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      2 #*****************************************************************************
      3 #
      4 #   Copyright (C) 2002-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
      5 #   All Rights Reserved.
      6 #
      7 #*****************************************************************************
      8 #
      9 #  file:  regexcst.txt
     10 #  ICU Regular Expression Parser State Table
     11 #
     12 #     This state table is used when reading and parsing a regular expression pattern
     13 #     The pattern parser uses a state machine; the data in this file define the
     14 #     state transitions that occur for each input character.
     15 #
     16 #     *** This file defines the regex pattern grammar.   This is it.
     17 #     *** The determination of what is accepted is here.
     18 #
     19 #     This file is processed by a perl script "regexcst.pl" to produce initialized C arrays
     20 #     that are then built with the rule parser.
     21 #
     23 #
     24 # Here is the syntax of the state definitions in this file:
     25 #
     26 #
     27 #StateName:
     28 #   input-char           n next-state           ^push-state     action
     29 #   input-char           n next-state           ^push-state     action
     30 #       |                |   |                      |             |
     31 #       |                |   |                      |             |--- action to be performed by state machine
     32 #       |                |   |                      |                  See function RBBIRuleScanner::doParseActions()
     33 #       |                |   |                      |
     34 #       |                |   |                      |--- Push this named state onto the state stack.
     35 #       |                |   |                           Later, when next state is specified as "pop",
     36 #       |                |   |                           the pushed state will become the current state.
     37 #       |                |   |
     38 #       |                |   |--- Transition to this state if the current input character matches the input
     39 #       |                |        character or char class in the left hand column.  "pop" causes the next
     40 #       |                |        state to be popped from the state stack.
     41 #       |                |
     42 #       |                |--- When making the state transition specified on this line, advance to the next
     43 #       |                     character from the input only if 'n' appears here.
     44 #       |
     45 #       |--- Character or named character classes to test for.  If the current character being scanned
     46 #            matches, peform the actions and go to the state specified on this line.
     47 #            The input character is tested sequentally, in the order written.  The characters and
     48 #            character classes tested for do not need to be mutually exclusive.  The first match wins.
     49 #
     54 #
     55 #  start state, scan position is at the beginning of the pattern.
     56 #
     57 start:
     58    default                 term                                     doPatStart
     63 #
     64 #  term.  At a position where we can accept the start most items in a pattern.
     65 #
     66 term:
     67     quoted               n expr-quant                               doLiteralChar
     68     rule_char            n expr-quant                               doLiteralChar
     69     '['                  n set-open       ^set-finish               doSetBegin
     70     '('                  n open-paren
     71     '.'                  n expr-quant                               doDotAny
     72     '^'                  n expr-quant                               doCaret
     73     '$'                  n expr-quant                               doDollar
     74     '\'                  n backslash
     75     '|'                  n  term                                    doOrOperator
     76     ')'                  n  pop                                     doCloseParen
     77     eof	                   term                                     doPatFinish
     78     default                errorDeath                               doRuleError
     82 #
     83 #   expr-quant    We've just finished scanning a term, now look for the optional
     84 #                 trailing quantifier - *, +, ?, *?,  etc.
     85 #
     86 expr-quant:
     87     '*'                  n  quant-star
     88     '+'                  n  quant-plus
     89     '?'                  n  quant-opt
     90     '{'                  n  interval-open                          doIntervalInit
     91     '('                  n  open-paren-quant
     92     default                 expr-cont
     95 #
     96 #  expr-cont      Expression, continuation.  At a point where additional terms are
     97 #                                            allowed, but not required.  No Quantifiers
     98 #
     99 expr-cont:
    100     '|'                  n  term                                    doOrOperator
    101     ')'                  n  pop                                     doCloseParen
    102     default                 term
    105 #
    106 #   open-paren-quant   Special case handling for comments appearing before a quantifier,
    107 #                        e.g.   x(?#comment )*
    108 #                      Open parens from expr-quant come here; anything but a (?# comment
    109 #                      branches into the normal parenthesis sequence as quickly as possible.
    110 #
    111 open-paren-quant:
    112     '?'                  n  open-paren-quant2                      doSuppressComments
    113     default                 open-paren
    115 open-paren-quant2:
    116     '#'                  n  paren-comment   ^expr-quant
    117     default                 open-paren-extended
    120 #
    121 #   open-paren    We've got an open paren.  We need to scan further to
    122 #                 determine what kind of quantifier it is - plain (, (?:, (?>, or whatever.
    123 #
    124 open-paren:
    125     '?'                  n  open-paren-extended                     doSuppressComments
    126     default                 term            ^expr-quant             doOpenCaptureParen
    128 open-paren-extended:
    129     ':'                  n  term            ^expr-quant             doOpenNonCaptureParen  #  (?:
    130     '>'                  n  term            ^expr-quant             doOpenAtomicParen      #  (?>
    131     '='                  n  term            ^expr-cont              doOpenLookAhead        #  (?=
    132     '!'                  n  term            ^expr-cont              doOpenLookAheadNeg     #  (?!
    133     '<'                  n  open-paren-lookbehind
    134     '#'                  n  paren-comment   ^term
    135     'i'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    136     'd'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    137     'm'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    138     's'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    139     'u'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    140     'w'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    141     'x'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    142     '-'                     paren-flag                              doBeginMatchMode
    143     '('                  n  errorDeath                              doConditionalExpr
    144     '{'                  n  errorDeath                              doPerlInline
    145     default                 errorDeath                              doBadOpenParenType
    147 open-paren-lookbehind:
    148     '='                  n  term            ^expr-cont              doOpenLookBehind       #  (?<=
    149     '!'                  n  term            ^expr-cont              doOpenLookBehindNeg    #  (?<!
    150     ascii_letter            named-capture                           doBeginNamedCapture    #  (?<name
    151     default                 errorDeath                              doBadOpenParenType
    154 #
    155 #   paren-comment    We've got a (?# ... )  style comment.  Eat pattern text till we get to the ')'
    156 #
    157 paren-comment:
    158     ')'                  n  pop
    159     eof		                errorDeath                              doMismatchedParenErr
    160     default              n  paren-comment
    162 #
    163 #  paren-flag    Scanned a (?ismx-ismx  flag setting
    164 #
    165 paren-flag:
    166     'i'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    167     'd'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    168     'm'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    169     's'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    170     'u'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    171     'w'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    172     'x'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    173     '-'                  n  paren-flag                              doMatchMode
    174     ')'                  n  term                                    doSetMatchMode
    175     ':'                  n  term              ^expr-quant           doMatchModeParen
    176     default                 errorDeath                              doBadModeFlag
    178 #
    179 #  named-capture    (?<name> ... ), position currently on the name.
    180 #
    181 named-capture:
    182     ascii_letter         n  named-capture                           doContinueNamedCapture
    183     digit_char           n  named-capture                           doContinueNamedCapture
    184     '>'                  n  term               ^expr-quant          doOpenCaptureParen      # common w non-named capture.
    185     default                 errorDeath                              doBadNamedCapture
    187 #
    188 #  quant-star     Scanning a '*' quantifier.  Need to look ahead to decide
    189 #                 between plain '*', '*?', '*+'
    190 #
    191 quant-star:
    192      '?'                 n  expr-cont                               doNGStar               #  *?
    193      '+'                 n  expr-cont                               doPossessiveStar       #  *+
    194      default                expr-cont                               doStar
    197 #
    198 #  quant-plus     Scanning a '+' quantifier.  Need to look ahead to decide
    199 #                 between plain '+', '+?', '++'
    200 #
    201 quant-plus:
    202      '?'                 n  expr-cont                               doNGPlus               #  *?
    203      '+'                 n  expr-cont                               doPossessivePlus       #  *+
    204      default                expr-cont                               doPlus
    207 #
    208 #  quant-opt  Scanning a '?' quantifier.  Need to look ahead to decide
    209 #                  between plain '?', '??', '?+'
    210 #
    211 quant-opt:
    212      '?'                 n  expr-cont                               doNGOpt                 #  ??
    213      '+'                 n  expr-cont                               doPossessiveOpt         #  ?+
    214      default                expr-cont                               doOpt                   #  ?
    217 #
    218 #   Interval         scanning a '{', the opening delimiter for an interval specification
    219 #                                   {number} or {min, max} or {min,}
    220 #
    221 interval-open:
    222     digit_char              interval-lower
    223     default                 errorDeath                              doIntervalError
    225 interval-lower:
    226     digit_char           n  interval-lower                          doIntevalLowerDigit
    227     ','			         n  interval-upper
    228     '}'                  n  interval-type                           doIntervalSame             # {n}
    229     default                 errorDeath                              doIntervalError
    231 interval-upper:
    232     digit_char           n  interval-upper                          doIntervalUpperDigit
    233     '}'                  n  interval-type
    234     default                 errorDeath                              doIntervalError
    236 interval-type:
    237     '?'                  n  expr-cont                               doNGInterval                # {n,m}?
    238     '+'                  n  expr-cont                               doPossessiveInterval        # {n,m}+
    239     default                 expr-cont                               doInterval                  # {m,n}
    242 #
    243 #  backslash        #  Backslash.  Figure out which of the \thingies we have encountered.
    244 #                                  The low level next-char function will have preprocessed
    245 #                                  some of them already; those won't come here.
    246 backslash:
    247    'A'                   n  term                                    doBackslashA
    248    'B'                   n  term                                    doBackslashB
    249    'b'                   n  term                                    doBackslashb
    250    'd'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashd
    251    'D'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashD
    252    'G'                   n  term                                    doBackslashG
    253    'h'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashh
    254    'H'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashH
    255    'k'                   n  named-backref
    256    'N'                      expr-quant                              doNamedChar      #   \N{NAME}  named char
    257    'p'                      expr-quant                              doProperty       #   \p{Lu}  style property
    258    'P'                      expr-quant                              doProperty
    259    'R'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashR
    260    'Q'                   n  term                                    doEnterQuoteMode
    261    'S'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashS
    262    's'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashs
    263    'v'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashv
    264    'V'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashV
    265    'W'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashW
    266    'w'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashw
    267    'X'                   n  expr-quant                              doBackslashX
    268    'Z'                   n  term                                    doBackslashZ
    269    'z'                   n  term                                    doBackslashz
    270    digit_char            n  expr-quant                              doBackRef         #  Will scan multiple digits
    271    eof                      errorDeath                              doEscapeError
    272    default               n  expr-quant                              doEscapedLiteralChar
    275 # named-backref   Scanned \k
    276 #                 Leading to \k<captureName>
    277 #                 Failure to get the full sequence is an error.
    278 #
    279 named-backref:
    280     '<'                  n  named-backref-2                         doBeginNamedBackRef
    281     default                 errorDeath                              doBadNamedCapture
    283 named-backref-2:
    284     ascii_letter         n  named-backref-3                         doContinueNamedBackRef
    285     default                 errorDeath                              doBadNamedCapture
    287 named-backref-3:
    288     ascii_letter         n  named-backref-3                         doContinueNamedBackRef
    289     digit_char           n  named-backref-3                         doContinueNamedBackRef
    290     '>'                  n  expr-quant                              doCompleteNamedBackRef
    291     default                 errorDeath                              doBadNamedCapture
    294 #
    295 # [set expression] parsing,
    296 #    All states involved in parsing set expressions have names beginning with "set-"
    297 #
    299 set-open:
    300    '^'                   n  set-open2                               doSetNegate
    301    ':'                      set-posix                               doSetPosixProp
    302    default                  set-open2
    304 set-open2:
    305    ']'                   n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteral
    306    default                  set-start
    308 #  set-posix:
    309 #                  scanned a '[:'  If it really is a [:property:], doSetPosixProp will have
    310 #                  moved the scan to the closing ']'.  If it wasn't a property
    311 #                  expression, the scan will still be at the opening ':', which should
    312 #                  be interpreted as a normal set expression.
    313 set-posix:
    314     ']'                  n   pop                                    doSetEnd
    315     ':'                      set-start
    316     default                  errorDeath                             doRuleError  # should not be possible.
    318 #
    319 #   set-start   after the [ and special case leading characters (^ and/or ]) but before
    320 #               everything else.   A '-' is literal at this point.
    321 #
    322 set-start:
    323     ']'                  n  pop                                     doSetEnd
    324     '['                  n  set-open      ^set-after-set            doSetBeginUnion
    325     '\'                  n  set-escape
    326     '-'                  n  set-start-dash
    327     '&'                  n  set-start-amp
    328     default              n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteral
    330 #    set-start-dash    Turn "[--" into a syntax error.
    331 #                           "[-x" is good, - and x are literals.
    332 #
    333 set-start-dash:
    334     '-'                     errorDeath                              doRuleError
    335     default                 set-after-lit                           doSetAddDash
    337 #    set-start-amp     Turn "[&&" into a syntax error.
    338 #                           "[&x" is good, & and x are literals.
    339 #
    340 set-start-amp:
    341     '&'                     errorDeath                              doRuleError
    342     default                 set-after-lit                           doSetAddAmp
    344 #
    345 #   set-after-lit    The last thing scanned was a literal character within a set.
    346 #                    Can be followed by anything.  Single '-' or '&' are
    347 #                    literals in this context, not operators.
    348 set-after-lit:
    349     ']'                  n  pop                                     doSetEnd
    350     '['                  n  set-open      ^set-after-set            doSetBeginUnion
    351     '-'                  n  set-lit-dash
    352     '&'                  n  set-lit-amp
    353     '\'                  n  set-escape
    354     eof                     errorDeath                              doSetNoCloseError
    355     default              n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteral
    357 set-after-set:
    358     ']'                  n  pop                                     doSetEnd
    359     '['                  n  set-open      ^set-after-set            doSetBeginUnion
    360     '-'                  n  set-set-dash
    361     '&'                  n  set-set-amp
    362     '\'                  n  set-escape
    363     eof                     errorDeath                              doSetNoCloseError
    364     default              n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteral
    366 set-after-range:
    367     ']'                  n  pop                                     doSetEnd
    368     '['                  n  set-open      ^set-after-set            doSetBeginUnion
    369     '-'                  n  set-range-dash
    370     '&'                  n  set-range-amp
    371     '\'                  n  set-escape
    372     eof                     errorDeath                              doSetNoCloseError
    373     default              n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteral
    376 # set-after-op
    377 #     After a --  or &&
    378 #     It is an error to close a set at this point.
    379 #
    380 set-after-op:
    381     '['                  n  set-open         ^set-after-set         doSetBeginUnion
    382     ']'                     errorDeath                              doSetOpError
    383     '\'                  n  set-escape
    384     default              n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteral
    386 #
    387 #   set-set-amp
    388 #      Have scanned [[set]&
    389 #      Could be a '&' intersection operator, if a set follows.
    390 #      Could be the start of a '&&' operator.
    391 #      Otherewise is a literal.
    392 set-set-amp:
    393     '['                  n  set-open      ^set-after-set           doSetBeginIntersection1
    394     '&'                  n  set-after-op                           doSetIntersection2
    395     default                 set-after-lit                          doSetAddAmp
    398 # set-lit-amp   Have scanned "[literals&"
    399 #               Could be a start of "&&" operator or a literal
    400 #               In [abc&[def]],   the '&' is a literal
    401 #
    402 set-lit-amp:
    403     '&'                  n  set-after-op                            doSetIntersection2
    404     default                 set-after-lit                           doSetAddAmp
    407 #
    408 #  set-set-dash
    409 #      Have scanned [set]-
    410 #      Could be a '-' difference operator, if a [set] follows.
    411 #      Could be the start of a '--' operator.
    412 #      Otherewise is a literal.
    413 set-set-dash:
    414     '['                  n  set-open      ^set-after-set           doSetBeginDifference1
    415     '-'                  n  set-after-op                           doSetDifference2
    416     default                 set-after-lit                          doSetAddDash
    419 #
    420 #  set-range-dash
    421 #      scanned  a-b-  or \w-
    422 #         any set or range like item where the trailing single '-' should
    423 #         be literal, not a set difference operation.
    424 #         A trailing "--" is still a difference operator.
    425 set-range-dash:
    426     '-'                  n  set-after-op                           doSetDifference2
    427     default                 set-after-lit                          doSetAddDash
    430 set-range-amp:
    431     '&'                  n  set-after-op                           doSetIntersection2
    432     default                 set-after-lit                          doSetAddAmp
    435 #  set-lit-dash
    436 #     Have scanned "[literals-" Could be a range or a -- operator or a literal
    437 #     In [abc-[def]], the '-' is a literal (confirmed with a Java test)
    438 #        [abc-\p{xx}  the '-' is an error
    439 #        [abc-]       the '-' is a literal
    440 #        [ab-xy]      the '-' is a range
    441 #
    442 set-lit-dash:
    443     '-'                  n  set-after-op                            doSetDifference2
    444     '['                     set-after-lit                           doSetAddDash
    445     ']'                     set-after-lit                           doSetAddDash
    446     '\'                  n  set-lit-dash-escape
    447     default              n  set-after-range                         doSetRange
    449 # set-lit-dash-escape
    450 #
    451 #    scanned "[literal-\"
    452 #    Could be a range, if the \ introduces an escaped literal char or a named char.
    453 #    Otherwise it is an error.
    454 #
    455 set-lit-dash-escape:
    456    's'                      errorDeath                             doSetOpError
    457    'S'                      errorDeath                             doSetOpError
    458    'w'                      errorDeath                             doSetOpError
    459    'W'                      errorDeath                             doSetOpError
    460    'd'                      errorDeath                             doSetOpError
    461    'D'                      errorDeath                             doSetOpError
    462    'N'                      set-after-range                        doSetNamedRange
    463    default               n  set-after-range                        doSetRange
    466 #
    467 #  set-escape
    468 #       Common back-slash escape processing within set expressions
    469 #
    470 set-escape:
    471    'p'                      set-after-set                           doSetProp
    472    'P'                      set-after-set                           doSetProp
    473    'N'                      set-after-lit                           doSetNamedChar
    474    's'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_s
    475    'S'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_S
    476    'w'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_w
    477    'W'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_W
    478    'd'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_d
    479    'D'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_D
    480    'h'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_h
    481    'H'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_H
    482    'v'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_v
    483    'V'                   n  set-after-range                         doSetBackslash_V
    484    default               n  set-after-lit                           doSetLiteralEscaped 
    486 #
    487 # set-finish
    488 #     Have just encountered the final ']' that completes a [set], and
    489 #     arrived here via a pop.  From here, we exit the set parsing world, and go
    490 #     back to generic regular expression parsing.
    491 #
    492 set-finish:
    493     default                 expr-quant                              doSetFinish
    496 #
    497 # errorDeath.   This state is specified as the next state whenever a syntax error
    498 #               in the source rules is detected.  Barring bugs, the state machine will never
    499 #               actually get here, but will stop because of the action associated with the error.
    500 #               But, just in case, this state asks the state machine to exit.
    501 errorDeath:
    502     default              n errorDeath                               doExit