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      1 //
      2 // Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3 //
      4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 //
      8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 //
     10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 // limitations under the License.
     15 //
     17 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/ab_generator.h"
     19 #include <algorithm>
     21 #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
     23 #include "update_engine/common/hash_calculator.h"
     24 #include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
     25 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/payload_constants.h"
     26 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/annotated_operation.h"
     27 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/bzip.h"
     28 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/delta_diff_generator.h"
     29 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/delta_diff_utils.h"
     31 using chromeos_update_engine::diff_utils::IsAReplaceOperation;
     32 using std::string;
     33 using std::vector;
     35 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
     37 bool ABGenerator::GenerateOperations(
     38     const PayloadGenerationConfig& config,
     39     const PartitionConfig& old_part,
     40     const PartitionConfig& new_part,
     41     BlobFileWriter* blob_file,
     42     vector<AnnotatedOperation>* aops) {
     43   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(old_part.name == new_part.name);
     45   ssize_t hard_chunk_blocks = (config.hard_chunk_size == -1 ? -1 :
     46                                config.hard_chunk_size / config.block_size);
     47   size_t soft_chunk_blocks = config.soft_chunk_size / config.block_size;
     49   aops->clear();
     50   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(diff_utils::DeltaReadPartition(aops,
     51                                                        old_part,
     52                                                        new_part,
     53                                                        hard_chunk_blocks,
     54                                                        soft_chunk_blocks,
     55                                                        config.version,
     56                                                        blob_file));
     57   LOG(INFO) << "done reading " << new_part.name;
     60       FragmentOperations(config.version, aops, new_part.path, blob_file));
     61   SortOperationsByDestination(aops);
     63   // Use the soft_chunk_size when merging operations to prevent merging all
     64   // the operations into a huge one if there's no hard limit.
     65   size_t merge_chunk_blocks = soft_chunk_blocks;
     66   if (hard_chunk_blocks != -1 &&
     67       static_cast<size_t>(hard_chunk_blocks) < soft_chunk_blocks) {
     68     merge_chunk_blocks = hard_chunk_blocks;
     69   }
     71   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(MergeOperations(
     72       aops, config.version, merge_chunk_blocks, new_part.path, blob_file));
     74   if (config.version.minor >= kOpSrcHashMinorPayloadVersion)
     75     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(AddSourceHash(aops, old_part.path));
     77   return true;
     78 }
     80 void ABGenerator::SortOperationsByDestination(
     81     vector<AnnotatedOperation>* aops) {
     82   sort(aops->begin(), aops->end(), diff_utils::CompareAopsByDestination);
     83 }
     85 bool ABGenerator::FragmentOperations(const PayloadVersion& version,
     86                                      vector<AnnotatedOperation>* aops,
     87                                      const string& target_part_path,
     88                                      BlobFileWriter* blob_file) {
     89   vector<AnnotatedOperation> fragmented_aops;
     90   for (const AnnotatedOperation& aop : *aops) {
     91     if (aop.op.type() == InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY) {
     92       TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(SplitSourceCopy(aop, &fragmented_aops));
     93     } else if (IsAReplaceOperation(aop.op.type())) {
     94       TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(SplitAReplaceOp(
     95           version, aop, target_part_path, &fragmented_aops, blob_file));
     96     } else {
     97       fragmented_aops.push_back(aop);
     98     }
     99   }
    100   *aops = std::move(fragmented_aops);
    101   return true;
    102 }
    104 bool ABGenerator::SplitSourceCopy(
    105     const AnnotatedOperation& original_aop,
    106     vector<AnnotatedOperation>* result_aops) {
    107   InstallOperation original_op = original_aop.op;
    108   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(original_op.type() == InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY);
    109   // Keeps track of the index of curr_src_ext.
    110   int curr_src_ext_index = 0;
    111   Extent curr_src_ext = original_op.src_extents(curr_src_ext_index);
    112   for (int i = 0; i < original_op.dst_extents_size(); i++) {
    113     Extent dst_ext = original_op.dst_extents(i);
    114     // The new operation which will have only one dst extent.
    115     InstallOperation new_op;
    116     uint64_t blocks_left = dst_ext.num_blocks();
    117     while (blocks_left > 0) {
    118       if (curr_src_ext.num_blocks() <= blocks_left) {
    119         // If the curr_src_ext is smaller than dst_ext, add it.
    120         blocks_left -= curr_src_ext.num_blocks();
    121         *(new_op.add_src_extents()) = curr_src_ext;
    122         if (curr_src_ext_index + 1 < original_op.src_extents().size()) {
    123           curr_src_ext = original_op.src_extents(++curr_src_ext_index);
    124         } else {
    125           break;
    126         }
    127       } else {
    128         // Split src_exts that are bigger than the dst_ext we're dealing with.
    129         Extent first_ext;
    130         first_ext.set_num_blocks(blocks_left);
    131         first_ext.set_start_block(curr_src_ext.start_block());
    132         *(new_op.add_src_extents()) = first_ext;
    133         // Keep the second half of the split op.
    134         curr_src_ext.set_num_blocks(curr_src_ext.num_blocks() - blocks_left);
    135         curr_src_ext.set_start_block(curr_src_ext.start_block() + blocks_left);
    136         blocks_left -= first_ext.num_blocks();
    137       }
    138     }
    139     // Fix up our new operation and add it to the results.
    140     new_op.set_type(InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY);
    141     *(new_op.add_dst_extents()) = dst_ext;
    142     new_op.set_src_length(dst_ext.num_blocks() * kBlockSize);
    143     new_op.set_dst_length(dst_ext.num_blocks() * kBlockSize);
    145     AnnotatedOperation new_aop;
    146     new_aop.op = new_op;
    147     new_aop.name = base::StringPrintf("%s:%d", original_aop.name.c_str(), i);
    148     result_aops->push_back(new_aop);
    149   }
    150   if (curr_src_ext_index != original_op.src_extents().size() - 1) {
    151     LOG(FATAL) << "Incorrectly split SOURCE_COPY operation. Did not use all "
    152                << "source extents.";
    153   }
    154   return true;
    155 }
    157 bool ABGenerator::SplitAReplaceOp(const PayloadVersion& version,
    158                                   const AnnotatedOperation& original_aop,
    159                                   const string& target_part_path,
    160                                   vector<AnnotatedOperation>* result_aops,
    161                                   BlobFileWriter* blob_file) {
    162   InstallOperation original_op = original_aop.op;
    163   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(IsAReplaceOperation(original_op.type()));
    164   const bool is_replace = original_op.type() == InstallOperation::REPLACE;
    166   uint32_t data_offset = original_op.data_offset();
    167   for (int i = 0; i < original_op.dst_extents_size(); i++) {
    168     Extent dst_ext = original_op.dst_extents(i);
    169     // Make a new operation with only one dst extent.
    170     InstallOperation new_op;
    171     *(new_op.add_dst_extents()) = dst_ext;
    172     uint32_t data_size = dst_ext.num_blocks() * kBlockSize;
    173     new_op.set_dst_length(data_size);
    174     // If this is a REPLACE, attempt to reuse portions of the existing blob.
    175     if (is_replace) {
    176       new_op.set_type(InstallOperation::REPLACE);
    177       new_op.set_data_length(data_size);
    178       new_op.set_data_offset(data_offset);
    179       data_offset += data_size;
    180     }
    182     AnnotatedOperation new_aop;
    183     new_aop.op = new_op;
    184     new_aop.name = base::StringPrintf("%s:%d", original_aop.name.c_str(), i);
    186         AddDataAndSetType(&new_aop, version, target_part_path, blob_file));
    188     result_aops->push_back(new_aop);
    189   }
    190   return true;
    191 }
    193 bool ABGenerator::MergeOperations(vector<AnnotatedOperation>* aops,
    194                                   const PayloadVersion& version,
    195                                   size_t chunk_blocks,
    196                                   const string& target_part_path,
    197                                   BlobFileWriter* blob_file) {
    198   vector<AnnotatedOperation> new_aops;
    199   for (const AnnotatedOperation& curr_aop : *aops) {
    200     if (new_aops.empty()) {
    201       new_aops.push_back(curr_aop);
    202       continue;
    203     }
    204     AnnotatedOperation& last_aop = new_aops.back();
    205     bool last_is_a_replace = IsAReplaceOperation(last_aop.op.type());
    207     if (last_aop.op.dst_extents_size() <= 0 ||
    208         curr_aop.op.dst_extents_size() <= 0) {
    209       new_aops.push_back(curr_aop);
    210       continue;
    211     }
    212     uint32_t last_dst_idx = last_aop.op.dst_extents_size() - 1;
    213     uint32_t last_end_block =
    214         last_aop.op.dst_extents(last_dst_idx).start_block() +
    215         last_aop.op.dst_extents(last_dst_idx).num_blocks();
    216     uint32_t curr_start_block = curr_aop.op.dst_extents(0).start_block();
    217     uint32_t combined_block_count =
    218         last_aop.op.dst_extents(last_dst_idx).num_blocks() +
    219         curr_aop.op.dst_extents(0).num_blocks();
    220     bool is_a_replace = IsAReplaceOperation(curr_aop.op.type());
    222     bool is_delta_op = curr_aop.op.type() == InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY;
    223     if (((is_delta_op && (last_aop.op.type() == curr_aop.op.type())) ||
    224          (is_a_replace && last_is_a_replace)) &&
    225         last_end_block == curr_start_block &&
    226         combined_block_count <= chunk_blocks) {
    227       // If the operations have the same type (which is a type that we can
    228       // merge), are contiguous, are fragmented to have one destination extent,
    229       // and their combined block count would be less than chunk size, merge
    230       // them.
    231       last_aop.name = base::StringPrintf("%s,%s",
    232                                          last_aop.name.c_str(),
    233                                          curr_aop.name.c_str());
    235       if (is_delta_op) {
    236         ExtendExtents(last_aop.op.mutable_src_extents(),
    237                       curr_aop.op.src_extents());
    238         if (curr_aop.op.src_length() > 0)
    239           last_aop.op.set_src_length(last_aop.op.src_length() +
    240                                      curr_aop.op.src_length());
    241       }
    242       ExtendExtents(last_aop.op.mutable_dst_extents(),
    243                     curr_aop.op.dst_extents());
    244       if (curr_aop.op.dst_length() > 0)
    245         last_aop.op.set_dst_length(last_aop.op.dst_length() +
    246                                    curr_aop.op.dst_length());
    247       // Set the data length to zero so we know to add the blob later.
    248       if (is_a_replace)
    249         last_aop.op.set_data_length(0);
    250     } else {
    251       // Otherwise just include the extent as is.
    252       new_aops.push_back(curr_aop);
    253     }
    254   }
    256   // Set the blobs for REPLACE/REPLACE_BZ/REPLACE_XZ operations that have been
    257   // merged.
    258   for (AnnotatedOperation& curr_aop : new_aops) {
    259     if (curr_aop.op.data_length() == 0 &&
    260         IsAReplaceOperation(curr_aop.op.type())) {
    261       TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(
    262           AddDataAndSetType(&curr_aop, version, target_part_path, blob_file));
    263     }
    264   }
    266   *aops = new_aops;
    267   return true;
    268 }
    270 bool ABGenerator::AddDataAndSetType(AnnotatedOperation* aop,
    271                                     const PayloadVersion& version,
    272                                     const string& target_part_path,
    273                                     BlobFileWriter* blob_file) {
    274   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(IsAReplaceOperation(aop->op.type()));
    276   brillo::Blob data(aop->op.dst_length());
    277   vector<Extent> dst_extents;
    278   ExtentsToVector(aop->op.dst_extents(), &dst_extents);
    279   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadExtents(target_part_path,
    280                                            dst_extents,
    281                                            &data,
    282                                            data.size(),
    283                                            kBlockSize));
    285   brillo::Blob blob;
    286   InstallOperation_Type op_type;
    288       diff_utils::GenerateBestFullOperation(data, version, &blob, &op_type));
    290   // If the operation doesn't point to a data blob or points to a data blob of
    291   // a different type then we add it.
    292   if (aop->op.type() != op_type || aop->op.data_length() != blob.size()) {
    293     aop->op.set_type(op_type);
    294     aop->SetOperationBlob(blob, blob_file);
    295   }
    297   return true;
    298 }
    300 bool ABGenerator::AddSourceHash(vector<AnnotatedOperation>* aops,
    301                                 const string& source_part_path) {
    302   for (AnnotatedOperation& aop : *aops) {
    303     if (aop.op.src_extents_size() == 0)
    304       continue;
    306     vector<Extent> src_extents;
    307     ExtentsToVector(aop.op.src_extents(), &src_extents);
    308     brillo::Blob src_data, src_hash;
    309     uint64_t src_length =
    310         aop.op.has_src_length()
    311             ? aop.op.src_length()
    312             : BlocksInExtents(aop.op.src_extents()) * kBlockSize;
    313     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadExtents(
    314         source_part_path, src_extents, &src_data, src_length, kBlockSize));
    315     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(HashCalculator::RawHashOfData(src_data, &src_hash));
    316     aop.op.set_src_sha256_hash(src_hash.data(), src_hash.size());
    317   }
    318   return true;
    319 }
    321 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine