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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "SkCommonFlagsConfig.h"
     10 #include <stdlib.h>
     12 static const char defaultConfigs[] =
     13     "565 8888 gpu nonrendering"
     14 #if SK_ANGLE
     15 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
     16     " angle"
     17 #endif
     18 #endif
     20     " hwui"
     21 #endif
     22     ;
     24 static const char configHelp[] =
     25     "Options: 565 8888 debug gpu gpudebug gpudft gpunull "
     26     "msaa16 msaa4 nonrendering null nullgpu nvprmsaa16 nvprmsaa4 "
     27     "pdf pdf_poppler skp svg xps"
     28 #if SK_ANGLE
     29 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
     30     " angle"
     31 #endif
     32     " angle-gl"
     33 #endif
     35     " commandbuffer"
     36 #endif
     37 #if SK_MESA
     38     " mesa"
     39 #endif
     41     " hwui"
     42 #endif
     43     " or use extended form 'backend(option=value,...)'.\n";
     45 static const char configExtendedHelp[] =
     46     "Extended form: 'backend(option=value,...)'\n\n"
     47     "Possible backends and options:\n"
     48 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
     49     "\n"
     50     "gpu(api=string,dit=bool,nvpr=bool,samples=int)\tGPU backend\n"
     51     "\tapi\ttype: string\tdefault: native.\n"
     52     "\t    Select graphics API to use with gpu backend.\n"
     53     "\t    Options:\n"
     54     "\t\tnative\t\t\tUse platform default OpenGL or OpenGL ES backend.\n"
     55     "\t\tgl    \t\t\tUse OpenGL.\n"
     56     "\t\tgles  \t\t\tUse OpenGL ES.\n"
     57     "\t\tdebug \t\t\tUse debug OpenGL.\n"
     58     "\t\tnull  \t\t\tUse null OpenGL.\n"
     59 #if SK_ANGLE
     60 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
     61     "\t\tangle\t\t\tUse ANGLE DirectX.\n"
     62 #endif
     63     "\t\tangle-gl\t\t\tUse ANGLE OpenGL.\n"
     64 #endif
     66     "\t\tcommandbuffer\t\tUse command buffer.\n"
     67     "\t\tcommandbuffer3\t\tUse command buffer ES 3.0 (experimental).\n"
     68 #endif
     69 #if SK_MESA
     70     "\t\tmesa\t\t\tUse MESA.\n"
     71 #endif
     72     "\tdit\ttype: bool\tdefault: false.\n"
     73     "\t    Use device independent text.\n"
     74     "\tnvpr\ttype: bool\tdefault: false.\n"
     75     "\t    Use NV_path_rendering OpenGL and OpenGL ES extension.\n"
     76     "\tsamples\ttype: int\tdefault: 0.\n"
     77     "\t    Use multisampling with N samples.\n"
     78     "\n"
     79     "Predefined configs:\n\n"
     80     "\tgpu      \t= gpu()\n"
     81     "\tmsaa4    \t= gpu(samples=4)\n"
     82     "\tmsaa16   \t= gpu(samples=16)\n"
     83     "\tnvprmsaa4\t= gpu(nvpr=true,samples=4)\n"
     84     "\tnvprmsaa16\t= gpu(nvpr=true,samples=16)\n"
     85     "\tgpudft    \t= gpu(dit=true)\n"
     86     "\tgpudebug  \t= gpu(api=debug)\n"
     87     "\tgpunull   \t= gpu(api=null)\n"
     88     "\tdebug     \t= gpu(api=debug)\n"
     89     "\tnullgpu   \t= gpu(api=null)\n"
     90 #if SK_ANGLE
     91 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
     92     "\tangle     \t= gpu(api=angle)\n"
     93 #endif
     94     "\tangle-gl  \t= gpu(api=angle-gl)\n"
     95 #endif
     97     "\tcommandbuffer\t= gpu(api=commandbuffer)\n"
     98 #endif
     99 #if SK_MESA
    100     "\tmesa      \t= gpu(api=mesa)\n"
    101 #endif
    102 #endif
    103     ;
    105 DEFINE_extended_string(config, defaultConfigs, configHelp, configExtendedHelp);
    107 static const struct {
    108     const char* predefinedConfig;
    109     const char* backend;
    110     const char* options;
    111 } gPredefinedConfigs[] = {
    112 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
    113     { "gpu",        "gpu", "" },
    114     { "msaa4",      "gpu", "samples=4" },
    115     { "msaa16",     "gpu", "samples=16" },
    116     { "nvprmsaa4",  "gpu", "nvpr=true,samples=4,dit=true" },
    117     { "nvprmsaa16", "gpu", "nvpr=true,samples=16,dit=true" },
    118     { "gpudft",     "gpu", "dit=true" },
    119     { "gpudebug",   "gpu", "api=debug" },
    120     { "gpunull",    "gpu", "api=null" },
    121     { "debug",      "gpu", "api=debug" },
    122     { "nullgpu",    "gpu", "api=null" }
    123 #if SK_ANGLE
    124 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
    125     , { "angle",      "gpu", "api=angle" }
    126 #endif
    127     , { "angle-gl",   "gpu", "api=angle-gl" }
    128 #endif
    130     , { "commandbuffer", "gpu", "api=commandbuffer" }
    131 #endif
    132 #if SK_MESA
    133     , { "mesa", "gpu", "api=mesa" }
    134 #endif
    135 #else
    136     { "", "", "" }
    137 #endif
    138 };
    140 SkCommandLineConfig::SkCommandLineConfig(const SkString& tag, const SkString& backend,
    141                                          const SkTArray<SkString>& viaParts)
    142         : fTag(tag)
    143         , fBackend(backend)
    144         , fViaParts(viaParts) {
    145 }
    146 SkCommandLineConfig::~SkCommandLineConfig() {
    147 }
    149 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
    150 SkCommandLineConfigGpu::SkCommandLineConfigGpu(
    151     const SkString& tag, const SkTArray<SkString>& viaParts,
    152     ContextType contextType, bool useNVPR, bool useDIText, int samples)
    153         : SkCommandLineConfig(tag, SkString("gpu"), viaParts)
    154         , fContextType(contextType)
    155         , fUseNVPR(useNVPR)
    156         , fUseDIText(useDIText)
    157         , fSamples(samples) {
    158 }
    159 static bool parse_option_int(const SkString& value, int* outInt) {
    160     if (value.isEmpty()) {
    161         return false;
    162     }
    163     char* endptr = nullptr;
    164     long intValue = strtol(value.c_str(), &endptr, 10);
    165     if (*endptr != '\0') {
    166         return false;
    167     }
    168     *outInt = static_cast<int>(intValue);
    169     return true;
    170 }
    171 static bool parse_option_bool(const SkString& value, bool* outBool) {
    172     if (value.equals("true")) {
    173         *outBool = true;
    174         return true;
    175     }
    176     if (value.equals("false")) {
    177         *outBool = false;
    178         return true;
    179     }
    180     return false;
    181 }
    182 static bool parse_option_gpu_api(const SkString& value,
    183                                  SkCommandLineConfigGpu::ContextType* outContextType) {
    184     if (value.equals("native")) {
    185         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType;
    186         return true;
    187     }
    188     if (value.equals("gl")) {
    189         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kGL_GLContextType;
    190         return true;
    191     }
    192     if (value.equals("gles")) {
    193         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kGLES_GLContextType;
    194         return true;
    195     }
    196     if (value.equals("debug")) {
    197         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kDebug_GLContextType;
    198         return true;
    199     }
    200     if (value.equals("null")) {
    201         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kNull_GLContextType;
    202         return true;
    203     }
    204 #if SK_ANGLE
    205 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
    206     if (value.equals("angle")) {
    207         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GLContextType;
    208         return true;
    209     }
    210 #endif
    211     if (value.equals("angle-gl")) {
    212         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GL_GLContextType;
    213         return true;
    214     }
    215 #endif
    217     if (value.equals("commandbuffer")) {
    218         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kCommandBufferES2_GLContextType;
    219         return true;
    220     }
    221     if (value.equals("commandbuffer3")) {
    222         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kCommandBufferES3_GLContextType;
    223         return true;
    224     }
    225 #endif
    226 #if SK_MESA
    227     if (value.equals("mesa")) {
    228         *outContextType = GrContextFactory::kMESA_GLContextType;
    229         return true;
    230     }
    231 #endif
    232     return false;
    233 }
    235 SkCommandLineConfigGpu* parse_command_line_config_gpu(const SkString& tag,
    236                                                       const SkTArray<SkString>& vias,
    237                                                       const SkString& options) {
    238     // Defaults for GPU backend.
    239     bool seenAPI = false;
    240     SkCommandLineConfigGpu::ContextType contextType = GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType;
    241     bool seenUseNVPR = false;
    242     bool useNVPR = false;
    243     bool seenUseDIText =false;
    244     bool useDIText = false;
    245     bool seenSamples = false;
    246     int samples = 0;
    248     SkTArray<SkString> optionParts;
    249     SkStrSplit(options.c_str(), ",", kStrict_SkStrSplitMode, &optionParts);
    250     for (int i = 0; i < optionParts.count(); ++i) {
    251         SkTArray<SkString> keyValueParts;
    252         SkStrSplit(optionParts[i].c_str(), "=", kStrict_SkStrSplitMode, &keyValueParts);
    253         if (keyValueParts.count() != 2) {
    254             return nullptr;
    255         }
    256         const SkString& key = keyValueParts[0];
    257         const SkString& value = keyValueParts[1];
    258         bool valueOk = false;
    259         if (key.equals("api") && !seenAPI) {
    260             valueOk = parse_option_gpu_api(value, &contextType);
    261             seenAPI = true;
    262         } else if (key.equals("nvpr") && !seenUseNVPR) {
    263             valueOk = parse_option_bool(value, &useNVPR);
    264             seenUseNVPR = true;
    265         } else if (key.equals("dit") && !seenUseDIText) {
    266             valueOk = parse_option_bool(value, &useDIText);
    267             seenUseDIText = true;
    268         } else if (key.equals("samples") && !seenSamples) {
    269             valueOk = parse_option_int(value, &samples);
    270             seenSamples = true;
    271         }
    272         if (!valueOk) {
    273             return nullptr;
    274         }
    275     }
    276     return new SkCommandLineConfigGpu(tag, vias, contextType, useNVPR, useDIText, samples);
    277 }
    278 #endif
    280 void ParseConfigs(const SkCommandLineFlags::StringArray& configs,
    281                   SkCommandLineConfigArray* outResult) {
    282     outResult->reset();
    283     for (int i = 0; i < configs.count(); ++i) {
    284         SkString extendedBackend;
    285         SkString extendedOptions;
    286         SkString simpleBackend;
    287         SkTArray<SkString> vias;
    289         SkString tag(configs[i]);
    290         SkTArray<SkString> parts;
    291         SkStrSplit(tag.c_str(), "(", kStrict_SkStrSplitMode, &parts);
    292         if (parts.count() == 2) {
    293             SkTArray<SkString> parts2;
    294             SkStrSplit(parts[1].c_str(), ")", kStrict_SkStrSplitMode, &parts2);
    295             if (parts2.count() == 2 && parts2[1].isEmpty()) {
    296                 SkStrSplit(parts[0].c_str(), "-", kStrict_SkStrSplitMode, &vias);
    297                 if (vias.count()) {
    298                     extendedBackend = vias[vias.count() - 1];
    299                     vias.pop_back();
    300                 } else {
    301                     extendedBackend = parts[0];
    302                 }
    303                 extendedOptions = parts2[0];
    304                 simpleBackend.printf("%s(%s)", extendedBackend.c_str(), extendedOptions.c_str());
    305             }
    306         }
    308         if (extendedBackend.isEmpty()) {
    309             simpleBackend = tag;
    310             SkStrSplit(tag.c_str(), "-", kStrict_SkStrSplitMode, &vias);
    311             if (vias.count()) {
    312                 simpleBackend = vias[vias.count() - 1];
    313                 vias.pop_back();
    314             }
    315             // Note: no #if SK_ANGLE: this is a special rule in the via-tag grammar.
    316             if (vias.count() && simpleBackend.equals("gl") &&
    317                 vias[vias.count() - 1].equals("angle")) {
    318                 simpleBackend = "angle-gl";
    319                 vias.pop_back();
    320             }
    322             for (auto& predefinedConfig : gPredefinedConfigs) {
    323                 if (simpleBackend.equals(predefinedConfig.predefinedConfig)) {
    324                     extendedBackend = predefinedConfig.backend;
    325                     extendedOptions = predefinedConfig.options;
    326                     break;
    327                 }
    328             }
    329         }
    330         SkCommandLineConfig* parsedConfig = nullptr;
    331 #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU
    332         if (extendedBackend.equals("gpu")) {
    333             parsedConfig = parse_command_line_config_gpu(tag, vias, extendedOptions);
    334         }
    335 #endif
    336         if (!parsedConfig) {
    337             parsedConfig = new SkCommandLineConfig(tag, simpleBackend, vias);
    338         }
    339         outResult->emplace_back(parsedConfig);
    340     }
    341 }