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      1 /* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Simon Kelley
      3    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      4    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      5    the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991, or
      6    (at your option) version 3 dated 29 June, 2007.
      8    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     11    GNU General Public License for more details.
     13    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     14    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
     15 */
     17 #include "dnsmasq.h"
     19 static const char SEPARATOR[] = "|";
     21 #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_NETWORK
     23 int indextoname(int fd, int index, char *name)
     24 {
     25   struct ifreq ifr;
     27   if (index == 0)
     28     return 0;
     30   ifr.ifr_ifindex = index;
     31   if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr) == -1)
     32     return 0;
     34   strncpy(name, ifr.ifr_name, IF_NAMESIZE);
     36   return 1;
     37 }
     39 #else
     41 int indextoname(int fd, int index, char *name)
     42 {
     43   if (index == 0 || !if_indextoname(index, name))
     44     return 0;
     46   return 1;
     47 }
     49 #endif
     51 int iface_check(int family, struct all_addr *addr, char *name, int *indexp)
     52 {
     53   struct iname *tmp;
     54   int ret = 1;
     56   /* Note: have to check all and not bail out early, so that we set the
     57      "used" flags. */
     59   if (indexp)
     60     {
     61       /* One form of bridging on BSD has the property that packets
     62 	 can be recieved on bridge interfaces which do not have an IP address.
     63 	 We allow these to be treated as aliases of another interface which does have
     64 	 an IP address with --dhcp-bridge=interface,alias,alias */
     65       struct dhcp_bridge *bridge, *alias;
     66       for (bridge = daemon->bridges; bridge; bridge = bridge->next)
     67 	{
     68 	  for (alias = bridge->alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
     69 	    if (strncmp(name, alias->iface, IF_NAMESIZE) == 0)
     70 	      {
     71 		int newindex;
     73 		if (!(newindex = if_nametoindex(bridge->iface)))
     74 		  {
     75 		    my_syslog(LOG_WARNING, _("unknown interface %s in bridge-interface"), name);
     76 		    return 0;
     77 		  }
     78 		else
     79 		  {
     80 		    *indexp = newindex;
     81 		    strncpy(name,  bridge->iface, IF_NAMESIZE);
     82 		    break;
     83 		  }
     84 	      }
     85 	  if (alias)
     86 	    break;
     87 	}
     88     }
     90   if (daemon->if_names || (addr && daemon->if_addrs))
     91     {
     92       ret = 0;
     94       for (tmp = daemon->if_names; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
     95 	if (tmp->name && (strcmp(tmp->name, name) == 0))
     96 	  ret = tmp->used = 1;
     98       for (tmp = daemon->if_addrs; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
     99 	if (addr && tmp->addr.sa.sa_family == family)
    100 	  {
    101 	    if (family == AF_INET &&
    102 		tmp->addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr == addr->addr.addr4.s_addr)
    103 	      ret = tmp->used = 1;
    104 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    105 	    else if (family == AF_INET6 &&
    106 		     IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&tmp->addr.in6.sin6_addr,
    107 					&addr->addr.addr6) &&
    108 		     (!IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&addr->addr.addr6) ||
    109 		      (tmp->addr.in6.sin6_scope_id == (uint32_t) *indexp)))
    110 	      ret = tmp->used = 1;
    111 #endif
    112 	  }
    113     }
    115   for (tmp = daemon->if_except; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
    116     if (tmp->name && (strcmp(tmp->name, name) == 0))
    117       ret = 0;
    119   return ret;
    120 }
    122 static int iface_allowed(struct irec **irecp, int if_index,
    123 			 union mysockaddr *addr, struct in_addr netmask)
    124 {
    125   struct irec *iface;
    126   int fd, mtu = 0, loopback;
    127   struct ifreq ifr;
    128   int dhcp_ok = 1;
    129   struct iname *tmp;
    131   /* check whether the interface IP has been added already
    132      we call this routine multiple times. */
    133   for (iface = *irecp; iface; iface = iface->next)
    134     if (sockaddr_isequal(&iface->addr, addr))
    135       return 1;
    137   if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    138       !indextoname(fd, if_index, ifr.ifr_name) ||
    139       ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1)
    140     {
    141       if (fd != -1)
    142 	{
    143 	  int errsave = errno;
    144 	  close(fd);
    145 	  errno = errsave;
    146 	}
    147       return 0;
    148     }
    150   loopback = ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK;
    152   if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr) != -1)
    153     mtu = ifr.ifr_mtu;
    155   close(fd);
    157   /* If we are restricting the set of interfaces to use, make
    158      sure that loopback interfaces are in that set. */
    159   if (daemon->if_names && loopback)
    160     {
    161       struct iname *lo;
    162       for (lo = daemon->if_names; lo; lo = lo->next)
    163 	if (lo->name && strcmp(lo->name, ifr.ifr_name) == 0)
    164 	  {
    165 	    lo->isloop = 1;
    166 	    break;
    167 	  }
    169       if (!lo &&
    170 	  (lo = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct iname))) &&
    171 	  (lo->name = whine_malloc(strlen(ifr.ifr_name)+1)))
    172 	{
    173 	  strcpy(lo->name, ifr.ifr_name);
    174 	  lo->isloop = lo->used = 1;
    175 	  lo->next = daemon->if_names;
    176 	  daemon->if_names = lo;
    177 	}
    178     }
    180   if (addr->sa.sa_family == AF_INET &&
    181       !iface_check(AF_INET, (struct all_addr *)&addr->in.sin_addr, ifr.ifr_name, NULL))
    182     return 1;
    184   for (tmp = daemon->dhcp_except; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
    185     if (tmp->name && (strcmp(tmp->name, ifr.ifr_name) == 0))
    186       dhcp_ok = 0;
    188 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    189   int ifindex = (int) addr->in6.sin6_scope_id;
    190   if (addr->sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 &&
    191       !iface_check(AF_INET6, (struct all_addr *)&addr->in6.sin6_addr, ifr.ifr_name, &ifindex))
    192     return 1;
    193 #endif
    195   /* add to list */
    196   if ((iface = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct irec))))
    197     {
    198       iface->addr = *addr;
    199       iface->netmask = netmask;
    200       iface->dhcp_ok = dhcp_ok;
    201       iface->mtu = mtu;
    202       iface->next = *irecp;
    203       *irecp = iface;
    204       return 1;
    205     }
    207   errno = ENOMEM;
    208   return 0;
    209 }
    211 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    212 static int iface_allowed_v6(struct in6_addr *local,
    213 			    int scope, int if_index, void *vparam)
    214 {
    215   union mysockaddr addr;
    216   struct in_addr netmask; /* dummy */
    218   netmask.s_addr = 0;
    220   memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    221 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    222   addr.in6.sin6_len = sizeof(addr.in6);
    223 #endif
    224   addr.in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
    225   addr.in6.sin6_addr = *local;
    226   addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(daemon->port);
    227   /**
    228    * Only populate the scope ID if the address is link-local.
    229    * Scope IDs are not meaningful for global addresses. Also, we do not want to
    230    * think that two addresses are different if they differ only in scope ID,
    231    * because the kernel will treat them as if they are the same.
    232    */
    233   if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(local)) {
    234     addr.in6.sin6_scope_id = scope;
    235   }
    237   return iface_allowed((struct irec **)vparam, if_index, &addr, netmask);
    238 }
    239 #endif
    241 static int iface_allowed_v4(struct in_addr local, int if_index,
    242 			    struct in_addr netmask, struct in_addr broadcast, void *vparam)
    243 {
    244   union mysockaddr addr;
    246   memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    247 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    248   addr.in.sin_len = sizeof(addr.in);
    249 #endif
    250   addr.in.sin_family = AF_INET;
    251   addr.in.sin_addr = broadcast; /* warning */
    252   addr.in.sin_addr = local;
    253   addr.in.sin_port = htons(daemon->port);
    255   return iface_allowed((struct irec **)vparam, if_index, &addr, netmask);
    256 }
    258 int enumerate_interfaces(void)
    259 {
    260 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    261   return iface_enumerate(&daemon->interfaces, iface_allowed_v4, iface_allowed_v6);
    262 #else
    263   return iface_enumerate(&daemon->interfaces, iface_allowed_v4, NULL);
    264 #endif
    265 }
    267 /* set NONBLOCK bit on fd: See Stevens 16.6 */
    268 int fix_fd(int fd)
    269 {
    270   int flags;
    272   if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) == -1 ||
    273       fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
    274     return 0;
    276   return 1;
    277 }
    279 #if defined(HAVE_IPV6)
    280 static int create_ipv6_listener(struct listener **link, int port)
    281 {
    282   union mysockaddr addr;
    283   int tcpfd, fd;
    284   struct listener *l;
    285   int opt = 1;
    287   memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    288   addr.in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
    289   addr.in6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
    290   addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(port);
    291 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    292   addr.in6.sin6_len = sizeof(addr.in6);
    293 #endif
    295   /* No error of the kernel doesn't support IPv6 */
    296   if ((fd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1)
    297     return (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT ||
    298 	    errno == EAFNOSUPPORT ||
    299 	    errno == EINVAL);
    301   if ((tcpfd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
    302     return 0;
    304   if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    305       setsockopt(tcpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    306       setsockopt(fd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_V6ONLY, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    307       setsockopt(tcpfd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_V6ONLY, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    308       !fix_fd(fd) ||
    309       !fix_fd(tcpfd) ||
    310 #ifdef IPV6_RECVPKTINFO
    311       setsockopt(fd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_RECVPKTINFO, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    312 #else
    313       setsockopt(fd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_PKTINFO, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    314 #endif
    315       bind(tcpfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sa_len(&addr)) == -1 ||
    316       listen(tcpfd, 5) == -1 ||
    317       bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sa_len(&addr)) == -1)
    318     return 0;
    320   l = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct listener));
    321   l->fd = fd;
    322   l->tcpfd = tcpfd;
    323   l->tftpfd = -1;
    324   l->family = AF_INET6;
    325   l->iface = NULL;
    326   l->next = NULL;
    327   *link = l;
    329   return 1;
    330 }
    331 #endif
    333 struct listener *create_wildcard_listeners(void)
    334 {
    335   union mysockaddr addr;
    336   int opt = 1;
    337   struct listener *l, *l6 = NULL;
    338   int tcpfd = -1, fd = -1, tftpfd = -1;
    340   memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    341   addr.in.sin_family = AF_INET;
    342   addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    343   addr.in.sin_port = htons(daemon->port);
    344 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    345   addr.in.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
    346 #endif
    348   if (daemon->port != 0)
    349     {
    351       if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    352 	  (tcpfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
    353 	return NULL;
    355       if (setsockopt(tcpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    356 	  bind(tcpfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sa_len(&addr)) == -1 ||
    357 	  listen(tcpfd, 5) == -1 ||
    358 	  !fix_fd(tcpfd) ||
    359 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    360 	  !create_ipv6_listener(&l6, daemon->port) ||
    361 #endif
    362 	  setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    363 	  !fix_fd(fd) ||
    364 #if defined(HAVE_LINUX_NETWORK)
    365 	  setsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    366 #elif defined(IP_RECVDSTADDR) && defined(IP_RECVIF)
    367 	  setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVDSTADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    368 	  setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVIF, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    369 #endif
    370 	  bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sa_len(&addr)) == -1)
    371 	return NULL;
    372     }
    374 #ifdef HAVE_TFTP
    375   if (daemon->options & OPT_TFTP)
    376     {
    377       addr.in.sin_port = htons(TFTP_PORT);
    378       if ((tftpfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1)
    379 	return NULL;
    381       if (!fix_fd(tftpfd) ||
    382 #if defined(HAVE_LINUX_NETWORK)
    383 	  setsockopt(tftpfd, SOL_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    384 #elif defined(IP_RECVDSTADDR) && defined(IP_RECVIF)
    385 	  setsockopt(tftpfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVDSTADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    386 	  setsockopt(tftpfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVIF, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    387 #endif
    388 	  bind(tftpfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sa_len(&addr)) == -1)
    389 	return NULL;
    390     }
    391 #endif
    393   l = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct listener));
    394   l->family = AF_INET;
    395   l->fd = fd;
    396   l->tcpfd = tcpfd;
    397   l->tftpfd = tftpfd;
    398   l->iface = NULL;
    399   l->next = l6;
    401   return l;
    402 }
    404 #ifdef __ANDROID__
    405 /**
    406  * for a single given irec (interface name and address) create
    407  * a set of sockets listening.  This is a copy of the code inside the loop
    408  * of create_bound_listeners below and is added here to allow us
    409  * to create just a single new listener dynamically when our interface
    410  * list is changed.
    411  *
    412  * iface - input of the new interface details to listen on
    413  * listeners - output.  Creates a new struct listener and inserts at head of the list
    414  *
    415  * die's on errors, so don't pass bad data.
    416  */
    417 void create_bound_listener(struct listener **listeners, struct irec *iface)
    418 {
    419   int rc, opt = 1;
    420 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    421   static int dad_count = 0;
    422 #endif
    424   struct listener *new = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct listener));
    425   new->family = iface->addr.sa.sa_family;
    426   new->iface = iface;
    427   new->next = *listeners;
    428   new->tftpfd = -1;
    429   new->tcpfd = -1;
    430   new->fd = -1;
    431   *listeners = new;
    433   if (daemon->port != 0)
    434   {
    435     if ((new->tcpfd = socket(iface->addr.sa.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    436         (new->fd = socket(iface->addr.sa.sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    437         setsockopt(new->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    438         setsockopt(new->tcpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    439         !fix_fd(new->tcpfd) ||
    440         !fix_fd(new->fd))
    441       die(_("failed to create listening socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    443 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    444     if (iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6)
    445     {
    446       if (setsockopt(new->fd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_V6ONLY, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    447           setsockopt(new->tcpfd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_V6ONLY, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1)
    448         die(_("failed to set IPV6 options on listening socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);\
    449     }
    450 #endif
    452     while(1)
    453     {
    454       if ((rc = bind(new->fd, &iface->addr.sa, sa_len(&iface->addr))) != -1)
    455         break;
    457 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    458       /* An interface may have an IPv6 address which is still undergoing DAD.
    459          If so, the bind will fail until the DAD completes, so we try over 20 seconds
    460          before failing. */
    461       /* TODO: What to do here? 20 seconds is way too long. We use optimistic addresses, so bind()
    462          will only fail if the address has already failed DAD, in which case retrying won't help. */
    463       if (iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 && (errno == ENODEV || errno == EADDRNOTAVAIL) &&
    464           dad_count++ < DAD_WAIT)
    465       {
    466         sleep(1);
    467         continue;
    468       }
    469 #endif
    470       break;
    471     }
    473     if (rc == -1 || bind(new->tcpfd, &iface->addr.sa, sa_len(&iface->addr)) == -1)
    474     {
    475       prettyprint_addr(&iface->addr, daemon->namebuff);
    476       die(_("failed to bind listening socket for %s: %s"), daemon->namebuff, EC_BADNET);
    477     }
    479     if (listen(new->tcpfd, 5) == -1)
    480       die(_("failed to listen on socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    481   }
    483 #ifdef HAVE_TFTP
    484   if ((daemon->options & OPT_TFTP) && iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET && iface->dhcp_ok)
    485   {
    486     short save = iface->addr.in.sin_port;
    487     iface->addr.in.sin_port = htons(TFTP_PORT);
    488     if ((new->tftpfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    489         setsockopt(new->tftpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    490         !fix_fd(new->tftpfd) ||
    491         bind(new->tftpfd, &iface->addr.sa, sa_len(&iface->addr)) == -1)
    492       die(_("failed to create TFTP socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    493     iface->addr.in.sin_port = save;
    494   }
    495 #endif
    496 }
    498 /**
    499  * If a listener has a struct irec pointer whose address matches the newly
    500  * malloc()d struct irec's address, update its pointer to refer to this new
    501  * struct irec instance.
    502  *
    503  * Otherwise, any listeners that are preserved across interface list changes
    504  * will point at interface structures that are free()d at the end of
    505  * set_interfaces(), and can get overwritten by subsequent memory allocations.
    506  *
    507  * See b/17475756 for further discussion.
    508  */
    509 void fixup_possible_existing_listener(struct irec *new_iface) {
    510   /* find the listener, if present */
    511   struct listener *l;
    512   for (l = daemon->listeners; l; l = l->next) {
    513     struct irec *listener_iface = l->iface;
    514     if (listener_iface) {
    515       if (sockaddr_isequal(&listener_iface->addr, &new_iface->addr)) {
    516         l->iface = new_iface;
    517         return;
    518       }
    519     }
    520   }
    521 }
    523 /**
    524  * Closes the sockets of the specified listener, deletes it from the list, and frees it.
    525  *
    526  */
    527 int delete_listener(struct listener **l)
    528 {
    529   struct listener *listener = *l;
    530   if (listener == NULL) return 0;
    532   if (listener->iface) {
    533     int port = prettyprint_addr(&listener->iface->addr, daemon->namebuff);
    534     my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("Closing listener [%s]:%d"), daemon->namebuff, port);
    535   } else {
    536     my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("Closing wildcard listener family=%d"), listener->family);
    537   }
    539   if (listener->tftpfd != -1)
    540   {
    541     close(listener->tftpfd);
    542     listener->tftpfd = -1;
    543   }
    544   if (listener->tcpfd != -1)
    545   {
    546     close(listener->tcpfd);
    547     listener->tcpfd = -1;
    548   }
    549   if (listener->fd != -1)
    550   {
    551     close(listener->fd);
    552     listener->fd = -1;
    553   }
    554   *l = listener->next;
    555   free(listener);
    556   return -1;
    557 }
    559 /**
    560  * Close the sockets listening on the given interface
    561  *
    562  * This new function is needed as we're dynamically changing the interfaces
    563  * we listen on.  Before they'd be opened once in create_bound_listeners and stay
    564  * until we exited.  Now, if an interface moves off the to-listen list we need to
    565  * close out the listeners and keep trucking.
    566  *
    567  * interface - input of the interface details to listen on
    568  */
    569 int close_bound_listener(struct irec *iface)
    570 {
    571   /* find the listener */
    572   int ret = 0;
    573   struct listener **l = &daemon->listeners;
    574   while (*l) {
    575     struct irec *listener_iface = (*l)->iface;
    576     struct listener **next = &((*l)->next);
    577     if (iface && listener_iface && sockaddr_isequal(&listener_iface->addr, &iface->addr)) {
    578       // Listener bound to an IP address. There can be only one of these.
    579       ret = delete_listener(l);
    580       break;
    581     }
    582     if (iface == NULL && listener_iface == NULL) {
    583       // Wildcard listener. There is one of these per address family.
    584       ret = delete_listener(l);
    585       continue;
    586     }
    587     l = next;
    588   }
    589   return ret;
    590 }
    591 #endif /* __ANDROID__ */
    593 struct listener *create_bound_listeners(void)
    594 {
    595   struct listener *listeners = NULL;
    596   struct irec *iface;
    597 #ifndef __ANDROID__
    598   int rc, opt = 1;
    599 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    600   static int dad_count = 0;
    601 #endif
    602 #endif
    604   for (iface = daemon->interfaces; iface; iface = iface->next)
    605     {
    606 #ifdef __ANDROID__
    607       create_bound_listener(&listeners, iface);
    608 #else
    609       struct listener *new = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct listener));
    610       new->family = iface->addr.sa.sa_family;
    611       new->iface = iface;
    612       new->next = listeners;
    613       new->tftpfd = -1;
    614       new->tcpfd = -1;
    615       new->fd = -1;
    616       listeners = new;
    618       if (daemon->port != 0)
    619 	{
    620 	  if ((new->tcpfd = socket(iface->addr.sa.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    621 	      (new->fd = socket(iface->addr.sa.sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    622 	      setsockopt(new->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    623 	      setsockopt(new->tcpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    624 	      !fix_fd(new->tcpfd) ||
    625 	      !fix_fd(new->fd))
    626 	    die(_("failed to create listening socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    628 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    629 	  if (iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6)
    630 	    {
    631 	      if (setsockopt(new->fd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_V6ONLY, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    632 		  setsockopt(new->tcpfd, IPV6_LEVEL, IPV6_V6ONLY, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1)
    633 		die(_("failed to set IPV6 options on listening socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    634 	    }
    635 #endif
    637 	  while(1)
    638 	    {
    639 	      if ((rc = bind(new->fd, &iface->addr.sa, sa_len(&iface->addr))) != -1)
    640 		break;
    642 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    643 	      /* An interface may have an IPv6 address which is still undergoing DAD.
    644 		 If so, the bind will fail until the DAD completes, so we try over 20 seconds
    645 		 before failing. */
    646 	      if (iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 && (errno == ENODEV || errno == EADDRNOTAVAIL) &&
    647 		  dad_count++ < DAD_WAIT)
    648 		{
    649 		  sleep(1);
    650 		  continue;
    651 		}
    652 #endif
    653 	      break;
    654 	    }
    656 	  if (rc == -1 || bind(new->tcpfd, &iface->addr.sa, sa_len(&iface->addr)) == -1)
    657 	    {
    658 	      prettyprint_addr(&iface->addr, daemon->namebuff);
    659 	      die(_("failed to bind listening socket for %s: %s"),
    660 		  daemon->namebuff, EC_BADNET);
    661 	    }
    663 	  if (listen(new->tcpfd, 5) == -1)
    664 	    die(_("failed to listen on socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    665 	}
    667 #ifdef HAVE_TFTP
    668       if ((daemon->options & OPT_TFTP) && iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET && iface->dhcp_ok)
    669 	{
    670 	  short save = iface->addr.in.sin_port;
    671 	  iface->addr.in.sin_port = htons(TFTP_PORT);
    672 	  if ((new->tftpfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1 ||
    673 	      setsockopt(new->tftpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)) == -1 ||
    674 	      !fix_fd(new->tftpfd) ||
    675 	      bind(new->tftpfd, &iface->addr.sa, sa_len(&iface->addr)) == -1)
    676 	    die(_("failed to create TFTP socket: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    677 	  iface->addr.in.sin_port = save;
    678 	}
    679 #endif
    680 #endif /* !__ANDROID */
    681     }
    683   return listeners;
    684 }
    687 /* return a UDP socket bound to a random port, have to cope with straying into
    688    occupied port nos and reserved ones. */
    689 int random_sock(int family)
    690 {
    691   int fd;
    693   if ((fd = socket(family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) != -1)
    694     {
    695       union mysockaddr addr;
    696       unsigned int ports_avail = 65536u - (unsigned short)daemon->min_port;
    697       int tries = ports_avail < 30 ? 3 * ports_avail : 100;
    699       memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    700       addr.sa.sa_family = family;
    702       /* don't loop forever if all ports in use. */
    704       if (fix_fd(fd))
    705 	while(tries--)
    706 	  {
    707 	    unsigned short port = rand16();
    709 	    if (daemon->min_port != 0)
    710 	      port = htons(daemon->min_port + (port % ((unsigned short)ports_avail)));
    712 	    if (family == AF_INET)
    713 	      {
    714 		addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    715 		addr.in.sin_port = port;
    716 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    717 		addr.in.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
    718 #endif
    719 	      }
    720 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    721 	    else
    722 	      {
    723 		addr.in6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
    724 		addr.in6.sin6_port = port;
    725 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    726 		addr.in6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
    727 #endif
    728 	      }
    729 #endif
    731 	    if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sa_len(&addr)) == 0)
    732 	      return fd;
    734 	    if (errno != EADDRINUSE && errno != EACCES)
    735 	      break;
    736 	  }
    738       close(fd);
    739     }
    741   return -1;
    742 }
    745 int local_bind(int fd, union mysockaddr *addr, char *intname, uint32_t mark, int is_tcp)
    746 {
    747   union mysockaddr addr_copy = *addr;
    749   /* cannot set source _port_ for TCP connections. */
    750   if (is_tcp)
    751     {
    752       if (addr_copy.sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
    753 	addr_copy.in.sin_port = 0;
    754 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    755       else
    756 	addr_copy.in6.sin6_port = 0;
    757 #endif
    758     }
    760   if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_copy, sa_len(&addr_copy)) == -1)
    761     return 0;
    763 #if defined(SO_BINDTODEVICE)
    764   if (intname[0] != 0 &&
    765       setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, intname, strlen(intname)) == -1)
    766     return 0;
    767 #endif
    769   if (mark != 0 && setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_MARK, &mark, sizeof(mark)) == -1)
    770     return 0;
    772   return 1;
    773 }
    775 static struct serverfd *allocate_sfd(union mysockaddr *addr, char *intname, uint32_t mark)
    776 {
    777   struct serverfd *sfd;
    778   int errsave;
    780   /* when using random ports, servers which would otherwise use
    781      the INADDR_ANY/port0 socket have sfd set to NULL */
    782   if (!daemon->osport && intname[0] == 0)
    783     {
    784       errno = 0;
    786       if (addr->sa.sa_family == AF_INET &&
    787 	  addr->in.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY &&
    788 	  addr->in.sin_port == htons(0))
    789 	return NULL;
    791 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    792       if (addr->sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 &&
    793 	  memcmp(&addr->in6.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6addr_any)) == 0 &&
    794 	  addr->in6.sin6_port == htons(0))
    795 	return NULL;
    796 #endif
    797     }
    799   /* may have a suitable one already */
    800   for (sfd = daemon->sfds; sfd; sfd = sfd->next )
    801     if (sockaddr_isequal(&sfd->source_addr, addr) &&
    802 	mark == sfd->mark &&
    803 	strcmp(intname, sfd->interface) == 0)
    804       return sfd;
    806   /* need to make a new one. */
    807   errno = ENOMEM; /* in case malloc fails. */
    808   if (!(sfd = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct serverfd))))
    809     return NULL;
    811   if ((sfd->fd = socket(addr->sa.sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1)
    812     {
    813       free(sfd);
    814       return NULL;
    815     }
    817   if (!local_bind(sfd->fd, addr, intname, mark, 0) || !fix_fd(sfd->fd))
    818     {
    819       errsave = errno; /* save error from bind. */
    820       close(sfd->fd);
    821       free(sfd);
    822       errno = errsave;
    823       return NULL;
    824     }
    826   strcpy(sfd->interface, intname);
    827   sfd->source_addr = *addr;
    828   sfd->mark = mark;
    829   sfd->next = daemon->sfds;
    830   daemon->sfds = sfd;
    831   return sfd;
    832 }
    834 /* create upstream sockets during startup, before root is dropped which may be needed
    835    this allows query_port to be a low port and interface binding */
    836 void pre_allocate_sfds(void)
    837 {
    838   struct server *srv;
    840   if (daemon->query_port != 0)
    841     {
    842       union  mysockaddr addr;
    843       memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    844       addr.in.sin_family = AF_INET;
    845       addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    846       addr.in.sin_port = htons(daemon->query_port);
    847 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    848       addr.in.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
    849 #endif
    850       allocate_sfd(&addr, "", 0);
    851 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
    852       memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    853       addr.in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
    854       addr.in6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
    855       addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(daemon->query_port);
    856 #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN
    857       addr.in6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
    858 #endif
    859       allocate_sfd(&addr, "", 0);
    860 #endif
    861     }
    863   for (srv = daemon->servers; srv; srv = srv->next)
    864     if (!(srv->flags & (SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS | SERV_NO_ADDR)) &&
    865 	!allocate_sfd(&srv->source_addr, srv->interface, srv->mark) &&
    866 	errno != 0 &&
    867 	(daemon->options & OPT_NOWILD))
    868       {
    869 	prettyprint_addr(&srv->addr, daemon->namebuff);
    870 	if (srv->interface[0] != 0)
    871 	  {
    872 	    strcat(daemon->namebuff, " ");
    873 	    strcat(daemon->namebuff, srv->interface);
    874 	  }
    875 	die(_("failed to bind server socket for %s: %s"),
    876 	    daemon->namebuff, EC_BADNET);
    877       }
    878 }
    881 void check_servers(void)
    882 {
    883   struct irec *iface;
    884   struct server *new, *tmp, *ret = NULL;
    885   int port = 0;
    887   for (new = daemon->servers; new; new = tmp)
    888     {
    889       tmp = new->next;
    891       if (!(new->flags & (SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS | SERV_NO_ADDR)))
    892 	{
    893 	  port = prettyprint_addr(&new->addr, daemon->namebuff);
    895 	  /* is nothing, the stack treats it like */
    896 	  if (new->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET &&
    897 	      new->addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr == 0)
    898 	    {
    899 	      free(new);
    900 	      continue;
    901 	    }
    903 	  for (iface = daemon->interfaces; iface; iface = iface->next)
    904 	    if (sockaddr_isequal(&new->addr, &iface->addr))
    905 	      break;
    906 	  if (iface)
    907 	    {
    908 	      my_syslog(LOG_WARNING, _("ignoring nameserver %s - local interface"), daemon->namebuff);
    909 	      free(new);
    910 	      continue;
    911 	    }
    913 	  /* Do we need a socket set? */
    914 	  if (!new->sfd &&
    915 	      !(new->sfd = allocate_sfd(&new->source_addr, new->interface, new->mark)) &&
    916 	      errno != 0)
    917 	    {
    918 	      my_syslog(LOG_WARNING,
    919 			_("ignoring nameserver %s - cannot make/bind socket: %s"),
    920 			daemon->namebuff, strerror(errno));
    921 	      free(new);
    922 	      continue;
    923 	    }
    924 	}
    926       /* reverse order - gets it right. */
    927       new->next = ret;
    928       ret = new;
    930       if (new->flags & (SERV_HAS_DOMAIN | SERV_FOR_NODOTS))
    931 	{
    932 	  char *s1, *s2;
    933 	  if (!(new->flags & SERV_HAS_DOMAIN))
    934 	    s1 = _("unqualified"), s2 = _("names");
    935 	  else if (strlen(new->domain) == 0)
    936 	    s1 = _("default"), s2 = "";
    937 	  else
    938 	    s1 = _("domain"), s2 = new->domain;
    940 	  if (new->flags & SERV_NO_ADDR)
    941 	    my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("using local addresses only for %s %s"), s1, s2);
    942 	  else if (!(new->flags & SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS))
    943 	    my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("using nameserver %s#%d for %s %s"), daemon->namebuff, port, s1, s2);
    944 	}
    945       else if (new->interface[0] != 0)
    946 	my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("using nameserver %s#%d(via %s)"), daemon->namebuff, port, new->interface);
    947       else
    948 	my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("using nameserver %s#%d"), daemon->namebuff, port);
    949     }
    951   daemon->servers = ret;
    952 }
    954 #if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__BRILLO__)
    955 /* #define __ANDROID_DEBUG__ 1 */
    956 /*
    957  * Ingests a new list of interfaces and starts to listen on them, adding only the new
    958  * and stopping to listen to any interfaces not on the new list.
    959  *
    960  * interfaces - input in the format "bt-pan|eth0|wlan0|..>" up to 1024 bytes long
    961  */
    962 void set_interfaces(const char *interfaces)
    963 {
    964     struct iname *if_tmp;
    965     struct iname *prev_if_names;
    966     struct irec *old_iface, *new_iface, *prev_interfaces;
    967     char s[1024];
    968     char *next = s;
    969     char *interface;
    970     int was_wild = 0;
    972 #ifdef __ANDROID_DEBUG__
    973     my_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, _("set_interfaces(%s)"), interfaces);
    974 #endif
    975     prev_if_names = daemon->if_names;
    976     daemon->if_names = NULL;
    978     prev_interfaces = daemon->interfaces;
    979     daemon->interfaces = NULL;
    981     if (strlen(interfaces) > sizeof(s)) {
    982         die(_("interface string too long: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    983     }
    984     strncpy(s, interfaces, sizeof(s));
    985     while((interface = strsep(&next, SEPARATOR))) {
    986         if (!if_nametoindex(interface)) {
    987             my_syslog(LOG_ERR,
    988                     _("interface given in %s: '%s' has no ifindex; ignoring"),
    989                     __FUNCTION__, interface);
    990             continue;
    991         }
    992         if_tmp = safe_malloc(sizeof(struct iname));
    993         memset(if_tmp, 0, sizeof(struct iname));
    994         if ((if_tmp->name = strdup(interface)) == NULL) {
    995             die(_("malloc failure in set_interfaces: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
    996         }
    997         if_tmp->next = daemon->if_names;
    998         daemon->if_names = if_tmp;
    999     }
   1001     /*
   1002      * Enumerate IP addresses (via RTM_GETADDR), adding IP entries to
   1003      * daemon->interfaces for interface names listed in daemon->if_names.
   1004      * The sockets are created by the create_bound_listener call below.
   1005      */
   1006     if (!enumerate_interfaces()) {
   1007         die(_("enumerate interfaces error in set_interfaces: %s"), NULL, EC_BADNET);
   1008     }
   1010     for (if_tmp = daemon->if_names; if_tmp; if_tmp = if_tmp->next) {
   1011         if (if_tmp->name && !if_tmp->used) {
   1012             my_syslog(LOG_ERR, _("unknown interface given %s in set_interfaces()"), if_tmp->name);
   1013         }
   1014     }
   1016     /* success! - setup to free the old */
   1017     /* check for any that have been removed */
   1018     for (old_iface = prev_interfaces; old_iface; old_iface=old_iface->next) {
   1019       int found = 0;
   1020       for (new_iface = daemon->interfaces; new_iface; new_iface = new_iface->next) {
   1021         if (sockaddr_isequal(&old_iface->addr, &new_iface->addr)) {
   1022             found = 1;
   1023             break;
   1024         }
   1025       }
   1027       if (found) {
   1028         fixup_possible_existing_listener(new_iface);
   1029       } else {
   1030 #ifdef __ANDROID_DEBUG__
   1031         char debug_buff[MAXDNAME];
   1032         prettyprint_addr(&old_iface->addr, debug_buff);
   1033         my_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, _("closing listener for %s"), debug_buff);
   1034 #endif
   1036         close_bound_listener(old_iface);
   1037       }
   1038     }
   1040     /* remove wildchar listeners */
   1041     was_wild = close_bound_listener(NULL);
   1042     if (was_wild) daemon->options |= OPT_NOWILD;
   1044     /* check for any that have been added */
   1045     for (new_iface = daemon->interfaces; new_iface; new_iface = new_iface->next) {
   1046       int found = 0;
   1048       /* if the previous setup used a wildchar, then add any current interfaces */
   1049       if (!was_wild) {
   1050         for (old_iface = prev_interfaces; old_iface; old_iface = old_iface->next) {
   1051           if(sockaddr_isequal(&old_iface->addr, &new_iface->addr)) {
   1052             found = -1;
   1053             break;
   1054           }
   1055         }
   1056       }
   1057       if (!found) {
   1058 #ifdef __ANDROID_DEBUG__
   1059         char debug_buff[MAXDNAME];
   1060         prettyprint_addr(&new_iface->addr, debug_buff);
   1061         my_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, _("adding listener for %s"), debug_buff);
   1062 #endif
   1063         create_bound_listener(&(daemon->listeners), new_iface);
   1064       }
   1065     }
   1067     while (prev_if_names) {
   1068       if (prev_if_names->name) free(prev_if_names->name);
   1069       if_tmp = prev_if_names->next;
   1070       free(prev_if_names);
   1071       prev_if_names = if_tmp;
   1072     }
   1073     while (prev_interfaces) {
   1074       struct irec *tmp_irec = prev_interfaces->next;
   1075       free(prev_interfaces);
   1076       prev_interfaces = tmp_irec;
   1077     }
   1078 #ifdef __ANDROID_DEBUG__
   1079     my_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, _("done with setInterfaces"));
   1080 #endif
   1081 }
   1083 /*
   1084  * Takes a string in the format "0x100b|||..." - up to 1024 bytes in length
   1085  *  - The first element is the socket mark to set on sockets that forward DNS queries.
   1086  *  - The subsequent elements are the DNS servers to forward queries to.
   1087  */
   1088 int set_servers(const char *servers)
   1089 {
   1090   char s[1024];
   1091   struct server *old_servers = NULL;
   1092   struct server *new_servers = NULL;
   1093   struct server *serv;
   1094   char *mark_string;
   1095   uint32_t mark;
   1097   strncpy(s, servers, sizeof(s));
   1099   /* move old servers to free list - we can reuse the memory
   1100      and not risk malloc if there are the same or fewer new servers.
   1101      Servers which were specced on the command line go to the new list. */
   1102   for (serv = daemon->servers; serv;)
   1103     {
   1104       struct server *tmp = serv->next;
   1105       if (serv->flags & SERV_FROM_RESOLV)
   1106 	{
   1107 	  serv->next = old_servers;
   1108 	  old_servers = serv;
   1109 	  /* forward table rules reference servers, so have to blow them away */
   1110 	  server_gone(serv);
   1111 	}
   1112       else
   1113 	{
   1114 	  serv->next = new_servers;
   1115 	  new_servers = serv;
   1116 	}
   1117       serv = tmp;
   1118     }
   1120   char *next = s;
   1121   char *saddr;
   1123   /* Parse the mark. */
   1124   mark_string = strsep(&next, SEPARATOR);
   1125   mark = strtoul(mark_string, NULL, 0);
   1127   while ((saddr = strsep(&next, SEPARATOR))) {
   1128       union mysockaddr addr, source_addr;
   1129       memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
   1130       memset(&source_addr, 0, sizeof(source_addr));
   1132       if (parse_addr(AF_INET, saddr, &addr) == 0)
   1133 	{
   1134 	  addr.in.sin_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
   1135 	  source_addr.in.sin_family = AF_INET;
   1136 	  source_addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
   1137 	  source_addr.in.sin_port = htons(daemon->query_port);
   1138 	}
   1139 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
   1140       else if (parse_addr(AF_INET6, saddr, &addr) == 0)
   1141 	{
   1142 	  addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
   1143 	  source_addr.in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
   1144 	  source_addr.in6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
   1145 	  source_addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(daemon->query_port);
   1146 	}
   1147 #endif /* IPV6 */
   1148       else
   1149 	continue;
   1151       if (old_servers)
   1152 	{
   1153 	  serv = old_servers;
   1154 	  old_servers = old_servers->next;
   1155 	}
   1156       else if (!(serv = whine_malloc(sizeof (struct server))))
   1157 	continue;
   1159       /* this list is reverse ordered:
   1160 	 it gets reversed again in check_servers */
   1161       serv->next = new_servers;
   1162       new_servers = serv;
   1163       serv->addr = addr;
   1164       serv->source_addr = source_addr;
   1165       serv->domain = NULL;
   1166       serv->interface[0] = 0;
   1167       serv->mark = mark;
   1168       serv->sfd = NULL;
   1169       serv->flags = SERV_FROM_RESOLV;
   1170       serv->queries = serv->failed_queries = 0;
   1171     }
   1173   /* Free any memory not used. */
   1174   while (old_servers)
   1175     {
   1176       struct server *tmp = old_servers->next;
   1177       free(old_servers);
   1178       old_servers = tmp;
   1179     }
   1181   daemon->servers = new_servers;
   1182   return 0;
   1183 }
   1184 #endif
   1186 /* Return zero if no servers found, in that case we keep polling.
   1187    This is a protection against an update-time/write race on resolv.conf */
   1188 int reload_servers(char *fname)
   1189 {
   1190   FILE *f;
   1191   char *line;
   1192   struct server *old_servers = NULL;
   1193   struct server *new_servers = NULL;
   1194   struct server *serv;
   1195   int gotone = 0;
   1197   /* buff happens to be MAXDNAME long... */
   1198   if (!(f = fopen(fname, "r")))
   1199     {
   1200       my_syslog(LOG_ERR, _("failed to read %s: %s"), fname, strerror(errno));
   1201       return 0;
   1202     }
   1204   /* move old servers to free list - we can reuse the memory
   1205      and not risk malloc if there are the same or fewer new servers.
   1206      Servers which were specced on the command line go to the new list. */
   1207   for (serv = daemon->servers; serv;)
   1208     {
   1209       struct server *tmp = serv->next;
   1210       if (serv->flags & SERV_FROM_RESOLV)
   1211 	{
   1212 	  serv->next = old_servers;
   1213 	  old_servers = serv;
   1214 	  /* forward table rules reference servers, so have to blow them away */
   1215 	  server_gone(serv);
   1216 	}
   1217       else
   1218 	{
   1219 	  serv->next = new_servers;
   1220 	  new_servers = serv;
   1221 	}
   1222       serv = tmp;
   1223     }
   1225   while ((line = fgets(daemon->namebuff, MAXDNAME, f)))
   1226     {
   1227       union mysockaddr addr, source_addr;
   1228       char *token = strtok(line, " \t\n\r");
   1230       if (!token)
   1231 	continue;
   1232       if (strcmp(token, "nameserver") != 0 && strcmp(token, "server") != 0)
   1233 	continue;
   1234       if (!(token = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")))
   1235 	continue;
   1237       memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
   1238       memset(&source_addr, 0, sizeof(source_addr));
   1240       if (parse_addr(AF_INET, token, &addr) == 0)
   1241 	{
   1242 	  addr.in.sin_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
   1243 	  source_addr.in.sin_family = AF_INET;
   1244 	  source_addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
   1245 	  source_addr.in.sin_port = htons(daemon->query_port);
   1246 	}
   1247 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
   1248       else if (parse_addr(AF_INET6, token, &addr) == 0)
   1249 	{
   1250 	  addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
   1251 	  source_addr.in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
   1252 	  source_addr.in6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
   1253 	  source_addr.in6.sin6_port = htons(daemon->query_port);
   1254 	}
   1255 #endif /* IPV6 */
   1256       else
   1257 	continue;
   1259       if (old_servers)
   1260 	{
   1261 	  serv = old_servers;
   1262 	  old_servers = old_servers->next;
   1263 	}
   1264       else if (!(serv = whine_malloc(sizeof (struct server))))
   1265 	continue;
   1267       /* this list is reverse ordered:
   1268 	 it gets reversed again in check_servers */
   1269       serv->next = new_servers;
   1270       new_servers = serv;
   1271       serv->addr = addr;
   1272       serv->source_addr = source_addr;
   1273       serv->domain = NULL;
   1274       serv->interface[0] = 0;
   1275       serv->mark = 0;
   1276       serv->sfd = NULL;
   1277       serv->flags = SERV_FROM_RESOLV;
   1278       serv->queries = serv->failed_queries = 0;
   1279       gotone = 1;
   1280     }
   1282   /* Free any memory not used. */
   1283   while (old_servers)
   1284     {
   1285       struct server *tmp = old_servers->next;
   1286       free(old_servers);
   1287       old_servers = tmp;
   1288     }
   1290   daemon->servers = new_servers;
   1291   fclose(f);
   1293   return gotone;
   1294 }
   1297 /* Use an IPv4 listener socket for ioctling */
   1298 struct in_addr get_ifaddr(char *intr)
   1299 {
   1300   struct listener *l;
   1301   struct ifreq ifr;
   1303   for (l = daemon->listeners; l && l->family != AF_INET; l = l->next);
   1305   strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, intr, IF_NAMESIZE);
   1306   ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;
   1308   if (!l || ioctl(l->fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) == -1)
   1309     ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = -1;
   1311   return ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;
   1312 }