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      1 # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     16 LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
     18 #
     19 # Common definitions.
     20 #
     22 src_files := \
     23 	cmemory.c \
     24 	cstring.c \
     25 	cstr.cpp \
     26 	cwchar.c \
     27 	filteredbrk.cpp \
     28 	icuplug.cpp \
     29 	loadednormalizer2impl.cpp \
     30 	locmap.c \
     31 	pluralmap.cpp \
     32 	propsvec.c \
     33 	punycode.cpp \
     34 	putil.cpp \
     35 	resource.cpp \
     36 	sharedobject.cpp \
     37 	simplepatternformatter.cpp \
     38 	uarrsort.c \
     39 	ubidi.c \
     40 	ubidiln.c \
     41 	ubidi_props.c \
     42 	ubidiwrt.c \
     43 	ucase.cpp \
     44 	ucasemap.cpp \
     45 	ucat.c \
     46 	uchar.c \
     47 	ucln_cmn.cpp \
     48 	ucmndata.c \
     49 	ucnv2022.cpp \
     50 	ucnv_bld.cpp \
     51 	ucnvbocu.cpp \
     52 	ucnv.c \
     53 	ucnv_cb.c \
     54 	ucnv_cnv.c \
     55 	ucnv_ct.c \
     56 	ucnvdisp.c \
     57 	ucnv_err.c \
     58 	ucnv_ext.cpp \
     59 	ucnvhz.c \
     60 	ucnv_io.cpp \
     61 	ucnvisci.c \
     62 	ucnvlat1.c \
     63 	ucnv_lmb.c \
     64 	ucnvmbcs.cpp \
     65 	ucnvscsu.c \
     66 	ucnv_set.c \
     67 	ucnv_u16.c \
     68 	ucnv_u32.c \
     69 	ucnv_u7.c \
     70 	ucnv_u8.c \
     71 	udatamem.c \
     72 	udataswp.c \
     73 	uenum.c \
     74 	uhash.c \
     75 	uinit.cpp \
     76 	uinvchar.c \
     77 	ulist.c \
     78 	ulistformatter.cpp \
     79 	uloc.cpp \
     80 	uloc_keytype.cpp \
     81 	uloc_tag.c \
     82 	umapfile.c \
     83 	umath.c \
     84 	umutex.cpp \
     85 	unames.cpp \
     86 	uresbund.cpp \
     87 	ures_cnv.c \
     88 	uresdata.cpp \
     89 	usc_impl.c \
     90 	uscript.c \
     91 	uscript_props.cpp \
     92 	ushape.cpp \
     93 	ustrcase.cpp \
     94 	ustr_cnv.cpp \
     95 	ustrfmt.c \
     96 	ustring.cpp \
     97 	ustrtrns.cpp \
     98 	ustr_wcs.cpp \
     99 	utf_impl.c \
    100 	utrace.c \
    101 	utrie2_builder.cpp \
    102 	utrie.cpp \
    103 	utypes.c \
    104 	wintz.c
    106 src_files += \
    107 	appendable.cpp \
    108 	bmpset.cpp \
    109 	brkeng.cpp \
    110 	brkiter.cpp \
    111 	bytestream.cpp \
    112 	bytestriebuilder.cpp \
    113 	bytestrie.cpp \
    114 	bytestrieiterator.cpp \
    115 	caniter.cpp \
    116 	chariter.cpp \
    117 	charstr.cpp \
    118 	dictbe.cpp \
    119 	dictionarydata.cpp \
    120 	dtintrv.cpp \
    121 	errorcode.cpp \
    122 	filterednormalizer2.cpp \
    123 	listformatter.cpp \
    124 	locavailable.cpp \
    125 	locbased.cpp \
    126 	locdispnames.cpp \
    127 	locid.cpp \
    128 	loclikely.cpp \
    129 	locresdata.cpp \
    130 	locutil.cpp \
    131 	messagepattern.cpp \
    132 	normalizer2.cpp \
    133 	normalizer2impl.cpp \
    134 	normlzr.cpp \
    135 	parsepos.cpp \
    136 	patternprops.cpp \
    137 	propname.cpp \
    138 	rbbi.cpp \
    139 	rbbidata.cpp \
    140 	rbbinode.cpp \
    141 	rbbirb.cpp \
    142 	rbbiscan.cpp \
    143 	rbbisetb.cpp \
    144 	rbbistbl.cpp \
    145 	rbbitblb.cpp \
    146 	resbund_cnv.cpp \
    147 	resbund.cpp \
    148 	ruleiter.cpp \
    149 	schriter.cpp \
    150 	serv.cpp \
    151 	servlk.cpp \
    152 	servlkf.cpp \
    153 	servls.cpp \
    154 	servnotf.cpp \
    155 	servrbf.cpp \
    156 	servslkf.cpp \
    157 	stringpiece.cpp \
    158 	stringtriebuilder.cpp \
    159 	ubrk.cpp \
    160 	ucasemap_titlecase_brkiter.cpp \
    161 	ucharstriebuilder.cpp \
    162 	ucharstrie.cpp \
    163 	ucharstrieiterator.cpp \
    164 	uchriter.cpp \
    165 	ucnvsel.cpp \
    166 	ucol_swp.cpp \
    167 	udata.cpp \
    168 	uhash_us.cpp \
    169 	uidna.cpp \
    170 	uiter.cpp \
    171 	unifiedcache.cpp \
    172 	unifilt.cpp \
    173 	unifunct.cpp \
    174 	uniset_closure.cpp \
    175 	uniset.cpp \
    176 	uniset_props.cpp \
    177 	unisetspan.cpp \
    178 	unistr_case.cpp \
    179 	unistr_case_locale.cpp \
    180 	unistr_cnv.cpp \
    181 	unistr.cpp \
    182 	unistr_props.cpp \
    183 	unistr_titlecase_brkiter.cpp \
    184 	unormcmp.cpp \
    185 	unorm.cpp \
    186 	uobject.cpp \
    187 	uprops.cpp \
    188 	uset.cpp \
    189 	usetiter.cpp \
    190 	uset_props.cpp \
    191 	usprep.cpp \
    192 	ustack.cpp \
    193 	ustrcase_locale.cpp \
    194 	ustrenum.cpp \
    195 	ustr_titlecase_brkiter.cpp \
    196 	utext.cpp \
    197 	util.cpp \
    198 	util_props.cpp \
    199 	utrie2.cpp \
    200 	uts46.cpp \
    201 	uvector.cpp \
    202 	uvectr32.cpp \
    203 	uvectr64.cpp
    205 # This is the empty compiled-in icu data structure
    206 # that we need to satisfy the linker.
    207 src_files += ../stubdata/stubdata.c
    209 c_includes := \
    210 	$(LOCAL_PATH) \
    211 	$(LOCAL_PATH)/../i18n
    213 # We deliberately do not set -DICU_DATA_DIR: ICU4C is configured on Android
    214 # using udata_setCommonData.
    216 local_cflags += -D_REENTRANT
    217 local_cflags += -DU_COMMON_IMPLEMENTATION
    219 local_cflags += -O3 -fvisibility=hidden
    221 local_cflags += -Wno-unused-parameter \
    222                 -Wno-missing-field-initializers \
    223                 -Wno-sign-compare \
    224                 -Wno-deprecated-declarations
    226 #
    227 # Build for the target (device).
    228 #
    230 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    231 LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(src_files)
    232 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(c_includes) $(optional_android_logging_includes)
    233 LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(local_cflags) -DPIC -fPIC
    234 LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libdl $(optional_android_logging_libraries)
    235 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
    236 LOCAL_MODULE := libicuuc
    237 LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG := -frtti
    239 ifndef BRILLO
    240 LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += icu-data
    241 endif
    243 ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH),mips64)
    244 LOCAL_CLANG := true
    245 endif
    246 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    248 #
    249 # Build for the host.
    250 #
    252 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    253 LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(src_files)
    254 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(c_includes) $(optional_android_logging_includes)
    255 LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(local_cflags)
    256 LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += $(optional_android_logging_libraries)
    257 LOCAL_LDLIBS += -ldl -lm -lpthread
    258 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
    259 LOCAL_MODULE := libicuuc-host
    261 LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += icu-data-host
    262 LOCAL_MULTILIB := both
    264 LOCAL_CLANG := true
    265 include $(BUILD_HOST_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    267 #
    268 # Build as a static library against the NDK
    269 #
    271 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    272 LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := 9
    273 LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := stlport_static
    274 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(c_includes)
    276 LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG := -frtti
    277 LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(local_cflags) -DPIC -fPIC
    278 # Using -Os over -O3 actually cuts down the final executable size by a few dozen kilobytes
    279 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Os
    281 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
    282 LOCAL_MODULE := libicuuc_static
    283 LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(src_files)
    284 ifndef BRILLO
    285 LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += icu-data
    286 endif
    287 ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH),mips64)
    288 LOCAL_CLANG := true
    289 endif
    290 include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)