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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!--  Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
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     19     <string name="app_label" msgid="3658948994665187911">"Niurhalsstjrnun"</string>
     20     <string name="permlab_downloadManager" msgid="7779544811202855500">"Agangur a niurhalsstjrnun."</string>
     21     <string name="permdesc_downloadManager" msgid="4237406545998908947">"Leyfir forriti a f agang a niurhalsstjrnun og nota hana til a skja skrr. Spilliforrit geta nota etta til a trufla niurhal og f agang a einkaupplsingum."</string>
     22     <string name="permlab_downloadManagerAdvanced" msgid="7103642833308809655">"tarlegir eiginleikar niurhalsstjrnunar."</string>
     23     <string name="permdesc_downloadManagerAdvanced" msgid="2659546004160962761">"Leyfir forritum a f agang a tarlegum eiginleikum niurhalsstjrnunar. Spilliforrit geta nota etta til a trufla niurhal og f agang a einkaupplsingum."</string>
     24     <string name="permlab_downloadCompletedIntent" msgid="945913803765675685">"Senda tilkynningar um niurhal."</string>
     25     <string name="permdesc_downloadCompletedIntent" msgid="2094706189855699533">"Leyfir forriti a senda tilkynningar um niurhal sem er loki. Spilliforrit geta nota etta til a skapa rugling hj rum forritum sem skja skrr."</string>
     26     <string name="permlab_seeAllExternal" product="nosdcard" msgid="4084575448409212628">"Sj allt niurhal  USB-geymslu"</string>
     27     <string name="permlab_seeAllExternal" product="default" msgid="140058400609165726">"Sj allt niurhal  SD-korti"</string>
     28     <string name="permdesc_seeAllExternal" msgid="1672759909065511233">"Leyfir forriti a sj allt niurhal  SD-korti, n tillits til ess hvaa forrit stti skrrnar."</string>
     29     <string name="permlab_downloadCacheNonPurgeable" msgid="3069534308882047412">"Taka fr plss  skyndiminni niurhals"</string>
     30     <string name="permdesc_downloadCacheNonPurgeable" msgid="2408760720334570420">"Leyfir forriti a skja skrr  skyndiminni niurhals sem ekki er hgt a hreinsa sjlfkrafa egar niurhalsstjrnun arf meira plss."</string>
     31     <string name="permlab_downloadWithoutNotification" msgid="8837971946078327262">"skja skrr n tilkynningar"</string>
     32     <string name="permdesc_downloadWithoutNotification" msgid="8483135034298639727">"Leyfir forriti a skja skrr  gegnum niurhalsstjrnun n ess a birta notandanum tilkynningu."</string>
     33     <string name="permlab_accessAllDownloads" msgid="2436240495424393717">"Agangur a llu niurhali kerfis"</string>
     34     <string name="permdesc_accessAllDownloads" msgid="1871832254578267128">"Leyfir forriti a skoa og breyta llu niurhali sem hvaa forrit kerfisins sem er hf."</string>
     35     <string name="download_unknown_title" msgid="7015124071247271585">"&lt;nefnt&gt;"</string>
     36     <string name="notification_download_complete" msgid="5443563299253103667">"Niurhali loki."</string>
     37     <string name="notification_download_failed" msgid="8612136111952014978">"Niurhal mistkst."</string>
     38     <string name="notification_need_wifi_for_size" msgid="2556172885154833575">"Strin krefst Wi-Fi."</string>
     39     <string name="notification_paused_in_background" msgid="4328508073283591772">" bi  bakgrunni."</string>
     40     <string name="wifi_required_title" msgid="1995971416871498179">"Of strt niurhal fyrir kerfi smafyrirtkis"</string>
     41     <string name="wifi_required_body" msgid="3067694630143784449">" verur a nota Wi-Fi til a ljka essu <xliff:g id="SIZE">%s </xliff:g> niurhali. \n\nttu  <xliff:g id="QUEUE_TEXT">%s </xliff:g> til a hefja etta niurhal nst egar  tengist Wi-Fi neti."</string>
     42     <string name="wifi_recommended_title" msgid="7441589306734687400">"Setja  bir til a skja sar?"</string>
     43     <string name="wifi_recommended_body" msgid="1314735166699936073">"Ef etta <xliff:g id="SIZE">%s </xliff:g> niurhal er hafi kann rafhlaan a tmast hraar og/ea notkun farsmagagnatengingar a vera mjg mikil, sem kann a hafa  fr me sr a smafyrirtki itt rukki ig aukalega, allt eftir skrift.\n\n ttu  <xliff:g id="QUEUE_TEXT">%s</xliff:g> til a hefja etta niurhal nst egar  tengist Wi-Fi neti."</string>
     44     <string name="button_queue_for_wifi" msgid="422576726189179221">"Setja  bir"</string>
     45     <string name="button_cancel_download" msgid="2430166148737975604">"Htta vi"</string>
     46     <string name="button_start_now" msgid="792123674007840864">"Hefja nna"</string>
     47     <plurals name="notif_summary_active" formatted="false" msgid="7290448463204837173">
     48       <item quantity="one">Veri a skja <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g> skr</item>
     49       <item quantity="other">Veri a skja <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g> skrr</item>
     50     </plurals>
     51     <plurals name="notif_summary_waiting" formatted="false" msgid="2814217662029273005">
     52       <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g> skr  bi</item>
     53       <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g> skrr  bi</item>
     54     </plurals>
     55     <string name="download_remaining" msgid="3139295890887972718">"<xliff:g id="DURATION">%s</xliff:g> eftir"</string>
     56     <string name="download_no_application_title" msgid="7935659741162801699">"Ekki er hgt a opna skrna"</string>
     57     <string name="root_downloads" msgid="4098414876292351487">"Niurhal"</string>
     58     <string name="download_queued" msgid="3302638231377947451">" bir"</string>
     59     <string name="download_running" msgid="3925050393361158266">" gangi"</string>
     60     <string name="download_error" msgid="5144180777324573236">"Mistkst"</string>
     61     <string name="download_running_percent" msgid="4305080769167320204">" gangi, <xliff:g id="PERCENTAGE">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
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