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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.wearable.sysapp.janktests;
     19 import android.app.Instrumentation;
     20 import android.content.ComponentName;
     21 import android.content.Intent;
     22 import android.os.SystemClock;
     23 import android.support.test.uiautomator.By;
     24 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiDevice;
     25 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObject;
     26 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObject2;
     27 import android.support.test.uiautomator.UiSelector;
     28 import android.support.test.uiautomator.Until;
     29 import android.util.Log;
     30 import android.view.KeyEvent;
     32 import junit.framework.Assert;
     34 /**
     35  * Helper for all the system apps jank tests
     36  */
     37 public class SysAppTestHelper {
     39     public static final int EXPECTED_FRAMES_CARDS_TEST = 20;
     40     public static final int EXPECTED_FRAMES_WATCHFACE_PICKER_TEST = 20;
     41     public static final int EXPECTED_FRAMES = 100;
     42     public static final int LONG_TIMEOUT = 5000;
     43     public static final int SHORT_TIMEOUT = 500;
     44     public static final int FLING_SPEED = 5000;
     45     private static final String LOG_TAG = SysAppTestHelper.class.getSimpleName();
     46     private static final long NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 1000; // 5s
     47     private static final String RELOAD_NOTIFICATION_CARD_INTENT = "com.google.android.wearable."
     48             + "support.wearnotificationgenerator.SHOW_NOTIFICATION";
     49     private static final String HOME_INDICATOR = "charging_icon";
     50     private static final String LAUNCHER_VIEW_NAME = "launcher_view";
     51     private static final String CARD_VIEW_NAME = "activity_view";
     52     private static final String QUICKSETTING_VIEW_NAME = "settings_icon";
     53     private static final String WATCHFACE_PREVIEW_NAME = "preview_image";
     55     // Demo card selectors
     56     private static final UiSelector CARD_SELECTOR = new UiSelector()
     57             .resourceId("com.google.android.wearable.app:id/snippet");
     58     private static final UiSelector TITLE_SELECTOR = new UiSelector()
     59             .resourceId("com.google.android.wearable.app:id/title");
     60     private static final UiSelector CLOCK_SELECTOR = new UiSelector()
     61             .resourceId("com.google.android.wearable.app:id/clock_bar");
     62     private static final UiSelector ICON_SELECTOR = new UiSelector()
     63             .resourceId("com.google.android.wearable.app:id/icon");
     64     private static final UiSelector TEXT_SELECTOR = new UiSelector()
     65             .resourceId("com.google.android.wearable.app:id/text");
     66     private static final UiSelector STATUS_BAR_SELECTOR = new UiSelector()
     67             .resourceId("com.google.android.wearable.app:id/status_bar_icons");
     68     private static SysAppTestHelper sysAppTestHelperInstance;
     69     private UiDevice mDevice = null;
     70     private Instrumentation instrumentation = null;
     71     private UiObject mCard = null;
     72     private UiObject mTitle = null;
     73     private UiObject mIcon = null;
     74     private UiObject mText = null;
     75     private Intent mIntent = null;
     77     /**
     78      * @param mDevice Instance to represent the current device.
     79      * @param instrumentation Instance for instrumentation.
     80      */
     81     private SysAppTestHelper(UiDevice mDevice, Instrumentation instrumentation) {
     82         super();
     83         this.mDevice = mDevice;
     84         this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
     85         mIntent = new Intent();
     86         mCard = mDevice.findObject(CARD_SELECTOR);
     87         mTitle = mDevice.findObject(TITLE_SELECTOR);
     88         mIcon = mDevice.findObject(ICON_SELECTOR);
     89         mText = mDevice.findObject(TEXT_SELECTOR);
     90     }
     92     public static SysAppTestHelper getInstance(UiDevice device, Instrumentation instrumentation) {
     93         if (sysAppTestHelperInstance == null) {
     94             sysAppTestHelperInstance = new SysAppTestHelper(device, instrumentation);
     95         }
     96         return sysAppTestHelperInstance;
     97     }
     99     // TODO: Cleanup confusion between swipe and fling.
    100     public void swipeRight() {
    101         mDevice.swipe(50,
    102                 mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2, mDevice.getDisplayWidth() - 25,
    103                 mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2, 30); // slow speed
    104         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    105     }
    107     public void swipeLeft() {
    108         mDevice.swipe(mDevice.getDisplayWidth() - 50, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2, 50,
    109                 mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2, 30); // slow speed
    110         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    111     }
    113     public void swipeUp() {
    114         mDevice.swipe(mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2 + 50,
    115                 mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2, 0, 30); // slow speed
    116         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    117     }
    119     public void swipeDown() {
    120         mDevice.swipe(mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2, 0, mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2,
    121                 mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2 + 50, 30); // slow speed
    122         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    123     }
    125     // TODO: Cleanup confusion between swipe and fling.
    126     public void flingLeft() {
    127         mDevice.swipe(mDevice.getDisplayWidth() - 50, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2,
    128                 50, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2, 5); // fast speed
    129         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    130     }
    132     public void flingRight() {
    133         mDevice.swipe(50, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2,
    134                 mDevice.getDisplayWidth() - 50, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2, 5); // fast speed
    135         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    136     }
    138     public void flingUp() {
    139         mDevice.swipe(mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2, mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2 + 50,
    140                 mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2, 0, 5); // fast speed
    141         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    142     }
    144     public void flingDown() {
    145         mDevice.swipe(mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2, 0, mDevice.getDisplayWidth() / 2,
    146                 mDevice.getDisplayHeight() / 2 + 50, 5); // fast speed
    147         SystemClock.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    148     }
    150     // Helper method to go back to home screen
    151     public void goBackHome() {
    152         int count = 0;
    153         do {
    154             UiObject2 homeScreen = waitForSysAppUiObject2(HOME_INDICATOR);
    155             if (homeScreen != null) {
    156                 break;
    157             }
    158             mDevice.pressBack();
    159             count++;
    160         } while (count < 5);
    162         // TODO (yuanlang@) Delete the following hacky codes after charging icon issue fixed
    163         // Make sure we're not in the launcher
    164         if (waitForSysAppUiObject2(LAUNCHER_VIEW_NAME) != null) {
    165             mDevice.pressBack();
    166         }
    167         // Make sure we're not in cards view
    168         if (waitForSysAppUiObject2(CARD_VIEW_NAME) != null) {
    169             mDevice.pressBack();
    170         }
    171         // Make sure we're not in the quick settings
    172         if (waitForSysAppUiObject2(QUICKSETTING_VIEW_NAME) != null) {
    173             mDevice.pressBack();
    174         }
    175         // Make sure we're not in watch face picker
    176         if (waitForSysAppUiObject2(WATCHFACE_PREVIEW_NAME) != null) {
    177             mDevice.pressBack();
    178         }
    179         SystemClock.sleep(LONG_TIMEOUT);
    180     }
    182     // Helper method to verify if there are any Demo cards.
    184     // TODO: Allow user to pass in how many cards are expected to find cause some tests may require
    185     // more than one card.
    186     public void hasDemoCards() {
    187         // Device should be pre-loaded with demo cards.
    189         goBackHome(); // Start by going to Home.
    191         if (!mTitle.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)) {
    192             Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Card previews not available, swiping up");
    193             swipeUp();
    194             // For few devices, demo card preview is hidden by default. So swipe once to bring up
    195             // the card.
    196         }
    198         // First card from the pre-loaded demo cards could be either in peek view
    199         // or in full view(e.g Dory) or no peek view(Sturgeon). Ensure to check for demo cards
    200         // existence in both cases.
    201         if (!(mCard.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)
    202                 || mTitle.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)
    203                 || mIcon.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)
    204                 || mText.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS))) {
    205             Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Demo cards not found, going to reload the cards");
    206             // If there are no Demo cards, reload them.
    207             reloadDemoCards();
    208             if (!mTitle.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)) {
    209                 swipeUp(); // For few devices, demo card preview is hidden by
    210                 // default. So swipe once to bring up the card.
    211             }
    212         }
    213         Assert.assertTrue("no cards available for testing",
    214                 (mTitle.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)
    215                         || mIcon.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)
    216                         || mText.waitForExists(NEW_CARD_TIMEOUT_MS)));
    217     }
    219     // This will ensure to reload notification cards by launching NotificationsGeneratorWear app
    220     // when there are insufficient cards.
    221     private void reloadDemoCards() {
    222         mIntent.setAction(RELOAD_NOTIFICATION_CARD_INTENT);
    223         instrumentation.getContext().sendBroadcast(mIntent);
    224         SystemClock.sleep(LONG_TIMEOUT);
    225     }
    227     public void launchActivity(String appPackage, String activityToLaunch) {
    228         mIntent.setAction("android.intent.action.MAIN");
    229         mIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName(appPackage, activityToLaunch));
    230         mIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
    231         instrumentation.getContext().startActivity(mIntent);
    232     }
    234     // Helper method to goto app launcher and verifies you are there.
    235     public void gotoAppLauncher() {
    236         goBackHome();
    237         mDevice.pressKeyCode(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK);
    238         UiObject2 appLauncher = mDevice.wait(Until.findObject(By.text("Agenda")),
    239                 SysAppTestHelper.LONG_TIMEOUT);
    240         Assert.assertNotNull("App launcher not launched", appLauncher);
    241     }
    243     public UiObject2 waitForSysAppUiObject2(String resourceId) {
    244         String launcherPackageName = mDevice.getLauncherPackageName();
    245         return mDevice.wait(
    246                 Until.findObject(By.res(launcherPackageName, resourceId)),
    247                 SHORT_TIMEOUT);
    248     }
    249 }