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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #ifndef SkBlurImageFilter_opts_DEFINED
      9 #define SkBlurImageFilter_opts_DEFINED
     11 #include "SkColorPriv.h"
     12 #include "SkRect.h"
     15     #include <immintrin.h>
     16 #endif
     18 namespace SK_OPTS_NS {
     20 enum class BlurDirection { kX, kY };
     24 // ARGB -> 000A 000R 000G 000B
     25 static inline __m128i expand(SkPMColor p) {
     26     return _mm_cvtepu8_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(p));
     27 };
     28 // Axxx Rxxx Gxxx Bxxx -> ARGB
     29 static inline SkPMColor repack(__m128i p) {
     30     const char _ = ~0;  // Don't care what ends up in these bytes.  This zeros them.
     31     p = _mm_shuffle_epi8(p, _mm_set_epi8(_,_,_,_, _,_,_,_, _,_,_,_, 15,11,7,3));
     32     return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(p);
     33 };
     34 #define mullo_epi32 _mm_mullo_epi32
     36 #else
     37 // ARGB -> 000A 000R 000G 000B
     38 static inline __m128i expand(int p) {
     39     auto result = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(p);
     40     result = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(result, _mm_setzero_si128());
     41     result = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(result, _mm_setzero_si128());
     42     return result;
     43 };
     44 // Axxx Rxxx Gxxx Bxxx -> ARGB
     45 static inline SkPMColor repack(__m128i p) {
     46     p = _mm_srli_epi32(p, 24);  // 000A 000R 000G 000B
     47     p = _mm_packs_epi32(p, p);  // xxxx xxxx 0A0R 0G0B
     48     p = _mm_packus_epi16(p, p); // xxxx xxxx xxxx ARGB
     49     return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(p);
     50 };
     52 // _mm_mullo_epi32 is not available, so use the standard trick to emulate it.
     53 static inline __m128i mullo_epi32(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
     54     __m128i p02 = _mm_mul_epu32(a, b),
     55             p13 = _mm_mul_epu32(_mm_srli_si128(a, 4),
     56                                 _mm_srli_si128(b, 4));
     57     return _mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(p02, _MM_SHUFFLE(0,0,2,0)),
     58                               _mm_shuffle_epi32(p13, _MM_SHUFFLE(0,0,2,0)));
     59 };
     60 #endif
     61 #define INIT_SCALE const __m128i scale = _mm_set1_epi32((1 << 24) / kernelSize);
     62 #define INIT_HALF const __m128i half = _mm_set1_epi32(1 << 23);
     63 #define INIT_SUMS __m128i sum = _mm_setzero_si128();
     64 #define INCREMENT_SUMS(c) sum = _mm_add_epi32(sum, expand(c))
     65 #define DECREMENT_SUMS(c) sum = _mm_sub_epi32(sum, expand(c))
     66 #define STORE_SUMS \
     67     auto result = mullo_epi32(sum, scale); \
     68     result = _mm_add_epi32(result, half); \
     69     *dptr = repack(result);
     72 #elif defined(SK_ARM_HAS_NEON)
     74 // val = (sum * scale * 2 + 0x8000) >> 16
     75 #define STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE \
     76     uint16x8_t resultPixels = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqrdmulhq_s16( \
     77         vreinterpretq_s16_u16(sum), vreinterpretq_s16_u16(scale))); \
     78     if (dstDirection == BlurDirection::kX) { \
     79         uint32x2_t px2 = vreinterpret_u32_u8(vmovn_u16(resultPixels)); \
     80         vst1_lane_u32(dptr +     0, px2, 0); \
     81         vst1_lane_u32(dptr + width, px2, 1); \
     82     } else { \
     83         vst1_u8((uint8_t*)dptr, vmovn_u16(resultPixels)); \
     84     }
     86 #define INCREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(p) sum = vaddw_u8(sum, load_2_pixels(p))
     87 #define DECREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(p) sum = vsubw_u8(sum, load_2_pixels(p))
     89 // Fast path for kernel sizes between 2 and 127, working on two rows at a time.
     90 template<BlurDirection srcDirection, BlurDirection dstDirection>
     91 static int box_blur_double(const SkPMColor** src, int srcStride, const SkIRect& srcBounds,
     92                            SkPMColor** dst, int kernelSize,
     93                            int leftOffset, int rightOffset, int width, int height) {
     94     // Load 2 pixels from adjacent rows.
     95     auto load_2_pixels = [&](const SkPMColor* s) {
     96         if (srcDirection == BlurDirection::kX) {
     97             // 10% faster by adding these 2 prefetches
     98             SK_PREFETCH(s + 16);
     99             SK_PREFETCH(s + 16 + srcStride);
    100             auto one = vld1_lane_u32(s +         0, vdup_n_u32(0), 0),
    101                  two = vld1_lane_u32(s + srcStride,           one, 1);
    102             return vreinterpret_u8_u32(two);
    103         } else {
    104             return vld1_u8((uint8_t*)s);
    105         }
    106     };
    107     int left = srcBounds.left();
    108     int right = srcBounds.right();
    109     int top = srcBounds.top();
    110     int bottom = srcBounds.bottom();
    111     int incrementStart = SkMax32(left - rightOffset - 1, left - right);
    112     int incrementEnd = SkMax32(right - rightOffset - 1, 0);
    113     int decrementStart = SkMin32(left + leftOffset, width);
    114     int decrementEnd = SkMin32(right + leftOffset, width);
    115     const int srcStrideX = srcDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? 1 : srcStride;
    116     const int dstStrideX = dstDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? 1 : height;
    117     const int srcStrideY = srcDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? srcStride : 1;
    118     const int dstStrideY = dstDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? width : 1;
    119     const uint16x8_t scale = vdupq_n_u16((1 << 15) / kernelSize);
    121     for (; bottom - top >= 2; top += 2) {
    122         uint16x8_t sum = vdupq_n_u16(0);
    123         const SkPMColor* lptr = *src;
    124         const SkPMColor* rptr = *src;
    125         SkPMColor* dptr = *dst;
    126         int x;
    127         for (x = incrementStart; x < 0; ++x) {
    128             INCREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(rptr);
    129             rptr += srcStrideX;
    130         }
    131         // Clear to zero when sampling to the left our domain. "sum" is zero here because we
    132         // initialized it above, and the preceeding loop has no effect in this case.
    133         for (x = 0; x < incrementStart; ++x) {
    134             STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE
    135             dptr += dstStrideX;
    136         }
    137         for (; x < decrementStart && x < incrementEnd; ++x) {
    138             STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE
    139             dptr += dstStrideX;
    140             INCREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(rptr);
    141             rptr += srcStrideX;
    142         }
    143         for (x = decrementStart; x < incrementEnd; ++x) {
    144             STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE
    145             dptr += dstStrideX;
    146             INCREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(rptr);
    147             rptr += srcStrideX;
    148             DECREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(lptr);
    149             lptr += srcStrideX;
    150         }
    151         for (x = incrementEnd; x < decrementStart; ++x) {
    152             STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE
    153             dptr += dstStrideX;
    154         }
    155         for (; x < decrementEnd; ++x) {
    156             STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE
    157             dptr += dstStrideX;
    158             DECREMENT_SUMS_DOUBLE(lptr);
    159             lptr += srcStrideX;
    160         }
    161         // Clear to zero when sampling to the right of our domain. "sum" is zero here because we
    162         // added on then subtracted off all of the pixels, leaving zero.
    163         for (; x < width; ++x) {
    164             STORE_SUMS_DOUBLE
    165             dptr += dstStrideX;
    166         }
    167         *src += srcStrideY * 2;
    168         *dst += dstStrideY * 2;
    169     }
    170     return top;
    171 }
    173 // ARGB -> 0A0R 0G0B
    174 static inline uint16x4_t expand(SkPMColor p) {
    175     return vget_low_u16(vmovl_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u32(vdup_n_u32(p))));
    176 };
    178 #define INIT_SCALE const uint32x4_t scale = vdupq_n_u32((1 << 24) / kernelSize);
    179 #define INIT_HALF const uint32x4_t half = vdupq_n_u32(1 << 23);
    180 #define INIT_SUMS uint32x4_t sum = vdupq_n_u32(0);
    181 #define INCREMENT_SUMS(c) sum = vaddw_u16(sum, expand(c));
    182 #define DECREMENT_SUMS(c) sum = vsubw_u16(sum, expand(c));
    184 #define STORE_SUMS \
    185     uint32x4_t result = vmlaq_u32(half, sum, scale); \
    186     uint16x4_t result16 = vqshrn_n_u32(result, 16); \
    187     uint8x8_t result8 = vqshrn_n_u16(vcombine_u16(result16, result16), 8); \
    188     vst1_lane_u32(dptr, vreinterpret_u32_u8(result8), 0);
    191     if (1 < kernelSize && kernelSize < 128) { \
    192         top = box_blur_double<srcDirection, dstDirection>(&src, srcStride, srcBounds, &dst, \
    193                                                           kernelSize, leftOffset, rightOffset, \
    194                                                           width, height); \
    195     }
    197 #else  // Neither NEON nor >=SSE2.
    199 #define INIT_SCALE uint32_t scale = (1 << 24) / kernelSize;
    200 #define INIT_HALF  uint32_t half = 1 << 23;
    201 #define INIT_SUMS int sumA = 0, sumR = 0, sumG = 0, sumB = 0;
    202 #define INCREMENT_SUMS(c) \
    203     sumA += SkGetPackedA32(c); \
    204     sumR += SkGetPackedR32(c); \
    205     sumG += SkGetPackedG32(c); \
    206     sumB += SkGetPackedB32(c)
    207 #define DECREMENT_SUMS(c) \
    208     sumA -= SkGetPackedA32(c); \
    209     sumR -= SkGetPackedR32(c); \
    210     sumG -= SkGetPackedG32(c); \
    211     sumB -= SkGetPackedB32(c)
    212 #define STORE_SUMS \
    213     *dptr = SkPackARGB32((sumA * scale + half) >> 24, \
    214                          (sumR * scale + half) >> 24, \
    215                          (sumG * scale + half) >> 24, \
    216                          (sumB * scale + half) >> 24);
    219 #endif
    221 #define PREFETCH_RPTR \
    222     if (srcDirection == BlurDirection::kY) { \
    223         SK_PREFETCH(rptr); \
    224     }
    226 template<BlurDirection srcDirection, BlurDirection dstDirection>
    227 static void box_blur(const SkPMColor* src, int srcStride, const SkIRect& srcBounds, SkPMColor* dst,
    228                      int kernelSize, int leftOffset, int rightOffset, int width, int height) {
    229     int left = srcBounds.left();
    230     int right = srcBounds.right();
    231     int top = srcBounds.top();
    232     int bottom = srcBounds.bottom();
    233     int incrementStart = SkMax32(left - rightOffset - 1, left - right);
    234     int incrementEnd = SkMax32(right - rightOffset - 1, 0);
    235     int decrementStart = SkMin32(left + leftOffset, width);
    236     int decrementEnd = SkMin32(right + leftOffset, width);
    237     int srcStrideX = srcDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? 1 : srcStride;
    238     int dstStrideX = dstDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? 1 : height;
    239     int srcStrideY = srcDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? srcStride : 1;
    240     int dstStrideY = dstDirection == BlurDirection::kX ? width : 1;
    241     INIT_SCALE
    242     INIT_HALF
    244     // Clear to zero when sampling above our domain.
    245     for (int y = 0; y < top; y++) {
    246         SkColor* dptr = dst;
    247         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    248             *dptr = 0;
    249             dptr += dstStrideX;
    250         }
    251         dst += dstStrideY;
    252     }
    256     for (int y = top; y < bottom; ++y) {
    257         INIT_SUMS
    258         const SkPMColor* lptr = src;
    259         const SkPMColor* rptr = src;
    260         SkColor* dptr = dst;
    261         int x;
    262         for (x = incrementStart; x < 0; ++x) {
    263             INCREMENT_SUMS(*rptr);
    264             rptr += srcStrideX;
    265             PREFETCH_RPTR
    266         }
    267         // Clear to zero when sampling to the left of our domain.
    268         for (x = 0; x < incrementStart; ++x) {
    269             *dptr = 0;
    270             dptr += dstStrideX;
    271         }
    272         for (; x < decrementStart && x < incrementEnd; ++x) {
    273             STORE_SUMS
    274             dptr += dstStrideX;
    275             INCREMENT_SUMS(*rptr);
    276             rptr += srcStrideX;
    277             PREFETCH_RPTR
    278         }
    279         for (x = decrementStart; x < incrementEnd; ++x) {
    280             STORE_SUMS
    281             dptr += dstStrideX;
    282             INCREMENT_SUMS(*rptr);
    283             rptr += srcStrideX;
    284             PREFETCH_RPTR
    285             DECREMENT_SUMS(*lptr);
    286             lptr += srcStrideX;
    287         }
    288         for (x = incrementEnd; x < decrementStart; ++x) {
    289             STORE_SUMS
    290             dptr += dstStrideX;
    291         }
    292         for (; x < decrementEnd; ++x) {
    293             STORE_SUMS
    294             dptr += dstStrideX;
    295             DECREMENT_SUMS(*lptr);
    296             lptr += srcStrideX;
    297         }
    298         // Clear to zero when sampling to the right of our domain.
    299         for (; x < width; ++x) {
    300             *dptr = 0;
    301             dptr += dstStrideX;
    302         }
    303         src += srcStrideY;
    304         dst += dstStrideY;
    305     }
    306     // Clear to zero when sampling below our domain.
    307     for (int y = bottom; y < height; ++y) {
    308         SkColor* dptr = dst;
    309         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    310             *dptr = 0;
    311             dptr += dstStrideX;
    312         }
    313         dst += dstStrideY;
    314     }
    315 }
    317 static auto box_blur_xx = &box_blur<BlurDirection::kX, BlurDirection::kX>,
    318             box_blur_xy = &box_blur<BlurDirection::kX, BlurDirection::kY>,
    319             box_blur_yx = &box_blur<BlurDirection::kY, BlurDirection::kX>;
    321 }  // namespace SK_OPTS_NS
    323 #endif