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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     18 #define LOG_TAG "StagefrightRecorder"
     19 #include <inttypes.h>
     20 #include <utils/Log.h>
     22 #include "WebmWriter.h"
     23 #include "StagefrightRecorder.h"
     25 #include <algorithm>
     27 #include <android/hardware/ICamera.h>
     29 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
     30 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
     32 #include <media/IMediaPlayerService.h>
     33 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABuffer.h>
     34 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h>
     35 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h>
     36 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h>
     37 #include <media/stagefright/ACodec.h>
     38 #include <media/stagefright/AudioSource.h>
     39 #include <media/stagefright/AMRWriter.h>
     40 #include <media/stagefright/AACWriter.h>
     41 #include <media/stagefright/CameraSource.h>
     42 #include <media/stagefright/CameraSourceTimeLapse.h>
     43 #include <media/stagefright/MPEG2TSWriter.h>
     44 #include <media/stagefright/MPEG4Writer.h>
     45 #include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h>
     46 #include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h>
     47 #include <media/stagefright/MediaCodecSource.h>
     48 #include <media/MediaProfiles.h>
     49 #include <camera/CameraParameters.h>
     51 #include <utils/Errors.h>
     52 #include <sys/types.h>
     53 #include <ctype.h>
     54 #include <unistd.h>
     56 #include <system/audio.h>
     58 #include "ARTPWriter.h"
     60 namespace android {
     62 static const float kTypicalDisplayRefreshingRate = 60.f;
     63 // display refresh rate drops on battery saver
     64 static const float kMinTypicalDisplayRefreshingRate = kTypicalDisplayRefreshingRate / 2;
     65 static const int kMaxNumVideoTemporalLayers = 8;
     67 // To collect the encoder usage for the battery app
     68 static void addBatteryData(uint32_t params) {
     69     sp<IBinder> binder =
     70         defaultServiceManager()->getService(String16("media.player"));
     71     sp<IMediaPlayerService> service = interface_cast<IMediaPlayerService>(binder);
     72     CHECK(service.get() != NULL);
     74     service->addBatteryData(params);
     75 }
     78 StagefrightRecorder::StagefrightRecorder(const String16 &opPackageName)
     79     : MediaRecorderBase(opPackageName),
     80       mWriter(NULL),
     81       mOutputFd(-1),
     82       mAudioSource(AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT),
     83       mVideoSource(VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END),
     84       mStarted(false) {
     86     ALOGV("Constructor");
     87     reset();
     88 }
     90 StagefrightRecorder::~StagefrightRecorder() {
     91     ALOGV("Destructor");
     92     stop();
     94     if (mLooper != NULL) {
     95         mLooper->stop();
     96     }
     97 }
     99 status_t StagefrightRecorder::init() {
    100     ALOGV("init");
    102     mLooper = new ALooper;
    103     mLooper->setName("recorder_looper");
    104     mLooper->start();
    106     return OK;
    107 }
    109 // The client side of mediaserver asks it to creat a SurfaceMediaSource
    110 // and return a interface reference. The client side will use that
    111 // while encoding GL Frames
    112 sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> StagefrightRecorder::querySurfaceMediaSource() const {
    113     ALOGV("Get SurfaceMediaSource");
    114     return mGraphicBufferProducer;
    115 }
    117 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setAudioSource(audio_source_t as) {
    118     ALOGV("setAudioSource: %d", as);
    119     if (as < AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT ||
    120         (as >= AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT && as != AUDIO_SOURCE_FM_TUNER)) {
    121         ALOGE("Invalid audio source: %d", as);
    122         return BAD_VALUE;
    123     }
    125     if (as == AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT) {
    126         mAudioSource = AUDIO_SOURCE_MIC;
    127     } else {
    128         mAudioSource = as;
    129     }
    131     return OK;
    132 }
    134 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setVideoSource(video_source vs) {
    135     ALOGV("setVideoSource: %d", vs);
    136     if (vs < VIDEO_SOURCE_DEFAULT ||
    137         vs >= VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END) {
    138         ALOGE("Invalid video source: %d", vs);
    139         return BAD_VALUE;
    140     }
    142     if (vs == VIDEO_SOURCE_DEFAULT) {
    143         mVideoSource = VIDEO_SOURCE_CAMERA;
    144     } else {
    145         mVideoSource = vs;
    146     }
    148     return OK;
    149 }
    151 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setOutputFormat(output_format of) {
    152     ALOGV("setOutputFormat: %d", of);
    153     if (of < OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT ||
    154         of >= OUTPUT_FORMAT_LIST_END) {
    155         ALOGE("Invalid output format: %d", of);
    156         return BAD_VALUE;
    157     }
    159     if (of == OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {
    160         mOutputFormat = OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP;
    161     } else {
    162         mOutputFormat = of;
    163     }
    165     return OK;
    166 }
    168 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setAudioEncoder(audio_encoder ae) {
    169     ALOGV("setAudioEncoder: %d", ae);
    170     if (ae < AUDIO_ENCODER_DEFAULT ||
    171         ae >= AUDIO_ENCODER_LIST_END) {
    172         ALOGE("Invalid audio encoder: %d", ae);
    173         return BAD_VALUE;
    174     }
    176     if (ae == AUDIO_ENCODER_DEFAULT) {
    177         mAudioEncoder = AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB;
    178     } else {
    179         mAudioEncoder = ae;
    180     }
    182     return OK;
    183 }
    185 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setVideoEncoder(video_encoder ve) {
    186     ALOGV("setVideoEncoder: %d", ve);
    187     if (ve < VIDEO_ENCODER_DEFAULT ||
    188         ve >= VIDEO_ENCODER_LIST_END) {
    189         ALOGE("Invalid video encoder: %d", ve);
    190         return BAD_VALUE;
    191     }
    193     mVideoEncoder = ve;
    195     return OK;
    196 }
    198 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setVideoSize(int width, int height) {
    199     ALOGV("setVideoSize: %dx%d", width, height);
    200     if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
    201         ALOGE("Invalid video size: %dx%d", width, height);
    202         return BAD_VALUE;
    203     }
    205     // Additional check on the dimension will be performed later
    206     mVideoWidth = width;
    207     mVideoHeight = height;
    209     return OK;
    210 }
    212 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setVideoFrameRate(int frames_per_second) {
    213     ALOGV("setVideoFrameRate: %d", frames_per_second);
    214     if ((frames_per_second <= 0 && frames_per_second != -1) ||
    215         frames_per_second > kMaxHighSpeedFps) {
    216         ALOGE("Invalid video frame rate: %d", frames_per_second);
    217         return BAD_VALUE;
    218     }
    220     // Additional check on the frame rate will be performed later
    221     mFrameRate = frames_per_second;
    223     return OK;
    224 }
    226 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setCamera(const sp<hardware::ICamera> &camera,
    227                                         const sp<ICameraRecordingProxy> &proxy) {
    228     ALOGV("setCamera");
    229     if (camera == 0) {
    230         ALOGE("camera is NULL");
    231         return BAD_VALUE;
    232     }
    233     if (proxy == 0) {
    234         ALOGE("camera proxy is NULL");
    235         return BAD_VALUE;
    236     }
    238     mCamera = camera;
    239     mCameraProxy = proxy;
    240     return OK;
    241 }
    243 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setPreviewSurface(const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> &surface) {
    244     ALOGV("setPreviewSurface: %p", surface.get());
    245     mPreviewSurface = surface;
    247     return OK;
    248 }
    250 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setInputSurface(
    251         const sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer>& surface) {
    252     mPersistentSurface = surface;
    254     return OK;
    255 }
    257 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setOutputFile(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
    258     ALOGV("setOutputFile: %d, %lld, %lld", fd, (long long)offset, (long long)length);
    259     // These don't make any sense, do they?
    260     CHECK_EQ(offset, 0ll);
    261     CHECK_EQ(length, 0ll);
    263     if (fd < 0) {
    264         ALOGE("Invalid file descriptor: %d", fd);
    265         return -EBADF;
    266     }
    268     // start with a clean, empty file
    269     ftruncate(fd, 0);
    271     if (mOutputFd >= 0) {
    272         ::close(mOutputFd);
    273     }
    274     mOutputFd = dup(fd);
    276     return OK;
    277 }
    279 // Attempt to parse an float literal optionally surrounded by whitespace,
    280 // returns true on success, false otherwise.
    281 static bool safe_strtof(const char *s, float *val) {
    282     char *end;
    284     // It is lame, but according to man page, we have to set errno to 0
    285     // before calling strtof().
    286     errno = 0;
    287     *val = strtof(s, &end);
    289     if (end == s || errno == ERANGE) {
    290         return false;
    291     }
    293     // Skip trailing whitespace
    294     while (isspace(*end)) {
    295         ++end;
    296     }
    298     // For a successful return, the string must contain nothing but a valid
    299     // float literal optionally surrounded by whitespace.
    301     return *end == '\0';
    302 }
    304 // Attempt to parse an int64 literal optionally surrounded by whitespace,
    305 // returns true on success, false otherwise.
    306 static bool safe_strtoi64(const char *s, int64_t *val) {
    307     char *end;
    309     // It is lame, but according to man page, we have to set errno to 0
    310     // before calling strtoll().
    311     errno = 0;
    312     *val = strtoll(s, &end, 10);
    314     if (end == s || errno == ERANGE) {
    315         return false;
    316     }
    318     // Skip trailing whitespace
    319     while (isspace(*end)) {
    320         ++end;
    321     }
    323     // For a successful return, the string must contain nothing but a valid
    324     // int64 literal optionally surrounded by whitespace.
    326     return *end == '\0';
    327 }
    329 // Return true if the value is in [0, 0x007FFFFFFF]
    330 static bool safe_strtoi32(const char *s, int32_t *val) {
    331     int64_t temp;
    332     if (safe_strtoi64(s, &temp)) {
    333         if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 0x007FFFFFFF) {
    334             *val = static_cast<int32_t>(temp);
    335             return true;
    336         }
    337     }
    338     return false;
    339 }
    341 // Trim both leading and trailing whitespace from the given string.
    342 static void TrimString(String8 *s) {
    343     size_t num_bytes = s->bytes();
    344     const char *data = s->string();
    346     size_t leading_space = 0;
    347     while (leading_space < num_bytes && isspace(data[leading_space])) {
    348         ++leading_space;
    349     }
    351     size_t i = num_bytes;
    352     while (i > leading_space && isspace(data[i - 1])) {
    353         --i;
    354     }
    356     s->setTo(String8(&data[leading_space], i - leading_space));
    357 }
    359 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamAudioSamplingRate(int32_t sampleRate) {
    360     ALOGV("setParamAudioSamplingRate: %d", sampleRate);
    361     if (sampleRate <= 0) {
    362         ALOGE("Invalid audio sampling rate: %d", sampleRate);
    363         return BAD_VALUE;
    364     }
    366     // Additional check on the sample rate will be performed later.
    367     mSampleRate = sampleRate;
    368     return OK;
    369 }
    371 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamAudioNumberOfChannels(int32_t channels) {
    372     ALOGV("setParamAudioNumberOfChannels: %d", channels);
    373     if (channels <= 0 || channels >= 3) {
    374         ALOGE("Invalid number of audio channels: %d", channels);
    375         return BAD_VALUE;
    376     }
    378     // Additional check on the number of channels will be performed later.
    379     mAudioChannels = channels;
    380     return OK;
    381 }
    383 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamAudioEncodingBitRate(int32_t bitRate) {
    384     ALOGV("setParamAudioEncodingBitRate: %d", bitRate);
    385     if (bitRate <= 0) {
    386         ALOGE("Invalid audio encoding bit rate: %d", bitRate);
    387         return BAD_VALUE;
    388     }
    390     // The target bit rate may not be exactly the same as the requested.
    391     // It depends on many factors, such as rate control, and the bit rate
    392     // range that a specific encoder supports. The mismatch between the
    393     // the target and requested bit rate will NOT be treated as an error.
    394     mAudioBitRate = bitRate;
    395     return OK;
    396 }
    398 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoEncodingBitRate(int32_t bitRate) {
    399     ALOGV("setParamVideoEncodingBitRate: %d", bitRate);
    400     if (bitRate <= 0) {
    401         ALOGE("Invalid video encoding bit rate: %d", bitRate);
    402         return BAD_VALUE;
    403     }
    405     // The target bit rate may not be exactly the same as the requested.
    406     // It depends on many factors, such as rate control, and the bit rate
    407     // range that a specific encoder supports. The mismatch between the
    408     // the target and requested bit rate will NOT be treated as an error.
    409     mVideoBitRate = bitRate;
    410     return OK;
    411 }
    413 // Always rotate clockwise, and only support 0, 90, 180 and 270 for now.
    414 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoRotation(int32_t degrees) {
    415     ALOGV("setParamVideoRotation: %d", degrees);
    416     if (degrees < 0 || degrees % 90 != 0) {
    417         ALOGE("Unsupported video rotation angle: %d", degrees);
    418         return BAD_VALUE;
    419     }
    420     mRotationDegrees = degrees % 360;
    421     return OK;
    422 }
    424 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamMaxFileDurationUs(int64_t timeUs) {
    425     ALOGV("setParamMaxFileDurationUs: %lld us", (long long)timeUs);
    427     // This is meant for backward compatibility for MediaRecorder.java
    428     if (timeUs <= 0) {
    429         ALOGW("Max file duration is not positive: %lld us. Disabling duration limit.",
    430                 (long long)timeUs);
    431         timeUs = 0; // Disable the duration limit for zero or negative values.
    432     } else if (timeUs <= 100000LL) {  // XXX: 100 milli-seconds
    433         ALOGE("Max file duration is too short: %lld us", (long long)timeUs);
    434         return BAD_VALUE;
    435     }
    437     if (timeUs <= 15 * 1000000LL) {
    438         ALOGW("Target duration (%lld us) too short to be respected", (long long)timeUs);
    439     }
    440     mMaxFileDurationUs = timeUs;
    441     return OK;
    442 }
    444 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamMaxFileSizeBytes(int64_t bytes) {
    445     ALOGV("setParamMaxFileSizeBytes: %lld bytes", (long long)bytes);
    447     // This is meant for backward compatibility for MediaRecorder.java
    448     if (bytes <= 0) {
    449         ALOGW("Max file size is not positive: %lld bytes. "
    450              "Disabling file size limit.", (long long)bytes);
    451         bytes = 0; // Disable the file size limit for zero or negative values.
    452     } else if (bytes <= 1024) {  // XXX: 1 kB
    453         ALOGE("Max file size is too small: %lld bytes", (long long)bytes);
    454         return BAD_VALUE;
    455     }
    457     if (bytes <= 100 * 1024) {
    458         ALOGW("Target file size (%lld bytes) is too small to be respected", (long long)bytes);
    459     }
    461     mMaxFileSizeBytes = bytes;
    462     return OK;
    463 }
    465 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamInterleaveDuration(int32_t durationUs) {
    466     ALOGV("setParamInterleaveDuration: %d", durationUs);
    467     if (durationUs <= 500000) {           //  500 ms
    468         // If interleave duration is too small, it is very inefficient to do
    469         // interleaving since the metadata overhead will count for a significant
    470         // portion of the saved contents
    471         ALOGE("Audio/video interleave duration is too small: %d us", durationUs);
    472         return BAD_VALUE;
    473     } else if (durationUs >= 10000000) {  // 10 seconds
    474         // If interleaving duration is too large, it can cause the recording
    475         // session to use too much memory since we have to save the output
    476         // data before we write them out
    477         ALOGE("Audio/video interleave duration is too large: %d us", durationUs);
    478         return BAD_VALUE;
    479     }
    480     mInterleaveDurationUs = durationUs;
    481     return OK;
    482 }
    484 // If seconds <  0, only the first frame is I frame, and rest are all P frames
    485 // If seconds == 0, all frames are encoded as I frames. No P frames
    486 // If seconds >  0, it is the time spacing (seconds) between 2 neighboring I frames
    487 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoIFramesInterval(int32_t seconds) {
    488     ALOGV("setParamVideoIFramesInterval: %d seconds", seconds);
    489     mIFramesIntervalSec = seconds;
    490     return OK;
    491 }
    493 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParam64BitFileOffset(bool use64Bit) {
    494     ALOGV("setParam64BitFileOffset: %s",
    495         use64Bit? "use 64 bit file offset": "use 32 bit file offset");
    496     mUse64BitFileOffset = use64Bit;
    497     return OK;
    498 }
    500 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoCameraId(int32_t cameraId) {
    501     ALOGV("setParamVideoCameraId: %d", cameraId);
    502     if (cameraId < 0) {
    503         return BAD_VALUE;
    504     }
    505     mCameraId = cameraId;
    506     return OK;
    507 }
    509 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamTrackTimeStatus(int64_t timeDurationUs) {
    510     ALOGV("setParamTrackTimeStatus: %lld", (long long)timeDurationUs);
    511     if (timeDurationUs < 20000) {  // Infeasible if shorter than 20 ms?
    512         ALOGE("Tracking time duration too short: %lld us", (long long)timeDurationUs);
    513         return BAD_VALUE;
    514     }
    515     mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs = timeDurationUs;
    516     return OK;
    517 }
    519 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoEncoderProfile(int32_t profile) {
    520     ALOGV("setParamVideoEncoderProfile: %d", profile);
    522     // Additional check will be done later when we load the encoder.
    523     // For now, we are accepting values defined in OpenMAX IL.
    524     mVideoEncoderProfile = profile;
    525     return OK;
    526 }
    528 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoEncoderLevel(int32_t level) {
    529     ALOGV("setParamVideoEncoderLevel: %d", level);
    531     // Additional check will be done later when we load the encoder.
    532     // For now, we are accepting values defined in OpenMAX IL.
    533     mVideoEncoderLevel = level;
    534     return OK;
    535 }
    537 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamMovieTimeScale(int32_t timeScale) {
    538     ALOGV("setParamMovieTimeScale: %d", timeScale);
    540     // The range is set to be the same as the audio's time scale range
    541     // since audio's time scale has a wider range.
    542     if (timeScale < 600 || timeScale > 96000) {
    543         ALOGE("Time scale (%d) for movie is out of range [600, 96000]", timeScale);
    544         return BAD_VALUE;
    545     }
    546     mMovieTimeScale = timeScale;
    547     return OK;
    548 }
    550 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamVideoTimeScale(int32_t timeScale) {
    551     ALOGV("setParamVideoTimeScale: %d", timeScale);
    553     // 60000 is chosen to make sure that each video frame from a 60-fps
    554     // video has 1000 ticks.
    555     if (timeScale < 600 || timeScale > 60000) {
    556         ALOGE("Time scale (%d) for video is out of range [600, 60000]", timeScale);
    557         return BAD_VALUE;
    558     }
    559     mVideoTimeScale = timeScale;
    560     return OK;
    561 }
    563 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamAudioTimeScale(int32_t timeScale) {
    564     ALOGV("setParamAudioTimeScale: %d", timeScale);
    566     // 96000 Hz is the highest sampling rate support in AAC.
    567     if (timeScale < 600 || timeScale > 96000) {
    568         ALOGE("Time scale (%d) for audio is out of range [600, 96000]", timeScale);
    569         return BAD_VALUE;
    570     }
    571     mAudioTimeScale = timeScale;
    572     return OK;
    573 }
    575 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamCaptureFpsEnable(int32_t captureFpsEnable) {
    576     ALOGV("setParamCaptureFpsEnable: %d", captureFpsEnable);
    578     if(captureFpsEnable == 0) {
    579         mCaptureFpsEnable = false;
    580     } else if (captureFpsEnable == 1) {
    581         mCaptureFpsEnable = true;
    582     } else {
    583         return BAD_VALUE;
    584     }
    585     return OK;
    586 }
    588 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamCaptureFps(float fps) {
    589     ALOGV("setParamCaptureFps: %.2f", fps);
    591     int64_t timeUs = (int64_t) (1000000.0 / fps + 0.5f);
    593     // Not allowing time more than a day
    594     if (timeUs <= 0 || timeUs > 86400*1E6) {
    595         ALOGE("Time between frame capture (%lld) is out of range [0, 1 Day]", (long long)timeUs);
    596         return BAD_VALUE;
    597     }
    599     mCaptureFps = fps;
    600     mTimeBetweenCaptureUs = timeUs;
    601     return OK;
    602 }
    604 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamGeoDataLongitude(
    605     int64_t longitudex10000) {
    607     if (longitudex10000 > 1800000 || longitudex10000 < -1800000) {
    608         return BAD_VALUE;
    609     }
    610     mLongitudex10000 = longitudex10000;
    611     return OK;
    612 }
    614 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamGeoDataLatitude(
    615     int64_t latitudex10000) {
    617     if (latitudex10000 > 900000 || latitudex10000 < -900000) {
    618         return BAD_VALUE;
    619     }
    620     mLatitudex10000 = latitudex10000;
    621     return OK;
    622 }
    624 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParameter(
    625         const String8 &key, const String8 &value) {
    626     ALOGV("setParameter: key (%s) => value (%s)", key.string(), value.string());
    627     if (key == "max-duration") {
    628         int64_t max_duration_ms;
    629         if (safe_strtoi64(value.string(), &max_duration_ms)) {
    630             return setParamMaxFileDurationUs(1000LL * max_duration_ms);
    631         }
    632     } else if (key == "max-filesize") {
    633         int64_t max_filesize_bytes;
    634         if (safe_strtoi64(value.string(), &max_filesize_bytes)) {
    635             return setParamMaxFileSizeBytes(max_filesize_bytes);
    636         }
    637     } else if (key == "interleave-duration-us") {
    638         int32_t durationUs;
    639         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &durationUs)) {
    640             return setParamInterleaveDuration(durationUs);
    641         }
    642     } else if (key == "param-movie-time-scale") {
    643         int32_t timeScale;
    644         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &timeScale)) {
    645             return setParamMovieTimeScale(timeScale);
    646         }
    647     } else if (key == "param-use-64bit-offset") {
    648         int32_t use64BitOffset;
    649         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &use64BitOffset)) {
    650             return setParam64BitFileOffset(use64BitOffset != 0);
    651         }
    652     } else if (key == "param-geotag-longitude") {
    653         int64_t longitudex10000;
    654         if (safe_strtoi64(value.string(), &longitudex10000)) {
    655             return setParamGeoDataLongitude(longitudex10000);
    656         }
    657     } else if (key == "param-geotag-latitude") {
    658         int64_t latitudex10000;
    659         if (safe_strtoi64(value.string(), &latitudex10000)) {
    660             return setParamGeoDataLatitude(latitudex10000);
    661         }
    662     } else if (key == "param-track-time-status") {
    663         int64_t timeDurationUs;
    664         if (safe_strtoi64(value.string(), &timeDurationUs)) {
    665             return setParamTrackTimeStatus(timeDurationUs);
    666         }
    667     } else if (key == "audio-param-sampling-rate") {
    668         int32_t sampling_rate;
    669         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &sampling_rate)) {
    670             return setParamAudioSamplingRate(sampling_rate);
    671         }
    672     } else if (key == "audio-param-number-of-channels") {
    673         int32_t number_of_channels;
    674         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &number_of_channels)) {
    675             return setParamAudioNumberOfChannels(number_of_channels);
    676         }
    677     } else if (key == "audio-param-encoding-bitrate") {
    678         int32_t audio_bitrate;
    679         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &audio_bitrate)) {
    680             return setParamAudioEncodingBitRate(audio_bitrate);
    681         }
    682     } else if (key == "audio-param-time-scale") {
    683         int32_t timeScale;
    684         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &timeScale)) {
    685             return setParamAudioTimeScale(timeScale);
    686         }
    687     } else if (key == "video-param-encoding-bitrate") {
    688         int32_t video_bitrate;
    689         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &video_bitrate)) {
    690             return setParamVideoEncodingBitRate(video_bitrate);
    691         }
    692     } else if (key == "video-param-rotation-angle-degrees") {
    693         int32_t degrees;
    694         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &degrees)) {
    695             return setParamVideoRotation(degrees);
    696         }
    697     } else if (key == "video-param-i-frames-interval") {
    698         int32_t seconds;
    699         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &seconds)) {
    700             return setParamVideoIFramesInterval(seconds);
    701         }
    702     } else if (key == "video-param-encoder-profile") {
    703         int32_t profile;
    704         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &profile)) {
    705             return setParamVideoEncoderProfile(profile);
    706         }
    707     } else if (key == "video-param-encoder-level") {
    708         int32_t level;
    709         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &level)) {
    710             return setParamVideoEncoderLevel(level);
    711         }
    712     } else if (key == "video-param-camera-id") {
    713         int32_t cameraId;
    714         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &cameraId)) {
    715             return setParamVideoCameraId(cameraId);
    716         }
    717     } else if (key == "video-param-time-scale") {
    718         int32_t timeScale;
    719         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &timeScale)) {
    720             return setParamVideoTimeScale(timeScale);
    721         }
    722     } else if (key == "time-lapse-enable") {
    723         int32_t captureFpsEnable;
    724         if (safe_strtoi32(value.string(), &captureFpsEnable)) {
    725             return setParamCaptureFpsEnable(captureFpsEnable);
    726         }
    727     } else if (key == "time-lapse-fps") {
    728         float fps;
    729         if (safe_strtof(value.string(), &fps)) {
    730             return setParamCaptureFps(fps);
    731         }
    732     } else {
    733         ALOGE("setParameter: failed to find key %s", key.string());
    734     }
    735     return BAD_VALUE;
    736 }
    738 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParameters(const String8 &params) {
    739     ALOGV("setParameters: %s", params.string());
    740     const char *cparams = params.string();
    741     const char *key_start = cparams;
    742     for (;;) {
    743         const char *equal_pos = strchr(key_start, '=');
    744         if (equal_pos == NULL) {
    745             ALOGE("Parameters %s miss a value", cparams);
    746             return BAD_VALUE;
    747         }
    748         String8 key(key_start, equal_pos - key_start);
    749         TrimString(&key);
    750         if (key.length() == 0) {
    751             ALOGE("Parameters %s contains an empty key", cparams);
    752             return BAD_VALUE;
    753         }
    754         const char *value_start = equal_pos + 1;
    755         const char *semicolon_pos = strchr(value_start, ';');
    756         String8 value;
    757         if (semicolon_pos == NULL) {
    758             value.setTo(value_start);
    759         } else {
    760             value.setTo(value_start, semicolon_pos - value_start);
    761         }
    762         if (setParameter(key, value) != OK) {
    763             return BAD_VALUE;
    764         }
    765         if (semicolon_pos == NULL) {
    766             break;  // Reaches the end
    767         }
    768         key_start = semicolon_pos + 1;
    769     }
    770     return OK;
    771 }
    773 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setListener(const sp<IMediaRecorderClient> &listener) {
    774     mListener = listener;
    776     return OK;
    777 }
    779 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setClientName(const String16& clientName) {
    780     mClientName = clientName;
    782     return OK;
    783 }
    785 status_t StagefrightRecorder::prepareInternal() {
    786     ALOGV("prepare");
    787     if (mOutputFd < 0) {
    788         ALOGE("Output file descriptor is invalid");
    789         return INVALID_OPERATION;
    790     }
    792     // Get UID and PID here for permission checking
    793     mClientUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();
    794     mClientPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
    796     status_t status = OK;
    798     switch (mOutputFormat) {
    799         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT:
    800         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP:
    801         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4:
    802         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM:
    803             status = setupMPEG4orWEBMRecording();
    804             break;
    806         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_NB:
    807         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_WB:
    808             status = setupAMRRecording();
    809             break;
    811         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADIF:
    812         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS:
    813             status = setupAACRecording();
    814             break;
    816         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_RTP_AVP:
    817             status = setupRTPRecording();
    818             break;
    820         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG2TS:
    821             status = setupMPEG2TSRecording();
    822             break;
    824         default:
    825             ALOGE("Unsupported output file format: %d", mOutputFormat);
    826             status = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    827             break;
    828     }
    830     ALOGV("Recording frameRate: %d captureFps: %f",
    831             mFrameRate, mCaptureFps);
    833     return status;
    834 }
    836 status_t StagefrightRecorder::prepare() {
    837     if (mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE) {
    838         return prepareInternal();
    839     }
    840     return OK;
    841 }
    843 status_t StagefrightRecorder::start() {
    844     ALOGV("start");
    845     if (mOutputFd < 0) {
    846         ALOGE("Output file descriptor is invalid");
    847         return INVALID_OPERATION;
    848     }
    850     status_t status = OK;
    852     if (mVideoSource != VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE) {
    853         status = prepareInternal();
    854         if (status != OK) {
    855             return status;
    856         }
    857     }
    859     if (mWriter == NULL) {
    860         ALOGE("File writer is not avaialble");
    861         return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    862     }
    864     switch (mOutputFormat) {
    865         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT:
    866         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP:
    867         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4:
    868         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM:
    869         {
    870             bool isMPEG4 = true;
    871             if (mOutputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) {
    872                 isMPEG4 = false;
    873             }
    874             sp<MetaData> meta = new MetaData;
    875             setupMPEG4orWEBMMetaData(&meta);
    876             status = mWriter->start(meta.get());
    877             break;
    878         }
    880         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_NB:
    881         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_WB:
    882         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADIF:
    883         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS:
    884         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_RTP_AVP:
    885         case OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG2TS:
    886         {
    887             status = mWriter->start();
    888             break;
    889         }
    891         default:
    892         {
    893             ALOGE("Unsupported output file format: %d", mOutputFormat);
    894             status = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    895             break;
    896         }
    897     }
    899     if (status != OK) {
    900         mWriter.clear();
    901         mWriter = NULL;
    902     }
    904     if ((status == OK) && (!mStarted)) {
    905         mStarted = true;
    907         uint32_t params = IMediaPlayerService::kBatteryDataCodecStarted;
    908         if (mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT) {
    909             params |= IMediaPlayerService::kBatteryDataTrackAudio;
    910         }
    911         if (mVideoSource != VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END) {
    912             params |= IMediaPlayerService::kBatteryDataTrackVideo;
    913         }
    915         addBatteryData(params);
    916     }
    918     return status;
    919 }
    921 sp<MediaCodecSource> StagefrightRecorder::createAudioSource() {
    922     int32_t sourceSampleRate = mSampleRate;
    924     if (mCaptureFpsEnable && mCaptureFps >= mFrameRate) {
    925         // Upscale the sample rate for slow motion recording.
    926         // Fail audio source creation if source sample rate is too high, as it could
    927         // cause out-of-memory due to large input buffer size. And audio recording
    928         // probably doesn't make sense in the scenario, since the slow-down factor
    929         // is probably huge (eg. mSampleRate=48K, mCaptureFps=240, mFrameRate=1).
    930         const static int32_t SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX = 192000;
    931         sourceSampleRate =
    932                 (mSampleRate * mCaptureFps + mFrameRate / 2) / mFrameRate;
    933         if (sourceSampleRate < mSampleRate || sourceSampleRate > SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX) {
    934             ALOGE("source sample rate out of range! "
    935                     "(mSampleRate %d, mCaptureFps %.2f, mFrameRate %d",
    936                     mSampleRate, mCaptureFps, mFrameRate);
    937             return NULL;
    938         }
    939     }
    941     sp<AudioSource> audioSource =
    942         new AudioSource(
    943                 mAudioSource,
    944                 mOpPackageName,
    945                 sourceSampleRate,
    946                 mAudioChannels,
    947                 mSampleRate,
    948                 mClientUid,
    949                 mClientPid);
    951     status_t err = audioSource->initCheck();
    953     if (err != OK) {
    954         ALOGE("audio source is not initialized");
    955         return NULL;
    956     }
    958     sp<AMessage> format = new AMessage;
    959     switch (mAudioEncoder) {
    960         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB:
    961         case AUDIO_ENCODER_DEFAULT:
    962             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB);
    963             break;
    964         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_WB:
    965             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB);
    966             break;
    967         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC:
    968             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC);
    969             format->setInt32("aac-profile", OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectLC);
    970             break;
    971         case AUDIO_ENCODER_HE_AAC:
    972             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC);
    973             format->setInt32("aac-profile", OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectHE);
    974             break;
    975         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC_ELD:
    976             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC);
    977             format->setInt32("aac-profile", OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectELD);
    978             break;
    980         default:
    981             ALOGE("Unknown audio encoder: %d", mAudioEncoder);
    982             return NULL;
    983     }
    985     int32_t maxInputSize;
    986     CHECK(audioSource->getFormat()->findInt32(
    987                 kKeyMaxInputSize, &maxInputSize));
    989     format->setInt32("max-input-size", maxInputSize);
    990     format->setInt32("channel-count", mAudioChannels);
    991     format->setInt32("sample-rate", mSampleRate);
    992     format->setInt32("bitrate", mAudioBitRate);
    993     if (mAudioTimeScale > 0) {
    994         format->setInt32("time-scale", mAudioTimeScale);
    995     }
    996     format->setInt32("priority", 0 /* realtime */);
    998     sp<MediaCodecSource> audioEncoder =
    999             MediaCodecSource::Create(mLooper, format, audioSource);
   1000     mAudioSourceNode = audioSource;
   1002     if (audioEncoder == NULL) {
   1003         ALOGE("Failed to create audio encoder");
   1004     }
   1006     return audioEncoder;
   1007 }
   1009 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupAACRecording() {
   1010     // FIXME:
   1011     // Add support for OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADIF
   1012     CHECK_EQ(mOutputFormat, OUTPUT_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS);
   1014     CHECK(mAudioEncoder == AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC ||
   1015           mAudioEncoder == AUDIO_ENCODER_HE_AAC ||
   1016           mAudioEncoder == AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC_ELD);
   1017     CHECK(mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT);
   1019     mWriter = new AACWriter(mOutputFd);
   1020     return setupRawAudioRecording();
   1021 }
   1023 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupAMRRecording() {
   1024     CHECK(mOutputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_NB ||
   1025           mOutputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_WB);
   1027     if (mOutputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_NB) {
   1028         if (mAudioEncoder != AUDIO_ENCODER_DEFAULT &&
   1029             mAudioEncoder != AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB) {
   1030             ALOGE("Invalid encoder %d used for AMRNB recording",
   1031                     mAudioEncoder);
   1032             return BAD_VALUE;
   1033         }
   1034     } else {  // mOutputFormat must be OUTPUT_FORMAT_AMR_WB
   1035         if (mAudioEncoder != AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_WB) {
   1036             ALOGE("Invlaid encoder %d used for AMRWB recording",
   1037                     mAudioEncoder);
   1038             return BAD_VALUE;
   1039         }
   1040     }
   1042     mWriter = new AMRWriter(mOutputFd);
   1043     return setupRawAudioRecording();
   1044 }
   1046 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupRawAudioRecording() {
   1047     if (mAudioSource >= AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT && mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_FM_TUNER) {
   1048         ALOGE("Invalid audio source: %d", mAudioSource);
   1049         return BAD_VALUE;
   1050     }
   1052     status_t status = BAD_VALUE;
   1053     if (OK != (status = checkAudioEncoderCapabilities())) {
   1054         return status;
   1055     }
   1057     sp<MediaCodecSource> audioEncoder = createAudioSource();
   1058     if (audioEncoder == NULL) {
   1059         return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
   1060     }
   1062     CHECK(mWriter != 0);
   1063     mWriter->addSource(audioEncoder);
   1064     mAudioEncoderSource = audioEncoder;
   1066     if (mMaxFileDurationUs != 0) {
   1067         mWriter->setMaxFileDuration(mMaxFileDurationUs);
   1068     }
   1069     if (mMaxFileSizeBytes != 0) {
   1070         mWriter->setMaxFileSize(mMaxFileSizeBytes);
   1071     }
   1072     mWriter->setListener(mListener);
   1074     return OK;
   1075 }
   1077 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupRTPRecording() {
   1078     CHECK_EQ(mOutputFormat, OUTPUT_FORMAT_RTP_AVP);
   1080     if ((mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT
   1081                 && mVideoSource != VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END)
   1082             || (mAudioSource == AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT
   1083                 && mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END)) {
   1084         // Must have exactly one source.
   1085         return BAD_VALUE;
   1086     }
   1088     if (mOutputFd < 0) {
   1089         return BAD_VALUE;
   1090     }
   1092     sp<MediaCodecSource> source;
   1094     if (mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT) {
   1095         source = createAudioSource();
   1096         mAudioEncoderSource = source;
   1097     } else {
   1098         setDefaultVideoEncoderIfNecessary();
   1100         sp<MediaSource> mediaSource;
   1101         status_t err = setupMediaSource(&mediaSource);
   1102         if (err != OK) {
   1103             return err;
   1104         }
   1106         err = setupVideoEncoder(mediaSource, &source);
   1107         if (err != OK) {
   1108             return err;
   1109         }
   1110         mVideoEncoderSource = source;
   1111     }
   1113     mWriter = new ARTPWriter(mOutputFd);
   1114     mWriter->addSource(source);
   1115     mWriter->setListener(mListener);
   1117     return OK;
   1118 }
   1120 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupMPEG2TSRecording() {
   1121     CHECK_EQ(mOutputFormat, OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG2TS);
   1123     sp<MediaWriter> writer = new MPEG2TSWriter(mOutputFd);
   1125     if (mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT) {
   1126         if (mAudioEncoder != AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC &&
   1127             mAudioEncoder != AUDIO_ENCODER_HE_AAC &&
   1128             mAudioEncoder != AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC_ELD) {
   1129             return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED;
   1130         }
   1132         status_t err = setupAudioEncoder(writer);
   1134         if (err != OK) {
   1135             return err;
   1136         }
   1137     }
   1139     if (mVideoSource < VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END) {
   1140         if (mVideoEncoder != VIDEO_ENCODER_H264) {
   1141             ALOGE("MPEG2TS recording only supports H.264 encoding!");
   1142             return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED;
   1143         }
   1145         sp<MediaSource> mediaSource;
   1146         status_t err = setupMediaSource(&mediaSource);
   1147         if (err != OK) {
   1148             return err;
   1149         }
   1151         sp<MediaCodecSource> encoder;
   1152         err = setupVideoEncoder(mediaSource, &encoder);
   1154         if (err != OK) {
   1155             return err;
   1156         }
   1158         writer->addSource(encoder);
   1159         mVideoEncoderSource = encoder;
   1160     }
   1162     if (mMaxFileDurationUs != 0) {
   1163         writer->setMaxFileDuration(mMaxFileDurationUs);
   1164     }
   1166     if (mMaxFileSizeBytes != 0) {
   1167         writer->setMaxFileSize(mMaxFileSizeBytes);
   1168     }
   1170     mWriter = writer;
   1172     return OK;
   1173 }
   1175 void StagefrightRecorder::clipVideoFrameRate() {
   1176     ALOGV("clipVideoFrameRate: encoder %d", mVideoEncoder);
   1177     if (mFrameRate == -1) {
   1178         mFrameRate = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1179                 "vid.fps", mCameraId, CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW);
   1180         ALOGW("Using default video fps %d", mFrameRate);
   1181     }
   1183     int minFrameRate = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1184                         "enc.vid.fps.min", mVideoEncoder);
   1185     int maxFrameRate = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1186                         "enc.vid.fps.max", mVideoEncoder);
   1187     if (mFrameRate < minFrameRate && minFrameRate != -1) {
   1188         ALOGW("Intended video encoding frame rate (%d fps) is too small"
   1189              " and will be set to (%d fps)", mFrameRate, minFrameRate);
   1190         mFrameRate = minFrameRate;
   1191     } else if (mFrameRate > maxFrameRate && maxFrameRate != -1) {
   1192         ALOGW("Intended video encoding frame rate (%d fps) is too large"
   1193              " and will be set to (%d fps)", mFrameRate, maxFrameRate);
   1194         mFrameRate = maxFrameRate;
   1195     }
   1196 }
   1198 void StagefrightRecorder::clipVideoBitRate() {
   1199     ALOGV("clipVideoBitRate: encoder %d", mVideoEncoder);
   1200     int minBitRate = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1201                         "enc.vid.bps.min", mVideoEncoder);
   1202     int maxBitRate = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1203                         "enc.vid.bps.max", mVideoEncoder);
   1204     if (mVideoBitRate < minBitRate && minBitRate != -1) {
   1205         ALOGW("Intended video encoding bit rate (%d bps) is too small"
   1206              " and will be set to (%d bps)", mVideoBitRate, minBitRate);
   1207         mVideoBitRate = minBitRate;
   1208     } else if (mVideoBitRate > maxBitRate && maxBitRate != -1) {
   1209         ALOGW("Intended video encoding bit rate (%d bps) is too large"
   1210              " and will be set to (%d bps)", mVideoBitRate, maxBitRate);
   1211         mVideoBitRate = maxBitRate;
   1212     }
   1213 }
   1215 void StagefrightRecorder::clipVideoFrameWidth() {
   1216     ALOGV("clipVideoFrameWidth: encoder %d", mVideoEncoder);
   1217     int minFrameWidth = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1218                         "enc.vid.width.min", mVideoEncoder);
   1219     int maxFrameWidth = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1220                         "enc.vid.width.max", mVideoEncoder);
   1221     if (mVideoWidth < minFrameWidth && minFrameWidth != -1) {
   1222         ALOGW("Intended video encoding frame width (%d) is too small"
   1223              " and will be set to (%d)", mVideoWidth, minFrameWidth);
   1224         mVideoWidth = minFrameWidth;
   1225     } else if (mVideoWidth > maxFrameWidth && maxFrameWidth != -1) {
   1226         ALOGW("Intended video encoding frame width (%d) is too large"
   1227              " and will be set to (%d)", mVideoWidth, maxFrameWidth);
   1228         mVideoWidth = maxFrameWidth;
   1229     }
   1230 }
   1232 status_t StagefrightRecorder::checkVideoEncoderCapabilities() {
   1233     if (!mCaptureFpsEnable) {
   1234         // Dont clip for time lapse capture as encoder will have enough
   1235         // time to encode because of slow capture rate of time lapse.
   1236         clipVideoBitRate();
   1237         clipVideoFrameRate();
   1238         clipVideoFrameWidth();
   1239         clipVideoFrameHeight();
   1240         setDefaultProfileIfNecessary();
   1241     }
   1242     return OK;
   1243 }
   1245 // Set to use AVC baseline profile if the encoding parameters matches
   1246 // CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW profile; this is for the sake of MMS service.
   1247 void StagefrightRecorder::setDefaultProfileIfNecessary() {
   1248     ALOGV("setDefaultProfileIfNecessary");
   1250     camcorder_quality quality = CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW;
   1252     int64_t durationUs   = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1253                                 "duration", mCameraId, quality) * 1000000LL;
   1255     int fileFormat       = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1256                                 "file.format", mCameraId, quality);
   1258     int videoCodec       = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1259                                 "vid.codec", mCameraId, quality);
   1261     int videoBitRate     = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1262                                 "vid.bps", mCameraId, quality);
   1264     int videoFrameRate   = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1265                                 "vid.fps", mCameraId, quality);
   1267     int videoFrameWidth  = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1268                                 "vid.width", mCameraId, quality);
   1270     int videoFrameHeight = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1271                                 "vid.height", mCameraId, quality);
   1273     int audioCodec       = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1274                                 "aud.codec", mCameraId, quality);
   1276     int audioBitRate     = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1277                                 "aud.bps", mCameraId, quality);
   1279     int audioSampleRate  = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1280                                 "aud.hz", mCameraId, quality);
   1282     int audioChannels    = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1283                                 "aud.ch", mCameraId, quality);
   1285     if (durationUs == mMaxFileDurationUs &&
   1286         fileFormat == mOutputFormat &&
   1287         videoCodec == mVideoEncoder &&
   1288         videoBitRate == mVideoBitRate &&
   1289         videoFrameRate == mFrameRate &&
   1290         videoFrameWidth == mVideoWidth &&
   1291         videoFrameHeight == mVideoHeight &&
   1292         audioCodec == mAudioEncoder &&
   1293         audioBitRate == mAudioBitRate &&
   1294         audioSampleRate == mSampleRate &&
   1295         audioChannels == mAudioChannels) {
   1296         if (videoCodec == VIDEO_ENCODER_H264) {
   1297             ALOGI("Force to use AVC baseline profile");
   1298             setParamVideoEncoderProfile(OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline);
   1299             // set 0 for invalid levels - this will be rejected by the
   1300             // codec if it cannot handle it during configure
   1301             setParamVideoEncoderLevel(ACodec::getAVCLevelFor(
   1302                     videoFrameWidth, videoFrameHeight, videoFrameRate, videoBitRate));
   1303         }
   1304     }
   1305 }
   1307 void StagefrightRecorder::setDefaultVideoEncoderIfNecessary() {
   1308     if (mVideoEncoder == VIDEO_ENCODER_DEFAULT) {
   1309         if (mOutputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) {
   1310             // default to VP8 for WEBM recording
   1311             mVideoEncoder = VIDEO_ENCODER_VP8;
   1312         } else {
   1313             // pick the default encoder for CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW
   1314             int videoCodec = mEncoderProfiles->getCamcorderProfileParamByName(
   1315                     "vid.codec", mCameraId, CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW);
   1317             if (videoCodec > VIDEO_ENCODER_DEFAULT &&
   1318                 videoCodec < VIDEO_ENCODER_LIST_END) {
   1319                 mVideoEncoder = (video_encoder)videoCodec;
   1320             } else {
   1321                 // default to H.264 if camcorder profile not available
   1322                 mVideoEncoder = VIDEO_ENCODER_H264;
   1323             }
   1324         }
   1325     }
   1326 }
   1328 status_t StagefrightRecorder::checkAudioEncoderCapabilities() {
   1329     clipAudioBitRate();
   1330     clipAudioSampleRate();
   1331     clipNumberOfAudioChannels();
   1332     return OK;
   1333 }
   1335 void StagefrightRecorder::clipAudioBitRate() {
   1336     ALOGV("clipAudioBitRate: encoder %d", mAudioEncoder);
   1338     int minAudioBitRate =
   1339             mEncoderProfiles->getAudioEncoderParamByName(
   1340                 "enc.aud.bps.min", mAudioEncoder);
   1341     if (minAudioBitRate != -1 && mAudioBitRate < minAudioBitRate) {
   1342         ALOGW("Intended audio encoding bit rate (%d) is too small"
   1343             " and will be set to (%d)", mAudioBitRate, minAudioBitRate);
   1344         mAudioBitRate = minAudioBitRate;
   1345     }
   1347     int maxAudioBitRate =
   1348             mEncoderProfiles->getAudioEncoderParamByName(
   1349                 "enc.aud.bps.max", mAudioEncoder);
   1350     if (maxAudioBitRate != -1 && mAudioBitRate > maxAudioBitRate) {
   1351         ALOGW("Intended audio encoding bit rate (%d) is too large"
   1352             " and will be set to (%d)", mAudioBitRate, maxAudioBitRate);
   1353         mAudioBitRate = maxAudioBitRate;
   1354     }
   1355 }
   1357 void StagefrightRecorder::clipAudioSampleRate() {
   1358     ALOGV("clipAudioSampleRate: encoder %d", mAudioEncoder);
   1360     int minSampleRate =
   1361             mEncoderProfiles->getAudioEncoderParamByName(
   1362                 "enc.aud.hz.min", mAudioEncoder);
   1363     if (minSampleRate != -1 && mSampleRate < minSampleRate) {
   1364         ALOGW("Intended audio sample rate (%d) is too small"
   1365             " and will be set to (%d)", mSampleRate, minSampleRate);
   1366         mSampleRate = minSampleRate;
   1367     }
   1369     int maxSampleRate =
   1370             mEncoderProfiles->getAudioEncoderParamByName(
   1371                 "enc.aud.hz.max", mAudioEncoder);
   1372     if (maxSampleRate != -1 && mSampleRate > maxSampleRate) {
   1373         ALOGW("Intended audio sample rate (%d) is too large"
   1374             " and will be set to (%d)", mSampleRate, maxSampleRate);
   1375         mSampleRate = maxSampleRate;
   1376     }
   1377 }
   1379 void StagefrightRecorder::clipNumberOfAudioChannels() {
   1380     ALOGV("clipNumberOfAudioChannels: encoder %d", mAudioEncoder);
   1382     int minChannels =
   1383             mEncoderProfiles->getAudioEncoderParamByName(
   1384                 "enc.aud.ch.min", mAudioEncoder);
   1385     if (minChannels != -1 && mAudioChannels < minChannels) {
   1386         ALOGW("Intended number of audio channels (%d) is too small"
   1387             " and will be set to (%d)", mAudioChannels, minChannels);
   1388         mAudioChannels = minChannels;
   1389     }
   1391     int maxChannels =
   1392             mEncoderProfiles->getAudioEncoderParamByName(
   1393                 "enc.aud.ch.max", mAudioEncoder);
   1394     if (maxChannels != -1 && mAudioChannels > maxChannels) {
   1395         ALOGW("Intended number of audio channels (%d) is too large"
   1396             " and will be set to (%d)", mAudioChannels, maxChannels);
   1397         mAudioChannels = maxChannels;
   1398     }
   1399 }
   1401 void StagefrightRecorder::clipVideoFrameHeight() {
   1402     ALOGV("clipVideoFrameHeight: encoder %d", mVideoEncoder);
   1403     int minFrameHeight = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1404                         "enc.vid.height.min", mVideoEncoder);
   1405     int maxFrameHeight = mEncoderProfiles->getVideoEncoderParamByName(
   1406                         "enc.vid.height.max", mVideoEncoder);
   1407     if (minFrameHeight != -1 && mVideoHeight < minFrameHeight) {
   1408         ALOGW("Intended video encoding frame height (%d) is too small"
   1409              " and will be set to (%d)", mVideoHeight, minFrameHeight);
   1410         mVideoHeight = minFrameHeight;
   1411     } else if (maxFrameHeight != -1 && mVideoHeight > maxFrameHeight) {
   1412         ALOGW("Intended video encoding frame height (%d) is too large"
   1413              " and will be set to (%d)", mVideoHeight, maxFrameHeight);
   1414         mVideoHeight = maxFrameHeight;
   1415     }
   1416 }
   1418 // Set up the appropriate MediaSource depending on the chosen option
   1419 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupMediaSource(
   1420                       sp<MediaSource> *mediaSource) {
   1421     if (mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_DEFAULT
   1422             || mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_CAMERA) {
   1423         sp<CameraSource> cameraSource;
   1424         status_t err = setupCameraSource(&cameraSource);
   1425         if (err != OK) {
   1426             return err;
   1427         }
   1428         *mediaSource = cameraSource;
   1429     } else if (mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE) {
   1430         *mediaSource = NULL;
   1431     } else {
   1432         return INVALID_OPERATION;
   1433     }
   1434     return OK;
   1435 }
   1437 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupCameraSource(
   1438         sp<CameraSource> *cameraSource) {
   1439     status_t err = OK;
   1440     if ((err = checkVideoEncoderCapabilities()) != OK) {
   1441         return err;
   1442     }
   1443     Size videoSize;
   1444     videoSize.width = mVideoWidth;
   1445     videoSize.height = mVideoHeight;
   1446     if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
   1447         if (mTimeBetweenCaptureUs < 0) {
   1448             ALOGE("Invalid mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs value: %lld",
   1449                     (long long)mTimeBetweenCaptureUs);
   1450             return BAD_VALUE;
   1451         }
   1453         mCameraSourceTimeLapse = CameraSourceTimeLapse::CreateFromCamera(
   1454                 mCamera, mCameraProxy, mCameraId, mClientName, mClientUid, mClientPid,
   1455                 videoSize, mFrameRate, mPreviewSurface,
   1456                 mTimeBetweenCaptureUs);
   1457         *cameraSource = mCameraSourceTimeLapse;
   1458     } else {
   1459         *cameraSource = CameraSource::CreateFromCamera(
   1460                 mCamera, mCameraProxy, mCameraId, mClientName, mClientUid, mClientPid,
   1461                 videoSize, mFrameRate,
   1462                 mPreviewSurface);
   1463     }
   1464     mCamera.clear();
   1465     mCameraProxy.clear();
   1466     if (*cameraSource == NULL) {
   1467         return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
   1468     }
   1470     if ((*cameraSource)->initCheck() != OK) {
   1471         (*cameraSource).clear();
   1472         *cameraSource = NULL;
   1473         return NO_INIT;
   1474     }
   1476     // When frame rate is not set, the actual frame rate will be set to
   1477     // the current frame rate being used.
   1478     if (mFrameRate == -1) {
   1479         int32_t frameRate = 0;
   1480         CHECK ((*cameraSource)->getFormat()->findInt32(
   1481                     kKeyFrameRate, &frameRate));
   1482         ALOGI("Frame rate is not explicitly set. Use the current frame "
   1483              "rate (%d fps)", frameRate);
   1484         mFrameRate = frameRate;
   1485     }
   1487     CHECK(mFrameRate != -1);
   1489     mMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers =
   1490         (*cameraSource)->metaDataStoredInVideoBuffers();
   1492     return OK;
   1493 }
   1495 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupVideoEncoder(
   1496         sp<MediaSource> cameraSource,
   1497         sp<MediaCodecSource> *source) {
   1498     source->clear();
   1500     sp<AMessage> format = new AMessage();
   1502     switch (mVideoEncoder) {
   1503         case VIDEO_ENCODER_H263:
   1504             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263);
   1505             break;
   1507         case VIDEO_ENCODER_MPEG_4_SP:
   1508             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4);
   1509             break;
   1511         case VIDEO_ENCODER_H264:
   1512             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
   1513             break;
   1515         case VIDEO_ENCODER_VP8:
   1516             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8);
   1517             break;
   1519         case VIDEO_ENCODER_HEVC:
   1520             format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC);
   1521             break;
   1523         default:
   1524             CHECK(!"Should not be here, unsupported video encoding.");
   1525             break;
   1526     }
   1528     if (cameraSource != NULL) {
   1529         sp<MetaData> meta = cameraSource->getFormat();
   1531         int32_t width, height, stride, sliceHeight, colorFormat;
   1532         CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width));
   1533         CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height));
   1534         CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyStride, &stride));
   1535         CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySliceHeight, &sliceHeight));
   1536         CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &colorFormat));
   1538         format->setInt32("width", width);
   1539         format->setInt32("height", height);
   1540         format->setInt32("stride", stride);
   1541         format->setInt32("slice-height", sliceHeight);
   1542         format->setInt32("color-format", colorFormat);
   1543     } else {
   1544         format->setInt32("width", mVideoWidth);
   1545         format->setInt32("height", mVideoHeight);
   1546         format->setInt32("stride", mVideoWidth);
   1547         format->setInt32("slice-height", mVideoHeight);
   1548         format->setInt32("color-format", OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque);
   1550         // set up time lapse/slow motion for surface source
   1551         if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
   1552             if (mTimeBetweenCaptureUs <= 0) {
   1553                 ALOGE("Invalid mTimeBetweenCaptureUs value: %lld",
   1554                         (long long)mTimeBetweenCaptureUs);
   1555                 return BAD_VALUE;
   1556             }
   1557             format->setInt64("time-lapse", mTimeBetweenCaptureUs);
   1558         }
   1559     }
   1561     format->setInt32("bitrate", mVideoBitRate);
   1562     format->setInt32("frame-rate", mFrameRate);
   1563     format->setInt32("i-frame-interval", mIFramesIntervalSec);
   1565     if (mVideoTimeScale > 0) {
   1566         format->setInt32("time-scale", mVideoTimeScale);
   1567     }
   1568     if (mVideoEncoderProfile != -1) {
   1569         format->setInt32("profile", mVideoEncoderProfile);
   1570     }
   1571     if (mVideoEncoderLevel != -1) {
   1572         format->setInt32("level", mVideoEncoderLevel);
   1573     }
   1575     uint32_t tsLayers = 1;
   1576     bool preferBFrames = true; // we like B-frames as it produces better quality per bitrate
   1577     format->setInt32("priority", 0 /* realtime */);
   1578     float maxPlaybackFps = mFrameRate; // assume video is only played back at normal speed
   1580     if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
   1581         format->setFloat("operating-rate", mCaptureFps);
   1583         // enable layering for all time lapse and high frame rate recordings
   1584         if (mFrameRate / mCaptureFps >= 1.9) { // time lapse
   1585             preferBFrames = false;
   1586             tsLayers = 2; // use at least two layers as resulting video will likely be sped up
   1587         } else if (mCaptureFps > maxPlaybackFps) { // slow-mo
   1588             maxPlaybackFps = mCaptureFps; // assume video will be played back at full capture speed
   1589             preferBFrames = false;
   1590         }
   1591     }
   1593     for (uint32_t tryLayers = 1; tryLayers <= kMaxNumVideoTemporalLayers; ++tryLayers) {
   1594         if (tryLayers > tsLayers) {
   1595             tsLayers = tryLayers;
   1596         }
   1597         // keep going until the base layer fps falls below the typical display refresh rate
   1598         float baseLayerFps = maxPlaybackFps / (1 << (tryLayers - 1));
   1599         if (baseLayerFps < kMinTypicalDisplayRefreshingRate / 0.9) {
   1600             break;
   1601         }
   1602     }
   1604     if (tsLayers > 1) {
   1605         uint32_t bLayers = std::min(2u, tsLayers - 1); // use up-to 2 B-layers
   1606         uint32_t pLayers = tsLayers - bLayers;
   1607         format->setString(
   1608                 "ts-schema", AStringPrintf("android.generic.%u+%u", pLayers, bLayers));
   1610         // TODO: some encoders do not support B-frames with temporal layering, and we have a
   1611         // different preference based on use-case. We could move this into camera profiles.
   1612         format->setInt32("android._prefer-b-frames", preferBFrames);
   1613     }
   1615     if (mMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers != kMetadataBufferTypeInvalid) {
   1616         format->setInt32("android._input-metadata-buffer-type", mMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers);
   1617     }
   1619     uint32_t flags = 0;
   1620     if (cameraSource == NULL) {
   1621         flags |= MediaCodecSource::FLAG_USE_SURFACE_INPUT;
   1622     } else {
   1623         // require dataspace setup even if not using surface input
   1624         format->setInt32("android._using-recorder", 1);
   1625     }
   1627     sp<MediaCodecSource> encoder = MediaCodecSource::Create(
   1628             mLooper, format, cameraSource, mPersistentSurface, flags);
   1629     if (encoder == NULL) {
   1630         ALOGE("Failed to create video encoder");
   1631         // When the encoder fails to be created, we need
   1632         // release the camera source due to the camera's lock
   1633         // and unlock mechanism.
   1634         if (cameraSource != NULL) {
   1635             cameraSource->stop();
   1636         }
   1637         return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
   1638     }
   1640     if (cameraSource == NULL) {
   1641         mGraphicBufferProducer = encoder->getGraphicBufferProducer();
   1642     }
   1644     *source = encoder;
   1646     return OK;
   1647 }
   1649 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupAudioEncoder(const sp<MediaWriter>& writer) {
   1650     status_t status = BAD_VALUE;
   1651     if (OK != (status = checkAudioEncoderCapabilities())) {
   1652         return status;
   1653     }
   1655     switch(mAudioEncoder) {
   1656         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB:
   1657         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_WB:
   1658         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC:
   1659         case AUDIO_ENCODER_HE_AAC:
   1660         case AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC_ELD:
   1661             break;
   1663         default:
   1664             ALOGE("Unsupported audio encoder: %d", mAudioEncoder);
   1665             return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
   1666     }
   1668     sp<MediaCodecSource> audioEncoder = createAudioSource();
   1669     if (audioEncoder == NULL) {
   1670         return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
   1671     }
   1673     writer->addSource(audioEncoder);
   1674     mAudioEncoderSource = audioEncoder;
   1675     return OK;
   1676 }
   1678 status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupMPEG4orWEBMRecording() {
   1679     mWriter.clear();
   1680     mTotalBitRate = 0;
   1682     status_t err = OK;
   1683     sp<MediaWriter> writer;
   1684     sp<MPEG4Writer> mp4writer;
   1685     if (mOutputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) {
   1686         writer = new WebmWriter(mOutputFd);
   1687     } else {
   1688         writer = mp4writer = new MPEG4Writer(mOutputFd);
   1689     }
   1691     if (mVideoSource < VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END) {
   1692         setDefaultVideoEncoderIfNecessary();
   1694         sp<MediaSource> mediaSource;
   1695         err = setupMediaSource(&mediaSource);
   1696         if (err != OK) {
   1697             return err;
   1698         }
   1700         sp<MediaCodecSource> encoder;
   1701         err = setupVideoEncoder(mediaSource, &encoder);
   1702         if (err != OK) {
   1703             return err;
   1704         }
   1706         writer->addSource(encoder);
   1707         mVideoEncoderSource = encoder;
   1708         mTotalBitRate += mVideoBitRate;
   1709     }
   1711     if (mOutputFormat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) {
   1712         // Audio source is added at the end if it exists.
   1713         // This help make sure that the "recoding" sound is suppressed for
   1714         // camcorder applications in the recorded files.
   1715         // TODO Audio source is currently unsupported for webm output; vorbis encoder needed.
   1716         // disable audio for time lapse recording
   1717         bool disableAudio = mCaptureFpsEnable && mCaptureFps < mFrameRate;
   1718         if (!disableAudio && mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT) {
   1719             err = setupAudioEncoder(writer);
   1720             if (err != OK) return err;
   1721             mTotalBitRate += mAudioBitRate;
   1722         }
   1724         if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
   1725             mp4writer->setCaptureRate(mCaptureFps);
   1726         }
   1728         if (mInterleaveDurationUs > 0) {
   1729             mp4writer->setInterleaveDuration(mInterleaveDurationUs);
   1730         }
   1731         if (mLongitudex10000 > -3600000 && mLatitudex10000 > -3600000) {
   1732             mp4writer->setGeoData(mLatitudex10000, mLongitudex10000);
   1733         }
   1734     }
   1735     if (mMaxFileDurationUs != 0) {
   1736         writer->setMaxFileDuration(mMaxFileDurationUs);
   1737     }
   1738     if (mMaxFileSizeBytes != 0) {
   1739         writer->setMaxFileSize(mMaxFileSizeBytes);
   1740     }
   1741     if (mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_DEFAULT
   1742             || mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_CAMERA) {
   1743         mStartTimeOffsetMs = mEncoderProfiles->getStartTimeOffsetMs(mCameraId);
   1744     } else if (mVideoSource == VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE) {
   1745         // surface source doesn't need large initial delay
   1746         mStartTimeOffsetMs = 200;
   1747     }
   1748     if (mStartTimeOffsetMs > 0) {
   1749         writer->setStartTimeOffsetMs(mStartTimeOffsetMs);
   1750     }
   1752     writer->setListener(mListener);
   1753     mWriter = writer;
   1754     return OK;
   1755 }
   1757 void StagefrightRecorder::setupMPEG4orWEBMMetaData(sp<MetaData> *meta) {
   1758     int64_t startTimeUs = systemTime() / 1000;
   1759     (*meta)->setInt64(kKeyTime, startTimeUs);
   1760     (*meta)->setInt32(kKeyFileType, mOutputFormat);
   1761     (*meta)->setInt32(kKeyBitRate, mTotalBitRate);
   1762     if (mMovieTimeScale > 0) {
   1763         (*meta)->setInt32(kKeyTimeScale, mMovieTimeScale);
   1764     }
   1765     if (mOutputFormat != OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM) {
   1766         (*meta)->setInt32(kKey64BitFileOffset, mUse64BitFileOffset);
   1767         if (mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs > 0) {
   1768             (*meta)->setInt64(kKeyTrackTimeStatus, mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs);
   1769         }
   1770         if (mRotationDegrees != 0) {
   1771             (*meta)->setInt32(kKeyRotation, mRotationDegrees);
   1772         }
   1773     }
   1774 }
   1776 status_t StagefrightRecorder::pause() {
   1777     ALOGV("pause");
   1778     if (!mStarted) {
   1779         return INVALID_OPERATION;
   1780     }
   1782     // Already paused --- no-op.
   1783     if (mPauseStartTimeUs != 0) {
   1784         return OK;
   1785     }
   1787     if (mAudioEncoderSource != NULL) {
   1788         mAudioEncoderSource->pause();
   1789     }
   1790     if (mVideoEncoderSource != NULL) {
   1791         mVideoEncoderSource->pause();
   1792     }
   1794     mPauseStartTimeUs = systemTime() / 1000;
   1796     return OK;
   1797 }
   1799 status_t StagefrightRecorder::resume() {
   1800     ALOGV("resume");
   1801     if (!mStarted) {
   1802         return INVALID_OPERATION;
   1803     }
   1805     // Not paused --- no-op.
   1806     if (mPauseStartTimeUs == 0) {
   1807         return OK;
   1808     }
   1810     int64_t bufferStartTimeUs = 0;
   1811     bool allSourcesStarted = true;
   1812     for (const auto &source : { mAudioEncoderSource, mVideoEncoderSource }) {
   1813         if (source == nullptr) {
   1814             continue;
   1815         }
   1816         int64_t timeUs = source->getFirstSampleSystemTimeUs();
   1817         if (timeUs < 0) {
   1818             allSourcesStarted = false;
   1819         }
   1820         if (bufferStartTimeUs < timeUs) {
   1821             bufferStartTimeUs = timeUs;
   1822         }
   1823     }
   1825     if (allSourcesStarted) {
   1826         if (mPauseStartTimeUs < bufferStartTimeUs) {
   1827             mPauseStartTimeUs = bufferStartTimeUs;
   1828         }
   1829         // 30 ms buffer to avoid timestamp overlap
   1830         mTotalPausedDurationUs += (systemTime() / 1000) - mPauseStartTimeUs - 30000;
   1831     }
   1832     double timeOffset = -mTotalPausedDurationUs;
   1833     if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
   1834         timeOffset *= mCaptureFps / mFrameRate;
   1835     }
   1836     for (const auto &source : { mAudioEncoderSource, mVideoEncoderSource }) {
   1837         if (source == nullptr) {
   1838             continue;
   1839         }
   1840         source->setInputBufferTimeOffset((int64_t)timeOffset);
   1841         source->start();
   1842     }
   1843     mPauseStartTimeUs = 0;
   1845     return OK;
   1846 }
   1848 status_t StagefrightRecorder::stop() {
   1849     ALOGV("stop");
   1850     status_t err = OK;
   1852     if (mCaptureFpsEnable && mCameraSourceTimeLapse != NULL) {
   1853         mCameraSourceTimeLapse->startQuickReadReturns();
   1854         mCameraSourceTimeLapse = NULL;
   1855     }
   1857     if (mWriter != NULL) {
   1858         err = mWriter->stop();
   1859         mWriter.clear();
   1860     }
   1861     mTotalPausedDurationUs = 0;
   1862     mPauseStartTimeUs = 0;
   1864     mGraphicBufferProducer.clear();
   1865     mPersistentSurface.clear();
   1866     mAudioEncoderSource.clear();
   1867     mVideoEncoderSource.clear();
   1869     if (mOutputFd >= 0) {
   1870         ::close(mOutputFd);
   1871         mOutputFd = -1;
   1872     }
   1874     if (mStarted) {
   1875         mStarted = false;
   1877         uint32_t params = 0;
   1878         if (mAudioSource != AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT) {
   1879             params |= IMediaPlayerService::kBatteryDataTrackAudio;
   1880         }
   1881         if (mVideoSource != VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END) {
   1882             params |= IMediaPlayerService::kBatteryDataTrackVideo;
   1883         }
   1885         addBatteryData(params);
   1886     }
   1888     return err;
   1889 }
   1891 status_t StagefrightRecorder::close() {
   1892     ALOGV("close");
   1893     stop();
   1895     return OK;
   1896 }
   1898 status_t StagefrightRecorder::reset() {
   1899     ALOGV("reset");
   1900     stop();
   1902     // No audio or video source by default
   1903     mAudioSource = AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT;
   1904     mVideoSource = VIDEO_SOURCE_LIST_END;
   1906     // Default parameters
   1907     mOutputFormat  = OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP;
   1908     mAudioEncoder  = AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB;
   1909     mVideoEncoder  = VIDEO_ENCODER_DEFAULT;
   1910     mVideoWidth    = 176;
   1911     mVideoHeight   = 144;
   1912     mFrameRate     = -1;
   1913     mVideoBitRate  = 192000;
   1914     mSampleRate    = 8000;
   1915     mAudioChannels = 1;
   1916     mAudioBitRate  = 12200;
   1917     mInterleaveDurationUs = 0;
   1918     mIFramesIntervalSec = 1;
   1919     mAudioSourceNode = 0;
   1920     mUse64BitFileOffset = false;
   1921     mMovieTimeScale  = -1;
   1922     mAudioTimeScale  = -1;
   1923     mVideoTimeScale  = -1;
   1924     mCameraId        = 0;
   1925     mStartTimeOffsetMs = -1;
   1926     mVideoEncoderProfile = -1;
   1927     mVideoEncoderLevel   = -1;
   1928     mMaxFileDurationUs = 0;
   1929     mMaxFileSizeBytes = 0;
   1930     mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs = 0;
   1931     mCaptureFpsEnable = false;
   1932     mCaptureFps = 0.0f;
   1933     mTimeBetweenCaptureUs = -1;
   1934     mCameraSourceTimeLapse = NULL;
   1935     mMetaDataStoredInVideoBuffers = kMetadataBufferTypeInvalid;
   1936     mEncoderProfiles = MediaProfiles::getInstance();
   1937     mRotationDegrees = 0;
   1938     mLatitudex10000 = -3600000;
   1939     mLongitudex10000 = -3600000;
   1940     mTotalBitRate = 0;
   1942     mOutputFd = -1;
   1944     return OK;
   1945 }
   1947 status_t StagefrightRecorder::getMaxAmplitude(int *max) {
   1948     ALOGV("getMaxAmplitude");
   1950     if (max == NULL) {
   1951         ALOGE("Null pointer argument");
   1952         return BAD_VALUE;
   1953     }
   1955     if (mAudioSourceNode != 0) {
   1956         *max = mAudioSourceNode->getMaxAmplitude();
   1957     } else {
   1958         *max = 0;
   1959     }
   1961     return OK;
   1962 }
   1964 status_t StagefrightRecorder::dump(
   1965         int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const {
   1966     ALOGV("dump");
   1967     const size_t SIZE = 256;
   1968     char buffer[SIZE];
   1969     String8 result;
   1970     if (mWriter != 0) {
   1971         mWriter->dump(fd, args);
   1972     } else {
   1973         snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "   No file writer\n");
   1974         result.append(buffer);
   1975     }
   1976     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "   Recorder: %p\n", this);
   1977     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "   Output file (fd %d):\n", mOutputFd);
   1978     result.append(buffer);
   1979     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     File format: %d\n", mOutputFormat);
   1980     result.append(buffer);
   1981     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Max file size (bytes): %" PRId64 "\n", mMaxFileSizeBytes);
   1982     result.append(buffer);
   1983     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Max file duration (us): %" PRId64 "\n", mMaxFileDurationUs);
   1984     result.append(buffer);
   1985     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     File offset length (bits): %d\n", mUse64BitFileOffset? 64: 32);
   1986     result.append(buffer);
   1987     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Interleave duration (us): %d\n", mInterleaveDurationUs);
   1988     result.append(buffer);
   1989     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Progress notification: %" PRId64 " us\n", mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs);
   1990     result.append(buffer);
   1991     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "   Audio\n");
   1992     result.append(buffer);
   1993     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Source: %d\n", mAudioSource);
   1994     result.append(buffer);
   1995     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Encoder: %d\n", mAudioEncoder);
   1996     result.append(buffer);
   1997     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Bit rate (bps): %d\n", mAudioBitRate);
   1998     result.append(buffer);
   1999     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Sampling rate (hz): %d\n", mSampleRate);
   2000     result.append(buffer);
   2001     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Number of channels: %d\n", mAudioChannels);
   2002     result.append(buffer);
   2003     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Max amplitude: %d\n", mAudioSourceNode == 0? 0: mAudioSourceNode->getMaxAmplitude());
   2004     result.append(buffer);
   2005     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "   Video\n");
   2006     result.append(buffer);
   2007     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Source: %d\n", mVideoSource);
   2008     result.append(buffer);
   2009     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Camera Id: %d\n", mCameraId);
   2010     result.append(buffer);
   2011     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Start time offset (ms): %d\n", mStartTimeOffsetMs);
   2012     result.append(buffer);
   2013     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Encoder: %d\n", mVideoEncoder);
   2014     result.append(buffer);
   2015     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Encoder profile: %d\n", mVideoEncoderProfile);
   2016     result.append(buffer);
   2017     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Encoder level: %d\n", mVideoEncoderLevel);
   2018     result.append(buffer);
   2019     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     I frames interval (s): %d\n", mIFramesIntervalSec);
   2020     result.append(buffer);
   2021     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Frame size (pixels): %dx%d\n", mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight);
   2022     result.append(buffer);
   2023     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Frame rate (fps): %d\n", mFrameRate);
   2024     result.append(buffer);
   2025     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "     Bit rate (bps): %d\n", mVideoBitRate);
   2026     result.append(buffer);
   2027     ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
   2028     return OK;
   2029 }
   2030 }  // namespace android