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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      3 import sys, re, os.path
      4 import logging
      5 from pprint import pformat
      6 from string import Template
      8 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
      9     from io import StringIO
     10 else:
     11     from cStringIO import StringIO
     13 class_ignore_list = (
     14     #core
     15     "FileNode", "FileStorage", "KDTree", "KeyPoint", "DMatch",
     16     #videoio
     17     "VideoWriter",
     18 )
     20 const_ignore_list = (
     21     "CV_CAP_OPENNI",
     22     "CV_CAP_PROP_OPENNI_",
     23     "CV_CAP_INTELPERC",
     24     "CV_CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_"
     25     "WINDOW_AUTOSIZE",
     26     "CV_WND_PROP_",
     27     "CV_WINDOW_",
     28     "CV_EVENT_",
     29     "CV_GUI_",
     30     "CV_PUSH_BUTTON",
     31     "CV_CHECKBOX",
     32     "CV_RADIOBOX",
     34     #attention!
     35     #the following constants are added to this list using code automatic generation
     36     #TODO: should be checked
     37     "CV_CAP_ANY",
     38     "CV_CAP_MIL",
     39     "CV_CAP_VFW",
     40     "CV_CAP_V4L",
     41     "CV_CAP_V4L2",
     42     "CV_CAP_FIREWARE",
     43     "CV_CAP_FIREWIRE",
     44     "CV_CAP_IEEE1394",
     45     "CV_CAP_DC1394",
     46     "CV_CAP_CMU1394",
     47     "CV_CAP_STEREO",
     48     "CV_CAP_TYZX",
     49     "CV_TYZX_LEFT",
     50     "CV_TYZX_RIGHT",
     51     "CV_TYZX_COLOR",
     52     "CV_TYZX_Z",
     53     "CV_CAP_QT",
     54     "CV_CAP_UNICAP",
     55     "CV_CAP_DSHOW",
     56     "CV_CAP_PVAPI",
     57     "CV_CAP_PROP_DC1394_OFF",
     58     "CV_CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_MANUAL",
     59     "CV_CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_AUTO",
     60     "CV_CAP_PROP_DC1394_MODE_ONE_PUSH_AUTO",
     61     "CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC",
     62     "CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES",
     63     "CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO",
     64     "CV_CAP_PROP_FPS",
     65     "CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC",
     66     "CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT",
     67     "CV_CAP_PROP_FORMAT",
     68     "CV_CAP_PROP_MODE",
     70     "CV_CAP_PROP_CONTRAST",
     72     "CV_CAP_PROP_HUE",
     73     "CV_CAP_PROP_GAIN",
     74     "CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE",
     75     "CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB",
     79     "CV_CAP_PROP_SHARPNESS",
     81     "CV_CAP_PROP_GAMMA",
     83     "CV_CAP_PROP_TRIGGER",
     86     "CV_CAP_PROP_MAX_DC1394",
     90     "EVENT_.*",
     91     "CV_L?(BGRA?|RGBA?|GRAY|XYZ|YCrCb|Luv|Lab|HLS|YUV|HSV)\d*2L?(BGRA?|RGBA?|GRAY|XYZ|YCrCb|Luv|Lab|HLS|YUV|HSV).*",
     92     "CV_COLORCVT_MAX",
     93     "CV_.*Bayer.*",
     94     "CV_YUV420(i|sp|p)2.+",
     95     "CV_TM_.+",
     96     "CV_FLOODFILL_.+",
     97     "CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_.+",
     98     "WINDOW_.+",
     99     "WND_PROP_.+",
    100 )
    102 const_private_list = (
    103     "CV_MOP_.+",
    104     "CV_INTER_.+",
    105     "CV_THRESH_.+",
    106     "CV_INPAINT_.+",
    107     "CV_RETR_.+",
    108     "CV_CHAIN_APPROX_.+",
    110     "GRIDDETECTOR",
    111     "PYRAMIDDETECTOR",
    112     "DYNAMICDETECTOR",
    113 )
    115 # { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } }
    116 missing_consts = \
    117 {
    118     'Core' :
    119     {
    120         'private' :
    121         (
    122             ('CV_8U',  0 ), ('CV_8S',  1 ),
    123             ('CV_16U', 2 ), ('CV_16S', 3 ),
    124             ('CV_32S', 4 ),
    125             ('CV_32F', 5 ), ('CV_64F', 6 ),
    126             ('CV_USRTYPE1', 7 ),
    127         ), # private
    128         'public' :
    129         (
    130             ('SVD_MODIFY_A', 1), ('SVD_NO_UV', 2), ('SVD_FULL_UV', 4),
    131             ('FILLED', -1),
    132             ('REDUCE_SUM', 0), ('REDUCE_AVG', 1), ('REDUCE_MAX', 2), ('REDUCE_MIN', 3),
    133         ) #public
    134     }, # Core
    136     "Imgproc":
    137     {
    138         'private' :
    139         (
    140             ('IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT',    0 ),
    141             ('IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE',   1 ),
    142             ('IPL_BORDER_REFLECT',     2 ),
    143             ('IPL_BORDER_WRAP',        3 ),
    144             ('IPL_BORDER_REFLECT_101', 4 ),
    145             ('IPL_BORDER_TRANSPARENT', 5 ),
    146         ), # private
    147         'public' :
    148         (
    149             ('LINE_AA', 16), ('LINE_8', 8), ('LINE_4', 4),
    150         ) #public
    151     }, # Imgproc
    153     "Calib3d":
    154     {
    155         'public' :
    156         (
    157             ('CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS', '1'),
    158             ('CALIB_RECOMPUTE_EXTRINSIC', '2'),
    159             ('CALIB_CHECK_COND', '4'),
    160             ('CALIB_FIX_SKEW', '8'),
    161             ('CALIB_FIX_K1', '16'),
    162             ('CALIB_FIX_K2', '32'),
    163             ('CALIB_FIX_K3', '64'),
    164             ('CALIB_FIX_K4', '128'),
    165             ('CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC', '256')
    166         )
    167     }, # Calib3d
    169     "Video":
    170     {
    171         'private' :
    172         (
    173             ('CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES',    4 ),
    174             ('CV_LKFLOW_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS',  8 ),
    175         ) # private
    176     }, # Video
    178 }
    181 # c_type    : { java/jni correspondence }
    182 type_dict = {
    183 # "simple"  : { j_type : "?", jn_type : "?", jni_type : "?", suffix : "?" },
    184     ""        : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong" }, # c-tor ret_type
    185     "void"    : { "j_type" : "void", "jn_type" : "void", "jni_type" : "void" },
    186     "env"     : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "", "jni_type" : "JNIEnv*"},
    187     "cls"     : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "", "jni_type" : "jclass"},
    188     "bool"    : { "j_type" : "boolean", "jn_type" : "boolean", "jni_type" : "jboolean", "suffix" : "Z" },
    189     "int"     : { "j_type" : "int", "jn_type" : "int", "jni_type" : "jint", "suffix" : "I" },
    190     "long"    : { "j_type" : "int", "jn_type" : "int", "jni_type" : "jint", "suffix" : "I" },
    191     "float"   : { "j_type" : "float", "jn_type" : "float", "jni_type" : "jfloat", "suffix" : "F" },
    192     "double"  : { "j_type" : "double", "jn_type" : "double", "jni_type" : "jdouble", "suffix" : "D" },
    193     "size_t"  : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" },
    194     "__int64" : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" },
    195     "int64"   : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" },
    196     "double[]": { "j_type" : "double[]", "jn_type" : "double[]", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray", "suffix" : "_3D" },
    198 # "complex" : { j_type : "?", jn_args : (("", ""),), jn_name : "", jni_var : "", jni_name : "", "suffix" : "?" },
    200     "vector_Point"    : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Point> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    201     "vector_Point2f"  : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint2f", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Point2f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    202     #"vector_Point2d"  : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint2d", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Point2d> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    203     "vector_Point3i"  : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint3", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Point3i> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    204     "vector_Point3f"  : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint3f", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Point3f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    205     #"vector_Point3d"  : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint3d", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Point3d> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    206     "vector_KeyPoint" : { "j_type" : "MatOfKeyPoint", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<KeyPoint> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    207     "vector_DMatch"   : { "j_type" : "MatOfDMatch", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<DMatch> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    208     "vector_Rect"     : { "j_type" : "MatOfRect",   "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Rect> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    209     "vector_uchar"    : { "j_type" : "MatOfByte",   "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<uchar> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    210     "vector_char"     : { "j_type" : "MatOfByte",   "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<char> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    211     "vector_int"      : { "j_type" : "MatOfInt",    "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<int> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    212     "vector_float"    : { "j_type" : "MatOfFloat",  "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<float> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    213     "vector_double"   : { "j_type" : "MatOfDouble", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<double> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    214     "vector_Vec4i"    : { "j_type" : "MatOfInt4",    "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Vec4i> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    215     "vector_Vec4f"    : { "j_type" : "MatOfFloat4",  "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Vec4f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    216     "vector_Vec6f"    : { "j_type" : "MatOfFloat6",  "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Vec6f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    218     "vector_Mat"      : { "j_type" : "List<Mat>",   "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector<Mat> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
    220     "vector_vector_KeyPoint": { "j_type" : "List<MatOfKeyPoint>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector< std::vector<KeyPoint> > %(n)s" },
    221     "vector_vector_DMatch"  : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfDMatch>",   "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector< std::vector<DMatch> > %(n)s" },
    222     "vector_vector_char"    : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfByte>",     "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector< std::vector<char> > %(n)s" },
    223     "vector_vector_Point"   : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfPoint>",    "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector< std::vector<Point> > %(n)s" },
    224     "vector_vector_Point2f" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfPoint2f>",    "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> > %(n)s" },
    225     "vector_vector_Point3f" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfPoint3f>",    "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "std::vector< std::vector<Point3f> > %(n)s" },
    227     "Mat"     : { "j_type" : "Mat", "jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
    228                   "jni_var" : "Mat& %(n)s = *((Mat*)%(n)s_nativeObj)",
    229                   "jni_type" : "jlong", #"jni_name" : "*%(n)s",
    230                   "suffix" : "J" },
    232     "Point"   : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")),
    233                   "jni_var" : "Point %(n)s((int)%(n)s_x, (int)%(n)s_y)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    234                   "suffix" : "DD"},
    235     "Point2f" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")),
    236                   "jni_var" : "Point2f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_x, (float)%(n)s_y)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    237                   "suffix" : "DD"},
    238     "Point2d" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")),
    239                   "jni_var" : "Point2d %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    240                   "suffix" : "DD"},
    241     "Point3i" : { "j_type" : "Point3", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")),
    242                   "jni_var" : "Point3i %(n)s((int)%(n)s_x, (int)%(n)s_y, (int)%(n)s_z)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    243                   "suffix" : "DDD"},
    244     "Point3f" : { "j_type" : "Point3", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")),
    245                   "jni_var" : "Point3f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_x, (float)%(n)s_y, (float)%(n)s_z)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    246                   "suffix" : "DDD"},
    247     "Point3d" : { "j_type" : "Point3", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")),
    248                   "jni_var" : "Point3d %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_z)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    249                   "suffix" : "DDD"},
    250     "KeyPoint": { "j_type" : "KeyPoint", "jn_args" : (("float", ".x"), ("float", ".y"), ("float", ".size"),
    251                     ("float", ".angle"), ("float", ".response"), ("int", ".octave"), ("int", ".class_id")),
    252                   "jni_var" : "KeyPoint %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_size, %(n)s_angle, %(n)s_response, %(n)s_octave, %(n)s_class_id)",
    253                   "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    254                   "suffix" : "FFFFFII"},
    255     "DMatch" :  { "j_type" : "DMatch", "jn_args" : ( ('int', 'queryIdx'), ('int', 'trainIdx'),
    256                     ('int', 'imgIdx'), ('float', 'distance'), ),
    257                   "jni_var" : "DMatch %(n)s(%(n)s_queryIdx, %(n)s_trainIdx, %(n)s_imgIdx, %(n)s_distance)",
    258                   "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    259                   "suffix" : "IIIF"},
    260     "Rect"    : { "j_type" : "Rect",  "jn_args" : (("int", ".x"), ("int", ".y"), ("int", ".width"), ("int", ".height")),
    261                   "jni_var" : "Rect %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_width, %(n)s_height)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    262                   "suffix" : "IIII"},
    263     "Size"    : { "j_type" : "Size",  "jn_args" : (("double", ".width"), ("double", ".height")),
    264                   "jni_var" : "Size %(n)s((int)%(n)s_width, (int)%(n)s_height)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    265                   "suffix" : "DD"},
    266     "Size2f"  : { "j_type" : "Size",  "jn_args" : (("double", ".width"), ("double", ".height")),
    267                   "jni_var" : "Size2f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_width, (float)%(n)s_height)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    268                   "suffix" : "DD"},
    269  "RotatedRect": { "j_type" : "RotatedRect",  "jn_args" : (("double", ".center.x"), ("double", ".center.y"), ("double", ".size.width"), ("double", ".size.height"), ("double", ".angle")),
    270                   "jni_var" : "RotatedRect %(n)s(cv::Point2f(%(n)s_center_x, %(n)s_center_y), cv::Size2f(%(n)s_size_width, %(n)s_size_height), %(n)s_angle)",
    271                   "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray", "suffix" : "DDDDD"},
    272     "Scalar"  : { "j_type" : "Scalar",  "jn_args" : (("double", ".val[0]"), ("double", ".val[1]"), ("double", ".val[2]"), ("double", ".val[3]")),
    273                   "jni_var" : "Scalar %(n)s(%(n)s_val0, %(n)s_val1, %(n)s_val2, %(n)s_val3)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    274                   "suffix" : "DDDD"},
    275     "Range"   : { "j_type" : "Range",  "jn_args" : (("int", ".start"), ("int", ".end")),
    276                   "jni_var" : "Range %(n)s(%(n)s_start, %(n)s_end)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    277                   "suffix" : "II"},
    278     "CvSlice" : { "j_type" : "Range",  "jn_args" : (("int", ".start"), ("int", ".end")),
    279                   "jni_var" : "Range %(n)s(%(n)s_start, %(n)s_end)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    280                   "suffix" : "II"},
    281     "String"  : { "j_type" : "String",  "jn_type" : "String",
    282                   "jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s",
    283                   "jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); String n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)',
    284                   "suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"},
    285     "c_string": { "j_type" : "String",  "jn_type" : "String",
    286                   "jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s.c_str()",
    287                   "jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); String n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)',
    288                   "suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"},
    289 "TermCriteria": { "j_type" : "TermCriteria",  "jn_args" : (("int", ".type"), ("int", ".maxCount"), ("double", ".epsilon")),
    290                   "jni_var" : "TermCriteria %(n)s(%(n)s_type, %(n)s_maxCount, %(n)s_epsilon)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    291                   "suffix" : "IID"},
    292 "CvTermCriteria": { "j_type" : "TermCriteria",  "jn_args" : (("int", ".type"), ("int", ".maxCount"), ("double", ".epsilon")),
    293                   "jni_var" : "TermCriteria %(n)s(%(n)s_type, %(n)s_maxCount, %(n)s_epsilon)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    294                   "suffix" : "IID"},
    295     "Vec2d"   : { "j_type" : "double[]",  "jn_args" : (("double", ".val[0]"), ("double", ".val[1]")),
    296                   "jn_type" : "double[]",
    297                   "jni_var" : "Vec2d %(n)s(%(n)s_val0, %(n)s_val1)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    298                   "suffix" : "DD"},
    299     "Vec3d"   : { "j_type" : "double[]",  "jn_args" : (("double", ".val[0]"), ("double", ".val[1]"), ("double", ".val[2]")),
    300                   "jn_type" : "double[]",
    301                   "jni_var" : "Vec3d %(n)s(%(n)s_val0, %(n)s_val1, %(n)s_val2)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
    302                   "suffix" : "DDD"},
    304 }
    306 # { class : { func : {j_code, jn_code, cpp_code} } }
    307 ManualFuncs = {
    308     'Core' :
    309     {
    310         'minMaxLoc' : {
    311             'j_code'   : """
    312     // manual port
    313     public static class MinMaxLocResult {
    314         public double minVal;
    315         public double maxVal;
    316         public Point minLoc;
    317         public Point maxLoc;
    319         public MinMaxLocResult() {
    320             minVal=0; maxVal=0;
    321             minLoc=new Point();
    322             maxLoc=new Point();
    323         }
    324     }
    326     // C++: minMaxLoc(Mat src, double* minVal, double* maxVal=0, Point* minLoc=0, Point* maxLoc=0, InputArray mask=noArray())
    328     //javadoc: minMaxLoc(src, mask)
    329     public static MinMaxLocResult minMaxLoc(Mat src, Mat mask) {
    330         MinMaxLocResult res = new MinMaxLocResult();
    331         long maskNativeObj=0;
    332         if (mask != null) {
    333             maskNativeObj=mask.nativeObj;
    334         }
    335         double resarr[] = n_minMaxLocManual(src.nativeObj, maskNativeObj);
    336         res.minVal=resarr[0];
    337         res.maxVal=resarr[1];
    338         res.minLoc.x=resarr[2];
    339         res.minLoc.y=resarr[3];
    340         res.maxLoc.x=resarr[4];
    341         res.maxLoc.y=resarr[5];
    342         return res;
    343     }
    345     //javadoc: minMaxLoc(src)
    346     public static MinMaxLocResult minMaxLoc(Mat src) {
    347         return minMaxLoc(src, null);
    348     }
    350 """,
    351             'jn_code'  :
    352 """    private static native double[] n_minMaxLocManual(long src_nativeObj, long mask_nativeObj);\n""",
    353             'cpp_code' :
    354 """
    355 // C++: minMaxLoc(Mat src, double* minVal, double* maxVal=0, Point* minLoc=0, Point* maxLoc=0, InputArray mask=noArray())
    356 JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1minMaxLocManual (JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong, jlong);
    358 JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1minMaxLocManual
    359   (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jlong src_nativeObj, jlong mask_nativeObj)
    360 {
    361     try {
    362         LOGD("Core::n_1minMaxLoc()");
    363         jdoubleArray result;
    364         result = env->NewDoubleArray(6);
    365         if (result == NULL) {
    366             return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
    367         }
    369         Mat& src = *((Mat*)src_nativeObj);
    371         double minVal, maxVal;
    372         Point minLoc, maxLoc;
    373         if (mask_nativeObj != 0) {
    374             Mat& mask = *((Mat*)mask_nativeObj);
    375             minMaxLoc(src, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, mask);
    376         } else {
    377             minMaxLoc(src, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
    378         }
    380         jdouble fill[6];
    381         fill[0]=minVal;
    382         fill[1]=maxVal;
    383         fill[2]=minLoc.x;
    384         fill[3]=minLoc.y;
    385         fill[4]=maxLoc.x;
    386         fill[5]=maxLoc.y;
    388         env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(result, 0, 6, fill);
    390     return result;
    392     } catch(const cv::Exception& e) {
    393         LOGD("Core::n_1minMaxLoc() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what());
    394         jclass je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
    395         if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
    396         env->ThrowNew(je, e.what());
    397         return NULL;
    398     } catch (...) {
    399         LOGD("Core::n_1minMaxLoc() catched unknown exception (...)");
    400         jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
    401         env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {core::minMaxLoc()}");
    402         return NULL;
    403     }
    404 }
    406 """,
    407         }, # minMaxLoc
    410 ##        "checkRange"           : #TBD
    411 ##            {'j_code' : '/* TBD: checkRange() */', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    413         "checkHardwareSupport" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    414         "setUseOptimized"      : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    415         "useOptimized"         : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    417     }, # Core
    419     'Imgproc' :
    420     {
    421         'getTextSize' :
    422         {
    423             'j_code'   :
    424     """
    425     // C++: Size getTextSize(const String& text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int* baseLine);
    426     //javadoc:getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseLine)
    427     public static Size getTextSize(String text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int[] baseLine) {
    428         if(baseLine != null && baseLine.length != 1)
    429             throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("'baseLine' must be 'int[1]' or 'null'.");
    430         Size retVal = new Size(n_getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseLine));
    431         return retVal;
    432     }
    433     """,
    434             'jn_code'  :
    435     """    private static native double[] n_getTextSize(String text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int[] baseLine);\n""",
    436             'cpp_code' :
    437     """
    438     // C++: Size getTextSize(const String& text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int* baseLine);
    439     JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_n_1getTextSize (JNIEnv*, jclass, jstring, jint, jdouble, jint, jintArray);
    441     JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_n_1getTextSize
    442     (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring text, jint fontFace, jdouble fontScale, jint thickness, jintArray baseLine)
    443     {
    444     try {
    445         LOGD("Core::n_1getTextSize()");
    446         jdoubleArray result;
    447         result = env->NewDoubleArray(2);
    448         if (result == NULL) {
    449             return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
    450         }
    452         const char* utf_text = env->GetStringUTFChars(text, 0);
    453         String n_text( utf_text ? utf_text : "" );
    454         env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(text, utf_text);
    456         int _baseLine;
    457         int* pbaseLine = 0;
    459         if (baseLine != NULL)
    460             pbaseLine = &_baseLine;
    462         cv::Size rsize = cv::getTextSize(n_text, (int)fontFace, (double)fontScale, (int)thickness, pbaseLine);
    464         jdouble fill[2];
    465         fill[0]=rsize.width;
    466         fill[1]=rsize.height;
    468         env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(result, 0, 2, fill);
    470         if (baseLine != NULL) {
    471             jint jbaseLine = (jint)(*pbaseLine);
    472             env->SetIntArrayRegion(baseLine, 0, 1, &jbaseLine);
    473         }
    475         return result;
    477     } catch(const cv::Exception& e) {
    478         LOGD("Imgproc::n_1getTextSize() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what());
    479         jclass je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
    480         if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
    481         env->ThrowNew(je, e.what());
    482         return NULL;
    483     } catch (...) {
    484         LOGD("Imgproc::n_1getTextSize() catched unknown exception (...)");
    485         jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
    486         env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {core::getTextSize()}");
    487         return NULL;
    488     }
    489     }
    490     """,
    491         }, # getTextSize
    493     }, # Imgproc
    495     'Highgui' :
    496     {
    497         "namedWindow"       : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    498         "destroyWindow"     : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    499         "destroyAllWindows" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    500         "startWindowThread" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    501         "setWindowProperty" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    502         "getWindowProperty" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    503         "getTrackbarPos"    : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    504         "setTrackbarPos"    : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    505         "imshow"            : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    506         "waitKey"           : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    507         "moveWindow"        : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    508         "resizeWindow"      : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
    509     }, # Highgui
    510 }
    512 # { class : { func : { arg_name : {"ctype" : ctype, "attrib" : [attrib]} } } }
    513 func_arg_fix = {
    514     '' : {
    515         'randu'    : { 'low'  : {"ctype" : 'double'},
    516                        'high' : {"ctype"    : 'double'} },
    517         'randn'    : { 'mean'   : {"ctype" : 'double'},
    518                        'stddev' : {"ctype"  : 'double'} },
    519         'inRange'  : { 'lowerb' : {"ctype" : 'Scalar'},
    520                        'upperb' : {"ctype" : 'Scalar'} },
    521         'goodFeaturesToTrack' : { 'corners' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point'} },
    522         'findFundamentalMat'  : { 'points1' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    523                                   'points2' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    524         'cornerSubPix' : { 'corners' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    525         'minEnclosingCircle' : { 'points' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    526         'findHomography' : { 'srcPoints' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    527                              'dstPoints' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    528         'solvePnP' : { 'objectPoints' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point3f'},
    529                       'imagePoints'   : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    530                       'distCoeffs'    : {"ctype" : 'vector_double' } },
    531         'solvePnPRansac' : { 'objectPoints' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point3f'},
    532                              'imagePoints'  : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    533                              'distCoeffs'   : {"ctype" : 'vector_double' } },
    534         'calcOpticalFlowPyrLK' : { 'prevPts' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    535                                    'nextPts' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    536                                    'status'  : {"ctype" : 'vector_uchar'},
    537                                    'err'     : {"ctype" : 'vector_float'} },
    538         'fitEllipse' : { 'points' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    539         'fillPoly'   : { 'pts' : {"ctype" : 'vector_vector_Point'} },
    540         'polylines'  : { 'pts' : {"ctype" : 'vector_vector_Point'} },
    541         'fillConvexPoly' : { 'points' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point'} },
    542         'boundingRect'   : { 'points' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point'} },
    543         'approxPolyDP' : { 'curve'       : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    544                            'approxCurve' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    545         'arcLength' : { 'curve' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    546         'pointPolygonTest' : { 'contour' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    547         'minAreaRect' : { 'points' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    548         'getAffineTransform' : { 'src' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    549                                  'dst' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    550         'hconcat' : { 'src' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Mat'} },
    551         'vconcat' : { 'src' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Mat'} },
    552         'undistortPoints' : { 'src' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    553                               'dst' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    554         'checkRange' : {'pos' : {"ctype" : '*'} },
    555         'meanStdDev' : { 'mean'   : {"ctype" : 'vector_double'},
    556                          'stddev' : {"ctype" : 'vector_double'} },
    557         'drawContours' : {'contours' : {"ctype" : 'vector_vector_Point'} },
    558         'findContours' : {'contours' : {"ctype" : 'vector_vector_Point'} },
    559         'convexityDefects' : { 'contour'          : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point'},
    560                                'convexhull'       : {"ctype" : 'vector_int'},
    561                                'convexityDefects' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Vec4i'} },
    562         'isContourConvex' : { 'contour' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point'} },
    563         'convexHull' : { 'points' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point'},
    564                          'hull'   : {"ctype" : 'vector_int'},
    565                          'returnPoints' : {"ctype" : ''} },
    566         'projectPoints' : { 'objectPoints' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point3f'},
    567                             'imagePoints'  : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'},
    568                             'distCoeffs'   : {"ctype" : 'vector_double' } },
    569         'initCameraMatrix2D' : { 'objectPoints' : {"ctype" : 'vector_vector_Point3f'},
    570                                  'imagePoints'  : {"ctype" : 'vector_vector_Point2f'} },
    571         'findChessboardCorners' : { 'corners' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    572         'drawChessboardCorners' : { 'corners' : {"ctype" : 'vector_Point2f'} },
    573         'mixChannels' : { 'dst' : {"attrib" : []} },
    574     }, # '', i.e. no class
    575 } # func_arg_fix
    577 def getLibVersion(version_hpp_path):
    578     version_file = open(version_hpp_path, "rt").read()
    579     major = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_MAJOR\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
    580     minor = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_MINOR\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
    581     revision = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_REVISION\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
    582     status = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_STATUS\W+\"(.*?)\"\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
    583     return (major, minor, revision, status)
    585 def libVersionBlock():
    586     (major, minor, revision, status) = getLibVersion(
    587     (os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.') + '/../../core/include/opencv2/core/version.hpp')
    588     version_str    = '.'.join( (major, minor, revision) ) + status
    589     version_suffix =  ''.join( (major, minor, revision) )
    590     return """
    591     // these constants are wrapped inside functions to prevent inlining
    592     private static String getVersion() { return "%(v)s"; }
    593     private static String getNativeLibraryName() { return "opencv_java%(vs)s"; }
    594     private static int getVersionMajor() { return %(ma)s; }
    595     private static int getVersionMinor() { return %(mi)s; }
    596     private static int getVersionRevision() { return %(re)s; }
    597     private static String getVersionStatus() { return "%(st)s"; }
    599     public static final String VERSION = getVersion();
    600     public static final String NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME = getNativeLibraryName();
    601     public static final int VERSION_MAJOR = getVersionMajor();
    602     public static final int VERSION_MINOR = getVersionMinor();
    603     public static final int VERSION_REVISION = getVersionRevision();
    604     public static final String VERSION_STATUS = getVersionStatus();
    605 """ % { 'v' : version_str, 'vs' : version_suffix, 'ma' : major, 'mi' : minor, 're' : revision, 'st': status }
    609 //
    610 // This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
    611 //
    612 package org.opencv.$module;
    614 $imports
    616 // C++: class $name
    617 //javadoc: $name
    618 public class $jname extends $base {
    620     protected $jname(long addr) { super(addr); }
    622 """
    624 T_JAVA_START_ORPHAN = """
    625 //
    626 // This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
    627 //
    628 package org.opencv.$module;
    630 $imports
    632 // C++: class $name
    633 //javadoc: $name
    634 public class $jname {
    636     protected final long nativeObj;
    637     protected $jname(long addr) { nativeObj = addr; }
    639 """
    641 T_JAVA_START_MODULE = """
    642 //
    643 // This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
    644 //
    645 package org.opencv.$module;
    647 $imports
    649 public class $jname {
    650 """
    652 T_CPP_MODULE = """
    653 //
    654 // This file is auto-generated, please don't edit!
    655 //
    657 #define LOG_TAG "org.opencv.$m"
    659 #include "common.h"
    661 #include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
    662 #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_$M
    664 #include <string>
    666 #include "opencv2/$m.hpp"
    668 $includes
    670 using namespace cv;
    672 /// throw java exception
    673 static void throwJavaException(JNIEnv *env, const std::exception *e, const char *method) {
    674   std::string what = "unknown exception";
    675   jclass je = 0;
    677   if(e) {
    678     std::string exception_type = "std::exception";
    680     if(dynamic_cast<const cv::Exception*>(e)) {
    681       exception_type = "cv::Exception";
    682       je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
    683     }
    685     what = exception_type + ": " + e->what();
    686   }
    688   if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
    689   env->ThrowNew(je, what.c_str());
    691   LOGE("%s caught %s", method, what.c_str());
    692   (void)method;        // avoid "unused" warning
    693 }
    696 extern "C" {
    698 $code
    700 } // extern "C"
    702 #endif // HAVE_OPENCV_$M
    703 """
    705 class GeneralInfo():
    706     def __init__(self, name, namespaces):
    707         self.namespace, self.classpath, self.classname, self.name = self.parseName(name, namespaces)
    709     def parseName(self, name, namespaces):
    710         '''
    711         input: full name and available namespaces
    712         returns: (namespace, classpath, classname, name)
    713         '''
    714         name = name[name.find(" ")+1:].strip() # remove struct/class/const prefix
    715         spaceName = ""
    716         localName = name # <classes>.<name>
    717         for namespace in sorted(namespaces, key=len, reverse=True):
    718             if name.startswith(namespace + "."):
    719                 spaceName = namespace
    720                 localName = name.replace(namespace + ".", "")
    721                 break
    722         pieces = localName.split(".")
    723         if len(pieces) > 2: # <class>.<class>.<class>.<name>
    724             return spaceName, ".".join(pieces[:-1]), pieces[-2], pieces[-1]
    725         elif len(pieces) == 2: # <class>.<name>
    726             return spaceName, pieces[0], pieces[0], pieces[1]
    727         elif len(pieces) == 1: # <name>
    728             return spaceName, "", "", pieces[0]
    729         else:
    730             return spaceName, "", "" # error?!
    732     def fullName(self, isCPP=False):
    733         result = ".".join([self.fullClass(), self.name])
    734         return result if not isCPP else result.replace(".", "::")
    736     def fullClass(self, isCPP=False):
    737         result = ".".join([f for f in [self.namespace] + self.classpath.split(".") if len(f)>0])
    738         return result if not isCPP else result.replace(".", "::")
    740 class ConstInfo(GeneralInfo):
    741     def __init__(self, decl, addedManually=False, namespaces=[]):
    742         GeneralInfo.__init__(self, decl[0], namespaces)
    743         self.cname = self.name.replace(".", "::")
    744         self.value = decl[1]
    745         self.addedManually = addedManually
    747     def __repr__(self):
    748         return Template("CONST $name=$value$manual").substitute(name=self.name,
    749                                                                  value=self.value,
    750                                                                  manual="(manual)" if self.addedManually else "")
    752     def isIgnored(self):
    753         for c in const_ignore_list:
    754             if re.match(c, self.name):
    755                 return True
    756         return False
    758 class ClassPropInfo():
    759     def __init__(self, decl): # [f_ctype, f_name, '', '/RW']
    760         self.ctype = decl[0]
    761         self.name = decl[1]
    762         self.rw = "/RW" in decl[3]
    764     def __repr__(self):
    765         return Template("PROP $ctype $name").substitute(ctype=self.ctype, name=self.name)
    767 class ClassInfo(GeneralInfo):
    768     def __init__(self, decl, namespaces=[]): # [ 'class/struct cname', ': base', [modlist] ]
    769         GeneralInfo.__init__(self, decl[0], namespaces)
    770         self.cname = self.name.replace(".", "::")
    771         self.methods = []
    772         self.methods_suffixes = {}
    773         self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurence order
    774         self.private_consts = []
    775         self.imports = set()
    776         self.props= []
    777         self.jname = self.name
    778         self.j_code = None # java code stream
    779         self.jn_code = None # jni code stream
    780         self.cpp_code = None # cpp code stream
    781         for m in decl[2]:
    782             if m.startswith("="):
    783                 self.jname = m[1:]
    784         self.base = ''
    785         if decl[1]:
    786             #self.base = re.sub(r"\b"+self.jname+r"\b", "", decl[1].replace(":", "")).strip()
    787             self.base = re.sub(r"^.*:", "", decl[1].split(",")[0]).strip().replace(self.jname, "")
    789     def __repr__(self):
    790         return Template("CLASS $namespace.$classpath.$name : $base").substitute(**self.__dict__)
    792     def getAllImports(self, module):
    793         return ["import %s;" % c for c in sorted(self.imports) if not c.startswith('org.opencv.'+module)]
    795     def addImports(self, ctype):
    796         if ctype.startswith('vector_vector'):
    797             self.imports.add("org.opencv.core.Mat")
    798             self.imports.add("org.opencv.utils.Converters")
    799             self.imports.add("java.util.List")
    800             self.imports.add("java.util.ArrayList")
    801             self.addImports(ctype.replace('vector_vector', 'vector'))
    802         elif ctype.startswith('vector'):
    803             self.imports.add("org.opencv.core.Mat")
    804             self.imports.add('java.util.ArrayList')
    805             if type_dict[ctype]['j_type'].startswith('MatOf'):
    806                 self.imports.add("org.opencv.core." + type_dict[ctype]['j_type'])
    807             else:
    808                 self.imports.add("java.util.List")
    809                 self.imports.add("org.opencv.utils.Converters")
    810                 self.addImports(ctype.replace('vector_', ''))
    811         else:
    812             j_type = ''
    813             if ctype in type_dict:
    814                 j_type = type_dict[ctype]['j_type']
    815             elif ctype in ("Algorithm"):
    816                 j_type = ctype
    817             if j_type in ( "CvType", "Mat", "Point", "Point3", "Range", "Rect", "RotatedRect", "Scalar", "Size", "TermCriteria", "Algorithm" ):
    818                 self.imports.add("org.opencv.core." + j_type)
    819             if j_type == 'String':
    820                 self.imports.add("java.lang.String")
    822     def getAllMethods(self):
    823         result = []
    824         result.extend([fi for fi in sorted(self.methods) if fi.isconstructor])
    825         result.extend([fi for fi in sorted(self.methods) if not fi.isconstructor])
    826         return result
    828     def addMethod(self, fi):
    829         self.methods.append(fi)
    831     def getConst(self, name):
    832         for cand in self.consts + self.private_consts:
    833             if cand.name == name:
    834                 return cand
    835         return None
    837     def addConst(self, constinfo):
    838         # choose right list (public or private)
    839         consts = self.consts
    840         for c in const_private_list:
    841             if re.match(c, constinfo.name):
    842                 consts = self.private_consts
    843                 break
    844         consts.append(constinfo)
    846     def initCodeStreams(self, Module):
    847         self.j_code = StringIO()
    848         self.jn_code = StringIO()
    849         self.cpp_code = StringIO();
    850         if self.name != Module:
    851             self.j_code.write(T_JAVA_START_INHERITED if self.base else T_JAVA_START_ORPHAN)
    852         else:
    853             self.j_code.write(T_JAVA_START_MODULE)
    854         # misc handling
    855         if self.name == 'Core':
    856             self.imports.add("java.lang.String")
    857             self.j_code.write(libVersionBlock())
    859     def cleanupCodeStreams(self):
    860         self.j_code.close()
    861         self.jn_code.close()
    862         self.cpp_code.close()
    864     def generateJavaCode(self, m, M):
    865         return Template(self.j_code.getvalue() + "\n\n" + \
    866                          self.jn_code.getvalue() + "\n}\n").substitute(\
    867                             module = m,
    868                             name = self.name,
    869                             jname = self.jname,
    870                             imports = "\n".join(self.getAllImports(M)),
    871                             base = self.base)
    873     def generateCppCode(self):
    874         return self.cpp_code.getvalue()
    876 class ArgInfo():
    877     def __init__(self, arg_tuple): # [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ]
    878         self.pointer = False
    879         ctype = arg_tuple[0]
    880         if ctype.endswith("*"):
    881             ctype = ctype[:-1]
    882             self.pointer = True
    883         if ctype == 'vector_Point2d':
    884             ctype = 'vector_Point2f'
    885         elif ctype == 'vector_Point3d':
    886             ctype = 'vector_Point3f'
    887         self.ctype = ctype
    888         self.name = arg_tuple[1]
    889         self.defval = arg_tuple[2]
    890         self.out = ""
    891         if "/O" in arg_tuple[3]:
    892             self.out = "O"
    893         if "/IO" in arg_tuple[3]:
    894             self.out = "IO"
    896     def __repr__(self):
    897         return Template("ARG $ctype$p $name=$defval").substitute(ctype=self.ctype,
    898                                                                   p=" *" if self.pointer else "",
    899                                                                   name=self.name,
    900                                                                   defval=self.defval)
    902 class FuncInfo(GeneralInfo):
    903     def __init__(self, decl, namespaces=[]): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
    904         GeneralInfo.__init__(self, decl[0], namespaces)
    905         self.cname = self.name.replace(".", "::")
    906         self.jname = self.name
    907         self.isconstructor = self.name == self.classname
    908         if "[" in self.name:
    909             self.jname = "getelem"
    910         for m in decl[2]:
    911             if m.startswith("="):
    912                 self.jname = m[1:]
    913         self.static = ["","static"][ "/S" in decl[2] ]
    914         self.ctype = re.sub(r"^CvTermCriteria", "TermCriteria", decl[1] or "")
    915         self.args = []
    916         func_fix_map = func_arg_fix.get(self.classname, {}).get(self.jname, {})
    917         for a in decl[3]:
    918             arg = a[:]
    919             arg_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(arg[1], {})
    920             arg[0] = arg_fix_map.get('ctype',  arg[0]) #fixing arg type
    921             arg[3] = arg_fix_map.get('attrib', arg[3]) #fixing arg attrib
    922             self.args.append(ArgInfo(arg))
    924     def __repr__(self):
    925         return Template("FUNC <$ctype $namespace.$classpath.$name $args>").substitute(**self.__dict__)
    927 class JavaWrapperGenerator(object):
    928     def __init__(self):
    929         self.clear()
    931     def clear(self):
    932         self.namespaces = set(["cv"])
    933         self.classes = { "Mat" : ClassInfo([ 'class Mat', '', [], [] ], self.namespaces) }
    934         self.module = ""
    935         self.Module = ""
    936         self.ported_func_list = []
    937         self.skipped_func_list = []
    938         self.def_args_hist = {} # { def_args_cnt : funcs_cnt }
    940     def add_class(self, decl):
    941         classinfo = ClassInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces)
    942         if classinfo.name in class_ignore_list:
    943             logging.info('ignored: %s', classinfo)
    944             return
    945         name = classinfo.name
    946         if self.isWrapped(name):
    947             logging.warning('duplicated: %s', classinfo)
    948             return
    949         self.classes[name] = classinfo
    950         if name in type_dict:
    951             logging.warning('duplicated: %s', classinfo)
    952             return
    953         type_dict[name] = \
    954             { "j_type" : classinfo.jname,
    955               "jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
    956               "jni_name" : "(*("+classinfo.fullName(isCPP=True)+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong",
    957               "suffix" : "J" }
    958         type_dict[name+'*'] = \
    959             { "j_type" : classinfo.jname,
    960               "jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
    961               "jni_name" : "("+classinfo.fullName(isCPP=True)+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj", "jni_type" : "jlong",
    962               "suffix" : "J" }
    964         # missing_consts { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } }
    965         if name in missing_consts:
    966             if 'private' in missing_consts[name]:
    967                 for (n, val) in missing_consts[name]['private']:
    968                     classinfo.private_consts.append( ConstInfo([n, val], addedManually=True) )
    969             if 'public' in missing_consts[name]:
    970                 for (n, val) in missing_consts[name]['public']:
    971                     classinfo.consts.append( ConstInfo([n, val], addedManually=True) )
    973         # class props
    974         for p in decl[3]:
    975             if True: #"vector" not in p[0]:
    976                 classinfo.props.append( ClassPropInfo(p) )
    977             else:
    978                 logging.warning("Skipped property: [%s]" % name, p)
    980         if classinfo.base:
    981             classinfo.addImports(classinfo.base)
    982             type_dict["Ptr_"+name] = \
    983                 { "j_type" : name,
    984                   "jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
    985                   "jni_name" : "Ptr<"+name+">(("+name+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong",
    986                   "suffix" : "J" }
    987         logging.info('ok: %s', classinfo)
    989     def add_const(self, decl): # [ "const cname", val, [], [] ]
    990         constinfo = ConstInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces)
    991         if constinfo.isIgnored():
    992             logging.info('ignored: %s', constinfo)
    993         elif not self.isWrapped(constinfo.classname):
    994             logging.info('class not found: %s', constinfo)
    995         else:
    996             ci = self.getClass(constinfo.classname)
    997             duplicate = ci.getConst(constinfo.name)
    998             if duplicate:
    999                 if duplicate.addedManually:
   1000                     logging.info('manual: %s', constinfo)
   1001                 else:
   1002                     logging.warning('duplicated: %s', constinfo)
   1003             else:
   1004                 ci.addConst(constinfo)
   1005                 logging.info('ok: %s', constinfo)
   1007     def add_func(self, decl):
   1008         fi = FuncInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces)
   1009         classname = fi.classname or self.Module
   1010         if classname in class_ignore_list:
   1011             logging.info('ignored: %s', fi)
   1012         elif classname in ManualFuncs and fi.jname in ManualFuncs[classname]:
   1013             logging.info('manual: %s', fi)
   1014         elif not self.isWrapped(classname):
   1015             logging.warning('not found: %s', fi)
   1016         else:
   1017             self.getClass(classname).addMethod(fi)
   1018             logging.info('ok: %s', fi)
   1019             # calc args with def val
   1020             cnt = len([a for a in fi.args if a.defval])
   1021             self.def_args_hist[cnt] = self.def_args_hist.get(cnt, 0) + 1
   1023     def save(self, path, buf):
   1024         f = open(path, "wt")
   1025         f.write(buf)
   1026         f.close()
   1028     def gen(self, srcfiles, module, output_path):
   1029         self.clear()
   1030         self.module = module
   1031         self.Module = module.capitalize()
   1032         parser = hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser()
   1034         self.add_class( ['class ' + self.Module, '', [], []] ) # [ 'class/struct cname', ':bases', [modlist] [props] ]
   1036         # scan the headers and build more descriptive maps of classes, consts, functions
   1037         includes = [];
   1038         for hdr in srcfiles:
   1039             decls = parser.parse(hdr)
   1040             self.namespaces = parser.namespaces
   1041             logging.info("\n\n===== Header: %s =====", hdr)
   1042             logging.info("Namespaces: %s", parser.namespaces)
   1043             if decls:
   1044                 includes.append('#include "' + hdr + '"')
   1045             for decl in decls:
   1046                 logging.info("\n--- Incoming ---\n%s", pformat(decl, 4))
   1047                 name = decl[0]
   1048                 if name.startswith("struct") or name.startswith("class"):
   1049                     self.add_class(decl)
   1050                 elif name.startswith("const"):
   1051                     self.add_const(decl)
   1052                 else: # function
   1053                     self.add_func(decl)
   1055         logging.info("\n\n===== Generating... =====")
   1056         moduleCppCode = StringIO()
   1057         for ci in self.classes.values():
   1058             if ci.name == "Mat":
   1059                 continue
   1060             ci.initCodeStreams(self.Module)
   1061             self.gen_class(ci)
   1062             classJavaCode = ci.generateJavaCode(self.module, self.Module)
   1063             self.save("%s/%s+%s.java" % (output_path, module, ci.jname), classJavaCode)
   1064             moduleCppCode.write(ci.generateCppCode())
   1065             ci.cleanupCodeStreams()
   1066         self.save(output_path+"/"+module+".cpp", Template(T_CPP_MODULE).substitute(m = module, M = module.upper(), code = moduleCppCode.getvalue(), includes = "\n".join(includes)))
   1067         self.save(output_path+"/"+module+".txt", self.makeReport())
   1069     def makeReport(self):
   1070         '''
   1071         Returns string with generator report
   1072         '''
   1073         report = StringIO()
   1074         total_count = len(self.ported_func_list)+ len(self.skipped_func_list)
   1075         report.write("PORTED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % (len(self.ported_func_list), total_count))
   1076         report.write("\n".join(self.ported_func_list))
   1077         report.write("\n\nSKIPPED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % (len(self.skipped_func_list), total_count))
   1078         report.write("".join(self.skipped_func_list))
   1079         for i in self.def_args_hist.keys():
   1080             report.write("\n%i def args - %i funcs" % (i, self.def_args_hist[i]))
   1081         return report.getvalue()
   1083     def fullTypeName(self, t):
   1084         if self.isWrapped(t):
   1085             return self.getClass(t).fullName(isCPP=True)
   1086         else:
   1087             return t
   1089     def gen_func(self, ci, fi, prop_name=''):
   1090         logging.info("%s", fi)
   1091         j_code   = ci.j_code
   1092         jn_code  = ci.jn_code
   1093         cpp_code = ci.cpp_code
   1095         # c_decl
   1096         # e.g: void add(Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask = Mat(), int dtype = -1)
   1097         if prop_name:
   1098             c_decl = "%s %s::%s" % (fi.ctype, fi.classname, prop_name)
   1099         else:
   1100             decl_args = []
   1101             for a in fi.args:
   1102                 s = a.ctype or ' _hidden_ '
   1103                 if a.pointer:
   1104                     s += "*"
   1105                 elif a.out:
   1106                     s += "&"
   1107                 s += " " + a.name
   1108                 if a.defval:
   1109                     s += " = "+a.defval
   1110                 decl_args.append(s)
   1111             c_decl = "%s %s %s(%s)" % ( fi.static, fi.ctype, fi.cname, ", ".join(decl_args) )
   1113         # java comment
   1114         j_code.write( "\n    //\n    // C++: %s\n    //\n\n" % c_decl )
   1115         # check if we 'know' all the types
   1116         if fi.ctype not in type_dict: # unsupported ret type
   1117             msg = "// Return type '%s' is not supported, skipping the function\n\n" % fi.ctype
   1118             self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg)
   1119             j_code.write( " "*4 + msg )
   1120             logging.warning("SKIP:" + c_decl.strip() + "\t due to RET type" + fi.ctype)
   1121             return
   1122         for a in fi.args:
   1123             if a.ctype not in type_dict:
   1124                 if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"):
   1125                     a.defval = 0
   1126                 if a.defval:
   1127                     a.ctype = ''
   1128                     continue
   1129                 msg = "// Unknown type '%s' (%s), skipping the function\n\n" % (a.ctype, a.out or "I")
   1130                 self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg)
   1131                 j_code.write( " "*4 + msg )
   1132                 logging.warning("SKIP:" + c_decl.strip() + "\t due to ARG type" + a.ctype + "/" + (a.out or "I"))
   1133                 return
   1135         self.ported_func_list.append(c_decl)
   1137         # jn & cpp comment
   1138         jn_code.write( "\n    // C++: %s\n" % c_decl )
   1139         cpp_code.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl )
   1141         # java args
   1142         args = fi.args[:] # copy
   1143         suffix_counter = int(ci.methods_suffixes.get(fi.jname, -1))
   1144         while True:
   1145             suffix_counter += 1
   1146             ci.methods_suffixes[fi.jname] = suffix_counter
   1147              # java native method args
   1148             jn_args = []
   1149             # jni (cpp) function args
   1150             jni_args = [ArgInfo([ "env", "env", "", [], "" ]), ArgInfo([ "cls", "", "", [], "" ])]
   1151             j_prologue = []
   1152             j_epilogue = []
   1153             c_prologue = []
   1154             c_epilogue = []
   1155             if type_dict[fi.ctype]["jni_type"] == "jdoubleArray":
   1156                 fields = type_dict[fi.ctype]["jn_args"]
   1157                 c_epilogue.append( \
   1158                     ("jdoubleArray _da_retval_ = env->NewDoubleArray(%(cnt)i);  " +
   1159                      "jdouble _tmp_retval_[%(cnt)i] = {%(args)s}; " +
   1160                      "env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(_da_retval_, 0, %(cnt)i, _tmp_retval_);") %
   1161                     { "cnt" : len(fields), "args" : ", ".join(["_retval_" + f[1] for f in fields]) } )
   1162             if fi.classname and fi.ctype and not fi.static: # non-static class method except c-tor
   1163                 # adding 'self'
   1164                 jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "nativeObj", "", [], "" ]) )
   1165                 jni_args.append( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "self", "", [], "" ]) )
   1166             ci.addImports(fi.ctype)
   1167             for a in args:
   1168                 if not a.ctype: # hidden
   1169                     continue
   1170                 ci.addImports(a.ctype)
   1171                 if "vector" in a.ctype: # pass as Mat
   1172                     jn_args.append  ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "%s_mat.nativeObj" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
   1173                     jni_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "%s_mat_nativeObj" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
   1174                     c_prologue.append( type_dict[a.ctype]["jni_var"] % {"n" : a.name} + ";" )
   1175                     c_prologue.append( "Mat& %(n)s_mat = *((Mat*)%(n)s_mat_nativeObj)" % {"n" : a.name} + ";" )
   1176                     if "I" in a.out or not a.out:
   1177                         if a.ctype.startswith("vector_vector_"):
   1178                             j_prologue.append( "List<Mat> %(n)s_tmplm = new ArrayList<Mat>((%(n)s != null) ? %(n)s.size() : 0);" % {"n" : a.name } )
   1179                             j_prologue.append( "Mat %(n)s_mat = Converters.%(t)s_to_Mat(%(n)s, %(n)s_tmplm);" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
   1180                         else:
   1181                             if not type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"].startswith("MatOf"):
   1182                                 j_prologue.append( "Mat %(n)s_mat = Converters.%(t)s_to_Mat(%(n)s);" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
   1183                             else:
   1184                                 j_prologue.append( "Mat %s_mat = %s;" % (a.name, a.name) )
   1185                         c_prologue.append( "Mat_to_%(t)s( %(n)s_mat, %(n)s );" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
   1186                     else:
   1187                         if not type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"].startswith("MatOf"):
   1188                             j_prologue.append( "Mat %s_mat = new Mat();" % a.name )
   1189                         else:
   1190                             j_prologue.append( "Mat %s_mat = %s;" % (a.name, a.name) )
   1191                     if "O" in a.out:
   1192                         if not type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"].startswith("MatOf"):
   1193                             j_epilogue.append("Converters.Mat_to_%(t)s(%(n)s_mat, %(n)s);" % {"t" : a.ctype, "n" : a.name})
   1194                             j_epilogue.append( "%s_mat.release();" % a.name )
   1195                         c_epilogue.append( "%(t)s_to_Mat( %(n)s, %(n)s_mat );" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
   1196                 else:
   1197                     fields = type_dict[a.ctype].get("jn_args", ((a.ctype, ""),))
   1198                     if "I" in a.out or not a.out or self.isWrapped(a.ctype): # input arg, pass by primitive fields
   1199                         for f in fields:
   1200                             jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ f[0], a.name + f[1], "", [], "" ]) )
   1201                             jni_args.append( ArgInfo([ f[0], a.name + f[1].replace(".","_").replace("[","").replace("]",""), "", [], "" ]) )
   1202                     if a.out and not self.isWrapped(a.ctype): # out arg, pass as double[]
   1203                         jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "double[]", "%s_out" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
   1204                         jni_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "double[]", "%s_out" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
   1205                         j_prologue.append( "double[] %s_out = new double[%i];" % (a.name, len(fields)) )
   1206                         c_epilogue.append( \
   1207                             "jdouble tmp_%(n)s[%(cnt)i] = {%(args)s}; env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(%(n)s_out, 0, %(cnt)i, tmp_%(n)s);" %
   1208                             { "n" : a.name, "cnt" : len(fields), "args" : ", ".join([a.name + f[1] for f in fields]) } )
   1209                         if a.ctype in ('bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double'):
   1210                             j_epilogue.append('if(%(n)s!=null) %(n)s[0] = (%(t)s)%(n)s_out[0];' % {'n':a.name,'t':a.ctype})
   1211                         else:
   1212                             set_vals = []
   1213                             i = 0
   1214                             for f in fields:
   1215                                 set_vals.append( "%(n)s%(f)s = %(t)s%(n)s_out[%(i)i]" %
   1216                                     {"n" : a.name, "t": ("("+type_dict[f[0]]["j_type"]+")", "")[f[0]=="double"], "f" : f[1], "i" : i}
   1217                                 )
   1218                                 i += 1
   1219                             j_epilogue.append( "if("+a.name+"!=null){ " + "; ".join(set_vals) + "; } ")
   1222             # java part:
   1223             # private java NATIVE method decl
   1224             # e.g.
   1225             # private static native void add_0(long src1, long src2, long dst, long mask, int dtype);
   1226             jn_code.write( Template(\
   1227                 "    private static native $type $name($args);\n").substitute(\
   1228                 type = type_dict[fi.ctype].get("jn_type", "double[]"), \
   1229                 name = fi.jname + '_' + str(suffix_counter), \
   1230                 args = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype]["jn_type"], a.name.replace(".","_").replace("[","").replace("]","")) for a in jn_args])
   1231             ) );
   1233             # java part:
   1235             #java doc comment
   1236             f_name = fi.name
   1237             if fi.classname:
   1238                 f_name = fi.classname + "::" + fi.name
   1239             java_doc = "//javadoc: " + f_name + "(%s)" % ", ".join([a.name for a in args if a.ctype])
   1240             j_code.write(" "*4 + java_doc + "\n")
   1242             # public java wrapper method impl (calling native one above)
   1243             # e.g.
   1244             # public static void add( Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask, int dtype )
   1245             # { add_0( src1.nativeObj, src2.nativeObj, dst.nativeObj, mask.nativeObj, dtype );  }
   1246             ret_type = fi.ctype
   1247             if fi.ctype.endswith('*'):
   1248                 ret_type = ret_type[:-1]
   1249             ret_val = type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + " retVal = "
   1250             tail = ""
   1251             ret = "return retVal;"
   1252             if ret_type.startswith('vector'):
   1253                 tail = ")"
   1254                 j_type = type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"]
   1255                 if j_type.startswith('MatOf'):
   1256                     ret_val += j_type + ".fromNativeAddr("
   1257                 else:
   1258                     ret_val = "Mat retValMat = new Mat("
   1259                     j_prologue.append( j_type + ' retVal = new Array' + j_type+'();')
   1260                     j_epilogue.append('Converters.Mat_to_' + ret_type + '(retValMat, retVal);')
   1261             elif ret_type.startswith("Ptr_"):
   1262                 ret_val = type_dict[fi.ctype]["j_type"] + " retVal = new " + type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + "("
   1263                 tail = ")"
   1264             elif ret_type == "void":
   1265                 ret_val = ""
   1266                 ret = "return;"
   1267             elif ret_type == "": # c-tor
   1268                 if fi.classname and ci.base:
   1269                     ret_val = "super( "
   1270                     tail = " )"
   1271                 else:
   1272                     ret_val = "nativeObj = "
   1273                 ret = "return;"
   1274             elif self.isWrapped(ret_type): # wrapped class
   1275                 ret_val = type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + " retVal = new " + self.getClass(ret_type).jname + "("
   1276                 tail = ")"
   1277             elif "jn_type" not in type_dict[ret_type]:
   1278                 ret_val = type_dict[fi.ctype]["j_type"] + " retVal = new " + type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + "("
   1279                 tail = ")"
   1281             static = "static"
   1282             if fi.classname:
   1283                 static = fi.static
   1285             j_args = []
   1286             for a in args:
   1287                 if not a.ctype: #hidden
   1288                     continue
   1289                 jt = type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"]
   1290                 if a.out and a.ctype in ('bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double'):
   1291                     jt += '[]'
   1292                 j_args.append( jt + ' ' + a.name )
   1294             j_code.write( Template(\
   1295 """    public $static $j_type $j_name($j_args)
   1296     {
   1297         $prologue
   1298         $ret_val$jn_name($jn_args_call)$tail;
   1299         $epilogue
   1300         $ret
   1301     }
   1303 """
   1304                 ).substitute(\
   1305                     ret = ret, \
   1306                     ret_val = ret_val, \
   1307                     tail = tail, \
   1308                     prologue = "\n        ".join(j_prologue), \
   1309                     epilogue = "\n        ".join(j_epilogue), \
   1310                     static=static, \
   1311                     j_type=type_dict[fi.ctype]["j_type"], \
   1312                     j_name=fi.jname, \
   1313                     j_args=", ".join(j_args), \
   1314                     jn_name=fi.jname + '_' + str(suffix_counter), \
   1315                     jn_args_call=", ".join( [a.name for a in jn_args] ),\
   1316                 )
   1317             )
   1320             # cpp part:
   1321             # jni_func(..) { _retval_ = cv_func(..); return _retval_; }
   1322             ret = "return _retval_;"
   1323             default = "return 0;"
   1324             if fi.ctype == "void":
   1325                 ret = "return;"
   1326                 default = "return;"
   1327             elif not fi.ctype: # c-tor
   1328                 ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;"
   1329             elif fi.ctype.startswith('vector'): # c-tor
   1330                 ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;"
   1331             elif fi.ctype == "String":
   1332                 ret = "return env->NewStringUTF(_retval_.c_str());"
   1333                 default = 'return env->NewStringUTF("");'
   1334             elif self.isWrapped(fi.ctype): # wrapped class:
   1335                 ret = "return (jlong) new %s(_retval_);" % self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype)
   1336             elif fi.ctype.startswith('Ptr_'):
   1337                 c_prologue.append("typedef Ptr<%s> %s;" % (self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype[4:]), fi.ctype))
   1338                 ret = "return (jlong)(new %(ctype)s(_retval_));" % { 'ctype':fi.ctype }
   1339             elif self.isWrapped(ret_type): # pointer to wrapped class:
   1340                 ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;"
   1341             elif type_dict[fi.ctype]["jni_type"] == "jdoubleArray":
   1342                 ret = "return _da_retval_;"
   1344             # hack: replacing func call with property set/get
   1345             name = fi.name
   1346             if prop_name:
   1347                 if args:
   1348                     name = prop_name + " = "
   1349                 else:
   1350                     name = prop_name + ";//"
   1352             cvname = fi.fullName(isCPP=True)
   1353             retval = self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype) + " _retval_ = "
   1354             if fi.ctype == "void":
   1355                 retval = ""
   1356             elif fi.ctype == "String":
   1357                 retval = "cv::" + retval
   1358             elif fi.ctype.startswith('vector'):
   1359                 retval = type_dict[fi.ctype]['jni_var'] % {"n" : '_ret_val_vector_'} + " = "
   1360                 c_epilogue.append("Mat* _retval_ = new Mat();")
   1361                 c_epilogue.append(fi.ctype+"_to_Mat(_ret_val_vector_, *_retval_);")
   1362             if len(fi.classname)>0:
   1363                 if not fi.ctype: # c-tor
   1364                     retval = fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) + "* _retval_ = "
   1365                     cvname = "new " + fi.fullClass(isCPP=True)
   1366                 elif fi.static:
   1367                     cvname = fi.fullName(isCPP=True)
   1368                 else:
   1369                     cvname = ("me->" if  not self.isSmartClass(fi.classname) else "(*me)->") + name
   1370                     c_prologue.append(\
   1371                         "%(cls)s* me = (%(cls)s*) self; //TODO: check for NULL" \
   1372                             % { "cls" : self.smartWrap(fi.classname, fi.fullClass(isCPP=True))} \
   1373                     )
   1374             cvargs = []
   1375             for a in args:
   1376                 if a.pointer:
   1377                     jni_name = "&%(n)s"
   1378                 else:
   1379                     jni_name = "%(n)s"
   1380                     if not a.out and not "jni_var" in type_dict[a.ctype]:
   1381                         # explicit cast to C type to avoid ambiguous call error on platforms (mingw)
   1382                         # where jni types are different from native types (e.g. jint is not the same as int)
   1383                         jni_name  = "(%s)%s" % (a.ctype, jni_name)
   1384                 if not a.ctype: # hidden
   1385                     jni_name = a.defval
   1386                 cvargs.append( type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_name", jni_name) % {"n" : a.name})
   1387                 if "vector" not in a.ctype :
   1388                     if ("I" in a.out or not a.out or self.isWrapped(a.ctype)) and "jni_var" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # complex type
   1389                         c_prologue.append(type_dict[a.ctype]["jni_var"] % {"n" : a.name} + ";")
   1390                     if a.out and "I" not in a.out and not self.isWrapped(a.ctype) and a.ctype:
   1391                         c_prologue.append("%s %s;" % (a.ctype, a.name))
   1393             rtype = type_dict[fi.ctype].get("jni_type", "jdoubleArray")
   1394             clazz = ci.jname
   1395             cpp_code.write ( Template( \
   1396 """
   1397 JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname ($argst);
   1399 JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname
   1400   ($args)
   1401 {
   1402     static const char method_name[] = "$module::$fname()";
   1403     try {
   1404         LOGD("%s", method_name);
   1405         $prologue
   1406         $retval$cvname( $cvargs );
   1407         $epilogue$ret
   1408     } catch(const std::exception &e) {
   1409         throwJavaException(env, &e, method_name);
   1410     } catch (...) {
   1411         throwJavaException(env, 0, method_name);
   1412     }
   1413     $default
   1414 }
   1417 """ ).substitute( \
   1418         rtype = rtype, \
   1419         module = self.module, \
   1420         clazz = clazz.replace('_', '_1'), \
   1421         fname = (fi.jname + '_' + str(suffix_counter)).replace('_', '_1'), \
   1422         args  = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_type"), a.name) for a in jni_args]), \
   1423         argst = ", ".join([type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_type") for a in jni_args]), \
   1424         prologue = "\n        ".join(c_prologue), \
   1425         epilogue = "  ".join(c_epilogue) + ("\n        " if c_epilogue else ""), \
   1426         ret = ret, \
   1427         cvname = cvname, \
   1428         cvargs = ", ".join(cvargs), \
   1429         default = default, \
   1430         retval = retval, \
   1431     ) )
   1433             # processing args with default values
   1434             if not args or not args[-1].defval:
   1435                 break
   1436             while args and args[-1].defval:
   1437                 # 'smart' overloads filtering
   1438                 a = args.pop()
   1439                 if a.name in ('mask', 'dtype', 'ddepth', 'lineType', 'borderType', 'borderMode', 'criteria'):
   1440                     break
   1444     def gen_class(self, ci):
   1445         logging.info("%s", ci)
   1446         # constants
   1447         if ci.private_consts:
   1448             logging.info("%s", ci.private_consts)
   1449             ci.j_code.write("""
   1450     private static final int
   1451             %s;\n\n""" % (",\n"+" "*12).join(["%s = %s" % (c.name, c.value) for c in ci.private_consts])
   1452             )
   1453         if ci.consts:
   1454             logging.info("%s", ci.consts)
   1455             ci.j_code.write("""
   1456     public static final int
   1457             %s;\n\n""" % (",\n"+" "*12).join(["%s = %s" % (c.name, c.value) for c in ci.consts])
   1458             )
   1459         # methods
   1460         for fi in ci.getAllMethods():
   1461             self.gen_func(ci, fi)
   1462         # props
   1463         for pi in ci.props:
   1464             # getter
   1465             getter_name = ci.fullName() + ".get_" + pi.name
   1466             fi = FuncInfo( [getter_name, pi.ctype, [], []], self.namespaces ) # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
   1467             self.gen_func(ci, fi, pi.name)
   1468             if pi.rw:
   1469                 #setter
   1470                 setter_name = ci.fullName() + ".set_" + pi.name
   1471                 fi = FuncInfo( [ setter_name, "void", [], [ [pi.ctype, pi.name, "", [], ""] ] ], self.namespaces)
   1472                 self.gen_func(ci, fi, pi.name)
   1474         # manual ports
   1475         if ci.name in ManualFuncs:
   1476             for func in ManualFuncs[ci.name].keys():
   1477                 ci.j_code.write ( ManualFuncs[ci.name][func]["j_code"] )
   1478                 ci.jn_code.write( ManualFuncs[ci.name][func]["jn_code"] )
   1479                 ci.cpp_code.write( ManualFuncs[ci.name][func]["cpp_code"] )
   1481         if ci.name != self.Module:
   1482             # finalize()
   1483             ci.j_code.write(
   1484 """
   1485     @Override
   1486     protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
   1487         delete(nativeObj);
   1488     }
   1489 """ )
   1491             ci.jn_code.write(
   1492 """
   1493     // native support for java finalize()
   1494     private static native void delete(long nativeObj);
   1495 """ )
   1497             # native support for java finalize()
   1498             ci.cpp_code.write( \
   1499 """
   1500 //
   1501 //  native support for java finalize()
   1502 //  static void %(cls)s::delete( __int64 self )
   1503 //
   1504 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_%(j_cls)s_delete(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong);
   1506 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_%(j_cls)s_delete
   1507   (JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong self)
   1508 {
   1509     delete (%(cls)s*) self;
   1510 }
   1512 """ % {"module" : module, "cls" : self.smartWrap(ci.name, ci.fullName(isCPP=True)), "j_cls" : ci.jname.replace('_', '_1')}
   1513             )
   1515     def getClass(self, classname):
   1516         return self.classes[classname or self.Module]
   1518     def isWrapped(self, classname):
   1519         name = classname or self.Module
   1520         return name in self.classes
   1522     def isSmartClass(self, classname):
   1523         '''
   1524         Check if class stores Ptr<T>* instead of T* in nativeObj field
   1525         '''
   1526         return self.isWrapped(classname) and self.classes[classname].base
   1528     def smartWrap(self, name, fullname):
   1529         '''
   1530         Wraps fullname with Ptr<> if needed
   1531         '''
   1532         if self.isSmartClass(name):
   1533             return "Ptr<" + fullname + ">"
   1534         return fullname
   1537 if __name__ == "__main__":
   1538     if len(sys.argv) < 4:
   1539         print("Usage:\n", \
   1540             os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), \
   1541             "<full path to hdr_parser.py> <module name> <C++ header> [<C++ header>...]")
   1542         print("Current args are: ", ", ".join(["'"+a+"'" for a in sys.argv]))
   1543         exit(0)
   1545     dstdir = "."
   1546     hdr_parser_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
   1547     if hdr_parser_path.endswith(".py"):
   1548         hdr_parser_path = os.path.dirname(hdr_parser_path)
   1549     sys.path.append(hdr_parser_path)
   1550     import hdr_parser
   1551     module = sys.argv[2]
   1552     srcfiles = sys.argv[3:]
   1553     logging.basicConfig(filename='%s/%s.log' % (dstdir, module), format=None, filemode='w', level=logging.INFO)
   1554     handler = logging.StreamHandler()
   1555     handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
   1556     logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler)
   1557     #print("Generating module '" + module + "' from headers:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(srcfiles))
   1558     generator = JavaWrapperGenerator()
   1559     generator.gen(srcfiles, module, dstdir)