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      1 /*
      2 ******************************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
      4 * others. All Rights Reserved.
      5 ******************************************************************************
      6 *
      8 ******************************************************************************
      9 */
     11 #include "uhash.h"
     12 #include "unifiedcache.h"
     13 #include "umutex.h"
     14 #include "mutex.h"
     15 #include "uassert.h"
     16 #include "ucln_cmn.h"
     18 static icu::UnifiedCache *gCache = NULL;
     19 static icu::SharedObject *gNoValue = NULL;
     20 static UMutex gCacheMutex = U_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
     21 static UConditionVar gInProgressValueAddedCond = U_CONDITION_INITIALIZER;
     22 static icu::UInitOnce gCacheInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;
     23 static const int32_t MAX_EVICT_ITERATIONS = 10;
     25 static int32_t DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED = 1000;
     26 static int32_t DEFAULT_PERCENTAGE_OF_IN_USE = 100;
     30 static UBool U_CALLCONV unifiedcache_cleanup() {
     31     gCacheInitOnce.reset();
     32     if (gCache) {
     33         delete gCache;
     34         gCache = NULL;
     35     }
     36     if (gNoValue) {
     37         delete gNoValue;
     38         gNoValue = NULL;
     39     }
     40     return TRUE;
     41 }
     42 U_CDECL_END
     47 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
     48 ucache_hashKeys(const UHashTok key) {
     49     const CacheKeyBase *ckey = (const CacheKeyBase *) key.pointer;
     50     return ckey->hashCode();
     51 }
     53 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
     54 ucache_compareKeys(const UHashTok key1, const UHashTok key2) {
     55     const CacheKeyBase *p1 = (const CacheKeyBase *) key1.pointer;
     56     const CacheKeyBase *p2 = (const CacheKeyBase *) key2.pointer;
     57     return *p1 == *p2;
     58 }
     60 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
     61 ucache_deleteKey(void *obj) {
     62     CacheKeyBase *p = (CacheKeyBase *) obj;
     63     delete p;
     64 }
     66 CacheKeyBase::~CacheKeyBase() {
     67 }
     69 static void U_CALLCONV cacheInit(UErrorCode &status) {
     70     U_ASSERT(gCache == NULL);
     71     ucln_common_registerCleanup(
     72             UCLN_COMMON_UNIFIED_CACHE, unifiedcache_cleanup);
     74     // gNoValue must be created first to avoid assertion error in
     75     // cache constructor.
     76     gNoValue = new SharedObject();
     77     gCache = new UnifiedCache(status);
     78     if (gCache == NULL) {
     79         status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
     80     }
     81     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
     82         delete gCache;
     83         delete gNoValue;
     84         gCache = NULL;
     85         gNoValue = NULL;
     86         return;
     87     }
     88     // We add a softref because we want hash elements with gNoValue to be
     89     // elligible for purging but we don't ever want gNoValue to be deleted.
     90     gNoValue->addSoftRef();
     91 }
     93 UnifiedCache *UnifiedCache::getInstance(UErrorCode &status) {
     94     umtx_initOnce(gCacheInitOnce, &cacheInit, status);
     95     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
     96         return NULL;
     97     }
     98     U_ASSERT(gCache != NULL);
     99     return gCache;
    100 }
    102 UnifiedCache::UnifiedCache(UErrorCode &status) :
    103         fHashtable(NULL),
    104         fEvictPos(UHASH_FIRST),
    105         fItemsInUseCount(0),
    106         fMaxUnused(DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED),
    107         fMaxPercentageOfInUse(DEFAULT_PERCENTAGE_OF_IN_USE),
    108         fAutoEvictedCount(0) {
    109     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    110         return;
    111     }
    112     U_ASSERT(gNoValue != NULL);
    113     fHashtable = uhash_open(
    114             &ucache_hashKeys,
    115             &ucache_compareKeys,
    116             NULL,
    117             &status);
    118     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    119         return;
    120     }
    121     uhash_setKeyDeleter(fHashtable, &ucache_deleteKey);
    122 }
    124 void UnifiedCache::setEvictionPolicy(
    125         int32_t count, int32_t percentageOfInUseItems, UErrorCode &status) {
    126     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    127         return;
    128     }
    129     if (count < 0 || percentageOfInUseItems < 0) {
    130         status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    131         return;
    132     }
    133     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    134     fMaxUnused = count;
    135     fMaxPercentageOfInUse = percentageOfInUseItems;
    136 }
    138 int32_t UnifiedCache::unusedCount() const {
    139     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    140     return uhash_count(fHashtable) - fItemsInUseCount;
    141 }
    143 int64_t UnifiedCache::autoEvictedCount() const {
    144     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    145     return fAutoEvictedCount;
    146 }
    148 int32_t UnifiedCache::keyCount() const {
    149     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    150     return uhash_count(fHashtable);
    151 }
    153 void UnifiedCache::flush() const {
    154     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    156     // Use a loop in case cache items that are flushed held hard references to
    157     // other cache items making those additional cache items eligible for
    158     // flushing.
    159     while (_flush(FALSE));
    160 }
    162 #ifdef UNIFIED_CACHE_DEBUG
    163 #include <stdio.h>
    165 void UnifiedCache::dump() {
    166     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    167     const UnifiedCache *cache = getInstance(status);
    168     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    169         fprintf(stderr, "Unified Cache: Error fetching cache.\n");
    170         return;
    171     }
    172     cache->dumpContents();
    173 }
    175 void UnifiedCache::dumpContents() const {
    176     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    177     _dumpContents();
    178 }
    180 // Dumps content of cache.
    181 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    182 // On exit, cache contents dumped to stderr.
    183 void UnifiedCache::_dumpContents() const {
    184     int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST;
    185     const UHashElement *element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &pos);
    186     char buffer[256];
    187     int32_t cnt = 0;
    188     for (; element != NULL; element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &pos)) {
    189         const SharedObject *sharedObject =
    190                 (const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
    191         const CacheKeyBase *key =
    192                 (const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
    193         if (sharedObject->hasHardReferences()) {
    194             ++cnt;
    195             fprintf(
    196                     stderr,
    197                     "Unified Cache: Key '%s', error %d, value %p, total refcount %d, soft refcount %d\n",
    198                     key->writeDescription(buffer, 256),
    199                     key->creationStatus,
    200                     sharedObject == gNoValue ? NULL :sharedObject,
    201                     sharedObject->getRefCount(),
    202                     sharedObject->getSoftRefCount());
    203         }
    204     }
    205     fprintf(stderr, "Unified Cache: %d out of a total of %d still have hard references\n", cnt, uhash_count(fHashtable));
    206 }
    207 #endif
    209 UnifiedCache::~UnifiedCache() {
    210     // Try our best to clean up first.
    211     flush();
    212     {
    213         // Now all that should be left in the cache are entries that refer to
    214         // each other and entries with hard references from outside the cache.
    215         // Nothing we can do about these so proceed to wipe out the cache.
    216         Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    217         _flush(TRUE);
    218     }
    219     uhash_close(fHashtable);
    220 }
    222 // Returns the next element in the cache round robin style.
    223 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    224 const UHashElement *
    225 UnifiedCache::_nextElement() const {
    226     const UHashElement *element = uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &fEvictPos);
    227     if (element == NULL) {
    228         fEvictPos = UHASH_FIRST;
    229         return uhash_nextElement(fHashtable, &fEvictPos);
    230     }
    231     return element;
    232 }
    234 // Flushes the contents of the cache. If cache values hold references to other
    235 // cache values then _flush should be called in a loop until it returns FALSE.
    236 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    237 // On exit, those values with are evictable are flushed. If all is true
    238 // then every value is flushed even if it is not evictable.
    239 // Returns TRUE if any value in cache was flushed or FALSE otherwise.
    240 UBool UnifiedCache::_flush(UBool all) const {
    241     UBool result = FALSE;
    242     int32_t origSize = uhash_count(fHashtable);
    243     for (int32_t i = 0; i < origSize; ++i) {
    244         const UHashElement *element = _nextElement();
    245         if (all || _isEvictable(element)) {
    246             const SharedObject *sharedObject =
    247                     (const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
    248             uhash_removeElement(fHashtable, element);
    249             sharedObject->removeSoftRef();
    250             result = TRUE;
    251         }
    252     }
    253     return result;
    254 }
    256 // Computes how many items should be evicted.
    257 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    258 // Returns number of items that should be evicted or a value <= 0 if no
    259 // items need to be evicted.
    260 int32_t UnifiedCache::_computeCountOfItemsToEvict() const {
    261     int32_t maxPercentageOfInUseCount =
    262             fItemsInUseCount * fMaxPercentageOfInUse / 100;
    263     int32_t maxUnusedCount = fMaxUnused;
    264     if (maxUnusedCount < maxPercentageOfInUseCount) {
    265         maxUnusedCount = maxPercentageOfInUseCount;
    266     }
    267     return uhash_count(fHashtable) - fItemsInUseCount - maxUnusedCount;
    268 }
    270 // Run an eviction slice.
    271 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    272 // _runEvictionSlice runs a slice of the evict pipeline by examining the next
    273 // 10 entries in the cache round robin style evicting them if they are eligible.
    274 void UnifiedCache::_runEvictionSlice() const {
    275     int32_t maxItemsToEvict = _computeCountOfItemsToEvict();
    276     if (maxItemsToEvict <= 0) {
    277         return;
    278     }
    279     for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_EVICT_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
    280         const UHashElement *element = _nextElement();
    281         if (_isEvictable(element)) {
    282             const SharedObject *sharedObject =
    283                     (const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
    284             uhash_removeElement(fHashtable, element);
    285             sharedObject->removeSoftRef();
    286             ++fAutoEvictedCount;
    287             if (--maxItemsToEvict == 0) {
    288                 break;
    289             }
    290         }
    291     }
    292 }
    295 // Places a new value and creationStatus in the cache for the given key.
    296 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. key must not exist in the cache.
    297 // On exit, value and creation status placed under key. Soft reference added
    298 // to value on successful add. On error sets status.
    299 void UnifiedCache::_putNew(
    300         const CacheKeyBase &key,
    301         const SharedObject *value,
    302         const UErrorCode creationStatus,
    303         UErrorCode &status) const {
    304     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    305         return;
    306     }
    307     CacheKeyBase *keyToAdopt = key.clone();
    308     if (keyToAdopt == NULL) {
    309         status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    310         return;
    311     }
    312     keyToAdopt->fCreationStatus = creationStatus;
    313     if (value->noSoftReferences()) {
    314         _registerMaster(keyToAdopt, value);
    315     }
    316     uhash_put(fHashtable, keyToAdopt, (void *) value, &status);
    317     if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    318         value->addSoftRef();
    319     }
    320 }
    322 // Places value and status at key if there is no value at key or if cache
    323 // entry for key is in progress. Otherwise, it leaves the current value and
    324 // status there.
    325 // On entry. gCacheMutex must not be held. value must be
    326 // included in the reference count of the object to which it points.
    327 // On exit, value and status are changed to what was already in the cache if
    328 // something was there and not in progress. Otherwise, value and status are left
    329 // unchanged in which case they are placed in the cache on a best-effort basis.
    330 // Caller must call removeRef() on value.
    331 void UnifiedCache::_putIfAbsentAndGet(
    332         const CacheKeyBase &key,
    333         const SharedObject *&value,
    334         UErrorCode &status) const {
    335     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    336     const UHashElement *element = uhash_find(fHashtable, &key);
    337     if (element != NULL && !_inProgress(element)) {
    338         _fetch(element, value, status);
    339         return;
    340     }
    341     if (element == NULL) {
    342         UErrorCode putError = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    343         // best-effort basis only.
    344         _putNew(key, value, status, putError);
    345     } else {
    346         _put(element, value, status);
    347     }
    348     // Run an eviction slice. This will run even if we added a master entry
    349     // which doesn't increase the unused count, but that is still o.k
    350     _runEvictionSlice();
    351 }
    353 // Attempts to fetch value and status for key from cache.
    354 // On entry, gCacheMutex must not be held value must be NULL and status must
    355 // be U_ZERO_ERROR.
    356 // On exit, either returns FALSE (In this
    357 // case caller should try to create the object) or returns TRUE with value
    358 // pointing to the fetched value and status set to fetched status. When
    359 // FALSE is returned status may be set to failure if an in progress hash
    360 // entry could not be made but value will remain unchanged. When TRUE is
    361 // returned, caler must call removeRef() on value.
    362 UBool UnifiedCache::_poll(
    363         const CacheKeyBase &key,
    364         const SharedObject *&value,
    365         UErrorCode &status) const {
    366     U_ASSERT(value == NULL);
    367     U_ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);
    368     Mutex lock(&gCacheMutex);
    369     const UHashElement *element = uhash_find(fHashtable, &key);
    370     while (element != NULL && _inProgress(element)) {
    371         umtx_condWait(&gInProgressValueAddedCond, &gCacheMutex);
    372         element = uhash_find(fHashtable, &key);
    373     }
    374     if (element != NULL) {
    375         _fetch(element, value, status);
    376         return TRUE;
    377     }
    378     _putNew(key, gNoValue, U_ZERO_ERROR, status);
    379     return FALSE;
    380 }
    382 // Gets value out of cache.
    383 // On entry. gCacheMutex must not be held. value must be NULL. status
    384 // must be U_ZERO_ERROR.
    385 // On exit. value and status set to what is in cache at key or on cache
    386 // miss the key's createObject() is called and value and status are set to
    387 // the result of that. In this latter case, best effort is made to add the
    388 // value and status to the cache. If createObject() fails to create a value,
    389 // gNoValue is stored in cache, and value is set to NULL. Caller must call
    390 // removeRef on value if non NULL.
    391 void UnifiedCache::_get(
    392         const CacheKeyBase &key,
    393         const SharedObject *&value,
    394         const void *creationContext,
    395         UErrorCode &status) const {
    396     U_ASSERT(value == NULL);
    397     U_ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);
    398     if (_poll(key, value, status)) {
    399         if (value == gNoValue) {
    400             SharedObject::clearPtr(value);
    401         }
    402         return;
    403     }
    404     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    405         return;
    406     }
    407     value = key.createObject(creationContext, status);
    408     U_ASSERT(value == NULL || value->hasHardReferences());
    409     U_ASSERT(value != NULL || status != U_ZERO_ERROR);
    410     if (value == NULL) {
    411         SharedObject::copyPtr(gNoValue, value);
    412     }
    413     _putIfAbsentAndGet(key, value, status);
    414     if (value == gNoValue) {
    415         SharedObject::clearPtr(value);
    416     }
    417 }
    419 void UnifiedCache::decrementItemsInUseWithLockingAndEviction() const {
    420     Mutex mutex(&gCacheMutex);
    421     decrementItemsInUse();
    422     _runEvictionSlice();
    423 }
    425 void UnifiedCache::incrementItemsInUse() const {
    426     ++fItemsInUseCount;
    427 }
    429 void UnifiedCache::decrementItemsInUse() const {
    430     --fItemsInUseCount;
    431 }
    433 // Register a master cache entry.
    434 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    435 // On exit, items in use count incremented, entry is marked as a master
    436 // entry, and value registered with cache so that subsequent calls to
    437 // addRef() and removeRef() on it correctly updates items in use count
    438 void UnifiedCache::_registerMaster(
    439         const CacheKeyBase *theKey, const SharedObject *value) const {
    440     theKey->fIsMaster = TRUE;
    441     ++fItemsInUseCount;
    442     value->registerWithCache(this);
    443 }
    445 // Store a value and error in given hash entry.
    446 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. Hash entry element must be in progress.
    447 // value must be non NULL.
    448 // On Exit, soft reference added to value. value and status stored in hash
    449 // entry. Soft reference removed from previous stored value. Waiting
    450 // threads notified.
    451 void UnifiedCache::_put(
    452         const UHashElement *element,
    453         const SharedObject *value,
    454         const UErrorCode status) const {
    455     U_ASSERT(_inProgress(element));
    456     const CacheKeyBase *theKey = (const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
    457     const SharedObject *oldValue = (const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
    458     theKey->fCreationStatus = status;
    459     if (value->noSoftReferences()) {
    460         _registerMaster(theKey, value);
    461     }
    462     value->addSoftRef();
    463     UHashElement *ptr = const_cast<UHashElement *>(element);
    464     ptr->value.pointer = (void *) value;
    465     oldValue->removeSoftRef();
    467     // Tell waiting threads that we replace in-progress status with
    468     // an error.
    469     umtx_condBroadcast(&gInProgressValueAddedCond);
    470 }
    472 void
    473 UnifiedCache::copyPtr(const SharedObject *src, const SharedObject *&dest) {
    474     if(src != dest) {
    475         if(dest != NULL) {
    476             dest->removeRefWhileHoldingCacheLock();
    477         }
    478         dest = src;
    479         if(src != NULL) {
    480             src->addRefWhileHoldingCacheLock();
    481         }
    482     }
    483 }
    485 void
    486 UnifiedCache::clearPtr(const SharedObject *&ptr) {
    487     if (ptr != NULL) {
    488         ptr->removeRefWhileHoldingCacheLock();
    489         ptr = NULL;
    490     }
    491 }
    494 // Fetch value and error code from a particular hash entry.
    495 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held. value must be either NULL or must be
    496 // included in the ref count of the object to which it points.
    497 // On exit, value and status set to what is in the hash entry. Caller must
    498 // eventually call removeRef on value.
    499 // If hash entry is in progress, value will be set to gNoValue and status will
    500 // be set to U_ZERO_ERROR.
    501 void UnifiedCache::_fetch(
    502         const UHashElement *element,
    503         const SharedObject *&value,
    504         UErrorCode &status) {
    505     const CacheKeyBase *theKey = (const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
    506     status = theKey->fCreationStatus;
    508     // Since we have the cache lock, calling regular SharedObject methods
    509     // could cause us to deadlock on ourselves since they may need to lock
    510     // the cache mutex.
    511     UnifiedCache::copyPtr((const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer, value);
    512 }
    514 // Determine if given hash entry is in progress.
    515 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    516 UBool UnifiedCache::_inProgress(const UHashElement *element) {
    517     const SharedObject *value = NULL;
    518     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    519     _fetch(element, value, status);
    520     UBool result = _inProgress(value, status);
    522     // Since we have the cache lock, calling regular SharedObject methods
    523     // could cause us to deadlock on ourselves since they may need to lock
    524     // the cache mutex.
    525     UnifiedCache::clearPtr(value);
    526     return result;
    527 }
    529 // Determine if given hash entry is in progress.
    530 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    531 UBool UnifiedCache::_inProgress(
    532         const SharedObject *theValue, UErrorCode creationStatus) {
    533     return (theValue == gNoValue && creationStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR);
    534 }
    536 // Determine if given hash entry is eligible for eviction.
    537 // On entry, gCacheMutex must be held.
    538 UBool UnifiedCache::_isEvictable(const UHashElement *element) {
    539     const CacheKeyBase *theKey = (const CacheKeyBase *) element->key.pointer;
    540     const SharedObject *theValue =
    541             (const SharedObject *) element->value.pointer;
    543     // Entries that are under construction are never evictable
    544     if (_inProgress(theValue, theKey->fCreationStatus)) {
    545         return FALSE;
    546     }
    548     // We can evict entries that are either not a master or have just
    549     // one reference (The one reference being from the cache itself).
    550     return (!theKey->fIsMaster || (theValue->getSoftRefCount() == 1 && theValue->noHardReferences()));
    551 }