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      4 // All Rights Reserved
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     10 package com.adobe.xmp;
     12 import java.util.Map;
     14 import com.adobe.xmp.properties.XMPAliasInfo;
     16 /**
     17  * The schema registry keeps track of all namespaces and aliases used in the XMP
     18  * metadata. At initialisation time, the default namespaces and default aliases
     19  * are automatically registered. <b>Namespaces</b> must be registered before
     20  * used in namespace URI parameters or path expressions. Within the XMP Toolkit
     21  * the registered namespace URIs and prefixes must be unique. Additional
     22  * namespaces encountered when parsing RDF are automatically registered. The
     23  * namespace URI should always end in an XML name separator such as '/' or '#'.
     24  * This is because some forms of RDF shorthand catenate a namespace URI with an
     25  * element name to form a new URI.
     26  * <p>
     27  * <b>Aliases</b> in XMP serve the same purpose as Windows file shortcuts,
     28  * Macintosh file aliases, or UNIX file symbolic links. The aliases are simply
     29  * multiple names for the same property. One distinction of XMP aliases is that
     30  * they are ordered, there is an alias name pointing to an actual name. The
     31  * primary significance of the actual name is that it is the preferred name for
     32  * output, generally the most widely recognized name.
     33  * <p>
     34  * The names that can be aliased in XMP are restricted. The alias must be a top
     35  * level property name, not a field within a structure or an element within an
     36  * array. The actual may be a top level property name, the first element within
     37  * a top level array, or the default element in an alt-text array. This does not
     38  * mean the alias can only be a simple property. It is OK to alias a top level
     39  * structure or array to an identical top level structure or array, or to the
     40  * first item of an array of structures.
     41  *
     42  * @since 27.01.2006
     43  */
     44 public interface XMPSchemaRegistry
     45 {
     46 	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     47 	// Namespace Functions
     49 	/**
     50 	 * Register a namespace URI with a suggested prefix. It is not an error if
     51 	 * the URI is already registered, no matter what the prefix is. If the URI
     52 	 * is not registered but the suggested prefix is in use, a unique prefix is
     53 	 * created from the suggested one. The actual registeed prefix is always
     54 	 * returned. The function result tells if the registered prefix is the
     55 	 * suggested one.
     56 	 * <p>
     57 	 * Note: No checking is presently done on either the URI or the prefix.
     58 	 *
     59 	 * @param namespaceURI
     60 	 *            The URI for the namespace. Must be a valid XML URI.
     61 	 * @param suggestedPrefix
     62 	 *            The suggested prefix to be used if the URI is not yet
     63 	 *            registered. Must be a valid XML name.
     64 	 * @return Returns the registered prefix for this URI, is equal to the
     65 	 *         suggestedPrefix if the namespace hasn't been registered before,
     66 	 *         otherwise the existing prefix.
     67 	 * @throws XMPException If the parameters are not accordingly set
     68 	 */
     69 	String registerNamespace(String namespaceURI, String suggestedPrefix) throws XMPException;
     72 	/**
     73 	 * Obtain the prefix for a registered namespace URI.
     74 	 * <p>
     75 	 * It is not an error if the namespace URI is not registered. The output
     76 	 * namespacePrefix string is not modified if the namespace URI is not
     77 	 * registered.
     78 	 *
     79 	 * @param namespaceURI
     80 	 *            The URI for the namespace. Must not be null or the empty
     81 	 *            string.
     82 	 * @return Returns true if the namespace URI is registered.
     83 	 */
     84 	String getNamespacePrefix(String namespaceURI);
     87 	/**
     88 	 * Obtain the URI for a registered namespace prefix.
     89 	 * <p>
     90 	 * It is not an error if the namespace prefix is not registered. The output
     91 	 * namespaceURI string is not modified if the namespace prefix is not
     92 	 * registered.
     93 	 *
     94 	 * @param namespacePrefix
     95 	 *            The prefix for the namespace. Must not be null or the empty
     96 	 *            string.
     97 	 * @return Returns the URI registered for this prefix.
     98 	 */
     99 	String getNamespaceURI(String namespacePrefix);
    102 	/**
    103 	 * @return Returns the registered prefix/namespace-pairs as map, where the keys are the
    104 	 *         namespaces and the values are the prefixes.
    105 	 */
    106 	Map getNamespaces();
    109 	/**
    110 	 * @return Returns the registered namespace/prefix-pairs as map, where the keys are the
    111 	 *         prefixes and the values are the namespaces.
    112 	 */
    113 	Map getPrefixes();
    116 	/**
    117 	 * Deletes a namespace from the registry.
    118 	 * <p>
    119 	 * Does nothing if the URI is not registered, or if the namespaceURI
    120 	 * parameter is null or the empty string.
    121 	 * <p>
    122 	 * Note: Not yet implemented.
    123 	 *
    124 	 * @param namespaceURI
    125 	 *            The URI for the namespace.
    126 	 */
    127 	void deleteNamespace(String namespaceURI);
    133 	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    134 	// Alias Functions
    137 	/**
    138 	 * Determines if a name is an alias, and what it is aliased to.
    139 	 *
    140 	 * @param aliasNS
    141 	 *            The namespace URI of the alias. Must not be <code>null</code> or the empty
    142 	 *            string.
    143 	 * @param aliasProp
    144 	 *            The name of the alias. May be an arbitrary path expression
    145 	 *            path, must not be <code>null</code> or the empty string.
    146 	 * @return Returns the <code>XMPAliasInfo</code> for the given alias namespace and property or
    147 	 * 		<code>null</code> if there is no such alias.
    148 	 */
    149 	XMPAliasInfo resolveAlias(String aliasNS, String aliasProp);
    152 	/**
    153 	 * Collects all aliases that are contained in the provided namespace.
    154 	 * If nothing is found, an empty array is returned.
    155 	 *
    156 	 * @param aliasNS a schema namespace URI
    157 	 * @return Returns all alias infos from aliases that are contained in the provided namespace.
    158 	 */
    159 	XMPAliasInfo[] findAliases(String aliasNS);
    162 	/**
    163 	 * Searches for registered aliases.
    164 	 *
    165 	 * @param qname
    166 	 *            an XML conform qname
    167 	 * @return Returns if an alias definition for the given qname to another
    168 	 *         schema and property is registered.
    169 	 */
    170 	XMPAliasInfo findAlias(String qname);
    173 	/**
    174 	 * @return Returns the registered aliases as map, where the key is the "qname" (prefix and name)
    175 	 * and the value an <code>XMPAliasInfo</code>-object.
    176 	 */
    177 	Map getAliases();
    180 }