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      1 /** @file
      2   UEFI Firmware Management Protocol definition
      3   Firmware Management Protocol provides an abstraction for device to provide firmware
      4   management support. The base requirements for managing device firmware images include
      5   identifying firmware image revision level and programming the image into the device.
      7   GetImageInfo() is the only required function. GetImage(), SetImage(),
      8   CheckImage(), GetPackageInfo(), and SetPackageInfo() shall return
      9   EFI_UNSUPPORTED if not supported by the driver.
     11   Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
     12   Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
     13   This program and the accompanying materials
     14   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
     15   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
     16   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     21   @par Revision Reference:
     22   This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.3
     24 **/
     31   { \
     32     0x86c77a67, 0xb97, 0x4633, {0xa1, 0x87, 0x49, 0x10, 0x4d, 0x6, 0x85, 0xc7 } \
     33   }
     37 ///
     39 ///
     40 typedef struct {
     41   ///
     42   /// A unique number identifying the firmware image within the device. The number is
     43   /// between 1 and DescriptorCount.
     44   ///
     45   UINT8                            ImageIndex;
     46   ///
     47   /// A unique GUID identifying the firmware image type.
     48   ///
     49   EFI_GUID                         ImageTypeId;
     50   ///
     51   /// A unique number identifying the firmware image.
     52   ///
     53   UINT64                           ImageId;
     54   ///
     55   /// A pointer to a null-terminated string representing the firmware image name.
     56   ///
     57   CHAR16                           *ImageIdName;
     58   ///
     59   /// Identifies the version of the device firmware. The format is vendor specific and new
     60   /// version must have a greater value than an old version.
     61   ///
     62   UINT32                           Version;
     63   ///
     64   /// A pointer to a null-terminated string representing the firmware image version name.
     65   ///
     66   CHAR16                           *VersionName;
     67   ///
     68   /// Size of the image in bytes. If size=0, then only ImageIndex and ImageTypeId are valid.
     69   ///
     70   UINTN                            Size;
     71   ///
     72   /// Image attributes that are supported by this device. See 'Image Attribute Definitions'
     73   /// for possible returned values of this parameter. A value of 1 indicates the attribute is
     74   /// supported and the current setting value is indicated in AttributesSetting. A
     75   /// value of 0 indicates the attribute is not supported and the current setting value in
     76   /// AttributesSetting is meaningless.
     77   ///
     78   UINT64                           AttributesSupported;
     79   ///
     80   /// Image attributes. See 'Image Attribute Definitions' for possible returned values of
     81   /// this parameter.
     82   ///
     83   UINT64                           AttributesSetting;
     84   ///
     85   /// Image compatibilities. See 'Image Compatibility Definitions' for possible returned
     86   /// values of this parameter.
     87   ///
     88   UINT64                           Compatibilities;
     89   ///
     90   /// Describes the lowest ImageDescriptor version that the device will accept. Only
     91   /// present in version 2 or higher.
     92   ///
     93   UINT32                           LowestSupportedImageVersion;
     94   ///
     95   /// Describes the version that was last attempted to update. If no update attempted the
     96   /// value will be 0. If the update attempted was improperly formatted and no version
     97   /// number was available then the value will be zero. Only present in version 3 or higher.
     98   UINT32                           LastAttemptVersion;
     99   ///
    100   /// Describes the status that was last attempted to update. If no update has been attempted
    101   /// the value will be LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_SUCCESS. Only present in version 3 or higher.
    102   ///
    103   UINT32                           LastAttemptStatus;
    104   ///
    105   /// An optional number to identify the unique hardware instance within the system for
    106   /// devices that may have multiple instances (Example: a plug in pci network card). This
    107   /// number must be unique within the namespace of the ImageTypeId GUID and
    108   /// ImageIndex. For FMP instances that have multiple descriptors for a single
    109   /// hardware instance, all descriptors must have the same HardwareInstance value.
    110   /// This number must be consistent between boots and should be based on some sort of
    111   /// hardware identified unique id (serial number, etc) whenever possible. If a hardware
    112   /// based number is not available the FMP provider may use some other characteristic
    113   /// such as device path, bus/dev/function, slot num, etc for generating the
    114   /// HardwareInstance. For implementations that will never have more than one
    115   /// instance a zero can be used. A zero means the FMP provider is not able to determine a
    116   /// unique hardware instance number or a hardware instance number is not needed. Only
    117   /// present in version 3 or higher.
    118   ///
    119   UINT64                           HardwareInstance;
    123 //
    124 // Image Attribute Definitions
    125 //
    126 ///
    127 /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_UPDATABLE indicates this device supports firmware
    128 /// image update.
    129 ///
    130 #define    IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_UPDATABLE         0x0000000000000001
    131 ///
    132 /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED indicates a reset of the device is required
    133 /// for the new firmware image to take effect after a firmware update. The device is the device hosting
    134 /// the firmware image.
    135 ///
    136 #define    IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED          0x0000000000000002
    137 ///
    138 /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED indicates authentication is
    139 /// required to perform the following image operations: GetImage(), SetImage(), and
    140 /// CheckImage(). See 'Image Attribute - Authentication'.
    141 ///
    142 #define    IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 0x0000000000000004
    143 ///
    144 /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IN_USE indicates the current state of the firmware image.
    145 /// This distinguishes firmware images in a device that supports redundant images.
    146 ///
    147 #define    IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IN_USE                  0x0000000000000008
    148 ///
    149 /// The attribute IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_UEFI_IMAGE indicates that this image is an EFI compatible image.
    150 ///
    151 #define    IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_UEFI_IMAGE              0x0000000000000010
    154 //
    155 // Image Compatibility Definitions
    156 //
    157 /// Values from 0x0000000000000002 thru 0x000000000000FFFF are reserved for future assignments.
    158 /// Values from 0x0000000000010000 thru 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF are used by firmware vendor for
    159 /// compatibility check.
    160 ///
    161 #define   IMAGE_COMPATIBILITY_CHECK_SUPPORTED      0x0000000000000001
    163 ///
    164 /// Descriptor Version exposed by GetImageInfo() function
    165 ///
    169 ///
    170 /// Image Attribute -Authentication Required
    171 ///
    172 typedef struct {
    173   ///
    174   /// It is included in the signature of AuthInfo. It is used to ensure freshness/no replay.
    175   /// It is incremented during each firmware image operation.
    176   ///
    177   UINT64                                  MonotonicCount;
    178   ///
    179   /// Provides the authorization for the firmware image operations. It is a signature across
    180   /// the image data and the Monotonic Count value. Caller uses the private key that is
    181   /// associated with a public key that has been provisioned via the key exchange.
    182   /// Because this is defined as a signature, WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID.CertType must
    183   /// be EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID.
    184   ///
    185   WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID               AuthInfo;
    189 //
    190 // ImageUpdatable Definitions
    191 //
    192 ///
    193 /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_VALID indicates SetImage() will accept the new image and update the
    194 /// device with the new image. The version of the new image could be higher or lower than
    195 /// the current image. SetImage VendorCode is optional but can be used for vendor
    196 /// specific action.
    197 ///
    198 #define  IMAGE_UPDATABLE_VALID                     0x0000000000000001
    199 ///
    200 /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID indicates SetImage() will reject the new image. No additional
    201 /// information is provided for the rejection.
    202 ///
    203 #define  IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID                   0x0000000000000002
    204 ///
    205 /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_TYPE indicates SetImage() will reject the new image. The
    206 /// rejection is due to the new image is not a firmware image recognized for this device.
    207 ///
    208 #define  IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_TYPE              0x0000000000000004
    209 ///
    210 /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_OLD indicates SetImage() will reject the new image. The
    211 /// rejection is due to the new image version is older than the current firmware image
    212 /// version in the device. The device firmware update policy does not support firmware
    213 /// version downgrade.
    214 ///
    215 #define  IMAGE_UPDATABLE_INVALID_OLD               0x0000000000000008
    216 ///
    217 /// IMAGE_UPDATABLE_VALID_WITH_VENDOR_CODE indicates SetImage() will accept and update
    218 /// the new image only if a correct VendorCode is provided or else image would be
    219 /// rejected and SetImage will return appropriate error.
    220 ///
    221 #define IMAGE_UPDATABLE_VALID_WITH_VENDOR_CODE     0x0000000000000010
    224 //
    225 // Package Attribute Definitions
    226 //
    227 ///
    228 /// The attribute PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_UPDATABLE indicates this device supports the
    229 /// update of the firmware package version.
    230 ///
    231 #define  PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_UPDATABLE       0x0000000000000001
    232 ///
    233 /// The attribute PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED indicates a reset of the device is
    234 /// required for the new package info to take effect after an update.
    235 ///
    236 #define  PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED          0x0000000000000002
    237 ///
    238 /// The attribute PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED indicates authentication
    239 /// is required to update the package info.
    240 ///
    241 #define  PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 0x0000000000000004
    243 /**
    244   Callback funtion to report the process of the firmware updating.
    246   @param[in]  Completion    A value between 1 and 100 indicating the current completion
    247                             progress of the firmware update. Completion progress is
    248                             reported as from 1 to 100 percent. A value of 0 is used by
    249                             the driver to indicate that progress reporting is not supported.
    251   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       SetImage() continues to do the callback if supported.
    252   @retval other             SetImage() discontinues the callback and completes
    253                             the update and returns.
    255 **/
    256 typedef
    257 EFI_STATUS
    259   IN  UINTN                          Completion
    260   );
    262 /**
    263   Returns information about the current firmware image(s) of the device.
    265   This function allows a copy of the current firmware image to be created and saved.
    266   The saved copy could later been used, for example, in firmware image recovery or rollback.
    268   @param[in]      This               A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
    269   @param[in, out] ImageInfoSize      A pointer to the size, in bytes, of the ImageInfo buffer.
    270                                      On input, this is the size of the buffer allocated by the caller.
    271                                      On output, it is the size of the buffer returned by the firmware
    272                                      if the buffer was large enough, or the size of the buffer needed
    273                                      to contain the image(s) information if the buffer was too small.
    274   @param[in, out] ImageInfo          A pointer to the buffer in which firmware places the current image(s)
    275                                      information. The information is an array of EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTORs.
    276   @param[out]     DescriptorVersion  A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the version number
    277                                      associated with the EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR.
    278   @param[out]     DescriptorCount    A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the number of
    279                                      descriptors or firmware images within this device.
    280   @param[out]     DescriptorSize     A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the size, in bytes,
    281                                      of an individual EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR.
    282   @param[out]     PackageVersion     A version number that represents all the firmware images in the device.
    283                                      The format is vendor specific and new version must have a greater value
    284                                      than the old version. If PackageVersion is not supported, the value is
    285                                      0xFFFFFFFF. A value of 0xFFFFFFFE indicates that package version comparison
    286                                      is to be performed using PackageVersionName. A value of 0xFFFFFFFD indicates
    287                                      that package version update is in progress.
    288   @param[out]     PackageVersionName A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string representing the
    289                                      package version name. The buffer is allocated by this function with
    290                                      AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a call
    291                                      to FreePool().
    293   @retval EFI_SUCCESS                The device was successfully updated with the new image.
    294   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL       The ImageInfo buffer was too small. The current buffer size
    295                                      needed to hold the image(s) information is returned in ImageInfoSize.
    296   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER      ImageInfoSize is NULL.
    297   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR           Valid information could not be returned. Possible corrupted image.
    299 **/
    300 typedef
    301 EFI_STATUS
    304   IN OUT    UINTN                           *ImageInfoSize,
    306   OUT       UINT32                          *DescriptorVersion,
    307   OUT       UINT8                           *DescriptorCount,
    308   OUT       UINTN                           *DescriptorSize,
    309   OUT       UINT32                          *PackageVersion,
    310   OUT       CHAR16                          **PackageVersionName
    311   );
    313 /**
    314   Retrieves a copy of the current firmware image of the device.
    316   This function allows a copy of the current firmware image to be created and saved.
    317   The saved copy could later been used, for example, in firmware image recovery or rollback.
    319   @param[in]  This               A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
    320   @param[in]  ImageIndex         A unique number identifying the firmware image(s) within the device.
    321                                  The number is between 1 and DescriptorCount.
    322   @param[out] Image              Points to the buffer where the current image is copied to.
    323   @param[out] ImageSize          On entry, points to the size of the buffer pointed to by Image, in bytes.
    324                                  On return, points to the length of the image, in bytes.
    326   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The device was successfully updated with the new image.
    327   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   The buffer specified by ImageSize is too small to hold the
    328                                  image. The current buffer size needed to hold the image is returned
    329                                  in ImageSize.
    330   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The Image was NULL.
    331   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          The current image is not copied to the buffer.
    332   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The operation is not supported.
    333   @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO  The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
    335 **/
    336 typedef
    337 EFI_STATUS
    340   IN  UINT8                             ImageIndex,
    341   IN  OUT  VOID                         *Image,
    342   IN  OUT  UINTN                        *ImageSize
    343   );
    345 /**
    346   Updates the firmware image of the device.
    348   This function updates the hardware with the new firmware image.
    349   This function returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED if the firmware image is not updatable.
    350   If the firmware image is updatable, the function should perform the following minimal validations
    351   before proceeding to do the firmware image update.
    352   - Validate the image authentication if image has attribute
    354     EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION if the validation fails.
    355   - Validate the image is a supported image for this device. The function returns EFI_ABORTED if
    356     the image is unsupported. The function can optionally provide more detailed information on
    357     why the image is not a supported image.
    358   - Validate the data from VendorCode if not null. Image validation must be performed before
    359     VendorCode data validation. VendorCode data is ignored or considered invalid if image
    360     validation failed. The function returns EFI_ABORTED if the data is invalid.
    362   VendorCode enables vendor to implement vendor-specific firmware image update policy. Null if
    363   the caller did not specify the policy or use the default policy. As an example, vendor can implement
    364   a policy to allow an option to force a firmware image update when the abort reason is due to the new
    365   firmware image version is older than the current firmware image version or bad image checksum.
    366   Sensitive operations such as those wiping the entire firmware image and render the device to be
    367   non-functional should be encoded in the image itself rather than passed with the VendorCode.
    368   AbortReason enables vendor to have the option to provide a more detailed description of the abort
    369   reason to the caller.
    371   @param[in]  This               A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
    372   @param[in]  ImageIndex         A unique number identifying the firmware image(s) within the device.
    373                                  The number is between 1 and DescriptorCount.
    374   @param[in]  Image              Points to the new image.
    375   @param[in]  ImageSize          Size of the new image in bytes.
    376   @param[in]  VendorCode         This enables vendor to implement vendor-specific firmware image update policy.
    377                                  Null indicates the caller did not specify the policy or use the default policy.
    378   @param[in]  Progress           A function used by the driver to report the progress of the firmware update.
    379   @param[out] AbortReason        A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string providing more
    380                                  details for the aborted operation. The buffer is allocated by this function
    381                                  with AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a
    382                                  call to FreePool().
    384   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The device was successfully updated with the new image.
    385   @retval EFI_ABORTED            The operation is aborted.
    386   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The Image was NULL.
    387   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The operation is not supported.
    388   @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO  The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
    390 **/
    391 typedef
    392 EFI_STATUS
    394   IN  EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL                 *This,
    395   IN  UINT8                                            ImageIndex,
    396   IN  CONST VOID                                       *Image,
    397   IN  UINTN                                            ImageSize,
    398   IN  CONST VOID                                       *VendorCode,
    400   OUT CHAR16                                           **AbortReason
    401   );
    403 /**
    404   Checks if the firmware image is valid for the device.
    406   This function allows firmware update application to validate the firmware image without
    407   invoking the SetImage() first.
    409   @param[in]  This               A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
    410   @param[in]  ImageIndex         A unique number identifying the firmware image(s) within the device.
    411                                  The number is between 1 and DescriptorCount.
    412   @param[in]  Image              Points to the new image.
    413   @param[in]  ImageSize          Size of the new image in bytes.
    414   @param[out] ImageUpdatable     Indicates if the new image is valid for update. It also provides,
    415                                  if available, additional information if the image is invalid.
    417   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The image was successfully checked.
    418   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The Image was NULL.
    419   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The operation is not supported.
    420   @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO  The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
    422 **/
    423 typedef
    424 EFI_STATUS
    427   IN  UINT8                             ImageIndex,
    428   IN  CONST VOID                        *Image,
    429   IN  UINTN                             ImageSize,
    430   OUT UINT32                            *ImageUpdatable
    431   );
    433 /**
    434   Returns information about the firmware package.
    436   This function returns package information.
    438   @param[in]  This                     A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
    439   @param[out] PackageVersion           A version number that represents all the firmware images in the device.
    440                                        The format is vendor specific and new version must have a greater value
    441                                        than the old version. If PackageVersion is not supported, the value is
    442                                        0xFFFFFFFF. A value of 0xFFFFFFFE indicates that package version
    443                                        comparison is to be performed using PackageVersionName. A value of
    444                                        0xFFFFFFFD indicates that package version update is in progress.
    445   @param[out] PackageVersionName       A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string representing
    446                                        the package version name. The buffer is allocated by this function with
    447                                        AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a
    448                                        call to FreePool().
    449   @param[out] PackageVersionNameMaxLen The maximum length of package version name if device supports update of
    450                                        package version name. A value of 0 indicates the device does not support
    451                                        update of package version name. Length is the number of Unicode characters,
    452                                        including the terminating null character.
    453   @param[out] AttributesSupported      Package attributes that are supported by this device. See 'Package Attribute
    454                                        Definitions' for possible returned values of this parameter. A value of 1
    455                                        indicates the attribute is supported and the current setting value is
    456                                        indicated in AttributesSetting. A value of 0 indicates the attribute is not
    457                                        supported and the current setting value in AttributesSetting is meaningless.
    458   @param[out] AttributesSetting        Package attributes. See 'Package Attribute Definitions' for possible returned
    459                                        values of this parameter
    461   @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  The package information was successfully returned.
    462   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED              The operation is not supported.
    464 **/
    465 typedef
    466 EFI_STATUS
    469   OUT UINT32                           *PackageVersion,
    470   OUT CHAR16                           **PackageVersionName,
    471   OUT UINT32                           *PackageVersionNameMaxLen,
    472   OUT UINT64                           *AttributesSupported,
    473   OUT UINT64                           *AttributesSetting
    474   );
    476 /**
    477   Updates information about the firmware package.
    479   This function updates package information.
    480   This function returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED if the package information is not updatable.
    481   VendorCode enables vendor to implement vendor-specific package information update policy.
    482   Null if the caller did not specify this policy or use the default policy.
    484   @param[in]  This               A pointer to the EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_PROTOCOL instance.
    485   @param[in]  Image              Points to the authentication image.
    486                                  Null if authentication is not required.
    487   @param[in]  ImageSize          Size of the authentication image in bytes.
    488                                  0 if authentication is not required.
    489   @param[in]  VendorCode         This enables vendor to implement vendor-specific firmware
    490                                  image update policy.
    491                                  Null indicates the caller did not specify this policy or use
    492                                  the default policy.
    493   @param[in]  PackageVersion     The new package version.
    494   @param[in]  PackageVersionName A pointer to the new null-terminated Unicode string representing
    495                                  the package version name.
    496                                  The string length is equal to or less than the value returned in
    497                                  PackageVersionNameMaxLen.
    499   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The device was successfully updated with the new package
    500                                  information.
    501   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The PackageVersionName length is longer than the value
    502                                  returned in PackageVersionNameMaxLen.
    503   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The operation is not supported.
    504   @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATIO  The operation could not be performed due to an authentication failure.
    506 **/
    507 typedef
    508 EFI_STATUS
    511   IN  CONST VOID                         *Image,
    512   IN  UINTN                              ImageSize,
    513   IN  CONST VOID                         *VendorCode,
    514   IN  UINT32                             PackageVersion,
    515   IN  CONST CHAR16                       *PackageVersionName
    516   );
    518 ///
    520 /// The protocol for managing firmware provides the following services.
    521 /// - Get the attributes of the current firmware image. Attributes include revision level.
    522 /// - Get a copy of the current firmware image. As an example, this service could be used by a
    523 ///   management application to facilitate a firmware roll-back.
    524 /// - Program the device with a firmware image supplied by the user.
    525 /// - Label all the firmware images within a device with a single version.
    526 ///
    534 };
    536 extern EFI_GUID gEfiFirmwareManagementProtocolGuid;
    538 #endif