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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
      4  *
      5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
      7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
      8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
      9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
     10  *
     11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
     13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
     15  * accompanied this code).
     16  *
     17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
     18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
     19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
     20  *
     21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
     22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
     23  * questions.
     24  */
     26 /*
     27  * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - 1997, All Rights Reserved
     28  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - 1998, All Rights Reserved
     29  *
     30  * The original version of this source code and documentation is
     31  * copyrighted and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary
     32  * of IBM. These materials are provided under terms of a License
     33  * Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This technology is protected
     34  * by multiple US and International patents.
     35  *
     36  * This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
     37  * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
     38  *
     39  */
     41 package java.awt.font;
     43 import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
     44 import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute;
     45 import java.util.Map;
     46 import java.util.HashMap;
     48 /**
     49  * The <code>TextAttribute</code> class defines attribute keys and
     50  * attribute values used for text rendering.
     51  * <p>
     52  * <code>TextAttribute</code> instances are used as attribute keys to
     53  * identify attributes in classes handling text attributes. Other
     54  * constants defined in this class can be used as attribute values.
     55  * <p>
     56  * For each text attribute, the documentation provides:
     57  * <UL>
     58  *   <LI>the type of its value,
     59  *   <LI>the relevant predefined constants, if any
     60  *   <LI>the default effect if the attribute is absent
     61  *   <LI>the valid values if there are limitations
     62  *   <LI>a description of the effect.
     63  * </UL>
     64  * <p>
     65  * <H4>Values</H4>
     66  * <UL>
     67  *   <LI>The values of attributes must always be immutable.
     68  *   <LI>Where value limitations are given, any value outside of that
     69  *   set is reserved for future use; the value will be treated as
     70  *   the default.
     71  *   <LI>The value <code>null</code> is treated the same as the
     72  *   default value and results in the default behavior.
     73  *   <li>If the value is not of the proper type, the attribute
     74  *   will be ignored.
     75  *   <li>The identity of the value does not matter, only the actual
     76  *   value.  For example, <code>TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD</code> and
     77  *   <code>new Float(2.0)</code>
     78  *   indicate the same <code>WEIGHT</code>.
     79  *   <li>Attribute values of type <code>Number</code> (used for
     80  *   <code>WEIGHT</code>, <code>WIDTH</code>, <code>POSTURE</code>,
     81  *   <code>SIZE</code>, <code>JUSTIFICATION</code>, and
     82  *   <code>TRACKING</code>) can vary along their natural range and are
     83  *   not restricted to the predefined constants.
     84  *   <code>Number.floatValue()</code> is used to get the actual value
     85  *   from the <code>Number</code>.
     86  *   <li>The values for <code>WEIGHT</code>, <code>WIDTH</code>, and
     87  *   <code>POSTURE</code> are interpolated by the system, which
     88  *   can select the 'nearest available' font or use other techniques to
     89  *   approximate the user's request.
     90  *
     91  * </UL>
     92  *
     93  * @see java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator
     94  */
     96 // Android-removed : Removed Summary of Attributes.
     97 /* <h4>Summary of attributes</h4>
     98  * <p>
     99  * <font size="-1">
    100  * <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="%95"
    101  *     summary="Key, value type, principal constants, and default value
    102  *     behavior of all TextAttributes">
    103  * <tr bgcolor="#ccccff">
    104  * <th valign="TOP" align="CENTER">Key</th>
    105  * <th valign="TOP" align="CENTER">Value Type</th>
    106  * <th valign="TOP" align="CENTER">Principal Constants</th>
    107  * <th valign="TOP" align="CENTER">Default Value</th>
    108  * </tr>
    109  * <tr>
    110  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #FAMILY}</td>
    111  * <td valign="TOP">String</td>
    112  * <td valign="TOP">See Font {@link java.awt.Font#DIALOG DIALOG},
    113 {@link java.awt.Font#DIALOG_INPUT DIALOG_INPUT},<br> {@link java.awt.Font#SERIF SERIF},
    114 {@link java.awt.Font#SANS_SERIF SANS_SERIF}, and {@link java.awt.Font#MONOSPACED MONOSPACED}.
    115 </td>
    116  * <td valign="TOP">"Default" (use platform default)</td>
    117  * </tr>
    118  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    119  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #WEIGHT}</td>
    120  * <td valign="TOP">Number</td>
    121  * <td valign="TOP">WEIGHT_REGULAR, WEIGHT_BOLD</td>
    122  * <td valign="TOP">WEIGHT_REGULAR</td>
    123  * </tr>
    124  * <tr>
    125  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #WIDTH}</td>
    126  * <td valign="TOP">Number</td>
    128  * <td valign="TOP">WIDTH_REGULAR</td>
    129  * </tr>
    130  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    131  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #POSTURE}</td>
    132  * <td valign="TOP">Number</td>
    133  * <td valign="TOP">POSTURE_REGULAR, POSTURE_OBLIQUE</td>
    134  * <td valign="TOP">POSTURE_REGULAR</td>
    135  * </tr>
    136  * <tr>
    137  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #SIZE}</td>
    138  * <td valign="TOP">Number</td>
    139  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    140  * <td valign="TOP">12.0</td>
    141  * </tr>
    142  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    143  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #TRANSFORM}</td>
    144  * <td valign="TOP">{@link TransformAttribute}</td>
    145  * <td valign="TOP">See TransformAttribute {@link TransformAttribute#IDENTITY IDENTITY}</td>
    146  * <td valign="TOP">TransformAttribute.IDENTITY</td>
    147  * </tr>
    148  * <tr>
    149  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #SUPERSCRIPT}</td>
    150  * <td valign="TOP">Integer</td>
    151  * <td valign="TOP">SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER, SUPERSCRIPT_SUB</td>
    152  * <td valign="TOP">0 (use the standard glyphs and metrics)</td>
    153  * </tr>
    154  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    155  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #FONT}</td>
    156  * <td valign="TOP">{@link java.awt.Font}</td>
    157  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    158  * <td valign="TOP">null (do not override font resolution)</td>
    159  * </tr>
    160  * <tr>
    161  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #CHAR_REPLACEMENT}</td>
    162  * <td valign="TOP">{@link GraphicAttribute}</td>
    163  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    164  * <td valign="TOP">null (draw text using font glyphs)</td>
    165  * </tr>
    166  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    167  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #FOREGROUND}</td>
    168  * <td valign="TOP">{@link java.awt.Paint}</td>
    169  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    170  * <td valign="TOP">null (use current graphics paint)</td>
    171  * </tr>
    172  * <tr>
    173  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #BACKGROUND}</td>
    174  * <td valign="TOP">{@link java.awt.Paint}</td>
    175  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    176  * <td valign="TOP">null (do not render background)</td>
    177  * </tr>
    178  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    179  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #UNDERLINE}</td>
    180  * <td valign="TOP">Integer</td>
    181  * <td valign="TOP">UNDERLINE_ON</td>
    182  * <td valign="TOP">-1 (do not render underline)</td>
    183  * </tr>
    184  * <tr>
    185  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #STRIKETHROUGH}</td>
    186  * <td valign="TOP">Boolean</td>
    187  * <td valign="TOP">STRIKETHROUGH_ON</td>
    188  * <td valign="TOP">false (do not render strikethrough)</td>
    189  * </tr>
    190  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    191  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #RUN_DIRECTION}</td>
    192  * <td valign="TOP">Boolean</td>
    193  * <td valign="TOP">RUN_DIRECTION_LTR<br>RUN_DIRECTION_RTL</td>
    194  * <td valign="TOP">null (use {@link java.text.Bidi} standard default)</td>
    195  * </tr>
    196  * <tr>
    197  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #BIDI_EMBEDDING}</td>
    198  * <td valign="TOP">Integer</td>
    199  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    200  * <td valign="TOP">0 (use base line direction)</td>
    201  * </tr>
    202  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    203  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #JUSTIFICATION}</td>
    204  * <td valign="TOP">Number</td>
    205  * <td valign="TOP">JUSTIFICATION_FULL</td>
    206  * <td valign="TOP">JUSTIFICATION_FULL</td>
    207  * </tr>
    208  * <tr>
    209  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT}</td>
    210  * <td valign="TOP">{@link java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight},<br>{@link java.text.Annotation}</td>
    211  * <td valign="TOP">(see class)</td>
    212  * <td valign="TOP">null (do not apply input highlighting)</td>
    213  * </tr>
    214  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    215  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE}</td>
    216  * <td valign="TOP">Integer</td>
    218  * <td valign="TOP">-1 (do not render underline)</td>
    219  * </tr>
    220  * <tr>
    221  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #SWAP_COLORS}</td>
    222  * <td valign="TOP">Boolean</td>
    223  * <td valign="TOP">SWAP_COLORS_ON</td>
    224  * <td valign="TOP">false (do not swap colors)</td>
    225  * </tr>
    226  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    227  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #NUMERIC_SHAPING}</td>
    228  * <td valign="TOP">{@link java.awt.font.NumericShaper}</td>
    229  * <td valign="TOP">none</td>
    230  * <td valign="TOP">null (do not shape digits)</td>
    231  * </tr>
    232  * <tr>
    233  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #KERNING}</td>
    234  * <td valign="TOP">Integer</td>
    235  * <td valign="TOP">KERNING_ON</td>
    236  * <td valign="TOP">0 (do not request kerning)</td>
    237  * </tr>
    238  * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff">
    239  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #LIGATURES}</td>
    240  * <td valign="TOP">Integer</td>
    241  * <td valign="TOP">LIGATURES_ON</td>
    242  * <td valign="TOP">0 (do not form optional ligatures)</td>
    243  * </tr>
    244  * <tr>
    245  * <td valign="TOP">{@link #TRACKING}</td>
    246  * <td valign="TOP">Number</td>
    247  * <td valign="TOP">TRACKING_LOOSE, TRACKING_TIGHT</td>
    248  * <td valign="TOP">0 (do not add tracking)</td>
    249  * </tr>
    250  * </table>
    251  * </font>
    252  *
    253  * @see java.awt.Font
    254  * @see java.awt.font.TextLayout
    255  */
    256 // Android-removed
    257 //
    258 // {@link java.awt.Font Font},
    259 // {@link java.awt.font.TextLayout TextLayout},
    260 // {@link java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator AttributedCharacterIterator},
    261 public final class TextAttribute extends Attribute {
    263     // table of all instances in this class, used by readResolve
    264     private static final Map instanceMap = new HashMap(29);
    266     /**
    267      * Constructs a <code>TextAttribute</code> with the specified name.
    268      * @param name the attribute name to assign to this
    269      * <code>TextAttribute</code>
    270      */
    271     protected TextAttribute(String name) {
    272         super(name);
    273         if (this.getClass() == TextAttribute.class) {
    274             instanceMap.put(name, this);
    275         }
    276     }
    278     /**
    279      * Resolves instances being deserialized to the predefined constants.
    280      */
    281     protected Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException {
    282         if (this.getClass() != TextAttribute.class) {
    283             throw new InvalidObjectException(
    284                 "subclass didn't correctly implement readResolve");
    285         }
    287         TextAttribute instance = (TextAttribute) instanceMap.get(getName());
    288         if (instance != null) {
    289             return instance;
    290         } else {
    291             throw new InvalidObjectException("unknown attribute name");
    292         }
    293     }
    295     // Serialization compatibility with Java 2 platform v1.2.
    296     // 1.2 will throw an InvalidObjectException if ever asked to
    297     // deserialize INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE.
    298     // This shouldn't happen in real life.
    299     static final long serialVersionUID = 7744112784117861702L;
    301     //
    302     // For use with Font.
    303     //
    305     /**
    306      * Attribute key for the font name.  Values are instances of
    307      * <b><code>String</code></b>.  The default value is
    308      * <code>"Default"</code>, which causes the platform default font
    309      * family to be used.
    310      *
    311      * <p> The <code>Font</code> class defines constants for the logical
    312      * font names.
    313      *
    314      * <p>This defines the value passed as <code>name</code> to the
    315      * <code>Font</code> constructor.  Both logical and physical
    316      * font names are allowed. If a font with the requested name
    317      * is not found, the default font is used.
    318      *
    319      * <p><em>Note:</em> This attribute is unfortunately misnamed, as
    320      * it specifies the face name and not just the family.  Thus
    321      * values such as "Lucida Sans Bold" will select that face if it
    322      * exists.  Note, though, that if the requested face does not
    323      * exist, the default will be used with <em>regular</em> weight.
    324      * The "Bold" in the name is part of the face name, not a separate
    325      * request that the font's weight be bold.</p>
    326      */
    327     // Android-removed links to font names.
    328     //
    329     // {@link java.awt.Font#DIALOG DIALOG},
    330     // {@link java.awt.Font#DIALOG_INPUT DIALOG_INPUT},
    331     // {@link java.awt.Font#SANS_SERIF SANS_SERIF},
    332     // {@link java.awt.Font#SERIF SERIF}, and
    333     // {@link java.awt.Font#MONOSPACED MONOSPACED}.
    334     public static final TextAttribute FAMILY =
    335         new TextAttribute("family");
    337     /**
    338      * Attribute key for the weight of a font.  Values are instances
    339      * of <b><code>Number</code></b>.  The default value is
    340      * <code>WEIGHT_REGULAR</code>.
    341      *
    342      * <p>Several constant values are provided, see {@link
    343      * #WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT}, {@link #WEIGHT_LIGHT}, {@link
    344      * #WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT}, {@link #WEIGHT_REGULAR}, {@link
    345      * #WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD}, {@link #WEIGHT_MEDIUM}, {@link
    346      * #WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD}, {@link #WEIGHT_BOLD}, {@link #WEIGHT_HEAVY},
    347      * {@link #WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD}, and {@link #WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD}.  The
    348      * value <code>WEIGHT_BOLD</code> corresponds to the
    349      * style value <code>Font.BOLD</code> as passed to the
    350      * <code>Font</code> constructor.
    351      *
    352      * <p>The value is roughly the ratio of the stem width to that of
    353      * the regular weight.
    354      *
    355      * <p>The system can interpolate the provided value.
    356      */
    357     public static final TextAttribute WEIGHT =
    358         new TextAttribute("weight");
    360     /**
    361      * The lightest predefined weight.
    362      * @see #WEIGHT
    363      */
    364     public static final Float WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT =
    365         Float.valueOf(0.5f);
    367     /**
    368      * The standard light weight.
    369      * @see #WEIGHT
    370      */
    371     public static final Float WEIGHT_LIGHT =
    372         Float.valueOf(0.75f);
    374     /**
    375      * An intermediate weight between <code>WEIGHT_LIGHT</code> and
    376      * <code>WEIGHT_STANDARD</code>.
    377      * @see #WEIGHT
    378      */
    379     public static final Float WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT =
    380         Float.valueOf(0.875f);
    382     /**
    383      * The standard weight. This is the default value for <code>WEIGHT</code>.
    384      * @see #WEIGHT
    385      */
    386     public static final Float WEIGHT_REGULAR =
    387         Float.valueOf(1.0f);
    389     /**
    390      * A moderately heavier weight than <code>WEIGHT_REGULAR</code>.
    391      * @see #WEIGHT
    392      */
    393     public static final Float WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD =
    394         Float.valueOf(1.25f);
    396     /**
    397      * An intermediate weight between <code>WEIGHT_REGULAR</code> and
    398      * <code>WEIGHT_BOLD</code>.
    399      * @see #WEIGHT
    400      */
    401     public static final Float WEIGHT_MEDIUM =
    402         Float.valueOf(1.5f);
    404     /**
    405      * A moderately lighter weight than <code>WEIGHT_BOLD</code>.
    406      * @see #WEIGHT
    407      */
    408     public static final Float WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD =
    409         Float.valueOf(1.75f);
    411     /**
    412      * The standard bold weight.
    413      * @see #WEIGHT
    414      */
    415     public static final Float WEIGHT_BOLD =
    416         Float.valueOf(2.0f);
    418     /**
    419      * A moderately heavier weight than <code>WEIGHT_BOLD</code>.
    420      * @see #WEIGHT
    421      */
    422     public static final Float WEIGHT_HEAVY =
    423         Float.valueOf(2.25f);
    425     /**
    426      * An extra heavy weight.
    427      * @see #WEIGHT
    428      */
    429     public static final Float WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD =
    430         Float.valueOf(2.5f);
    432     /**
    433      * The heaviest predefined weight.
    434      * @see #WEIGHT
    435      */
    436     public static final Float WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD =
    437         Float.valueOf(2.75f);
    439     /**
    440      * Attribute key for the width of a font.  Values are instances of
    441      * <b><code>Number</code></b>.  The default value is
    442      * <code>WIDTH_REGULAR</code>.
    443      *
    444      * <p>Several constant values are provided, see {@link
    445      * #WIDTH_CONDENSED}, {@link #WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED}, {@link
    446      * #WIDTH_REGULAR}, {@link #WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED}, {@link
    447      * #WIDTH_EXTENDED}.
    448      *
    449      * <p>The value is roughly the ratio of the advance width to that
    450      * of the regular width.
    451      *
    452      * <p>The system can interpolate the provided value.
    453      */
    454     public static final TextAttribute WIDTH =
    455         new TextAttribute("width");
    457     /**
    458      * The most condensed predefined width.
    459      * @see #WIDTH
    460      */
    461     public static final Float WIDTH_CONDENSED =
    462         Float.valueOf(0.75f);
    464     /**
    465      * A moderately condensed width.
    466      * @see #WIDTH
    467      */
    468     public static final Float WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED =
    469         Float.valueOf(0.875f);
    471     /**
    472      * The standard width. This is the default value for
    473      * <code>WIDTH</code>.
    474      * @see #WIDTH
    475      */
    476     public static final Float WIDTH_REGULAR =
    477         Float.valueOf(1.0f);
    479     /**
    480      * A moderately extended width.
    481      * @see #WIDTH
    482      */
    483     public static final Float WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED =
    484         Float.valueOf(1.25f);
    486     /**
    487      * The most extended predefined width.
    488      * @see #WIDTH
    489      */
    490     public static final Float WIDTH_EXTENDED =
    491         Float.valueOf(1.5f);
    493     /**
    494      * Attribute key for the posture of a font.  Values are instances
    495      * of <b><code>Number</code></b>. The default value is
    496      * <code>POSTURE_REGULAR</code>.
    497      *
    498      * <p>Two constant values are provided, {@link #POSTURE_REGULAR}
    499      * and {@link #POSTURE_OBLIQUE}. The value
    500      * <code>POSTURE_OBLIQUE</code> corresponds to the style value
    501      * <code>Font.ITALIC</code> as passed to the <code>Font</code>
    502      * constructor.
    503      *
    504      * <p>The value is roughly the slope of the stems of the font,
    505      * expressed as the run over the rise.  Positive values lean right.
    506      *
    507      * <p>The system can interpolate the provided value.
    508      *
    509      * <p>This will affect the font's italic angle as returned by
    510      * <code>Font.getItalicAngle</code>.
    511      *
    512      */
    513     // Android-removed.
    514     // @see java.awt.Font#getItalicAngle()
    515     public static final TextAttribute POSTURE =
    516         new TextAttribute("posture");
    518     /**
    519      * The standard posture, upright.  This is the default value for
    520      * <code>POSTURE</code>.
    521      * @see #POSTURE
    522      */
    523     public static final Float POSTURE_REGULAR =
    524         Float.valueOf(0.0f);
    526     /**
    527      * The standard italic posture.
    528      * @see #POSTURE
    529      */
    530     public static final Float POSTURE_OBLIQUE =
    531         Float.valueOf(0.20f);
    533     /**
    534      * Attribute key for the font size.  Values are instances of
    535      * <b><code>Number</code></b>.  The default value is 12pt.
    536      *
    537      * <p>This corresponds to the <code>size</code> parameter to the
    538      * <code>Font</code> constructor.
    539      *
    540      * <p>Very large or small sizes will impact rendering performance,
    541      * and the rendering system might not render text at these sizes.
    542      * Negative sizes are illegal and result in the default size.
    543      *
    544      * <p>Note that the appearance and metrics of a 12pt font with a
    545      * 2x transform might be different than that of a 24 point font
    546      * with no transform.
    547      */
    548     public static final TextAttribute SIZE =
    549         new TextAttribute("size");
    551     /**
    552      * Attribute key for the transform of a font.  Values are
    553      * instances of <b><code>TransformAttribute</code></b>.  The
    554      * default value is <code>TransformAttribute.IDENTITY</code>.
    555      *
    556      * <p>The primary intent is to support scaling and skewing, though
    557      * other effects are possible.</p>
    558      *
    559      * <p>Some transforms will cause the baseline to be rotated and/or
    560      * shifted.  The text and the baseline are transformed together so
    561      * that the text follows the new baseline.  For example, with text
    562      * on a horizontal baseline, the new baseline follows the
    563      * direction of the unit x vector passed through the
    564      * transform. Text metrics are measured against this new baseline.
    565      * So, for example, with other things being equal, text rendered
    566      * with a rotated TRANSFORM and an unrotated TRANSFORM will measure as
    567      * having the same ascent, descent, and advance.</p>
    568      */
    569      // Android-removed
    570      //
    571      // <p>This corresponds to the transform passed to
    572      // <code>Font.deriveFont(AffineTransform)</code>.  Since that
    573      // transform is mutable and <code>TextAttribute</code> values must
    574      // not be, the <code>TransformAttribute</code> wrapper class is
    575      // used.
    576      //
    577      // <p>The <code>TransformAttribute</code> class defines the
    578      // constant {@link TransformAttribute#IDENTITY IDENTITY}.
    579      // @see TransformAttribute
    580      // @see java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
    581      //
    582      // <p>In styled text, the baselines for each such run are aligned
    583      // one after the other to potentially create a non-linear baseline
    584      // for the entire run of text. For more information, see {@link
    585      // TextLayout#getLayoutPath}.</p>
    586      public static final TextAttribute TRANSFORM =
    587         new TextAttribute("transform");
    589     /**
    590      * Attribute key for superscripting and subscripting.  Values are
    591      * instances of <b><code>Integer</code></b>.  The default value is
    592      * 0, which means that no superscript or subscript is used.
    593      *
    594      * <p>Two constant values are provided, see {@link
    595      * #SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER} and {@link #SUPERSCRIPT_SUB}.  These have
    596      * the values 1 and -1 respectively.  Values of
    597      * greater magnitude define greater levels of superscript or
    598      * subscripting, for example, 2 corresponds to super-superscript,
    599      * 3 to super-super-superscript, and similarly for negative values
    600      * and subscript, up to a level of 7 (or -7).  Values beyond this
    601      * range are reserved; behavior is platform-dependent.
    602      *
    603      * <p><code>SUPERSCRIPT</code> can
    604      * impact the ascent and descent of a font.  The ascent
    605      * and descent can never become negative, however.
    606      */
    607     public static final TextAttribute SUPERSCRIPT =
    608         new TextAttribute("superscript");
    610     /**
    611      * Standard superscript.
    612      * @see #SUPERSCRIPT
    613      */
    614     public static final Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER =
    615         Integer.valueOf(1);
    617     /**
    618      * Standard subscript.
    619      * @see #SUPERSCRIPT
    620      */
    621     public static final Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUB =
    622         Integer.valueOf(-1);
    624     /**
    625      * Attribute key used to provide the font to use to render text.
    626      *
    627      * The default
    628      * value is null, indicating that normal resolution of a
    629      * <code>Font</code> from attributes should be performed.
    630      *
    631      * <p><code>TextLayout</code> and
    632      * <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> work in terms of
    633      * <code>Maps</code> of <code>TextAttributes</code>.  Normally,
    634      * all the attributes are examined and used to select and
    635      * configure a <code>Font</code> instance.  If a <code>FONT</code>
    636      * attribute is present, though, its associated <code>Font</code>
    637      * will be used.  This provides a way for users to override the
    638      * resolution of font attributes into a <code>Font</code>, or
    639      * force use of a particular <code>Font</code> instance.  This
    640      * also allows users to specify subclasses of <code>Font</code> in
    641      * cases where a <code>Font</code> can be subclassed.
    642      *
    643      * <p><code>FONT</code> is used for special situations where
    644      * clients already have a <code>Font</code> instance but still
    645      * need to use <code>Map</code>-based APIs.  Typically, there will
    646      * be no other attributes in the <code>Map</code> except the
    647      * <code>FONT</code> attribute.  With <code>Map</code>-based APIs
    648      * the common case is to specify all attributes individually, so
    649      * <code>FONT</code> is not needed or desireable.
    650      *
    651      * <p>However, if both <code>FONT</code> and other attributes are
    652      * present in the <code>Map</code>, the rendering system will
    653      * merge the attributes defined in the <code>Font</code> with the
    654      * additional attributes.  This merging process classifies
    655      * <code>TextAttributes</code> into two groups.  One group, the
    656      * 'primary' group, is considered fundamental to the selection and
    657      * metric behavior of a font.  These attributes are
    658      * <code>FAMILY</code>, <code>WEIGHT</code>, <code>WIDTH</code>,
    659      * <code>POSTURE</code>, <code>SIZE</code>,
    660      * <code>TRANSFORM</code>, <code>SUPERSCRIPT</code>, and
    661      * <code>TRACKING</code>. The other group, the 'secondary' group,
    662      * consists of all other defined attributes, with the exception of
    663      * <code>FONT</code> itself.
    664      *
    665      * <p>To generate the new <code>Map</code>, first the
    666      * <code>Font</code> is obtained from the <code>FONT</code>
    667      * attribute, and <em>all</em> of its attributes extracted into a
    668      * new <code>Map</code>.  Then only the <em>secondary</em>
    669      * attributes from the original <code>Map</code> are added to
    670      * those in the new <code>Map</code>.  Thus the values of primary
    671      * attributes come solely from the <code>Font</code>, and the
    672      * values of secondary attributes originate with the
    673      * <code>Font</code> but can be overridden by other values in the
    674      * <code>Map</code>.
    675      */
    676     // Android-removed
    677     // Values are instances of {@link java.awt.Font}.
    678     //
    679     // <p><em>Note:</em><code>Font's</code> <code>Map</code>-based
    680     // constructor and <code>deriveFont</code> methods do not process
    681     // the <code>FONT</code> attribute, as these are used to create
    682     // new <code>Font</code> objects.  Instead, {@link
    683     // java.awt.Font#getFont(Map) Font.getFont(Map)} should be used to
    684     // handle the <code>FONT</code> attribute.
    685     //
    686     // @see java.awt.Font
    687     public static final TextAttribute FONT =
    688         new TextAttribute("font");
    690     /**
    691      * Attribute key for a user-defined glyph to display in lieu
    692      * of the font's standard glyph for a character.  Values are
    693      * intances of GraphicAttribute.  The default value is null,
    694      * indicating that the standard glyphs provided by the font
    695      * should be used.
    696      *
    697      * <p>This attribute is used to reserve space for a graphic or
    698      * other component embedded in a line of text.  It is required for
    699      * correct positioning of 'inline' components within a line when
    700      * bidirectional reordering (see {@link java.text.Bidi}) is
    701      * performed.  Each character (Unicode code point) will be
    702      * rendered using the provided GraphicAttribute. Typically, the
    703      * characters to which this attribute is applied should be
    704      * <code>&#92;uFFFC</code>.
    705      *
    706      * <p>The GraphicAttribute determines the logical and visual
    707      * bounds of the text; the actual Font values are ignored.
    708      *
    709      * @see GraphicAttribute
    710      */
    711     public static final TextAttribute CHAR_REPLACEMENT =
    712         new TextAttribute("char_replacement");
    714     //
    715     // Adornments added to text.
    716     //
    718     /**
    719      * Attribute key for the paint used to render the text.  Values are
    720      * instances of <b><code>Paint</code></b>.  The default value is
    721      * null, indicating that the <code>Paint</code> set on the
    722      * <code>Graphics2D</code> at the time of rendering is used.
    723      *
    724      * <p>Glyphs will be rendered using this
    725      * <code>Paint</code> regardless of the <code>Paint</code> value
    726      * set on the <code>Graphics</code> (but see {@link #SWAP_COLORS}).
    727      *
    728      * @see java.awt.Paint
    729      * @see #SWAP_COLORS
    730      */
    731     public static final TextAttribute FOREGROUND =
    732         new TextAttribute("foreground");
    734     /**
    735      * Attribute key for the paint used to render the background of
    736      * the text.  Values are instances of <b><code>Paint</code></b>.
    737      * The default value is null, indicating that the background
    738      * should not be rendered.
    739      *
    740      * <p>The logical bounds of the text will be filled using this
    741      * <code>Paint</code>, and then the text will be rendered on top
    742      * of it (but see {@link #SWAP_COLORS}).
    743      *
    744      * <p>The visual bounds of the text is extended to include the
    745      * logical bounds, if necessary.  The outline is not affected.
    746      *
    747      * @see java.awt.Paint
    748      * @see #SWAP_COLORS
    749      */
    750     public static final TextAttribute BACKGROUND =
    751         new TextAttribute("background");
    753     /**
    754      * Attribute key for underline.  Values are instances of
    755      * <b><code>Integer</code></b>.  The default value is -1, which
    756      * means no underline.
    757      *
    758      * <p>The constant value {@link #UNDERLINE_ON} is provided.
    759      *
    760      * <p>The underline affects both the visual bounds and the outline
    761      * of the text.
    762      */
    763     public static final TextAttribute UNDERLINE =
    764         new TextAttribute("underline");
    766     /**
    767      * Standard underline.
    768      *
    769      * @see #UNDERLINE
    770      */
    771     public static final Integer UNDERLINE_ON =
    772         Integer.valueOf(0);
    774     /**
    775      * Attribute key for strikethrough.  Values are instances of
    776      * <b><code>Boolean</code></b>.  The default value is
    777      * <code>false</code>, which means no strikethrough.
    778      *
    779      * <p>The constant value {@link #STRIKETHROUGH_ON} is provided.
    780      *
    781      * <p>The strikethrough affects both the visual bounds and the
    782      * outline of the text.
    783      */
    784     public static final TextAttribute STRIKETHROUGH =
    785         new TextAttribute("strikethrough");
    787     /**
    788      * A single strikethrough.
    789      *
    790      * @see #STRIKETHROUGH
    791      */
    792     public static final Boolean STRIKETHROUGH_ON =
    793         Boolean.TRUE;
    795     //
    796     // Attributes use to control layout of text on a line.
    797     //
    799     /**
    800      * Attribute key for the run direction of the line.  Values are
    801      * instances of <b><code>Boolean</code></b>.  The default value is
    802      * null, which indicates that the standard Bidi algorithm for
    803      * determining run direction should be used with the value {@link
    804      * java.text.Bidi#DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT}.
    805      *
    806      * <p>The constants {@link #RUN_DIRECTION_RTL} and {@link
    807      * #RUN_DIRECTION_LTR} are provided.
    808      *
    809      * <p>This determines the value passed to the {@link
    810      * java.text.Bidi} constructor to select the primary direction of
    811      * the text in the paragraph.
    812      *
    813      * <p><em>Note:</em> This attribute should have the same value for
    814      * all the text in a paragraph, otherwise the behavior is
    815      * undetermined.
    816      *
    817      * @see java.text.Bidi
    818      */
    819     public static final TextAttribute RUN_DIRECTION =
    820         new TextAttribute("run_direction");
    822     /**
    823      * Left-to-right run direction.
    824      * @see #RUN_DIRECTION
    825      */
    826     public static final Boolean RUN_DIRECTION_LTR =
    827         Boolean.FALSE;
    829     /**
    830      * Right-to-left run direction.
    831      * @see #RUN_DIRECTION
    832      */
    833     public static final Boolean RUN_DIRECTION_RTL =
    834         Boolean.TRUE;
    836     /**
    837      * Attribute key for the embedding level of the text.  Values are
    838      * instances of <b><code>Integer</code></b>.  The default value is
    839      * <code>null</code>, indicating that the the Bidirectional
    840      * algorithm should run without explicit embeddings.
    841      *
    842      * <p>Positive values 1 through 61 are <em>embedding</em> levels,
    843      * negative values -1 through -61 are <em>override</em> levels.
    844      * The value 0 means that the base line direction is used.  These
    845      * levels are passed in the embedding levels array to the {@link
    846      * java.text.Bidi} constructor.
    847      *
    848      * <p><em>Note:</em> When this attribute is present anywhere in
    849      * a paragraph, then any Unicode bidi control characters (RLO,
    850      * LRO, RLE, LRE, and PDF) in the paragraph are
    851      * disregarded, and runs of text where this attribute is not
    852      * present are treated as though it were present and had the value
    853      * 0.
    854      *
    855      * @see java.text.Bidi
    856      */
    857     public static final TextAttribute BIDI_EMBEDDING =
    858         new TextAttribute("bidi_embedding");
    860     /**
    861      * Attribute key for the justification of a paragraph.  Values are
    862      * instances of <b><code>Number</code></b>.  The default value is
    863      * 1, indicating that justification should use the full width
    864      * provided.  Values are pinned to the range [0..1].
    865      *
    866      * <p>The constants {@link #JUSTIFICATION_FULL} and {@link
    867      * #JUSTIFICATION_NONE} are provided.
    868      *
    869      * <p>Specifies the fraction of the extra space to use when
    870      * justification is requested on a <code>TextLayout</code>. For
    871      * example, if the line is 50 points wide and it is requested to
    872      * justify to 70 points, a value of 0.75 will pad to use
    873      * three-quarters of the remaining space, or 15 points, so that
    874      * the resulting line will be 65 points in length.
    875      *
    876      * <p><em>Note:</em> This should have the same value for all the
    877      * text in a paragraph, otherwise the behavior is undetermined.
    878      *
    879      * @see TextLayout#getJustifiedLayout
    880      */
    881     public static final TextAttribute JUSTIFICATION =
    882         new TextAttribute("justification");
    884     /**
    885      * Justify the line to the full requested width.  This is the
    886      * default value for <code>JUSTIFICATION</code>.
    887      * @see #JUSTIFICATION
    888      */
    889     public static final Float JUSTIFICATION_FULL =
    890         Float.valueOf(1.0f);
    892     /**
    893      * Do not allow the line to be justified.
    894      * @see #JUSTIFICATION
    895      */
    896     public static final Float JUSTIFICATION_NONE =
    897         Float.valueOf(0.0f);
    899     //
    900     // For use by input method.
    901     //
    903     /**
    904      * Attribute key for input method highlight styles.
    905      *
    906      * The default value is <code>null</code>,
    907      * which means that input method styles should not be applied
    908      * before rendering.
    909      *
    910      * @see java.text.Annotation
    911      */
    912     // Android-removed
    913     //
    914     // <p>Values are instances of {@link
    915     // java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight} or {@link
    916     // java.text.Annotation}.
    917     //
    918     // <p>If adjacent runs of text with the same
    919     // <code>InputMethodHighlight</code> need to be rendered
    920     // separately, the <code>InputMethodHighlights</code> should be
    921     // wrapped in <code>Annotation</code> instances.
    922     //
    923     // <p>Input method highlights are used while text is being
    924     // composed by an input method. Text editing components should
    925     // retain them even if they generally only deal with unstyled
    926     // text, and make them available to the drawing routines.
    927     //
    928     // @see java.awt.Font
    929     // @see java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight
    930     public static final TextAttribute INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT =
    931         new TextAttribute("input method highlight");
    933     /**
    934      * Attribute key for input method underlines.  Values
    935      * are instances of <b><code>Integer</code></b>.  The default
    936      * value is <code>-1</code>, which means no underline.
    937      *
    938      * <p>Several constant values are provided, see {@link
    940      * {@link #UNDERLINE_LOW_DOTTED}, {@link #UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY}, and
    941      * {@link #UNDERLINE_LOW_DASHED}.
    942      *
    943      * <p>This may be used in conjunction with {@link #UNDERLINE} if
    944      * desired.  The primary purpose is for use by input methods.
    945      * Other use of these underlines for simple ornamentation might
    946      * confuse users.
    947      *
    948      * <p>The input method underline affects both the visual bounds and
    949      * the outline of the text.
    950      *
    951      * @since 1.3
    952      */
    953     public static final TextAttribute INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE =
    954         new TextAttribute("input method underline");
    956     /**
    957      * Single pixel solid low underline.
    958      * @see #INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE
    959      * @since 1.3
    960      */
    961     public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_ONE_PIXEL =
    962         Integer.valueOf(1);
    964     /**
    965      * Double pixel solid low underline.
    966      * @see #INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE
    967      * @since 1.3
    968      */
    969     public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_TWO_PIXEL =
    970         Integer.valueOf(2);
    972     /**
    973      * Single pixel dotted low underline.
    974      * @see #INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE
    975      * @since 1.3
    976      */
    977     public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_DOTTED =
    978         Integer.valueOf(3);
    980     /**
    981      * Double pixel gray low underline.
    982      * @see #INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE
    983      * @since 1.3
    984      */
    985     public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY =
    986         Integer.valueOf(4);
    988     /**
    989      * Single pixel dashed low underline.
    990      * @see #INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE
    991      * @since 1.3
    992      */
    993     public static final Integer UNDERLINE_LOW_DASHED =
    994         Integer.valueOf(5);
    996     /**
    997      * Attribute key for swapping foreground and background
    998      * <code>Paints</code>.  Values are instances of
    999      * <b><code>Boolean</code></b>.  The default value is
   1000      * <code>false</code>, which means do not swap colors.
   1001      *
   1002      * <p>The constant value {@link #SWAP_COLORS_ON} is defined.
   1003      *
   1004      * <p>If the {@link #FOREGROUND} attribute is set, its
   1005      * <code>Paint</code> will be used as the background, otherwise
   1006      * the <code>Paint</code> currently on the <code>Graphics</code>
   1007      * will be used.  If the {@link #BACKGROUND} attribute is set, its
   1008      * <code>Paint</code> will be used as the foreground, otherwise
   1009      * the system will find a contrasting color to the
   1010      * (resolved) background so that the text will be visible.
   1011      *
   1012      * @see #FOREGROUND
   1013      * @see #BACKGROUND
   1014      */
   1015     public static final TextAttribute SWAP_COLORS =
   1016         new TextAttribute("swap_colors");
   1018     /**
   1019      * Swap foreground and background.
   1020      * @see #SWAP_COLORS
   1021      * @since 1.3
   1022      */
   1023     public static final Boolean SWAP_COLORS_ON =
   1024         Boolean.TRUE;
   1026     /**
   1027      * Attribute key for converting ASCII decimal digits to other
   1028      * decimal ranges.  Values are instances of {@link NumericShaper}.
   1029      * The default is <code>null</code>, which means do not perform
   1030      * numeric shaping.
   1031      *
   1032      * <p>When a numeric shaper is defined, the text is first
   1033      * processed by the shaper before any other analysis of the text
   1034      * is performed.
   1035      *
   1036      * <p><em>Note:</em> This should have the same value for all the
   1037      * text in the paragraph, otherwise the behavior is undetermined.
   1038      *
   1039      * @see NumericShaper
   1040      * @since 1.4
   1041      */
   1042     public static final TextAttribute NUMERIC_SHAPING =
   1043         new TextAttribute("numeric_shaping");
   1045     /**
   1046      * Attribute key to request kerning. Values are instances of
   1047      * <b><code>Integer</code></b>.  The default value is
   1048      * <code>0</code>, which does not request kerning.
   1049      *
   1050      * <p>The constant value {@link #KERNING_ON} is provided.
   1051      *
   1052      * <p>The default advances of single characters are not
   1053      * appropriate for some character sequences, for example "To" or
   1054      * "AWAY".  Without kerning the adjacent characters appear to be
   1055      * separated by too much space.  Kerning causes selected sequences
   1056      * of characters to be spaced differently for a more pleasing
   1057      * visual appearance.
   1058      *
   1059      * @since 1.6
   1060      */
   1061     public static final TextAttribute KERNING =
   1062         new TextAttribute("kerning");
   1064     /**
   1065      * Request standard kerning.
   1066      * @see #KERNING
   1067      * @since 1.6
   1068      */
   1069     public static final Integer KERNING_ON =
   1070         Integer.valueOf(1);
   1073     /**
   1074      * Attribute key for enabling optional ligatures. Values are
   1075      * instances of <b><code>Integer</code></b>.  The default value is
   1076      * <code>0</code>, which means do not use optional ligatures.
   1077      *
   1078      * <p>The constant value {@link #LIGATURES_ON} is defined.
   1079      *
   1080      * <p>Ligatures required by the writing system are always enabled.
   1081      *
   1082      * @since 1.6
   1083      */
   1084     public static final TextAttribute LIGATURES =
   1085         new TextAttribute("ligatures");
   1087     /**
   1088      * Request standard optional ligatures.
   1089      * @see #LIGATURES
   1090      * @since 1.6
   1091      */
   1092     public static final Integer LIGATURES_ON =
   1093         Integer.valueOf(1);
   1095     /**
   1096      * Attribute key to control tracking.  Values are instances of
   1097      * <b><code>Number</code></b>.  The default value is
   1098      * <code>0</code>, which means no additional tracking.
   1099      *
   1100      * <p>The constant values {@link #TRACKING_TIGHT} and {@link
   1101      * #TRACKING_LOOSE} are provided.
   1102      *
   1103      * <p>The tracking value is multiplied by the font point size and
   1104      * passed through the font transform to determine an additional
   1105      * amount to add to the advance of each glyph cluster.  Positive
   1106      * tracking values will inhibit formation of optional ligatures.
   1107      * Tracking values are typically between <code>-0.1</code> and
   1108      * <code>0.3</code>; values outside this range are generally not
   1109      * desireable.
   1110      *
   1111      * @since 1.6
   1112      */
   1113     public static final TextAttribute TRACKING =
   1114         new TextAttribute("tracking");
   1116     /**
   1117      * Perform tight tracking.
   1118      * @see #TRACKING
   1119      * @since 1.6
   1120      */
   1121     public static final Float TRACKING_TIGHT =
   1122         Float.valueOf(-.04f);
   1124     /**
   1125      * Perform loose tracking.
   1126      * @see #TRACKING
   1127      * @since 1.6
   1128      */
   1129     public static final Float TRACKING_LOOSE =
   1130         Float.valueOf(.04f);
   1131 }