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      1 page.title=Intelligent Job-Scheduling
      2 @jd:body
      4 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      5 <div id="qv">
      7 <h2>In this document</h2>
      8 <ol>
      9    <li><a href="#js">Android Framework JobScheduler</a></li>
     10    <li><a href="#am">AlarmManager</a></li>
     11    <li><a href="#fjd">Firebase JobDispatcher</a></li>
     12    <li><a href="#gcmnm">GCM Network Manager</a></li>
     13    <li><a href="#af">Additional Facilities</a></li>
     14    <ul>
     15       <li><a href="#sa">SyncAdapter</a></li>
     16       <li><a href="#services">Services</a></li>
     17    </ul>
     18    <li><a href="#ap">Additional Points</a></li>
     19 </ol>
     21 </div>
     22 </div>
     24 <p>
     25 Modern apps can perform many of their tasks asynchronously, outside the
     26 direct flow of user interaction. Some examples of these asynchronous tasks are:
     27 </p>
     29 <ul>
     30    <li>Updating network resources.</li>
     31    <li>Downloading information.</li>
     32    <li>Updating background tasks.</li>
     33    <li>Scheduling system service calls.</li>
     34 </ul>
     36 <p>
     37 Scheduling this work intelligently can improve your apps performance,
     38 along with aspects of system health such as battery life. {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}
     39 does this scheduling work for you.
     40 <p>
     42 <p>
     43 There are several APIs that your app can use to schedule background work. Chief
     44 among these options is {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}.
     45 The {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} API allows you to specify robust
     46 conditions for executing tasks,
     47 along with centralized task scheduling across the device for optimal
     48 system health. {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} also offers highly
     49 scalable functionality: it is suitable for small tasks like clearing a cache,
     50 and for large ones such as syncing a database to the cloud.
     51 <p>
     53 <p>
     54 In addition to {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}, there are several other
     55 facilities available to help your app schedule work. These include:
     56 </p>
     58 <ul>
     59    <li><a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/app/AlarmManager.html">AlarmManager
     60    </a></li>
     61    <li><a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
     62    Firebase JobDispatcher</a></li>
     63    <li><a href="https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/network-manager">
     64    GCM Network Manager</a></li>
     65    <li><a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/content/AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter.html">
     66    SyncAdapter</a></li>
     67    <li><a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/content/AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter.html">
     68    Additional Facilities</a></li>
     69 </ul>
     71 <p>
     72 This page provides brief introductions to {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}
     73 and other APIs that can help your app schedule work to maximize app performance
     74 and system health.
     75 </p>
     77 <h2 id="js">Android Framework JobScheduler</h2>
     79 <p>
     80 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} is the Android frameworks native platform
     81 for scheduling tasks or work. It first became available in Android 5.0 (API
     82 level 21), and remains under active development. Notably, Android N (API
     83 level 24) added the ability to trigger jobs based on
     84 {@link android.content.ContentProvider} changes.
     85 </p>
     87 <p>
     88 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} is implemented in the platform, which
     89 allows it to collect information about jobs that need to run across all apps.
     90 This information is used to schedule jobs to run at, or around, the same time.
     91 Batching job execution in this fashion allows the device to enter and stay in
     92 sleep states longer, preserving battery life.
     93 </p>
     95 <p>
     96 You use {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} by registering jobs, specifying
     97 their requirements for network and timing. The system then gracefully schedules
     98 the jobs to execute at the appropriate times. At the same time, it also defers
     99 job execution as necessary to comply with
    100 <a href="{@docRoot}topic/performance/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby.html">
    101 Doze and App Standby</a> restrictions.
    102 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} provides many methods to define
    103 job-execution conditions.
    104 </p>
    106 <p>
    107 If your app targets Android 5.0 (API level 21), we recommend that you use the
    108 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} to execute background tasks. For more
    109 information about {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}, see its
    110 <a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/app/job/JobScheduler.html">API-reference
    111 documentation.</a>
    112 </p>
    114 <h2 id="am">AlarmManager</h2>
    116 <p>
    117 The {@link android.app.AlarmManager} API is another option that the framework
    118 provides for scheduling tasks. This API is useful in cases in which an app
    119 needs to post a notification or set off an alarm at a very specific time.
    120 </p>
    122 <p>
    123 You should only use this API for tasks that must execute at a specific time,
    124 but do not require the other, more robust, execution conditions that
    125 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} allows you to specify, such as device
    126 idle and charging detect.
    127 </p>
    129 <p>
    130 {@link android.app.AlarmManager} does not honor
    131 <a href="{@docRoot}topic/performance/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby.html">
    132 Doze and App Standby</a> restrictions; it runs tasks even during
    133 <a href="{@docRoot}topic/performance/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby.html">
    134 Doze or App Standby</a> mode. Additionally,
    135 an app running during
    136 <a href="{@docRoot}topic/performance/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby.html">
    137 Doze or App Standby</a> mode cannot use the network.
    138 </p>
    140 <h2 id="fjd">Firebase JobDispatcher</h2>
    142 <p>
    143 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    144 Firebase JobDispatcher</a> is an open-source library that provides an API similar to
    145 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} in the Android platform.
    146 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    147 Firebase JobDispatcher</a> serves as a
    148 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}-compatibility layer for apps targeting
    149 versions of Android lower than 5.0 (API level 21).
    150 </p>
    152 <p>
    153 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    154 Firebase JobDispatcher</a> supports the use of Google Play services as an
    155 implementation for dispatching (running) jobs, but the library also allows you
    156 to define and use other implementations: For example, you might decide to use
    157 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} or write your own, custom code.
    158 Because of this versatility, we recommend that you use this
    159 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    160 Firebase JobDispatcher</a> if your app targets a version of Android lower
    161 than 5.0 (API level 21).
    162 </p>
    164 <p>
    165 For more information about
    166 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    167 Firebase JobDispatcher</a>, refer to its
    168 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    169 documentation and source code</a>.
    170 </p>
    172 <h2 id = "gcmnm">GCM Network Manager</h2>
    174 <p>
    175 <a href="https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/network-manager">GCM
    176 Network Manager</a> is a compatibility port of the Android
    177 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} for apps that support versions of Android
    178 prior to 5.0 (API level 21). This API has all of the same advantages as
    179 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}. However, it depends on Google Play
    180 services, which acts like {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler} by taking care
    181 of cross-app job scheduling to improve battery life. This client library is
    182 part of the Google Play services GCM client library, but does not require
    183 that an app use
    184 <a href="https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/">Google Cloud
    185 Messaging</a>.
    186 </p>
    188 <p>
    189 This library is an earlier version of
    190 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    191 Firebase JobDispatcher</a>. Forward development on GCM Network Manager has
    192 stopped; we recommend that you use
    193 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    194 Firebase JobDispatcher</a> going forward.
    195 </p>
    197 <h2 id="af">Additional Facilities</h2>
    199 <p>
    200 In addition to the APIs and libraries described above, there are also sync
    201 adapters and services that can enable your app, under specific conditions,
    202 to perform better and more robustly.
    203 </p>
    205 <h3 id="sa">SyncAdapter</h3>
    207 <p>
    208 The framework continues to provide the
    209 {@link android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter SyncAdapter} class for
    210 managing tasks that sync data between the device and a server. Sync adapters are
    211 designed specifically for syncing data between a device and the cloud; you
    212 should only use them for this type of task. Sync adapters are more complex to
    213 implement than the libraries and APIs mentioned above, because they require at
    214 least a fake
    215 <a href="{@docRoot}training/sync-adapters/creating-authenticator.html">
    216 authenticator</a>and
    217 <a href="{@docRoot}training/sync-adapters/creating-stub-provider.html">
    218 content provider</a> implementation. For these reasons, you typically should
    219 not create a sync adapter just to sync data to the cloud in the
    220 background. Wherever possible, you should instead use
    221 {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler},
    222 <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    223 Firebase JobDispatcher</a>, or
    224 <a href="https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/network-manager">GCM
    225 Network Manager</a> .
    226 </p>
    228 <p>
    229 In Android N (API level 24), the {@code SyncManager} sits on top of
    230 the {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler}. You should only use the
    231 {@link android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter SyncAdapter}
    232 class if you require the additional functionality that it provides.
    233 </p>
    235 <h3 id="services">Services</h3>
    237 <p>
    238 The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/services.html">Services</a>
    239 framework allows you to perform long-running operations in the background.
    240 We recommend foreground services for tasks, such as playing
    241 music, which need to stay resident for the user. Bound services also continue
    242 to be useful for various use cases: for example, when a service needs to
    243 run only when a user is viewing a fragment or activity.
    244 </p>
    246 <p>
    247 You should avoid using started services that run perpetually or
    248 perform periodic work, since they continue to use device resources
    249 even when they are not performing useful tasks. Instead, you
    250 should use other solutions that this page describes,
    251 and that provide native lifecycle management. Use started services
    252 only as a last resort. The Android platform may not support
    253 started services in the future.
    254 </p>
    256 <h2 id="ap">Additional Points</h2>
    258 <p>
    259 Regardless of the solution you adopt, keep the following points in mind:
    260 </p>
    262 <ul>
    263    <li>Captive Internet Portals, VPNs, and proxies can pose
    264    Internet-connectivity detection problems. A library or API may think the
    265    Internet is available, but your service may not be accessible. Fail
    266    gracefully and reschedule as few of your tasks as possible.</li>
    267    <li>Depending on the conditions you assign for running a task,
    268    such as network availability, after the task is triggered, a
    269    change may occur so that those conditions are no longer met.
    270    In such a case, your operation may fail unexpectedly and repeatedly.
    271    For this reason, you
    272    should code your background task logic to notice when tasks are failing
    273    persistently, and perform exponential back-off to avoid
    274    inadvertently over-using resources.</li>
    278    <li>Remember to use exponential backoff when rescheduling any work,
    279    especially when using {@link android.app.AlarmManager}. If your app uses
    280    {@link android.app.job.JobScheduler},
    281    <a href="https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/network-manager">GCM
    282    Network Manager</a>,
    283    <a href="https://github.com/firebase/firebase-jobdispatcher-android#user-content-firebase-jobdispatcher-">
    284    Firebase JobDispatcher</a>, or sync adapters, exponential backoff is automatically used.</li>
    285 </ul>