1 ; RUN: llc -O3 -code-model=default -relocation-model=default -mtriple=armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -mcpu=generic %s -o - | FileCheck %s 2 ; Check that we respect the existing chain between loads and stores when we 3 ; legalize unaligned loads. 4 ; Test case from PR24669. 5 6 ; Make sure the loads happen before the stores. 7 ; CHECK-LABEL: get_set_complex: 8 ; CHECK-NOT: str 9 ; CHECK: ldr 10 ; CHECK-NOT: str 11 ; CHECK: ldr 12 ; CHECK: str 13 ; CHECK: bx 14 define i32 @get_set_complex({ float, float }* noalias nocapture %retptr, 15 { i8*, i32 }** noalias nocapture readnone %excinfo, 16 i8* noalias nocapture readnone %env, 17 [38 x i8]* nocapture %arg.rec, 18 float %arg.val.0, float %arg.val.1) 19 { 20 entry: 21 %inserted.real = insertvalue { float, float } undef, float %arg.val.0, 0 22 %inserted.imag = insertvalue { float, float } %inserted.real, float %arg.val.1, 1 23 %.15 = getelementptr inbounds [38 x i8], [38 x i8]* %arg.rec, i32 0, i32 10 24 %.16 = bitcast i8* %.15 to { float, float }* 25 %.17 = bitcast i8* %.15 to float* 26 %.18 = load float, float* %.17, align 1 27 %.19 = getelementptr inbounds [38 x i8], [38 x i8]* %arg.rec, i32 0, i32 14 28 %tmp = bitcast i8* %.19 to float* 29 %.20 = load float, float* %tmp, align 1 30 %inserted.real.1 = insertvalue { float, float } undef, float %.18, 0 31 %inserted.imag.1 = insertvalue { float, float } %inserted.real.1, float %.20, 1 32 store { float, float } %inserted.imag, { float, float }* %.16, align 1 33 store { float, float } %inserted.imag.1, { float, float }* %retptr, align 4 34 ret i32 0 35 } 36