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      1 // Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/profiler/sampling-heap-profiler.h"
      7 #include <stdint.h>
      8 #include <memory>
      9 #include "src/api.h"
     10 #include "src/base/ieee754.h"
     11 #include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h"
     12 #include "src/frames-inl.h"
     13 #include "src/heap/heap.h"
     14 #include "src/isolate.h"
     15 #include "src/profiler/strings-storage.h"
     17 namespace v8 {
     18 namespace internal {
     20 // We sample with a Poisson process, with constant average sampling interval.
     21 // This follows the exponential probability distribution with parameter
     22 //  = 1/rate where rate is the average number of bytes between samples.
     23 //
     24 // Let u be a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1, then
     25 // next_sample = (- ln u) / 
     26 intptr_t SamplingAllocationObserver::GetNextSampleInterval(uint64_t rate) {
     27   if (FLAG_sampling_heap_profiler_suppress_randomness) {
     28     return static_cast<intptr_t>(rate);
     29   }
     30   double u = random_->NextDouble();
     31   double next = (-base::ieee754::log(u)) * rate;
     32   return next < kPointerSize
     33              ? kPointerSize
     34              : (next > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : static_cast<intptr_t>(next));
     35 }
     37 // Samples were collected according to a poisson process. Since we have not
     38 // recorded all allocations, we must approximate the shape of the underlying
     39 // space of allocations based on the samples we have collected. Given that
     40 // we sample at rate R, the probability that an allocation of size S will be
     41 // sampled is 1-exp(-S/R). This function uses the above probability to
     42 // approximate the true number of allocations with size *size* given that
     43 // *count* samples were observed.
     44 v8::AllocationProfile::Allocation SamplingHeapProfiler::ScaleSample(
     45     size_t size, unsigned int count) {
     46   double scale = 1.0 / (1.0 - std::exp(-static_cast<double>(size) / rate_));
     47   // Round count instead of truncating.
     48   return {size, static_cast<unsigned int>(count * scale + 0.5)};
     49 }
     51 SamplingHeapProfiler::SamplingHeapProfiler(
     52     Heap* heap, StringsStorage* names, uint64_t rate, int stack_depth,
     53     v8::HeapProfiler::SamplingFlags flags)
     54     : isolate_(heap->isolate()),
     55       heap_(heap),
     56       new_space_observer_(new SamplingAllocationObserver(
     57           heap_, static_cast<intptr_t>(rate), rate, this,
     58           heap->isolate()->random_number_generator())),
     59       other_spaces_observer_(new SamplingAllocationObserver(
     60           heap_, static_cast<intptr_t>(rate), rate, this,
     61           heap->isolate()->random_number_generator())),
     62       names_(names),
     63       profile_root_(nullptr, "(root)", v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId, 0),
     64       samples_(),
     65       stack_depth_(stack_depth),
     66       rate_(rate),
     67       flags_(flags) {
     68   CHECK_GT(rate_, 0);
     69   heap->new_space()->AddAllocationObserver(new_space_observer_.get());
     70   AllSpaces spaces(heap);
     71   for (Space* space = spaces.next(); space != nullptr; space = spaces.next()) {
     72     if (space != heap->new_space()) {
     73       space->AddAllocationObserver(other_spaces_observer_.get());
     74     }
     75   }
     76 }
     79 SamplingHeapProfiler::~SamplingHeapProfiler() {
     80   heap_->new_space()->RemoveAllocationObserver(new_space_observer_.get());
     81   AllSpaces spaces(heap_);
     82   for (Space* space = spaces.next(); space != nullptr; space = spaces.next()) {
     83     if (space != heap_->new_space()) {
     84       space->RemoveAllocationObserver(other_spaces_observer_.get());
     85     }
     86   }
     88   for (auto sample : samples_) {
     89     delete sample;
     90   }
     91   std::set<Sample*> empty;
     92   samples_.swap(empty);
     93 }
     96 void SamplingHeapProfiler::SampleObject(Address soon_object, size_t size) {
     97   DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
     99   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    100   HeapObject* heap_object = HeapObject::FromAddress(soon_object);
    101   Handle<Object> obj(heap_object, isolate_);
    103   // Mark the new block as FreeSpace to make sure the heap is iterable while we
    104   // are taking the sample.
    105   heap()->CreateFillerObjectAt(soon_object, static_cast<int>(size),
    106                                ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
    108   Local<v8::Value> loc = v8::Utils::ToLocal(obj);
    110   AllocationNode* node = AddStack();
    111   node->allocations_[size]++;
    112   Sample* sample = new Sample(size, node, loc, this);
    113   samples_.insert(sample);
    114   sample->global.SetWeak(sample, OnWeakCallback, WeakCallbackType::kParameter);
    115   sample->global.MarkIndependent();
    116 }
    118 void SamplingHeapProfiler::OnWeakCallback(
    119     const WeakCallbackInfo<Sample>& data) {
    120   Sample* sample = data.GetParameter();
    121   AllocationNode* node = sample->owner;
    122   DCHECK(node->allocations_[sample->size] > 0);
    123   node->allocations_[sample->size]--;
    124   if (node->allocations_[sample->size] == 0) {
    125     node->allocations_.erase(sample->size);
    126     while (node->allocations_.empty() && node->children_.empty() &&
    127            node->parent_ && !node->parent_->pinned_) {
    128       AllocationNode* parent = node->parent_;
    129       AllocationNode::FunctionId id = AllocationNode::function_id(
    130           node->script_id_, node->script_position_, node->name_);
    131       parent->children_.erase(id);
    132       delete node;
    133       node = parent;
    134     }
    135   }
    136   sample->profiler->samples_.erase(sample);
    137   delete sample;
    138 }
    140 SamplingHeapProfiler::AllocationNode*
    141 SamplingHeapProfiler::AllocationNode::FindOrAddChildNode(const char* name,
    142                                                          int script_id,
    143                                                          int start_position) {
    144   FunctionId id = function_id(script_id, start_position, name);
    145   auto it = children_.find(id);
    146   if (it != children_.end()) {
    147     DCHECK(strcmp(it->second->name_, name) == 0);
    148     return it->second;
    149   }
    150   auto child = new AllocationNode(this, name, script_id, start_position);
    151   children_.insert(std::make_pair(id, child));
    152   return child;
    153 }
    155 SamplingHeapProfiler::AllocationNode* SamplingHeapProfiler::AddStack() {
    156   AllocationNode* node = &profile_root_;
    158   std::vector<SharedFunctionInfo*> stack;
    159   JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate_);
    160   int frames_captured = 0;
    161   while (!it.done() && frames_captured < stack_depth_) {
    162     JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame();
    163     SharedFunctionInfo* shared = frame->function()->shared();
    164     stack.push_back(shared);
    166     frames_captured++;
    167     it.Advance();
    168   }
    170   if (frames_captured == 0) {
    171     const char* name = nullptr;
    172     switch (isolate_->current_vm_state()) {
    173       case GC:
    174         name = "(GC)";
    175         break;
    176       case COMPILER:
    177         name = "(COMPILER)";
    178         break;
    179       case OTHER:
    180         name = "(V8 API)";
    181         break;
    182       case EXTERNAL:
    183         name = "(EXTERNAL)";
    184         break;
    185       case IDLE:
    186         name = "(IDLE)";
    187         break;
    188       case JS:
    189         name = "(JS)";
    190         break;
    191     }
    192     return node->FindOrAddChildNode(name, v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId, 0);
    193   }
    195   // We need to process the stack in reverse order as the top of the stack is
    196   // the first element in the list.
    197   for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); it != stack.rend(); ++it) {
    198     SharedFunctionInfo* shared = *it;
    199     const char* name = this->names()->GetFunctionName(shared->DebugName());
    200     int script_id = v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId;
    201     if (shared->script()->IsScript()) {
    202       Script* script = Script::cast(shared->script());
    203       script_id = script->id();
    204     }
    205     node = node->FindOrAddChildNode(name, script_id, shared->start_position());
    206   }
    207   return node;
    208 }
    210 v8::AllocationProfile::Node* SamplingHeapProfiler::TranslateAllocationNode(
    211     AllocationProfile* profile, SamplingHeapProfiler::AllocationNode* node,
    212     const std::map<int, Handle<Script>>& scripts) {
    213   // By pinning the node we make sure its children won't get disposed if
    214   // a GC kicks in during the tree retrieval.
    215   node->pinned_ = true;
    216   Local<v8::String> script_name =
    217       ToApiHandle<v8::String>(isolate_->factory()->InternalizeUtf8String(""));
    218   int line = v8::AllocationProfile::kNoLineNumberInfo;
    219   int column = v8::AllocationProfile::kNoColumnNumberInfo;
    220   std::vector<v8::AllocationProfile::Allocation> allocations;
    221   allocations.reserve(node->allocations_.size());
    222   if (node->script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId &&
    223       scripts.find(node->script_id_) != scripts.end()) {
    224     // Cannot use std::map<T>::at because it is not available on android.
    225     auto non_const_scripts =
    226         const_cast<std::map<int, Handle<Script>>&>(scripts);
    227     Handle<Script> script = non_const_scripts[node->script_id_];
    228     if (!script.is_null()) {
    229       if (script->name()->IsName()) {
    230         Name* name = Name::cast(script->name());
    231         script_name = ToApiHandle<v8::String>(
    232             isolate_->factory()->InternalizeUtf8String(names_->GetName(name)));
    233       }
    234       line = 1 + Script::GetLineNumber(script, node->script_position_);
    235       column = 1 + Script::GetColumnNumber(script, node->script_position_);
    236     }
    237   }
    238   for (auto alloc : node->allocations_) {
    239     allocations.push_back(ScaleSample(alloc.first, alloc.second));
    240   }
    242   profile->nodes().push_back(v8::AllocationProfile::Node(
    243       {ToApiHandle<v8::String>(
    244            isolate_->factory()->InternalizeUtf8String(node->name_)),
    245        script_name, node->script_id_, node->script_position_, line, column,
    246        std::vector<v8::AllocationProfile::Node*>(), allocations}));
    247   v8::AllocationProfile::Node* current = &profile->nodes().back();
    248   // The children map may have nodes inserted into it during translation
    249   // because the translation may allocate strings on the JS heap that have
    250   // the potential to be sampled. That's ok since map iterators are not
    251   // invalidated upon std::map insertion.
    252   for (auto it : node->children_) {
    253     current->children.push_back(
    254         TranslateAllocationNode(profile, it.second, scripts));
    255   }
    256   node->pinned_ = false;
    257   return current;
    258 }
    260 v8::AllocationProfile* SamplingHeapProfiler::GetAllocationProfile() {
    261   if (flags_ & v8::HeapProfiler::kSamplingForceGC) {
    262     isolate_->heap()->CollectAllGarbage(Heap::kNoGCFlags,
    263                                         "SamplingHeapProfiler");
    264   }
    265   // To resolve positions to line/column numbers, we will need to look up
    266   // scripts. Build a map to allow fast mapping from script id to script.
    267   std::map<int, Handle<Script>> scripts;
    268   {
    269     Script::Iterator iterator(isolate_);
    270     while (Script* script = iterator.Next()) {
    271       scripts[script->id()] = handle(script);
    272     }
    273   }
    274   auto profile = new v8::internal::AllocationProfile();
    275   TranslateAllocationNode(profile, &profile_root_, scripts);
    276   return profile;
    277 }
    280 }  // namespace internal
    281 }  // namespace v8