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      1 #ifndef _VKQUERYUTIL_HPP
      2 #define _VKQUERYUTIL_HPP
      3 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      4  * Vulkan CTS Framework
      5  * --------------------
      6  *
      7  * Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc.
      8  *
      9  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     10  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     11  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     12  *
     13  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     14  *
     15  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     16  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     17  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     18  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     19  * limitations under the License.
     20  *
     21  *//*!
     22  * \file
     23  * \brief Vulkan query utilities.
     24  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     26 #include "vkDefs.hpp"
     27 #include "tcuMaybe.hpp"
     28 #include "deMemory.h"
     30 #include <vector>
     32 namespace vk
     33 {
     35 // API queries
     37 std::vector<VkPhysicalDevice>					enumeratePhysicalDevices						(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkInstance instance);
     38 std::vector<VkQueueFamilyProperties>			getPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties			(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice);
     39 VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures						getPhysicalDeviceFeatures						(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice);
     40 VkPhysicalDeviceProperties						getPhysicalDeviceProperties						(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice);
     41 VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties				getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties				(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice);
     42 VkFormatProperties								getPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties				(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format);
     43 VkImageFormatProperties							getPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties			(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkImageType type, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags usage, VkImageCreateFlags flags);
     44 std::vector<VkSparseImageFormatProperties>		getPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties	(const InstanceInterface& vk, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, VkFormat format, VkImageType type, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, VkImageUsageFlags usage, VkImageTiling tiling);
     46 VkMemoryRequirements							getBufferMemoryRequirements						(const DeviceInterface& vk, VkDevice device, VkBuffer buffer);
     47 VkMemoryRequirements							getImageMemoryRequirements						(const DeviceInterface& vk, VkDevice device, VkImage image);
     48 std::vector<VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements>	getImageSparseMemoryRequirements				(const DeviceInterface& vk, VkDevice device, VkImage image);
     50 std::vector<VkLayerProperties>					enumerateInstanceLayerProperties				(const PlatformInterface& vkp);
     51 std::vector<VkExtensionProperties>				enumerateInstanceExtensionProperties			(const PlatformInterface& vkp, const char* layerName);
     52 std::vector<VkLayerProperties>					enumerateDeviceLayerProperties					(const InstanceInterface& vki, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice);
     53 std::vector<VkExtensionProperties>				enumerateDeviceExtensionProperties				(const InstanceInterface& vki, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const char* layerName);
     55 // Feature / extension support
     57 bool											isShaderStageSupported							(const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures& deviceFeatures, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage);
     59 struct RequiredExtension
     60 {
     61 	std::string				name;
     62 	tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	minVersion;
     63 	tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	maxVersion;
     65 	explicit RequiredExtension (const std::string&		name_,
     66 								tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	minVersion_ = tcu::nothing<deUint32>(),
     67 								tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	maxVersion_ = tcu::nothing<deUint32>())
     68 		: name			(name_)
     69 		, minVersion	(minVersion_)
     70 		, maxVersion	(maxVersion_)
     71 	{}
     72 };
     74 struct RequiredLayer
     75 {
     76 	std::string				name;
     77 	tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	minSpecVersion;
     78 	tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	maxSpecVersion;
     79 	tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	minImplVersion;
     80 	tcu::Maybe<deUint32>	maxImplVersion;
     82 	explicit RequiredLayer (const std::string&			name_,
     83 							tcu::Maybe<deUint32>		minSpecVersion_		= tcu::nothing<deUint32>(),
     84 							tcu::Maybe<deUint32>		maxSpecVersion_		= tcu::nothing<deUint32>(),
     85 							tcu::Maybe<deUint32>		minImplVersion_		= tcu::nothing<deUint32>(),
     86 							tcu::Maybe<deUint32>		maxImplVersion_		= tcu::nothing<deUint32>())
     87 		: name			(name_)
     88 		, minSpecVersion(minSpecVersion_)
     89 		, maxSpecVersion(maxSpecVersion_)
     90 		, minImplVersion(minImplVersion_)
     91 		, maxImplVersion(maxImplVersion_)
     92 	{}
     93 };
     95 bool										isCompatible							(const VkExtensionProperties& extensionProperties, const RequiredExtension& required);
     96 bool										isCompatible							(const VkLayerProperties& layerProperties, const RequiredLayer& required);
     98 template<typename ExtensionIterator>
     99 bool										isExtensionSupported					(ExtensionIterator begin, ExtensionIterator end, const RequiredExtension& required);
    100 bool										isExtensionSupported					(const std::vector<VkExtensionProperties>& extensions, const RequiredExtension& required);
    102 template<typename LayerIterator>
    103 bool										isLayerSupported						(LayerIterator begin, LayerIterator end, const RequiredLayer& required);
    104 bool										isLayerSupported						(const std::vector<VkLayerProperties>& layers, const RequiredLayer& required);
    106 namespace ValidateQueryBits
    107 {
    109 typedef struct
    110 {
    111 	size_t		offset;
    112 	size_t		size;
    113 } QueryMemberTableEntry;
    115 template <typename Context, typename Interface, typename Type>
    116 //!< Return variable initialization validation
    117 bool validateInitComplete(Context context, void (Interface::*Function)(Context, Type*)const, const Interface& interface, const QueryMemberTableEntry* queryMemberTableEntry)
    118 {
    119 	const QueryMemberTableEntry	*iterator;
    120 	Type vec[2];
    121 	deMemset(&vec[0], 0x00, sizeof(Type));
    122 	deMemset(&vec[1], 0xFF, sizeof(Type));
    124 	(interface.*Function)(context, &vec[0]);
    125 	(interface.*Function)(context, &vec[1]);
    127 	for (iterator = queryMemberTableEntry; iterator->size != 0; iterator++)
    128 	{
    129 		if (deMemCmp(((deUint8*)(&vec[0]))+iterator->offset, ((deUint8*)(&vec[1]))+iterator->offset, iterator->size) != 0)
    130 			return false;
    131 	}
    133 	return true;
    134 }
    136 template<typename IterT>
    137 //! Overwrite a range of objects with an 8-bit pattern.
    138 inline void fillBits (IterT beg, const IterT end, const deUint8 pattern = 0xdeu)
    139 {
    140 	for (; beg < end; ++beg)
    141 		deMemset(&(*beg), static_cast<int>(pattern), sizeof(*beg));
    142 }
    144 template<typename IterT>
    145 //! Verify that each byte of a range of objects is equal to an 8-bit pattern.
    146 bool checkBits (IterT beg, const IterT end, const deUint8 pattern = 0xdeu)
    147 {
    148 	for (; beg < end; ++beg)
    149 	{
    150 		const deUint8* elementBytes = reinterpret_cast<const deUint8*>(&(*beg));
    151 		for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < sizeof(*beg); ++i)
    152 		{
    153 			if (elementBytes[i] != pattern)
    154 				return false;
    155 		}
    156 	}
    157 	return true;
    158 }
    160 } // ValidateQueryBits
    162 // Template implementations
    164 template<typename ExtensionIterator>
    165 bool isExtensionSupported (ExtensionIterator begin, ExtensionIterator end, const RequiredExtension& required)
    166 {
    167 	for (ExtensionIterator cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur)
    168 	{
    169 		if (isCompatible(*cur, required))
    170 			return true;
    171 	}
    172 	return false;
    173 }
    175 template<typename LayerIterator>
    176 bool isLayerSupported (LayerIterator begin, LayerIterator end, const RequiredLayer& required)
    177 {
    178 	for (LayerIterator cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur)
    179 	{
    180 		if (isCompatible(*cur, required))
    181 			return true;
    182 	}
    183 	return false;
    184 }
    186 } // vk
    188 #endif // _VKQUERYUTIL_HPP