(Replacement("fileA", 10, 3, " club ")); // 7
    485     // #3 is special in that it is completely contained by another conflicting
    486     // Replacement. #4 ensures #3 hasn't messed up the conflicting range size.
    488     std::vector<Range> Conflicts;
    489     deduplicate(Input, Conflicts);
    491     // No duplicates
    492     ASSERT_EQ(8u, Input.size());
    493     ASSERT_EQ(2u, Conflicts.size());
    494     ASSERT_EQ(1u, Conflicts[0].getOffset());
    495     ASSERT_EQ(4u, Conflicts[0].getLength());
    496     ASSERT_EQ(6u, Conflicts[1].getOffset());
    497     ASSERT_EQ(2u, Conflicts[1].getLength());
    498   }
    499 }
    501 class MergeReplacementsTest : public ::testing::Test {
    502 protected:
    503   void mergeAndTestRewrite(StringRef Code, StringRef Intermediate,
    504                            StringRef Result, const Replacements &First,
    505                            const Replacements &Second) {
    506     // These are mainly to verify the test itself and make it easier to read.
    507     std::string AfterFirst = applyAllReplacements(Code, First);
    508     std::string InSequenceRewrite = applyAllReplacements(AfterFirst, Second);
    509     EXPECT_EQ(Intermediate, AfterFirst);
    510     EXPECT_EQ(Result, InSequenceRewrite);
    512     tooling::Replacements Merged = mergeReplacements(First, Second);
    513     std::string MergedRewrite = applyAllReplacements(Code, Merged);
    514     EXPECT_EQ(InSequenceRewrite, MergedRewrite);
    515     if (InSequenceRewrite != MergedRewrite)
    516       for (tooling::Replacement M : Merged)
    517         llvm::errs() << M.getOffset() << " " << M.getLength() << " "
    518                      << M.getReplacementText() << "\n";
    519   }
    520   void mergeAndTestRewrite(StringRef Code, const Replacements &First,
    521                            const Replacements &Second) {
    522     std::string InSequenceRewrite =
    523         applyAllReplacements(applyAllReplacements(Code, First), Second);
    524     tooling::Replacements Merged = mergeReplacements(First, Second);
    525     std::string MergedRewrite = applyAllReplacements(Code, Merged);
    526     EXPECT_EQ(InSequenceRewrite, MergedRewrite);
    527     if (InSequenceRewrite != MergedRewrite)
    528       for (tooling::Replacement M : Merged)
    529         llvm::errs() << M.getOffset() << " " << M.getLength() << " "
    530                      << M.getReplacementText() << "\n";
    531   }
    532 };
    534 TEST_F(MergeReplacementsTest, Offsets) {
    535   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaa", "aabab", "cacabab",
    536                       {{"", 2, 0, "b"}, {"", 3, 0, "b"}},
    537                       {{"", 0, 0, "c"}, {"", 1, 0, "c"}});
    538   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaa", "babaa", "babacac",
    539                       {{"", 0, 0, "b"}, {"", 1, 0, "b"}},
    540                       {{"", 4, 0, "c"}, {"", 5, 0, "c"}});
    541   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "aaa", "aac", {{"", 1, 1, ""}},
    542                       {{"", 2, 1, "c"}});
    544   mergeAndTestRewrite("aa", "bbabba", "bbabcba",
    545                       {{"", 0, 0, "bb"}, {"", 1, 0, "bb"}}, {{"", 4, 0, "c"}});
    546 }
    548 TEST_F(MergeReplacementsTest, Concatenations) {
    549   // Basic concatenations. It is important to merge these into a single
    550   // replacement to ensure the correct order.
    551   EXPECT_EQ((Replacements{{"", 0, 0, "ab"}}),
    552             mergeReplacements({{"", 0, 0, "a"}}, {{"", 1, 0, "b"}}));
    553   EXPECT_EQ((Replacements{{"", 0, 0, "ba"}}),
    554             mergeReplacements({{"", 0, 0, "a"}}, {{"", 0, 0, "b"}}));
    555   mergeAndTestRewrite("", "a", "ab", {{"", 0, 0, "a"}}, {{"", 1, 0, "b"}});
    556   mergeAndTestRewrite("", "a", "ba", {{"", 0, 0, "a"}}, {{"", 0, 0, "b"}});
    557 }
    559 TEST_F(MergeReplacementsTest, NotChangingLengths) {
    560   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "abba", "acca", {{"", 1, 2, "bb"}},
    561                       {{"", 1, 2, "cc"}});
    562   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "abba", "abcc", {{"", 1, 2, "bb"}},
    563                       {{"", 2, 2, "cc"}});
    564   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "abba", "ccba", {{"", 1, 2, "bb"}},
    565                       {{"", 0, 2, "cc"}});
    566   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaaaa", "abbdda", "abccda",
    567                       {{"", 1, 2, "bb"}, {"", 3, 2, "dd"}}, {{"", 2, 2, "cc"}});
    568 }
    570 TEST_F(MergeReplacementsTest, OverlappingRanges) {
    571   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaa", "bbd", "bcbcd",
    572                       {{"", 0, 1, "bb"}, {"", 1, 2, "d"}},
    573                       {{"", 1, 0, "c"}, {"", 2, 0, "c"}});
    575   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "aabbaa", "acccca", {{"", 2, 0, "bb"}},
    576                       {{"", 1, 4, "cccc"}});
    577   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "aababa", "acccca",
    578                       {{"", 2, 0, "b"}, {"", 3, 0, "b"}}, {{"", 1, 4, "cccc"}});
    579   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaaaa", "abbbba", "abba", {{"", 1, 4, "bbbb"}},
    580                       {{"", 2, 2, ""}});
    581   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaaa", "aa", "cc", {{"", 1, 1, ""}, {"", 2, 1, ""}},
    582                       {{"", 0, 2, "cc"}});
    583   mergeAndTestRewrite("aa", "abbba", "abcbcba", {{"", 1, 0, "bbb"}},
    584                       {{"", 2, 0, "c"}, {"", 3, 0, "c"}});
    586   mergeAndTestRewrite("aaa", "abbab", "ccdd",
    587                       {{"", 0, 1, ""}, {"", 2, 0, "bb"}, {"", 3, 0, "b"}},
    588                       {{"", 0, 2, "cc"}, {"", 2, 3, "dd"}});
    589   mergeAndTestRewrite("aa", "babbab", "ccdd",
    590                       {{"", 0, 0, "b"}, {"", 1, 0, "bb"}, {"", 2, 0, "b"}},
    591                       {{"", 0, 3, "cc"}, {"", 3, 3, "dd"}});
    592 }
    594 } // end namespace tooling
    595 } // end namespace clang