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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (c) 2004 World Wide Web Consortium,
      3  *
      4  * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for
      5  * Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This
      6  * work is distributed under the W3C(r) Software License [1] in the hope that
      7  * it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
      9  *
     10  * [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
     11  */
     13 package org.w3c.dom.ls;
     15 import org.w3c.dom.DOMConfiguration;
     16 import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
     17 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
     19 /**
     20  *  A <code>LSSerializer</code> provides an API for serializing (writing) a
     21  * DOM document out into XML. The XML data is written to a string or an
     22  * output stream. Any changes or fixups made during the serialization affect
     23  * only the serialized data. The <code>Document</code> object and its
     24  * children are never altered by the serialization operation.
     25  * <p> During serialization of XML data, namespace fixup is done as defined in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407'>DOM Level 3 Core</a>]
     26  * , Appendix B. [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Core-20001113'>DOM Level 2 Core</a>]
     27  *  allows empty strings as a real namespace URI. If the
     28  * <code>namespaceURI</code> of a <code>Node</code> is empty string, the
     29  * serialization will treat them as <code>null</code>, ignoring the prefix
     30  * if any.
     31  * <p> <code>LSSerializer</code> accepts any node type for serialization. For
     32  * nodes of type <code>Document</code> or <code>Entity</code>, well-formed
     33  * XML will be created when possible (well-formedness is guaranteed if the
     34  * document or entity comes from a parse operation and is unchanged since it
     35  * was created). The serialized output for these node types is either as a
     36  * XML document or an External XML Entity, respectively, and is acceptable
     37  * input for an XML parser. For all other types of nodes the serialized form
     38  * is implementation dependent.
     39  * <p>Within a <code>Document</code>, <code>DocumentFragment</code>, or
     40  * <code>Entity</code> being serialized, <code>Nodes</code> are processed as
     41  * follows
     42  * <ul>
     43  * <li> <code>Document</code> nodes are written, including the XML
     44  * declaration (unless the parameter "xml-declaration" is set to
     45  * <code>false</code>) and a DTD subset, if one exists in the DOM. Writing a
     46  * <code>Document</code> node serializes the entire document.
     47  * </li>
     48  * <li>
     49  * <code>Entity</code> nodes, when written directly by
     50  * <code>LSSerializer.write</code>, outputs the entity expansion but no
     51  * namespace fixup is done. The resulting output will be valid as an
     52  * external entity.
     53  * </li>
     54  * <li> If the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-entities'>
     55  * entities</a>" is set to <code>true</code>, <code>EntityReference</code> nodes are
     56  * serialized as an entity reference of the form "
     57  * <code>&amp;entityName;</code>" in the output. Child nodes (the expansion)
     58  * of the entity reference are ignored. If the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-entities'>
     59  * entities</a>" is set to <code>false</code>, only the children of the entity reference
     60  * are serialized. <code>EntityReference</code> nodes with no children (no
     61  * corresponding <code>Entity</code> node or the corresponding
     62  * <code>Entity</code> nodes have no children) are always serialized.
     63  * </li>
     64  * <li>
     65  * <code>CDATAsections</code> containing content characters that cannot be
     66  * represented in the specified output encoding are handled according to the
     67  * "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-split-cdata-sections'>
     68  * split-cdata-sections</a>" parameter.  If the parameter is set to <code>true</code>,
     69  * <code>CDATAsections</code> are split, and the unrepresentable characters
     70  * are serialized as numeric character references in ordinary content. The
     71  * exact position and number of splits is not specified.  If the parameter
     72  * is set to <code>false</code>, unrepresentable characters in a
     73  * <code>CDATAsection</code> are reported as
     74  * <code>"wf-invalid-character"</code> errors if the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-well-formed'>
     75  * well-formed</a>" is set to <code>true</code>. The error is not recoverable - there is no
     76  * mechanism for supplying alternative characters and continuing with the
     77  * serialization.
     78  * </li>
     79  * <li> <code>DocumentFragment</code> nodes are serialized by
     80  * serializing the children of the document fragment in the order they
     81  * appear in the document fragment.
     82  * </li>
     83  * <li> All other node types (Element, Text,
     84  * etc.) are serialized to their corresponding XML source form.
     85  * </li>
     86  * </ul>
     87  * <p ><b>Note:</b>  The serialization of a <code>Node</code> does not always
     88  * generate a well-formed XML document, i.e. a <code>LSParser</code> might
     89  * throw fatal errors when parsing the resulting serialization.
     90  * <p> Within the character data of a document (outside of markup), any
     91  * characters that cannot be represented directly are replaced with
     92  * character references. Occurrences of '&lt;' and '&amp;' are replaced by
     93  * the predefined entities &amp;lt; and &amp;amp;. The other predefined
     94  * entities (&amp;gt;, &amp;apos;, and &amp;quot;) might not be used, except
     95  * where needed (e.g. using &amp;gt; in cases such as ']]&gt;'). Any
     96  * characters that cannot be represented directly in the output character
     97  * encoding are serialized as numeric character references (and since
     98  * character encoding standards commonly use hexadecimal representations of
     99  * characters, using the hexadecimal representation when serializing
    100  * character references is encouraged).
    101  * <p> To allow attribute values to contain both single and double quotes, the
    102  * apostrophe or single-quote character (') may be represented as
    103  * "&amp;apos;", and the double-quote character (")  as "&amp;quot;". New
    104  * line characters and other characters that cannot be represented directly
    105  * in attribute values in the output character encoding are serialized as a
    106  * numeric character reference.
    107  * <p> Within markup, but outside of attributes, any occurrence of a character
    108  * that cannot be represented in the output character encoding is reported
    109  * as a <code>DOMError</code> fatal error. An example would be serializing
    110  * the element &lt;LaCa\u00f1ada/&gt; with <code>encoding="us-ascii"</code>.
    111  * This will result with a generation of a <code>DOMError</code>
    112  * "wf-invalid-character-in-node-name" (as proposed in "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-well-formed'>
    113  * well-formed</a>").
    114  * <p> When requested by setting the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-normalize-characters'>
    115  * normalize-characters</a>" on <code>LSSerializer</code> to true, character normalization is
    116  * performed according to the definition of <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/#dt-fullnorm'>fully
    117  * normalized</a> characters included in appendix E of [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/'>XML 1.1</a>] on all
    118  * data to be serialized, both markup and character data. The character
    119  * normalization process affects only the data as it is being written; it
    120  * does not alter the DOM's view of the document after serialization has
    121  * completed.
    122  * <p> Implementations are required to support the encodings "UTF-8",
    123  * "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", and "UTF-16LE" to guarantee that data is
    124  * serializable in all encodings that are required to be supported by all
    125  * XML parsers. When the encoding is UTF-8, whether or not a byte order mark
    126  * is serialized, or if the output is big-endian or little-endian, is
    127  * implementation dependent. When the encoding is UTF-16, whether or not the
    128  * output is big-endian or little-endian is implementation dependent, but a
    129  * Byte Order Mark must be generated for non-character outputs, such as
    130  * <code>LSOutput.byteStream</code> or <code>LSOutput.systemId</code>. If
    131  * the Byte Order Mark is not generated, a "byte-order-mark-needed" warning
    132  * is reported. When the encoding is UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE, the output is
    133  * big-endian (UTF-16BE) or little-endian (UTF-16LE) and the Byte Order Mark
    134  * is not be generated. In all cases, the encoding declaration, if
    135  * generated, will correspond to the encoding used during the serialization
    136  * (e.g. <code>encoding="UTF-16"</code> will appear if UTF-16 was
    137  * requested).
    138  * <p> Namespaces are fixed up during serialization, the serialization process
    139  * will verify that namespace declarations, namespace prefixes and the
    140  * namespace URI associated with elements and attributes are consistent. If
    141  * inconsistencies are found, the serialized form of the document will be
    142  * altered to remove them. The method used for doing the namespace fixup
    143  * while serializing a document is the algorithm defined in Appendix B.1,
    144  * "Namespace normalization", of [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407'>DOM Level 3 Core</a>]
    145  * .
    146  * <p> While serializing a document, the parameter "discard-default-content"
    147  * controls whether or not non-specified data is serialized.
    148  * <p> While serializing, errors and warnings are reported to the application
    149  * through the error handler (<code>LSSerializer.domConfig</code>'s "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-error-handler'>
    150  * error-handler</a>" parameter). This specification does in no way try to define all possible
    151  * errors and warnings that can occur while serializing a DOM node, but some
    152  * common error and warning cases are defined. The types (
    153  * <code>DOMError.type</code>) of errors and warnings defined by this
    154  * specification are:
    155  * <dl>
    156  * <dt><code>"no-output-specified" [fatal]</code></dt>
    157  * <dd> Raised when
    158  * writing to a <code>LSOutput</code> if no output is specified in the
    159  * <code>LSOutput</code>. </dd>
    160  * <dt>
    161  * <code>"unbound-prefix-in-entity-reference" [fatal]</code> </dt>
    162  * <dd> Raised if the
    163  * configuration parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-namespaces'>
    164  * namespaces</a>" is set to <code>true</code> and an entity whose replacement text
    165  * contains unbound namespace prefixes is referenced in a location where
    166  * there are no bindings for the namespace prefixes. </dd>
    167  * <dt>
    168  * <code>"unsupported-encoding" [fatal]</code></dt>
    169  * <dd> Raised if an unsupported
    170  * encoding is encountered. </dd>
    171  * </dl>
    172  * <p> In addition to raising the defined errors and warnings, implementations
    173  * are expected to raise implementation specific errors and warnings for any
    174  * other error and warning cases such as IO errors (file not found,
    175  * permission denied,...) and so on.
    176  * <p>See also the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load
    177 and Save Specification</a>.
    178  */
    179 public interface LSSerializer {
    180     /**
    181      *  The <code>DOMConfiguration</code> object used by the
    182      * <code>LSSerializer</code> when serializing a DOM node.
    183      * <br> In addition to the parameters recognized by the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#DOMConfiguration'>
    184      * DOMConfiguration</a> interface defined in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407'>DOM Level 3 Core</a>]
    185      * , the <code>DOMConfiguration</code> objects for
    186      * <code>LSSerializer</code> adds, or modifies, the following
    187      * parameters:
    188      * <dl>
    189      * <dt><code>"canonical-form"</code></dt>
    190      * <dd>
    191      * <dl>
    192      * <dt><code>true</code></dt>
    193      * <dd>[<em>optional</em>] Writes the document according to the rules specified in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315'>Canonical XML</a>].
    194      * In addition to the behavior described in "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-canonical-form'>
    195      * canonical-form</a>" [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407'>DOM Level 3 Core</a>]
    196      * , setting this parameter to <code>true</code> will set the parameters
    197      * "format-pretty-print", "discard-default-content", and "xml-declaration
    198      * ", to <code>false</code>. Setting one of those parameters to
    199      * <code>true</code> will set this parameter to <code>false</code>.
    200      * Serializing an XML 1.1 document when "canonical-form" is
    201      * <code>true</code> will generate a fatal error. </dd>
    202      * <dt><code>false</code></dt>
    203      * <dd>[<em>required</em>] (<em>default</em>) Do not canonicalize the output. </dd>
    204      * </dl></dd>
    205      * <dt><code>"discard-default-content"</code></dt>
    206      * <dd>
    207      * <dl>
    208      * <dt>
    209      * <code>true</code></dt>
    210      * <dd>[<em>required</em>] (<em>default</em>) Use the <code>Attr.specified</code> attribute to decide what attributes
    211      * should be discarded. Note that some implementations might use
    212      * whatever information available to the implementation (i.e. XML
    213      * schema, DTD, the <code>Attr.specified</code> attribute, and so on) to
    214      * determine what attributes and content to discard if this parameter is
    215      * set to <code>true</code>. </dd>
    216      * <dt><code>false</code></dt>
    217      * <dd>[<em>required</em>]Keep all attributes and all content.</dd>
    218      * </dl></dd>
    219      * <dt><code>"format-pretty-print"</code></dt>
    220      * <dd>
    221      * <dl>
    222      * <dt>
    223      * <code>true</code></dt>
    224      * <dd>[<em>optional</em>] Formatting the output by adding whitespace to produce a pretty-printed,
    225      * indented, human-readable form. The exact form of the transformations
    226      * is not specified by this specification. Pretty-printing changes the
    227      * content of the document and may affect the validity of the document,
    228      * validating implementations should preserve validity. </dd>
    229      * <dt>
    230      * <code>false</code></dt>
    231      * <dd>[<em>required</em>] (<em>default</em>) Don't pretty-print the result. </dd>
    232      * </dl></dd>
    233      * <dt>
    234      * <code>"ignore-unknown-character-denormalizations"</code> </dt>
    235      * <dd>
    236      * <dl>
    237      * <dt>
    238      * <code>true</code></dt>
    239      * <dd>[<em>required</em>] (<em>default</em>) If, while verifying full normalization when [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/'>XML 1.1</a>] is
    240      * supported, a character is encountered for which the normalization
    241      * properties cannot be determined, then raise a
    242      * <code>"unknown-character-denormalization"</code> warning (instead of
    243      * raising an error, if this parameter is not set) and ignore any
    244      * possible denormalizations caused by these characters. </dd>
    245      * <dt>
    246      * <code>false</code></dt>
    247      * <dd>[<em>optional</em>] Report a fatal error if a character is encountered for which the
    248      * processor cannot determine the normalization properties. </dd>
    249      * </dl></dd>
    250      * <dt>
    251      * <code>"normalize-characters"</code></dt>
    252      * <dd> This parameter is equivalent to
    253      * the one defined by <code>DOMConfiguration</code> in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407'>DOM Level 3 Core</a>]
    254      * . Unlike in the Core, the default value for this parameter is
    255      * <code>true</code>. While DOM implementations are not required to
    256      * support <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/#dt-fullnorm'>fully
    257      * normalizing</a> the characters in the document according to appendix E of [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/'>XML 1.1</a>], this
    258      * parameter must be activated by default if supported. </dd>
    259      * <dt>
    260      * <code>"xml-declaration"</code></dt>
    261      * <dd>
    262      * <dl>
    263      * <dt><code>true</code></dt>
    264      * <dd>[<em>required</em>] (<em>default</em>) If a <code>Document</code>, <code>Element</code>, or <code>Entity</code>
    265      *  node is serialized, the XML declaration, or text declaration, should
    266      * be included. The version (<code>Document.xmlVersion</code> if the
    267      * document is a Level 3 document and the version is non-null, otherwise
    268      * use the value "1.0"), and the output encoding (see
    269      * <code>LSSerializer.write</code> for details on how to find the output
    270      * encoding) are specified in the serialized XML declaration. </dd>
    271      * <dt>
    272      * <code>false</code></dt>
    273      * <dd>[<em>required</em>] Do not serialize the XML and text declarations. Report a
    274      * <code>"xml-declaration-needed"</code> warning if this will cause
    275      * problems (i.e. the serialized data is of an XML version other than [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204'>XML 1.0</a>], or an
    276      * encoding would be needed to be able to re-parse the serialized data). </dd>
    277      * </dl></dd>
    278      * </dl>
    279      */
    280     public DOMConfiguration getDomConfig();
    282     /**
    283      *  The end-of-line sequence of characters to be used in the XML being
    284      * written out. Any string is supported, but XML treats only a certain
    285      * set of characters sequence as end-of-line (See section 2.11,
    286      * "End-of-Line Handling" in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204'>XML 1.0</a>], if the
    287      * serialized content is XML 1.0 or section 2.11, "End-of-Line Handling"
    288      * in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/'>XML 1.1</a>], if the
    289      * serialized content is XML 1.1). Using other character sequences than
    290      * the recommended ones can result in a document that is either not
    291      * serializable or not well-formed).
    292      * <br> On retrieval, the default value of this attribute is the
    293      * implementation specific default end-of-line sequence. DOM
    294      * implementations should choose the default to match the usual
    295      * convention for text files in the environment being used.
    296      * Implementations must choose a default sequence that matches one of
    297      * those allowed by XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, depending on the serialized
    298      * content. Setting this attribute to <code>null</code> will reset its
    299      * value to the default value.
    300      * <br>
    301      */
    302     public String getNewLine();
    303     /**
    304      *  The end-of-line sequence of characters to be used in the XML being
    305      * written out. Any string is supported, but XML treats only a certain
    306      * set of characters sequence as end-of-line (See section 2.11,
    307      * "End-of-Line Handling" in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204'>XML 1.0</a>], if the
    308      * serialized content is XML 1.0 or section 2.11, "End-of-Line Handling"
    309      * in [<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml11-20040204/'>XML 1.1</a>], if the
    310      * serialized content is XML 1.1). Using other character sequences than
    311      * the recommended ones can result in a document that is either not
    312      * serializable or not well-formed).
    313      * <br> On retrieval, the default value of this attribute is the
    314      * implementation specific default end-of-line sequence. DOM
    315      * implementations should choose the default to match the usual
    316      * convention for text files in the environment being used.
    317      * Implementations must choose a default sequence that matches one of
    318      * those allowed by XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, depending on the serialized
    319      * content. Setting this attribute to <code>null</code> will reset its
    320      * value to the default value.
    321      * <br>
    322      */
    323     public void setNewLine(String newLine);
    325     /**
    326      *  When the application provides a filter, the serializer will call out
    327      * to the filter before serializing each Node. The filter implementation
    328      * can choose to remove the node from the stream or to terminate the
    329      * serialization early.
    330      * <br> The filter is invoked after the operations requested by the
    331      * <code>DOMConfiguration</code> parameters have been applied. For
    332      * example, CDATA sections won't be passed to the filter if "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-cdata-sections'>
    333      * cdata-sections</a>" is set to <code>false</code>.
    334      *
    335      * @hide
    336      */
    337     public LSSerializerFilter getFilter();
    338     /**
    339      *  When the application provides a filter, the serializer will call out
    340      * to the filter before serializing each Node. The filter implementation
    341      * can choose to remove the node from the stream or to terminate the
    342      * serialization early.
    343      * <br> The filter is invoked after the operations requested by the
    344      * <code>DOMConfiguration</code> parameters have been applied. For
    345      * example, CDATA sections won't be passed to the filter if "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-cdata-sections'>
    346      * cdata-sections</a>" is set to <code>false</code>.
    347      *
    348      * @hide
    349      */
    350     public void setFilter(LSSerializerFilter filter);
    352     /**
    353      *  Serialize the specified node as described above in the general
    354      * description of the <code>LSSerializer</code> interface. The output is
    355      * written to the supplied <code>LSOutput</code>.
    356      * <br> When writing to a <code>LSOutput</code>, the encoding is found by
    357      * looking at the encoding information that is reachable through the
    358      * <code>LSOutput</code> and the item to be written (or its owner
    359      * document) in this order:
    360      * <ol>
    361      * <li> <code>LSOutput.encoding</code>,
    362      * </li>
    363      * <li>
    364      * <code>Document.inputEncoding</code>,
    365      * </li>
    366      * <li>
    367      * <code>Document.xmlEncoding</code>.
    368      * </li>
    369      * </ol>
    370      * <br> If no encoding is reachable through the above properties, a
    371      * default encoding of "UTF-8" will be used. If the specified encoding
    372      * is not supported an "unsupported-encoding" fatal error is raised.
    373      * <br> If no output is specified in the <code>LSOutput</code>, a
    374      * "no-output-specified" fatal error is raised.
    375      * <br> The implementation is responsible of associating the appropriate
    376      * media type with the serialized data.
    377      * <br> When writing to a HTTP URI, a HTTP PUT is performed. When writing
    378      * to other types of URIs, the mechanism for writing the data to the URI
    379      * is implementation dependent.
    380      * @param nodeArg  The node to serialize.
    381      * @param destination The destination for the serialized DOM.
    382      * @return  Returns <code>true</code> if <code>node</code> was
    383      *   successfully serialized. Return <code>false</code> in case the
    384      *   normal processing stopped but the implementation kept serializing
    385      *   the document; the result of the serialization being implementation
    386      *   dependent then.
    387      * @exception LSException
    388      *    SERIALIZE_ERR: Raised if the <code>LSSerializer</code> was unable to
    389      *   serialize the node. DOM applications should attach a
    390      *   <code>DOMErrorHandler</code> using the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-error-handler'>
    391      *   error-handler</a>" if they wish to get details on the error.
    392      */
    393     public boolean write(Node nodeArg,
    394                          LSOutput destination)
    395                          throws LSException;
    397     /**
    398      *  A convenience method that acts as if <code>LSSerializer.write</code>
    399      * was called with a <code>LSOutput</code> with no encoding specified
    400      * and <code>LSOutput.systemId</code> set to the <code>uri</code>
    401      * argument.
    402      * @param nodeArg  The node to serialize.
    403      * @param uri The URI to write to.
    404      * @return  Returns <code>true</code> if <code>node</code> was
    405      *   successfully serialized. Return <code>false</code> in case the
    406      *   normal processing stopped but the implementation kept serializing
    407      *   the document; the result of the serialization being implementation
    408      *   dependent then.
    409      * @exception LSException
    410      *    SERIALIZE_ERR: Raised if the <code>LSSerializer</code> was unable to
    411      *   serialize the node. DOM applications should attach a
    412      *   <code>DOMErrorHandler</code> using the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-error-handler'>
    413      *   error-handler</a>" if they wish to get details on the error.
    414      */
    415     public boolean writeToURI(Node nodeArg,
    416                               String uri)
    417                               throws LSException;
    419     /**
    420      *  Serialize the specified node as described above in the general
    421      * description of the <code>LSSerializer</code> interface. The output is
    422      * written to a <code>DOMString</code> that is returned to the caller.
    423      * The encoding used is the encoding of the <code>DOMString</code> type,
    424      * i.e. UTF-16. Note that no Byte Order Mark is generated in a
    425      * <code>DOMString</code> object.
    426      * @param nodeArg  The node to serialize.
    427      * @return  Returns the serialized data.
    428      * @exception DOMException
    429      *    DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the resulting string is too long to
    430      *   fit in a <code>DOMString</code>.
    431      * @exception LSException
    432      *    SERIALIZE_ERR: Raised if the <code>LSSerializer</code> was unable to
    433      *   serialize the node. DOM applications should attach a
    434      *   <code>DOMErrorHandler</code> using the parameter "<a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#parameter-error-handler'>
    435      *   error-handler</a>" if they wish to get details on the error.
    436      */
    437     public String writeToString(Node nodeArg)
    438                                 throws DOMException, LSException;
    440 }