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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 # Creates a symlink.
      6 # Args:
      7 #   source: Path to link to.
      8 #   output: Where to create the symlink.
      9 template("symlink") {
     10   action(target_name) {
     11     forward_variables_from(invoker,
     12                            [
     13                              "deps",
     14                              "testonly",
     15                              "visibility",
     16                            ])
     17     outputs = [
     18       invoker.output,
     19     ]
     20     script = "//build/symlink.py"
     21     args = [
     22       "-f",
     23       rebase_path(invoker.source, get_path_info(invoker.output, "dir")),
     24       rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
     25     ]
     26   }
     27 }
     29 # Creates a symlink from root_build_dir/target_name to |binary_label|. This rule
     30 # is meant to be used within if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) blocks
     31 # and point to targets in the non-default toolchain.
     32 # Note that for executables, using a copy (as opposed to a symlink) does not
     33 # work when is_component_build=true, since dependent libraries are found via
     34 # relative location.
     35 #
     36 # Args:
     37 #   binary_label: Target that builds the file to symlink to. e.g.:
     38 #       ":$target_name($host_toolchain)".
     39 #   binary_output_name: The output_name set by the binary_label target
     40 #       (if applicable).
     41 #   output_name: Where to create the symlink
     42 #       (default="$root_out_dir/$binary_output_name").
     43 #
     44 # Example:
     45 #   if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
     46 #     executable("foo") { ... }
     47 #   } else if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
     48 #     binary_symlink("foo") {
     49 #       binary_label = ":foo($host_toolchain)"
     50 #     }
     51 #   }
     52 template("binary_symlink") {
     53   symlink(target_name) {
     54     forward_variables_from(invoker,
     55                            [
     56                              "output",
     57                              "testonly",
     58                              "visibility",
     59                            ])
     60     deps = [
     61       invoker.binary_label,
     62     ]
     64     _out_dir = get_label_info(invoker.binary_label, "root_out_dir")
     65     if (defined(invoker.binary_output_name)) {
     66       _name = invoker.binary_output_name
     67     } else {
     68       _name = get_label_info(invoker.binary_label, "name")
     69     }
     70     source = "$_out_dir/$_name"
     72     _output_name = _name
     73     if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
     74       _output_name = invoker.output_name
     75     }
     76     output = "$root_out_dir/$_output_name"
     77   }
     78 }