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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include <brillo/dbus/dbus_method_invoker.h>
      7 #include <string>
      9 #include <brillo/bind_lambda.h>
     10 #include <dbus/mock_bus.h>
     11 #include <dbus/mock_object_proxy.h>
     12 #include <dbus/scoped_dbus_error.h>
     13 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
     14 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     16 #include "brillo/dbus/test.pb.h"
     18 using testing::AnyNumber;
     19 using testing::InSequence;
     20 using testing::Invoke;
     21 using testing::Return;
     22 using testing::_;
     24 using dbus::MessageReader;
     25 using dbus::MessageWriter;
     26 using dbus::Response;
     28 namespace brillo {
     29 namespace dbus_utils {
     31 const char kTestPath[] = "/test/path";
     32 const char kTestServiceName[] = "org.test.Object";
     33 const char kTestInterface[] = "org.test.Object.TestInterface";
     34 const char kTestMethod1[] = "TestMethod1";
     35 const char kTestMethod2[] = "TestMethod2";
     36 const char kTestMethod3[] = "TestMethod3";
     37 const char kTestMethod4[] = "TestMethod4";
     39 class DBusMethodInvokerTest : public testing::Test {
     40  public:
     41   void SetUp() override {
     42     dbus::Bus::Options options;
     43     options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SYSTEM;
     44     bus_ = new dbus::MockBus(options);
     45     // By default, don't worry about threading assertions.
     46     EXPECT_CALL(*bus_, AssertOnOriginThread()).Times(AnyNumber());
     47     EXPECT_CALL(*bus_, AssertOnDBusThread()).Times(AnyNumber());
     48     // Use a mock exported object.
     49     mock_object_proxy_ = new dbus::MockObjectProxy(
     50         bus_.get(), kTestServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kTestPath));
     51     EXPECT_CALL(*bus_,
     52                 GetObjectProxy(kTestServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kTestPath)))
     53         .WillRepeatedly(Return(mock_object_proxy_.get()));
     54     int def_timeout_ms = dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
     55     EXPECT_CALL(*mock_object_proxy_,
     56                 MockCallMethodAndBlockWithErrorDetails(_, def_timeout_ms, _))
     57         .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this, &DBusMethodInvokerTest::CreateResponse));
     58   }
     60   void TearDown() override { bus_ = nullptr; }
     62   Response* CreateResponse(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
     63                            int /* timeout_ms */,
     64                            dbus::ScopedDBusError* dbus_error) {
     65     if (method_call->GetInterface() == kTestInterface) {
     66       if (method_call->GetMember() == kTestMethod1) {
     67         MessageReader reader(method_call);
     68         int v1, v2;
     69         // Input: two ints.
     70         // Output: sum of the ints converted to string.
     71         if (reader.PopInt32(&v1) && reader.PopInt32(&v2)) {
     72           auto response = Response::CreateEmpty();
     73           MessageWriter writer(response.get());
     74           writer.AppendString(std::to_string(v1 + v2));
     75           return response.release();
     76         }
     77       } else if (method_call->GetMember() == kTestMethod2) {
     78         method_call->SetSerial(123);
     79         dbus_set_error(dbus_error->get(), "org.MyError", "My error message");
     80         return nullptr;
     81       } else if (method_call->GetMember() == kTestMethod3) {
     82         MessageReader reader(method_call);
     83         dbus_utils_test::TestMessage msg;
     84         if (PopValueFromReader(&reader, &msg)) {
     85           auto response = Response::CreateEmpty();
     86           MessageWriter writer(response.get());
     87           AppendValueToWriter(&writer, msg);
     88           return response.release();
     89         }
     90       } else if (method_call->GetMember() == kTestMethod4) {
     91         method_call->SetSerial(123);
     92         MessageReader reader(method_call);
     93         dbus::FileDescriptor fd;
     94         if (reader.PopFileDescriptor(&fd)) {
     95           auto response = Response::CreateEmpty();
     96           MessageWriter writer(response.get());
     97           fd.CheckValidity();
     98           writer.AppendFileDescriptor(fd);
     99           return response.release();
    100         }
    101       }
    102     }
    104     LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected method call: " << method_call->ToString();
    105     return nullptr;
    106   }
    108   std::string CallTestMethod(int v1, int v2) {
    109     std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> response =
    110         brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlock(mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    111                                                kTestInterface, kTestMethod1,
    112                                                nullptr, v1, v2);
    113     EXPECT_NE(nullptr, response.get());
    114     std::string result;
    115     using brillo::dbus_utils::ExtractMethodCallResults;
    116     EXPECT_TRUE(ExtractMethodCallResults(response.get(), nullptr, &result));
    117     return result;
    118   }
    120   dbus_utils_test::TestMessage CallProtobufTestMethod(
    121       const dbus_utils_test::TestMessage& message) {
    122     std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> response =
    123         brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlock(mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    124                                                kTestInterface, kTestMethod3,
    125                                                nullptr, message);
    126     EXPECT_NE(nullptr, response.get());
    127     dbus_utils_test::TestMessage result;
    128     using brillo::dbus_utils::ExtractMethodCallResults;
    129     EXPECT_TRUE(ExtractMethodCallResults(response.get(), nullptr, &result));
    130     return result;
    131   }
    133   // Sends a file descriptor received over D-Bus back to the caller.
    134   dbus::FileDescriptor EchoFD(const dbus::FileDescriptor& fd_in) {
    135     std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> response =
    136         brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlock(mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    137                                                kTestInterface, kTestMethod4,
    138                                                nullptr, fd_in);
    139     EXPECT_NE(nullptr, response.get());
    140     dbus::FileDescriptor fd_out;
    141     using brillo::dbus_utils::ExtractMethodCallResults;
    142     EXPECT_TRUE(ExtractMethodCallResults(response.get(), nullptr, &fd_out));
    143     return fd_out;
    144   }
    146   scoped_refptr<dbus::MockBus> bus_;
    147   scoped_refptr<dbus::MockObjectProxy> mock_object_proxy_;
    148 };
    150 TEST_F(DBusMethodInvokerTest, TestSuccess) {
    151   EXPECT_EQ("4", CallTestMethod(2, 2));
    152   EXPECT_EQ("10", CallTestMethod(3, 7));
    153   EXPECT_EQ("-4", CallTestMethod(13, -17));
    154 }
    156 TEST_F(DBusMethodInvokerTest, TestFailure) {
    157   brillo::ErrorPtr error;
    158   std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> response =
    159       brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlock(
    160           mock_object_proxy_.get(), kTestInterface, kTestMethod2, &error);
    161   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, response.get());
    162   EXPECT_EQ(brillo::errors::dbus::kDomain, error->GetDomain());
    163   EXPECT_EQ("org.MyError", error->GetCode());
    164   EXPECT_EQ("My error message", error->GetMessage());
    165 }
    167 TEST_F(DBusMethodInvokerTest, TestProtobuf) {
    168   dbus_utils_test::TestMessage test_message;
    169   test_message.set_foo(123);
    170   test_message.set_bar("bar");
    172   dbus_utils_test::TestMessage resp = CallProtobufTestMethod(test_message);
    174   EXPECT_EQ(123, resp.foo());
    175   EXPECT_EQ("bar", resp.bar());
    176 }
    178 TEST_F(DBusMethodInvokerTest, TestFileDescriptors) {
    179   // Passing a file descriptor over D-Bus would effectively duplicate the fd.
    180   // So the resulting file descriptor value would be different but it still
    181   // should be valid.
    182   dbus::FileDescriptor fd_stdin(0);
    183   fd_stdin.CheckValidity();
    184   EXPECT_NE(fd_stdin.value(), EchoFD(fd_stdin).value());
    185   dbus::FileDescriptor fd_stdout(1);
    186   fd_stdout.CheckValidity();
    187   EXPECT_NE(fd_stdout.value(), EchoFD(fd_stdout).value());
    188   dbus::FileDescriptor fd_stderr(2);
    189   fd_stderr.CheckValidity();
    190   EXPECT_NE(fd_stderr.value(), EchoFD(fd_stderr).value());
    191 }
    193 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    194 // Asynchronous method invocation support
    196 class AsyncDBusMethodInvokerTest : public testing::Test {
    197  public:
    198   void SetUp() override {
    199     dbus::Bus::Options options;
    200     options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SYSTEM;
    201     bus_ = new dbus::MockBus(options);
    202     // By default, don't worry about threading assertions.
    203     EXPECT_CALL(*bus_, AssertOnOriginThread()).Times(AnyNumber());
    204     EXPECT_CALL(*bus_, AssertOnDBusThread()).Times(AnyNumber());
    205     // Use a mock exported object.
    206     mock_object_proxy_ = new dbus::MockObjectProxy(
    207         bus_.get(), kTestServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kTestPath));
    208     EXPECT_CALL(*bus_,
    209                 GetObjectProxy(kTestServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kTestPath)))
    210         .WillRepeatedly(Return(mock_object_proxy_.get()));
    211     int def_timeout_ms = dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT;
    212     EXPECT_CALL(*mock_object_proxy_,
    213                 CallMethodWithErrorCallback(_, def_timeout_ms, _, _))
    214         .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this, &AsyncDBusMethodInvokerTest::HandleCall));
    215   }
    217   void TearDown() override { bus_ = nullptr; }
    219   void HandleCall(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
    220                   int /* timeout_ms */,
    221                   dbus::ObjectProxy::ResponseCallback success_callback,
    222                   dbus::ObjectProxy::ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    223     if (method_call->GetInterface() == kTestInterface) {
    224       if (method_call->GetMember() == kTestMethod1) {
    225         MessageReader reader(method_call);
    226         int v1, v2;
    227         // Input: two ints.
    228         // Output: sum of the ints converted to string.
    229         if (reader.PopInt32(&v1) && reader.PopInt32(&v2)) {
    230           auto response = Response::CreateEmpty();
    231           MessageWriter writer(response.get());
    232           writer.AppendString(std::to_string(v1 + v2));
    233           success_callback.Run(response.get());
    234         }
    235         return;
    236       } else if (method_call->GetMember() == kTestMethod2) {
    237         method_call->SetSerial(123);
    238         auto error_response = dbus::ErrorResponse::FromMethodCall(
    239             method_call, "org.MyError", "My error message");
    240         error_callback.Run(error_response.get());
    241         return;
    242       }
    243     }
    245     LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected method call: " << method_call->ToString();
    246   }
    248   struct SuccessCallback {
    249     SuccessCallback(const std::string& in_result, int* in_counter)
    250         : result(in_result), counter(in_counter) {}
    252     explicit SuccessCallback(int* in_counter) : counter(in_counter) {}
    254     void operator()(const std::string& actual_result) {
    255       (*counter)++;
    256       EXPECT_EQ(result, actual_result);
    257     }
    258     std::string result;
    259     int* counter;
    260   };
    262   struct ErrorCallback {
    263     ErrorCallback(const std::string& in_domain,
    264                   const std::string& in_code,
    265                   const std::string& in_message,
    266                   int* in_counter)
    267         : domain(in_domain),
    268           code(in_code),
    269           message(in_message),
    270           counter(in_counter) {}
    272     explicit ErrorCallback(int* in_counter) : counter(in_counter) {}
    274     void operator()(brillo::Error* error) {
    275       (*counter)++;
    276       EXPECT_NE(nullptr, error);
    277       EXPECT_EQ(domain, error->GetDomain());
    278       EXPECT_EQ(code, error->GetCode());
    279       EXPECT_EQ(message, error->GetMessage());
    280     }
    282     std::string domain;
    283     std::string code;
    284     std::string message;
    285     int* counter;
    286   };
    288   scoped_refptr<dbus::MockBus> bus_;
    289   scoped_refptr<dbus::MockObjectProxy> mock_object_proxy_;
    290 };
    292 TEST_F(AsyncDBusMethodInvokerTest, TestSuccess) {
    293   int error_count = 0;
    294   int success_count = 0;
    295   brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethod(
    296       mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    297       kTestInterface,
    298       kTestMethod1,
    299       base::Bind(SuccessCallback{"4", &success_count}),
    300       base::Bind(ErrorCallback{&error_count}),
    301       2, 2);
    302   brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethod(
    303       mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    304       kTestInterface,
    305       kTestMethod1,
    306       base::Bind(SuccessCallback{"10", &success_count}),
    307       base::Bind(ErrorCallback{&error_count}),
    308       3, 7);
    309   brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethod(
    310       mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    311       kTestInterface,
    312       kTestMethod1,
    313       base::Bind(SuccessCallback{"-4", &success_count}),
    314       base::Bind(ErrorCallback{&error_count}),
    315       13, -17);
    316   EXPECT_EQ(0, error_count);
    317   EXPECT_EQ(3, success_count);
    318 }
    320 TEST_F(AsyncDBusMethodInvokerTest, TestFailure) {
    321   int error_count = 0;
    322   int success_count = 0;
    323   brillo::dbus_utils::CallMethod(
    324       mock_object_proxy_.get(),
    325       kTestInterface,
    326       kTestMethod2,
    327       base::Bind(SuccessCallback{&success_count}),
    328       base::Bind(ErrorCallback{brillo::errors::dbus::kDomain,
    329                                "org.MyError",
    330                                "My error message",
    331                                &error_count}),
    332       2, 2);
    333   EXPECT_EQ(1, error_count);
    334   EXPECT_EQ(0, success_count);
    335 }
    337 }  // namespace dbus_utils
    338 }  // namespace brillo